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Author Topic: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- The Yankii Monologues: Insomnia [11/27]  (Read 34545 times)

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Calling all readers/lurkers XD
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2012, 09:13:20 AM »
I totally agree with the Tanagaki. Any Tanagaki, anything!

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Calling all readers/lurkers XD
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2012, 06:39:38 AM »
cute friendly gakipon with a hint of a jelly eripon cus of takagaki rabu rabu~ :deco: if that even makes sense XD
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline Quietriot

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Calling all readers/lurkers XD
« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2012, 06:43:36 AM »
@xyukie56: So, ReinAi is kinda hard for me to write nowadays, but I did say any challenge, so hopefully I managed to deliver something you enjoy. ^^;
@Rini: Angsty? Just remember, you asked for it. XD yours is next. And of course I'm working on Rockstar... Definitely... Absolutely... Every single day... ehehehe
@Rndy: okay but then the Tanagaki I write for you will be fluffy to make up for the sadness I'm sure the one I write for Rini will make me feel. Maybe I'll combine the two into a two-shot XD
@KB: Makes sense to me. :3 I shall try my best!

I'm not really satisfied with this, like I said, ReinAi isnt the easiest for me to write... However, I gave it a shot! And now I shall crawl back into my dark little hole... :cathappy: Enjoy~

With You

They really were a mismatched pair; she in her weird "old woman" clothing, as Reina often put it, and her other half in her wild, bold style that earned looks and caused people passing them on the sidewalk to give them a good amount of space. Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise, because no one dared get close enough to see who they really were, and she tilted her hat further down every time she accidentally met anyone's eyes. Recognition meant no privacy, and she wanted to preserve the latter at least until they made it to their destination, where it would be ensured.

Her partner sensed her mood and walked closer; not touching, but offering her quiet reassurance in the only way possible with so many eyes about. It had been quite a while since they'd last had a chance to be together, and though the temptation was there to simply reach out and grab the other girl's hand, she knew she could not. Unfortunately, she still had rules to follow and a reputation to maintain.

The duo soon reached the place they'd been headed for; a small restaurant off the beaten path and a private room reserved for two. As soon as the waiter had taken their orders and shut the door behind him, the younger of the couple pounced, knocking some of the silverware to the floor. 

They met in a fierce kiss, the kind fueled by the ache of separation and need and when it broke, the elder gasped for air, finding that her partner had somehow ended up in her lap.

"Reina..." She breathed, sluggishly remembering where they were and moving to grab wandering hands before they strayed too far off course. The kitten seemed to take the hint and settled for nudging her head up beneath her lover's, curling into her and sighing contentedly.

"Sorry, I just... really missed you, Aichan..."

Ai smiled gently at that, stroking Reina's hair and holding her close, relishing the feel of the younger girl in her arms again after weeks of hard work for both of them. She placed a soft kiss atop her lover's head, hating the fact she had to be the rational one in this situation, but...

"Do you intend to spend the entirety of lunch in my lap?"

Reina leaned back slightly to look up at Ai, and the ex-leader could see the gears turning in the yankii's head. 

"Would you even let me?"

"Well," Ai started, faltering a bit at the pleading in the younger girl's gaze, "The waiter might wonder a few things when he comes back with our food..."

Reluctantly, Reina began to slip out of Ai's hold, but the older girl pulled her closer, having second thoughts. She nuzzled into the yankii's hair, breathing in her familiar scent.

"Perhaps... A moment longer wouldn't hurt..."

Reina responded by turning and giving her a kiss, soft and sweet in contrast to the previous one, reminding Ai of the first time they'd ever kissed. Though that had been during more... stressful circumstances, and she was pretty sure one or both of them had been crying and... well, maybe it was nothing like their first kiss at all but she enjoyed it all the same. The kitten then relaxed against her, and they stayed like that for a moment in comfortable silence.

After all, even the simple moments like these were few for them lately.

"Why don't we just live together?"

Ai decided not to answer at first, mind going over the reasons why not for probably the thousandth time. They never really got far with this conversation; usually it ended with Reina getting frustrated and storming out. And the last time they'd broached the subject, the two agreed to take a bit of a break from one another. 

A break that lasted four weeks and three days much too long in the ex-leader's opinion.

Her list of reasons against moving in together had been quickly dwindling as of late, especially considering the fact that she didn't want to lose Reina altogether. She sighed, mumbling out a muffled response into her girlfriend's hair.

"We can't afford a new place."

"Maybe not immediately... But you won't even plan anything out with me," The kitten's voice was quiet, subdued, and Ai felt pangs of guilt stab at her, "But if you're really that worried, you could move in with me or I could move in with you..."

"Neither of our places are really meant for two people."

"So it'll be cozy, so what. Ai..."

The ex-leader lifted her head at the use of her name-sans-honorific, meeting Reina's eyes, which were currently starting to brim with tears.

"I feel like you just list all these reasons because you really don't want to live with me..."

"What? That's... Why would you think that?"

"Because your reasons keep getting more lame." Reina shot back, a tiny bit of irritation coloring her tone. Ai let her hold on the girl fall slack, prepared if the kitten decided to bare her claws. 

"At first, I tried to understand... I mean, it pissed me off when you told me why we shouldn't, but I'll accept that in the beginning it may have been a bad idea. I was too young, we were both still in Momusu, neither of us were on our own, fine, I get all of that."


The yankii pressed on, determined to finish what she had to say. Stopping her was like trying to derail a train; difficult, and the consequences were messy. Ai wisely shut her mouth.

"But I'm 22 now, and you graduated... And let's face it, I'm likely to be next soon, if not after or with Sayu--I'm ready to move on to this next phase of my life and I don't want to do it alone. I'm tired of coming home to an empty apartment after work and an empty bed and wondering why the hell you're not in it yet."

Ai blushed lightly at that, though she somehow managed to maintain a serious expression, swallowing as she began her hesitant response.

"I'm afraid."

