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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER THREE
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2012, 07:09:44 PM »
Oh My God !!   

it's so complicated..   :cry:
And please~ AtsuMina~ you make me have a broken heart..  :(

Good story !!  :thumbup

Can't waiting for next chapter.. please update soon..   :bow: :bow: :bow:


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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER THREE
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2012, 07:37:08 PM »
I know that now you might be angry with me I know this is AtsuMina, but it's also something knew. I know everything is messed up.....Now, but in the end everyone will be with the person they should be. But this is going to be big. The next chapter it will become even more complicated but in the end remember that this is an AtsuMina fanfic. And when the last chapter is on you will feel hot and I'm sure  most of you will love it. Now we have many couples, AtsuMina, KojiYuu, TomoTomo and e.t.c. but before, when the just got in it wasn't like that. My Fic is like the begining of everything. Just bare it with me. Because I get angry everytime I write a new chapter. But it has to be this way. You will love in the end. :P

LOL.. I can understand what you're trying to do with your fanfic..  :yep: and you're trying to do something new as well.. it's a good thing I guess.. as a writer, I always thinking of making or adding something new to my fanfics as well..  :twothumbs

but I'm just one of those boring hardcore AtsuMina fans which cannot read any fanfics where AtsuMina are being paired to someone else..LOL..  :lol:  just what I'm trying to say here..LOLOL.. :P  oh yeah!! hardcore AtsuMina fans..   :heart:

But still!! this fanfic is interesting!! keep up the good work!! :thumbup I'm just gonna wait for last chapter since you said we will like it..LOL..  XD  waiting for AtsuMinaness in action!!  8)

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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER THREE
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2012, 08:13:43 PM »
OMG this is getting really complicated. :OMG:
Don't tell me that Haruna is also in love with Takamina? And Miichan confess to Acchan? :frustrated:
Wow can't wait for the next chapter :hehehe:

please update soon
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Even if these feelings aren't returned, saying "I love you" to the person you love
That is the most beautiful thing in the world

Offline TakaminaBG

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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER THREE
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2012, 09:27:02 PM »
                                                                         CHAPTER  FOUR
“I know. I’m prepared for that. But my love for you is stronger than my fear. I’m ready.”
“No. You are my friend. I can’t hurt you like this. “
“All I want is to try. Can you do that.”
“No. I’m sorry. I want to be with her, so I will try to win her.”
“But she doesn’t love you.”
“I know she doesn’t. I will make her love me.”
“I’m sorry, Miichan.”
“It’s ok. Go win your girl.”
I have to win her from Tomochin. But I don’t know how. She doesn’t even want to talk to me. She doesn’t want to see me.
“Haruna. Are you ok.”
“Go home, Yuko. I don’t want to see you.”
“No. I won’t. Can I come in.”
“I told you to go home. I don’t need you.”
“I know you don’t. I just want to be here next to you even if you don’t need me.”
“I’m coming in.  Are you ok?”
“Why is she with her?” said Haruna with a crying face.
“I don’t know. But I’m sure they won’t last long. They are not for each other.”
“I know they are not. But it hurts me to see them.”
“I know” says Yuko while hugging Haruna and taping her head.
“Let me go.”
“Let me go.” Says Haruna half – shouting.
“I told you. I won’t let you go.”
“Why, Yuko. Why are you so kind?”
“Don’t you understand? Do you really not understand?
“What? I don’t understand.”
“With risk that  I might lose you. I just  can’t take it. Why do you love someone that makes you feel like this?”
“I just love her, Yuko.”
“I know. But can’t you love me?”
“Eh. What do you think  this is. Some kind of a sick joke?”
“No. I’m fully aware that this is not a joke, but I wish it was. I wish you weren’t in love with her.”
“But I’m, so can you stop pretending to care.”
“No. I’m not pretending. I know you are in love with her. But I want you to love me the way I love you. You are my everything  Haruna. I will hold that hand until I die. Even when I’m an old lady I won’t let your hand go. Please look at me the way I look at you.”
“I can’t look at you this way. I love her, only her.”
“Well, yeah. Now you love her but someday you will love me. But for that you have to try.”
“Yuko, you know you are a real pain in the ass” I said while laughing
“Hehe. And don’t forget I love you my sunshine.”
“But I still can’t answer your feelings but I’m going to try.”
“Are you serious. Will you go out with me?”
“Yes, Yuko. I will go out with you, my little pervert.”
“Yatta. Well it seems that tonight will be a very long and romantic evening.”
“Mhm, well where will you take me, pervert.”
“You will see my sunshine.”
I picked her up at 8 o’clock. And I was stunned by the way she looked. She was perfect, just like a princess. With that red dress and those shoes. And the hair was up in pony style.
“Shall we go, my beautiful princess.”
“Yes, my perfect prince.”
“Don’t call me a prince, I’m not a man.” I said with a little irritated voice.
“I’m sorry, my bad, my “handsome” girl.”
“Hehe, so you are saying I’m beautiful “ I said smirking.
“Yes, Yuko. You are beautiful. And I’m seriously falling in love with you.” I said while moving closer.
“Thank you, Nyan Nyan.” I then wraped my arms around her neck.“You are so warm. Your skin is soft. I want to touch it so bad.”
“Not so fast Yuko. First kiss me.”
“Are you sure you are ready?”
“Yes, I’m sure Yuko. Right now I seriously want to kiss you.”
Then I move even closer until our lips are only an inch away. Then we finally kiss. Her lips are so soft. I could kiss them all day. Then I move my head to the right so I could kiss her easily . Now we are kissing with passion.  Then my tongue asks for permission to enter. She slowly open’s her mouth to grand me permission. Now it is getting even hotter. Our tongues are battling for domination.
“Well if we continue, we will end up doing it.”
“Isn’t that what you want, Yuko. Or you don’t want to do it with me?”
“Oh God. Are you kidding me. All I want now is you.  But let’s go step by step. So now where do you want to go?”
“Hmm, let’s go to the restaurant I love”
Then we went to the restaurant hand by hand. I’m so happy. I finally won her from that chibi captain. Takamina, thank you for helping me. You risked, Haruna to hate you. Just to help me be with her. Now is my turm…..

