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Author Topic: [2010.07.01] AKB48 Official Guest of Honor of Anime Expo 2010 (GIRLS ANNOUNCED!)  (Read 61342 times)

Offline Sayange

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Thanx for the review, Data. Finally a decent review! I've been checking every board and all i get is crap XD

Sae eating Sayaka. Damn, I missed it. :banghead: Killing your bandwidth with hotness since 2007
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^^You're right. It doesn't get more awesome than that~ :on cny2:

And thanks for the great review! :heart:

Offline boykun

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Fuckin tired. Didn't get autographs, but got a fuckton of pictures from the session.

Took a pic of this baller security dude, but Mocchi got in the way

Others later.

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OMGASS fucking looked right into the camera. I bet me and tenkei could fuck him up tho!

Great reports Data and boy! Rest up guys, ya making us so proud!! :jphip:

shit my fan level for AKB goes up at how friendly they were to everyone of ya, no matter where they were. FUCKIN SAYAKA IS THE SEX!!! :fap

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Thanks you guys for the pics and reviews! Sounded like a blast  :twothumbs

Offline reina's eyes

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That's my concise and comprehensive concert review for now. :)

The experience left me with a bulge in my pocket. Well, actually, it left me with an iphone4 recording of the concert in my pocket, offered here in quicktime format…

Enjoy everyone!
« Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 10:31:12 AM by reina's eyes »

Offline Melchizadek

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Wow, Datalanche, I think that's the best review I've ever read.  :thumbsup

I'm glad you really enjoyed it, but I'm also extremely jealous.  :cry:

Oh, and happy (late) birthday.

Offline boykun

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Hello guys~ updating.

AKB48 panel just ended. Not all the girls were there. Apparently half of them left this morning because of busy schedules and whatnot. The girls who attended the panel were:

Akimoto Sayaka
Kuramochi Asuka
Nito Moeno
Fujie Reina
Maeda Ami
Kitahara Rie
Takajo Aki
Sashihara Rino

Sasshi was so cute she yelled out stuff and was energetic. They showed some video clips and went straight to the Q&A. People got some decent questions in, but the more involved ones were mostly answered by one of their producers. Makino I think was his name? I'll need to compile all the videos I took of the questions, but I missed the first few lol.

AX people screwed over fans again, there were no autograph tickets handed out after the panel like everyone thought. tenkei is over at the line right now and he's saying it is disgusting. So it'll probably be the same girls at the panel and yesterday's autograph session. Kind of unfortunate, since most people thought the girls will rotate and today's session will have the other 8 that weren't at yesterday's session. So much for wishing Itano a happy birthday, lol.

« Last Edit: July 03, 2010, 12:18:45 AM by boykun »

Offline boykun

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Double post :thumbup

Home now. AKB48 stuffs at AX is over. Whooo long day running back and forth through the whole con. Didn't get autographs again -_- but its allright. I got to take pictures and video at the second autograph session. AND I got video of this, which I am really happy for :lol:

Mayuge booo~n

Offline cool_kickin_dude

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well, here's my experience of the concert..I'm trying to remember everything, so bear with me.

Got to the Nokia theater around 3 and waited to get in. Actually got a ticket in the center of the row so I could watch all of the girls. I have to be honest, for a AKB newbie who didn't know any of the girls, much less any of the songs, this was one of the best concerts I've ever seen(course, I've been to very few concerts in my life).

The concert lasted a good two hours, with the songlist and the MC's. The more I listened, the more I became a fan of the girls already.(Course, around day zero, I listened to their songs on someone's iPod while in line for the doors to open up). After the show, all of us made a dash to the autograph session. I felt like I was running out of breath and near sick as I made it. Got a good place in line as we waited for another 15-20 minutes for them to show, only to realize they were in the autograh room after all tha time. When I went in, they were playing the 100 Setlist concert on the big screen.

First one I saw was Sayaka, she was so beautiful with her long hair. Then Asuka signed her with big hearts. :P Rie signed her with a Valentine with her name inside. Then, Aki signed hers. She stopped and looked at me and pointed at her chin. I think she was looking at mine. My first thought was almost like Charmy's chin or I had a chin like hers. I pointed at her chin and she pointed at mine saying, "Kawaii!Kawaii!Kawaii!" as I went to the next one.

The person in front of me was speaking Japanese to the girls and the staff was trying to get him away so I could have a chance to have my CD book signed. Reina signed a flower with hers, although I couldn't understand what she was saying to me amidst the talking and the big screen playing.

This next one really was a great moment. When I get to Rino, she saw my shirt and said, "Hangry and Angry? I love them!" That made my moment right there. We talked a little bit about them, even with Rika and Yossie. She signed it, even putting Hangry and Angry in kanji :) I think I like her already because of that. Then I got Ami to sign her autograph and left the hall.

