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Author Topic: OS Collection | Word from the author | Dec. 1  (Read 33132 times)

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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | Day by Day | Any OTP
« Reply #60 on: September 13, 2012, 04:33:10 PM »
sad  :badluck: so sad :fainted:  very sad   :gyaaah:
Chuu-chan could you make a Mayuki fic  :wriggly:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | Day by Day | Any OTP
« Reply #61 on: September 13, 2012, 04:36:15 PM »
this is kind of sudden, random, and in fast pace too. first like as a sister, then jealous, then lonely, then love, then have disease, then die. lol.  :mon zoom:

i manage to fit the storyline with all my fav pairings. first came in my mind was AtsuMina, with takamina being the writer, the one who wrote the letter. then mayuki, with mayuyu as the writer, then wmatsui, with juri-chan as the writer, then marimii, wtih miichan as the writer, then kojiyuu, with yuu-chan as the writer, and also tomo-tomo, with tomochin as the writer.

and the letter ended with a death, it's kinda gave me heart-ache  :mon cry:  thanks anyway!
I love FTM. Nuff said.

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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | Day by Day | Any OTP
« Reply #62 on: September 13, 2012, 11:42:37 PM »
It's so sad T_T
Why falling in love must hurt that much? T_T

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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | Day by Day | Any OTP
« Reply #63 on: September 14, 2012, 09:30:16 PM »
 :cry: It is so sad!!!!!! :cry:
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | Day by Day | Any OTP
« Reply #64 on: September 16, 2012, 11:57:20 AM »
Hey, hey~ I'm back hoho~ I'm here with the WMatsui fufufu :3 Thank you for reviewing, guys~ Deeply appreciated!
|| OTL Please forgive me for skipping a lot of stuff in this one OTL My creativity juice got drained by Yuki Vampire lololol

Req. Line: *WMatsui*, AtsuMina, KojiYuu, MaYuki

When Angels Choose to Fall

High above the mountains, where magical creatures of great myths soar up, lies the kingdom of the mystical light. Where guardians and gods reign in peace. Where love is all over the place. One peculiar god, which was assigned to the humans, was watching a vortex containing the happenings all over Earth. There was one human. A woman. Pale skin, wide eyes, and red lips. The god had took interest on the girl. But he knew that love for a mortal was forbidden, and so he locked up his affection inside a box. A box to which mortal nor immortal shall not see. As time passed by, the god was dying slowly. Not actually dying, but they get trapped into an infinite slumber. And so, the time came when the god got trapped into the slumber. The woman whom he took interest in, died. But after many years, her reincarnation was formed. The god of humans, which was the son of the former god was also captivated by her beauty. He watched her everyday, but the time came when she was bestowed upon great danger. And so, he sent out the Angel of Light.

" I call upon the Angel of Light! " The god called out and suddenly, a young woman had appeared upon him. She had white skin, a graceful face of really an angel, well formed red lips, Eyes with the color of black and blue, straight-black hair that landed on her shoulder, and white heavenly wings with golden strands.

The angel bowed before him " You called for me? " She smiled at the god

" Yes. I have an order for you, Jurina. "

" What is it? "

" You see that girl? " The god pointed over the big vortex. The girl whom he took interest in was inside the vortex.

" Yes. "

" I want you to make sure she may not stumble upon Armageddon. " The Angel's eyes widened upon hearing the name 'Armageddon'

" Armageddon? Has he struck out again?? "

" Yes. And it seems he is planning to take that girl into the underworld. Let her not be tempted, Jurina. You are the only one who can stop him before me. "

Jurina smiled and nodded " I will carry out this order as you wish, my Lord. " She bowed

" Before that, I want you to take this box." The god handed out a box which flew towards Jurina. " That box contains.. all mystical powers none can bestow upon, except you.."

Jurina caught the box and scanned the box all over " Are you sure I will not be in danger of this? I have a bad feeling.." Jurina furrowed her eyebrows

" Do you not trust your master? "

" Of course, I do! " Jurina hissed.

" Splendid! Now, go fulfill my order, Angel of Light! "

" As you wish, Master. " Jurina flashed a cat like smile to her god, and in a snap of her fingers, POOF. She was gone.

" I am deeply sorry, Jurina. But this is your fate and I abide by my father's rules. " The god looked at the vortex


It was dark all over. Only city lights had been the key to not stumble upon a pole. It was quite dim compared to the kingdom she reigned in but she had a big wide patience.

" What is this place? " Jurina stood up and glanced all over " Humans. Tsk. Filthy as ever. " She snapped her fingers once again, and her clothes turned into a casual girl's clothes. She glanced at the box she was holding. She mumbled some words and the box turned tiny and was attached to a chain. She put it inside her pocket and walked away from the alley she landed upon.

" Sheesh, where is this? " She looked hig above the lights and the motion pictures. She saw characters which looked familiar to her " Ahh. Japan. Cool! " She was grinning while walking all over the streets. She had never seen anything like this before.


" Ahh ittai! " Jurina's eyes widened and looked down below. She saw the girl she had been sent for. " Ehhh.. She doesn't look bad after all. "

" Ehemmm.. " Jurina coughed and knelt down " Sorry. I didn't see you there. " Jurina flashed her cat like smile and forgot she was speaking in English.

" Err.. " The girl tilted her head " Oh! " Jurina chuckled and began to speak in Japanese " I meant, I'm sorry for bumping into you. Are you alright? "

" I'm okay. " The girl smiled causing Jurina to blush. The girl stood up and fixed her dress. Jurina stood up after and offered her hand " I'm Jurina. You are? "

" I'm Matsui Rena. Nice to meet you, Jurina-chan. " Rena smiled and shook her hand " Are you sure I didn't hurt you anywhere? "

" Yes, I'm sure. "

" Phew. " Jurina smiled sheepishly

" Jurina-chan, are you a foreigner? "

" Eh? What makes you say that? "

" Well, you spoke in English and your eyes.. They are so.. Blue. Like the sky. "

" Err, well.. About that, I was studying overseas ..I don't actually know why my eyes are blue since uhh.. my father is.. dead? Wait, no! I don't know my father. And I'm pretty sure my mom is Japanese. Ahahaha.. " Jurina smiled sheepishly " Lame excuse, Jurina! Lame excuse! And you dare call yourself the angel of light?! " Jurina mentally face palmed herself.

