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Author Topic: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- My First You  (Read 57955 times)

Offline ichikawa

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✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Killing Me Softly
« Reply #80 on: November 16, 2012, 04:25:32 PM »
It's been a while I haven't been writing some stories... I feel like I forget how to write XD
It's an update~ as usual~ my OTP  :heart:
This is short than my others update, though...

Hope minna enjoy  :)


Loving you is just like sweet melody, it comes to me so naturally…
Loving you is like a fire, whether it’s going to warm your heart or burn it, you can never tell…
Loving you is like a poison, it goes through your veins, shoots through your heart, messed up your brain and leaves you in pain…

Love is a sweet poison, an agreeable torment… and I’m taking it everyday without second thought.


I love the way you called my name. I love the smile you give me everytime we meet. When we started getting to know each other, even just a bit, that kind of joy I’m feeling it… When our eyes meet each other, that serious look of yours makes my heart to beat even faster than usual.

When I first met you, I believe it’s not a coincidence… it is fate… it’s destiny… and you are starting to fill my heart with your poison every single day.

We met, we talked, we laughed, and we fell in love. I am wide aware of this sweet poison, it filled inside me drowned deeper and deeper and I’m willingly taking it for more. Everytime love starts to take off, I always suffer from all these negative dreams. These feelings seem to go away as the time quietly passes by. It reacts to my heart if you’re not around. It stings to my heart when you ignored me… and you are the only morphine to cure the pain.

Your temper is like a typhoon, came without warning, gone without trace. You will only smile when you are happy and stay silent when you are in bad mood, and I love you just the way you are. But somehow, I can’t understand you. I can never know what are you thinking… just like this time… this morning, you are clingy on me. We are having off day from our busy schedules and you always drag me out to the town, walking, talking, laughing, eating, and do some shopping. But then… you suddenly went rage and without a single word, you left.

“Acchan, have you slept?”

I sent you a message and you didn’t reply.

“Good morning, Acchan. Let’s have breakfast together”

Another message from me and you didn’t reply.

“Acchan, you free this noon? Let’s have lunch together”

Yet another message and you didn’t reply. You haven’t talked to me since that day. You are avoiding me all the time and having fun with Yuko and the others.

“Alright, break time is over. Get in your position for next song” I put a smile on my face and do my best to end this rehearsal. When the rehearsal is over, I tried to talk to you but you walked away and went home with Yuko.

Staring at the window, staring at the night sky, the memories between us are flashing inside my mind. My lips can’t help but forming a smile whenever you are running inside my mind. I’m thinking about you so much. Time doesn’t stop me… my aching heart needs you now…

It’s been three days… You’ve been ignored me for three days. My emotions are just repeating over and over again. I want words from you, just one line will do. With my fingers, I’ll send you a message. All the messages I sent to you, you did not reply. Did I do something wrong? How would I know if you didn’t tell me? I got tired of crying… I’m going to quit worrying those unanswered calls and messages.

This poison reacts inside me, killing me softly…

My head hurts in the early morning. My body is heavier than ever. Checking on my phone, still no reply from you. Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and went back to sleep. All of the sudden, this thing vibrating in my palm, my eyes wide opened to seek for your name but it appeared to be another person.

“Hello?” I answered.

“TAKAMINA!!!” this person is shouting on the other side, “Where are you?”

“Home” I said shortly.

“Majide? Do you know what time is it? Are you not feeling well?”

“Ah…” I looked at the time, it showed 10.48 am. I am late for the theater rehearsal, “I’m not feeling well, Yuko. Please take care of the rest”

“Wa—” before she can say anything more, I hanged up the phone. Turned off my phone, grabbing my jacket, I went out from this room.

I’m going on a trip to the beach. Walking to the bus stop, change to train station, I’m on my way to the beach. Looking out from the window, the sky is gloomy, looks like it will rain soon. Turned up the volume of my music player, listening to the sad love song, the song is going through my soul…

The beach is so quiet in rainy day. I am all alone sitting on the shore, listening to my sad songs and feeling the waves brush my feet gently. A raindrop fell on my cheek, I can feel it. I smiled and closed my eyes to welcome the rain. It was pouring down from the sky and dropped on my skin harshly. It was like washing the sadness and the pain away from me. Lay down on the sand, stretched my arms wide to feel the rain, let the tears out mixing with the rain… as my heart is calling out your name.

