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Author Topic: [Ch 4 Pt 2] The Person That I Fell In Love With Is...You [YukoRena, others]  (Read 50298 times)

Offline ttwm123

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update please...
its been 2 years, u know :cry:

Offline sakura_drop_

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A/n. So I know this is not the longest chapter I wrote... And I know it's been over two years since I last updated this fic... Well, um, here you go I guess? I know I was supposed to update smut first, but that can wait.this urged me to complete it so I did. I guess (hope), enjoy?  :nervous


The Person That I Fell In Love With Is...You

Chapter 4


Coming from a huge family Yuki always felt the lack of warmth that kids usually get from parents. The girl was a middle child in a mixture of her six brothers and two sisters. By the time Yuki was born, her parents were too preoccupied with their multiple jobs and busy lifestyles to take care of their children. It made her wonder why they had any children to begin with, if they spared little to no time for them. They could have trusted their older kids to take care of then youngster Yuki, but the girl was too different and unique for them to entrust such a task upon teenagers. Yuki was always a quiet and timid girl, but she would constantly either get sick or get lost while wandering on her own, something her parents - and her siblings - didn't approve of. Thus she was sent out to live with her grandparents.

The girl was growing up alone, totally succumbing to solidarity. Her grandparents were very strict, striving their best to implement proper manners and complete obedience on their grandchild. Yuki no longer was able to get lost or sick, what with her grandparents leading healthy and precise lifestyles. The middle Miyawaki child would often be scolded for not sitting properly, for talking too much about random obscure things, for not holding the teacup gracefully, even for her reaction antics.

Her parents completely cast her aside, newborn twin girls with lively personalities filling their everyday lives with laughter and joy, even making them set aside their business trips. Yuki was growing up as a proper but shy and introverted girl. That is, until her grandmother passed away and her grandfather was so struck by grief, he decided to send the girl off to a catholic all girls school. That's where she was met with even harsher and more strict living conditions. At least back home her grandparents cared for her to some extent, loved her in their own way. Here people were emotionless, cold, heartless and unforgiving. For every smile, laughter or sprinkle of joy Yuki – or any girl, really – would get a harsh punishment. Some were bearable, yet some were mentally excruciating.

At some point Miyawaki stopped caring and returned to her old habits from her childhood days. She would often stared into space, barely showing any emotions or her infamous reactions. Another thing, she started wandering the school halls aimlessly at night. Obviously, it was prohibited, but the girl either was very lucky or good at hiding as she had never been caught. Her favorite place that she encountered on one of her usual strolls along the halls was a hidden abandoned room. It was in ruins, had holes instead of windows; overgrown moss and vines all over the place. Had anyone found her in there, what with the seventh floor being forbidden to enter even at daytime – any time, actually – she probably was to be severely punished and then expelled.

Yuki loved how the wind played with her hair or the hem of her dress, how the chill air made her feel every bone and millimeter of skin in her body, how brightly the moon shone in the starry night sky. She loved the eerie atmosphere in the room; it only seemed to calm her down instead of stressing or scaring her. She would often wonder how nice it must be for the night creatures to live in such serenity, with little to no humans distracting their nightlife. Yuki herself always felt the need to escape this confinement called catholic school and every night she was edging closer and closer to the hole where once was a window. To her amusement – and her vivid imagination must her also been at fault – she realized the room was big enough to be compared to the likes of smaller stadiums; she even thought maybe this was a banquet hall back in the days. And one time, when she was close enough to that particular hole-once-window, Yuki realized it was not only vines that weaved themselves across the room and out of the window hole. A huge tree just outside was located and more than one of its branches bordered the building wall, some of the smaller ones crossing over the holes and into the room.

The raven haired girl found courage to look properly outside, and to her huge surprise she found herself staring at the abandoned rooftop garden, which was probably created on the sixth floor; at least that was what Yuki saw in the clouds covered moonlight light. She had an itch to go down and explore, to wander. Every part of the school that had been not occupied by anyone intrigued the girl greatly; it was like a craving deep inside her to be the one to embrace the secrets every abandoned room – or, in this case, garden – held. A week or so later Yuki found herself climbing out the window-like hole onto the one of the thicker tree branches and descending down the tree into the area that perked her curiosity.

