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Author Topic: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 23-27 [11-10-2015]  (Read 60787 times)

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 4.5 [10-17]
« Reply #40 on: October 19, 2013, 04:26:03 AM »
wedge~~~~~~~ :deco:
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline Yuuyami

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 4.5 [10-17]
« Reply #41 on: October 19, 2013, 04:27:39 AM »

5. Sayashi Riho

Riho was sulking. This was exactly the reason why she always tried to avoid humans whenever she could. She was warned about the complexity of humans by her peers but dealing with the real thing gave her a headache.

Ayumi felt like a good-hearted person but she was being difficult now! Not to mention that her stomach wouldn't shut up. In time, there would be food... in time ...

Which plants were edible again?  Riho eyed some of the shrubbery they walked by. Some of her ancestors were only meant to eat meats but her mother drilled vegetables into her diet so as to 'help channel her magic better' or so she said.

To be honest, all the magic she casted back there took a LOT out of her. Eating just two fish for today certainly wasn't enough to sustain her either. Her hunger kept slapping her in the gut over and over!

Riho smelled the scent of game from the further reaches of the forest but she was too weak to pursue them and she was also worried for Ayumi. Despite their fight earlier, she knew Ayumi wasn't exactly in the state to be left alone either. They were going the same southern direction anyway, so as long as she found her friends, then Riho would finally leave her.

Is this what they call worry? The cat/dragon wondered to herself. She had limitless trust for everyone she knew. Lack of it and worrying for them would only upset them.

Slowly but surely, the scent of civilization settled in her nostrils.

"We're close," Riho said simply. She wasn't sure if the human was still mad at her, but it didn't hurt to test it out.

Ayumi feigned ignorance.

Riho pouted. Just how long was she going to be angry?! However, a familiar whiff caught Riho's attention and she walked faster towards it.

It was the smell of delicious homecooking... no, it was...

"Yasuda-san!" Ayumi cried out, running into the arms of the weary lady. They were right beneath a man-made arch made with thin branches, indicating an entryway into a village.

"Ayumi!" The orphanage owner caught the tiny girl in an embrace. "I was worried sick!"

"Are the kids alright?"

"They're fine! Did you happen to see Haruna and the others?"

Uh oh, this wasn't good. She lost their scents back at the path to the safehouse...

“You mean…They weren’t with you...?”

Ayumi was starting to have that daunting tone again.

“I feel we should talk about what actually happened first,” Riho interjected.

“What happened after we left you?” Ayumi asked.

The lady called Yasuda-san breathed in deep, and let it go. “We gathered everything into the cart and were about to reach the safe house when we were attacked by demons. They were the Cerulean Typhoon’s men.”

So there were more… Riho thought to herself.

“Haruna and the others told us to go, saying they could handle the bandits. The kids and I gathered what supplies we could and escaped. That was the last we saw of them.”

Ayumi became pale. Riho needed to do something quick.

“Do you by chance have anything that belongs to them?” Riho said suddenly. When the other two looked at her in confusion, she continued, “I could only go so far with memorization of their scents, but if you give us something that belonged to them, we can look for them.”

“You’d do that?” Ayumi’s eyes widened. “A demon?”

“What did I tell you? I’m a do-gooder demon,” Riho placed her hands on her hip, “I was taught to always help those in need.”

Suddenly, the both women went and hugged the cat tightly, much to her shock. She got goosebumps all over from being touched and was about to gently push the others off, but she heard the sound of tears.

“Thank you so much!” Ayumi sniffled. “You don’t know how much it means to me!”

“Your kindness will forever be engraved in our memories!” Yasuda-san said with the most sincere gratitude.

After what seemed like an eternity, the two finally let go of the cat. “I’ll go gather their things, you two can wait here.”

Ayumi nodded, but Riho started to follow her. However, just as she attempted to go through the gate, she felt a feeling like electricity shooting up and down her spine. It wasn’t exactly painful, but she knew she wasn’t supposed to go through. She stepped back and sighed.