The sun is setting down, the sky stopped raining, and the music stopped. It’s time to go home now…

I get up from the ground, lowering my hood and walked to the station. In front of the station, I just realized that I forgot to bring my wallet, searching inside my pocket, nothing to be found. Sighed, I walked away and took another route to go home. Along the way, my stomach is crawling, growling inside, asking for food. It’s a bit ironic but… my heart ache no more when my stomach is crawling.

Pffftt… so, hunger can neutralize the ache” stretching my arms straight, I moved forward, “I’ll try to call you again later. I’ll call you thousand times until you talk to me”

Blame to myself for not bringing wallet, I have to walk for hours to get home. The moon is up high in the sky, showering her light on me, on my cold body. Is it me too tired or what? I saw a figure is standing in front of my house. I can’t see it clear in the night but somehow I get a familiar feeling of this person. Trying to hide the smile on my face, my legs are moving faster toward the destination. When I get closer, my heart beats faster. The poison is reacting again inside me, like drug…

“Acchan…” her name came out smoothly from my throat.

You turned to face me with teary eyes, “Baka!” You pulled me into your embrace and hold me tight, “Where did you go? Why you didn’t message me? Why you turn off your phone? I’m worried!”

Your poison is reacting again inside me. This warm is filling inside me, going through my veins and skin. I smiled…

You pulled out and looked at me with worried face, “Why are you soaking wet? Did something happen? Where did you go? Why your phone is off?”

“I miss you” my simple answer to all your questions is, “… I miss you…”

Her gaze went softly on me, melting me inside…

She moved closer and attached her forehead on mine, looking straight into my eyes… Our nose gently touched and I can feel her hot breath against my skin, it’s killing me softly inside… the warm and fuzzy feelings spread through my body system, the poison is spreading and shut down my brain, messed up with my heart beats… She's killing me softly with her love...

“You’ll catch cold like this” She held my hand and guided me to my house, “I’ll be sleepover here tonight. I’m gonna make sure you won’t catch cold. We have a performance tomorrow and you have to perform in your best condition”

Your love is such a sweet poison I can’t resist… it kills me yet revives me at the same time…

Minami: “Ne, Acchan. Why did you ignore me? What did I do?”

Atsuko: “You still don’t realize your fault?”

Minami: *shakes head*

Atsuko: “You ate my strawberry on the strawberry cake I ordered!!”

Minami: *eyes widen* just because of that?!

Atsuko: “That’s my favorite! I always save it for the last!!” *pouted* “I thought you’d buy one and apologize”

Minami: *roll eyes* So, cake is more important than me… *facepalm*

 :lol: looks like I spoil the moment at the ending  :lol:  Forgive me  XD

Offline TakaminaBG

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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Killing Me Softly
« Reply #81 on: November 16, 2012, 05:22:37 PM »
The whole story was so sad. I really felt for Minami..
But in the end together as always, BUT WHAT KIND OF AN ENDING IS THIS?
I almost cried and in the end you got me laughing!
But t was great, thank you and update soon!! And so should I, right? :D

Offline Pdpond

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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Killing Me Softly
« Reply #82 on: November 16, 2012, 05:40:16 PM »
The whole story you made me sad and feel hurt deep in my mind
But the end; I smile and laughing!!.
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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Killing Me Softly
« Reply #83 on: November 16, 2012, 06:58:24 PM »
Wow that was awesome, I really loved the concept and once again your writing really drew me in :D It was sad and sweet but in the end it was hilarious. Poor minami had to go through that all because of a strawberry :P Well she probably learned her lesson, never to come between Atsuko and food :D
Thanks for the update ^^

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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Killing Me Softly
« Reply #84 on: November 17, 2012, 10:41:36 AM »
what.. the..  :shocked
you ruined the mood  :depressed:  seriously you are...  :err:

give me a proper ending please..!  :frustrated: :mon cry:

Offline ichikawa

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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Killing Me Softly
« Reply #85 on: November 20, 2012, 08:26:41 PM »
@ TakaminaBG : Thanks for leaving comment  :) and  :yep: I'm still waiting for your update  :D you should update soon~
@ Pdpond : Nyahaha~ I think the story is too sad, so I put some humor in it~  XD thanks you like it
@ arrow27 :  :yep: do not go between Atsuko and food~ it's obviously food will win  XD
@ O r i g a m i :  :D Thank you for the comments. I'm really happy to see that you miss my fic  XD
@ d_ruffi : Sorry for ruining the mood  :P Since you demand on it, here's the proper ending for the continuance~

Hope you enjoy  :)


Her gaze went softly on me, melting me inside…

She moved closer and attached her forehead on mine, looking straight into my eyes… Our nose gently touched and I can feel her hot breath against my skin, it’s killing me softly inside… the warm and fuzzy feelings spread through my body system, the poison is spreading and shut down my brain, messed up with my heart beats… She's killing me softly with her love...

