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Author Topic: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 9 (6/10/12) - COMPLETED  (Read 20440 times)

Offline jehovachiabi

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Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 9 (6/10/12) - COMPLETED
« on: July 07, 2012, 11:22:13 PM »
Hi all! I had a sudden urge to write a fanfic about kumi and kanon LOLS. I don’t know if I should write this as a one-shot or should I make it more than one chapter? Any suggestions? Here is a short prologue.


“Haaaa…” A certain girl sighed as she looked out the window.

“You are looking at her again?” Churi said to the girl.

“N-no, I am just looking at the trees…” The girl lowered her head, her eyes still fixed on the direction she was looking at.

“ehhh, so you are telling me you are not looking at that moving figure under that tree who is hitting that tennis ball so gracefully?” Churi said again, this time she wrapped her arms around the girl and looked out the window.

“… all right, I was looking at her, but… it’s just… she is so perfect!” The girl said with a small sigh.

“I don’t understand how you are interested in her… I mean, she doesn't have the best grade, she is not the school’s idol and you are not even in the same class!” Churi looked at the girl with a curious face.

“haaaa… you don’t understand. I guess, nobody will… She is… just… awesome.” The girl said as she cupped her cheeks and a small tint of pink crept up to her face.


OK! That’s all for now, I will continue after I decide if I should write this as a one shot or in chapters. Please help me by commenting if you could :D Thank you!
« Last Edit: October 21, 2017, 08:45:20 PM by sophcaro »

Offline yukofan

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - one-shot or chapters? 8/7/12
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2012, 12:20:24 AM »
kuminon <3

whether it will be an OS or some chapters, it's up to you.but i'm excited for kuminon..

please update soon..

visit my tumblr :

Offline saeseki

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - one-shot or chapters? 8/7/12
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2012, 01:32:42 AM »
yay! KumiNon~~

pls write more  :cow:

Offline Sara-chan

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - one-shot or chapters? 8/7/12
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2012, 02:01:43 AM »
I liked the prologue!  :on GJ: I love kuminon  :gmon sweet: please continue writing!  :bow:

Offline Souju

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - one-shot or chapters? 8/7/12
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2012, 04:21:06 AM »
Kuminon! I love that OTP *o*  :drool:

I love it! :)

Offline Sasshii

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - one-shot or chapters? 8/7/12
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2012, 04:51:31 AM »
I will always say yes to Kuminon! Please write more.

Offline epiclulz

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - one-shot or chapters? 8/7/12
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2012, 05:19:27 AM »
Yes! Please continue!

I love Kuminon. Especially KataFai.

The PV is just so :on bleed:

Offline gekirena

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - one-shot or chapters? 8/7/12
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2012, 09:15:24 AM »
CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!  :cow: :cow: :cow:
there is a need of KumiNon fanfics around here!!! especially long ones!!!
so make it a looooooooooong fanfic ^______________^
i'll be anticipating for your KumiNon fic ^______^
i love KumiNon~  :wub:

Offline jehovachiabi

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Re: Kuminon fanfic -Chapter 1, 9/7/12
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2012, 10:44:14 PM »
Ok~ Thanks for all the comments! I decided to write this in chapters! :D So here is chapter 1!


Chapter 1

“Haaaa…” A certain girl sighed as she looked out the window.

“You are looking at her again?” Churi said to the girl.

“N-no, I am just looking at the trees…” The girl lowered her head, her eyes still fixed on the direction she was looking at.

“ehhh, so you are telling me you are not looking at that moving figure under that tree who is hitting that tennis ball so gracefully?” Churi said again, this time she wrapped her arms around the girl and looked out the window.

“… all right, I was looking at her, but… it’s just… she is so perfect!” The girl said with a small sigh.

“I don’t understand how you are interested in her… I mean, she doesn't have the best grade, she is not the school’s idol and you are not even in the same class!” Churi looked at the girl with a curious face.

“haaaa… you don’t understand. I guess, nobody will… She is… just… awesome.” The girl said as she cupped her cheeks and a small tint of pink crept up to her face.



Churi couldn't say anything else but watch her friend sigh and continued looking out the window.

