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Author Topic: The Deal - Ch.16 (RenaYuki, other pairings) 9/12/16  (Read 52972 times)

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Re: "The Deal" Extra & Ch. 3 Part 2
« Reply #40 on: November 23, 2011, 09:23:08 AM »
Yuki/Rena? *big grin*

Offline Sok

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"The Deal" Ch. 3 Part 3 & Extra 2
« Reply #41 on: November 24, 2011, 04:43:48 PM »
Hey guys I had a really hard tine trying to figure out Yuki had to pay. Hope you like my decision. Thank you for reading.

 Ch. 3 Part 3

Yuki- Brown    Rena- Red

“O-okay.” I close my eyes. Next thing I know is something soft pressing against my lips. It tastes like strawberries. Sudden it begins to move gently against my lips. Whatever it is it feels soo good. Before I knew it I was responding back, I wrapped my arms around her neck deepening our kiss. Are kisses always this good?
I decided that the payment would be a kiss, a short one of course. When I was about to pull out she wrapped her arms around me. Oh my *smirk* seems little she’s enjoying our little kiss. Now let’s see how far I can go. I wrapped my arms around her waist to see if she would push me back, nothing happened instead she pressed her body against me. She remembers me of someone I know. I started to descend my right hand down and *squished*
*gasp* Oh god, she’s squished my ass. I should really stop this but I don’t want it to stop. I bite her bottom lip in responds.
She’s biting my lip, does this mean she wants more? Is this like her first time kissing or something? Well whatever let’s continue. She opens her month and I sneak my tongue in and start exploring. When *ring**ring* she breaks the kiss to answer her cell.
Oh god that was close. If my cell hadn’t ringed I don’t know where we would have stopped if at all.
“H-he-hello? Yuki …speaking.”

“Hey Yuki! Why you panting? Were you excising or something?”
“Oh Hey Tomomi. And yeah something like that.” I calm down.
“Oh. Well I was just calling to make sure you were okay since you left kinda upset earlier today. Chiyuu~”
“Oh that. I’m okay now. Well I have to go. Talk to you at school. Bye.”
“Oh. Ok. Byebye. Chiyuu~”
I so glad her cell rings if not I would have done something stupid. That would have given me problems with her back home. I was about to leave when Yuki spoke.
 “So you’re going..” I cut her off before she could finish. “It’s already done. You’ll be marry someone else.” “Thank you, Rena.” “No problem. And thank you for the kiss.” Wow she’s the color of a cherry. I turned towards the door to leave but she stopped me once more. “Where are you going?” “Home. I’m going to my home since I granted your one and only wish.” “What do you mean one and only wish.” “You’re lucky I didn’t hurt you for what your grandmother did to me. Okay. Btw your cells been ringing, aren’t you going to answer that?” “what? Oh right.” I answer my cell and when I’m done I turn to see that she’s gone.

I didn’t even notice I had eaten dinner and now sitting with my father waiting for my Fiance and his family. “Sweetie the Wild Family is a great family they’ll take good care of you, I promise.” “hm.” I still can’t believe my first kiss that I have been saving for my prince was wasted on a Demon. I officially sold my soul to da Devil. Wait did he just say Wild Family? What’s up with that name? Oh they’re here. Wow the shortest is so cute! Kyaa! He looks like a doll. I hope he’s my fiancé or the tall muscular short black hair one. Ah! Dad you actually did something right. They’re both my ideal prince.

Flean this is for you and anyone who wants to know why they were kick out.

Extra 2

“What’s wrong? Haruna?” Mariko is the first to enter. Mayu’s the second to enter. “Are you hurt or something?” Mayu asked not really concerned. “This is what’s wrong!” Sae finally enters and says “Oh come on Haruna. It’s not that bad.” Trying to calm down Haruna.
“No! This is all your’s and Mayu’s fault!”

“Okay girls let’s get going.” Mariko says.
“Okay.” The three said in unison.
The four Angels come crashing into their new bodies.

