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Author Topic: Unicorlandia: Secret Train of Love [Chapter 7: 6/13 The fic is still alive]  (Read 26586 times)

Offline unicorn48

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Re: Unicorlandia: Secret Train of Love [Chapter 5] UPDATE !! 11/11/12
« Reply #60 on: December 29, 2012, 01:22:05 PM »
Secret Train of Love (Chapter 5)
Part 2

"I saw everything." Yuko repeated, her body is shaking but she tried to control it.

Mariko is still shocked about the sudden appearance Yuko made. She stepped closer to Yuko and grabbed the other girl inside the theater. She then locked the door, making sure that no one would make a reapperance again. Prevent is better than cure anyway.

"Yuko, It's not what you think." Mariko said, trying her best effort to persuade Yuko even though she already know that she can't. "Everything you saw was -"

"True. Everything I saw is true and real." Yuko cutted. She's still unsure of what she saw, but the best thing to do right now is to corner Mariko and make the older girl confirm it.

"Yuko, Why don't you just go home. You're tired."

"No I’m not. In fact, it's still early."

"What you saw is just your hallucination."

"What did I saw?”

"I don't know you’re the one who saw it."

"Yeah, I'm the one who saw it. And I’m sure you did too Mari-chan. It's either we're both hallucinating or it's real." Yuko said sarcastically. She don't have time for this, nor Mariko. All she wants is to confirm everything and then... what ?

"Mari-chan you know me well..."

"Let's take a sit first, then we'll talk." Mariko said as she lead the way to the theater's seat. The two of them sat at the front row having two seats in between them.
"First, promise me that you'll never say anything about this to anyone." Mariko started,

"Hai," Yuko nodded. Things are going better than what she expected. She's good at keeping secrets anyway.

"I want to make things clear Yuko. I can make your memories about this vanish, but I won't do that   since your my friend." Mariko said seriously, ever since she saw Yuko peeping, she already thought about the possible things she would do to the girl. But she used her instincts, Yuko would be of use in the near future. "Takamina went somewhere to change the present."

"The past..." Yuko muttered, she heard awhile ago their discussion about going to the past, before the unicorn came, or was it Yasusu? It doesn't really matter... or did it? If it was really the past then Yuko too wanted to go there. If Takamina did, why couldn't she ? She too wanted to change the present. Things have changed, She'll do everything for her relationship with Kojima to become the way it must be. She'll prevent the crack that destroyed the glass to appear.

"Yeah, it's the past." Mariko said, confirming Yuko's words. To what extent would she tell her the details? "It's a one way trip. Once you go there, there will be no turning back."

"Will Takamina be fine ?" Yuko said with a hint of concern for the small captain. She has heard about Time travels - mostly in mangas and dramas, all of them ending up tragic.

"Of course she will." Mariko answered, also in doubt of what she just said. She's still regretting about not coming with Takamina in the past. Even though there's also a Mariko in the past, the past Mariko's knowledge about the future is quite limited.

"Where's Aki-P ? Yeah.. the unicorn ? Is that him? How?" Yuko asked again. Aki-P is the reason why Yuko is here in the first place. She might reconsider the thought of graduating into the group since it may not be safe for the other girls to be in AKB48 anymore. Especially with the existence of a Unicorn and some witch-craft-like things.

"It's a long story Yuko. But yes, it's him." Mariko answered again, not wanting to prolong their conversation. It has been 20 minutes since Aki-P and Takamina went back to the past. On the thirtieth minute, Aki-P will come back. And it won't be nice if he'll see Yuko here. Takamina knowing their secret is already dangerous, what more if Yuko did too.

"So, Takamina is going back to the past to what? Where exactly in the past? Why her? Then, things here too will change if she made changes there right?"

"Yes yes yes ! Takamina is going back to the past for Acchan okay. She was not doing her job well since Acchan was in coma. And it's still unsure whether or not Acchan will wake up." Mariko said irritatedly, It’s not because of Yuko but because of the questions. Yuko just asked the things she had been trying to ask to herself.

"I don't know where exactly in the past, its automatic."

"What kind of witch craft is that ? It's not something like Harry Potter."

"I don't know Yuko. I don't know. But one thing is for sure, Takamina will only change one thing there. She know the risks."

"The risks?"

"Yes the risks." Mariko stopped, she have said many things. She thought that maybe it's better to vanish Yuko's memories about this, than to let her leave having these kinds of information.

"Yuko..." Mariko stood up, and went to the seat next to Yuko. She moved her head, closer and closer to Yuko's face and putted her lips near the other girl's ears.

"mongayonlimot, limotngayonmo," She whispered in a language the other girl couldn't comprehend, but Mariko stopped right in the middle. She can't do it after all. In the middle of her chanting, she remembered that after all, Yuko is her friend and will always be. And again, she can't afford to erase the other girl's memories. She may accidentally erase Yuko's memories that contain her memories with Haruna, something she can't afford to do. Her bestfriend, Haruna, may cry on the phone again asking if she can have a sleep over at Mariko's house because Yuko once again hurted her feelings. The last time an incident like this happen, she erased Haruna's two weeks memories, which contained her memories of stalking Yuko, and seeing her girlfriend being lovey dovey with Acchan. But Mariko's effort bore a bad fruit, Haruna forgot as well all her appoinments she scheduled and was scolded by her manager and Aki-P’ S, Mariko decided to just read Yuko's memories.

Yuko was confused with Mariko's actions. Could the older girl be erasing her memories ? She shook her head, she trusts Mariko.

"Sorry," was all Mariko could say as she regained her posture. She was shocked with Yuko's thoughts but she didn't showed it. Yuko's thoughts was mostly about regrets, Haruna and graduation.

"Wh-what did you do ? You didn't erase my memories right?" Yuko asked, trying to not offend Mariko.

"I peaked." Mariko answered. She regretted looking at Yuko's memories. She never knew how much burden the other girl has from her career to personal life. Maybe this is the reason why Yuko became close with Acchan, the two are the only one who understood each other completely. The aces' burdens.

Yuko's tears fell, Mariko knew. She didn't know whether she should be happy or what. Her thoughts are her burdens. She had kept her thoughts all to herself before, now, Mariko too have it.

