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Author Topic: The Betrayal towards a New Love (KaixAcchan) - COMPLETED  (Read 139446 times)

Offline ichikawa

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Acchan is gonna back~  :twothumbs
I like KayxRay~  XD but prefer KaixAcchan~  XD
Hope there's some KaixAcchan moment in next chapter~  XD

Offline Haruko

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OMG!! Today I realized that I poised with atsumina while Im reading about kayXray all the tim Im thinking poor acchan... kai is betrayed you  anda that kind of thoughs...

I like ray Xkay but my atsumina its better... come on atsuko fight for your husband..

Offline Minami-chan

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Mixed feelings ... I want KaixRay ... But at the same time i want KaixAcchan, well ....
For now I'll settle for a night of mad passion Kai and Ray  :kekeke: :kekeke: :kekeke:

Offline karupin12

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Chapter 5

Kai and Ray spent their night in the storage room of their school. The two bodies are now lying on the floor. Kai’s right arm is still wrapped around the Diva’s shoulder while he uses another one as a pillow. As the rays of the sun are now appearing and slowly striking them through the small window of the room and the birds are now chirping outside, Ray wakes up and opened her eyes. She noticed their position and it made her to blush. She slightly looks up at the person that she’s hugging, ‘what a great morning to see my midget prince in front of me, plus slightly hugging me’ Ray chuckled quietly and hugged Kai even more. She really wants to feel this little body against her. The midget who is still in his dreamland felt something so he decided to open his eyes; he had seen Ray whose nose is now against his neck. He can feel the hot breath from the Diva and it made him felt like his skin was melting, he just feel the presence of the woman then closed his eyes again. After a few minutes of realization, Kai opened again his eyes, but this time it looks extremely widened in shock. He pushed the woman that he’s hugging and stands up quickly.

“Itaaaaiii~ what are you doing?! Why did you pushed me?!” Ray complained in a bit irritated voice.

“What am I doing? Or what are you doing?! Y-y-your n-n-nose …………” Ray giggled when he saw the face of her midget; as usual, a face of being embarrassed.

“What’s wrong with my nose?”

“N-n-nothing!” Kai turned; His back now is facing Ray.

“Mou~ Kai! Don’t turn your back on me. After what we have done last night, you’re now acting like this? Like there’s nothing happened?”

Kai widened again his eyes and a blush appeared on his face. Even though he’s not facing Ray now, he can still see that the Diva is having a grin on her face. He didn’t know what to say as he remember every detail that they did last night. ‘Baka! Baka! Kai! Why did you do it to her? Why did you not control yourself?!’ Kai keep on scolding himself on his mind. He keeps on thinking of ways how will Ray forget about it, which is obviously impossible to happen. He decided to look at Ray again without any plans on his mind, but when he’s about to turn he felt the Diva’s arms wrapped into him. The midget can’t move as he felt stunned when Ray leaned forward near to his ear and whispered something on him.

“Are you not happy kissing me passionately last night?” Ray said in a seductive voice. She notices that Kai is still not moving so she continued …..

“Are you pretending that you don’t remember it? Or maybe you just want to do that again?” Ray turns the midget to face her. She can see the widened eyes of Kai who is still in stun mode; trying to move away his body but unfortunately, he can’t move. Ray takes this opportunity to kiss her midget. ‘This will be a great breakfast in ……………… a storage room?  Well it doesn’t matter now as long as I’ll have this kiss this morning’ Ray thought. The Diva’s lips come closer …….. and closer ………. And closer to Kai’s lips but when she’s about to kiss Kai, Kai’s cell phone suddenly rang indicating that he have a mail. It made the midget back into himself, ‘ugh! Saved by the bell. I love you whoever you are’ Kai thought and sighed in relief. He quickly take his phone in his pocket to see the mail. He’s shock when he saw a plenty of mails from his co-members.

“Where are you midget? We’re going home now!”

“What happened to you? Did you find Ray?”

“Hey! We’re worried you know! Are you with Ray?”

“We’re home now. Just go back soon after you finished doing sexy time with Ray”

Kai shook his head when he read the last message which is obviously from Kuu. The Diva who is a bit disappointed asked, “Who is it?”

“Oh, the guys. Their worried about us and …………………”

Kai realized something. His failed expression appeared and he facepalm himself.

“What the?!! I forgot about it! We do have cell phones and yet we did not contact them to help us?! Why you didn’t tell me??! Why you didn’t remind me about it?!” Kai facepalm himself again.

“Hey mister! Don’t you know that you’re being rude with your woman?” Ray said and raised her eyebrows. “and by the way, how am I going to remind and tell you about it when we’re so busy ……………….. Kissing each other?!” Ray blushed, same as Kai.

“Oh nevermind about it, we should wait for that guard to unlock this room ……………………. And by the way, you’re not my woman!”

“Not your woman huh? Let me remind you what happened last night to be your woman!” Ray jumped on Kai and it made the midget fell to the ground. Ray is now on top of him.

“Hey! Let me go you pervert!” even though he’s trying to free himself from the Diva, he can feel the heat rose on his face.

“I don’t want to! Let’s do it again!” Ray said happily and now leaning forward to catch Kai’s lips but ………………

*clicked* the door suddenly open and shows a man who is holding a bunch of keys. The guard was shocked when he saw the Diva who is on top of the Ummei Arashi guitarist. “Gomenasai! I didn’t mean to interrupt both of you. Please continue” The guard immediately leave and rest his back on the wall. He really can’t believe what he saw. Kai pushed Ray and stand up quickly; he’s really embarrassed now. He didn’t know how to explain that they’re not doing anything.

“Why are we always getting interrupted?! That’s unfair” Ray said in a disappointed tone and pouts.

“Well I’m really glad about it. Stand up. We’re going home now” Kai walked towards the door and opened it. He’s expecting that the guard is still there but he’s not there anymore.

Ray quickly get up and follow her midget. “Are you going to take me home?” Ray smiled while hugging on the midget’s arm.

“Of course …………………………… not!”

“Eh??! Pleeeeeeeeaaaaassseeeeee~ I will not do anything to you, I promise” Ray said with a pleading look. Kai can’t resist that look of the Diva so he sighed which is indicating that he accept it.

As they walked on the university ground, they saw a lot of garbage around, the tables are now in their improper places same as the chairs. The party is really over and they did not enjoy it. At least they do enjoy being with each other. The unnecessary things are now being clean up by the people who are in charge in the maintenance. All of them stopped when they notice the midget and the Diva walking to the exit and they began gossiping around.