“What’s up?” Ayumi asked, watching as the orphanage owner disappeared into the woods.

“This village has an anti-demon barrier,” Riho tilted her head as she poked at the entrance, fascinated with the static shock she continuously got from it.

“It’s not strong enough to outright kill whoever enters, but it’s enough to let me know I’m not wanted here.”

“That’s…unfortunate…” Ayumi said aloud, though it seemed she mostly said it to herself.

“Yeah… A shame barrier spells can’t discriminate between bad and good…” Riho yawned before squatting down on all fours again. This was the main reason why she’d avoid human villages in the first place. While some were friendly, others had this severe hatred toward her kind. She remembered some of her encounters with the latter and breathed out sharply, annoyed by the memories.

Her stomach growled again, and Riho pouted. She was really hungry, but didn’t say anything in fear of Ayumi somehow lashing out again like earlier. Since she made a commitment to help her, she would do her best to keep on her good side.

“Actually, hold on, I’ll see if I can get something to eat,” Ayumi said to the cat before running past the entrance.

She would have called out a thanks but Ayumi was already too far for her to hear. Why couldn’t humans have her strength of hearing? Oh well…

Riho looked up for any nearby perches. Finding one that should fit her weight, she sprang up into the air and landed in feline grace. She hoped they wouldn’t take too long, she settled onto the branch and rested on her belly, letting her limbs relax on the branch loosely. It must be the cat in her, but she always found high places comforting.

She reached for the back of her obi, tied into a gold and black flower-like design. One of the folds actually had something hidden inside. She pulled it out and looked at it. It was a dagger’s hilt wrapped in the same gold and black as her obi. There were no guards on it, however. Also, in place of where the dagger’s blade would be, there was none.

Instead, there was a small fang, protruding out of the hilt. In boredom, Riho waved one hand over the fang and immediately, it sprung into a blade. Although looking brittle and too ivory to be metal, the blade was very capable of slicing through the hardest of armor. She continued to wave her hand back and forth over the dagger, watching as the fang grew and shrink with each passing movement.

She smelt Ayumi coming, but paid no attention, for she didn’t smell any food accompanying her either.

“Sorry, the harvests in this village were really weak, they wouldn’t let me get anything,” Ayumi bent over and rested her hands on her knees, panting. Did the human actually run all over the place? “I tried getting to the supplies that we already had but the kids ate it all…” the indigo-clad girl scratched the back of her neck, apologetic.

“It’s fine, I’ll find something out here to eat,” Riho placed the dagger back in her obi and jumped down. She found that Ayumi now had a bag in her hand. “Are those your friends’ things?”

Ayumi opened the bag, revealing clothes and some objects resting on top. One was a wooden top, another, a brush, and the last, an uchiwa. She assumed those to be the belongings. She came over and picked up each one, feeling the weight, playing around with it, testing it, before picking it up to her nostrils.

Her sense of smell wasn’t as strong as a dog’s, but even so, a cat’s smell combined with the omnipresent sensing of a dragon still made for an equal contender.

“They went south.”

“Then let’s go south!” Ayumi pointed her naginata and began to march.

Riho couldn’t help but smirk. “Okay.” She went in the right direction, causing Ayumi to look back, fumble, and go chasing after her.

At least she wasn’t mad at her anymore, she was glad.

“Though… What are we going to do about food though?” Ayumi asked. “You’ve had so little today and you must be really weak, huh…”

Oh, now she realized the severity of the situation with Riho’s stomach?  No matter. “If there’s game nearby, I’ll hunt it. I have enough strength for that much at least.”

“You do that, but we could probably take down the bigger things too, I’ve helped take down pretty big boars in the past.”

“Good, there’s plenty of those here.”

Somehow, she felt like she jinxed it. They spent all their time wandering, attempting to find trails, but to no avail. Just when they think they found a good lead on a nearby hoard, they found that the boars disappeared or were killed ages ago and wouldn’t be edible.

Before they knew it, the sun was getting pretty close to the horizon.

The cat was starving!

