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Author Topic: The Betrayal towards a New Love (KaixAcchan) - COMPLETED  (Read 139420 times)

Offline karupin12

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Chapter 9: The Sinful and Regretful Night

On the same day that Kai called Atsuko and asked for an immediate response about the signing of their divorce, of course, Atsuko cried again even though she's at the location of their drama filming. Riku and Kuu who were absent on that day filming was not able to comfort their friend so as usual, Takeru was there for her. He did everything that can make Atsuko's sadness, stress, etc. to fade away. It was a bit effective as it shows Atsuko's lovely smile back. As the days passes by, both of them are getting more and more closer and it made the people to think and conclude that they are dating or together. Of course, Kai knew about it as it always showed and featured in most of showbiz shows. Every time and every single day that he's accidentally watching it and hearing it on the people around him, it just made him to get more pissed off and wanting to beat Takeru and told that Atsuko belongs to him. Of course he can't do that because of the Diva who's like a tail that always following him whenever he goes.

There was a day when the cast of Atsuko's drama were shooting a two hours special of a variety show; they were one of the guests. Among the five set of guests, they needed to choose a pair: one man and woman that will participate on the race that they will do and Atsuko and Takeru were chosen. Both parties, AtsukoxTakeru and KaixRay didn't know that they were shooting in the same location, just like before. They were in a resort that was reserved for their shows. Kai and Ray were also shooting a variety show where they will show their sweetness and being in love with each other. Of course, Kai needed to act again; thank god he got some tips on Atsuko about acting.

The shooting of their show ended first than Atsuko’s. Kai quickly leave the set and Ray who was busy talking with the staffs. He took that as an opportunity to have some walk at the place without any person clinging on him. He felt that he’s free just for this very short time. He walked towards an open wide balcony area where you can see the almost whole resort. Feeling the cold wind that was passing by him and the sound of the beach's waves made him feel even more relax. He closed his eyes and spread his arms to feel it more. He took a deep breath with a smile on his face but it immediately fade out when he noticed a happening and someone near the shore. Kai blocked the sun rays by his right hand to look at it and to know if what he's seeing is true.

'It's Atsuko' somehow, he didn't notice that there's a smile on his face when he saw the woman but again, it fade away and replaced by anger when the man that is making him freaking jealous, run towards and approach his wife then gave her a peck on the cheeks. Even though they're just seem playing, as the two grabbed a red flag and waved it, it really made the midget to get more pissed off and specially, jealous.

'Remove your f*ckin' hand on my wife!' Kai thought as he gritted his teeth. The relaxed feeling that he felt earlier became hatred and jealousy. If only he knew that this will happen, he will just choose to be with the Diva rather than to see this.

"Kaiii~ You're here. ... Why did you leave me?" suddenly, Ray popped out and hug the midget from the back then rested her head on his shoulder. She can smell the scent of the midget and it really drove her more crazy to him. Kai ignored the Diva and just continued staring with fire on his eyes to his wife and Takeru who seemed having fun. Ray noticed it and thought, 'You're making my plans easier, Sato-san'

When Kai can't take the hurt and jealousy anymore, he quickly dashed off and go to their car to leave then followed by the Diva. Kai remained silent while they're tracing the road to their house then suddenly he asked Sayaka to stop the car at the side of the street. He opened the door and go outside but before the Diva could react on his sudden decision, he said

"Don't worry, I will not do anything that will make our deal break. I just need to be alone. Spend some time alone. ... I'll be back later"
"Okay. Just don't come home late" Ray granted what Kai wants. She knows that her midget needs time to rest and be alone to forget the problems that he's encountering with Atsuko.

Kai walked and go inside the nearest restobar to have some drink. As he entered the bar, he noticed that most of the people there are lovers. 'Damn it! Why there's so many lovers around me?!'. He took a deep sigh as he sat on the couch. He ordered a glass of hard tequila and drank it straightly. When he felt the ultimate loneliness as he wanted to talk with someone, he took out his phone and dialed Riku's number.