Here you go. Haruna and Yuko are together, but hmmmmmm what will happen next. And we will see another person soon who loves HER. Who is that peson and who is the person she loves. We will se.... Hope you like it. :P

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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER FOUR
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2012, 11:44:55 PM »
Wow, KojiYuu... So fast... They're already making out... :twothumbs
Now, This is what I want... Yuko confessed and Haruna accepted... Congratz, Haruna~ You finally found your Prince... XD
Now, I'm waiting for my AtsuMina and TomoTomo... :thumbup
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Offline bochang

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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER FOUR
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2012, 12:44:15 AM »
Uwah!! You're so fast! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Chapter 3:
*Le gasp!
Miichan loves Acchan? Haruna love takamina?
At first I thought Haruna love tomochin. :p
And yuko must be hurt.. (TT.TT)
"I don't need you, I NEED HER"
For any normal people, they'll crumble.
But yuko is not normal people. LOL

Chapter 4:
And somehow miichan can let acchan go?
Why don't you try to win acchan, miichan?
It'll be interesting to see them together. :p

Uwah.. KojiYuu is so fast!! :">
As I said before, Yuko is not normal person!! LOL
KojiYuu's moment is so sweet. *squealing*

Thx for the fast update. :D
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER FOUR
« Reply #26 on: May 01, 2012, 06:35:51 AM »
aww kojiyuu together im fine with that... but.. atsumina have a dificult moment..

Offline kahem

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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER FOUR
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2012, 01:56:09 PM »
OMFG!!!!!! Polygone!!!!
Takamina is such popular with girls lol

Offline TakaminaBG

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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER FOUR
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2012, 06:00:41 PM »
I have to win her from Tomochin. But I don’t know how. She doesn’t even want to talk to me. She doesn’t want to see me. Does she really not love me? I really thought she felt the same towards me. I think she loves me. But then why is she with her. There has got to be some kind of a reason. I don’t think she really loves her. Anyway in the next 2 weeks I can’t do anything to win her back. I have to go to Bulgaria to meet my fans. And I have to leave tomorrow. I have to make her fall in love with me because I’m scared that after I get back it will be too late. If I tell here I’ll be gone for two weeks will she be sad. Will she be sad that I’m leaving.  Will she miss me. Minami…. I love you so much. I can’t leave without you. Come back to me…
I open the magazine and see her in those cute red bikini. She looks so sexy. Her white beautiful legs. Her cute flat belly. And those breats. I want to squeeze them. I want to touch her whole body.
“What are you looking?”
“Oh.. Y – You scared me. No it’s nothing..”
“Show me!”
“Oh, why are you looking at her?”
“I’m just…” I can’t think of any excuse. I’m so sorry..
“Why do you keep lying  to yourself..” said half – shouting, half – crying.
“What are you talking about?”
“You love her. And you want to be with her.”
“No. I was j…..”
“Just admit it. From the beginning you we were not meant to be. “
I have to help Acchan get Takamina midget back. I have a great idea. And I will need her to help me. I’ll try calling her…
“Moshi – moshi”
“Ah, Yuko”
“Miichan, what is it.”
“What happened with you and Haruna?”
“We are together. And it’s all thanks to Takamina.”
“Eh, what are you talking  about”
“She is the reason I’m with Haruna now. She helped me.”
“I don’t understand. How?”
“Well we had a little fight over Haruna. I told her that Haruna is in love with her. And she offered to help. She told me to bring Haruna in that practice room exactly at 11 o’clock. I didn’t know what she was up to. But I had to take that chance, so I did it.”
“So, all of this was Takamina’s idea.”
“I’m going to kill her….”
“Huh, Miichan….. Moshi – Moshi? Ah, she hang up. “
What the hell is she thinking? What is all of this? You are really and idiot. You don’t know what you did. Do you know how hurts is Atsuko right now?
“I love her. Do you think she will love me back?”
“I’m sure she will. I saw the way she looked at you. “
“But she is with her.”
“ I know she is. But I don’t think she loves her. I think she is just confused.”
“Maybe. But I’m too scared to tell her what I feel.”
“No, you have to tell her. But first wait 2 days…”
“Why 2 days…?”
“You will see. After 2 days she will be all yours.”