“At this point, we might as well go for squirrels or bunnies…” Riho slumped. She couldn’t even muster the effort to summon Mint-kun again. Her stomach growled loudly once more. Just then, she heard Ayumi’s growl as well. Hunger must be contagious.

"Great, now I'm starving..." Ayumi speared the bottom of the naginata in front of her, leaning very heavily upon it. That bag tied to her back must be weighing like a million horses by now.

"Please tell me you at least packed a gourd of water... right?" Riho looked over, mouth watering.


Riho facepalmed. Of all the necessities to forget! Then again, she wasn't one to talk. She actually had a full bag filled with supplies prepared for her journey but she forget it at the first camping site she slept at!

All of sudden, she caught whiff of something. Her instincts immediately took over and her eyes turned into narrow slits, focusing on the path in front of them.

There was a white bunny.

Sitting smack dab in the middle of the dirt path.



"FOOOOOD!!!" Riho immediately pounced. The bunny turned and immediately bolted for it.

"Sayashi-san, wait!" Ayumi called out, but the cat was in hunting mode. She was running after the bunny on all fours, leaving a rather large trail of dirt and dust in her wake.


Riho was closing in.

Bunny. Bunny. Bunny. Bunny.

It was just within reach.

Bunny. Bunny. Bunny. Bunny. Bunny. Bunny. Bunny.

Her mouth opened, fangs ready to go in for the kill...


Suddenly, a naginata was flung in front of their path, and the bunny rammed into the flat side of the blade while Riho collided right into the pole.

B-Bunnies everywhere... Riho sat up, dazed and confused.

"Oh you poor baby!" she heard Ayumi's voice next to her. Once her vision cleared, she saw that Ayumi now had the bunny in her arms.

"You caught it!" Riho stood up suddenly, but instantly regretted it for now she became a lot dizzier.

"You're NOT eating it!" Ayumi shielded the bunny away, cuddling it close to her body. Was it her or the bunny seemed... relieved?

"What, you want to keep it?" Oh great... Don't tell me she won't let me eat cute furry creatures...

"It's too cute!"

Oh Gods...

Riho shook her head, "Are you serious... We're both starving and you're choosing to keep our dinner as a pet?"

"The bunny is too cute!" Ayumi cried out as she scratched at the bunny's cheeks, causing its nose to crinkle. Was it just her or did that bunny's black spot near the bottom of its mouth remind her of a beauty mark?

"We really should eat it though..." Riho couldn't stop her mouth from watering, "Let me eat yoooou..."

At that, the bunny jumped from Ayumi's hands and went on the run again.

"YOU ARE MIIIIIIIINE!!!" Riho came after the bunny once more. Only this time, the bunny went straight off the path and started zigzagging through the forresty terrain. "YOU THINK THAT WILL STOP ME FROM EATING YOU!?"

However, the bunny stopped, having sat down in front of a clearing. All the more convenient! But before Riho could sink her fangs in, she looked up.


There was a huge meaty boar in front of her, completely terrified at her sudden appearance.


Not long after, Riho and Ayumi now had a roast for dinner. The twilight settled in as Ayumi started to fan the fire for the roasting pork. Oddly enough, the clearing provided an ample place to sleep for the night.

"And you seem snug for something I was about to eat..." Riho raised an eyebrow as the bunny climbed onto her lap and settled there, rubbing up against her stomach.

"Maybe it's appeasing to you so that you don't eat it," Ayumi narrowed her eyes at the other. Out of the corner of Riho's eye, she thought she saw the bunny nodding?

"Pfft, whatever, you're lucky it led us to this boar."

"So we can keep the bunny, right?!"

Riho looked down at the white bunny again. It stared at her back with large brown eyes and that infernal beauty mark next to its mouth. Something wasn't quite right about this bunny... She searched its aura to see if it was a demon in disguise but to no avail. Either the bunny was that good at hiding its presence or she was just over-imagining things, who knew...

"Fine, we can keep it."

Ayumi and the bunny hopped for joy.

"But only as our emergency food ration. Its name will now be Meat."

