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Author Topic: Happily Ever After (8 Chapters)  (Read 45643 times)

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Re: Happily Ever After (5 Chapters)
« Reply #40 on: April 10, 2008, 05:59:39 PM »

Finally caught up with this!  :oops:

It seems like Sayaka had practically built her entire life around Yossi. Yossi WAS her life, and when Yossi took herself out of that, Sayaka was left with nothing  :cry:  Had Yossi not joined MM, would her life also just be Sayaka??  :? It seems like it's hard for Yossi to forget Sayaka, and just how much she loves her. She probably wishes that she didn't have to do that to Sayaka, even though at the same time she wants to be with Rika  ;) Bah, you write an awesome complicated story! My hat's off to you!  :P

And LOL at

“Because you think I’m dead sexy in a suit?”
   XD XD XD Had me rofling like there was no tomorrow!

Offline Pharadox

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Re: Happily Ever After (5 Chapters)
« Reply #41 on: April 10, 2008, 11:20:21 PM »

Finally caught up with this!  :oops:

It seems like Sayaka had practically built her entire life around Yossi. Yossi WAS her life, and when Yossi took herself out of that, Sayaka was left with nothing  :cry:  Had Yossi not joined MM, would her life also just be Sayaka??  :? It seems like it's hard for Yossi to forget Sayaka, and just how much she loves her. She probably wishes that she didn't have to do that to Sayaka, even though at the same time she wants to be with Rika  ;) Bah, you write an awesome complicated story! My hat's off to you!  :P

And LOL at

“Because you think I’m dead sexy in a suit?”
   XD XD XD Had me rofling like there was no tomorrow!

Oooh, you really picked up on a key reason that all of this happened that I had been indirectly hinting at. Good job. ;) Things would have been COMPLETELY different if Yossie had not joined MM.  Yossie would be different. And now I will hush before I give too much away. :D

And yeah, the part about the suit amused me, too. :D But really, have you see the video of ? She's clearly at the very least extremely impressed with her. Haha.

Wow your hand-writing is neat and rounded. I like it!  :lol: Its not bad at all..  :D

Aww, thanks. You might be the only one that thinks so.  :lol:

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Re: Happily Ever After (5 Chapters)
« Reply #42 on: April 11, 2008, 05:12:38 PM »
I like your writing, it's really neat and you can make out which letter is which which is more than I can say for a bunch of ppl I know from my school that make me wonder how they ever got to this grade.....

And you have been hinting at the same thing all this time and even though some ppl will say otherwise I am actually good at picking up subtle hints. So yeah I got what you are saying about Yoshi and Sayaka. Lol, I thought you meant Ichii Sayaka so I was like wth? she is famous too, and rich I would assume..... anyway now that I know its another, and that she has nothing to do with MM then an "Ohhhhh" is in order. But I am still gonna try to imagine Sayaka Ichii in my head..... Its just the way it has to be in my head..... Sory.

 umm and btw Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? Poor Sayaka! But now that I know shes not a HP member I just kinda feel like I prefer Yoshi with Rika. But I am a bigger YoMako shipper just so ppl know and mark my words, One day, I will write a YoMako story, and while I have breath in my body and am able to move, this promise stands! (Wow I went all prophet-16thC-Shakespeare-writer thingit there..... COOL!) XD C YA
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline Pharadox

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Re: Happily Ever After (6 Chapters)
« Reply #43 on: April 12, 2008, 08:07:30 AM »
Chapter 6: The Midnight Duel

         She seemed both at peace and extraordinarily sad, somehow at the same time. A girl lay on the sidewalk at his feet, of all things. She couldn’t have been younger than sixteen or older than twenty-five—old enough to have at least a fleeting knowledge of societal norms and young enough to still have the majority of her marbles. This assumed, of course, that she had any marbles to begin with.

         Despite the possibility she might not be playing with a full deck, he couldn’t deny, as his eyes scanned the length of her body, the cards she did have were lovely. Her raven black hair fell in gentle waves about her heart-shaped face and across her slim neck. Dark, lush black lashes lay perched upon her flushed cheeks like the silken wings of a resting butterfly. What captivated him most about this creature, however, were her delicate, rounded lips, parted as if in a perpetual sigh.