“Huh? Where did they go?” maintenance1 said.
“I don’t know. Why they were still here?” maintenance2 answered and asked a question again.
“I don’t know too. Hmm. What did they do?” maintenance3 asked.
“I don’t know too, All I know is ……………..”

*Plak! Plak! Plak! Plak!*

Before the fourth maintenance continues on what he will say, the Head personnel beat them by a rolled newspaper on the head. “Itaaaaaaaiiii~” All of them said in chorus.

“Don’t just gossip around! The school is paying for us to clean up and not to gossip around! Now go to your respective places!” The head personnel shouted at them. When the four maintenance walked away, they heard something from their HP and grinned at him. “I also wonder why they’re still here. hmmm”

Ray and Kai noticed that scene. Kai just sighed and look down; he’s really embarrassed now. When they arrive at the university’s gate, a van dashed in front of them and a two woman who dressed like a secret agent came out.

“Madam! We’re so worried about you! Let’s now go home” the women said in chorus and grabbed the Diva’s hands.

“No! Let me go Sayaka and Sae! I’ll go with my Kai. He will take me home! We don’t need you!” The Diva shouted at the women who named Sayaka and Sae. The two immediately let go Ray’s hands.

“I think you should go with them now. Don’t treat them like that, they’re just worried” Kai said as he received a look of ‘thanks for that’ with a teary eyes from the two towers.

“But … but …. How about you? We’ll take you home then”

“No buts. And I’m fine; I can go home by myself”. Kai was about to leave but Ray hold his hand and dragged him inside the van.

“Hey! What are you doing?! I said I can ……………………” before Kai continue, he felt a soft lips pressed against him.

“Try to say something again and I’ll kiss you” Ray grinned and ordered her two bodyguards to drive the car towards the midget’s dorm house.

Kai remained silent and just look down until they arrived in front of their dorm. Kai stepped out on the car and ran as fast as he can inside their dorm; he’s really afraid that Ray might kiss him again. As he walked on the hallway, all that he can hear was the sound of the blowing wind that comes from the opened window. He continued walking and he felt a thrill from his spine, he’s almost like walking on a zombie path. ‘Where is everyone?’ he thought when he reached their room.  Kai opened the door and something caught his attention. There’s a note that is attached to the mirror.

“Welcome home midget! How’s your sexy time with the Diva? By the way, we decided to go to the amusement park. Just stay there and relax. We know that you’re tired”

“Oh, what are those guys thinking? This is our free day and they did not even allow me to join them” Kai said and laid himself on the bed. “I think I’ll just sleep for the whole day. I’m really tired” Kai slept only for just two hours and waked up when he felt his stomach grumbling. He bought some foods on the near store and decided to watch a television program, then laid again on his bed, read some mangas then stand up again and scream ………..

“Waaaaaaaaaaaaa~ I’m so bored! I wonder what are those guys doing right now. This is unfair!!”. After screaming, he heard his phone rang and it is definitely a message from his Diva.

“Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiii~ ! What are you doing now? I’m so bored. I heard from Shachou that today is your free day. Let’s go out! Let’s go to the amusement park”

“Ok. Wait me there. I’ll pick you up”

Without hesitation, Kai replied and agree on what the Diva suggested. He’s really bored right now so he had no choice. Meanwhile at the Diva's house, Ray didn't expect that her midget will reply her and accept her offer. After they have done last night and now this is happening? Does the world really going to end? Doomsday is near. Kai took his bath and immediately choose what he will wear. After that he quickly ride on a taxi and head towards the Diva’s house. When he arrived, Ray is waiting for him in front of her house.

“Hey!” Kai waved his hand. “You don’t have to wait here outside”

“I can’t help it. I’m so excited on our date” Ray said happily and holds Kai’s hand.

“D-d-d-date? This is definitely not a date! ”

“Whatever. Let’s just go. I know the others will still think that we’re dating”

-At the amusement park-

Kai and Ray arrived at exactly 1pm and there are a lot of people right now. Ray looks very happy like a child whose first time to go in an amusement park. Kai find it so cute when Ray wanted to try all of the rides and pointing every cute stuffs that she see. They ride in a roller coaster, in the carrousel and splash some water in the ‘boat splash’.

"Err. I told you it was a bad idea to ride there. Look, we're already wet now" Kai said while fixing his hair whose really wet and needs to be dry. Every stroke of the midget to his hair made the Diva to stare at him and thought,

'Oh my! even though you're a midget, you still look so hot! Stop fixing your hair, you're really killing me right now'

Kai notice the drooling look of the Diva and said, "Whatever you’re thinking now, stop it! And don't look at me like that".

"Sorry Kai but I can't help it. You look so hot" Ray said and still staring at the midget. It made Kai blushed a little.

"I said stop it already! Fix yourself now, you're also wet you know" Kai said and took his hanky from his pocket to wipe the little waters that is left from the Diva's face. Ray can't help it and it made her cheeks as red as a tomato. There's really a sweetness left inside Kai.

-Meanwhile at the not so far away place in the amusement park-

“Oooowwww~ Kai is so sweet, right Nyannyan?” Yuko said while she rests her chin into her hands.

“Yeah. I knew it, he do really like or maybe love the Diva” Riku smiled and keep staring at the love birds.

“When will he realize his true feelings? Ray-san is really waiting for it” Jurina said.

All of them are now hiding behind a tree. They immediately followed the two when they saw them entered the park. Everyone have a grin on their face and they’re obviously having a plan for this midget. A ‘Teasing Plan to their midget when they got home’. Mariko is still staring at the two and having a deep thinking. Then she quickly said something that made the others looked at her and be confused.

“I don’t think he will realize that feeling so fast. Time will come and he will know what he really feels for someone. But this time is definitely not the time, I’m sure that there’s a lot of things that will happen on the following days that will make him even more confuse”. Mariko said seriously.

“Huh? What are you talking about? Did you know something that we didn’t know?” Kuu asked but he was ignored by the Mariko-sama.

“Guys, let’s go now. We’re here to enjoy this day and not to follow this midget with her princess all the time” Riku suggested and everyone agreed.

Kai and Ray finished fixing themselves. Kai felt something and said,
“Why do I feel that someone or maybe a bunch of eyes are looking and talking about us?” the midget searched for it but he can’t find anything mysterious.

“Maybe you’re just hungry. Let’s go and eat over that restaurant” Ray said happily and grabbed the midget’s hands. Kai just let the Diva drag him wherever she wants. He really wants to see the smiling face of Ray.

