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Author Topic: Meeting You (AtsuMina, TomoTomo, WMatsui, MariMii, KojiYuu) - COMPLETED  (Read 59132 times)

Offline DC2805

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  • Think with your wisdom, Love with your heart.
Jurina: "Rena .... I'm getting married next week..."   Rena will go  :shocked then   :bleed eyes:

hahaha just joking...another cliffhanger huh? will this become a norm for following chapters?  XD

Please update soon!  :thumbup
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline Tam_atsu

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  • i love Akb48 and Maeda Atsuko ❤ kojiyuu/atsuyuu
The reward!! XD :inlove: :inlove:

Silent reader for now

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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  • Atsumina~! ♥ forever <3
arrow27: heh thanks~glad you like it~ yeah and about Rena and'll see~  :kekeke:
Chi: hahahahaha xD u ask why ;) she did it for Tomochin~ xD lol  :smoke:
cisda83: lol yep~ I think Yuko did won cuz she wanted her 'reward' :whistle:
Haruko: she's still breathing so it's good~  :on GJ: hahahaha
DC2805: O: this one will save you! xD  :cool1: lol and maybe that will happen... o.o
Hii_chan: Yep! Takamina's fine...she'll live (I think)  :ding: hahahaha well something good will happen~~
mae: merci beaucoup!  :kneelbow: pls look foward to it! xD
Tam_atsu: imagine it when u see it? hahaha  :nya:

DeadSouls: oh, thanks cuz~ <_< hahahaha
BbSis: lol don't worry about it but for a second there I thought u were ignoring me  :stoned: ahahahaha JK!! xD  XD

Well..update! xD I was in the otaku mode all week...I had to watch everytime I had a freetime and I never touch this until I kinda rushed this one's so short...hahaha... ;p but I can say there's a good news and a bad news here...ehehehe....oh and thanks for the commentos! xD reading them really makes me laugh really hard!  :thumbsup hahaaha
                                                                                                                  Chapter 12

Jurina looked at Rena's eyes, they stared at each other. Finally gathering up all of her courage she shouted, "Rena...dai-suki!"
"Yeah, I like you too." smiled Rena.
"I-I...l-like you in a r-romantic way!" confessed the nervous girl. Hearing those words, Rena froze in her place.
Jurina felt finally relieved, it was like a whole lot of loads have been taken out of her shoulders. She felt nervous,it was either...acceptance or...rejection. Confessing her feelings to the girl, she knew she's risking their friendship.
"Gomen ne Jurina...I just don't feel that way towards you." said Rena, averting her gaze away from the girl. Jurina took Rena's those words like poison, too add to that she felt like someone just stabbed her in the heart.
"I...I...s-see." stuttered Jurina, looking on the ground.
"I'm sorry but I hope we'll still be friends."
She knew it would be different now, couldn't bear the thoughts, she ran away.
"Jurina! Wait!" called Rena after the girl but it was useless since Jurina was already out of her sight.
"I...I...Jurina...I'm sorry." said Rena as tears escaped from her eyes.

"Oh Rena! There you are! We've been wondering where you guys are, wait... where's Jurina?" said Yuko as she saw the girl appear from the building.
"Uhh...yeah, Jurina isn't feeling well so she went home."
"Ah, that's too bad." said Yuko scratching her head,  "uhh...we're going to the hospital, would you like to come?"
"Sorry I'd like to go, but I'm worried about Jurina since her parents aren't home." 
"Ohk...tell her to get better since we'll be having a celebration...soon."
Rena smiled and bid her goodbye to the others.
"I feel like something happened." whispered Miichan to Mariko.
"It seems so." answered Mariko looking at Rena. They didn't notice the  others started moving.
"Miichan! Mariko! We're going!" shouted Yuko at the couple. The couple nodded and followed them.

The group arrived at the hospital, they were still in the lobby.
"I'm gonna go up ahead." informed Acchan.
"Ah, yeah! We'll be there in a few minutes." said Yuko. Acchan nodded and made her way to Takamina's room. Arriving in the room and seeing there weren't any changes, "still no changes huh? Anyways Takamina you know'll be happy to hear that your team won the tournament." The tall girl looked at the sleeping girl, hoping she would wake up soon. She sat down and just laid her head down on the bed.

Takamina slowly opened her eyes, she could only see the ceiling. She looked around the room slowly and muttered, "where am I?" Acchan shot up from her seat, surprised. Tears slowly filled her eyes and hugged the confuse girl. She wasn't sure what to do in this kind of situation, but she just went out of the room and called for the doctor. When the doctor went to Takamina's room, Acchan went down to the lobby and informed them Takamina woke up. The group were surprised but glad at the same time. They all rushed to the small girl's room but still waited outside for the doctor to come out. After a few minutes of waiting, the doctor finally came out of the room. The doctor got  flooded by a lot of questions as he walked out of the room.
"Give the doctor some room to explain!" shouted Acchan at the girls, surprised at her own action. Mariko just smiled, knowing Acchan also feels anxious.
"She's woken up but still a little weak so you might not want to overwhelm her." informed the doctor.
"Can we go see her then?" asked Acchan agitated. The doctor nodded. Once the doctor gave them permission, they all charged in the room. The doctor was amaze watching them worry for just one person. As he walked away he mumbled, "great friends you have Takahashi-san."

