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Author Topic: This Guy's In Love With You (Chapter 5) 06/11 (JuriMaYuki + MariHaru chapter)  (Read 18404 times)

Offline Cessy10

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Re: This Guy's In Love With You...(Chapter 4) May 18, 2013
« Reply #40 on: May 18, 2013, 02:45:35 PM »
First of all, I would like to you (the readers) to know that the pairings are already decided, but I won't say it yet. But here is the "possible" love triangles you might encounter.

    F X M X F
    • Mariko X Riku X Yuko
    • Yuko X Ren X Jurina
    • Jurina X Mayu X Yuki
    • Tomo-mi X Sae X Sayaka

     M X F X M
    • Riku X Mariko X Kuu
    • Kuu X Atsuko X Kai
    • Sae X Tomo-mi X Tomo-chin

    F = Female
    M= Male

The final pairing would be for me to know and you to find out.  :P

Next, sorry for a late update. I was busy this summer (it's summer here in the Philippines), we have gone to many beaches/pools.

Last, is that I miss my 'inspiration', haha joke. Though I am looking forward to our enrollment, because there I could meet this so called 'inspiration' haha.

@ashiya: I could assure you that there will be a WMatsui moment, but that's all that I can say, I mean i haven't even introduced Jurina yet, but I think that she would be in the next chapters to come.

And Mayu also would be in the the next chapters to come.

And Sayaka would also be here.

As far as i know that's really all i could say and please look forward to the other characters who would appear and the pairings also.

Sorry for the super late update.

Don't worry, in the next few chapters, there would be much much encounters between the kojiyuu pairing.

Thanks for reading :)

@Minami-chan: No, I should be the one thanking you. And you liking the story means a lot to me and very much appreciated. Well I, together with my proof reader/s, do our best to make it pleasant/presentable to read.

Uhm, at the top of the post I wrote the possible pairings that might be encountered together with their gender.

As of know I can't really comment on the pairings, because I want it as a surprise for the readers, All that i can say is that, the pairing would have many twists and turns. So please look forward to it.

Thanks for reading :)

@Amakuchi: Yeah, i know, I browsed the chat box in PA that day and I read that you did ate chocolates that day.

I definitely put a mariharu moment there and probably there's still more to come.

And MariMii also there would be improvements. So please look forward to it.

Opo, mag-uupdate na po, haha XD

Thanks for reading :)

@cisda83: The secret would be in the next chapter, after the big revelation on Chapter 4. Actually, it wasn't my idea, it was from the movie, i just didn't want to sway really far from the movie so, I adopted it. Sorry if it somehow offended you, I didn't mean it. Anyway it was just a reason for Ren so that Riku would break-up with him completely, that he wouldn't follow him anymore, and that he would give-up knowing that it's not a girl but the Lord.

Mariko really has a huge crush on Riku since they were little. Kai is more like an asexual, rather than gay, or rather he chose to be gay, so that he won't have any sexual interactions. So him liking Atsuko would be new, you're right and awkward for him. And Kuu is Pansexual, he never really liked someone before as to the point of love. Which he might experience/feel in the future chapters. So please look forward to it.

Wow, knowing that this is one of your favorite story is very humbling, I'm really grateful that you liked the story, although you did forgotten the story, which is really my fault for not updating for so long, so I'm sorry.

Do you want to watch the movie? I think it was posted in Dailymotion although it's in Filipino. Hope you could understand it.

Thanks for reading :)

@AoiShiori: I can't promise you a RikuXMariko pairing at the end because the story would really have many twist and turns at the end, but i could promise you improvements in their relationship in the future chapters. So please look forward to it.

Anyway, you're from the Philippines right? Have you watched the movie yet? because if you did, you would have a little background of the story.

Thanks for reading :)

@shiruba-rein: If i have time, of course i would continue writing the fiction, and i thank you for liking it.

I can't say that I will be able to meet the expectation, knowing you have watch the movie, the fiction wouldn't be that hilarious, because for me it's a little hard to write funny scenes, but nonetheless, i'll be doing my best to write the best story that i could come up with, so please look forward to it.

Thanks for reading :)


Sorry for wrong grammars and/or spellings.

Chapter 4

A few minutes have passed, the group is still in the club. They are more likely the center of attraction of the place. They could always feel or catch several eyes on them, some just taking glances, but others are shameless enough to stare. But you know, who wouldn't, for the guys, a beautiful young lady, and for the girls, three attractive young men who are apparently already very embarrassed.

"W-Where the h-heck is she?" Kai asked stuttering from the embarrassment.

"I-Is she always t-this l-late?" He continued. The other 3 looked at him and covered their mouth, even with the embarrassment they can't help but to laugh at him.

"Dude, stop stuttering, it's funny and embarrassing at the same time." Kuu said to Kai.

"I-I can't help it, e-especially with almost all eyes on us." Kai replied still stuttering. "I-I feel like I'm in s-school, and that I'm reciting in front." Remembering his school days. The laughter died down as Kai was a little serious.

"Yeah, I feel the same way, but not to the point of stuttering." Riku said which made them laugh again, except for Kai who just pouted.

"Aw, he's pouting, c'mon Kai, we're just messing with you, and you know, stuttering makes it even more embarrassing." Mariko stated.

"Stuttering aside, Where the heck is Acchan?" Riku asked repeating Kai's earlier question without stuttering, which earned a glare from Kai. Riku just smiled sheepishly at him.

 "She can't help it, due to her work and very strict boss." Kuu explained.

"But it's so embarrassing here, can't we wait for her somewhere else, where people aren't staring.

"I have an Idea!" Mariko exclaimed, the other looked at her. "Why don't we go to her work place, it would save us the time of finding another place to wait for her and save her time of her going to us.

"C'mon, let's go." Kai said, very eager to get out of the place.

"Wait, who's going to drive? Kai and Mariko both have a car." Riku asked.

"And Mariko's the only one who knows the workplace." Kai added
"Well, it's obvious that Kai and I will both drive, but who's going with who?" Mariko asked.

"How about, Riku, you go with Mariko, and I'm with Kuu. C'mon, Let's Go!" Kai said without waiting for the others to protest or even reply. He quickly held Kuu and Riku's wrist as he stormed out of the building, leaving Mariko shock but most of all  embarrassed, thinking that she and Riku would be in the same car, her car, without anyone else, just the two of them.

"Oi, Mari-chan? Are you okay?" Riku asked as he returned to see why didn't Mariko followed them.

"I-I'm f-fine." Mariko replied trying hard not to face Riku, because if Riku were to see her, it'll be much more embarrassing because she was blushing so hard.

"Are you sure? But why is your face red? Do you have a fever?" Riku asked.

As he was about to touch Mariko's face, Mariko stood up facing down and said "I said I'm fine.  Let's go." She stormed out of the club still facing down and still blushing.

Riku just shrug his shoulder and followed her out.


'It was the perfect time and the perfect place, but how come it all fell apart? Just a few more seconds, and i should have been engaged, that's if she ever says yes.' Ren thought still contemplating on his failed proposal. 'Why does the sprinklers have so much timing?' He is on his way to pick-up his supposed to be fiancee 'If not because of that stupid sprinklers. Argh!' His thoughts clearly shows that he is frustrated. 'Well, it's just my first attempt, I'll just have to make sure that the next would be much more perfect than yesterday.'

He pulled up his car in a park space at a nearby bank, where his girlfriend is working at. He opened the door of the backseat and took out a beautiful bouquet of roses. Once the guard had saw him, he was immediately allowed inside, almost all of the staff there knows him, and they also know how much he loves their co-worker, Yuko. He would almost make time to pick up and drop off Yuko to work, just to make sure that she was safe.

"Hey babe!" Ren said as he saw Yuko on the teller booth. There are no more customers, just the staffs and employees. He then proceed to the booth. As Ren reached Yuko, there was an automatic kiss on the cheeks, and he hands the bouquet to her.

"Aw so sweet." Yuko said.

"Ready to go?" Ren asked.

"Yeah, were almost finish." Yuko replied.


Just as Kai has said, He is seated behind the wheels of his car next to him was Kuu who is apparently eating, before they left he ordered take-out in the club. 'Just glancing at him make me hungry, why does he have to eat while I drive?' Kai asked himself.

"Oi, Kuu, share some, looking at you makes me hungry." Kai asked Kuu.

Kuu, still busy eating his snack, looked at Kai. "YADA!" He said as he stick-out his tongue and he faced his back to Kai. (YADA = NO)

"Kechi" Kai said as he pouted. (Kechi = Stingy)

Just as he focused of the way, he saw a cat cross the road, which made him step on the break immediately. Thus making Kuu's snack splattered on his nose.

"Sorry, a cat crossed-" As Kai was about to explain the sudden stop, he burst out laughing. "That's what you get for being a glutton." He said in between laugh.

Kuu just glared and rolled his eyes on Kai. "Dude, Tissue?" Kuu asked almost snarling.

"Club (laugh) box" Kai said still laughing.

Kuu then immediately opened the club box, got the tissue and wipe his face. "Not funny." He said still glaring at Kai.

"For you it doesn't, but for me, it's hysterical." Kai said wiping a tear from his eye.

