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Author Topic: 1shotz  (Read 15631 times)

Offline rankuro

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« on: December 06, 2010, 12:48:56 AM »
Uh hi JHiP, I am finally appearing out of the wood work to post this. I have been around for a while, but I am terribly shy so I haven’t been really posting. I guess my love for atsumina has caused me to delurk myself.  I already have a few ongoing fics elsewhere, so one shots for me for a while until they are finished. Please forgive my English, it is kinda crappy.


You are so unfair.

Why did you have to say that you married Mii-chan?

You know I don’t like you being with other people.

Alright fine, it was for work, “fanservice” you said.

But those pictures you took with her…. Grrr they make me so angry.

You are so cruel, you make me want to cry.

A frown wrinkles my brow as I stare down at you. Your head is comfortably propped up on my lap, and my hand that hand been absently stroking you hair stops. At that moment you shift letting out a little noise of contentment. You blink the sleep out of your eyes and then stare up at me with a beautiful content smile before it droops at having seen my face. Worry creeps into your features, and you reach up a hand to smooth out my brow. At your touch, I can feel all the tension in my body disappear. Your smooth hand moves to gently caress my cheek. Your eyes stare into mine silently asking for an answer to why I was frowning.

 I shake my head unwilling to answer, knowing if I tried to answer I would probably burst into tears. You frown disturbed by my unwillingness to answer and sit up, moving to sit next to me, shoulder brushing mine. An arm slips between my back and the wall to wrap around my waist, pulling me closer, and your other hand finds mine and intertwining our fingers. Then you move in to press a comforting kiss to my cheek, making my whole body tingle, and then you move to my ear. Your breath caresses my ear making me shudder.

 “I love you, Takamina.”

You are a cheater but I love you Atsuko.

Offline alexiel17

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2010, 03:00:32 PM »
Well, this fic is ok to read :mon thumb: To tell you honestly, I'm not really a Takacchan fan (I like Kojiyuu more :mon sweat: hehe) I think I've read your other fic (it's on another site, right? :mon lol:) If I'm not mistaken, it's about the Persona trio, right? hehe... (I would die of embarrassment if I'm wrong.. Omigash...  :frustrated:)

You're terribly shy? :mon evillaff: Well, that's cute...  Come on, it's ok to post some fanfics here because well, at least your sharing a part of yourself to others which I think is cool :mon inluv:....

Can't believe I'm the first to post here since it's really a nice fic :mon fu:

Anyway, just continue rankuro san, having new fics makes me squee!!  :mon lovelaff: It'll be better if you'll write about KojimaxYuuko fic (I'm not really forcing you or anything... :mon misch:)

Thanks again for the fic :mon dance: :mon dance:  XD

Offline rankuro

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2010, 11:10:11 PM »
alexiel17: umm you caught me, lolz nice to know someone actually read it. As per your request I did a 1shot KojimaxYuuko one shot.  Sorry I haven't done too much research on them but enjoy. It is kinda angsty oops  :smhid but hope its alright.


As I stare at the back of your head I can’t help but wonder if you know I am here. You are riveted to that blasted ps3.

As much as I hate that you are playing on that machine rather than paying attention to me, it is alright because it makes you happy.

Are you as happy as I am when I am around you?

I like you so much. It may seem like I am playing around, but I feel like this is the only way to display my affection.

I love just being around you, basking in your beautiful clean aura.

I love your cute squeaks when I hug you or kiss you suddenly.

I love teasing you.

I love your scent as creepy as that sounds.

You are just everything to me.

You don’t feel the same way do you?

When I kiss you, you now stand still, no resistance.

But, I kiss unmoving lips.

A one sided kiss.

I hug you, and your arms hang limply at your sides.

A one sided hug.

You have stopped resisting.

But every time I touch your unresisting yet unwilling form.

My heart breaks knowing it is a sign of your unhappiness.

Even though my heart breaks every time I touch you, I can’t help but touch you, drawn to your presence.

I push off the wall, and wrap my arms around your neck, burying my face into your hair. You ignore me still riveted to the screen.

It’s alright.

I will pretend that my heart isn’t breaking, and just enjoy what you are willing to give me.

I love you Haruna even if you will break me in the end.