“Ugh! That hurt.” A male with reddish brown with dark red high lights said while getting up and starching his stiff body.
At the same time the room to the left of his
“Ugh, I didn’t think we were going to crash land into our bodies. Man my back is killing me.” The tall slim black hair male says while getting out of bed. He then spells HEAL in a yellow light healing all his sore muscles. “Ah! That’s better!” Feeling relieved from his back pains and heading out the door when he hears a loud *Kyaa!*.
Same time in the room across his
A tall muscular short black hair male was jumping off the wall due to his excitement. “Yah! I’m a man! Now I can play with as many girls as I want!” He was now jumping up and down the bed when heard a loud *Kyaa!* which causes him to fall on his head.
Same time in the room to the right of his
A doll like male is waking up. “Haaaa! That was a good nap. Should do this more often.” Getting out of bad and goes to the toilet to do his business when suddenly he hears a loud *Kyaa!* which caused him to miss. “Damn! It hit the ceiling…well it isn’t my job to cleaning.” He leaves to check what the screaming about.
End of Flashback
“Oh come on Haruna. Don’t be like that.” Sae says.
“If it wasn’t for twos behaviors I wouldn’t be a man now. In fact we wouldn’t even have been sent down here in the first place!” Haruna hissed. “Come on, like I said it’s not that bad being a man.” Sae tries to convince Haruna. “That’s cuz you have always wanted to be a man!” “Okay, you got me there but still.” Before Sae could finish Mayu cut in. “You have no choice but to accept it. So why bother complaining.” Mayu said with a wth let’s just try it attitude. “Besides Haruna this is as much your fault as Sae’s and Mayu’s.” Mariko added. “Hey! Don’t group me with those two! I ain’t a pervert like those two.” Haruna argued back. “Hey! We ain’t perverts, we simply like skinship!” Mayu answered back Smiling. “Yeah, and I’m the pope.”  Mariko deadpanned. “Well hello Mr. Pope, I’m Sae.” “Not funny Sae.” Haruna said. “Besides no matter how you look at it. It’s all three of your faults, I’m the innocent bystander. If only we weren’t related then I would still be in heaven.” Mariko shakes her head and let out a heavy sigh while messaging his temples. “Sorry Marichan but it’s more of Sae’s fault.” Mayu pointed to Sae. Sae “What?! How so? Huh?” “What? Dude you created a strip club in Heaven and began to take several females’ purity which goes against one of God’s rules. You must be married before any sexual activity. Besides you slept with God’s wife and nearly unpurified his daughter!” “You what?!” Both Mariko and Haruna yelled in unison turning to face Sae who gave them a I-didn’t-do-anything-wrong look which somehow pissed them off. “Well…in my defense I was drunk when I did that! And she’s the one that took advantage of me. And as for his daughter, she’s HOT. In my defense.” “How is her being hot gotta do with you defending yourselves?” Mayu asked with an are-you-an-idiot voice. “Wait. If it has to do with flirting and touching girls then you are as much at fault then I am. Mayuyu!” Sae retorted. “Hey! I’ll admit I like flirting, touching, kissing and other stuff with girls but I ain’t to blame for this. If you think about it, it’s all Haruna’s fault.” Mayu said in an innocent voice and turned pointing her finger to Haruna. “Yeah! It’s all your fault, Haruna!” Sae also turning to point at Haruna. “Wait! WHAT?! Marichan help me out here.” She turned to Mariko who shrugged. “They’re right. If you hadn’t beat the crap outta the guys who were should to do this mission we would still be in Heaven right now.”

In Heaven with God: No! You would have still been sent down. (In the background you can hear LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem. Everyone parting hard and cheering. “Yeah we’re freeeee!” “Let’s keep dancing!” “Finally!” “Hey! Don’t forget! Pppeeeaaacccceee N Quuuiiieeetttt!” “Yaeh!”)