"Mariko I want to go to the past too. It's the only thing that can save me." Yuko pleaded, She's sure that Mariko understands her. Yuko bore the same eyes Takamina had a while ago. She knows that she can't persuade Yuko unto anything anymore, and the only thing she could do is to support the girl.

"Yuko, you know that I can help you, but I can't assure your safety like Takamina's 100%,"

"I know. But the thing is, You can." Yuko said as she wiped her tears with her sleeves. With that said, Mariko flicked her hands and a wand appeared.

“Yuko are you really sure about this?” Mariko asked looking away, she never imagined letting anyone anymore to do the time travel but imagining her close friend carrying her burdens every day is worse to think of.

“I do!” Yuko assured her with determined eyes.

“Then…” Mariko raise her wand and close her eyes then everything just to turn into magic. Everything that happened to Takamina also happen to Yuko except its Mariko who become the unicorn.

“Mariko?” Yuko asked with wide eyes open.

“What’s with the reaction? I thought you know that this would happen.” Mariko rolled her eyes.

“I’m now taller than you!”

“Just get off Yuu-chan, I don’t want anyone to see this scenario anymore.”

“Are you sure?” Yuko asked.

“Wow Yuko can’t jump to a unicorn now though she always jump to the backs of akb members and to the top of her nyanyan” Mariko joked.

“And I’ll be doing this because of her.” Yuko Jumped off to the back of the unicorn.

“Thanks Mariko, please take care of Nyanyan.”

“Roger.” The unicorn wiggle its tail.

“Are you ready, you know that it’s kind of dangerous but I’ll be there – “

“I know. I know.” Yuko tap the head of the unicorn with a smile. Even it’s all of the sudden, she’s now prepared for everything.

Then a huge rainbow appeared and the unicorn run through it, the akibahara stage return to its normal face.

“Everything will be changed. I hope Minami could do it.” Aki-P thought. He’s now standing on the stage of Akibahara theatre.

“Gomene Yasusu.” Someone said behind him.

He turned to the direction of the voice and saw a unicorn coming from a rainbow and slowly transforming back to herself.

“I thought you left already.” Yasusu said.

Mariko didn’t reply and just lower her head to Aki-p and remained in that position for a while. She felt sorry, it’s not right to let anyone to know their magic except for Takamina whom they both agree. But Yuko is different, she’s the only one who decide but she can do nothing but to help her friend.

“You tried to follow us?” Aki-p asked plainly.

“No. Something happened.” Mariko now stood still, trying to look at Aki-p who’s raising his eyebrow.

“Yuko appeared after you went with Takamina. She told me that she saw everything and I stopped her on knowing the truth at first, but she’s my friend and we know each other well and that means we can’t lie to each other."

"She asked if she could also go back to the past and I refused but I peaked to her memories. A-And as I saw it, I felt sad for he, she had a lot of burdens – “

“I understand.” Aki-P cutted her.

Mariko looked at Yasusu who’s nodding. She felt relieved by Aki-P’s statement, she knows that Aki-P do really understand what happened and what’s happening to the girls especially to Yuko, the new ace.

“Let’s hope that they will be able to accomplish their purpose.”

Mariko gave a nod and both them started walking towards the door.

An Update yey ~ sorry for our mega slow update  :cry: been busy with other fics LOL  :peace:

Shipping Unicorns Since 48 B.C | Forever Rowing the boats of TakaTomo and Atsuyuu
Go visit our tumblr where our fanfics and random nonsense are posted

Secret Train of Love Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
It's not coincidence, It's Fate ! Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 Part 1 Part 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 Part 1 Part 2
Do You Believe in Unicorns ?
Centimeter Too Late (AtsuMina/TakaTomo)
I Love You (KojiYuu)
Destroy The World and Build Love (TomoTomo)
Save Me From Falling Inlove (TakaTomo)
All I Want For Christmas (AtsuMina)
All I Want For Christmas (KojiYuu)

Offline Wmatsui22

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Re: Unicorlandia: Secret Train of Love [Chapter 5.2] UPDATE !! 12/29/12
« Reply #61 on: January 01, 2013, 07:20:44 AM »
Secret Train of Love

-Yes! Finally Updated!

-This chapter is so nice!

-Yuko and Takamina really loves Haruna and Acchan!

-while Mariko-sama is loyal friend

-I can't wait for your next update

-Thank You

I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline cisda83

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Re: Unicorlandia: Secret Train of Love [Chapter 5.2] UPDATE !! 12/29/12
« Reply #62 on: January 08, 2013, 10:38:50 AM »
It's getting more and more interesting although a bit confusing...

So Atsuko and Yuko don't have an affair with each other? Not cheating thier individual partner? Confusing...

Somehow until chapter 5.1, it seem like Yuko and Atsuko are lover too...

Well anyhow... thank you for the fic.

Can't wait to see the next one

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline unicorn48

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Re: Unicorlandia: Secret Train of Love [Chapter 5.2] UPDATE !! 12/29/12
« Reply #63 on: January 20, 2013, 12:54:38 PM »
Seret Train of Love (Chapter 6)

Yuko’s POV



I felt gentle hands caressing my hair making my consciousness come back. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a worried face of Harunainfront of me, apparently I’m laying down on her thighs. Something is weird.

“You suddenly fainted, If you want I can askNinagawa-sensei to postpone the filming" Haruna said giving me a bottle of water. I tried to stand up but my head suddenly ached causing me to fall down to her thighs again. “itaii ~”

“Yu-Yuuchan ?!”

“daijoubu, I really like NyanNyan’s thighs hehe,” I joked, to ease the worry in Haruna’s face. I don’t want her to be worrying about me and all – AGAIN. This is just a headache and wait, did she just say that we’re in the middle of filming? The UZA single is out a couple of weeks ago. And the janken single, I know I’m not in it so, what the hell is happening ?

