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Author Topic: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- The Yankii Monologues: Insomnia [11/27]  (Read 34563 times)

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Senpai Series #1 (Gakipon, Takagaki) [6/23]
« Reply #60 on: June 24, 2012, 10:15:14 AM »
Awww EmoEripon ; A ; She's kinda like Ai-chan's daughter too though (having Ai as her mentor and all) but, ; A ; all my feels. xD
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

Offline maikeatoot

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Senpai Series #1 (Gakipon, Takagaki) [6/23]
« Reply #61 on: June 24, 2012, 10:52:53 AM »
 haha finally! i found someone who would write about erina and her craziness for gaki-san.! oh i mean lovelove for gaki-san.!thank you!

Offline Quietriot

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Senpai Series #1 (Gakipon, Takagaki) [6/23]
« Reply #62 on: June 24, 2012, 10:49:02 PM »
@KB: -huggles back- no worries :3

@Rini: ^^ well, thanks. I struggle w characters like her, probably because they're so lovable and I mostly only understand angst and sexy times XD and ahahaha now I can't unsee that sentence... Mizuki seems the type to be wise beyond her years in my opinion. Or at least the kind of person that can easily identify other people's problems and offer good advice. Thanks for your support and love~ :heart: I read "stalk you" as "stab you" btw and I was so terrified XDDD

@Rndy: yay bittersweet~ let's write more bittersweet things all over the place~ XD jk this next one is mostly just cute.

@risa_ai: isn't she though? :)

@arisa03: Yeah, that's why it was kinda hard to make her too jealous, since it's obvious she loves/respects Ai too. -gathers up your feels in a bucket and hands you a tissue- ^^

@maikeatoot: haha no prob! I think they're cute I just have zero experience with the 9/10kis so I'm trying to branch out a bit. :)

Next up, Reina and Masaki. I seriously need to do more research on the kids... But yeah, All the pics of these two are totes adorbs, all my feels~ I had to write something. Also included one of my favorite pairings of late that I haven't really written due to Tanagaki invasion XD enjoy?

Senpai Series #2: ReiSaki (Tanashige)

Masaki was overwhelmed with a crippling sense of anxiety. Ai's graduation was only weeks away and she felt like her generation-mates were leaps and bounds ahead of her as far as the routine was concerned. She had no experience in dancing, and felt a bit like a kid thrown into the water for the first time and being told to swim.

The singing on its own wasn't too terribly hard; but she hadn't anticipated just how difficult it was to sing after jumping around for hours on end. By that point she was so exhausted that she could only focus on keeping upright, and then she'd forget the lyrics to the song.

Thus, for the third time during rehearsal today, she found herself being pulled aside by her senpais to be scolded for not paying attention. Masaki endured this, smiling nervously and fidgeting with her hands, knowing that she would have to find some way to compensate. Her fellow 10kis were of little comfort; they were still unused to each other, and while Haruka whispered encouragement as she rejoined the formation, Masaki could not shake the feeling that she was going to fail.

Masaki didn't want to fail. In fact, despite her easygoing nature, she desperately wanted to get things right. Not necessarily for herself, but for the people who were expecting her to succeed, like her mother, and for those who were counting on her, like the other members.

Eventually, the dance coach called it a day, and she sank to the floor to catch her breath while the other girls began chatting and getting ready to leave. Soon, she was one of the few that lingered in the studio, and Masaki looked up when she realized she was being stared at.

Reina hovered over the 10ki like a wolf, studying her with sharp wonky eyes, and Masaki had the sense to at least flinch a little bit. The older girl hadn't ever said much to her directly, but she wasn't known for her kindness, and the younger girl braced herself for more scolding.

"Come on, get up."

Masaki blinked as Reina offered her her hand, very nearly thrown off balance as the yankii roughly pulled her to her feet. But instead of the lecture she expected, the older woman stood beside her, facing the mirror. 

"I've been watching you," Reina stated quietly, "That move, the one you keep screwing up..."