Offline bou-j525

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2010, 11:31:42 PM »
Both of them were cute  :heart:

TakAcchan was so like reality XD With the Miichan thing and so on XD But really cute ^^

Kinda sad for the KojiYuu though -.-' But it was great  :thumbsup Make me wanna hug Yuko forever T_T

Don't be shy and if you ever want to post another one shot: GO ON  :)

By the way, I read you story on (we're talking about your story right?  :nervous ) and thank to that... You made me realize that I could actually change my pseudo XD So yeah XD Thank XD

Offline aoi_sora

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2010, 01:50:04 PM »
TakAcchan  :heart: so cute!

yuko! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Offline alexiel17

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2010, 04:15:49 PM »
OMG!!!! thanks very muchh!!!!!

Offline rankuro

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2010, 05:22:12 AM »
thanks everyone, you make me so happy  :wub: . Uh so here is another, I should have been actually my writing papers which are due in like two days, but was too inspired to write this. I really don't know what I am doing anymore in these but oh well. I was going to write a perv....but uh yeah did not work out. The short just seemed too sweet to turn that way   :? . uh enjoy?

Heavy Rotation

Oh how I love that song, it gave me an excuse to kiss you on camera without it looking suspicious.

The only drawback was I had to kiss some of the other girls.

Then again it wasn’t really a drawback. As selfish as it sounds I was hoping it would make you jealous, you are just so cute when you are jealous. I know you were jealous. I could tell. You act surprised and amused on camera, but under it all you were restraining yourself from ripping my kissing partner to pieces.

Oh, I forgot there is another drawback, your cold shoulder.

 Oops, how will I get you to forgive me, hmm?

I zip up my jacket, and grabbed my bag just as you whipped out of the dressing room door.

Even though you are so short you are really fast. My sneakers squeak against the tile as I chase after you.

“Takamina!” You just keep on speed walking not acknowledging me, hands in pockets, and your bag slung over your shoulder. Finally I manage to catch up with you.

“Mou!” I whine pouting while twinning my arm with yours.

Uh oh not good your face is blank. Not a good sign at all. Oh well you are cute when you are so serious.

You lead us up to the roof not paying me any attention. Once the door to the roof slams closed, you shake off my arm, drop your bag, and whirl around to glare at me.

“What was that!” Your hands are on your hips.

“What?” I ask innocently.

“Don’t play innocent! You know what you did!”

“Oh oops did I do something bad?” I smile innocently at you, tilting my head questioningly to the side. Your eyes narrow.

How adorable.

“Grr, you know I hate k-k -kissing in public!” You point an accusing finger at me, turning red at when you says kissing. “ Gah oh my god what if they begin to suspect us! Oh noononononononononono if they find out, your career. It will be ruined.”  Your features immediately age and you turn your back on me (hiding from reality lolz).
 Of course you would worry about my career instead of your own. It is really touching seeing how much you care about me.

 I let my bag drop to the ground and walk to stand in front of you. “alright I will just say that I-“ I tilt your chin up and dip in to press my lips to yours, silencing your frantic mumbling.

Undoubtedly you probably have that same look on your face that you did when you were playing Kai and that lady had to kiss you. Curse that lady for getting so close to you. I wouldn’t mind if it was one of the other AKB48 girls almost kissing you, because they know you are mine. I move back to look at you, and find you imitating a fish out of water.  I guess that got your mind off of everything, hmm. Wow you are really red.

Finally you find your voice, “G-gah, d-don’t do that here.” You whip your head around frantically checking for paparazzi. I step closer to rest a comforting hand on your shoulder. You relax a bit under my touch, and blush, looking at the ground. This is the side of you that only I can see.

“Don’t worry I no one will see us up here, prude.” Your head whips up eyes flashing indignantly.

“oi, I am not a prude!” You hiss out. I smile triumphantly internally, but carefully keep my face blank.

“Prove it” You tense up, and I let a bit of my triumphant smile creep onto my lips. Suddenly your hand is at the back of my head twinning with my hair to pull me down into an aggressive bruising kiss.

