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Author Topic: Colour of Truth - Omake (Tanakame) Part 7 (last) - 10/04  (Read 84476 times)

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 12 - 02/05
« Reply #60 on: February 08, 2010, 03:36:07 PM »
@ ChrNo: You have other ideas about the case??? let's hear it!

Ohhhh~ Do I sense that you are a big fan of Momoko???

@ baddie: Thank you for reading but please don't overwork your eyes, it can give headaches (at least it always does to me if I look at my computer screen for 12 hrs straight) *pats baddie on the back  :thumbup*

I can't help but noticed that your writings have improved tremendously. Kudos to ya :D

 :smhid nope haven't improved (at least in my mind) maybe I have put in more descriptions??? but thanks  :heart:

Unfortunately I haven't watched any of those shows before  :nervous I seldom have a chance to watch TV...I get home late from work and school

Ah Takagaki about that...I've mentioned it before that nothing is set in stone and you'll see why  ;)

@ Maimi_Yajima: As you wish but my question is...what are you curious about???

@ Chloe: Yep I have a natural grin of evilness...wait a minute no I don't I just have a natural grin!!!!!

Yatta!!!! you are getting a are getting a visual *dances around*

*tries to grab onto Chloe before she hops out*
*successfully hops out before FaqU could grab but tripped and collided with K*

 :kekeke: *hovers over both Chloe and K* Now where would you guys be going??? We haven't finished our playdate

I keep on thinking what characters I haven't included but then again I sometimes forget and then wonder if maybe I have created too much for my puny mind to handle  :sweatdrop:

Alright here's the part everyone is waiting for

Chapter 13

Date: March 15
Time: 10:00 pm

That night, Risa walked into the pub with Miyabi, Airi and Risako searching for Maimi. ~BUZZ BUZZ~ At the far corner  :thumbsup Risa looked up to see Maimi grinning at her as she led her group to Maimi’s table “Hey” everyone looked up and was surprised to see Risa.  “Sorry we’re late this is…”

“Suzuki Airi, nice seeing you again” Maimi shook Airi’s hand

“Likewise, didn’t know you knew my sister”

“Sister?!” Maimi and Saki spluttered out

“Yeah, and this is my girlfriend Sugaya Risako and this is Natsuyaki Miyabi, our cousin”

“Nice seeing you again, this is a small world isn’t it?” Saki shook Miyabi’s hand and winked at her

“It is!  Didn’t think that these things would happen in reality”

“Wait so you girls know each other?” Risa looked at them in bewilderment

“Sis, we met these girls at the supermarket the other day”

“USO! USO! USO! Hontou???  Well just in case this is Yajima Maimi”

“And these here are Shimizu Saki, Tanaka Reina, her girlfriend Kamei Eri and Takahashi Ai” the rest all waved ‘hi’ before scooting over for the new arrivals

Throughout the night the girls got to know each other  from telling each other their occupations to ratting each other of their embarrassing moments.  Airi couldn’t help but scan her surroundings, Saki talking away with Miyabi ‘There is definitely something there’ and then Risa talking attentively with Ai ‘Ahh so that is sis’s type’

“Hey senior detective” Maimi had just come back from the washroom and sat down beside Airi “I think your girlfriend has had enough for the night”

Airi turned to see Risako sleeping beside her “apparently she has.  Thank you for the coffee the other day”

“No problem, er…question… your sister single?”

“Yes at the moment but after tonight maybe not” Maimi looked at Airi in confusion so Airi pointed to where Risa and Ai were talking

Maimi’s facial expression faltered a bit but continued to smile “I see, so you think she’s interested in our Ai-chan?”

“I believe so”  Airi reverted her gaze away from Risa to Maimi who look like she was deep in thought “Is something wrong Yajima-san?”

“No no I was thinking about work things Suzuki-san.  Um…I never would’ve thought you would be a detective” diverted Maimi ‘All my chances gone…..’

“Oh?  Why is that?”

“Well looking between you and Natsuyaki-san, you both didn’t look like you guys work together” Airi looked at Miyabi in her usual baggy jeans and casual clothing compared to her own, white dress shirt and dress pants with a blazer

“I think I understand what you mean, but I guess I like to keep a certain level of professionalism in my work”

“I know what you mean, the girls say I am too much of a picky person when it comes to professionalism.  I wouldn’t allow them to call me by my first name or any nicknames when we are working, even if it is after hours and we live together too”

“Really?!  Well I don’t go that far but then again you are in the business field so I guess it is understandable”

“How is it being a detective?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Well at one point in time when I was younger I would wonder what it would be like to be a firefighter or a detective or a doctor”

“Ambitious weren’t we?” teased Airi “but seriously it can be nerve wrecking at times”

“Because of…”

“Well we just had to pull 2 all-nighters on a case and it took all the brain power we had”

“Ohhhh!  It must’ve been exciting” Maimi curled her hands in fists waving them in the air in excitement

“Haha I think I understand why ane says you remind her of me”

Maimi’s smile faltered “Huh?  What do you mean?” ‘Is that why I don’t even stand a chance because I remind her of a sister?’

“Well today when she said she was meeting a girl, I thought it was her girlfriend but she said it wasn’t, that you weren’t her type and that you remind her of me.  Probably because we get a little giddy when we are interested in something and it looks like a child haha” Airi responded without looking at Maimi

“I see” 'Great! She doesn’t see me in that way, she sees me like she sees Suzuki-san’ “Hey I just realized you guys have different last names, why is that?”

“Oh because we are step-sisters, my dad married her mother”

“No wonder you guys don’t look alike at all.  Sorry about Saki and my outburst at that hehe”

“Haha no worries, you guys aren’t the first”

“Whew!  That’s a relief otherwise Saki and I would have to get our eyes checked”

“Haha!  So Shimizu-san and you are the heirs of one of the biggest companies around, wow, it must be great living it large”

“Not really actually, yeah to the world we may seem like the luckiest people alive but between Saki and I we are restricted from doing a lot of things because family reputation is on the  line or we aren’t allowed to do what we want”

“Wow that sounds tougher than I’d imagine”

“We also have to carry on the family business so its like we had to mature more quickly so that the parents can pass it on after we’ve gained enough experience in the field”

“Geez, they didn’t let you even enjoy a kid’s life did they?”

“The good thing is that I grew up with Saki so at least I wasn’t alone”

“So you guys must feel like sisters then eh?”

“In a way, yes, you can see it like that, it gets freaky though when we both know what each other is thinking at times brrrr!”  Maimi brushed her arms as if she was cold

“Haha really?  You can figure Shimizu-san?  Okay well what do you think about those 2?” Airi pointed to where Saki and Miyabi were having their own private conversation

“Totally sensing the sexual tension”

“Same here” Maimi high-fived Airi
On Saki and Miyabi’s side

“So have long have you been a detective?”

“Well I graduated the same time as Airin so about 3-4 years now I think”

“Was it something you always wanted to do?”

“Hell yeah!!!  I was never the very lady-like person, I liked being comfortable so naturally the career path drew me in even more”

Saki eyed Miyabi’s attire “I can tell, makes you give off a cool, don’t-mess-with-me aura”

“I almost didn’t recognize you though because the first time I saw you, you were decked out in an expensive suit whereas today” Miyabi gave a low whistle “you look ready to kill”

Saki blushed “Thank you, you like what you see?”

“Definitely liking it and the thing is in both attires, you were stunning”

“Why thank you!!!” Saki moved her hand and laid it on Miyabi’s thigh “such a charmer”

“Shimizu-san,.... would you be interested in grabbing dinner, movie and coffee sometime?”

Saki grinned “Sure, sounds…” Saki leaned towards Miyabi and whispered in a low husky voice “…fun”
Ai and Risa’s side

“Thank you for your concern Niigaki-san”

“No problem.  How is it working for Yajima-san and Shimizu-san? Yajima-san gives me the impression that she’s young and free spirited, very cute, so it must be easy and fun working with her”

“Haha Maimi is actually only like that when she is away from the office.  She is very professional when in the office, no direct name calling if we are in the office”

“Hmmm now she sounds a little like Airin, no wonder she laid a strong first impression”

“I must tell Maimi that her reputation is lowering”

“Don’t do it Ai-chan!”  Reina grabbed hold of Ai’s shoulder “you do it and she’ll be harsher at work.  Please don’t make things more difficult than it already is” Reina put her hands together begging Ai

“Haha okay okay I won’t”

“Wow is she really that different between work and home?” 

Reina and Eri nodded furiously “No you guys are exaggerating, it’s only because you guys are all about fun” Ai explained earning her a glare from both the turtle and kitty cat.  “It’s understandable, at least to me, that Maimi and Saki has a lot on their shoulders being heirs of one of the biggest companies around”

“Awww you’re so understanding.  They are lucky to have you as their friend and secretary” gushed Risa

Ai blushed and shook her head “No no, they actually aren’t the troublesome ones”

“Oh so who are or is?”  Ai looked at Reina and Eri, who at that moment were pretending to talk about something “I see, that’s amazing how those 2 are still so young but so mature”

“Suzuki-san looks mature too for her age, your parents did great jobs in raising you two”

“Actually Risa-ane raised me, our parents died in a car accident” they turned to see Airi and Maimi joining in their conversation, drinks in hand

“Oh sorry!”