         Squatting at her side, he hesitated a moment, debating on whether or not to wake her, before he gently tapped her shoulder with a single finger. In response she flinched in her sleep and wriggled her nose, a tiny, incomprehensible noise falling in protest from her lips. At this, his heart flipped a somersault in his chest and he couldn’t keep a smile from suddenly leaping to his face. She was precious when asleep, potentially crazy though she may have been.

         As she settled once more, he hesitated again to wake her, but his conscience would not allow him to leave even a crazy girl to sleep on cold concrete. He laid, this time, his full hand on her shoulder and rocked her gently, persistently, until she began to stir. Her eyelids parted and she blinked quickly several times, gathering whatever senses she may have.

         Very suddenly and in a matter of seconds, her eyes took in the shadow of his hunched form cast over her body by the moon, she felt the hand warm on her shoulder, and bolted immediately upright. Their heads collided like the crack of metal against stone and he toppled backward, arms flailing as if he might flap, sprout wings and fly away like a spooked bird.

         Sayaka tore her shoe off and jumped to her feet, brandishing the footwear at him like a knife. “Pervert!” She thrust the heel of her shoe in his direction-- where e lay sprawled on his back across the sidewalk, which occurred to him was an amusing, ironic turn of events-- both eyebrows raised high on her forehead. “I dare you to try something. I just dare you.”

         He gawked, open-mouthed, as she waved the heel at him in as threatening a manner as she could possibly muster. “Me? ME? I wasn’t the one asleep on the sidewalk!” He side-glanced at his watch, smirked, and added “At 12:36 AM, no less. Frankly, it seemed a bit suspect to me. And now that I find myself threatened with death by heel, I can see quite clearly how correct my suspicions were.” He pushed himself up onto his feet, and looking down from his full height, realized at once how tiny this strange girl actually was. Her head couldn't possibly have come to much higher than his armpits, if even that.

         Sayaka paused mid-wave of heel, her arm frozen in the air. A look of honest consideration of what he’d just said flew across her face for a fraction of a second before her eyes narrowed and she jutted the heel at him again. “And you? What are you doing wandering the streets at this time of night?” She tilted her head to the side and raised a single brow in question.

         “I think that much is obvious by now.” He said simply, shrugging his shoulders non-committally. “I’m going about waking up crazy women that sleep on the sidewalk.”

         Her jaw fell open and she stared at him in appalled silence. Snapping her mouth closed at last, a cloud was suddenly blown across her face, transforming the expression in her eyes from one of alarm, outrage, and distrust to one of heart-broken resignation. “I’m not crazy.”

         Seeing this sudden sadness sweep across her face, he felt something deep inside his heart twist into knot after knot, tangling in a complication of feelings a complete and total stranger had somehow created within him. Stepping forward tentatively, he looked into her eyes and smiled kindly. “Well… maybe you could prove it if you’d stop pointing that admittedly concerning heel at me and let me put you in a taxi home for the night?”

         “Oh…” She brought the heel finally at bay at her side and he could see the defenses in her eyes begin to crumble. “That seems fair. Except,” she gestured over her shoulder at the house next door and grimaced, “I live right there.” An embarrassed flush rose in her cheeks, but she shrugged it off, unwilling to appear vulnerable in front of a stranger that had yet to entirely prove he was not, in fact, a pervert

         He starred at her incredulously, as if she might sprout a second head or spontaneously clone herself.  “You live right there and you couldn’t walk the last two or three feet to your own bed?”

         Sayaka glanced over her shoulder, her eyes falling with longing upon the house she had been found asleep in front of, and shook her head slowly. “No… I couldn’t.”


Oh my goodness, I'm so tired. It's 2 AM and I just finished writing this. Yeah, leave it to me to stay up late writing fanfic on a friday night.  :lol: But to be fair, I'm currently stuck in the middle of nowhere without a car or public transportation. What else was I going to do? Go outside and howl at the moon?