The simple answer seemed to catch Reina off-guard.

"Oh," Was all she said at first, feeling a bit on the dumb side, "...Risa-chan said that might be it... Maybe I should have listened to her..."

"She knows me." Ai responded gently, reaching up to tuck a stray bit of hair behind one of Reina's ears. The yankii scowled.

"I'm learning..."

"You are. At least, when you decide to slow down some," Ai said, smiling lightly in an attempt to diffuse her girlfriend's frustration. "But I kind of like that about you anyway."

"It doesn't explain why, though." Reina insisted. "I'm scared too, but I still want to do it..."

"I'm worried things will change."

The yankii raised an eyebrow as if to say, "well, duh," but she stayed quiet, giving Ai the chance to elaborate. 

"I mean, what if you decide after living with me that you're bored of me or what if being together all the time means we fight all the time?"

Reina reached for the older woman's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"I could never find you boring. And  we might fight, but we've fought before and we always manage to work it out." Ai sighed, bringing their joined hands up to her face so she could kiss the back of Reina's.

"I guess I thought if I kept delaying it then we'd just stay perfect, but that was... a really stupid idea... I'm sorry."

"Yeah, well, we can be stupid together." Reina replied, leaning forward to touch their foreheads together. "If I'd listened to Risa instead of getting into a big fight with her, maybe we would have had a better conversation about this sooner."

Ai grinned, pulling the girl in for another kiss. This one quickly became insistent, but the older girl's hands were doing the roaming now, much to Reina's surprise. As she felt the buttons on her shirt being undone, the yankii half-heartedly pushed her girlfriend away.

"Ai, I thought- the waiter..."

"Let him wonder."

Ai pushed her down onto the floor then, and Reina's resolve melted away as lips nibbled at her ear and a hand slipped beneath her shirt. She shivered when the lips stopped suddenly, and warm breath tickled her neck.

"Move in with me?"

The yankii smiled slowly, tugging on Ai's collar so that she could see the girl's face. There was uncertainty in the elder's gaze, but this disappeared as soon as Reina  looked at her, conveying the answer before she even opened her mouth to speak.

"Of course, you idiot. All these years and never once did I change my mind."

Ai smiled and leaned down to kiss her, and the two continued on to a few activities that their poor waiter would stumble upon later. 

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- With You (ReinAi) [5/3]
« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2012, 06:53:13 AM »
So that's a RenAi out of the way, one I'm oddly happy with. Maybe it was all that mention of being on good terms with Gaki... still a cute little piece, though, and lol at the ending XD

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- With You (ReinAi) [6/3]
« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2012, 04:10:19 PM »
More like lucky waiter ;D

But ahhh, the dreaded "will you move in with me" question. commitment's some scary shizz yo~

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- With You (ReinAi) [6/3]
« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2012, 09:04:25 PM »
@rndy: haha glad you're happy with it; I feel like ReinAi generally means a lot of angst for poor Gaki so I didn't wanna go that route. Especially considering I'm supposed to be putting some angst in this next one XD

@kjpop: I certainly wouldn't mind being that waiter... Ahaha and yes, yes it is. I for one am staying the hell away from it from now on. XD

Uh, how do I angst? Maybe more in the next bit when Gaki comes along... Why is Gaki-angst so easy to write?! I swear this will have a happy ending. And also it's a three-shot. -throws confetti- I'm just in a Tanagaki mood. :cathappy: And this was almost a story about werewolves. XD Enjoy~

P.S. This is the song I'm listening to to write this, and also what I named it for, in case anyone is curious~ 

Romance Is, Part I

"Still moping?"

Reina lifted her head from where she'd been pouring over her solo shots from the recent cover shoot, turning to see Sayumi standing in the doorway, arms crossed. The bunny was half-smirking and giving her a knowing look, and the yankii instinctively bristled in response, going into defense mode.

"What are you talking about? I'm doing work here."

Leader raised her hands slightly, shrugging and moving forward to join Reina at the table. She hovered over her generation-mate, eyeing the photos with feigned interest.

"Sure, sure. Work. Any reason why you're off here by yourself doing work?"

"The kids are loud," Reina growled, tempted to lean back and headbutt the older girl in the stomach.

"Oh come on, Reina. I'm not stupid. You love the kids." Sayumi replied, leaning forward to grab one of the pictures to study it more closely. "You even like that Sato and Kuduu follow you around like puppies, much as you try to pretend not to."

Reina leaned back to glance up at her companion, shooting her a glare.

"So what. I have to build up my army after all. Doesn't mean I wanna be around them all the time."

"I'm just concerned you're becoming distant from everyone. Ever since Gaki-san and Aika left, you've been isolating yourself--more than usual." Sayumi added before Reina could protest, anticipating the interruption. The yankii remained quiet for a moment, thinking about her friend's words.

She had been slipping away more lately. Purposely, of course--Sayumi was right about that too--but she wasn't doing it to hurt the other members. But not only was she trying to cope with something in particular, Aika was gone, so the person she'd talked to the most after Ai wasn't even around for her to be able to voice her thoughts.

However, Sayumi seemed to be trying to slip into that void lately, and even Reina had to admit that the bunny was definitely stepping up as leader. And, when the yankii would let her, as a friend. Somewhere deep down inside she was actually impressed by her fellow rokkie's growth, but that sentiment she would carry to her grave.

Still, she had no one else to really turn to at this point, and she supposed if she was potentially affecting the group's dynamic... As leader, Sayumi had a right to know.

"Well..." Reina started, taking in a deep breath, "You know how Gaki-san and I were sort of fighting? Until recently, I mean?"

Sayumi replaced the picture she was looking at, settling her hands on either side of the back of Reina's chair in order to give the girl her full attention. She certainly didn't expect the girl to spill to her, but neither was she going to question it.


"Do you know... What we were fighting for?"

Sayumi grinned, sensing her fellow rokkie's hesitance and moving to rub the girl's shoulders in an impromptu massage.

