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Author Topic: ;;wen48 collections: random drabbles  (Read 44436 times)

Offline tkmnwen

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« Last Edit: October 20, 2013, 07:03:07 PM by tkmnwen »

Offline tkmnwen

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;;of UZA PV and screentimes
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2012, 09:00:34 PM »
There isn’t enough Minami in UZA PV – Acchan
There isn’t any Acchan in UZA PV – Takamina
Takamina… ಠ~ಠ  – Acchan
Acchan…(︶ε︶メ)   – Takamina
Hey hey! Reply me! – Takamina
Acchan~~~~ I’m sorry ⊙﹏⊙ !Reply meeee – Takamina
Reply me pleaseeee? I’ll cook dinner!! – Takamina
I want a good dinner then. No katsudon – Acchan
……Indeed, only food can make you reply –Takamina
So do I get my dinner or not? ¬_¬ – Acchan
Of course your highness, of course! ♥ε♥– Takamina

“What’s with that goofy grin on your face?” Miichan asked, plopping down on the empty space beside Takamina and took a few huge gulps of water from the other Minami’s bottle, earning a glare from the shorter girl. “Hey hey! Don’t be selfish. It’s only a sip,” Miichan complained, thrusting the half-emptied bottle back into the other girl’s hands. Takamina rolled her eyes and placed the bottle on her other side, leaning back onto the wall and closed her eyes.

“Acchan was just texting me,” Takamina started, almost too softly for Miichan to catch it.

Miichan raised an eyebrow, “Your waifu? What’s up?” They haven’t really been keeping in contact since Acchan’s last performance though the rest of the ex-ace’s close friends do get updates on how she was doing through her girlfriend – Takamina.

The short captain shook her head, “She was just complaining about the lack of screentime for me in UZA PV.”

Miichan scrunched her nose in disgust, “What a friend. I barely appeared and she didn’t even text me about it.”

Takamina let out a hearty laugh, “Maybe she didn’t even know you are in the PV!”

Spinning around and looking at Takamina with a serious face, “Is it really that bad!?” Miichan hastily whispered. Amused, Takamina decided to pull Miichan’s leg for a bit more and nodded with a serious expression, sending the younger girl into a series of loud whines. The younger girl grabbed Takamina’s arm and stared at the captain, “Did I reaaaally appear that little!?”

Before Takamina could reply, Miichan’s phone chimed.

Miichan! I watched UZA PV! ……and only noticed you when I was watching it the third time! Gomen~ - Acchan

Offline Calyrica

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Re: ;;wen48 collections
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2012, 10:30:11 PM »
Ah! I'm glad you're posting these here, too!  :heart: I've liked all of them that I could find on Tumblr, but if you post your old ones here, I get to make sure I didn't miss any.  XD They're such lovely little short ficlets that brighten my day when I wake up to a new one.
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Offline kahem

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Re: ;;wen48 collections
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2012, 11:05:59 PM »
lol Acchan is so Acchan xD

Offline stv_wong

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Re: ;;wen48 collections
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2012, 03:55:47 AM »
Waaah... you finally posted your fics here.  XD

I'm so glad because i had a trouble to open tumblr. My internet connection is suck :thumbdown:

Offline Haruko

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Re: ;;wen48 collections
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2012, 04:21:13 AM »
I always read you tumbrl :D

Offline tkmnwen

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;;of uza pv and screentimes - 2
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2012, 05:37:45 AM »
;;of uza pv and screentimes - 2

“Yuuchan~~~” A familiar voice rang out in the quiet studio and Yuko looked up as a smile gradually painted her adorable features. Wrapping her arms around the shorter girl, Haruna smiled, “Why is my Yuuchan pouting alone in the corner?” Resting her head on the top of the other girl’s, Haruna asked, gently stroking Yuko’s hair and carefully tucking a stray strand behind her ear. The shorter girl kept her silence, tightening her arms around her girlfriend’s as Haruna spotted the paused video on Yuko’s cellphone. “The PV?”

Yuko nodded, leaning away from Haruna and pouted as she stared at the beautiful face in front of her. “I think even Nyan nyan had more screentime than I do,” she mumbled, making a disappointed face.

Haruna grinned, lightly smacking Yuko on her forehead, “And that’s why you are sad?!” The squirrel-like girl widened her eyes in surprise and broke the hug, waving her hands around to show that she wasn’t jealous of Haruna but failing rather terribly. Haruna laughed, catching one of Yuko’s flailing hands and pulling the girl back into her embrace. “It’s okay, ya know,” Haruna muttered, resting her head on Yuko’s shoulder. “Even with the lack of screentime, you still stole everyone’s attention away.”

Leaning away from Haruna yet again, Yuko broke into smiles as she looked at her girlfriend. Haruna grinned with her, poking gently on her lovely dimples. “Indeed, all I need is my Nyan nyan,” Yuko beamed even wider, then suddenly scrunching her face in annoyance.

“Say Nyan nyan, did you have fun filming the PV?” Yuko asked, and Haruna looked at her girlfriend whose face painted a mysterious expression. She nodded and immediately, Yuko’s face flashed a look of irritation, “I knew it!”

“Knew what?” Haruna asked with a blank expression; Yuko had clearly lost Haruna before even she began guilt-tripping her.

“There was soooooo much of you and Mariko in the PV!!!” Yuko semi-yelled exasperatedly, making a sad face at her girlfriend.

“And so?” Haruna stared back at her ridiculous girlfriend.

“And so!…” Yuko left her words hanging and Haruna waited, still clueless on what was making Yuko so irritated. “And so…nothing.”

Haruna made a face, “Nothing?”

Yuko nodded and smile, “Mhm! Nothing!”

Haruna shrugged her shoulders and took Yuko’s arms, wrapping them around her waist, “Let’s go for dinner!”

Yuko beamed a dimpled smile at her girlfriend and nodded, tightening her arms around her girlfriend. “Your treat!” Haruna hummed her reply, hands playing with Yuko’s silky locks before bending down slightly and resting her head near Yuko’s ear.