“P-pervert!!!” She’s about to slap me but she stopped, She can’t hurt an already hurt person. “If you just didn’t fainted I-“

“Don’t worry so much NyanNyan, I’m Oshima Yuko after all.” I tried to stand up again; the head ache is not that bad anymore. I faced Haruna and became shocked at what I’m seeing. She’s wearing our Heavy Rotation lingerie !Okay so it’s not because of the sexy Haruna with lingerie in front of me that I became shocked, I liked it and all but what shocked me is the fact that Haruna is wearing it. The exactly the same Lingerie she wore at our Heavy Rotation PV. Of course I know that since I always look at her. I looked down at myself and realized that I’m wearing my HebiRote lingerie too.

I looked around us, It’s the backstage area of the set filled with dress and lightings. There’s a wall that separates us from the filming part. Haruna looked at me with confusion but I’m more confused of what’s happening.

“w-what are we filming?”

“Eh? Don’t tell me you forgot. It’s your single, baka !”

“Sou da..” So it is heavy rotation after all. But just to make sure.. “What’s the date today NyanNyan?”

“June 27, 2010. Stop asking weird questions Yuuchan !”

“Gomenasai, it must be the head ache.” I lied. “Let’s go back to the set?”

“It’s not that I’m really worried but stop acting like makes me worried.”

“awwww ~” Due to her tsundereness and over cuteness a  jumped into her and buried my face to her breast.

“Yamette !” She tried to push me away with no effort at all,

“Maybe we shouldn’t go back after all.” I winked at her, giving off my perverted grin.


I ignored her statement since I know it’s true and continued clinging to her till we reached the set which is not that far from the backstage since duh, it’s the the back of the stage. And woah, I’m really at the HebiRote shooting. It’s like.. I’m back at the past. Wait.. Yeah, I’m back at the past !It did work ! But why here? Why in my moment of glory?

“There you are, are you okay now ?”Ninagawa-san asked. Yup, Mika Ninagawa-san, the director of HebiRote PV.

“Hai, sorry for the trouble.” I lowered my head and turned to NyanNyan who is now busy chatting with Mariko-sama. I went to them and gave a knowing smile to Mariko, but it seems like she didn’t notice. Gah, never mind.

“Where did we left of?” I asked, “Fainted. Sorry.”

“You’re in the part of kissing Acchan when you fainted, maybe there?” Mariko-sama said plainly.

“Oh,”Chill ran to my body, I looked at NyanNyan who seems like it’s okay – the kissing with Acchan and all. Now that I think about it, we have talked about this in the past- the past before this past where I’m in which is currently the present. “right, thanks.”

“Oshima-san?” I heard Ninagawa-san’s call so I immediately went to her.

“Gomenasai,” I bowed again,

“So we will be filming the part where you’ll take of your shirt and …” She said giving off the instructions which I already know since I already finished this thing off before. It’s a good thing that we will be shooting the PV’s opening first before the kiss because.. It’s the kiss! And I don’t know why I’m having butterflies on my stomach just because of reminiscing that scene from before.

“3,2,1 Lights, Camera, Action !”

After just 8-10 minutes of shooting that part, it’s already over. Since as I have said a while ago, I already mastered that damn part before.

“Very Good! Now, since we have time left, we’ll take the part of you and Maeda-san.”

“H-Hai.” I answered nervously; I shifted my gaze to Acchan who’s currently teasing Takamina with the lingerie our Captain is wearing. They look cute. Yeah, seriously. But Acchan.. She looks somewhat down. Ninagawa-sensei called her attention and she immediately followed. She explained the things that she explained to me about how the kissing part will be and what not. Acchan gave me a smile, so I gave her a smile too in return.

We went to the center position where all the cameras are pointed, I looked at Acchan who’s infront of me – very veryinfront, if there’s such a word, since there’s only like 15cm that puts us apart. Acchan’s make-up is cute, like very cute. And her lingerie too. And speaking of Acchan, this is our first kiss ever.  Yeah, I always kiss other members, mainly Team K since I find them cute, and NyanNyan too, but NyanNyan of course is different since you know, I love her. But I love Team K and AKB48 too but it’s platonic. So I guess it’s okay to kiss Acchan. Before. If I didn’t came from the present.

“3,2,1 Lights, Camera, Action !”

This is just a kiss.

A kiss with Acchan.

I pouted cutely not minding my heart’s fast beat. Will Acchan hear this ? I hope not. Acchan pouted too and went closer to me, since I’m not moving. She made a quick peck with my lips and it’s done. But the abnormal beating of my heart is not.
And this is how our first kiss happened.

“And Cut !Very Good,Oshima-san and Maeda-san.”Ninagawa-san said, I unconsciously turned to Acchan who also looked at me with a smile.

“It’s nice to work with you.” We both said as we bowed to the director infront of us. We went back to the backstage since it’s others turn to be filmed. I searched for NyanNyan but it looks like it’s her turn so I’m stucked here with a bunch of people and Acchan.
And that’s where Mariko-sama finally appeared. She went to me with a pocari sweat drink. She grabbed the nearest chair and sat beside me. I remembered the present Mariko-sama’sreminder, that I should talk to the past’s Mariko once I arrived and all. And wow, my memory of the present – now I’m calling it ‘Future’ since I’m currently in the past, is now coming back.

“Mariko-sama ~ busy later?” I asked after I realized that I can’t really talk to her here.

“Your treat?” She asked , as if she knows what I mean.

“sure ~”

“You okay now ?” She asked, If she’s talking about the headache or Atsuko I don’t know.

“I hope,” I answered plainly, A P.A went to us and told Mariko-sama that it’s her turn along with other senbatsu to film. I bid her good bye and started to gaze at the not so empty wall of the backstage.

Then, I saw Acchan walking towards me. I pretended to continue gazing at the not so empty wall, ignoring the other girl. She sat at where Mariko sat and started a conversation.

“You seemed a little bit not you in the filming Yuko,” she remarked, “something bothering you?”

Ohh, hell you ask me that Acchan, is what I want to say but I don’t say rude things to beautiful girls.

“Not really, I guess it’s because of my head ache.”

“Sou..Takamina said you fainted a while ago.” She said with a LITTLE concern in her voice. Yeah, we’re not really that close even though we’ve been in this industry, but I think we are close but not really, there’s always that sense of rivalry like a, but before – I mean in the future it’s different. And this conversation may lead us from breaking that wall down, but do I still want to?