"The general opinion was that either Gaki-san did something to annoy you and you ripped into her a bit too deep or she dealt a major blow to your pride somehow. But... knowing Gaki-san and knowing you, I always thought it was something else."

The kitten began to lean back into her touch, eyes rolling shut, and Sayumi realized then just how tense and tired the girl really was. Whatever she had been keeping to herself was taking its toll, and the bunny was determined to drag it out of her.

"The two of you may be stubborn as hell, but I never imagined some petty reason would keep you from being friends." Sayumi continued, working on a tough knot in Reina's neck, "...What really happened?"

"I kissed her." 

The leader's hands stopped suddenly, as if she wasn't sure she heard correctly. Reina swallowed, gripping onto her courage before it slipped away and rendered her unable to get this out in the open.

"I was trying... to tell her that I liked her... maybe more, and that I wanted to be more than friends..." The yankii murmured quietly, recalling the painful experience, "Only, she thought I was playing a joke on her and was laughing it off so I... uh, I grabbed her and kissed her and it backfired. Spectacularly."

"What did she do?" Sayumi asked gently, stroking the younger girl's hair to offer some form of comfort.

"Blew up, of course. She got really angry and started shouting at me, saying things like she wasn't like that and that I had taken the joke too far... Apparently me kissing her only made me seem more insincere..." Reina sighed, eyes taking on a despondent haze, "And then I said some things... Stupid things because I was angry and hurt... Like accusing her of being a terrible friend. And it just sort of escalated until we walked away and stopped talking altogether."

"But you guys made up, right? I felt like towards the end there--before Gaki-san left, it seemed like things were almost back to normal again."

Unless... The leader scanned Reina's face for an answer, and blinked in surprise when she found it, the yankii's guard down for once. Sayumi jumped back from the chair, pointing a finger at her friend.

"You love her!" The bunny shrieked, diving out of the way when the kitten whirled around and lunged for her. This initiated a chase through the halls that ended  in the lounge, Reina pinning Sayumi to the ground... in front of all their juniors. The kyuukies, used to their seniors' antics by now, wisely ignored the interruption, while some of the youngest generation rose from their seats, alarmed. 

"Tanaka-san...?" Haruka questioned hesitantly, but the yankii merely held up a finger.

"It's nothing, we're taking care of some business, that's all."

"You're breaking my arm!"

Reina pulled her leader to her feet, glaring dangerously. 

"I wouldn't have to if you weren't so loud." She hissed, beginning to drag Sayumi back to the other room. Masaki made as though to follow, when the yankii whirled on her. "Nope. Sit."

The younger girl let out a tiny eep and immediately obeyed, flopping back down as her two senpai exited the lounge.

"Looks like someone's gunning for that scariest senpai spot..." Sayumi stated dryly as they returned to where Reina had been pouring over photos, watching the yankii shut the door. "And based on your reaction, I know I'm right."

"About what?" Reina grumbled, moving to the mirror in the room to fix her hair.

"You totally love her."

"Hey," The yankii snapped, quickly facing her companion, "I didn't say that, you did."

"Fine, but you can only deny your true feelings for so long~" Sayumi sing-songed, clasping her hands together and resisting the urge to do a little twirl. 

This was just too perfect to leave alone. Reina would never make a move to change the situation, and Risa, well... She'd have to go through Ai for the scoop on this particular issue. And she would need... backup. But damnit, she would see these two together even if it killed her to make it happen!

Well, maybe not kill. She was too cute to die just yet.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go do some damage control with the kids... And, Reina?"


Sayumi pulled the younger girl into a tight hug, a risky move for anyone who knew her. But she also knew Reina needed the support, and much to her delight, the yankii grudgingly relaxed into the embrace.

"Thank you for trusting me."

"Yeah, well, let's not make too big a thing out of this..." Reina mumbled into her fellow rokkie's shoulder. "I have a reputation to keep."

"Of course." The rabbit released her with a smile, and as she left the room said smile morphed into a devious smirk. When she felt she was far enough out of range she began to dial a number on her phone, grinning as the person on the other line picked up.

"Aichan~ Got a minute?"

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Romance Is, pt. I (Tanagaki) [6/4]
« Reply #26 on: June 04, 2012, 10:04:11 PM »
Werewolves?????? LOL I have no idea how that would even happen XDDDD

But this is cute~ plotting bunny go go go

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Romance Is, pt. I (Tanagaki) [6/4]
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2012, 12:55:34 AM »
yay updates! :3  I swore to myself that I'd leave a comment for "With You" before you updated...but I ended up falling asleep while spinning around on my chair ^_^;

With You
Not my ideal pairing, but their closeness was so cute :3  I don't blame Aichan for being scared.  I've seen a lot of potential lovey dovey couples decide to move in together and they end up breaking up due to fights and being bored with each other.  Although we all know that would never happen to ReinAi! XD

You know...that waiter probably watched for a while before finally interrupting their love-fest XD

Romance Is, Part One
Three parts!?  yes YES YES! :D  I thank you~  I'm a bit curious as how this almost became a werewolf fic.  That's for another day~

Now we all know the true reason for the TanaGaki feud...makes sense in the fictional world and the real world :3  Can't wait to see part two and part three!  Angst+Happy ending is always a great couple ^_^

P.S.  You know what's almost as easy to write as Gaki-angst?  Gaki-death XD 
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Romance Is, pt. I (Tanagaki) [6/4]
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2012, 02:03:19 AM »
The start of Tanagaki!! Wait, werewolves?  :? :huhuh :O :shocked :D XD

That would be interesting, though.

I wonder how Ai will react to the bunny's scheme...?