" Ahh. I see. I don't have a father, too. Guess we're the same! "

" Yeah. "

" ... Umm.. I guess I'd better go now. I have classes tomorrow. Nice meeting you, Jurina-chan-- "

" Wait. Um.. Do you mind if I.. uh.. "

" If you what ? "

" Ermm.. nothing. Well, I gotta go too. I need to find a place to stay for the night. Ja ne~ " Jurina turned around and began to walk away " Please stop me! Please! "

" Ah, wait, Jurina-chan! "

" Hmm? " Jurina turned around " Ha! Success! In your face! Oh, Jurina you devilish Angel! "

" You can stay with me, if you'd like. You look pretty young. You might get into danger wandering around the streets at this hour. "

" Wow! Really?? Are you sure?? "

" Yup. As long as I can help, right? " Rena smiled

" Thank you, Rena-chan! " Jurina lunged forward and hugged Rena

" Oof! Yeah, okay, Jurina-chan. " Rena smiled and patter her head


" We're here. " Rena opened the door and revealed a neat and clean apartment

" Cool. "

" At least somebody isn't filthy. " Jurina smirked

" Ne, Jurina-chan.. where's your luggage ? " Rena tilted her head

" Eh? Oh. Ohh, my luggage. Shoot, I forgot it in the airport! "

" What? Jurina-chan, you are so clumsy. " Rena giggled and locked the door

" Don't worry! I got lots of money on me! "

" Haha then, worries out. " Rena grabbed Jurina's hand " Come on. I'll take you to your room. " Rena dragged Jurina to the spare bedroom she had.

" Oh, cool. Thanks again for letting me stay, Rena-chan! " Jurina grinned

" It's okay. By the way, how old are you, Jurina-chan? "

" Me? I'm 15 years old! " Jurina flashed a toothy grin and a peace sign

Rena's eyes widened " You've got to be kidding me! You're 15?! "

" Yeah~ How old are you? "

" I'm 21! "

" Wew. Such a huge age gap! "

" You look 21 though~ " Rena giggled

" Ha to the ha. I'll take that as a compliment, then. "

" Well, yeah. Do you have school tomorrow ? "

" Um.. I'm done studying hahaha "

" Woah! Are you some genius or something? "

" Maybe. " Jurina wiggled her eyebrows

" I don't know about you but I'm going to sleep now, kay' ? "

" Yeah, sure. Goodnight, Rena-chan! "

" Night! " Rena went out of the room and shut the door

Jurina locked the door and snapped her fingers. Her white wings sprung out from her back. Jurina stretched as long as she could " Ohh, shieezz this feels too great! " She jumped on the bed and purred like a cat " Goodnight~ " Jurina fell asleep and the next thing she knew, her god arrived in her dreams

" Jurina. "

" It's good to see you again, my Lord. "

" How is the girl doing? "

" She's doing quite fine. I did not sense any evil presence earlier. Not even Armageddon. "

" The box. Where is it? "

" It's here with me. In my pocket. "

" That box has all the power you need, Jurina! You better make a move now before Armageddon gets to you! "

" But how? How can I make a move when I cannot sense any of his movement! "

" The box! What happened to smart Jurina?! The box has it all! When the time is right, set all the things in that box unto you and the girl! "

" Okay. "

" Do not screw up on me, Jurina. "

" Of course. I am the Angel of Light. I can do anything. "

" Goodluck. "


*Skip skip
Days, weeks and months had passed but still no sign of Armageddon. Jurina risked all her free time to look for any clues of him. To Jurina, to protect Rena was everything. She had grown to love her. But still, falling in love with a mortal is forbidden. So, there's no need to find Armageddon? Jurina must not forget that she is still an Angel. And Angels protect humans. Rena had started wondering where Jurina had gone off to in the day and she started worrying. She waited for Jurina to come home and she arrived at 12 midnight

" Eh? Rena? You're awake! " Jurina's eyes turned wide

" Un. I was worried about you. Where have you gone to all this time? "

" Err.. work..? "

" You have work? " Rena's eyebrow raised

" Um yeah. "

" Then, explain why you get home so late "

" Um.. I work as a doctor! "

" Really? "

" Yes! Do you not trust me? " Jurina furrowed her eyebrows

" Of course, I do. But it seems you're too far away. " Rena looked down

" I'm sorry, Rena-chan. " Jurina hugged Rena as tight as she could " Were you worried about me? "

" Yes. You're my bestfriend. I'd worry more than your boyfriend. "

Jurina chuckled " That's cute. Ne, Rena-chan, want to go out tomorrow? "

" Eh? Where? "

" I don't know. Watch a movie? Go to the amusement park? "

" Sounds good to me. "

" Yup. Now, let's get some rest. "

" Yeah. "


The day started out like usual but except that when Rena woke up, Jurina was beside her. Snuggling up close. Rena woke Jurina up and they got ready for their adventure. First, they went to the Amusement park and played a little games. Jurina was noticing an evil presence near so she didn't let her guard down. After that they went to eat dinner then watch a 3 hour movie. The evil presence surrounding was getting greater and greater. Jurina then held Rena's hand causing Rena to blush. They went to the park since Rena still didn't want to go home. They squatted down the grass and held their hands together.

