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Author Topic: GunSword: Shikaku Kankei Saga [1st Arc](Multipairing) - Ch. 13-A (23/11/17)  (Read 150263 times)

Offline Megumi

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Holy shiii* I haven't dropped into this site for ages and now there's bunch of interesting fics to catch up!

Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline yuuri14

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Phase C: True or False
"I want to tell to you about your family lineage and their secrets. Especially Acchan, Takamina, Yuko, Kojinyan, Yukirin, Mayuyu, Paruru, Yuria, Kumi, Captain Sasshi and you, Erica.” Meetan said. The mentioned one flinched as their eyes lock on the former General."

but for some reasons paruru and erica isn't mention on Phase E: Why do you hurting me like this?
which to my surprise and the last people to be told about their ansestry is jurina, rena and airin. Though I want to know about Acchan and Erica being twins because of the 29 days older thing somewhere here.

but since I've finished the whole story plus having good and great plot it was amazing ^__^

next update please  =)

[Shimazaki Haruka/Paruru]
[YuiParu Pair]
[WMatsui Pair]
> I love reading books and Fan Fics as my past time.

Offline Minamiyuki

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HELLO~!!!! I manage to update before the start of our class..

MaYukiIsLife: Don't worry, they will.  :) :) :)
cisda83: Thanks for your comment...  :) :) :)
deguchi: Thanks you..  :) :) :)
Megumi: Thank you for reading on my fic...  :) :) :)
yuuri14: Thanks for your comment. As for Paruru and Erika's ancestry, I will reveal on my later update.  :) :)

And now... ENJOY READING~!!!!  XD XD XD


Phase D: Prologue of the Nightmare

Mansion in Makizaki Point, Tsunoshima, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan; Wednesday, 12:10 pm

Erika unsheathes her 5-foot long nodachi as she stops from walking 5 meters away from the mind-controlled crowd. She knows that her sister, Acchan, have no condition to fight as evidence of bleeding knee. The appearance of Rurika and Mai along the rest of Ten Commandments makes her glad but at the same time she sad that they are fallen to the darkness.

“Yo, Rurika, Mai. It’s been a while ne?” Erika said.

“Why are you gone, Erika?” Rurika smiled.

“You asked? Because I promised myself that I will save you all.” Erika retorted.

“You don’t need to save us. We are glad that they made us their slaves. Come, join us.” Mai offered.

“No thanks. I like rather to die than to become puppet.” Erika said.

“In that case, we will make you like us, by force!” Rurika and Mai flash-step instantly appeared near in front of Erika. Rurika pick her two hookswords that sling on her back, and tries to slash her. Mai unsheathes her zweihander and tries to slash her. Erika tightens her hold to the long scabbard.

“剃刀収束 [Kamisori Shuusoku (Razor Convergence)]” Erica parries their attack. The nodachi blocks Rurika’s two hookswords, while the scabbard slices Mai’s zweinhander. Erika pushes with her nodachi, which makes Rurika skids to the ground while being pushed back several feet away.

“神鳴流「秘剣、百花繚乱」 [Shinmeiryuu “Hiken”: Hyakka Ryouran (God’s Cry Technique “Hidden Sword”: Profusion of a hundred flowers]” Erika slams her scabbard to ground, creating a linear wave of energy, moving towards Mai. In desperation, Mai unclipped her metallic whip to the belt. Then a red fluid appears and envelops the whip.

“Вермилион Вълна [Vermilion Vulna (Vermillion Wave)]” Mai whips to the ground, creating a bloody linear wave, clashing to Erika’s wave. Both of the waves explode. Erika instantly appears to Rurika, setting a duel to her, exchanging slashes at high-speed rate. Yuihan appears behind Erika, with her whole arm coated by molten magma, and then tries to punch her.

Oh come on. This is not fair.’ Erika parries Rurika’s attack, and then pushes her away. She executes front flip, kicking Yuihan’s arm that has not enveloped by magma. When Yuihan’s staggered, Erika roundhouse kicks her to back, sending Yuihan to the wall. Erika saw Mariko firing large earth spear to her.

“神鳴流「斬岩剣」 [Shinmeiryuu: Zanganken (Gods’ Cry Technique: Rock-cutting Sword)].” Erika swings her sword to the earth spear, slicing it in process. Kaede instantly appeared in front of her.

Damn, our Space Manipulator, Hashimoto Kaede.’ Kaede tries to slashes her but Erica parries it.

Just like I thought, she’s using ‘Cross-sectional Divider’. Luckily, I counter it using my ‘Razor Convergence’ or else this place will be destroyed.’ Erika thought.

Erika, we need to get out of here. Most of us in here are not in condition to fight. What’s more, we are much outnumbered. If we continue this, we will be end up like them.’ Acchan telepathically talk to Erika.

But how? They already block the exits.’ Erika thought. She avoids Mai’s whip attack while smashing her scabbard to Kaede, sending her to the wall. Rurika sends an acidic wave attack.

“縛道の八十一「断空」 [Bakudō no Hachijūichi: Danku (Way of Binding #81: Splitting Void)], Seven-layer Formation.” Seven translucent walls appeared in front of Erika. The first wall blocks Rurika’s acidic wave attack. As Erika’s expectation, the wall melts and the wave continue to move only to be meet by the second wall. Erika knows the limit of her friend’s acidic techniques, those attacks can melt the wall defense, but not too many. Erika saw Tomochin firing thorn vines to her followed by plant spikes. She slices those vines in quick succession then rotates her sword.

“旋風嵐刃 [Senpuu Ranha (Whirlwind Stormblade)]” Erika fires several saw-like wind cutter through her rotating sword, slicing through plant spikes. The whirling blades continue to Tomochin, which Yuihan blocks it by using magma wall.

Slice this building into two.’ This makes Erika look at her with surprised face.

‘What the hell? Then we will be buried down by debris!’ Erika noticed Yuihan’s magma wave and she summon Danku, Nine-layer Formation.

That’s not what I meant. You will cut this building vertically, separating them to us. Then let the half, where we stand, fall to the sea. I have a plan after that.’ Acchan said in Erika’s mind.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. But I don’t have a choice.” Erika pushes Yuihan’s spear. Then she jumps back to Acchan. The mind-controlled Generals tried to follow them.