Ayumi and Meat's mouth dropped in utter horror.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 10:06:13 AM by Yuuyami »

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 4.5 [10-17]
« Reply #42 on: October 19, 2013, 04:39:03 AM »
omg poor meat-chan XDDDD
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 4.5 [10-17]
« Reply #43 on: October 19, 2013, 05:12:17 AM »
Menchi bunny! I just, I can't, I died, okay. :lol: :lol: XD

Offline Mucca

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 5 [10-18]
« Reply #44 on: October 19, 2013, 05:11:43 PM »
Riho is gonna be in for a shock when Sayu Meat assumes human form, finds Riho to be the most adorable-est kitty ever, and lavishes Riho with endless love and affection to the point of distraction.

Or maybe Riho will like it...?

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 5 [10-18]
« Reply #45 on: October 22, 2013, 08:04:43 AM »
Okay, not only are you "borrowing" stuff from InuYasha (the fang dagger that turns into a sword *cough*Tessaiga*cough*), but Menchi from Excel Saga?!!! What's next? Rurouni Kenshin? Samurai Champloo?

Obviously we'll know Meat's true form eventually. Still wondering how Reina is connected to this story. Half-sister maybe? Don't tell me she's the Sesshomaru to Riho's Inuyasha.

Ack!! Now I have that stupid [noembed][/noembed] stuck in my head.  :banghead:

Slowly learning the new gen members. At least I can match who's who by their names. I hope to see more former members to appear. Maybe a turtle, a brat, and few more kitties perhaps.  :lol:

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 5 [10-18]
« Reply #46 on: October 23, 2013, 08:51:42 AM »
lol Meat-chan... maybe once they go to sleep she'll cuddle in between Riho's chest...

... or Riho wakes up in the arms of a strange woman with a surprisingly familiar beauty mark next to her mouth.  XD

Offline Yuuyami

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 5 [10-18]
« Reply #47 on: November 06, 2013, 11:55:37 PM »
Kawaii: Poor Meat-chan indeed xD

Rndy: I died writing that part too xD

Mucca: Who knows what Riho would think xD

Hart: To be honest, I wasn't even thinking of Inuyasha lol. I was dead set on "Feudal era Japan" combined with its folklore and lo and behold, Inuyasha and all other related anime/manga also did the same thing coincidentally xD I can immediately tell you that there's no Sesshoumaru role in the story (that I know of so far), but now that you say it, maybe something might come by xD It's great that you're reading this despite not really knowing the new girls though! Hope you'll slowly learn about them through here and apply that knowledge to them IRL :B

Yunagi: You're going to thank me when you read this chapter xD

So there's a bonus attached to this chapter! This time, it's a character we haven't gone into the POV of yet. All we need is four thank you's and it'll be posted!


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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 5 [10-18]
« Reply #48 on: November 06, 2013, 11:56:06 PM »
-waddles in- WEDGE! :cathappy:

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 5 [10-18]
« Reply #49 on: November 06, 2013, 11:56:39 PM »

6. Ishida Ayumi

She didn't know if the sight was adorable or ridiculously strange. Being the first to wake up, she found Riho curled up into a ball like a cat, and Meat nestled right in the center, dozing off peacefully. On one hand, the sight nearly made her bleed rainbows, on the other hand, Riho was a cat/dragon hybrid in juxtaposition with a bunny...

Come to think of it, demons had an alternate form reflecting their true heritage... What in the world would Riho look like anyway? She could be a cat's head on a dragon's body or a dragon's head on a cat's body...? The latter sight made her slightly apprehensive. She would have to ask Riho to transform.

Seeing as the sun was raising, Ayumi, as much as she didn't want to disturb the scene, walked over and nudged Riho lightly with her hand.

No response.

"Oi, Sayashi-san, wake up, the sun's out."

Nudge nudge.

Riho shrugged away from the touch, flipping onto her otherside. Meat was effectively trapped underneath the cat's body. With a struggle, it squeezed through the other side, desperate for air.