" Ne, Jurina-chan, will you stay with me forever? "

" Eh? "

" Will You? " Rena stared deeply into Jurina's captivating blue orbs

" I.. I'm-- "


" Jurina! " A voice from above called out " Armageddon is here! "

Jurina took out the box and snapped her fingers. It turned big again. She opened the box and a pink essence came out which captivated Rena

" YOU!! WHO TOLD YOU TO OPEN THAT BOX!! MY AFFECTION IS IN THERE!! " A black big figure appeared in form of air and dust

" Shut up, Armageddon! You have no right to take this girl to the Underworld!! "


" No! You got trapped into the slumber! You are a klutz! Gods should never be captured inside that slumber!! "


Jurina transformed into her original form. Her right eye became black again. " You know, you talk too much. It's time to put an end to you." Jurina glanced at the box and saw that the essence inside was all protecting Rena. So, she took the box and mumbled something and Armageddon was trapped inside the box.

" Good job, Jurina! " The voice from above once again spoke

" Your wish has been fulfilled, Master. "

" You never fail to make me happy. Now, its time for you to get back. "

" Yes. " Jurina smiled but then she heard sobs and saw Rena. " Just a moment, Master. " Jurina flew over to Rena

" Rena-chan, why are you crying? "

" You! You're not Jurina-chan! " Rena was crying loudly

" No, it's me. "

" What happened to your eye?? " Rena cupped Jurina's cheek

" This is my original form, Rena-chan. I am the Angel of Light. Your guardian angel. I was sent here to protect you from Armageddon. That dark thing that tried to kill you. "

" So, you were just acting all the time? "

" No! I love you, Rena-chan but.. An immortal cannot love a mortal being. "

" So, you don't love me. "

" I do! "

" Then, why are you going to leave?! "

" Because.." Jurina was left speechless. Why was she going to leave? Can't she just risk her life for this girl?

" As I thought. Go now, Jurina. No, I mean, Angel. Goodbye. "

" No, Rena-chan-- "

" It's okay. I'll be strong. " Rena forced a smile. Tears started flowing from Jurina's eyes

" Jurina. We must go, now. " The voice called.

Jurina stood up " Yes. Goodbye, Rena-chan. "


" I call upon the Angel of Light! " Once again, the Angel appeared. But her face was holding a frown. Her eyes were holding much more sadness.

" Yes? "

" Jurina, I suppose you are not happy. "

" No.. I am perfectly fine. "

" Jurina, lying is bad. "

" I know. I'm deeply sorry. I have disobeyed the rule we abide. I.. I had fallen in love with a mortal. I'm sorry. " Jurina bowed down " I shall accept any punishment. "

" Jurina, I had planned this since the day you became a full-fledged angel. "

" What do you mean?? "

" Jurina, do you want to be with her? "

" I do.. I love her so much, I just can't do it anymore.. "

" Then, In the name of the God of Gods, I here by, send you out of The Kingdom of Mystical Light, Never to return, and be forced to walk upon the Earth for ETERNITY! "

" I am sorry, Master. I have failed you. " Jurina's eye became blue. Tears streamed out from her eyes

" Do not feel sorry. Love is a wonderful thing. Goodbye, Jurina. "

" Goodbye, Master. " Jurina smiled


*After 2 Months

Knock Knock

" Hrrmm.. I don't wanna.. "

Knock Knock

" Alright, I'm coming! " Rena got out of her bed and went to the door not caring of her appearance. She opened the door and the first thing she saw, was those blue orbs as clear as the sky

" E-Eh? "

" Rena-chan. "

" J-Jurina-chan?! "

" I'm back. " Jurina flashed her cat like smile " I-- Oof! " Rena hugged Jurina as Jurina patted her head

" I missed you!! "

" It was just 2 months, Rena-chan~ "

Rena pulled away " Why are you here?? "

" It's because this Angel chose to fall.. Chose to fall for you. " Jurina smiled

" Don't you dare leave me ever again. "

" Of course. We have all eternity together." Jurina smirked

Lol my juice got drained. I skipped a lot of parts but I hope that was enough~
Reviews  :deco:

<-- YAY Juju ;u;
« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 12:03:22 PM by ChuuuPuffss »
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | When Angels Choose to Fall | WMatsui | Sep. 16
« Reply #65 on: September 16, 2012, 12:20:32 PM »
i'm glad it's happy ending

thanks for wmatsui :twothumbs
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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | When Angels Choose to Fall | WMatsui | Sep. 16
« Reply #66 on: September 16, 2012, 01:58:04 PM »
I wanted to see Jurina's angels form  :shy2:
so romantic I love this fic  :luvluv1: :luvluv2:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | When Angels Choose to Fall | WMatsui | Sep. 16
« Reply #67 on: September 16, 2012, 05:43:16 PM »
So cute this wmatsui fanfic  :luvluv1:
Thanks for this beautiful story  :on GJ:

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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | When Angels Choose to Fall | WMatsui | Sep. 16
« Reply #68 on: September 20, 2012, 03:14:31 PM »
LOL I'm back *^* I'm sorry for not updating OTL Like I said, my creativity juice was drained. But now, I'm back fully recovered hoho~ -Like a Boss- I'll be updating one of my ongoing fics tomorrow :3 Now, I'll update the one shot since it's easier xD This one is AtsuMina :> The story is like Synchro Tokimeki PV concept~ Got help with the plot from my friend soo, credits to Ange-chan~

Req. Line : *AtsuMina* , KojiYuu, MaYuki
BTW, still accepting requests :3

Fairy Tale

" Alright, class. Calm down " The teacher walked in to her class.. Her naughty class. The class was very hard to handle but for this teacher it was easy since she has a special attack. The class didn't listen to the teacher and kept on running around and chit-chatting with their friends.

" Kids, I have a story for you! Don't you want to hear it? " The teacher pouted. The class looked at their teacher as if they were a pride of lions and their teacher was the only food on the savanna.