“You know…you don’t have to be jealous of Marichan and me…”


@calyrica: I thought it's easier and better to churn out drabbles than to write a sometimes-too-long-winded fic. LOL and since most of my stuffs aren't AU, it's not easy to whip up a fic-length piece so I stick to drabbles for most part. Hahaa ^-^// U can check the tags on tumblr if you want to btrack too. ^_^
@kahem: Acchan is indeed so Acchan. (:
@stv_wong: ;~;// I'll remember to post them here more often then!!
@Haruko: I know you! I've seen you reblogging my Kojiyuu pieces. Thank you <3333

Offline tkmnwen

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;;most of my memories
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2012, 08:16:40 AM »
;;most of my memories

Acchan leaned back; resting her body snugly against her best friend’s and heaved a sigh. The moonlight that shone into the room seemed to echo the melancholy of the mood in the room; Acchan fidgeted for a bit, pulling her best friend’s arms around her waist while the girl behind rested her chin on Acchan’s shoulders. “It’s time huh?” the one behind whispered to which the ace nodded slightly, looking at the clock at the corner of the room. “Nothing will change after today, ya know…” she reassured Acchan even though her voice was laced with doubts and worries. The pair of arms tightened itself around the younger girl as a drop of tear wetted itself on the ace’s blouse.

“I don’t want to be apart from you, I can’t imagine a day being away from AKB, can I back out of my decision now?” the ace mumbled, hands playing with Takamina’s which encircled her waist before reaching to grab her phone from the bedside, “Yasusu writes the best kind of songs huh?”

Most of my memories were made together with you
Laughing, crying, even fighting
We spent some days sharing our dreams together and time passed by

“Time sure has past us by before we even know it,” Takamina echoed Acchan’s thoughts, turning the girl around to face herself. She smiled a bitter smile, leaning their foreheads together. “It’s good to see that we’ve chased dreams together, achieving goals together, and now that they are reached, you can go forth without worries for more,” Takamina whispered, a tear falling from the corner of her right eye.

Most of my memories make up our footprints
Walking, running, and standing still
We came here when we lost our way countless times now we’re friends who have to say goodbye

“But you know what,” Takamina continued, this time hugging her best friend, chin once again resting on the taller girl’s shoulder. “We’ll never have to say goodbye because your graduation only meant the end of one journey for you, but never the end of the journey for our friendship.”

“Because like what Yasusu wrote, we’ll be friends no matter where we are. ”

地図になる どこにいても 友よ

Offline yoko2148

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Re: ;;wen48 collections
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2012, 08:37:06 AM »

 :heart: :heart: :heart:
I love your fic the most and glad you post in here too.

I check your tumblr everyday. Thank youuu :heart: :heart:

Offline tkmnwen

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;;of the dead and the living
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2012, 02:36:35 PM »
;;of the dead and the living

Sado sat in the corner, cuddling her knees and just letting her emotions flowed; she had been reminiscing the lost time she had with Yuko, mourning over her death and refusing to believe that all of what happened happened. It hadn’t been long since Yuko’s passing; but long enough to let Sado cried her eyes out making them looked almost permanently red and puffy, skipping meals enough to let the once scary yet elegantly gorgeous vice president looked 20 years older than her actual age and devastating enough to let suicidal thoughts flood her mind more often than it should.

A knock on the door interrupted Sado’s train of thoughts and a sudden shout caused a momentarily headache for Sado as she furrowed her brows, irritated by the intrusion.

Running into the room, Torigoya grabbed the piece of glass in Sado’s hand before tearing a part of her skirt and wrapped the cloth around the bleeding arm. Numbed to the happenings around her, Sado tuned out the mumbling from the other girl and followed aimlessly as the younger girl led her out of the room. The bright sunlight blinded Sado for a second; closing her eyes then slowly reopening them to adjust to the stream of light, Sado snapped out of the daze she was in and widened her eyes when she saw the stream of blood from her arm. The pain hit Sado hard as the girl let out a scream of agony, startling the other girl who then tightened her grip on Sado to prevent the girl from thrashing around as she attempted to shake Torigoya’s hold off her arm.

“Don’t you dare to fucking move,” Torigoya warned with a low voice, fixing a stern glare on the other girl as she brought her arm under the running water. The sting coupled with her grieve was too much for Sado as her legs lost strength and she felt herself being supported upright by the younger girl. “When can you put this all down and behind you,” the other girl mumbled, tears threatening to fall as she watched how such a strong and dominating character like Sado is nothing more than a weak and broken being now.

“Remember…only when the remembering and reminiscing is done, the forgetting and moving on can begin. And till then, I’ll wait and be with you…”


@yoko2148: o_o really?! >.< Thank you for your kind words!!!!
@O r i g a m i: you too? ;~;/////// thank you so much ._.///

Offline tkmnwen

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;;married and honeymoon…
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2012, 10:59:10 PM »
;;married and honeymoon…

“Nyan Nyan~~” Yuko whined from the sofa after throwing down her bags. Haruna smiled and locked the door before walking to her newly-married wife, or rather, Haruna liked to think Yuko as the husband. Picking up the abandoned bags from the hallway, Haruna pulled their luggage into the den and settled them at the side before joining Yuko on the couch. Yuko beamed; scooting closer to her wife, the shorter girl leaned her head onto Haruna’s and sighed. The taller girl raised her eyebrows but remained silent as Yuko fidgeted around with her fingers, “Nyan nyan?” Haruna smiled and hummed her reply, “Thank you,” came Yuko’s soft mutter.

“For?” Haruna asked, resting her head on Yuko’s. The other girl didn’t speak a word but instead, the pair sat on the couch for the next few minutes, just enjoying each other’s company. “Are we gonna spend our honeymoon on the couch?” the taller girl teased, slipping her hand out of Yuko’s and sat up straighter. Yuko giggled and shook her head but remained leaning on Haruna; it was unusual to see Yuko this quiet even if they were alone and it was rather unnerving even for Haruna. The older girl didn’t rush her wife but instead reached an arm over and pulled Yuko into her embrace.

“Haruna’s tired?” Yuko asked quietly while her wife shook her head. “Liar,” the younger girl muttered when she turned her head round and saw Haruna’s drooping eyelids. They had a busy day; the wedding in the morning took most of their energy but before they could get a breather, the couple had to rush for their late afternoon flight for the honeymoon. Yuko wondered why on earth that she made Haruna booked their flight, knowing that the air-headed girl would more or less screw it up, and man, did Haruna not fail to disappoint.

Haruna smiled weakly, fighting her urges to sleep and shook her head, “I wouldn’t want to waste the first night in Guam on sleeping.” Haruna yawned, rubbing her eyes and missed the blush that had crept its way onto Yuko’s cheeks. Shaking her head to clear the sleepiness, the taller girl pulled Yuko up together with her, “Let’s go!”

Clueless about what Haruna wanted to do, “Go where?” Yuko asked the now looking confused Haruna.

