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Author Topic: Second Chance/Akiba Fight Club  (Read 70887 times)

Offline miyumi

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 13
« Reply #60 on: July 27, 2012, 06:09:00 AM »
Well here's chapter 13 and yes it is the long awaited, EXTREME LOVE chapter. There will be pervy moments but nothing to extreme. I hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 13

"Hey Mayuyu are you ready to go?"

"Yep let's go!"


When Yukirin arrived at school, she was expecting everything to be just like any other regular day. Turns out she was wrong. When she walked in, she saw something that you would see in a rated R movie. Haruna, Sae, Jurina, and even Yuko were being huggy and kissy around everyone.

"What's going on?"

"Yukirin get over here."

Yukirin looked over and saw Mariko hiding under her desk.

"What's up with everyone?"

"They're in heat!"


"It's when animals have the sudden urge to mate with anything that moves." Mariko said.

"Is that bad?" Yukirin asked.

"Yes. A couple minutes ago Haruna tried to give me a lap dance."


"Yes which means we need to calm them down somehow."


"I got an idea but I'm going to need you help."

"With what?"

"Distract everyone while I run out to my car and grab something that could help them."

"Ok then make it fast."

Mariko ran out of the class and Yukirin popped up from under the desk. However when she came out, she saw everyone had run off somewhere else.

"What do I do?"

"You're going to have to run after them." Mayuyu said.


Yukirin's first stop was the science room. There she found Sae practically staddling Sayaka licking her face.

"Yukirin help!"

Yukirin ran over and pulled Sae off of Sayaka. But as soon as she did, Sae got on top of Yukirin and started licking Yukirin's neck. Her body shivered as she felt Sae's wet tounge slide up and down on her neck.

"Sae off!"

Sayaka grabbed Sae and put her collar on.


Sae was pushed to the ground and Sayaka sat on top of her to make sure she wasn't going anywhere.

"Take her back to the classroom and keep her there."

"No problem."

Yukirin's next stop was the cafeteria. There she found Haruna on top of Yuko french kissing her. She could see their tounges battling for domanince. At one point Yukirin saw something starting to buldge from under Yuko's skirt. Yukirin knew exactly what it was and decided to stop their love session. She grabbed a mop bucket and dumped the water on the two.

"Both of you come to the classroom now!"

The two just ignored her and continued their love making session. Yukirin had no choice but to use a little bait. Yukirin undid her shirt a little so her bra was showing.

"Oh Haruna, Yuko!"

The two looked over and saw Yukirin in a sexy pose with her chest out and her butt back. The two stopped what they were doing and started chasing after her. Yukirin ran back into the classroom and trapped the two loved crazed animals. Sayaka would handle them from there. She was on her way to the library when she heard moaning coming from the inside of the closet. She opened it and found Acchan kissing Takamina.

"Hey could you shut the door?" Takamina said.

"No way. You two need to come down to the classroom and help Sayaka."

"But we're busy." Acchan said.

"Get down there now. What are you doing anyway Acchan you're not an animal."

"No but this is the perfect opportunity to get up close and personal with Takamina."

Acchan leaned in for another kiss and Takamina started reaching for Acchan's boobs.

"Get out now!"

Yukirin grabbed Acchan and threw her out followed by Takamina. The two got the message and walked back to the classroom.

"Ok now it's time for the last one."

Yukirin ran down to the library and searched everywhere for Jurina and Rena. Then behind the last book shelf, she found them. Rena was pinned up against the wall by Jurina who was kissing her and caressing her chest. Her shirt had been undone in the front and now there was nothing but a black lace bra covering her.

"Jurina you should stop. This isn't right."

"Just shut up and kiss me."

Jurina sealed Rean's lips and continued to caress her. Then Yukirin saw Jurina's tail making it's way up Rena's skirt. Yukirin decided it was time to stop them and stepped in. However when she did, Jurina growled and knocked Yukirin back. Once again Yukirin had to use her body to get her attention. Yukirin flashed her panties at Jurina and that seemed to do the trick. Right when Jurina turned around, Rena knocked her out.


"No problem. Get her back to the classroom."

Yukirin helped Rena carry Jurina back into the classroom where the others were. When she walked in things were total chaos. Sae was back on top of Sayaka and was trying to rip her skirt off, Yuko and Haruna were in the corner making out with each where both of them were half naked and Acchan and Takamina were back to doing what they were doing in the closet.


Yukirin turned around and saw Jurina woke up and was now pulling Rena's panties down. Thank god her skirt was still on.

"Mayuyu what do I do!"

"I don't know but do something."

Yukirin tried to get Jurina away from Rena but ended up gettin knocked back right on top of Haruna. The two took this as an opportunity to and started to undress Yukirin. Then to make things worse Sae joined in by holding her legs down.

"All of you snap out of it!"

Yukirin's cries were nothing. They were too engulfed by their instincts to even listen. Yukirin thought she was done for when suddenly the door opened and Mariko came in.

"All of you wake up!"

Mariko walked over and dumped water on Jurina. Jurina snapped out and realized what she was doing. She got off Rena and ran to a corner to repent. Mariko then dumped the water on Haruna, Yuko and Sae. They all woke up and Haruna realizing she was half naked covered herself and ran away. Yuko didn't care and was more enchanted by Haruna. Sae just shook it off and ran over to Sayaka who whacked her in the head. Mariko dumped the water on Acchan and Takamina and Acchan complained saying she wasn't like the other and got wet for nothing.

"What is that stuff?" Yukirin asked as she fixed her shirt.

"Lolo juice. It kills the effects on any animal instincts." Mariko said.

"Well it worked great."

"I know. It's a good thing I showed up."

"I know right. I thought I would've died."

"Well gladly you didn't now let's dry everyone off and get back to the lesson."

For the rest of the day, everyone was calm. When Yukirin got home, she was tired after a long day. She walked over and lyed on the bed ready for a good night's sleep. But then something popped into Yukirin's mind. Mayuyu is also part bunny technically since she was in a bunny's body. But yet all day she showed no signs of being affected. Maybe it's because she's a ghost and not and an actual animal.

"Good night Mayuyu."

"Good night."

Yukirin turned off the lights and got in the bed. She was about to fall asleep when she felt something crawl under the covers. She opened her eyes and saw Mayuyu in a human body again and her face was right in front of hers.

"Mayuyu what are you-"

Yukirin was cut off by a kiss from Mayuyu. In the middle of the long passionate kiss, she felt Mayuyu's tounge invade her mouth. They danced in Yukirin's mouth and she tried to push Mayuyu off but had no luck.

"Mayuyu get off me!"

"Yukirin I'm getting this weird feelings in my legs and I don't know what it is. Help me!"

Mayuyu dove in for another kiss and this time she started to pull up Yukirin's pajama shirt.

"Mayuyu don't! This isn't you!"

"I can't help it!"

Mayuyu's hand slid under Yukirin's shirt and Yukirin practically screamed when she felt something grab her right mound.

"Mayuyu stop this!"

"I don't want to!"

Yukirin could feel Mayuyu's other hand starting to reach down towards her pajama bottoms. Yukirin had to stop Mayuyu. She thought hard and then finally got an idea.

"Mayuyu stop it. You're making out with your own body."

