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Author Topic: Kawaiiidolworld Oneshot & Two Shots ~ Announcement  (Read 20051 times)

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Oneshot~
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2013, 05:24:12 AM »
The Dream (Wmatsui)

Dreams… There are people who say that dreams are images created by our conscious based on our thoughts that day. There are others that say maybe it’s a bit deeper than that. That maybe what we dream is a reflection of our heart and our innermost heart’s desire.
Rena woke up in a daze and blinked furiously. Where was she? This wasn’t her bed. Rena rubbed the covers with her fingers. The bed Rena laid in had scarlet covers instead of Rena’s beige covers. Around Rena wasn’t her neat pastel colored room. Instead Rena was in some strange white space. Rena furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, but somehow she wasn’t too worried and felt oddly at calm. Somehow while the setting was a bit off, Rena didn’t feel like she was in any immediate danger or anything like that. Still the odd location made Rena curious. What is this?  Rena wondered as her eyes took in her surroundings. The last thing Rena remembered was falling asleep in the hotel room she was sharing with Jurina in Tokyo. Rena started to sit up, but she felt a pair of arms stop her by wrapping themselves around her slender waist. Rena’s eyes grew wide and she looked down in shock only to find her fellow younger member hugging her waist.

Rena turned tomato red and stammered, “J.. Jurina!?” Rena hadn’t even noticed there was someone else laying next to her. Jurina looked up at Rena with huge puppy eyes. Jurina’s usual smiling face looked sad and her eyes were glistening with tears. It was a look that didn’t suit Jurina. Not to mention it was a rare sight. Jurina never cried in front of people. Jurina hated doing that. Rena suddenly felt awful as a strange thought occurred to her. The crying Jurina looked painfully beautiful as well. Rena couldn’t believe herself for thinking such a thing in that situation. “Rena-chan….. Don’t leave me….” Jurina sniffed and tighten her grip on Rena’s waist. Rena felt her heart ache as she heard the younger girl’s voice break. Why was Jurina so sad? It was odd for the younger girl to be down. “Jurina! What’s wrong?” Rena demanded in a urgent voice. “Don’t leave me all alone. Please!” Jurina continued not really giving Rena much of an explanation nor letting go of Rena’s waist. Rena sighed and decided to just comply with the younger girl’s wishes.

“All right. I won’t go anywhere,” Rena answered and gave Jurina a reassuring smile. Jurina removed her arms around Rena, grabbed Rena’s arm and pulled her down. “EHHH???” Rena shirked at the Jurina’s sudden action. Jurina replied with a cat-like smile causing Rena’s heart to speed up. How did a girl go from being so depressed to being so happy? It made no sense at all. Then again what was occurring made no sense at all either. Jurina put her hand on Rena’s cheek and whispered, “I love you, Rena-chan… I always have…” “EHHH??? What are you saying Jurina?” Rena blurted out in utter shock. Why that all of a sudden? Rena didn’t know how to respond properly at all and the idea made her very nervous. Jurina simply gave her a warm smile and inched closer to Rena’s face.

Suddenly a hidden thought sneaked up to Rena’s head. Jurina was truly beautiful. Her eyes enchanting and mischievous causing Rena to drown in them. Her lips a faint color of pink that looked so soft. Jurina licked them in the most sensual way. All the time. Her supposed bad habit. One Rena secretly always founded attractive. Why was it that Rena was thinking about those things now? Rena knew in the back of her head that there was a very strong reason those sort of thoughts aren’t allowed, but the reason became fuzzy and ceased to matter. Rena’s breath hitched as Jurina came closer and closer to her face. “J… Jurina! What are you doing?” Rena stammered becoming nervous at the sudden invasion of space. Jurina simply kissed Rena’s nose playfully causing Rena’s face to turn bright red.

“Gosh, you are so cute when you blush, Rena-chan,” Jurina giggled caressing Rena’s cheek. Rena was speechless. What in the world was Jurina doing? Rena couldn’t move away from Jurina even if she felt a bit uncomfortable with the situation. It was almost as if Rena was stuck in some sort of spell. Rena couldn’t look away from those warm brown eyes. “Choose me, Rena.” Jurina whispered in a soft voice. Rena was broken away from her trance with those strange words and the odd sadness the voice contained. Rena blinked in confusion. “I am sorry?” Rena answered unsure of what the puppy-like girl meant. “Listen to me. Don’t listen to whatever they tell you. You’ll always pick me, right?” Jurina asked in a trembling voice. “What are you talking about, Jurina? They? Who are they?” Rena questioned sounding puzzled. Suddenly without a warning, Jurina’s lips were on Rena’s lips. Rena’s eyes widen as soft lips met hers. Her mind became blank. Her heart was pounding under her chest. Jurina’s hand found itself behind Rena’s neck pulling her closer. Jurina’s lips were insistent and warm.

All Rena could do was move her lips along with Jurina’s lips. So warm… So pleasant… Why wasn’t Rena supposed to do this again? Rena couldn’t remember. All she could focus on was on the warm sweet lips that invaded her own. Pulling away for air after a long time, Jurina’s and Rena’s breaths were heavy and ragged. “J… Jurina…” Rena finally managed to say. Jurina gave her a warm smile. “I love you, Rena,” Jurina repeated this time dropping the honorific from her name. “Jurina, I…” Rena started, but was suddenly cut off by a mysterious whirlpool. Rena began to panic as it began to sink her in the most strange way. It was almost as if Rena wasn’t a person, but a ghost. “What’s going on?!” Rena cried as she watched Jurina remain in the bed. “It’s time for you to go, Rena. I wish I could have heard your answer…” Jurina told Rena sadly. Slowly Jurina disappeared, and Rena found herself screaming, “Jurina!!!! I…” Rena’s world went completely blank for a moment, but then she founded herself in a school. It looked familiar yet unfamiliar all at the same time.

Rena sighed. Great another weird place, Rena thought to herself. Rena made her way through the school gates. Why did Rena have to leave when all she wanted was to stay with Jurina? Now Rena was all alone in a weird place. The entire school was a mess. Clearly it wasn’t anything like Rena’s old school with graffiti all over the place. The school grounds were deserted. A bit weird out by the surroundings, Rena decided to go inside and ask someone where she was. Would Rena be able to find her way home from that place? Once inside, Rena became frightened as she took a look at the students. Yankees… Yankees everywhere. What sort of school was that? Rena didn’t know how to fight at all! Suddenly asking for help no longer seemed like an option. “Who do we have here?” a voice behind her asked in a malicious tone. Rena gulped nervously and turned around to find herself surrounded by five girls with horrible gold tattooed eyebrows. “Do you think you can just barge in here like you own the place?” another questioned.

“I… That wasn’t my intention. I was just lost!” Rena explained nervously. A girl, probably the leader, grabbed Rena by her shirt’s collar. “I don’t believe you!” the girl hissed. Rena was almost at the point to tears. Seeing the fist prepare for a punch, Rena shut her eyes as a reflex. “Stop,” a fierce voice commanded. Rena opened her eyes to see her savior. She looked like Jurina, but somehow Rena knew that wasn’t Jurina. Not entirely, but partly. It was difficult to explain it. She wore the school uniform with a beige cardigan. She looked pretty normal compared to everyone else. “But this girl! She just walked in here like nothing! She could be from a rival school!” the leader argued. The girl in the cardigan didn’t respond instead she attacked the other girls from the group with a smirk in her face. Never had Rena seen anybody attack with such fierceness nor speed. In a blink of an eye, the girl beat up the group of girls except the leader.

“Let her go…” the girl in the cardigan growled. The leader slowly set Rena down. The girl punched the leader in the eye and pushed her to the floor. “It’ll be a lot worst next time you ignore an order!” the girl in the cardigan yelled. The group nodded and hurried away. Finally the girl turned to face Rena. She was so cool and her eyes so intense. They reminded her of someone. “Are you okay?” the girl asked. Rena nodded. “Yes, they just scared me that’s all,” Rena told her. The girl smiled. “I am Center by the way,” Center said introducing herself. “Matsui Rena,” Rena replied. “So Rena what are you doing here? It’s not safe for a normal girl like you to roam this place you know,” Center told her completely ignoring honorifics. “I am not sure how I got here myself. One moment I was… Somewhere else and the next I was here,” Rena explained wondering if she sounded like a crazy person. “Well you are safe now. I won’t let anyone touch you,” Center reassured her with that fierce voice again that made Rena’s heart sped up again. “I don’t want to trouble you though..” Rena replied shyly. Center smiled. “Like I said its not really a safe place for a girl like you to be alone and trust me no one will hurt you if they see you with me,” Center told Rena with a grin.

“A girl like me? No one will hurt me if I am with you? Who exactly are you?” Rena questioned as Center’s statements sparked her curiosity. “I am the top fighter of this school. President of Rapappa. I suppose you wouldn’t understand since you don’t strike me as the type that’s ever gone to a yankee school, but basically everyone fears me cause I am the strongest,” Center explained in a smug tone. Rena raised an eyebrow. “Someone seems to be a little full of themselves,” Rena commented in a teasing matter. Center chuckled. “I been told that a lot,” Center shrugged unfazed by Rena’s statement. Center began to walk up a nearby staircase and Rena just stood there watching her. Center’s determination seemed familiar to Rena. Not to mention Center saved her. It kind of attracted Rena to her. Rena wanted to learn more about her. “Are you coming?” Center asked not bothering to turn around to face Rena. “Y…Yeah!” Rena replied and quickly followed Center. “I am going to show you something,” Center told Rena as they walked up the stairs. Rena didn’t know how to respond so she simply nodded.

Rena followed Center and noticed that the school was completely empty. Other than the group of girls they encountered earlier there was no one else around. Maybe Rena was just being paranoid, but the school seemed very strange. The two girls reached a door and Center smiled. Center opened the door to reveal a rooftop. Rena slowly followed her as Center guided her out. The view was wonderful and at that moment the two girls could see the beautiful orange sunset. “It’s so pretty!” Rena exclaimed in excitement. Had Rena ever seen such a pretty sunset before? She couldn’t remember. Rena rushed towards the railing at the end and shut her eyes as the gentle breeze blew in her face. It was perfect. Completely perfect. Rena turned around and gestured Center with her index finger. “Well what are you doing over there? Get over here! The view is perfect!” Rena exclaimed like a child. Center chuckled, but joined her side. “Why are you laughing?” Rena asked with a pout.

“You’re acting so unlike yourself!” Center pointed out with a giggle. Rena furrowed her eyebrows. “Unlike myself? But you barely know me. How would you know?” Rena questioned. Center gazed at the sky. “I don’t know, but I just have the sense that I know you even though we never met before. Isn’t that odd?” Center said in a mysterious voice that made Rena felt like Center was hiding something from her. “I don’t know if I should believe you,” Rena admitted fidgeting with her hands. Center turned around to face her. Center’s face was only a few inches away from hers. “Trust me,” Center said with an enchanting voice.It happening again. The same thing that happened with Jurina, Rena thought as her body froze. “Who are you?” Rena managed to whisper. Center put her arm around Rena’s waist and pulled her close. “I could make you happier than Jurina you know,” Center told her while tracing her lips with her index finger. Rena loosely recalled Jurina’s panicked words before Rena left her. Was this what Jurina meant? “I doubt that,” Rena objected facing away from Center.

“But… I love you..” Center said in a small soft voice that made Rena’s heart break. Rena turned to look at her. Mistake. Center was looking at her with the saddest expression. “But… I hardly know you…” Rena countered weakly. I am losing myself in her eyes! Rena panicked. Center put her hand under Rena’s chin and lean closer to Rena. “I could protect you. I promise that I never hurt you or let anyone hurt you. I love you no matter what happens,” Center declared. Her words… They are making my head spin… But I love Jurina… But… Rena debated in her head. Center seemed to have sense her turmoil and took it as an opening to kiss her.

Center’s kiss was gentle and a bit rough all at the same time. Rena didn’t reply at first, but soon she herself was pulling Center closer. Why can’t I resist her? Even though I love Jurina so much? Rena wondered dizzily as Center’s tongue worked its way into Rena’s mouth. Rena finally found the strength to pull away. “This can’t happen… We can’t…” Rena stammered touching her lips. The kiss was incredible and looking at the girl before her Rena couldn’t deny she felt a huge attraction for her, but… “Choose me, Rena. Come on Jurina is just a child. I am more mature compare to her,” Center told her.

“I don’t know you…. I got to go…. But…” Rena’s voice trailed off in the end. “But?” Center asked in a sad voice. Rena’s turned her back on Center before saying, “I think I love you too….” With that the same void began to envelope Rena’s body, but this time Rena didn’t look back. “Rena!” Center called out. Rena wasn’t looking at her, but she knew Center was reaching out for her. Suddenly Rena didn’t want to leave her all alone. But if Rena stayed with Center then she couldn’t be with Jurina. The blackness took over again….

“Are you alright?” a voice asked. Rena blinked and rubbed her head. A pair of different colored eyes were staring into her average brown ones. One dark and the other one blue or silver? Rena couldn’t pinpoint the exact color in her head. The only thing Rena knew was that they were breath taking The girl looked completely wild with scars in her face and a leopard coat hanging from an odd looking jumpsuit, but she was beautiful in the way a leopard or tiger was. “I am fine…” she faintly registered herself saying. Rena tried to get up, but her body felt weak and she fell back to the coach she was laying in. “Whoa, I wouldn’t try that if I were you,” the unknown girl told her. “Who are you? Where am I?” Rena asked. “I am Nobugana. You’re in Prison Hope,” Nobugana said. “Prison?!” Rena exclaimed with bulged eyes. Nobugana chucked. “Yes prison,” Nobugana repeated with a bemused expression.