When the two arrived at the restaurant, they immediately ordered the food that they want and wait for it on the table that is near the window. They can see some students that are also from their school and all of them are obviously talking about them. Kai just look down; as usual, being embarrassed again. Ray noticed it and said,

“Just ignore them Kai. It doesn’t matter if they’re talking about us. All that matter now is that we’re together and I’m really happy about it” Ray smiled to assure Kai and smiled even more when their order came, same as Kai. The midget ate his katsudon and did not notice the taint of it on the corner of his lips. Ray chuckled when she saw it.

“What’s so funny? Is there something on my face?”

“You do really love Katsudon right?” Ray chuckled again and wiped the taint on the midget’s lips.

“Oh, sorry ……………… by the way, is this your first time to go in a place like this? I mean, it’s because you really look so happy on everything that you saw.”

“No, I went here before but that was when I was a child. I do not have time to go here because of my busy schedule. But now, I’m really happy to go here again, plus I’m here with the person that I love”

Kai didn’t know what to say as he feel the heat up on his face again so he decided to change the topic. “Are you done eating? Where do you want to go next?”

Ray have a grin on her face and Kai noticed it so he continued, “Whatever you’re thinking right now, I don’t like it. Now answer me with a proper answer and not a perverted answer” Ray pouts disappointed and said “I’d like to go anywhere as long as you’re here with me”.

“There’s no ‘anywhere’ place. Hmmm I guess I have to decide where to go this time”

Both of them left the restaurant and ride again on different rides. They almost tried all of it and it made them feel tired. They also didn’t notice that they’re holding each other’s hand and not wanting to let go. After a few hours, Kai notice the time; the time to go home.

“It’s already late. Let’s now go home”

“Already? Ugh. I still don’t want to go home. Hmmmmm .. can we buy some souvenirs before we leave? I want to have a souvenir to remember this special day; our very special date”

“I told you, this isn’t a date!”

“Whatever again Kai” Ray dragged again her midget inside the souvenir store. Ray caught her attention by a couple keychain. She immediately grabbed it and showed it to Kai.

“Look Kai! This is cute. Can we have it? It looks perfectly on our cell phones”

“But ………… I already have mine and ……………….. I don’t want to replace it”. Kai showed the dangling thing on his phone.

“Oh I see …………. Maybe that’s really a special thing to you. Let’s find something else” Ray smiled but the sadness appeared on her face. The Diva keeps on searching for some stuffs. Soon she found a couple bracelet and they can print their names on it. Without asking the midget, Ray bought the bracelets and they leave the store. They are now waiting for the Diva’s bodyguards. Then Kai asked, “What did you buy?”

“Secret. I’ll show it to you once we’re inside the car” Ray smiled sweetly.

After a few minutes of waiting outside, Ray’s car dashed again in front of them and they quickly go inside. They are now heading to the Diva’s house then suddenly Ray picked something on her bag, it was the bracelet that she bought for Kai.

“Here take this. I bought it for you and look, my name is printed on it” Ray smiled again and puts the bracelet on Kai’s hand.


“You don’t like it?” Ray pouts sadly.

“N-n-no. It’s not like that. I like it. Thanks” Kai said while still looking at the bracelet.

“Look, I also have mine and your name is printed on it. It really symbolizes that I’m yours and you’re mine” Ray smiled again with a bit blush on her face. Kai just remain silent; he doesn’t want to ruin this happy feeling that the Diva is having right now. The two bodyguards can see what happening on them through the mirror. They also felt happy seeing their madam being like this whenever the midget is around her. They arrived at exactly 7pm in the Diva’s house. Ray invited the midget to go inside so he can rest for a while before leaving.

“Do you want something to drink?”

“No thanks. I think I’ll go home now. Those guys are looking for me now”. Kai said when he received a mail from Kuu asking him where he is.

“Leaving already? I’m going to miss you” The Diva pouted.

“Eh? You’re definitely going to see me tomorrow at school” Kai stand up and ready to leave.

“But ……….. I still want to be with you tonight. Sleep here” Ray is now having a grin on her face and made the midget to have a chill over his body again.

“No! You’re being pervert again. I’ll take my leave now. Bye” Kai stepped out immediately and run towards the gate. While walking outside, he felt a chill again on his body and he notice that he’s not wearing his jacket.

“Damn it. I forgot my jacket on the couch” Kai go back on Ray’s house but when he arrived near the gate, his eyes widened when he saw someone standing in front of the door.

“Who is that guy? And why he has flowers behind him?  Is he ………………. Ray’s suitor or boyfriend?” Kai thought.

The midget is still looking at the guy. The guy seems nervous as he keeps on turning and wandering around. Then suddenly Ray opened the door, smiling widely, she invited the guy to go inside. That’s the last thing that Kai saw. He can’t see anything now because the curtains are now blocking the windows.

“Who is that guy who have a perfectly trim eyebrow??!! What is he doing there? Does Ray ……………. Just fooling me? Well maybe I’m really a fool, how can a Diva like a midget like me” Kai thought.

‘I think you’re just jealous’ Inner Kai said.

“J-j-jealous? …….. No I’m not! Well I really don’t care! She can do whatever she wants!” Kai walked fast towards their dorm with a wrinkled forehead.

‘Oh, you’re really jealous midget’ Inner Kai teased even more.

Before Kai deny again his feelings to his inner self, he was interrupted by a mail from an unregistered number on his phone.

“Eh? Who is this?” Kai flipped his phone to read the mail.

“Hello there. I really miss you Kai, I want to see you as soon as possible. <3 *chuu*”

The midget wanted to reply this mail but unfortunately, his phone suddenly died; “Oh no! Dead Batt!” Kai exclaimed.

TBC ..  :cow:

Offline Haruko

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OMG!! kai loves ray.. its fine but acchan ... jaja i have a serious problem..

Offline Sydney W

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“Who is that guy who have a perfectly trim eyebrow??!!
  ~ Who is it ? Is it Mariko in disguise to make Kai jealous.  Haha

Kai is receiving an unknown email ~ is it from Acchan?

I want the next update now. ^^

Offline saeyukilover

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I want more!!!!!