The younger girl watched as the yankii demonstrated the step in question, slowly at first, breaking it down so that Masaki could understand. Stunned that it wasn't nearly as hard as she thought, Masaki wordlessly mimicked her senior's moves, her confidence rising when Reina stepped aside to let her do it on her own, clapping the beat.

When she managed to do it up to tempo, Masaki almost cried for joy, hopping up and down with excitement. 

"Tanaka-san, thank you so much! How did you know what to show me? Every time the coach did it, it didn't make sense to me..."

Reina allowed herself a confident smirk.

"I've been around a while, you know. I've learned a thing or two. And also, before rehearsal next time, come find me. I don't think you're stretching properly, which is why you're tiring out so quickly... Someone your age should have more energy at the end of rehearsals."

It was probably a statement that any of the other girls would have taken personally, but all Masaki was hearing was that Reina was going to help her. And if Reina was helping her, then she surely would manage to catch up to the others. A surge of affection welled up within her for the older girl, and having not yet developed the sense of self-preservation that kept every other Musume from invading the yankii's bubble, Masaki pounced on Reina.

She nearly knocked the older girl over, so fierce and surprising was her attack, but Reina managed to stay upright, mind slowly processing what was happening. This was a hug. Someone was hugging her. She had not initiated. She'd not given permission. There was no prior familiarity. 

Someone had to die.

And yet as Masaki snuggled into her, she couldn't help but feel her heart melting a little bit; the girl seemed so grateful and so genuinely happy. Some long buried instinct moved her to awkwardly return the hug, and she patted her junior on the head. Maybe just this once. As long as it didn't become a habit or anything.

"Alright, alright, get your stuff and go home and rest; let's work hard from now on, okay?"

Masaki beamed up at her senpai and nodded, obediently scampering off to do as she was told. Reina chuckled, shaking her head and moving to retrieve her own bag. She didn't notice as quiet footsteps padded up behind her, jumping as she found herself wrapped in an embrace for the second time that day.

"That girl has to be either the dumbest or bravest member we've ever had." The yankii let out a content sigh at the sound of the familiar voice, leaning back into the arms that held her. Her lover was surprised by her easy compliance, and grinned as she lightly kissed the tip of one of Reina's ears. "...Or you're going soft."

"Maybe a bit of both." The yankii agreed, turning around in the older girl's arms so that she could face her. Sayumi quirked an eyebrow in response.

"It doesn't bother you?"

"Should it? I'm getting older, after all." Reina shrugged, "And besides..."

She leaned forward, close enough for her breath to flutter across Sayumi's lips but not enough to touch.

"I can still be bad for you."

The bunny shivered at her lover's words, paralyzed as the girl grinned deviously at her, walking away. A devilish smirk spread on her face and Sayumi immediately gave chase, shoving Reina into the nearest empty room, where they engaged in a private dance lesson of their own.

Offline maikeatoot

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 hey sayu huh.. you're cheating oN eririn..hehe kidding.!yeah all i can imagine about reina is a scary but kind senpai.. :)

Offline rndmnwierd

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Super adorable fluffy fluff! >.< Gonna explode from the cuteness that is ReiSaki

Offline arisa03

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Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

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love this senpai series =] sad face with the eripon cockblockage, but you gotta love rooting for the underdog <3
And reina + saki are freakin' adorable haha ya captured them beautifully~ and that end was pretty sweet, too haha

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nuuuuuuuu I would never stab Fimmeh~  :deco: 

"I've been watching you," Reina stated quietly
Even if Masaki was expecting a scolding...hearing this from a scary senpai is pretty scary on it's own...and creepy :O  "I've been watching you...if you know what I mean." xD

She nearly knocked the older girl over, so fierce and surprising was her attack, but Reina managed to stay upright, mind slowly processing what was happening. This was a hug. Someone was hugging her. She had not initiated. She'd not given permission. There was no prior familiarity.