“No worries, my ane is the greatest” Airi exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Risa’s neck and placed her chin on Risa’s shoulders

“So the props goes to you for raising Suzuki-san well” praised Ai-chan as she lifted her glass for Risa to knock her own with

Risa shook her head but did share a drink with Ai “Don’t listen to Airin, this little one matured at a young age on her own.  I was surprised by it myself”

“Ane, Rii-chan is asleep now so I think I should get her home”

“Actually I think we’re all about done so we can get the bill and go” indicated Maimi

“Thanks Yajima-san”  Airi gave Maimi a sincere ‘thank you’ look before Maimi left to get the bill.  Airi turned to face Miyabi who was still absorbed in her conversation with Saki “Miya hate to break it to you, but we have to go so why don’t you guys exchange numbers and finish the conversation next time”

Miyabi glared at Airi and blushed in embarrassment when she made eye contact with Saki “Um so yeah let’s finish this next time, can I get your number for our date?”  Miyabi scratched the back of her neck

“Natsyaki-san, you’re too easy to tease!  Sure here give me your phone” Miyabi’s face lit up as she quickly pulled out her cell for Saki

“Okay guys, let’s go” Maimi came back and grabbed her purse

“Woah!  Wait a minute!  Where’s the bill?” Airi asked as Risa and Miyabi looked at Maimi as well

Ai, Saki, Eri and Reina grinned amongst each other.  Ai placed a hand on Risa’s shoulder as Saki did the same to Miyabi “One of the great benefits of chilling with Maimi and Saki is that they always get the bill” Reina explained

“No no you can’t do that” Risa protested as Airi and Miyabi nodded their heads in agreement

“She just did and besides this will give us more reasons for calling you guys out for drinks” Eri patted Risa on the back and walked towards the exit with Reina hand in hand

“You’d want that wouldn’t you?” Saki asked teasingly to Miyabi before patting her on the back lightly and walking off

Ai walked to where Maimi was waiting “She won’t take your money and technically Suzuki-san, the amount is nothing to be considered bribery so I don’t see why you can’t accept Maimi’s offer” grinned Ai as she walked off following Maimi

‘She wants to see me again!!! I got her number and I got a date!!!!’ thought Miyabi totally out of focus after Saki patted her on the back

‘She’s so unpredictable!  That’s the second time she did that!! It makes her….intriguing’ thought Airi as she walked over to Risako to wake her up “Rii-chan….Rii-chan time to go home”

“ZZZ What? Huh? Time to go home? Okay” Risako got up groggily with the help of Airi as they walked towards the exit

“USO!!!! Did they just…huh?  Yajima-san definitely is generous and weird eh Miya?” Silence.  Risa looked at the goofy grinning Miyabi “Miya!!!! Drool about her at home!!! Let’s go!!!”

Miyabi snapped out of her thoughts “I was not drooling!!!” as she ran after Risa

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 13 - 02/08
« Reply #61 on: February 08, 2010, 04:34:29 PM »
Yes, yes a natural grin of evil :P

Yatta!!!! you are getting a are getting a visual *dances around*
:lol: I’m getting a cute visual.

 *hovers over both Chloe and K* Now where would you guys be going??? We haven't finished our playdate
*looks up at you* rrr....I have to use the bathroom? 

I think you’ve included enough characters mixed from MM and Kids, everyone doesn’t have to come out, right?


‘All my chances gone…..’
Aww poor Maimi...but secretary Ai is too hot to be ignored XD

Love Miya’s casual clothes :rockon:

“Same here” Maimi high-fived Airi
MaiRi are having their fun.

Saki grinned “Sure, sounds…” Saki leaned towards Miyabi and whispered in a low husky voice “…fun”
It made me :lol:’s just that it’s Saki  XD

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline ChrNo

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 13 - 02/08
« Reply #62 on: February 08, 2010, 04:52:28 PM »
@ ChrNo: You have other ideas about the case??? let's hear it!
naah i don't wanna interfere in your fic lol
surprise me !

Ohhhh~ Do I sense that you are a big fan of Momoko???
I'm actually a big miya wota  :lol:
and fav couple is MiyaxCaptain so yeah loving your fic pretty much  :D

“Totally sensing the sexual tension”
Saki grinned “Sure, sounds…” Saki leaned towards Miyabi and whispered in a low husky voice “…fun”

risako was totally useless  :lol:

great chapter !  :thumbsup

Offline Maimi_Yajima

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 13 - 02/08
« Reply #63 on: February 09, 2010, 06:15:23 AM »
it was an agreeable chapter.
It´s the second normal fic that i read.
Good, I am accustomed to read fic of action and romance.
And never i´ve  read a fic in alone where there are detectives and persons with business. ^^
well, I enjoyed this reading. ^^
well ...
I can see that  airi is a detective  and maimi an entrepreneur professional, ...
however Takahashi told to niigaki  that maimi is losing popularity.
I guess there is some competition.
I´ll thank you, I have great fun with Tanaka and Kamei. ^^
Maimi has a somewhat cold personality and seems to be a Person who does what she wants, cuz maimi not listened to  niigaki and airi  when they complain because she payed all expenses.

There is a part especially...
The conversation that airi had with maimi about niigaki.
Saki and maimi are important businesswomen, I suppose...
Then I suppose that their this life in danger... XD jajajaj sorry ... I always imagine to see action in the fic...
But good, after everything I cannot avoid imagine action in a fic of detectives and businesswomen with   a lot of reputation.

so ...  after everything, niigaki does not feel attraction for maimi...
Poor maimi.. T_T

Tanaka and Kamei are great fun. XD
Good chapter ^^
" a look can say more than words" and " a look can even denude the heart"

Offline badsaints

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 13 - 02/08
« Reply #64 on: February 10, 2010, 03:32:53 PM »
Shucks that Airi is dating Risako. No Maimi/Airi pairing then? But then you will always surprise us with something...

Saki talking away with Miyabi ‘There is definitely something there’
definitely something like love sparks :P

Risa talking attentively with Ai ‘Ahh so that is sis’s type’
Good observation, Airi! :thumbsup

‘Is that why I don’t even stand a chance because I remind her of a sister?’
Ouch? :lol: Shot down before the fight :lol: :lol: :lol:

‘She’s so unpredictable!  That’s the second time she did that!! It makes her….intriguing’
You know, intriguing always leads to the start of something...

‘All my chances gone…..’
Aww poor Maimi...but secretary Ai is too hot to be ignored XD
Couldn't agree more :inlove:

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 13 - 02/08
« Reply #65 on: February 10, 2010, 03:49:41 PM »
@ Chloe:
Yes, yes a natural grin of evil :P

No No!!!! Natural grin only not natural grin of evil  :gyaaah:

:lol: I’m getting a cute visual.

You're getting a cute visual?? Do you mean cute as in good cute or cute as in weird cute???   :dunno:

*looks up at you* rrr....I have to use the bathroom?
I can take you there  :ding:  :kekeke:

Now now, I can always change it to something else, maybe TakAiri  :lol:

Saki grinned “Sure, sounds…” Saki leaned towards Miyabi and whispered in a low husky voice “…fun”
It made me :lol:’s just that it’s Saki  XD

Why? You don't think Saki is capable of

@ ChrNo:

naah i don't wanna interfere in your fic lol
surprise me !
Awwww....I weally weally want to hear it though *pouts*  :lol: No worries, you never know, sometimes comments can create the weirdest inspirations to something way outside of the comments' context

risako was totally useless  :lol:

I purposely made her an unimportant character at the moment, she'll be more helpful later on  ;)

@ Maimi_Yajima:

It´s the second normal fic that i read.
Define normal  :lol:

however Takahashi told to niigaki  that maimi is losing popularity.
Well not necessarily popularity more like to emphasize that Maimi is more harsher than Saki, she's a bit strict when it comes to work, but that is only compared to Saki, meaning Saki is just as bad  :lol:

Maimi has a somewhat cold personality and seems to be a Person who does what she wants, cuz maimi not listened to  niigaki and airi  when they complain because she payed all expenses.

Maimi in this area seems more cold only because she carries her duties as an heir around most of the time and she does things that she wants because she can.  However, in Maimi's little group, they are use to either Saki or Maimi paying all the expenses because it's like a treat from the two to them.  Sometimes these things happen in the business world, when you are with a client, you will want to pay the expenses to leave a good impression and in this case, Maimi paid because well Maimi's group has Reina, Eri, Ai, Saki and herself whereas Airi's group has Airi, Miyabi, Risa and Risako...5 vs 4, Maimi paid because they have the larger group, so they probably drank more than the other.  To be fair, I personally would have done the same regardless if I was rich or not.

@ baddie:
Shucks that Airi is dating Risako. No Maimi/Airi pairing then? But then you will always surprise us with something...

I wonder why you think that  :whistle:

Good observation, Airi! :thumbsup

She is a Senior Detective, it would be disappointing if she couldn't scan her environment and make connections

Ouch? :lol: Shot down before the fight :lol: :lol: :lol:
Damn now I feel bad, but then again who was the competition makes a difference nee?

You know, intriguing always leads to the start of something...
:hehehe: Are you hinting at something there??? It can just be intriguing  :lol:

Chapter 14

Date: March 18
Time: 10:00 pm

In a faraway warehouse Taiyo Nakai was sitting in an empty warehouse with just a couple of his men with him waiting for the other party.

“Ah Nakai-san, to what and whom do I owe this visit?”

“Matsumoto-san, I have come to talk about future partnerships with you with our group”

“Oh is that so?  Nakai-san I would like to know why I would want to spend my time hearing you out?”

“There are benefits to working with us of course, plenty of it.  My boss is funding this and they are not simple people”

“Your boss?!  Now that’s news to me, I never realized that the Nakai clan had a head higher than yourself”

“Hehe well Matsumoto-san, that is the business world is it not? Besides, my boss does not like to be known but rest assured I will have sufficient funds and back up and not only that but if you have business propositions with the overall group, it also means that you are, lets say, covered when issues arise.  My boss believes in treating and aiding business partners with only the best they can find”

“Well Nakai-san, here’s the kicker!” Matsumoto leaned closer on his elbows and rested his chin on his cupped hands, “as much as this all sounds very profitable to me, word on the street is that Yamaguchi is only in jail because your clan failed to protect.  Now knowing this, how do you suppose I should react?”

