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Author Topic: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... (Kai&Acchan) - COMPLETED  (Read 23225 times)

Offline moekare

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Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... (Kai&Acchan) - COMPLETED
« on: August 09, 2011, 12:00:47 PM »
Hello Minna  :yossi:

Since my last fic was such a fail  :banghead:, I decided to make another story..
This time pairing will be...................... JUST READ!  :twothumbs

But still Acchan will be in there  :cow: She's my oshi after all  :on GJ:

Sorry for the mistake and my bad english...

Here's chap one, douzo!!


Chapter 1

6 months ago I was officially being the 3rd year student at this junior high school, and some months forward I will have final test. Now I have to decide where I should continue my study… Teacher has given me list of schools, and I may choose more than one, then attend the entrance exam…

I feel so lazy to study… My friends always ask me to go out, karaoke, go to manga café, and so on, and how could I study at home? My parents trust me and I may freely choose which school I want to attend.

“Hey, Acchan…. Let’s go for goukon!” Suuchan asks me to accompany her for goukon. [Goukon = Group Dating]


“Yes! Tomorrow evening… Please Acchan! We need one girl and we are complete!” she sits in front of me and gives me that puppy eyes.

“Ehm…who are going?”

“Me, Komorin, and Robutan…”

“Hmm….” I give her my doubt response. I don’t think I will go tomorrow… I prefer to stay at home, watch my tv, and read comics.

“Please Acchan! This time is from Higashi Senior High School and they are 4 in total, we lack of one girl! Please Acchan!” she keeps begging me. Sigh. Alright, guess I don’t have any choice.


“Ah! Arigatoo Acchan! I will pick you up tomorrow, okay?” she says and she leaves me as I say “Okay” to her.

Huh… I don’t even think I will go tomorrow. You know, I don’t like going for goukon. They will ask for my phone number, then send me message, and in some days they won’t care about us anymore. Maybe they attend another goukon?! What a waste. But this is my first time having a goukon with senior high students, and from Higashi… I have a plan to attend this school… I heard that this school is good in subject and sport. That’s why I feel interested to attend this school.

Tomorrow at café…

“Hello cutie~” one of the boy greets us and please us to sit in front of these 3 guys. Eh? Three? Where is another one? We sit on the chair.

Hmm… They don’t look like a nerd, they are cool… One of them is wearing glasses and also a good looking…

“You guys look so cute! I am Kumi, pleased to meet you!” the guy on the right is standing and winking at Suuchan. She blushes. Then he sits, and guy in the middle who wears glasses stand up.

“Yo… I am Koji. Yoroshiku…” and the last guy stands up.

“Hey yo girl, my name is Take. Nice to meet you…” he sits down…

“Woo ikemen!! Hello my name is Sumire. Nice to meet you all!”

“Oh…Suuchan desu ne!” said Kumi as he winks again at her. Blushed again.

“Hai, Mika desu, yoroshiku…”

“Aika desu… yoroshiku…”

“I am Atsuko… nice to meet you all…”

“Atsuko-chan, you are so cute…” said Koji… He smiles at me.

“Thanks…” I am answering him coldly. Okay he is cool, good looking even in glasses, but I am not interested in him… Hmm… What I look for is not in him.

“Ah, by the way, you are supposed to be 4 right?” Suuchan asks.

“Ah yeah… I have called him to come here, he said he had something to do first, so he might be coming late.” Kumi answered.

Ugh… please, I don’t think I will enjoy this goukon. I feel so bored and I wanna go home. They are talking about something that I don’t understand. I just drink my tomato juice without saying a word.

“Hey, why don’t you talk? We have to enjoy for today right?” Koji looks at me with his cool smile on his lips. I just give him a small smile.

And then not long after, a guy comes…

“Sorry I am late!” I look at this guy who just come…. I stare at him down and up… He looks so messy…. He fixes his hair and his shirt then sits beside Take.

“Tomo, where have you been? You are late for 20 minutes.” said Take.

“Yeah I am sorry guys… I have something to do…..Hmm…” he looks at 4 of us and smile.

“Hi, my name is Tomo. Nice to meet you…” he introduces himself as I hear “KYAAAA!!” from my friends. Yeah… He is cool and handsome. But, he looks like a player to me. Maybe he has so many girlfriends…. I have to be careful.

“You sound so nervous! Relax Tomo… I know this is your first time…”said Take as he nods.

Hmm? His first time? Hontou ka?

“You are so cute, Tomo-tan!” shout Robutan and Komorin.

“Ah, sankyuu… You girls are cute too…” he says as he smiles. Now they are melted.

We have talked for some hours and now it’s time to us to go home. But outside is raining. Damn. I don’t even bring umbrella.

“Robutan, let me accompany you home…” said Take as he winks at her. Then she is easily nodding. “Hey guys, I am going first! Bye…”says him and holds Robutan hands. Disappeared.

“Looks like Suuchan have to be accompanied as well…” Kumi gives his cool looking at her. Okay they disappeared too…

“Acchan?” Koji looks at me. Ugh, never. I will prefer going home alone.

“Nope, thanks…”

“Are you sure?” asks him and I nod.

“Hmm…. Alright then… Mika-chan, how?” she holds Koji’s hands and starts leaving.

Now it’s only me and him….

“Do you want to stay here?” ask Tomo.

“I am going home of course…” I start walking and leaving him.

I look at my watch and it points 8 pm.

“Geh! Dad must be mad! I have to quick…” I walk as fast as I can… The street is so dark here… I feel little scared but I have to walk… I have to reach home before 9. But then a group of men block my way.

“Hello cuttie! Where will you go at this time?” said one of them… He looks so scary. I feel my self is in danger now.

“What do you want from me?”

“Wow easy little girl! Uncle just want to play with you… Hahaha…”they laugh and I am scared here…. Oh god, this is the end of my life now. I’m not even 17th yet, I don’t even in love! Dareka, tatsukette!!

They approach me as they walk slowly… They keep teasing me and I step backward. I feel my tears are falling.

“Please! Leave me alone!”

“Whoaa how cute you are… We won’t hurt you, we will go easy on you… Hehehe…” Pervert! I don’t want to end here! I don’t wanna die here! please someone!

DAK! A stone has been thrown right on his head.

“Auch! Who is that!” he turns back…. I also look at the direction where the stone were thrown.