Yuko rushed to her best friend's side, "Takamina! Oh my god! You're really awake!" and hugged her friend.
"You'll be glad on what we're gonna tell you." added Tomo, excited to tell the small girl.Takamina laughed, "ok what is it?"
"Huh? Won what?" asked the girl confuse.
"Before you had your accident...well our Kendo tournament was like approaching and we knew you wanted to win and we did win."
"Huh what are you talking about? I thought summer vacation is only ending and school will start in another week." Shock on what Takamina said, they all shouted, "ehhh!?!?" Spotting Tomochin, the small girl said, "oh, hey Tomochin! Long time no see! What are you doing here?" All of them stood there speechless. Acchan couldn't believe it. It's Takamina right there but at the same time, it doesn't feel like the Takamina she knew. She slowly made her way to the front, "d-do you...know... me?"
"Ummm...iie? Did we meet before?" answered  the small girl honestly.
"No way." mumbled the discouraged Acchan.  Yuko freaked right out and grabbed her friend on the shoulder, "Takamina what happened to you!?!?" and shook the small girl.
"Hey! Yuko stop that!" ordered Kojiharu, trying to get Yuko off from Takamina.
"Isn't this bad?" said Miichan to Mariko.
"That depends." answered Mariko, watching the situation calmly.
"I think Takamina lost all her memories for the last few months?" said Tomo, unsure but remembering she read about this kind of things.
"That's a possibility." said Mariko and asked the small girl, "Ne, Takamina what is the last thing you remember?"
"Hmmm...festival during summer?" Hearing this, they were all pretty convinced that what Tomo said was probably true.
"Miichan can you go get the doctor?" asked Mariko. Miichan nodded and went out of the room.

Acchan was shaking, she just couldn't believe it. It was a heart breaker for the girl. She was feeling suffocated, she excused herself and went outside. "Wait Acc-." called Yuko but got interrupted by Tomo, shaking her head.
"Who's that?" asked Takamina innocently, looking at her friends.
Yuko told Takamina who the girl was and explained some things that had happened during the past few months. However she kept some details out and didn't say some things.  Takamina's facial expressions kept changing, amazed at what she was hearing. After a few minutes Yuko finally finished explaining things and at the same time the doctor entered the room. "Can you excuses us for a moment?" asked the doctor. They all nodded and joined Acchan outside.

They waited outside in silence. No one knew what to say, they just stood and sat there waiting for the doctor to tell them what's really happening. It was supposed to be a double celebration but it a good or a bad thing. After a few minutes, the doctor finally came out of the room and informed them about the situation.
"So basically, she lost all her memories of the last few months." said Yuko, trying to absorb all the information in.
The doctor nodded, "This case happens. Takahashi-san can only remember all the things except during this year, making her think that school will just start."
"That's kind of messed up." frowned Miichan.
"Well, you can explain things to her but slowly, so it won't overwhelm her." informed the doctor then left.
"I think we should leave her for now." said Acchan as she looked down the floor, not making any eye contact with anyone. Miichan looked at the girl, worried about her friend she nodded, "yeah I think so too."
"Eh? But she just woke up." said Yuko still not getting the situation.
"Let's go, she's probably tired." said Kojiharu holding Yuko tightly.
"I guess we'll go bid out goodbye first." said Tomo already opening the door. The group nodded and went inside.
"Takamina we want to stay more but we probably need to leave so that you can rest." said Tomochin. Takamina shook her head, "it's ok! I'll look forward the next time you visit!"
"Heh, that's good! Well...jaa~"
They bid their goodbyes and left. They decided to post pone their celebration and went home.

"Ne, Mariko what do you think?" asked Miichan.
"Right now?"
"I don't know really." answered Mariko truthfully.
"Well do you think Acchan will do?"
"Nothing...nothing will change."
"I guess." smiled Miichan.

Acchan walked around thinking about Takamina. She doesn't know what to do. She's saddened that the girl can't remember her but what can she do about it. After thinking about the girl, she  decided to keep visiting and hopefully...fall out of love. It's painful enough that Takamina can't remember her, so why should she keep having feelings for the small girl if her feelings couldn't be returned; she sighed in frustration.

Yuko and Kojiharu sat on the couch watching tv.
"Hey, why'd we leave so early? Takamina  finally woke up." frowned Yuko as she held  her girlfriend, "...and I also wanted to celebrate."
"Yuko stop your whining...don't you get it." sighed Kojiharu.
"Get what?"
Kojiharu sighed again, "I'm not even going to bother."
Yuko suddenly remembering her 'reward', " still haven't forget about my reward...right?" and tackled the tall girl down and started touching her.
'Oh crap, I forgot about that!' yelled Kojiharu in her mind as she got pushed down and devoured. :cathappy:

Tomo kept looking at the girl beside her. She was worried since Takamina couldn't remember. Tomo still doesn't know that Takamina and Tomochin had actually officially broken up, in fact no one does. Tomochin on the other side noticed Tomo, it seemed that Tomo wanted to say something but she just couldn't let it out. Tomochin sighed but smiled, "To~mo~ why do you keep looking at me?"
"Eh, n-no I wasn't."
"Argh, fine...I'm just wondering...if you're ok."
"Hmm...why wouldn't I be ok?"
"...because Takamina can't remember...that you two...are...going out." Tomochin suddenly stopped in her tracks, she never had a chance to think about it ever since the accident. Suddenly tears streamed down her face. Tomo panicked, "ah, sorry!" Tomochin let the tears flow, advance towards the the other girl and cried in her shoulder. Tomo was surprised when the saber tooth girl suddenly leaned on her shoulder and started crying. She's angry, but not at Takamina, she was angry at herself for not being able to do anything. Tomo wrapped her arms around the crying and tried to sooth her down. Some people looked at them since they were still on the streets but Tomo just ignored them. 
"T-Tomochin...I...I'll make you forget about Takamina...I may not be the person that you've been waiting for but...but...I love you and no matter what you say...even if you say 'leave me alone' I won't do it...that's how much I love you. Tomochin...aishiteru!" confessed Tomo with all her heart. She wanted to say a lot of words but it couldn't come out and instead that's what she said. Tomochin finally subdued crying. A little part of herself knew that Tomo liked her but she thought it was just an imagination and so doubted it. 'Was this what Takamina meant?' she asked herself. Tomo was nervous because the other girl didn't say anything. Feeling agitated, she thought in terror, 'Ah crap she was finally in arms and we were getting close and I blew it! I just had to say that! Argh! I'm done for." Suddenly she started  hearing the girl
giggle. Tomo was dumbfounded, "huh?" Tomochin's giggle turned into laughter, "so that's what Takamina meant!" and continued laughing. Some people looked at them in confusion but still kept walking.
"W-what do you mean?" asked Tomo.
"Nothing." answered Tomochin, still laughing.
"So...umm...about my confession." blushed Tomo, not sure what to say next.
"Ok? What do you mean ok?"
"I accept it." grinned Tomochin.
Tomo's eyes widened at the acceptance, if she could, she would probably shout.
"I...I'm really happy." said Tomo starting to get emotional.
"But in one condition."
" Make me fall in love with you." grinned Tomochin.
"H-hai!" half-yelled Tomo, she was glad the other girl accepted but it also means doing her best to make the other girl fall in love with her.
"So...tell me everything about yourself." said Tomochin and held Tomo's hands as they walked in the horizon.

Next day~

Yuko, Kojiharu, Mariko and Miichan sat at the back in the classroom as they observed two people further up front.
"Oi, what do you think happened between those two?" whispered Yuko.
"I don't know but something definitely happened yesterday." whispered Miichan.
"Why are we whispering, it's not like they could hear us." said Kojiharu.
"You can never be too sure." said Yuko still whispering.
"No I agree with just seems like well... we'll look stupid." said Mariko calmly, "...and my senses tells me that Tomo did something."
"Wait, doesn't she like Tomochin and look how both of them are acting together." said Miichan.
" Tomo's best friend and knowing her long enough...she probably did do something...maybe even confess to Tomochin." said Yuko as she  crossed her arms and started nodding, confident about her deduction.
"Is that why they look like that? But I thought Takamina and Tomochin are going out." said Kojiharu.
"Hmm...Yuko and Kojiharu has a point." said Mariko and put her fingers on her chin thinking about what's happening.
"If you really want to know just ask them." grinned Miichan and started walking towards the couple.
"Oi, Miichan what are you doing!" called Yuko after the girl.
"Yuko, don't bother, she won't listen." said Mariko and smiled to herself, "...and this is why I so loooove her."

Tomochin and Tomo did act all lovey-dovey, they talked about their interest and dislikes and they were both laughing as they talked. The atmosphere around them were all cozy and sweet. Seeing Miichan approached them, both girls greeted her, "hey Miichan...what's up?"
"Hey you two~ I just want to ask you a question since they were eagerly curious." said Miichan directly and pointed at the others as she talked about them. Yuko looked away, "baka, don't point at us."
"Umm, ok what is it?" asked Tomochin.
"Eto...are you two going out?" asked Miichan quite frankly.
"Eh!" shouted Tomo, "ummm." She wasn't sure if she should say so or not but got surprised when the other girl simply said, "un."
"Oh, I see." nodded Miichan and turned towards the others, "hear that guys! They are going out!"
Tomo looked at Tomochin and saw the girl smiling. She was worried for nothing.
"Is that all you wanted to know?" asked Tomochin. Miichan nodded, "yeah that was it! Thanks!" and left them to go back to where the others were sitting.
"What was that all about." said Tomochin, turned back to Tomo and started talking again.

"Nice job Miichan~" grinned Mariko, "as a reward...I'll give you a...kiss!" and gave the girl a kiss on the lips.
"So does that mean that they already broke up or since Takamina can't remember anymore Tomochin moved on." said Yuko as she realized it, "a cunning girl indeed."
"Want me to go back and ask." said Miichan.
"Ok, go~"
Miichan went back and asked Tomochin, "How come you're going out with Tomo...if you and Takamina are still going out?"
Tomo also wanted to know the answer and listened carefully for the answer.
 Tomochin didn't hesitate, "We broke up."
"Ehhh!" shouted all of them their jaw dropping as they heard Tomochin, even Tomo was surprised and thought to herself, 'when?'

"Did I hear that right?" asked Yuko.
" was loud and clear." said Mariko.
"So when was it."
"I dunno."

"It was the day of the accident, she called me out and that's when it happened." said Tomochin remembering it.
"Ah sorry for asking...probably bringing up bad memories...huh." apologized Miichan.
"No, it's ok...sooner or later you would've known."
Miichan nodded and went back to he group, "I'm speechless."
Mariko, Kojiharu and Yuko nodded.

