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Author Topic: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- The Yankii Monologues: Insomnia [11/27]  (Read 34557 times)

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. I (Tanagaki) [6/12]
« Reply #40 on: June 12, 2012, 08:22:44 PM »
First sentence and Risa's life is already completely screwed up...I love it :D  This is probably the only fic where I won't pray for a perv...cause it'd kinda be bestiality and that's pretty weird XD But anyways, yay for the werewolf thing!  Part two must commence soon please :)

I like this "completely screw up Risa's life" club :)  WE ARE SUCH AWESOME FANS GUYS!  :twothumbs  We kill her, we make her kill, we send her to jail, we emotionally scar her for life...yeah...we're good fans :)

Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
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Offline Quietriot

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. I (Tanagaki) [6/12]
« Reply #41 on: June 14, 2012, 07:26:13 AM »
@KB: I'm still catching up on stuff with the 9/10kis. I've gotten to where I love them all :heart: but idk they just haven't cemented themselves fic-wise in my head. XD; and... well... my excuse for making Gaki's life suck here is that the setting isn't happy to begin with. Kinda like the world sucks and she's just in it XD

@kjpop: -almost wrote jkpop because dyslexia- I wanna push Stephanie Meyer off a cliff. (No offense to anyone who does actually enjoy Twilight...) Glad you can live with this tho. ^^ Ahaha maybe we should just write movies for Risa~ And XD ever since Prince Gaki in Cinderella I have no trouble seeing her as a knight/prince/whatever I MAY have this thing for armor and uniforms. It's just a little thing. No really. also I do what I want. :P  :deco:

@Rini: No perv? Well okay. XD Wouldn't write one with any of them in like, doggy-mode anyway because yeah NO. XD we need buttons that say "I destroyed Risa's life and I'm proud." Ahaha~

I'm so tired but I can't sleep so here's the next installment of this thing. I'm silently hoping it doesn't end up too long because I really do intend for this to be a shorter thing. So aiming for five parts. Enjoy~

Crimson, Part II

The dark-haired woman was staring quietly out of one of the castle's large glass windows, her expression neutral as she scanned the forest below for signs of life. It had been over a day now since her partner sent out her... "pet" on a retrieval mission, and there had been no word of the wolf's return yet. Not that she was worried, of course; she cared little about what happened to the beast. But if Aika didn't come back alive, their research would be sure to grind to a halt, perhaps even cease altogether; that was a thought she refused to entertain, particularly now as she and her partner were entering their fifth year of working on this project.

She was Michishige Sayumi and she was known simply as, in laymen's terms, a witch. Her affinity for magic began developing at a very early age, and was realized one day when she accidentally turned her younger brother into a toad. Fortunately, a traveling wizard happened to be passing through her hometown at the time and managed to rectify the problem before any real permanent damage was done, though afterwards on occasion she had caught her brother eyeing houseflies with rapt attention. The wizard had lectured her parents on how obvious it was that she needed training to gain control over her abilities, and within a month she was shipped off to the capital city to study magic at the Academy.

She easily surpassed her peers in skill and ability, and every year she ranked top of her class. Before long she was the one teaching others, and was frequently called upon by the royal family to aid in magical disputes, despite her young age.

That was where her partner came in. Tanaka Reina was a spitfire and recent graduate of one of the kingdom's most prestigious medical schools; a surgeon by trade, the girl was ambitious and fancied herself a scientist of sorts. Their first meeting ended in a shouting match that nearly evolved into a full-blown fist fight, simply because their ideologies were so wholly different from each other. Sayumi believed that magic was the solution to most of the world's problems while Reina put her stock in science.

An alliance between them would have never occurred naturally, but the two were referred by higher-ups in their respective fields and brought together for a very specific task: they were to use their talents to develop a cure for lycanthropy.

They set up their base of operations in the castle; an abandoned military fortress that had been converted into a trading outpost over the last several years. Reina had the dungeons converted into a laboratory of sorts, and together they spent countless hours of research and testing in it. Of course, finding specimens to use was the difficult part, as no werewolf would voluntarily offer themselves up, and neither she or Reina had the skills to capture the beasts. Primarily they relied on the service of the Red Knights, whose entire existence was based on slaying and enslaving the lycans, but even then it was rare that the Reds managed to bring a wolf back alive.