"Sayashi-san please..." Ayumi was getting annoyed. She reached in and pulled the poor white bunny out of the apparent vice grip of a curling sleeping demon. Bunny in arms, she stood up and began prodding at the other with her feet.

Riho uttered something under her breath. To get a better sense of hearing, Ayumi lowered herself...

"...I'll fucking kill you..."

Ayumi fell backwards in surrpise. Never in her two days of knowing the other demon did Riho ever use such foul language! Meat's mouth hung open in shock as well!

"UNBELIEVEABLE!" Ayumi got up and punted the demon awake! Riho sprawled out in the air in complete disarray.

"WHAT'D I DO!?" the cat yowled, clutching at her side in pain.

"I've always thought you would never resort to such impolite language! What happened to your keigo image?!" Ayumi yelled back in exasperation. The bunny was cowering behind Ayumi's feet at the volume of everything.

"When did I ever use that!?"

"Just now! Did I'll fucking kill you sound familiar at all?!" Ayumi did her best impersonation with her hands fanned out over her head like cat ears.

Riho looked at her blankly. She looked at the sun overhead and back at the other. Suddenly, it hit her.

"You tried to wake me up, didn't you?" Riho said calmly, pointing at herself. "I'm apparently a whole other person when I'm asleep... Or so everyone else tells me."


What about this person seemed dragon-like at all?! Dragons, to her knowledge, were elegant, wise, and classy creatures with the grace of a thousand cranes!

"I'm really starting to doubt you have any dragon in you," Ayumi waved her hand dismissively.

"I do have dragon in me," Riho crossed her arms, eyes narrowed.

"Prove it with your true form then!"

"So be it!"

Well this should be interesting.

Riho lowered herself to the ground, feet spread apart and her hands clenched into fists. Her eyes glared fiercely at her, flickering between dark and cerulean. The air around her slowly began to distort and her clothes and hair began to lift as if there was wind blowing from beneath her.

Her mouth opened and as opposed to her smaller canines from before, fangs appeared to grow larger and larger and her face began to distort further outwards. At her hairline, her skin protruded and suddenly, horns began to convulse out of her skull.

However, everything began to reverse itself back. The horns retreated back, her face returned to normal, and the air began to stabalize itself.

Riho fell over, cluctching her growling stomach.

"Too hungry to transform..."

Both Ayumi and Meat fell. "SERIOUSLY?!"

Well at least there was slight proof of her heritage, seeing those two pointy horns come out even if it was just for a few seconds.

"Yeah... Transforming full force means a full stomach... And if I do end up transforming, I'd need a week's worth of food to make up for how much the form takes out of me..." Riho raised a shaky hand into the air.

Ayumi took the hand and lifted the other girl up, "Two completely different species right? The amount of strain must be amazing then, huh..."

"It is," Riho still slouched over, hand remaining on her stomach, "It's why I wear the limiter too. My magic is way too unstable as of right now..."

"You were doing well earlier with the bandits," Ayumi raised a brow.

"Honestly, that was fool's luck. Normally I'm pretty bad with magic, and it always takes a toll on me to use it. To be frank, my main forte is physically fighting."

"Lovely, that makes us equal in fighting roles." Duu and Maachan did try to teach her magic once, but that didn't end well either. One of the foremost important things about magic was to find out what your affinity was and Ayumi couldn't muster enough magic to fully form anything coherent.

"If I wasn't hungry, we should definitely sparr one day..." Riho eyed the bunny at Ayumi's feet.

The twin-tailed girl traced Riho's gaze to the bunny and immediately, she bent over to pick up the poor frightened creature.

"You are NOT eating the bunny..."

"You're lucky we still have some pork left," Riho scoffed before settling herself in front of the mostly-eaten boar, helping herself.

Ayumi sighed of relief and she could have sworn she heard the bunny do the same. The bunny in her arms seemed to know more than it let on... Regardless, Ayumi thought she better help herself to the boar as well, before Riho ate it all. The bunny jumped from her arms as she sat down and fled elsewhere.