"Yo Riku!" Kai greeted.
"Eh? Kai?" Riku answered.
"Hai. .. are you with Kuu? can you guys come here?"
"Yes, I'm with Kuu. .... Where are you now?"
"Do you still remember the way to Ray's house? I'm at the restobar. This is the only restobar that you will see if you'll go to her house. Please come here, I just want to talk with someone" Kai frowned.
"Okay okay. We're on our way now"

Without any second thought, Riku and Kuu left immediately and excused themselves to their shachou when their meeting ended. Even though Kai did some bad things and hurt Atsuko, he's still their friend; he's still a member of Persona. They will never abandon their friend specially now that it's obvious on the blond's voice that he's problematic and really needs to talk with someone.

After a moment of driving, the two arrived at the said place. They searched for the blond as they look left and right for him. Then suddenly, they noticed a man who seemed drunk and worn out as he was half lying on the table. They look closer on that person and immediately go when they recognized who it was. It was Kai who was drunk and look pitiful on his current condition. Riku and Kuu quickly helped him to relax his back on the couch and gave him a glass of water. Both of them tried to talk to the blond but he seemed fell asleep while waiting for them. When the two decided to take him back to the Diva's house, Kai quickly woke up and move back to his recent place.

"I don't want to go home" he said while his eyes were closed.
"Kai you're drunk. You better go home now and rest" Riku insisted.
"No! I'm not drunk! ...... Please let me stay here for awhile"

Riku just let the blond on what he wanted. They sat beside him to assist him whenever he will do anything. After a moment of silence between them, Kai talked

"Tell me, am I a bad husband?"
The two don't have any idea why their friend asked it so they just remained silent and wait for his next words.
"Am I a bad husband if I only wanted is my family's safety?". Kuu and Riku looked at each other and have the same thought; a thought that this is might about their conclusions before. That this is really happening because of the Diva.

Upon realizing something, Kai opened his eyes then quickly grabbed Riku and Kuu's collar and gave them a murderous look.
"You work with Acchan in a drama now right?!" he asked madly.
"H-H-Hai. ... Why?" The two answered in chorus.
"So you know about the stupid Sato and Atsuko's relationship?!"
"Huh? What are you talking about? They're just friends" Kuu answered.
"Liar!" Kai roared "You're my friends then why did you let that man to go near my wife!"
"We're telling the truth Kai! They're just friends! They're just close because of our drama!" Riku helped Kuu on defending.

Kai did still not believe them as his anger rose up again when the scenes that he saw earlier flashed back on his mind.
"Friends?! That not what I see! Specially on that Sato! It's obvious that he like my wife! How come that they are just friends if they're always together even in their non-working day?! I might kill that man! He's trying to steal my wife!" Kai shouted at them while still holding their collars tighter.

"Can you please relax Kai?" Riku tried to calm the midget.
"How can I relax if I know that my wife might doing something with that man?! Huh?! Tell me how can I relax!"
Kuu loosen his patience on the behavior of the blond so he blurted out, "Is that what you think about Atsuko? She's not that kind of woman! If only you know the hardship that she's going through because of you! And what did you say again? YOUR Wife? Heh!" Kuu smirked after he harshly move the midget's possession on their colars then continued,
"Did you forget that you left him and be with YOUR Diva? Oh I forgot, you didn't just left her, you even file a Divorce with her! ........ One more thing, if you're thinking that Sato-san is trying to steal Atsuko, I wish that will become true! You know why? Because I can see that he will not going to hurt Atsuko like you do! We're thankful that he's always there to accompany her in times that you're doing stupid things that making her hurt!"

Kai absorbed all the words that Kuu said and thought that he was right. All that he can do and give Atsuko now is just hurt and pain. He doesn’t have the rights to call her wife because of what he did.
"Tell us Kai, why are you doing this? We know that you really love Atsuko" Riku asked but Kai remained silent as he took another gulp from the tequila that he ordered.