Acchan was about to open the door but stopped when  she heard Miichan with her question, "How come you're going out with Tomo...if you and Takamina are still going out?"
She didn't know what was going on but she stayed outside and listened carefully. As soon as she heard the girl's answer, she dropped on the floor. The tall girl was surprised and mumbled, "So why did she break up with Tomochin? They looked happy together."

To be continued...!

So how's that for an ending? ~DC2805~ (I guess it depends  :bigdeal: ) not a cliffhanger right?  :on lol: hahahaha 
thanks for reading~ and the comments~ look forward to the next chapter~ (maybe something BIG will happen)  :byebye: :byebye: :byebye:

Offline TakaminaBG

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So Takamina doesn't remember Acchan.... That's... awful, poor Acchan....
Let's hope Takamina remembers her soon!
Wow Tomo and Tomochin, they are FAST!
So.. something big will happen in the next chapter???? A.............. KISS!!! Maybe between the AtsuMina couple???
Looking forward!

Offline arrow27

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Thanks for the update!!!!!!!!!!!
Great chapter :D
Glad Minami woke up, too bad she has amnesia but it could've been worse (like not remembering anything at all).
& aw, Tomotomo are given a chance :D
Seems Acchan learned at the end what happened, wonder what her next move will be. Hopefully she won't give up on Minami!
Thanks again!

Offline cisda83

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Well with Takamina forgetting everything... what's going to happen next

Eh... Tomochin fall out of love too fast... I would say

True that Takamina forgetting all the fact that they did go out... why didn't she use this opportunity to make Takamina loved her.... if she really love Takamina...?

Anyhow... it was great that Tomochin at least get her happiness... or she is willing to move on... and let go of Takamina... since she knew that Takamina didn't love her like that

What's Atsuko going to do now?

Going to make Takamina love her....?

Or Takamina is going to remember everything in due time...?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :wub: :inlove: :love: :heart:

Offline mae

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Du français yeah !!!  :mon firecrack: lol
Thank you for update it's great chapter once again  :mon thumb:
Poor Acchan  :mon cute:
TomoTomo cool  :mon lovelaff:
Please update soon  :mon pray2:

Offline stepk

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minami your memory  :cry:
and tomotomo
this couple is cute  :inlove:
thanks for update.  :twothumbs

Offline kahem

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Poor Jurina T_T Rena why did you reject her?!!!
My Tomotomo finally!!!
Miichan was so awesome I wanted to high five her xD

Offline DC2805

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  • Think with your wisdom, Love with your heart.
- make takamina fall in love with Acchan all over again - hehehe.

i'm more worried about Wmatsui. wat's going to happen. Will jurina's heart be mended soon?

staying tuned!
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline Haruko

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ohh come maeda fight for your husband! :B

Offline Archer1992

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OMG that's so unfair poor Acchan
Hope all ends well in the end
thank you very much for writing this story is fantastic truth

Offline chichay12

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Where are u?!?
I miss u and your UPDATE!
Pls comeback soon?XD

Offline Rena-chan Daisuki

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flamey-san i just red ur update
it's nice :twothumbs
but why did u make rena didn't accept jurina confession?
'cause if i remember correctly there's a time when rena think that she like jurina
(if i was right)

Offline DeadSouls

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oi! insan ayna ayan mu! >_< update mu daytoy! @_@ updaaaate~ cuz! update~ hahahaha....

Offline kurumi

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I just found this and read it all in one sitting! Love your story :heart: Please update soon!!

Offline Wmatsui22

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Meeting You
Chapter 12


I am happy that Minami wakes up but the sad thing is

she doesn't remember Atsuko. (Crying)

It's also saw at the WMatsui moments...

Why Rena didn't accept Jurina's confession, (Poor Jurina)

I know Rena likes Jurina very much!

Please Update Soon!

I really like this story!


I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline X8RTIER

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what!! no memories :grr:

whhaaaa :tantrum:  why  :on speedy:why :on voodoo: why :temper: :mon fire:

sob  :on cloudeye: sob :mon cry: sob :fainted:

well you get what i mean

just waned to express my thoughts

waiting for an update :on GJ:

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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  • Atsumina~! ♥ forever <3
TakaminaBG: The something big that will happen is the Finale!  XD oh and the TomoTomo hmm... there was an agreement before that so not quite fast! ;p
arrow27: ikr! xD better than nothing and for this chapter about Acchan....well...umm...  :nervous you'll see...
cisda83: again for the TomoTomo like I said earlier there was the agreement  :nervous and yeah...Tomochin realized something
mae: hahahaha I only know some words...  :lol: and thanks for liking this fiction! :3 it took two weeks (i have a reason) but here's the LAST
stepk: thanks for the likes!  :lol: Well Minami's all depends on this LAST chapter xD
kahem: You'll see the reason why she refused...there's a single reason... and lol yes! Miichan is awesome!  :yep:
DC2805: No...I won't  :twisted: lol you'll see!  :P and as for the wmatsui like I mentioned earlier there's a reason :3
Haruko: hmm...I'm afraid not...  XD
Archer1992: hahahaha the world isn't fair...and ur welcome and thank you!!  :) hahahaha
Chi: yeah...I was :P but I'm back!  8) just for today... lol
Rena-chan Daisuki: thank you~ well there's a reason and yup u r right I did write that somewhere...  :thumbsup
DeadSouls: <_< cuz...calm's the ending~~
sharlatan: hahahaha well this story that u just found out will be ending.....  XD hahahaha thanks for reading! hehehe
Wmatsui22: you'll'll...see  :thumbsup ...thank you!  :)
X8RTIER: happy that ur very first post is in here ;) hehehehe and glad that u did say what u were thinking...hehehe here's the LAST chapter... enjoy it!  XD