With Aika, they had been extraordinarily lucky. The kid had survived a lycan raid while sustaining major wounds, and managed to live through the painful process of the venom turning her into something less-than-human. Though Sayumi carried a distaste for the wolves in general, she had to admit that Aika's cooperation and willingness to submit to their trials was impressive--and she had no doubt many of the treatments were excruciatingly painful. The girl adored Reina more anyway, and followed the young scientist around the grounds like a puppy, probably because the woman treated her... well, like a human being.

But she's not.

Sayumi sighed, narrowing her eyes. Reina's bleeding heart was sure to cause them trouble someday...

"Have you seen her yet?"

A voice broke into her thoughts and Sayumi turned to see her partner standing at the doorway, looking as though she was trying hard not to be too hopeful. The elder of the two shook her head, turning back to glance outside as the other woman joined her at her side.

"I haven't seen the dog yet, no. It's still not been too incredibly long, though..."

"I told you, she's not 'dog' or 'pet' or 'slave,'" Reina replied with a huff as she bristled next to the witch, "Her name is Aika. And maybe you don't care, but it hurts her when you call her things like that. It's not like she chose this... It's a terrible curse and burden for her to bear."

Sayumi shrugged, tossing raven-colored locks back over her shoulders. Reina could scold all she wanted to, but it wouldn't change how she felt; a wolf was a wolf.

Suddenly the scientist jumped and pointed at something in the distance, and the witch followed her finger to spot what had been seen. A flash of crimson was racing against the snow, a tiny pinprick in the distance, and as it neared Sayumi realized it was a cloak; specifically, the signature trademark of a Red. The cloak's wearer was slung limply over Aika's back, and even from the tower the witch could tell the knight was badly injured.

Perhaps they'd be lucky again a second time.

In an instant, Reina darted out of the room with Sayumi on her heels, the duo descending from the tower as fast as their legs would carry. When they reached the main hall, the servants were already opening the giant wooden entrance, and Aika burst inside, scattering snow and dirt all over the floor. The exhausted girl was already returning to her human form, and Reina was there with a warm fluffy cloak to drape around the werewolf's shoulders, while Sayumi and the servants eased the unconscious knight to the ground.

"I... ran as fast as I could..." Aika panted, drawing the cloak tight around her bare skin. "She's still holding on to life, but she was horribly weak to begin with when I found her..."

"How ironic that it should be a knight..." Reina murmured to herself, allowing the younger girl to lean on her for support. Her eyes briefly settled on the knight's face, observing her features. The woman couldn't have been much older than herself, even.

"Are you sure she was bitten?" Sayumi asked from her knees, glancing up at the werewolf with an eyebrow raised.

"Positive. The venom is all over those wounds. And she was the only survivor for miles..." 

"Either way..." Reina cut in quietly, "She's hurt and we need to treat her now or she won't make it through the night whether she's infected or not."

The scientist motioned to the servants to carry the knight, and then she made her way towards the dungeons, Sayumi and Aika trailing behind. She could only hope the girl was as much a fighter on the inside as she looked.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. II (Tanagaki) [6/14]
« Reply #42 on: June 14, 2012, 09:03:24 AM »
Ah! Wanna reply, but internet just cut out. Phone sucks,will edit later

EDIT: I'm so excited for this fic. OMG I'm so excited. And I'm loving the world you've built around them, too. Science and magic going hand in hand, Sayu the bitchy witch, the pet werewolf is Aika, of course, then Reina and Gaki... CAN"T WAIT!
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 07:17:04 PM by rndmnwierd »

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. II (Tanagaki) [6/14]
« Reply #43 on: June 14, 2012, 05:40:32 PM »
aha! knew it was aika! XD and wich sayu with dr reina is pretty awesome...granted im sure rl life reina wouldnt know what to do at all its cool to imagine her as a doctor ^^; its also great to see how difrent both girls take aika's case. syu just seeing her as a wolf eventhough she was a human to beginwith is kinda mean ;3; kids got feelings u know sayu! >3> and with risa having this "venom" all over her seems like she'll turn into a wolf soon too right? gah i cant wait! :panic:
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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. II (Tanagaki) [6/14]
« Reply #44 on: June 14, 2012, 06:37:29 PM »
Oh my god. When I was reading the Sayu bg, in my head I had a Hagrid voice and was like "You're a wizard, Sayu." LOLOLOLOLOL


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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. II (Tanagaki) [6/14]
« Reply #45 on: June 14, 2012, 07:39:59 PM »

I couldn't help it. XD my apologies in advance ahahah also warning, copious amounts of profanity after the one minute mark XD

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. II (Tanagaki) [6/14]
« Reply #46 on: June 15, 2012, 05:47:52 AM »
@Rndy: I thought you had died or something D: ehehe glad you're enjoying this tho, I'm certainly having fun writing it.