Rena ran her fingers through her hair. These places just keep getting worst and worst  Rena thought to herself. Rena tried to get up again when she realized that Nobugana was on top of her. At the same moment it occurred to how… sexy the girl was as well. “Do you mind getting off me,” Rena stammered, her face bright red due to her sudden thought. “Ah, right,” Nobugana replied and got off completely unfazed. “You fainted. I was fixing you on the sofa, but then you woke up. Sorry about that,” Nobugana explained. “Fainted?” Rena inquired. “Yeah, I found you in the ground,” Nobugana told her as if it wasn’t strange at all. “Oh I see. I am Matsui Rena by the way,” Rena said realizing she never gave her name.

Nobugana smiled. “So what did you do to end up here? You look too sweet to be here, but then again the sweet looking ones are always the worst,” Nobugana mused with thoughtful eyes. “I… I didn’t do anything!” Rena exclaimed . Nobugana looked up at the ceiling. “Well I don’t know how you got in here, but you don’t belong here that I can sense,” Nobugana said in a more serious tone. “I… I need to get out of here…” Rena said in a frightened voice. While Nobugana was extremely… nice to look at, but the place was giving her the creeps and making the hairs in her back stand on it’s end.

“There is no way out. You may not have the bracelet, but this prison is in the middle of nowhere. Most of us could probably manage somehow, but you don’t know how to defend yourself so…” Nobugana pointed out. Rena sighed and bit her lip. “I guess then I am stuck here,” Rena said with a resigned voice. “At least you have me to keep you company,” Nobugana said in a seductive voice that was oddly familiar and made her heart throb. “I suppose,” Rena laughed nervously as Nobugana approached her. “You are very pretty you know,” Nobugana told her in a husky voice and pinned Rena down.

“S…Stop! What are you doing?” Rena demanded weakly. “Showing you why you should pick me of course. I love you you know,” Nobunaga declared. Rena drew a breath in shock. This was like what happened with Center again except this time it was worst. Rena hated to admit it, but even the way the girl spoke turned her on and despise her objections Rena wanted her very much to continue. Even though Rena knew it was wrong and that she loved Jurina.

Nobunaga smirked and planted a kiss on Rena’s neck softly. Rena remained hypnotized by the girl’s movements. Nobugana continued her path gently kissing and sucking on Rena’s soft milky skin. Rena scrunched her eyebrows trying to contain a moan that threaten to surface. Nobunaga slowly brought her lips near Rena’s and kissed her passionately. That hunger she kissed her with. Rena never felt it before and yet at the same time she had and couldn’t help, but to kiss back with the equal moment of passion. Rena gasped as Nobunaga pushed her tongue into her mouth without a warning. The warm wet sensation made Rena’s head spin. Hands were now roaming and tongues were now joined together and dancing a sensual dance. Rena’s body was so hot. Had Rena ever felt so hot before? She couldn’t remember at the moment.

Working her way to Rena’s ear, Nobugana whispered, “You’re mine.” Rena pushed her away and shook her head. “No.” She replied while trying to catch her breath. In spite the incredible passion Rena was feeling…. It would always be Jurina, but this feeling was oddly familiar as well. The same way there was a familiar feeling with Center, but what was it? Why did it feel so familiar? “No? Are you sure? Because you were kissing me back,” Nobugana pointed out with a smirk all while pressing her body closer to Rena’s. It was all too tempting. Rena’s couldn’t help, but to feel the urge to push the other girl down and have her way with her, but she couldn’t not until she figured this mess out. Rena hopped out of the coach and smoothed her hair.

“Sorry,” Rena mumbled. Nobugana sighed and put her arms behind her neck. “It’s her isn’t it? Jurina?” Nobugana inquired while avoiding Rena’s face. “Yeah…” Rena replied in a soft voice. “Would you at least consider choosing me?” Nobugana asked a in a charming voice. Finally fed up with the whole choosing nonsense, Rena exclaimed, “I don’t understand! Why does everyone keep saying that!? I don’t want to choose!”

Nobugana finally looked at her and smiled. “You have to…” She paused and looked thoughtful. “But since it’s you… You’ll figure it out. I am sure of it.” With that the odd void came again and began to pull Rena away again. “I love you.” Nobugana told her as the void began to take her away. Flashing her Jurina’s infamous catlike smile, she faded away. Wait, Jurina’s catlike smile?! Nobugana’s words echo in Rena’s head You have to… But since it’s you… You’ll figure it out.

Rena smiled to herself. Why didn’t Rena see it before? There she was again in that mysterious white void that started everything, but she wasn’t alone. “Did you choose?” Jurina asked behind her. “Did you consider your options?” Center questioned besides her. “What’s your decision?” Nobugana asked. Jurina then ran and hugged Rena’s waist. “You picked me right, Rena-chan? Right?” Jurina asked in a childish voice. Before Rena could reply, Center grabbed her wrist. “Rena consider your choices. I am much better than these two!” Center told her. Rena once more opened her mouth to speak, but Nobugaga grabbed her other wrist.

“I am sure these two can’t make you feel like I do? Am I right?” Nobugana demanded. Then it began. Before Rena knew it she was stuck in between their arguing each girl as childish as the next. The same expressions, the same comebacks. They might be a little different, but…. “Stop and let me go! I am not a toy!” Rena yelled to get the girls’ attention. The three girls recoiled and looked a bit bewildered. “I am sorry,” Jurina mumbled. The two other girls nodded in a agreement. “I am not choosing between you three!” Rena told them. “Why not?!” Center exclaimed in an outraged tone. “Because I love all three of you and besides… You are all the same person aren’t you?” Rena pointed out. The three girls smiled. Identical smiles. “You figured it out,” Nobugana said. Slowly Center and Nobugana began to faded away. “Wait?! What’s happening?!” Rena asked. “We are not really real,” Center said. “We are just fragment of Jurina. Characters bought to life by Jurina herself. We are not the real her, but at the same time we are,” Nobugana explained. With that the two girls faded leaving Rena and Jurina alone. “You figured it out,” Jurina said.

“Of course I did! I know you well,” Rena reminded. Jurina smiled and pulled her close. “So then what’s you response?” Jurina questioned. Rena was puzzled by her words at first and then realized what she meant. ” I love you, Jurina…”

“Rena-chan? Rena-chan?” A familiar voice called out. Suddenly the world around Rena became burry and she came to a disappointing realization. It was all a dream. Sure enough Rena opened her eyes and there was the real Jurina trying to wake her up. “You could have let me sleep a little longer!” Rena growled as she looked at the clock in wall. Jurina chuckled. “Geez forgive me for waking you up and giving you enough time to get you ready for work. You do realize we have a photo shoot in an hour right?” Jurina reminded her.

Rena sighed in frustration. Rena hated it when the young girl was right. Rubbing her eyes, Rena sat up. “I suppose you are right, but…. It’s to early!” Rena whined. “Any later and you would have had to skip breakfast,” Jurina told her. Jurina began to grab her clothes from the hotel drawers. “I already showered by the way so feel free to use the bathroom,” Jurina said. Rena smiled at Jurina’s consideration. “Thanks!” Rena chirped and began to grab a few stuff from her suitcase.

In a spite the fact Jurina sometimes had a little too much energy, she was a pretty good roommate. She was neat enough and responsible even for her young age. It was one of the things Rena admired about her. “Rena-chan… Can I ask you something?” Jurina suddenly asked in a small voice. Rena had no idea to what this question might be so she simply replied, “Sure.” “It’s just you were talking while you were sleeping and you said something…” Jurina stopped at the end and blushed. Rena bit her lip and turned red as well. This couldn’t be good. What could have Jurina heard? “What did I say?!” Rena asked in a panicked voice.

“You said you loved me… Is that true?” Jurina asked in a shy voice. Rena’s face turned three shades redder if possible. She had no way out. ” I… I do,” Rena answered while staring at the floor. Jurina approached with a small smile and hugged her. Rena froze and for once didn’t push Jurina away. “Really?” Jurina whispered softly in her ear. Rena’s heartbeat increased at the gesture. “Yeah… Since a long time,” Rena revealed knowing there was no going back either ways so she might as well be honest. “I love you too!” Jurina replied excitedly hugging Rena even tighter. “J… Jurina that’s too tight,” Rena managed to say as she felt the lack of air. “Sorry!” Jurina exclaimed and released her. Rena smiled and put her hand in her cheek. “It’s alright. Let me go shower and we will talk about this later,” Rena told her feeling oddly in calm in spite her erratic heartbeat.

Rena got up and began to walk away, but Jurina grasped her wrist. “Wait. Before that… I want to try something. Close your eyes,” Jurina ordered. Rena did as she was told. It took a moment, but then she felt soft lips on hers. It sent jolts of electricity though her body and made her melt all at the same time. It was only a short moment though. Rena slowly fluttered her eyelids open and saw Jurina’s smiling face. It was the most amazing thing in the world. That’s all Rena could think of.

“You know I don’t mind you staring, but you do need to shower,” Jurina teased. Rena frowned and grabbed her stuff. Closing the restroom door, Rena shouted, “I hate you!” “I love you too!” Jurina yelled back. Rena smiled and thought to herself that maybe sleep talking wasn’t such a bad thing
« Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 02:16:50 AM by kawaiiidolworld »

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Oneshot~
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2013, 05:31:07 AM »
1994 Nen no Raimei

A/N I do recommend reading the lyrics of this song before reading this oneshot.

Our youth was awkward
 All we could do was stare at each other
 It was hard enough just to breathe the same air
 I hid it deep in a corner of my heart
 So I wouldn’t realize
“Vita sexualis” is about unrequited love

Watanabe Mayu watched the snow fall slowly from her bedroom window. Her room was completely silent letting the soft sound of the descending snow fill the room. A pastel pink alarm clock read 1:00 p.m. A matching pink calendar was pinned in the white wall. In the calendar, furious black X’s marked the pasting days. The final mark revealed the date to be December 21, 1996. Winter break. Would Mayu spend this winter break alone as well? Mayu tried to shake the lonely thought, but she couldn’t help, but to think of the girl she had spent her winter break two years ago. Matsui Jurina. Of course that was a long time ago. A distant memory. Two years. Mayu couldn’t just call Jurina up. Mayu didn’t have the guts to do it. She never did. Not once in those two years did Mayu have the guts to call her.

“Let’s spend all of winter break together, nee!” Jurina suggested with a huge bright grin in her face. Mayu tried not to blush at the sudden cute request made from her cheerful classmate and not being one for words curtly replied, “Alright.” That was all Mayu said. Alright. But the other girl couldn’t have been more overjoyed with Mayu’s response. “Let’s meet up in the shopping district at 3:00 in front of the big fountain tomorrow, okay?” Jurina instructed and with that her upbeat classmate took off her own way. Mayu just stared at the vanishing figure and chuckled to herself. Matsui Jurina sure was one of a kind.

That was how it all began. That was how her classmate, Matsui Jurina, broke her shell. One might assume that the two were friends at the time due to Jurina’s invitation, but in reality the two were only teamed up for a school project for some time. Before that the girls had never even talked a day in their lives. In fact Mayu didn’t even have any friends. It wasn’t until that winter break they could be considered true friends and it wasn’t until Mid-April that their friendship began to change as well.

There was nothing more beautiful than the clear April sky. Not a single cloud in sight. The sunlight beamed filling the day with warmth and light. Mayu was walking home along with Jurina, who was talking about her recent track meet excitedly. Mayu simply smiled and let her do all the talking like she usually did only answering when she was asked a question and giggling when the other girl said something funny. Mayu was shy as it was and she much rather listen to Jurina’s melodic voice than talk. Before the girls got too far, out of the blue the roar of thunder could be heard at the distance. Suddenly it began to rain. Hard.  Shattering the perfect day. “Ehh!” slipped from Mayu’s lips as the rain began to soak them. Mayu wasn’t a big fan of rain. In fact, she detested rain. Jurina quickly grabbed Mayu’s hand causing her to blush.

“Let’s take cover!” Jurina exclaimed while grabbing her hand and leading her back to the school. Mayu stared at their held hands as Jurina led them towards a dry place. Holding hands was something lovers did, right? Why was Mayu thinking that all of a sudden? The two leaned into the school wall protected by the school roof.  Jurina looked at the pouring rain and sighed. “We can’t go home now,” Jurina pointed out in a soft voice. It had an enchanting quality to it that captivated Mayu. Jurina’s look was far off and dreamy as she stared at the rain. Mayu felt her heart start to hammer under her chest. Somehow being alone with Jurina like that felt… Nerve wreaking, but a good kind of nerve wreaking. The thunder clashed and Jurina suddenly gripped her hand tighter. Mayu’s breath quicken and her palms began to feel sweaty in fact perhaps it was just the rain, but even her shirt felt drenched in sweat. That feeling… It was love wasn’t it?

Was I too shy? Mayu would sometimes ask herself that. Even now when two years had already passed. Mayu should have been over it by now. They were no longer high school girls walking home together. Mayu was in college now and Jurina was probably in college as well moving on with her life. Possibly dating. Someone other than her. Why must I have been so awkward? Why couldn’t I just tell her how I felt? Mayu asked herself countless of times. There was no doubt in her head that it was her awkwardness that brought in all to in end so fast.