Kai be a man and straighten your mind u need to decide :)

Offline karupin12

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I'm still writing the Chapter 6.
It's a bit long (I guess)  :mon sweat:
I'll post it later or tomorrow  :mon thumb:

Offline Wmatsui22

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thank you for updating your fanfic...

it's really nice..

i hope you give me a message

thank you

I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline karupin12

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@Wmatsui22: Thanks for reading my fanfic  :kneelbow:
Here's another update  :glasses:

Chapter 6 Part 1

Kai arrived at their dorm house. He’s wondering why there are still no people around the dorm even though they said that they’re already arrived. He walked exhaustedly towards their room. Kai opened the door and he was startled when he saw everyone in their room and having a grin on their faces. He’s too tired to have an argument with them so he ignored them and just go to his bed. The midget immediately changes the battery of his phone to see again the mail that he received earlier. While lying on the bed, Kai replied that mail but he didn’t get any answer from the recipient.

‘Who are you? Why am I feeling like this? Why am I so nervous? Why am I so …………. Arrgghh! I don’t know what I’m feeling right now; mixed emotions. Feels like I know this person who sent me a mail. Could it be ………. Her? …… Oh what am I thinking? That’s impossible. She never contacted me for almost a year now. Ugh! I miss her. I miss her presence. I miss her touches. I miss her lovely smile. I miss everything on her’ Kai thought but he was interrupted when Kuu jumped on his bed and followed by Yuko, Riku and Jurina, the great Mariko-sama is just standing in front of them.

“Hey! What’s your problem? You seem so ……. Stressed and tired” Yuko said.

“Oooooowwhh~ Maybe the Diva made him so tired on doing their sexy time last night”. Kuu grinned.

“Shut up Kuu! We did not do anything like that” Kai rolled his eyes.

“Then what happened between you and her? Where did you go last night?” Kuu said while still having a grin on his face. Kai told everything about what happened last night except for their kissing scene. He doesn’t want to be teased by these mean guys.

“Sure? There’s no sexy time? What a boring night” Yuko said.

“Oh! I have a question again! Maybe there’s a sexy time happened after you went to the amusement park. So, does something happen?” Kuu grinned again at Kai. The midget was shocked when he heard about it.

“A-a-amusement p-p-park? Did you guys followed us?”

“Of course not! We’re just in the same park at that time. And when we saw the both of you entered, we decided to follow. Oh! We also saw some cheesy moments” Kuu answered.

“Yeah, you’re so sweet Kai-kun. Wiping the Diva’s face …… ooowwwhh~ so sweet” Jurina giggled.

“Stop it! So that’s the reason why I felt something when we’re at the park. It’s because of you guys!” Kai sighed.

“So have you finally realized your feelings for her?” Riku asked and it made the midget to look at him. Kai didn’t know what to answer so he just looked down and touch the bracelet that the Diva gave to him. He remembers what he saw earlier and it made his heart ache. He also want to punch that man and say that Ray belongs to him but he can’t do it. Seeing their friend like this, they know that the midget have a problem with the Diva so Riku continued,

“I guess you still didn’t. You know if you have problem, you can share it to us if you want. Maybe we can help you. We’re your friends you know”.

“I saw Ray with another guy.” Kai suddenly said.

“WHAAAAAAAAAAAATT???!!!!” Everyone in the room exclaimed except for Mariko. She always stay calm and wait for the next detail that Kai will say.

“I forgot my jacket in her house so I decided to go back ……….. but when I arrived at their gate, I saw a man standing in front of the door and he’s holding a bouquet of flower behind him. Then I can see on Ray’s face that she’s happy to see that man when she opened the door”. Kai said sadly and remained looking at the bracelet. His friends didn’t know what to say. They didn’t expect that Ray will do it to Kai but they need to say something to cheer up their midget. Luckily they have a Mariko-sama who saved them and said,

“We don’t have enough proof that he is Ray’s lover or suitor or whatever. You just saw them right? Don’t you think that maybe he’s just a friend that wanted to visit Ray?”

“Visit?! This time?! In the evening?! I don’t think it’s just a simple visit!” Kai looked up at Mariko and shouted.

“Relax! I’m not Ray okay? So don’t shout at me! Don’t let your jealousy and anger occupy yourself!”

“I’m not jealous!! …………… I-I’m sorry” Kai looked down again.

“If you want to know about that man, just ask Ray directly. But for now, let’s just go to our respective room and sleep. We still have classes tomorrow”

Yuko, Riku, Kuu and Jurina left the room. Both of Kai’s roommates decided to sleep in another room; they know that Kai wants to be alone this night. Of course Riku will sleep with Yuko while Kuu ……….. he will just force the great Mariko-sama to sleep with him. Speaking of Mariko-sama, she stayed for a while in the room when she notice a mail from Kai’s phone. The number is not registered on the midget’s phone but she can recognize who’s the owner of it.

“You have a mail Kai” Mariko said and Kai immediately flipped his phone to read it.

“Soon you’ll know who I am. I’m really excited to see you. Have a good night <3”

“Eh? Who is this person? Do you know who’s the owner of this number, Mariko?” Kai showed the number and the message to Mariko but he just received a smile from her.

“I don’t know either. Just follow what the message said: Soon you’ll know” Mariko grinned and leaved Kai who is really confused right now and didn’t know if Mariko said the truth. When Mariko closed the door, she thought, “Good luck on your exciting love life midget”.

Kai can’t sleep as he keep on thinking about Ray and the ‘perfectly trim eyebrow man’ plus the mysterious number. The midget reaches the dawn before he can sleep. His two roommates tried to wake him up when they’re about to go to school but it doesn’t work so they decided to let him sleep. After a few hours of sleeping, Kai woke up when his phone suddenly rang. It’s a mail from his Diva.

“Are you fine Kai? Mariko said that you’re still sleeping when they leave the dorm. I miss you so much. Come to school now :(

“Argh! It’s your fault! You made me think so much!” Kai said while angrily pointing at his phone. Kai turn around to look at the clock. His eyes widened when he saw the time; it’s already 11:30.

“Damn! I’m super late now! Why they didn’t wake me up!” Kai dashed into the bathroom to take a bath, it only takes 15 minutes to finish then without thinking, he just get whatever shirt that he saw and wore it. The midget immediately rides in a cab and tells the driver to make his cab fly to Akihabara University, which is really impossible. When the cab stopped at the university’s gate, he quickly gave his payment to the driver and run as fast as he can inside their school. He arrived at exactly 12 pm. It’s their lunch time so all of the students are now outside and wandering around. Since the time he stepped inside this school, every eye is glued on him and it made him confused.

“What’s the problem with these people? Why they are staring at me? Is something wrong with my outfit? Or it’s just my face who went wrong?” Kai stop for a while to check himself.