" We wanna hear, sensei! We wanna heaaaar~! " The class said with a sing song voice

" Okay. Then, settle down or I won't tell you kids the story. " The teacher walked to her desk and put down her things. She glanced at her class and saw they were behaving like cute little angels.

" That's better. " The teacher smiled. She slid her finger to her lip and posed a thinking figure " Let's see... What kind of story do you kids want to hear? A fairy tale or something... hmm, wicked? " The teacher smirked as she said the last word

" We want a fairy tale, sensei! " The class shouted

" Haha okay, okay. Now, here it goes. Long long time ago... "


There was once a castle far far away in the land of Akiba. There, lies the King and his daughter, the princess. The princess was a fair and beautiful lady. Every prince would travel all the way from their kingdom to Akiba and try to woo the princess. But the princess took no interest in those handsome princes. She would always keep a straight face unless she gets something she wants. The king was very frustrated of her daughter. He wondered why her daughter was so stubborn and hard to get. He wondered how to make her smile for a long long time. But then, there came an unexpected adventurer to their castle. 

" Who might you be, young traveler? " the princess asked as she raised her eyebrow

" It is not 'traveler', princess but 'adventurer'. " The adventurer bowed down. The wind from the window gusted his cape making him look cool and sparkly.

The princess smirked " Okay, 'adventurer'. Going back to my question...? " The princess crossed her arms

" I am Takahashi Minami, princess. An honor to meet you. " Takahashi smiled

" I see. I am Maeda Atsuko. Pleased to meet you, Takahashi-san. " Takahashi smiled in reply to Maeda's statement. They just stared at each other for some time not knowing what to talk about. Maeda got tired and sat down her bed.

" What brings you here, Takahashi-san? " Maeda asked assuming he might have needed something

" Nothing, really." Takahashi smiled again

" Tch. " Maeda sighed deeply " Spit it out, Takahashi. Do you want money? Gold? Jewels?? or perhaps, maybe you want to woo me? " Maeda raised her eyebrow as an arrogant face appeared

" You're such a talker, aren't you? A very rude one, too. " A scowl appeared on Takahashi's face

" Excuse me? You cannot talk to me like that, you—" Maeda was cut off by a loud sigh by Takahashi

" Let's get this straight. Whether you're a princess or not, if you're not going to respect me, then don't think I am going to respect you. What kind of person— No, a lady! What kind of lady would suddenly ask a person she just met if she wanted to woo her? Are you from another dimension? Seriously, you're face doesn't suit you. " Takahashi knitted his eyebrows together

Maeda smirked " Wow. " Maeda clapped her hands

" Eh? " Takahashi tilted his head wondering why she smirked and did such a reaction

" You're quite sharp, aren't you? " Maeda stood up " And interesting.. " She walked towards Takahashhi in a sensual and slow way, making Takahashi blush

" Wh-What..?? " Takahashi started to back away

" Oh? Scared? Aren't you an adventurer? " Maeda was plotting something

" I-I'm n-not scared..! " Takahashi couldn't stop backing away. But then, he reached the wall and now he was pinned by Maeda

Maeda stared into his eyes for some time to tease Takahashi. She realized Takahashi was drowned in a deep shade of red. She chuckled and set him free " Geez, Takahashi-san. I was just playing with you. " Maeda giggled which Takahashi found cute

" I.. I knew that.. " Takahashi looked away

" Hmm.. Takahashi-san, do you like slashing and perhaps.. killing wild beasts? " Maeda asked

" Of course. I'm an adventurer. What do you think adventurers do? Stuck balls to their nose and be a clown? " Takahashi replied in a sarcastic manner

Maeda giggled " I was just asking, you know. Anyway, do you know there's a magical beast in the forest over there? " Maeda pointed out the window that revealed the forest

" No. What kind of magical beast? "

" A dragon~"

" A dragon?! Are you joking? " Takahashi's eyes widened

" No, I am not. A princess wouldn't lie sensually, you know. " Maeda pouted

" Hmm.. well, I guess that is true. " Takahashi smiled sheepishly while rubbing the back part of his neck

" About the dragon, that 'thing' has been really such a bother to my father. Would you try and kill it? "

" Kill it? Hmm, sure but.. I'm doing it for a price. "

" Don't worry. I have a quite a reward in mind. " Maeda smirked making Takahashi feel chills down his spine

" .. Sweet... but uhh are you sure there is a dragon in there? "

" Un! Like I said, I don't lie! So, get out there and kill that dragon! " Maeda cheered but said it in a demanding voice

" Geez, you royal pain. You don't have to yell at me.."

" Heh. Sorry. " Maeda shrugged making Takahashi frown " Well? What are you doing just standing there? Go now and kill it! " Maeda pointed at the door

" Umm.. " Takahashi started to fiddle with his fingers

" Ha! Are you scared, Takaboy? " Maeda flashed an insulting smile

" N-No! I'm not scared of anything! " Takahashi blushed

Maeda sighed in defeat " Geez, you are so stubborn to admit. " Maeda took off her round earring that was round and made of gold. She grabbed Takahashi's hand causing him to move forward to her. She attached the earring to Takahashi's ear.