“Hey! How sure you about that Marichan? Besides it wasn’t my fault it was self-defense.” “How so?” all three asked curiously. “They wouldn’t go away when I asked them to, and then one out of them graded my ass and tried a kiss me. So I did the only logical thing to do, which was to beat the living crap outta them.” Big smile. “Wouldn’t you girls. I mean guys have done the same?” She asks the three. “I understand where your coming from.” Mariko said. “Yeah, but you didn’t really have to beat them from Top high ranking Angels to low ranking flowing spirit thingies. I feel sorry for them.” Mayu added. “Mayu’s right they were God’s number 1’s. But I never thought that someone other than God could degrade Angels in ranks.” Sae added. “You can but you have to be powerful then them.” Mariko informed Sae. “Well now thanks to me, we’re number1!” Haruna said in an innocent and happy voice. “well anyways what were we talking about before the whole blame game?” Haruna asked tilting her head. “You’re a man now. That’s what.” Mariko replied. “Oh, whatever.” “Whatever?!” The three said surprised. “Well anyways one of us well be getting married.” Haruna added in a bored tone. “But we’ll choice who marries her once we meet her, okay?” Haruna states. “Okay.” The three answer.

Don't know if the pics will work but here they are
Pictures of Markio, Haruna, Sae, Mayu.

If they don't work please tell me a way to upload them. Thank you.


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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 3 Part 3 & Extra 2 Nov. 24
« Reply #42 on: November 24, 2011, 05:57:59 PM »
Yuki and Rena scene was HOT!!!  :mon mischief:  I think I'm gonna like this pair now~~  :mon inluv: and chiyu~~ you're calling at the wrong time~~  :mon nyah:

I LOLed...  :lol: at the reasons why they were kick out...

Offline AKBlover_99

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 3 Part 3 & Extra 2 Nov. 24
« Reply #43 on: November 24, 2011, 06:41:33 PM »
Woah!!!!! Interesting!!!!!

Offline kahem

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 3 Part 3 & Extra 2 Nov. 24
« Reply #44 on: November 24, 2011, 07:21:06 PM »
Is useless to know who is the more in fault, they are all in fault for our bigger pleasure xD
Rena/Yuki kiss was hot!

Offline RenaChii

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 3 Part 3 & Extra 2 Nov. 24
« Reply #45 on: November 24, 2011, 09:17:29 PM »
Yeah~ Yuki x Rena was so hot~

Who is going to marry Yuki~ CURIOUS!

Offline Sok

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 3 Part 3 & Extra 2 Nov. 24
« Reply #46 on: November 24, 2011, 11:38:54 PM »
Hey guys this is a little hint for the next chapter.

Wow Sae’s hot! Hope I marry him.

Kyaa! Mayu’s so cute! I wouldn’t mind being married to him, either.

Sae’s and Mayu’s thought: I wouldn’t mind doing things to her. *smirk* I have to claim her before Mayu/Sae.

Offline Sok

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"The Deal" Ch. 4 Nov. 27
« Reply #47 on: November 28, 2011, 01:55:17 AM »
I'm not really sure who Yuki should marry, so they'll have to fight for her love. Hope you enjoy. XD

Chapter 4

“Yuki this is the Wild Family. The family you’ll be marrying into. Wild this is my daughter.” Her father said.
“Hello, my name is Yuki Kashiwagi. Pleasure to meet you.” She gives them a bow.
“Hello, my name’s Mariko Shinoda, but please call me Mario. I’m the head of the Wild Family.” A tall slim black haired man said giving a slight bow.
“I’m Sae Miyazawa. Nice to meet you.” the tall muscular short black haired man said smiling. Yuki’s thoughts: Wow he’s hot! Hope I marry him.
“Hey! I’m Mayu Watanabe, but for you and only you I’ll be Mayuyu.” The doll like boy said smiling. Yuki’s thoughts:  Kyaa! He’s so cute! I wouldn’t mind being married to him.
Sae’s and Mayu’s thought: I wouldn’t mind doing things to her. *smirk* I have to claim her before Mayu/Sae.
“Hello, my name is Haruna Kojima, but I think it’d be easier for you to just call me Riku. Since there’s a big chance you’ll screw up my name anyways. You do look like the type that screws up a lot.” He said with a matter-of-fact voice. Yuki’s thoughts: Damn! He’s blunt. Btw was his name Yaruna, Yoona, or Haurna? Ugh! Screw it I’ll just go with what he said to call him by Riku.
“Riku! That’s isn’t nice.” Sae and Mayuyu yelled in unison. “Sorry about that.” Mario apologizes.
Yuki’s thoughts: Wow, all four are handsome. But I’m more into Sae and Mayuyu. Wait.