Someone had to die.
:on freeze: away!!!  :panic:

Despite how much of a Masaki fan that I'm not...she's pretty darn cute~  And she's turning Reina into a pile of marshmallow fluff :3  All these pictures, clips, blog entries, and your fic....the cuteness is so overwhelming {; A ;}

and then enters TanaShige love time  :shocked 

Love it.  I simply loved it  :thumbup :cathappy:
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
I support T a k a G a k i
Tumblr/blog \(^ - ^)/

Offline Quietriot

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Might return to the Senpai Series in the future as I do want to write something with Sayu, but I've got something different for a change. Random oneshot that I just really felt I needed to write. It's maybe a bit too personal but it was cathartic and I'm glad it's off my chest now. As for the "pairing" I intended it to be more of a friendship but you can choose to see it how you wish lol Sorry for the slight angst.


Violet streaks across the canvas like a flower blooming at high-speed, petals of color bursting out from where the paint hits solid surface. This mark is cut by an angry swath of crimson, pooling in its center like blood from a gunshot wound; what color follows next is likely black but I'm too far lost in the motions to notice at this point. These moods I get in swallow me whole, and I can't do anything but succumb; I dip my fingers back into the paint and continue my assault, driven to rid myself of these emotions.

"Christ, will you calm down?"

A soft voice breaks my concentration a bit, and I glance sideways at my studio-mate, knowing by the way her eyes go wide that mine must look crazy. She seems to wither a bit.

"I'm just saying... You keep splattering me with paint and what you're doing is starting to look like some abstract representation of a bombed-out city..."

How fitting. It sounds like the state of my heart. I apologize quietly to her and watch as she puts her headphones back in before returning my attention to my own work. We're the only two in the studio today and even though I know deep down she understands, I move my canvas about a foot away from her; she's the only friend I have in this goddamned city after all.

I continue my self-therapy. My knuckles collide with the taut fabric, and I drag my fingers slowly down its length, leaving behind slick trails of ragged blue.

Loneliness burns through me like alcohol chasing away pain and settles hollow in my stomach with a thud. It is the first time I allow myself to truly feel it after what I've done and I keep making methodical passes at the canvas if only to remain calm. I switch to a deep maroon, but I can't handle the color for very long: I acknowledge the loss, but my fragile mind isn't yet ready to mourn without completely unraveling.

"How long are you gonna pretend you're okay?"

She's watching me again, the tip of her brush poised delicately at the top of her own canvas. The outline of a city has begun to appear, and I think--not for the first time since I've met her--that she has so much more talent than I. 

"Until I actually am okay." My voice rings foreign in my ears, unusually subdued.

I don't want to talk to her about this. I just want to detox from these thoughts and get them out on paper. The paint on my canvas is starting to run, leaving small multi-colored trails behind before it collects in a rusty mess at the bottom. I pick it up and turn it on its side, slamming it hard against the table so that the paint is forced to change direction, sharp streaks scattering across the plane. 

"You haven't been sleeping, have you?"

She just really can't take a hint. A sigh forces its way out of my nose.

"I don't sleep much anyway."

"What you need to do is go out and run or something until your body is physically exhausted. Then you'll sleep."

"Know what I want to do?"


I lift the canvas from the easel and settle down onto the floor in front of her, leaning back against her knees. I don't care if it's dusty and there's paint everywhere, and I don't care if she's gotten a bit of it in my hair as she reaches down to gently stroke it. The contact is enough to bring me a step out of my madness.

As I prop the canvas up in my lap to look at it, I immediately decide to throw it out when I leave; it really does look like a city in flames, and that's not exactly something I want to keep.

"I kind of just want to die..." I reply, scraping my fingers across the still-wet surface to further mar the image. 

"But you won't," She says to me firmly, tugging on my hair a bit so that I'm forced to tilt my head back to glance up at her, "Because you're better than that. You're stronger than that."

I crack a smile at that; it's one of those fake reflexive kinds because I'm the type of person that laughs when I'm nervous.

"Sure. It just takes time, right?"

Her smile when she nods at me is sincere, and I almost feel bad for faking mine. I don't have the heart to tell her that I don't think the reason I keep on living isn't because I'm strong. I actually think its because I'm a coward, because I would never be brave enough to just completely lose my will to live. I'm still human enough that my survival instincts kick in.