Φωτιά Τοίχο: Αμυντική Φόρμα [Fotia Toicho: Amyntiki Forma (Firewall: Defensive Form)]” Acchan fired her gun horizontally 3 meters away from her. Then the fire grew and slowly solidified.

“神鳴流「斬岩剣」 [Shinmeiryuu: Zanganken (Gods’ Cry Technique: Rock-cutting Sword)].” Erika rotated her body in full revolution while in mid-air, parallel to the floor. After that, she managed to pass through the fire before it fully solidified. The rest of them stops its track, a fully solidified flame means it completely unpassable, not even Yuihan’s volcanic blast can’t able to pierce it.

縛道の八十一「断空」 [Bakudō no Hachijūichi: Danku (Way of Binding #81: Splitting Void)], Three-layer formation.” The firewall disappeared revealing Acchan, Erika and several downed Generals are on the side of the triple-layered translucent wall. Acchan throws a little rock and hits to the ground.

“What are you doing?” Mariko asked.

“Just watch.” After Erika finished her statement, the building where Acchan, Erika and the rest moved while Taeyeon and the rest are still standing. They realize what they're doing and look to the ground. The ground was splitting, no; the whole building was splitting into two.

The part where we stand is facing to the sea. The only support is the two pillars from below. Slicing the mansion vertically will slightly move the part. I have thrown the rock to the place where you slice, so that the part where we stand will unbalance. Then I will cast bakudo to protect us from the falling debris.’ Acchan thought to Erika.

No wonder.’ Erika thought.

“That’s my power, ladies. I can able to cut through anything; even the hardest diamonds can’t able to stand up against my cutting force.”

Except Adamantium, Orichalcum or anything that has the same hardness as them. Like Akane’s jet that has made from Adamantium-Orichalcum Carbon Nanotube Hyperalloy and I wonder how the bird could able to create that alloy.’ Erika thought.

“This is suicide you know, Acchan.” Erika said.

I know, but this is better than become like them.” Acchan replied.

“Well, I hope someone will able to find us.”

Yeah. I hope.

The Taeyeon and the rest watch the halved-building crashed to the sea. Then she turns around and walks away while bringing the Blue Cube: Tesseract.

“Let’s go. It’s time to rule this world.” The rest follow her suit.

Shore near Munakata Shrine, Munakata, Fukuoka, Japan; 3 days later, Saturday, 4:45 pm

A girl, who wears General’s uniform and brings skateboard, walking on the shores of Munakata. It has been three days since the unknown signal engulfs the whole world, turning people into mindless puppets with their shadow side surface and possesses the body. The people they know become violent, destroying anything within their sight, turning the world into chaos. Four of the five headquarters in Japan tried to activate the force field, but they already fallen to the dark side, leaving only one intact headquarters in Japan. In short, their last hope to save the world.

To avoid being converted, the girl activated the ‘Vector Field’ to herself, shielding her from unwanted frequency signature as she walking to the sands. Then she saw many small debris coming from the sea.

“Eh? Building rocks? Where did those came from?” The girl keeps walking until she saw a pyramid-shaped crystal with large building debris inside.

“That’s a Tozanshou (Inverse Mountain Crystal) and I only know some people can able to cast that large, which means.”  Kumi felt the fear coming through her. Her fear intensifies while walking nearer to the crystal structure. Kumi widened her eyes as her fear become reality; finally saw what is inside of the large building debris.


Unknown location; Sunday, 2:05 pm

The girl slowly opened her eyes as she tries to focus her vision.

“W-w-where am I-i-i?” She tried to stand up only later to be stopped by shackles to her hand that was connected to the wall by chains.

“It seems that you’re wake up, Takahashi Minami.” Her vision was finally cleared as she looked to the source of the voice.

“Sandara Park.” Takamina said with audible voice.

“Here.” Sandara gives the food to Takamina.

“I don’t need it. My friends are already died. The whole world will be succumbed to the darkness. What’s the point of living?”  Takamina said.

“. . . . . .” Sandara was silently looking at Takamina.

“I want to die.” Takamina requested.

“You don’t need to request it, Takahashi. 6 weeks from now, you will be executed in front of the 30,000 people and broadcasted all around the world, along with Kojima Haruna.” This makes Takamina’s ears flinched.

“Kojiharu? Is she alive?” Takamina weakly asked.

“Yes. And just like you, she also in weakened state. The execution of both of you will be marked as the new beginning of Taeyeon’s rule to the world.” Sandara explained.

“And I know that they will come.” Takamina understand what Sandara said.

“How can you tell?” Takamina asked.

“She has some unfinished business to me. That’s why I believe in her.”

Unknown Location; Sunday, 2:30 pm

The girl is standing in front of the large reactor. On the center of the reactor is the Blue Cube: Tesseract, floating and releasing energy, powering the whole structure.

“Now, let the whole world plunge into the darkness. The Prologue of the Nightmare!” Then the diabolic laugh echoes through the whole building.


End of Chapter 10

Next chapter would be Chapter 11: Kurumi to Dialogue
« Last Edit: May 24, 2015, 04:42:18 AM by Minamiyuki »
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

My Full Series Fics:
GunSword Series (On-going) | Need for Speed: Fast Forward (On-going) | Night Shift Series (On-hiatus) | Shikyo Taisen Series (On-going) | Shichitenshi Gakuen (On-hiatus)

Offline deguchi

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whoaaaa it's just getting serious!!!
and Takamina!!!!
who's the last part?
just love to read alot of fiction story

Offline yuuri14

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I'll be waiting for it I really wanted to know
how they become twins😀
and ofcourse paruru's story 😊

this is getting more dangerous...

thanks for the update 😉👍

[Shimazaki Haruka/Paruru]
[YuiParu Pair]
[WMatsui Pair]
> I love reading books and Fan Fics as my past time.

Offline cisda83

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Ah... Execution...

Would they be able to escape from the execution?

Would Atsuko be able to save them?