“Leave her alone, you jerk!” said this guy. I can’t see his face since the street is so dark.

“You! How dare you to shout at me! Kill him!” he asks his friends to kill that person. 3 of them are running toward him and trying to punch him. But he is too fast. They don’t even hit him once… He dodges smoothly.

BAK! BUK! BAK! 3 people have down.

“Now you just have yourselves. Come here, jerk…”

“Die!!!” shout him as he is running and trying to kick him… Again he dodges and kicks his butt. He falls. “Don’t underestimate me!!” he rises again and tries to fly a punch on his face but fail. This mysterious person have kicked his face first, he falls and can’t get up… Over.

He walks to me and helps me to get up.

“Your fault to go home alone…” He is Tomo? But….But how?!

“To-Tomo? How could you be here?” I ask him. He smiles.

“I was worried you go home alone, then I decied to follow you…”

“You have saved my life, thank you…” I smile at him. I think his face is redder? I can’t see it, its too dark here.

“Okay, I will walk you home.” I nod and we leave that place.

“You are 2nd year?”

“Yes… Acchan?”

“I am 3rd year now… You know I think I will attend Higashi High School.”

“Woa! Really? That’s cool!”

“But I think the entrance exam will be so difficult. I don’t think I can pass…”

“Oh come on Acchan…. You have me, I will help you to study…” He smiles.

I don’t know why heart is beating so fast by just looking at his smile… I can’t tell my feeling but it’s fact… I try to ignore it…

“I don’t think you can help me…” I tease him.

“Eh? What do you mean?”

“Hmm… I think you are not good in subject. Hehehe….” I laugh….

“Ah…ehm… Alright… Sorry for not being smart.”

“Hahaha…. You don’t need to apologize.”

“Just let me know if you need my help… I will help you to pass the test…” he keeps smiling at me…. Ugh! Why he should smile at me like that? He must be player! Okay, don’t you  think you can get me that easily…

“We have arrived. I am going in…” as I open the door I turn around. He is still there, tilting his head.

“Thanks, Tomo…” I smile at her… He replies me and waves at me…

“Good night, Acchan…”

“Good night, Tomo….”

At school, I keep thinking about Tomo even in my dream! He was a prince with white horse and proposing me! What a weird dream it was. I have to get him off my mind… I know yesterday was his first time attending a goukon, but why I always think that he is a player? His face and attitude can’t lie! I bet he is a player!

“You went home with whom yesterday?” suddenly Suuchan sits in front of me.


“Wah! Are you sure?” I look at Suuchan… What’s wrong with that?

“Yes, what’s wrong?”

“Yesterday Kumi told me that Tomo is really shy with girl. He is good in subject and always ranked 1st in whole. He also joins karate club and he wears black belt… He is also known as Wild Wolf by his opponents. Hmm…. He is shy in fact, but when he is in the middle of fighting, he turns so wild…”

I blink. Is that true?? Maybe some of them are true like good in fighting and wild, but he is good in subject? He is shy with girl?? Hontou??

“You are lucky Acchan…”

“I am not…” I read my book...

“Ehm?” She takes my book. “You are….studying?” she seems so surprised.

“Yes… I decide to attend Higashi High…” Suu looks at me with sharp looking.

“Wow…wow wait! It is not because of him! I decided it myself long before!” I explain to her as I take back my book.

“I don’t even say a word…” she keeps looking at me.

“Mou~ okay Suu… I want to study...”

“Alright Acchan… I won’t forgive you if you hide something from me….” she leaves me alone… I don’t hide anything from you, Suu…

Today I call Tomo to teach me some lessons… We had exchanged phone number last night so we can easily talk to each other. We go to the national library and study there… I am shocked! He is so amazing! Math, engligh, biology, he is really good! I was wrong, I thought he was just a player and only knew how to fight… I keep looking at him and he is explaining about math and I don’t even listen to it… He looks so cool and I blush… Maybe I like him?

Today is the entrance exam’s day… I have prepared my self and ready to go to the Higashi High. Wow the school building is so high and so many students here… I know Higashi is one of the favorite schools and I must compete with all of these students. Yosh! I have to pass the test! I can see Tomo is running toward me as he is waving his hand.

“Are you ready?” ask him

“I am nervous…” and then he holds my hand. Blush.

“It’s okay… Do your best…” I nod… Suu said that he is shy with girl? But why he was so easily holding my hands? We pause for so long and he realizes that he is holding my hand and quickly releasing it.

“I-I am sorry… I-I….” his face gotten redden. He looks away try to hide his red face.
“Ganbatte, Acchan….” he walks away and how cute!! I blush too much now… Maybe my face is redder than his. I am shy and my heart is beating… I never feel this way to someone before…

I have done for today and Tomo has waited for me in front of school gate.

“How was the test?” he asked.

“So difficult… I wonder if I could pass…”

“I am sure you will pass the test…”

“Thanks for supporting me…”

“No problem… Do you want to have some teas?”

“Alright. Let’s go…” We go to the café near the school. I trust Tomo, I think he is not dangerous. We have tea together and after that he walks me to the station.

“Be careful Acchan….” I smile at him. “Are you sure you will go home alone?”

“Yes… Don’t worry about me. I’m okay…” I say and then the door has closed, the train starts moving. I can’t see Tomo anymore… I sit and this platform looks so quite… It’s only with 1,2 persons…. I feel so sleepy now. I fall asleep.

“So you are with him, huh?” a voice comes closer. He moves his face closer to the sleeping Acchan……

“Your sleeping face looks so beautiful and cute…” said him as he kisses Acchan on her lips.


 :wth :wth

Is it interesting?  :smh

I won't continue if I don't get any responses  :grin: :grin:
please comments  :mon inluv:
« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 08:01:34 PM by sophcaro »

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Offline blughise

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... First Update Aug 9th
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2011, 12:22:03 PM »
Its pretty nice  XD I wasn't expecting a tomoacchan pairing
Tomo is so cool!!! but I still prefer Kai  XD

how dare that guy(koji) kiss Acchan :angry:

Offline anoni2

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... First Update Aug 9th
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2011, 12:38:53 PM »
nyahaha a certain some1 will go yeppe yeppe if she reads this XD

some action @_@!!!!

who's the guy who kissed her   :banghead:
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

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Offline sorakamiya

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... First Update Aug 9th
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2011, 12:42:11 PM »
Whooaaahahahahaha.... Nice chap there..... Please update as fast as possible... :)

Well, I think that guy isn't koji. It didn't say in there. What if is it kai???? :)))))))) *i wish that. :))))

Offline douya08

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... First Update Aug 9th
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2011, 12:48:36 PM »
yea.. i hope that is kai..   XD :twothumbs

please continue~  :bow:


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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... First Update Aug 9th
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2011, 12:53:47 PM »
yeah~~~ new fic~~~  :twothumbs

me wanna next chap please~~  :cow:

Offline Ninjatigerdemon

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... First Update Aug 9th
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2011, 02:17:45 PM »
Please write more
I wonder who kiss acchan
Please Update Soon
No ordinary ninja.