Hearing this made Mayuyu freeze. Then she came to a realization and quickly got off Yukirin. Mayuyu's face was bright red and her face looked like she just walked in on two people having a rated R moment.

"Ahhhh you're right!"

Mayuyu ran out the room sounding like she was going to hit herself with a frying pan. Yukirin lyed back down on the bed and sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness that's over with. For a second I thought she was going to go all the way with me."

Well there's chapter 13. I hope all you pervs out there enjoyed it! Please tell me what you think! Now if you excuse me, the author is going to die in a corner now:


God I'm going to get in so much trouble for writing this!  :err: :depressed: :fainted: :frustrated:

I am sorry to those who have died of a nosebleed.  :kneelbow:
« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 07:04:28 AM by miyumi »

Offline yuukimoko

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 13
« Reply #61 on: July 27, 2012, 10:29:54 AM »
you really tryed to kill me there.........Its good that I'm alredy quite a perv ~ so I didnt get any nosebleed but  I almost become like them......... 'crazed animal'.......... :D

that was sooooooo good! so happy Mayu can become a girl~ but hows body is she using..?

for a second there I was expecting Yuki to make out with a bunny..... XD

"Oh child lost in the darkness,

Won't you come and hear my song?

With your hands tainted with the blood of the innocent,

And your eyes black as night,

It will no take that long.

Let me lay your spirit to rest,

And finish this sad song."

dont know...... 'chird of darkness' or 'Spirit',.......both sounds kinda lame.......sorry....
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

Offline miyumi

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 14
« Reply #62 on: July 27, 2012, 05:48:15 PM »
@yuukimoko: thank you for commenting. Your titles weren't bad ideas. After writing that chapter I felt like locking myself in a closet and never coming out. I usually never write pervy stuff like that so when I did I was in so much shock that I just wanted to die!

Well here's chapter 14. I hope you all enjoy! Oh by the way, the poll results are going to be used on chapter 20 so hurry up and vote soon!
Chapter 14

"Hey Yukirin can I ask you something?"

"What is it Acchan?"

"Well you see, an inspector is coming by today and I need help."

"A what?"

"All the guardian angels have a head angel that comes down to inspect everything and make sure we're doing our job properly." Acchan said.

"So what do you want me to do?" Yukirin asked.

"Keep Mariko out of the room while the inspection is taking place."


"Because if she sees a shinigami she'll freak! Just keep her out of the classroom for like a half hour."

"Alright. When is the insepctor coming?"

"Around lunch time so when the bell rings take Mariko outside or something."

"What about Takamina?"

"She won't even know an inspection is going on."

"Alright then I'll do my best."

"I'm counting on you."

When the bell rang, Yukirin walked over to Mariko's desk.

"Hey Mariko."

"Hello Yukirin. What do you need?"

"Can you come with me for a moment. There's something I want to ask you."

"Sure where are we going?"

"Come with me outside."

Yukirin grabbed Mariko's hand and dragged her out of the classroom. On their way out, they passed by a woman in all white. Mariko didn't even notice the woman but Yukirin saw her walk into the classroom. It must have been the inspector.

"So what is it you wanted to ask me?" Mariko asked.

"Well a couple days ago, Mayuyu somehow managed to transform herself into a human body." Yukirin said.

"Really? Show me."

"I can't."


"Because when she transforms she ends up naked."

"Oh. Well when did this happen?"

"When I kissed her one time."

Mariko's eyebrows rose. She looked over at Mayuyu who was hiding in her basket.

"Well in her human form, did she have bunny ears and a tail?"


"Ok I know what this is."

"What is it?"

"Sometimes, spirits can transform the body they're using. But it takes a lot of power and usually the only cause is an extreme want for something. I'm guessing when you kissed Mayuyu she got an extreme wanting feeling to kiss you back so she changed her body. Does she look like the body you're in now?"

"Yeah! Which is why it was really weird when she kissed me. It was like I was kissing a mirror."

"Well that's what happens. Mayuyu could probably use that body more often if she learned how to control switch between human and bunny."


Mayuyu's ears perked up when she heard what Mariko had said.

"Yeah the only problem is if you do that and you look like Yukirin then people are going think something is up."

"We can say she's my long lost twin." Yukirin said.
"That might work." Mariko said.

"You hear that Mayuyu? You could have another body!"

"Yes! Finally!"

"Yeah that's good. I should probably get back to the classroom. The bell is going to ring soon."


"Now what?" Mariko said looking irritated.

"Can you teach Mayuyu how to transform right now?" Yukirin said trying to stall.

"No way. We don't have the time. I have to get back to the classroom."

"But Mariko I think Mayuyu would really like to learn how."

"I said no Yukirin no let go."

"But wait!"


"What do you want for dinner tonight?"

"Shrimp Tempura."

"Is that all?"

"With a side of Takoyaki."


"Some tea."

"Anything for desert?"

"Strawberry short cake."

"Is that it?"

"Oh and some pudding."

"Ok I'll make sure to get that at the store but you're going to have to drive. How about we go now?"

"No Yukirin the bell is gonig to ring soon and I have to get back to the classroom."

"But they're having a huge sale at the market so we have to get down there right now!" Yukirin said as she grabbed Mariko's arm.

"We can do that after school but for now let go!" Mariko said as she tried to pry Yukirin off her arm.


"No means no Yukirin!"

Mariko started to walk towards the school building and Yukirin knew it haden't been an hour yet. She had to stop her but how?

"Yukirin look."

Yukirin looked down and saw Mayuyu pushing a rock towards her.

"Her car is over there. Throw the rock at it and smash the windshield."

"Are you nuts?"

"Just do it."

Having no choice, Yukirin grabbed the rock and chucked it at Mariko's car. The window broke and the car alarm went off. Mariko ran over and saw her car.

"Who did that!" Mariko screamed.

"I don't know I was just standing here." Yukirin said trying to sound innocent.

"Well I'm going to kill whoever did this. This is going to cost me a fortune to repair! Or maybe not."

"What do you mean?"


Mariko walked over and waved her hand across the hole. Then suddenly all the broken shards reformed and the cracks sealed themselves. The car looked brand new by the time it was done repairing itself.

"How did you do that?"

"It's one of the pros of being a shinigami."

Mariko turned around and started to walk back into the building. Yukirin ran after trying to stop her. At one point Yukirin tackled Mariko to the ground and sat on top of her.

"Yukirin get off me!"

"No I can't let you go back to class."

"Why? Is there something you're hiding from me?"

"No just wait a little longer."

Yukirin looked down the hall and saw the woman in white just leave the classroom. When she turned around the corner, Yukirin let up and Mariko threw Yukirin off. Then she walked into the classroom and found everyone still acting the same. Acchan walked over to Yukirin and whispered something to her.

"Thanks for keeping her out. I passed the inspection with flying colors."

"No problem. But you owe me."

"What do you want?"

"Jelly beans!" Mayuyu said.

"Yes Jelly beans and ice cream." Yukirin said.

"Alright I'll remember that."

Acchan and Yukirin went back to their seats and prepared for the next lesson. But then suddenly the door opened and the woman in white came in.

"Acchan I forgot to give you this." she said.

When Mariko saw her, she froze like she just saw Medusa and was being turned to stone. When the woman in white saw Mariko she almost fell over.



"Do you two know each other?"

"It's been a whie Shinoda Mariko the shinigami."