"Haha, very funny." Kuu said sarcastically.

"Fine, I'm sorry." Kai said. "But you've got to admit that was funny." that earned Kai a sneer from Kuu.

Meanwhile on the car that Kai and Kuu is following.

'This is pretty awkward.' Mariko thought as both she and Riku aren't speaking. 'Should I talk to him? but I'm nervous, I might stutter again. I don't want to be embarrassed again. And he looks a little preoccupied. What should I do? Maybe I should-'

"Mari-chan?" Mariko was interrupted with her thought when Riku suddenly spoke.

"Yes?" Mariko thanked that she didn't stutter.

"Isn't that your restaurant?" Riku asked as he pointed at the under-construction building. They currently stopped near the restaurant because of the traffic.

"Yes it is." Because Mariko was preoccupied with her thoughts, she didn't noticed her own restaurant.

"Why is it under construction?" Riku curiously asked.

"Due to the sprinklers, it made some parts of the building weak, like the wood flooring, so it's under renovation. And probably won't be a restaurant anymore." Mariko explained.

"Won't be a restaurant anymore? Why is that?" Riku asked.

"Well after the incident, I don't think that people would trust us again, it would be hard to continue it as a restaurant, with the bad publicity and all." Mariko sadly explained.

"Oh, sorry to hear that. But what would t be then, if not a restaurant anymore?" Riku again asked.

"I'm thinking of something related to fashion, since I did studied at a fashion school." Mariko said as a matter of fact.

"You studied at a fashion school? I didn't know." Riku said a little shocked. "But why did you opened a restaurant?"

"It was a family business, they said I should open a restaurant here." Mariko explained.

"But a fashion student running a restaurant? That's harsh." Riku said.

"I'm just the owner, I never said i'm running or managing it." Mariko said.

"Really? I thought- wait. Now that I remember, you never did said you manage it. Sorry." Riku said.

"You need not to say sorry, it's fine." Mariko replied.

"Fashion. I suits you, you're very fashionable, and looks like a model so, i think you would succeed in this one."Riku complimented her which made her again blush. "Tell you what, I could help you in your business."

"How?" Mariko asked.

"You see, me and my partner, owns different kinds of business, like a photo studio and a computer shop, i think we could help in the commercial and promotion of your business, and we also have a parlor that could help in the make-up of your models." Riku explained.

"Thank you, I would very much appreciate all the help." Mariko thanked Riku.

"It's nothing, what are friends for?" Riku said with a sweet smile.

'friends?' Mariko thought and replied with forced a smile.

After a few minutes, the 4 people reached their destination and got out of the car. They were about to proceed to the entrance when suddenly Riku stopped.

"What's wrong Riku?" Kai asked.

Riku pointed to a car and asked "Whose car is that?" then the other three looked at the pointed car.

"I don't know, how are we supposed to know a strangers car." Kuu said sarcastically.

"Now that I take a closer look, it looks a little like Ren's, don't you think?" Kai asked.

"It doesn't look like Ren's car, IT IS Ren's car." Riku said.

"Look Riku, you have need to get him out of your mind, it just looks like his car, it doesn't mean it's his." Kuu said.

"No, it really is his. Take a look at the plate number, it's the same." Riku said.

"Your right it is his." Kai said.

"But what the heck is he doing here?" Kuu asked.

"Well, there's one way to find out." Kai said.

As the group turned in to the direction of the door they saw Ren, holding a bouquet of flowers entering the bank.

"It really is him." Kai said.

'So this is Ren.' Mariko thought.

"But why would he bring flowers here?" Kuu asked.

"Maybe there's a prayer meeting inside." Riku defended Ren. The three of them looked at Riku with one eyebrow elevated. "What? it could happen." The three the rolled their eyes at him.

"Since when did the Christians have a Saint of Money?" Kuu asked sarcastically.

"Or maybe he has a client there that he needs to sway" Riku said again defending Ren.

Then suddenly the door once again opened that made the four of them speechless. Kuu then sighed and said "Yeah, that's a Client alright." Ren left the bank together with a bank teller hand in hand, the bouquet with the teller.

"Love hurts." Kai stated.

"A cheat hurts." Kuu added.

"And a lie hurts." Mariko added.

End of Chapter 4

I can't believe that still haven't reached the 1/4th part of the movie. It made me realize that I'm so slow. And I apologize for that. Sorry for the late update and for a very short one i might add. it's just that i'm a little sad this week, cause i can't be classmates with my crush, but somehow i became happy more like elated, because my crush texted me, although i was not able to reply back i'm happy that somehow i have received a PM from my crush. hehe

Moving on. When our class starts, i might be a little occupied with school work, so i might not be able to update again so, i'm sorry in advance, but i would do my best to update before school even starts so wish me luck ;)

Also I made a video pertaining to this fiction, hope you would view it, if not it's ok, I admit i'm not good in making vids :) here's the video.

To those whose OTP is Mariharu, Atsumina, Marimii, Kojiyuu, I assure you that there would be development in their relationships in the upcoming future chapters.

If I were able to update Chapter 5, I would introduce other characters like Tomochin and Jurina. So stay tuned :)

Thanks for reading :)
« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 06:31:06 PM by Cessy10 »
--CessyMe :)

Current Fanfic:
This Guy's In Love With You... - Trying my best to update :)

This Guy's In Love With You... (trailer)
- Please watch it, thank you.  :)

Other Fanfic of the Writer.
Because...I Love You - on Haitus  :cry:

Maple Love - KojiYuu

Our Movie project:
- Please watch it, thank you. :twothumbs

OTP Slideshow:
- Please watch it, thank you.
- Please watch it, thank you.

Offline maku

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Re: This Guy's In Love With You...(Chapter 4) May 18, 2013
« Reply #41 on: May 18, 2013, 05:13:10 PM »
hahahha finally you've updated  :)
And you're right, you still have a lot to go, so better update soon hahahah  :)

Offline cisda83

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Re: This Guy's In Love With You...(Chapter 4) May 18, 2013
« Reply #42 on: May 19, 2013, 10:43:19 AM »
No Cessy10-san... You did not offense me at all...

Yeah... I try to watch the movie... but can not understand it at all..  :(

So I guess I will need to wait for your update to know what's going on

Can't wait to see the possible love triangles you are going to make in this story  :thumbsup

Kai is so funny... embarrass being the center of attention...  :sweatdrop:

Yeah Mendol and Mariko all are attractive of course... they get all the attention...

Ah.. Mariko so shy... with having to be in the same car as Riku... only the two of them...  :wub:

What happened to Kuu in the car is so funny...  :rofl:

Riku is going to help with Mariko's advertising...  But Poor Mariko... to be said only friends again by Riku

Ah.. Poor Riku... need to scene between Yuko and Ren...

Yeah.. Ren is a cheater, a lair, and a gold digger

What's going to happen in Riku, Ren and Yuko?

Would Yuko remember Riku from the restaurant?

Ah... Yuko and Atsuko work in the same office...?

What's going to happen to the rest?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

PS: the trailer is nice...

 :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
« Last Edit: May 19, 2013, 10:53:29 AM by cisda83 »

Offline ashiya

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Re: This Guy's In Love With You...(Chapter 4) May 18, 2013
« Reply #43 on: May 19, 2013, 11:26:43 AM »
Jurina's a girl ...but I love Juriboy...   

Why I have this feeling about Ren that's not what he looks like...

lol I love MariKuu  :wub:

Jurina and Tomochin would appear soon  :w00t:



Offline shiruba_rein

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Re: This Guy's In Love With You...(Chapter 4) May 18, 2013
« Reply #44 on: May 19, 2013, 12:42:42 PM »
Thank you for the update   :)

It's ok if you can't write a funny scene
I'm just looking forward to your story

I'm excited for the YukoxRiku moments  :D

Offline AoiShiori

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Re: This Guy's In Love With You...(Chapter 4) May 18, 2013
« Reply #45 on: May 25, 2013, 05:59:43 PM »
Yey for the improvements of the pairings! :cow:

And yes I'm from the Philippines and I saw the movie too.

Update soon  :)

Offline xsilentreader

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Re: This Guy's In Love With You...(Chapter 4) May 18, 2013
« Reply #46 on: May 27, 2013, 03:46:33 PM »
Salamat sa Update!!!!
I'm waiting for the next one~~
Please make it MariKuu.... *begs*  :bow:
uwaa..and i want RikuYuu~~~
X is mark of Silent
Silent is a reader.

Offline Cessy10

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KojiYuu OS Maple Love 06/02/13
« Reply #47 on: June 02, 2013, 10:32:31 AM »
I know I should update This Guy's In Love With You, but instead I posted a One Shot. Sorry.

But Don'y Worry, Chapter 5 is on its way. And the reply on the comments will be when I updated chapter 5.

And sorry for using the thread of TGILWY, it's just, I don't want to create another thread, with only one Story/Post, so I'm using this.


I'm Kojima Haruna. I'm a sophomore History major. And right now I'm...

"I've always thought you were great, Oshima san." A man said whilst sweating a little of nervousness.

"Um...I'm sorry..." replied the girl called Oshima san.

Smack dab in the middle of the spring time of youth..