@KB: points to you for guessing Aika. ^^ XD Yeah Dr. Reina isn't a role I'd usually put her in but she's the ambitious type of person that excels in what she's passionate about so it works here. :3 Yeah Sayu has a thing about hating wolves. She'll come around eventually (I mean who can hate Aika, seriously). As for Gaki's fate... Read on!

@kjpop: So yeah I envisioned (with the help of the video above) like young Sayu + drunk headmaster Yuko or something and Yuko bein all "You're a wizard, Sayu." and Sayu all like what, no, you're insane. XD AND I DON'T KNOW, MAYBE? XD

I'm seriously considering moving this into the main section cuz... It's starting to run away from me oh noes~ Enjoy~

Crimson, Part III

"Put her on the table there," Reina motioned to the servants, who laid Risa out on a raised stone slab in the center of the room. The main area of the laboratory had once been the dungeon's torture chamber, a fact that never failed to set the scientist on edge whenever she set foot inside. Though it had been completely gutted and refashioned with the proper equipment and looked nothing like its previous incarnation, the atmosphere always seemed a bit oppressive, and Aika complained of hearing faint screams now and then. Reina attributed this to the unending mysteries behind lycanthropy, and had long since ceased to doubt the younger girl's claims...

Impatiently dismissing the servants with her hand, the impulsive young woman hovered over the table, able to see her patient more clearly now under the lights--strange orbs that were some trick of Sayumi's, intended to hover around anyone who entered the room.

"Help me get her armor and clothing off."

Aika obediently moved to begin undoing the knight's boots, and Reina shot a pointed glance at Sayumi, who stood off to the side with her arms crossed. 

"She's bleeding all over the place," The witch stated dryly, making it obvious she wasn't about to lift a finger. "I don't do blood."

Reina snorted, biting back the urge to comment that there wasn't much Sayumi did do other than make her life difficult. Soon she and the werewolf had rid the knight of all barriers, and the scientist winced at the sight of the deep wounds on the woman's shoulder. Lycan fangs could crush metal like dead autumn leaves, and the venom they transmitted was extremely potent and nine times out of ten, fatal. If a human wasn't ripped to shreds during an attack, the poison was sure to kill them. Rarely was a person fortunate enough to be consumed by the curse instead. 

"She's got a great body, though~"

The scientist scowled at her partner's words, quickly draping a white sheet over Risa's body. 

"Pervert," She hissed, though she couldn't control the way her face heated up at the words, "Make yourself useful and conjure up some water, will ya?"

Sayumi smirked devilishly, but complied nevertheless, murmuring words in an ancient tongue, drawing water from the air to coalesce into a sphere that hovered in between her hands. This Reina passed pieces of cloth through and used them to clean Risa's wounds. As she worked, she realized Aika was shifting uncomfortably at her side, and the scientist looked to see that the werewolf was fidgeting with the collar about her neck, fingers recoiling in pain each time they accidentally brushed against the silver bits.

"It's about time we built you a new one, I think," Reina commented, nodding at the device, "You've outgrown the last three so fast..." 

"I don't like it," Aika whimpered, "It burns and it chokes me when I transform..."

"It's a symbol of your rightful place," Sayumi cut in, shooting Reina a sharp glare before the scientist could attempt to comfort the younger girl, "Without that collar, the knights would cut you down on sight. You should be grateful you've been afforded the distinction."

The scientist whirled to face the witch, prepared to give her a sharp tongue-lashing, when the girl on the table moved, a light groan escaping her lips. The trio gathered closer around the knight, each with varying degrees of shock on their faces.

"Impossible- an attack like that..." Reina's eyes shot to the wound on Risa's shoulder, and watched in bewilderment as the edges of skin began to slowly stitch themselves back together of their own accord. 

"Proves your theory that the venom affects everyone differently." Sayumi replied, curiously watching the wound as well.

So focused were the two that they realized too late that Risa's eyes were beginning to open, the irises colored a deep amber-gold. But Aika's focus never left the knight, and as soon as the woman lunged for Reina, the werewolf shifted, snarling and pinning Risa to the table with her massive paws. 

The knight struggled against Aika, a growl of her own escaping her mouth as she stared the wolf down. Reina watched in a mixture of horror and fascination as the woman spit blood and teeth from her mouth, sharp canines quickly moving to fill in the gaps. She'd watched Aika transform many times, but this was the first time for her to witness the venom taking hold of a victim.