Offline kahem

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... First Update Aug 9th
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2011, 03:12:18 PM »
Oh a Tomoacchan fic is rare nice
Is Tomochin or Chiyuu?

Offline moekare

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Update 2nd Chapter Aug 9th
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2011, 05:20:44 PM »
Holla!! I am bringing the new chappie! Wuhuuu  :cow: :cow:

@kahem : To make you easier to imagine, It's Tomochin  :heart:

Thanks for all comments, I will do my best to finish this story  :grin:

Forgive my bad english...  :thumbup



Chapter 2

The day has come… Today is the announcement of the entrance exam of Higashi High…

Uwaa….. doki-doki suru….

I am in front of school gate now, but I am too scared to move my feet… What if I don’t pass?? I know I still have another chance to attend the other’s school entrance exam, but  I want to study here…. I want to be a student here…. I don’t know why I have this feeling….

“Acchan….”someone puts his hand on my shoulder, I suddenly turn around.
“Ohayoo….” he greets me with his smile.

“Ah, Tomo…O-ohayoo…”

“Hmm? Why? Are you not feeling good today?” he puts his hand on my forehead… I am shaking my head…

“No… I….I wonder if I could pass the exam…”

“I know you will pass the exam, Acchan… You have studied hard… Be optimist.”

“Un…. Thanks Tomo….” I smile at him… Then he pulls me to the white board no far from where we stand….

So many people here!! They are searching for their names and by looking at their uniforms, I am sure they are from fav schools in Tokyo…. and I am just nothing… My school is not the popular and not one of favorite, I doubt I can pass….

“Phew….too crowded….” he jumps for many times to get opportunity reading the announcement…

“Your exam number?” he asks me….


“Okay… I will look for it…” but before he leaves, I grab his hand…

“Please…. Let me look for it….” It doesn’t matter if he looks for my name, but how if I don’t pass? I can’t face Tomo… He was really kind to me…. He had sacrificed his time just for me, to teach me the subjects. I can’t even imagine how if I make him disappointed….

“I understand….” he answers… Then I breakthrough the large amount of people there and finally I get myself in the front…. I look for my name…

“2029…2029….2029….” I keep looking but I can’t find it… My heart is beating as I can’t find my name….

OMG! What should I do If didn’t pass? Tomo will feel very disappointed….  He might think that I am stupid, useless girl… I don’t want he thinks about me like that… God please help me!

I keep praying inside of my heart and keep searching my name…. Then my finger stops right on the number 2029. Yey! I passed the exam!!!

“How? You passed the exam?” asked Tomo when I run to him…

“Yes Tomo!! I have passed!!!” I answer as I hug him tightly…

“Thank you very much Tomo! I don’t know I could get pass if you didn’t teach me!”

“You are welcome, Acchan…. I am glad you pass and we are now studying at same place…” he said…. Not long after, I feel the atmosphere awkward and release my hug. He looks at me and I do too…. Then I feel my face is red and I look away…. Seems he does too…

What is it feeling? I suppose to be happy because I can get pass, right? But why I feel…. why I feel… I place my hand on my chest and feel its beating… so fast.

“Are? Atsuko-chan?” a familiar voice comes toward us. Thanks god, you save me from this situation…

“Hi Koji…” I smile at him… And then he starts starring at Tomo… His look is different… I don’t know I just can feel it… It’s different from when we met yesterday.

“Why are you here? Looking for me huh? Uh… I am so happy!” he puts his hand around my shoulder. I feel uncomfortable with his acting… I try to take his hands off, but its too tight.

“Koji, easy… You may hurt her…” Tomo then separates us and I heard “Ck…” from Koji’s mouth.

“I didn’t do anything…” said him.

“Yes you did. She came here to see the announcement of the entrance exam.”

“Eh? You attended this school’s entrance exam?” he looks surprised. “Did you pass?”
I nod.

“Wow nice!! We are at the same school now! Uwah I can meet you everyday, everytime, and……will date you one day!”

Oh damn… I know this guy is dangerous. His naughty face is so clearly seen… Don’t hope I will date you.

“Date? No thanks….”

“Why? Am I not handsome? Look, I am cool… Many girls are interested in me… I have money, I have everything that girls needed.”

“You maybe perfect as a guy, but that’s not what I want…”

“Okay enough… Koji, you should be meeting Mr. Ishida right?” said Tomo… “It’s time…”

He is looking at Tomo for some sec and then leaving us….

“Don’t worry Acchan… I will protect you from him…”

“Is he always like that to the girl?”

“Yes… He’s player and he has so many girlfriends… some of them are pregnant, and with his money he asked them to abort it…”

Omg… is Koji that kind of guy? I think he is someone who likes to study - Though he’s wearing glasses….

“Please don’t get too close to him…” Tomo looks at me… and holds my hand tight… I know he is worried… He is so kind….

“Acchan you have passed? Omedetoo!!” Suuchan shakes my hand…

“Thanks Suu….”

“So it means we will be separated, right?” Komorin wipe the tears that fall from her eyes.

“We can still meet and play together….” I answered.

“But we can’t be together like this….” Robutan hugs Komorin…

“Well…the person who you guys will probably miss is right here….”Suu said as she points at me.

They just laugh.

“So guys which school you will attend?”

“We are going to attend to the same school, St. Lucia High…” answered Suu.

“St. Lucia? This one is all girls school right? It has dormitory too, right?”

“Yes…. That school also teaches us how to be a good woman in the future… That’s so interesting, right minna?” Robutan asked as Suuchan and Komorin are nodding….

“Ah… I see… It means that we can meet in the weekend, right? I will miss you guys!” I start hugging three of them…


Some weeks ago I had graduated and now I am ready to be a senior high student. My uniform,check. Necktie, check. Skirt, check. Bag, check. Everything is ready! Yosh! I am ready to go my new school!