After two weeks of being dead! I'm back! it is the FINALE!! (it's 2 soon actually but you need to infer)  :whistle: I actually didn't think that this would be the end but I just thought of this like three days ago...  :smoke: even though I finished most of it so I had to like rewrite half of it  :on lol: some peeps might probably don't like the end?  :on blackhole: but you'll see.... hehehehe  :kekeke: this might be nonsense...but hahahaha....oh well  :smoke:

                                                                                                                      Chapter 13

Jurina avoided Rena whenever Rena tried to approach her. She still wasn't ready to face her friend after what happened. As for Rena she tried and tried to approach her friend but Jurina always get away too fast.

Rena sighed in her room, it's been five days since the confessions. In truth she did like the other girl but she was...scared, scared of what her parents might think. She thought about the others and mumbled to herself, "I wish I can be braver like them."

It has been five days since the last time Acchan saw Takamina. She stood in front of the door, nervous about going since Acchan would just be a stranger to Takamina.

Takamina sat on her bed looking out the window. Her injuries has been healing progressively during the past five days. The doctor kept saying to take it easy but the small girl couldn't just stay in one place all the time.  It's been five  days since she woke up and the girl's getting bored in the hospital. She turned her head towards the door as she heard someone enter. It was the same girl from that day, looking at the other girl, her heart skipped a beat. Takamina  wondered why but she just ignored it and  smiled, "hey! You must be Atsuko."
Acchan nodded and returned the greeting, "you probably don't remember me but...I still want to keep visiting you, I hope you don't mind and how'd you know my name?"
"No, not at all, please keep visiting me." laughed the short girl, "...When Yuko was telling me some 'memories' it was mostly involve with you. I guess we were around each other a lot huh? And do you  mind if call you Atsuko? It seems natural to me if I call you like that... Say can you tell me some of the things that happened?"
Somehow Takamina felt a warm fuzzy feeling and comfortable around the tall girl.

Acchan talked a lot about things that happened. Takamina listened at every word, enjoying the other girl's company. In the middle of it Acchan said, "ah, sorry am I talking a lot?"
 "Mmm, nope~ It's pretty interesting...please do continue." smiled the short girl.
Acchan smiled widely, happy with the situation their in. She thought it would feel different but it didn't, the feeling is still there. Takamina laid down on her bed while listening, she watched the other girl, seeing the girl with a happy expression Takamina said, "Atsuko arigatou."
"What for?" asked Acchan and liked at her.
"I don't know what came over me but I just had to say it...Maybe it's for being a good friend. The way your telling me what happened during the last few months felt like we were really close. Also, Yuko told me that you visited me everyday even if it was night time. I'm really happy...I may have forgotten but I'm sure I really...treasure you a lot."
Acchan's face suddenly turned red.
"Oi, Atsuko you ok? Your face is red." asked the small girl sitting back up and put her forehead against the other girl's which made it more worse. Acchan backed off quickly.
"Ah, gomen ne, I probably startled you didn't I." apologized Takamina thinking she did something wrong.
"N-no, it's not your fault, I think I just saw a...cockroach...that's why I jumped." said Acchan but the thing about the cockroach was a lie.
"C-c-cockroach!? D-doko!?" asked the small girl bewildered while she  looked around. Acchan was surprised, she didn't know Takamina has fear with bugs but she smiled to herself thinking, 'kawaii.'
"I's gone now." said Acchan trying to reassure the frightened girl.
"Un. It was over there but it's gone now." said Acchan pointing at the floor near the window. Takamina sighed.
"I didn't know you don't like bugs and I use to think that you weren't afraid of anything." The tall girl chuckled.
"Well...isn't everyone afraid of them,"
"Hmmm...yeah." grinned Acchan.

The two continued their conversation. Acchan kept talking that both of them  didn't even notice the moon had come up. They only noticed when they looked out the window which is pitch black. Acchan stood up from her seat, "I guess I better go."
"Ok." said the small girl sadly but smiled to send the girl off, " was nice talking to you Atsuko! I hope you come again and visit me." Takamina was sad to let the girl go but it'll be too selfish of her to ask the other girl to say a little bit longer.
"Yeah, I might do that." smiled Acchan and went to the door. She stopped and looked at the small girl one more time before sliding the door shut.

Lunch break~

The group ate their lunch on the rooftop as always. Acchan smiling since she's in a good mood, Yuko as usual clinging onto her girlfriend, Miichan leaned  against Mariko who's looking at her cell phone, Tomochin chatting with Tomo and lastly Rena and Jurina just sat, eating their lunch slowly without speaking.

The older girls noticed something was wrong between Rena and Jurina since usually they would be talking but ever since they finished the tournament the girls noticed they were acting different but didn't say anything about it...yet. As Rena excused herself to go the bathroom, Acchan did the same.