Yey, he fifth chapter is up. Hope you like it. And don't hate me.. :P

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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER FIVE
« Reply #29 on: May 01, 2012, 06:44:01 PM »
first, I just want to say: so many Atsumina's fics lately~~  :mon lovelaff:

*ehm* BTT,
I wonder the second paragraph is from Takamina's POV..  :hehehe:
but I still don't understand why she keep lying to herself when she love Acchan so much..? even Tomochin knows about that :?

can't wait for the next chapter~

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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER FIVE
« Reply #30 on: May 01, 2012, 09:32:29 PM »
Eh?!?! you updated so fast.. love it!! :D

but but eh?!?! what happend there... takamina you are so... kind damn it!! you are so kind person that only thing in the others people hapinnes instand of yours.. but you make suffer atsuko.. and she is gonna fly to bulgaria!! why are you gonna do..

so many questions.... i understand the dresroom scene.. BUT takamina´s house scene.. nobody know that their gonna be together and acchan finally arrive there but she doesnt know nothing.. so.. awwww im thinking so much...

ok.. Im wait for the next chapter..

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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER FIVE
« Reply #31 on: May 01, 2012, 11:47:34 PM »
You're such a Good Author... :thumbsup You update so fast...
Hm, TakaTomo is about to Broken up already? Yay! AtsuMina's Relationship will Developing sooner or later! XD
Takamina, You shouldn't lying to your self, eh... I know... You'll be Happy with Atsuko instead of Tomochin... That's obvious... LOL. :peace:
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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER FIVE
« Reply #32 on: May 02, 2012, 02:57:04 AM »
Wow, that was fast :twothumbs i've read the fourth chapter yesterday, and this chapter come 1 day after

Well, the progress is so fast. And i can feel that atsumina will come after this..

I'm looking forward for the next chapter :lol:

Offline bochang

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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER FIVE
« Reply #33 on: May 02, 2012, 04:34:39 AM »
What what what??!!
So TakaTomo was fake?????
Takamina just use Tomochin to help Yuko?!
I don't mind if Taka Tomo was fake. But only if TakaTomo agreed to help Yuko!! TT.TT
My Tomochin TT.TT
And Acchan also hurt because of Takamina
Takamina why you're soooooo..