“You’ll catch cold like this” She held my hand and guided me to my house, “I’ll be sleepover here tonight. I’m gonna make sure you won’t catch cold. We have a performance tomorrow and you have to perform in your best condition”

Your love is such a sweet poison I can’t resist… it kills me yet revives me at the same time…

She is holding my hand and guide me inside my house. She sat me down on the couch and went to bring some towel in my room. I am sitting on the couch, looking at my hands. I can still feel her warm on my hands. Seeing her face made me feel better, hearing her voice made my soul in ease. Slowly leaning my back on the couch, I closed my eyes. I'm tired from walking home for an hour.

Soon, I heard footsteps. I know she is walking toward me.

"Sleep already?" I heard her voice near to me. Not long after, I felt something on my forehead, "You are having slight fever"

I opened my eyes and surprised to see her face an inch before me. My mind went blank again and my body temperature is getting hot. I can feel her hot breath on my face. I closed my eyes and leaned forward and felt something soft on my lips.

"Chuckle... Do you love that towel so much?"

I opened my eyes and saw the towel on my lips. She is holding her stomach and laughing non stop at me. I am dying of embarrassment... I wish I could vanish right now. I pulled the towel and covered my face. Teased by her like this is killing me. She is killing me softly with my embarrassment.

"So, you are not ignoring me now?" I said with my face still covered by the towel.

"I'm still waiting for you to apologize" She pouted and looked away.

I smiled at how cute she is when she pouted like this. I get up from the couch and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me, want her to feel the temperature of my body.

"You are leaving me cold like this. I almost become an ice statue" Resting my head on her shoulder, I whispered nest to her ear, "Don't ignore me like this anymore, it's torturing me"

She pushed me away gently and face me, "Do you realize what's your fault?"

"How would I know if you didn't tell me? You know how stupid I can be" I pouted at her with puppy eyes.

She pouted and twisted my ears unforgivenly, "I saw you enjoy how Mochii nibbled your ear!"

"EH?! She sneaked from behind and I was caught off guard!"

She stayed silent and glaring at me, her hands were still holding my ears.

"You know I can't fight back when my ear being occupied..." I stared at the floor.

"That's not an excuse!" she said as she twisted my ears again.

"Ouch... ouch... it's hurt, Acchan. I swear I didn't enjoy it! I only enjoy my life when I'm with you!"

She stopped twisting but still not letting go my ears.

"I only enjoy every seconds of my life when I'm with you, Acchan" Seeing no reaction from her, I tried to remove her hands from my ears slowly and put them on my face.

"Your hands are so warm, Acchan" I said as I feel the warm of her palm and kissing her right palm gently.

She blushed and smacked my head, "Enough for sweet talk. Hurry go bath and sleep! We have performance tomorrow morning"

She picked up the dry towel which dropped in the floor and walked away. I followed her behind, "Have you prepare the water, my wife~"

"Who is your wife?!" she said as she threw the towel right on my face.

My face said it's hurt but my heart said it's warm...


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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Killing Me Softly
« Reply #86 on: November 20, 2012, 08:31:27 PM »
as expected to my child
you inherit dad's writing skills huh?

She sneaked from behind and I was caught off guard!
QUOTED nyahahahaha
i love this scene!

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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Killing Me Softly
« Reply #87 on: November 20, 2012, 08:48:44 PM »
as expected to my child
you inherit dad's writing skills huh?

She sneaked from behind and I was caught off guard!
QUOTED nyahahahaha
i love this scene!

I agree with mommy!!! niichan saikou!!!
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Killing Me Softly
« Reply #88 on: November 21, 2012, 12:34:17 AM »
aw, another awesome update :D Loved this! ^^ Thanks for the update, I look forward to ur future fics!