At the mention of the Yamaguchi case, Taiyo Nakai’s face darkened but he sucked in his ego “Matsumoto-san, rest assured that my boss is not happy about it and I take all responsibility but also know that my boss is not one who is forgiving for mistakes, my position and life is on the life if I fail again.  You at least get to keep your life but I lose mine so who do you think has everything on the line?”

Ren Matsumoto thought about this carefully and agrees that Taiyo has more on the line but is he willing to risk jail time for this?  “I have a better proposition in which means the exact same but I will not personally be in charge of our proposition, I will let one of my men be the middleman or representative, whatever you want to call it, in which he will officially be the one your proposition will be with”

“If that makes you happy then it means the exact same to me as long as we are still getting the same service however I too will have a representative so that we both have our asses covered.  At the end you lose a guy and I may lose a guy and a life”

“That’s fine with me” Ren snapped his fingers and a man wearing shades and a grey suit walked up “King Ishiguro will be my rep”

“Ken Kakiuchi will be mine” as Ken walked up “I hope we have a smooth operating partnership” Taiyo stood up as Ren did the same and they both shook hands sealing the deal.  “Shall we celebrate?”
Date: March 19
Time: 11:00 am

“Suzuki-san, the kidnappers would not say who was the mastermind behind it all!”

“They won’t?  Hmm that causes problems because if we just have a recording without names being mentioned, we can’t put Nakai behind bars or anyone on his side.  The kidnappers will be taking all the blame”

“But what can we do?  They refuse to talk and they have all claimed that it was their own doing and didn’t know that the witness was … well a witness to a case.  If we don’t get names, we have no choice but to just nail these small potatoes”

“Toku-san, can you switch with Chisa, this is more of your forte, let’s hope you can get something out of them”

“Yes ma’am” Chinami took the clipboard from Chisato

“Good luck” whispered Chisato as Chinami passed by

“Chisa I wanted to ask you if you found anything about that shot”

“There was definitely tracks there but no matches to our criminal database and by the looks of it” Chisato produced a photo to Airi “these marks look like a sniper rifle stand”

Airi looked at the photos “Nakky has forensics sent us the report on the bullet taken from the kidnapper’s foot?”

Nakky searched her desk and produced a file “Yeah here it is”

Airi scanned through the file quickly “Chisa, your assumption is correct it is from a sniper rifle but only there are no traces of fingerprints nor is it anything special so our lead on that is dead as well”  Airi closed the file and thought for a moment “I guess we stop here” ‘I wonder what their purpose was, if they wanted to kill why shoot the ankle?  If they are trying to help us then why?  Who is it?  Why stay hidden if they are friends?’

~KNOCK KNOCK~ “Suzuki-san” Airi turned to face Yossie “I would like to congradulate you and your team for finding the witness and family on time.  Under the short amount of time, you were able to apprehend all kidnappers and rescue all members of the Nakamura family”  Yossie went up to shake Airi’s hand “Keep up the good work”
Date: March 19
Time: 11:23 pm

“Whiz, has there been anything new recently?” asked Gen as the group were gathered around a round table

“Not that I know or heard of as of yet, but I suppose I should pick up something soon because with Yamaguchi in jail and Tokugawa dead, they are bound to find a replacement.  Did you hear about the funny situation though?”

“Agreed, I think it may be beneficial to find out who Nakai is working for as well as figure their operations.  I know what you are referring to and I too am curious as to the situation.”

“Who do you think did it and why?  Do you think it is a cop? On a side note, I think we may need Sexy to work that out for us, the faster we do this the faster we move on with our lives as normal people”

“Leave it up to me!” shouted Sexy as she gave them a peace sign

“Be careful though, I don’t like my woman being touched”

“Ace don’t worry,  I’m sure when I am snooping around or whatever the plan is, Gen will have some sort of arrangement.  What situation are you guys referring to?” soothed Sexy as she patted Ace on the shoulder before turning to the rest of the team members

“Ace, I won’t put my people into something without considering the circumstances.  Didn’t you guys hear? Apparently hostages were held up in some freight crate and originally what was known to be 3 guys turned out to be 4, because one was hiding in the crate.  They were shot down somehow, Ace what’s your take in this?” Gen produced a picture for Ace

Ace took a look at the pictures “Gen, it’s not that I don’t trust your leadership skills.  I mean you are the head of this team and we don’t call you Gen for nothing.  Genius of our group! But I just want to make sure Sexy still understands to be careful even if you are watching out for her.  We don’t want to expose ourselves.  Can’t we rearrange Pint or Model to do this assignment? This hole…it’s from a sniper”  The group got up and took a closer look at the picture Ace was holding

“Don’t worry Ace, Sexy isn’t the only one going around nor will she even be alone this time.  I am putting you with her this time.  Yes you may not be as use to it but it would make us all feel relieved about it.  Sound good? And to answer your question about Pint and Model, we can’t rearrange them, they are our lookout crew and they have to stay where they are to give us necessary information as informers.  The positions they are in make it impossible for them to join in our activities like these.  That’s what I thought too but I wanted you to look at it to confirm”

“How the hell can you guys tell that it was a sniper from that?!” Swift pointed at the picture of a hole and looked quizzically at Gen and Ace, Whiz and Sexy also bore a confused look

“Fine! Wait a minute… me??? But I am not as alluring as the rest of you guys, its not really my forte.  I am only good with guns hence Ace.  It’s not that I don’t want to go with Sexy but I also don’t want to ruin anything or take that risk” Ace agreed ignoring Swift’s question while rolling their eyes

Gen took away the picture “That’s not the issue at hand, what I wonder is whether Com had done this” Gen looked up from the picture and at her team “Any takers?  Actually nevermind, I may need to keep you guys in your usual positions.  So Whiz you will be at the controls as base and lead us out of where ever we are.  Keep in touch with Swift so the waiting place is not mixed up.  I guess that leaves me.  In that case Ace I will need you to be perched somewhere near us and within range.  Once we know where our location will be Whiz can tell you where you should be looking out for us.  Those are the plans for now but it may change after Whiz tells us anything in relation to possible people we should be talking to and where we should approach them”

“Alright, our first target should be Nakai’s clan but I doubt the lower ranks will know anything and the higher ranks will be extremely careful”

“Who is the first on the list?” asked Gen they all looked at the file in front of them

“Just give me a minute” Whiz started tapping on her laptop “Okay look at the screen” The team looks around to the giant projector screen “This is Nakai’s right hand man Ken Kakiuchi, he will most likely be the best to approach but he is apparently the most dangerous in the clan, extremely careful and hard to approach”

“So Sexy, are you up for a challenge?” questioned Swift as she looked sternly at Sexy

“Don’t do that Swift, you know Sexy doesn’t back to a challenge like this” Ace glared at Swift for pushing Sexy to accept the target

“I’ll do it” replied Sexy as her eyes lit up with anticipation

“Okay, I want a background check on him, past girlfriends, lifestyle etc, once we get that I will at least know what type of person we are dealing with before we devise a plan”

“Seriously Gen, how the hell did you get sniper from that?” Swift went to take a better look at the picture

“Why do you think Com had a hand at this?  Wouldn’t they have told us?”

“I have my suspicions” Swift shrugged their shoulders and dropped the topic

“In the meantime, what are we going to do?” Sexy’s face fell knowing it would be some time before she will have any form of excitement

“In the meantime, we party babe” Ace grabbed her and pulled her closer, kissing her on the collarbone area causing her to moan

The trio looked at them, rolled their eyes, got up and left them alone to continue in peace

Offline badsaints

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 14 - 02/10
« Reply #66 on: February 10, 2010, 04:16:58 PM »
Gosh! I still can't figure out the people behind the code names :smhid Are they in any way a member of Maimi or Risa team? I don't think Risa's team is part of the codie...

Ouch? :lol: Shot down before the fight :lol: :lol: :lol:
Damn now I feel bad, but then again who was the competition makes a difference nee?
You got that right XD

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 14 - 02/10
« Reply #67 on: February 12, 2010, 04:15:09 PM »
@ baddie: Well if I told you which team it was, then where's the fun??  :twisted: And besides, I never did say they were members of either team  :twisted:  Keep on guessin'

Chapter 15

Date: March 20
Time: 3:00 pm

~Hitoribocchi nanka ja nai taisetsu na hito ga takusan iru yo hora ne sono subete no ai ni Sankyuu~ “Moshi moshi”

“H-hi! It’s me”

“Natsuyaki-san, what a surprise! How are you?”

“I’m good…er…how is work?”

“The usual, staring at a computer screen all day praying that I don’t lose focus”

“Haha, so you don’t really work Shimizu-san, you just pretend you do as you are daydreaming in front of a computer screen”

“Shhh don’t let Maimi know, she’ll kick my butt”

“Okay, your secret is safe with me” whispered Miyabi “but I was wondering if you want to…er…have…dinner with me?”

“No cases today?”

“Well we do but not something big that would require me to stress over”

“You stressed?! I didn’t think you would be, you give off a relaxed aura”

“Only because the day we were at the pub, we finished a big case so I wasn’t stressed”

“Fair enough.  Dinner sounds nice, what time and where?”

“I can come pick you up, just tell me what time you are off work”

“Let me see” Saki clicked on her calendar and checked times of her appointment, then looked at what was due the next day “I should be free by 8”

“Great!!! I’ll see you then.  Bye” shouted Miyabi with too much enthusiasm

“Haha Bye” ~CLICK

As soon as Miyabi was off the phone she jumped up and down “YATTA!!!!!!” She then turned to the ledge of the roof where she was calling and yelled out “YATTA!!!!”

“What’s got you so happy?”

Miyabi turned to find Airi walking towards her “How did you know I was here?”