But for a moment a spark of something flickers inside of me at her words and I believe her, if only for a second. Maybe I am better than this, worth more than this, more than the way I'm treating myself. Maybe I'm stronger than I give myself credit for. Maybe.

I'm actually too tired now to even feel the stuff I came in here to get rid of, so when she leans down to pull the canvas out of my hands, I don't resist much. I just keep leaning back against her legs, lighter somehow, and I feel all that sleep I've been missing lately start to catch up with me.

"Feeling better?" She asks at some point before I drift completely away.

"It's a start." I reply truthfully. Maybe I will go for a run or something later. "Hey Aichan?"


"Throw that away for me, will you?"

"I'll take care of it, Reina. Sleep."

And so I do, finding a brief moment of peace there on the studio floor, with paint drying on my hands and she my silent guardian. 

I know when I wake up, it's time to move on.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Canvas [7/7]
« Reply #69 on: July 07, 2012, 08:49:57 AM »
Wha-whot happen!? What dis pain be Reina?! :cry: :cry: What?!~!? Will we get an explanation or are you gonna just leave it at this? With a bit of hope on the end.

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Canvas [7/7]
« Reply #70 on: July 07, 2012, 11:08:35 AM »
Such torture

I likey

If there is another part, I want to read about it
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Canvas [7/7]
« Reply #71 on: July 07, 2012, 09:28:32 PM »
This is purely magnificent.

Yes, I know that actually sounds cruel considering the situation.

But the raw honesty used to describe every single detail expressing her sorrow is a work of art.

You've got a way with words Fim-san. It's a great therapy for both the writer and the reader.

Keep it up and don't lose that magic touch!  :thumbup

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Canvas [7/7]
« Reply #72 on: July 07, 2012, 09:34:36 PM »
im happy you were able to get it off your chest ;3; i also wonder just what it was that made reina feel like that >.< it'd be nice to get a part 2 or something out of this ;3;
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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Canvas [7/7]
« Reply #73 on: July 07, 2012, 11:47:54 PM »
Always good to let it all out =] Change is different, but change is fantastic ^__^

I quite liked it. It's good to see that Reina has Ai to keep her grounded, make sense out of things. I think I'm alone in this, but I love how things are relatively vague and up in the air. The unnecessary baggage that comes with the explanation of details is something you avoid wonderfully, and the lack of concrete closure is excellent!

Love the senpai series, and I'd love to see what you have in mind for Sayu, but I can also wait forever ahha Write whenever you can <3

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Canvas [7/7]
« Reply #74 on: July 09, 2012, 12:18:51 AM »
Thanks for all your kind comments, everyone. :) That was essentially a moment from my semester in the UK, with a few small changes, of course. Being that it's so personal, there isn't exactly a part two as I like the vagueness of it and I really just wrote it for therapeutic reasons. However, I did come up with the urge to write about another 'snapshot' of my time there and might do a few more of these if I feel I need to. They probably won't be in chronological order either, though the way they're written, I don't think it's necessary. :)

Sculpture Garden

"I'm tired."

"We've only just started walking, you know."

She barely spares me a glance over that gigantic camera lens, aiming it at the huge steel sculpture twisting over our heads. It looks a bit like a tree the way it's anchored to the ground like that, and it doesn't interest me much outside of the way it catches the light. I snap a picture of it as well, though, if only to placate my mother's desire for me to document every moment of my travels.

Ai, on the other hand, stares at it in fascination, as always seeing something there that I don't. I decide to give her a moment, turning to stare down at the path ahead.

The sun is out for the first time since I've been here, allowing me to see clearly the hills off in the distance; they're colored a deep green that seems so foreign to me, so different from the grass back home. Instinctively I think this should alarm me, make me feel homesick--but it doesn't. The wind ruffles my hair and for a moment I feel quiet, peaceful. I don't even realize that Ai is next to me until she speaks.

"Shall we?"

We continue on, following the trail to pass by some dozen other sculptures up ahead. Every so often we encounter other students from our group, but nobody stops to acknowledge us. They think we're strange, still too new, and besides that have also decided we must be a couple due to the way we stick to each other. It's not true, of course, but I don't care enough to bother correcting them every time. I don't think Ai cares either.