I awoke from my nap to find a guy getting shot down?!

...maybe they'll go away...

"Are you in love with someone else?" the guy questioned.

"No, but..." the girl named Oshima is thinking of a way to reject the guy.

I can't even move...

"Th-Then-" the guy keep insisting until...


Sigh...If only I was a ninja...

Haruna's phone rang. She stood up to where she was lying then bowed to the two of them.

"I'm sorry." she said as she bowed.

"Oh!'s...a...I have to go. See ya!" stutter the guy who immediately walked away.

I turned to the girl named Oshima, a little surprised that instead of looking at the guy who just confessed to her, she was looking right at me. Then she smiled, dimples showing.

'whoa! She's...cute' is just what I thought after seeing her smile.


"You caught me at a weird moment before. I'm Oshima Yuko! Ummm?" the girl said after we sat on the bench.

"Kojima Haruna..." I replied.

"Neko..." She murmured. "Nyan Nyan, huh?  :heart: thanks, you saved me. That guy just wouldn't let it go." She said whilst giving me a nickname.

'Neko? Nyan Nyan...? Do I really look like a cat?.' I thought to the nickname she had given me.

"He seemed pretty cool, though, such a waste..." I suggested to her.

"Oh?... I guess...?" She said not really thinking about it.

"But... I like girls..haha" smiling her cutesy smile again, and dimples, but this time her teeth are showing although they weren't perfect, that made her extra cute.

"Does that gross you out?" She asked.

"...No...It...doesn't." I gave a clearly and honest reply.

"..." Then there was silence.

"Want to give it a try then?" She asked as she held my chin and slowly close the gap between us, but even if she did it slowly, I couln't react immidiately. The next thing i know, we were kissing, scratch that, she was kissing me. Her eyes were close but mine were wide open. Do you know the saying silence after the storm? In this case, it's silence before the storm.


"..." She was speechless, as I slapped her face. I could clearly see the slap mark in her perfectly white cheeks.

"...You hit me..." She said to me as she touch her red cheeks.

"Uh-huh." I answered.

"That's...the first time someone's ever hit me...I think..." She said her hand is still in her swollen cheeks.

"That's good." I said as I got up off the bench. She's still dumbfounded about the slap.

"You know, you might think you're just trying things out, but you shouldn't do stuff like that anymore." I said to her as I walked away from her. while she was just sitting there staring at my back.

Yuko took her camera, aimed at Haruna's walking away figure and snapped a picture of her back as she smiled.


"Oh! there you are! Nyaro!" My classmate, Shinoda Mariko, I call her Mari-chan, said, as she walked towards me.

"Where were you? Class is starting. And you didn't answer your phone..." She asked.

"Oh...Kissing a pretty girl..." I said as i remember the earlier incident.

"Huh? What did you say? You alright?" She asked as she can't believe what I just said. Well, I can't really blame her, if I were on her position I won't really believe too, and knowing that it's me, clearly an airhead, sometimes.

"Yeah...well..." I replied as we got to our class.

'hmmm...It takes all kinds...' I thought as I remembered Oshima Yuko. '...And she was so cute too...' (It takes all kinds meaning there are different kinds of people)

"Does that gross you out?" I suddenly remembered Oshima-san's question. 'I never really thought about it, but I don't think it does.'


She must've been through alot...


Next day

"Aha! I had a feeling you'd be back here again!" She said to me. Me who is currently in the bushes again where I was sleeping yesterday.

"You'll get a sunburn if you nap out here." She continued as a lowered the book in my face.

"Oshima...san." I said as I saw her face.

"You don't need to use '-san' with me, and please, you could call me with my first name." She said as we both sat at the grass.

"...Did you want something?" I asked.

But still...

"Um...You see..." She started as I tilted my head.

"I think I've fallen for you, Nyan Nyan. Please go out with me  :heart:." She said with her brightest smile.

This is ridiculous...

"...oh...But I don't like you, so I can't go out with you..." I replied honestly.

"Haha! You sure are interesting, Nyan Nyan!" She replied laughing.

"Friends, then! Can we be friends?" She asked.

'...Interesting?...' I asked myself 'what's so interesting about me?'

"...Oh. Okay then..." I answered.

"Yay!" She cheered. "Okay, this is to commemorate our new friendship!" She pulled out her camera and snapped a photo of us together. In which again, I couldn't react.

"Ahaha! You aren't very photogenic, Nyan Nyan. :heart:" She said whilst looking at the picture.

"How rude." I said as I glared at her.

"Why? That's a good thing, you know?" She looked at me, "It means you're more impressive in person. :heart:" as she complemented me.

"I see..." I said as I reached for the camera in her hands. So we are now holding the small camera together.

"You're right. You're not very photogenic either Yuko..." I said as I moves towards her to take a good look at the picture.

Yuko blushed at the close proximity 'H-Her hand...! And she complemented me like it was nothing.... And used my name without -san so casually...Don't tell me, shes's unwitting flirt?' She could feel her heart beating so fast. She just hopes Haruna won't notice it.

"Hey, Do you always carry this around you?" I asked obviously pertaining to the camera and made Yuko leave her thoughts.

"Oh, the camera?" Yuko asked as she was so happy with her thoughts.

"Yeah, I like pictures. I get shots of things that made me happy that day, or cute things I ran across." Yuko answered with full smiles. "It's like my diary.:heart: "

"hunhh" I replied nodding my head.

"Hey, Nyan Nyan, don't you eat lunch? Lunch time just started, right?" Yuko asked.

"Oh...I live alone, and I don't have any money...So I just nap here during lunch..." I answered.

"What?! But you gotta eat! Let's go get lunch, my treat!" Yuko said.

"...Okay..." I unwillingly replied as I get dragged to the lunch room. '...she's treating me...'


Next day, I am with Mariko studying at the Library.

"Oh! Nyan Nyan! Hi :heart:" Yuko said as she passed by the Library.

I just waved at her, knowing that I shouldn't shout at the library.

"Hey, that was Oshima Yuko, right? Do you know her? Nyaro?" Marichan asked me.

"Yeah, I made friends with her the other day." I replied tilting my head. "Something wrong?"

"Seriously?" Marichan said. "But everyone knows she steals her friends' boyfriends!"

"Well, I guess it doesn't concern you, since you don't have one right now." Marichan teased, as I raised an eyebrow.

"...Are you sure that's not some sort of mistake?" I asked as I remembered Yuko, 'She said she has fallen for me? Or does she?'

"Huh? I heard she made Takamina cry the other day." Marichan said.

"...But she was such a nice girl..." I said as I questioned myself, 'Is it really true? so why me? I don't have a boyfriend?'

"What makes you so sure?" Marichan asked.

"She treated me to lunch the other day. She's a good person!" I said as a matter of fact.

"uh-huh" Marichan said as she nodded disbelievingly. '...So shes's feeding an animal.'

"Well, maybe you shouldn't get too involved with her, hm?" Marichan suggested.

"..." I didn't answer.


"That's what she said." I said to Yuko what Marichan said to me. "...Is it true?"

"Oh, that's because my friends' guys just fall for me. You know, because I'm so cute. :heart:" She said as she showed her cutest smile with dimples.

"Oh I see! Must be hard being cute..." I replied.

"...Nyan Nyan, you were supposed to jump in with a witty retort there. And I was only teasing Takamina with Acchan, that's why she cried." She said.

"Well, there was one time, I have taken a friend's guy just so he'd break up with her, that didn't go well." She continued.

"Oh! But you're the only one for me now, Nyan Nyan. Don't worry." She added.

"Umm...I thought we just agreed to be friends?" I asked.

"Yeah. We are friends." Yuko replied. "I just happen to be in love with you too. :heart: "

"..." I was speechless, well, actually I just can't find the right words to say.

So that's how it is...


"Nyan Nyan, I got some movie tickets! let's go together! :heart:" Yuko said as she holds two tickets.

"Okay" I relluctantly replied.

So we're friends...?

"Nyan Nyaaaan, I made lunch today! Let's eat it together! :heart:" Yuko said handling a box lunch.

"...Okay." again I reluctantly replied.

...We're friends...


I woke up as I checked my noisy phone.

Incoming message!
From: Oshima Yuko
sub: Morning!  :heart:

You have class first period today, right?
Better not be late! ^_^ See ya.
Love you! :heart:

-Yuko :heart: :heart:

"..." I didn't reply and head back to sleep.


"I want to ask you about the difference between a friend and a lover..." I asked Marichan as we head to our class.

"...What the..." She replied shockingly.

"Come on!" I said.

"Friends and lovers, huh...?" Marichan thinks. "Well, Bottom line, Are you two doing it or not?"

"...But what about f*ck Buddies...?" I asked again.

"I never raised you to have such a filthy mouth..." Marichan said teasingly.

"Shut up! You never raised me at all." I replied.

"...I don't know, do I look like the person to know?" Marichan answered, "...We can just look it up in the dictionary..." as she opened her phone.

"Ahh. Lovers are two people who are in love with each other." Marichan read. "So basically, you could be lovers if you both like each other?"

Oh, I see...

'I don't like you, so I can't go out with you.' Remembering my reply to her confession.

...I barely knew her back then... now...?