Kai continued on drinking to forget all of his problems even though it will just effect for a moment. His two friends were just looking at him and sometimes listening to him whenever he will say something. And that something was just an 'I love her' or 'I love Atsuko so much'. Kuu took that an opportunity to record the blond's voice when he thought that it might be useful in the future. As the time passes by, Kai's resentment continued and also seemed badly drunk as he was lying on the couch. Riku remove the glass that he's holding then guide and assist him to the exit of the bar while Kuu paid for all the expenses.

Since the Diva's residence is near, it only took 10 minutes for them to arrive. Riku put the midget on his back and carried him until they arrived in front of the door. Kuu knocked and it was immediately responded by the Diva who was a bit shocked when she saw the two, then worried when she noticed Kai on Riku's back. While they are heading towards their room, Kuu explained everything what had happened. Ray was surprised as she was expecting that the blond might said about their deal because of being drunk but her expectations are wrong and that made her unperturbed.

After they lay down Kai on the bed, Riku and Kuu left the house, the witch’s house, before something bad happen to them. As the two finally left, Ray ordered one of her maids to get a wet towel, some medicine for headache and a pail. When it arrived, Ray quickly removed the blond’s shirt and start cleaning up from his arms to his chest by the wet towel. When she was about to wipe Kai’s redden face, her attention was pointed at the midget’s lips when he licked it. She stared on it and without knowing, she’s slowly moving forward to capture his lips but suddenly, she seemed back to reality as she quickly return back on her previous position.

‘Akushuu~! Alcohol !’ she thought as she looked on her side to avoid it when the midget let out a deep sigh.

Ray turn again to look at Kai but at the time that she turn her head, to her surprise, Kai’s face is now centimeters apart from hers. Her eyes widen when she felt soft lips pressing on her and she was more shocked when Kai’s tongue was asking for permission to enter which she granted quickly. Even though it tasted alcohol, Ray endured it as she was hoping for this to happen ‘again’ after a very long year. Kai’s surprises continued when he pushed the Diva to lay and rest her back on the bed and also to make him on top. He continued on giving a passionate and seductive kiss to Ray’s lips down to her neck to leave a mark on it. Without knowing, his hands are now caressing the woman’s body while slowly removing her clothes.

Ray, who seemed also drunk because of the things that the midget was doing to her, let him to do whatever he wants. She really wished for this to happen since that they are still together. She wanted to feel every touch of him. She wanted to feel those warm kisses. She wanted to feel his body pressing on her and specially, she wanted to feel him inside; to experience the feeling on being united with someone that you love.

Kai, who was busy on doing the things without thinking if that is right or not, stopped for awhile and look directly on the Diva’s face or should I say, Atsuko on his sight. All this time, he thought that he’s doing it with Atsuko as he can see her lovely face, her sweet smile and her beautiful eyes on Ray. Both of them continued on what is suppose to happen and share everything that they have in this cold but intense night.

TBC … :cow:

I'll just finish this fic then I'll be back on being a reader again  :lol:

Offline kazuski

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ah~ you give me a headache, the last part there..that part i really cant stand it. eventhough i also like more drama but this Kai&Ray thing is too much for me. and just think about what will happen after this chap, haiz~ nothing good gonna happen. And i wonder is how will you end this mess, just for me, i think it will be a long way to go.
one last thing is can you write more about Acchan side? bc i think at this stage, if you can focus more on both side, not just Kai, then it will be more interested. since it not just Acchan but also their kids, and things go around them. it just what i thought and you dont have to care about it, this fic already awesome as it is anyway.  :grin:
thank for your hardwork  :bow: :bow:

Offline Sydney W

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ohhhh nooooooooooo........... It cant' be happened. Ray x Kai smexy scene. Goshh, Acchan going to be heart broken.

