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Author Topic: Space Love/48 Days  (Read 85558 times)

Offline kurogumi

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 21
« Reply #120 on: August 21, 2012, 05:44:17 PM »
What was that? Hahaha a trial...Nice papa!


Offline Haruko

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 21
« Reply #121 on: August 22, 2012, 05:34:47 AM »
jejeje a trial sounds good for me :D

Offline Sasshii

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 21
« Reply #122 on: August 22, 2012, 07:59:50 AM »
A trial?! Oh God, poor Yuko, I thought saving their home planet from the creepy lizard people was enough of a trail haha. Ahh well, I'm excited to see what these trials are all about.

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 22
« Reply #123 on: August 22, 2012, 05:47:02 PM »
@Megumi: Yuko loves to destroy things. At least I think she does.  :P

@mo-chan: Uh mo-chan I don't know if you liked it or not because all you said was eh.  :(

@kurogumi: The whole monster battle thing was just something I kinda made up. Anyways yeah go papa!  :lol:

@Haruko: The father is testing Yuko. Let's see how she does.  :)

@Sasshii: Yes the trials. I too wonder what they'll be about considereing the fact I'm still trying to think of them.  :lol:

Well here are the Nekomimi Trials! I hope you all enjoy the chapter and look forward to see Yukok fight for Haruna's love!

Chapter 22

All the people had gathered into this huge staduim like area. In the middle was poor little Yuko waiting for the trials to begin. The king and queen took their places at the top of the stadium and silenced the people.

"Human! These are the Nekomimi trials. In order to prove yourself worthy you must pass them. Are you ready?"

"Bring it!"

"Very well. The first trial is Chacoo run!"

"A what?"

The gates opened and a weird looking chicken thing came out.

"You will have five minutes to capture the Chacoo and take the flag tied on it's waist. Begin!"

The timer started and Yuko started running. But as she got closer to the chacoo, it ran. The thing was really fast and ran right past Yuko. Yuko turned around and tried running after it again but it ran to the other side of the stadium. Yuko ran down to it but once again it ran to the other side. Yuko was going to lose her energy if she didn't think of something quick. That's when she got an idea.


Yuko had thrown a nearby rock at the chacoo and it missed but it let out a cry that was very similar to something she knew. It sounded exactly like a chicken and Yuko was good at chicken imitations. Yuko started to imitate the chacoo's cry and got it's attention. It started to get closer and closer to Yuko and then when it was close enough, Yuko jumped on it and caught it.

"Hold still!"

The two fought and then right when there was ten seconds left, Yuko got the flag.

"First trial passed!"

The crowd cheered and Yuko slowy got up getting ready for the next task.

"The next trial astroid riding!"


A bunch of astroids came out of nowhere and started floating. 

"On my signal, these astroids will start moving and you must stay on one for twenty seconds without falling off."

Yuko climbed onto one of the astroids and readied herself. The king gave the signal and the astroids started moving. Yuko's head whiped back from she sheer force of the movement. But the astroids would also collide with each other almost sending Yuko flying forward. It's as if she's in a really dangerous ride of bumper cars. Suddenly, Yuko's grip started to loosen and she lost her grip.


Yuko flew high into the air and then started to come back down. She had to do something otherwise she would lose and never see Haruna again. Yuko leaned her body a little to the left and landed just right on another astroid. She hung for dear life unitl the timer buzzed and the astroids stopped moving.

"Second trial passed!"

"Way to go Yuko!" Mayuyu shouted.

"The next trial is Slurpol eating!"


A guard wheeled out a cart full of these strange looking slime things that looked kind of like snails.

"There are exactly one hundred slurpols on that cart. You will have five minutes to eat them all. Begin!"

The timer started and Yuko grabbed the first one. She didn't know how to eat it so first she tried to chew it. That was a big mistake because she was about two seconds away from throwing up. Then Yuko remembered that sometimes you can swallow things whole if they're slimy enough. The second time Yuko swallowed it and it wasn't as bad. But the feeling of it travling down her body was just gross. However Yuko now knew how to eat them so she started to slurp down as many as she could.

"Two minutes!"

Yuko still had a lot to go so she kicked into overdrive. Yuko started swallowing three to four of a time getting slime everywhere. Then there were ten seconds left and Yuko had five left. With all her might she slurped them all down and even accidently swallowed the shell on one. But she had finished and now she felt like throwing her guts up.

"Third trial passed!"

"Hang in there Yuko!" Takamina said.