" Eh?? " Maeda backed away and looked satisfied with her work. Takahashi touched the earring " What is this for, princess? "

" It's for luck and to make sure you are not running away from this. If you run away, I would accuse you for stealing that earring. " Maeda smirked

" Heh. Very smart, princess. " Takahashi smiled

" Well, you have much luck. Now, seriously, go. "

" Hai. I'll be back before you know it, princess. " Takahashi took Maeda's hand and kissed it making Maeda blush " You better prepare a big reward because I'm coming back making sure I killed that so called dragon. " Takahashi smirked

" O-Okay... "


Takahashi traveled for 3 straight days. Only rest when he was dead tired. He was determined to kill the dragon for the princess. On the 4th day, he arrived on a weird part of the forest. A strange round place was found without any trees. Only soil that looked like it did not have any hope anymore. He stepped inside the round place observing why it was the only place that didn't have any trees. While turning around the circle, he saw a bush that looked like it got burnt. Suddenly, he heard growling and big, loud stomps. He turned around and saw the dragon. His eyes widened to the shock that the princess was not lying. The growl of the dragon woke him up from his shock. He had big hopes that he can kill this dragon. So, he took a deep breath and took his sword out from where it came from.

" Come on, dragon. Bring it on. " Takahashi smirked but the dragon spitted out fire which he was able to dodge. The dragon had burnt a part of Takahashi's arm. He hissed but he wasn't giving up " Not much luck, beast. Now, I'm ready. "

He ran towards the dragon and tried to slash him but the dragon flew away and landed on the trees making them break apart " Oi! Killing trees is bad! "

Takahashi lunged towards the dragon and jumped on it's huge tail making the dragon whip his tail back and forth with a fast pace. He held on it's tail as hard as he can. He stabbed his sword on the dragon's tail making the dragon roar in pain and fly, and land back again. He took this chance to climb up the tail as he headed towards the head of the dragon. The dragon was struggling and reaching Takahashi on his back. But to it's luck, it had small arms. Takahashi made his way into the dragon's head and stood up. " Alright, dragon. Not to break it to you but this will be the end to your life. Farewell, friend. " He held his sword and stabbed the dragon's head as hard as he can. The dragon roared in pain again but louder this time causing the birds to fly away from the forest. The dragon fell down making Takahashi fall on the ground. He stood up carefully, one hand on his sword, and one hand on his burnt arm. He stood in front of the dragon and saw it was dead. " Yokatta... " He smiled and he fell down.


On the 8th day, Takahashi has still not return to the castle. Maeda started getting worried thinking what might have happened to Takahashi. And worse, it was her fault. She was scared to the thought her father might lock her up in some kind of tower for sending random people out of the open to kill the dragon. Her heart was beating fast yet it was hurting her. The fact that Takahashi hasn't return was hurting her. There and then she realized she cared for Takahashi. The first person aside from her father she truly cared about... She sat down her bed looking out the window and suddenly, tears started streaming down her face. " Minami... where are you?.. you said you would come back before I would know... " As Maeda was crying, she didn't notice someone coming inside her room

" I'm back and you didn't know. " That voice sounded so familiar to Maeda. She looked back and saw the person she was longing and worrying for

" Takahashi! Y-You're back.. ?!?! " Maeda's eyes widened

" Yes. I'm looking forward to my reward. " Takahashi smirked

" N-No way! .. You killed it??? " Maeda's eyes could go out of her sockets if possible

" I did. Don't tell me you haven't prepared my reward. " Takahashi frowned

Maeda smiled " I did. " She noticed Takahashi's arm " Oh my, what happened to your arm?! "

" Nah. It just got burnt. Nothing to worry about " Takahashi smiled sheepishly

" But— "

" I said it's nothing to worry about! " Takahashi grumbled

Maeda smiled " Whatever. What matters is that you're back.. " Maeda hugged Takahashi gently. Careful not to hurt his arm

" E-Ehhhh?? " Takahashi blushed

" Oh, and by the way, you're reward. " Maeda broke their hug and suddenly kissed Takahashi. Takahashi was shocked at first but he kissed back after he recovered from the shock. When air was necessary, they broke the kiss and connected their fore heads together.

" I love you, Takahashi Minami. I love you. " Maeda said with ragged breathing

" I love you more, Maeda Atsuko. " Takahashi smiled


" And they lived— "

" HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!! " The class shouted as they squealed about the happy ending

" Alright, kids. Get a piece of paper and write what you feel about the story. " The teacher smiled

" Hai, sensei! "

On the far back corner of the classroom, two kids were holding hands

" Ne, Atsuko, they had the same name as us..! " The other kid said half whispering half shouting

" Yeah, I don't know why though. Let's just leave it at that, ne, Minami? "

" Un! " The kid said as she kissed the other kid's cheek



Reviews~~~~~~~~  :deco:
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 03:33:39 PM by ChuuuPuffss »
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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | Fairy Tale | AtsuMina | Sept. 20
« Reply #69 on: September 20, 2012, 03:45:46 PM »
I liked it! Welcome back!!

....but where is Mayuki? there says Mayuki too but I dont see it...
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | Fairy Tale | AtsuMina | Sept. 20
« Reply #70 on: September 20, 2012, 03:58:02 PM »
@Yuukimoko: Lol Thats the request line. The order I'm going on making the fics xD MaYuki is last though haha gomen o-o
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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | Fairy Tale | AtsuMina | Sept. 20
« Reply #71 on: September 20, 2012, 04:04:43 PM »
ah! Its okay! I just didnt understand, thats all.

“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | Fairy Tale | AtsuMina | Sept. 20
« Reply #72 on: September 22, 2012, 03:15:31 PM »
Lol back with another OS. Sorry for not updating the other fic! My juice got drained after I made this OS from Sathday xD I'll update it when I have a plot in mind... OTL

Get Up and Fall Back Again

 She wouldn’t know what I knew. She wouldn’t know what I felt when I fell for her. She wouldn’t know what I felt when I started loving her. She wouldn’t know what I felt when I tried to give up. But now, I’m sure she would know how it would feel to hold on.  Giving up was the hardest choice of my life. And, I’m guessing it was something surreal but worth learning. If that fateful event didn’t happen, I wonder where I would be placed at right now.