“Excuse me. Sorry for asking this, but why are you called the Wild Family? And what are your family businesses.” Yuki asks. “Oh, That. Don’t worry it’s nothing bad.” Mayu answers with a smile and winks at Yuki. He gets close to her and whispers in her ear in a seductive voice. “If you want I can show you.” Yuki gulps. “Hey! Don’t flirt with my future wife!” Sae yells while pulling Mayu away from Yuki. “Or what?” Mayu retorted with a evil smile. “Or I’ll…” Sae was cut off by Mario. “Okay, okay calm down you two.”
“Sir, did you not tell her?” Riku asked Yuki’s father. “Oh! No, I forgot to inform her, but please you tell her.” Riku turned to Mario and whisper to him. “Wtf. This old man can’t do anything. Can we get rid of him and just keep his restaurant and business shares?” “Take it easy Riku, human seem to be slower than us Angels.” Mario whispered back. “But this guy’s useless.” “Remember you promise me you would hold your tongue. Meaning you can’t hurt others feelings.” “I shouldn’t have promise that, then” Said to himself.
He turned his attention back to Yuki. “Ok. We’re da Wild Family due to our family businesses. We are the third wealthiest & richest family.” we’re also angels but you don’t need to know that.) Yuki: His spacing out. Is he an airhead? “We own the three famous Love Hotels in Asia, Shi in Japan, Nou in China, and Fen in Taiwan, the two top Adult stores in Japan, number 1 casino in Russia and a few here in Japan, two VIP strip clubs, Adult magazine, overseas A.V. Production Company, and the Escort Agency here in Japan.” He said in a bored and tired voice. All the information stunned Yuki. Yuki’s thoughts: Wow. Wait, aren’t all those perverted stuff.
After Riku’s explanation, Mayu had just realized what Sae had said a while ago. “Hey! Wait! What the hell do you mean with your future wife? HUH?! We never agreed on who was going to marry her!” Mayu yelled at Sae. Yuki’s thoughts: He’s so cute when his angry. It makes me wnna…wait what was I thinking. She shakes her head. “What did…” Sae was about to yell at Mayu by was cut off by Mario and Riku. “He does have a point.” Riku continued in a bored and sleepy voice. “We never decided who was to marry her, we just agreed to the marriage thing. That’s all.” “Riku’s right. Well since Sae and Mayu are the youngest and close to her age. Why don’t one of you two marry her?” Mario said in a calm voice. “I WILL!” Both Sae and Mayu yelled stepping closer to Yuki.
Yuki turned to her father and whispered. “Um? Excuse me, father?” “Yes, sweetie?” “So. You didn’t really get me a fiancé. You just want me to marry into their family.” “Yes!” He answers excitedly smiling at Yuki. Yuki’s thoughts: Great! His selling his only daughter.
“Hey! U TWO!” Riku yelled smacking the two hard on their head. “Itai!” “It seems to me that both of you want her. So how about trying to win her heart?” “What do you mean? Riku-nii?” Both Sae and Mayu turned to face Riku. “Don’t call me Riku-nii, or else.” “Or else what?” Both said and tilted their head to one side. “Or else I’ll beat you like I did those guys.” *Gulp* “Sorry, please continue.” “Okay. What I mean is that she choices who she wants to marry outta the two of you.” “I agree.” Yuki’s father yells. “Okay.” Mario says and turns to Yuki. “So you will choice who to marry. Don’t worry you don’t have to choice right now, but please choice within 4 months from now.” Mario said in a sweet and caring voice. Yuki’s thought: Maybe I should marry him?  *Blush*
“Okay! Whoever you wish to marry I’ll be 100% behind you. No matter who it is.” Her father said excitedly pushing the four young men out the door and closing it. Damn is that how you treat your future in-laws? No wonder my mother’s parents don’t like you.