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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Killing Me Softly
« Reply #89 on: November 21, 2012, 07:38:38 AM »
jjaja i prefer the first ending :B

Offline cisda83

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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Killing Me Softly
« Reply #90 on: November 21, 2012, 08:35:15 AM »
Interesting OS u wrote there  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Looking forward to the next  :cow: :cow: :cow:

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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Killing Me Softly
« Reply #91 on: November 21, 2012, 01:46:48 PM »
So sweet; my heart melt :heart: :heart: :heart:
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Offline douya08

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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Killing Me Softly
« Reply #92 on: January 05, 2013, 10:10:58 AM »
eeeeeehhhhh?? You continued this fic!!  :shocked  :shocked  :shocked
how could I just know about it!  :doh:

thx for the continuation~
looking forward to your next update  :mon fyeah:

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✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Stupid Me
« Reply #93 on: January 13, 2013, 01:57:33 PM »
Thanks for all the comment minna~~
Thanks for still reading my fics~~
So many things happened nowadays.. finally get my inspiration back to write something  :D
Another Atsumina from me~~


Stupid Me

“Get out of here! Now!”

That is my beautiful girlfriend, Maeda Atsuko… and yes, she is chasing me out of here, her apartment. We’re having a huge fight last night. You said I am dumber than big ben, how do you make that comparison? I’m too quiet when we argue, at least the clock would make some noise. Right now, I am sitting here, enjoying my last cup of coffee.

“I will leave after drinking this cup of coffee” I said coldly.

Want me to leave? I already packed my bags ahead of time. But I’m still waiting if she will apologize and admit her faults. It’s not my fault at all… She is standing there crossing her arms, in front of me, waiting for me to finish this cup of coffee. I hate to admit but her face is so cute when she is mad. She is running out her patience and angrily walking to my direction.

“Get out of my apartment now, Takahashi Minami!”

“Let me enjoy this coffee peacefully”

Yeah, I am drinking this coffee slowly. I don’t want to leave yet. Why doesn’t she understand that I don’t want to leave? Sigh… This stubborn girl… just apologize and I will pretend like nothing happened. You don’t need to chase me out… we’re living together for three years already, we’re having so many fights before... but you don’t need to chase me out this time. I am always the one who apologize even if it’s not my faults but why can’t I just let it go this time? Why am I acting like this? Why can’t you understand me? Because I’m stupid, I will always end up forgive you.

She grabbed my left arm and pulled me off the sofa. She pushed me toward the door harshly.

“Okay, okay, I can walk by myself” I released my arm from her hands and picked up my bag.

She opened the door to send me out. The wind was breezing cold outside, the road was covered by thin snow. My footsteps were printed on the snow as I walked by. I am walking in slow pace like a snail, my foot felt so heavy as I walked.

“Stop right there!” suddenly her voice came out from behind.

I smiled and turned back, as I thought, she wouldn’t be that cruel to chase me out. I know it, she will call me back. She walked toward me and smiled, “This is my cup” she said as she took away the cup of coffee which is still in my hands since this morning. After that, she went back into the house and slammed the door loud.

“Fine! If this is what you want! I leave!”

Kicking the snow under my foot, I walked away. Walked into the city street, the morning air is still fresh. Taking a break on the bench, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to relax myself. The river across the street is still beautiful as always… This scenery hasn’t changed a bit. I opened my bag and took out a disc, a DVD without its box. This is the movie she likes the most and this riverside where I am right now, is her favorite scene in the movie. We used to take a long walk at the riverside just like the couple in this movie. She’ll definitely call me when she found out I took the DVD. Looked at my watch, it showed 11:45 a.m. Why haven’t she called me? Maybe she hasn’t founded out the DVD is with me?

“Let’s take a lunch first~” I put the DVD back into my bag and walked to a restaurant.

After having delicious meal, I went back to the place and have a sit there. She still hasn’t called me yet. Let’s just wait a little more longer. I walk along the riverside and enjoy the scenery, remembering the memories we share together. It’s so cold here, walking by myself without your accompany. I remember the time we’re talking, laughing, playing here. You’re a naughty girl, really. You always trying to push me down to the river, leaving me soaking wet to the way home and then you prepared the hot water for me and cooked the delicious katsudon for me.