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out'

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Minamiyuki

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HEY YO~!!! UPDATE TIME~!!!! Cause tomorrow is the start of my 1st Trimester.  XD XD XD

deguchi: Actually, that's Taeyeon.  :) :) :)
yuuri14: This update will reveal Erika and Paruru's ancestral lineage.. Thanks for reading...  XD XD XD
nguyen23: Thanks for reading my fic...  XD XD XD

Now here it is.. ENJOY READING~!!!!


Chapter 11: Kurumi to Dialogue

Phase A: Entering Mind Realm

Unknown Location; 7 days from now, Monday, 10:00 am

The sound of chirping birds fills to the room, waking the girl.

Soft bed? Where am I?” The girl slowly opens her eyes then she sits on the bed. She looks at the birds perching on the metal beams above her.

“Ah. You’re awake, Atsuko-neechan.” She saw the girl came from the door.

Kumi, where am I?

“We are in Hakata Headquarters. The last surviving headquarters that did not affected by the unknown frequency signal.” Kumi said.

I remember it, so that’s why. No wonder that I can see flower field 150 meters from here. And I saw Churi playing with the birds while her plane is on the other side.” Acchan said.

“I don’t know if she’s using her bird manipulation to attract them or the birds are started to like her. By the way, I’m surprised the range of your Clairvoyance, you could able to see the whole island even you’re sitting in the bed.” Kumi smiled.

Where are the rest?” Acchan asked.

“Yuria was awaked, but she’s still on the bed. Erika is on the rooftop of this building. Airin went to Churi. Paruru, Yuko, Jurina, Mayuyu and Yukirin are still sleeping. As of Rena…” Kumi’s voice trailed.

“What is it?”

She is still in critical condition. The stab near the heart really put her in near-comatose state, but it is not lethal. In overall, she will recover 3 more days.” Kumi said.

How about Takamina and Kojinyan?

“About that, we can’t able to find them. My prediction is they are being captured by the enemies.” This makes Acchan’s shoulder drops. Kumi tried to cheer her.

Don’t worry about me, I’m happy that they are still alive. We can still able to save them.” Acchan gives to Kumi a reassuring smile.

Nokonoshima Island Park, Hakata Headquarters, Fukuoka, Japan; Monday, 10:05 am

Airin looks at the wide flower field, searching her partner. She wears sleeveless shirt and black jeans. Her bandage binds below her breast and above the abdomen, due to her broken ribs. She brings her automatic crossbow, which was slinging to her back. Her search was ended when she saw the girl sitting on the field of flowers, being surrounded by the birds.

Wow, Akane is more beautiful today.’ Truth to be told, Churi wears white dress. Her gun was lying to the ground. With addition to her beautiful smile, Airin would saw a heaven walking on the earth. Churi felt that she’s being watch and look to the source, only her eyes met to her partner’s eyes.

Airin, I’ve never thought you could this cool.’ Churi was mesmerized by Airin’s appearance. She couldn’t take her eyes away as she follow looking to her while Airin walks nearer to her. Airin then stops 1 meter away from Churi.

“Wow, Akane. You’re an angel falling from the sky.” Airin sits beside Churi as the girl giggles at her partner’s compliment.

“Thanks. You too. You’re cooler at that appearance.” Their compliment follows by silence but only chirping birds were heard.

Airin make her move, by moving closer to Churi, which she did not mind. Their eyes still connected, mesmerized each other. When Airin is in the right position, she tried to kiss her.

I suggest you do that later, Airin. You still have rib injuries. Aside from that, I’m not the only one who was watching both of you.’ This makes both of them snapped their hypnotic trance. When they realized their situation, they blushed like a red tomato.

“Mou, Acchan! You’ve suddenly appeared out of nowhere when I’m almost there.” Airin frustrated which Churi giggled to her.

“Atsuko-sama was right; she’s not the only one.” Akane said on Churi’s Digiwatch. Churi noticed Airin’s black hairpin.

“Charisma is not your gift, but the real one is Seductive Magnetism, right?” Churi was lying to the flowerbed.

“Yeah, that’s my real gift. Everytime I pull out this hairpin, chaos happens. Even I, myself, was not immune to my own gift that I cannot activate it without putting the Psionic Barrier Fortress on. But who knows, maybe sooner or later, I can control it.” Airin followed her suit.

“Ganbatte~!!” Airin and Churi look to the blue sky as their eyes closes, falling to the sleep.

Rooftop of Central Building, Hakata Headquarters, Nokonoshima, Fukuoka, Japan; Monday 11:00 am

You’re still in deep thought, Erika.” The girl looked behind and saw Acchan. She is wearing gray sleeveless shirt under her three-button opened polo and blue short jeans. Her left knee was binded by medical bandage.

“I wonder if my father was worried about me.” Erika continued to look under the sky while sitting on the edge of the building. She felt Acchan sit beside her.

Yup, Erika. Your father, the God of the Moon: Tsukuyomi was worried about you. But I think he believes in you.” Acchan said.

“Thanks, Atsuko.” Erika smiled.

Say, how come that our age difference is only 29 days.” Acchan smiled.

“You already know that. Luckily, that our mother is not normal human or else she will die before you born. Bearing a twin that one has a blood of a dragon and one has a blood of a god, was really dangerous.” Erika giggled.

That’s why mama let you born first. I am still in development stage despite that both of us are already in matured stage.” Acchan said.

“I’m happy that you’re my twin sister.” Erika said.

Archaeon, my father, that’s an English name. The greek one is Αρχαίων (Arkhaion). He’s a Primordial Dragon as far as I know.” Acchan said.

“Yeah, and that makes you an old woman, cause your father is an ancient.” Erika giggled.

Hey! You and I are twins, so I am not an old woman.” Acchan pouted. They look each other then giggled.

I will save Takamina and Kojinyan.” Acchan looked to her palm. Erika pats Acchan’s shoulder.

“We will save them, and the world.” Erika smiled to her, which Acchan make a smile.

Shimazaki Haruka’s room, Medical Department, Hakata Headquarters, Nokonoshima, Fukuoka, Japan;

Paruru was playing in her Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet when she heard a knock to the door. This makes her eyebrow arched.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Paruru looks like she knows who the other side of the door was. When the door opens, Paruru closes her tablet and close her eyes.

“Papa, why are you here.” Paruru asked.