“Acchan are you ready for the opening ceremony?”

“More than ready…” I eat one toast and ready to go…

“Eh? You have finished?”

“Yea~ Ittekimasu!!”



I walk to the biggest building inside the school. This supposes to be the gymnasium always being used as a place to hold an opening ceremony.

There are so many new students there…. They look cool, amazing, and smart… I walk to the front and sit beside glasses girl…

“Hi…” she greets me.

“Oh hi…” I smile at her. I got my first friend…

“Your name?” she asked.

“Maeda Atsuko…. And you?”

“Watanabe Mayu… Call me Mayu…” she smiles…..

“Okay Mayu-chan… And call me Acchan…”

“Un… Acchan…”

A bald man starts walking to the stage… I guess he is the headmaster of this school.
“Good morning to all the new students here…. Welcome. My name is Akimoto Yasushi, Higashi High’s headmaster… Let me give you some words… Bla…bla…bla…”

Okay… an usual speech from head master… I guess this will gonna be so long. That bald man has spent almost half hour for his speech…

“….well that’s all few words from me…” seriously, few? “…please welcome the student who gets the best mark in entrance exam, Takeshi Kai…”

Plok…plok…plok…. Heard everybody’s clapping. I turn back as I see a guy walks to the front (slow motion). He fixes his uniform, his tie, his hair… His hair is little bit blonde… I can see everybody especially girls give some attentions to him… Well, he’s cool after all…

He is clearing his throat before he begins his short speech.

“Hi….” his voice echoed in the building.

“My name is Takeshi Kai, call me Kai…”

siiiiiiing… Silent…

He is rubbing his neck and scratching his hair….

What the hell is he doing? He doesn’t have a good manner, so bad attitude…

“Sorry since I am not good in giving some words, let’s say….. I love making out, I love sex, and I love going to the hotel… Well if everyone is interested, you may come to me… Let’s have fun…”

The audiences start making some noises.

WHAT THE HELL IS HE SAYING?? Sex? Making out? Bloody day, I never that words before?! He is still standing over there as he fixes his long blonde hair. Looks like the teacher is confused too but they can’t do anything as he starts walking away… He is heading out.

I can’t believe it he gets the best mark in entrance exam! Person like him? Impossible!! I hope I am not his classmate!!! Arrghhh….

I am in the classroom now and guess what? I am his classmate!! And he sits next to me! Oh darn… He is so famous now… Every girl wants to know him and becomes his girlfriend. Oh come on guys, after what he said in the opening ceremony? You are still liking him?? I can’t believe it. Ah and Mayu-chan is in the same class as well….

“Acchan….” Tomo appears… He smiles at me and I am happy he comes to see me. I walk to him.

”Where is your class?” I ask him

“On the 2nd floor. Visit me if you feel bored.”

“I won’t! I will have many friends here… hehehe…”

“Oh I see… Okay then… I have to go back. I’ll come back in lunch time.”

“See you!” I wave at him as he walks to the stairs.

I walk to my table as Kai’s eyes are on me. I stop my feet and put a glance on him… He keeps looking at me, though girls are talking to him… I try to ignore him and walk away…

“Acchan!” Mayu is beside me now.

“What’s up Mayu-chan?”

“What club you will join?”

“Club? Hmm…. I don’t know….. How about you?”

“I think I will join karate.”

Karate? Mayu is cute girl, she looks girly and feminine, but she wants to join a karate club????

“Oh…nice…” just a simple word comes out from my mouth.

“Despite from my appearance, I’d love fighting. It is important for us coz we are girls… Boys will think that we are weak, and easily dumped us or harassing us… I don’t want to be one of the victim… I am not weak, and I will show them…”

Nice one Mayu-chan… Her statement is true… Maybe I will join karate as well?

“Why you don’t join karate together with me?”

“I don’t know… I will think about it first…” I smile to her… Then she heads back to her sit coz the teacher has come.

After School

Tomo has invited me to see him in doing his activity… He keeps it as a secret as I ask him what it is….

I have arrived in front of a dojo… Karate? He takes me in and introduces me to the members. They are nice and friendly….. I like it. Ah… I remember that Suuchan said Tomo is wearing black belt and called as Wild Wolf by his rivals. It’s connected now….

“Acchan, Tomo is our leader… He looks cool, handsome, and really strong!” said one of members.

“Yeahh… I respect Tomo-san… He is so strong.”

“And then I envy Tomo-san, he has beautiful girlfriend like you…”

BLUSH. My face is red….. I act strange and I can see Tomo’s face is red too…

“We….we are not dating! Bakayaro!!” he punches slowly to that members. He just laughed…

When I heard it I feel little bit disappointed…

BRAKK!! The dojo’s door is opened harshly. Everyone looks at it… There is standing a guy that had got the best mark…. He walks slowly to the Tomo.

“My name is Kai, I’d like to join this club.” he smiles.



How is the 2nd chapter? Do you like it guys??  :nervous

Please leave comments  :cathappy:

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Offline anoni2

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 2 Aug 9th
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2011, 05:35:34 PM »
WOW  :shocked

omg hahahah what speech was that   :mon spit:

so direct!!!   :pig laugh:
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

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SRO(Their Journey)

Offline blughise

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 2 Aug 9th
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2011, 05:37:06 PM »
I like it...its getting interesting!!! XD
A love square!!!  XD
To many suitors....!!!!  :lol: XD
I want Kai and Acchan to be together! XD
Update soon

Offline Ninjatigerdemon

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 2 Aug 9th
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2011, 05:42:13 PM »
Kai speech was so surprising
I was so surprise that he Would say that
Please continue it is getting more interesting
Update soon
No ordinary ninja.

Offline sorakamiya

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 2 Aug 9th
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2011, 05:51:13 PM »
 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: woakakakakakak~ u really make kai as a real baddass boy here,  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

well, i need the next chappie now.  :grin: :grin: :grin:

so it will, takaxacchanxtomo interesting  :grin: :grin: :grin:

but since the tittle "kirai desu ga, daisuki da..." i hope and happily with kai.  :grin: :grin:

Offline moekare

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 3 Aug 11th
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2011, 01:15:12 PM »
Minna-sama thank you for reading my fict  :bow: :bow:
Sorry if I don't update these 2 days  :peace:

I don't know how to continue this story  :doh:

But finally I have finished the 3rd chapter  :sweat:

Please enjoy!!  :shy2:

Forgive my bad english  :otomerika:


Chapter 3

“My name is Kai, I’d like to join in this club.”