So, this was a lot of fun to write. I enjoyed it. :D I hope you like this chapter as much as I liked writing it, too. :) I LOVE Pointy Heel Brandishing Sayaka.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2008, 08:16:27 AM by Pharadox »

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Re: Happily Ever After (5 Chapters)
« Reply #44 on: April 12, 2008, 08:12:02 AM »
I like your writing, it's really neat and you can make out which letter is which which is more than I can say for a bunch of ppl I know from my school that make me wonder how they ever got to this grade.....

And you have been hinting at the same thing all this time and even though some ppl will say otherwise I am actually good at picking up subtle hints. So yeah I got what you are saying about Yoshi and Sayaka. Lol, I thought you meant Ichii Sayaka so I was like wth? she is famous too, and rich I would assume..... anyway now that I know its another, and that she has nothing to do with MM then an "Ohhhhh" is in order. But I am still gonna try to imagine Sayaka Ichii in my head..... Its just the way it has to be in my head..... Sory.

 umm and btw Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? Poor Sayaka! But now that I know shes not a HP member I just kinda feel like I prefer Yoshi with Rika. But I am a bigger YoMako shipper just so ppl know and mark my words, One day, I will write a YoMako story, and while I have breath in my body and am able to move, this promise stands! (Wow I went all prophet-16thC-Shakespeare-writer thingit there..... COOL!) XD C YA

I don't know why but I just never got into YoMako or YoMiki or Yomaki. It's always been just Rika and Yossie for me. :)

I'm glad you're enjoying my fanfic and I hope you continue to! :) Thanks for reading!

Offline zay05ohayou

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Re: Happily Ever After (6 Chapters)
« Reply #45 on: April 12, 2008, 06:28:21 PM »
         Despite the possibility she might not be playing with a full deck, he couldn’t deny, as his eyes scanned the length of her body, the cards she did have were lovely. Her raven black hair fell in gentle waves about her heart-shaped face and across her slim neck. Dark, lush black lashes lay perched upon her flushed cheeks like the silken wings of a resting butterfly. What captivated him most about this creature, however, were her delicate, rounded lips, parted as if in a perpetual sigh.
Hey! Stop falling in love with a girl you just saw on the street! Even though she's pretty and all..  XD

         Squatting at her side, he hesitated a moment, debating on whether or not to wake her, before he gently tapped her shoulder with a single finger. In response she flinched in her sleep and wriggled her nose, a tiny, incomprehensible noise falling in protest from her lips. At this, his heart flipped a somersault in his chest and he couldn’t keep a smile from suddenly leaping to his face. She was precious when asleep, potentially crazy though she may have been.

         As she settled once more, he hesitated again to wake her, but his conscience would not allow him to leave even a crazy girl to sleep on cold concrete. He laid, this time, his full hand on her shoulder and rocked her gently, persistently, until she began to stir. Her eyelids parted and she blinked quickly several times, gathering whatever senses she may have.
Tsk. Tsk. He sounds like he's having a 'love at first sight' thing going on. Oohh.. lips....  :drool:
Missy wake up and run! You don't know what might happen to you outside!!  :shocked:

Very suddenly and in a matter of seconds, her eyes took in the shadow of his hunched form cast over her body by the moon, she felt the hand warm on her shoulder, and bolted immediately upright. Their heads collided like the crack of metal against stone and he toppled backward, arms flailing as if he might flap, sprout wings and fly away like a spooked bird.

         Sayaka tore her shoe off and jumped to her feet, brandishing the footwear at him like a knife. “Pervert!” She thrust the heel of her shoe in his direction-- where e lay sprawled on his back across the sidewalk, which occurred to him was an amusing, ironic turn of events-- both eyebrows raised high on her forehead. “I dare you to try something. I just dare you.”
That's right! Threaten the guy! Even though you just woke up on the street and all! Its self-defense! Lol, poor dude though. :D