Before they know it, class started after the break and they were starting homeroom.

“pss pss is kanon ok?” Jurina tapped churi on the shoulder and whispered to her.

“Yea, she is just thinking of her again.” Churi replied in a whisper too.

“You two at the back! Stop talking!” The teacher suddenly shouted.

“s-sorry” Jurina and churi lowered their head and focused on their studies.

Churi and jurina had been friends since they were young. They knew each other inside out and they were always together wherever they went. Jurina had an older sister named Matsui Rena. She was in second grade while jurina and churi was in first grade.

Kanon was in the same class as jurina and churi. It was already half a year since they started school.They had known each other since the first day of school. Kanon was always shy and cute but ever since 3 month’s ago, kanon had been unusually quiet and she was always looking out the window with a troubled look.

 Churi and jurina was getting worried about her. They didn't know what was wrong with kanon. All they knew was that kanon had been looking out the window before school, when they were having their break and whenever she could.

After School~

“kanon?” Churi tapped kanon on the shoulder when she saw kanon in a daze.

“O-oh yes?” Kanon raised her head and looked at churi.

“Kanon, are you ok? You were in a daze…” Jurina who was standing beside churi said.

“Y-yes… I’m ok…” Kanon said and stood up.

“It’s time to go home. Let’s go~” Churi and jurina helped kanon pack her bag and the three went home together.

The three were walking home and the mood was weird because neither of them talked. Jurina broke the silence.

“Umm… So, do we have any homework today?” Jurina asked.

Churi knew what jurina was doing and pretended to not know the answer.

“Ah… I was not really listening to the teacher today… er, kanon do you know?” Churi said as she gave jurina ‘the look’, with a smile and looked at kanon.

“eh? Oh… umm, yea I took note of that. We have English an math homework today. Remember to do your homework.” Kanon said and gave a small smile.

This was a smile that jurina and churi long to see no matter how small it was. They looked smiled when kanon smiled. 

After that small smile that they exchanged, they went their separate ways. Churi and jurina lived beside each other so they went the same way. On the other hand, kanon lived a little further from them and she had to take the train back home.

Jurina and churi – On the way home

“hey jurina.”

“hmm?” jurina walked along side churi, kicking pebbles once in a while.

“Do you think kanon will be ok?” churi said as she suddenly slowed down.

Jurina sensed the worry in churi’s voice and she slowed down too.

“I am sure she will be fine churi… don't worry too much. Ok?” Jurina said.

“If you say so jurina… you are always right. I just know it.” She smiled at jurina.

“hahaha yea I am always right, cause you are always wrong. Hahaha!” Jurina pinched churi’s cheek and made a run for it.

Jurina always managed to cheer churi up when she was down. Churi chased after jurina and forgot about her worried momentarily.


Kanon’s POV.

I am kimoto kanon and I’m in first grade of aki high. I have known jurina and churi since the first day of school. I have always been shy so I am not good with making friends. Lucky for me, jurina and churi was the first friends I made and they are very good people.

Since 3 month ago, I met someone that I had never met in my life but she was special. Just awesome…

I don't know her name. I don't know anything about her. The only thing I know is that she always plays tennis at lunch. Judging from her looks, she may be in the second grade. Which means she is my senior. However, like I said, I am judging this from her looks. So… maybe she is in the first year just like me?

“haaaa…” I sighed again. I have sighed so many times today. This isn’t like me. I should just stop thinking about her.

Soon, I was home and in my room. I sat down on my chair and took out a letter from my bag. I had hope to pass this letter to her someday but… I didn't have a chance to talk to her. Neither do I have the courage to talk to her.

“…” I looked at the letter for the last time and opened my drawer.

With a last sigh, I kept the letter into the drawer and went to shower.

It’s been 3 months since I had last smiled. This is not me at all. I don't want to make jurina and churi worry about me. After a shower to clear my mind, I sent a text to both jurina and churi.

To: Jurina, churi
Subject: Thank you.

You two are the best friends that I have ever met and I don’t want you to worry about me.
I just wanted to tell you two that I am fine, so don't worry about me.
I will be the kanon you had known 3 month’s ago from tomorrow onwards.
Thank you for being such good friends!