...I'm...not really sure...

"Oh, yeah, there's a mixer the day after tomorrow. You're going too right?" Marichan asked. "There'll be free food."

I thought.

"...Okay." I replied.

"And I have a favor to ask, could you invite Oshima too?" Marichan asked. "One of the participants there likes her."

"...I guess..." I replied.


"Huh? A mixer?" Yuko asked as we are both in a cafe next to the school.

"Oh! But you don't have to go if you don't want to..." I replied.

"Sure, I'll go! Oh, But I can't drink at all, not even a drop. Is that okay?" She asked.

"I don't see why not?" I replied

"Okay, I'll go then. You're coming too, right?" She said.

"...Yeah." I replied. "...There'll be food there..."


I kind of thought she'd say no...

"I have to make sure I look my best" she said.

...I mean...

Isn't she in love with me?

Wait...why am I being so...

"Oh, it started raining." She said as rain really started to fall.

"huh?!" I said as I was out in my deep thought. "Argh...I didn't bring an umbrella..."

"It's okay! I have one." She said as she took her umbrella out. "Let's walk to the station together. :heart:"

We are now on our way out of the cafe when she stopped me. "Oh, hold on a minute." she said as she grab her camera out, and snapped another picture. I'm pretty mush used to it by now.

"That's to commemorate our ai ai gasa. :heart:" she said. (ai ai gasa = love love umbrella, a drawing of an umbrella with two names under it, equivalent to a heart with two names on it.)

'...Don't call it that...' I just thought, because I can't really say that, I should just be thankful for the umbrella.

"Want me to hold the umbrella?" I said as we go to the station.

"No, It's okay, I've got it. :heart:" She replied.


"I'm never inviting her again...!" Marichan retorted as we are now on the mixer and all of the boys are fixated on Yuko and Yuko alone.

"...What the hell..? Even Kuu-kun is going for her. I wanted him..." Marichan continued to sulk.

"Well, the food's good, so what does it matter?" I said as I awallowed my food.

"...And you! At least put on some makeup before you come to one of these!" Marichan said as she take a look at me. "You have good features to work with, so.."

"I did put on foundation though..." I said as I munch on my food.

'Oh' I glanced at Yuko.

She didn't bring her camera today.

Because this isn't fun?

She shouldn't have come at all then...

Well, I did invite her...

When she's flushed and grinning surrounded by guys...

She looks like a different person, somehow.


Then Yuko drank the drink near her.

That's...Oolong tea...

Then I suddenly stood up and reached for her forehead. And judging by their faces, her's and our groups', they were really surprised from what I did.

"Nyan...Nyan?" She said as I continue to touch her forehead. the flush in her face turned into a blush.

Then I got close to her, and I touch my forehead to her's.

"...Let's go home." I said as I part our foreheads.

"..." she did not say anything so i grabbed her wrist and drag her out. That made the group surprised, again.


"Can you walk?" I asked as we are now walking in the street to get her home.

"...Yeah." She said her head facing down and our hands still intertwined.

"...Um...Nyan Nyan...Are you mad?" She asked.

"...Yes, I am..." I replied.

'Why?' I want to ask her, but I can't, not here.

"...Why." I said, as we are now in her room, she's resting in her bead and I'm seated beside her. "Why did you force yourself to come...even though you have a fever?"

"..." She didn't say anything and hid her face under her blankets.

"...I wish you'd just say no..." I continued.

"...But..." She said, still hiding.

"You..still would've gone without me, right?" she continued.

"...You're a great someone might have stolen you away..." she said.

"I didn't want that to happen..." She added. "I'm sorry."

This isn't friendship, is it...?

"Sorry, I've been..." She still continued. "Such a nuisance..."

What an idiot...

...It's not like I'm all that popular...

She's so cute.

I'm sure she has much better girls to choose from...

So why did she fall for me?

What an idiot...

She's just too stupid...Really...

It makes me want to do everything for her...

"Yuko...Come on out there..." I said as she's still hiding in her blankets.

"I'm not angry anymore, c'mon." I said as she lowered her blankets and I finally saw her face.

"Is there anything you want me to do? If there's anything you want just tell me." I said.

'She's like a bunny.' I thought as she just has her eyes seen.

"........Well, then..." She said as she sit up her bed.

"....You, Nyan Nyan." She answered.

"J-Just Kidding! I just wanted to say it!" She immediately said. "Maybe my head's all messed up because of the fever."

"hmmm...Something that I want?" Yuko's still thinking.

"Okay." I retorted.

"huh?" She said as she didn't heard what I said.

"You can have me." I said as I face her, close our gap and kiss her.

"...You'll get..." She said with teardrops on her eyes, after we part the kiss. "My cold..."

"That's fine...As long as you'll be there to nurse me back to health." I said and wink at her.

"Want to take a picture?" I asked.

"To commemorate when we found out the feeling was mutual."


If anything's changed since that night, it is...

"Nyan Nyan!" Yuko said as she saw me in the school. "Let's walk home together!"

"Okay." I answered.

...Has anything changed at all....?

I looked at her, still thinking. And she tilted her head.

"Something wrong?" She asked.

"Want to hold hands?" I answered with a question.

"Oh! sure!" She said as we intertwined our hands.

"B-But don't you think people will think we're weird?" She asked. "You sure it's okay?"

'...You kissed me the day we met and you're asking this now...?' I thought as I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Wh-What?" She asked.

"Oh, I was just thinking about how cute you are..." I simply said, that made Yuko blush a deep shade of red.

And...That, I guess.

"Hey, Yuuchan, there's something I want to ask you." I said.

"Wh-What is it?" She asked.

"How  do two girls have sex?" I asked innocently, that again made Yuko blush and at the same time flushed.

They'll be smack dab in the middle of the spring time of youth soon.


-from MAPLE LOVE (Your Cuteness) by Otsu Hiyori

Thanks for reading :)

I think I'll update chapter 5 after the elections. See you then :)
--CessyMe :)

Current Fanfic:
This Guy's In Love With You... - Trying my best to update :)

This Guy's In Love With You... (trailer)
- Please watch it, thank you.  :)

Other Fanfic of the Writer.
Because...I Love You - on Haitus  :cry:

Maple Love - KojiYuu

Our Movie project:
- Please watch it, thank you. :twothumbs

OTP Slideshow:
- Please watch it, thank you.
- Please watch it, thank you.

Offline cisda83

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Re: KojiYuu OS Maple Love 06/02/13
« Reply #48 on: June 02, 2013, 11:31:42 AM »
Very interesting drama OS there...

I like how Yuko and Haruna interact with each other...

They were so cute together...

Yeah... I could say that everyone would hate having to be with Yuko...

Because she was so cute and attractive so many people would like to be with her....

"How do two girls have sex?" Haruna was so innocent...  :rofl:

Thank you for the OS

Can't wait to see you make another OS... and also to make the next chapter for This Guy's In Love With You

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline sakura_drop_

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Re: KojiYuu OS Maple Love 06/02/13
« Reply #49 on: June 02, 2013, 11:32:43 AM »
Very interesting drama OS there...

I like how Yuko and Haruna interact with each other...

They were so cute together...

Yeah... I could say that everyone would hate having to be with Yuko...

Because she was so cute and attractive so many people would like to be with her....

"How do two girls have sex?" Haruna was so innocent...  :rofl:

Thank you for the OS

Can't wait to see you make another OS... and also to make the next chapter for This Guy's In Love With You

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

I 2nd this~ hope you update soon~ loved the OS~
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: KojiYuu OS Maple Love 06/02/13
« Reply #50 on: June 02, 2013, 11:50:46 AM »
Kojiyuu . . . So cute!  :wub:  :wub:

I love it!  XD

Offline Haruko

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Re: KojiYuu OS Maple Love 06/02/13
« Reply #51 on: June 02, 2013, 05:59:28 PM »
oMG! kojiyuu so cute!

Offline kurumi

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Re: KojiYuu OS Maple Love 06/02/13
« Reply #52 on: June 02, 2013, 09:01:55 PM »
I liked this OS! It was very sweet and cute. Please write more KojiYuu OS! :heart:

Offline Nab

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Re: KojiYuu OS Maple Love 06/02/13
« Reply #53 on: June 02, 2013, 10:41:08 PM »
Owww nonono... definitely not end!! pleeeaseee continueee *-*  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

Offline kahem

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Re: KojiYuu OS Maple Love 06/02/13
« Reply #54 on: June 03, 2013, 02:38:14 AM »
the title made me laugh xD
I ready read that fic but with a different pairing, I think it was Mayuki

Offline Tam_atsu

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Re: KojiYuu OS Maple Love 06/02/13
« Reply #55 on: June 03, 2013, 05:00:35 PM »
I love this :) part 2 please!! XD more kojiyuu from you please  :bow: :bow: :thumbsup :wub:

Silent reader for now

Offline AgentBlueBear

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Re: KojiYuu OS Maple Love 06/02/13
« Reply #56 on: June 04, 2013, 05:21:54 AM »
Hohoho YukoRen~!!  :heart: :heart: :love:

Loving this~! Update soon!!  :bow:  :wub:

Offline Cessy10

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So....Mariko's announcement was a bummer. Totally unexpected to almost all, except for a few. It actually made me depress for a while, but there's nothing we could do anymore, so i decided to let it go, and just support her, in her every decision. so sad  :(
I almost cried though, but i didn't, just teary eyed  :cry:

I was supposed to update right after the election, but due to the announcement, I was held back in writing sorry about that.