Outside the said door
“Hey Guys! I think this is going to be fun.” Sae laughed. “Yeah, but don’t think I’ll go easy on you.” Mayu playfully said getting into their car. “Don’t use your powers! You have to win her heart the old fashion way!” Mario and Riku yelled and sighed. Why try when they never listen. *sigh*

Offline Tejinashi

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 4 Nov. 27
« Reply #48 on: November 28, 2011, 04:08:26 AM »
OH EM GEEE,this just got more and more interesting XD, whoever Yuki is with is fine by me, I just not really into SaeYuki -_-, but don't worry about me, just go with your own choice like I said before, whatever it will going to be is definitely nice, I think so XD

Offline RenaChii

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 4 Nov. 27
« Reply #49 on: November 28, 2011, 08:38:12 AM »
It's MORE interesting~

Rena X Yuki X Mayu X Sae?! who will win Yuki's heart?!

Please update soon~

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 4 Nov. 27
« Reply #50 on: November 28, 2011, 04:39:48 PM »
Wow!!! It's really getting so much interesting!!! XD
Competition for Yukirin between Sae and Mayu :lol:
Although I hope Mayu wins :nervous

Thanks for the Update :thumbsup
Please Update Soon :bow:

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 4 Nov. 27
« Reply #51 on: November 30, 2011, 05:53:13 AM »
Hey Everyone if you're curious about how the Wild family looks like here are the links





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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 4 Nov. 27
« Reply #52 on: November 30, 2011, 08:31:44 AM »
I can't see the pics.... :(

Offline kahem

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 4 Nov. 27
« Reply #53 on: November 30, 2011, 08:57:46 AM »
A lot of suitors for Yuki hehehe nice!

Offline AKBlover_99

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 4 Nov. 27
« Reply #54 on: November 30, 2011, 09:52:12 AM »
I can's see the pic of the handsome boys too..... :sweatdrop:
Oh,yeah! Thx for the update!!!!    :tama-bigheart:
Update soon! :peace:

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 4 Nov. 27
« Reply #55 on: December 02, 2011, 08:52:15 PM »
Sorry about that.  :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

I'm also working on updating Chapter 5. I'm currently half way so it MIGHT be updated AROUND this evening.   :on woohoo: :on gay: :on GJ:

« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 10:15:24 PM by Sok »

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"The Deal" Ch. 5 Dec. 2
« Reply #56 on: December 03, 2011, 03:08:22 AM »
Chapter 5