Ever since they met Meat at yesterday's twilight, the bunny seemed to like the two's company. Every now and then, it would retreat to the bushes and come back with a snack in its mouth, usually various types of plants and herbs. And speak of the devil, the bunny came back, a piece of vegetation in its mouth.

Before chewing any further on it, however, the bunny sprang onto Riho's lap, turned around a few times, and just sat between her legs, eating away as Riho was eating away at the pork.

That bunny really likes being around Sayashi-san... Ayumi thought to herself, watching the bunny completely enjoying itself where it was. It had a black spot under its mouth as well. Almost like a beauty mark...

"Is there a clear way to tell the difference between a demon and an average, normal animal?" Ayumi asked aloud. The bunny paused in its eating.

"Usually there is, if there's extra markings," Riho looked down at the bunny, strips of meat hanging from her mouth. Some bits fell on the bunny, causing it to shake itself of the offending articles.

"You could usually tell by aura too, right?"

"If you're insinuating that this bunny might be a demon, believe me, I've already tried checking," Riho attempted to pet the bunny with her free hand and it leaned into her touch readily.

Nothing more came out of the conversation. They continued the rest of their breakfast in silence.

Soon after, the meat was gone down to the bone.

"We should definitely start heading south, yes?"

"Let's," Riho added, throwing the bones near a tree's roots.

"What was that for? Don't you just bury them?" Ayumi looked to the tossed bones.

"Do I look like a dog to you? I'm just providing the tree with another source of food, and of course, to any stragglers who like sucking on bone," Riho was about to get up, except the bunny dived straight into her top, shuffling a bit before peeking its head out between the flaps of her kuonichi-like red top. Not really paying the bunny any mind, the cat/dragon hybrid stood up, Meat in tow.

"That is surely a strange bunny..." Ayumi raised a brow as she stood up, securing her pack across her shoulder and hip and tying it into a knot at her front before grabbing her naginata.

"You think maybe it was someone else's pet at one point?" the side-tailed demon looked down, poking at the bunny's ever crinkling nose.

"Probably, it seems very... affectionate..." The indigo-clad girl narrowed her eyes.

"Are you jealous?" Riho thrust her chest out, hands on hips, clearly showing off the bunny.

"Why should I be?"

"Because Meat would have nothing to nestle itself in should it go to you, Flattie."

"EXCUSE ME???" Ayumi chucked the naginata at the other.

Riho caught it the blade with a clap of her hands just before it reached her face, "Just stating the truth, Flattie-san." She threw it back with just as much fervor.

Ayumi caught it by the handle with an accompanying spin, before facing the other. "At least I..." she would have come up with a comeback, but she suddenly sneezed.

"What a charming sneeze," Riho smirked, walking by.

Ayumi could have sworn the bunny was smiling too.

"You'll get it one day!" the girl grumbled before tottering after.


Offline Yuuyami

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 6 [11-06]
« Reply #50 on: November 07, 2013, 02:07:45 AM »
You asked for it xD

6.5 Meat

Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho.

Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho.

Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho.


Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho I'm the number one cutest bunny in the land Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho.

Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho.

Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho.

Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho.


Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho.

Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho Riho.


Oh how cute Rihoriho was...

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 6.5 [11-06]
« Reply #51 on: November 07, 2013, 02:14:44 AM »
that must've been the hardest thing you've ever written yumi XD
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 6.5 [11-06]
« Reply #52 on: November 07, 2013, 02:26:34 AM »
I see what you did there. :P


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 6.5 [11-06]
« Reply #53 on: November 07, 2013, 02:17:16 PM »
Yes! And the whole scene was just too cute and funny to imagine, especially the flattened bunny scene. If she’s not a demon… then a perv lollicon mage of some sort?