“Why am I here? I just want to visit you, that’s all.” Her father sits beside Paruru’s bed.

“How’s mama? Is she fine?” Paruru asked.

“She’s in heaven. Protected by my father and your grandfather. The unknown wave maybe able to sink this world in the depths of nightmare, but it cannot reach to the heaven.” This makes Paruru sighed in relief.

“But that’s not what I came here for.” Her father said.

“If you want to save the world, you need to be stronger.”

“How?” Paruru asked.

“I will tell it after your full recovery.”

Basement of Science and Technology Department, Hakata Headquarters, Nokonoshima, Japan; 3 days later, Thursday, 2:00 pm

The mechanical sliding steel door opens, revealing Acchan, Yuko, Kumi, Yuria, Jurina, Rena, Airin, Yukirin, Mayuyu and Erika. The group enters to the large facility filled with state-of-the-art computers, large monitors pinned on the metallic wall and holographic displays. On the center of the facility are two sets of fifteen pods surrounding the two pillars per set.

“Ah you come.” Kitarie said and motioning them to come to where she stands. The group saw another person beside Kitarie.

“Ah, Kitarie. Who’s that person?” Yuria asked. Before Kitarie could answer, Paruru introduce her father to them.

“That person is Maori God of Earthquake, Rūaumoko.” Paruru said. This makes the group widened their eyes.


“And also, he’s my father.” This follows by the minute of silence, and then it follows by…


“What a perfect unison.” Churi giggled as she continues her work.

“Thanks for taking care of my cold, salty daughter. Arigatou Gozaimasu.” Rūaumoko bows to them in 90 degrees.

“No, no, no, no. Please don’t bow to us, Rūaumoko-sama.” Yuria panicked.

“Nah, my daughter’s friend is my friend too whether it is human, demigod or other species.” He smiled to them.

“There’s the reason why I bring you here. Do you want to get stronger?” The group nodded.

“Do you want to save the world?” They nodded again.

“Good. Now before that, I will explain something. After the unknown wave releases out of nowhere, I observed the behavior of the humans. When the wave passes, they have experience heavy headaches. Several minutes have passed, they stand and laugh like a crazy animal. But what I notice is not just a crazy laugh, their inner demon has totally possess the body. After the possession, as the evidence of their crazy laugh, it soon follows by a focused stare. After that they walk like nothing happen.”

“It looks like it’s the same as Hypnopsychosis Inversion Spell, but on large scale.” Kumi said.

“You’re right, Yagami Kumi. Moreover, this is the reason that you need training. This training.” Ruaumoko showed to them several pods.

“Takayanagi Akane, can you explain to the training they will experience.”

“As you can see, these pods are connected to the pillar. Once you are inside the pod, your consciousness will be inside of your inner world. This training, that the God of Earthquake suggested, is to fight your inner demon inside of your inner world. Once you defeat them, the inner demon will lend their powers, thus you can able to use them. Take note, the damage you will take in the inner world will be processed by your brain; in short you will also deal physical damage.” This makes the group look at her with widened eyes.

“Takayanagi Akane, Kitahara Rie and Takajo Aki are already finished the training. So it’s your turn now.” Paruru’s father said.

“Now please lie down to each respective pods, if you may.” Kitarie assists the Generals lying down to each pods. When the Generals are already lying down, the pods are closing. Churi press several buttons, which the pods were powered up. Then Churi press the red button, activating the machine.

“Sweet dreams, guys.” Then their world shuts down like a TV turning off.

Maeda Atsuko’s inner world

Acchan appears the place where she remembered, Tel Aviv, Israel.

“This is the place where you out of control, Acchan.” She saw Hinako coming from the dust wind.

“Hinako.” Acchan said.

“If you want my powers, you will have to take it. By force.” As soon Hinako said that, a raging burst of flame surrounds her.

“You don’t need to say that, Hinako.” Acchan’s gun suddenly appears to her hands out of nowhere.

I forgot that this is my inner world.

“Bring it on.” When Acchan finished loading her gun, the large explosion of flame surrounds her. The battle of the flame has begun.


To be Continued

Next part:
Phase B: Dark World: Raging Conflagration
« Last Edit: May 27, 2015, 02:59:57 AM by Minamiyuki »
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

My Full Series Fics:
GunSword Series (On-going) | Need for Speed: Fast Forward (On-going) | Night Shift Series (On-hiatus) | Shikyo Taisen Series (On-going) | Shichitenshi Gakuen (On-hiatus)

Offline Rinca

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I really like the part when they were all shocked and say "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEH" in unison.
Though i'll like it more if they all shouted, longer. XD
And you did interrupt that Furuyanagi moment like what you told me on facebook.

How dare you. XD

Anyways, will there be a third update this week? Don't you stress yourself too much (but it will be nice if there will be another update).  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

« Last Edit: May 26, 2015, 05:02:01 PM by Rinca »

Lame Story ahead!

A Certain Love Story of a Cyborg Girl | Same Ground(Hiatus) | The Last Stand (On-Going)

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Airin looks at the wide flower field, searching her partner. She wears sleeveless shirt and black jeans. Her bandage binds below her breast and above the abdomen, due to her broken ribs. She brings her automatic crossbow, which was slinging to her back. Her search was ended when she saw the girl sitting on the field of flowers, being surrounded by the birds.

“Atsuko-sama was right; she’s not the only one.” Akane said on Churi’s Digiwatch. Churi noticed Airin’s black hairpin.

“Charisma is not your gift, but the real one is Seductive Magnetism, right?” Churi was lying to the flowerbed.

“Yeah, that’s my real gift. Everytime I pull out this hairpin, chaos happens. Even I, myself, was not immune to my own gift that I cannot activate it without putting the Psionic Barrier Fortress on. But who knows, maybe sooner or later, I can control it.” Airin followed her suit.

Crossbows, broken ribs and birds.... XD

But..... Ha...Ha... OMG XD I can imagine said chaos that can occur when Airin takes off said hairpin....
Well...... XD Seductive Magnetism.....

Offline yuuri14

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You’re still in deep thought, Erika.” The girl looked behind and saw Acchan. She is wearing gray sleeveless shirt under her three-button opened polo and blue short jeans. Her left knee was binded by medical bandage.