"Sayu!" Her worried shout snapped the witch out of her own fear, and Sayumi uttered a spell that caused the chains dangling at the corners of the table to spring to life. The chains wound themselves tightly around Risa's limbs, binding her to the stone slab. But soon they would be completely ineffective, and Aika was not exactly the strongest representative for her kind. 

As the knight convulsed and writhed against the chains, Reina darted to the other side of the room, fumbling with a pouch attached to her waist. Eventually she managed to produce a key from it, and the scientist knelt down beside a small wooden chest, quickly unlocking it. Inside lay a single item: an intricately carved amulet with a blood-red stone set into it, attached to a delicate golden chain. The stone glowed faintly when she reached in to grab it, the result of some ten months of magical endowment by Sayumi.

When she returned to the table, prepared to slip the amulet around Risa's neck, the witch's hand shot out to stop her.

"It's not safe." Sayumi hissed, "The incantations aren't yet complete- we have no way of knowing what it'll do to her."

"We don't have time to test it," Reina replied firmly, yanking her arm free, "And in minutes we're going to have a very angry newborn lycan on our hands. Unless you have a better idea, we have little choice."

The witch relented, stepping out of her partner's way as she moved forward again, pulling the amulet over Risa's head. As soon as the stone touched the knight's skin, it shone more fiercely, and the woman fell limp against the table, unconscious once more.

A heavy silence fell on the room, neither the witch or the scientist able to speak, and a few moments passed before Aika relaxed enough to shift back into human form. The young werewolf peered curiously at the amulet, its crimson glow reflecting in her eyes.

"Is she dead?" Aika questioned, reaching a hand out tentatively as if to touch the stone. Reina quickly pushed her away.

"No. Not dead. But you might be if you touch that." The scientist warned, still tense from what could have happened.

"What... is it?"

"Think of it as an inhibitor of sorts..." Sayumi offered lazily, her demeanor the polar opposite to Reina's edge, "It's meant to keep the venom from spreading throughout her body. I assumed it would need much more preparation than this but even I surprise myself with how good I am at magic sometimes~"

"I don't think it's stopped it completely," The scientist started, hovering over Risa once again, "Her wounds are still regenerating, and her body temperature definitely exceeds that of a normal human being."

It wasn't even close to a cure, but perhaps it would buy them some time. Working with Aika had been all but fruitless, as the curse had overtaken her system so completely that it was completely resistant to anything she and Sayumi tried. But the knight was in a limbo stage of sorts now, and there was a chance they could cure her before she turned. It gave Reina hope that their research hadn't been in vain.

"So what do we do now?" Sayumi asked, growing impatient.

"We wait until she wakes up. I don't feel comfortable doing anything until we've at least asked her about it first..."

The witch rolled her eyes.

"You know we have to carry out the experiments whether she agrees or not."

"I don't care, I still want a chance to explain everything first."

Sayumi threw up her hands, shaking her head as she turned on her heel to exit the room.

"Fine, but I'm having a collar made in the meantime. ...I'll get another one made for you as well, dog."

Reina scowled as the witch insulted the young werewolf yet again, but Aika simply smiled and nodded her head.

"Thank you, Michishige-san..."


And then she was gone, much to Reina's relief. Sayumi was intelligent and extraordinarily talented but they'd never once ceased to get under the other's skin. How Aika managed to greet her with a smile everyday was beyond the scientist's understanding. Reina sighed, running a hand through her hair as she gathered her thoughts.

"I need you to watch her. And let me know as soon as she wakes up." Reina turned to Aika, earning a nod from her companion, "I don't know if the amulet will suppress her emotions, and though she hasn't turned, I want you there with me just in case."

"Of course." She didn't need to ask. There was simply no way Aika was about to leave the person she considered as good as blood alone with a potential threat.

It would be another three days before Risa finally woke up.