Lol at meat’s thoughts.
I saw that and did  :rofl:

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 6.5 [11-06]
« Reply #54 on: November 08, 2013, 12:38:25 AM »
 :lol: :lol: I literally burst into laughter. My roommate came to see what was wrong. This is all your fault XD

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 6.5 [11-06]
« Reply #55 on: November 08, 2013, 01:53:56 AM »
But what does Meat really think of Riho? The text could use a few more "Riho"s so I can be sure. :D
« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 02:37:27 AM by Mucca »

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 6.5 [11-06]
« Reply #56 on: November 12, 2013, 07:18:29 PM »
Oh that Meat mini-chapter is brilliant!!!  :lol:  Definitely showed her views and opinions of the real world.  :yep:

So Meat's not a demon, or not showing signs that it's a demon. Cursed then? Or does it transform into a bigger, more vicious bunny? With fangs and flames?

Can't wait to see what happens next for these three (four if you include Mint-kun  :P)

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 6.5 [11-06]
« Reply #57 on: November 16, 2013, 12:41:11 AM »
Kawaii: It was so hardcore that I got carpal tunnel

Essy: ;D

Yunagi: There might be more info coming your way xD

rndy: This chapter won't be as funny xD Sadly. The bonus chapter however... xD

Mucca: Maybe more Riho's are in order xD Meat would be in paradise

Hart: Meat's POV is the universe and says all there is to  be said of the cosmos xD We'll see about Meat :B

Four thank yous for a bonus chapter of someone we haven't gone in the POV of yet xD

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 6.5 [11-06]
« Reply #58 on: November 16, 2013, 12:42:24 AM »
-squeezes into space-

Offline Yuuyami

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 6.5 [11-06]
« Reply #59 on: November 16, 2013, 12:45:06 AM »

7. Sayashi Riho

She seriously could not shake the feeling of prying eyes off of her. She definitely felt something watching her, but she couldn't ascertain its whereabouts at all! She wished she was a lot better at magic detecting... Ayumi was tagging behind her, Meat in arms.

It had been a few days since starting the miraculous journey. She figured the human would be exhausted by the amount of travel they undertake each day, but Ayumi was enthusiastic as ever. Even with the weight of the bag and occasional bunny-holding, plus the addition of waving that sword-spear around, she still walked on.

Riho had to admit it, the drive in that human was amazing.

Despite looking for her mother, Riho still took things at a leisurely pace. She had faith that her mother would be alright. No one could defeat her anyway. The emperor once sent her to defend the seas from invasions and of course, the entire enemy fleet rested at the bottom of the sea thanks to the Typhoon. Now, she had been missing for 5 years. Whatever the reason, it must be urgent as she would always turn up to say hi every chance she could.

"May I ask about your mother, the typhoon?" Ayumi suddenly asked.

"You didn't seem interested in Mama before."

"I'm asking now, aren't I?" the shorter retorted

"Powerful. Very graceful." Riho smiled to herself. "She's the best in the land after all."

"How about your father?"


Riho waited for Ayumi to put things together.

"So you were conceived by magic in THAT way huh..."

It was something exclusive to demons. The gender did not matter in reproduction. Granted, it took more love and stronger magic for something to happen, and an even greater power for unions of completely different species to happen (Riho for example), but anything was possible.

"So who is this that your mother fell in love with?"

"Mother is... " Riho paused to look for the right word,"...Frightening."

"How so?"

"She can be terrifying, but she's also very... Clingy? Affectionate? My parents are a good match."

"A cat, right?"

"The Cerulean Typhoon and the Golden Cat of Hell, interesting match, y'know?"

Riho heard the naginata fall and she turned around. Ayumi's jaw had dropped open and Meat also had a very open maw mirroring its keeper.

"YOUR PARENTS ARE LEGENDARY DEMONS?!"  Ayumi screamed out in sheer shock.

Indeed they are... Riho thought to herself. Her Mother wasn't as well-known as Mama, but the notoriety was definitely still there. And judging by the way Ayumi kept her lips tightly shut, it seemed that she was definitely knowledgeable of her Mother's rather terrifying legacy.

"She's not as bad as you think, she's nice... In her own special way," Riho had to dig a bit from her memories to justify her mother. That wasn't good... But it was her mother either way, and if her parents never met, she wouldn't have existed.

"But I've heard... Pretty gruesome things about her..."

"Mostly lies."