Whoa…….. My eyes fly wide open, I had not expected that. I relax into the kiss, pressing into you. After a few seconds the aggressive kiss softens to a tender caressing kiss. For once you take the initiative, your hand that isn’t threaded into my hair moves from your side to settle over my left breast. I let out a soft moan, then a gasp as your hand squeezes, my knees weaken. Then suddenly they give out, and I drop to my knees almost falling over backwards, but you are there holding me up, somehow still kissing me, and then you ease me to the ground. Once I am lying on the ground you break the kiss, staring into my eyes lovingly as the hand that had been in my hair caresses my cheek. You look so beautiful hovering over me from your crouching position, the last rays of sun glinting off of your head.

You are my beautiful prince, though I wouldn’t tell you that out loud because you would huff at being called a guy.  Then again, it is fun to tease you about that.

 I reach out to you wanting some sort of contact.  Gently, you take my hand in one of yours, and press a kiss to back of it, and then place my hand so it is cupping your face. Then nuzzles into it, and presses a kiss to my palm. I can feel my face heating up at you gentle affection; my stomach feels like it is doing flips. You are so sweet to me; you make me love you more than I thought I could love someone.

“I love you” I blurt out unable to contain myself, my face heats up even more, embarrassed at losing my composure. A wide grin spreads across your face. You press one last kiss into my palm, and then bend down, your face getting closer to mine. I hold my breath in anticipation of your kiss, when you suddenly stop an in inch away staring deeply into my eyes.

“I love you too.” Then you bridge the last of the distance, and our lips meet in a comfortable embrace.

My soul mate,


I will love you forever.


Offline rankuro

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2010, 09:23:49 AM »
Thanks to people who are reading my shorts. Grr  :angry: I keep getting shorts ideas and I really really need to get my papers done :(. But if I don't write the shorts down and post them immediately, I won't ever get around to posting or writing them grr. This short goes with the other short Break . This is from Haruna's side.


I know you are there…..

It kinda creeps me out. Especially the way you are staring at me.

I really wish you wouldn’t do that.

That is why I am ignoring you, and playing on my ps3.

You are the reason I will probably never get a boyfriend.

Yes, I know I am not allowed to have one now, in the future.

But you have ruined me for any type of boy.

I will expect him to be around me all the time.

I will expect him to try to hold hands all the time.

I will expect him to kiss me all the time.

I will expect him to cuddle me all the time.

I will expect him to cater to my ever whim.

I will expect him to call me his Nyan-nyan.

What have you done to me?

How could you do this to me?

I wanted a prince.

Instead I got a perverted princess.

Why did you have to happen?


This is just not fair.

I don’t want you to hug me.

I don’t want you to kiss me.


Don’t know what I will do if you stop.

I don’t know anymore.

I don’t know why I glare at people who get close to you.

I don’t know why I am annoyed when you mess around with other people.

I don’t know why I was so disappointed when you failed that truth test.

I don’t know why my heart beats so fast when you are near.

Suddenly your arms are around my neck, and I can feel you nuzzling into my hair. You breaths causing goose bumps to form along my skin.

But I will pretend you aren’t affecting me.

Not one bit……………………..oops my character died.

Offline riama

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2010, 02:11:45 PM »
Oh man,I love one shot fics! :heart:
I'm like  :cry: when I'm reading Yuko's POV,
Please continue writing,I'll follow you fics from now on.

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Offline bou-j525

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2010, 01:18:56 AM »
(hiding from reality lolz).

LOL it reminds me the AKBingo prank XD

Offline mangobanana15

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2010, 03:16:01 AM »
omg i love the Takaachan shorts you write!
I feel so sad for Yuko loving Haruna who's trying to pretend she doesn't like Yuko
lol but i do like that last bit with Haruna's game character died

Offline rankuro

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2010, 06:19:56 AM »
Thanks everyone, glad you guys are enjoying these shorts  :wub: . You guys made me so happy that I turned red, and my friends started to tease me. You guys made me so happy I have another one shot for you guys. Uh it was written kinda fast but enjoy.

@bou-j525 : I was wondering if anyone would catch that lolz. I felt so bad for Takamina in that prank thing, but she has such cute reactions.



Atsuko’s thumb caressed her girlfriend’s hand which was intertwined with her own, and wiggled down the wall a bit so she could cuddle as close as possible to the short captain, enjoying the warmth of her girlfriend and the kotatsu. A content smile stretched across her face as she reveled in a peaceful evening with her girlfriend. She inhaled enjoying Takamina’s familiar comforting scent. At that moment her cellphone chirped letting her know it was late, and she needed a bath. But she didn’t want to leave Takamina’s presence.