"As to you Ohori Megumi the golden guardian angel."

Well there's chapter 14! What will happen to Acchan now that Meetan has seen Mariko? Will things turn out well? Let's see what happens to them in the next chapter!  

Offline yuukimoko

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 14
« Reply #63 on: July 27, 2012, 06:21:03 PM »
so Mayu can have a body mirror~ Yuki needs to kiss Mayu more more more~!~!!!!!!

so they meet!? what will happen now?! damn Mariko is cool~
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 14
« Reply #64 on: July 27, 2012, 07:54:47 PM »
Woooaaa  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: I missed a lot of chapters  :cry:
But I read it all~  :D
Mariko in chapter 11 is so cool  :onionwhip:
Mayuyu in chapter 12 is kawaii~   :mon inluv: I want her taking care of me too~  :mon cold:
and why is the mirror reflects Yukirin's soul instead of Mayuyu's body??  :mon huh2:
Lolo juice in chapter 13 is dangerous  :mon chilly: laugh at Atsumina~ they even do that without the effect from the juice  :mon roll:
Mayu was making out with her own body  :mon lmao: great idea to stop her, Yukirin  :mon thumb: Mayuyu was close to do naughty things with her body.
Megumi appeared in chapter 14?! that was unexpected~ wonder what relationship she has with Mariko  :mon dunno:

Offline miyumi

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 15
« Reply #65 on: July 27, 2012, 10:12:22 PM »
Here's chapter 15! What's going to happen to Mariko? Why does she know Meetan? What will happen between the two? Well keep reading to find out! Enjoy!

Chapter 15

"So we meet again Mariko."

"It seems we have."

"How long has it been? two thousand years?" Meetan said.

"I think it's been four thousand." Mariko said.

"And after all this time you still haven't changed. Same old Mariko."

"As to you. Same old Meetan."

"Uh do you two know each other?" Acchan asked.

"Yes. Actually we do."


"Well believe it or not Mariko used to be an angel."


Everyone in the class was shocked by Meetan's statement.

"Mariko.. you used to be an angel?" Yukirin said.

"Yes yes a LONG time ago. Way before you were born." Mariko said.

"She used to be a golden angel like me. Mariko and I worked together for thousands of years. I still remember the days back at the academy."

"Hey don't go telling them those stories. Those are meant to be between us remember?"

"Yes I do."

"So why did Mariko become a shinigami?" Mayuyu asked.

"She commited the ultimate sin and sacrificed her wings to save the life of a human. I don't know why because you barely even knew her." Meetan said.

"I loved her!" Mariko shouted.

"She was a human Mariko. A HUMAN! Your job was to watch over and when she died you were to take her spirit to heaven. But instead, you gave your wings to save her pathetic life!"

"Don't you dare call her pathetic. I loved her and what happened to her wasn't fair."

"It is what fate planned and you stepped in to prevent it. And because of what you did, you were sent to the underworld and became a shinigami. Did you know she was going to die anyway?"

"Yes but at that time her life seemed so short. I wasn't going to let that happen to her. I wanted her to live a full and happy life."

"Really? Mariko she died right after you were sent to the underworld."


"Yes. The boss didn't want her to live so he ended it."

"No way. You lie!"

"I do not lie Mariko. I only speak the truth."

"Shut up you liar!"

Mariko pulled out her sythe and swung at Meetan. But Meetan blocked it and stepped back.

"Acchan I'm sorry but I cannot leave you here with monster. You've failed inspection and as punishment, you must come back with me to the heavens and be reassigned a new human to look over."

"NO don't take Acchan away from me!"

"Takamina ran over to Meetan and got down on her knees.

"Please Acchan is the best thing that ever happened to me. Please don't take her away from me!"

"Quiet you!"

Meetan shot a beam of light at Takamina and she passed out in Acchan's arms.

"Meetan please don't do this!" Acchan begged.

"I'm sorry Acchan but this is final. Now come with me. Otherwise I will use force."


Acchan stood up and walked over to Meetan.

"Just hold on a second Baba!"

"What'd you call me?"

"You heard me BABA!" Mariko said.

"Watch it or I'll really start to get mad." Meetan said.

"Bring it. Acchan is my student and I'm not letting you take her away from me."

"Is that a challenge?"

"It is if you want it to be."

"Very well. Shall we settle things like we did in the old days?"

"Battle to the death?"

"You read my mind."

"Then let's get started."

As the two deadly women prepared for battle, Yukirin remembered something. If they go all out with their spirtual powers and stuff, they're gonna blow up the whole school. Yukirin had to do something otherwise everyone could be blown to bits.

"Hey wait a minute." Yukirin said stepping between the two.

"Remember we are in the human world. If you do anything to dangerous you could really mess things up. How about we settle things the way humans do."

"Go on." Meetan said.

"Well how about we do a series of competitioins and whoever has the most wins will the winner."

"Sounds good!" Mariko said.

"Ok and neither one of you will be competeing."


"In order to make things fair, you will get to pick three students to compete. Oh and no using your powers. If you do then that person will lose."

"Ok sounds fair."

"Alright then let's to Jan Ken Pon to decide who gets to pick first."

Mariko and Meetan placed their hands out and Yukirin put hers on top of them.

"Ready go!"

Jan Ken Pon!

"Ha I win!" Mariko said as she rose her sissors in the air.

"Dang it!"

"Alright Mariko you pick first."



"Ok now Meetan's turn."

"I'll take Sae then."

"No I want to be with Sayaka!" Sae pouted.

"Just get over there."

"Ok next I chose Jurina." Mariko said.

"No I'm not going without Rena."

"Jurina just go. I'll be fine."

"Then I'll take Rena." Meetan said.

"Ok then lastly I'll take Yuko."

"No Nyannyan don't leave me!"

"Get her away from me!"

"Ok now that everyone has decided on teams, let's all head outside!"

Yukirin took everyone out the back of the school.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Mayuyu said.

"It will just trust me." Yukirin said.

"Alright the first event is a test of brains. Pick your smartest person to represent your team."

"Rena get over there." Meetan said.

"Yuko I think you should go." Mariko said.

"Alright then let's begin. First one to get ot three points wins. First question, who here is the dumbest person?"

"I got it!" Yuko said.





"Ok next question. Between Sayaka and Sae, who is actually older?"


"Yes Rena?"



"Ok how do you spell Thursday in english?"

Both of them took their time.

"I know!"

"Yes Rena?"


"Correct! One more point and Meetan's team wins. Ok last question. Who is older Meetan or Mariko."


"That's correct Rena which means Meetan's team is the winner of the first round!"

"Alright Rena!"

"Ok then off to the next event. The next event is a test of strength. Please pick your player."

"Sayaka you go." Mariko said.

"Haruna it's your turn." Meetan said.

"Ok now the two of you are going to hold these buckets. Every five seconds I'm going to drop a rock in them. Whoever drops the buckets loses. Now then let's begin!" 

Yukirin dropped the first rock in and as soon as she did, Haruna dropped the buckets.

"Sayaka is the winner so Mariko's team wins!"


"What the heck Haruna!"

"Alright with the score tied it's time for the last event. The last event is a test of speed. Pick your player!"

"I pick Sae." Meetan said.

"Jurina you're up!" Mariko said.