Ai needs me after all. I'm not the only one who ran off to another country to recover, anyway. If I weren't around, the poor girl probably wouldn't get out and do anything.

At some point we make it out onto an open field, and I flop down onto a large rock nearby, shielding my eyes from the sun. I love the outdoors but having to match this woman's pace is exhausting, especially after walking several miles already. And there she goes again, scampering towards a tower of steel blocks; I can hear the camera clicking all the way over here. I sigh to myself, stretching out on the rock and halfway hoping she'll forget I'm here so I can take a short nap.

This place is so much better than the city, and the air tastes fresher than I thought it could ever be. I contemplate what it would be like if I just stay here and never go home, what it would be like to be a hermit living in these hills.

The dream is short-lived. Ai's sudden shriek jolts me up onto my feet, eyes frantically searching for my friend. When I find her, I can't help but laugh.

She must have gotten distracted taking pictures, because the short-haired woman is surrounded by a flock of sheep, ambling about her to get at the tender grass around her feet. In the midst of this, Ai stands frozen with fear, but the sheep pay her and her screaming little attention.

I suddenly feel like a kid, bounding off the rock and flying towards her at high speed, causing some of the sheep to scatter. Gleefully I shout at them, driving them away from her, my energy suddenly restored. Once I feel like I've scared them enough, I turn and set my sights on Ai, whose relief shifts quickly into panic.

"No- the cameras! Don't you dare!"

But I'm in too much of a mischievous mood to stop, and I chase after her, pausing only to carefully set down my camera beside hers as she flees. Ai's much faster than I am, of course; she doesn't try too hard to stay ahead of me, and I try way too hard to catch her.

At some point I trip on the slick grass and fall, right into the mud. This is the kind of thing that should make me angry, because my clothes are ruined and my hair's now a mess, but instead I just roll over and start laughing. Ai trots back to me in bewilderment, as if she also expects some kind of explosion soon, but after a while she just shakes her head and smiles at me.

"I don't understand you at all. I've seen you go on a rampage for much less than this..."

"I don't understand me either," I reply, grabbing a handful of grass in my fist before letting it float away in the wind, "I'm happy here."

"I know."

She bends down to help me up, brushes me off as best as she can manage--like a doting mother. At one point she stops and gently brushes a bit of mud off of my cheek with her thumb.

"I like it when you're happy, Reina."

I smile for her, a genuine one because we're alone and I trust her. I probably would have let her hug me too, except we both have issues with hugs and the silent space between us is perfect enough.

We wander quietly back to where we left the cameras, and I realize that I'm not really tired anymore.

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Sculpture Garden [7/8]
« Reply #75 on: July 09, 2012, 12:40:28 AM »
daw this one's sweet too ;3; i'd say more but im drowning in sleepyness and sweetness of this >3<
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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Sculpture Garden [7/8]
« Reply #76 on: July 09, 2012, 05:02:52 AM »
Aww, man this is so nonsensically sweet. :wub: :wub:

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Sculpture Garden [7/8]
« Reply #77 on: July 10, 2012, 02:57:05 AM »

btw lol the Ai being surrounded by sheep thing reminded me of this:


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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Sculpture Garden [7/8]
« Reply #78 on: July 10, 2012, 05:51:26 AM »
 I LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :twothumbs :twothumbs !!! I'm requesting for part 2  :prayers: hehe

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Re: Quietriot's Sketchbook -- Sculpture Garden [7/8]
« Reply #79 on: July 16, 2012, 08:39:52 AM »
Slowly narrowing down my to-do list~ :heart:

Senpai Series #3: SayuRiho (Tanashige)

Sayumi could feel the glare burning into her shoulder without even needing to turn around, and though it was not wise to ignore her cat-like lover for any length of time, she was too fixated on her prey at the moment. The 9kis were receiving additional instruction for the upcoming concert, and she was watching them from the side--Riho in particular--like a hawk.