“To the beach of course! Where else?” Haruna asked in reply, giving her wife a bright smile then slipping her hand into Yuko’s.

Yuko gave herself a mental facepalm, wondering why her head is always in the gutters when it comes to Haruna. “Of course Haruna wouldn’t suggest a sexy night together. She isn’t me,” the shorter girl reprimanded herself silently before grinning back at her wife. “But why oh why did she even mention night and not sleeping together in a sentence?” Yuko thought as she groaned inwardly when the pair made their way to the seaside.

Haruna led Yuko to the bar near the seaside and took a seat, “What do you want?” the taller girl asked to a clearly not paying attention Yuko.

Well, how could Yuko pay any attention to anything else other than ogling at her wife? The younger girl had no idea when did her wife changed into this white flowery long dress that she had on now, but the attractive collarbone, the milky white arms and not forgetting the drool-worthy cleavage; Yuko could only feel blood rushing to her head. “-Sex on the beach please,” Haruna’s voice interrupted Yuko’s thoughts and the girl snapped herself out of her perverted trance.

“WHAT? What sex? What sex on the beach? NYAN NYAN WHAT?” the shorter girl yelled, jumping off the bar stool and stared at Haruna. A blush swiftly painted the taller girl’s face as she reached over and clamped a hand over Yuko’s mouth before looking apologetically at the patrons near them.

Resisting the hand that was on her mouth, Yuko grinned playfully as she stuck out her tongue and gave Haruna’s hand a lick, watching when her wife’s face changed from embarrassed to disgust before releasing her hold on Yuko. “Nyan nyan~” Yuko whined once again, attempting to scoot closer to her wife even on separated bar stools. “What are you talking abou-,” two orangey cocktails served on their table by the suave-looking bartender interrupted Yuko and the short girl glared at the bartender. Clearly without an intention to leave before locking eyes with Haruna, the bartender sent a wink and a smug smirk her direction when the beautiful girl looked up.

Irritated, Yuko slapped his arm and brought his attention to the shorter girl. “She’s taken,” Yuko said coldly and the bartender raised his eyebrow, smile slowly fading from his face.

Before Yuko could cheer for her win, “its fine ‘cause I believe she would cheat for me,” came the bartender’s confident retort.

You could almost see the fire in Yuko’s eyes as she stood up, leaning menacingly close to the bartender before dropping a cold poison-laced warning, “She wouldn’t. You’re not good enough. She’s married.”

“Oh really?” The guy challenged, throwing in an assertive grin. “Why don’t we ask the lady herself?”

Haruna choked on her cocktail; they had lost her after the first minute, only snapping out of her my-pace thoughts when Yuko stood up and paid as much attention as she could while fighting her drowsiness. Looking up to Yuko’s angry yet uncertain eyes, then darting to the seemingly too confident and rather unappealing expression on the otherwise handsome-looking bartender’s face, Haruna stood up as well. “Let’s go back, Yuuchan. I’m tired,” Haruna said quietly, taking up Yuko’s hand from in front of the bartender; her way of saying, “Thank you, but no thank you. I’m contended with my Yuuchan.”

Back in the room, Yuko was still fuming as she stormed to the couch and sat down, turning on the TV yet throwing the controller angrily back onto the coffee-table. “Yuuchan,” Haruna warned quietly, “The coffee table’s gonna break.” Yuko made a face, turning around and resting on the top of the couch like a little puppy, watching Haruna. The taller girl who was picking out her pajamas for the night stopped when she felt eyes following her every move, “What?”

“What what?” Yuko asked.

Haruna shook her head, lowering her head once again into their shared luggage and picking out her clothes for the next day, hanging them into the wardrobe. “Oh!” Yuko shouted, “I got us matching pajamas!” The short girl scooted out of the sofa and went over to the luggage, ransacking it and pulling out a box, “Here!”

Without even guessing, Haruna already knew what to expect and it didn’t came as a surprise when she pulled out a red satin babydoll nighttie. Locking eyes with Yuko, who was looking expectantly at Haruna, the taller girl gave a sigh. “A leopard can’t change it spots, neither would a perverted Yuko ditch her hentai roots,” Haruna thought.

“Y-you don’t like it?” Yuko asked timidly, eyes lowering slightly with disappointment written all over her face. Something soft stuck itself on her cheek, and Yuko blushed; before she could react to it, the pair of soft lips left her cheeks and she gave a soft mew in protest.

“Love it. Like I love Yuuchan,” Haruna replied. “I’m going to change into it. You should change into yours too,” the taller girl said, making her way to the bathroom. Yuko blushed; despite being together for such a long time, she knew that Haruna don’t hang the praises, or her love for Yuko on her lips but that didn’t mean that she love Yuko any lesser. The random and rare confessions of love always caught Yuko off-guard and it never made the shorter girl any less bashful as the first time when Haruna whispered the love word to her.

The door of the shower room opened a while later, and Yuko almost melt into the ground; Haruna, in her gorgeousness stepped out and the nightie, though not body-hugging, hugged Haruna’s curves in all the right places. The red contrasted beautifully with Haruna’s white, though not sickly pale, skin, highlighting the stunning girl’s proportions. Yuko almost felt her eyes popped out when they travelled to Haruna’s cleavage; the low-cut nightie could almost hide nothing, generously showing to Yuko, Haruna’s full bosom. It took the shorter girl all her will to pull her sight away from Haruna’s chest, travelling downwards as the nightie ended just a quarter down her wife’s thighs. She couldn’t even think straight; all her thoughts were jumbled up between wanting to land her paws on the taller girl’s thighs, nuzzling on Haruna’s chest and just tearing the nightie off her wife’s body because it was obstructing her view.

Haruna grinned; watching as Yuko’s eyes travelled up and down her body. She wasn’t surprised at the pervert squirrel’s reaction though she was slightly taken aback by her brazen ogling. “I hope you’ve seen enough,” Haruna made a face, walking to her wife whose face now red with both embarrassment from being caught and “from the heat” as she would argue. Yuko let out an incoherent mumble and Haruna laughed, “Your turn to change,” she said, pushing her wife into the bathroom.

Laughter echoed the room when Yuko stepped out of the bathroom; clad in a similar red satin nightwear, Yuko was in the classic men 2-piece pajamas as opposed to Haruna’s sexy nightie. “It’s a couple wear you see, and since you got the woman’s…” Yuko explained sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head nervously.