"The two of you have to race around the track field three times. Oh and you can't use your animal forms."

"Let's go!" Sae said.

"Alright then ready, set, go!"

Sae and Jurina took off with full speed. But then Jurina took the lead and started getting way ahead of Sae. But Sae wasn't going to give up. Sae caught up to Jurina and got ahead of her. By the second lap, they were tied. They were almost to the finish line and they were still tied. But then Jurina kicked into full speed and ended up crossing the finish line.

"Jurina crossed first which means Mariko's team wins!"

"Hooray!" Acchan cheered.

"But wait!"

"What now?" Mariko said.

"We're going to have one last match between Mariko and Meetan. The goal is to pop the beach ball on top of each other head. First one to pop the beach ball wins." Yukirin said.

"Alright then let's go."

Mariko and Meetan put the beach balls and then readied themselves and for battle.

"Let's go!"

Meetan and Mariko charged at each other and started swinging. Meetan almost had Mariko but Mariko dodged it. Thank god Yukirin said they couldn't use their powers. Otherwise they would've been trying to blast each other's heads off. It looked like Meetan was going to win when she managed to pin Mariko down and the ground. But then Mariko turned the tables and and got on top to Meetan. She finished it by headbutting Meetan and popping her beach ball.

"Winner is Mariko!"

"No way!"

"Ha! In your face."

"Since you lost, Acchan gets to stay." Yukirin said.

"Yes yes I know. I'll be back for you next time."

Meetan unfolded a large pair of golden wings and flew off into the sky.


Everyone looked over and saw Takamina coming out.


Acchan ran over to her and jumped on top of her.

"Takamina I get to stay I get to stay!" Acchan said.

"That's great!" Takamina said.

"I don't have to leave you."

"I'm so glad. I'm really glad."

"Takamina I love you so much."

"I love you too Acchan."

The two embraced in a hug. Yukirin felt really good about making Acchan stay. While everyone was busy talking, no one noticed the dark figure sneaking up behind Haruna. It grabbed her and pulled her deep into the gound.


Well here's chapter 15! I hope you all enjoyed it! Takamina got her Acchan back thanks to Mariko. But now what is going to happen to Haruna? What dark force took her away! Find out next chapter. Please tell me what you think!

Offline yuukimoko

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 15
« Reply #66 on: July 27, 2012, 10:29:41 PM »
interesting chapter!

nooooooo~ dont take Nyannyan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!nonononononono!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 15
« Reply #67 on: July 28, 2012, 12:12:43 AM »
nyannyan got kidnaped...

does it means more screentime for yuko?

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 15
« Reply #68 on: July 28, 2012, 03:06:18 AM »
This so funny and crazy I like it!!!
Nyannyan no!!!!

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 16
« Reply #69 on: July 28, 2012, 06:12:41 AM »
Chapter 16 is going to involve a lot Yuko and Nyannyan moments. Once again I am trying to share the spot light with everyone else to give them a fair share you know? Ahh I wonder how they do it in real life. Anyways, here's chapter 16 please enjoy!

Chapter 16

"Where'd Nyannyan go!" Yuko said.

"I don't know but something took her!" Yukirin said.

"How will we find her?"

"I got an idea. Yuko do you have anything Haruna holds onto?" Sayaka asked.

"Yeah here I stole these panties from her today."

"Eww gross I'm not sniffing that!" Sae protested.

"Just do it! Otherwise we'll lose Haruna."

"Why is Sae sniffing Haruna's panties?" Rena asked.

"Sae can track the sent down and we can look for Haruna."

"Ok good idea."

"I got the scent let's move out!"

Everyone headed down to Shibuya. The street was flooded with people coming and going.

"There's too many people. I can't pin point an exact location but she's somewhere here." Sae said.

"Alright let's split up. Rena go with Jurina, Sae you come with me, Acchan go with Takamina, Yuko go with Yukirin. Everyone split up and look for her."

"On it!"

Everyone took off and Yukirin was having a hard time keeping up with Yuko. The girl ran surpisingly fast for someone her size.

"Yuko slow down! I can't keep up!"

"Can't slow down. Must find Nyannyan!"

Yuko took a right turn down an alley way and Yukirin had to rush to get to her. When she got into the alley, she saw Yuko had stopped.

"Did you find something?"

"Yeah. This bracelet belongs to Nyannyan. I can tell because I was the one who gave it to her. But there's usually another one that goes with it. She's close! I can just feel it."

Yuko looked around and then she saw it.


Yuko ran over and picked up the other bracelet. It was right outside the entrance to some club.

"Is this where she was taken?" Yukirin said looking at the club.

"She's gotta be in there. Let's move!"

"Wait a minuted Yuko!"

Yukirin grabbed Yuko and pulled her behind a trash bin. Right as she did, two men came out in blue suits. They looked dangerous and were armed.

"We can't just go in there at full force. We'll be killed. We need to think of another plan!"

"I got one!"


"You distract the guards while I sneak in and grab Nyannyan."



Yuko shoved Yukirin out into the open where the guards saw her. They started to get near her and it was during that time Yukirin saw Yuko sneak in as one of the guards. While Yuko was sneaking her way in, Yukirin was about to be grabbed by two large dudes. But then Mayuyu jumped out and had transformed into her human body.

"Leave Yukirin alone!" she shouted as she kicked one in the face and the other in the gut.

The two men went down and Mayuyu transformed back into a bunny.

"Thanks Mayuyu."

"No problem now get moving!"

Yukirin ran into the entrance and couldn't see a thing. She walked further and found herself in a huge room full of people dancing. Music was blasting at a mega hertz level and there were so many laser and strobe lights that Yukirin thought she was going to have a seizure. But the biggest thing that Yukirin noticed was the girls locked in cages doing poll dances.

"What is this place?" Yukirin said.

"Proabably a strip club."  Mayuyu said.

"I have to find Yuko!"

Yukirin looked around but there were so many people that she couldn't tell. But then suddenly she felt someone grab her arm and pull her under a table. She was about to scream when a hand covered her mouth.



"Sorry. Any luck finding Haruna?"

"No. I can't find her anywhere."

"Where could she be?"

Just then an announcer came on the speakers.

"Ladies and gentleman it's almost time for the main event! Please gather around the main pole and prepare to be amazed!"

Yukirin and Yuko popped their heads out from under the table and saw something hidden under a large curtain.

"I present to you our newest addition. Meet the sexy Nyannyan!"

The curtain lifted and Yukirin almost had a heart attack.

There sitting in a cage hand cuffed wearing nothing but a bra and underwear was Haruna.


"We caught this little kitty while she was playing with her friends. The bidding starts at fifty thousand. Do I have fifty?"


"I have fifty do I hear a hundred?"

"One hundred!"

"I hear a hundred do I hear one fifty?"

"One fifity!"

"Yukirin they're auctioning my Nyannyan!" Yuko said in a panciked state.

"What are we going to do?" Yukirin said.

"I don't know but we have to think of something. Wait I have an idea!"


"Pretend to be my guest while I transform into a rich looking investor and bid on Haruna."

"Are you crazy!"

"I'm crazy for Haruna. Now let's go!"

Yuko transformed into a sharp dressed man with a suit and tie. She came out and grabbed a number. Then Yukirin came out and stood next to her.

"I hear two hundred do I hear two fifty?"