“ You know what? “

“ What? “                                                         

She let go of the person struggling away from her embrace

“ Eh? “ The person tilted her head to the side looking cute… but that didn’t work on her anymore

“ I’m tired of this.” The person stood up and droplets started appearing on the corner of her eyes

“ What are you talking about? “

“ I knew it. That is what you truly are. “

“ What do you mean? What’s wrong with you, Yuuchan?? “

“ I knew it all along… but, never did I give up. “

“ Yuuchan! Slow down! I have no idea! “

“ You know, you’re making it worse. “ Yuko looked at the person in front of her with a sad smile

“ I knew all along that you had no idea on what I felt, but still… holding on was a choice, right, Haruna? “

“ Yuuchan, .. I’m serious. What are you talking about??? “

“ I’m serious too, Haruna. I’m sick and tired of all these things! “

“ What things?! “ Haruna stood up

“ Things, Haruna! These things! Things which you are doing right now! Wake up, Haruna! I’m serious about you and you just don’t take it personally and heartily! Are my feelings toys for you?! “ Yuko broke down and tears started to fall little by little

“ Y-Yuuchan.. I’m sorry.. I didn’t know. “

“ Yeah, right. I bet you knew but you just didn’t take it at heart. You never really thought about it. “

“ No, Yuucha—“

“ It’s okay. I understand that you don’t really like me. I can’t blame you for being me. “ Yuko flashed a sad smile. A smile that took all of her courage to make

“ I can explain! “

“ Yeah? You’re actually doing this at the edge of breaking down? It’s too late. “

“ Better late than never, Yuko! “

“ I… I just can’t hold it much longer. Loving you and holding onto you hurts really much, you know.. “

“ Letting go hurts much more! “

“ At first, I really loved you, but now?... I don’t even know anymore. It just all disappeared when you kept on resisting. I’m the type who is patient and determined to claim what I want but it seems I’ve lost my values. I don’t even know what I’m talking about anymore. “ Yuko knelt down and covered her face with her cold hands

“ Yuko, I— “ Haruna reached out to Yuko but Yuko stood up

“ It’s fine. Just… Just don’t expect me to be here harassing you but I’ll be here when you need me. See you tomorrow, Nyannyan. “ Yuko forced up her toothy grin but it didn’t change Haruna’s frowning face

Yeah. I pretty much realized what I had gone into. It took time to move on and get her out of my mind. It was too hard but I had to do it, right? I was just not the type to be persuaded. Especially by a person who didn’t even notice my feelings. By a person who didn’t take it seriously. But no matter who she is, she would always have a special place in my heart. Until now…

“ Hey. “

“ Eh? “ Yuko turned around and saw Haruna locking the door of the dressing room
“ What’re you doing???” Yuko asked making Haruna face her

“ We need to talk. “

“ About what? There’s nothing in particular to talk about. “ Yuki sighed and continued packing up

Haruna sat beside Yuko “ We need to talk about what’s happening. “

“ Happening about what? “

“ About what’s happening between us, Yuuchan. About US! “

“ There’s nothing going on between us, Nyannyan. “ Yuko smiled without even looking at Haruna

“ Who said it’s about what’s going on? I said what’s happening, you know. “ Haruna smirked making Yuko blush in embarrassment

“ Err… Whatever. I’m going ahead. “ Yuko zipped her bag close and stood up. She walked as fast as she could to the door but Haruna blocked her way

“ You’re not going anywhere until we get things right, Yuko. “ Haruna said with a serious tone

“ Oh, shit! Torigoya?! “ Yuko said inside her mind

“ Umm.. What are you gonna do if I refuse? “

“ I’m going to reveal to everyone you have a panty collection! “

“ Holy fuck, okay, okay! I’ll talk! “ Yuko raised her hands in the air as a sign of giving up.

Haruna led Yuko to the rooftop so they could sort things out in a proper and smooth manner

“ So..? “

“ Did you… Did you really umm.. Did you really love me..? “ Haruna looked away flustered

“ Yes. That was in the past as you said ‘Did’. “ Yuko replied casually

“ We’re you serious about your feelings?? “

“ Of course. I was so serious that I didn’t notice I was making mistakes. Like holding on thinking there’s much hope. “ Yuko frowned

“ I’m so sorry.. “ Haruna mumbled while looking at her shuffling feet

“ What? “

“ Nothing. “ Haruna smiled sheepishly

“ Hmph. You’re so cute. “ Yuko blushed while repeating her thoughts

“ Yuuchan, I have another question. “

“ Feel free. “ Yuko leaned onto the rails

“ Do you still have feelings for me? Which are real? “

“ Of course. I still love you… but it’s not the same. “

“ Eh? “ Haruna tilted her head to the side

“ No matter what, “ Yuko looked at Haruna and smiled “ You’ll always have a special place in my heart “

“ Y-Yuuchan… “ Tears started falling from Haruna’s eyes

“ Eh?! Nyannyan, why are you crying?? Oh my gosh, did I do something wrong??! “ Yuko panicked

Haruna chuckled “ Nope. Nothing at all. I’m just touched. “

“ Oh. “ Yuko smiled

“ I’m touched that I still have a special place in your heart and I made you suffer. “

“ It’s okay, Nyannyan. “ Yuko rubbed her neck “ I think about you at times too… “ Yuko mumbled

“ What can I do to make it up? “

“ Well, it’s okay, really. “

“ I want to do something for you. “

“ Okay. What are you planning? “

“ I’m planning on making Yuuchan’s heart mine again. But this time, I will take it seriously. “ Haruna smirked

Yuko blushed “ Wh-What?? Did I hear that correctly? “

“ Hai! I will make it mine! As I want to suffer the same as you. I want to feel it. “

“ No, Nyannyan! I don’t want you to suffer for me! “

“ Then, take my heart.. Make it as yours as what I am going to do. “ Haruna said with a determined face

“ Eh??? “

“ Will you make me suffer.. or not? “

 “ No! I won’t! I’ll take your heart, Nyannyan! “ Yuko raised her fist in the air

Haruna giggled making Yuko surprised “ Eh? What’s so funny?? “

“ Those feelings you thought you lost… never went away. You always loved me from the bottom of your heart, you just didn’t admit it. You assumed that you didn’t love me anymore but you still do. “

“ Nyannyan.. “ Yuko was shocked

“ Don’t worry. I’ll tell you a secret… I’m just like you. I thought the same but now I realized it. “

“ Nyannyan! “ Yuko broke down in tears and hugged Haruna.