         He gawked, open-mouthed, as she waved the heel at him in as threatening a manner as she could possibly muster. “Me? ME? I wasn’t the one asleep on the sidewalk!” He side-glanced at his watch, smirked, and added “At 12:36 AM, no less. Frankly, it seemed a bit suspect to me. And now that I find myself threatened with death by heel, I can see quite clearly how correct my suspicions were.” He pushed himself up onto his feet, and looking down from his full height, realized at once how tiny this strange girl actually was. Her head couldn't possibly have come to much higher than his armpits, if even that.
You tell her dude! Yep, that's what it is. That she's you know what right?!  XD

   Sayaka paused mid-wave of heel, her arm frozen in the air. A look of honest consideration of what he’d just said flew across her face for a fraction of a second before her eyes narrowed and she jutted the heel at him again. “And you? What are you doing wandering the streets at this time of night?” She tilted her head to the side and raised a single brow in question.
Hey... yeahh.. What is he doing out and about at that time???

“I think that much is obvious by now.” He said simply, shrugging his shoulders non-committally. “I’m going about waking up crazy women that sleep on the sidewalk.”

         Her jaw fell open and she stared at him in appalled silence. Snapping her mouth closed at last, a cloud was suddenly blown across her face, transforming the expression in her eyes from one of alarm, outrage, and distrust to one of heart-broken resignation. “I’m not crazy.”
Oh no he didn't! Crazy women?!  :O You made poor Sayaka sad now..  :cry:

Seeing this sudden sadness sweep across her face, he felt something deep inside his heart twist into knot after knot, tangling in a complication of feelings a complete and total stranger had somehow created within him. Stepping forward tentatively, he looked into her eyes and smiled kindly. “Well… maybe you could prove it if you’d stop pointing that admittedly concerning heel at me and let me put you in a taxi home for the night?”

         “Oh…” She brought the heel finally at bay at her side and he could see the defenses in her eyes begin to crumble. “That seems fair. Except,” she gestured over her shoulder at the house next door and grimaced, “I live right there.” An embarrassed flush rose in her cheeks, but she shrugged it off, unwilling to appear vulnerable in front of a stranger that had yet to entirely prove he was not, in fact, a pervert
He sounded more like a pervert when he said 'put you in a taxi home for the night'.  ;) Hah, you can't take her on a taxi! She lives right there! At the  house next door! Wherever that is.  :sweatdrop:

He starred at her incredulously, as if she might sprout a second head or spontaneously clone herself.  “You live right there and you couldn’t walk the last two or three feet to your own bed?”

         Sayaka glanced over her shoulder, her eyes falling with longing upon the house she had been found asleep in front of, and shook her head slowly. “No… I couldn’t.”
Oh no, he had to go there... Poor Sayaka...  She must've wanted to go in there really badly though.. It's just really painful...  :cry:

I like your writing, it's really neat and you can make out which letter is which which is more than I can say for a bunch of ppl I know from my school that make me wonder how they ever got to this grade.....

And you have been hinting at the same thing all this time and even though some ppl will say otherwise I am actually good at picking up subtle hints. So yeah I got what you are saying about Yoshi and Sayaka. Lol, I thought you meant Ichii Sayaka so I was like wth? she is famous too, and rich I would assume..... anyway now that I know its another, and that she has nothing to do with MM then an "Ohhhhh" is in order. But I am still gonna try to imagine Sayaka Ichii in my head..... Its just the way it has to be in my head..... Sory.

 umm and btw Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? Poor Sayaka! But now that I know shes not a HP member I just kinda feel like I prefer Yoshi with Rika. But I am a bigger YoMako shipper just so ppl know and mark my words, One day, I will write a YoMako story, and while I have breath in my body and am able to move, this promise stands! (Wow I went all prophet-16thC-Shakespeare-writer thingit there..... COOL!) XD C YA

I don't know why but I just never got into YoMako or YoMiki or Yomaki. It's always been just Rika and Yossie for me. :)

I'm glad you're enjoying my fanfic and I hope you continue to! :) Thanks for reading!
lol me too! i'm more of an Ishiyoshi fan.  :heart: i wouldn't say the others are not a good pair but Ishiyoshi is Ishiyoshi!  :wub:

Nice chapter! Wow it would've been funny and painful if Sayaka actually hit the guy with the shoe heel. :lol: Both of the characters here seem lost.