"Moving to the next trial, the next trial is lazer tag."

"Is that all? That sounds easy."

"Oh really?"

The king had one of the guard fire one of the lasers and Yuko saw how it blasted a whole in the wall. The laser tag Yuko was thinking of was the harmless kind back on earth. However this planet used real lazers.

"You will have five minutes to take out ten of my best shooters. If you get hit you lose."

"Do I at least get a lazer?"

"Of course. Here."

The king threw her a tiny little lazer gun. The ones the guards had were huge powerful ones. Yuko thought it was a little unfair.


Yuko started running for her life as the guards started shooting at her. Yuko took cover behind a rock and waiting for a chance. Then she sat up and fired three times taking out two guards. But there were still eight left. Yuko started running again for better cover but was almost shot from out of nowhere. Yuko looked over and saw they had their own little sniper.

"Are you kidding me!"

Yuko found cover and started shooting again. This time she took out three but there were still five others left one being the sniper. Yuko was about to aim for the sniper when there was a huge laser blast that took out half the rock Yuko was hiding behind. Yuko looked over and saw a big guy with a really large cannon thing.

"For the love of god!"

Yuko started running as the big guy fired another blast. Yuko ducked and thank god she is small because the blast flew right over her head. Then she turned around and shot two rounds. She took out the two guys next to the big guy but the big guy was still there and Yuko tired to fire again her gun wouldn't work.

"Work damnit!"

Yuko slammed it against a rock and the things started to light up and make loud noises. Then all of the sudden it started firing like a machine gun and Yuko almost lost control of it. But she held tight and shot a bunch of rounds at both the cannon guy and the sniper guy. She took them both out but there was still one more. Yuko looked everywhere but still couldn't find him.

"Yuko behind you!"

Yuko spun around and saw the guy aiming right at her. Yuko moved out of the way just in time. Then she fired one last round and took out the last guy.

"Fourth trial passed! Now it is time for the last trial!"

"And what would that be?"

"Seducing one of our people."


A random cat girl came out and sat one a chair.

"You will have five minutes to seduce this young one. There is a heart monitor on her chest and if it glows then you have seduced her. If you succed then you have proven yourself worthy of my daughter."

"Alright then let's go."


Yuko walked over to the girl and sat next to her.

"Hi there." Yuko said.


"What's your name?"

"Yumi." she said.

"Ah nice to meet you Yumi. My name is Yuko."

"Hi Yuko."

"Hey I wanted to tell you this but I think you're really pretty."

"Oh please don't even try. I don't even fall for sweet talk."

"One minute!"

"Come on that's too fast!"

"You better hurry."

A heavy feeling hit Yuko. Time was almost up and if she didn't pass then she wouldn't get to see Haruna anymore. The thought of that alone made Yuko curl into a ball and start crying.

"Hey are you ok?"

"I'm sorry.. it's just.. I really love someone and I don't want to lose her."

When Yuko said that, the cat girl's heart monitor went off which means Yuko won and Haruna was hers.

"Fifth trial passed. Congradulations human, you have passed the Nekomimi trials!"

The crowd went nuts and Haruna ran down to Yuko.



The two embraced in a long hug never wanting to let go. But then the mother and father walked over.

"You did well human. I now give you permission to take my daughter." the father said.

"Thank you so much sir." Yuko said as she bowed.

"And to celebrate your victory, we will celebrate with a party!"


Hooray Yuko won! Now it's time for them to relax and have fun. The next chapter is going to be my last. Then after that it's a new one and it's going to be an atsumina since I haven't done one yet. So please tell me what you think.

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 22
« Reply #124 on: August 22, 2012, 06:33:17 PM »
I really love all your fanfic here!  your imagination is so good,your writing is great and you update really fast! you're like my favorite author of all time :x

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 22
« Reply #125 on: August 22, 2012, 06:48:49 PM »
it's not that I didn't like it  I didn't like what the father said to Yuko Yuko saved Haruna but the father wouldn't her take Haruna  :angry1:
I'm happy that Yuko could do it and the father allowed her to take Haruna with her  :hee:
is it the end ?  :dunno:

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 22
« Reply #126 on: August 22, 2012, 07:34:55 PM »
Yay~! Yuko win!!  :twothumbs
lol at those trials  :lol: some imagination you got there  :thumbsup
I wonder how the story will end. is it Haruna follow Yuko back to earth or Yuko have to stay on the planet?  :roll:

The new story is going to be atsumina??!!  :w00t: :w00t:
I am longing for that one~ can't wait for it~  XD XD
Waiting for your next update  :D :D

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 22
« Reply #127 on: August 23, 2012, 02:32:48 AM »
YAY!!! bravo!!!! Now marry your Nyan Nyan!!!!