Mayu-chan! Let’s walk home together!” Jurina exclaimed even though the two were already so used to walking home together. It was already a norm, a custom and yet everyday Jurina said the same thing. Mayu simply nodded and smiled. Jurina looked beautiful once more. Her mere presence heart-throbbing. So near yet so out of reach. The contour of her face was mere perfection in Mayu’s eyes and all Mayu could do was stare. No matter how hard she tried not to she could not stop herself from staring not wanting to miss any of Jurina’s elegant moments.

Their eyes suddenly met as Jurina chose to look at her as well. It was as if electricity suddenly struck the air making everything more vibrant. Sinking in Jurina’s dark enticing brown orbs, Mayu felt her chest tighten.  It was hard to even breathe the same air as the breathtaking girl who walked alongside her let alone confessing. It be much better for Mayu’s to hide it in the corner of her heart like a secret treasure. Or so thought the part of her that was a coward. It was at that moment that the most random thought occurred to her as she felt her young heart yearning more and more for the girl besides her. Vita sexualis was about unrequited love.

Mayu got up abruptly from her bed. That was it. Mayu wasn’t going to let her mind drive her crazy all day. No, Mayu was going to go out and clear her mind. The past was the past. There was no point in making herself depressed over nothing. Of course that sounded false to her ears. Mayu may fool the world, but there was no fooling herself. The fact that she let that love pass her by bothered her. Mayu still had the slip of paper where Jurina gave her the number to the new phone she got for graduation. Mayu never called. She was too shy and she forgot to give Jurina her number. Mayu should have called.

It was too late now. Mayu sighed as she looked at the calendar once more. It was already 1996. Two years. Two long years. Why was Mayu holding on to the bitter memory? Getting up, Mayu changed into the warmest clothes she could find. Surely, Mayu was crazy. Who in the right mind went shopping in a freezing day like that? Then again it was better than sulking alone in her apartment. Grabbing her white mittens and coat, Mayu was on her way out when a particular book caught her attention. Vita sexualis. The forbidden book Mayu read as a teenager that reminded her of her bitter unrequited love somehow. Mayu groaned. What was it with that day and her overflow of memories?

The storm lasted longer than they had anticipated that day. Mayu stared at the muddy ground as the pelting rain continued to fall. The ash-colored sky was filled with lighting. It lit up Jurina’s already painfully stunning face. It was then that the thought of confession conflicted Mayu once more. Should Mayu just say it? The feeling she felt? No, Mayu couldn’t possibly say it. It was a taciturn path she had always walked in. It would continue all the way to her heart. Mayu softly covered her ears as the thunder continued to roar. Love was the path to becoming an adult, wasn’t it? If so then Mayu refused to walk the path of an adult. Mayu thought it was ridiculous. To lose her nerve to the thing she couldn’t spit out. The sky kept lighting up as the thunder roared. Jurina wasn’t saying anything as well. The light of the lighting. It flickered and blinked occasionally through the sky. The slightly delayed thunder rang out next to Mayu. To Mayu it felt as if she was even being mocked by god. It be fine if she didn’t confess right? Yet somehow she was afraid of that sort invisible love.

Walking towards the city shops by herself, Mayu remembered that lonely 1994. Trying to distract herself, Mayu tried to make a mental checklist of things she needed to buy. Having done her groceries the day before, going to the supermarket wasn’t an option. Mayu sighed. She went out in the cold snowy weather without any sort of plan. She decided just to go browse clothing stores. It been a while since she had gone shopping for clothes for herself and such. College kept her schedule jammed. Making her way into her favorite trendy shop, Mayu shivered. Why she thought going out in the snow was a good idea a few minutes ago was beyond her.

Racks of colorful clothing filled the store. As usual, the latest popular song was playing in the background. Trendy clothes everywhere. Fashion-forward sparkling jewelry. Stylish shoes in every corner. Mayu felt her sour mood temporary dissolve as she entered the girly fantasy land. After taking a quick look at the store and grabbing a few stuff, Mayu decided to look for new jeans. Mayu didn’t usually wear jeans, but seeing them in the displays made her want to try something different. Maybe if she looked different she would feel different as well. Perhaps that was a silly notion, but it was worth a try. Now all she had to do was find the right kind.

Opting to buy a light wash sort of color, all Mayu had to do was find her jean size. Found it, Mayu thought in triumph. However as Mayu reached to grabbed the jeans her hand met another. Surprised, Mayu picked up her head slowly to see whose hand she was touching. Mayu contained a gasp as she found herself face to face to a very familiar person. Jurina. She was even more stunning than before. Her long hair now chopped in a cool shorter style that only added to the natural cool aura she had always had. Jurina looked bewildered as well. “Mayu-chan…” Jurina said in a soft voice not removing her hand from Mayu’s hand. The contact sent electric currents though Mayu’s veins making her lose her ability to move. Finally as if regaining her conscious, Jurina finally removing her hand and exclaimed, “IT REALLY IS YOU!!!!” Mayu, in spite her shock, laughed at her old friend’s silliness. Some things never changed. “Of course its me silly. Who else would I be?” Mayu reasoned teasingly.

“Mayu-chan!” Jurina said once more and pulled Mayu into a tight hug. Mayu felt her heart stop as the distance between the two was closed. Frozen in shock, Mayu’s arms fell limply to her side not returning the hug. Mayu could feel Jurina’s warm breath in her neck and hear her erratic breathing. Mayu was pretty sure her breathing sounded like that as well or worst. It was as if time and space disappeared and Jurina showed no signs of wanting to let go either. As if her poor heart finally was able to start up again, Mayu began to lift her arms to return the hug. “Jurina? Jurina? Where did you go off to?” a unfamiliar voice called out. Mayu’s arms automatically fell to her side once more and Jurina pulled away from the hug and held her arm instead. Jurina turned and waved her hand furiously. “Over here, Annin!” Jurina called out, her big bright smile not once leaving her face. Annin? Mayu furrowed her eyebrows. A girlfriend, perhaps? They aren’t using honorifics.

With that Mayu’s contentment instantly was destroyed. “Jurina! There you are I been looking…” Annin stopped noticing that Jurina was hugging Mayu’s arm. The girl raised an eyebrow causing Mayu to feel a bit embarrassed. Jurina let go of Mayu’s arm and rushed to Annin’s side dragging her to Mayu’s side. “Annin! This is Watanabe Mayu! My best friend from high school! Remember? I told you about Mayu-chan before!” Jurina chimed excitedly. Annin smiled and extended her hand towards Mayu. “Ah, yes I remember! Hello, I am Iriyama Anna , but everyone refers to me as Annin. Nice to meet you Watanabe-san,” Annin said introducing herself. Mayu quickly shook her hand in return unsure of what else to do.

“Likewise,” Mayu replied politely. Grabbing Annin’s hand, Jurina squealed, “Nee nee, Annin! It’s a miracle! Who would have thought?” Turning to face Mayu this time, Jurina spoke more calmly, “You will not refuse to have lunch with us, right?” Jurina’s voice was too much for Mayu to handle. Too sweet, too seductive, too everything. Everything about Jurina was too much and made Mayu feel like she was losing her will. “Of course not. Let me just pay for the stuff I am buying,” Mayu replied unable to decline the request. “I’ll wait for you guys outside,” Annin announced leaving them alone once more.

Jurina handed the blue jeans to Mayu and added, “Things don’t really change, huh?” Mayu furrowed in eyebrows puzzled by the girl’s strange words. “I am sorry?” Mayu asked in confusion. Jurina smiled. It wasn’t like her other smiles. This one looked more bittersweet than happy. “We are still the same size. I’ll wait for you outside,” Jurina answered before walking away leaving Mayu speechless. She remembers that? Mayu found that unbelievable. The idea made Mayu smile though. Even so, who was that girl with Jurina? Would it be good for Mayu to get her hopes up? It had been two years. It could be possible that Jurina had a girlfriend now.

After making her payment, Mayu walked out of the store and joined Jurina and Annin who were waiting for her. With held hands. “Shall we go? Where would you like to eat, Mayu-chan? My treat.” Jurina asked once Mayu reached them. Mayu felt her chest tighten. It was almost like a date except… It wasn’t. It seems there was someone more important that took Jurina away. “Anywhere is fine really. Don’t worry about me,” Mayu mumbled glancing at Annin. Their eyes met and Mayu quickly looked away. “I suppose we could go to the nearby cafe. Are you sure there isn’t anywhere else you want to go, Mayu-chan?” Jurina questioned once more. Mayu shook her head. “The nearby cafe is good,” Mayu replied with a faked smile. It wouldn’t be good to trouble Jurina. It was their first meeting in two years after all. Mayu heard a sigh escape Jurina’s lips. “The nearby cafe it is. Let’s go,” Jurina declared and grabbed Annin’s arm.

Mayu stared at their entwined arms as the walked. How long would she be able to watch without crying? Perhaps Mayu hadn’t changed nor grown up at all. “Why are you so quiet, Mayu? Don’t tell me you are not happy to see me?” Jurina questioned teasingly, but there seemed to be some seriousness behind her seemingly innocent question. Mayu quickly shook her head and felt awful for making her friend think that. “No! I am really happy to see you, Jurina! It’s just its really cold and you know me and cold weather!” Mayu lied with a smile.

Jurina stopped and let go of Annin’s hand. With one swift movement, Jurina removed the blue scarf she was wearing and put it around Mayu’s neck. Mayu stayed frozen unsure how to react to the unexpected sweet gesture. Annin was watching intently as well. “There you go. Is that better?” Jurina asked with a warm smile. “Y… Yeah, thanks,” Mayu mumbled with pink cheeks. “We picked a really bad day to go shopping or a good one depends how you see it.” Jurina pointed out. “It’s better than hot weather. Tokyo in summer is awful!” Annin commented. The three girls were silent after that unsure of what else to say. It was awkward to say the least. “So what are you studying, Mayu? You are still studying aren’t you?” Jurina asked changing the topic. Mayu nodded. “Yes, I am studying to become a manga artist,” Mayu answered. “That was always your dream wasn’t it? You were always drawing with that far off gaze of yours.” Jurina mused with rosy cheeks. Mayu blushed at the statement and quickly asked, “What are you guys studying?” Jurina grinned. “I want to be a pastry chief and Annin here is really smart. She is going to be a doctor!” Jurina bragged.

Annin hit Jurina playfully in the arm. “Jurina! Its embarrassing when you go around telling people like that!” Annin told Jurina sounding embarrassed. “Ah, you are much too modest, Annin. Annin is really bright, Mayu. One of the smartest people I know!” Jurina continued ignoring Annin’s comment. ”Is that so?” Mayu asked politely unsure of what else to say. Finally after what seemed forever, the girls reached the small cafe. The three girls sat in a booth. Mayu sat besides Annin and Jurina sat in front of them. The waiter instantly took their orders. Three streaming hot coffees. What would be better for a cold day than hot coffee after all? “So how did you two meet?” Mayu asked trying to make conversation.

Annin and Jurina exchanged a look and giggled. An inside joke. Mayu hated those. Inside jokes always made Mayu feel depressed and left out. Today was no different. ”We met in a math class we both had to take for our degrees. Been inseparable ever since,” Annin answered with a huge grin. Mayu nodded. “I see. I suppose you guys are going to regular college. I wouldn’t see you guys around since I am going to art college not regular college,” Mayu rambled unsure of what else to say. What else could Mayu say? The three girls were practically strangers in spite the fact that Jurina at one point was Mayu’s best friend and that she was madly no still madly in love with her. “Here are your drinks!” their friendly waiter announced placing the drinks in the table saving Mayu from the awkwardness of the situation.

Mayu sipped on her coffee, but founded it too bitter. They  probably didn’t add sugar or cream to it. Mayu sighed. The cream and sugar were at the other end of the table. Extending her arm to grab the sugar, Mayu didn’t see Annin had placed her cup near the sugar. Mayu knocked Annin’s cup with her elbow earning a high pitched shriek from the other girl. Mayu’s eyes widen and she quickly grabbed a napkin to try and help the poor girl. “I am so sorry!!!!” Mayu quickly apologized feeling extremely embarrassed. Mayu had always been a klutz, but dropping boiling hot coffee on someone took it to a whole different level. Poor Annin just whimpered and shook her head, “It’s alright, Mayu. It was just an accident. It happens to everyone.”

Mayu looked down in shame.  Why? Why must I always mess things up? Mayu cursed herself inwardly. “Mou, Mayu-chan! Its been two years since I last saw you and you are still such a big klutz!” Jurina scolded with a teasing smile. Jurina’s words were like draggers to Mayu’s ears. Mayu felt tears threating to fall. Mayu was such a fool. Of course Jurina still remember that Mayu haven’t bothered to call in the past two years. Not to mention Mayu had to mess things up her spilling coffee on Jurina’s new best friend. “Sorry… I should just go,” Mayu got up and rushed out of there.

Once her tears fell there was no stopping them and Mayu couldn’t stop crying. How did she possibly think that things could go back to the way they were before? They couldn’t go back. Mayu couldn’t get those last two years back. Mayu slowly dropped her body into the snow-filled ground. Why was she such an idiot? Why couldn’t she be better and more worthy of Jurina’s love? Why? “Mayu-chan…” a familiar voice said above her. Mayu already knew who it was without having to look up. “Jurina-chan… What are you doing here?” Mayu asked without looking at her. She couldn’t face her. “I came to make sure you were alright. I was worried,” Jurina replied with a concerned look. Mayu finally looked up and saw that Jurina’s eyes were red. Had she been crying? “Where is Annin-san?” Mayu questioned noticing that her Jurina’s friend wasn’t behind her. “She went home to change,” Jurina answered. “Ah,” was all Mayu replied.