“Stress from work?” She asked,

“I guess?”

“Let’s go out sometime,” She said giving me that damn smile again.

“And when is that ‘sometime’?” I asked jokingly.

“How about Today? Dinner?”

“It sounded like you’re hooking me up.” I remarked. Hiding the I-don’t-know-what feeling in my voice.

“So? We can tell NyanNyan, don’t worry” She joked. “It’s nothing illegal.”

Yeah right. But I can’t rather, I don’t want to.

“Atsukooo ~”

Takamidget, great. Wait… Takamina came from the future too right ?

“Hey Yuko ~ Are you okay now?” Takamina asked,

“Un, How about you?” I asked back, so if I fainted, Takamina should also have fainted right? Just to make sure.

“Yeah,” She smiled,

“Geez, Midgets are getting attacked by headaches eh?” Atsuko joked, pinching the cheeks of Takamina. Awkward? No. How about for me ? I don’t know. They’re happy as I can see.

“What’re you doing here Minami? Done preaching stuffs with the members?” Acchan said sarcastically,
“Yeah, and Aki-P said that we can have a break later. Let’s go out,”

I can see Acchan raising an eyebrow. I guess this is something new for her. Takamina, as I can see is trying to make Acchan happy and like giving everything Atsuko really wants – time with her, since Takamina is always busy, her attention is cutted into AKB and Acchan – at the future. Acchan should feel happy. I think.

I feigned a cough, making Takamina realize that I’m still with them and it’s not the place to get lovey dovey with a certain girlfriend. But anyway, it seems like they don’t care. Whatever,

“Minami, you’re late idiot. I already invited Yuko off to dinner later, You can go with us if you want.” Acchan suggested, So she’s still insisting about this dinner thing.

“But I didn’t even said –“

“Sure,” Takamina said happily. Baka-midget, just to spend time with Acchanhuh ? “Bring NyanNyan too Yuko ~ and it’s a double date.”
“I know this newly opened restaurant; let’s meet at the station at 6:30 pm.”

“E-Eh ?” No escape.

“Oshima-san, Maeda-san, Shinoda-san, Itano-san, Kashiwagi-san….” A P.A said calling our names, it’s time for some filming again. We went to the dressing room to change to HebiRote uniforms. NyanNyan is already there having a hair dresser fix her hair, I went to her to ask about the somewhat double date later.

“Acchan asked me if I want to have dinner with her and I said yes, and Takamina will come too, do you want to come with me?” If Haruna don’t want to go, then It can be my excuse. Reverse Psychology eh ?

“Why don’t you rest? You fainted a while ago.”
“Come on, I can rest after that ~ And we should spend quality time together. With Takamina and Acchan that is. Or if you want, we can just go to my apartment and --”

“Okay, Okay.”

“Okay about what? The one in my apartment?

“Ecchiii ! Geez Yuko when will you change ?”

“But you like it anyway.” I grinned sheepishly, “So?”

“The one with Acchan and Takamina,”

“awww, okay then.” I scratched my hair, not really knowing whether or not this is a good idea or if I really don’t want to spend the evening with Takamina and Acchan, and Acchan again. Another P.A arrived, telling us that it’s time to shoot the dance version. We quickly went outside, and did our job.

After the shooting and non-stop rehearsing, it’s finally done! The PV, but it will still be polished, but I did great, since I already memorized and performed the dance steps a lot – in the future that is. And It’s really fun, actually reliving this moment. Okay, except for the ItsumoKiittetapart, since my hand sweated a lot without knowing why. Or I guess I know why but I hope I didn’t.
I went to NyanNyan to bid good bye since I’m going out with Mariko-sama for lunch, She told me to rest but I told her that If I’m going to rest, I want it in a bed with her.


“Nice café here,” Mariko-sama remarked as she sipped her frappe. We really wanted to have lunch somewhere decent but we ended up in this Unicorlandia café, I don’t even know if this is really a café since everything is in here. Like really. Appliances, Food (Japanese to Mexican to whatever) and Spa.

“Yeah.” I answered, actually, this café is not the one I recommended but Mariko-sama insisted going here. If it’s because of the Unicorn stuff, I don’t know. Really.

“Something you want to talk about?” She asked, “You seemed a bit un-you awhile ago.”


“I’m the great Mariko-sama.”

“I know that, and I know that you’re a unicorn too.” With that said, Mariko-sama almost blurted out the frappe in her mouth, good thing she managed to control it.


“A unicorn what else. Don’t tell me you don’t have a clue about what’s going on with me and all?”

“Are you insane? Me? A unicorn? Geez Yuko.”

“Yup, and also Aki-P, don’t worry you told me all about it in the future, and oh, yeah I’m from the future, more like the present in the future but it’s so complicated.”

“I did?”

“Don’t hide it from me, I know everything. Don’t tell me you don’t know?”

“Actually I don’t. Since I trust that you’re telling the truth, and that you’re from the future… I guess okay, so I’m the one who made you go back to the past?”

“I pleaded you to do so and all… And I fainted a while ago right? That’s the reason! I just came here…”

“Are you sure about what you’re talking about?”

“You even whispered.. what is that..uhmm..” I tried to recall that sentence or was it a phrase that she whispered in my ear when she tried to look at my memories. Gottcha !

“ ‘mongayonlimot, limotngayonmo’ ”

With that, Mariko-sama’s eyes widened and it looked like she’s suffering from a head ache too. I don’t have powers right? What’s happening? Did I said the spell wrong that it made her irritated or annoyed?

“Ahhhhhhhh!” She shouted, I quickly went to her side and patted her back.



After a minute or two, it stopped. I think the headache is not there anymore and Mariko-sama is now smiling. Smiling creepily to me.
“W-what happened?”

“Sorry for the bother Yuko, I needed any spell to awaken up my memory of the future. And it’s a good thing you managed to
remember that damn spell or else, I wouldn’t remember.”

“Oh,” Was the only thing that escaped my mouth. So if I didn’t remember that damn spell then I’ll be stucked here forever trying to figure out what went wrong in the unicorn-past thingy.