<3 kanon.

I went to bed after doing my homework and prepared for a day that I will be my real self again.

 I lay in bed, thinking for the last time about the person who had been on my mind. After tonight, I won’t look at her again. So, at least for tonight, please let me have a dream come true in my dream. I slept with a heavy heart, waiting for tomorrow to come.

End of kanon’s POV.


The next day came fast and kanon woke up from her sleep when her alarm clock went off.

“uuu…” She sat on the bed and rubbed her eyes with her small hands.

She looked at the mirror and breathed in.

Today is a brand new day for her. The day that she will stop looking out the window.

She prepared for school after a final check of her uniform, walking to school with a new attitude.


“kanon~-chan!” Churi ran into class and when she saw kanon, she hugged kanon immediately.

“C-churi… I c-cant breathe…” Kanon said in a suffocated tone.

“Churi not so tight! You are choking her!” Jurina pulled churi away before churi choked kanon.

“Ahhh Sorry sorry, I was just so happy that kanon sent us a message telling us that she is fine and all those cute things! Kanon-chan~ you are so cute~” Churi said and patted kanon’s head.

“C-churi! S-stop everyone is staring!” Kanon was embarrassed by churi’s over reaction.

Jurina stood there laughing happily when she saw kanon back to her normal self. Churi and her had treated kanon just like a younger sister and they had the feeling that they need to protect kanon. Now that kanon was back to her old self, they were happier than anyone could be.

“Welcome back kanon.” Jurina smiled and patted kanon’s head.

“T-thank you jurina.” Kanon smiled her cutest smile with her cute dimple showing.

Class started and everyone scrambled to their seats. Homework was passed to the front and everything was quiet and calm.

Their 1 hour break came fast and students were excited for their lunch break.

“Kanon! Let’s eat our lunch together!” Jurina grabbed her lunchbox and her chair and sat beside kanon.

Churi followed behind and the three started chatting while having their lunch.

“kanon, it’s good to have you smiling again.” Churi commented as she ate a mouthful of rice.

Kanon gave her a shy smile and unknowingly, looked out of the window. Looking out of the window had somehow become a habit of kanon.

However, this time, when she looked out of the window without expecting much, she saw something she didn't thought that she would see.

“Hey kanon… why is that girl looking this way?” Jurina asked when she looked at where kanon was looking.

“kanon…” Churi said as she looked worriedly at kanon.

“…” Kanon was speechless because she didn't believe her eyes. Not until both her friends confirmed that her eyes wasn't playing trick on her. She was really looking their way. Why was she looking their way? Questions flashed through kanon’s mind.


« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 09:26:02 PM by jehovachiabi »

Offline yukofan

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 1, 9/7/12
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2012, 01:51:14 AM »
awwww kanon is so cute..her shyness makes her cuter..

thanks for the 1st chap..
can't wait for the continuation..

visit my tumblr :

Offline saeseki

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 1, 9/7/12
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2012, 02:23:34 AM »
aaaa~~ who is that girl? *sarcasm*

and ChuriJuri too is sooo kawaiii...

pls update  XD

Offline gekirena

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 1, 9/7/12
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2012, 05:29:35 PM »
ahhhh~!!! i love where this story is going!!!
keep on writing~~~  :cow: :cow: :cow:
it's awesome!!! ^________^
Kanon sooooo cuuuuuute~~~~~  :wub:

by the way not to be rude or anything but i was kinda confused with this line  :nervous

It was already half a month since they started school.They had known each other since the first day of school. Kanon was always shy and cute but ever since 3 month’s ago, kanon had been unusually quiet and she was always looking out the window with a troubled look.

you stated that it was only half a month when school started and yet you said kanon changed 3 months ago??? so does the three of them know each other before they started school??? or was that just a mistake? ^_^

dont get me wrong! ^_^ i'm just helping out ^_________^

Offline jehovachiabi

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 1, 9/7/12
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2012, 05:43:30 PM »
@gekirena- hey thanks for commenting!! Ahhh such a stupid mistake that i made hahahaha!! Yea its a mistake i meant half a year lolssss i will change the mistakes on the next update XD thanks for pointing it out! I will continue typing the 2nd chapter Now! XD see Ya on the next update.