“I wonder if my father was worried about me.” Erika continued to look under the sky while sitting on the edge of the building. She felt Acchan sit beside her.

Yup, Erika. Your father, the God of the Moon: Tsukuyomi was worried about you. But I think he believes in you.” Acchan said.

“Thanks, Atsuko.” Erika smiled.

Say, how come that our age difference is only 29 days.” Acchan smiled.

“You already know that. Luckily, that our mother is not normal human or else she will die before you born. Bearing a twin that one has a blood of a dragon and one has a blood of a god, was really dangerous.” Erika giggled.

That’s why mama let you born first. I am still in development stage despite that both of us are already in matured stage.” Acchan said.

“I’m happy that you’re my twin sister.” Erika said.

Archaeon, my father, that’s an English name. The greek one is Αρχαίων (Arkhaion). He’s a Primordial Dragon as far as I know.” Acchan said.

“Yeah, and that makes you an old woman, cause your father is an ancient.” Erika giggled.

Hey! You and I are twins, so I am not an old woman.” Acchan pouted. They look each other then giggled.
Phase B: Dark World: Raging Conflagration

Erika is making fun of Acchan 😄 sister love
a demigod and a Primordial Dragon

“That person is Maori God of Earthquake, Rūaumoko.” Paruru said. This makes the group widened their eyes.


“And also, he’s my father.” This follows by the minute of silence, and then it follows by…


“What a perfect unison.” Churi giggled as she continues her work.

“Thanks for taking care of my cold, salty daughter. Arigatou Gozaimasu.” Rūaumoko bows to them in 90 degrees.

“No, no, no, no. Please don’t bow to us, Rūaumoko-sama.” Yuria panicked.

surprise haha they were like 😨😨
Paruru's dad look kind and yet his daughter
is the opposite of him haha...

thank you for the update.
to their inner minds 👉👉👉👍👍👍👍

[Shimazaki Haruka/Paruru]
[YuiParu Pair]
[WMatsui Pair]
> I love reading books and Fan Fics as my past time.

Offline cisda83

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Some members are going to get stronger

Would they be able to save Minami and Haruna?

Can't wait to see the next chapter

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Minamiyuki

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Re: GunSword: Shikaku Kankei Saga [1st Arc] - Ch. 11-B (04/09/15)
« Reply #293 on: September 04, 2015, 09:20:50 PM »
Hello guys~!!!! Sorry for the very long wait...

Rinca: That "EEEEEEEEEHHHH?" reaction, totally priceless. And the Furuyanagi interruption. XD XD XD
MaYukiIsLife: That gift, total chaos.. XD XD XD
yuuri14: Here's the world of inner mind~!! :) :) :)
cisda83: Thank you for reading. :) :) :)

And now, here's the update.. ENJOY READING~!!!!!!!


Phase B: Dark World: Raging Conflagration

Maeda Atsuko’s inner world

The battle rages on as both fighters exchanging their strikes while the firestorm surrounds them, dancing along with their movement. Acchan suddenly appeared behind Hinako and tried to kick her on the head. Hinako saw the attack, using her right arm to catch Acchan’s feet, surprised the General. The other girl held Acchan’s foot and threw her away.

That strength.’ While in the midair, Acchan saw Hinako summoning a flame from her hand.

Φωτιά Τοίχο: Επίθεση Φόρμα [Fotia Toicho: Epithesi Forma (Firewall: Assault Form)]” Hinako swung the flame downward, creating a large wall of fire, moving to Acchan at alarming speed.

You have got to be kidding me.’ Acchan swung her arm then fired her gun on the ground.

Φωτιά Τοίχο: Αμυντική Φόρμα [Fotia Toicho: Amyntiki Forma (Firewall: Defensive Form)]” A wall of fire appears in front of her, blocking the incoming large wall of fire.

“Do you ever think that is all?” Acchan widened her eyes as Hinako suddenly appeared behind her. She realized that she is still in the midair, parallel to the ground. Before she could act, Hinako kneed on her abdomen very hard. That made Acchan sent flying across the plains and finally rolling on the ground.

Shit, she’s more powerful than before.’ Acchan tried to stand up. Instead, Hinako stomped her hard, putting the injured girl to much weakened state.

“Hmph, too boring.” Hinako turned around and looked under the sky. Before she could walked away, Hinako cannot able to lift her feet up. She looked below and saw Acchan holding her feet. Despite weakened, she still has some strength left.

“This is not the end. I have not done yet.” Acchan weakenedly said.

“You are still do not give up?” Hinako asked.

“As long as I have any breath left. I will not give up.” Acchan pulled Hinako’s leg, which surprised the inner demon. While her opposite was in the midair, Acchan curled her fingers to the palm of her right hand, into the fist. She slapped the ground using her left hand, which releasing blast of flame that recoiled her from the ground.

Στολιδάκη Σατανικών [Stolidaki Satanikon (Infernal Geyser)].” As soon as Acchan’s fist connected to Hinako’s chest while in the midair, a very large pillar of flame fired from her hand. The pillar reached to the sky, wiping out any clouds above. After the pillar disappeared, Acchan fall back to the ground. She saw the body, still on fire, fell several meters away from her.

I did it.’ Acchan breathed rapidly and looked under the sky. However, before she could celebrate, Acchan did not saw her opponent standing up.

“You have got to be kidding me, right?” Acchan widened her eyes when she heard those words coming from her inner demon. She looked at Hinako and surprised but slightly relieved that the attack has great effect to her, as shown that Hinako could barely able to stand up.

That’s what I’m trying to say. You are still can able to stand? I had put all of my remaining energy to that attack!’ Acchan rolled on the ground and tried to push herself on the ground. However, before she could stand, Hinako instantly appeared in front of her and delivered a powerful kick, sending her very high. Acchan was surprised that Hinako instantly appeared above her. The inner demon clasped her hands together; interlocking the fingers then swung it downward, into hammerblow strike. The attack connected to Acchan’s back, violently sent her falling and crashed to the ground. The impact was so powerful that it created large crater and releasing a blasting shockwave.