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Romance Is, pt. I (Tanagaki) [6/4]
« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2012, 08:16:18 PM »
@kjpop: Sayu with a plan is scary Sayu... But she means well! Maybe? Kinda. XD 

@Rini: You fell asleep in a spinning chair? Whoa, talent. XD ReinAi used to be one of my top pairings but the more stuff I watched with them the more I got a big/lil sis student-mentor vibe. I still like 'em enough I suppose. I have the same experience with friends breaking up after moving in together tho. I guess the moral there is be prepared for what you're getting into? And yep, I tried to tie in evidence of their little feud. Glad it seems believable. ^^ ...And I think you're right about Gaki-death, but no need to worry about that in this story. X3 

@rndy: How will Ai react? By getting dragged along for the ride of course. XD 

To answer the werewolf thing, y'all gotta understand I am on some serious meds right now so my dreams have been weird heheh. All I can say is there were sexy werewolf times. ...And then I made out with a younger Iida Kaori. So. Yeah. Um. Here's part two! Enjoy~ :cathappy:

Romance Is, Part II

"It will never work," Ai repeated for perhaps the dozenth time in the conversation, "They're both way too suspicious to get put in a situation like that. And who's to say they won't just get up and walk off? Or worse yet, they may just sit there the whole time and make things more awkward..."

"I'm not so sure about that." Sayumi replied, taking a sip of her drink before turning her head to look out the window. She'd asked Ai to come meet her for lunch at a nice ocean-side restaurant, the likes of which overlooked the water. Were it a different situation, she would be relishing the time with the older woman, but she reminded herself that this was for Reina and Risa.

Ai was damned oblivious anyway.

She glanced back at Ai, setting down her drink in order to fold her hands together and lean forward.

"After all, you said it yourself that you think it's possible Gaki-san has feelings for Reina... And Reina all but admitted to me she loves Gaki-san. I think all they need is a shove in the right direction; towards each other."

Ai sighed, removing her sunglasses to rub at the tiny red marks that were left behind on the bridge of her nose. This wasn't exactly what she had expected to discuss with Sayumi... today or ever. She had never really given much thought to Risa's love interests, to be honest. And when the bunny asked her about it, she sat there dumbly for a moment, unable to answer. But the more she processed the idea in her mind, the more it seemed plausible. It certainly explained a lot of her best friend's behavior over the last few years...

However, Sayumi's idea to throw the two of them into a blind date with each other seemed a bit... stupid. For one thing, she had no earthly idea how the bunny would convince Reina to go for such a thing, but she supposed that wasn't her problem. Risa would be just as difficult, especially considering how off she seemed lately.

But Ai also wanted Risa to be happy, something she was sure that currently the bean was not. Content, perhaps, but she felt like her best friend was just keeping busy to avoid being alone. She deserved more. Much more.

"Okay, so, let's say... hypothetically... We manage to get them to go out. How exactly do you propose getting them together so they realize the other is the one they're supposed to be out with?"

"Simple," Sayumi replied with a grin, "A private room for two. And it's also my way of ensuring they don't try to leave before things end the way they're supposed to."

Ai narrowed her eyes sharply.

"Michishige Sayumi, I am not locking two of my closest friends into a room together."

"No, but I am~"


Risa felt very much like she was going to vomit. She had never been on a blind date before, and the few normal--admittedly secret--dates she'd had all ended awkwardly due to her having to be so inconspicuous about it. Now that that didn't matter anymore, she felt like she should be less nervous, but not knowing who to expect made things much worse.

Ai had been very vague in her description; apparently the guy was confident, straight-forward, and had a thing for fashion. Not that the bean found any of those traits off-putting... but the list reminded her a lot of... someone else. 

She wasn't sure she could date someone who wasn't, well, that person, especially if they ended up being so similar.

Risa shook her head furiously to clear her thoughts, approaching the restaurant she was supposed to meet her date at. It was a pretty nice place, not too upscale, but definitely not cheap, leaving the bean to wonder about this mystery person's lifestyle and tastes. She reached into her purse to check her phone for the time, satisfied that she was still several minutes early. Risa took a deep breath to steady herself, prepared to go inside when a voice called out to her from down the block.

"Hey! Gaki-san!"

The bean turned to catch sight of Reina walking towards her, and she froze completely. The yankii was wearing a black evening dress with a v-cut front, revealing just enough of her soft, pale skin. Her light auburn hair rested gracefully on her shoulders, and her makeup helped to accentuate her already piercing eyes. She smiled softly when she approached Risa, and the older woman forgot how to speak. Fortunately, the yankii could talk enough for ten people when given the opportunity, and if she noticed Risa's current state, she ignored it.

"What are you doing here?" Reina asked, quietly appraising her friend's outfit choices for the night, "You look good. Got a hot date?"

The question was light and teasing, but Risa sensed something behind it, almost as though the yankii hoped it weren't true. Hell, right now even she didn't want it to be true. 

"Actually, yeah... I don't know the guy, though... I'm supposed to go inside and wait but I was sort of hesitating here..." She admitted dumbly, watching the briefest flicker of disappointment pass through Reina's eyes. Risa quickly changed the subject. "What about you? I mean, you... look really beautiful tonight."

The younger girl blushed slightly, eyes falling to the ground.

"Thank you. I, um, have a date too. Though I'm actually a little late..."

A spike of jealousy settled in Risa's stomach, though she couldn't really place her finger on why. After all, the yankii was free to do what she wanted, right? She certainly had no right to think anything else... And then Reina was saying something, and the bean quickly refocused her attention, just barely catching the end of the sentence.

"...go inside now, since I've already kept them waiting. See you around, Gaki-san."

The girl offered her another small smile before turning as though to enter the restaurant. Reacting quickly, Risa reached out and put her hand on Reina's shoulder to stop her. The yankii gave her a confused, questioning look, and Risa quickly scrambled for a reason, any reason to remain with the girl.

"I could come with you, since I'm still really early for my own date," She offered, "You could use me as your excuse for being late, say that you saw me and we just got caught up in conversation."

It sounded stupid, spilling out of her mouth like that, but relief washed over Reina's features. The yankii reached up for the hand on her shoulder, lacing their fingers together.

"Perfect idea. Shall we?"