And thx for the update. :p
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER FIVE
« Reply #34 on: May 02, 2012, 01:13:59 PM »
                                                                           CHAPTER  SIX
I open the magazine and see her in those cute red bikini. She looks so sexy. Her white beautiful legs. Her cute flat belly. And those breats. I want to squeeze them. I want to touch her whole body.
“What are you looking?”
“Oh.. Y – You scared me. No it’s nothing..”
“Show me!”
“Oh, why are you looking at her?”
“I’m just…” I can’t think of any excuse. I’m so sorry..
“Why do you keep lying  to yourself..” said half – shouting, half – crying.
“What are you talking about?”
“You love her. And you want to be with her.”
“No. I was j…..”
“Just admit it. From the beginning you we were not meant to be. “
Tomochin’s POV
I just stand there and I can’t get my eyes of her. She is just so sexy and beautiful. Despite her childish behavior. We are so close but yet so distant. She thinks I’m her friend. And I am… but I want to be more than her friend. She is always playing around and kissing me. And every time she does it I feel like I’m melting inside. But at the same time it hurts me because I know she is just playing with me. But I’m so in love with this girl. She always plays around with other girls. She is kissing them all the time and every time I see her to it I get so jealous. I just can’t help it. I want her to kiss me. And after I see her kissing another girl I always start to act cold towards her. Then she gets so sad. She must hate me.  Kasai Tomomi, why can’t you love me back?
Tomo~mi’s OPV
I love you… Every magazine I open you are always in there. You have a perfect style. You are the fashion queen and I’m just your friend. I’m the cite girl who always acts childish. When they seem they always say: “Eroii..”. But all I want is to look beautiful for you. We are so close but yet so distant.  You always act so cold around me. Do you hate me. Am I a bother to you. Itano Tomomi, why can’t you love me back?
“Sae – chan?”
“Ah, Tomo~mi. What is it?”
“Can we talk in private?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Well there is someone I like.”
“EH?! Are you kidding? Who is it?”
“It’s Tomochin”
“Tomochin? Did you confess?”
“No, not yet. I think she might reject me.”
“Well she always acts cold towards me. I think she hates me…”
“Are you kidding me? She doesn’t hate you. Have you seen the way she lookes at you? She is a different person when she is with you. I can see that.”
“I’m not sure..”
“Well I am. Are you going to confess?”
“Yeah, I’ll confess tonight.”
“That was what I wanted to hear. Now go”
“Before that I want to aks for you help…”
“Ok. I’ll do anything..”
Tomochin’s POV
I just got a message from Kasai. I’m so happy.
“Hey, Tomochin… Can we meet tonight….?”
She wants to meet me. It’s been a while since we went out. We are very busy with our schedules.
“Ok. Can we meet around 9 o’clock?”
“Ok. Meet me at my house. You have keys so….”
I just got over with my photo shoot for my 3-rd single “To you after 10 years”.  It’s already 9 o’clock and I’m late. I took a cab and now I’m in front of her apartment. Well she told me to use the keys, so…. I took the keys and opened the door slowly. The living is dark. She is probably in her bedroom. I hope she is not asleep. I slowly walk to the door  and I see the lights are on. I think she is awake.
I couldn’t believe my eyes. She did it again. She is kissing a girl again. But this time is different. They are kissing with passion. I want to run away. Why is she doing this to me.
I ran away. I couldn’t stop. I ran and ran and ran until my feet started to hurt so bad that I couldn’t even walk anymore. I slipped and fell. It’s raining. It’s night and I’m scared and……. Alone.
“Tomochin?” a familiar voice approached me.
“Tomochin, are you ok?”
“I…… I……” I bursted in tears. But she then hugged me and with a warm voice said: “It’s ok. I’m here for you. I’ll always be here for you….”. I let her embarrass me. I hug her back. I hug her so tight. I don’t want to let this girl. Then I break the hug and look right into her eyes. She blushed and looked away. I slowly lean down and seal her lips. She is surprised but she responds it.
“I know. You are confused but if by doing this I can help you. Then I will. Besides by doing this I might figure out what I feel for Atsuko..”
“I’m sorry…” Then we kiss again and again ……

We are almost there... :P

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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER SIX
« Reply #35 on: May 02, 2012, 01:33:30 PM »
Tomotomo!!! YAY!!!
People relationships are so complicate lol

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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER SIX
« Reply #36 on: May 02, 2012, 03:39:17 PM »
OMG, A Misunderstanding? Why can't you people get together already? like KojiYuu... :bleed eyes:
Tomo~MI! You wanna confessed, but yet you kissed other girl? Who's that girl, anyway? Sae? LOL. But, I'm kinda glad TomoTomo appeared... :)2
Next is AtsuMina's turn~ I can't wait to see My AtsuMina get together~ :cathappy:
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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER SIX
« Reply #37 on: May 02, 2012, 08:27:42 PM »
What Takatomo ohhhh!! Now I know why takamina reject acchan.. :twisted:   

 :on GJ: :usagiii: :on GJ: nOw now :smhid continue updating and fix atsumina :)


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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER SIX
« Reply #38 on: May 03, 2012, 04:05:12 AM »
OMG! you update so fast! And.... The story become more complicated. But I like it :twothumbs

So, that's Takamina's reason.....  :? Hum, I'm curious how can Takamina and Acchan will get together

Tomo~! you want to confess but you kiss other girl?  :banghead:

Offline bochang

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Re: Why can't you love me back? [AtsuMina] UPDATED! CHAPTER SIX
« Reply #39 on: May 03, 2012, 08:08:34 AM »

i can't process the information.
Terminate the program..
Re-boot in.. 3.. 2.. 1...

Still can't process the information..
So.. the relationship is..
AtsuMina.. KojiYuu.. and TomoTomo? Right?
but it's so hella complicated! LOL
girls.. always make a simple matters into a complicated one.. LOL

and thx for the update! :D
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
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