Tomochin and Tomo excused themselves as the two decided to go for a walk. As soon as they  left, Miichan spoke, "So, Jurina! Did something happen?" Jurina almost stopped eating but she continued and said, "no, nothing."
"It doesn't seem like it." said Miichan pressing the subject further. 
"Does it have something to do with Rena?"
"Jurina, talk to us, we want to help if there's something wrong."
"It's nothing serious, we just kind of had a stupid argument about something, you don't have to worry to worry but thanks."
"Hmmm...if you say so, but you two need to make up ."
"Yeah, we will." laughed Jurina.
"You better!" grinned the older girl and joked, "or else I have to come in the picture...and trust me you don't want that."

Acchan and Rena washer their hands, Acchan took the the initiative to talk, "did something happen with you and Jurina?" Rena took out her handkerchief and dried her hands then gave it to the other girl who was looking for hers. Acchan took it and thanked the girl. While Acchan dried her hands, Rena finally decided to talk to someone about it.
"Do you want to walk around, while we talk?" asked Acchan.
"Yeah, that'll be better."
Acchan  returned the girl's handkerchief and the two walked around the school grounds.
"So tell me what happened?"
"...Jurina confessed her feelings to me."
"Eh! When?"
"After the competition was done."
"Hmmm...the way you two are acting right now...I take it"
Rena nodded.
"I thought you like her."
"I was...scared."
"Scared? Of what?"
"You won't understand."
"No, I will...scared of what?"
"You're not in a relationship though so you won't probably get it."
"Try me."
"Errr...ok...I was scared of what my parents will think."
"Ah...but you do like Jurina right?"
"If you love someone, don't be afraid. You know your lucky that the girl you like, likes you back." smiled Acchan and thought of a certain someone.
"What about if I'll get thrown out of the house?"
"Right, if your parents love you then they wouldn't me, it'll work out. Talk to Jurina."
"It seems like you're speaking from sure you never went out with anyone before?" grinned Rena, feeling a little bit better and somehow knows what to do.
"Of course not!" denied Acchan quickly.
"What about right now? You like someone?" asked Rena, turning around the subject.
"M-maybe." said Acchan blushing.
"You're blushing."
"You still like Takamina?"
Acchan's  face turned red.
"Well Takamina is charming, strong and kakkoi after all." grinned Rena.
"C-c'mon we should go back."
Rena nodded grinning.

"Acchan and Rena sure are talking their time." said Yuko.
"Yeah...I wonder what they're talking about." said Miichan.
"I'm really curious~"
"I'm gonna go down for a bit." said Jurina standing up and headed to the door.
"That worked." smirked Mariko.

Rena was surprised when Jurina asked her if they could talk because that was the very first time Jurina talk to her in five days. Rena nodded and looked Acchan who left the two alone.

"Oh, it's Acchan, she's back." said Yuko and waved at her.
"I just saw Jurina running, then asking if she and Rena could talk." said Acchan.
"You could say that's something we did?"
"Oh, ok."
"So, how's Takamina~?" grinned Yuko, elbowing lightly the other girl on the ribs.
"Why are you asking me this?"
"Well I thought you were the one who visited her recently. Am I right?"
"Y-yeah, so?"
"What happened?"
"We just talked."
"Oh really?"
"Yes we talked,  what did you expect."
"Oh, nothin'~" grinned Yuko.
"Do you gals want to go?"asked Miichan.
"Go where?" said Acchan.
"Do you have to ask...where those two are!" smiled Miichan sheepishly.
"Nah, I'll leave them."
"Ok then." said Miichan and look at Yuko, Kojiharu and Mariko. Yuko and Mariko wanted do go 'peek' so the trio left and went to find Jurina and Rena. 
"You're not going?" asked Acchan and looked at Kojiharu.
"Nope, I don't feel like spying." smiled Kojiharu. Acchan laughed and nodded agreeing with the girl.

As Yuko, Miichan and Mariko reached the floor Yuko said, "wait...where would they be?"
"Ah, yeah I haven't thought about that." said Miichan.
"Just look around, send us a text if you saw them." sighed Mariko.
"Roger that." saluted Miichan and Yuko then the three of them went their separate ways.  After a few minutes Yuko found where the two is and informed the other two. She took  a peek and observed the two. A few seconds later, Miichan and Mariko showed up and did the same thing as what Yuko did. The three stealthily watched the two. 

The two stood quietly, no one was saying anything.  After a few seconds, Jurina turned towards her friend and spoke.
"Rena, I just want to say that you may not love me now but I still do love you and will do so forever. Even if you don't hold the same feelings for me, can we still be friends, like we used to? It may be awkward sometimes but what can I do. If you want you can forget about that it never happened, if that will ease you up a little." said Jurina. It was a little hard for her telling the other girl to forget about it but she doesn't want to lose her friend.
"Baka! why would I forget it!" said Rena while blushing.
"I was happy. When you confessed to me, it was the most unforgettable thing, I wanted to say 'I feel the same' but I couldn't because I was scared. I wouldn't know what to do if my parents would do something. If I'm scared of that, I know I would lose you and I don't want that."
"Eh, wait, what, huh...did I hear that correct."
Rena hid her face embarrassed. Jurina took a step forward then stop to take a glance at the girl in front of her. She then went near the blushing girl and wrapped her arms around her. Rena hurried her face in Jurina's neck. Jurina held her tightly, "You should've told me first. Don't be scared. I'll he here with you, we'll get through this together. I'm really happy that you feel the same way. You know when you rejected me...I didn't know what to do that's why I ran away."

