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Author Topic: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread  (Read 337186 times)

Offline LoyalFlutist

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #360 on: June 09, 2013, 09:08:37 PM »
Thank you very much for the advice on my question! Although I'm the type that rarely writes down my ideas (and if I do, my final version of it is completely different to how it was when I first thought of it), I'll try to jot down bullet points of my ideas to keep myself from becoming sloppy. And I guess I'll be constantly revisiting old chapters of my fictions in order to remember what the plot is for that story. :sweatdrop:


I agree with what the three above me have said: Put yourself in the shoes of the character you're writing about.

Visualization and empathy is the goal here for the writers to the readers. The readers need to be able to visualize and feel for the characters. Aside from being in the characters' shoes, you could take some of your own experiences and put them in the story. Let's say we have a scenario where Takahashi Minami is being made fun of by Oshima Yuko for her height. It doesn't have to be exactly this type of situation that happens in your life (I'm pretty sure not everyone is that short like Takamina) but a situation closely related to it. Have you been made fun of before in a jokingly matter from one of your friends? How do/did you react to it? Do you get anger or do you simply brush it off and laugh about it? Of course, not all of the scenario within the story is something that happens to us in our life (i.e. the earth being destroyed and mankind wiped out in the year 2012) but you can use it to your advantage in delivering the emotion of your characters to the audience.

Usually when you want to empathize how your characters feel, simile and metaphor plays a huge role here.

"Kashiwagi Yuki is happy."


"Kashiwagi Yuki is happy as though she had won the lottery."

"Kashiwagi Yuki is happy like a little girl receiving a lollipop."


I'm sure the second and third sentence did play out and express Yukirin's emotions more than simply "she is happy" statement up above. It'll give the reader a sense of how emotionally happy Yuki is here. More details could be added to these sentences, of course. Descriptive details will definitely give readers an in-depth sight to the emotional world of the characters. Just remember to insert them at appropriate timing! (We don't want to have five paragraphs about how Matsui Rena feels towards Jurina when she's in a physical fight with an opposing force!) 
« Last Edit: June 09, 2013, 09:16:18 PM by LoyalFlutist »

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #361 on: June 15, 2013, 03:08:27 PM »
Read... read... I won't really be exactly joining in the conversation or anything...
Jumping in here and there observing I guess... If I have something to add, might as well...
But the 'advice' everyone writes is really amazing and organized...

I find that the advice that everyone here has given about your problem with showing their feelings is great...
But also, since I can't write metaphors and stuff like that nicely, if there's dialogue...
You can use words that describe how their tone of voice is... like growling is distaste, muttering is kind of mystery and confusion, stuttering is awkwardness or embarrassment, and etc...
Facial expressions are good to add, it might also be good to add their posture and hands...
Like when a person is frustrated, she might be digging her nails into her palm without noticing or anything..
Due to the fact that I write in first person the majority of the time, it's a bit hard for me to say anything else

And... um... I feel a bit shy asking this...
But currently I'm having trouble with getting the story to move...
Though it's not that hard to write...
I feel like the section I'm on is dragging on too long...
Can anyone help me with this?

Offline LoyalFlutist

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #362 on: June 17, 2013, 06:19:05 PM »

I'm guessing you're asking about the pacing of the story? Well, I'm going to answer within that topic (I hope this is what you're asking, LOL)...

I guess I'll write first with how I usually do the pacing for my stories.

Okay, so I make a small timeline to my story in my head. What's the beginning and the end is mostly important to figuring out when it should end and how it should end. The middle is obviously the juicy area where you can fill in with as much details and chapters as you want in order to move the plot. However, when I write my stories and there are certain arcs (Wandering Ship) or certain scenes (The Virus) that could be expanded, I try to not rush but at the same time not drag it on. It's somewhat hard to explain but you have to think about the readers. Imagine you reading your own story and reading a section of your story. Is it too long? Is it too short? It's hard to measure what is the 'right' amount of words and chapters you can expand on a particular scene, but depending on your story and how you want to play around with it, you should be able to have an idea of how long you want it to be.

Always think about the readers! If you feel that they have understood that one section well, then there's no need to write more about that and move on to the next scene/arc/section. If you feel that there's still more mystery to explain in that certain scene, then keep writing till most of the questions that readers could possibly have been answered by the end.

Let's take in an example: In my recently posted OS, "The Struggle (JuriMayu)", I've made the one shot open up with a normal high school scenario. Everyone's at lunch and certain characters are shown. So how can I pace myself for the story? I make a small timeline in regards to this story.

Beginning: Introduction to who the characters are (Watanabe Mayu and Matsui Jurina) + introduction to the problem.

End: Jurina saves and comforts Mayu.

So I have a basic outline of how to begin and end it. Within my one shot, I began by introducing the main characters of the story and the problem. Though it does start off with an everyday scenario, I made just enough details for my readers to understand where my main characters are and what they are doing at the moment. I wouldn't want to drag it on and start explaining about what the school looks like entirely and other unnecessary details that would still let the story flow smoothly if we removed them. I introduced them the problems/hinted the problems that the characters could be having and lead it from there.