Unsure of what else to say, Mayu got up and dusted her clothes getting ruin of whatever snow got on them. Not wanting to worry Jurina any further or bother her any longer, Mayu said, “I am fine. Really. You should have walked Annin home instead. I guess I’ll be off then.” Mayu began to walk away with tears in her eyes, but Jurina grasped her arm to stop her. “Mayu…” Jurina said dropping the honorific from her name. Mayu turned around in shock. Jurina saw Mayu’s tears and gently dabbed them off with her thumb. “You are not alright. Why are you crying? Was it something I said? I… I am sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Jurina told her in a sad voice. Mayu instantly felt bad.

“Don’t worry about Jurina. You were right. I am a klutz. I should have been more careful and… I should have called you sooner. I am the one who should be apologizing,” Mayu replied not wanting Jurina to feel guilty about anything. It was never Mayu’s intention for Jurina to blame herself. Especially because Mayu’s tears were mostly because of her. Without noticing, Mayu was crying again. Jurina’s eyes widen. “Mayu! What’s wrong?” Jurina exclaimed in surprise. Not knowing how else to get the other girl to stop crying, Jurina pulled Mayu into a tight protective hug. “I am such an idiot. Why am I crying? I don’t deserve to worry you after all these years. I should have called sooner. I should have gave you my number. I should have said I love you that day we were parting ways!” Mayu sobbed into Jurina’s shoulders finally letting out her innermost feelings.

Jurina blinked unsure if she heard correctly. “You love me?” Jurina repeated in disbelief trying to make sure she had heard correctly. Mayu blushed. There was no going back now. “Yes I love you and I know you probably don’t…” Mayu was cut off mid sentence by Jurina’s soft lips. Mayu’s eyes widen as warm lips captured hers in a passionate kiss. Mayu froze for a bit in shock. J… Jurina, the girl Mayu loved since high school, was kissing her. It took a moment for Mayu’s body to restart and her heart started pumping again this time twice as fast than it usually did.

Mayu’s lips began to move against Jurina’s eagerly and she was overwhelmed by Jurina’s citrusy scent. Jurina pulled away for air and then pulled Mayu back in for round two. The stayed like that for a while kissing, pulling away between kisses to catch their breathes, and then kissing again. Mayu wasn’t sure how long they stood there kissing in each others embrace, but finally after a long while Jurina pulled away and declared, “I love you too. I always did.” Jurina grabbed Mayu’s hands and looked at her intensely while saying this wanting to make sure the other girl understood her feelings.

Mayu looked at Jurina with a surprised look. “I… I never thought there was even a remote chance that you felt the same!” Mayu admitted with sad smile. Jurina laughed and leaned against a nearby wall still holding Mayu’s hands. Jurina looked at Mayu with the saddest eyes and replied, “You are wrong. If anyone felt they didn’t have a chance it was me. You were so distant from me. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get very close to you. You were so beautiful, yet so out of reach…” Jurina’s voice trailed off at the end at the bitter memory.

“What about you? You were friends with everyone. I could never tell if I was special or just another one of your hundreds of close friends,” Mayu pointed out. Jurina laughed at this. “Man, we were such idiots. We were so awkward in our youth,” Jurina concluded. Mayu shivered her body finally alerting her of the cold weather they standing in. “We should probably get going. It’s cold.” Mayu said and shivered again. Jurina gave her a warm smile and replied, “My apartment is near by. You can come over if… if you wish. We could catch up and stuff.” Jurina suggested shyly avoiding Mayu’s eyes. Mayu smiled and nodded. “I’ve love that.”

A/N Annin and Jurina never dated. This seemed to confuse a lot of people. Please forgive me. Mayu simply assumed they were dating.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 02:18:51 AM by kawaiiidolworld »

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Oneshot~
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2013, 05:35:19 AM »
You are the world to me

Center stared at Nezumi as Nezumi listened to her favorite piece classical music. It had been a year since the two met and a couple of weeks since their last heated argument in the school gym. Ever since that fight the two have been inseparable and their friendship stronger than ever. Center smiled as Nezumi began to bob her head back and front even though it was a classical song.

She’s adorable Center instantly thought and then attempted to push the thought away. Center loved Nezumi in a way more than a friend way. She always had. Since the beginning Center intended to make it clear to Nezumi, but then things got complicated when Nezumi rejected even Center’s friendship. Center didn’t dare to think something more than friends could happen between them. Center had a hard time getting Nezumi to be her friend. Anything beyond that would be impossible.

Nezumi trusted no one to begin with. But she trusts you only you a voice in her head whispered, but Center ignored again. “Let’s go home,” Nezumi spoke up suddenly. Nezumi’s face was suddenly only inches away from Center. Center considered what would happen if she kissed her. Nezumi would probably punch her in the face, run or maybe both. The mouse-like girl would probably never speak to Center again. “Are you okay, Center?” Nezumi asked her voice laced with concern. “Ye…yeah,” Center managed to say. Nezumi noticed her friend’s embarrassment and decided not ask questions. Nezumi didn’t want to bother Center or make her uncomfortable. Especially since, Center had done so much for Nezumi already.

Nezumi had been thinking hard about that while she listened to her favorite classical piece. It was Nezumi’s favorite because it reminded her of Center. Center pulled Nezumi out to the darkness. Center was her light. Nezumi felt her hand getting closer to Center’s hand as they walked home still she pulled it away. Nezumi didn’t deserve someone like Center especially after all she put her through.

It was getting dark. They usually left school earlier, but they felt lazy that afternoon and decided to stay in their favorite spot, the rooftop, a little longer. Center shivered as the cold fall wind began to blow. She had forgotten her favorite cardigan after she left home in a hurry in the morning. Nezumi took off her sweater and tossed it to Center without thinking. “Nezumi…” Center grasped her eyes wide with shock. Nezumi never took off her hoodie. The only time Center had even seen her without it was that time they fought in the gym and she pulled it off. First she was in shock when Nezumi tossed her sweater then when she stole a glance of her.

Nezumi look beautiful without that hoodie covering her face. Her long black hair was dazzling and her complexion was flawless. She was really cute. “You’re cold right? Stop staring at me and put it on!” Nezumi hissed the embarrassment evident in her face. Her face turned bright red as she saw Center’s wide goofly smile. “Thanks,” Center said and put it on. It was warm and comfy. Not to mention it had Nezumi’s sweet scent. Center immediately understood why her mouse-like crush loved them so much. Nezumi laughed when she took a look of Center. Center, her usually cool looking friend, looked extremely silly, but adorable in her hoodie. “What’s so funny? You wear this everyday!” Center exclaimed and began to blush. Do I really look that silly Center wondered. “It’s just it doesn’t suit your personality at all,” Nezumi giggled.

Suddenly the lightness of the situation was ruined when four dark figures immerge from the darkness. Instantly Center got in front of Nezumi. “Ah, if it isn’t Majijo students,” a girl said. The four figures revealed themselves. The girls were Yabakune students. The girls were holding bats. To make matters worse their grudge was as strong as ever since their new president lost to Center a couple of weeks ago. “Get lost!” Center snarled. Center was the top of Majisuka Gakuen, and was really good at fighting, but Yabakune had been using knives lately and Center scared for Nezumi, who hated fighting in the first place. “Go home, Nezumi,” Center ordered. Nezumi refused to leave responding with a look that said you really think I would leave you alone? The four girls surrounded them and began to walk in circles around them. Nezumi and Center got in their fighting position. “Bring it!” Nezumi hissed. It was unlike her, but she wanted to prove to Center she could fight and she would fight with her. Never again would she leave Center alone. The girls came at them, but Nezumi and Center were skilled dodging their hits and retaliating with twice the power. Center exchange a smile with Nezumi. They were winning. It had been a while since Nezumi fought alongside Center and Center was enjoying it.

Until one girl pulled out a knife, Center’s initial fear at in the beginning of the fight. Nezumi didn’t see the danger that was heading for her. Without thinking Center got between Nezumi and the girl and got cut in her arm. Blood began to drip from her arm. It wasn’t too deep, but it was enough to weaken Center who was lying in the floor with agonizing pain and leaving Nezumi in shock. “Center!” Nezumi screamed and grabbed Center. “Run…” Center whispered. Nezumi looked up at the four girls who were laughing with eyes full of hate. How dare they touch her only true friend? Her beloved. Nezumi rose, but the girls ignored her. She didn’t since like a threat to them. “I going to make you pay back with twice the pain!” Nezumi screamed angrily. Nezumi kicked the knife out of the girl’s hand. One by one she finished them with her deathly punches and kicks leaving Center awestruck. She never seen Nezumi get into a fight that much.

“Are you okay?!” Nezumi asked losing her usually calm demeanor. “It isn’t too deep. It didn’t even penetrate,” Center reassured Nezumi not wanting to worry her. “What were you thinking getting between someone with a knife? You could of got yourself killed you idiot!” Nezumi yelled. Nezumi was upset Center had acted so careless. If something worst had happened to her, Nezumi wouldn’t be able to live with herself. “So what you wanted me to let them stab you?” Center countered. “Better me than you!” Nezumi responded. Center was silent. Nezumi’s unusual devoted words shocked her.

“Nezumi…” was all Center manage to say, but she pulled Nezumi into a hug. “I couldn’t possibly live without you. I love you!” Nezumi declared with tears in her eyes. Her body began shaking. Nezumi probably thought she meant it in a friendship way as usual. That’s probably how Nezumi felt anyways. Nezumi probably saw her like a sister. Center had so much feelings locked inside, but she couldn’t say a thing. Why couldn’t Center tell her? Why couldn’t Center love her? Nezumi began to feel Center’s tears and began to worry. Why was Center crying? Did Nezumi say something wrong? Nezumi pulled away from the hug and faced Center. “Does it hurt? Why are you crying?” Nezumi asked with worry in her usually distant eyes. “Because I… Forget it, you wouldn’t understand if I told you. You would hate me!” Center yelled and got up to leave, but Nezumi grabbed her arm.

“Don’t you dare run away from me! Do you not trust me? How could you possibly claim you love me if you don’t trust me? I love you know, so I worry! Why won’t you understand that? Why don’t you understand you’re the only person I have in the world?” Nezumi yelled back her grip tight on Center. Center suddenly pulled her into a kiss. Nezumi’s was shock her eyes wide open the entire time and her body frozen. Center was kissing her. It wasn’t a dream it was reality. The kiss only last seconds much to Nezumi’s disappointment. Center pulled away and looked down full of shame. She had just stolen Nezumi’s first kiss. Nezumi would hate her.

“Sorry,” Center said and began to walk away, but Nezumi shocked her by pulling her into another kiss. Nezumi was on fire this time her arms around Center’s waist pulling her closer. Center couldn’t believe it, but Nezumi was kissing her with a passion she never imagined. Her lips soft as cotton candy and inviting with such a warmth Center never imagine from Nezumi. Center felt as if a jolt of electricity was running to her body. They pulled away out of breathe. “Wow,” was all Center said.

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Oneshot~
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2013, 05:39:23 AM »
Great OSs

I like your style of writing.  Keep up the great work
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Oneshot~
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2013, 05:43:21 AM »
I’ll take You over Sleep any day

Rena sighed as she looked at the time in her cell phone. It was 10:00 p.m. Where the hell was Jurina? Rena didn’t like being alone in their small apartment at night. The silence freaked her out and there was something eerie about the night time that always freaked her out. Not to mention her roommate never arrived home so late. What if something happened to her? Rena dismissed the thought off her mind. She didn’t even want to consider the option. Rena sighed. Rena was sleepy, but clearly sleep wasn’t an option. Her nerves wouldn’t let her fall asleep. Rena twirled her straight black hair nervously, and tried to focus the book she was reading.

Finally after five long minutes, Jurina walked in the room. Jurina was grasping for air and her cheeks were bright red. “Where were you? Are you okay?” Rena demanded sounding a bit more harsh then she intended to. Rena was simply surprised by Jurina’s appearance and her tardiness to think about her words and tone. Did something happened to Jurina? Had someone chased her or something? “Sorry, I was held back at work a little longer than usual. I knew you would be scared here alone, so I ran all the way over here,” Jurina explained in a rush collapsing in the bed next to Rena. Rena mentally kicked herself for making Jurina so worried just because of her silly stupid fear. Rena was surprised Jurina had picked up on that fear though. Rena had never actually mentioned it to Jurina. “Its okay. You didn’t have to do that,” Rena mumbled slightly embarrassed feeling like a 4 year old that needed to sleep with her parents.

The two girls had only been living together in that apartment for a few weeks and still found it a bit awkward. College was too expensive for both of them since they only had part time jobs and a bit of allowance from their parents, so they decided to cut the expenses by living together. The two had only been friends for a few months and to make matters worst their apartment was really tiny. The two girls had to share a bed and there was only one restroom. Jurina wondered if her comment came across as weird and regretted not making up a different excuse. She didn’t want to seem to overly protective over Rena or something like that. Still Rena didn’t seem weird out by the comment just embarrassed, so she should be safe. The truth was Jurina had a bit of a crush on Rena. Okay, maybe that was an understatement. Jurina was in love with her. Jurina was trilled when Rena suggested they share an apartment even though it worried her that her feelings would get out of hand especially since she wasn’t very good at hiding her feeling. Jurina was more of the type to be open about her feelings, but even a person like her was shy when it came to love. Jurina took a look at Rena. She was already dressed for bed with a short black shorts and a silky white shirt. Jurina felt her heart speed up as her eyes took in Rena’s beauty. Her long milky legs, her coral colored lips, the loose strand of hair that fell over her beautiful big doe like eyes. Everything about her….