‘All good things must come to an end.’ She sighed, and Takamina playfully bumped her head against hers.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s late and I still need to go take a bath. I have an early schedule tomorrow.”

“Oh, alright.” Takamina shifted, untangling their hands, disappointment in her voice. “I will go get set up in your room.” Then the little captain stood up, collecting her phone off the table. The actress frowned, not liking the thought of being away from her girl, and reached up to grab the shorter girl’s pants, stopping her from leaving.

“Mou, you don’t have to go. Take a bath with me.” Atsuko pouted.

“Eh! Whoa, you know how I feel about taking baths.” Takamina gestured frantically staring down at her sitting girlfriend. Then winced as her girlfriend’s eyes became teary, and a forlorn expression crossed the other girl’s face.

“I just want to have more time with you.” A tear slipped down the actress’s cheek, and Takamina could feel her heart break at having made her girlfriend cry.

“I’m sorry. Fine I will take a bath with you. Just please don’t cry.” The captain knelt down to wipe away the tear which marred the taller girl’s cheek. Watery eyes stared into hers.


“Really” Takamina sighed internally, why did she have the feeling she was being had?

“Yay! I will go start the bath!” The sad expression immediately disappeared off the other girl’s face and was replaced by a look of utter joy. She shot up and then hurried to the bathroom to start the bath.

‘I have been had. This is what I get for loving an actress.’ Takamina thought to herself as she watched her girlfriend disappear around the corner.


Takamina tentatively entered the changing area clutching her night clothes to her chest, and was greeted with the sight of her girlfriend pulling off her shirt.

“Wah! Don’t do that!” the short girl spun around to face the door a hand clapped over her eyes, her ears turning a bright red.

“Eh? Minami-chan.” Atsuko trotted over to her girlfriend and forcefully turned her around. Then tried to pry the other girl’s hand off her face, “Mou, stop that.” After a few second of tugging at the other girl’s hand she finally managed to get the hand away, only to find the short girl had her eyes scrunched closed. “Mouuuuuu, it’s not like something you haven’t seen before” she pouted, and stood there silently for a few minutes. Her patience was rewarded when one of Minami’s eyes popped open. The actress grinned as the other girl turned redder, and then immediately scrunched her eyes closed again. “aww come on,” Atsuko smiled and leaned forward to playfully bump her head against the shorter girl’s head.

“Eeep!” Takamina lost her balance surprised at the playful bump, and pin wheeled her arms to keep herself standing upright, and took a step back colliding with the door. Slightly terrified she pressed against the door her eyes still closed.

“Mou, come on the bath is getting cold.” Atsuko stepped forward, pressing close to the embarrassed girl, her hands reaching up to unbutton the top button of Takamina’s shirt. With a deft flick of her wrist, the top button was undone. Takamina’s eyes flew open.

“Acchan!” she exclaimed scandalized, as she dropped her clothes, wriggling slightly trying to escape, and tried to swat off her girlfriend’s hands which had already unbuttoned two more buttons.

“Stop moving” The taller girl ordered capturing the other girl’s hands in one hand and pinning them above the shorter girl’s head while using her other hand to unbutton the other buttons. Takamina stared up at her normally not so aggressive girlfriend, unable to move for fear of making her angry.

“Good girl.” Atsuko smiled and kissed Takamina’s nose as she resumed unbuttoning the shirt. After a few moments of unbuttoning, the last button finally popped free.

“There” The actress stepped back to survey her handy work, freeing Takamina’s hands from the door, but continued to hold onto one hand. Takamina flushed at the appreciative look Atsuko had on her face as the other girl stared down at her body.

“Wha- What?” Takamina mumbled staring at the floor, and self-consciously trying to pull her shirt together with her free hand.

“You are so beautiful.” A smooth hand tilted her head up, she found herself staring into the loving eyes of her other half. Her heart leaped at the frank answer. Their heads began to move closer together eyes beginning to close in anticipation, when there was a splash. They jerked apart, and Atsuko let out a little eep, and then sprinted into the bathroom to turn off the water, leaving Takamina standing riveted in her spot, still aching for a kiss, a blush painting her cheeks and turning her ears red.