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 1, 9/7/12
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2012, 05:47:44 PM »
I want more!!
Pls update soon! :bow: :bow: :bow:

Offline gekirena

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 1, 9/7/12
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2012, 06:03:12 PM »
haha it's fine ^_______^

you're writing chapter 2 now? WOW sooo fast!!!  :cow: :cow:

cant wait!! so excited to read the next one~~~ :cow:

KumiNon~!!!!  :inlove:

Offline jehovachiabi

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 1, 9/7/12
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2012, 06:13:04 PM »
Yea! I will post it tomorrow XD wait for it Woo!

Offline jehovachiabi

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 2, 10/7/12
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2012, 09:26:20 PM »
@gekirena - andddd here is chapter 2! Thanks again for noticing the mistake hahaha i changed it! xD

@Chichay12 - You want more and here is moreeee ENJOY! And thanks for commenting :D

@yukofan - one continuation right here! :D Enjoy and thanks for commenting :D

Everyone thanks for reading and commenting it means a lot to me xD Thanks!! Haahahha
Heres chapter 2~ Next chapter spoiler
* Kumi and kanon are gonna take the same train~*
Look out for more chapters :D

Chapter 2

Kanon looked into the mirror and thought about what happened in school earlier today.


“Hey kanon… why is that girl looking this way?” Jurina asked when she looked at where kanon was looking.

“kanon…” Churi said as she looked worriedly at kanon.

End flashback.

“Looking… at… me…” Kanon looked into the mirror and blushed.

“Why was she looking at me?...Why…” Kanon ruffled her hair and walked out of the toilet.

She plopped on bed, covering her eyes with her right hand and fell asleep.

That night, kanon dreamt of the courage she needed.

Kanon’s dream and pov.

W-where is this… I remembered I was sleeping… is this, a dream?

Ah! I see jurina and churi! Eh?! Who are they talking to? … on a closer look, they were talking to me. T-to me?! Eh?!!!

“Jurina! Churi! Kanon!” I shouted but they didn't seem to notice me. Wow it feels weird calling myself haha. I giggled to myself.

 I walked in front of of the group and waved my hands around but didn't get any reaction from them. Oh, so they cant see me…

What are they looking at? They are all looking out the …. Window…

With caution, I looked out the window and I was right. She was looking at us!

I am back to this afternoon?

A blush crept through my face unknowingly as the beautiful girl looked at us.

Before I knew it, my legs were running on their own. I was out the classroom and running down the steps.

“E-eh?! W-wait! N-no! I am not ready to meet her yet!” The wind was brushing through my face as I ran as fast as I could without any control over my legs.

When I reached the tennis court, she was gone. She is not there. I looked around for hoping to find her as my leg moved on its own again.

“Are you looking for me?”

I suddenly heard a voice said. I froze on the spot because I knew it was her. I could hear my own heartbeat.

“I saw you looking at me, ever since 3 months ago.”

My eyes widened when I heard her said that. S-so, she has been watching me since 3 months ago?! W-wait! S-she can see me?! What, I mean how can she see me?! I am in my dream!

As if it could hear my thoughts, my body turned on it’s own and now I was facing her.

She was breathtakingly beautiful in person. Long black hear, bright clear eyes, perfect pink lips. I gulped when my eyes travelled to her lips and I covered my mouth in shock.

“Are you ok?” She asked in concern.

Her voice is so gentle. She must be a kind and gentle person.

“H-how can you see me?” I asked her in a small voice.

“E-eh? What are you talking about? Hahaha you are funny” She laughed.

Waaaa~ even her laughter is cute. She is beautiful! I don’t understand how she can see me when no one else can.

“Kimoto kanon… that’s a nice name” She said as she brushed a strand of hair back with her hands.

“Eh? H-how did you know my name?!” I asked in surprise. The moment she say my name, my face heated up more than it was.

“You told me.” She smiled again.

“I didn- …” before I could reply, my thoughts was transferred into words.

“W-what is your name?” I lowered my head and shut my mouth with my hands.