Risa's heart skipped a beat, and she nodded wordlessly, following quietly after Reina.


She was instantly wary as they entered the room together, automatically realizing that something was off. For such a nice place to make the mistake of putting the two of them in the same room... And the fact that her 'date' was nowhere to be seen, despite how late she was.

Reina was putting the puzzle pieces together in her head, and as she watched Risa admiring the decorations, the picture became clear to her.



"Who set you up for this date?"

"Oh, Aichan did. She thought maybe I needed to get out... Said Sayumin knew someone I might like."


Before she could react, the door slammed shut behind her, followed the telltale sound of the lock clicking into place. Reina slammed her fist against it, making Risa jump in alarm.

"Sayu, you open this door right now!" She growled, irritation rising when she heard giggles erupt from the other side. "I'm not kidding, let us out or I'll strangle you."

Her phone buzzed in her purse and she yanked it out, angrily pressing it to her ear, Sayumi's voice floating through the speaker.

"Well, you'd have to get to me to strangle me and I'm pretty confident you're too little to break down a door..."

"Sayu..." Reina took a deep, steady breath through her nose, attempting to calm herself. Risa was watching the entire exchange with an extremely confused look on her face, and as the kitten conversed with the bunny, she moved to try and open the door. When she confirmed for herself it was locked, confusion turned into slight panic, and she twisted the handle furiously as if it would somehow magically change things. Reina clapped her free hand over her ear to block out the noise, and tried to keep her cool as she continued speaking.

"Listen, this isn't funny, alright?"

"I mean, I'm pretty amused..." 

Outside the room, Sayumi was leaning against the door, a smirk on her face. Ai was beside her, eyebrows scrunched together with worry as she strained to hear what Reina was saying. The yankii's voice suddenly exploded into a string of colorful words, mostly threatening Sayumi's life, and the bunny lazily held the phone away from her ear, rolling her eyes as she waited for the tirade to end. When she felt that the volume level was tolerable again, she shifted her phone to the other ear, grinning.

"Just think of this as an opportunity, Reina. Aichan and I are here to bail you out if things get messy. ...Unless of course, you guys enjoy that sort of thing."

Another wave of curses burst from the the other end of the line, and Sayumi snapped her phone shut, unable to stifle the cackle that escaped her throat. Ai watched her carefully, as if she was seeing the rabbit under a new light.

"You're sort of evil. Like, scary evil." The ex-leader commented quietly, taking a step back.

"Thank you very much," Sayumi replied, proud of her deviousness. "Now... we wait."

...and hope that neither of them says or does something stupid.

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Romance Is, pt. II (Tanagaki) [6/5]
« Reply #30 on: June 06, 2012, 12:28:35 AM »
Oh my god the potential for having a skewered bunny for dinner is so high ahah got some balls there, sayu hahah

This forced confrontation can go so many ways xD Im interested to see just how you'll approach it.

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Romance Is, pt. II (Tanagaki) [6/5]
« Reply #31 on: June 06, 2012, 05:46:28 PM »
Wasn't this supposed to be angst? That does not give me any hope for this locked in a room together plan to turn out well at all.

Still, Risa's nervousness and her shy compliment to Reina were cute, as well as the intimate bit of handholding that was going on.

Then, bam! Plan into action and an evil bunny shows her true colors. XD Even Ai is like :O

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Romance Is, pt. II (Tanagaki) [6/5]
« Reply #32 on: June 08, 2012, 01:41:17 AM »
:O  will we be hit more angst soon?  I hope TanaGaki get their happy ending~  Then they can thank/strangle Sayu together :3

I don't care how much Risa denies this.  Reina makes her kokoro go DOKI DOKI!  :heart: :heart:

"You're sort of evil. Like, scary evil." The ex-leader commented quietly, taking a step back.
Is there any other kind of evil dearest Aichan? :3

Can't wait for part III~
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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Romance Is, pt. II (Tanagaki) [6/5]
« Reply #33 on: June 08, 2012, 07:12:54 AM »
@kjpop: Heheh, Sayu is brave, alright... Though that may backfire on her a bit here. For everyone's amusement, of course. XD

@rndy: I've decided I'm not so good at purposely writing angst, it comes out really lame and corny... Sort of like how I feel this did. When I'm not trying to be angsty, tho, it works out just fine. Bleh. 

@Rini: Risa can't deny the truth! You can't run away from love~ XD

Well, I finished it. Sort of not happy with it but again I think my angst-meter is broken as indicated by happy ending and Comic Relief!AiSayu. I hope you enjoy nevertheless~

Romance Is, Part III (Final)

Risa decided this was the second-most awkward moment of her life, right after the time Reina kissed her. The yankii had unsuccessfully tried to persuade their friends to let them out, so here they were twenty minutes later, seated at the table and taking advantage of the food that had been prepared for them. 

Or rather, Reina was eating, tearing into the meat as though it personally offended her. Risa didn't have much of an appetite and busied herself by prodding her food with a spoon, glancing across the table at her companion when she thought the other wasn't looking.

"I can't believe she'd go this far..." Reina grumbled, forcefully skewering another bite onto her fork, "And then to get Aichan involved too... Ugh, that's the last time I trust Sayu with anything..."

The bean wondered curiously what that was supposed to mean, but didn't question it, considering Reina's mood. Her own was starting to sink fairly low, as Risa had a hunch the yankii was none too happy to spend the evening alone with her. Reina continued muttering things to herself, but her acute ability to read the atmosphere quickly brought her attention back to her companion.

"What is it?" The younger girl questioned, concern evident in her features.

"Things between us... Well, we are okay, aren't we?" Risa asked hesitantly, daring to meet the other girl's eyes. It was Reina's turn to be confused.

"Of course we are, why would you think otherwise?"

"You just seem pretty upset to be here... With me."

Reina quickly held her hands up, shaking her head.