“Miya, we did grow up together right?  If anything ane and I both know where you have this thing about roofs or high places”

“Point taken anyways I have a date tonight!” squealed Miyabi

“With Shimizu-san?” Airi’s smile widen as Miyabi nodded shyly “Oh my god!  What has she done to you? I’ve never seen you shy and….and are you blushing??”

“Stop it Airin” whined Miyabi as she whacked her on the arm

“Now you’re whining!!!!  Oh my god I’ve got to tell ane about this, she’ll freak”  Airi put a hand over her mouth as she was laughing

“Yeah yeah laugh it up!  But I do need a favour from you, I’ll need to borrow your car tonight”

“Why?  I can drive you home to pick up yours”

“Because I don’t want to drive my shit box!  I want to give her a good impression”

“Wow Shimizu-san must be real special for you to be calling your car a shit box and to actually care about impressing her”

Miyabi blushed again and nodded “Yeah.  I don’t know what it is but she gives off this special aura that attracts me”  Miyabi explained while picturing Saki in her mind

“In that case, I’m happy for you and you can borrow my car.  I’ll take your Acura for the night”

“Oh!  You meeting Risako-chan?”

“Yeah I wanted to surprise her for cancelling on our dates all the time”

“Awww so thoughtful of you”  Now it was Airi’s turn to blush “She’s lucky to have you, I can totally take pointers from you”

“Yeah yeah whatever, so I can tell ane you’re not going to eat with her then?”

“Yeah I need to pick her up at 8”

“If you don’t want to be late, get back to work so we can all leave on time today”

“Roger that” Miyabi saluted Airi and ran towards the stairs
After getting off the phone with Miyabi, Saki was smiling to herself daydreaming.  She was so dazed that she didn’t notice Maimi standing at her door staring at her ‘Now this is a Kodak moment, in which I just so happen to have my cell with me.  Rare to find Saki with a dreamy look’ Maimi walked closer pointing and adjusting her cellphone, making sure Saki does not get out of her daze ~CLICK~

At that moment Saki snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Maimi “How long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough to take this rare photo” Maimi showed Saki the photo from a good distance, in case Saki reaches over and deletes the picture “Wanna share in the reason behind this?”

“I have a date tonight so here” Saki tossed Maimi the keys “you can drive home tonight”

“Hmmmm Natsuyaki-san did a good number on you.  The usually serious and cool Shimizu-san looks goofy grinning by herself”

“Yeah you say that now, wait till you find someone that attracts you”

Maimi’s smile decreased thinking about Risa, which was caught by Saki’s sharp eyes “That doesn’t look good, did you get rejected?....Wait a minute does that mean you’re over your ex???”

“No I didn’t even ask them out nor will I ever” Maimi decided to ignore the last question

“How come?  You’ve never backed away from a challenge before, you aren’t the type to give up on things that are doable and don’t ignore my last question. ”

“Well here’s the thing, there was this one that I was attracted to, older, wiser, beautiful, seeing them smile melts all your problems away.  But they aren’t interested in me, they saw me as a younger sister and nothing more and I….I don’t know how to answer your last question”

“Wow you must have been really attracted to not even try or get dejected like this, and what do you mean you don’t know???”

“Well it gets complicated because they seem to be attracted to a friend of mine”

“EH~ that doesn’t sound too good” Saki thought about it for a moment before her eyes shot up “Maimi you don’t have that many friends, all your friends include the 4 of us which means that….” Maimi nodded her head “So who is it?”


“Then that means…”

“Niigaki-san, yeah”  Maimi rubbed the back of her neck

“What are you going to do?”

“What else can I do? Niigaki-san doesn’t seem to see me in a romantic way, only as a younger sister like Suzuki-san, but she looks different when she is with Ai-chan”

“Yeah I think I understand the predicament.  Never really would’ve thought there would be a day where one of the group likes someone as another.  Maybe it’s better that you didn’t go after Niigaki-san, I mean if you aren’t entirely over your ex and just using Niigaki-san as a replacement, you’ll end up hurting her.”

“Which is another reason why I don’t want to do anything, because I don’t even know what I see Niigaki-san just yet, am I really attracted to her or am I just infactuated by her? Is she a replacement or is there potential?  But I guess the answers don’t have to be answered because with Ai-chan and her attraction being so evident, it’s best if I just leave it”

Saki nodded but deep down she wonders if Maimi can.  Deciding it was best to change the subject “Maimi please tell the girls I will not be home for dinner then”

“Yeah yeah you have a date.  You best be ready to spill the details” Maimi narrowed her eyes and grinned at Saki

Date: March 20
Time: 3:30 pm

~ Sou ne Hane ga aru no ni Tsukawanai no wa Kanashii mon ne Take off is now ~ “Moshi moshi”

“Er…Takahashi-san…Hi…its…Niigaki Risa”

Ai blushed at the sound of the voice “H-hi”

“Ano…I was wondering if you were doing anything tonight, maybe you’d be interested in…dinner?”

Ai cupped the receiver and shot up trying to contain her happiness as she mentally was screaming ‘Yatta!!!! Yes!!!’ She then composed herself and sat back down “Sure” as nonchantedly as possibly

“Great!!! What time should I pick you up?”

“7 good for you?  I will send you my address”

“Great, I’ll see you later then….bye”

“Bye”~CLICK~  Ai put down her cell, grinning like no tomorrow, she was so out of it that she didn’t notice Maimi waving her hand in front of her

“Takahashi-san!” Ai jolted from her trance, looking around her surrounds and realized she was still at work “Welcome back to earth” Maimi then pointed to Ai’s cell and at that moment a message had arrived

I wanted to know what you want for dinner tonight. Saki is not eating with us ~ Maimi

Ai replied the message and went back to work as Maimi walked into her office

I won’t be home for dinner, I’ve got a date ~Ai-chan

Oh? Well have fun and yes we will be bugging you about details along with Saki  :P ~ Maimi

Maimi sighed and looked at her phone ‘You’ve got a date, do I even have to guess with who?  That leaves me with the 2 children.  Doesn’t make sense for me to be the third wheel, might as well eat by myself’ Maimi picked up her cell and texted both Reina and Eri that they were on their own tonight


Managed to squeeze in one more chapter before Chinese New Year.  For those who celebrate, Happy Chinese New Year!!!!  :omamori: :on cny1: :on cny2: :mon firecrack: :mon money:
« Last Edit: February 12, 2010, 04:17:45 PM by FaqU »

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 15 - 02/12
« Reply #68 on: February 14, 2010, 03:30:23 PM »
Poor Maimi. Everyone's got a date except for her :P Will you be giving details on the date(s) as well? :w00t:

Oh Happy New Year to you tooooo

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 15 - 02/12
« Reply #69 on: February 17, 2010, 11:46:38 AM »
No No!!!! Natural grin only not natural grin of evil  :gyaaah:
Okay, okay, if you say so *pats your back*

It's a good cute kind of visual  :yep:

I can take you there  :ding:  :kekeke:
:roll:  no, thanks. I'd rather go to the bathroom alone.

TakAiri? Sounds okay to me, creating more MM/Kids pairing there  :)
And Risa can go to Maimi that way  :P  but then I hope Risako doesn't get hurt...

Why? You don't think Saki is capable of
No, no, it's just that she got that innocent-face look so in my head it's rather funny to imagine her being sexy  XD

“Leave it up to me!” shouted Sexy as she gave them a peace sign
I was really hoping if this party isn't Maimi's team then it will have Koha and Sayu. And if the peace sign was any indication at all, I pray it's Sayu  :)

“Be careful though, I don’t like my woman being touched”
Wooo! Possessive  :P

This hole…it’s from a sniper
So does that means this other party is different than the mysterious party?

If anything ane and I both know where you have this thing about roofs or high places
I used to go sat on my house roof and watch the sky.

Airi is a good gf and yay, the dates are coming!  :D

Maybe it’s better that you didn’t go after Niigaki-san, I mean if you aren’t entirely over your ex and just using Niigaki-san as a replacement, you’ll end up hurting her.

Ai cupped the receiver and shot up trying to contain her happiness as she mentally was screaming ‘Yatta!!!! Yes!!!’ She then composed herself and sat back down “Sure” as nonchantedly as possibly
LOL cute.

Poor Maimi felt left out  :(

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 15 - 02/12
« Reply #70 on: February 22, 2010, 04:40:08 PM »
Yabai!!!! It's been days since I last updated!!!!! I've been busy with work, school and of course this Chinese New Year business where my parents just won't give me a moments time to think.  But hopefully I'll have enough time of relaxation to update more  :thumbsup

@ baddie: Of course, what's a fic without a couple of dates???  :lol:  I am splitting it into 2 parts just because there are too many characters (the downfall of including everyone  :nervous)

@ Chloe: you're comment makes me feel like you don't believe I don't have a natural grin of ebilness and you are just saying that  :mon suspect:

Risako getting hurt??? talk about irony (you'll see why below)

Yeah Captain does give me that kind of innocent feeling, but even more so, I wonder if she can pull it off.  I mean I wonder if I can help her pull it off ya know what I mean?

Ahhh so what and who have you guessed so far??? You don't have to post it, you can message me your answers  ;)

I did mention that there is a possibility that there are more than one parties in this fic didn't I? :dunno:

I love watching the stars in the sky, however my parents have banned me from going to the roof.  Not just them but my friends too but that's something that we don't have to go in detail right now.

Someone has to be left out, I mean I don't have enough characters  :nervous

Chapter 16

Date: March 20
Time: 5:00 pm

As soon as work was done, Miyabi ushered Airi out the door to her car “Mou Miya, what’s the rush?”