“Oh nevermind. I’m so late now!” Kai run again and ignored the students who are staring at him. As he run at the hallway to their club’s room, the students now are not just staring at him but also murmuring. ‘What the? The students earlier are just staring at me, now they’re also murmuring things that I can’t understand. What’s happening in this school?!’ Kai thought and just ignore them again. The midget who is running so fast made his full stop when he arrived in front of their club’s door. From the outside, he can hear the other members talking like there’s no tomorrow. It’s like there’s someone that they’re interviewing. Kai leaned forward to touch his ears to the door.

“Grr! I still can’t hear it!” The midget still try to understand what the others are talking about inside then he suddenly realized ……

“What am I doing? Ugh! I’m really a fool. This is our club’s room and I have the rights to go inside and find out what they’re talking about”.

Kai slowly open the door. He can see the band members and also their other friends from the other section are also there. They’re forming a circle and it’s obvious that there’s someone in the middle that they’re interrogating. Kai make a wrinkle on his forehead as he cannot understand what’s happening. He also can’t see the person in the middle because of his height. He even tried to stand on a small branch but it doesn’t work, he still can’t see that person.

“Ugh! Today’s happenings are really weird. What did I miss to be like this? I just woke up late”. Kai sighed.

“And who is that person in the middle? That person seems to be so important to make our other friends to go in this scary room. Grr! It’s really intriguing! I want to see that person!” Kai stomp his feet and it made Sashiko to turn back to see who made a little noise on the floor.

Sashiko smiled widely and pointed at him, “Ah! Guys! Kai is finally here”. Upon hearing that loud voice, all of the people in the room turn to look and smile at him.

“Errr~ You guys looks so creepy. Why all of you need to smile like that? Stop it!”

“Why? We’re just happy you know” all of them said in chorus and smile widely.

“Creepy smiles~ I said stop it! All of you look like under of a witch spell!” Kai said when he felt a chill over his body.

“Just let them. Like what they said, they’re just happy to see the person who just recently arrived here” Mariko said and smiled also.

“Arrived? Person? Who? Is she a special personality in showbiz to be treated like this? I want an autograph!” Kai said with a confused but excited look.

“No. SHE’s not a special personality in showbiz but SHE’s a special person in YOUR LIFE!” Mariko emphasized every important word so that the midget can get what she mean.

“Huuuuhhhhh????? Who are you talking about?” All of them facepalm themselves when they heard it from the midget. He really doesn’t get what Mariko mean.

“Ugh! You’re so slow Kai! Saying that will make HER angry you know. You’ll regret …………” Mariko didn’t continue her words when the person in the middle of the encircling people spoke.

“I guess you didn’t miss me at all or you might found someone else and forget about me, Kai” The person in the middle said with a sad tone but obviously just teasing the midget.

Upon hearing those words, Kai felt stunned and widened his eyes in disbelief. That voice is familiar to him, no; not only familiar but he knows who it is.

‘No, this can’t be. Is this real? Is she really here with us? Or it’s just my imagination? Maybe this is the effect of sleeping too much. Why do I need to hear her voice again? It’s just making me miss her even more’ tears are now forming on the midget’s eyes when he thought about it.

“Oh don’t be a cry baby Kai! SHE will definitely not like to see you crying” Kuu said.

“Stop blocking the way and show to Kai the person behind you guys. By judging his face right now, he looks like he does not believe this situation”. The great Mariko-sama ordered. Little by little, the band members and their other friends slowly moving from their recent position. Little by little, the person behind them slowly appears to the midget’s sight. And another little by little, the midget's tears fall down into his cheeks when he finally see the woman who's standing in front of him and smiling sweetly. The woman that he misses so much. The woman that captured his heart and lastly, The woman that he waited for so long is finally here. Kai remain silently standing. He can't move his feet and he can't also speak; he doesn't know what to say, he just want to stare at the lovely woman in front of him. Noticing that Kai is still not moving, the woman take her first step towards the midget. The woman is now inches apart from the midget so she cupped Kai's cheeks and it made the the midget say something, at last. .....

"A-a-a-atsuko. ........"

"I really miss you Kai. Do you miss me?"

"I. ... I. .... I miss you too. What take you so long to be back here? And why you stopped sending me mails?"

Atsuko didn’t answer, instead she asked a question, "Are you mad at me?" Atsuko was hoping that the midget is not mad at her for being like that.

"No. It's impossible for me to hate you. I just thought that you're busy with so many works at your family businesses" Atsuko smiled in relief when she heard it.

"Atsuko. ..."


"Why do you need to be in the middle of these people? Don't you know that I can't see you at that time?!" Kai asked. Finally, he's back in his self. He's back being a fool again.

"Eh?" Atsuko chuckled "I don't know. It's not my intension when I arrive here. Well, it's your fault if you cannot see me at that time. I told you to sleep early and drink your milk right?"

Kai rolled his eyes; he already knows what Atsuko mean. "Whatever Acchan! By the way, why you didn't inform me that you're going back here? Don't you know again that all of the students outside were staring at me! Oh, not only staring but also murmuring things!"

"It's because I want to surprise you” Atsuko smiled sweetly but her emotion suddenly change.

“Why do you have so many questions and complaints? Are you not happy that I’m here? I better go now if not”. Atsuko renounced the midget’s cheeks and start to walk towards the door but Kai immediately hold her wrist to prevent her from leaving and said,

“I’m happy that you’re here, you’re being a tsundere again Atsuko” Kai looked down.
“Don’t you dare to leave me again or else ……………”

“or else what?” Atsuko turn and look again at the midget. She moves closer ……….. and closer ……….. and closer to Kai’s face. Kai gulped when he almost feel the breathing of Atsuko.

“or else what? Answer me Kai” Atsuko added with a bit seductive voice.

“hmm. Anou …. N-n-n-nothing!” Kai look at the side to avoid Atsuko’s seductive look on him. ‘Damn it! Why does she have to do this? It’s killing me!’ Kai thought and didn’t notice that his face is totally red now. Seeing the midget being nervous, Atsuko chuckled and decided to tease him even more.

“Look at me Kai. I thought you missed me? But why you’re looking away?” Atsuko continued.

‘Arrggh! I hate this. She do really have this kind of attitude. I can’t help it! Someone help me! Help me inner Kai!’ Kai thought and finally look again to the woman in front of him.

“Good boy" Atsuko grinned then continued "Earlier, you thought that I'm a some kind of showbiz personality, right?"

"H-h-hai!" Kai nod nervously. He didn't know what this woman planning on him.

"And you said that you want an autograph, right?" Atsuko grin even more. Before Kai can answer her question, Atsuko quickly leaned forward to catch the midget's lips. The kiss only lasted for a couple of seconds when Kai suddenly shout and move backward.