Offline Haruko

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 22
« Reply #128 on: August 23, 2012, 03:59:13 AM »
jajaj my pervert mind though that the last one gonna be more.. mm .. you know... yuko´s style.. jeje but its ok :D

Offline miyumi

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 23
« Reply #129 on: August 23, 2012, 06:44:22 AM »
@Yu_oshi: Hontou? I'm like your favorite author? Wah kureshii! Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.  :wub:

@mo-chan: Nope not yet. This is the last chapter and Yuko's going to go all perv on Haruna.  XD

@ichikawa: Yep the next one is going to be atsumina so I hope you'll like it. But for now enjoy the end to this one!  :lol:

@kahem: I think Yuko will so more than just marry Nyannyan.  :twisted:

@Haruko: Don't worry, this last one gonna have Yuko written all over it!  :lol:

Well this is the last chapter! After this it is Atsumina! I'm probably going to lose more viewers but all well! Anyways I hope you enjoy this last chapter! Let's see what the little pervert has to do. Oh and I updated my OS. There's a MayuRena fic posted so check it out!

Chapter 23

The Nekomimi people threw a huge party in Yuko's honor. There was music and dancing and all kinds of werid foods. Acchan and Takamina were on the dance floor having a blast while Yuki and Mayuyu were over at the food table. Rena and Jurina were sitting at a table talking to each other and Sae and Sayaka were getting hit on by both guys and girls. Mariko was going around being the social ante of the party and Miichan was manning the DJ.


Yuko turned around and saw Haruna in a stunning red dress that hugged her body in all the right places. There was enough leg showing to make any guy drool and right now Yuko was close to doing so.

"Let's dance."


Yuko took Haruna's hand and ran out to dance with Acchan and Takamina. The music was like a mixture of pop and techno. Acchan and Takamina had no idea how to dance to it so they were just basically jumping around like they were on a sugar rush. Yuko managed to get the rhythm down though and was dancing along with Haruna. When the song ended, Yuko was tired and also hungry.

"Let's get something to eat." Yuko said.

They walked over to the snack table where Mayuyu and Yukirin were.

"Yuko you got to try this."

Mayuyu took a strange looking fruit and shoved it into Yuko's mouth. It tasted like a apple and a strawberry combined.

"Wow this is good!"

"I know right!"

"Mayuyu try this."

Yukirin feed Mayuyu something that looked similar to cake.


"Ahh so cute!"

Yukirin hugged Mayuyu and Yuko kept eating. When she was done, they walked over to Jurina and Rena.

"Don't you guys wanna dance?" Yuko asked.

"No it's alright. I'm not a good dancer." Rena said.

"I'm fine staying here with Rena." Jurina said.

"Suit yourselves."

"Yuko help me out!"

Yuko looked over and saw three cat girls clinging onto Sayaka. Sae was no help because there were four of them on her.

"Girls get off. They're our guests!"

Mariko walked over and shooed the girls off.

"Thanks." Sayaka said.

"No problem. So are you guys having fun?"


"Well the fun is just beginning. Oi Miichan! Play it!"


Miichan stopped the music and then played a different song. Yuko and Haruna both knew it and ran out onto the dance floor along with the others.

"1,2, 1, 2, 3, 4!"

The music started and everyone danced happily alond with each other singing alone with the lyrics. Yuko and Haurna were having a blast and almost fell during the dance. Then when the song ended, Miichan had put a slow song on to give everyone time to rest.

"May I have this dance?"


Yuko took Haruna's hand and led her onto the dance floor. Everyone make a circle and gathered around them.

"Nyannyan everyone is watching us."

"It's alright. Just stay calm."

Despite Haruna being taller than Yuko, Yuko led the dance guiding Haruna's body along hers in perfect harmony. Side by side they stayed next to each other never letting go. Then when the song ended, everyone clapped and the two bowed.

"Thank you all for coming out!"

The party ended and it was time for Yuko and her friends to go home. Yuko was about to board the ship but then Haruna pulled her over into a private room.

"Nyannyan what are you doing?"

"I want to have a little fun before we go home."


Haruna grabbed Yuko's shirt and pulled it up. But Yuko stopped her and pulled her shirt back down.

"Wait until we get back home."