“Just, talk to me about how the things are going, and I’ll update you about the future. I still have a link there,”

“Okay, and Mariko you know the things that’s inside my head right? Everything?”

“Quite. And I’m sorry about it.”

“No, It’s okay. Rather, I want to tell you something. About a certain dinner later.” I sipped at my coffee trying to wet down my dry throat. “You know, Acchan asked me out – but not that ask-ask but just a friendly dinner. I’m not really going to agree but she insisted, and now we’re going with Takamina and Haruna.”

“And then?”

“I’m quite bothered by it. I’m trying to avoid these stuffs with her, but...”

“You can’t?” Mariko-sama guessed correctly, “Yuko, anything is fine. Avoiding her or not, it’s okay. Everything depends on how you’ll handle the situation. If you’ll escape from it, it might just get worse.”

She has a point there, but the thing is, I don’t think I can’t not escape it. When you love somebody too much…

“Yuko, always remember the reason why you pleaded to go here – in the past.”

“Yeah, I promise.”

I hope I’ll be able to, Haruna.


“Try this Acchan,” Takamina said as she putted a dish in Acchan’s plate, I’ve been secretly looking at them for quite some time now and I can say that with Takamina’s over sweetness, ants may just arrive and devour her in.

I continued eating the food in front me, trying to avoid my gaze into the two. Just what’s taking NyanNyan so long in the rest room?

“Mou, Minami what’s with this suddenly?” Acchan asked, making me stop for a while.

“Huh? You should get used to this.” Takamina answered. Suuure, General Manager is using her chance very well. Maybe I should too? At last, Haruna came back. She went to her seat in front of me pouting cutely.

“Any problem?” I asked,

“Nothing, just photoshoots tomorrow my manager called.”

“Isn’t that good NyanNyan?” Takamina remarked, Acchan nodded.

“It’s supposed to be next Saturday, and it’s my free day tomorrow…”

“aww, that’s okay we can always be together on your next free time,” I joked, though not really since It’s half true.

“S-stop it.”Haruna said blushing,My girlfriend is forever a tsundere, even in the future eh.

“The two of you are so cute,” Acchan remarked, but something is not right, just a hunch.

“Of course, NyanNyan is ~” I answered back,

“By the way, are you now okay? I made Takamina drink some medicine for headaches, it’s herbal though. I have some spare just in case,” Acchan said, as she looked throughout her bag for the herbal thing.

“N-Not really, I’m quite okay now.”

“Better safe than sorry, Yuuchan” Haruna said, Great. No Escape again.


Apparently, even though I hope she didn’t, Acchan finally found the herbal she’s talking about. I opened my hand nicely in front of her.

“Maybe Yuko is being stressed being the center and all.” Takamina jokingly said, “Acchan used to have such before right?”

“Un,” Acchan replied, I just smiled. Acchan’s facial expression is pokered so I don’t really know what’s going on through her head.
“But it fades away suddenly if you have a cute girlfriend beside you… and in bed.” I winked at Takamina, knowing for sure she gets what I’m talking about. Ha-Ha ! Haruna blushed, pinching me on my side suddenly. I turned to her and made a hug gesture, “Ne, NyanNyan”

“Speaking of which, I’m sorry for the kiss with Yuko in the PV, I don’t want NyanNyan to be angry.” Acchan said, smiling sheepishly.

“Oh, and I’m sorry too, Takamina, but Acchan’s lips is soft.” I blurted out unconsciously, anyway Takamina chuckled so I think she took that as a joke, but I can smell a jealous cat beside me. “But NyanNyan’s is sweeter.”

“D-Don’t worry Acchan, Yuko and I talked about it a day before.” Haruna reassured.

“And I’m sure that it’s completely Platonic.”

“Yup,” I smiled, trying to reassure my head that the abnormal beating of my heart when Acchan opened up about the kiss is completely normal and that, as Takamina said, it’s completely Platonic. Rather, It’s gonna be platonic.

After that talk about random stuff, we talked about AKB and about things about fashion and all since NyanNyan said that she’ll be having a photoshoot- a modeling one tomorrow. Then, NyanNyan and I decided to bid goodbye to the two.

Inside the cab with Haruna – since I’ll be spending the night with her, without perverted stuff of course, I don’t want her to be dead tired for tomorrow, or… not, just kidding, Haruna putted her head in my shoulders.

“Tired?” I asked, tilting my head a little to see her face. Haruna is really beautiful, But it’s not the reason why I fell in love with her. It’s because she’s – I don’t know. She’s just special in every way.

“I’m the one who should be asking that, You fainted a while ago.”

“Stop with that, I’m already okay and there’s Acchan’s herbal and all.”

“If you say so...” Then she closed her eyes as she dwelled in a deep sleep.

After like 25 minutes, we finally reached Haruna’s house. I woke her up, and arranged the bed for her since she’s very sleepy. I sat at the bed, where she’s currently laying and caressed her face gently. I miss this. I miss our times like this, when no doubts are in the middle of our relationship, unlike the future. This is the reason why I went back here. Haruna. I don’t want her to suffer. I’ll make things right.

I was about to sleep too when I saw a light coming from my phone, I opened it and saw a message- a familiar message since I already received it before – in the future’s past I mean.

It’s from Acchan.

‘Drink the herbal Yuko( ´∀`)
It’s effective you know wwwwww
Thanks for coming at the dinner, Did you enjoy?
Let’s go out again.
(´ ▽`).。


An Update Yey  :cow: Comments and remarks are forever accepted  :peace:

How's it ?

@Wmatsui22 Thanks for reading and commenting  :) :deco: Yup, they do love each other very much... or so it seems  XD
@O r i g a m i Thanks thanks thanks ~ And about the ICTF.. we'll see about that  :lol: Just kidding, we'll update that soon.
@cisda83 Thanks ! And yeah, it really is quite confusing, But i hope our next chapters will enlighten you or what orz orz We'll know later (on the next chapterssss) who is cheating with who.