"Sayu," Reina began, irritated after she realized the leader wasn't going to face her, "You were supposed to meet me for lunch half an hour ago. We don't have a lot of time together this week, you know..."

The bunny gave a short grunt in response, distracted as her target gave a slight, incredibly cute yawn. She was oblivious to the way Reina was bristling behind her, and was saved from a jealous swat to the arm by the sudden arrival of Haruka and Masaki. The latter launched herself at the youngest rokkie and clung to her like a baby koala, while Haruka stood next to her favored senpai in much more reserved admiration.

"Tanaka-saaaan~" Masaki squealed, happily ignoring the way the yankii struggled to hold her weight, "We're so bored..."

"I'm not your mom, what do you want me to do about it?" Reina growled, though her anger was quickly being subdued in the younger members' presence. Sayumi had finally torn herself away from watching Riho to take in the scene and she couldn't help but shoot Reina a smirk that said, 'You may as well be.'

The yankii responded with a glare that said, 'Fuck you.'

"Take us to find some treats?" Haruka suggested hopefully, her cute, pleading babyface too much for the kitten's already Masaki-weakened defenses. Reina sighed.

"Fine. Since someone--who will be sleeping on the floor tonight, might I add--skipped out on lunch with me, I might as well."

Sayumi paled, realizing her mistake, but before she could say anything, the yankii scowled and turned on her heel with Masaki still attached to her side. She could faintly hear something about "...Mama makes Papa do that when she's mad at him too..." as they wandered away, and she sighed, glancing at Haruka. The youngest member gave her a knowing, almost apologetic look before scampering off in the direction of the others.

She mentally berated herself for not paying good attention to her girlfriend. Every time she thought she'd managed to balance out the leader thing with love and her other interests, something would tip the scale and she had to scramble to set things right again. Sure, she was maybe a bit... obsessed with the younger members. But not in the way that everyone liked to tease her for.

Truth be told, Sayumi almost wished she could be them. They were cute and young and full of energy, and while she wasn't exactly a relic herself or anything, little things kept popping up to remind her of her age. Like how she could be completely exhausted after a rehearsal and yet the younger members acted as though it was nothing, or the way her once-favorite hairstyles--instead of making her look young--now just made her seem a bit creepy.

Hanging around the kids was like a breath of fresh air, a way to grab hold of that energy she'd once had. She watched them to pick up on what was considered to be cute, in the hopes that it would rub off on her. And they were just so darn adorable, too.

She couldn't tell Reina any of this--the yankii was sure to tell her she was an idiot, that she loved her the way she was, cute or not and to just be herself. But Sayumi wasn't sure she could just let go of that image. To truly just be an adult, the thought terrified her.

And yet, on the opposite end, she was realizing other things about herself as well, other reasons for being so drawn to the younger members. She had watched so many of her senpai marry and have kids... now more than ever did the same desire tug at the back of her mind, scared as she was to grow up. Did she want that with Reina? Or better yet, was it possible the yankii wanted it with her? Maybe. She hoped so; she couldn't deny that she'd imagined kids of their own in the place of the younger members whenever Masaki and Haruka hung around Reina, and found the image surprisingly pleasant.

She sighed again. Maybe she was being stupid.

"Michishige-san?" The leader was broken from her thoughts by Ayumi and Haruna, the two having wandered up to her curiously in the midst of their search for their generation-mates. The 10ki ace was watching her with a mixture of concern and hesitation--likely to flee if her leader went hug-mode, and Haruna looked as if she might swoon.

"What is it?"

"Ah, well, you looked so..." Daishi struggled a bit, as if she was having trouble associating Sayumi and the word she was about to say in the same headspace, "...serious."

"Oh," Sayumi quickly recovered for the sake of her kouhai, flashing the duo a brilliant smile, "It's nothing to worry about, I promise. If you're looking for Maachan and Haruka-chan, they just took off that way with Reina."

"Okay..." Ayumi replied slowly, her wariness apparent as she inched of range of the leader. Haruna was still in a daze, mumbling something like, "...Michishige-san... So cute..." but she was easily swept away by her generation-mate, leaving Sayumi alone with her thoughts again. At least until she heard the dance coach mention something about the 9kis getting a break.