"Itaaaaaaiii~! Mou Atsuko! Why did you bit my lips?!" Kai said with a painful tone.

Atsuko chuckled and said, "That's my autograph for you. A very special autograph. Do you like it?"

'I'll like it more if you did not bit my lips' Kai thought and looked at his side.

"Or will you like it more if I did not bit your lips so you can kiss me even more?" Kai look again and found a grinning Atsuko.

'Damn it! Is she a mind reader now?' Kai thought.

Everyone in the room jaw dropped. They did not know what and how to react in this kind of situation while the tsundere is having a grin on her face and the midget who just staring at her. Suddenly, Kuu interrupted them.

"Hey! Both of you. Can you just continue that lovey dovey scene later? Can we eat now? I'm really hungry" Kuu said while rubbing his stomach. All of them agreed on what the gachapin said. The two just blushed and also agree on him. Without any hesitation, Kai hold Atsuko’s hand and walk towards the door. It’s been a long time since they held each other’s hand so Atsuko decided to intertwine their fingers to hold it firmly. When they’re about to leave the room, a girl appear in front of them and holding some papers. She’s having a pigtail and wearing a hoodie jacket and skirt.

 “Oh Mayuyu, you’re finally here. Have you finished our papers that are needed in transferring here?” Atsuko asked the girl who named Mayuyu. Before the girl could answer, she was interrupted by everyone’s question,


“What’s with that question? Why all of you seem so shocked? Am I not allowed to study here again?” Atsuko asked with a confused look.

“No …. It’s just ……. Anou …… Nothing, we’re just happy to see you in this school again” Riku said and smiled awkwardly.

“Oooooooooowwhh~ Ok. By the way, this is Watanabe Mayu. You can call her Mayuyu. She’s my classmate when I was in the other school............ Let’s go and eat now, I can see the gachapin is really hungry” Atsuko chuckled. All of them were ready to leave but they were stopped AGAIN when they heard footsteps that are obviously heading to their room. They waited ……… and waited ………. And waited ……… for the person to come up.

“What the?! Who is that person?! It takes a lot of time …………. to ………….. walk …………… here” The irritated Kuu said while the way he said the last words became so slow when he saw the person standing outside the room. He widened his eyes and gulped. The person is wearing a simple white dress but SHE definitely looks so gorgeous with sunglasses on her head. Upon seeing that woman, everyone gulped, look at the midget and thought.

‘Oh no! We forgot about HER! This is going to be a complicated and troublesome day’.

Offline Sydney W

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Oh my !!! Atsuko vs Ray (the battle about to begin). Kai, you going to have a tough day.
I was wondering Atsuko previous school, she has someone beside Kai ? If yes, then it make sense, why she left Kai at first. Well, i'm just guessing to spice the scene up.. Hohoho ^^

Offline kahem

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OMG!!! girls war?!!!

Offline saeyukilover

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Lovers fight...

 :mon zoom: :temper:


Offline Haruko

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OMG!! acchan finally!!! I totallu imagine the scene shen kai saw atsuko.. and my heart was so doki doki... the talk and the kiss!! OMG!! sorry ray but atsuko is so much gorgeous and sexy.. come acchan you fight for your husband :D.. maybe you can make another person for ray.. I like os i dont wanna that her be alone..

Offline Wmatsui22

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Thank You for updating soon. :wub:

I Hope kaiAcchan...


I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline kiruchi

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Cat Fight premonition... Now... Who to root for?
Update soon. :3

Offline acchaniu

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 :on hypto: :on hypto: :on hypto: :on hypto: :on hypto: :on hypto:
My acchan y u so cute!!!
Ghad cant w8 for the nxt chapter
LAb yow  :on slopkiss:

Offline karupin12

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I'm about to finish the part 2 ..
right now, I'm having a bad time writing the SPECIAL scene of Kai and Acchan  :dizzy: :on bleed:

Offline karupin12

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Chapter 6 Part 2: Ray Vs. Atsuko

Kai also widened his eyes when he saw the person. He definitely forgot about her when he saw Atsuko earlier. He also forgot the scene that he saw yesterday, but now all of it flashes back into his mind and he know that this will be a BIG PROBLEM for him. He surely needs to divide his time between these two special persons.

The Diva is now standing in front of them. Ray immediately run to Kai and give him a hug and said, “Kaaaaaiiii~ I miss you so much. Oh! You forgot your jacket on our couch yesterday; I’ll give it to you later”

“O-o-ok … Thanks”

The Diva noticed that someone is beside them, and that someone is holding Kai’s hand, not just a simple hold but a firm hold like they don’t want to free each other. She renounced herself on hugging the midget when she felt the jealousy and anger rose onto her body. Ray looked at Atsuko from head to toe and gave her a deadly glare. Kai can feel the tension and the angry aura of the Diva so he let go of Atsuko’s hand and grabbed Ray’s wrist and said,

“Come on, let’s eat now; I’m hungry” Kai tried to bring the Diva outside but her feet seem to be attached at the floor and her eyes are still glued at Atsuko.

“Who is she Kai?”

Kai wasn’t able to answer Ray’s question when Atsuko suddenly introduced herself. “I’m Maeda Atsuko ………. You’re Ray right? The Diva?” Even though she's far away from them, she do really know about this Diva and also her being head over heals to Kai.

“Yeah ……….. so, you’re Maeda. Finally, I met you”. The Diva really knows who this person is. She asked her bodyguards before to search for the past events of the school and also the happenings from the Ummei Arashi band. When she knew about this woman being close to her Kai, her bodyguards made another research and she found out that this woman leave her Kai for some reasons; and she’s really thankful that thing happened.

“Why? Is there something you need from me? Ray-san?”

“Oh nothing. I just want you to get away from Kai”

“Why? Does he BELONG to YOU??” Atsuko grinned while still looking at the Diva’s eyes.

“Y-y-yes!!” Ray said with an irritated voice.

“Really? But It’s not what I see” Atsuko grinned even more. She’s really enjoying teasing the Diva.

“Why do you need to come here again?”

“I finished all the things that I need to finish on our business, so I decided to come back ………….. for Kai” Atsuko broke her glare at the Diva to look at Kai who blushed slightly.

Even though it's really irritating to hear that for Ray, she just gave Atsuko a smirk. Everyone can feel the tension inside the room when this two midget's lover having a conversation. Kai decided to go between them and broke the deadly glare that this two girls sharing.