Ee??? WHAT??

“Today is recruiting day right?”

This pervert would like to join karate’s club? No…no….no…. It must not be happened. I have become his classmate and sat next to him are enough, but now? Maybe I am not one of the member, but I will come here everyday to watch Tomo…. And that means I have to meet him everyday? Are you kidding?

“Oh I heard you from my friends. Seems you get easily to become popular here….” Tomo replies him…

“Yeah… I admit that, since I am charming, good in lessons, and I can do anything…” He smiles….

Puh! I wanna puke!! He praised himself…. Hmm… I think no one will like him here…

“KAWAII!!!!” shouts the girl members in dojo..

What? Kawaii?????? He is kawaii??? Come on guys…

”Let him in, Tomo-san!! Let him in!” Then it is starting little bit noisy here…

Guess what? He is new here, but he has already had some fans!! He’s sure so popular.

Then I put my glance on him….Stare at him up and down…. He’s not too tall, not even too short… I can tell his charming point is……..his lips. His face is too cute for boy…. I am saying the truth here… . Maybe that is what I get from this little pervert…

“Okay! Okay! I will let him in, but….” every girl stays quite and listens to their leader.

“They have to defeat Shibuya first….” Everybody starts looking to the corner…. There is standing a big man with brown belt wrapped his waist.

Tomo?! Are you sure???? He is not even like senior high school student! One word to describe him, a monster…

Every body starts to whisper…. Some girls look worry and wonder that could he defeat Shibuya, the monster of karate club?!

“Him?” Kai points at Shibuya as Shibuya is walking closer to him.

“Do you have problem with that?!” with big voice he shouts at Kai.

“Wow….. Calm down big boy… We have not even started yet….”

“Alright Kai…. Do you take the challenge?” Ask Tomo.

A small smile appears on Kai’s face.

“You don’t even need to ask….” suddenly Shibuya starts his moving… He swings his hand to Kai and Kai dodges. Quickly Kai tackles Shibuya’s feet, but he doesn’t move at all….

“Phew….You are as strong as stone….”

“Shut up little guy! Hyaaahhh!!!” Shibuya forms a double hammer and heading Kai’s face, and Kai’s defend himself with her arm…… They are shaking….

“Hiaahh!!!” with full power Kai kicks Shibuya’s stomach and makes him stepping back. He is holding his stomach… I think it’s hurt.

“You are nothing!” Kai then gives Shibuya a spinning kick right on his head and then finally Shibuya is defeated. He fixes his hair and his uniform….

The girls start shouting his name and approaching him…….

“Kai are you alright?”

“Are you hurt?”

The same questions are asked by them and Kai replies it with that uncool smile…

Tomo then walks closer to Kai…

“Now you are officially our new member…..” after saying that Tomo walks to me and say something…

“Please be our manager….”

“Hah? Manager? Karate’s club manager??” He nods.

“Well….ehmm….errr…. I don’t know, I don’t have any experience in Karate….”

“No worries…. I will teach you….. The rules, our practice, and so on….”

Relax. If I take this, I have to meet Kai everyday…. In class and in dojo… And it annoys me… But If I don’t take this, Tomo probably disappoint at me, then starts avoiding me… And I could meet him everyday too! Uwaa….. difficult.

“I think I will give a try….” I answer as I nod……

“Yosh!! Minna…. please welcome our  new Manager, Maeda Atsuko….”

PROK! PROK! PROK! Everybody claps their hand and I bow my head…..  Then I raise my head and have that looked from Kai…. He’s looking at me with a small smile in the corner of his lips. Euh! Don’t ever think that I will fall for you!

“Hoi, Atsuko….” Kai sits next to me in dojo….

Ck… what now? I don’t look at him……. I watch the match between the members there.

“I remember you are my classmate, right?” I stay quite…

“Hmm…. I don’t think you are type of girl who likes to fight, right? And being a manager is not bad….”

Huh…..whatever little pervert…. I try to ignore him as he always talks about nothing that I don’t even care….

“You can’t talk? Are you robot? You remind me of my favorite drama, Q10… The actress looks like you… Hmm….. no difference… Ah! Don’t tell me that you are her!” He covers his mouth…

“Omg!! Finally I meet an actress in the school!”

“I am not an actress!!” Finally I shout at him…..

“I don’t care if you like Q10, you like who, I don’t care!! I am just an ordinary student, and please leave me alone!!”

He laughs. What the hell? Why does he laugh? My words are that funny??

“You are so cute when you shout!” he chuckles.

“Stop it. I don’t need your compliment.”

“But that’s true! Your face when you are angry is beautiful….”

“Could you please be quite? I don’t even know you!”

“We can know each other from now….”

“Don’t you have other things to do?” someone approaches us, and yes he is Tomo! Thanks Tomo for coming. Kai is just looking at him without words out.

“You may talk to the other girls here, but don’t talk to her…”

“What the hell is your business??” Kai stands up and facing Tomo….

“Isn’t clear? Don’t talk to Acchan…”

“What? Acchan? How dare you call her Acchan? Who are you? Her boyfriend?”

“Yes. Do you have problem with that?”

Tomo? I know it is only for defending me, but may I feel happy? I wish someday you will say that to me, for real…

Kai just stands there…. Keep looking to someone that stands in front of him who are defending me…

“Can’t you see Acchan don’t want to talk to you? Can’t you see that? Now, it is clear, just leave her alone….”

“Cih….” Kai then turns his body back and walks away….

“Thanks Tomo for helping me…” I smile at him…. He turns and he is facing me now.

“Don’t say thanks…. I will protect you from him…. Don’t worry….” I look down as my face is redder….I can’t show my face to him, it’s really embarrassing.

“Please don’t show your face like that. I don’t even say anything…”

I raise my head and I get Tomo is blushing too… How cute.

As usual after recruiting, we are going to celebrate it… In order to know each other, from kouhei to senpai… Usually we are going to the family restaurant and then karaoke. I am happy I can go since I can be with Tomo, but this person is going as well… He really ruins my mood for today.