Haruna jogged over to Yuko and took her into her embrace in one swift swop, nuzzling the top of her head. “It’s okay,” she comforted the shorter girl softly, “Yuuchan is the man in our relationship anyway.”

Yuko wasn’t complaining at all, who would? Her head was resting comfortably on Haruna’s chest and Yuko silently thanked whoever that was up there that decided to keep her at this height, for the first time nodding her acknowledgement to be the one wearing pants in their relationship. “Well,” she thought to herself, “if being the man gets such a good view, why not?”   

Haruna shook her head, knowing that she had already lost the hentai squirrel the moment she hugged her, but smiled warmly. “Yuuchan~ time to sleep,” Haruna mumbled softly.

“Sleep?” Yuko thought. “SLEEP?!” she shouted suddenly, then clamping a hand over her mouth, looking shyly at Haruna. “W-with you? In this?”

The taller girl gave herself a facepalm mentally; who knew that Yuko actually could still get shy when it comes to intimate actions, seeing that she had been openly ogling at Haruna since forever and shamelessly groping the girl at inappropriate places and times. “Yes sleep, you, me, in this, now,” Haruna teased, pulling the shorter girl onto the bed behind them.

Yuko mumbled ramblingly as Haruna laid her down on the bed and it took her a few blinks before realizing that the taller girl was now towering above her, legs on two sides of her thighs. Gulping a choked breathe down, Yuko stared at the prettiness in front of her and felt a sense of wanting lingering within her. Carefully lowering herself towards Yuko, Haruna smiled as Yuko closed her half-lidded eyes.

A few seconds later, Yuko felt nothing despite puckering her lips. Peeling an eye open, she saw Haruna’s amused face and knew that the secretly scheming girl tricked her. Haruna laughed an airy laughter, rolling to Yuko’s side and slipping underneath the comforter. “Sleep, Yuuchan. We’ve a full day ahead of us tomorrow,” Haruna said in between laughter.

Yuko made a face, turning around to face her tickled wife. “Nyan nyan,” whining for the umpteenth time of the night, Yuko looked at Haruna with the injured-squirrel expression, hoping to change Haruna’s mind. A wag of her finger telling Yuko there was no room for negotiation later, the younger girl pouted, burying herself under the blanket. Haruna raised an eyebrow in half-surprise; it was the first time Yuko stopped her advances so easily.

It seemed too early for Haruna to be happy when she felt a hand snaking itself across her waist from under the cover and a body plopped itself on Haruna’s. Raising the blanket, she was greeted with Yuko’s adorably cheery and somewhat naughty expression. The shorter girl gave her wife a grin, scooting upwards and landing a wet and passionate kiss on Haruna’s lips; facing no resistance from the other girl, Yuko nibbled gently on Haruna’s lower lips, tasting the strawberry lipgloss on her wife’s lips.

A hand sneaked itself up from Haruna’s waist, fondling at the taller girl’s chest while Yuko planted kisses along Haruna’s jawline. The older girl let out a sweet mew and Yuko smirked against her skin, nuzzling gently along Haruna’s collarbone…

It was safe to say that neither Yuko nor Haruna slept till the wee hours in the morning on their first night as married couple…


@riderchick: I'm flattered ;~;// And thank you too for checking out my tumblr too ;~;// So so so flattered. I'll try to write more since I've time now. ^~^//


Sorry for posting up older works around here though. ;~; Most of you guys...if you frequent my tumblr would probably have read them. m(_ _)m

Offline tkmnwen

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;;of coping and loves
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2012, 01:01:59 AM »
;;of coping and loves

“How are you coping?” Yuko muttered, plopping down on the space beside Takamina. A rare break in between photo-shoots, the ace spotted her best friend seated at the far end away from the rest of the team and decided to intrude on her peaceful silent. 

Takamina let a smile crept onto her face as she looked at the actress, cleverly concealing what she was doing. She had been a touchy subject for most of the members after Acchan’s graduation and Takamina knew that Yuko, walking over to her albeit acting as though it was a casual act, was going to attract more attention to them than say, Jurina kissing Haruna in front of Mariko yet again. “Suriving, I guess,” Takamina replied, giving a reassuring loop-sided grin back at Yuko. The older girl rolled her eyes and Takamina laughed a little too loudly, attracting curious glances from fellow members in the resting room. “Why did you ask if you don’t plan on believing my answer?” the general manager asked, giving Yuko a playful smack on her arm.

To the ones whom Takamina weren’t close to, it did appeared that the little captain picked herself up a while after Acchan’s graduation. They were careful in watching their mouths, not mentioning the ex-ace when Takamina was around and just being extra cautious not to step on the hidden mines around the captain. They noticed the faint red eyes for the whole week after the graduation, the quiet sniffling heard behind closed doors in between performances, the look of longing on the replacement’s back whenever someone took over Acchan’s center spot in shows…

However, it was hardly believable that Takamina was even surviving to people close to her; the excuses she gave to leave earlier at gatherings which she never had done so for the past seven years, the times when she came later than the rest and sometimes even later than the meeting timings with her eyes red and puffy then complaining about “waking up with allergies”, the days where she would excuse herself to go to the toilet but all you hear were sounds of someone crying softly behind closed doors…

“To see if you would lie,” Yuko teased, laughing.

Takamina rolled her eyes, “Well, I’m better now than a month ago for sure,” giving the girl beside a more convincing slight smile. “How are you?”

“Hmmm…let me see, very busy taking over the center spot from Acchan and very busy making sure my best friend is surviving after her partner leaves the group. I guess, surviving too,” Takamina laughed, giving Yuko a slight push after the girl finished. Beaming, Yuko looked at the shorter of the two and gave herself a pat on the back. “Good job Yuko good job! You made Bakamina smiled,” she teased once more, earning another smack on the arm from Takamina. “It does get lonely around her though,” Yuko pondered, resting her arm around Takamina’s shoulders, “But you know, we all gonna cope with this and make it through.”

Takamina nodded, thankful that at least without her trusty partner, she had the other members, especially her best friend to lean on. “One day I’m gonna leave, and Takamina gonna cope with it too,” Takamina let a bittersweet smile paint her face as Yuko continued, “And somehow Takamina would be able to.” The ace turned and looked at the trusty captain and nodded, “Yup, Takamina is going to be fine.”

The shorter girl laughed yet again, something rather rare and precious ever since the end of August. “How do you know that I’m gonna be around here longer than you are?”

“Because you aren’t going to graduate until you hit 40,” came the playful retort.