"Doesn't she eat people?"

"A lie." She liked her meat, but not from humans.

"Held the shogun hostage?"

"Oh that's true, actually." She would brag about it to Riho, though Mama would look at her disapprovingly.

"Set a daimyo's castle on fire?"

"She sneezed." Maybe someone talked about her that time. Mother never took kindly to people talking about her behind her back.

"Stole undergarments from various princesses?"

"There was good reason for that." Seriously.

"What the..."

"She may have unleashed a curse on select undergarments and needed to find them and destroy them before they could do harm."

"And the fact that she apparently is a woman of many lovers...?"

"I'm curious about that too. Every time she tries to talk about it, Mama glares and Mother shuts up..."

"So the big bad cat of hell..... Is whipped?"

"More or less,' Riho grinned sheepishly. Could they stop talking about her parents' relationship now? It was bad enough watching them fight or be ridiculously doting on each other. Riho could only look away in secondhand embarrassment when it came to her parents, legends or not.

Riho suddenly stopped. Something was weird...

She backed up, and stepped forward. She repeated multiple times, inhaling deeply.

She heard Ayumi ask a question but elected to focus on scent instead.

"Maachan-san turned around... I was wondering why her scent seemed to be stronger than the others..."

"Wait, you mean they separated? How in the world did we miss them if they turned around???"

"They probably never stopped moving whereas we did..." Riho looked back north. "The other two are south though. And seeing how we're in Kyushu, I can't imagine they'd have anywhere else to go other than Okinawa..."

"But Maachan is heading north for gods know where..." Ayumi placed a worrying hand on her forehead. Poor human was ridiculously stressed out for  these past days...

"Maachan-san has... A latent gift of magic, I'm sure she'll be fine."

Wrong words.

"This is MASAKI though!!!"  the outburst scared Meat and it began to get frantic in Ayumi's arms, but she didn't let go. "She can barely form a coherent sentence and furthermore, she can't read and write! Oh gods, what will she do all by herself in the company of demon bandits and why in the world did they even separate in the first place, gods save her if she gets sent to the bad places or worse, becomes a servan--"

Sensing a threat, Riho grabbed the girl and jumped high in the air, quickly summoning Mint-kun with a mute prayer. She figured Ayumi might scream but she had already accounted for it by clasping a hand over her mouth. Mint-kun rose high above the path and his sides formed a protective fence around them, hopefully her and Mint-kun's combined might would hide their presence...

Below, she heard horse hooves trotting along the beat down path. Whoever it was, the sheer force of their aura nearly paralyzed Riho. She wasn't afraid, but she knew a fight was completely out of the question. However, as the riders got closer, Riho tensed up considerably. These riders had extreme murderous intent and she really hoped that her cloaking spell was working. Ayumi looked scared out of her wits and Meat was shaking really badly, its eyes closed and its mouth just chattering. She knew it wasn't the time to think this but Meat's behavior reminded her of monks who'd pray for protection.

As they got closer, Riho could almost see them through Mint-kun's translucent veil. Four riders holding themselves high, almost like royalty. They also seemed to be color coordinated, light armors in colors of red, green, yellow, and violet. They bore no flag so Riho knew they didn't belong to any lords. Before she could study them closer, they left.

When she was sure the coast was clear, she released Ayumi's mouth.

"Who were they?"

Riho shrugged. "To be honest, I've never seen them before, much less hear of them... But they felt like bad news."

Riho had to give herself credit though, she must have gotten better at cloaking magic. She wouldn't even know what to do if they were spotted... Meat stopped shaking too. Animals sure had a way with sensing threats, perhaps better than demons, even...

She looked at Ayumi, quiet and definitely distraught in facial expression.

No matter, they couldn't follow Masaki's trail with the other two eventually being cornered very soon... Riho could only sigh and hope for the best on their way to Okinawa....


I'd love to hear peoples' guesses on who Riho's parents are, btw xD

Should be fun to hear >D
« Last Edit: November 16, 2013, 12:51:57 AM by Yuuyami »

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