Hinako landed safely to the ground and walked toward to the crater. Approaching to the lying body, she saw Acchan did not move anymore. This made the inner demon sigh deeply.

“Is that all you have got? Do you ever think you could save Takamina and Kojiharu with that? Pushing every bit of your strength to one attack is not enough.” Hinako turned around and started to walk.

“I will left you here and let you watch as I will own your body.” Hinako felt something that she stopped from walking.

“What do you think were you going, Hinako? Like I said, this fight is far from over.” Behind Hinako, Acchan appeared from the crater. Despite loss of blood and full of severe injuries, she can able to stand barely.

When the original personality is dead in the inner world, the original mind and owner of the body is also dead. The damage received in the inner world will be proportionally convert into neural damage. If the body cannot able to endure the pain, that will result physical death. However, this girl, she already has highly severe injuries that most of them are lethal to normal humans. She also have broken ribs, damaged internal organs, and even a crack on the skull. Those, when converted into neural damage, will cause instant death. But she endured it, she endured all of those.’ Hinako thought.

“Tell me Acchan. Why do you do this? Why are you risking your life? You should know the effect of everything you take now.” Hinako asked.

“Yeah, I already know that. An instant death.” Acchan said.

“Then why are you still doing this?”

“To push myself further.” Acchan answered straightforwardly.


“I cannot able to save everyone. I cannot save Takamina. I cannot even save myself. All because I am too weak. That is why I want to fight you, to push myself from the limit.”

“Limit.” Hinako repeated the word.

“Yes, I want to push my limit. I want to be strong so that I could able to protect. That is why I am fighting you so that I could able to convince you to fight with me. I need you, Hinako.” Acchan said. After a long silence, Hinako stood in front of Acchan then she put her hand to her opposite’s shoulder.

“Very well, I will lend you my strength. Your answer really moves me.” Hinako smiled at her.

“Hontou ni?” Acchan asked which the latter answered with a nod.

“I will fight alongside with you. After all, I’m part of your existence, right?”

“Uhm!” Acchan smiled at her.

“I think it’s time for you to go back to the physical world. See you later, Atsuko.”

“See you later.” Atsuko turned into mass of light particles. Hinako touched the particles before it disappeared to the atmosphere.

“What do you think?” Hinako asked.

That girl, she’s strong, both physical and mental. As expected from the daughter of primordial dragon king and my contract. Except that she’s very stubborn.” A voice echoed from out of nowhere. Hinako turned around and looked to the sea.

“Yeah. Stubborn indeed.” Hinako smiled.


Basement of Science and Technology Department, Hakata Headquarters, Nokonoshima, Japan; Tuesday, 3:15 pm

Churi and Akicha saw one of the pods finally opened and revealed Acchan rising from the pod. Kitarie approached to the mute girl and carefully supported her to one of the comfort chairs.

“How is the pain?” Churi asked.

Exaggeratingly painful. I can still the pain even now. It looks like the pain I receive in the inner world was proportionally converted into neural damage. Hell, I can still feel that very painful pricked to my arm.” Acchan telepathically said. She felt another pain from her leg causing her to squeal very loud. They heard another ring and saw three pods were opened.

“Oh shit. ITAI!” One of them instantly rose up.

“Careful, Myao. The neural damage was already in effect.” Akicha supported the girl.

Myao?” Myao looked around and saw Acchan.

“Atsuko-neechan! Ouch.” Myao called. Akicha put her to the comfort chair near Acchan.

“Now that hurts, a lot.” Acchan saw Erika beside her. She then looked at Myao, who was suffering from the pain.

“Myao, I’m glad that you’re still alive.” Acchan smiled.

“Hey! And I’m not the only one, Rabutan and Sasshi are also here.” Myao massaged her arm. After she flicked her finger in the air, a bottle of coke appeared from above and went to Myao’s hand. She opened the bottle and drank the content.

“There are others who still inside the inner world. We hope that they could able to get out alive.” Erika concerned.

Yeah, I hope too.


Oshima Yuko’s Inner World

Thunderous sound echoed on this world. The ground shook violently with each strike of electric discharge. The atmosphere distorted heavily, producing uncontrollable shockwaves. Sparking lights came everywhere with the sound of clashing metals. Dark clouds surrounded the whole landscape, accompanied by series of lightning.

A girl instantly appeared on the middle of field, her right hand shook due to the electric shock, as evidence of discharging current coming from the skin. The girl instantly clenched her hand, discharging the current out of her hand. When the shock was gone, the girl can able to move her hand freely. She glared at someone, who instantly appeared several yards away.

“Don’t be mad, Yuko-chan. I’m just repaying for what you did.” The girl held her arm. As soon as she rotated the arm, the cracking sound was created from the arm. After that, her dislocated arm was finally relocated to the original position.

“Oh, I am not mad. I am just getting excited. Shall we continue, Rinko?” Yuko slammed her tonfa to the ground, creating an electric field.


Somewhere in the deep forest; Unknown time

Inside the foggy deep forest, a mysterious dark castle stood from the ground. Hidden from the eyes of the mortals, this invisible structure gained popularity through by legends and myths. According to the legend, there are people who live inside the castle and they are not human. However, what was writing on the legend, is entirely true.

On one of the towers of the castle, an unknown figure sat on the window of the tower. The figure looked at the rising full moon.

“The moon never ceased to amaze me. Even in a thousand years I lived, it still beautiful.” The figure said. The maid appeared behind the shadows.

“Master, it’s time for your dinner.” The maid said.

“Ah, yes yes. How are my two cute daughters?” The person asked.

“They are fine, master. The two mistresses are playing their game.”

“Oh, I see.” The figure went behind the maid.

“It’s time, master.” The maid positioned her neck to the master of the castle.

“Dinner time.”


To be continued

BTW, this will be the theme song for the arc:

Beginner by AKB48 :)

(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

My Full Series Fics:
GunSword Series (On-going) | Need for Speed: Fast Forward (On-going) | Night Shift Series (On-hiatus) | Shikyo Taisen Series (On-going) | Shichitenshi Gakuen (On-hiatus)

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Re: GunSword: Shikaku Kankei Saga [1st Arc] - Ch. 11-B (04/09/15)
« Reply #294 on: September 04, 2015, 09:38:27 PM »
Now this is the update that I've been waiting for.
That figure. . .  daughters. . . *runs in circles.. . .
I'll slap you hard next time. :v

Now sleep. .  :v
« Last Edit: September 06, 2015, 06:38:03 AM by Rinca »

Lame Story ahead!