Takamina grinned, “And how do you know that I’m gonna be fine if you graduate?”

“Because I’ gonna be by your side to make sure you’re gonna be fine!”

Because…because I hope that by then, you would put Acchan down and I could be the one beside you, in your heart…

Offline yoko2148

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Re: ;;wen48 collections
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2012, 05:21:48 AM »

Actually I didn't crush into takayuu much.
But after watch 0048, I love it!!
and didn't expect that after acchan graduated, they become more real like in anime. Wmidget!!! :twothumbs

Offline tkmnwen

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;;of unfounded possessiveness
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2012, 02:20:30 PM »
;;of unfounded possessiveness

“Yuuchan…Yuuchan…Yuuchan again!!” Mariko thought, scrolling down something on her phone. Mariko fought back the urge to call the other girl as her stylist called her, gesturing that the setup was all ready for her photo-shoot. Dropping her phone back into her bag, Mariko patted her face gently and tried to clear her thoughts to focus on the work before her, failing horribly as happy images of Haruna and Yuko – popularly known as KojiYuu, Mariko thought bitterly – flooded her mind.


A few hours later, Mariko wrapped up her photo-shoot without much hiccups; despite being distracted by the photo that Haruna tweeted earlier with Yuko, the professional model managed to keep her emotions in control and it was almost a one-shoot okay photo session. Exhausted, Mariko debated between heading to Haruna’s place or back home when her fatigue won over and the tall girl flagged for a taxi and made her way home.

Turning her key with her hand gripping on the door knob, Mariko raised an eyebrow as she faintly heard noises within her apartment. “Burglar?” she thought as she opened the door silently. However, when a pair of familiar boots by the shoe-rack caught her eye, she smiled. “Haruna?” she called out, and a bright, smiley face popped from behind the pillar greeted her. “What are you doing here?” slipping into her comfy slippers, Mariko asked as she walked towards the other girl.

“Cooking?” Haruna grinned, waving her ladle at the owner, “Oops!” and stopping when dips of soup flew over the counter. She let out an infectious laughter, grabbing the cloth off the sink and cleaning up the counter as Mariko walked into the kitchen. “How’s work?” the younger girl asked, turning her attention back onto the simmering pot of soup, “Dinner will be ready soon, go take a shower first?” Mariko hummed a reply but instead of walking off to the bathroom, the taller girl snaked her arms around Haruna’s waist from behind and rested her chin on the girl’s shoulder. Sweet strawberry shampoo scent, the brand that Haruna loved the most, and the scent that Mariko had been used to, flooded here senses. Nuzzling her nose closer to the other girl’s neck, Mariko sighed a contented sigh.

Haruna smiled, “Mari-chan…I’ve already showered. Now…would you mind not making me need to shower again?” Voice dripping of sweetness, Haruna complained and Mariko scrunched her nose in defiant while shaking her head gently. The younger girl rolled her eyes, knowing that if Mariko decided to be all whiney and childish, she would be a handful to handle. Turning off the stove, Haruna unclasped Mariko’s hands from her waist and turned around. Poking gently on the older girl’s nose, “Mari-chan, shower. Or I’ll eat your curry rice,” Haruna let her eyes stray to the two plates of curry on the dining table and watched as Mariko turned around slowly and pouted.

“I’ll be out in a jiffy. Don’t touch my curry rice,” Mariko muttered, hands refusing to let go of Haruna’s even after the girl gave her an assuring nod.

“If you continue holding my hand, I don’t know how you’re gonna make it to the bathroom,” Haruna teased, following behind Mariko as the older girl pulled her into the bedroom to get her pajamas. Mariko made a face and let go of the other girl’s hand as she took her clothes and headed for the bathroom.

“Don’t eat my curry!” Mariko warned once again before closing the door. Haruna laughed; it is all these small yet irresistibly adorable actions that made Haruna fall in love with the older girl. The oldest member in the team, yet whenever it was just the two of them, it always made Haruna wondered if Mariko was indeed older than she is. Those childish actions that Haruna knew were only reserved for her, those whiney complains that were only whispered into her ear and not forgetting the shy look coupled with the blush on her face whenever Haruna goes a little too close for comfort…

Mariko stepped out of the shower and was ruffling her hair dry with the towel when she caught sight of a beautiful face; letting a grin painted her face, she looked at Haruna spacing into space while she waited for her and resisted the urge to run over to place a kiss on those luscious lips. Plopping on the sofa beside Haruna, Mariko grinned, “What are you thinking?”

“Oh, you’re done,” Haruna said, without answering Mariko’s question. The older girl gave a playful nod as Haruna took her hand in hers and led the girl to the dining table, “Thinking about you.”

The reply was soft, almost too soft for Mariko to catch, but she did and the older girl smiled. Mariko knew that Haruna wasn’t one who is vocal about her love, nor one who is comfortable with public display of affection and Mariko never complained about it because all these little and random confessions were what made her heart beat with anticipation and sweetness whenever it happens…


“Ah~ I’m so full!” Mariko gave a contented exclamation after finishing her plate of curry rice, smiling happily – almost like a kid who was given a new toy, Haruna thought – as she handed the emptied plate to her girlfriend. “Nyaro!” Mariko called as Haruna placed the plates in the sink, “Leave them till tomorrow. You’re tired too.”

The younger girl shook her head, “It won’t even take long,” pushing the taller girl out of the kitchen. Mariko pouted as she jumped onto the couch and kneeled on the sofa, facing her girlfriend’s back.

“Such a beauty, and mine,” Mariko thought. The image of Haruna with Yuko floated into Mariko’s blissful thoughts and she made an annoyed face just as the younger girl finished with the dishes and walked towards her.

Pulling the younger girl down onto the sofa, Mariko whined softly as she leaned her head onto Haruna’s shoulders. “What’s wrong?” the younger girl asked, watching in amusement as Mariko shook her head then started drawing imaginary circles on her lap.  “Sleepy?” Haruna asked, and Mariko shook her head once again, nuzzling her nose on the younger girl’s cheeks.

“Nyaro…” Mariko mumbled, tracing a finger along the outline of the younger girl’s ear and Haruna felt her face blushed a pinkish tinge. “I don’t like it when Nyaro tweets about Yuko,” Mariko muttered blatantly, “I get jealous.”

Haruna almost gave herself a facepalm, “You know Yuko has Takamina already,” she replied, not before rolling her eyes.

Mariko made a face, “You mean if she didn’t have had Takamina, you would choose her over me?”