The trio watched their two friends reconcile. Yuko spoke first, "woah...this is deep." followed by Miichan, "I kind of feel bad for spying on them." then Mariko, "don't tell me you're regretting coming and checking this out."
"Heh, nope not really~we're here for this kind of thing." said Yuko and Miichan in unison.
"Those two really go together." grinned Yuko.
"Me and Mariko go together." winked Miichan and kissed Mariko on the cheek. 
"I want Nyan-Nyan  now~" whined Yuko. Miichan and Mariko laughed.
"Ah, they're coming back this way!" warned Miichan as she saw the couple and the trio ran inside the school back to the rooftop.
"Girls no running!" shouted a teacher after them when the teacher saw the trio running. Yuko waved at the teacher but of course the three were still running, completely ignoring their sensei. The teacher sighed and shook her head, "kids these days."

The trio reached the rooftop, hands on their knees, breathing heavily. Acchan and Kojiharu watched the trio, they were surprised when the three of them suddenly barged in the door but didn't say anything. Yuko staggered while walking towards her girlfriend. She hugged her and said, "I need a kiss~ my energy is really running low now~ Nyan-Nyan I wanna kiss~"
"Yada, the others are here."
"I'm sure they don't mind~" smirked Yuko then look at the others, "you don't mind right?"
"Yes, we actually do mind. We'd like you two to go somewhere and do it in your own time... if you'll be doing 'things'." said Mariko as a joke but didn't really show it.
"Eh, boo~" pouted Yuko taking it seriously,"...but I ne-." She was interrupted as the door creaked open, revealing Rena and Jurina...holding hands.
"Oh, hey you two! It seems that everything got patched up eh?" grinned Yuko as she look at their hands. Both girls blushed and suddenly let go of each other's hand.
"No need to be shy." laughed Mariko.
"We know." added Miichan while winking at them and quoted Jurina on what she said earlier, "Even if you don't hold the same feelings for me, can we still be friends, like we used to?" Mariko played along and quoted Rena, "I was happy. When you confessed to me, it was the most unforgettable thing." Yuko just laughed.Jurina and Rena's face completely turned red.
"Hey, stop it you two! Don't pick on them." said Atsuko protectively.
"Fine." said Mariko and Miichan, a little disappointed. Just as they were about to tease Acchan instead, Tomochin and Tomo showed up.
"Did something happen?" asked Tomochin.
"Yep!" answered Miichan enthusiastically.
"There's a new couple in the group!" grinned Yuko as she went between Jurina and Rena, and put her arms around them.
"About time!" chuckled Tomochin. 
"That makes them the fourth couple in the group! Ain't it?" smiled Yuko.
"Doesn't that leave Achan and Takamina single." smirked Miichan.
"Hey! What does that mean! And don't forget I'm here you know!" pouted Acchan. All of them just laughed.

3 months later~  [skip!! xD]
Three months passed and their life is going smoothly. No incidents, none so whatsoever. Takamina recovered quickly but sadly her memories haven't returned yet. Everyday Acchan visited her, much to the joy of the short girl. Even though they just talked, the two of them cherished every single moment and enjoyed each other's company. As for the couples; Tomochin and Tomo's relationship progressed smoothly. Tomo finally won Tomochin's heart by making Tomochin fall in love with her just like what Tomochin had conditioned.  It took the girl sometime but hard work did indeed pay off. As for Jurina and Rena, after the two declared their love for each other. That night, the couple went directly to each other's parents and told them about their relationship. The couple were also nervous about telling them about their relationship but they were there for each other. Jurina and Rena also promised to each other that they will tell their parents first before going any further. At first their parents were completely shock and didn't say anything but at the end they smiled accepting it. For Mariko and Miichan nothing really changed and instead their relationship got stronger  that Mariko asked Miichan to move in with her after they will graduate high school. Miichan shred a few tears, really happy about Mariko's action, of course she agreed. Yuko and Kojiharu were still inseparable. The two thought about their future together and decided they will be in the entertainment industry. That no matter what happens they will stay together.

Takamina felt good more than ever, tomorrow she's getting released from the hospital. She's excited and thrilled to be back even though she still haven't recovered her memory but hoping everyone will help her about the things that she doesn't know. She laid on her bed, hands behind her head while humming thinking about Acchan. For the last few weeks, she gets really happy when Acchan visits her. When she sees the girl, she feels butterflies in her stomach, her heart races and usually find herself watching the taller girl. She finds it mysterious on how the other girl could change and affect her mood so much.
The short girl stood up and looked out the window. She gazed at the nighty sky, looking at the stars and the moon. It's her last day in the hospital, tomorrow she gets to go home.  Finally satisfied,  she went back to bed.

....Then morning came....

The doctor checked Takamina's condition for one last time. He smiled and said, "You're doing fine Takahashi-san. You're good to go!" Takamina nodded and thanked the doctor for all of what he did. Her parents came in and hugged Takamina, happy that their daughter is coming back home. Takamina's parents gave her clothes to change in to. The small girl took it and her parents went out of her room to let the girl change. All finished, Takamina headed to the door. As she slid the door open, she looked back at her room, reminiscing of all the things that happened. It was where Acchan and her talked. Where everything started. She felt sad leaving the room but she has to go. Takamina took a big breath then smiled as she stepped out of the room and slid the door closed.