The girls drink some juices and senpais drinking sakes. Kai is the only one boy who drinks Juice too… Tomato juice? Why does it have to be same with me? Arrrggghh…. Ah! And Tomo does too… He also drinks juice, but not tomato… It’s orange….

“Acchan must like tomato very much, right?” he asks.

“Yes! I like it very much… I have tomatoes plants at my house. And I can eat 20-30 tomatoes each days…”

“Phew!! Sounds nice… I don’t like tomatoes…”

Aaahh….. Tomo dislikes it. Hikz…

Everybody sings AKB48 songs… Especially boys. They say AKB are very cute and their songs are so good. I also like AKB48….. Let me tell you, my oshimen is Takahashi Minami… AKB’s leader and she’s also Team A’s captain…

“Acchan, your turn….” Tomo gives the mic to me. Then I sing Flower. The song is touching and I love slow song…

“You are great Acchan… Your voice is so beautiful.” Tomo claps his hand.

“Ah, no… I don’t think so… Hehe…”

“But your voice is so nice! I also like it!”

“Yeah me too…” The other members start complimenting me…

“Haha… Thanks…” I smile….

“Eh? Can’t you guys listen to her sing? I don’t even want to listen it….” then Kai’s speaking.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Yea I just want to say your voice’s suck! Not good at all… My ears are so hurt after listening to your voice… Go get change! I need someone who can sing properly!”

“I don’t need your comment, smart boy… You may leave if you don’t like my voice….”

“She’s right…. Just leave. I don’t want any fight here…” Tomo defends me again…

Then Kai stands up and passes Tomo.

“Don’t be a fail hero, jerk.” Kai whispers to Tomo’s ears as he walks out of the room….

“Okay everyone, let’s continue!” Shout Tomo and I start choosing the next song.


Kai sits on the long bench outside the Karaoke’s building. He’s all alone…

“Why are you here?” someone approaches Kai.

“Counting stars….”

“Eh? Can you do that?”

Kai looks at this cute girl and wants to play with her…

“Hey, why are you here alone cutie?”

He could see the girl is blushing as she puts her hands on her cheeks…

“You are so cute…” Kai pulls the girl and she sits on Kai’s lap.

“Don’t tell me you are one of Higashi’s student…” She nods. Kai moves her head closer to the girl.

“Yappari~ You join karate’s club?” getting closer and now their distance is so close to each other….

“Ye-yes… I have something to do before, so I just come here late….” Kai strokes the girls hair and smells it.

“Hm… your hair smells good…”

“Ehm… ano….You are too clos~” Kai then seals the girls lips and now they are kissing each other….. But this is the first time Kai doesn’t enjoy the kiss…. He feels so depressed and wants to kiss someone at that time….. Try to forget try to ignore…. He really hopes by doing this he could forget everything that bothers him today….

I come out from the toilet and back to the karaoke’s room…. I see Tomo stands there not far from toilet.

“Oh Tomo….what are you doing here?”

“I am waiting for you Acchan......” he smiles.


“Yea… I am afraid that Kai will bother you…..”

Is Tomo……jealous? Ah, no…no…no… It mustn’t be… Tomo cares me so much, like he cares her little sister….

“Kai is not here…. I didn’t see him around. Don’t worry….”

GREP! Suddenly Tomo hugs me…. He hugs me tightly…

I am surprised by his action…


“Ah…..” Tomo then releases his hug. His face looks red…
“I am sorry…”

“You don’t need to say so….” I smile… He then looks at me…

“Acchan…. I’d really want to protect you from Kai….”

“Yes Tomo… I have already known it…. You always protect me when he’s around…”

“No! I mean…..I mean……I want to be by your side….”


“Tomo…. what do you mean?”

“I…….I just realized that you are so important to me Acchan…. I can’t imagine how if I lose you….”

Tomo…. What you just said were real? Can I hope for it? I keep listening to him…

“I want to become your shield and your knight at the same time. I can protect you, I can save you and attack them who want to hurt you….” He covers his mouth… I know this is his first time saying that… It’s not easy for him if it is about girls. Then I hug Tomo…

“Please be my shield, be my knight, be the only one that belongs to me….” I can feel his heart is beating as I can feel mine too…. The he releases it…

“Acchan…. Don’t see the other guys, be my heroine…Just only mine….”

I nod and he kisses me on lips…. I close my eyes, I try to feel the sensation… This is my first kiss… And I am happy my first kiss is with someone that I like…. I kiss Tomo back and his lips are so soft….

We are now still kissing to each other as we won’t stop …… But over there, couple eyes are watching straightly to us……


 :panic: :panic:

I know it's not good....  :bored:

I'll try my best to work on the next chapter  :on polter: :on polter:

author's note : nooo my AtsuMina  :imdead: :tantrum: :fainted:
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 02:35:04 PM by moekare »

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 3 Aug 11th
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2011, 01:28:06 PM »
NO!!! my ATSUMINA!!!!
I want Kai and Acchan together!!!
Tomo is nice guys but I like Kai better!!!
update as soon  as you can

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 3 Aug 11th
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2011, 08:18:28 PM »
Don't tell me the girl who kai kissed is Mayu oh god love polygone xD
By the way Koji is a *bip!!!!*

Offline moekare

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 4 Aug 14th
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2011, 03:50:56 PM »
Thank you minna-san you have read this story  :kneelbow: :kneelbow:
Though I won't continue it again  :hiakhiakhiak: Well yea... This is the next chapter,
Hope you enjoy it....  :thumbup

Please forgive my bad english  :cow:


Chapter 4

I am sitting on the chair in classroom… My eyes are straightly looking to the window, the sky is so blue. Birds are flying over there, and over here and they are so many. I start reading my book and then I remember what happened yesterday. I put my hands on my cheek I know I am blushing. I still can’t believe Tomo is my boyfriend now. I can’t concentrate to my book as my mind is thinking the other things. I still can feel yesterday’s kiss on my lips. I touch my lips and my face is redder… I am shaking my head…No…no…. I must not think about this. I have to concentrate…

TEET…TEET…. Well our lesson has finished. Everybody starts going outside and takes rests… I am staying in the classroom as Mayu approaches me.

“Acchan….” she is sitting in front of me.

“Don’t you want to have a lunch together with me?”

“Ehm… Sorry Mayu, I have appointment today so I can’t accompany you…Sorry…”

“Ah, no problem….” then this annoying guy is passing us, and he just passes without seeing at us.