The younger girl turned to face her girlfriend and gave her a reprimanding smack, “What the heck are you thinking?”

“You would, wouldn’t you! You would totally pick Yuko if she didn’t have Takamina!” Mariko whined, giving Haruna a look that seemingly resembled a hurt panda.

“That wasn’t what I meant!” Haruna complained, moving closer to her girlfriend.

Mariko raised an eyebrow before sliding her arm around Haruna’s waist, forcefully bringing the girl up and sitting her back down on her lap. “It wasn’t?” she asked doubtfully, pouting this irresistible pout as she looked at her girlfriend. Haruna shook her head and leaned closer to the older girl, giving her a reassuring peck on the lips. Pulling apart, she was greeted by Mariko’s gleeful grin and she smiled along with the childish girl.

“I’m sorry that I always get so possessive when it comes to you,” Mariko mumbled, tucking Haruna’s hair behind her ear, tugging gently on the girl’s earlobe. A soft mew escaped Haruna’s lips as Mariko sealed her lips with her own, nibbling softly on the side of her lips.

“You’re mine…”


@yoko2148: I'm starting to reeeeeeeaaaaally love Takayuu. ;~;/// And the anime really killed it for me. So much TakaYuu!! ;~; And cuteness all over. T^T

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Re: ;;wen48 collections
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2012, 02:40:09 PM »

Oh!! I know what are you planning!! Mariharu to open the door of Takayuu world  :ding:

my OTP is Kojiyuu but..., When I saw The moment that yuko troll takamina in Janken taikan event news.(WONDA event,only yuko and takamina in UZA costume) yuko says in the interview part that takamina is not her friend. My brain trick me hard, as I start to saw takamina blush while laughing.

So Yuko say that they are not a friend cause they are lover, right? :ding:

Offline saeyukilover

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Re: ;;wen48 collections
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2012, 11:50:09 PM »
 This is the first mariharu fic that I like :)


Offline tkmnwen

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all yuu - kojiyuu 1/?
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2012, 07:57:53 PM »
all yuu - kojiyuu 1/?

Birthday girl have yet to tell me what she wants for birthday this year (・v・)ノ – Nyannyan
Birthday girl wants her nyan nyan! – Yuuchan
Hmm…but birthday girl arranged for a sleepover with TwinTower already ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ – Nyannyan
Nyan nyan can sleepover too!!! ɿ(。・ɜ・)ɾ  - Yuuchan
No thanks. See ya at PV filming later! (бвб) – Nyannyan
Wait! What about my present!? – Yuuchan

Haruna smiled as she looked at the latest message from Yuko, shaking her head as she stuffed her cardigan into her bag and sling a huge paper bag over her shoulder, heading out for her morning work before the AKB48 PV filming later the night.

Greeting her manager as she board the car, Haruna’s phone chimed once more.

Nyan nyan doesn’t want me…the day before my birthday and nyan nyan doesn’t want me… p(´⌒`。q) – Yuuchan

Haruna let out a loud laughter and her manager looked at her in amusement; the beautiful girl shook her head and instead showed Ino-san the message, inciting a loud laughter from the older guy as well. “She really likes you,” her manager teased, earning a playful smack on his arm from Haruna. “Hey! I’m driving,” he complained, “Plus if we get into any accident, Yuko would kill me if the crash doesn’t!”

Haruna laughed again as the car turned into the studio, keeping her phone back into her back but not before scribbling a reply quickly.

I’ve a present for Yuuchan. Give it to you later. (*^^)^*) ☆Chu~ – Nyannyan


I’ve a present for Yuuchan. Give it to you later. (*^^)^*) ☆Chu~ – Nyannyan

Yuko blinked, and then blinked again before jumping out of bed, staring at her phone and then grinning like a child given a lollipop, waving it in the air to nobody. “Nyannyan chuuuuuuuu~ me!” the soon-to-be-24 girl yelled, smiling so brightly that it could rival the sunlight streaming in from the curtain cracks. “Nyan~~~~nyan chuuuuuuuu~~~~ me~~~~”

Sae-chan~~~ Nyannyan just chuu-ed me~~~ loooook!! /attachment/ I’ve a present for Yuuchan. Give it to you later. (*^^)^*) ☆Chu~ – Nyannyan /attachment/ - Yuko
Sayaaaakaaaa~~~~~ Nyannyan chuuuuuued me! !! /attachment/ I’ve a present for Yuuchan. Give it to you later. (*^^)^*) ☆Chu~ – Nyannyan /attachment/ - Yuko
Bakaminaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Guess what? NYANNYAN CHUUUUUUU-ED ME! !! /attachment/ I’ve a present for Yuuchan. Give it to you later. (*^^)^*) ☆Chu~ – Nyannyan /attachment/ - shortie Yuuchan

Yuko sighed, falling back onto her bed and smiled, “Nyannyan gave me a kiss~” she sighed dreamily. It seemed as though everything else paled in comparison – her manager had been sending her a text message every few seconds over the past five minutes, seeing that she was running late for a meeting – when Haruna replied her with a kissing kaomoji.

A frantic knock on her door pulled her back into the yucky reality, well, to Yuko, anywhere without Haruna is yucky. Opening the door, she was greeted by her angry and very nervous-looking manager. Before the older guy could give her a piece of his mind, the short girl thrust her phone to him, “I’ll change now!”

Her manager raised an eyebrow in surprise before looking down at the phone in his hands. The message from Haruna greeted him and he grinned; it seemed like that could answer for everything that happened and all the lectures that he had prepared to lash on the younger girl died before he could blame her.
He had been with Yuko long enough to know that anything Haruna meant a lot more than everything else in the world.


Taking her bag from her manager, Haruna plopped down on the sofa in between her photo-shoot. Flipping her phone open, she was surprised at the amount of unread messages in her inbox.

(*^^)^*) ☆Chu~ – Yuuchan
I love my nyannyan (。・ω・。)ノ♡– Yuuchan
You chuu-ed Yuko? She’s going crazy now!! Hahaha – Sae-chan
I’m off to meeting~~~~ I love you~~~~ – Yuuchan
Meeting’s boring…I rather be chuuuuu-ing my nyannyan ( ̄へ ̄)– Yuuchan
Where’s my nyannyan? Why aren’t you replying me? (。┰ω┰。) – Yuuchan
Just as she was going to reply to Sae, her phone chimed again and a (1) appeared beside her inbox.
Nyannyan~~~~~~ I miss you~~~~ (♡ω♡) – Yuuchan

Haruna rolled her eyes, half regretting sending that chuu kaomoji to the other girl. “You know, even I got the message,” Haruna looked up to a sheepish-looking Ino-san and tilted her head in question. Taking up her bags, Haruna’s manager passed her his phone and grinned.