"Ah, that's not- I'm sorry if that's how I made it seem, but that's not why I'm upset, I swear." The words tumbled quickly out of the yankii's mouth, and Risa couldn't remember a time when she'd ever seen the girl quite as flustered. She thought it was adorable, but she could tell Reina was hiding something, and her curiosity and suspicion rose.

"Then what's up? Why would Aichan and Sayumin set us up on fake blind dates and then lock us in here like this?"

Reina crossed her arms, watching Risa steadily for a moment and trying to give the older female time to work out the answer on her own. When the bean continued to look confused, the yankii sighed and leaned back in her chair.

"Think about it. Maybe they were fake 'blind' dates but I'm pretty convinced this is still supposed to be a date..."

"Eh?" Reina watched the gears turn in Risa's head until they ground to a sudden halt and the bean's eyes flashed with realization. The older girl's cheeks began to turn a light pink and she did a nice imitation of a fish as she struggled to find words to say. 

Ai and Sayumi had set them up on a date? Her and Reina? Together?! Her heart did a quick flipflop. There was no way any of them could have known about her feelings... Right? She hadn't told anyone, not even Ai, simply because she'd been working so hard to bury them. After all, she didn't think she deserved to have such feelings... Not after the way things ended so poorly with Reina. And then she and the yankii had been forced to be around each other for the musical, and slowly but surely began rebuilding a shaky friendship; something she hadn't expected, but was extremely grateful for.

She didn't think she could have graduated leaving things so unsettled between them. 

"You said... Something about not being able to trust Sayumin after this..." Risa started, slowly, "What did you say to her?"

"I... can't tell you." Reina replied quietly, biting down on her bottom lip. The bean didn't know how to take that, really. What was such a big deal that it had to be kept secret from her? Unless...

"You told Sayu but you can't tell me? Makes me wonder if you didn't set this whole thing up yourself..."

The yankii's irritation returned.

"Oh, here we go- why is it you always jump to conclusions like that?"

"Maybe because you've already messed with me before?" 

Reina snorted, pushing her chair roughly away from the table so she could stand. The kitten stalked towards the door, digging around for something in her purse as she knelt down in front of it. Risa sighed, getting to her feet as well.

"...What are you doing?"

The yankii shot her a fierce glare, but what startled the bean more was the fact that the younger girl's eyes were filling up with tears.

"First, I think it's pretty for dumb for you to ask me if we're okay if you're the one still holding on to stuff. Second," she produced a hairpin from her bag and began to mess with the lock, "I'm gonna get out of here and away from you."

"Tanakacchi, listen-"

"No, you listen." Reina whirled on her suddenly, leaving the door momentarily to get up in the bean's face. "Just accept it. Accept the fact that you're smart, and sweet, and beautiful. That you make people laugh and you're one of the best shoulders to cry on and that everyone knows they can count on you when they need somebody. Accept that you deserve someone special who'll take care of you and tell you they love you as much as you can bear to hear it."

Risa couldn't breathe, every word making her chest feel tighter. She hadn't expected Reina to say anything like that and could do nothing but stand there like an idiot in the face of the yankii's outburst.

"Accept all of that... And then realize those are all reasons why I fell for you. Hard. ...And I guess you don't have to believe that part if you don't want to..." Tears were streaming openly down the younger girl's face now, and she began to step back away from the bean, who was still too busy trying to process things to reach out for her. "But I never lied about how I felt. I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. We can go back to not being friends."

Before Risa could respond, the yankii managed to pick the lock and flung the door open... right into one Michishige Sayumi's face. The force knocked the bunny flat on her back, and Ai quickly shifted to the side before Reina barreled into her, watching as the girl fled the restaurant.

Sayumi lay still, dazed and moaning something about her beautiful face, while Ai, wide-eyed, turned to Risa, who looked as though she'd been slapped.



"I'm sorry?" Ai blinked, even more confused. The bean finally seemed to snap out of it and hurried to the door, leaning against the frame as she attempted to slip out of her heels.

"Take off your shoes, I need them."

Risa's frantic words convinced her best friend to begin untying her sneakers, and she'd just barely gotten them off of her feet when the bean snatched them from her hands and began to put them on. It was then Ai understood. You can't catch a runaway yankii in heels, of course. She put a hand on Risa's shoulder as the girl made to leave, taking note of the determination in her eyes.

"I would check the park first." Ai stated gently, a soft but encouraging smile on her face. Risa returned the expression, whispering a quiet thank you before turning to follow after Reina.

Ai watched her friend disappear, standing there for a moment with a bit of a proud grin before remembering Sayumi sprawled out on the floor behind her. She carefully knelt down beside the bunny, wincing as her eyes traveled over the angry red knot forming on the girl's forehead.

"...Are you alright?"

"I may have... deserved that... However," Leader pulled herself up into a seated position using ex-leader's arm as leverage, swaying dangerously, "I don't know if you're aware but there's a storm front passing through tonight..."


"Meaning whatever happens between those two next is gonna be better than any drama on tv, and I Will. Not. Miss. It." Sayumi replied, eyes crossing more with each punctuated word. "Take me to them, my prince!"

Ai sighed, dragging Sayumi to her feet and wondering again how she ended up a part of this at all.

"Also, we need to find an umbrella."


She found Reina nearly half an hour later right where Ai said she might be, standing under a pavilion in the park, soaked and shaking and nothing short of miserable.

Risa assumed she looked almost identical, if not worse, as she'd tripped and fallen into some mud during her run. So much for her new clothes. 

But as cold and nasty as she felt on the outside, the bean felt strangely empowered as she watched the girl from a distance, and she gathered herself as she approached, gaining more courage with every step. Because of the storm, the kitten didn't hear her until they were both under the pavilion together, and Reina jumped slightly when she realized Risa was there, looking very much like she might run again.

"Tanakacchi," The bean started with warning in her tone, "I will tackle you to the ground..."

"Why did you follow me?" Reina asked, voice quivering slightly. Risa quickly decided that the yankii wasn't very scary when she was drenched in rain, and she took another step forward.