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. III (Tanagaki) [6/14]
« Reply #47 on: June 15, 2012, 06:17:04 AM »
oh my gosh yay for updates~! thats all i can say for now my brains fried again D:
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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. III (Tanagaki) [6/14]
« Reply #48 on: June 15, 2012, 12:25:41 PM »
Sorry for not comment anything :nervous
Anyway, thanks for your hard working. :bow:

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. III (Tanagaki) [6/14]
« Reply #49 on: June 15, 2012, 02:00:56 PM »
HNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Need coffee first <3 Will be back to love you <3

LOL It's fun seeing Reina being the more understanding, less impulsive one. So while I was reading this, I was totally imagining Risa in her Joan of Arc outfit from Reborn lol and trying to imagine Risa growing fangs was pretty damn awesome lol

Aika's such a good dawg =3 i want one LOL But damn though, 3 days out cold? I would've started to freak out and worry that that amulet killed her dead xDDD OH LAWD THE STRESS!! But huzzah for science!! I wish I learned cool things like that while I did my undergrad hahhaha
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 02:54:57 PM by kjpop »

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. III (Tanagaki) [6/14]
« Reply #50 on: June 15, 2012, 08:33:42 PM »
I can't wait to see everyone's interaction once Risa wakes up. I'm thinking EmoGaki XD

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. III (Tanagaki) [6/14]
« Reply #51 on: June 15, 2012, 08:49:13 PM »


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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. III (Tanagaki) [6/14]
« Reply #52 on: June 15, 2012, 08:55:13 PM »
I BLAME ALL OF YOU.  :cathappy:

And also, not really EmoGaki, surprisingly. More like... Confused-as-hell/horny Gaki. xD

-crawls back into hole-

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. III (Tanagaki) [6/14]
« Reply #53 on: June 15, 2012, 08:59:13 PM »
^Oh god now I really can't wait! XD

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. III (Tanagaki) [6/14]
« Reply #54 on: June 15, 2012, 09:00:35 PM »
LMAO So having wolf's blood turns you to an actual b!tch in heat? HO HO HO


P.S. You're spoiling us silly, btw ;) I think I'm winning this bet ho ho ho~
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 09:30:05 PM by kjpop »

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Crimson, pt. III (Tanagaki) [6/14]
« Reply #55 on: June 24, 2012, 07:21:26 AM »
Wow this came out weird. KB, feel free to hate this XD what is characterization, seriously, I don't think I understand Erina at all. But I tried! XD

Also there will probably be two more of these because all my feels for Reina and Masaki. And Sayu and Mizupon. XD

I know I have other things to write and I'm way behind on commenting, forgive me. I'm not the happiest right now so sweet little oneshots are all I'm capable of atm, I think T.T

Senpai Series #1 - Gakipon (Takagaki)

It was always in the back of her mind that she could never hope to compete with Ai. But that didn't stop Erina from loving Risa with all of the passion her 14-year-old heart could muster. She wasn't sure at what point her fanatic devotion had developed into a crush--the one time she mentioned love at first sight, Riho simply gave her a look and walked away, Kanon laughed, and Mizuki tried to placate her with an apologetic smile.

Her senpais had noticed even before she realized it herself. 

"I've seen that look," Reina mentioned casually after one rehearsal, standing next to Sayumi where she thought they were out of earshot of the 9ki girl, "Should I go ahead and break her heart now, or...?"

This was followed by a bout of bickering between the generation-mates, and the last thing Erina heard before slipping away was Sayumi lecturing Reina on how to properly treat the younger members. Later that week, though, the duo had set her down to calmly explain the way things worked.

"It's very sweet that you're so devoted to Gaki-san, but..."

"Risa and Ai are like, soulmates, kid." The yankii interjected, twirling her keys on her finger, "You don't get in between soulmates. It's trying to stop two trains before a head-on collision with your bare hands; they're gonna be together no matter what you do and you end up roadkill."

Sayumi shot her partner a withering glare, prompting Reina to add:

"Um, we care about you, so we're just telling you so you don't get hurt."

And Erina quietly accepted this fact, much as she desperately wanted not to believe it. At least, she was forced to accept it after being in the wrong place at the wrong time meant her stumbling upon the two aforementioned women locked in a heated kiss backstage. But knowing beforehand didn't in any way lessen the sting of her heartache--that, unfortunately, hurts just as much at 14 as it does at 40.

Jealousy sparked inside of her every time she saw her leader from that point on, and she noticed all of the subtleties that passed between Risa and Ai that she thought herself completely stupid for not having seen it before. Problem was, it was entirely too difficult to hate Ai. Ai, who was aloof but exceedingly kind and charismatic and did everything with such skill it seemed effortless.

It would have been easier if she could hate Ai. 

But Erina didn't have it in her to hate anyone, really, and so she settled for quiet brooding when the cameras were off and she thought no one was watching her.