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: Happily Ever After (6 Chapters)
« Reply #46 on: April 12, 2008, 07:18:17 PM »
^ Woooow. You really had a lot to say about the last chapter, didn't you?  :lol: That's okay. It makes me happy if you are that into what I am writing. :)

But... it is very curious that he's out walking the streets so late at night. And he didn't actually answer the question fully, did he? ;) It makes you wonder. Is he hiding something? Is really a prowling pervert?

We will soon see!  :P

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Re: Happily Ever After (6 Chapters)
« Reply #47 on: April 12, 2008, 07:54:41 PM »
I think he is Tsunku or working with/for him or equally rich. Anyway, some1 rich and famous who can/will be her benefactor so she can get rich and stuff! That would be awesome! Kinda how like David Boreanaz got signed with an agent when walking a dog, Sayaka can get signed sleeping on a sidewalk! KOOOL! Anyway, glad you liked my comment, hope you keep writing so I can keep reading. I drew a rough sketch of how that would have gone zay, and I will post it as soon as I can (gotta upload first and that takes ages) and btw, I thought you liked charmikitty! You asked for it. Why if I had known I would have resumed (or rather started ) the GAM angsty fic. Which I now have to cancel or at least postpone untill I get mo' nu ideas holmes..... Crud, da J lingo is b fillin' my head with nonsense agin! I should have gone to bed and not started that second beer.....which I am still drinking..... anyway, hope you keep writing this! Its nice.
Here is the rough sketch, I might do a more detailed one in the tomorow.

I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Happily Ever After (6 Chapters)
« Reply #48 on: April 12, 2008, 09:12:18 PM »
I drew a rough sketch of how that would have gone

Hands down the best thing I've seen today.  :lol:

I will keep writing this. I promise.  :D

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Re: Happily Ever After (6 Chapters)
« Reply #49 on: June 08, 2008, 11:40:32 AM »
sorry for bumping... i hope that promise is kept... ... i'm sorry for being impatient... i love this fic...

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Re: Happily Ever After (6 Chapters)
« Reply #50 on: June 08, 2008, 05:32:11 PM »
Your story's  :cry:  :w00t:  XD  :lol:  and I  :heart: it, so ummm, any plans for an update.?.  :)

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Re: Happily Ever After (6 Chapters)
« Reply #51 on: June 08, 2008, 10:11:51 PM »
^ Thanks! :) Yeah, I keep meaning to, but other things like my graphics thread and the RPG keep taking over all of my forum time. I'll try my best to get back to it. :)

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Re: Happily Ever After (7 Chapters)
« Reply #52 on: June 10, 2008, 05:10:51 AM »
Chapter 7: Love and Sacrifice

   Hitomi gasped and woke with a start, eyes snapping wide open and swirling around in their sockets as if in search of something. Droplets of perspiration had settled across her forehead like dew gathers upon blades of grass in the spring. Finally, her eyes fell on the silhouetted body next to her in bed and she slipped her arms around it, pulling it close. Nestling her head against the soft, pliant warmth of the body as it stirred next to her, she murmured softly, “Go back to sleep, Saya... It was just a nightmare.”

   In her restless sleep, Hitomi had dreamed she was drowning, sinking slowly into the dark depths of a liquid abyss. Through the rippling water to the surface above she saw two faces, each peering out from above their own boat, features distraught and twisted in agony. Two sets of hands reached out to her from above and somehow she knew that if she took the hands of one and pulled herself to safety, the other would plunge over side of the boat, beneath the surface and sink to the bottom in her place. Then, because she would not--could not-- decide between them, both were suddenly flung forward helplessly into the murky depths. That was when she woke up.

    “Hmm?” the body lying at her side responded sleepily and turned over within the circle of Hitomi’s arms to face her. “What did you say, Yossie?” the girl whispered groggily, eyes slit barely open. Hitomi looked upon the face before her eyes-- the soft lips, dark, thick lashes, and gently sloping jaw line that were not Sayaka’s-- and knew who it was she had woken up and instantly expected to be there: the one that had always been there before.