“I need to get ready” replied Miyabi as she continued to push Airi

Airi snickered “Awww you need to pretty yourself up? Well that’s a first”

“Shut it Airin and hurry up.  Remember I am borrowing your car tonight”

“I still don’t get why you can’t use your own”

“Because your Mercedes S2000 is more classier, something more suitable for Shimizu-san” explained Miyabi as they were driving home

“Does it really matter?  I mean Shimizu-san doesn’t look like the type of person who cares much”

“Well I don’t know but I just feel like I want to impress her”

“Okay okay, you go be your prince charming.  I am off” Airi got out of her car as soon as they reached their residence and quickly went to Miyabi’s Acura “Please be careful with my baby” she hollered before driving off

Airi was just as happy to get off work actually, she wanted to surprise Risako, regardless of the many times that Risako claims that she didn’t mind, it didn’t feel right to Airi, she felt guilty.  She arrived outside of Risako’s office and waited patiently

‘Now where is that phone of mine? Aww fudgesticks I must have left it in my car…that Miya has now.  Oh well, Rii-chan will be soo happy when she sees me.  Luckily these windows are tinted so she wouldn’t see me right away’ Airi snickered to herself and turned to look behind her, checking to make sure the flowers she bought were still in good shape.  Airi waited paitently as she watched Erika go by with Momoko, then Aika and finally she caught glimpse of her princess.  Airi was about to get out of the car with the flowers but stopped as she watched Risako hug Aika from behind and kiss her on her neck before moving to her lips.  It was as if everything was in slow motion, Airi felt her heart stop and slowly crumble watching the 2 publicly displaying their affection.  Her mind drew a blank unsure as to what she should do but she felt her hand grab onto the flowers tighter and tighter crushing them as the duo walked by.  ‘How could she?  How could they? What do I do now?  Do I confront them?  Do I pretend it never happened?  How long have they been doing this behind my back?  Do I really want to know? What did I do wrong?’ Airi sat in the Acura even after Risako and Aika’s shadows were long gone, confused, angry, upset, she wasn’t sure what it was, but she knew she wanted to believe what she just witnessed wasn’t real, that it was all just a dream or at least she felt like forgetting it all.  Dropping all her logic as a senior detective she did the one thing that was close to dreaming, she drove to a bar.
Date: March 20
Time: 6:30 pm


I drove to the address that Takahashi-san had given me, looking at my watch, half and hour early as I wanted to be.  I was feeling nervous about it and I was praying I wouldn’t do anything stupid to embarrass myself or make her hate me.  I don’t know what it was but when I first met her I was attracted to her.  I was attracted to how she was so absorbed in her thoughts and I think lady luck was on my side when someone accidentally knocked into her.  Now a girls gotta take that chance to approach someone else right? And what better way?! I put forth my hand hoping she would take it and when she did I was mentally dancing in my head, but I was also distracted at her dark, brown eyes and her soft hands.  We never broke eye contact as I helped her off the floor, until that is when she yelped in pain.  I led her to a bench so I could examine her foot, I presumed it was a minor sprain but I wanted to make sure as I touched the bone around her ankle.  The flesh around it felt soft, which means a bruise was about to form.  I offered to take her home in which she rejected.  Man!  I was sure upset at that precise moment thinking that it was over, my chances gone until she said she had to buy dinner for co-workers.  Racking my brain of course I composed my voice, making sure I didn’t sound desperate before offering to help her out.  I was more than happy to help and I guess I was so focussed on helping her that I forgot the most important thing….her number.  Luckily for me Yajima-san offered to have mine.  She is so cute, she reminds me of a taller Airin, like a child, very curious and intrigued, gives the aura that she is easy to talk to.  I gave her my number hoping that Takahashi-san would get it. 

I didn’t know I was waiting for a call from Yajima-san or Takahashi-san until I received it.  No wonder I kept checking my cell for any missed calls.  I had just about lost some, key word, some hope when they didn’t call in the next day or two but was definitely thrilled when Yajima-san called.  I had to call Airin, she being there would’ve made me feel at ease as well she’ll help me check Takahashi-san out.


~Bye bye bye! Akaruku ikiro~ “Hey ane!  What’s up?”

“What are you doing tonight?”

“Probably nothing.  Miya and I are at home to get some sleep”

“Okay, I wanted to know if you guys are up for drinks tonight, there’s this girl I met who reminds me of you.  She’s cute and funny”

“Ohhh~~!! Is this your girlfriend or possible target?”

“No no, she is just someone I find interesting, but there is this one…”

“We’re there!” Risa heard Miyabi hollering from the background

“Did you have to scream like that?” lectured Airi before getting back to Risa “Okay you heard her, we’ll be there and I’m bringing Rii-chan with me.  We want to check this possible target out”

“*chuckle* Well I’ll let you sleep now, we are suppose to meet them at Dusk at around 10.  I will come home and we’ll eat first”

“Sure, whatever *yawn* you want”

“Go to bed quickly little one and I’ll see you guys later tonight. Bye” ~CLICK~

End of Flashback

Looking around the establishment, I realized how big Yajima-san/Shimizu-san’s place is…I assumed they both were owners but regardless, those 2 must have held Takahashi-san and the others in a special place to trust their friends to live in such a spread.  I think I can see how big the swimming pool is… and is that?...they certainly like to live it large to have so many vehicles.

The front porch lights turned on as I turned my gaze at you walking out, you weren’t wearing anything elegant but you were definitely beautiful.  As you weren’t looking I took a tissue and wiped my nose to make sure I didn’t have a nosebleed.  You wore a simple black skirt with a red top and with the added effect of the lights from behind you, it felt like you came form heaven ready to take me away.  I smiled at you and got out of my car to take your hand.  Leading you to the passenger side, I opened the door for you to get in “your chariot awaits” you giggled slightly and again I was mesmerized, my insides feeling like mush.  I didn’t waste time as I got into the driver side and drove off to the restaurant where I made reservations.

Offline Maimi_Yajima

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 16 - 02/22
« Reply #71 on: February 23, 2010, 07:01:30 AM »
That was a nice chapter.  :)
and poor maimi....  :cry:
ganbare with your next chapter.  :heart:
And... ^_^
Happy Chinese New Year!!  :heart: ^_^
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 07:04:19 AM by Maimi_Yajima »
" a look can say more than words" and " a look can even denude the heart"

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 16 - 02/22
« Reply #72 on: February 23, 2010, 02:22:35 PM »
Can we have more details of TakaGaki date :wub:

Shucks! Airi caught Risako cheating on her! :shocked Now if only Maimi "happens" to patron that bar...

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 16 - 02/22
« Reply #73 on: February 25, 2010, 03:42:25 PM »
Aww man poor Airi.. And Maimi.. Hey, does this mean we get to see some YajiAiri action xD Oh and AikaRii? O-O that's an... Interesting combination...

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 16 - 02/22
« Reply #74 on: February 28, 2010, 04:12:20 PM »

Airi is such a good cop I'm sure she won't have a problem getting those kidnappers to spill the beans.

Maimi taking that pic of captain reminds me of how the other C-ute members complained about how she took vids of them in the bath XD

Poor maimi, it sucks to be treated like a little Sis by the person you like :(

Looks like Gaki fell for Ai instantly. A classic Love at first sight example :)

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 16 - 02/22
« Reply #75 on: February 28, 2010, 08:56:14 PM »
I wanted to post this chapter before but the site was down  :panic:

I'll reply to the comments later.

Chapter 17

Date: March 20
Time 7:30 pm

Risa led Ai into a fancy Italian restaurant where the music was light, the lights were dimmed, there was a live pianist, a dance floor, basically a perfect atmosphere for them to talk and get to know each other more. Their dinner consisted of jokes, funny stories of their past, stories of their present, laughter non-stop and the topics could be so random but neither party minded it.

“That’s so cute!” Risa exclaimed when Ai finished telling her story about fell at a client presentation with Maimi in which she couldn’t bare to look at Maimi or the client as she quickly walked out the door and locked herself in Maimi’s car until she was done.

“That was not cute, it was embarrassing” Ai pouted, just thinking about the moment, Ai’s face went red

“Did you get in trouble with Yajima-san?” Risa inquired wanting to know whether Maimi was as tough as Reina and Eri described her as

Ai shook her head “One of the great things about Maimi in my eyes is that she’s not the type to get upset about these types of situations. It was an embarrassment on her behalf because I was her staff but she never lets these things get to her. She may seem cold for not questioning about my well-being during the presentation but the first thing that Maimi said to me when she got into the car was check that I didn’t have any bruises or anything. Once she found out that I was okay, she never mentions it anymore. I don’t know if it is just me and I believe she is like that in general. She’s very work-orientated though and I know Reina thinks she is given a lot to do or that Maimi’s expectation are high but in all reality, between me and you, Maimi fixes all of Reina’s mistakes most of the time. Some see it as her not caring enough if they didn’t know her”

“Wow, I am impressed by Yajima-san, young as she is, she doesn’t act like one and I know you’ll tell me that it is because of the position she is in, but still, the way she acts, talks and deal with situations aren’t something you would expect of her age”

“She’s one in a million, that’s for sure. Shes the type of person where all of us knew we could rely on when we are in need, either it be monetary or time”

“Sounds to me like she holds a very high position in your heart”

“I can’t deny it, Maimi and Saki helped me through my career as it is. I was never this organized nor was I this professional, it took lots of overtime with Maimi and Saki staying behind even when they didn’t need to teaching me what their requirements are and how to meet their requirements”

“How long have you guys been living together?”

“We started living together a couple of years ago, Maimi and Saki knew that I lived on my own and Reina and Eri lived together so they suggested that we move in with them. There are plenty of benefits with this arrangement so I can’t complain”


“We can use any of their cars and vehicles, they have a gym, pool, golf course so I don’t have to pay for club fees if I wanted to keep in shape and they aren’t like parents wondering where you are or who I’m with or whatever, they give us space to do as we feel like however they do have one stimpulation”

Risa smiled at how Ai was describing the relationships she has with her housemates “And that would be?”