For the middle, I just let my mind do its work. Imagining myself in my shoes of the main character and writing out what I would do if I were that person, it helped me pace myself for the rest of the plot. Even if it's in third-person mode (which this OS is in first-person from Mayu's viewpoint), you have to keep in mind of what your characters might be doing during that time. We don't want to write in full details (unless you want to, but that would drag the part) of Mayu cleaning up her room for five paragraphs! (exaggeration intended)

Now another thing you could do with your fiction is make little "time jumps" (or however you call them) in between scenes. You don't have to write how Yamamoto Sayaka walked from her house all the way to her best friend's house, Watanabe Miyuki's. It's not required and you can simply fast forward to Sayanee at Milky's house.

We can have another scenario where if you're doing well but suddenly feel like you're dragging one part of your story too long even if you didn't intend to, you can always have some sort of conflict or surprising factor play into the scene. Doesn't hurt to shake it up just a little bit to keep the story progressing forward rather than in one spot. Two chapters full of dialogue and chatting between the characters could definitely use some sort of conflict or problem somewhere soon.

....And when I read back the advice I'm trying to give out, it sounds more like I'm blabbering than actually giving an advice or two. I hope I'm not being too confusing and helped you out, even if a little bit. Most importantly, I hope I'm answering your question. :sweatdrop:

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Offline Yuki88

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #363 on: June 18, 2013, 10:09:39 AM »
Everyone, I wonder if you ever have an idea in your mind that you feel that you won't be able to write with your lacking of references or personal capability?

Currently I have a raw idea in my mind but I don't think it's within my ability to write something very mature and complicated. At least for the time being.
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Offline Minamiyuki

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #364 on: June 18, 2013, 10:19:42 AM »
This is the third month that I've being join in this community... And I'm sorry that my story/s are having many mistakes in grammar.....

So even that, you can still understand the flow right?  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

My favorite genres are Sci-fi, Supernatural, Horror (if any).. Adding some little spices of Romance, and Comedy..

I was thinking if there are some of these genre... (I actually ransacking the whole page, and some of them are not completed yet)  XD XD XD
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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #365 on: June 18, 2013, 02:52:56 PM »
LoyalFlutist-san, thanks for the advice!

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #366 on: June 18, 2013, 03:34:01 PM »
Great discussions, everyone! It's heartening to see more fellow writers coming together to exchange pointers in our growing community. Keep those questions coming! :twothumbs

I've been swarmed with real-life work recently so I haven't been able to join the discussions but I managed to squeeze out some free time tonight so let me start off with responding to Yuki88's query. I do have some points that I would like to add to the previous discussions but I'll get to them another time after I've gathered my thoughts.

Everyone, I wonder if you ever have an idea in your mind that you feel that you won't be able to write with your lacking of references or personal capability?

This happens all the time to me and I believe, many of the other writers too. That (and time constraints) is why most of my plot bunnies don't evolve into fully-grown rabbits :lol: It's easy to imagine large scale battle scenes with our beloved idols going all Rambo on their opponents or a magical fantasy world filled with odd entities and technology that don't exist in the real world. However, putting all this imagination into words is the hard part and many times, I find the prospect of writing them so daunting that I don't even want to start. Hence, it is always recommended to start out with a setting that you are at least a little familiar with. Of course, it wouldn't be challenging to just wade within safe waters so do introduce some unfamiliar elements to push your own limits.

Always Do Your Research

Whenever dealing with something you are not 100% sure about, always conduct a research on it. As Yuki88 said, one of the main issues is the lack of references so get out there and find your own references. In my latest one-shot, I dealt with heroin addiction. Personally, I don't have any experience with drugs and their withdrawal symptoms so I had to research them. What are the side effects of taking different drugs? What kind of physical and mental torture does the drug addict have to go through when she decides to go cold turkey? How long does it take to break free of the addiction? These were all questions that I didn't have proper answers to so I searched online for more information.

Video, Pictorial & Textual References

The best kind of references to me are visual references as they provide a better picture of how people deal with the topic at hand. So do check out online streaming sites like Youtube or even movies/documentaries. If you can't find relevant videos, the next best thing would be pictures. All these visual references allow you to conjure more accurate descriptions for your stories. However, that's not to say you neglect textual information. Textual information forms the basis of your understanding of the subject and it goes beyond what can be seen in just images and videos; thus meaning all types of references (text, pictures and videos) are important. Research is tedious work but no pain, no gain, right?

In addition, going back to the point of being responsible towards your readers, you'd want to portray something as close to reality as possible in your stories instead of giving misinformation. As you learn something new in your research, you also share the knowledge with your readers. Isn't that more satisfying than simply winging it? :grin:

Self-discipline and Perseverance

As with everything we do, we need to have the determination to go through with what we set out to accomplish. Yuki88 raised the issue of personal capability. To me, everyone is capable of tackling unfamiliar territories. It's just a matter of whether you have the discipline (and time) to spend hours researching and trying to translate your imagination into words. If you find that you lack the vocabulary to verbalise your thoughts, it's probably a sign to read more widely and read stuff outside of your comfort zone; that means to pick up some professional reading material instead of just fanfics.