Haruna patted Yuko’s head “ You said it. You don’t want to make me suffer, right? Then, take my heart and I’ll take yours. “

“ I will. Geez, you wise girl. That’s my Nyannyan~ “ Yuko drowned into Haruna’s scent

“ Stop the compliments~ “

“ You know, Nyannyan, I’m sure I stopped loving you. “

“ Ehhhh??? “

“But you made me fall back again. “ Yuko grinned

And that’s when she made me fall for her back again.
“ Yuuchan! “
“ Nyannyan~ “ Yuko groped Haruna
“ Hey! Stop groping me! “
“ No way! It’s your fault for making me take your heart! “ Yuko smirked


Hoho~ Imma be trollin' and d'awwing like a baws 8DDDDD
Reviews yo. And Peace out. y u wotas no give reviews in AtsuMina fic dammit !@#$%^&
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 04:51:09 PM by ChuuuPuffss »
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | Get Up And Fall Back Again | KojiYuu | Sept. 22
« Reply #73 on: September 22, 2012, 03:31:51 PM »
Really lovely! I like it!

Kojiyuu is soooo sweet at times like these~
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | Get Up And Fall Back Again | KojiYuu | Sept. 22
« Reply #74 on: September 22, 2012, 04:10:29 PM »
I love it! KOJIYUU <33


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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | Get Up And Fall Back Again | KojiYuu | Sept. 22
« Reply #75 on: September 22, 2012, 07:25:06 PM »
Gahhhh this is just.... soo good !!! Chuu chan... u r really good at writing fic ! luv ur fic so muchhh :3

Sorry for not replying on the other fic ... ehehe ... just was busy these days ... :p

But seriously this fic hurt me at the beginning... as always when i read about kojiyuu fic. Its just that Yuko has to suffer so much.. and Haruna is just as airhead as always...!

Im glad that this is a happy ending... but i dun mind if its a sad ending tho... sometimes i want to see Haruna suffer the same as Yuko :p

Thank u so much for the fic! i hope u will update soon ^_^

Offline ElleOranjii

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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | Get Up And Fall Back Again | KojiYuu | Sept. 22
« Reply #76 on: September 23, 2012, 01:53:24 AM »
What ever happens Yuko is still going to grope Nyaro... :on shady:
is a signature a biography ??
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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | Get Up And Fall Back Again | KojiYuu | Sept. 22
« Reply #77 on: September 23, 2012, 08:58:43 AM »
I'm eager to continue my OS's. Here's MaYuki, fellas !  :deco:


Of Pens and Sexy Lips

It was a rainy day and Watanabe Mayu was trying hard to finish her new sketch
“ Aargghh! When will I get this right?! “ She yelled loudly and threw her eraser to the floor, forgetting she wasn’t the only one in the apartment
“ Mayuyu..? “ A certain girl sat up from the warm and cozy bed. The warm voice made Mayu turn her chair around. The girl rubbed her eyes cutely making Mayu blush in embarrassment and her cuteness
“ Y-Yukirin. Ehehe.. “ Mayu rubbed her neck and smiled sheepishly
“ Why are you yelling? “ Yuki glanced at the wall clock “ And it’s still 10 AM. “
“ Err.. Sorry. I couldn’t get the arm right… “ Mayu showed Yuki the badly drawn arm
“ Ohh.. Don’t get too stressed. You can do it. “ Yuki smiled and yawned
“ Okay.. You know, you can go back to sleep. “
“ Nah. It’s okay. I can’t go back to sleep thanks to a person yelling in the morning. “
“ Hey! I said I’m sorry.. “ Mayu pouted and crossed her arms
Yuki giggled “ Kidding. “ Yuki got out from the bed, revealing her white and creamy legs. She stretched hard making her shirt rise up and reveal her well-toned stomach
Mayu blushed “ Geez, you don’t have to be THAT hot in the morning.. “
Yuki spotted the eraser on the floor and picked it up. She walked seductively to Mayu thinking she could use a little tease to loosen up.
“ Y-Yukirin..!! “ Mayu covered her face with her slim hands
“ Can’t handle it? “ Yuki decided to stop and placed the eraser on the table
“ Un. “ Yuki took Mayu’s hands from her face, revealing a flustered Mayu
“ It’s not my fault I look THIS hot to you. “ Yuki gave a small kiss on Mayu’s lips
Mayu looked away avoiding Yuki’s gaze. Yuki smiled and checked her phone
“ Sae called. She asked if you were free today. “ Mayu said with an annoyed tone. It was obvious how she didn’t like Sae when she gets it on with Yuki
“ Yeah.. I got 3 missed calls from her. “ Yuki said as she kept scanning her phone
“ You can go if you want to.. Staying here would only harm your ears. “ Mayu continued drawing but she was slightly annoyed
“ So, you’re saying you want me out of the house, now? “ Yuki crossed her arms
“ No. I’m just saying that Sae might be a little lonely, you know? “ Mayu tried her best to keep up her cyborg attitude
“ You do know it’s raining. And you might be scared and lonely. Something might happen to my dear little cyborg~ “ Yuki threw her phone to the bed and hugged Mayu from behind.
Mayu decided to keep her pride controlled “ I can take care of myself. “
“ Says the girl who rolls around the floor when the food is still cooking. “ Yuki teased
“ Let’s not talk about that. “ Mayu blushed
“ I don’t want to go~ I was thinking maybe we could spend the day together~ We hardly get to have time for each other. “ Yuki forced Mayu to turn around. Mayu had her cyborg face on
“ I want to finish my sketch. “
“ Mou, Mayuyu! Do you even care about me? “ Yuki pouted. Mayu didn’t answer and continued to stare at her
Yuki let go and sighed “ Geez. Then, if that’s the case, I’ll move out. “ Yuki walked to her cabinet but to her surprise, Mayu caught hold of her wrist.
“ What? “ Yuki’s Black aura started emerging
“ I’m.. just jealous, okay? .. Just jealous. I don’t want anyone including Sae to have a special place in your heart. Even though she just returned from China, I don’t want you to be with her. “ Mayu looked at Yuki with pleading eyes
“ And? Anything else to say? “
“ .. I’m sorry.. again. “ Yuki smiled and kissed Mayu’s forehead “ Good enough for me. I’ll go make breakfast okay? “
“ Un. “ Mayu let go of her hold and Yuki ran downstairs.