They finally arrive at their house, Takamina stepped out of the car and looked at their house for a few seconds before going in. As soon as she stepped in their house, the very first place where she went is in her room. She looked around and said, "Wow! Nothing really changed." The short girl looked around her room and noticed some photos. She picked the frame up, it was the picture of the group when they went to the amusement park. It was so strange for her as she looked at it, the others explaining things to her, she felt it was kind of unrealistic but seeing the proof with her own eyes is more believable. She couldn't remember it but there she is in the photo smiling like she has the best day ever. Takamina set it down and remembered that she had always wrote on her diary. She opened up her drawer hoping that she didn't change where she had always placed it. Seeing the diary in the same place, she smiled as she took it out. She flipped through the pages and stopped when she stumbled upon her very first 'I don't remember writing this page but it is my handwriting' page. The small girl read it aloud on what was written inside, "Today something finally different happens from my usual boring life. I was running, hurrying to get home after Kendo practice. But before that Yuko told me to be early tomorrow since she wants to spar with me but hah! I bet she won't show up early, instead she'll be late. Anyways while I ran home, I took a short cut since I was in a hurry and heard someone screaming for help. So I searched where the voice was coming from and found it. It was terrible there were these guys that cornered a girl. I think she is around my age. Anyways I told them to stop but they didn't and instead that guy called me a midget! A midget! I know I'm short but... it's not my fault...that...I'm short. Argh! That ticked me off, then there's this other guy that charged towards me so I punched his face. After that I kicked all their asses! They really weren't any match at all.  So, after the fight I asked her if she was alright and she said she's ok. I wasn't sure but I'm glad that girl is safe, I hope she is anyways. I offered my hand to help her and she was blushing! Her face got all red, so...she was blushing...right? Yeah, I think so. But it was the cutest thing ever! When I helped her  I told her my name but I was in a hurry and couldn't ask hers. I hope I get to meet her again, I have this feelings that I will so I hope I get to meet her...she sure is... beautiful." There was more but when she finished reading it all she mumbled to herself, "Oh! This must be when I met Atsuko. She told me about me saving her and that it was out second meeting but I don't get why she said 'second'. I didn't ask her though." She flipped through some more pages and kept reading. After a while she skipped through it all and went to the very last page. She read it, "It's been a few days since I went out with Tomochin and I don't know why but I'm starting to question my feelings for her." As she finished reading the first sentence she shouted, "Eh!? What! I went out with Tomochin!? Nobody told me that! Demo...nani! Majide...!" The shocked girl continued reading, "I don't even know if my feelings for her when I accepted her confession is... love, maybe it wasn't after all. How am I going to do this. She's been pretty happy lately, I would feel terrible by breaking that happiness. But I can't keep pretending forever and lately... I keep thinking of Atsuko. What does that mean? Does it mean that I like her? She... is...beautiful, smart, kind and whenever I see her my heart flutters. Does that mean...I'm in love with... Atsuko? But what about Tomochin? Argh! I don't know...but I can't continue this anymore... ok tomorrow I'll do it. I'll tell Tomochin tomorrow, I hope she understands." After finishing reading it Takamina suddenly felt a headache, she put her hands on her head (dropping her diary) and shook her head. Vivid images popped into her mind, as a few more seconds passed more images flooded in her mind and it was hurting. She shook her head in pain and suddenly the words kept repeating over and over, "Sorry I couldn't tell you how I feel."  Finally the headache subsided. She took a deep breathe and exhaled, surprised she shouted, "Wait, what, way." In the confusion the short girl noticed her diary on the floor and picked up her diary, as she picked it up a folded  piece of paper fell out of the diary. She picked it up and opened it, "Meeting you...was fate, becoming your friend...was a choice, but falling in love with you....I had no control over."

O-wa-ri~! (that how u say it?)

FINALLY! I finished my very first fan fiction...what took me three months...  :whistle: Well that's the ending!  :on drink: what ya think?   :glasses:
and DID YOU GET IT!?!?!?!  :hehehe: if u didn't u fail as a reader lol i'm jk! no but seriously u should have gotten it~  it's all about inferring~ (like what my english teacher keep saying) lol  :on lol: :on lol: :on lol:
oh yeah....I already thought of a new story...  :ding: maybe I'll post it Friday!-MAYBE (even though i was planning on taking a break)  :on drink: pls look forward to it!  :on asmo: lol  ...and I really really really really would like to thank you for all the people that read my story and all the comments! all ur comments was really fun to read!  XD
so ya... THANK YOU/MARAMING SALAMAT PO/ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU/MERCI BEAUCOUP/MUCHAS GRACIAS/XIE XIE/SPASIBO/DANKE SHOEN  :kneelbow:  :kneelbow:  yeah..those are all the languages that i know how to say thank you.... that's how much I want to express my gratitude!  :on lol: (it's special since it's my very yeah...go along with my whim.... for a little while  :on gay: :on gay: :on gay: lol)
well...see ya...  :byebye: :byebye: :byebye:

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  • sorry for my english :)
It's a sweet ending :)
but finally Takamina not confess to Atsuko ???
Thank you for this fic I looking forward for the continuation :)

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