"Two fifty!" Yuko said.

"Alright I hear two fifty do I hear three hundred?"

"Three hundred!"

"Four hundred!" Yuko shouted.

"Five hundred!" another man said.

"Six hundred!"

"Yuko calm down people are starting to look at us!"

"Seven hundred!

"Eight hundred!"

"One million!"

Everyone gasped and looked over at Yuko and Yukirin.

"I hear one million does anyone want to bid higher? Going once, twice, sold to the man in white! Come on up here!"

Yuko walked up to the stage and dragged Yukirin with her.

"Congratulations sir. All I ask is how will you be paying?"

"I won't be paying because I'm taking her back for free!"

Yuko kicked the man off the stage and then pulled out a gun and shot the curtain down.



"Haruna are you ok?"

"Get me out of here!"

"Back up Nyannyan!"

Yuko shot the locks and opend the door. Haruna jumped out and hugged Yuko.

"Yuko I was so scared!"

"There there Nyannyan everything is ok."

"I thought I was never going to see you again."

"It's ok because I'm here now and I'll protect you."

"Uh guys we got company."

Yukirin pointed at the number of guards running over to them.

"I got these guys."

Yuko stood up and started running towards the men. Then right when she was about to hit them, Yuko transformed into an elephant and crushed all the guys under her. But then when they pulled out guns, Yuko transformed into a mini godzilla and started throwing guys to the side as their bullet did nothing. Then suddenly Yukirin felt someone grab her arm.

"Hands off!"

Haruna's finger nails turned into sharp claws and she slashed the guy's arm.

"Get away from my Nyannyan!"

Yuko changed into a cheetah and ran over to where Haruna was. She pounced on the man and literally ripped his throat out.

"We need to get out of here!" Yukirin shouted.

"But how all the exits are sealed!"

"I got an idea!"

Yuko transformed her arm into an RPG and shot it at the ceiling. It made huge hole letting the light come in.

"Hang on tight!"

Yuko transformed into a giant bird and grabbed Haruna and Yukirin. Then she took off up and out the hole. They flew all the way to the roof of a building. When they landed, Haruna went back to hugging Yuko.

"You're my hero!" Haruna said.

"I would do anything for my Nyannyan." Yuko said.

"You're not hurt anywhere are you?"

"No Nyannyan I'm fine. Then again I think I busted the inside of my lip. Can you fix it?"


Nyannyan stuck her tounge into Yuko's mouth and the two started kissing passionately. When the others showed up, they realized they were interrupting a private moment and grabbed Yukirin.

"How did you guys find us?" Mayuyu said.

"We saw the giant bird and guessed it was Yuko." Sayaka said.

"Ok. Hey where's Rena and Jurina?"

"We don't know so we need your help looking for them."

"Where do you think they went?"

"You guys bad news!"

Sayaka looked over and saw Acchan and Takamina running towards them.

"What is it!"

"There's something wrong with Rena. We need to get down to the park!" Acchan said.

"The park?"

"Yes now hurry! I don't think Jurina can last much longer!"

Yukirin ran down to the park where Jurina and Rena were. There she saw Mariko and Jurina fighting Rena. There was something different about Rena. Part of her clothes were torn and there were strange marks on her body that could be seen. Rena threw Mariko off her but Jurina was still holding on.

"What's wrong with Rena?" Sayaka said.

"Well apparently the girl's got some demonic energy sealed inside her and right now the seal is about to break!" Mariko said.


"Yes! The seal is going to break and unless we don't so something the girl is going to lose it."

"What can we do to help?"

"Help Jurina while I prepare a new seal!"

"Alright Sae come with me!"

Sayaka and Sae jumped into the fight along with Acchan and Takamina. But they were all thrown back like they were nothing.

"Rena control yourself!" Jurina shouted.

"Get away from me Jurina! You're going to get hurt. I can't hold it back much longer." Rena shouted back.

"Fight it Rena."

"I can't!"

"Yes you can!"

Jurina ran up and hugged Rena from behind.

"Belive me Rena you can! Just believe in yourself and you can do it!"

"Jurina get away! I'm going to lose it!"

"No I'm never going to leave your side do you hear me! Never!"


"Got it!"

Mariko ran straight at Jurina and punched her right in the chest.

"Level five demon seal activate!"

Mariko's fist glowed and soon after all the marks on Rena's body disappeared. Then soon after Rena passed out in Jurina's arms.

"What was that all about?" Yukirin asked.

"When Rena was litte, some evil spirits were sealed inside her to prevent them from reeking havoc on the people. Every once in a while the seal weakens like it did today and has to be resealed. Thank goodness Mariko was here." Jurina said.

"That seal I put on her should keep them quiet for another five years or so."

"Thank you so much. You hear that Rena? Another five years."

Suddenly out of nowhere Yuko and Haruna showed up.

"Hey did we miss anything?" Yuko said.

"Yeah. We could've used your help you know." Sayaka said.

"Sorry. Nyannyan and I had to do a little catching up to do."

"Yuko is that a hickey on your neck?" Yukirin said.


"Don't tell me you guys..."

"Yep. Nyannyan and I went ALL the way!"

"Eww don't tell us that!"

"Yuko why did you tell them!" Haruna said while blushing.

"What you shouldn't be embarrassed to admitting our love. I am your lover after all."

"Keep it up and you'll be my exlover."

"I'm sorry Nyannyan please forgive me!"

"Alright. Fine just this once."

Haruna leaned in and kissed Yuko on the cheek.

"Only because you're the best lover ever."

"Aww Nyannyan!"

"Get a room you two!"

"Hey don't tell me what to do gorilla!"

"Yuko watch your tounge. Otherwise I'll be forced to bite it."


"What's wrong Yuko? Cat got your tounge?"

Well there's chapter 16. I made half of it focus on Rena because I remembered that yesterday was Rena's birthday and I forgot to make a shout out. So HAPPY BIRHTDAY RENA! You stay close to Jurina and don't lose her! Please tell me what you think and look forward to the next chapter.


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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 16
« Reply #70 on: July 28, 2012, 07:29:15 AM »
thankyou  :D i love your fics  :hee: im always looking forward to the next chapter  :cow:  :twothumbs

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 17
« Reply #71 on: July 28, 2012, 02:39:56 PM »
Today's chapter is going to be about Yukirin and Mayuyu get into a fight. They temporarly break up but don't worry it won't end there! It'll lead up to something big so don't worry it'll be awesome and sweet. Well at least I think it will be but I don't know what you guys will think. Guess we'll find out soon enough! Enjoy!

Chapter 17

It's about two in the morning and Yukirin is having that dream again. There's a girl in a hospital bed only this time she look as bad. There were still bandages but she didn't need the oxygen mask and wasn't as badly bruised. Yukirin walked over to the girl and tried to touch her but something was preventing her. She didn't know why but something kept her from touching the girl. But then a voice called Yukirin and she woke up.

"Hey Yukirin we better get going. It's almost time for school."

"Ah you're right. Thanks for waking me up."

Yukirin arrived at school right when everyone else started to show up. The lesson began and once again Yukirin focused and payed attention. But once it was over, Yukirin decided to head to the roof to relax. For some reason she just felt it was right. But when she got there there were already people up there. Yukirin really wanted to be alone so she left the roof and decided to go out to the back.