Offline Strawberri

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*Sighs* Kai is such an idiot .., at the last part I was like WTF!  :smhid thanks for the update  :)

Offline karupin12

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ah~ you give me a headache, the last part there..that part i really cant stand it. eventhough i also like more drama but this Kai&Ray thing is too much for me. and just think about what will happen after this chap, haiz~ nothing good gonna happen. And i wonder is how will you end this mess, just for me, i think it will be a long way to go.
one last thing is can you write more about Acchan side? bc i think at this stage, if you can focus more on both side, not just Kai, then it will be more interested. since it not just Acchan but also their kids, and things go around them. it just what i thought and you dont have to care about it, this fic already awesome as it is anyway.  :grin:
thank for your hardwork  :bow: :bow:

thanks for your suggestion/opinion  :bow:
I'll try to do that on the next chapter  :thumbsup
it's just I'm a bit lazy on updating this and thinking for some scenes :lol:

Offline hidden_player

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Today is my bad day and I think it's also a bad idea to read your fic, LOL

More and more drama now, can't wait for the next chapter XD
And I warn you not to make my Atsuko more heartbreaking, or :onionwhip:

Offline Cessy10

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Agh. Headache is all the way while reading the chapters.  :bow: :banghead:
I just can't stand the painful part.   :banghead:

Would it take too long of this painful chapters? Ray is so pathetic. Ugh, way to go Kai.  8)2
--CessyMe :)

Current Fanfic:
This Guy's In Love With You... - Trying my best to update :)

This Guy's In Love With You... (trailer)
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Other Fanfic of the Writer.
Because...I Love You - on Haitus  :cry:

Maple Love - KojiYuu

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OTP Slideshow:
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- Please watch it, thank you.

Offline thebotole

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 Nooo..kai.. :banghead:
Riku & Kuu will do something to help clearing the mess up..
 Look forward for next update.. :bow:

Offline Haruko

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what... nooooo... kai you are a idiot!!! come on!! kay x ray smexy time!! -_______- that couldnt be posible right?...

Offline fael_c00l

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Wow,, that last,, when i read the last, my "WARNING" radar is beeping,,  :shocked :shocked
thank you for the update,, waiting for your next update  :thumbsup :thumbsup
TomoTomo is my OTP

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Offline karupin12

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Before I update this, Happy Birthday to our dear Squirrel  :lol:
For KojiYuu Shippers :deco::

Offline karupin12

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Chapter 10 Part1: Yuko's Special Birthday Gift

Riku arrived at his house late in the evening. He quickly parked his car so he can go to bed and have some rest as he can feel the stress and being tired over his body. He knocked at the door and it was quickly and excitedly opened by his squirrel who's already wearing her pajamas. Yuko was surprised, not because this is a special day but because of the looks of her man.

"Tadaimaaa~ Ugh, I'm so tired" Riku greeted then hugged the woman.

"Where have you been? What did you do?" Yuko asked worriedly while secretly looking at the side, at the back, at Riku's hand or even in pockets to see if there's something that can surprise her but unfortunately, there's none.

'Maybe he's hiding it somewhere. I know Rikunyan will not forget about this day. I'll just wait for it' she thought.

"It's already late. You better sleep now, that will help you to grow taller" Riku chuckled a bit then pinched her nose.

"Stop pouting, you're cute Yuuchan. hehe.... I'll take a shower first. You can go now to our room, I'll follow you once I get finished" Riku kissed her nose then left Yuko who's still pouting sadly.

'Maybe he really forgot about my birthday' Yuko thought then walked towards their room with a frowned face. She lay down onto the bed and wrapped the blanket around her.

After 15 minutes of waiting, Riku finally finished and went beside his woman who's just looking at him.
"Why? Is there something on my face?"

"No. ..... hmm. . Rikunyan. ....". Yuko hugged then rest her head onto the man's collar bone.

"Hmm?" Riku hummed and did not hesitate to look at the woman beside him.