“Ah…” Mayu tries to say something to him then he stops and turns his back.

He looks at me and I give her my hate expression… I know he will tease me like before, buh…I never see you as my friend, smart boy… Just do as you like!
But then he looks away without any expression on his face.

Eh? Are you serious? He doesn’t say anything? What’s wrong with him? It’s not him like usual…

He then looks at Mayu. Oh, you think you can play with Mayu? Come on, I know Mayu is not that type of girl who likes guy like you… I think she’s too smart to decide someone that is suitable for her friend… And you are absolutely out of her list, yeah considering your last speech…

He is still looking at Mayu, waiting for Mayu’s response.

“Did you call me?” asked him.

“Eh?” Mayu looks little bit confused.

“Do I know you?”

“You….you don’t know me?”

“Why should I know you? Stupid girl…. I am leaving.” when he is about to leave, Mayu grabs his hand and Kai turns around.

“What is it again?”

“Don’t you remember about last night?”

Eh? Last night? You mean when we were going to karaoke? Eh? EH?? What happened??

“Last night?” Kai is more confused.

“You don’t remember anything?” Mayu bites her lower lip.

Kai tries to remember but he gives up, he didn’t remember what happened last night.

“I don’t know what you are talking about… Let me go.”

“Bu…but….” Kai then takes Mayu’s hand harshly. I can’t stay quite, I stand up and push him.

“What are you doing?” Kai steps closer to me. I just look his face.

“Who do you think you are? Baka onna!” he shouts at me.

“What did you just say? Who is “BAKA”, baka?” I reply his words.

“You! You are really an idiot!”

“Oh, how dare you say that? After what you do to Mayu, you shout right at my face? Oh, you are truly a gentleman!”

“What?” he pulls my shirt closer to him. Suddenly Kai looks so scary. With his big eyes are straightly looking at me, I am frozen.

“Wh-what are you going to do?” I am lower my tone.

“Huh, just now you shouted at me and after I do this to you, you suddenly low your tone? Stupid girl….” a small smile appears on his face, but still his aura is not like the first we meet… He’s different.

“I hate you.” I widen my eyes. Hey! I am the one who should say that!

“I am interested in every girls in this school, except…. YOU!”

“Hoi!!!” we are looking at the door, Tomo is there.

“Let her go!” he is running to us and separating Kai from me.

“How dare you touch my girl? Let us settle this just both of us!”

“Your girl was the one who looked for trouble here….” he is sharpen his looking to me….

“What?” Tomo walks closer to him.

“Yeah… I didn’t have any business with her, but she pushed me first…”

Tomo then tries to punch right on Kai’s face, but smoothly Kai can catch his hand…. He looks at us with that calm smile.

“Is it what you’ve got? I am different now…” then he backs Tomo’s fist. Kai gets his in inside his trouser.

“I won’t fight you here. Let us meet in the future competition. But if you ever think I am scared with you, you are totally wrong boy. I am not afraid with anything, I am not afraid with anyone.” he turns around and grabs Mayu’s hand. They are leaving now.

“Mayu!” I shout but they keep walking.

“Are you okay, Acchan?” Tomo looks worry… He holds my hands.

“I am okay, Tomo… Don’t worry me.” I smile.

“Thanks god I can come at right time….” he hugs me….

“Thank you Tomo….” then he releases his hug.

“Okay, let’s have our lunch.” he grabs my hand.

Tomo is like my angel… I feel safe if he is around. I hope Kai won’t hurt Mayu….

>>At somewhere<<

“Why are you crying?” Kai shouts to Mayu. Mayu just looks down and covers her mouth.

“Could you please stop? I can’t see a girl cry!!”

“So-sorry…Bu-but I can’t…”

“Arrghhh!!!” Kai looks so confused and uneasy.

“Just tell me who you are… I don’t know you…. And what happened last night???”

“You….you kissed me….”

“What??? Did I??” she nods.

Now Kai is trying to remember it…. Then,

“Oh…” Looks like he has already remembered. Mayu still look down, can’t face Kai.

“Hahaha… sorry. Please don’t take it too serious… You know, I am playing with so many girls, not only you…. So that I hardly remember them, especially you….” he chuckles.

Mayu doesn’t give a response….

“Well… at least you may feel proud of yourself, that you had been kissed by a perfect guy like me…” he leaves Mayu then…

“Ma-Matte!” Mayu shouts. Kai stops his steps.


Mayu turns back…

“Pl-please….go out with me.” she wipes her tears.

“Eeh??” Kai looks surprised.
“Are you serious saying that?” she just nods.

“Well… Ehm… It’s fine.” he smiles.

“Honto desu ka?!” a smile appears on Mayu’s face.


“Arigatoo, Kai!”

“No problem… Let’s have fun together, errr….”

“Mayu! Call me Mayu…”

“Okay. Mayu.” he smiles to that pure little girl….

As usual, after school I have activities at dojo as the new manager. I make schedule and prepare everything that we need…. I can see Tomo is practicing with the other member, he looks so cool. I smile to myself, how cool my boyfriend is….

“Ne Acchan… Don’t look at Tomo like that….” Kumi appears. Wow hisashiburi…

“Oh hi…. long time no see….”

“Yeah… It’s been a while.”

“By the way, what are you doing here?”

“Just looking around…. I always do this after school…”

“Oh I see…. How about Suu?” I ask… He rubs his neck.

“Well yea…. We have dated already. Haha…”

“What? Are you serious???”

“Yes… I have confessed to her some times ago, and she accepted me…”

“Waahh omedetoo!!”

“Sankyuu……….You are the new manager?”


“Oh, sounds good…. You may monitor Tomo too… Haha…” he laughs so hard.

“Why you don’t join here?”

“Well, I can’t… I love basket more. haha…”

“Wow that’s super cool!”

“What is super cool?” suddenly Tomo appears behind me.

“Hi, Tomo!” greet Kumi. “Yo!” a short response from the leader.

“What is super cool?” he asks again…

“Basket ball…” I answer..

“Ah, so you mean I am not cool? Poor me…” he pouts.

“Tomo is the coolest! Please don’t get me wrong…” I hold his hand.

“What a lovey dovey…..” Kumi narrowed his eyes. Then both of us are blushing…

”I am happy you actually can meet someone you love, Tomo….” said Kumi.