A Certain Love Story of a Cyborg Girl | Same Ground(Hiatus) | The Last Stand (On-Going)

Offline deguchi

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Re: GunSword: Shikaku Kankei Saga [1st Arc] - Ch. 11-B (04/09/15)
« Reply #295 on: September 05, 2015, 11:17:44 AM »
Ah I've missed the previous chapter...
Just glad that some members are still can be saved. The world's now in chaos
how about Taka n the other? Will they can save them?
Hope you keep writing this story. Thanks Author-san :)
just love to read alot of fiction story

Offline Rinca

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Re: GunSword: Shikaku Kankei Saga [1st Arc] - Ch. 11-B (04/09/15)
« Reply #296 on: September 06, 2015, 06:40:05 AM »

Rinca: That "EEEEEEEEEHHHH?" reaction, totally priceless. And the Furuyanagi interruption. XD XD XD

I'll get you for this. Because lately, you've been liking this reaction.  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
« Last Edit: September 07, 2015, 04:42:46 AM by Rinca »

Lame Story ahead!

A Certain Love Story of a Cyborg Girl | Same Ground(Hiatus) | The Last Stand (On-Going)

Offline cisda83

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Re: GunSword: Shikaku Kankei Saga [1st Arc] - Ch. 11-B (04/09/15)
« Reply #297 on: September 09, 2015, 09:04:53 AM »
Would the others able to survive?

Would they be able to save Minami and Haruna?

Who were the master and the 2 daughters?

What's going to happen next?'

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

Offline Minamiyuki

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Re: GunSword: Shikaku Kankei Saga [1st Arc] - Ch. 11-C (24/09/15)
« Reply #298 on: September 24, 2015, 09:47:02 PM »
Hello, everyone~!!! Sorry for the late update~!!! Now here's the reply:

Rinca: LOOOOOOOOL... Still waiting for the Furuyanagi kissing scene? XD XD XD
deguchi: Thank you.. I will do my best to update as soon as possible... :) :) :)
cisda83:Thank you for reading. :) :) :)

And now, here's the continuation of Yuko's fight in her inner world. ENJOY READING~!!!


Phase C: Dark World: Lethal Electrocution

Nokonoshima Firing Range, Strategic and Tactical Weaponry Department, Hakata Headquarters, Nokonoshima, Japan; Tuesday, 3:10 pm

Inside the firing range, a girl was in the shooting stand, readying to shoot the target. However, instead of holding any firearm, she was wearing a pair of black leather gloves. The gloves were embroider with two white-lined circles forming into a ring and each riing contains different set of runes and symbols.

The girl raised her left hand and pointing it to the target while looking to it. The girl put the thumb and middle finger together then quickly slide them out, creating a snapping sound followed by a index finger pointing to the target. Then a compressed beam of flame was fire from the finger, piercing through the target paper.

“I do not know if that’s a flame or some sort high temperature air that released from your finger.” She turned around and saw another girl approaching her. The girl’s dress was similar to her; she is wearing a standardized Japanese military officer uniform. Her wodao sword slung on the back of her waist and the hilt is on the right side.

“That is a plasma beam. I had discover lately about this. If the temperature increased at thousand degree Celsius, the electrons knocked out from the atomic structure, allowing the ionization to take place. By channeling the sufficient energy to the air so that the atmosphere will be ionize, I can able to create plasma flames.”

“But the atmosphere was polarize that it became highly conductive. You have to be careful when using your right hand.” The girl said.

“Yeah, thanks for the concern, Sasshi.”

“Don’t mention it. Firestorm Alchemist, 1st Lieutenant Oota Aika.” Sasshi said.

“Tsk. That title again.” Aichan snickered, showing her tsundere side.

“Awwww. Tsuntsun Aika is so cute.” Sasshi cuddled herself.

“Shut up, Sasshi. Go to your Kitarie, I’m currently busy in here.” Aichan tightened her gloves while trying to hide her blushed face.

“Awww, you should do that to your Erepyon.” Sasshi teased.

“Shut up! I am going to smack you. I’m not kidding.” Aichan said. Her blush worsened as her face became slightly red.

“Joking aside. Speaking of Rie-chan, the Inner World Training is still in progress. Well, remembering that, I could feel the ache on my back.” Sasshi held her back as if she was on backpain.

“Yeah, reminding on my first experience, it was so goddamn painful.” Aichan bent her body and slightly pulled her skirt, revealing two black hankerchiefs tied on each leg. Like the gloves, the handkerchiefs are embroided by circles and multiple symbols and runes.

“Well, I know that they will survive. I believe in them.” Sasshi said.

“You are right, I believe in them too.” Aichan kicked in the air that followed by a spark sound. Then a gust of wind appeared from where she kicked and moved at high speed toward the target paper, ripping it into many pieces.


Oshima Yuko’s Inner World

The sky roared continuously as the battle raged on. Lightning continuously struck on the solid floor of the rooftop of building. The two young female warriors clashed their weapons while moving at instantaneous speed. In normal perspective, they can be seen as blurred objects. However, in slow-motion perspective, Yuko and Rinko are attacking on each other while changing their position, from the rooftop to the water tower to the steel tower and vice versa. Their speed are quick, to the point that the lightning strike was seem slower in their reference perspective. This made Yuko as one of the very fast generals, only surpassed by Takamina, Erika, Yuria and Kumi.

Both fighters stood on the rooftop, turning back to normal speed perspective. Yuko tightened her hold to the tonfas as she looked onto her opponent, her inner demon.

This is bad, she’s better than I thought.’ Yuko thought, complimenting about her inner demon’s capabilities.

“Eh, so you are still standing. Well, how about this?” Rinko raised her hand very high that followed by a loud growling above the clouds. As soon as Rinko swung her hand downward, a lightning bolt instantly appeared from the cloud and going to strike Yuko.