Not really a JuriMayuki Chapter, but Introduction to them.


@maku: Yup, trying my hardest to update, you know that, hehe.

And please, Update your Breakout.

@cisda83: Sadly the movie and my story has may differences, i just based the story on the movie, but can't guarantee that it would end like the movie but i'll try my bets :P

The love Triangles are due to the many possible pairing a character has, and the shipper that that pairing has. so I tried to make love triangles, even if they don't end up with each other, they would have moments together.

In this update, I tried to get them on the same car again.
and possibly, the same room together <-- next chapter.

I'm sure Riku's treatment to Mariko would definitely improve especially after the next chapter.

But please don't hate Ren, he has his reasons and I didn't plan to make him an antagonist, he's also a protagonist.

Next chapter would mainly be Riku and Yuko's meeting and interaction.

Yes, Yuko and Acchan are office mates and are close friends.

Thanks for Reading :)

And Wait for the next chapter. ;)

@ashiya: I think that Jurina being a girl here would be more convenient in the story, because I already wrote the character of her partner to be a boy, so I decided to make her a girl. sorry if ever that it's not to your liking.

Please don't think of Ren as an antagonist, he's also a protagonist, he just haven't had a background yet so i think that made you think that, almost all of the readers, think that he is, And because of that, I made a scene in this update that would somehow open his background.

MariKuu here is a little underdeveloped yet but I do plan to improve their relationship, but right now, Kuu would definitely show some signs of jealousy.

Jurina did appear, but Sadly, Tomochin didn't yet, but Mayu appeared. Maybe next chapter would be Tomochin's appearance.

Thanks for reading :)

And Wait for the next chapter. ;)

@shiruba_rein : Sadly YukoXRiku moments would be on the next chapter, I'm still thinking of how i'm going to write their meeting, the action scene in the movie, but please look forward to it. I'm also looking forward to writing it. hehe

Thanks for reading :)

And Wait for the next chapter ;)

@AoiShiori: Hope I could meet your expectations, because i can't guarantee it that it would be like the movie.

And please also update you Fool Like Me, I have a friend, she likes it and waiting for the next update.

Thanks for reading :)

And Wait for the next chapter ;)

@xsilentreader: Walang anuman po :) Salamat din sa pagbabasa. you're not really a silent reader, are you? hehe joke  :lol:

As I have said to ashiya-san Marikuu here is still underdeveloped but Kuu's showing signs of jealousy but I promise there would be improvements.

Thanks for reading :)

And Wait for the next chapter ;)

@AgentBlueBear: Please look forward to the next chapter, Because I'm thinking of writing a YukoRen scene there.

And this update also has a YukoRen scene.

Thanks for reading :)

And Wait for the next chapter ;)


@cisda83: I always picture Yuko as the insisting type, while Haruna as the 'meh' type, and would complement each other. Sometimes while reading manga I could picture the two of them, as to what i did here.

Good to know you liked it.

I do plan on making other OS stories, please look forward to it :)

Thanks for reading :)

And Wait for other OS ;)

@sakura_drop_: Good to know you liked the OS.

I do plan on making other OS stories, please look forward to it :)

And please also look forward to the next chapter of This Guy's in love with you, I think I would write Ren's Proposal to Yuko.

Thanks for reading :)

And Wait for other OS ;)

@shiruba_rein: Thanks for liking the story :)

I do plan on making other OS stories, please look forward to it :)

@Haruko: Thanks for liking the story :)

I do plan on making other OS stories, please look forward to it :)

@sharlatan: Thanks for liking the story :)

I do plan on making other OS stories, please look forward to it :)

But not just KojiYuu, other pairings as well.

@Nab: Thanks for liking the story :)

I'm thinking/planning to write a part 2 also, but might take long. Sorry. but please do look forward to it :)

@kahem: Really? I didn't know, I haven't read that yet, honest mistake.

But i do plan to write a part 2 if ever please do look forward to it :)

@Tam_atsu: Thanks for liking the story :)

Part 2 would take time though, i'm still Planning for it.

And I do plan on making other OS stories, although other pairings as well, please look forward to it :)

Extra Characters Lists:

   Watanabe Mayu - He works as a Physician/School Doctor at a nearby University. He is a very workaholic man that he always wears glasses. But even though he still has many fans, mostly students. He doesn't really show his emotion much. Others may say that it's all an act, others say that he is a robot, but those others really doesn't know who he really is, and  there are some who think they know him. But what does really lie under those glasses?

   Matsui Jurina - A very mature and responsible student in the outside, but a very energetic and cheerful person on the inside. She is a young high school student, but her fate has already been decided for her, by her parents. At a very young age her parents already has a fiancée for her. She came from a rich family, that's why she needs to act mature and responsible, which is a little opposite to her true personality. Will she be able to escape her fate and set her own path to life or will she be forever bounded by the path others chose for her?

Chapter 5

***This part was just right after Riku received or read the letter from Ren (Chapter 3)***

Yuki, seeing her brother in a broken hearted state which makes it so hard for her, promised herself that she would never fall in love and focus on her career and her family.

"Hey, Yuki, you don't need to worry about me, I'm going to be fine." Riku assured his sister.

"But you-" Yuki insisted but she was cut off.

"No buts, I just need to preoccupy myself. And you still have work to do, right?" Riku said, still reassured Yuki.

"Okay, but are you sure? I could take a day off and stay here with you." Yuki asked.

"No, I'm fine. You don't need to do that." Riku said as he shook his head.

"Okay then, take care." Yuki said as she proceeded to her room to get ready, leaving Riku to himself in the balcony.

'Fine, huh?' Riku asked himself.

Yuki readied herself to go to her work, Sae, their cousin, asked if he should drive her to work, but Yuki declined, saying "I think Riku could use the company more than me." still worried about Riku.

"I think Riku's going to be fine, have a little faith and he's your brother, my cousin, so I trust him to make right decisions." Sae said to Yuki, which made Yuki calm down a little bit and smile.

"But I still want you to keep an eye on him though, just to make sure." Yuki said.

"Such a worrywart." Sae teased Yuki.

"Yeah, yeah." Yuki replied as she took off to her work.


PE class

"Alright class today, like I promised, we would be having a game of volleyball." Said the teacher, that made the class cheer in excitement.

"Since the class consists of 35 students, the class will be divided into five with 7 members." She continued. "Each team should come up with its own name and must have a leader."

She then divided the class and asked them the name and their leader.

The first team chose "Team A" with their leader Kawaei Rina  , the second team chose "Team K" with their leader Matsui Jurina, the third team chose "Team B" with Shimazaki Haruka, the fourth team chose "Team 4" with their leader Shimada Haruka and the fifth team chose "Team 8" with Oba Mina.

The teacher then realized that the teams, if combined, would spell "AKB48", one of the most popular girl groups in Japan. She then asked why? Then they all replied "We're fans of them." The teacher just smiled and shrugged the question.

(Please think of the leaders as ordinary people and not a part of AKB48, thank you)

In the middle of the game, it was a heated battle between Team K and Team B, with the score of 24-23, Team K is leading. Jurina's teammate served the ball, Paruru's teammate received it, then Jurina received the ball, but Paruru was ready for it, so she spiked the ball hard to earn a point and deuce the game, but Jurina didn't expect it to be returned quickly so the ball hit her face. Jurina fell to the ground, and then the teacher approached them, together with other students.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit the ball to your face, I just...I...I'm really sorry." Paruru said as she is really sorry and doesn't know what to do.

"It's okay, I'm fine, it's not your fault, it's mine, we’re having a game, I should have been more attentive." Jurina said as she stood up to a sitting position.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" The teacher asked.

"I'm fine, really." Jurina said as she is now in a standing position.

"Are you sure? Do you want to go to the clinic? I could accompany you." Paruru asked.

"No, I'm fine, I swear-" she was cut off. When she suddenly left, something wet came out of her nose. She wiped it with her hand to make sure, but it definitely is blood.

"Ah, no you’re not." Paruru said as she saw Jurina get a nosebleed.

"Shimazaki-san, could you please accompany Matsui-san to the clinic, and explain what happened to the doctor/nurse?" The teacher asked.

"Yes ma'am." Paruru said as she helped Jurina walk to the clinic.

"Okay class, back to the game, and please if you're to spike, please check if you won't hit anybody, and if you're to receive please be more attentive." The teacher announced as the class get back to the game.


"Ohayogozaimasu" Students, especially the male, greeted Yuki as she entered the school grounds and made her way to the clinic. (Ohayogozaimasu = Good morning)

"Ohayogozaimasu" She replies them with a smile.

"Hey, don't you think Yuki-sensei looks lovely as always?" Murmurs a student with another.

"Yeah, that's why I envy Mayu-sensei, he's always with her, how I wish I could be him." replied the other.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, me too." The other one said. Both of them seem to be day dreaming.