Atsuko settled into the warm water sighing as her muscles relaxed in the comfortable heat. A wide smile spread across her lips as she recalled how beautiful Takamina looked. It had been at least ten minutes since that little encounter, but the shorter girl hadn’t showed up in the bathroom. The actress was beginning to wonder if the other girl had escaped.

“Takamina!” she called out. From the other room there was an exclamation of surprise and then a thud which made the taller girl wince.

“uh, yes?”

“Come on, the bath is getting cold.”

“Ahhh uh… yeah well…”

“Mou, you better get over here. You said you would take a bath with me.”

“ahhhh … hahahaha.. ummm ..” There was a sigh of exasperation from the other room, and then the door slide open. The shorter girl trundled in, swaddled in an obscene number of towels making her look like she had gained at least 20 pounds.

“Phhh” Atsuko tried to stifle her laugh at seeing her girlfriend. The other girl flushed red, and started to back out the door. “no no no don’t go. You just look so cute.” Takamina hesitated in the doorway unsure of whether she should leave or not, but was swayed to moving further into the room when she saw Atsuko’s pleading look. With a sigh she shuffled into the room and closed the door, then moved to stand hesitantly besides the bathtub. 

Atsuko smiled gently up at her girlfriend, reaching up to playfully pull at the slightly younger girl’s fingers, which helped to relax the other girl. Takamina gave a shy smile, and stepped into the tub, then slowly sunk into the warm water carefully making sure not to make contact with her girlfriend’s naked body. Atsuko pouted, not liking the distance between herself and her other half, but didn’t say anything and continued to play with Takamina’s fingers.

Slowly Takamina began to relax letting the calm atmosphere and warm water drain away the tension in her body. Then her eyes began to droop. She hadn’t been able to sleep much lately because of work. With fascination Atsuko watched her girlfriend fall asleep. Fascination turned to amusement because Takamina couldn’t hold her head up, it was kinda like watching a yo yo go up and down. Takamina groaned in her sleep in discomfort, and Atsuko took pity on the girl. Slowly she shifted to sit right next to Takamina, slipping an arm between her back and the tub’s wall and pulled her close, then tilted the other girl’s head so it could rest comfortably on her shoulder. She smiled as the other girl nuzzled into her neck. Carefully Atsuko found the other girl’s hand and intertwined their fingers, then tilted her head to kiss the top of her girlfriend’s head. With a contented sigh she relaxed, and let her eyes close as she relished in the close contact.

‘What a wonderful evening.’
« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 06:34:20 AM by rankuro »

Offline alexiel17

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2010, 06:03:00 PM »
Yey! An Update!! I'm sooo happy today (and it's my b-day too.... Omigash, need to stop doing those SSP's here... hehe)  :nervous

Thanks soo much for the fics!  :thumbsup Really like the KojiYuu pairing.. (I'm really happy for the fast update..  :twothumbs)
I"m also glad that you aren't shy anymore (or perhaps that's what I only thought, I hope not... hehe... Well, if your not shy anymore then, I need to pat myself on the back for helping someone out...) *blush* I think I'm the one whose shy right now hehe...  XD

Anyway, thanks soo much for your fics!! pls. continue RanKuro-san :]

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2010, 07:33:24 PM »
 :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: yeeeeeeeeeeeeyyy.takami and acchan together in the bath  :oops: :oops: :oops: poor my innocent mind  :P
also i like shy takami  :inlove: she is so cute

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2010, 02:08:22 PM »
when i first read this I was like...whoa...lots of one shot goodness.  :twothumbs
thanks for the great read.  :twothumbs
hope to read more.  :)

Offline alexiel17

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2010, 06:01:11 AM »
Hey Rankuro san...  :mon heh: I Really wanted to say thank you for the KojiYuu fic..  :mon innocent: :mon inluv: (Sorry I know it's too late but it's better than never, right...  :nervous :shy1:)
Anyway, I really like Kojima's PV ( since everyone writes Yuuko sempai's PV's)
I really like your stories (so sorry that I can't leave comments fast... Since, well you know the reason... :P )
Anyway, pls.. (I'm not requesting you or something... but you know what I mean...  :mon psst: *grins*...   :kekeke: :kekeke: hehe.. :hee: ) I wish you'll write a Christmas story for the couples, I think  that's a great Christmas gift for all your readers...  :shifty: :mon santa4: (just wishing... :grin:)