“Oh shit.” Yuko used shunpo to avoid the lightning bolt and reappeared on the other side. The bolt instead struck to the ground creating a small crater and sparks appeared from the ground.

“I have still not done yet.” Rinko said. Then a series of lightning bolts appeared from the clouds and tried to strike Yuko. Yuko sidestepped many times, avoiding all of the incoming bolts. However, one lightning bolt managed to slip through Yuko’s hyper intuition and struck her, electrifying her body. The lightning did not stay longer as it disappeared instantly, but the girl felt the current inside her body. Yuko can able to handle very high voltage of electrons, but this kind of electricity is not part of her control. In fact, this lightning is not made of negatively charged electrons, rather.

“Positive lightning.” Yuko gritted her teeth while resisting the current inside. Her hands are shaking violently due to the electricity.

“Yes. You already know that positive lightning are more powerful than negative lightning. Those lightning were release from the anvil of the cloud instead from the lower portion of the cloud. They carries 300 kiloampere and the potential may exceed a billion volts, about ten times that of negative lightning.” Rinko signalled her hand that followed by another lightning discharge from the clouds, striking the already electrocuted Yuko.

“Gah!” Yuko screamed in pain. The sparks are visibly travelling on her skin while

“Until you can able to hold off this, you can’t able to defeat me. Nor you can able to save Takamina and Kojinyan, your friends, family, and the whole world.” Rinko send another lightning discharge to Yuko, causing the girl to scream very loud. The heat generated by the lightning did not affected to her, but the overloading current released, that will slowly killing her inside. Yuko felt her body getting weaken as she slowly dropped her knee to the ground.

No, not now. Not on this place.

“Well, looks like I do not have any choice. Sayonara.” Rinko raised her arm upward and swung it downward quickly. It then followed by a very large lightning coming from the cloud, striking directly to Yuko. The impact was powerful, that the shockwave it released, dispersed the cloud and destroyed the glass of all the surrounding buildings. After that, Yuko’s body finally gave up as she falling to the ground. The current was still in there, showing by the spark on the surface of her skin. Rinko turned around to leave. However, before she walked away, she heard a rustling sound that followed by a loud spark sound. When she turned around to look, she saw a foot that was proximity distance to her.

“Torden Keiserens Vrede (Thunder Emperor’s Wrath)” Yuko swing her foot down, slamming her foot to Rinko’s head that followed by a blast of electric discharge. Then a lightning bolt descended from the cloud, striking the inner demon. After that, Rinko fell on the ground. Yuko also fell on the ground, due that she resist the overloading current. While both of them lying on the ground, Rinko smiled.

“It’s my loss.” Rinko said.

“…….” Yuko silently looking under the thunderous clouds.

“I was wondering. How did you manage to move after that last strike?” Rinko asked.

“I just let the current flow inside my body, while resisting the electric shock. Although that is really goddamn painful.” Yuko said. Her hands are still trembling while the sparks appeared on the surface of the skin.

“I admire at your courage and determination.”  Rinko raised her hand and saw the spark coming out from her palm.

“All for the sake of my friends and my family, I want to protect and save them.” Yuko said.

“Very well then. You have passed the test. And with that, I will help you.” Rinko declared.

“Thank you.” Yuko saw her body was start to vanish, as evidence of her hand turning into shimmering dust.

“Looks like it’s time.” Rinko looked at Yuko.

“Yeah, see you. Rinko-chan.” Yuko gave to her inner demon a smile before disappear into nothingness.

“Don’t mention it, Yuko.” Rinko looked under the sky and gazed below the lightened clouds.


Basement of Science and Technology Department, Hakata Headquarters, Nokonoshima, Japan; Tuesday, 3:20 pm

One of the pods opened revealing an awakened Yuko. Churi and Kitarie assisted her quickly and took her to the recovery room where Acchan, Erika and Myao are resting. After they put Yuko to one of the chairs, they went back to the main room to monitor the rest. Akicha is in the recovery room to monitored the four and assisted them.

“It looks like the electric pattern in your nervous system is distorted as shown in the oscilloscope. It means that we detected an unstable electromagnetic signal inside. This will slightly hinder your recovery process. However, your body is starting to adapt the high current and overloading voltage. After that, you can able to channel very high-powered electric discharge.” Akicha explained. After that, she went to her station to continue her work.

“Minna, ganbatte.” Yuko said. Then she was drifting to sleep.


Kashiwagi Yuki’s Inner World

Yukirin looked around, hoping to find her opponent. However, she cannot able to see because her vision is very black. The blackened vision is not due from her eyes. She can still clearly see her hand. The reason for that is…

“I can manipulate the darkness. However, I still cannot see through darkness.” Yukirin said.

“It is because this darkness is not part of your control. It is mine.” A voice echoed from behind which Yukirin swung her scythe in reflex. However, her weapon hit nothing. Yukirin slam her scythe to the ground, creating a blast of darkness. Using her enhanced hearing, she heard the rending cloth. With that, she instantly appeared to the source of the sound and attacked it. It then replied by a clashing sound of metals.

“Nice work. However, that is not enough, Yuki.” The girl said. Yuki gritted her teeth as she called the name of her inner demon.



To be continued

NEXT UPDATE: Dark World: Blinding Darkness
« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 04:12:12 AM by Minamiyuki »
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

My Full Series Fics:
GunSword Series (On-going) | Need for Speed: Fast Forward (On-going) | Night Shift Series (On-hiatus) | Shikyo Taisen Series (On-going) | Shichitenshi Gakuen (On-hiatus)

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Re: GunSword: Shikaku Kankei Saga [1st Arc] - Ch. 11-C (24/09/15)
« Reply #299 on: September 25, 2015, 12:22:56 PM »
Hello, everyone~!!! Sorry for the late update~!!! Now here's the reply:

Rinca: LOOOOOOOOL... Still waiting for the Furuyanagi kissing scene? XD XD XD

I really want to slap you hard :v

Lame Story ahead!

A Certain Love Story of a Cyborg Girl | Same Ground(Hiatus) | The Last Stand (On-Going)

JPHiP Radio (10/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Sloth Love Chunks - There Are The Big Tree And A Big Muff Dog