They said their final goodbyes and then took off. When they got home, everyone was glad to be back on earth. Although, Yuko thought Mayuyu actually missed the other planet. Everyone went to their own homes including Yuko and Haruna. As soon as they walked into the house, Yuko threw Haruna onto the bed and crawled on top of her.

"Now where were we."

Yuko grabbed Haruna's dress and tried to undo it but she couldn't figure out how to take it off.

"It unzips on the back silly."

"Oh right."

Haruna turned around so Yuko could unzip it. But as she was doing it, Haruna grabbed Yuko and flipped her onto the bed. Then Haruna got on top and started to tare open Yuko's shirt.

"I don't think so."

Yuko grabbed Haruna's breasts and squeezed them causing her to moan. Yuko then pulled Haruna's dress over her shoulders revealing a stapless bra.

"Ooo fancy."

Before Yuko could get to her prize, Haruna tore Yuko's shirt off and threw it to the side.

"As to you."

Haruna was referring to Yuko's bra with fancy lace design on it. She was going to pull Yuko's skirt down but then Yuko started carressing Haruna's thigh. Then she pulled down the dress revealing Haruna's slender legs and matching panties.

"Hey no fair!"

Haruna pulled off Yuko's skirt revealing cute polka dot panites.

"Yuko they don't match."

"I lost the other pair."

"Who cares, they'll be off in a minute anyways."

Haruna's hand traveled down Yuko's stomach to her underwear. But then Yuko stopped Haruna and flipped her over so she was on top. When Haruna tried to fight back, Yuko held Haruna's arms back.

"No tonight is about you."

"Fine do your worst."

Yuko dove in and the two had the best night of their lives.

*Sorry kids this is PG-13 stuff and I don't wanna get kicked out. But you can guess what happened*

The next morning Yuko woke up and found Haruna still asleep. She remembered everything that happened from last night and blushed a little. Then Haruna woke up saw Yuko.

"Good morning."

Haruna sat up and Yuko quickly covered her eyes.

"What?" Haruna said.

"Nyannyan please cover up." Yuko said.

"Why? You were playing with them nonstop last night."

"Nyannyan please."

"Alright there happy."

Yuko uncovered her eyes and saw Haruna was wearing her shirt that she tore off last night. It covered most of her so Yuko didn't have a problem.

"You know, my lower parts hurt because of you." Yuko said.

"It's not my fault." Haruna said.

"You could've been gentler! Last night was my first time."

"Really? Same here!"


"Aww why are you so sad? You got to do most of everything."

"Yeah but you were way better than me."

"I think you were just as good."

Haruna leaned in and kissed Yuko on the lips putting as much passioin as she could in it.

"Aww. I love you so much Nyannyan!"

"I love you too Yuu-chan."

The two kissed again and this time Yuko was putting effort into it. Everything turned out good for the two. Yuko fought aliens and won and passed deadly trials. She partied hard got to have her way with her lover. Overall Yuko thought she did pretty good. And now Yuko was free to enjoy the rest of her life with her alien princess lover. Even if she isn't human, Yuko still loved Haruna. Guess that's why they call it space love.


Well there's the end! I hope everyone liked the story and now I will be moving onto the next one which is Atsumina! I already got an idea in mind so look forward to it. Thank you so much to everyone who commented and read my story. Look forward to the next one! Again I'm probably going to lose more viewers but all well. On wards to atsumina!

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 23 END
« Reply #130 on: August 23, 2012, 06:51:29 AM »
Oww my kojiyuu always together :D...

I think that with atsumina story you gonna gain more readers T_T.. they are a lot of atsumina shipper more that kojiyuu :D but doesnt matter for me its good :D

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 23 END
« Reply #131 on: August 23, 2012, 11:53:41 AM »
good ending  :whistle:
I like it  :hee:

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48 Days Prolouge
« Reply #132 on: August 23, 2012, 03:57:02 PM »
Hello everyone! I am miyumi and this is my next story which is an Atsumina! The story idea is a little sketchy and not well thought out but it's the only thing I can think of at the moment so please bare with me. If you haven't checked out the previous one go ahead and do that if you want. But anyways, here's my new story 48 Days. Enjoy!

48 Days Prolouge

"Minami dear, it's time for dinner."

"Go away mom! I don't want to eat."

"But Minami the doctor said you have to eat."

"What's the point? I'm going to die anyways!"

"Minami don't say that! They'll find a cure."

"And what if they done't? Then what? Just go away mom."