The garden, even though abandoned, was the most magnificent place Miyawaki had ever visited. Beautiful wild flowers, luscious bushes, tons of fireflies and moths; it all wrapped in a mystical silver blue moonlight light. Her breath was taken away, her lungs soon unable to withstand the lack of air and she gasped, inhaling and exhaling in sharp breaths and letting her needy lungs fill up with the so much desired oxygen. She felt free, at peace, relaxed and...happy. Something caught her attention however; it was an unusually situated bench. The bench was pushed sideways in between two bushes, its one end against a tree.

Yuki approached it, noticing a hollow higher up in the tree. After stepping onto the bench she instantly realized why it was in such an unusual place. Raven haired girl shed away any thoughts of the possibility to find only bugs or insects crawling inside and stuck her hand into the hollow. Soon Yuki's eyes went wide and her face contorted into one of her infamous reactions, when she pushed her hand further into the hollow and her slender fingers traced over what seemed to be a book of some sorts.

Miyawaki took the book with her, not sparing a moment to give it a glance. She climbed back to seventh floor and hurried along the corridors, until she was safely back in her room. She grabbed a candle from the table, lighting it up and hiding with it and the book in the wardrobe. She used to wonder why did they need one in the first place, if all they were allowed to wear was a uniform. After a few times hiding in it with a book and a candle she stopped complaining.

The raven haired girl took a deep breath after placing the candle-holder steadily on the bottom panel of the wardrobe and finally decided to inspect the book in her lap. It was not too thin nor too thick; its color light brown and a cover without any title or picture. Upon opening it the girl saw a single black cross in a red background on the very first page. She right away knew what kind of book was she holding. Yuki knew if anyone ever found out she held possession of the Devil's Bible, things would not end well for her. Not that she was ever going to tell a soul.

Rumors – at those rare times when no nuns were there to watch over the students – flew around that there existed a book, its contents so dark and of such evil it would scare even the most daredevil person. It was forbidden to speak of it, let alone search for it. Despite that, as long as the school's history went, many girls were severely punished for endless attempts of trying to seek the book out, unsuccessfully. It was said that the last owner of the book was known by the name BLACK and that she came from the very well respected family, but that was pretty much all information that was known o Yuki. She hoped the book held the so much needed answers to her curiosity and unexplainable gravity towards it.

Flipping through the pages Yuki felt as if she was in some trance, dark words pulling her in and making her feel powerful and in control. However, her attention soon was caught by a certain wall of text at the very last page of the bible. As she kept reading, her eyes grew wider and wider, her body suddenly feeling very cold and unable to move.

                                 Dear founder of the Devil's Bible,

If at this point you still don't know more than you did before opening this book, allow me to let you in on a secret it holds. This is the Devil's Bible, or the heirloom of the very old and respected Kashiwagi family. If your last name is different, do not fear, as I am most certain your family tree has a relative with Kashiwagi's last name. That, of course, is not all. Look for a blank portrait in your family tree, with Yuki Black written under it. That's me, your ancient relative. This book holds a secret on how to fight bullies, instill fair on others, follow your dreams by overcoming obstacles and remaining true to yourself and your roots. Find your inner Kashiwagi. I know no one else is as curious and daring in this school – or clever enough, to be honest – to find this book but my descendant. Please, let no one look down upon you and take good care of the Devil's Bible.

                                                                                          With love and best wishes,

                                                                                                                Yuki Black

Yuki had no idea how much time passed as she kept on reading, over and over, to the point where she knew the letter word to word. She had always wondered what the blank portrait in their family tree meant as her family never spoke of it; all the conversations were ceased at the mere mention of it. The name was removed or hidden in every document she ever came upon. Now she knew why. Infamous Yuki Black was her ancestor and obviously her stuck up relatives had wanted nothing to do with her.