I didn't mean to ask her that! Why did I ask her that!? So this is how a dream works? …

“You are a funny one hahaha, My name is Yagam-“

Eh? What was happening? The surroundings were getting brighter.

I was being sucked into the brightness! W-wait! I haven’t heard her name! W-wait!!

End of kanon’s dream and pov.

“Non-chan? Are you ok?! Non-chan?!” Kanon’s sister knocked on the door.

Kanon sat up on her bed with cold sweat on her face. Her breathing was heavy and she was in shock.

“I…I met her… in my dream…” She heaved out a heavy breath o calm herself down.

The knock on the door came again.

“Non-chan?! Are you awake?!” Her sister called again, worried.

“Yuka-nee I’m okay, I just woke up. S-sorry for the ruckus.” Kanon said.

“Okay, come down when you are ready for school, breakfast is done.” Yuka said and went downstairs.

Kanon looked into the mirror and said “Yagam… I didn't hear her full name…”

The rest of the day in school was weird to kanon because her dream felt so real.

“Kanon, you ok?” Jurina and churi was beside her during break. They were eating their lunch as usual.

“Yea… I had a really weird dream yesterday. It felt so real…” Kanon said as she chewed on her food causing her cheeks to puff up.

“Aww kanon you have a rice grain on your cheek~” Churi reached out and picked the rice off kanon’s face.

“T-thanks” kanon rubbed her face and ate another mouthful of rice.

“kanon~ you are so cute!!!” jurina pounced on kanon and stole a kiss from her on her cheek.

“J-jurina! I’m eating my oinigiri!” Kanon pouted and took another bite from her rice ball.

Churi and jurina looked at each other and squealed. They hugged kanon who was still chewing on her onigiri like a hamster and patted her head.

Kanon was used to all the squealing so she continued eating her food as usual.

They continued chatting until they suddenly heard more girls from their class squealing.

“eh? What happened?” jurina, churi and kanon turned towards the sound.

The girls in class was squealing when the door opened and and yuka and rena walked into class.

“Oh non-chan!”

“Eh?! Yuka-nee?! What are you doing here?”

“I came to pass you your water bottle! You forgot your umbrella too.” Kanon’s sister from second grade walked towards kanon.

Kanon checked her bag and true enough her umbrella was not there.

“Ahh, thanks yuka-nee I got so thirsty just now and I left my umbrella at home too.” Kanon took the umbrella and water bottle from yuka.

“You are so clumsy! Hahah!” Yuka pinched kanon’s cheek.

“Onee-chan what are you doing here?”

“Hahaha yuka said she wanted to pass something to kanon so I decided I might as well come see my little sister.” Rena smiled as she ruffled jurina’s hair.

“Hey! Don't ruffle my hair!” Jurina playfully slapped rena’s hand away.

“Hahahaha! Want a melon pan for your lunch?” Rena took out a melon pan from her pocket.

“Why do you have a melon pan in your pocket?” Jurina asked as she took the melon pan.

“Well, I get hungry.” Rena smiled again and chuckled.

The girls in the class was still squealing and murmuring.

Nakanishi yuka was popular in aki high because of her cool character. She was the prince in the school. Everyone respected her and admired her. She is in the same class with Matsui rena. Matsui rena is also popular in the school because whn she dressed up as a guy, she was handsome! This of course applies to jurina too. Jurina is popular in first year because she is princely.

“Hey, class is about to start we better get going” A voice came from outside the classroom.
“Ah thanks kumi! Hey rena let’s go.” Yuka said.

Upon hearing kumi’s name, some of the girls in the class squealed again.

“errr, why are the squealing again?” Jurina asked rena.

“Oh Yagami kumi transferred here 4 months ago and her popularity is slowly rising because she joined the tennis club.”

“… yagam… yagami kumi…” kanon whispered the name.

“Ehhh never heard of her before though…” jurina said and looked at churi who looked back with a shrug.

“Yea of course you haven’t heard of her hahaha she keeps a low profile though sometimes she receives love letter and such.” Yuka said and smiled to some of the girls in the classroom.

Kumi, stepped into classroom and she was surrounded by the girls. Even girls from other classes came to look at the popular second grades.