Instantly her gaze homed in on Riho, who shot up straight as if the little Sayu-radar-warning-siren in her head was going off. The 9ki ace took off like a bullet, leaving a confused Kanon in her wake, the younger girl realizing what was going on too late to avoid being barreled over by her leader. Sayumi would be undeterred, however, and she muttered a quick apology before racing after her target.

"It's amazing how suddenly athletic she gets when Riho-chan's involved..." Mizuki mused, watching quietly as Erina helped Kanon back to her feet.

"Why is it always me...?" The youngest whined.

"You should have learned by now not to come between them..." 

"Mou~ I miss Takahashi-san..."

"What about Niigaki-san?! ...ow! Hey!"

"You're just as bad as Michishige-san!"


"The others all think you're weird, you know," Riho started quietly, kicking her feet a bit as they dangled over the edge of the roof, "Except maybe Maachan, but I think she might literally just love everyone..."

Sayumi shrugged, leaning back on her hands to look up at the sky. This was routine for them; the leader would chase Riho through the building until they ended up on the roof, which had been determined a neutral, no-hugging zone. Every time Sayumi failed to catch the girl, but she never gave up, and enjoyed their quiet talks anyway. And though Riho would never admit it out loud, she was growing fond of the bunny leader, and was almost tempted to throw the game every now and then.


"Let them think what they want. You don't get talked about in the idol world for being normal, after all."

"I suppose that's true..."

"Besides, it's sort of embarrassing, really." Sayumi continued, drawing her knees up to her chest, her sudden change in tone causing Riho to look over at her, "No offense or anything but... It probably looks really bad for me as leader to be secretly relying so much on a 14-year-old kid."

It was true, Sayumi had opened up to Riho about a great deal of things since she'd become leader, for reasons the younger girl couldn't possibly imagine. She never questioned it, though; for one thing it made her feel incredibly important and responsible that the leader trusted her so much. Even if all she really did was listen.

"From the beginning, nobody thought I could do this, you know? Not even Reina... But at least she wanted me to succeed, I guess. Even now I think some people are holding their breath, waiting for me to mess up so they can start with all their 'I told you so's'."

"I think you've done well..." Riho murmured, "Everyone seems pretty happy."

Sayumi grinned, brushing the dust off of her skirt as she rose to her feet.

"It's starting to feel like a family again."

The younger girl blinked quietly up at her leader, unsure of what she meant. She took Sayumi's hand anyway, hopping up on her feet and mimicking the older female's previous actions. It really wasn't her place to give the woman any advice, Riho thought, chewing hesitantly on her bottom lip. And yet, if she didn't say anything, who would? Takahashi-san, Niigaki-san, and Mitsui-san were gone, after all.

"You should talk to Tanaka-san about all of this." Riho blurted out awkwardly after a moment of silence, "I think that... She's been worried about you and if you talked to her then she'd feel better... And I think you would feel better too..."

Sayumi's shocked expression almost made the young ace regret having said anything, but the bunny soon smiled, sheepishly rubbing her arm.

"You're probably right. Thanks, RihoRiho."

An affectionate hair ruffle accompanied the annoying-but-endearing nickname, and the young ace watched as her leader began to walk back inside. Something came over Riho suddenly, and before her rational mind could process it, she had scampered after the older girl and flung her arms about Sayumi's waist from behind in a tight hug.

The bunny for her part, was so startled that she very nearly toppled over. After she got over her shock however, she grinned widely and stood perfectly still as though afraid moving would scare Riho off and thus end the perfect moment.

"I thought this was a no-hugging zone?"

"It is." The younger girl muttered into her back, blushing slightly.

Somewhere down below, in one of the lower levels of the building, Reina thought she could hear the distinct sound of her girlfriend's voice as it screeched the words "SO CUTE~!" to the heavens. She scowled, sighed, and very calmly rose amidst the 10ki chatter to go and collect her lover before Riho died of intense fangirling.

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