”Did you eat dinner already?” Rena asked interrupting Jurina’s thoughts. “No, but I am tired. I rather just stay her laying down,” Jurina replied turning away from Rena slightly embarrassed with herself. ”Okay, I guess I’ll just go to sleep then. Goodnight.” Rena replied. Rena put her book down and turned her lamp off. Jurina adjusted to her usual sleeping position and quickly fell asleep. It was funny how natural sleeping with each other had become to both of them. Rena actually founded Jurina’s presence reassuring. Rena would never admit it to anyone, but she hated sleeping on her own. The darkness scared her, and when she slept on her own she had to leave the lamp on. When Jurina was around, however she had no trouble sleeping…. Except for now. For some reason her mind refused to shut down. Rena turned trying to find a more comfortable position to sleep in, but it was useless she couldn’t go to sleep. “Can’t sleep?” she heard Jurina whisper softly. Once again, Rena bothered the other girl because of a stupid reason. “Not really, but it’s okay just go back to sleep. I’ll be fine,” Rena reassured her. Jurina inched slightly closer to her and asked, “What if I talk to you? Would that help?” “Sorry, I am keeping you up aren’t I?” Rena said softly. Rena hated bothering Jurina especially since Jurina did so many things for her as it was. “I don’t mind,” Jurina replied because while she was tired she would take talking to Rena over sleep any day.

“Yeah, I guess it might help,” Rena admitted. So, Jurina began to tell her more about herself. She told her everything from the most embarrassing childhood stories to the saddest occurrences in her life. Rena absorbed all of it wanting to hear more about her roommate. She wanted to know everything. While, listening to Jurina’s voice soothed Rena, but didn’t help her fall asleep at all.

Ten minutes passed and Rena sighed and said, “You can go back to sleep. I am pretty much hopeless.” Jurina shocked Rena by closing the small space between them. Sure, they shared a bed, but there was always a space in between them. A taunting space that was never crossed. It was kind of like an unspoken rule that being broken. Maybe it wasn’t actually a bad thing. Rena eyes widen in surprise, but she didn’t say a word. She only laid there paralyzed as Jurina got closer to her. Jurina wore a gentle smile yet there was a seductive glimmer in her eyes. Rena’s heart began to beat uncontrollably under her chest as Jurina wrapped an arm under her waist pulling her closer. Rena could feel Jurina’s warm breath in her neck. She didn’t quite understand what she was feeling. Jurina was just her friend, wasn’t she? So, then why was her heart pounding, and why were their butterflies in her stomach? Jurina began to stroke Rena’s arm slowly probably meaning for it to be a comforting gesture, but it only made Rena’s nerves worst.

Rena suddenly notice how attractive she found Jurina. She had always known her friend was pretty, but was she always this dazzling? Everything about Jurina was captivating Rena at the moment. Her catlike smile, her mischievous eyes, her huskily voice even her scent was proving to be intoxicating. Rena began to think back in time. Since the moment they met, Rena felt a strong attraction towards the girl that over grew as the time pass. Every time the other girl touched her whether it was on purpose or accidently, it was as if Rena’s heart had been shocked to life. Was that what they called chemistry? Was Rena in love with Jurina? Rena wasn’t too sure. She never been in love before. This was her first time feeling that way towards anyone. Especially a friend.

Jurina began to run her fingers though Rena’s silky hair. ”Does this help?’ Jurina whispered in an alluring soft voice. Rena couldn’t feel her voice and simply nodded. Rena could of sworn she saw a smirk in Jurina’s face as she continue her tender gesture. Suddenly it was as if Jurina’s hands grew more curious, because suddenly her hands founded themselves under Rena’s shirt tracing her abdomen. “Is this alright?” Jurina asked with what sounded to Rena like seduction. “It’s fine,” Rena mumbled her face bright red.

Rena didn’t like Jurina understood how much power she had over her at the moment. Just her mere touch had made Rena’s mind go haywire. Jurina kept going her fingers explored Rena’s body. Her hand tracing her legs as well sending electric jolts though her skin. All of a sudden without a warning, Jurina leaned down and kissed Rena’s neck. Rena’s breath hitched. Rena couldn’t comprehend why Jurina was acting the way she was nor why she was accepting it. Rena tried to find her voice to ask Jurina what in the world was she doing to her, but nothing came out of her mouth. Finally, Jurina looked up and met Rena’s gaze. Her eyes filled of an unreadable emotion. Had Jurina gone too far? “Jurina…” Rena uttered softly.

Jurina looked at Rena’s taunting lips and finally claimed them as hers. It was as if Rena’s body finally began to work as Rena wrapped her arms around Jurina to pull her closer. Their lips kissing each hungrily desperately never wanting to part. Their bodies pressed together. The kiss deepen as Rena part her lips giving Jurina access to her mouth. The tongues dancing together in a hot fiery dance. Finally, it was Jurina that pulled away looking at Rena with awestruck eyes. Had that really just happened between them? “Rena…. I love you” Jurina declared her mesmerizing eyes on Rena. Rena cupped Jurina’s check receiving a purr from the other girl. “I love you too, but that didn’t help me sleep,” Rena responded with a small smile. Jurina smirked and pressed her body against Rena. “Who needs sleep?” Jurina asked before kissing Rena once more.

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Oneshot~
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2013, 05:47:12 AM »
If She Hadn’t Walked In…

A/N Basically a scenario as to what would have happened if Gekikara hadn't interrupted Gakuran and Shaku hence the title lol

“As always you are popular with the girls,” I told Gakuran dropping her fan mail in her hospital bed. It sort of felt unreal visiting Gakuran in the hospital. I never thought someone strong like her would end up in the hospital. It sort of scared me. After all, Gakuran was clearly stronger than me and SHE ended up in the hospital. Then again it wasn’t a fair fight, but what guaranteed me Yabakune would fight fair with me? Gakuran gave me a quick smile. My heart began to beat faster.

Whose girl’s wouldn’t with that smile? She was more handsome and cool than any guy I knew. I would be lying if I said I didn’t have a big crush on her. How could I resist her charm, her very aura that drew me in like a moth? I wasn’t the type to be serious, but I was serious about her. Only her. Even behind the jokes. Not that we got to interact often especially now during the Yabakune war. Before that I was too shy to get close to her. I became a queen to be able to be around her. To have an excuse to talk to her. It was the only way. She looked down at all the fan mail. “So I said I was your girlfriend,” I continued. I laughed and got closer to get a better look at her cute reaction. I gave her a huge grin. She didn’t even look stunned or surprised. I guess people would expect me to say something like that. Instead of being surprised or taken aback, she groaned and asked, ” Since when?” I shrugged and simply sat next to her. That is when the truly unbelievable happened.

I don’t know what came over me. I don’t know what I was thinking. My mouth simply acted on it’s own. “Kiss me,” I whispered. Gakuran laughed nervously. My mind was panicking, but my hands aren’t as they removed the white mask that covered my lips. Now, Gakuran began to panic realizing I was dead serious. “Oye,” she exclaimed nervously. I could see part of her black shirt uncovered showing off her great boyish physique. Her hair held back by a white headband. Her bangs fell perfectly above her eyes. Her bruises giving her a bad boy vide that allured me even more. My heart was pounding under my face as a pursed my lips inviting her to kiss me. Would she kissed me? Or would she simply reject me or take it as if I was just pulling a prank on her? I couldn’t tell at all. I opened my eyes a bit to sneak a look. She looked like she was unsure of what to do. She turned left and right as if checking if someone else was in the room. Was she afraid that Atsuko could find out? It wasn’t as if Atsuko actually returned Gakuran’s feelings. She could care less about them. She proved it by disappearing and allowing Gakuran to get beat up.

Finally, I felt Gakuran’s hot breath closer to my face. My entire body froze up as I realized she was approaching me. Would she actually do it? Would she actually kiss me? I moved slightly closer to her. Her soft warm lips met mine sending an electric shock through my body making feel more alive than ever before. Our lips simply brushed. Gakuran pulled away slightly letting out a sigh. I opened my eyes. Our eyes met. She looked simply awestruck. She looked down at my lips and slowly closed her eyes. She kissed me once more this time it was more than just a simply touch. Our lips entangled in a hot fiery passion as I wrapped my around her neck pulling her closer. Her scent was musky and intoxicating. Her hands found their way around my lower back pushing closer to her as if that were even possible.

Her tongue began to try and get further in. I complied and parted my lips softly. Our tongues taking our kiss to a whole new height causing my head to spin. Our bodies pressed together and our tongues meeting for the first time. I couldn’t get enough of it. I didn’t want to pull away in fear that this was all too good to be true. I wanted no one to wake me up from my sweet dream. Finally, I had to pull away gasping for air. “Shaku…” Gakuran uttered as if coming out of some daze. “I love you,” I mumbled nervously. Sure, she kissed me back, but confessing your love to someone was always scary regardless. “Shaku… I…” Gakuran began, but I interrupted her before she could finish. “I know you love Atsuko. I know that your seriousness is for her sake, but but… She can’t love you nearly as much as I do! She hasn’t even come to visit you ONCE! If I were her I would never leave you side. I would have stood up and fought if I had her sort of strength instead of letting you get hurt. Heck, I would of fought even if I didn’t. So I want you to chose me instead of her because I love you more than anyone else! That’s something no one can beat me at!” I blurted out empting down my heart’s content.

Gakuran looked a bit bewildered, but she was smiling. “I never knew you felt that way. You never talked to me. I would always have to start conversation. I don’t surely you must not like me,” Gakuran revealed. “I was too shy too ever talk to you. Even more I am nervous and my heart is pounding under my chest, but I knew I had to talk to you as soon as I heard you were at the hospital. I just had to see you!” I told her my eyes on hers. Gakuran smiled and kissed my forehead. “My seriousness may be for Atsuko’s sake, but my heart… It beats for your sake,” Gakuran declared before leaning in for another kiss. I smile and closed my eyes.

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Oneshot~
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2013, 05:56:03 AM »
Sleepover at Yuki’s (Mayuki)

I am dumbfound at how deep I fell for you.
Suddenly, your smile haunted my dreams like a ray of light. I tried to fight it, but it was no use. I was chasing you even when I wasn’t conscious of it at all.
I can’t have you. Reality sinks in as I waken from my slumber.

Yuki groaned and crumpled her pathetic poem. Yuki tossed it to her private restroom without a second thought. Yuki felt so confused. One minute she was determined to win Mayu’s heart the next she was scared.

I am not good enough, Yuki often told herself. Mayu was perfection in the purest form. Even though they been friends for a few years now, Yuki still got nervous talking to her. Maybe was her adorable voice, maybe it was dazzling smile, or ahh… Stop, Yuki! Thinking of her beauty won’t do you any good!   Truth be told Mayu was actually heading to her house at that exact moment.

Yuki took one last look in the mirror and wondered once more if she looked alright. Her glossy black hair looked nice, her black shorts made her legs look long, and her white tank top was fitted in a good way. One might say Yuki was trying to seduce Mayu. Yuki redden at the thought and tried to keep it together.

The worst part of today was that Mayu was sleeping over. Mayu’s parents were out of town so Yuki suggested she stay over at her house so she wouldn’t feel lonely. What a foolish suggestion it had been. The mere idea of sharing her bed with Mayu made her crazy. Sure, they had sleepovers before, but this was this first one they had since Yuki discovered her feelings for the cyborg.

A knock was heard downstairs and Yuki’s mom yelled,” Mayuyu is here!” Yuki rushed downstairs and there was Mayu making small talk with her mother. “Hey!” Yuki waved to Mayu from upstairs. Mayu gave her a sweet smile and warmly replied,” Hey, Yuki!” Mayu wasted no time joining Mayu after thanking Yuki’s mom for the invitation.

Finally, the two girls settled in Yuki’s big bed. Mayu’s hand crawled up to Yuki’s thigh. Yuki held back a gasp as Mayu’s touch got went up and sent shivers down her spine. Mayu tugged on the fabric of the black shorts and said, “Did you get new p.j.s? I’ve never seen these shorts before.” Yuki relaxed. Of course, Mayu wasn’t doing anything like THAT! Still Mayu slightly pink cheeks gave her an uneasy feeling. “Yeah! I bought them a few days ago!” Yuki beamed glad that Mayu noticed.

Not that Yuki would admit it, but she bought those p.j.s especially for the sleepover. She had been hoping Mayu would notice. I actually bought new p.j.s too! Want to see them?” Mayu asked in a seductive tone. No, it was probably all in Yuki’s head anyways.
Mayu grabbed her bed and made her way to Yuki’s restroom to change. Meanwhile, Yuki’s nerves were a mess. Was she acting weird? Mayu had just touched her bare thigh! It was a weird doki doki gesture you don’t have with friends or was Yuki overreacting?

“Tada!” Mayu said in a singsong voice as she stepped out of the restroom. Yuki heart stopped for a moment. Mayu looked… Sexy. There was no other way to put it. Her high ponytail combined with pink shorts and a loose white tee that said, “I rather be in bed” looked amazing. “You like?” Mayu asked with a smirk. If Yuki didn’t know any better she would like Mayu was trying to rile her up. “Y…Yeah!” Yuki managed to respond nervously. Mayu sat next to Yuki. A little too close actually. It made Yuki’s heart speed up under her chest. A silence filled the room and Yuki was unsure of what to do.