Shipping Unicorns Since 48 B.C | Forever Rowing the boats of TakaTomo and Atsuyuu
Go visit our tumblr where our fanfics and random nonsense are posted

Secret Train of Love Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
It's not coincidence, It's Fate ! Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 Part 1 Part 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 Part 1 Part 2
Do You Believe in Unicorns ?
Centimeter Too Late (AtsuMina/TakaTomo)
I Love You (KojiYuu)
Destroy The World and Build Love (TomoTomo)
Save Me From Falling Inlove (TakaTomo)
All I Want For Christmas (AtsuMina)
All I Want For Christmas (KojiYuu)

Offline takamae

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Re: Unicorlandia: Secret Train of Love [Chapter 6] UPDATE !! 01/20/13
« Reply #64 on: January 20, 2013, 05:00:08 PM »
Why I got the feeling acchan the one who start the first move, is it?
Poor takamina, she so madly inlove with acchan

Yuko said she love haruna but feel butterflies for acchan too
And for acchan, I don't get what she feel for takamina and yuko
Why acchan and yuko act like this, it make me angry  :angry:

Thanx for the update :)

Offline Haruko

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Re: Unicorlandia: Secret Train of Love [Chapter 6] UPDATE !! 01/20/13
« Reply #65 on: January 21, 2013, 12:17:24 AM »
Why I got the feeling acchan the one who start the first move, is it?
Poor takamina, she so madly inlove with acchan

Yuko said she love haruna but feel butterflies for acchan too
And for acchan, I don't get what she feel for takamina and yuko
Why acchan and yuko act like this, it make me angry  :angry:

Thanx for the update :)

yeah!!! aww i dont know if i need to continue reading...

Offline yourockme

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Aishhhhh fangirling this fic  :bleed eyes:
i wish there will be an update tomorrow LOL   XD
Ok maybe I'll just wait for it  :jerk:
Aishhh ok i need to calm myself  :rock:
YOSH! Thankkkk youu for the update
I really love reading fics by unicorns HEHEHE
Mua mua Atsuyuu Atsumina Kojiyuu ●▽●
Atsuyuu ♥ Takayuu ♥ Atsumina ♥ Mayuki

YOSH! I'M BACK! FINALLY!!! (notreally)
Been inactive these past few months. =__=

Offline Tam_atsu

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  • i love Akb48 and Maeda Atsuko ❤ kojiyuu/atsuyuu
Atsuyuu/kojiyuu!!! Like this so much!! :)))

Silent reader for now

Offline cisda83

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Eh... the cheating is going to happen again...

It seem that Atsuko initiate everything... or Yuko first just the time b4 she actually came back to the past...

Going to be interesting again....

Can't wait.... Thank you
 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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Wow~ Tomochin is the superior one here...if ya know what u mean...

Prologue - nani kore...Acchan...tsk..
Chapter 1 - I feel sorry for Takamina
Chapter 2 - wth Yuko, u cheating on Kojiharu, how could you?!
Chapter 3 - I knew it!!
Chapter 4 - ehh?? Amnesia.....huh.... And man Takamina here is really.....
Chapter 5 - My reaction  :mon duh:
And I'm glad she Yuko wants to fix her relationship with Kojiharu cuz if she didn't I would've hate her guts...
Chapter 6 - Yuko better gather all of her crap cuz I'm having second thoughts now...yup...and *sigh* she just had to get that message....don't let this bother u!

wow I'm focusing all my comments to Yuko (im just bothered on her actions) even though I'm like a Takamina fan.... thx for the story~~  :mon thumb: looking forward for updates~~  :mon yeah:

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i love the plot that taka is so inlove with acchan nyahahaha
I know there's a reason behind all these and thats what im looking forward to!

Offline kahem

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Imagining aki-p as an unicorn makes me laugh lol
I hope Takamina and Yuko will success

Offline Wmatsui22

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Nice chapter!

But I am a little confused by Acchan,

Is she have a feelings for Yuko?

I hope not (Sad)

I love KojiYuu and AtsuMina

Please Update Soon! :D

Thank You


I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline unicorn48

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Secret Train of Love (Chapter 7)

It has been a week since the double date between Atsuko-Minami and Haruna-Yuko happened. Takamina made sure that she has a time for Atsuko every day. It has been hard for her part since she must take care of the members too. In the past (the past before she went to this past) she always sacrifices her time with Atsuko for the sake of AKB but now, she’ll do her best to not repeat the mistake she did before even if it means sacrificing her time for herself for the sake of the two things she loves the most – AKB and Atsuko.

 Since it’s currently their break, Takamina decided to visit Aki-P’s office and talk to him about the things in the current present, and the future. Upon reaching the hallway leading to Aki-P’s office, Takamina saw Tomochin coming out from it smiling to herself. Takamina felt a bit nervous seeing her close friend and happy at the same time. Takamina doesn’t know if Tomochin will be able to sense that she came from the future since Tomochin is one of the persons who know Takamina the most. Or maybe, Takamina is just having weird thoughts.

“Tomochin, Ohayou.” Takamina greeted, earning a smile from the other girl.

“Ohayou Minami.”

As much as Takamina wants to make a conversation with the other girl, she has to talk to Aki-P first. And unfortunately, Aki-P’s time is gold so Takamina should hurry before the old man decides to go somewhere else.

Takamina gave a smile to Tomochin and headed to Aki-P’s office.

After knocking, Takamina opened the door and saw Aki-P who looked younger the last time she saw him, smiling at her. “Good Morning, I have been expecting you. Take a sit.”

“Hai.” Takamina answered as she followed Aki-P’s order and took a sit in front of Aki-P’s table.

“How’s your day?” Aki-P asked.

“It’s fine. Well, tiring as usual but it’s fun.” Takamina answered.

“That’s great to hear. I heard you have been spending a lot of time with Atsuko this past week.” Aki-P said.

Takamina gave a nod. “Un, But don’t worry I’m not forgetting my job over my team. What I’m doing is always for AKB…”

“And Atsuko.” Aki-P said then he continued after a dramatic pause. “I know Takahashi, The future has been bad for her and for AKB itself.”

“H-huh? What do you mean?”

“It’s a long story. I have a meeting somewhere. Let’s talk about that next time,” Aki-P said,

“I just came here to report that I came to the past successfully. But of all the happenings, why in the shooting of heavy rotation ? Why not in the place where Acchan is supposed to enter the car ?”