“ Mayuyu! “ Yuki scared Mayu causing her to mess up her drawing
“ Gosh, Yuki! It’s a good thing I’m still using a pencil! “ Mayu grabbed her eraser and erased the ragged parts furiously
“ Gomen ne~ “ Yuki approached Mayu “ Ah, Miichan called and she said she and the others are coming over today~ “ Yuki clasped her hands and smiled like a mother
“ What?! You said it would be just the two of us today! “ Mayu abruptly stood up from her seat
“ I thought we could use a little company… “ Yuki looked down on the floor feeling ashamed of herself.
Mayu felt guilty and hugged Yuki “ Sorry. Don’t look down. I’ll feel guilty. I’m just stressed, that’s all. “
“ Yeah. I know. “ Yuki hugged her back. Some minutes passed and they were still hugging each other
“ Sooooo, are we going to stay like this forever? “ Yuki whispered to Mayu’s ear
“ Mmhh.. If you insist, I would like to do this forever. “  Mayu didn’t feel like letting go
“ You have a sketch to finish. “ Yuki added making Mayu let go
“ Ugh, you’re right. “ Mayu sat down and continued from where she stopped. Yuki went downstairs and continued her cooking


“ Mayu..? “ Yuki decided to not scare her this time
“ Un? “ Mayu was now highlighting or darkening her drawing to add contrast with her pink, fluffy pen
“ Breakfast is ready~ “ Yuki patted Mayu’s shoulder
“ I don’t feel like eating food. “ Mayu balanced her pen above her forming duck lips
“ Eh? Then, what do you prefer to eat right now? “ Yuki tilted her head. She found it weird how Mayu didn’t want to pig out today
“ I don’t know~ Maybe, “ Mayu turned her chair around, still balancing the pen “ I want to eat YOU. “ Mayu was planning something
Yuki blushed “ What? “ Yuki noticed Mayu’s lips and her pen. Mayu stood up from her seat
“  Didn’t you hear what I—“
Yuki interrupted “ I’m surprised you can talk while you’re doing that. “ Yuki kept on staring at Mayu’s lips and unconsciously licked her own lips
“ I’m a cyborg. I can do every.. “ Mayu looked at Yuki and thought she was acting weird “ thing… “
“ Your lips.. are somehow, distracting.. “ Yuki walked slowly to Mayu, eyes on her lips. As Yuki moves closer to her, Mayu somehow moves backwards “ .. and interesting. “
“ Y-Yukirin? “ The pen fell to the floor and Yuki smirked as she pinned Mayu to the wall “ Eh? “
“ You did said you wanted to eat me, right? “ Yuki got a nod in response “ Well, I want to devour your sexy lips. “ Yuki quickly collided their lips together into an electrifying, long kiss. Mayu was shocked but she kissed back anyway. As skilful is Yuki is in kissing, Mayu couldn’t stand it, she let out a moan making Yuki smirk and make her move.

The both of them were now in bed, trying to eat each other’s lips. But still, Yuki was on top. Mayu moaned again but this time, it was because she needed oxygen. Yuki took this chance and slid her tongue into Mayu’s mouth. Their tongues were now battling for dominance. Yuki being the stronger and strategic one, she successfully won and explored deeper into Mayu’s moisture caverns. Yuki had pity on Mayu and decided to let her breathe for a while. Mayu for being the sneaky one, she pulled Yuki’s shorts down fully revealing her legs. Yuki started leaving marks on Mayu’s jaw to her necks and to her cleavage. They started taking off each other’s clothes. As loud as their monas echoed inside the room, they didn’t notice the guests entering their house.

Safe to say, some people walked into a fresh quickie.


LOL Imma still trollin' like a baws 8DD
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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | Of Pens And Sexy Lips | MaYuki | Sept. 23
« Reply #78 on: September 23, 2012, 09:29:41 AM »
waghhhh~ I cant never get enough of Mayuki.......Never!!!!!!

i want more.....

Thanks for the OS!!!! it was incredible~ it got my mind off the homeworks I have......

Can there still be requests? ........TomoTomo? Mayuki please~ that if you are still open~

Thank you again.
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

Offline ElleOranjii

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Re: Chuu's Boredom Thread | Of Pens And Sexy Lips | MaYuki | Sept. 23
« Reply #79 on: September 23, 2012, 11:49:25 AM »
 :gyaaah: y u no continue the scene chuu-san ?  :gyaaah:

:on shady:
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 12:40:38 PM by ElleOranjii »
is a signature a biography ??
I like butter, Orange and Macros....:D
I like minecraft too.. :D I LOVE MATH <3
i have 2 oshimens in every group
it's rare for me to have an ace oshimen XD
but i have no friends :(

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