Finally, Mayu broke the silence,” Nee, Yuki can I ask you something?” Yuki nodded wondering what in the world did Mayu want to ask? ” Are you in love?” Mayu asked. “Ehh!” Yuki exclaimed and gave her one of her famous reaction queen reactions.

“Why would you ask this?” Yuki demanded her face bright red. Mayu pulled out a scrunched up paper. Yuki’s poem. Yuki groaned inwardly hoping it wasn’t the paper she thought it was. “I am dumbfound at how deep I fell for you. Suddenly, your smile haunted my dreams like a ray of light. I tried to fight it, but it was no use. I was chasing you even when I wasn’t conscious of it at all
 I can’t have you. Reality sinks in as I waken from my slumber. ” Mayu read, Yuki's blush increased and she hid her face with her pillow.

“Mayu! You weren't supposed to see that!” Yuki whined and took the paper away. Mayu frowned and tried to take the paper away from Yuki. “Mayu! Stop! ” Yuki shrieked as Mayu attempted to steal the poem. Suddenly, Mayu’s face was only inches from hers.
“Who is the poem about?” Mayu demanded with hypnotizing eyes. “No one. It’s just a stupid poem. I don’t even know why I wrote it!” Yuki exclaimed trying to get Mayu off of her, but Mayu had her trapped. Yuki would have never thought the other girl had so much strength. “I liked it. A lot! And I don’t believe you simply just wrote that out of no where!” Mayu insisted. Yuki sighed. Mayu wasn’t backing down anytime soon. Yuki might as well just tell her the truth. “It’s about you,” Yuki admitted avoiding Mayu’s glance.

Yuki expected Mayu to get off her, but insisted Mayu quickly captured her lips in a forceful kiss. Yuki froze as she felt a pair of insistent soft lips against her own. It took a few seconds for her to actually register what was happening. Mayu was kissing her! After getting over her shock, Yuki put her arms around Mayu’s neck and began kissing her with an equal amount of passion.

Mayu pulled away breathless. Her face was flushed and she was trying to catch her breath. Yuki couldn’t help, but to think how beautiful Mayu looked at that moment. “I love you, Mayu,” Yuki whispered as she caressed Mayu’s cheek. “I love you too!” Mayu replied and gave Yuki another small kiss on her lips. Yuki and Mayu cuddled up in her bed. As Mayu rested her head on Yuki’s chest, Yuki couldn’t help, but think This is going to be an interesting sleepover!

Offline Dieyg48

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Oneshot~
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2013, 02:35:06 PM »
It has been a long time since i read a Mayuki OS or even their Fics...Refreshing~~
 :cool2: :bath: :bigdeal:
~Well, A nice OS~~Yipee...Well, i will be looking forward for your next OS or even fic!~!~!
 :farofflook: :shy2: :luvluv2:
~If possible...Ahahah...But anyway, tnx for the nice fanfic~~ Gouu!~!~
 :kneelbow: :luvluv1: :on woohoo:
Takamina forever in my heart!!!
AtsuMina KojiYuu KaiAcchan TakaYuu AtsuYuu!!!
In FanFic...Anything is possible!!!
Love and Peace!!!
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[Note: I'm on HIATUS right now...For a very long time!! T__T''']

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Oneshot~
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2013, 02:15:05 AM »
The Second Year and the Queen

That second year. That plain looking girl who wore a cardigan and was always reading. Gekikara had only seen her once at the school library before the girl broke the door of Rappapa’s sacred common room and demanded to challenge the president. Appearances were indeed deceiving. What seemed like a calm quiet girl turned out to be an arrogant, rash brat who didn’t know her place. Center? Who did exactly did the girl think she was with the kind of showy name?

The rumored creepy queen. Center had heard all sorts of things about her in her first year of Majijo. About how the crazy queen had been in jail and how she shoved a pencil up someone’s nose. What a joke it all was. There was nothing creepy about the queen instead Center founded her antics silly and babyish nothing like the dark rumors Center had originally heard. Amakuchi? What kind of person made up a name like that?

Although it was true that both girl’s opinions of each other had changed after Gekikara told Center why she wouldn’t fight her, after Gekikara got stabbed, and after the whole fight in Yabakune happened, both girls still didn’t see what was so great about the other and lacked a bit of respect for each other. Gekikara wouldn’t be caught dead taking an order from Center even though she was the new president. She still had more to go if she was ever going to live up Yuko’s or even Maeda’s shoes.

The fact annoyed Center to no end. Here was the girl who never even had the guts to finish their one on one questioning her every move and ignoring her decisions. If Gekikara was all that great and mighty why not prove it? Still none of that matter anymore. The two needed to find a way to meet halfway for the most important task in Gekikara’s life: graduation.

Why would Center agree to tutor the girl that got in her nerves? The answer was simple: to get her the hell out of her life and Majijo. It sounded cruel and some would argue Gekikara wasn’t so bad when she wasn’t acting all insane, but the girl just unnerved Center in a strange way. Not to mention Center preferred the insane Gekikara over the serious one that looked down upon her.

It wasn’t fear what unnerved Center though. Center couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Normally at times like these, Center would have asked her best friend, Nezumi, to help her out since she was a whole lot smarter than her, but Nezumi was gone. Not really gone, but she wasn’t in Majijo anymore. Finally, Nezumi got to put her brain into good use and Center was happy for her and all, but it was a bit lonely and harder to deal with Rappapa that way.

Not to mention, Nezumi would have been so much help at the moment. Center and Gekikara sat in the gym’s stage floor with school papers scattered all over the place. The gym was the only quiet place in the whole school. Anywhere else was much too loud for them to focus. Gekikara was staring at the book in her hand intensely, but the poor girl looked extremely confused. ”Do you get it?” Center asked trying her hardest not to sound annoyed and tired even though she was.

They had been at this for an hour and still the queen showed no sign of improvement whatsoever. If anything she looked more confused if that was even possible. Gekikara blinked and shook her head. “No,” the queen replied with a pout. It was a cute gesture really, but Center was tired and that wasn’t going to cut it. Why did I agree to this? Center groaned inwardly.

“Guys! We need to talk about something serious!” Gakuran suddenly declared out of the blue. Center looked up from the book she was reading and furrowed her eyebrows. “What’s with this all of a sudden?” Shaku asked a bit startled by Gakuran’s sudden outburst. Gakuran ignored her and pointed at Gekikara dramatically. Gekikara’s blank eye’s widen at the gesture. “You are failing your classes really bad. Do you intend not to graduate this year again? I know you were at the hospital, but that is no excuse!” Gakuran exclaimed shocking the rest of them with her sudden serious tone. Wasn’t Gakuran always carefree and playful?

Gekikara shifted uncomfortably. “I just don’t understand…” the queen mumbled softly. Gakuran didn’t seem to hear her and insisted, “Well?” Suddenly, Gekikara’s aura turned completely dark.  Gekikara shoved Gakuran to the wall. Gekikara was smiling, but it wasn’t a friendly smile. It was her say something else and I will torture you into a slow painful death smile. Her insane giggles filled the room, but it didn’t bother Center. Instead Center went back to reading her book.

“I said I don’t understand my classes. I’ll graduate. Next year probably.” Gekikara giggled. Center’s mind began to work quickly. Another year with the old queen. Another year of her authority being defied. No. Center didn’t want that. Without thinking Center blurted out, “I’ll tutor you.”

Why would Center suggest such an idea? Center herself wasn’t that good at schoolwork. What made her think she could tutor someone else? Especially in coursework beyond a second year. “Try reading it again. Without spacing out.” Center ordered in an irritated tone. Gekikara looked annoyed as well clearly not enjoying the fact the someone younger than her was scolding at her. “Geez how helpful. Aren’t tutors supposed to be much more helpful and explain things? Gekikara scoffed.

“Its not my fault you are an idiot. Besides its not like you have any other options. You want to graduate or not?” Center snapped her patience already worn thin. Gekikara looked at the second year in disbelief. “If I didn’t know any better I say you were in a hurry for me to graduate and get out of here,” Gekikara pointed out. “I am so stop wasting my time,” Center admitted and then instantly regretted it and covered her mouth.

Gekikara looked at Center her face filled of anger. “I’ll just go then and let you be!” Gekikara screamed leaving a guilt-filled Center behind as she ran out the gym. You done it now, Center, Center told herself. Why couldn't Center just keep some things to herself for once? Center watched in silence as Gekikara stormed away.

Gekikara was fuming as she walked out of the gym. The nerve of that brat calling her an idiot. Who did Center think she was? Just because she was an excellent fighter and the club president didn’t mean she had the right to disrespect her in such matter. Gekikara paused as she recalled Center’s last words. Dread began to overtake her. Did Center hate her that much? Enough to want her to graduate so badly?

Center ran though the hallways searching for Gekikara all over the school. Center was such an idiot. It wasn't like she lied or anything, but the way she addressed the issue was way harsh. Not to mention Center wasn't even sure if she meant what she said entirely. Center had been thinking the whole time I want Gekikara gone or I just can't stand that girl, but was she actually being serious? Now that Center actually said the words out loud it seemed too extreme and so unlike what Center felt.

The queen walked into the sacred Rappapa president room and sighed. She shouldn't be in there to begin with, but she was hoping to find the answer she was searching for there. Looking at the pictures that were hanged way back at the fighting area there was one president's photo missing. Center's. It was customary for the previous president or vice-president to take the picture and hang it up, but no one did it for Center.

Then it occurred to Gekikara that Center's resentment towards her had to do with the fact Gekikara never once respected her as club president. The reason Center's portrait wasn't on the wall was because Gekikara never took the picture because she never accepted the fact Center was Rapappa's president. No wonder she hates me so much, Gekikara thought. While I am here her reign can't begin. While I am here she is nothing, but the strong second year that never earned her place in Rappapa. Gekikara got up and walked to a small box at the very end of the room and pulled out a dusty old camera. Gekikara dusted it. That camera had seen years of Rappapa history. It had seen many strong queens and incredible presidents. Today it would see yet another.

Gekikara headed out of the Rappapa room in a rush and as she hurried out the door she bumped into another figure. Center, who had been rushing to the Rappapa common room looking for Gekikara as well. The two looked at each in surprise as their bodies made contact and didn't say a word instead they quickly backed away from each other. The old camera felt heavy in Gekikara hands as she tried to find the right words to say. "I..." both girls began in unison. "You go first," both tried again. Center laughed and gave Gekikara a gentle smile. The smile surprised Gekikara, who didn't think Center had a side like that at all. "You go ahead," Center told Gekikara.

Gekikara cleared her throat trying to find the right words to say. Not being one to apologize often, Gekikara was lost for words. Finally after a few moments of awkward silence, Gekikara spoke up. "Look I know you want me gone and I know why. It's because I never accepted you as president, isn't it? I know its wrong. I always defied you and I always treated you like a second year. That's why you hate me isn't it?" Gekikara questioned. Now it was Center's turn to be shocked. Gekikara was trying apologizing to her? After what Center told her? "I don't hate you!" Center quickly blurted out.

Gekikara smiled. Not her usual malicious smile, but a true genuine smile. A smile Center didn't know even existed. "True, I disliked the fact that you never saw me as the president, but I didn't hate you," Center reassured. Center wanted to say more, but that was all she could get out with Gekikara's unusual smile. It was making her feel strange for some odd reason. The two just stood there looking at each other in a weird sort of silence. Neither of them knew what to do since they weren't used to being in that sort of situation at all.

Then the camera in the queen's hands caught Center's attention. "What is that? A camera?" Center asked trying to disolve the odd silence that had taken over them. Gekikara once more became aware of the camera in her hands and answered, "It's an old camera. It's used to photograph the presidents and queens for their portait in the Rappapa room. I just realized I never took yours." Center grinned. "I was wondering about those portraits, but I had no idea if I should just take a picture or what was the tradition." Center admitted. "Technically Maeda should have done this, but she was gone before she could property do it. Sado did it for her, but we have no vice-president now and Nezumi didn't know about this tradition either when she was around. I guess that means me being the old queen should do it for you." Gekikara explained. "I see. Then shall I stand over there?" Center asked.

Gekikara nodded as Center stood against the wall. True to the tradition, Center didn't smile instead her face reflected strength. "Why don't you smile?" Gekikara teased holding the camera to her eyes. "You wish." Center smirked before going back to a serious face. Click! Gekikara took the picture and it developed right there and then. "Here," Gekikara said giving Center the camera and the picture. "Aren't you going to put it up?" Center asked puzzled. Gekikara shook her head. "I shouldn't have even have been in that room in the first place. You are the rightful president. You put it up." Gekikara told her. Center simply grinned and nodded. Center began to walk away and stopped halfway. "Gekikara." Center addressed once more.

"Yes?" Gekikara questioned. "I know you have to fulfill you promise to Yuko and all, but I don't really want you to leave," Center stated before walking away. Her words made Gekikara's heart speed up for some reason. "Does that mean you are not my tutor anymore?" Gekikara called out. Center stopped in her tracks and laughed. "Nah, I am no good at it anyways." Center admitted taking another look at Gekikara. Gekikara giggled, but then her face turned serious again. "I am not giving up. Whether you tutor me or not. I am going to graduate. I promised Yuko," Gekikara declared. Center turned to face her and a sigh escape her lips. "I guess I have no choice then. If you are that serious," Center mused. Gekikara blinked slightly confused by the girl's words.