"You didn't give me a chance to say anything back there..."

"You don't have to, look, it's okay, really, if it's easier this way, that's fine... You've moved on from Momusu so it's not like we even have to cross paths and stuff so I-"

Maybe it was a bit ironic and cliche to do things this way, but Risa couldn't really think of a more effective way to both shut Reina up and tell her what she needed to say than to simply pull the girl close and kiss her. The yankii completely froze up at first, but soon relaxed into the bean's arms, responding to the gentle touch.

At least, until she delivered a hard slap to the older girl's cheek. Risa pulled back, stunned, her reaction queen instincts kicking in full gear.

"Ow! Hey! What the hell did you--mmph!"

She was cut off by warm lips meeting hers once more, this time more insistent. The bean found herself being pressed back into one of the beams that held the pavilion up, and she clung to Reina's waist to keep both of them steady. Her mind was clouding over with a pleasant haze, one that lingered and left a stupid grin on her face even as the younger girl pulled away.

"If you were going to do that, why did you slap me?" Risa breathed, bringing her hands up to brush aside the strands of wet hair that had plastered themselves to the yankii's face. A faint blush colored Reina's cheeks, and the bean traced this with her thumbs as the younger girl gave her a sheepish look.

"Well... You sort of just grabbed me... It was a bit of a reflex..."

"I guess it's a good thing I'm not the one that tried to kiss you that first time then." The bean replied with a light chuckle. Reina didn't seem completely at ease yet, however.

"But... are you sure... About us? This? Whatever this even is..."

Risa shushed the younger girl and pulled her closer, definitely enjoying the way the kitten responded by snuggling into her. 

"Look, let's just stop making things so complicated, okay? The reason I reacted the way I did back then and why I never came to terms with my feelings until recently was because I kept trying to categorize them and make everything make sense... And then I realized that it doesn't have to. That really, all that matters is I love you."

Reina looked up at those three words, searching Risa's eyes for the truth. The bean smiled at her, happy to give her all the reassurance in the world, and she dipped her head to meet her girl's lips for another kiss.

The new lovers stayed that way for a while even as the rain fell around them, oblivious to everything but each other. Well, almost oblivious.

"You know Aichan and Sayu are watching us right now?" Reina murmured against the older girl's lips, the edges of her own turning upwards in amusement.

"Nope. I also am gonna completely ignore Sayumin's shouting at me to kiss you again."

So naturally, Risa kissed her again. 

Off in the distance, there was a loud shriek as Ai pushed Sayumi into the fountain they were seated on, being the good best friend she was. Everything was gonna be just fine.

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Romance Is, pt. III (Tanagaki) [6/8]
« Reply #34 on: June 08, 2012, 09:54:04 AM »
Wow, this could have ended really badly. It's a good thing Gaki decided to give chase.


"I'm sorry?" Ai blinked, even more confused. The bean finally seemed to snap out of it and hurried to the door, leaning against the frame as she attempted to slip out of her heels.

"Take off your shoes, I need them."
I literally went "Yes! >.<"

"You know Aichan and Sayu are watching us right now?" Reina murmured against the older girl's lips, the edges of her own turning upwards in amusement.

"Nope. I also am gonna completely ignore Sayumin's shouting at me to kiss you again."

So naturally, Risa kissed her again.

Off in the distance, there was a loud shriek as Ai pushed Sayumi into the fountain they were seated on, being the good best friend she was. Everything was gonna be just fine.
Perfect ending! XD

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Romance Is, pt. III (Tanagaki) [6/8]
« Reply #35 on: June 08, 2012, 05:38:44 PM »
I'm gonna do this thing from now on, where I wave this epic banner that has "QUIETRIOT" on it in like obnoxious bold red letters. I'm gonna wave the shit out of that thing every time you update and/or leave me hanging.

If a person can sh!t sunshine and rainbows, I think I would have done so by now LOL because that was adorbs <333 Because trading heels for a pair of chucks to run after the love of your life and making out in the rain is fluffier than a new damn pillow from walmart.

"Nope. I also am gonna completely ignore Sayumin's shouting at me to kiss you again."


Off in the distance, there was a loud shriek as Ai pushed Sayumi into the fountain they were seated on, being the good best friend she was. Everything was gonna be just fine.

I'm hopping back and forth between hating Ai and Sayu in Rockstar's Guide and loving them here. Y U MAKE ME BIPOLAR?!?!?

and another thing: you DO realize this just makes me want Tanagaki even more right? RIGHT? *waves banner*

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Romance Is, pt. III (Tanagaki) [6/8]
« Reply #36 on: June 08, 2012, 11:23:56 PM »
Ahh happy ending!  I swore to myself last night that I wouldn't go to bed cause I had a gut feeling that you would update...but I fell asleep anyways Dx  I WAS RIGHT THOUGH!~  :cow:


Denial is the first phase...WAY TO BREAK OUT OF IT RISA~  :wub:  Now there can be happy TanaGaki lovin for all the fans to gush over :3 

"Meaning whatever happens between those two next is gonna be better than any drama on tv, and I Will. Not. Miss. It." Sayumi replied, eyes crossing more with each punctuated word. "Take me to them, my prince!"

Oh the cuteness of this ficlet...I think I'll go prance down a rainbow road of happiness with bunnies and kittens and puppies while singing sweet/deafening songs to express my feels~
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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Romance Is, pt. III (Tanagaki) [6/8]
« Reply #37 on: June 12, 2012, 06:58:56 PM »
Oh hey, what is this, what am I doing, I don't even know. That werewolf thing? Wouldn't go away. And I've been on a writing spree (like, the next chapter of Rockstar is already finished, wtf, but its too soon to post that yet <3) Don't mind me~

Also, KB, I haven't forgotten your request for a Gakipon shot.  :cathappy: I just haven't had much experience writing the kids yet and I don't wanna half-ass it so it'll happen soon, I swear!