"If only looking at each other could kill, maybe the two of you are now poured in your own blood! .......... Stop this ok?! Let's go now to the canteen!" Kai finally leaved the place without taking any hand from the two. Ray and Atsuko immediately followed the midget as they both cling on his arm. The three left the other members and friends jaw dropped again in that situation.

"Wow! Kai is so manly. He can put the two beautiful and gorgeous girls into his small palm. How can he do that?" Sashiko said.

"We also don't know. It's like that he uses a special power to be a chick magnet" Kuu said and quickly added when he heard his stomach grumble. "Can we also follow them? I'm really hungry"

All of them are now walking to their destination to eat. The love triangle situation of Kai, Ray and Atsuko made the students outside to murmur even more. Even the students who are in their classroom go outside to see them. Those three are now like walking on a red carpet for some special awarding ceremony as the cameras from the students began to flash on their faces. Kai remained looking at the ground because of embarrassment while the two girls on his side is clinging happily on him. He really don't like being treated like this. This will surely publish on every school papers wih a headline of 'Maeda Atsuko came back! Who will Kai choose? The Diva or his rumored girlfriend before?'

They finally arrived at the canteen and they sat in their usual place except on the right side of the table. Kai moved a little when Ray insists that she want to sit beside him. The Diva doesn't really want to lose on Atsuko who's also sitting beside Kai. The midget feels so stress because he really don't know how to handle this situation. While waiting for their order, Riku asked question to break the silence.

"Acchan, you're with Mayuyu-chan right? Where are you planning to stay now?"

"What's with that question? Of course in OUR dorm" Atsuko smiled and that made the Diva glance on her. If only she could also live in there.

"There's a lot of dormitory here. Why would you live there?!" Ray interrupted their conversation.

"Why not? I lived there before plus I don't want to waste my time on finding another dorm" Atsuko smirked and thought that if this Diva will fight for Kai, she will also fight for the midget. Everyone gulped; they really know where this conversation will lead to. Kai just sighed and thankful that their order finally came and it made the Diva to not reply from what Atsuko said. When all of them got their foods, Atsuko turned into her right to face the midget.

"I also ordered your favorite Katsudon Kai. Here, have some. ......... Say aaahh~" without any second thoughts, Kai opened his mouth to accept the food. He really miss this moment when Atsuko is feeding him like a baby. So sweet.

"I'm not. .... a baby anymore Acchan. ...... you don't need to feed me" Kai said while still munching the food inside his mouth.

"Eh? Just let me do this Kai. I really miss this and besides, you're my baby right?" Atsuko smiled sweetly as she gave another spoon of food to the midget.

"It's not fair! Here, eat some Acchan. Say aaahh~". Upon seeing that sweet moment of the two, Ray interrupted them by asking Kai to try her food also.

"Kai, you're always eating pork these days. Here, have some vegetables. It's good for your health". The midget can't say 'no' to the Diva so he just opened his mouth. On the other side, the girl pouted; she doesn’t like this situation now. Atsuko hold Kai’s hand to have his attention again. She began to give another food to Kai which the midget accepted happily. Of course, the Diva doesn’t want to lose over Atsuko so she also gave Kai another vegetable. Turning from his left to right then right to left made Kai a bit dizzy. The ‘giving food to Kai’ portion continued as the midget’s mouth is now full and can’t manage to chew it. The members on the other side of the table are looking at them all the time while eating. They all have a pity look towards the midget when they saw him almost choking.

“A-anou …….. Acchan and Ray-san ……… Kai-kun looks ……………” Jurina tried to rescue their captain but she just receive a deadly glare from the two so she decided to continue,

“Kai-kun looks …………………. So happy! Please continue. I’m sorry for interrupting” Jurina smiled awkwardly.

The bell suddenly rang indicating that their lunch time is over and they need to go back to their classrooms. And for the midget’s situation, it’s like a bell rang on a boxing ring indicating that the fight is over. Kai finally manage to chew all of the foods and sighed like he was saved by the bell. All of them stood up and walked towards their classrooms except for the four; Kai, Atsuko, Ray and Mayuyu.

"Anou. .... Acchan, I think I need to leave the three of you now. I'll just meet you at the dorm later. I also need to arrange our things" Mayu excused herself.

"Ok let's meet there and sorry if I'm not able to help you" Atsuko bowed to apologize.

"It's ok. Don't mind it. I gotta go now" Mayu smiled and took her leave.

"Instead of helping your friend, you're here interrupting my ‘suppose to be private moment’ with Kai. Get out in here!" Ray whispered but the midget still able to hear it.

"Stop it Ray! Why are you treating Atsuko like this?! She's not doing anything harm to you!" Kai half-shouted at the Diva.

"But Kai she's interrupting us!"

"No! She's not interrupting us! YOU'RE interrupting us!" Kai didn't mean what he said. His feelings suddenly came out when he remembered the scene that he saw last night. Kai can see the shocked, sad and trying to hold tears look of the Diva. He doesn't like to see that kind of reaction so he just turn back and said,

"It's time already. You do have classes right? Go to your classroom now"

"I'm not the only one who also have classes. You too!"

"I'm not going to attend. I want. ............ to be with Atsuko today" Kai hold Atsuko's hand and it made the ace to blush. Both of them walked away and leaved the heart broken Ray. The Diva didn't expect this, she's a having a mixed emotions now; sadness, anger and jealousy.

"You'll definitely regret this Maeda. You'll regret taking my Kai away from me. You'll regret coming back here again" Ray said to herself but her attention caught by a two little students and it made her to think a plan. The Diva called them and of course, the two students walked towards her with a nervous look.

"You two! I want you to ruin every sweet moment of Kai and Atsuko. I'll stay on your back to give some orders. ......... Here, take this" Ray gave a money and they started to find the midget and the ace.

Kai and Atsuko are still holding each other's hands while walking on a lonely hallway and down to the school ground. As usual, all of the students in the room are looking at them through the window. Kai just sighed and thought that this will create another topic for the school paper. Atsuko noticed it and said,

"Just don't mind them Kai. By the way, where are we going?" Atsuko smiled sweetly.

"Eh? I don't know. Where do you want to go?"

"hmm. for now, let's go to the garden. I heard that they made some changes there. I want to see it!". Atsuko said excitedly.

When they arrive at the garden, the ace was amazed at the changes of it as she began to wander around. She looks so happy looking at the flowers and even the simple fountain on the center. Kai found it so cute, he really miss seeing Atsuko like this. He really miss this kind of presence and happy aura. He can't explain his feelings again when his heart start to beat fast. Kai approach Atsuko, cupped her cheeks and said,

"You look like a child, you know. ......... A very cute child" Kai smiled.