How many rounds I’ve been walking here? Surely, time is walking so slow without you by my side. I looked at my watch every minute. Right now, everything in my world is getting slowdown. You keep running inside my head, making a mess inside me. The sun is setting down now and you haven’t called me. I checked my phone every single minute and everytime I saw the screen, it’s your smiling face…

I’m walking here in your favorite scene but you’re not in the scene I want you to be. Frustrated, I walked back to the bench and put down my bag. I put my phone on top of bag, facing me, myself. Standing in front of my phone, looking at your face… I feel like I am going crazy.

“The sky is turning dark, why haven’t you asked me to return your DVD?” I scolded my phone, pointing it with index finger.

“Why are you pretending to be so stubborn? What is the problem?” I crossed my arms and pouted.

“If you don’t call me, then I’m not going to chase you back!” I shouted at my phone and this caused the people around looking at me with suspicious eyes. I scratched my head and bowed to them to apologize.

Ten minutes passed as I staring at my phone. Still no reaction from it, not ringing. I grabbed it and poked the screen, at Atsuko’s nose. “Listen carefully, I have never loved you! Why would I miss you?!”

Am I really going crazy now? Why go crazy? It’s logical but I can’t explain it. Only that my mind is still not clear yet. Closing my eyes, taking a deep breath, I let myself relax under the moonlight. The moon today is so big, so bright… While staring at the moon, your face appeared on it all of sudden. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, now I am having hallucination?! Oh man, I really went crazy.

The road is silent… the clock tower is ringing. It’s 01.00 a.m. now… Did I spend whole day sitting here? I even skipped my dinner! I can’t believe I don’t feel any hungry till now… Well, I am full of you in my head. Yeah, I still love you and actually I miss you so much. Stretching my arms and legs, I picked up my back and walked away.

“I am very giving, I’m not as stingy as you, I will forgive you” I smiled and walked away, “Please don’t be so pleased”

On the other side

Atsuko is getting off from her bed, “I can’t believe I slept since this morning until now” she looked at the clock, showing 01:00 am.

She opened the curtain and looked outside. The moon is so big and bright, she is staring at the moon and suddenly Minami’s face was shown up on it. She immediately closed the curtain and pouted, “I’m not thinking of you! Why would I thinking of you?!”

She walked downstairs toward the kitchen. She opened the fridge and took out leftover brownies. The brownies remind her of Minami, the moment they shared the brownies together. They were playfully prevent each other to take the first bite and ended up with the cake all over their face. Without realize, Atsuko is smiling but then she put an emotionless face and threw the brownies into rubbish bin.

“Taste bad!”

She turned to get some coffee. Without realize she made two cups of coffee. She always makes two cup of coffee every morning to share together with Minami. Then again, she poured the coffee into rubbish bin and also the cup, Minami’s cup.

“I don’t like coffee!”

Atsuko walked to the living room and switched on TV. All the dramas were playing about story of a couple having fight or quarrel. She switched off the TV and went searching some DVD to watch. She smiled as she found her favorite DVD, she could watch it over and over again without getting bored. When she opened the DVD box, the disc inside is missing.

“Did she steal my DVD?” Atsuko screamed and jumping on her sofa, “That jerk!”

She picked up her phone and dialed Minami’s number. But then, before the pressed the call icon, she threw away her phone on the sofa. “Why should I call her?”

She picked up and then threw her phone away over and over again, struggling to call Minami. The sun is rising now… Atsuko finally decided to call Minami, to get her DVD back. Before she pressed the call icon, her door bell is ringing.

“Who the hell is that in this early morning?” Atsuko looked at the clock and it showed 08:48 am.

She lazily opened the door and surprised by the person standing before her. It was Minami standing in front of her with a board hanging in front her chest, saying – ‘Searching for owner to adopt this poor doggy’

Before Atsuko can react, something is moving behind Minami’s coat. It looked like a pair of ears and then the puppy head popped out and looking at Atsuko with incredible cute puppy eyes.

“Kyaaaaaa!!” Atsuko screamed and pulled the puppy in her arms, rubbing her cheek on the puppy’s head.

“This is why I don’t approve you to adopt a puppy” Minami pouted and looked down, “Your attention will be on it and you’ll ignore me”

“I love you sooo muuuccchhh, Minami!!” Atsuko wrapped her right arm around Minami’s neck and pulled her closer for a kiss. She pressed her lips hard on Minami’s cheek.