I felt like I was completely walking on air that night. In fact, the memories of meeting them are still being played in my head, if even slower. I went to the Yoshiki charity even after that completely drained and nearly fallen asleep. However, not before I saw Yoshiki and Naoto before leaving. Too bad I missed Stan Lee, no worries though.

Next: Another autograph? Tenkei shoots my promo to the Hipsters and a girl that looks like...AI-CHAN!? Stay tuned :P

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Sasshi wins with 48,000,000,000,000 points. :wub:

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AND I got video of this, which I am really happy for :lol:

Mayuge booo~n
Holy shit epic! :w00t:


Offline Datalanche

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Thank you everyone for the nice comments and birthday wishes. :heart: Also thank you to everyone else who is contributing! I'll be sure to click the thank you buttons when I get back home. The internet here at the Wilshire Grand is ass and I'm having a hard time getting certain things to load. Also, I'm really sorry that I've had no pictures to share. They changed the policy for the opening ceremonies at the last minute so I left it at the hotel then, and every other event has allowed photography to press people only. No worries, boykun and tenkei have brought some of the absolute best photos of the events that I've seen. :thumbsup

Today was the last day of AKB48 activity here at the con. I headed off to the con in the morning and got there a bit before 10:00AM. Indeed, they are clearing out the Petree Hall between events. I was happy to see that because last year it was difficult to get a good seat with people camping the previous panel, sometimes even multiple ones. This made the playing field kinda fair. With the panel two and a half hours away we had some waiting to do. The line for the panel was already huge. I passed the time by listening to my iPod. Again, just like on the flight there, the damn thing kept picking SKE48 songs. :rofl: We were waiting outside but again, under some shade. I seriously appreciate Anime Expo's efforts to try their best to keep us out of the sun this year. It's so awesome to come back to the hotel unburned. Boy am I getting a nice tan though. :lol:  The panel itself was awesome. It started off with some good news for me: they would be accepting gifts at the end of the panel, so they received my post cards from Texas. AWESOME!!! Then we got the usual warning about recording, etc. I was in the fifth or sixth row to the right of the walkway with the microphone. I was right in front of Sayaka, and she was SO cool. She waved back to everyone who waved at her throughout the panel and was all smiles. The panel started about ten minutes late, but it was still awesome. The questions were decent. They did a good job of scaring away people with personal or specific girl questions. The only exception was a Japanese woman from Germany who did not let the mic go. There were also a few questions that were not answered well or at all. Someone tried to ask a funny question, something like "Would you rather collaborate with Idoling again or do the pie game?" Their handler/manager took over and gave a speech about how they want to collaborate with other groups but there is no plans yet and they want to branch out. Everyone was pretty confused as to why it was handled that way, but I bet that members are not allowed to answer anything even remotely personal. The questions and answers were very typical but it was cool to see. I spent most of my time having a good look at all the members. Ange, I need lessons from you. :lol: Sayaka's been a major point gainer in this trip. She's always been pretty hawt to me, no doubt, but seeing in her in person, amplify it by a billion. She's just gorgeous, flawless, stunning, breath taking. I was genuinely in awe. :lol: In addition to that though, the real reason she gained major points with me was with how kind and caring of us she was. She was looking every second for ways to acknowledge us and give us a little fan service. MAJOR props! Rie was next to her. Her face is smaller than I expected but she's gorgeous and seemed really interested in us. Sasshi was nothing short of brilliant as well. She was SO interactive as people have said. She was constantly yelling out things to us and starting chaos. When someone mentioned Enkyori Poster, she started yelling "TEAM YJ! YJ! YAY!" :lol: I loved it. I also loved that she got the "What does being an idol mean to you?" Her answer of "I love cute idols too and I want everyone to love me" was awesome. Also, the panel was done so that every member got to answer a question. They simply went down the line as each question was asked unless the manager chose to answer it for them. Overall, it was a lot of fun. The panel ended with the MC guy announcing there would be no autograph tickets. A lot of people sighed at that. Some had been waiting there since early morning just for that. So, AKB left after much waving. I went to the front with my friend and gave the MC my gifts, thanking him profusely. I'm so thrilled they'll get my cards, you have no idea.