"Hey Yukirin are you alright? You seem kind of gloomy."

"Oh no I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm fine."

"You know Mayuyu actually, I kind of just want to be alone for a moment. Here you wait here."

Yukirin set the basket down and then ran outside. She found a nice spot under a tree to relax and lyed down there for a while. Yukirin didn't know why she wanted to be be alone. There was just something in her telling everyone just to go away and leave her be. She wanted to have some time to herself without people bothering her.

"What is this?"

Yukirin could feel a strange feeling in her chest. It was heavy and cold. One thing was for sure, Yukirin didn't like it.

"Hey what do you think you're doing?"

Yukirin looked up and she saw Mariko with a pissed off look on her face and she was holding Mayuyu.


"Why was Mayuyu alone out in the hall?" Mariko asked.

"I wanted to be alone." Yukirin said.

"You're supposed to be watching her. You know the janitor almost mistook her for a stuffed animal and was going to take her home to give her to his daughter."

"Oh sorry."

"You sound like you don't mean it." Mayuyu said.

"Look Mayuyu I just want to be alone for a while ok. Can you please just go away."

"Yukirin what's wrong with you. This isn't usually like you."

"Just go away. Please."

The feeling in Yukirin's chest started to grow and now Yukirin couldn't stand it anymore.

"Yukirin we're friends. You can tell me anything." Mayuyu said.

"I told you to leave me alone."

"Not until you tell me what's wrong."

"I said leave me ALONE!"

Yukirin got up and ran off. She didn't care where she went but as long as it was away from Mayuyu she didn't care. She ran and ran to the point where her legs wouldn't take her any further. She winded up in front of some old fortune telling shop. Having nothing better to do she deicded to go in it.


Standing in front of Yukirin was a small old woman.

"Have you come looking for guidence?" she asked.

"Yes I guess so."

"Very well. Come with me."

The old woman had Yukirin sit down on a chair next across from her.

"Now give me your hand."

Yukirin reached her hand out and the old woman took it.

"Ahh I see a lot of negative energy in you. A lot of negative. You got into a fight with a friend correct?"


"Ahh I knew it. Your negative energy is consuming you and is taking over. You're doing things that you usually would never do. I have just the thing."

The old woman got up and brought over some tea.

"Here drink this."

Yukirin took the cup and drank the cup. At that moment Yukirin could feel herself start to brighten up. The heavy feeling in her chest became lighter and lighter. Yukirin felt like she could fly at one point.



"Well then I would suggest you go back to your friend and apologize."

"I will thank you."

Yukirin got up and started running towards the door. But then she remembered she forgot to pay.

"Oh how much do I pay you?"

"It's nothing. I don't charge spirits."

"Oh thanks."

Yukirin wondered how she knew she was a spirit but now was not the time. She had to get back to Mayuyu and apalogize. When she showed up, she found Mariko on the ground badly hurt.

"What happened?" Yukirin asked.

"After you left, Mayuyu became consumed with dark spiritual energy. She's gone wild and is now on the lose." Mariko said.

"Where is she?"

"Inside the school. Hurry."

Yukirin ran inside the school building and found the hallway a mess. When she walked into the classroom, everyone was crowded in the corner. Standing in front of them was Mayuyu only it wasn't Mayuyu. It was a black rabbit with red eyes and sharp fangs. When it saw Mayuyu, it hopped right on top of her.

"Mayuyu it's me! Snap out of it."

Mayuyu didn't listen. Instead she grabbed Yukirin and threw her out the window. Yukirin hit the ground hard and got most of her breath knocked out of her. But she had no time to relax beecause Mayuyu had jumped out the window and was going to land right on her. Yukirin moved out of the way right before Mayuyu landed.

"Mayuyu wake up! This isn't like you!"

Mayuyu took her big paw and swung it at Yukirin. Yukirin dodged the first attack but she didn't see the second and ended up flying back. But she wasn't going to let that stop her and got right back up. However Mayuyu was right up with her and knocked her back another couple feet. This time Yukirin couldn't get back up because Mayuyu had gotten on top of her.

"Mayuyu stop this please. Look I'm sorry for the things I said to you! I wasn't thinking and I did it out of instinct. Please Mayuyu wake up!"

There was no use to talking to Mayuyu because she was long gone. Yukirin managed to to slip out from under Mayuyu but as she was running, Mayuyu grabbed Yukirin and threw her at a tree. She hit her back hard and then Mayuyu was right up in front of her strangling her neck.

"Mayuyu... please."


Sae tried to attack but it was useless and Mayuyu just threw her to the side. But then Rena threw something at Mayuyu and suddenly chains wrapped themselves around Mayuyu and held her back.

"The chains won't last long so do something!"

"Yukirin you need to go inside Mayuyu and pull her out of there!" Mariko shouted.


"Just touch her!"

Yukirin ran up to Mayuyu and pressed her forhead against Mayuyu's. Then suddenly she felt something pull her in and everything got dark. Yukirin looked around and found herself in what looked like a dark room. There was no light or anything. But then Yukirin saw a little white dot in the far corner of the room. As she got closer, she realized that dot was Mayuyu huddled up in a corner crying.


Mayuyu turned around and saw Yukirin. But she just ignored her and went back to crying.

"Mayuyu, I'm sorry for everything. Please forgive me." Yukirin said.

"No way!" Mayuyu said.

"Why not?"

"Because you told me to leave you alone so I am."

"All you're doing is locking yourself up in a dark room. You and I both know this isn't you."

"Just shut up and leave me alone!"

"Mayuyu I'm not leaving with out you."

"Just leave!"

Some invisible force started pushing Yukirin back trying to get away from Mayuyu. But Yukirin fought the force and reached out. She grabbed Mayuyu's shoulder and brought her in for a hug.

"Mayuyu I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything I've done and all the pain I've caused you. I regret what I've done to you and I'm really sorry. I promise I won't ever hurt you again. I'll always be by your side forever. So please Mayuyu, please forgive me."

Yukirin herself started crying and she felt a small pair of arms wrap around her.

"I forgive you Yukirin."

"Then let's head back. The others are waiting for us."

A door opened in the dark room revealing a bright light. Together, Mayuyu and Yukirin walked out hand and hand. When Yukirin opened her eyes, she found herself staring at the sky. She looked over and saw Mayuyu asleep next to her. Yukirin got up and lightly stoked her face.

"It's so good to have you back."

"So it looks like you guys have settled everything. Oh and look, Mayuyu even managed to produce a body."


"When you pulled Mayuyu out of the rabbit, she somehow managed to transform and make it her own human body." Mariko said.

"Which means Mayuyu has her own body?"

"Yes for now. I don't know how long it will last though."

"That's fantastic! Mayuyu you hear that? You finally got your own body."

Mayuyu woke up and when she saw Yukirin there was a bright smile across her face.

"Mayuyu look you have your own body."


Mayuyu looked at her new hands and feet. She was even going to lift her shirt but Mariko stopped her.

"Oh my gosh I have a body!"

"Yes isn't this great!"

"Heck yeah! And it's all thanks to you."

Mayuyu hugged Yukirin again.

"Alright you two save the hugs when you get home. Right now there are people watching." Mariko said.

"Oh don't mind us!" Sayaka said.

"Please continue!" Yuko said.