After leaving Yuki, Rena arrived at her family’s Mansion, The Joker Family Mansion.
“I’m finally home.” Rena said to no one happy to be back home. Good thing no one knows who the members of The Joker Family, or else they’d be freaking out about one’s age. Rena then walks through the Steel Gate and to the front door. She opens it and walks in to find the head of their family sitting in the living room reading over several papers. Rena takes a deep breath and screams. “I’m home!” “Welcome back….EH?! Rena?!” “Hey, Takamina. Where’s everyone else?” “TAKAMINA! Did you just scream Rena?” Someone yells from the second floor but was ignored. “Rena! Where have you been?” Takamina screamed at Rena setting down the papers she was reading. “hehehe…Locked up. Why? Did I miss anything juicy?” “EH?! Lock up?!” Three figures screamed after coming down the stairs. The moment they noticed who their leader was talking to, the youngest ran towards Rena and gives her a bear hug. “RENA! RENA! RENA! YOU’RE FINALLY BACK! I’VE MISSED YOU SOOOOO MUCH!” “C-ca..can…can’t…I..I can’t…breath…NEED AIR!” Rena said trying to escape from Jurina’s bear hug. “Jurina! Let her go! Can’t you see you’re suffocating her!” The other two figures yelled at Jurina who let go of her death grip on Rena. “Sorry Rena. I got too excited.” “It’s okay and thanks Tomochin and Michan.” “No problem.” “Btw Rena, why did you say locked up? Also the fact that you left for 50 years without telling us.” Tomochin asked curious. “Yeah! Especially without telling me! I’ve been lonely at these nights without you.” Jurina yelled at Rena. “Oh that, sorry.” Rena’s thought: don’t really like sleeping in the same room with you, Jurina cuz you do stuff to me when I’m asleep. “Remember the woman I had made a deal with 120 years ago.” “Yeah.” They all responded. “Well about 50 years ago she had sealed me in a necklace.” “How?” “Don’t know.” “When did you escape?” “Just a little way ago I was freed.” “By who? Female or male?” Jurina asked curious if it was a female. “Don’t know. Now let’s leave it at that.” Rena quickly responded. “Who freed…?” Jurina asked once more but was cut off by Takamina. “Okay we will leave it at that Rena.” Jurina glared at Takamina who responded with ‘I’ll lock up so you won’t see her’ look.
“Thanks. Btw Takamina.” “What is it Rena?” “I don’t really know how to say this but…” “What is it? You know you can tell me anything.” “Well, it’s just that. Dude, I know that Tomochin, you and I can change our genders and that you have a boyish personality, but you didn’t really need to turn into a man especially when you’re in women’s attire. It looks disturbing.” Rena tries to hold her laughter but fails and beings to laugh with Miichan, Tomochin and Jurina who also realized what Takamina was wearing. “What? Eh? Stut up! I didn’t have any men attire and it’s not my fault, I’m like this.” Takamina says with a depressed look. “What does you mean?” Jurina asked. “Just use your power to turn back into a woman.” Tomochin said. “I tried but it does work.” Takamina said with a sad voice. “Really? What happened to make you this way?” Rena asked curious. Takamina turned to face Miichan who just smirked. “It’s her fault!” Takamina yelled pointing her point towards Miichan. “What?” Juarin, Tomochin, and Rena asked confused. “I’m like this because of you! Miichan!” “What? Cuz of me? What are you talking about, Bakamina?” Miichan asked innocently. While the other three were still confused. “What do you mean, Takamina?” Tomochin asked getting closer to Miichan. “Takamina, you’re saying Miichan made you this way? But how?” Rena asked putting the pieces together. “Yes! She give me something saying it was ‘Gatorade.’ I drank it and began to feel hot and sweating then puff. I’m a man.” Takamina explains in even voice. “Awesome! Can I have one?” Jurina shouted jumping up and down. “Jurina calm down.” Rena tried to calm Jurina down but didn’t work and she was beginning to annoyed. *SLAP* “Itaiiii! Rena why did you slap me?” Jurina said showing Rena your sad puppy look. “Cuz! U won’t calm down!” Jurina thoughts:I’ll get you back later *smirk* I’ll make up for the 50 years we haven’t seen each other. In that moment Rena felt a chill run down her shine and a cold sweat.
“Miichan you can reverse it, right?” Asked Tomochin who was looking at Miichan with a worried face. “NO. I didn’t make it.” “What do you mean, Miichan?” Rena turned to face Miichan ignoring the disturbing feels she getting. “Well, the thing is that…” “What?” “I didn’t create it. I kinda… before I say anything.” Miichan turns and faces Takamina. “You have to promise not to get mad.”   
“Miichan! Just say it!” both Tomochin and Rena yelled getting inpatient. “Hey! Takamina has to promise not to kill me First.” Miichan yelled back. “Okay, I promise not to hurt you. Happy now tell me.” Takamina said in a calm voice. “Okie Dokie. I found it in a trash bin.” Miichan said before running away from Takamina, who’s now trying to kill her. “Miichan I’m not going to hurt you just still stay.” Takamina said chasing Miichan around the Joker Mansion. “HA! You think I can’t see you killing aura. You wish! HA!” Miichan said running behind Tomochin and Jurina for protect purposes. While Rena sits down on a single sofa. Takamina stopped a few feet away and slowly gets closer to the three. “Tomochin, Jurina get out of the way, please.” “No can do. Takamina.” Tomochin said stepping closer to Miichan.
Rena still watching from the sidelines. Her thoughts: Man. I really missed this. Seems Those two are still a couple. But I kinda feel sorry for takamina cuz she really needs to put on some guy clothes cuz the girl clothes she has on are not meant for men. It show things you don’t ever wanna see unless it’s the person you love then it’s ok. I should go shopping tomorrow for her. “Takamina you promised you won’t hurt Miichan.” Jurina said stepping in front of Takamina to block her from advancing towards Miichan. “Okay. Fine. I give up! It’s not fair when it’s you three against me.” Takamina says leaving the room to go her bedroom on the second floor. Miichan hugs Jurina and whispers into her ear. “You can do whatever you want to Rena, today. I’ll help you.” Suddenly Rena the same chill from before run down her shine. That’s weird. Jurina then turns to Rena winks at her and gives Rena her famous cat like smile. Oh shit! That’s why I felt the chills. I better sneak out the mansion before she goes into my room. Besides I really don’t want her to smell what’s her name’s scent on me, I’ll be eaten for sure.    “OI! Takamina maybe your girlfriends can turn you back!” Tomochin yelled. “Oh that’s right.” Jurina said. “Well how about we go to sleep.” Miichan said yawning. “Yeah.”
When everyone was asleep. Jurina sneaked into Rena’s room and was getting into her bed when she noticed Rena wasn’t there. She checked the whole mansion but she was nowhere to be found. She goes to Miichan’s room. “Miichan! I can’t find her!” “Jurina, Miichan’s in my room.” Tomochin said sleepily and goes back to sleep. “Sorry.” Jurina whispers. “Miichan!” “Ugh?! Is breakfast ready?” “No. It’s me.” “Oh. No food?" "NO!" "Ok, I'm going back to sleep. nightnight." "No you said you would help me." "What’s up?” “Rena isn’t in the mansion.” “What?! She left? Well there’s nothing we can do. We’ll get her next time. Okay?” “Okay. Good night.”