"Ohayogozaimasu." Yuki said as she reached the clinic and opened the door. "Mayu-sensei."

"Ah, Yukirin, ohayo." Said Mayu, who is most probably the doctor. (The school is very prestigious, that they even have a doctor, some school doesn't, only nurses.)

Their work is both easy and difficult, easy because, it's not every day that there is a big accident or illness the students here have. This is a prestigious school so almost everyone here is very responsible and healthy so it's very easy. But it could also be difficult, only in some cases like a sudden illness or an unexpected accident, which is not very common.

After a few minutes.

'Sigh...' Yuki's worries about her brother are showing through her sighs.

"In the last minutes, you've sighed for the nth time." Mayu said as he noticed Yuki's worries. "Is there something that's troubling you?" He asked.

"Is it that obvious?" Yuki replied with a question.

"Well, you did sigh for...uhmm...1,2,3...I don't know, I lost count already." Mayu replied.

"I'm sorry, It's just...I'm worrying too much." Yuki said.

"What is it about? Maybe I could help?" Mayu asked. "You know I'm also a qualified counselor."

"Thank you, Mayu-sensei." She said as she smiles at him. "It's just...It's about my brother..."

"Oh it's not about love, did you know that 80% of a time girl's troubles are about love." Mayu said.

"Well, actually, it is, you see my brother he just broke-up with his boyfriend." Yuki said.

"Oh, and I stand corrected, it's not just girl's, apparently girl's at heart also." Mayu said

*Knock* *Knock*

Their talk was interrupted by the knock.

*Door opens*

"Is the doctor in?" One of the two students asked.

"Yes! I'm here." Mayu said as he approached the students.

"Uhm, I accidentally hit her while playing volleyball." She said as Mayu helped her move the injured to the bed.

"Name please?" Yuki asked while holding a paper for the records, after they laid the injured person on the bed.

"I'm Shimazaki Haruka and she's Matsui Jurina." The student said.

"Well, Shimazaki-san, why don't you go back to your class, I can assure you that Matsui-san is fine and she just fainted from exhaustion and a little concussion. She’ll be ok after a good rest." Mayu said after he checked on Jurina's state.

"Yes, Thank you, I'll take my leave then." Paruru replied as she walked out of the clinic.

"What a nice friend." Yuki commented on Paruru.

"Yeah, she is." Mayu agreed. "Well then, shall we monitor her while she sleeps? There might be other injuries."

"Yes, Mayu-sensei." Yuki replied.

After a few hours...

Jurina woke up. Waking up in a totally different environment made her uneasy. This would be the very first time she had gone to the clinic. The very first time she was knocked out. The very first time she fainted.

"Oh, I'm glad you're awake." A lady said to her, she was wearing a nurse's outfit, so she is most probably the nurse.

"Oh, how are you feeling?” A guy beside the nurse said, he was wearing a lab coat and he has glasses, most probably the doctor.

"I'm fine." Jurina replied.

"Matsui-san, it's your first time here right?" The doctor said. "I'm Watanabe Mayu, the doctor and this is Kashiwagi Yuki, the nurse."

"I'm Matsui Jurina." She replied.

"Umm...Yes, we know, it's on your record." Mayu said.

"Ah! Yes, you already said my name." Jurina replied. "Sorry."

"You don't really need to say sorry though." Mayu said. "Anyway, Yukirin, could you check her temperature, and see if her fever is gone."

"I have a fever?" Jurina asked.

"Well, apparently you do, I think it's due to fatigue, you forced yourself too much. That's the only reason you end up getting hit and fainted." Mayu explained. "From your records, you are a very athletic girl, but if you push yourself too hard, you might fall and collapse, so please be careful next time."

Jurina nodded and let Yuki check her temperature, through a thermometer.

"Well, Matsui-san, you're fever's all gone now." Yuki said after she took the thermometer and check it.

"Umm...could I go back to class now?" Jurina asked.

"Since you're fine and your fevers gone, it looks like your free to go now, but remember to not force yourself, especially today because your fever might relapse and we don't want that, do we?" Mayu said as Jurina got ready to go.

"Yes, thank you very much." Jurina said as she bowed to thank the two.

"Take care." Both Mayu and Yuki said as Jurina got out of the clinic.

"So...about your brother..."Mayu started.

Yuki shook her head. "Let's not talk about that anymore. Having a patient lifts my spirit, so let's not bring it back down." She said as she stretches her arms.

Mayu just shrug his shoulders.


After a few hours the class has already ended and so is the teachers' working hours. Yuki has now returned home after work and decided to do some chores. She first decided to do the laundry, she headed to Riku's room to get his laundry, then Sae's and lastly hers. She was arranging the dirty clothes in order and checking the pockets if there's something in it, when she saw a rectangular box in one of Riku's jacket pockets. 'Looks like a gift, I'll give this to him later, when he gets home.' Yuki thought as she shoved the gift into her pocket and continued on the laundry. After finishing the laundry, she then went to cooking as it's about time for dinner and about time for her brother and cousin to get home.


"Yesterday didn't go well as we have expected, I never thought that we would end up being wet. I'm sorry." Ren apologized for the much unexpected shower they had at their previous date at the restaurant.

"You don't really need to say sorry, and except for the sudden shower, it was a pretty good night, thank you." Yuko replied. 'Actually it's a good thing that that happened, I don't know where I've put it, but the necklace that I bought was missing, I remember it's still with me when I went to the comfort room, but after the catastrophe of the sprinklers, when we were about to go home, I opened my bag, it's already gone. And Ren must have forgotten about it.' Yuko recalled what happened at their dinner. 'I was so sure I've put it in my bag.'

Ren pulled up his car in front of Yuko's apartment. He quickly got out of the car so that he could be a gentleman and open Yuko's door.

"Thank you." Yuko said as she got out of the car.

"No need to thank me, I wanted to do it." Ren said as he gave Yuko a sweet smile and a wink.

"Do you want to come inside and have coffee, before you drive home?" Yuko asked, concerned about Ren falling asleep while driving.

But Ren, knowing that they still need to work early tomorrow, refused the offer, saying "As much as I love spending time with you, I don't need the coffee." Ren replied. Yuko, confused, just tilted her head. "Just by seeing you, my energy is fully restored. But if you add a power hug, and a power kiss, I would feel like nothing can make me feel tired."

Yuko blushed at how sweet her boyfriend is, but although embarrassed, she gave Ren a power hug, and a matching power kiss, that made Ren extremely energized. And with that, Ren was completely energized ready to drive home.

"Drive safe." Yuko said as Ren opened the driver's door.

"I will." Ren replied and waved his hand.

He then got inside the car, started the engine and then he looked again at Yuko and smiled at her before he drove. Yuko just keeps on waving her hand as the car drove away until it was not be able to see again.


I sigh as I arrived at my home, how I wish that Yuko would be the one to greet me after a day of work, be the one to welcome me home together with our kids, and be the one
who would always be by my side. If only I had proposed to her, if things just go like the way I wanted it. 'Sigh' No use of thinking about it now, I should just forget about it and plan another proposal.

As I step in our porch I could hear the television running, I opened the front door but there is something blocking me from fully opening it, so I made my way inside through a half opened door. As I enter the house, I found some empty bottles of alcohol scattered in the hallway, it's also the one blocking the door. I followed the bottles into the living room to see my father, holding an almost empty bottle, sitting in the sofa, watching the television. As I saw the show in the TV, I immediately deducted that my father's sleeping, because he doesn't like that show.

"Tadaima!" I softly said to avoid waking my father up.(I'm home)

"Ah, Onīchan, Okaeri!" My sister replied as she walked down the stairs. (Onīchan = Brother; Okaeri = Welcome home)

"Okāsan, doko?" I asked. (Asking where is their mother)

"She's upstairs, in her room." She replied.

"They did it again, didn't they?" I asked fully aware of what had happened earlier.

"Yes, they did." She replied.

"What is it about this time?" I asked.

“Otōsan asked for money, but Okāsan didn't give him any, knowing that he'll just spend it in alcohol, so they fought, again."(Otōsan = Father; Okāsan = Mother)

"Okay, I'll take care of the mess here, you go ahead and rest, you still have school tomorrow." Ren said as he pat his sister’s head.

"Hai, Oyasumi, Onīchan." She said as she got up the stairs again. (Oyasumi = Good night)

"Oyasumi." I replied before she closed her door.

After my conversation with my sister, I switched off the TV and I arranged the empty bottles and put them in a sack.

“So, you’re already here.” I was surprised when my previously asleep father talked, obviously awakened.

“Ah, Otōsan, Konbanwa.” I replied turning around to face him. (Konbanwa = Good evening)

“Give me money.” He said after he drank the remaining fluids in the bottle in his left hand and opens the palms of his right to reach what he desired.

“Gomen.” I said as I already know why he wants the money for, obviously for alcohol, and bowed down to him. ‘He already consumed so much, and still wanting more.’ I should make up some kind of excuse. “I don’t have money with me now.” (Gomen = Sorry)

“Ehhh?!?! Don’t you have a job? And that so called ‘boyfriend’ of yours?” He asked, emphasizing on the word boyfriend.