“You know Acchan, since 1st year, he didn’t even go on a date with girls. He always spent his time with karate and always passed the goukon. But last day we had forced him to join, so he couldn’t resist…”

“Wh-what are you saying!” Tomo is more blushing.

“And I thought he was…….homo! Hahaha….”

Then Tomo gives him a small punch on his stomach…. I just can laugh watch it…

From the door I could see Kai is coming and he is holding hand with Mayu…. Wait, Mayu? Watanabe Mayu?? Ho-how come??

“Do you want to change?” Kai asks Mayu.

“Yes… I want to practice as well….”

“Okay, I’ll be waiting here…”

“You don’t change?”

“Nope. It’s fine.”

“You will get your uniform dirty….”

“It’s okay… I will wash it….”

“Ah, let me do the laundry… I am good in it.”

“Wow, seriously?”

“Yes!” Kai smiles to Mayu as he moves his head closer.

‘Thank you.” he kisses Mayu’s cheek.

GRAAHH!! What did he do to Mayu?! That playboy must die today!!

I walk to them as I point that Kai guy.

“Hey! What did you do to Mayu?!” He’s looking at me…

“I did nothing.”

“You did! And I saw it!!”

“Please, calm down Acchan….” Mayu tries to calm me by holding my hand.

“I can’t Mayu. I can’t see you be played by this dangerous playboy!” I shout to him…

“You are so fussy.” He says as she fixes his hair.


“Am I wrong I kiss her?? Do you mind if I do that to her? What are you to me? And what is your business with me???” He then talks directly to me, facing my face and has that cool style on him….

“Well yeah… I-I don’t mind if you-”

“Then, what is your business?” Kai had cut my sentences.

Tomo comes to us.

“Please Kai, don’t look for trouble here.” He stands in front of me.

“So this is the boy who recently becomes the top gossip at our school huh?” Kumi comes closer and stares at Kai. The situation is full of tense now.

“I don’t know that I am that popular….”

“What???” Tomo holds Kumi to do something that unwanted.

“Please Kai… I respect you as the member here, but please don’t look for any trouble.”

“Wait, I didn’t. She was the first who pointed and shouted at me? Why do you always put the blame on me?”

“Well she just wants to protect her friend…” Tomo tries to defend me.

“Protect her friend? Huh, then ask her now, is she in trouble now? Did I do something bad to her? Ask her now!” Kai shouts to Tomo as he points at Mayu….

“Please stop!” Mayu is shouting.

“Please….” the situation is quite and everybody is silent.

“Kai didn’t hurt me, he didn’t do anything bad to me… I asked him to go out with me… He is not the one to be at fault.”

“See?” said Kai.

“Okay, we are sorry…” Then Tomo apologizes.

“Bu-but…..” I have not finished my words yet but Tomo is pulling me…..

We finish practicing at 5pm, and Tomo wants to announce something so that members have to gather.

“Well everyone… As this is one of our routine activity every year, next week our club will be practicing outdoor for a week. The place is near Fuji-san… That’s all…. Club dismissed.” then everyone starts spreading… When I take my bag and ready to go home, I see Kai is over there with 3 girls… They are members in karate club too… I can’t believe what I see…. How if Mayu sees this? She will be hurt, won’t she? I have to meet Mayu before she sees that! But I am too late, Mayu has seen them… I walk closer to her and hold her shoulder.


“Yeah I am fine, Acchan….”her body is shaking.

“I know you are not…”

“He had told me…. He said he had played with so many girls before.”

What? Did he say that? I can’t forgive him to make Mayu suffers…

“But it’s okay Acchan… I have decided… and this is my way….”

Then Kai looks at us she smiles at Mayu and Mayu forcely wives her hand. Kai then stands up and walks to Mayu.

“Let’s go home. I will walk you….”

“Kai!! How about us??” the three girls shout from where Kai sits.

“Nah, we are talking again tomorrow, okay?” he comes to look at Mayu again…

“Let’s go….”

“Ha-hai….” I know Mayu wants to cry, but she holds it. Kai grabs her hand, and I shout to him again. I can’t hold my self now.

“What?” he turns around and PLAK! I have slapped him right on his cheek.

“Wha-what are you doing?! How dare you slap me!!” Kai grabs my shirt as his face is close from mine. Everyone is watching….

“Ka-Kai….” Mayu still stands there and can’t do anything.

“What? Do you want to punch me? Alright, punch me, you punk.” I say.

“What did you say??? Who did you call a punk???” he is tighten his grabbing.

Ukh, I can’t breathe… He moves his head closer to me, I can look at his eyes clearly, but I don’t know why, I can tell a pain on his eyes…..

He starts speaking in slow tone.

“Why did I have to receive your bad words every time? Am I that bad to you? You have hurt me, I am always being hurt by you… Please just for once, just for once Atsuko, I want to feel your warmness….”

Kai…. I know I hate him very much, and those words probably one of his trick to attract woman’s attention, but I don’t understand, I could tell that comes from his deep feeling, deep inside of his heart, and I can see honesty in it. I can’t be angry. He is loosen his grabbing as he closes his eyes, then open it again.

“I hate you, Atsuko….” he said with low tone.


Dou desu ka minna san??  :grin:

Honestly I didn't know how to end this  :smoke: :smoke:

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 4 Aug 14th
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2011, 04:05:55 PM »
 :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: kowaaaaaiiiiii~

update as fast as u can...  :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

why everytime read a fanfict that atsumina not together make me hurt  :cry: :cry: :cry:

Offline blughise

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 4 Aug 14th
« Reply #18 on: August 14, 2011, 04:11:57 PM »
its getting intense!!!
the tension between Acchan and Kai is getting intense!!!
Kai...... :(
Acchan you're so mean to him!!!
Mayuyu, and Kai pairing wow that's something new! Kai whatever you are doing right now with Mayuyu, please stop it! It'll only hurt the both of you!
Tomo is really nice guy, but I don't think him and Acchan are perfect together....... Well to put it more bluntly I LOVE my ATSUMINA!!!! XD XD XD

Update soon XD

Offline kazuski

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 4 Aug 14th
« Reply #19 on: August 14, 2011, 09:33:41 PM »
noooooo~ acchan~  :banghead: :banghead:

kai isn't that bad, he just mad at you  :(

please think about him a little bit (bc i want my atsumina  :tama-mad: )

and kai x mayu, u never can imagine that  :huhuh


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