“We share in the chores, something Reina and Eri totally detests”

“I think there is someone that will know exactly how they are feeling”


“Miya, she hates doing the chores too, you should see her room. I can’t imagine how she can find anything in there but she does, go figure. Is Shimizu-san like that too?”

“No, Saki and Maimi are like the parents of the family, she is more organized, easy-going, absolutely cute outside the office”

“It makes me wonder how Miya managed to attract Shimizu-san” Risa chuckled imagining a pigsty Miyabi with a clean and groomed Saki

When the laughter died down, Risa got up and walked over to Ai’s side “May I have this dance?” as she stretched her hand out for Ai to hold

Ai blushed but obliged as she put her hand in Risa’s, feeling lightheaded and as if electricity was flowing through. Risa led Ai to the dance floor where she wrapped her arm around Ai’s waist and put up her hand for Ai to hold. Ai placed one hand on Risa’s shoulder and took hold of Risa’s free hand as they began to waltz. Neither party took their eyes away from their partner as they swayed left and right to the music, which soon became no existent as their surroundings were covered in white with just the two of them dancing on clouds.

Date: March 20
Time: 8:00 pm


I stretched as I was finishing up the report hoping to finish before I met with Natsuyaki-san. I glanced at the clock and it was 8:00 as I continued to type one more paragraph. I know I was to meet her at 8 but hey I like making her impatient, its cute seeing her squirm and besides I AM SHIMIZU SAKI of the Yajima & Shimizu empire, I’ll let her wait a bit more. I chuckled at how evil I can be at times but what can I say? I did grow up in the cruel business world. I finished the last paragraph in 10 minutes before logging off and grabbing my things. I made my way down and saw her waiting outside with her hands behind her back, leaning slightly on a Mercedes S2000.

Just as I reach her she presented me with a bouquet of flowers, I was astonished to say the least, never knew she had it in her “Thank you” I took a whiff of the flowers and I could feel my cheeks warming up

“Pretty flowers for a pretty girl” Natsuyaki-san opened the door for me to get in

“Thank you” I replied quietly, my heart was beating pretty quickly which was unusual because I never thought I would feel this way with someone I hardly knew. Maimi always labelled me as a flirt so I guess I would never be affected so easily by the simple gestures.

As Natsuyaki-san went around to the driver’s side, I tried to control my blushing and my heart beat. She smiled at me and I felt like I was going to melt ‘What is this??? Stop it!!! Keep your cool like you always do!!!!’ I couldn’t help but mentally scold myself which I think worked because I went back to normal. “So where are we heading to?” I returned her smile with a killer smile of my own and I think it hit her because I swear I see a blush forming

“Er…I…I was thinking about Italian, is that okay with you?” ‘Bingo!!! Romantic aren’t we?’

“Sure that sounds good”

We drove in silence for a bit before Natsuyaki-san decided to put on some music, it turned out to be Buono songs in which I think she thought I wouldn’t like because she frantically turned it to the radio instead. Seeing her jittery, I giggled “Natsuyaki-san it’s okay Buono songs are okay too”

“Er…S-sorry. Shimizu-san, er…um…you can call me by my given name Miyabi…um…Natsuyaki-san has too many syllables”

‘I’m sure THAT’S the reason, but I’ll play along’
I grinned “Well if we are getting rid of formalities, Saki for me” ‘This is going to be a good night’
Date: March 20
Time: 9:34 pm

Reina woke up lazily, as she rubbed her eyes, she suddenly felt an arm wrap around her body. She turned to the occupant beside her in her bed, smiling as she saw Eri still sleeping. Reina turned around slowly as to not wake Eri up and faced Eri fully now. She felt a chill at her behind side as she recalled that they were still naked under the blankets ‘Ahhhh~ This is the life!!! Two out of three have started going on dates leaving the house to ourselves, now to find out what Maimi’s type is then…yes~~~~ No more nagging at us and their attention wouldn’t be on my baby and I anymore hehehe’

“You know it’s a bit creepy seeing you grin like that…seems almost evil” Reina napped out of her thoughts and looked at Eri whose eyes weren’t even open

“Sorry babe, did I wake you up?” Reina kissed Eri on the forehead and then hugged Eri tighter into her embrace

“What were you thinking anyways?” Eri opened her eyes and rubbed them “Samui!!! It’s cold!!!”

Reina giggled “Of course babe…um…unless you forgotten about what we did after coming home, you are naked under there”

Eri looked under the blankets and saw Reina naked “That’s right!!!!” causing Reina to giggle some more

“You know I can get use to this…coming home after work and just stripping you down”

“Mou, Rei, don’t say it like that…it sounds so…so perverted” Eri whacked Reina lightly on her side

“Awww come on babe, don’t say you don’t enjoy this nor…” Reina got up and on top of Eri “did you enjoy our last 2 rounds without having someone at home” Reina dove in to kiss Eri around the collar area, something she knew would cause Eri to moan

“Rei…” Eri gasped out “we should get up” Eri pushed Reina off her lightly “we haven’t eaten yet and I am getting hungry…the needing-food hungry”

Reina huffed “Fine, let’s go hit the showers then go out ot eat okay?”

“You’re the best!” Eri squealed then gave Reina a peck on the lips “We…we…we could take a bath together if that’ll make you happy”

Reina’s eyes lit up “DEAL!!!!” as she got up and ran to the bathroom to start the bath

Eri couldn’t help but chuckle at Reina’s actions as she, herself got up and put on her bathrobe before heading to their closet to find their towels

“Babe, can you grab my bathrobe too!!!” Eri heard Reina holler out

After a good shower/bath, with another round, Reina and Eri got dressed ready to head out “What do you feel like eating?” Reina asked as she was putting on her makeup

“Hmmmm….I feel like….hmmmm….” Eri placed her fingers up to her chin in deep thought

Reina took her glance away from the mirror and looked at Eri thinking ‘How absolutely cute!!!! It’s no wonder I love this woman!!!’ “Thinking time is up!”


“You heard me, if you can’t decide then we’ll let the fates decide for us, we can walk around our favourite club area and we’ll just choose something” Reina turned back facing the mirror and through the mirror she can see a slight pout on Eri’s face “Look on the bright side hun, at least we’ll be partying after” Reina made sure that Eri was fine with the arrangements before finishing up her make up.

Date: March 20
Time: 10:00 pm

Maimi walked around aimlessly after grabbing a quick dinner at a café, she was too lazy to go home and make something so she stuck around the office and continued to work. After finishing her meal, Maimi was going to go back to work but decided to take a stroll first before staring at her computer screen for god knows how long. As she was walking she entered the local pub area where there were at least 5 or 6 pubs all around each other. Thinking back at her work load she decided against having a drink and was going to turn around and leave when someone bumped into her

“*HIC* Watch where *HIC* ya goin!” The person’s head was down, a little shorter than Maimi and was trying to gain some sort of balance as she shuffled from left to right

‘How rude!! Stupid drunk! I’ll should teach you a lesson’
thought Maimi as she brushed off her clothes checking if there were any dirt stains ‘I get any dirty fingerprints and you’ll get my dry-cleaning bills’

The person all of a sudden grabbed Maimi’s hand “Come *HIC* drink with me” Maimi clenched her fist and tried to pull away, prying her hand free but the grip was tightened

“Er…no I don’t want to have a drink, especially not with strangers…drunk strangers”

“*HIC* Am I not *HIC* good enough? *HIC* is that it? *HIC*” The person lifted her face and Maimi cried out

“Suzuki-san!!!! Daijoubu?” Maimi’s fists loosened up and held Airi by the arms to keep her from swaying

“Am *HIC* I not good enough? *HIC* Is that why *HIC* you choose her *HIC*?” Airi was yelling at Maimi with her eyes semi-closed

‘She must be having issues with her girlfriend’ “Suzuki-san let’s get you home okay? Did you drive?” Maimi was guiding Airi to the parking lot but Airi pulled herself away

“*HIC* Answer me!!!! Why *HIC* did you cheat on me *HIC*?!” People started looking in their direction at Airi’s outburst

“Suzuki-san, I think it’s time for you to go home, should I call your girlfriend or Niigaki-san?”

“I don’t want to go *HIC* home! I want to *HIC* drink!” Airi started wandering to a random direction as people watched her go by, bumping into some of them

Maimi walked up to her, apologizing for Airi’s behaviour “Suzuki-san I think you’ve had enough to drink. I’m going to call Niigaki-san…” Airi all of a sudden waved her arms causing Maimi to drop her phone. As she was about to pick it up, she realized Airi was about to walk across the street with a car approaching fast. Maimi quickly pulled Airi out of the way onto the ground but watched as her phone got flattened by the same car ‘Great! Just great! I just got that phone too’

“Hai~~ *HIC* hahaha that was fun!” Airi was giggling uncontrollably as Maimi looked at her with a raised eyebrow

Swiftly Maimi picked Airi up by the arms “Suzuki-san, where do you live? Better yet, give me your phone and keys”

Airi put her hands on her pockets and patted around then put her hands in a ‘why’ gesture “No phone hehehe *HIC*” and then grinned “Say you’re kinda cute, what’s your name?” Airi stumbled closer to Maimi

Maimi stretched her arms out to Airi’s shoulder to stop her from advancing “Suzuki-san! It’s me Yajima Maimi!”