“Please don’t treat him like that.” I said, a little pissed.

“Why? Don’t you also treat him like that?” He said. “Isn't it the only reason why you are with him for that reason? For Money?”

‘You’re wrong!’ I really wanted to shout at him, to punch him, but I can’t. ‘You’re the main reason why.’

“What’s with the pissed expression?” He asked as he saw. “Want to punch me? Huh? You want to?” he asked as he leaned a little and grant an entry to my fist and his jaw.

I controlled myself, although I really wanted to punch him. But he noticed that I was controlling myself and really wanted to punch him, so he punched my instead right in the stomach, that made me crouch and hold my stomach ‘It really hurts’ as the pain gradually loosens I was able to get back to my feet but another punch went straight to my face, and made me fall to the ground.

“*Sigh* Why is my son so weak?” He said as he turned his back on me, “Well, you’re not really my son though.” And walk out the house. I just shrug his statement as I know that he’s just drunk and doesn't know what he’s talking about.

I used all my strength left to stand up and get an ice in the fridge for a cold compress on my face, which would definitely turn in to a black eye. ‘I can’t face Yuko tomorrow.’

After I regained a little of my strength back, my face and stomach still hurting, I went up to my mother’s room and sit beside her bed. As I sit there, I noticed that she wasn't sleeping and she was crying.

“Gomen, Okāsan, I wasn't here earlier to protect you.” I said as a tear left my eye.

She sat up and hugged me tight, and I hugged her back.

“How’s Yuko doing?” She asked as we are still hugging each other, not letting go.

“She’s fine.” I said. My mother is the only one that knows that I broke up with Riku and that I’m with Yuko. If ever my father knows about this, he would beat me up, until I get back together with him. He was the only reason why I dated Riku, but as I gradually became close to him, I know deep inside me that cares about him, I do like him, but I love Yuko more.

“How was your proposal?” She asked.

“It was a failure, but I won’t give up.” I replied.

“Hey, Okāsan, if ever Yuko did agree to marry me and we were married, I want you, and Imōto, to live with me.” I said as I face my mother, for her to know that I’m serious. (Imōto = Younger Sister)

“We are just going to be a bother to you and Yuko as a married couple, and we won’t want that.” She said.

“No, you won’t.” I said, “Never!”

“But, as you and Yuko will be, I am married with your Father, my husband.” She said.

“But, he doesn't treat you like family.” I said.

“But I know, deep inside his heart he is still the person I loved, the person I'm married to and the person who became your father. I believe in him that one day, he will change.” She said.

“Do you really think so?” I asked.

“I know.” She said.

“I hope you’re right then.” I said as I smiled at her. “You should rest now.” I helped her back to bed.

“Oyasumi.” She said as she readied to sleep.

“Oyasumi.” I said as I turned the lights off and closed her door. And then I proceed to rest.


"Can I go back to the car now?" Riku asked as he was in shock and dumbfounded at the scene they just saw, still in the parking lot, a few meters away the bank where Atsuko is working at.

The other three just nodded as they don't know what to say or do in this kind of situation. As Riku got inside the car, the group just stared at him worriedly.

"Seeing Riku like this, I can't help but be sad for him." Kai said. "I don't want to see him like this."

"We all do, Kai." Mariko replied.

"Well, at times like this, Kai, there's only one thing to do." Kuu said as a matter of fact.

"What is it?" Kai asked, Mariko turned to Kuu, as she also wants to know.

"Leave it to the great Mariko sama!" Kuu said as he grabs Kai's hand ready to drag him.

"Ehhh! Why me?!?!" Mariko asked, obviously shock at Kuu's answer.

"Kai, c'mon, let's go get Acchan." Kuu said as he dragged Kai and runs towards the entrance, ignoring Mariko.

"Waittt!" Mariko shout at the two as they were now out of reach. 'What should I do?' she asked herself as she looked back to Riku and smiled sheepishly. And Riku tilted his head innocently as he watched them.


"Are you sure about letting Mariko handle Riku?" Kai asked as they were near the building.

"Nope." Kuu said still dragging Kai.

"Ehh!" Kai said as he swatted Kuu's hand that's dragging him. "Then why?"

"I just thought that between the three of us, Mariko's the one who had the better chance to comfort and make him laugh." Kuu explained. "Remember when we were still kids."


Kai, Kuu, Riku and Mariko are in their childhood days and were playing at the near playground, siting in the box of sand.

"Hey guys, look at that." Kuu said as he point to a group of children playing with their bikes.

"Looks like fun." Kai said. "Let's go get ours."

"Yeah, Let's!" Kuu replied.

As they were about to stand and go. They saw Riku was sad and stayed siting.

"What's wrong, Riku?" Mariko asked.

"Uhmmm...Sorry, but I can't go, I don't have a bike..." He said but was cut-off.

"That's not a problem. I have two bikes, the other one is my brother's. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you use it." Kai said cutting Riku off.

"Thanks...but I also can't ride one." Riku continued and frowned.

"Don't be sad, Riku." Mariko said and seated beside him.

"I'm sorry." Riku apologized and bowed, as if the sand below him are the most interesting things right now.

"You don't need to say sorry." Mariko said as she held his chin and turned it up to face her.

"But, I'm ruining your fun." He replied, breaking away from Mariko's hand to avoid the gaze.

"No, you’re not." She said reassuring Riku. "Tell you what, how about I teach you, so you could ride one?"

"But it won't be fun, teaching me." Riku said still avoiding their gaze.

"Who said that it won't?" Mariko asked, Riku then turned and face her.

"But..." he said but was cut-off.

"But nothing." Mariko said.

"Bu--" Riku was about to say something but was cut-off by Mariko's hand, covering his mouth.

Riku then realize that Mariko won't accept a no as an answer, so he gave up and put his hand on Mariko's hand, covering his mouth, to uncover his mouth.

"Thanks Marichan." He said smiling.

"No problem, but in return, if you have learned ridding the bike, I want you to give me a ride through town.” She said.

"Okay, but don't you already know to ride one?" He asked.

"Yes!" Mariko answered.

"So, Why...?" He asked.

"It's much more fun if you're not the one pedaling it." Mariko said.

"Okay, Thanks again Marichan." He said as he stood up the sand box but not before placing a kiss in Mariko's cheeks. That made Mariko dumbfounded and her face was blushing so hard.

"Mariko?" Kai asked as he waved his hand in front of Mariko's face, but she ignored it, more like she didn't heard it, touched her cheek.

"Mariko?" it was Kuu's turn to call Mariko, he put both his hands in her shoulders and shook her back and forth, but she's still in her dreamland as she smiled.

"Eh, Marichan?" It was now Riku, who is just beside Mariko, turn to call her, as he sat back again and put his right hand on Mariko's left shoulder. This time, Mariko heard him and faced him, their faces were just inches apart.

"Daijobu ka?" Riku asked. (Are you okay?)

"D-Daijo-bu d-desu." Mariko stuttered. (I'm okay.)

"Let's go?" Riku said as he stood up again and offered his hand for Mariko.

"Hai!" Mariko said as she reached for Riku's hand and stood up. (Yes!)

Then the other two who were watching the scene had a conversation to themselves.

"So...we're being ignored then?" Kuu asked Kai and turned to him.

"Yes...We are definitely, being ignored." Kai replied.

This is one of the many proofs that Mariko is one of the few people that could comfort and cheer Riku up. But this is also a start and proof that Mariko has feeling for him.

***End of Flashback***

"You're right, as much as I don't want to admit it, she's much more effective than the both of us." Kai agreed.

"Yeah, she is, isn't she?" Kuu said as he again reached for Kai's hand and got ready to drag him.

"But...Are you sure?" Kai asked. "About leaving the two of them together?"

The question of Kai made Kuu avoid eye contact. 'Does Kai know?' he thought as he glanced at Kai, who looks like he knows something and waiting patiently for an answer.

"What are you talking about?" Kuu asked still avoiding Kai's eyes.

"You tell me?" Kai answered with another question.

'No, he doesn't.' Kuu thought as he assured himself.

"It's for the best." Kuu said as he finally faced Kai.

"You sure?" Kai again asked that made Kuu, again, avoid eye contact.

'Does he?' Kuu thought.

"And besides, and if we were there, we would just be ignored like most of the time." Kuu said. "So come on, let's go get Acchan." as he drag him again.

'No, he doesn't know.' Kuu thought. 'I hope.'

Kai just let Kuu drag him as he starred at Kuu's back worriedly. 'I am right, Love really hurts.' he thought as he restated what he said when they saw Ren together with a girl. (Last part of Chapter 4)


Mariko sighed and think of a way to cheer Riku up as she headed back to the car. 'What should I do?' she asked herself again as she was nearing the car's door. 'I hate those two.' She made a mental note for later, as she grabbed the handle of the door and opened it. She sat the driver's seat beside her was Riku who looks like ready to cry again. A few minutes have passed and no one's breaking the very awkward silence until...

"Uhmm...R-Riku-" Mariko said to break the silence but was cut off.

"Marichan!" Riku said.

"Hai?" Mariko answered.

"Want to go somewhere else?" Riku asked.

"Sure! Where to?" Mariko asked.