Ino-sannnnnnn~ Nyannyan chuu-ed me! /attachment/ I’ve a present for Yuuchan. Give it to you later. (*^^)^*) ☆Chu~ – Nyannyan /attachment/ - Yuko


There’s a Part 2 to this which I’ve no idea if I’ll continue to write, stuck at a few chapters after this last sentence but if I do…then there’s an update? LOL

Planning to write a few Yuko/? one-shots for her birthday. And hopefully I would, seeing that I don’t really feel like writing recently -^-;;


@yoko2148: I believe that Mariharu will be my corresponding answer for Takayuu fics. LOL And yea, the WONDA event, TSKKKKKK YUKO >:C My poor Takamina got trolled by her >: I can't put down Kojiyuu though, even if I shipped Mariharu and Takayuu.

@saeyukilover: wow, that's a huge compliment there. Thank you T^T///

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all yuu - atsuyuu
« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2012, 06:13:23 AM »
all yuu - atsuyuu

Happy Birthday, Yuuchan – Acchan

Yuko smiled, somewhat bitterly as she looked at the message. She didn’t know how to feel when she saw the message, she could easily give a reply of thanks, or could just ignore it till the morning, but something tugged at her heart when she saw who the message was from. It was her message from her since the graduation, which Yuko knew, hadn’t been easy on the other girl as well. She did all she could to stay away from the other girls, to gradually remove the AKB48 label on herself and she had chosen to embark on this lonely and tough route on her own.

Yuko sighed, albeit a little too softly for fear that she would wake the Twintower up and she wasn’t exactly in the mood to explain herself and the tears that were free-falling from her eyes at the moment.

Thank you… - Yuuchan


Thank you… -Yuuchan

Acchan looked at the simple and if not mistaken, relatively cold reply from the other girl and sighed. She knew that it was her fault that Yuko gave such an aloof reply; she was the one who chose not to reply to any of the other girl’s messages since her graduation, deliberately missing all the calls from Yuko and just keeping her distance away from her best friend for the past six years.

“Yes, it was just best friends…,” Acchan thought as she laughed cynically at herself. Many times she wanted to gather her guts to ask the other girl to be more than just friends, but every time when she decided to go for it, she would chicken out at the last minute. And then before she knew it, it was too late.

Her phone chimed again, いつも聴いてた favorite song, that line which she shared with the shorter girl in Heavy Rotation, and subconsciously, a smile crept its way onto Acchan’s face.

And I missed you… -Yuuchan


And I missed you… -Yuuchan

Yuko sighed as she sent the message, knowing that it was useless to hide her feelings when they were just coming in waves to overwhelm her. She didn’t know how Acchan was feeling when she sent the birthday message to her, but she knew that she felt horrible receiving it. As much as she tried to suppress all these feelings she had for the ex-ace, they just couldn’t be denied and Yuko decided that it was now or never.

“Yuko?” a voice broke through the silent room and Yuko froze. “Why aren’t you asleep yet? Wasn’t the PV filming really tiring?” Sae asked softly, watching as Yuko turned and faced her. The birthday girl gave a melancholic smile to the younger girl, knowing full well that Sae could see the dried streaks of tears on her face even under the dim light radiating from her phone. Scooting closer to Yuko, the shock that painted the younger girl’s face was soon changed into a knowing nod as she read the messages on Yuko’s phone.

A vibration soon broke the still atmosphere between the pair and Sae moved back to her side of the futon quietly; her way of giving Yuko the privacy to deal with whatever reply that Acchan might send back to the birthday girl, silently hoping that the other girl would be kind enough to spare Yuko the heartache on her birthday.

I love you… – Acchan


I love you… – Acchan

Acchan kicked her blanket away as she sat up on her bed, patting her face gently. “What have I done?” she asked herself softly, staring at the message in her outbox. “Confessing your true feelings,” a voice inside her seemed to answer her own question and the actress sighed softly.

Interrupting her conflicted thoughts, her phone chimed and flashed a (1) beside her inbox. Somewhat afraid of facing what might be the reply, Acchan pressed her lips together, contemplating to not read the message until the next morning. “You know you can’t escape after you sent that message,” the voice inside her reminded herself as her finger hovered over the mailbox icon before pressing down.

I love you more… - Yuuchan

Another chime rang out as a tear fell from Acchan’s right eye.

And let me love you till forever ends… -Yuuchan


And they said that if tears fell from the right eye first, it stood for happiness; that morning on Yuko’s birthday, it was Acchan’s happiest day…

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all yuu - kojiyuu 2/2
« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2012, 07:01:54 PM »
all yuu - kojiyuu 2/2

“Nyannyan~~~” A gleeful voice greeted Haruna as she stepped into the huge warehouse where the PV filming would take place. A second later, a koala bear, no, Haruna meant Yuko, attached itself, herself, she meant, onto Haruna’s arm and the taller girl looked down to the cheery grin that painted the younger girl’s face. “Chuuuuu?”

Haruna laughed, pushing Yuko’s dangerously close face away from her own and shook her head; she was totally regretting sending the text message now.  “No chuuu?” Yuko asked in a soft voice coupled with a dejected look that made Haruna just slightly guilty for rejecting the girl.

“Yes, no chuuu,” a voice interrupted the pair and Haruna looked gratefully at Mariko. Yuko gave a pout and the older girl pulled her away from Haruna, “We’ve filming to do. Can’t afford to have you biting her lips swollen,” Mariko teased, missing the blush that was creeping onto Haruna’s face.

“Mariko-samaaaa~~ I’ll be gentle,” Yuko whined, throwing in a squirrel-like pout. Mariko shook her head, indicating that her whines had no effect on her as she pulled the other girl in the other direction towards the rest of the girls.

Haruna smiled, thankful that her top wota was there to save her. “I don’t know how you are going to escape from her though,” Mariko teased, “That’s for giving her a chuuu.” They were interrupted by the general (though very short) manager who complained that Haruna didn’t give her a kiss on her birthday, missing the very dark aura that was emitting from a certain Itano behind her.

As if one midget wasn’t a handful to handle, Haruna was now surrounded by two; Mariko gave a sigh as she took a step back and away from the somewhat heated argument, “Good luck nyaro,” she thought.