In other words, as long as you are willing to put in the effort, anything is possible. Remember, we all need to start somewhere :)

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #367 on: June 18, 2013, 05:31:21 PM »
Haha I was going to say a small thing on Yuki88 then I see seigus' comment, and I got to admit its a little embarrassing following such fine ideas with this little thing  :nervous

But anyhow following on from seigus said researching your ideas is definitely important. Whatever your idea maybe there's a very high chance that someone else out there that knows more about it or has had a similar experience/idea and we now have the wonderful internet to seek out the information they've shared. Also this may sound weird but manga and anime can actually be quite a good form of research since the author has most likely had to do research themselves and probably have more sources of information than us. Personally I find a visual form of information easier to understand but I always try to double check the information since there's no guarantee that the author hasn't used creative license in their work XD

The other thing is if you are really struggling with your idea then it might be worth putting it to the back of your mind for a bit. It's all well and good to keep working at a problem but sometimes by doing other you could get some sort of new inspiration or solution for your ideas. However this doesn't mean give up on your ideas, rather what I'm saying is always keep a tiny part of your mind thinking about the idea no matter what you're doing, you never know just what you might think of while doing other things :)

I like to think that if you can think of an idea in your mind it is also possible to express it to others, just a case of how hard your willing to try :thumbup

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #368 on: June 19, 2013, 05:48:46 PM »
Seigus' comments reminded me of the time when I wrote Sinners. There I portrayed Hata skinned a deer. Tbh, I don't exactly know how to skin an animal and how human stored the meat at Middle Age even though I had some rough pictures of the steps and the way the meat stored.

I did some research and crosscheck as one couldn't rely on just a single source when do research. When I wrote it off it came out as a lengthy paragraph but letting it go when I posted here.

Sometime ago I re-read it and found it a bit uncomfortable for me to read. Thus gave me a thought to re-edit it but because of some school stuffs and all couldn't be executed.
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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #369 on: June 20, 2013, 05:18:52 PM »
@Seigus/nori/caghaunt: Thanks a lot for the opinion!!

Yes I'm currently putting the idea in a freezer, haha. After all, I need to finish what I have started first *cough*Virgin Love*cough*
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Offline LoyalFlutist

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #370 on: June 23, 2013, 06:11:53 PM »
Just wanted to share this link with you all. I thought this was pretty neat and one of the many good places to check out tips and advices on certain topics. :cathappy:

"You'll come to treasure these scars."

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #371 on: June 24, 2013, 12:22:09 AM »
^ Thanks, LoyalFlutist! :deco: It is a really informative blog that we can all benefit from. I foresee myself having a fun time exploring the different tags :D

I have added the link to the Quick Links section in our AKB48 Fanfiction Community Advice Thread.

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #372 on: June 30, 2013, 03:49:24 PM »
I'm curious about the "AKBlasphemy48" site and I've sudden interest about it....

How will I register to that site? XD XD XD XD XD

sorry for the 'out of the blue' topic XD XD XD XD XD
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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #373 on: June 30, 2013, 04:10:18 PM »
@ X_Last-Cross_X Well try this.. Here's the link

Kinda lurking around on AKBlasphemy48.. :nervous Well alot of great 48fanfics you can find there.. :fap

Sorry :bow: :nervous Hope this will help you :bow:
« Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 05:22:10 PM by kenjoy12 »

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #374 on: June 30, 2013, 05:56:55 PM »
I'm curious about the "AKBlasphemy48" site and I've sudden interest about it....

How will I register to that site? XD XD XD XD XD

sorry for the 'out of the blue' topic XD XD XD XD XD

or you can ask akblasphemy48-san to make you a contributing writer there ;)
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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #375 on: July 02, 2013, 05:57:03 AM »
I'm curious about the "AKBlasphemy48" site and I've sudden interest about it....

How will I register to that site? XD XD XD XD XD

sorry for the 'out of the blue' topic XD XD XD XD XD

or you can ask akblasphemy48-san to make you a contributing writer there ;)

You know I'm not an active writer and I have lack grammar understanding in my writing skills.....  :lol: :lol: :lol:

So its ok that my skill will become contributing writer in there???  :? :? :? :?

BTW, 'off topic'

WTH that I can't able to access perv section? I want to see it now! (I already reply my access to the that forum)

But still  :( :( :( :(

Please!!!! Give me some access!!!!!  :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #376 on: July 02, 2013, 06:38:04 AM »
^ there's minimum age requirement to access perv section, specifically 18. If you're not granted access even though you have requested, it means that you probably has yet to meet the age requirement.

Anyway folks, just curious, where do you usually have the most idea flowing in your mind and able to write your fic smoothly?
I find myself writing most of my fics when I'm lying on my bed before I sleep XD
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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #377 on: July 02, 2013, 07:53:47 AM »
^I'm already 18 years old this day....  :cry: :cry: :cry:

BTW, Let me think about it to join that site.....  :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #378 on: July 02, 2013, 07:58:53 AM »

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #379 on: July 02, 2013, 08:16:13 AM »
^I'm already have a post in there...

But still.....  :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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