"Let's go at the roof deck. I want to see the stars. It's been a long time that I didn't see them with you"

"Maybe next time Yuuchan. I'm really tired" Riku said; eyes still closed.

"Pleeeeeaaaassseee~" Yuko pleaded.

"Yuuchan. ... I'm tired. I want to rest now. We'll do it next time. Stars will stay there, they will never go somewhere"

"Okay fine!!" Yuko said with an annoyed tone. She quickly removed her arms then moved at the other side of the bed; facing her back to the man that she hates for forgetting about this day.

By the sudden behavior of the woman, Riku knows that she might get mad about it so he move closer and hugged the sulky squirrel.
"Yuuchan, are you. ....."

"Get your arms off me!" she cutted the man's words

"But. ......"

"I said get off me! I don't want to see you! I hate you!" Yuko pouted sadly.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Mad? No, no, no. I'm not mad. I'm happy! I'm happy that you rejected me on watching the stars! I'm happy that I will not have your time this day! And most of all, I'm happy that you forgotten about my birthday!" Yuko half shouted at him but on the last words, she just whispered it to herself. She remained on her position and preventing herself to look at her man who's having a grin on his face.

Riku hugged her tightly and buried his face on her neck. He can smell Yuko’s scent; a scent that can really drive him crazy but he prevent himself on doing something as his plans will surely be impossible to happen.
“Do you really want to watch the stars this night?” Riku asked but Yuko remained silent.

“I’m sorry for rejecting your offer earlier. It’s just ……………… Why do we need to go at the roof deck if we can watch stars here? Here in our room” Riku smiled lovingly at him and by hearing this, Yuko gave him a confused look and said.

“Baka Rikunyan! How can we watch stars here? Look!” Yuko pointed at the ceiling then continued, “All that you can see is ………”
Before Yuko could finish her sentence, Riku quickly turn off the lights on the lampshade and said,

“What? All I can see is stars. Happy Birthday Yuuchan”

Yuko’s tears are now forming on her eyes. She’s not expecting that this will happen. She thought that her fiancé forgot about the special day today; her birthday.
“Aaah! Rikunyan! I hate you!” Yuko’s tears fell down badly on her cheeks then buried her face on the man’s chest.

“Why? Still hate me? Don’t you like it? Then I’ll remove it now” Riku pretended that he’s going to stand up and remove it but Yuko stopped him.

“Doonn’t remove it~! … I hate you because I thought you forgot about my birthday” she continued on crying.

“How can I forget my Princess’s birthday? That’s impossible” Riku lift her chin up to look at him and gave her the smile that can make her heart melt.

“How did you do this? It’s impossible for you to do this since you’re always filming these days”

“There are no impossible things that I can do if that is for you” he answered; still wearing the smile on his face.

“Oh stop being so cheesy now Nyan~”

“Why? I’m just saying the truth” Riku chuckled a bit.

“Rikunyan ……. Thank you for this”

“Don’t thank me yet. I still have my gift here” Riku reached for something on the table and took a deep breath before showing it to her fiancé who’s a bit confused.

“What is that Rikunyan?”

“Ms. Oshima Yuko, since the day that I proposed to you, I still never give you a thing that can prove that we’re going to take a vow sooner in the church or anywhere that you like. So now, I want to make a proper proposal ……………… Will you marry me?” Riku showed a ring that has a diamond on it that really made it to look so expensive.

“How many times are you going to make me cry?” Yuko cried again but these tears are just tears of happiness. “Once again, I’ll answer it. Yes! I’ll marry you” she answered with a smile then hugged the man who’s facing at her.

“Is this what you called a ‘Proper’ proposal? A proposal on bed?” Yuko chuckled on her question.

“Ehh … Anou …. Yes! So after the proposal, we can now do this!” Riku quickly hold both of the woman’s wrists and pinned it hard on the bed. He went on top of her while having a smirk.