"All of you back to class now! And you two get moving."


Later on that night, Yukirin was getting ready for bed and walked over to Mayuyu who was already lying sprawled out all over.

"Jeez. What am I going to do with you?"

Yukirin fixed Mayuyu's sleeping position and then got in the bed with her. She looked over and Mayuyu and couldn't help but blush at the adorable face she was making. Yukirin leaned in one for one quick kiss but then Mayuyu pulled her in for a long one.


"What? I can't show my own love?"

"No it's just, I think I felt tounge."

"Yeah you were supposed to."


Mayuyu wrapped her arms around Yukirin and pulled her closer.

"Were you serious when you told me you forgave me?" Yukirin asked.

"Yes I was. I forgive you." Mayuyu said.


"Were you serious when you said you'd never leave my side and stay by it forever?"

"Yes I was."

"Good because I'm not leaving yours anytime soon."

"Promise me we won't fight like that ever again."

"I promise."

"Good then let's go to bed."

Mayuyu snuggled closer to Yukirin and fell asleep. Yukirin felt so happy that her and Mayuyu made up. She didn't know what she would do if she wasn't with her. But Yukirin didn't want to think about. All she wanted to do was rest and wake up the next morning a new person.

Well there's chapter 17! What'd you think? Sweet wasn't it? Alright everyone now listen the poll is at a tie right now I need someone to break it before chapter 20. Please tell me what you think and look forward to the next chapter!

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 17
« Reply #72 on: July 28, 2012, 04:38:40 PM »
Aww... sweet fluffy bunnies MaYuki!  :wub: :wub: I'm not making sense cos I've been overwhelmed by MaYuki fluff :lol:

It's awesome that Mayuyu has her own body for now but when I seriously think about it, there are two Mayuyus sleeping on the same bed and kissing each other :shocked So my mind will have to filter out one Mayuyu and replace it with Yukirin's body :rofl:

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 17
« Reply #73 on: July 28, 2012, 05:14:10 PM »
Mayuyu has her own body?? :mon huh2:
Mayuyu kissed Yukirin (her own body?!!)  :mon huh2:
 :mon dunno: well, I'll just imagine Mayu and Yukirin soul kissing~  :mon mischief:

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 17
« Reply #74 on: July 28, 2012, 07:35:15 PM »
Wait. Wait. Wait. :dizzy: so Mayu kissed her body? :dunno:

Yay Mayu have got her (new) body!! :hee:

And in the End they kissed youhou ! :cow::on BDay:
Mayukiiiiiiii !!!!!!!

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 17
« Reply #75 on: July 28, 2012, 11:47:21 PM »
Chapter 10 part 2
why her body is rejecting her spirit  :dunno:
Mayu I'm so happy you're alive  :fainted:
kawaii Mayu changed to a baby  :shy2:
Yuki was a good mother  :nya:

Chapter 11
wow Mariko was soo scaryy  :badluck:
but she saved them all  :bath:

Chapter 12
I love it Mayuki  :luvluv1:
Mayu satrted loving Yuki  :shy1:
that was so funny that Mayu do it all and she is a ghost  :on lol:
wow Mayu can see Yuki's body from the mirror  :on bleed:

Chapter 13
all are lovely  :on bleed:
Takamina and Acchan took the advantage  :kekeke:
I love Wmatsui moment  :luvluv2:
but  :OMG:
what Mayu wanted to do to her body  :stoned:
thanks to Yuki stopped her  :on freeza:

Chapter 14
wow Mayu can have a body same as her last one  :on woohoo:
but Yuki have to kiss her more and more  :whistle:
a Meetan apears  :cool1:

Chapter 15
what a funny chapter  :hiakhiakhiak:
I'm happy that it's Mariko who won  :on grad:

Chapter 16
first I know it's abite late but Happy birthday Rena-chan  :on BDay:
Mayu was cool when she defended Yuki  :cool1:
I was really worried about Haruna  :scared:
thank to Yuko who saved her  :nya:
wow Rena-chan she is saved but she will safer again after 5 years  :fainted:
Jurina stay with her never leave her side  :on gay:

Chapter 17
Mayuki had a fight  :fainted:
Mayu was really sad  :gyaaah:
Yuki if you make Mayu sad again you don't know what waiting for you  :shifty:
but now Mayu got a body  :bingo:
and they are more closer  :shy2:

I liked all the chapters  :onioncheer:
please cantinue I can't wait for the next  :farofflook:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 18
« Reply #76 on: July 29, 2012, 05:19:29 PM »
Minna! Thank you for commenting on my fic. Don't worry everyone, even though there are two Mayuyu's I will create a way for everyone to know who is who so there will be no filtering needed. Well maybe a little. I don't let's see and find out. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 18

"So now that there are two Mayuyus, how are we going to figure out who is who?" Sayaka said.

"Hmm well this Mayuyu looks more dangerous than this Mayuyu."

"Shut up you stupid dog."

"Yep that's definetly Mayuyu."

"But it's still too difficult to figure out who is who!" Haruna said.

"I have an idea!"

Mariko walked over to Mayuyu and took out her pigtails. Then she pulled out a pair of sissors and cut her hair short.

"Hey stop it!"

"Don't move or I'll cut you."

When Mariko was done, everyone was amazed by Mayuyu's new look.

"Mayuyu! You look like an anime character!" Rena said.

"Well done Mariko on the hair style." Yuko said.

"Thanks I saw it while watching some DANSO thing on TV." (Imagine Mayuyu having the hair she used when she dressed as a doctor on AKBINGO!)

"But now I look like a guy!" Mayuyu whined.

"But now we can tell you apart. Here go into the bathroom and put this on."

Mariko handed Mayuyu some guys clothes and Mayuyu had no choice but to go and change into them. When she came out, she was almost unrecognizable. With knee length shorts and a button up white shirt and glasses, Mayuyu looked just too handsome.

"Perfect! Now you two look like twin brother and sister!"

"Mou this isn't fair! Why do I have to be the guy?" Mayuyu said.

"Because Yukirin is using you real body while yours is only a temporary one." Mariko said.

"You actually don't look that bad you know." Yukirin said.


Yukirin couldn't help but blush a bright shade of red as Mayuyu just started at her. Yukirin had to admit that Mayuyu did look kind of hot. Definetly her type if she still dated.

"This means that Mayuyu can now interact with humans once more. But that doesn't mean she's off the hook. Yukirin you have to watch her still."

"No fair! I want to be the Mayuboy as well!" Acchan said.

"Hey I want a turn to!" Haruna said.

"I'm not going with any of you! The only one I'm staying with is Yukirin. Right?"

"Of course!"

"Look Yukirin is as bright as a tomato!"

"Shut up Sae!"

Everyone went back to class and Mariko had to introduce Mayuyu as Miyu who happens to dress like a guy a lot to all the humans. They seemed to take a liking to Mayu. Especially Miichan who wouldn't stop staring at her all day. When lunch came around, Mayuyu sat next to Yukirin. Several girls waved at her or said hi.

"Looks like someone has become very popular." Yukirin said.

"Hey I can't help it. Mariko is the one who did this so blame her." Mayuyu said.

"I see you around those girls. You just love pulling their heart strings don't you?"

"Hey it is pretty fun. Watch."