It took her one month to read through the Devil's Bible properly and after yet another month she knew nearly every single word, line and saying by heart, especially her favorite ones.

[Fear... and pain... has flown away to the skies.... The time... has finally come for it...]

[If the abyss ever... follows me... then part ways from me; into the grave... where no light reaches you.]

[I found it once again... What did I find? Eternity.]

[Hot blood in such frail body… No tomorrow... for you.]

[The path to the moon... will appear once again.]

[The good and bad are the same. They both make terrible sounds when groaning.]


Few more days later Yuk heard news of twin boys being born to her parents, meaning she had two more brothers, meaning she had eight siblings. It also meant she was simply the black, unwanted sheep to her family and that no one even gave her a single thought. Something snapped in the raven haired girl and she realized she had a craving to flee the catholic school, to find a better place for herself, somewhere more fitting and accepting. One thing followed another and soon Yuki found herself filling out an acceptance form at AkKanbe Basshi Jogakuen. She cut all ties with her family and relatives, all but one. Yuki Black. She changed her last name and now she was known by the name Kashiwagi Yuki, Miyawaki no more.

Half a year later, a person approached her, saying he knew all about Yuki's past and that he was going to expose her. Two days after the unpleasant encounter Miyawaki-now-Kashiwagi found the person's photo in a newspaper, where a brutal murder was announced. She asked around, but never found out anything more than what the newspaper revealed. Up till this very day Yuki was clueless and yet thankful to whoever  saved her from er life being ruined. After all, she never showed the Devil's Bible to anyone and she returned to her old overreacting self the moment she set her foot into the new school. Obviously, she didn't think the murder was necessary, Yuki thought there ought to be many other ways to silence the man. Well, her secret was safe with her, at least for the time being.

Over time she not only got a few friends at school but also gained good reputation enough to become the president of her class. One time she was walking back to the dorms, pondering over a few projects and daydreaming of passing an upcoming test in flying colors. That resulted in her missing a step and tumbling down a few stairs. Except she didn't hit the ground or splattered herself embarrassingly at the bottom of the stairs. A strong pair of arms held her in a firm embrace, catching her from the fall, exactly like in some romance novel or drama series. When Yuki looked up at her savior, the world around her ceased to exist, her heart stopped beating and her cheeks turned into red hue; all she could see was the gorgeous woman holding her tightly, an amused smile playing on her lips. Instantly Yuki knew she was in love, with none other but Rapappa's vice president Shinoda Mariko-sama.She swore to never tell a soul about such an embarrassing ordeal, not knowing that the future held more for her than she imagined.


P.S. If you have any questions, you can always ask. And remember, these are the past events in this chapter.


"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline wmatsui fanfic.

  • ecchi
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Ohh....when ....i..... was reading I was like poor yuki what horibble life you had,I mean what kind of parents are they?

but i'm confused now,is Yuki their real daughter who is Yuki black.

I'm glad she make some friends and start to enjoy her life and woow will there gonna be YukiSado.

new ship can't wait to read more even though i know you are not updating that fast.

anyway good job, Sankyou for the amazing fic. :twothumbs

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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I just started reading this and it's amazing! This is amazing backstory to Yuki!

I'm glad wmatsui fanfic recommended me this. I look forward to more~ ;)
« Last Edit: May 26, 2016, 12:55:49 PM by Ruka Kikuchi »

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline wmatsui fanfic.

  • ecchi
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I just started reading this and it's amazing! This is amazing backstory to Yuki!

I'm glad Taro recommended me this. I look forward to more~ ;)

Hey why you said my name?  :banghead:

That supposed to be secret between us. :panic: And i didn't  recommended her to read this. I just suggested her if she wanna read fic about Yuki she can read yours. you know she is also Yuki fan.

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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    • rukakikuchi
    • rukakikuchi
^Ah, sorry. XD

But more than that, I also liked Geki. ;)

The backstory you gave her was incredible!

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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