“Did you watch or listen again on that cursed ‘Make you wet’ song?” Yuko questioned him.

“No .. This time …………. This is really my decision. I want you now Yuuchan. Please let me give you my third gift”

“Go for it. I will gladly accept it” Yuko smirked.

Two of them started to share again everything under the imitation of the stars on the ceiling. They gave each other an intense kisses, loud moans, and specially, satisfaction and pleasure. This is not only a celebration for her birthday but also for their surely near wedding. Yuko thought that this day is the most unforgettable birthday that she had with Riku; the one that she loved so much and the one that she will be with.

TBC ..  :cow:

I just made this for Yuko's birthday  :lol:
I'll post the next part tomorrow :)

I can't remember if I already wrote in the previous chapters about giving a ring to Yuko  or proposing again or anything about their wedding :sweatdrop: :lol:
Sorry if I repeated something :sweatdrop:

Offline chichay12

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Re: [UPDATED *10/17* Chp10 - Yuko's SP Chapter] The Betrayal towards a New Love
« Reply #332 on: October 17, 2012, 02:57:24 PM »


i really really love ur fic,and u really make me smile while reading this,
for that,,thank you!!!hoho

thank you for the update,and keep it up!! :thumbsup

Offline Tam_atsu

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Re: [UPDATED *10/17* Chp10 - Yuko's SP Chapter] The Betrayal towards a New Love
« Reply #333 on: October 17, 2012, 03:06:56 PM »
Wow!! This is greatt!! Thank you for the fic! GoodJoB!!  :twothumbs :thumbsup :lol: rikunyan is so sweet!! XD
More kojiyuu pleasseeeee!!  :bow: :lol:

Silent reader for now

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Re: [UPDATED *10/17* Chp10 - Yuko's SP Chapter] The Betrayal towards a New Love
« Reply #334 on: October 17, 2012, 03:07:35 PM »
KYA~~~!!! ARIGATOU!!!!

This was sooooooo sweet , my cheeks hurt from smiling too much  :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline karupin12

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Re: [UPDATED *10/17* Chp10 - Yuko's SP Chapter] The Betrayal towards a New Love
« Reply #335 on: October 17, 2012, 03:20:33 PM »
I'm glad that you had fun reading this short SP chapter  :deco: :)
Thanks for reading  :wub:

Offline saeyukilover

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Re: [UPDATED *10/17* Chp10 - Yuko's SP Chapter] The Betrayal towards a New Love
« Reply #336 on: October 17, 2012, 03:57:42 PM »
OSHIMA YUKO :)  outan joubi omeretto ! :shakeit: oshiri


Offline Cessy10

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Re: [UPDATED *10/17* Chp10 - Yuko's SP Chapter] The Betrayal towards a New Love
« Reply #337 on: October 17, 2012, 04:05:12 PM »
Happy Birthday Yuu-chan!  :on BDay:

Riku you're soo sweet :""> :deco:
--CessyMe :)

Current Fanfic:
This Guy's In Love With You... - Trying my best to update :)

This Guy's In Love With You... (trailer)
- Please watch it, thank you.  :)

Other Fanfic of the Writer.
Because...I Love You - on Haitus  :cry:

Maple Love - KojiYuu

Our Movie project:
- Please watch it, thank you. :twothumbs

OTP Slideshow:
- Please watch it, thank you.
- Please watch it, thank you.

Offline Strawberri

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Re: [UPDATED *10/17* Chp10 - Yuko's SP Chapter] The Betrayal towards a New Love
« Reply #338 on: October 17, 2012, 04:09:24 PM »
Ahh... This chapter made my day! SOOO cute! Kojiyuuuuuuu  :heart: Thanks for the update  :cow:

Offline Haruko

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Re: [UPDATED *10/17* Chp10 - Yuko's SP Chapter] The Betrayal towards a New Love
« Reply #339 on: October 18, 2012, 06:42:46 AM »
aww cutie couple :D...

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