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 5 Dec. 2
« Reply #57 on: December 03, 2011, 04:01:50 AM »
“Okay, I promise not to hurt you. Happy now tell me.” Takamina said in a calm voice. “Okie Dokie. I found it in a trash bin.” Miichan said before running away from Takamina, who’s now trying to kill her.

LOL :lol: I was laughing so hard here XD
Haha.. Miichan founded it in a trash bin and let Takamina drank it :twisted:
So she'll stay a man for now :thumbsup Good Job Miichan :peace: :peace:

Thanks for the Update :thumbup :thumbup
Please Update Soon :mon cute:

“OI! Takamina maybe your girlfriends can turn you back!” Tomochin yelled. “Oh that’s right.” Jurina said.

BTW who's the girlfriends of Takamina Tomochin say??


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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 5 Dec. 2
« Reply #58 on: December 03, 2011, 08:39:10 AM »
I kinda confused.. But this chapter is hilarious...  :wahaha:   and who's Takamina's girlfriend??  :hehehe:

Offline RenaChii

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 5 Dec. 2
« Reply #59 on: December 03, 2011, 09:40:25 AM »
So Jurina still LOVE Rena in this fic~

Ah~ still curious who will be Yuki's pairing~

Or could it be a harem?! But I would love to read something like that~

Thanks for updating~

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