“It’s your job to find out. I don’t know too.”

“And what about the head ache?”

“Don’t worry. It’s normal. Takahashi, report once in a while to me about Maeda’s situation. And never forget the reason why you’re here.”

“H-Hai,” Takamina stood up and bowed as a sign of respect. “Thanks for the time.”

“I’m doing this to prevent Acchan from getting hurt.” Takamina thought while heading towards the door. She’ll do everything for Acchan. If she won’t be successful in doing things right in the past, things may get worse.

“Tomochin…” Takamina suddenly mumbled upon seeing a figure sitting in one of the bench outside Aki-P’s office. Even if all she can see is the back part, Takamina knows for sure that the girl sitting in there is her friend.

“Hey,” Takamina patted the other girl’s shoulders. Tomochin closed her phone and looked at Takamina with a smile she wasn’t able to hide.


“Do you still have an appointment with Aki-P? He told me he will have a meeting somewhere today so…” Takamina informed. Tomochin just gave a chuckle and signaled the midget captain in sitting beside her.

“I talked to him earlier and I was just waiting for you,”

“W-well that’s nice? And what can be the reason for it, Miss?”

“I thought I should tell you this first…” Tomochin paused dramatically, “Aki-P said I’ll be having a solo artist debut!”

Takamina’s instincts told her that she should hug the happy girl beside her so she did. “W-wow. I mean, I’m so happy for you. I’m sure you’ll do great. This has always been your dream, right?”

“Yeah… But it’s still tentative. I mean there’s no date yet.”

Takamina tried to break the hug but Tomochin didn’t seem to want to so she prolonged the hug too.

Takamina wondered whether it was the same reaction she did before when Tomochin told her she’ll have a solo debut. But was the hug this long? Well nothing’s wrong about it. It actually felt good and kind of warm. Okay, in a non-perverted way like what Yuko will do if she’s in Takamina’s place now. When Tomochin told her before (in the future’s past) that she will be having a solo debut, Takamina felt a small bit of jealousy because it’s her dream too but of course happiness for her friend dominated the feeling.

But at this moment, It’s only pure happiness.

“O-oh,” Tomochin said, noticing that the two of them are still hugging. She quickly broke the hug with a small laugh. “Just full of emotions.”

“It’s okay.” Takamina smiled sincerely. “Should I ask for an autograph now?” She joked.

“What?” Tomochin said in surprise earning a chuckle from Takamina. Apparently, the autograph thing is a joke.

“Break is almost over. Maybe we should head back?” Takamina said, standing up. Tomochin did the same too.

“Let’s go eat Katsudon later, if you’re not busy that is. My treat.” This has been something Takamina have always regretted. When Tomochin said about the single debut to her before, she just congratulated the other girl and did not treat her to anything. Well, Takamina has always treated her close friends whenever something good happened to them. So maybe, it’s the time to straighten things up.

“Is this a date?” Tomochin asked, hiding the excitement in her voice.

Takamina blushed over Tomochin’s statement. “T-that… No I mean, friendly date?”

“You’re blushing!”

“I’m not.”

“Yes you are.”

“I’m not.”

“You’re small.”

“I- okay I am.”

The two continued walking towards their respective rehearsal room. A bit late, but I guess it’s worth it.

Treating Tomochin to katsudon won’t change the past she’s currently in, right?

As soon as their rehearsal was over Tomochin changed clothes not wanting to smell bad if ever, not that she do smell bad but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be treated by the midget captain with only the two of them together so she should be on her best self. She practiced on the mirror the face she should be using – not too happy, not too excited and no heart shaped eyes. Just the usual Tomochin… hanging out with a friend.

Friend, huh?

She slapped her face lightly to stop herself from thinking about things like that. Having Takamina as her friend is a very great thing already and she wishes nothing more. But then, why is she being ecstatic over this mini-hangout?

She knows the answer but decided to ignore it.

This is for the best.

“Tomochin ~ you ready?” Takamina asked as she walked towards Tomochin.

Tomochin flinched at Takamina’s presence. “Oh, yeah. Let’s go?” Then she suddenly remembered Acchan. “How about Acchan?” Great. Why does it feel like she’s cheating on her best friend?

“Oh. I asked her a while ago but she said she’ll be having a photo shoot with Yuko or do you want to resched our date so Acchan can come?” Takamina said smiling, but there was a hint of disappointment on the last part of what she just said and Tomochin wasn’t sure if it was just her imagination working or what.

“No, no, NO!” Tomochin said with a sudden burst of energy. “I- I’m okay if i-it’s just the two of us.”

“Really?” Takamina said for reassurance.

“Y-yeah. I- I mean I-It h-has been a long time. W-we’re close f-friends right? So I-It’s o-okay….” Tomochin said blushing. And why the hell is she stuttering?

“That’s my Tomochin!” Takamina said happily. “I’m getting hungry~ We shouldn’t let the food wait.”

Tomochin stiffened at Takamina’s words. My Tomochin. She wasn’t able to move that the confused Takamina had to drag her out of the room.


“You’re not really planning about graduating after your first solo single are you?”

Tomochin stopped at the midget’s words. “Huh?”

“Well… I’m sure your first single will be a big hit.” Takamina tried to say plainly as she started digging out the katsudon in front of her after mumbling an ‘Itadakimasu’. She has been paranoid about the graduation thingy and maybe this is a good chance to make Tomochin confide to her IF EVER the girl suddenly decides about graduating. It didn’t happen before but just to be sure.

“Not really. I still have a long way to go and… I still like being with AKB. And hey! The single isn’t released yet.” Tomochin pointed out. “And if ever, I want to be with AKB till I get old.”

“Yeah, me too.” Takamina said in agreement.

“I think Takamina’s break will come soon too.”

“I think that soon is still far.” Takamina laughed at the other girl’s statement. Sadly, that ‘soon’ is still after Acchan’s graduation on their Tokyo Dome concert. Knowing this, she’ll devote herself to AKB more and Atsuko. “I want to focus on AKB as a whole, we still have a long way to.”