“Why would my nyannyan give you a kiss?”
“Because I like her too!”
“Bakamina!!!!! Nyannyan is mine!”
“Yeah right,” Takamina retorted, rolling her eyes.

“Yes right! She’s mine!” Yuko yelled in return, clinging onto Haruna’s arm and looking at the taller girl for help. Haruna looked at a certain calm-looking Itano behind Takamina and smiled.

“Takamina…” the shorter captain looked expectedly at Haruna, much to Yuko’s disgust, “Behind you.” Before Takamina could turn, Haruna slipped her hand into Yuko’s and brought the girl away from the potentially fatal scene which probably would be facing the Tomorage.

“Nyannyan~~~” Yuko called out dreamily, “Where’s my present?”

“What present?” Haruna asked and Yuko made a face.

“The present you promised in your message!!”
“I promised a present?!”
“YOU DID! Where is it?”
“I probably typed it wrongly. I don’t remember getting you a present!”

“Yuko, time to get changed,” a voice once again interrupted the couple and hands clasped themselves on the short girl’s shoulders, pushing her in the direction of the changing rooms. Yuko gave a defiant whine and Mariko turned to give Haruna a wink; it’s the second time she saved the younger girl and Haruna knew she would be spending her lunch next week at the curry shop with the older model as repayment. As if assuring Haruna, Mariko mouthed, “curry” to the younger girl and laughed, much to Yuko’s curiosity.


“Sooooo tired,” Yuko complained, dropping on the comfy armchair opposite Haruna’s. Five hours into the new PV filming, the members were starting to complain about fatigue as the time dragged nearer to midnight. “I can’t believe I’m going to spend the first hours of my 24-year-old filming!”

A knock on the ace’s head brought her attention to a glee-looking Miichan, “Don’t complain. At least you get to spend your first hours of your 24-year-old with your Haruna, unlike someone,” she teased, jerking her head towards an eerily quiet Takamina.

Takamina made a face at her fellow Minami and the girl on her right shot Miichan a glare, “Miichan…”

Waving her hands in surrender, “I was just kidding,” Miichan explained, not wanting to experience Tomorage if she could avoid it. The room erupted in laughter with a few members teasing Miichan in jest.

Mariko laughed along, “Give Takamina a break,” patting Miichan’s head in consolation as Haruna took Yuko’s hand quietly and leading the girl to the adjacent room in the midst of all the teasing. “Did you not see the marks on her neck that even the foundation wasn’t able to disguise?”


“Nyannyan~~ I’m so tired,” Yuko whined as the pair stepped into the other room, away from the members and a much quieter space that Haruna knew could allow Yuko to catch a few winks before they commerce filming again.

Haruna hummed her agreement and guided the girl onto sofa, allowing Yuko to use her lap as her pillow and almost regretting it instantly. The close proximity between Yuko and Haruna seemed to fuel the younger girl’s skinship cravings, lying on Haruna’s lap yet having a mischievous smile painting her face, perverted paws pawing the older girl’s exposed tummy.

“If you aren’t sleeping, then I’ll make you sit up,” Haruna warned and Yuko let out a hurt whine, inciting a snort from the other girl. “And whining will not help you.” Yuko sighed, resigning to fate and closing her eyes as sleep soon took over her sense.

A blink of eye later, steady breathing echoed in the room and Haruna smiled, stroking the sleeping girl’s hair gently.


The door creaked open and Haruna jerked her head up towards the noise, watching as Mariko stepped into the room, passing her a slip of paper.

We’re preparing Yuko’s birthday surprise. Bring her out in 15?

Haruna nodded, gently poking the dimples on Yuko’s face after Mariko stepped out of the room. The sleeping girl stirred and let out an adorable whimper, shifting her head slightly and Haruna stifled a chuckle. “Wake up Yuuchan,” Haruna coaxed, giggling as Yuko shook her head ever so slightly in defiant. “No chuuuu for someone who doesn’t want to wake up~” the older girl teased, leaving fleeting touches on Yuko’s lips.

As if on cue, Yuko’s eyes peeled open, looking at Haruna as if doubting her threats. “Chuu?”

Haruna bent over and left a peck on the girl’s forehead and Yuko grinned. “Chuuuuu! I love my nyannyan~” The happy birthday girl exclaimed, sitting up and hooking her arms around her lover, giving her a peck on the lips on her own. Seeing that Haruna didn’t avoid the kiss, Yuko raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“It’s your birthday,” Haruna seemed to answer the question in Yuko’s mind and the younger girl grinned. “Happy Birthday…” Haruna whispered, bringing up the huge paper bag at the side of the sofa and presenting it to the other girl.

“Who was the one who said she didn’t prepare a present?”
“Do you not want it? I can take it back…”
“No!!! I want it! It’s from nyannyan!”
“Nah, I can keep it. Maybe I can give it to Takamina…you guys are the same size anyway”
“NOOOO!! Who wants to be the same size as that baka!! And how do you even know her size!!”

“Nyannyan~~~~~~~~” Yuko cried, hands reaching out to grab the paper bag and gleefully taking it out of Haruna’s hands.

“The weather’s turning cold and Yuuchan’s always so busy with filming…so I thought of getting you something to keep you warm,” Haruna said as Yuko took out the pretty coat, “I’ve the same one too,” she continued and Yuko beamed.

“If you want to keep me warm…you can just keep hugging me,” Yuko suggested playfully, earning a knock on the top of her head from the other girl.

“You can’t bring me to your filming sets.”
“We can try!”

Haruna laughed, tickled that even at 24, Yuko’s still as kiddish as ever, and a warm feeling seemed to overwhelm her. Pulling the shorter girl into her embrace, Haruna rested her head on top of Yuko’s and sighed. Yuko tightened her arms around the other girl, “Thank you,” she mumbled.

“No…thank you,” Haruna replied, rocking them slowly.

“I love you, thank you for being mine. Happy Birthday, Yuuchan. My Yuuchan.”


@Origami: Awww~ Yuko's a cutie and I hope you like the part 2? ^^;; I don't really like to write bad endings for my oneshots/fics. ;~;// And for the a tit for that...if I continue, it might just be R-rated DD: Nothing cute anymore!! ^^;;; Thank you for reading them on Tumblr as well!! ^^;;

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Re: ;;wen48 collections
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2012, 03:54:14 AM »
Waaa.... i like it so much... it was soooo...  :wub:  :deco: :deco:

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