Thanks again for the short stories :] Hope you're not that shy anymore  :mon fyeah: and I'm hoping more updates from you!!  :mon dance: 
ADVANCE MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! :mon santa4: :mon santa4:

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2010, 11:08:22 AM »
Thanks for the comments. I am still really shy but you guys are just so awesome  :wub: . So anyways here is one Christmas one shot for you guys. I am hoping to write a 2 more one shots for christmas but it really depends on how inspired I am. Hope you guys all have an amazing holiday.

You are just so cute. It is a rather cold day, not to mention your day off, but there you are working away. You are currently curled under the kotatsu, a sheet of music in your hands. I can’t help but smile, even though you should be taking the time to rest. You are just such a hard worker, I really don’t know how you can do it. Then again I have about the same load of work as you do, but at least I don’t have to worry about a whole team of people.

I watch from the doorway as you hum the song to yourself, letting out little confused noises when something stumps you. After blowing it, I take a sip from the cup of hot chocolate that I have in my hands, before pushing off the door frame and then glide over to slip in under the kotatsu, snuggling a bit into your side. A content smile tugs at your lips, but you don’t look up, instead you continue to hum out the song. I set the cup on the table and nudge it in your direction. After a few seconds, you automatically reach out, hand curling around the handle, and then you bring the cup up and slowly take a sip, then set the cup on the table.

“Indirect kiss”

“hmm” You glance over at me, slightly confused.

“Nothing” You shrug and turn your attention back to the music, bringing the cup up to drink again, and carefully you begin to drink.

“hooooooot sex” I grin as I watch you almost do a spit take yet with immense effort you manage to choke the liquid down. You turn wide eyes on me.

“Ehhh!!!!” I rest my head on your shoulder, stealthily wrapping my arms around your waist, and fluttering my eyes as I grin up at you. A blush spreads across your face, your ears turn red, and you have your classic startled look plastered onto your face. Quickly, I stretch up to steal a kiss, you tense up, startled at my sudden movement before you relax, reciprocating the kiss. You taste like the sweetest chocolate. My lungs begin to protest the lack of air, and regretfully I pull back, savoring your taste on my lips. I rest my forehead against yours, content.

“Love you” You blush and look down.

“Love you too” You mutter back, before moving away and turning back to your music. I settle back on your shoulder again, watching as you study the music. But, you aren’t paying as much attention to it from the way your eyes are riveted to one spot on the page. Your left hand gropes around before finally finding my hand and interlacing our fingers. You give a gentle squeeze, and I squeeze back, as I snuggle into your neck.  You smell like chocolate.

Suddenly you put down the papers, and wrap your now free right arm around my shoulders. Then you lean back, taking me down with you to lie on the ground, snuggly pressed into your side, my head cushioned by your shoulder. You turn your head to press a kiss to my hair; I almost want to purr in contentedness. You unlace our fingers, and my hand feels cold without your warm comforting grasp. You tilt my chin up with your left hand. A shy loving smile on your face, “Merry Christmas, Atsuko”, then you duck down to press a loving kiss to my lips. My fingers clutch your shirt, as a tingling feeling sweeps through my body, I press closer prolonging the kiss.

‘Merry Christmas, Minami.’

Offline riama

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2010, 02:13:28 AM »
So cute :cry:
You're awesome :bow:

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Offline alexiel17

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2010, 04:24:10 AM »
Oii... thanks for the fic  XD (hope you'll write about the KojiYuu pair or even MiichanxMariko nee...  XD )

Anyway, you'll never let me down with your incredible fics (but I'll take back patting my back since you're still shy and all..  :grin: :grin: hehe)

thanks again for the fic Rankuro san  XD XD
Merry Christmas!!!


Offline mangobanana15

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Re: 1shotz
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2010, 08:58:18 AM »
OMG that was so ADROABLE!!! Takaachan during Christmas is sooo cutee  :twothumbs

I felt like i was blushing more than Takamina but that's not possible

You keep up the amazing work!

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