"Eh? You don't need to smile like that. Don't you know that it's making my heart melt?" Atsuko leaned forward; her face now is just centimeters away from the midget's face.

"Don't you also know that you don't need to come closer to my face just to say that?" Kai calmly said.

"Why? You don't like it?" Atsuko smirked. Kai free his hands from cupping the ace's cheek and put his hands in his pocket. He looked on the side and avoiding to look that smirk on Atsuko's face. The ace decided to tease the midget more so this time, she cupped Kai's cheek and said,

"Sorry. I can't control myself. ......... I really miss you and I. ............. want to kiss you" Atsuko said the last words in a seductive voice and it made the midget to gulped. She come closer and closer and closer to feel Kai's lips BUT when she's about to reach it, the water sprinkler on the ground suddenly turned on and splash water on them. Atsuko was startled by the cold water so instead of kissing the midget, she just hug him. Kai laughed at the failed Atsuko and immediately dragged her far from the sprinkler.

"You're so mean Kai. Don't laugh at me!" Atsuko pouted.

"Gomen. I can't help it. Hahaha! Your expression is really funny!" Kai continued to laugh but he was interrupted by Atsuko's lips pressing on him.

"I think that will make you stop now" Atsuko smirked.

On the not so far away place in the garden, there are three persons arguing in whispering mode. "I told you to ruin their sweet moment! Not to make them sweeter on each other!" Ray whispered with an angry tone on her two assistants

"But we just followed what you said; we turned on the water sprinkler"

"So you mean it's my fault now? huh?!". Ray gave a deadly glare to the two.

"N-n-no. ....... We're s-s-sorry" her two assistants said nervously.

"Oh forget about it!! Let's continue to ruin them!!" Ray ordered but when they look again on the previous location of Kai and Atsuko. ............... They're gone.

"Noooooooo~!! They're gone!! It's really hard to find them. Ugh! you two get out of my sight! both of you are useless!" Ray ordered irritatedly and her two assistants run fast; they're really glad that the Diva said it.

Kai and Atsuko are now walking towards their secret meeting place before. Kai didn’t know why Atsuko wanted to go there. The ace said that she just wants to rest in there and have a little talk. Their secret meeting place is located at the back of the school gym and it looks like abandoned room on the outside but it’s totally a nice place inside. They took care of it for a long time and they treated it like their house even though there’s only a couch and a coffee table inside but things changed when Atsuko leave. Kai was visiting there once in a while so he wasn’t able to fix or clean some things inside.

“Waaa~ What happened in our house? You didn’t take care of it!” Atsuko tap Kai’s forehead. She was shocked to see their secret meeting place a bit messy.

“Sorry. As far as I remember, I cleaned this last ………… two weeks. Hehe”

“Ow! Look at our little bed! ………. I mean our little couch! It’s full of dust!” Atsuko ignored what Kai said and just clean their couch so they can rest on it. After a few minutes, she sat down and rest her back.

“Don’t just stand there. Come here” Atsuko said while tapping the space beside her. Kai quickly sit beside her and pretend that he’s tired by stretching his arms just to wrap it around Atsuko’s shoulders. The girl chuckled and just enjoy the presence of the midget by resting her head near Kai’s collar bone.

“What an old fashion way Kai” Atsuko teased the midget. She felt that Kai was going to remove his arm so she quickly said,

“Just try to remove it and I’ll bite your neck. I’m a vampire like Edward you know”

“Owh you’re really a Twilight fan” Kai said and put his arms again on the girl’s shoulder; he doesn’t want to be bitten by Atsuko the vampy.

They stayed in that position for a few minutes and silence was around them. The eager Atsuko decided to break the silence, not by talking but by doing ‘SOME’ movements. Atsuko rubs her nose onto the midget’s neck. She can smell the manly scent of the midget and it made her to lean a kiss on it. Kai gulped and didn’t know what to do; he can feel a chill running over his body. By feeling the woman’s lips on his neck, Kai can’t resist the temptation anymore. He looked down at the woman on his neck and lifts her chin to be able to look at him. Kai is slowly moving closer to feel Atsuko’s lips. Atsuko can feel her heart skip a beat when she felt the midget’s lips pressing on her. She slowly closes her eyes, slightly slant her head and begin to move her lips to deepen their kiss. It’s a bit cold earlier but now, all that she can feel is the hot temperature around the room when she felt Kai was answering her kisses. To deepen more the kiss that they’re sharing, both of them let each other’s tongue to explore inside. Kai can hear soft moans from Atsuko as he started to have an affectionate massage onto the girl’s back. Atsuko can’t take it anymore so she started to unbutton and remove the midget’s school uniform and it reveals the slight muscular body with some sweat that really made Kai to look hot. Kai can hear soft moans again from Atsuko when he goes down to kiss her neck. Without breaking the kiss, he slowly lay down the girl’s body onto the couch to make him on top. After making a mark on Atsuko’s neck, Kai put his hand inside to feel the girl’s soft skin while he return to kiss its lips. When the midget is about to unhook Atsuko’s brassiere, the face of the sad and ‘trying not to cry’ look of Ray flashes back into his mind and it made him to stop and break the kiss. The unsatisfied Atsuko wondered why the midget broke the kiss and did not continue what he’s going to do.

“Why? Is there anything wrong?” Atsuko asked the half naked midget on her top. Upon realizing something, Kai immediately get up and wear his uniform again.

“This is wrong Acchan. We shouldn’t do this”. Kai said while fixing his uniform and his messy hair.

“Is it ……………… because of Ray? Are you worried about her?” Atsuko said in a sad tone and failed to get an answer from Kai. She can see that the midget is staring at nowhere so she decided to stand up and say,

“Hai! Let’s just forget what happened. Let’s go to the dorm now, I want to help Mayuyu on arranging our things” Atsuko pretended to be lively and smiled at Kai but when she run towards the door to leave, a tear fell from her eyes.

On the other side of the University, Ray is talking with someone on the phone.
“Yes, I want you to have a SERIOUS investigation. Try to find anything that will crash her reputation to the others!”

-“Why don’t you just reveal what I’ve shown you last time? I think that’s enough”

“No it’s not! Just follow my orders! I need more! Okay?!”

-“Ok, I got it. Sorry”

“Again, call me if there’s something you need” Ray hung up her phone.


Sorry for cutting Kai and Acchan's scene :on bleed: :mon sweat:

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