   “Oh, Rika…” she tucked her face into the hair at the side of Rika’s neck, inhaling the scent of the woman in her arms as if to reassure all five of her senses which girl actually lay at her side. A small, sleepy smile curled across Rika’s lips as she murmured, “You say my name as if you’re surprised to find me here next to you. After what we did together last night, I hope you haven’t forgotten me so soon.” A girlish giggle poured from between her lips as she playfully traced the tips of her fingernails across Hitomi’s hip. “Now, what were you saying before?”

   Hitomi’s thought processes began to transform inside of her mind like liquid evaporating beneath the heat of the sun, but instead beneath the heat of Rika’s touch. Even the sweet, delicious sensations that even the lightest sweep of Rika’s fingers could create inside of her could not completely erode the vivid images that her nightmare had impressed upon her, though. Grimacing, she took Rika’s hand in hers, bringing an end to the caresses that would ordinarily be so very welcome, if her mind were not as cluttered as it was. “It was a nightmare. I’m sorry I woke you up.”

   Rika paused visibly a moment, the thoughts that she wanted to put into words churning within her eyes as she did. Finally, she nodded and said in a very matter-of-fact way, “I think you should go see her in the morning… it’s obvious that you need to speak to her, Yossie.”

   Hitomi could have sworn in that moment that when she’d said Sayaka’s name, Rika had heard and chosen with all the beautiful compassion in her heart to let the moment pass as if it had not happened at all. Suddenly, as it had every day they’d known each other, her love for Rika grew beyond the limits she was always sure must have already been reached and proved there were not really any limits at all.

   She simply nodded and tucked her cheek against Rika’s shoulder, lightly kissing the bare warm flesh there. She knew that Rika knew she would go. She knew that Rika knew her better than anyone in the world. With Rika, she just knew. It was for that reason she had chosen her, in the end. But could she live with what that meant she had done to Sayaka? It was the one thing she did not know…


Finally, a new chapter. I'm sorry it's been so long! I'll try to be more regular with my updates. :) Enjoy!

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Re: Happily Ever After (6 Chapters)
« Reply #53 on: June 10, 2008, 05:44:16 AM »
wooohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tortured Yoshi!!! Now she is starting to understand! Why does this seem like a "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" Kind of story? Where Sayaka (ICHII) is the wimin and the bad husband is Yoshi and the new dude might be Miki or something..... AWESOME! Please update soon@.@
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Happily Ever After (6 Chapters)
« Reply #54 on: June 10, 2008, 06:04:04 AM »
finally, an update...

Rika is awesome here... Yossui slips in her sleep (pun intended)...

thank you for keeping your promise!!! :cow:

Offline Pharadox

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Re: Happily Ever After (6 Chapters)
« Reply #55 on: June 10, 2008, 08:14:56 AM »
finally, an update...

Rika is awesome here... Yossui slips in her sleep (pun intended)...

thank you for keeping your promise!!! :cow:

Yeah, even if it did take me forever. :D You're welcome.

wooohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tortured Yoshi!!! Now she is starting to understand! Why does this seem like a "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" Kind of story? Where Sayaka (ICHII) is the wimin and the bad husband is Yoshi and the new dude might be Miki or something..... AWESOME! Please update soon@.@

Haha. It's a little scary, how much you enjoy tortured Yossie.  :lol: But whatever keeps you reading, I guess. ;)

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Re: Happily Ever After (6 Chapters)
« Reply #56 on: June 10, 2008, 08:21:09 AM »
Awesome~ Update!  :w00t: Its been a month.. but very satisfying..  :)

Why does this seem like a "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" Kind of story? Where Sayaka (ICHII) is the wimin and the bad husband is Yoshi and the new dude might be Miki or something..... AWESOME! Please update soon@.@
Huh? But it isn't Sayaka Ichii though.. right?? lol, Its funny Sayaka was suppose to be Yossie's name but was changed to Hitomi..  XD

Finally, her eyes fell on the silhouetted body next to her in bed and she slipped her arms around it, pulling it close. Nestling her head against the soft, pliant warmth of the body as it stirred next to her, she murmured softly, “Go back to sleep, Saya... It was just a nightmare.”
Uh-oh..  :O

Rika paused visibly a moment, the thoughts that she wanted to put into words churning within her eyes as she did. Finally, she nodded and said in a very matter-of-fact way, “I think you should go see her in the morning… it’s obvious that you need to speak to her, Yossie.”
Oh phew~ She didn't get mad..