“That’s a very Takamina answer.” Tomochin replied.

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?!”

“That’s a good thing you know.” Tomochin pouted her already pouty lips.

“It’d be really good if we’ll reach million sales.”

“Yeah.” Was all Tomochin answered. It felt like they’re on a friendly work meeting rather than a friendly date. All they talked about was work work and work. Not that she doesn’t like it, but can they talk about something else? Like…

“Atsuko?” Tomochin mumbled unconsciously.

“Oh Acchan is doing fine. You should know that lol.” Takamina said, confused about Tomochin suddenly mumbling Atsuko’s name.

“Oh yeah.”  Tomochin was also taken aback by her word. Why Atsuko?!

“I thought she was acting weird these past few days.” She said. Well this one is true. She’s concerned with the way Acchan is behaving since the girl is really acting weird. Not that she needs to be confined in some rehabilitation center… but she’s just not that Atsuko-ish.

“Hmm?” Takamina listened. This is new, In the past Tomochin didn’t tell her anything about Atsuko being weird so maybe treating her to Katsudon is a good thing.

“I don’t understand too. Something is just off.”

“I guess she’s just stressed from work.” Takamina sighed.

“Maybe the two of you should go out for a date. Go to Disneyland or something? That could help. Besides, Atsuko really loves Disneyland.” There it is again, Tomochin helping AtsuMina. Sometimes she pities herself for always being the third wheel. But then a three legged chair is more stable than a ladder or something.

“Now that you say it…” Takamina paused thinking. “That’s actually a great idea! You’re really the best Tomochin!” She said as she held Tomochin’s hand making the tsundere girl blush.

“Tha-That’s nothing. I’m Atsuko’s bestfriend after all.”


While Takamina is currently plotting something for Atsuko and enjoying Tomochin’s company, Atsuko is currently pushing herself in giving her smile in her photo shoot with Yuko. As an idol and face of AKB she had mastered the art of smiling even if it’s forced but right now, It seems like she have lost everything she learned.

She’s finding it hard to smile in the presence of Oshima Yuko.

She was okay with the other girl before but they weren’t really close because of their generation in AKB and team. They were casual with one another but nothing more nothing less but everything shattered when the second sousenkyo happened. It’s not that she hates Yuko for getting her spot. It’s just that she doesn’t want to lose. And the thing is, she can’t understand why she lost to this girl beside her.

 So why did she invited Yuko to the dinner thing?

She wants to know Yuko more. She wants to understand why. She wants to know Yuko’s strengths and weaknesses. Yeah, especially the weaknesses.

The photographer in charge of the two’s photo shoot was shaking his head, not really liking the outcome of the pictures. Despite the smiling faces of the two AKB48 aces, he can’t understand why he can’t make a good shot.

“Maeda-san, Oshima-san, look at the camera as if you’re not happy.”

Acchan and Yuko who were confused with what’s happening just followed what the expert said. It was supposed to be a happy photoshoot but…

“Okay there, Smug faces here we go. Nice.” The photographer clicked his camera. The outcome was way better. The emotions are more real. “Now, maeda-san try tilting your head on Oshima’s shoulder.”

“Okay, Oshima-san you do that too.” Yuko followed hesitantly. She must act professional but she can’t stop the abnormal beating of her heart. She just hopes that Atsuko won’t be able to hear it.

After more clicks the photo shoot was finally done.

The two were very happy because they can’t bear to be with each other.

When did we last updated this?! OMG. It felt like years and we are really sorry.  :mon cute: We have been busy with life jk we don't have life. We're just lazy. But we're guilty so.. sorry really. We even intended to finish this fic last March  XD

For those who are reading our fic (IF there's any) Thank you very much! We won't abandon our fanfics no matter how many eternity passes  :nervous

Comments and remarks are forever appreciated  :cow:

Shipping Unicorns Since 48 B.C | Forever Rowing the boats of TakaTomo and Atsuyuu
Go visit our tumblr where our fanfics and random nonsense are posted

Secret Train of Love Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
It's not coincidence, It's Fate ! Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 Part 1 Part 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 Part 1 Part 2
Do You Believe in Unicorns ?
Centimeter Too Late (AtsuMina/TakaTomo)
I Love You (KojiYuu)
Destroy The World and Build Love (TomoTomo)
Save Me From Falling Inlove (TakaTomo)
All I Want For Christmas (AtsuMina)
All I Want For Christmas (KojiYuu)

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Moar Atsuyuu scene pleaseeee.... XD

1st comment here (though i've been read this story @ your tumblr lol)
Hmm, i smell some development of TakaTomo here...  :hehehe: :hehehe:
Its okay for me. Coz Acchan can be happy with Yuko (saw a raging cat glaring at me lol)  :imdead: :imdead: :imdead:

But in this fic, i love both Atsuyuu and Kojiyuu, so it doesn't matter for me if you make kojiyuuatsu in the end  :wahaha: :wahaha: :wahaha: :wahaha:

Thanks for the update Unicorn-san *give scandalous ni ikou's seifuku*  :bow: :bow:
KojiYuu - AtsuYuu - TakaYuu - MiiYuu - MayuYuu - RenaYuu - SadoYuu - SasshiYuu


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I hope the outcome would be AtsuYuu~!

Since there's SOOOO many AtsuMina and KojiYuu fics out there.

All hail AtsuYuu!!!!!!

I wanted some TomoAcchan but AtsuYuu takes priority >w>

Oh, and I wonder what Tomochin's feeling for Acchan and Takamina are... Can't wait! OwO/

Offline cisda83

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Ah... so Takamina came back at the time after Yuko won the election

"Heavy Rotation'... Atsuko was not happy for being lost to Yuko

So she wanted to find out what's Yuko weakness especually...

Poor Tomochin.... she liked Takamina but did not dare to hope... because she knew that Takamina liked Atsuko...

I guess at this time... Atsuko still had not develop any romantic feeling toward Yuko...

So Minami needed to work fast if she wanted to change the future...

What's going to happen next... to Minami and Yuko being in this time...?

Would Takamina able to prevent Atsuko from being hospitalized

Can't wait to see the next

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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 AtsuYuu :thumbsup

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