Mayuyu turned to a group of girls who were eyeing her from across the tables. All Mayuyu did was wink at them and they all had a fangirl moment and pretended to faint.

"You know they'll eventually start running after you. Then you'll never get rid of them." Yukirin said.

"As long as I don't make a huge move I should be fine." Mayuyu said.

"Yeah just wait untill after school. The girls will be chasing you everywhere."

"Seriously? Then you're going to have to protect me from them. I know how nasty girls can get when it comes to guys." 

"No way! If I step in they'll tear me to shreds."

"Come one please!"



Mayuyu gave Yukirin a puppy dog look that was just to cute to resist.

"Alright fine."

"Yay! Thank you so much!"

Mayuyu leaned in and kissed Yukirin on the cheek.



"Nothing. Just hurry up and eat your sandwich."

"Oh ok."

As Yukirin was finishing up her lunch, she could feel the nasty glares she was recieving from the girls behind her. When school was over, Yukirin was on her way to meet up with Mayuyu so they could walk home together. She found her talking to Sayaka and started walking towards her. But then someone pushed her right into the girls bathroom. She fell on the floor and was surrounded by girls.

"What's the meaning of this?"

"We don't like how you're so close with Miyu." a girl said.


"You're too close around him. You're not giving girls like us a shot at him. We want Miyu too."

"I'm sorry but-"

"Quit you!"

A girl kicked her in the stomach making Yukirin lose all the air she had.

"We're going to make sure you never go near Miyu again!" another girl said.

"Begin the punishment!"

First the girls took a bucket of dirty water and dumped it on her. Then they took turns kicking her her and punching her. The two of the girls held her down as another two took mops and started beating her with them. With every smack to the face, Yukirin could feel her body slowly fading. Yukirin thought she was done but then the bathroom door swung open and Mayuyu came running in.

"What the hell are you doing!"

"Miyu we were just-"

"Shut up!"

Mayuyu punched the girl in the face and then went over to Yukirin.

"Yukirin are you ok? Oh no you're bleeding. We need to take you to the nurses office."

"Why are you always with her Miyu? There's others who are way better than that loser."

"Shut it!"

Mayuyu punched that girl and then picked Yukirin up.

"Move before I beat all of you into a pulp."

All the girls ran and Mayuyu carried Yukirin out of the bathroom.


"Don't worry Yukirin I'll get you help. Just hang in there."

Yukirin clung to Mayuyu the entire way to the nurse's office even after she passed out. When she woke up, she found Mayuyu holding her hand and Mariko was talking to the nurse.

"Yukirin you're awake!"

"You can leave now. I'll handle things from here."

The nurse left and Mariko walked over.

"How are you feeling?" Mariko asked.

"My head hurts a little but otherwise I feel fine." Yukirin said.

"Thank goodness."

"I told you those girls would go after you. Well more like they came after me."

"I'm sorry Yukirin." Mayuyu said.

"It's alright. As long as you weren't hurt then I don't care what happens."

"I found those girls who did that to you. Let's just say they're going to be in a mental hospital for a while."

"Mariko what did you do to them?"

"Nothing of your concern."

Mariko had a wicked smile on her face so Yukirin decided not to ask.

"Well if you feel better, do you two want me to drive you home?" 

"No it's alright. We'll walk home together."

"Ok then I'll see you guys later."

"Ok bye."

After Mariko had left, Yukirin and Mayuyu decided to head out as well. Mayuyu held onto Yukirin's hand the entire time so she didn't lose her. Yukirin could hear people making comments on how they looked like a cute couple and how short Mayuyu was for a guy.

"Mayuyu I think you should let go now. People are staring." Yukirin said.

"So? Just ignore them."

"Well ok I guess."

When they got home, Mayuyu still wouldn't let go of Yukirin's hand.

"Mayuyu you can let go now. We're home so we should be safe."

"No way. I'm not going to let anyone harm my Yukirin. I'm going to follow you everywhere and make sure you're safe."

"So you'll follow me when I'm making dinner?"


"When I go to bed?"


"When I take a bath?"

"Heck yes."

"When I go to the bathroom."


"When I'm changing?"


"When I watch soap operas on the TV?"


"But I thought you said you'd follow me anywhere."

"Yeah but only if it's somewhere I like. But I hate soap operas."

"Ok well how about I go make dinner then."

"I'll help!"

"Really? So you'll cut the onions if I ask?"

"Nevermind I'll go watch TV."

"So much for following me everywhere."

Yukirin walked into the kitchen and started to cook when something randome came to her mind.

"Hey Mayuyu!" Yukirin shouted from the kitchen.


"Have you ever had a reoccurring dream?"

"Uh no. Why?"

"Because I have been recently."

"Really? What was it about?"

"I keep seeing this girl in a hospital. She all beaten up and bruised."

"Weird. Well you said you died when you got hit by a car right? Maybe that's you you're seeing."

"No way."

"Hey you never know!'

"Go back to watching your animes."

Yukirin thought that there was no way she could've lived that day. She got hit by a car so her body was probably badly damaged. Then again, she doesn't remember ever seeing it. Let alone did she even have a grave? This thought floated around Yukirin's mind for a while but she decided to worry about it later. Right now, she has a hungry ikemen in her home and it's her job to feed her.

Well there's chapter 18! I hope you all liked it. So now in order to tell who is who, just imagine Mayuyu in her DANSO outfit only it's not a doctor. That should help clarify things right? At least it did for me anyways. So please tell me what you think and look forward to the next chapter. Let's just say that Yukirin and and Rena go grave hunting while Jurina and Mayuyu have something else planned for their mistresses.

Offline yuukimoko

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 18
« Reply #77 on: July 29, 2012, 05:31:49 PM »
Mayuyu danso~ soooo cool!!!!

I like this chapter thiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss much!

I cant wait for the next one~
I love possesive Mayu!

So Yukirin sems to not have a grave.......and her body is in a hospital!

please update soon! and I mean very soon please!?!!
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 18
« Reply #78 on: July 29, 2012, 05:51:10 PM »
hmm... there's a possibility that Yuki's not really 'dead'... I wonder the body is in coma state but declared brain dead...
whatever, am getting confuse here. ><
and and Mayu in danso form it's  :mon thumb: :mon thumb: :mon thumb:

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 18
« Reply #79 on: July 29, 2012, 05:53:04 PM »
"I keep seeing this girl in a hospital. She all beaten up and bruised."

"Weird. Well you said you died when you got hit by a car right? Maybe that's you you're seeing."
Yukirin is alive  :farofflook:
I'm happy if it's true  :shy2:

Mayu is cool in danso  :hiakhiakhiak:
That girls how could they do this to Yuki   :angry1:
"When I go to bed?"


"When I take a bath?"

"Heck yes."

"When I go to the bathroom."


"When I'm changing?"

I think about it   :on bleed:

"When I watch soap operas on the TV?"


"But I thought you said you'd follow me anywhere."

"Yeah but only if it's somewhere I like. But I hate soap operas."

"Ok well how about I go make dinner then."

"I'll help!"

"Really? So you'll cut the onions if I ask?"

"Nevermind I'll go watch TV."

"So much for following me everywhere."
Mayu is so funny  :on lol:

I can't wait for Yuki and Mayu's first date  :luvluv2:
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 06:09:04 PM by mo-chan »

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