"You say you think you love her, right?" The sound of Mizuki's voice made the KY jump slightly, but she settled comfortably back against the wall as her generation-mate sat down beside her. Erina returned her gaze to Risa, who was helping one of the still-unannounced 10kis with the dance.

"I do love her," Erina responded firmly.

"You've got a funny way of showing it, sulking like you've been doing lately."

The younger of the two blinked, glancing over at her friend. It was a bit of a slap to hear the words out loud, but she knew she shouldn't be surprised by Mizuki's perceptiveness.

"What am I supposed to do? She has Takahashi-san... She'll never see me as anything more than a weird, obsessive junior..." Erina trailed off, chewing on her lower lip as she watched Risa spare a glance towards Ai, who grinned softly in response.

"Well, what would you do if she loved you back?" 

The KY considered this idea briefly; she'd never actually seriously followed that train of thought to its conclusion, Reina's metaphor about soulmates always managing to derail her. 

"Anything to make her happy," she managed after a moment, sighing.

"So what's stopping you from doing that now?" Mizuki questioned, continuing when her friend gave her a confused look, "If you love her, I mean, you would just do that stuff anyway, right? And who knows, maybe in a few years she won't be with Takahashi-san anymore and she'll look back and remember all the things you did and you could have your chance then. Either way, doesn't making her happy make you happy when all is said and done?"

She was right. Watching Risa's face light up with a smile or a laugh was the best thing in the world. Being the one to cause said smile or laugh... those were the moments Erina believed in heaven. Without warning, the younger girl hopped to her feet and darted towards her beloved senpai, nearly knocking over Riho and Kanon as they approached. 

"Niigaki-san," She breathed eagerly, skidding to a halt in front of the subleader, "I can help if you want to take a break for a while."

Risa blinked, sidestepping as one of the 10kis--Masaki, was it? Erina couldn't quite remember--stumbled over her own feet.

"I'm not so sure, Eripon, they still need a lot of work-"

"I know the routine, Niigaki-san," Erina cut in confidently, "Just so you can take a short break; you haven't had one yet today."

The subleader blinked again, seeming more impressed than confused the second time, and she smiled, reaching forward to ruffle the other girl's hair.

"Alright. Just for a moment. Thanks for looking out for me." Risa winked, and Erina thought her heart might melt at that alone, not even caring when the subleader walked past her to join her lover in the corner.

Even if Risa never loved her back the same way, Erina would be devoted to her forever. 

Because it's worth it, just to see you smile.

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Senpai Series #1 (Gakipon, Takagaki) [6/23]
« Reply #56 on: June 24, 2012, 07:29:43 AM »
its the thought that counts~! ;3; *huggles* i'll give a full comment tomorrow im so tierd lol
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Senpai Series #1 (Gakipon, Takagaki) [6/23]
« Reply #57 on: June 24, 2012, 07:39:54 AM »
-internal squee-

D'awww Ikuta~  Y U SO LOVABLE?  You did an excellent job of portraying her in my opinion

the last thing Erina heard before slipping away was Sayumi lecturing Reina on how to properly treat the younger members.
Oi I thought it said "beat" :O  I was like "Sayu...that's not how you gently break it to someone you crazy pedobear o.O" :3

"So what's stopping you from doing that now?" Mizuki questioned, continuing when her friend gave her a confused look, "If you love her, I mean, you would just do that stuff anyway, right? And who knows, maybe in a few years she won't be with Takahashi-san anymore and she'll look back and remember all the things you did and you could have your chance then. Either way, doesn't making her happy make you happy when all is said and done?"
Mizupon...the friend that everyone wants and needs.  Way to be supportive! :D  She's so good at this, especially for a 15 year old :D

Even if Risa never loved her back the same way, Erina would be devoted to her forever.

Because it's worth it, just to see you smile.
Stupid ninjas cutting onions in the room  :cry:  :heart: :heart: :heart:

Wonderful job Fimmeh :D   :twothumbs  you have such a beautiful writing style~  Can't wait for more~

take your time dear :3  We'll be patient and stalk you wait like good children ^_^  I hope everything gets better on your end (^ u ^)/ -hugs-
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Senpai Series #1 (Gakipon, Takagaki) [6/23]
« Reply #58 on: June 24, 2012, 10:06:17 AM »
ZOMG so cute and bittersweet! Too early for comments...

Offline risa_ai

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Senpai Series #1 (Gakipon, Takagaki) [6/23]
« Reply #59 on: June 24, 2012, 10:12:59 AM »
Awww... So adorable, that ponpon. xD

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