“Well…now you cant see her because of that crowd hahaha… we could all go home together today after class since we don't have any after school programs today.” Rena stood there and took out another melon pan.

“Yea sure lets go home together.” Jurina said.

“Ah, I can’t I have club activities today so kanon I’m sorry, you have to take the train alone today… again…” Yuka said and looked at kanon.

“A-ah it’s ok yuka-nee I will see you at home then. It’s my turn to make dinner today.” Kanon gave a small smile to yuka and continued thinking about the name, yagami kumi.

The crowd got bigger and kumi spoke through the crowd.

“Hey you guys let’s get going! Our class is starting in 5 mins!” She smiled and spoke to yuka and rena.

“Hahaha we gotta go! She can’t take stand crowds, hahaha! Sorry Kumi! We are coming!” Yuka animatedly ran towards kumi and rena followed her.

Once the seniors went out of class, the crowd dispersed and it became quieter.

“Whew wow the crowd is unbelievable just a moment ago.” Jurina laughed.

“Yea, hahaha I hope you don't get this types of crowd when you are in year two. Right kanon?” Churi said and laughed with jurina.

“Hey kanon?” Churi tapped kanon on her shoulder.

“Wha! O-oh whats up churi?” Kanon jumped up when churi tapped her.

“Er you okay? You were spacing out.” Churi said and glanced at jurina.

“Yea im okay don't worry. I was just thinking about something. Hahaha.” Kanon smiled awkwardly as she realized she had worried her friends again.

Class started after their small conversation ended. Everyone was hyped up after the appearance of the seniors. The teacher commented on how everyone as suddenly so energetic at history class.

After class, everyone went home and churi, jurina and kanon waited in class for rena and kumi.

“Hey!” Rena walked in class with another melon pan in her mouth.

“Sis you should stop eating so many melon pan! We are having dinner soon!”Jurina chided lightly.

“Hahaha don't worry, I promise this is my last melon pan. … For today hehe” She laughed and took another bite out of her melon pan.

“Oh where is Yagami-san?” Churi asked, as she didn't see anyone else beside rena.

“Oh she went to take her book that she forgot. Yuka is at her club activities in case you were wondering.” Rena replied.

The four of them chatted in the classroom until they heard the door slide open.

Kanon’s eye widened.

“Hey sorry I took so long! I finally found my book.” Kumi was at the door waving her book.

“Hahahah it’s okay! I was enjoying every last bit of my melon pan hahahah!” Rena stood up and walked towards kumi.

“This is yagami kumi. The rising star in second grade.” Rena said jokingly.

Kumi lightly slapped rena’s arm playfully and said:”Oh come on stop joking around! I am so glad yuka isn’t here now cause this will end up being a ‘tease kumi’ session.” She laughed and joked.

Jurina and churi started laughing and hitting it off with kumi.

kanon was still standing there wide eye and in a trance and whispered the name again: "Y-yagam… Yagami ... kumi… .”


« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 09:31:32 PM by jehovachiabi »

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 2, 10/7/12
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2012, 09:36:41 PM »
 :thumbsup Woah! Rena sure is a magician I wonder how many melonpans she have in her pocket LoL

Can't wait for next update!
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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 2, 10/7/12
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2012, 01:08:39 AM »
this fic is getting very interesting  :ding:
Kanon is very cute  :ptam-shy:
I want to know what kind of person is kumi!  :pen_whirl:
please update soon!  :mon prayer:

Offline gekirena

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 2, 10/7/12
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2012, 02:05:05 AM »
Kanon is so cuuuuute~~~  :inlove: :inlove:
i wanna hug her too!!!!   :deco:
it's so cute how juri and churi acts like kanon is a baby even if they are at the same age in this fic ^______^
sooooo cuuuuute~~~

and I love how Rena magically takes out melonpans from her pockets  :lol:
normal melonpans are HUGE so how the hell did she fit that in there  :lol:

Rena is soooo cuuute~~~~
and Kumi! already popular with girls as always XDD cool Kumi is cool  :cow:

cant wait to read KumiNon's interaction!!!!!  :cow:
will patiently wait for your next update!  :cow:

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