“Maimi? *HIC* Maimi’s a nice name, so *HIC* Maimi wanna go for a *HIC* ride?” Airi grinned as she pulled out keys from her jacket pocket and dangled them in front of Maimi. Maimi grabbed the keys causing Airi to pout “*HIC* Hey! Those…*HIC* those are…” Airi put one hand over her mouth

‘Oh no you don’t, not on me’ Maimi quickly turned Airi around and let her spew ‘Ewww…gross!!!’ Maimi scrunched up her face in disgust. With her face turned slightly away, she brushed Airi’s back with one hand and held up loose strands of hair away from the face as Airi continued puking. Right before Airi collapsed, Maimi held out an arm around Airi’s waist and tugged her closer to Maimi

‘Now what do I do? I don’t know where she lives, I can’t call anyone and I definitely don’t want to leave her here. I guess there is only one thing to do…I’m taking her to the office. I can’t take her home with me, that’ll give the others wrong impressions’ Maimi took the keys and started pressing it to find Airi’s car. It took her 10 minutes before finally finding it as she used on arm to hold onto a falling Airi and searching for the missing car. Once Maimi found the car, she picked up Airi, bridal style, and headed towards her desired transportation. Airi seemed to have passed out by now so it was a little more easier getting her to the car. Slowly Maimi shifted Airi so that she was standing, leaning on Maimi’s arm, as Maimi opened the door and lifted Airi into the passenger seat, being careful not to bump her head, although tempting, and helped her buckle up. She then quickly got into the driver side and headed towards her office building

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 17 - 02/28
« Reply #76 on: March 02, 2010, 04:18:20 PM »
@ Chloe: you're comment makes me feel like you don't believe I don't have a natural grin of ebilness and you are just saying that  :mon suspect:
Nah, it's just your imagination   :glasses:

I think you're doing it okay. Your captain gives different impression, she's forward, took initiative with Miya, and being flirty with her. So yeah I think she can pull it off, if that's what you meant.

Other than the two I've said before, the others still vague to me (even I'm not that sure with those two). But if i have other guesses before you reveal who they are, I'll PM you.

I did mention that there is a possibility that there are more than one parties in this fic didn't I?
I don’t remember  :nervous but I just thought the only other party is Gen’s team.

I love watching the stars in the sky, however my parents have banned me from going to the roof.  Not just them but my friends too but that's something that we don't have to go in detail right now.
Funny, when I told one friend about it, she totally banned me too saying that it was dangerous  :lol:

“Because your Mercedes S2000 is more classier, something more suitable for Shimizu-san”
So Miya thinks Saki is a classy lady?

And Airi was actually being a great girlfriend, yet Risako cheated with Aika. Talk about irony indeed  :mon exhaust:
 :bigdeal: means there’s a chance for YajiSuzu!!  :hiakhiakhiak:

I gave her my number hoping that Takahashi-san would get it.
That’s her intention? Man, poor Maimi.

As you weren’t looking I took a tissue and wiped my nose to make sure I didn’t have a nosebleed.

Prince charming Gaki  :cow:

Some see it as her not caring enough if they didn’t know her
I think it’s because Maimi never talks/shows about her kindness so people tends to misunderstand her.

I chuckled at how evil I can be at times but what can I say? I did grow up in the cruel business world.
Still ebil  XD

“Pretty flowers for a pretty girl”
Though not exactly the same this line bring back memories...

TakaGaki date is romantic, MiySaki date is rather funny but cute.

“You know it’s a bit creepy seeing you grin like that…seems almost evil”
Natural grin of evil  :lol:

Ah, TanaKamei...  :mon inluv:  I miss them LOL

‘How absolutely cute!!!! It’s no wonder I love this woman!!!’

 :w00t:  YajiSuzu!!  XD
« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 04:23:58 PM by pretend_2besome1 »

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 17 - 02/28
« Reply #77 on: March 03, 2010, 03:19:17 PM »
There is another party other than Gen's party, if I didn't mention it before gomen gomen.

I don't know why people ban us from rooftops, I mean it's an amazing feeling when you are up there  :smhid

Me thinks you are being too obvious about the YajiSuzu combo  :lol:

How you still manage to link the natural grin of ebilness is soo adorable  :wub:

Chapter 18

Date: March 21
Time: 6:21 am

The next morning Airi woke up from the rays of the sun as she covered her eyes with her hand, squinting her eyes, trying to recall the prior night’s event.  The minute she sat up her head hurt like hell as she quickly fell back down.

“I wouldn’t get up so quickly if I were you” Airi slowly opened her eyes and looked around at her surroundings to find the owner of the voice.  She spotted Maimi typing away at her computer, not looking in her direction.

“Argh!!! Y-Yajima-san?! W-Where am I?  W-what happened?”  Airi slowly got up in a sitting position, hands on her throbbing head, and noticing that she had been sleeping on a comfy couch.

Maimi took her gaze away from her computer screen and pulled a bottle out of her drawers.  She then left the room leaving Airi to adjust to waking up with a hangover.  When Maimi returned she was holding a mug and set the mug and the bottle of pills in front of Airi “Here this will help the headache for now” as Maimi left the room again

Slowly Airi checked the bottle of pills before unscrewing the cap.  She took 2 and gulped it down with water.  Throughout this time, Airi had decided to close her eyes again to reduce the pain she was feeling in her head.  When she opened them again, there was a wash cloth in front of her

Airi looked up to see Maimi smiling and holding out the cloth ‘Total change from before when she was working.  It was all serious but now when she’s smiling, she looks…friendly and warm’ slowly Airi reached up a hand to the cloth “Thank you”

“No problem, do you need anything else? My washroom is just to the right”

“Thank you” Airi got up and wobbled a bit but luckily Maimi held her up and helped her walk to the washroom

When Airi was freshened up she walked out to see Maimi’s serious face, tapping away on her keyboard once again “There’s some fod over there, its for you” Maimi stated without looking away from her screen.  Airi diverted her gaze to the coffee table and sure enough she found a cup of coffee and omelette rice on a plate.  She quietly walked over and started eating ‘This is good…really good’ “Is your headache gone now?”

Airi looked up “Yeah its gone…er…Yajima-san…how did I end up here?”

“You had an eventful night I think.  When I found you, you were already drunk and I couldn’t find your phone, I forgot mine so I took you back here”

“Sou desu ka?” Airi tried to recall what happened last night ‘I remember now.  I saw…Rii-chan with Aika-chan…I was upset so I went drinking.  It was a blur after my tenth or fifteenth drink but I recall…’

Airi Flashback

‘Why did you do this to me Rii-chan?  Why?’ I flailed my arms to the sky, knocking into something and then from a distance I thought I saw Rii-chan as I tried to walk towards her.  Then a force pushed me to the ground, through heavy eyelids I saw the person looking at something as I tried to focus.  I finally got my eyes to focus and saw that the person’s phone was flattened, I laughed out loud “Itai~ hahaha that was fun”

End of Flashback

‘Eh~ could that be Yajima-san?! If so doesn’t that mean that her phone got flattened because of me?’ Airi recalled more of last nights event and was quickly reminded that she had tried to hit on Maimi and had made herself look like a fool from puking

“Are you okay to drive?” Airi’s thoughts were broken by Maimi’s question

“Er…yeah…I think”

“Do you know what?  I’ve just thought of something…do you want to join me in a run?”

Airi looked at Maimi confused, a look that maintained on her face for at least 20 minutes as she aimlessly changed and was ready to follow Maimi.  The duo ran for about an hour before Maimi stopped and bought them both water.

“Kimochi~!!!”  Maimi exclaimed after drinking some water and then she turned to look at Airi “Suzuki-san, I hope that cleared up your mind.  I don’t know what exactly is going on but please remember its not the end of the world”

“You…you know don’t you?” Airi looked away embarrassed

“You kind of said things while you were drunk” smiled Maimi as she took another gulp of water

“Rii-chan cheated on me and…and I…didn’t know what to do…so I…so I wanted to forget…” Airi tried to explain but she didn’t know how nor did she know why

“Drinking yourself silly won’t do anything you know” Airi looked up at Maimi looking out to the open air “All you will do is forget for the moment but what happens when you wake up? All of it will be rushing out once again, all you’ve done was run away in denial of your problems”  Airi thought about it and she knew Maimi was right, but the difference is that she didn’t feel as hurt as she did the day before.  She looked at Maimi to see Maimi looking back at her, smiling “So things didn’t work out, no big deal, you’re still young, you’ll find someone worth your time” Airi nodded in agreement “Well I assume you know what you want to do and should do so I should be off”  Maimi stood up and stretched

“EH~?  Off where?”

“I’ve got work to do and since you’re feeling better I can finally get back to it” Maimi walked off leaving Airi

“Don’t work too hard!” shouted Airi after the retreating figure ‘Thank you for all your patience and time, now I’ve got to look for Rii-chan *sniff sniff* after I wash up’
Date: March 21
Time: 8:06 am

“Airin!!!! Where were you last night?  I tried calling you but no answer”  Risa started questioning the minute Airi opened the door

“Ane, gomene…I had a rough night” Airi apologized as soon as she saw the blankets on the sofa “I left my phone in my car that Miya borrowed, did you sleep on the couch waiting for me? You didn’t have to, I am more grown up now, I can take care of myself”

“I know that Airin, but I guess old habits never go away.  Is everything okay? It’s not like you to not call me even if you weren’t coming home”

“*Huff* I guess telling you now is better than for you to worry but I…I got drunk last night…I…I …I found Rii-chan with someone else”

“Oh my god Airin” Risa hugged Airi in a bear hug “are you okay?”

“Yeah I am…I got help from Yajima-san, she found me last night and brought me back to her office”

Risa pulled away “Yajima-san?! So I assume that’s whose clothes you’re wearing now…are…are you guys…did you guys…?”

Airi looked at her clothes ‘Oh crap I left my clothes at her office’ Airi slapped her forehead as Risa looked at her oddly “No no no ane, nothing happened, I slept on her couch as she worked, she took me out for a run to clear my mind this morning, so that’s why I have her clothes on.  I was so relieved that I forgot my own clothes at her office”

“That’s nice of her” Risa and Airi spun to find Miyabi rubbing her eyes

“EH~ Miya how long have you been standing there?”

“Right after your freaking out Risa-oneesan, right at the part about Risako-chan cheating”

Risa glared at Miyabi a bit before turning towards Airi again “So what are you going to do Airin?”