"What do you mean?" Gekikara questioned. "I mean if you are that serious about graduating I have no choice, but to tutor you. After all what kind of president would I be if I didn't have my queen's back?" Center explained. That statement. My queen. It replayed in Gekikara's head over and over again. It had a nice ring to it. Center turned around and gave Gekikara her back once more as she walked away. And Gekikara wanted to say more. About how Center was a great president. How Gekikara would willingly serve her now and no one would be allowed to touch her. But there were some things that didn't need to be said. Actions speak louder than words anyways. Saying it out loud had no meaning.

Center, on the other hand, has wondering how upset Yuko-san would be if maybe just maybe Center sabotaged Gekikara's upcoming graduation  just so she could be with her a little longer. Because she was her strongest queen of course! Assuming anything else would be absurd right? Center took a look at Gekikara's picture among the queens. Center's heart sped up and she thought that maybe just maybe it was a little more than the just Queen's strength.

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Oneshot~
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2013, 02:26:08 AM »
A/N I had already posted this up here, but I wanted to posted it with the other oneshots. Enjoy

In the Blink of an Eye

Nezumi stood in the school roof. Alone… It was a fall day and the sun was already setting, but Nezumi still haven’t gone home. It had been a while since she last stood there alone. Usually Center stood be her side, but Center was gone. Now, Nezumi felt empty, alone, and deserted. Tears began to pour though her eyes as her memories became unbearable. Nezumi couldn’t accept that now Center only lived in her memories. It was too much. They had it all. A strong solid genuine friendship, they were the top of the school, and they were in love.  But that was before. Before the tragic accident that took Center’s life. An accident that was her fault. Nezumi began to sob out loud as she recalled her last memory with her best friend and lover.

“Nezumi, have you ever been in love?” Center asked suddenly as the two girls walked home from school. Nezumi was surprised at her sudden question. Love was hardly mentioned in Majisuka Gakuen, their all girl’s school. “Ehh, why that question all of a sudden?” Nezumi asked bewildered. Center simply smiled and replied, “Who knows? I been thinking about it for a while. About love.” “That sounds so… unlike you,” Nezumi admitted. Nezumi wondered why Center would bring up that topic all of a sudden. It made her nervous for some reason. The topic of love. It was a foreign concept for her who had a hard time dealing with other people. In fact Center was the only person she was actually herself with. “It does, doesn’t it? Maybe I am in love?” Center wondered lost in thought. Nezumi frown. Center in love? For some reason that worried her. Immensely. If Center was in love with someone what would happen to them two of them?

“Love is a pretty strong word,” Nezumi said nervously. Nezumi didn’t understand why the whole thing made her nervous. Center was free to like whoever she liked right? That had nothing to do with Nezumi, yet somehow it was bothering her. “It is isn’t it? But, you wouldn’t understand when I am with that person I feel so happy, and I would do anything to see that person smile,” Center explained with a smile. Nezumi began to feel jealous. Who could be so worthly of Center’s love? Why were they so special that Center would do anything to make them smile? Nezumi felt as if someone ripped her heart in two except that could only mean one thing. Something Nezumi wasn’t sure she was ready to accept. “There’s no one of is worthy of that in this loser Yanakee school,” Nezumi spat bitterly. Center looked surprised at Nezumi’s passive aggressive response. “There is one person! I swear she’s different. She’s smart, funny, and cute. I love her,” Center told her. “And I hate her!” Nezumi screamed and began to run.

Without thinking Nezumi ran to a road with oncoming traffic. Center followed her worried. Finally, Center caught up to her when a car was speding toward them. Center reacted quickly pushing Nezumi out of the way, but Center wasn’t so lucky. Nezumi screamed as she watched the car make impact. “CENTER! JURINA!” Nezumi shrieked using Center’s real name and ran toward Center’s side. “Are you okay?” Center asked and ran her figures though Nezumi’s hair trying to soothe her. Nezumi began to sob now, and cried, “Why? Why?” “Because I would do anything for you. I would do anything to make you smile,” Center said weakly before passing out.

Nezumi eyes widen as she realized how stupid she been. Center had been trying to confess to her, and she ruined everything by misunderstanding and running off. Nezumi rode the ambulance with Center holding her hand tightly. Center woke up shortly after arriving at the hospital. “I am fine,” she must of insisted about twenty times. Center refused all pain medication, but was stuck in the hospital for overnight observation. Nezumi was relieved that Center was fine. “Sorry,” Nezumi said once again. The two girls were in Center’s hospital room. Nezumi had bribed the nurse into letting her stay overnight with Center. Money had its perks. “Don’t worry about it,” Center insisted. Center patted the hospital bed she was sitting in and gesture for Nezumi to sit there.

Nezumi did as she was told and sat there. Center pulled her into a huge hug. Nezumi’s eyes widen in surprised as Center held her tight. “Nezumi, you scared me to death! Don’t ever do that again!” Center exclaimed. Finally, Center pulled away from the embrace and put her hand on Nezumi’s cheek, Nezumi trembled as she felt Center gentle hand on her cheek. “I am afraid you misunderstood me. Nezumi, it’s you I am in love with,” Center said. Nezumi turned bright red and was unsure of how to react. “I…. lo…” Nezumi started to say, but was cut off by Center’s soft lips.

At first Nezumi froze as she felt warm lips against hers, but then began to kiss Center back. Nezumi put her arms around Center’s neck and pulled her closer as Center deepen the kiss. Nezumi felt breathless, yet she never felt more alive as her lips begged for more of Center’s soft lips. Nezumi’s heart was pounding under her chest and she could hear Center’s heart as well. Finally, Nezumi pulled away out of breath. Center flashed her the warm goofy smile she loved. “I love you too,” Nezumi whispered softly. Jurina grinned and gave her one last peck in her lips. Then, Jurina laid her head in Nezumi’s lap, and said, “Let’s go for a date tomorrow you and I.” “Okay,” Nezumi responsed. Nezumi ran her hands through Jurina soft black hair. They remained that way for a while until Nezumi’s legs began to fall asleep.

“Mmm, Center my legs fell asleep,” Nezumi said. No response. “Center?” Nezumi asked. Something was wrong. Nezumi shock Center’s arm and screamed. Center was ice cold. Center had no pulse. Center’s eyes were blank and emotionless. Center was dead. It took three nurses to pull Nezumi away. Nezumi couldn’t stop screaming. The world began to spin in circles. Nezumi wondered if she had gone insane. Center couldn’t be dead. It had to be a joke a cruel joke except it wasn’t.

Nezumi was sure that there wasn’t a worst hell than what she was living at the moment. There’s no smile if you’re aren’t here, Nezumi thought bitterly. Nezumi couldn’t cry anymore. She couldn’t scream anymore. She wondered why. Nezumi saw two girls laughing from the roof and bitterly thought how could they be so happy? Center is dead. Nezumi wondered if she died could she meet Center? Maybe not, but why not take the chance? Her life was pointless anyways. Might as well end it all. Might as well end her pain. There was no point in living her life if Center wasn’t a part of it. Nezumi got on the edge of the roof. She was about to jump when a paper airplane caught her eye. Curious Nezumi picked it up. There was writing in it.

Nezumi, sorry I am afraid I can’t make it to our date… I am sorry for everything. Don’t forget you have to live seriously for me from now on.

Nezumi began to cry once more. It was a miracle. Even in heaven Center was still looking out for her.

Offline Dieyg48

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Oneshot~
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2013, 07:19:50 AM »
Hmmm...It was so sad, center died...Nezumi almost kill herself by suiciding..
 :cry: :( :banghead:
~But then, a paper plane caught her is from wonderful their love is..
 :inlove: :wub: :oops:
~What a heart touching OS, even in heaven, she'll always watch over Nezumi...with love..ah..
 :oops: :D :)
~I like it...even if it is sad, pls update more if possible!~!~
 :twothumbs :thumbsup :bow:
Takamina forever in my heart!!!
AtsuMina KojiYuu KaiAcchan TakaYuu AtsuYuu!!!
In FanFic...Anything is possible!!!
Love and Peace!!!
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[Note: I'm on HIATUS right now...For a very long time!! T__T''']

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Oneshot~
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2013, 01:27:01 AM »
Bingo! (Center x Nezumi)

Nezumi was alone in Rapappa’s room since everyone was busying fighting with Yabakune. They had decided to stir up trouble again and Center had insisted she stayed behind since she still was recovering from a recent injury in her leg from the last fight she was in. At first, Nezumi refused to, but Center practically force her to stay. For the first time ever, Nezumi was completely alone in Rapappa’s room. No noise could be heard whatsoever. Although Nezumi liked quiet places because it allowed her to listen to her classical music in peace it was getting a bit boring being there on her own. She began to think she was crazy for suddenly missing Team Fondue’s annoying chatting, and the queens' usual nonsense. Nezumi touched her forehead wondering if she had a fever because that was way too strange. What being alone did to people. Except Nezumi was used to be alone and never felt that way. Perhaps she got too used to being around Center and the rest Rappapa all the time. Suddenly, her classical music was replaced with upbeat girly idol music.

Nezumi began to giggle softly to herself. Center had stolen her ipod the other day claiming her classical music was boring so she decided to add more upbeat music. Still Nezumi hadn’t pegged Center as the type to listen to idol music. It really shocked her and made her realize how little she knew of Center  When she recieved her ipod back she sweared she was going to erase that crap anyways even though the gesture made her kind of happy. Center frowned at her reaction, but didn’t say anything. Suddenly, Nezumi wondered if she was too harsh. In reality, Nezumi just didn’t know how to react and was slightly embarrassed. Did Center find her music that weird? Nezumi said she was going to delete the songs, but she didn't have the heart to delete the songs her best friend put in her ipod. Instead Nezumi listened to the songs over and over again. It made her feel closer to Center. Lately, the two girls had become distant since Center was always fighting and trying to deal with Yabakune. Nezumi hated it.

Nezumi never thought the day would come when she would miss Center’s constant troublesome presence. Somehow the songs helped ease her worries. Suddenly without realizing it she began to sing. “BINGO! BINGO! Until now, my gaze hasn’t wavered I’m glad I waited Supported by Fate… Love, Love me do!" Nezumi sang softly. Then, Nezumi felt herself get excited for no logical reason. Laughing at herself she got up and began to dance to the song. “WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW," Nezumi sang louder and began to dance on top on a chair. Then Nezumi heard a familar laugh behind her. Nezumi turned around to find Center laughing. “Don’t laugh!" Nezumi cried instantly turing bright red. Nezumi jumped off the chair and hid behind her hoodie, but it was no good. “Nezumi I though you deleted that crap," Center teased trying to get a look at her face, but Nezumi turned away. “I was going to, but…" Nezumi tried to come up with an excuse, but found none. “I am glad you liked it," Center said and patted her in the head. Nezumi looked down trying to avoid Center’s gaze.

Nezumi wished Center was around more often so she wouldn’t have to rely on listening to stupid idol music to feel closer to her. Tears began to fall from her cheeks. Center notice this and became starled. “Are you okay? I am sorry it’s just you got to admit it was funny. I didn’t mean to embarrass you or anything! “Center panicked as she saw her best friend cry for on apparent reason. Nezumi wasn’t one to cry and it worried Center. Nezumi suddenly hugged Center taking her by surprise. Nezumi hardly ever hugged her by her own accord. "Nezumi!" Center exclaimed in shock becoming truly worried. Why was Nezumi hugging her all of a sudden? "Why aren’t ever around? Why don’t you ever notice me anymore? Why are you so far away that I have to rely on stupid idol songs to feel closer to you? Why?" Nezumi sobbed letting out the emotions she been holding in for the past couple of weeks.

Nezumi just wanted to be with Center. She even began fighting with Rappapa to try and spend time with Center. Still it wasn’t the same as before. They never talked in private like before or of something other than Rapappa. And there was another vexing emotion Nezumi couldn’t quite understand too. Center hugged the other girl tight and declared, “I am always here for you Nezumi. You know that." Nezumi began to cry even harder into Center’s shoulder. “But not the way I want you to be. Not the way I need you to be!" Nezumi cried. Center pulled away from the hug to face Nezumi. In spite the fact Nezumi’s face was covered in tears she still look beautiful to Center. Center began to feel guilty. Even though Nezumi meant to much to her even though Nezumi was the only reason she wanted to be the top of Rapappa she left her behind. She left her alone. Center pulled Nezumi hoodie down and began to kiss her tears away leaving Nezumi breathless as she felt Center kiss her cheeks. Too shock to move Nezumi just enjoyed Center’s tender kisses.

Center stopped, and looked at her with that intense look in her eyes that made Nezumi melt. Center pulled her close and whispered in her ear, “I love you" as if it was secret love as opposed to the usual way she said it. Nezumi wondered if her heart suddenly stop. She was unable to move to react. Since when had Nezumi developed these feeling for Center? "Let’s be lovers," Center whispered again running her hands though her soft black hair. Nezumi felt her stomach do flip flops.  Nezumi tried to speak, but nothing came out. Center’s face suddenly darken and she began to pull away. Nezumi realized Center had mistaken her silence for rejection. Suddenly, the wires in her head started working again and she grasped Center’s wrist tightly. Center smiled understanding Nezumi gesture as if it was a secret language they shared. “Tongue tied?" Center asked softly. Nezumi quickly nodded feeling stupid for being unable to speak.