Flashback to hospital...

"Doctor are you sure you can't do anything?"

"I'm sorry but there is nothing we can do. We're looking for a cure but chances look very slim."

"Oh god no!"

"So you mean Minami only has a little time left."

"To be exact, she has 48 days left."

Back to present...

That's what the doctors told Minami. She had been diagnosed with a rare heart disease and now her body was slowly dying. She has 48 days left on the earth and she was spending those last days mourning doing nothing. Her mother has been trying to cheer her up but nothing works. Who could be happy when you found out you were dying and only had 48 days left to live? Not Minami.

"Minami I need you to run out to the store for me. You need to go pick up your medicine."

"Why should I take medicine? It's pointless."

"Minami don't say that. Now go before I get angry."


Minami rolled out of bed and out the front door. She walked down the street to the nearby pharmacy and picked up her medicine. Then she started her walk back home. On the way though, she could hear a fight break out. She looked over and saw a girl getting into a fight with a bunch of other girls. It looked like she was losing and pretty badly too. Usually Minami would avoid situations like this but she was dying anyways so what's the worst that could happen. Minami hid her pills and then charged into battle.

"Hey you leave her alone!"

Minami slammed into one of the girls and took her down.

"Hey what's with the midget?"

"Who cares just beat her!"

One girl tried beating Minami but Minami quickly got back up and punched the day lights out of the girl. When the other girl tried to attack, Minami ducked and punched her stomach sending her flying back. Then the last one tried to attack with a pipe but Minami grabbed it with one hand and then punched the girl in the face with the other. When all of them were down, Minami took a break. It was then she felt a sharp pain in her chest.


One of the conditions of Minami's heart disease is pains in the chest whenever she does activity that increases the heart beat. Right now Minami was hurting but she looked over to check on the girl who was being beaten.

"Hey are you ok?"

"Yeah.... I'm fine."

The girl slowly got up and moved the hair out of her face.

"Thanks for helping me back there." the girl said.

"No problem. It looked like you were in trouble so I decided to step in." Minami said.

"You don't fight bad for a midget you know."

"Hey I maybe small but I can pack a punch."

"Haha you're funny. What's your name?"

"Minami. Yours?"


"Well Atsuko want to go get something to eat? I'm starving."

"That would be great."

The two walked out together side by side. Minami felt pretty good meeting this new girl. She was young, pretty, and stong. The things Minami lack. But even though she was dying, she decided she was going to live out the rest of her life the best way she could. She was going to try to do as much as she could in her last 48 days.

Well there's the prolouge! What do you think? Should I throw it away and go back to the drawing board or keep going? It's up to you! Please tell me what you think!

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Re: 48 Days Prolouge
« Reply #133 on: August 23, 2012, 04:08:36 PM »
Nice story!  :cow: Please keep going ! :D

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Re: 48 Days Prolouge
« Reply #135 on: August 23, 2012, 05:00:07 PM »
Wooohoo~~ AtsuMina YAAY

Very interesting fic ~

But I'll be prepared when Takaboy dies lol

Updatoo again soon ~
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

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Re: 48 Days Prolouge
« Reply #136 on: August 23, 2012, 05:16:30 PM »

       IM HAPPY!!!
    :luvluv1: :luvluv1:

thank you for the update!!!
ill be waiting to ur update!!!

 :banghead: :banghead:

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Re: 48 Days Prolouge
« Reply #137 on: August 23, 2012, 06:36:23 PM »
no minami is going to die  :fainted: :OMG:
Takamina nooo  :gyaaah:
please cantinue I want to know the next  :pleeease:

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Offline ichikawa

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Re: 48 Days Prolouge
« Reply #138 on: August 23, 2012, 07:48:43 PM »
Great ending for space love  :thumbsup :thumbsup
They finally got together~  :wub:
Sayaka and Sae are sure popular in nekomimi planet, got many cat girls clinging at them  XD XD


Then, then, the prologue!!! Atsumina!!!  :mon fyeah:
But... Minami is going to die?! 48 days left?!!  :mon wtf: :mon tantrum:  :mon ref: Minamiiiii.....
Although Minami knows her sickness,  she still saved Acchan~  :mon kungfu:
Please get along well with Minami  :mon whimper: and be by her side until her last day...  :mon runcry:

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Re: 48 Days Prolouge
« Reply #139 on: August 23, 2012, 11:42:47 PM »
Loving it so far :D Was hoping to read an atsumina fic :) Please continue ^^

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