“I’m going to confront Rii-chan, there is no point in pretending I don’t know and hanging onto a relationship that isn’t there anymore”

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

Airi stretched and thought about what Maimi said to her, smiling slightly “Yeah, everything will be fine”

Risa patted Airi on the head “If you need to talk, we’ll be here.  Well I’m going to make breakfast and Miya, don’t you dare go back to bed” Risa warned as she walked off without looking at Miyabi who had begun to sneak back into her room

“Awww” huffed Miyabi “come on, I wouldn’t have woken if you weren’t so loud Risa-oneesan” Miyabi looked at Airi for help who shrugged her shoulders in response “Fine fine, I’ll go get ready then.  Airin are you going to work first?”

“I’ll be in later, I want to get this off my chest so let me get freshened up first” as she walked to the bathroom

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 18 - 03/03
« Reply #78 on: March 03, 2010, 05:11:19 PM »
There is another party other than Gen's party, if I didn't mention it before gomen gomen.
It's okay, more like a surprise that way.

I don't know why people ban us from rooftops, I mean it's an amazing feeling when you are up there  :smhid
:farofflook:  Someone who understands.

Me thinks you are being too obvious about the YajiSuzu combo  :lol:
I know, but please blame it on them for looking oh so great together  XD

After your comment seeing the word evil+grin in one sentence I can't help but think natural grin of ebilness  :lol:

It was all serious but now when she’s smiling, she looks…friendly and warm
Sweet, isn’t she?  :D

“Drinking yourself silly won’t do anything you know” Airi looked up at Maimi looking out to the open air “All you will do is forget for the moment but what happens when you wake up? All of it will be rushing out once again, all you’ve done was run away in denial of your problems”
Double  :yep:

Airi apologized as soon as she saw the blankets on the sofa
I love it when people notice small things, Airi realized Risa was waiting for her  :)

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 18 - 03/03
« Reply #79 on: March 05, 2010, 06:10:55 PM »
 :lol: I don't think I should tell you when I grin anymore

Totally agree that Maimi and Airi look oh-so-great together, but it was funny I was looking at the Sports Festival 2006 where Chinami was giving a pep talk to Maimi and when they had the Berryz vs C-ute concert, there was a picture of Chi and Maimi together too and they seem to match as well.  Then there is the Maimi and Saki together gads!!!! Maimi matches practically anyone  :lol:

Chapter 19

Date: March 21
Time: 8:41 am

Airi waited patiently in her car parked in front of Risako’s office building, she knew that Risako had a tendency of arriving to work early, at least 15 minutes early. ‘Will I actually be okay when I see her?’ she remembered what Maimi told her

“Letting go may be a way out for everyone.  Yes it hurts now but if it really was meant to be, it’ll come back to you and if it doesn’t then why not pursue another?  Give yourself a chance.  Time can be a marvellous thing, it can heal sometimes, and even if you don’t believe in it, then the question is, do you want them to be happy?  Letting go may mean that your loved one is happy and if so what would you choose?  Trust me, it can hurt now but in the long run, it may be something that’ll be worth it all”

‘She’s right, I’ll never know unless I let her go, maybe she will be happier with Aika-cahn, maybe Aika-chan will give her the time and attention she needs, better than I can’   Just at that moment, she spotted Risako getting off her bus.  Airi got out of her car and walked over to Risako

As soon as Risako realized Airi was in front of her, she smiled and rushed up to give Airi a hug but Airi stopped her “Rii-chan we’ve got to talk” Airi turned and led her to her car, opening it for Risako to get in

“What’s wrong?” Risako asked as soon as Airi got into the driver’s side

“Rii-chan…I saw you yesterday…with Aika-chan” Airi watched as Risako’s smile slowly faded

“Airin…I’m sorry…but you just weren’t there for me…and…and Aikachi was…was around…and…and we started developing feelings for each other…” Risako’s eyes brimmed with tears threatening to escape

“I know Rii-chan, and I’m not upset” Airi lied “I know that I couldn’t keep my dates with you and maybe I’m not the one for you and I know feelings are hard to ignore….I…I just wished you could’ve talked to me as opposed to having me find out this way”

“I’m *sniff* sorry *sniff* Airin. *sniff* I did *sniff* intend to talk to you *sniff* I didn’t want *sniff* to hurt you. *sniff* Honestly *sniff* I didn’t” Risako looked at her feet unable to bring herself to look at Airi, using her hands to wipe away her tears

Airi lifted Risako’s face to look at her and took out a handkerchief, wiping Risako’s tears “I am hurt Rii-chan, I can’t deny it but I also care about you enough to make a decision for both of us.  I hope you have found real happiness with Aika-chan”

“*sniff* I’m really sorry *sniff* What can I do for you? *sniff*”

“You can repay me by living a happy life with Aika-chan and always remember that I am here for you so if Aika-chan treats you wrong, I’ll kick the beejabbers out of her for you” Airi smiled causing Risako to chuckle

“I will and…*sniff* thank you.  We…*sniff* we are still friends right?”

“Of course otherwise why would I offer to beat Aika-chan up?” laughed Airi causing Risako to join in the laughter “Anyways I think you should redo your makeup, wouldn’t want you scaring Aika-chan off with one look”

Risako chuckled and lightly punched Airi “Mou, Airin, just a moment ago you were saying you’ll beat Aikachi up if she bullies me and here you are bullying me”

“Haha well don’t let your prince wait any longer or she’ll have to fire you”  Risako looked at Airi in confusion, so Airi directed to outside with her head where Aika was standing waiting with a guilty look “Tell Aika-chan, that I’m not angry at her, that I’m thankful she was around when I wasn’t there for you”


~RING RING~ “Moshi moshi Mitsui Aika”

“A…Aika-chan?” Aika immediately recognized the voice and could feel guilt, although Airi didn’t know about Risako and herself, everytime she sees Airi, she puts on a smile but guilt was making it hard for her to breathe

“Airi? How can I help you?”

“I…I…I know”

Fear rushed through Aika “Um…what are you referring to?”

“I know about Rii-chan and you”

Aika broke out in cold sweat and fear “Listen Airi, it’s not what you think.  I mean…it is what you think…I mean it wasn’t intentional…I mean…”

“Calm down Aika, I just wanted to know how and why” from the sound of Airi’s voice, Aika’s guilt grew even more but she knew it couldn’t be hidden forever

Deciding it was best not to lie about it, Aika drew in a couple of deep breaths before responding “Rii-chan was feeling sad sometime way back and it was becoming consistent, so at the time, as a friend I asked about it.  She told me that you have broken another one of your dates with her and she was upset, crying even.  I didn’t know what to do in these situations so I did the only thing that came into my mind, take her mind off the date.  We went for dinner and talked about different things and it was always this way when I found her upset.  I didn’t know when my feelings for her grew but when I did…I tried to stay away from her, honestly I did.  Rii-chan noticed me keeping my distance from her, I didn’t pick up her calls, I didn’t talk to her unless it is for work, but I found out that it hurt her even more.  Airi, I’m sorry, really I am…don’t blame Rii-chan, it’s all my fault”

“Don’t…worry” Aika could hear the tremble in Airi’s voice trying to keep a strong front “I…I don’t blame…anyone but myself.  I…I wasn’t there for Rii…Risako-chan.  I can’t…I can’t blame anyone by myself for not putting her feelings into consideration”

“Airi…” Aika didn’t know how to soothe the girl

“Come meet me 10 minutes before 9, you’ve seen my car before right?”

“Er…yeah” Aika was clearly confused ‘Is she going to beat me up? Or maybe worse shoot me? Naw, the Airi I know is not that unreasonable, but then again love can make people go crazy.  Stop it Aika, Airi isn’t that type of person’

End of Flashback

Risako beamed at Aika and then turned to Airi giving her a bear hug “Thank you once again” before stepping out of Airi’s car and running up to Aika

Airi watched as Aika waved at her and mouthed the words “Sorry and thank you” before taking Risako’s hand and walking into the building.  Airi let out a relieved sigh before turning on the engine ‘Goodbye Risako, wish you the best of luck and remember that I love you’
Date: March 21
Time: 9:21 am

~KNOCK KNOCK~ “Didn’t catch you at home, were you here all night?” Saki walked straight into Maimi’s office to check if she was there

Maimi looked up from her file “Yeah, had some things to do and didn’t realize the time”

“I kinda figured so I brought you breakfast” Saki pulled her hand from behind her to produce a packed lunchbox

“Thanks Saki! Now that you mention it, I am kinda hungry” Maimi placed a hand over her stomache and rubbed it slightly

“You’re such a workaholic Maimi, sometimes I worry about you and how you’re body can possibly sustain such a lifestyle”

“Don’t worry Saki, I’m tough as nails” Maimi flexed her muscles

“You’re weird Maimi”

“Weird but you love me so who’s more weirder?” laughed Maimi

“Yeah yeah laugh it up see if I bring you food next time” which Maimi automatically shut up and took the food from Saki quietly

Saki turned to leave but noticed a set of clothes on Maimi’s couch which didn’t look like Maimi’s nor did it seem like Maimi’s size. “Say Maimi who’s clothing is that? Did you move on already? You weren’t working all night you liar!!!”

Maimi looked up chewing, she held up her hand indicating for Saki to wait “I met a friend who was drunk last night and my phone got run over by a car so I couldn’t contact anyone..  I had things to do but didn’t want to leave her out in the streets so I brought her back here.  I can’t have her wearing what they wore the night before so I lent them some of my workout clothes.  I guess they left those here” Maimi explained before going back to her food

Saki looked at Maimi with a raised eyebrow in which Maimi caught “What?” Saki didn’t say anything and just smirked as she strolled out of Maimi’s office “What?”

JPHiP Radio (16/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Mass of the Fermenting Dregs - Skabetty