"I don't know, where do you want to go?" Riku asked.

"Uhhmm..." Mariko's thinking of any place that would suit to cheer Riku up.

"I just want to leave this place." Riku said.

As Mariko heard what Riku said she immediately started the engine and drove out as quickly as possible. After a few minutes, the Bank was now nowhere to be seen and Mariko's still thinking of a place they might go, that would take the scene they saw earlier out of Riku’s mind. Just as they turned right at a corner, they saw a mini playground, of course it's already night time so children were nowhere to be found there. 'Oh!' A thought ran into Mariko's mind. 'I know a place that would make Riku definitely forget about Ren.' And after a few more minutes, they are now nearing Mariko's choice of place.

"Uhmm...Marichan?" Riku asked.

"Yes?" Mariko responded.

"Where are we supposed to go?" Riku asked as he was a little familiar of the surrounding.

"Hi-mit-su." Mariko said as she gave Riku a wink. Riku just pouted in return. "You'll know when we get there." She continued. (Himtsu = secret)

Riku just shrug his shoulders and turned his attention at the surroundings. He saw a very familiar statue. 'Eh?!?! Isn't that the Moai Statue?' He asked himself. He then turned to Mariko who's smiling. 'It's no use asking her, she wouldn't budge an answer. But...' His trail of thoughts was cut off when he saw their old house, before he and Yuki were orphaned, he then again turned to Mariko who now has a wide smile. 'Masaka?' He thought as he has a huge clue to where Mariko would take him. (Moai Statue, in reference to AKBingo's segment Ikemen Gakuen. Masaka? = Could it be?)

As expected of the great Mariko sama, she was right, as the depressed look on Riku's face turned to an excitement one, when they get near to the place. 'It looks like he already knows.' she thought.

She then took her cell phone in her pocket and handed it to Riku. "Hey, since, I think, you already know where we're going, could you text them, they might get worried to where we are now?" She said as she knows that driving and texting are a bad combination.

"Okay..." Riku replied as he opened the phone and typed the message. "But just to be sure, where are we really going?"

"I won't tell." Mariko said as she focused on the road.

Riku then gave another pout to Mariko. 'So, you still won't tell me, huh?' He said to himself as another thought came to his mind, 'If you won't tell me, I'll make sure you'll regret this.'  Now his pout was then turned to a smug look as he type and send the mail. As he returned the phone to Mariko, his expression changed into a nervous one, thinking he might get caught, but as she put it to where it was before, he sighed in relief and smiled as Riku just can't hide his excitement.


Kai and Kuu entered the premises, but were immediately stopped by the guard.

"Sorry but the bank is now closed." The guard said.

"Uhmmm, No, we aren't customers/clients." Kuu said.

"We're looking for Atsu--" Kai was cut off when he heard someone calling their names.

"Kai? Kuu?" A person inside the bank called, probably the one that they are looking for.

The three, Kai, Kuu and the guard, then turned and looked from where the voice came, as the person drew closer and closer.

"Acchan!" Kuu called.

"Uhmm...Maeda-san? Do you know them?" The guard asked.

"Yes, I know them, they’re with me." Atsuko said. "Could you let them through?"

"Yes, anything for you, Maeda-san." The guard said, obviously has a crush on Atsuko.

"What are you guys doing here? I thought we're going the club?" Atsuko asked.

"Well, you my friend sure took your time, and the club became so crowded that we can't even enjoy our private space." Kuu said as he wrapped an arm on Atsuko's shoulder.

"And what are you talking about? We send you a mail to inform you that we're going to get you." Kai added.

"Ehh, Sorry, I was so busy getting thing done as fast as I can and didn't have time to check my phone. Sorry." Atsuko said as she bowed at the two.

"It's okay, we understand." Kuu said.

"Is there anything we could do to help?" Kai asked. "I mean we're already here and all."

"Thanks, but I'm already finished and about to go when I saw the two of you at the entrance." Atsuko replied.

"So, what are we waiting for then, let's go!" Kuu said.

As they got out of the building and headed to where they parked their car, Kai and Kuu noticed that Riku and Mariko is nowhere there and Mariko's car is also missing.

"Where are they?" Kuu asked as they reached where Mariko's car is supposed to be.

"How are we supposed to kno--" Kai answered but was cut off by his cell phone ringing.

"Oh, it's from Mariko." Kai said as he opened his phone and saw the sender of the mail.

"What does it say?" Atsuko asked leaning over to Kai as he read the content.

"EEHHHH!?!?!?!" Kai was obviously shocked after he read the content of the mail.

It made Atsuko and Kuu look at each other, then, at Kai's shocked expression. Kuu took the phone from Kai's hand, which was quite easy as he's still in a state of shock. Atsuko again leaned over to read the content. As they read the content, both of them were surprised.

"Son-‘na..." Kuu murmured. (No way or Impossible)

"Masaka..." Atsuko uttered. (Could it be or No way)

As the two of them, scratch that, three of them, including a still shocked Kai, read the message.



END of Chapter 5.

Masaka can be used in doubt or suspicion.

Riku used Masaka meaning he has suspicion, while Atsuko used Masaka meaning she has doubt.

And I used Moai Statue there, because I need a somewhat prominent place, and I thought of it, although please don’t think of it as the real one, Riku’s childhood home isn’t near there. hehe

Truth to be told, this is not part of the movie, so I haven’t progressed at all. I’m so slow.

And School start in a few days (2 days to go) so I’m going to be much more slower, and during midterms and finals, I’m going to be extra slow, super slow. Sorry in advance for that.

Although I said Tomochin and Jurina would appear, Jurina only appeared with Mayu and no Tomochin, sorry about that, I promise, next chapter Tomochin would appear, and would have a huge role in Yuko’s life.

Upnext: RikuXYuko (Kojiyuu) arc with a little bit of RikuXMariko (Mariharu) part, I still don’t have any concrete plans for the next chapter just the other 2.

BTW, I’m planning a Part 2 of the OS. I repeat plan, meaning not yet sure, still thinking about it.

If you have any questions, any scenes you didn't understand, feel free to ask a question :)
--CessyMe :)

Current Fanfic:
This Guy's In Love With You... - Trying my best to update :)

This Guy's In Love With You... (trailer)
- Please watch it, thank you.  :)

Other Fanfic of the Writer.
Because...I Love You - on Haitus  :cry:

Maple Love - KojiYuu

Our Movie project:
- Please watch it, thank you. :twothumbs

OTP Slideshow:
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Offline cisda83

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I prefer it if you did not make the ending the same as the movie... it would mean that Yuko was going to be with Ren, right?!

I want different ending... just for the surprise.... Make used as much characters as possible..

Yuki was so worried about her brother... And after looking at Riku sad state... she did not want to fall in love at all..

Poor Jurina being smashed on her face by a volley ball... It must be very painful...

Ah... she also had a fever because of fatigue...

Mayu and Yuki worked in the same school... Here Mayu wanted to ease Yuki's worries about Riku but he missed his timing...

Ah... as I thought Ren was just using Riku for money... now that he had more than enough from Riku... he dumped him...

Poor Riku.... for being used all these time and still thought he was spending the money out of his good heart... not because Ren demanded...

If only from the start Ren said that he needed money from Riku and did not want Riku, Riku would just give him a job or something...

Now the one that suffered from this break up was just Riku... Ren would just used his father as his reason to hurt and used Riku...

And also he justified his reason and put an end to everything with Riku by thinking he liked Yuko more so it was fine to break up with Riku.

If only Ren would say the truth... that all this time he was just using Riku for his money and never loved him.. and also he was cheating on him behind his back...

Riku would not be so broken heart like this... he would be angry and demand that Ren gave back all the things he gave... and Riku could move on... be more careful next time.

But Ren said because of religion, he must broke up with Riku... He still wanted to go out of this mess unharmed... without tarnishing his image in other minds...

Cessy10-san... it was hard not to hate Ren... Ren was very selfish...

Sure I sympathized with his family situation.. but it did not give a right to play around with people emotion and also stealing from them.

Poor Riku... needed to meet Ren again... so short after the break up...

Ah... Mariko was able to comfort and made Riku smiled when they were younger so Kuu left everything up to Mariko to comfort Riku now.

Yeah... and it was also the proof of the start of Mariko's crush on Riku... Until now... Poor Mariko... for having one-side love after all the time.

Ah... so Kai had a feeling that Kuu might have feeling for Mariko... but he did not or could not do anything about it... because of Mariko's feeling for Riku

And Kai was scared to fall in love because 'Love is Painful'...

Oh... Atsuko was very popular with guys in her work place... even a bank guard also had a crush on her...

He would not let Kai and Kuu go in... if not for Atsuko's permission.

Mariko was so playful here... so cute... and Riku was also the same... sending a message saying 'We're Eloping' to Kai.

Poor Kuu... he needed to see that... he would have a broken heart after this...

Well for Kai and Atsuko... they would just be shocked... then they would know that they were tricked... when they get over the shock.

What's going to happen with Riku and Mariko...?

What about Yuko and Ren?

How about the rest of the other characters?

Can't wait to see the next

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline ashiya

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okay it wont be Jurimayu right? I just want to see Mayuki together :roll:

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