We then went off to the autograph session. We were a bit past the middle of the huge line. The same members at the panel were at the signing. Again, the signing started about 25 minutes late and ended on time. >_> I almost wonder if it was done on purpose since AKB48 doesn't really do signings much. They seemed very interested in stopping the bustling line multiple times for filming. In any case, we stayed in line for most of it. In the end, we got no autograph once again. Naturally I wanted one, but I am not disappointed one bit. It was still awesome. As we were in line, someone with a jphip sticker was filming, so I yelled out "jphip rules!" and it turned out to be tenkei. He talked to me for a bit and I gave a short message. So I guess if he uploads some video of a geeky looking, tired looking guy who's in total fanboy mode, that's me yo. :P He gave me a jphip sticker which I'll pimp for the rest of the con (or until it gives out :lol: ). :thumbup After that, the line started moving VERY slowly. Eventually, we got to a curve close to the tables. We got an AMAZING view of Sayaka and Akicha. Again, Sayaka was nothing but great to us. When she had a free moment, she looked and waved right to me and others in the area. She was awesome. That was when I got a good look at her and her flawlessness. Akicha was next to her, and she's a royal stunner as well. Nice thighs and a pretty face.  :twothumbs Also got to see some of Reina, and a few glimpses of Ami. As we bailed out of the line, I caught some of Sasshi towards the front, and she seemed to be VERY interactive once again. So, while it was disappointing that I didn't get to get something signed or interact with them personally, I still consider the event a success for me. I got within five feet of them, had some interaction, and most importantly, had fun. Thanks girls. You're awesome. :heart:

And so ends the AKB48 events at Anime Expo. It's been a surreal experience to say the least. I hope I've been able to share some of the magic. The adventure isn't over though.

I bailed on the line at 1:10. It had 25 minutes left and there were dozens and dozens of people in front of me and I no longer had a good view. I was going to the Nakajima Megumi and May'N concert anyway. I had almost the exact same seats as I had at the AKB48 concert, so the view was excellent. May'N started off the show with a mix of her own singles and Macross Frontier music. It was fucking incredible. Nakajima Megumi came out after May'N's set for a duet of "What About my Star?" which was thrilling. I was VERY into the whole show. When Megumi started "Seikan Hikou", I went berserk. It was the best ever. Megumi did a few more songs then May'N came back out and they introduced the surprise guest. I was expecting to see Mari Iijima, the singer/seiyuu from the original Macross, but instead it was someone MUCH bigger: Yoko Kanno. YOKO FREAKIN' KANNO. I was in shock. As she started playing the piano and the singers sang their medley, I started crying. It was so moving to me. Kanno has done a lot of work on so many of my favorite anime, and I've been into Macross (via Robotech) for literally as long as I can remember, catching reruns when I was four. For my anime fandom, this was downright religious. It's something I'll never forget. Ever. The remainder of the concert was continued brilliance. I loved every second of it.

After the concert, my friend and I got some much needed food from the Quiznos booth. We also got bubble tea from another booth, but it was pretty terrible and took so long to get. After eating, I went to the exhibit hall and had a look around. I didn't see much in there that interested me, which I guess is really a blessing in disguise. Most stuff is way too expensive to even consider, but I did end up getting these...

Yay Mio plushie! :heart: Also had a fruitful visit to Hello Store USA as you can see. One booth had the Acchan photo book, so I went ahead and picked it up as well. Not sure of how much I'll buy. I'm saving my money for the charity auction in case there are any goodies there. After that, I got some Carl's Jr. and called it a night.

Anyway, this is pretty much the end of anything AKB related. I'll still provide some con reports if anything cool is seen but this is probably the last big entry. What a fucking ride it has been. I'm glad I was able to do it. This whole thing has been absolutely awesome. I'm tired, probably a little dehydrated, and exhausted from event after event, but it has all been so worth it. Everything was fun, thrilling, exciting, and very special. Thank you AKB48, thank you Anime Expo, and thank you LA. This has been awesome and I plan to enjoy the next two days all the same. AKB48 saikou! :jphip:

Also, I have some multimedia for you guys, but it'll have to wait until I have some time to edit it and find some good internets to upload it. It will be in the multimedia section when it's ready.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2010, 05:36:50 PM by Datalanche »

Offline Sayange

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Ange, I need lessons from you. :lol: Sayaka's been a major point gainer in this trip. She's always been pretty hawt to me, no doubt, but seeing in her in person, amplify it by a billion. She's just gorgeous, flawless, stunning, breath taking. I was genuinely in awe. :lol: In addition to that though, the real reason she gained major points with me was with how kind and caring of us she was. She was looking every second for ways to acknowledge us and give us a little fan service. MAJOR props!

My heart skipped for a second!  :heart:

Well, I'm glad you've had the experience to meet Sayaka in person, because people who are not very fond of her end up respecting her thanx to these kind of events. The Sayaka we see on TV is not even a 1% of the amazing person she actually is (in every sense).

I'm so happy you all guys had fun and specially that u were able to see Sayaka, the idol who actually loves all her fans! :yep: Killing your bandwidth with hotness since 2007
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Just wanted to thank everyone for their photo posts and all. Have a sucky camera, and although got to attend the various events at AX, didn't have any good photos of the events-blur city. Cross-link'd above is my con report.

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Saw this rather nice photo album of the red carpet event over at stage48...

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Friend request accepted!  Tenkei's about to get comment spam'd like a mofo.

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Friend request accepted!  Tenkei's about to get comment spam'd like a mofo.


also, I'll post some kind of report or w/e in a bit. o/

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