Hitomi could have sworn in that moment that when she’d said Sayaka’s name, Rika had heard and chosen with all the beautiful compassion in her heart to let the moment pass as if it had not happened at all. Suddenly, as it had every day they’d known each other, her love for Rika grew beyond the limits she was always sure must have already been reached and proved there were not really any limits at all.
Aww.. This is so cute..  :wub:

I like this fic cause it's about time that Rika doesn't become a jealous girlfriend or a misfortunate girl who ends up getting hurt because of unrequited love.. Hope i dont jynx it though...  :sweatdrop:

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: Happily Ever After (6 Chapters)
« Reply #57 on: June 10, 2008, 12:02:56 PM »
It's not Sayaka Ichii, but I wish it was and imagine her when I read Sayaka so...yeah, that's why I write it. But I know perfectly well it's not her. But that was a good chapter. It just shows how much of an indesicive heartbreaker she is. She already broke Sayaka now she is hurting Rika with her stupid second thoughts.
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Happily Ever After (6 Chapters)
« Reply #58 on: June 10, 2008, 12:47:09 PM »
It's not Sayaka Ichii, but I wish it was and imagine her when I read Sayaka so...yeah, that's why I write it. But I know perfectly well it's not her. But that was a good chapter. It just shows how much of an indesicive heartbreaker she is. She already broke Sayaka now she is hurting Rika with her stupid second thoughts.

Oh, don't worry. What goes around comes around. And what's even funnier is that I invision a whole 'nother different Sayaka when writing this. There's a lot of Sayaka's floating around here.

Awesome~ Update!  :w00t: Its been a month.. but very satisfying..  :)

Why does this seem like a "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" Kind of story? Where Sayaka (ICHII) is the wimin and the bad husband is Yoshi and the new dude might be Miki or something..... AWESOME! Please update soon@.@
Huh? But it isn't Sayaka Ichii though.. right?? lol, Its funny Sayaka was suppose to be Yossie's name but was changed to Hitomi..  XD

Finally, her eyes fell on the silhouetted body next to her in bed and she slipped her arms around it, pulling it close. Nestling her head against the soft, pliant warmth of the body as it stirred next to her, she murmured softly, “Go back to sleep, Saya... It was just a nightmare.”
Uh-oh..  :O

Rika paused visibly a moment, the thoughts that she wanted to put into words churning within her eyes as she did. Finally, she nodded and said in a very matter-of-fact way, “I think you should go see her in the morning… it’s obvious that you need to speak to her, Yossie.”
Oh phew~ She didn't get mad..

Hitomi could have sworn in that moment that when she’d said Sayaka’s name, Rika had heard and chosen with all the beautiful compassion in her heart to let the moment pass as if it had not happened at all. Suddenly, as it had every day they’d known each other, her love for Rika grew beyond the limits she was always sure must have already been reached and proved there were not really any limits at all.
Aww.. This is so cute..  :wub:

I like this fic cause it's about time that Rika doesn't become a jealous girlfriend or a misfortunate girl who ends up getting hurt because of unrequited love.. Hope i dont jynx it though...  :sweatdrop:

I love it when you break down your response into sections of the chapter and respond to each piece. :D It amuses and flatters me that you put that much effort into it. :D

So, going to write the next chapter today. ;)

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Re: Happily Ever After (6 Chapters)
« Reply #59 on: June 10, 2008, 11:39:32 PM »
The dream was a GREAT ANALOGY btw

But dude, one of the worse things you can do to someone is say your ex's name as you snuggle up with them. It's just.... WRONG!!!! Damn Rika's mature in this one... i love it how she has that deep understanding, kinda like her mentor  8).

I find it ridiculously heart melting how they snuggle up.
Rika <3 So funneh

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