Crimson, Part I

Steel boots crunched through snow and brush as their wearer tramped sluggishly through the forest, her steps shaky and unstable. The armor had done the woman little good against razor sharp fangs and claws, and with every move she made, blood oozed from the wounds at her shoulder and at her hip, leaving behind a trail of crimson stark against the frozen earth. She knew very well that she wouldn't get far in this condition, but the woman pressed on, desperate to escape the borders of the wood before she succumbed to unconsciousness... perhaps even death.

With her good arm she gripped her shoulder tightly, attempting to stem the flow of blood a bit, and in her injured one was her sword, dark and slick with the life of her more unfortunate opponents. She was having great trouble keeping hold of it, and thus the tip dragged along the ground, scraping roughly against every rock and root it encountered.

The woman lurched suddenly, swaying dangerously into a tree, her sword falling to the ground with a clang. She slid down against the trunk until she was seated, grunting as her wounds complained in waves of pain. 

This was it. She could not will her aching muscles to move any farther, and the blood loss clouded her ability to think. Even if she had the strength to stand, at this point she no longer knew where she was going. As the snow chilled her body, she drew her red cloak tight around herself for what little comfort it would provide.

As she lay there waiting for the darkness to take her, the woman's thoughts were of the people she loved: her best friend, torn to pieces while defending her home, her parents, likely dead as well, and her sister, whom she hoped was faring better than she. Hot tears burned trails down her cheeks, and she leaned her head back against the tree, silently mourning all that had been lost.

And then anger washed away the sorrow, and she gritted her teeth hard to hold back the bile that burned in her throat. 

The attack had come with no warning at all, no provocation, not even a glimpse of suspicious activity around the borders of the city. Instead, the wolves had descended upon them in the night like deadly shadows, destroying everything in sight, everything she had held dear. There was simply no time to react; her years of training to slay the beasts were useless in the face of an ambush so carefully calculated. And with them being so easily outnumbered...

She did not deserve to be a knight after such failure. It would have been better that she died alongside the others than to suffer the cruel fate of lingering here. The woman coughed weakly as she allowed fresh tears to fall for herself. 

A branch snapped somewhere nearby, and she lifted her head slightly, unable to discern if the sound was real or hallucination. Even now with death breathing down her neck, her instinct was to reach for her sword, and she pulled the weapon towards her, propping it up against her knee as best she could.

Her eyes had begun to flutter shut as a large shape emerged from the trees in front of her, and though black spots were taking over her vision, the low rumble that followed told her all she needed to know.

Of course... I've left a trail so thick even a cub would be able to find me here...

"Well, well..." A voice, sounding much more like a constant growl than anything else, brusquely interrupted the silence, "Never in my life did I expect to see a Red in these parts... And never in a thousand lifetimes one so near her final breath..."

The woman coughed out a laugh, smirking as best she could.

"Have you come to kill me, wolf? I spilled the blood of at least three of your brothers before I came to be here..."

The figure loomed closer to the woman, to where she could now fully make out the details even as her vision was fading. It was a giant wolf, standing a good six feet from massive paw to shoulder, light brown fur easily contrasting with the snow. The woman noted that the beast was a bit more slender and much less wild-looking than the wolves that had laid siege to her home, almost like a dog, and she thought this was peculiar until her eyes landed on something secured around the wolf's neck.

A collar, fashioned of a length of leather and pieces of metal--the knight knew from experience this was silver--was fastened tightly around the beast's neck, obviously much too small as it was embedded into fur and skin.

A slave...

"My brothers?" The wolf questioned, something akin to amusement coloring its' growl, "I have no brothers here. And neither do you, it would seem..."

The knight feebly lifted the tip of her sword, pointing it towards the wolf's neck as it padded closer.

"I have some bite left in me." She warned, having no intention of going down without a struggle.

But the wolf stopped moving, settling down on its hind legs in front of the knight and lowering its head so that the woman could look into piercing golden eyes.

"Indeed. What is your name, Red?"

Never once lowering her sword, the woman used her good arm to prop herself up against the tree as best she could.

"Niigaki Risa." Came the labored response, "What do you intend to do with me, wolf?"

"I intend for you to rest."

Those golden eyes began to blur in the knight's vision, and were the last thing Risa saw before she faded, a peaceful haze overtaking her.

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. I (Tanagaki) [6/12]
« Reply #38 on: June 12, 2012, 07:10:12 PM »
its ok~ i get what you mean, i've only been able to do maachan and eripon cus of the countless stories we got about them from risa when she had her radio show XD i'll wait patiently~!

lol still on the "lets see how many things we can do to make risa's life suck" bandwagon i see XDDD though of course risa wont give up without a fight, and im guessing the wolf is reina? or maybe its aika since you did say it looked more like a dog... gah i'll just have to wait for what part 2 brings~ :panic: and y u no post next chappy of rockstar if its done already?! :catglare: XD
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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. I (Tanagaki) [6/12]
« Reply #39 on: June 12, 2012, 07:37:18 PM »
I hate myself for this. But when I think of werewolves, I think of twilight, and I have like these violent gag reactions when they pop up. bad times, yo. BUT THIS. THIS IS NICE. I CAN LIVE WITH THIS.

Can we all just keep making Gaki's life a living tragedy? Because it's fun and wonderful, and it makes me feel like shit, but but but T__T SHE MAKES IT SO EASY. HAHAHA If only she knew~ She'd probably be all like WOOO HIGH FIVE I'M PRETTY BADASS IN ALL THESE FICS. Then the next moment she'd have our heads because it's like Y U MAKE MY LIFE SUCK ASSSSSSS?!?!?!?!? lol She'd probably sue me for what I'm gonna make her go through in QPQ bwahahha

But i mean, knight in shining armor gaki is kind of funny to imagine. Attractive, but funny LOL

P.S. You are not allowed to hold out another chapter for Rockstar. Nope, no sir. I don't approve  :thumbdown:

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