Minami pouted and withdrew herself from Atsuko, “I’m leaving”

“Stay!!” Atsuko held Minami’s arm.

“You don’t need me, you need the puppy only” Minami complained.

“I command you to stay” Atsuko commanded.

“You don’t love me… You didn’t even call me either”

“I do want to call you but you are a step ahead of me” Atsuko explained.

Minami stayed silent and got Atsuko anxious, “Okay, I’m sorry. Don’t leave”

Minami smiled and turned to face Atsuko, “I am very giving, I forgive you”

“I know~~ because you love me too~” Atsuko said playfully.

Cih… Don’t be so pleased” Minami said and leaned forward to kiss Atsuko.

“Woof!!” the puppy was getting in the way and licked Atsuko’s lips.

“Ooopps~ you got a rival from now on” Atsuko patted the puppy’s head who is still in her arm, “She loves me too~”

“WOOF!!” Minami barked at the puppy and glared at it. The puppy is waving its tail happily.

Atsuko was laughing at the two of them and then pulled Minami inside the house, “Okaeri~ Minami~~”

“Tadaima, Atsuko. Don’t ever chase me out again okay?”


“Cook me katsudon! I’m soooo hungry right now~~”

Atsuko giggled, “Do you want to have me instead of katsudon?”



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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Stupid Me
« Reply #94 on: January 13, 2013, 02:14:38 PM »
I like the last sentence.
I was kind of shocked at the beginning. Atsuko was acting like a child. I wanted to slap her. :D
But in the end everything was okay!
Thank you for this update!

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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Stupid Me
« Reply #95 on: January 13, 2013, 02:30:55 PM »
Omg, Minami was the cutest thing in this fic lol, so sweet. Love when she came back with that sign and puppy :P The ending was really sweet and funny as well :) A puppy is def tough competition :P
Thanks for the fic, I enjoyed reading it :D Looking forward to your future work ^^

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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Stupid Me
« Reply #96 on: January 13, 2013, 04:35:00 PM »
I love all of your fanfics!!
Sorry if i brought old and most hated topic but
Takamina already know that Acchan plans to graduate from AKB48 since 2011
Because Acchan always consult Takamina for 1 year (which that is 2011)
Did you see Takamina cried before Acchan started to announce her graduation...?
That is the proof that Takamina already knew about her plan to graduate

PS: sorry for my crappy english....
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Kami-oshi: -----
AKB oshi: Okada Nana, Kizaki Yuria, Yamada Nanami,
Mogi Shinobu
SKE oshi: Takayanagi Akane, Tani Marika, Matsumura Kaori,
Oba Mina
NMB oshi: Jo Eriko, Yamamoto Sayaka
HKT oshi: Murashige Anna, Sashihara Rino, Yamashita Emiri,
Kojina Yui
NGT oshi: Kitahara Rie, Ogino Yuka
Graduated member: Oshima Mai, Ohori Megumi, Shawako Hata,
Ogiso Shiori, Fukumoto Aina, Akimoto Sayaka (original kami-oshi),
Furukawa Airi, Yamada Nana, Kadowaki Kanako,
Takahashi Minami (2nd kami-oshi), Oya Masana, Kinoshita Momoka

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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Stupid Me
« Reply #97 on: January 14, 2013, 03:28:27 AM »
Yeah you'd better have her for breakfast Takamina.

P.S.: I think every one already knows that Takamina knew Acchan was going to announce graduation. She told Takamina at SSA, right before they came out for the encore.

Offline Haruko

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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Stupid Me
« Reply #98 on: January 14, 2013, 05:33:44 AM »
jajajja i love the last snetence

Atsuko giggled, “Do you want to have me instead of katsudon?”

Say yes MINAMIIIIIII say yes!

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Re: ✰Ichikawa の short stories✰ -- Stupid Me
« Reply #99 on: January 14, 2013, 04:39:40 PM »
@TakaminaBG : you wanna slap Acchan?!  :shocked you'll be killed by Minami  XD
@arrow27 : Minami is always sweet~ dun ya agree?  XD Thanks for always looking forward my fics  :heart:
@correnereyes & Tanchan : I wrote that fic before knowing the truth that Acchan consulted to Minami  :mon sweat: It's just a fic~ Let's assume Minami dunno~  :mon innocent: Thanks for reading~  :D
@Haruko : Minami always say yes~~  XD XD

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