Frustrated at herself for not being able to express how she felt she decided to show Center by pulling her to an intense kiss. Now it was Center’s turn to be surprised. Center’s eyes widen in shock, but she return the kiss with equal intensity. Nezumi threw her arms around Center’s neck and deepen the kiss. Center place her hands in Nezumi’s lower back, and held on to Nezumi tightly. Finally, Nezumi pulled away breathless, and said, “I love you." Center smiled and kissed her forehead. “I promised I’ll be around more often," Center promised. Nezumi grinned and hugged her. Center smiled and hugged her back happy that her unrequired love was accepted.

Offline jell_o_jello

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Oneshot~ Bingo (Jurimayu)
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2013, 08:49:25 AM »
Ooh, an OS that I haven't read! (sorry, I read all the ones you posted elsewhere so didn't comment)

I love Bingo! and to see it with CenNezu is a bonus.
But I love angsty JuriMayu the most, I guess loll.


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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Oneshot~ Bingo (Jurimayu)
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2013, 04:55:54 AM »
@Jello_o_jello I am not surprised. I just founded it in my tumblr archive  :nervous Truth was I thought I never finished it, but I was wrong lol. I agree with you with the angst, but a sweet story is nice every once in a while.

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Oneshot~ Bingo (Jurimayu)
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2013, 09:56:08 PM »
Because it is us

If you could go back in time again would you do it again? If you could rewind all the way back to the place we were before would you do it? Nee, answer me Jurina…

“Akane is not speaking to me…” I told Jurina. We were sitting in our usual lunch spot under a shady tree eating our food. Jurina didn’t say a word and simply nodded as she opened her bento. It was an early spring day and the weather was wonderful. Unfortunately I was feeling anything, but wonderful. “Neither is Airin, Kumi, nor Akari… Sensei won’t even look at me..” I continued biting my lip at the end of my words. Jurina chewed her sandwich slowly and set it down back into her bento. “Does it really bother you?” Jurina finally asked. I looked at her and paused to think of her question. Airin was my best friend. So were Akane, Kumi, and Akari. Sensei was the person I respected the most. She was gentle and kind. I had grown to love her over the years I had her as my homeroom teacher.

“Yes… It does,” I answered after careful thought. Jurina sighed and didn’t respond. She just looked straight ahead avoiding my eyes. I winced knowing my answer had hurt her, but I couldn’t help, but to answer honestly. We both knew our relationship was wrong. Since the beginning. First of all, Jurina is a first year and I am fourth year. Second… We are both girls… It’s a taboo. It’s forbidden. Those sort of rules were simply not to be broken, but… We did break them. It wasn’t like we meant any harm to those around us or like we wanted to break the rules. It just simply happened. One moment everything changed and we just couldn’t deny it any longer. We had an strong attraction to one another. Even though we were both girls. Even though we were three years apart in age not that the age was the biggest issue.

“Shall we…” Jurina turned to face me before continuing. I waited for her to continue her sentence. I had a bad feeling about what she was going to say. Finally after a shaky breath, Jurina spoke again, “Stop?” I looked at her with wide eyes. Could we really stop this and the mess we left in our path? My heart instantly rejected the suggestion. No. I couldn’t stop this… Just thinking about spending my days without Jurina was too painful to even think about. Thinking about what it be like to live without hearing that laugh or being kiss by those warm soft lips was simply too much. It wouldn’t be living. It would be living as a ghost or as an empty shell. I couldn’t do it. I simply just couldn’t. Call it being weak, but I didn’t have the willpower to stay away from Jurina.

Perhaps another time it would have been possible, but that would have been before I experienced this incredible sensation Jurina made me feel every time we touched that always brought me back to her feet begging for more. “I don’t think we can…  I don’t think I can…” I answered looking at my hands because I was to scared to look at Jurina. My hands were shaking. The nature of our relationship was never meant to get out, but someone saw us and soon it spread like wildfire. Now even our teachers know about it. Sooner or later I am sure our mothers will hear of it too. I never thought we could create such a storm in what used to be our peaceful old ordinary lives. Jurina chuckled softly, but her eyes looked sad. I wished I could make the sadness go away, but I didn’t know how.

Jurina placed her hand in my cheek. “You are right. We can’t.” Jurina replied in that melodic voice of hers. I wanted to smile at her words, but I couldn’t. I never wanted this. All I wanted was to live an ordinary life where I could present my lover to my mother and she would gush in approval and tease me about when was the wedding. One where my friends would be asking me for all the details not ignoring me and treating me as if I had a contagious disease. But… Jurina’s presence was too much to bear. All it took was one small kiss to make me forget all of that. One mere touch and I would even take a bullet for her. I never remember feeling more helpless in my life nor more out of place. Yet I couldn’t leave Jurina alone. I needed her. “I am sorry…” Jurina whispered in a soft voice.

I sighed at her apology. “Don’t apologize… Please… Just don’t…” I begged her. I faced her and saw tears in her eyes. Oh boy she was crying. Jurina didn’t cry. She hated crying in front of others. I instantly felt awful. ”I can’t help it. It’s all my fault isn’t it? I can see it in your eyes, Rena. I know you don’t want this sort of life… You spend your whole life trying to be the perfect child and now…I know I am the blame for this. I was the one that insisted on this!” Jurina sobbed.

She was right. What Jurina said was true.  I had rejected my feelings at first. Completely frightened by them. I didn’t want my perfect life to change. Jurina didn’t give up though. Even though I pushed her away in the first kiss. God by the second kiss she had me eating out of the palm of her hand. Even so I don’t think Jurina should carry that burden because it wasn’t entirely her fault. I could have stopped her, but I didn’t want to. Even though I knew it was wrong I didn’t want to stop. It was both our faults if there had to be someone to blame.

“Don’t do this, Jurina. I don’t want to hear you speak or think this way!” I exclaimed tears now streaming down my cheeks as well. Throwing caution to the wind, I decided to ignore the fact that we were in a public place. I decided to ignore what people might think of me because the girl I loved the most was crying and what I hated most in the world was to see her cry. I pinned her down in the ground causing her to look at me with wide shocked eyes.

“Rena…” was all Jurina uttered. I couldn’t take it anymore and seized her lips. I felt my heart speed up and jolts of electricity go through my veins. Every kiss was exactly like the first or better… Her hands snaked themselves behind my waist and pulled me closer against her body. I could hear her rapid heartbeat under her chest… My senses were overwhelmed by her intoxicating fragrance. Her lips tasted like heaven and mine hunger for more. Jurina’s tongue gently parted my lips and soon she was exploring my warm mouth. I tried to contain a soft moan. The kiss grew far more passionate than we imagine and it took the class bell to finally rip us apart.

Jurina smiled as I pulled away. Jurina wasn’t very used to me kissing her. Instead it was always her kissing me, but I could tell by the look of her face she enjoyed it very much. I slowly climbed off her and attempted to catch my breath. Both our faces were flushed, but we were smiling. Finally gathering my thoughts together, I said, “I am worried about various things, but… You’re not the blame Jurina. You are not the blame. You are one of the few good things in my life…”

Jurina’s face lit up and caused my cheeks to slightly color pink. She looked so cute when she did that. Jurina gathered her things and I did as well. Getting up, I dusted my skirt and got ready to head out to my class. “I guess I’ll see you later.” I said and began to head my own way. “Wait!” Jurina called out. I stopped and turned to face her. Jurina walked over to me and kissed my cheek. It was a light feather-like kiss, but it made my heart swell. “I love you. No matter what happens. I love you, Rena,” Jurina repeated as if trying to make her point very clear. I smiled and replied, “I love you too.”

“Hello? You in there Rena?” Jurina asked loudly waving her hand in front of me. I shrieked in surprise and nearly fell off the chair I was currently sitting in. “Mou! haven’t you heard of knocking or clearing your throat? You nearly gave me a heart attack!” I exclaimed still trying to calm my heart from the previous scare. Jurina laughed and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. “Sorry I didn’t realize you were so lost in thought. What were you thinking of anyways?” Jurina asked in a softer voice. I smiled and replied, “Nothing just a memory…” Jurina gently kissed my cheek. “Aren’t you going to share?” Jurina questioned curiosity all over her voice. I giggled. ”No, it private.” I answered and got up. ”RENA!!!” Jurina whined with a pout. I giggled. Jurina was just so cute when she whined.

I walked to our apartment’s kitchen. “Jurina! You were supposed to be making dinner. Not watching me! I am hungry!” I told her noticing the kitchen still remained untouched. “You are so mean!” Jurina cried puffing up her cheeks like a child. I laughed and hugged her from behind to keep her from whining more. I could see blush creeping up to her cheeks. Even after such a long time she still wasn’t used to me making the first move since I was usually so reserved. ”I was thinking about you silly. Does that make you feel better?” I asked softly being half honest. I could almost see her grin even though I wasn’t facing her.

“Of course!” Jurina replied excitedly putting her hands on top of mine. I buried my face in the nook of her neck and sighed in contentment. As I inhaled her sweet smell I couldn’t help, but to think it was better than any perfume in the world. “So how about that dinner?” I asked softly kissing her neck gently. I could feel Jurina’s body tense up in reaction to my light kiss. “I… I am on it,” Jurina stammered cutely. I smiled and watched Jurina go make dinner. Truth be told lately I had been having my doubts wondering whether moving in together was a good idea or not, but… I grinned Jurina’s sweet scent lingered in my nose and the taste of her soft skin remained in my lips. We made it through worst times and everything was alright. Surely the rest will be a piece of cake. No matter what situation we would be alright. Because it was us.

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Kawaiiidolworld Oneshot~ Graduation (Nezumi x Center)
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2013, 11:54:19 PM »

Nezumi x Center

I squeezed her gloved hand tightly as we walked towards the school gym/ auditorium together. The distance seemed eternal, but at the same time it seemed too short. I wanted to get to the gym. I didn't want to get to the gym. "Are you nervous?" my companion asked looking at me with curious eyes. Those eyes that were once distance and cold now radiated warmth and affection. Things had changed a lot in the past year. Thing were still changing. "Of course not. Why would I be nervous? We are just getting our diplomas. It's not like our family is here or anything," I replied even though in reality I was nervous, but for an entirely different reason than the stuff I had just named. It was  because it was the end of a long journey. Soon we would be adults. I didn't know how to process the fact.

"Your palms are sweaty," Nezumi commented. I blushed, pulled my hand away and wiped it with my light brown cardigan.  I looked down a bit embarrassed. Nezumi grasped my hand again and smiled, "It's okay."  We kept on walking through the hallways we knew so well. They were filled with memories. "Do you remember when we convinced everyone to ambush Rappapa?" Nezumi asked. I nodded. "You mean you convince them. It was all your scheming," I reminded her remembering the posters she had made. I had always wondered how Nezumi got so many posters done by herself, but Nezumi refused to tell me saying it was a secret. "You know I couldn't have done it without you. Those girls were already trying to beat me up in the first meeting when you stepped in," Nezumi replied. The distance between us and the gym was getting closer. "Well wasn't that why you kept me around? To prevent yourself from getting beaten up?" I questioned with a smirk.

Nezumi grinned. "Yup you are my personal body guard." Nezumi joked knowing that we were long over those issues. I smiled back. "And you were always doing these math equations I could never understand while all I wanted to do was fight," I said reminiscing our now fading high school life. We were silent as the undeniable realization seem to hit both of us at the same time. Those times were over. We would no longer be high school girls getting into fights instead now we were turning into adults where everything was serious as Maeda would say. Soon we would have to leave each others side. Not forever, but it wasn't going to be the same. We both knew it. Nezumi, using her dad's influences and money, had actually managed to get into a good university, while I had no idea what I was going to do with my life.

A month ago all I was thinking of is who was going to replace the us in Rappapa and now I have to figure out how to live my life. "Do you think Karen will be alright?" I asked Nezumi. "Those girls will be fine, Center. You fought her yourself and said that even though she lost she was pretty strong. They are going to be okay," Nezumi reassured me. I chuckled. "I am being silly aren't I? I should trust them more. I left them in charge after all." I replied starting to feel slightly emotional. I didn't want a replacement. I wanted to stay. I wanted to keep my spot in Rappapa by Nezumi's side. I wanted to keep fighting over senseless things. I don't want to leave. The distance between us and the gym door was now only inches. I grabbed the knob and was about to open it when Nezumi stopped me. "Jurina." Nezumi said calling me by my first name for the first time in three years. I turned around bewildered. Nezumi looked like she wanted to cry, but she stayed strong.

"What is it?" I asked in a gentle voice. Nezumi looked down. "I love you," Nezumi mumbled. I smiled and kissed her forehead. "I know. I love you, too" I told her and pulled her for a hug. Nezumi broke down crying and so did I. I couldn't help it. As much as I wish I could say that our relationship which was something between friendship and lovers would remain the same I don't think I can. Nezumi was off to do big things now and I... I had so much to figure out. I couldn't possibly hold her back or tie her down. Doing that would be selfish. I pulled away caressed Nezumi's cheek. Tears were still streaming from both our cheeks, but I smiled. "Come on. We need to go inside or we will miss it." I told her.  Nezumi nodded and wiped her eyes. I opened the door. It was time to leave our youth behind and start a new chapter in our lives. Even if it was painful.

Offline mayuki_daisuki

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nyaha!~ jurimayu is so sweet :cathappy: :deco:
thanx for this :cow: :bow:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

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@mayuki_daisuki You're welcome. I am glad you like it.

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Someone gave me the link to your thread today, and I really enjoyed "I’ll take You over Sleep any day" and "Because it is us". Also, I liked "Confessions under the candle light". I think I may read your JuriMayu stories next.

Sorry I didn't read the Majisuka Gakuen stories… I didn't watch MG so I have no clue what's going on. Looking forward to more Jurina stories in the future!

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