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Author Topic: [END] Love Capture: SPECIAL ~ Valentine's Day?? [MaYuki] (03/02/16)  (Read 111934 times)

Offline Haruto Lee

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 07 [MaYuki] (21/06/14)
« Reply #120 on: June 26, 2014, 01:48:22 PM »
Finally updated Mayuki part! Kate-san, U really made me hanging with the 'BAM'.

Okay go back to the topic.

In the end Mayu still care for Yuki. gave her the antibiotic even though she need the most. Asked Yuko to help Yuki first even though she had more serios wound. And I can't understand why Mayu is still that cold and treat Yuki as a toy or tool. Mayu, just wake up from the revenge already.  :angry:

I am really surprised with Yuki's confession. It really is a risk to say to the cold mouse but the end of the result is still the same. Mayu take it as a threat. :angry: she even wanted Yuki exchange her body whenever Yuki ask something from her. What kind of deal is you make Mayu! Somehow I don't really like the intercourse that they have in the last scene. It was full of pain and sadness  :cry: somehow I rather have Yuko to disturb it.

Anyway, thx for this update and waiting for the next update.  :)

Offline katekyohit

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 08 [MaYuki] (27/06/14)
« Reply #121 on: June 27, 2014, 01:10:47 PM »

@Kairi65: Jurina? Its revealed in the extra chapter (6.5) that Rena came to save her and take care of her. Mayu is just too stubborn to let her feelings go with the flow XD Hope you’ll enjoy this chapter :P

@Chanaline: Eh? What do you mean by you want to cry? o.o Or you mean Mayu? Sorry I didn’t get your question >.<

@sakura_drop_: SPAZZING~ LOL, i would love to hear it :P Smut??? Wellll~ Depends? Maybe? LOL I’m glad you enjoy the angst and drama of this fic :P You’ll get more in this chap too.

@affiber: Oh wow, don’t worry this next update will be dramatic too! I personally thing its more than the previous one…but you’ll see! :P We will see when will Mayu realize her feelings and open up to Yuki without doubting her. LOL Another smut request again XDD I’ll see then! :P Hope you’ll enjoy this chapter.

@48matama: LOL no words right now? :P I hope you did enjoy the update, and will do with this next chapter ^^

@Kiri-el: LOL! Sorry if its getting complicated ^^” I agree that it is, but I’m glad you enjoy it in the end ^^

@gek geki: Glad to hear your opinion. It’s quite interesting. Making things more interesting between the two of them, so much drama and complication, just like life.

@kcard: LOL, don’t cry yet XD save the tears for later :P

@Kirozoro: I wish Mayu realize her feelings soon!!! Before its going to be too late~

@sastio13: Glad you enjoy the extra chapter for KojiYuu ^^ some pinch around with other character’s story, increasing the spice of the drama :D

@kazutoryu: LOL! Sorry for taking quite a long while, glad you look forward to this. WHOA? You cried? >< just wow, i’m speechless, lol.

@Akblaire48: Glad you love this fic! ^^ LOL, my stories are just average, might suit some people’s taste :P We’ll see how it goes with Mayu’s revenge and her relationship with Yuki later on.

@Archer1992: HAHAHAA! We’ll know later if Mayu really does have feelings for Yuki or not! As for Jurina, its revealed in extra chapter (6.5) that she’s with Rena and is safe. Hope you enjoy this update ;)

@Haruto Lee: There are so many hints Mayu cared for Yuki, but we will see whether its intentionally done or its truly how she felt. Oh yes! their intercourse needs to be painful :P The sadness and pain spices up the drama and the tragic of the story :P hahaha XD

Love Capture: CH08

Slowly awaken from a deep slumber. The raven-haired woman opened her eyes and felt the chill against her body. When she realized again she was actually naked on the bed and at least the blankets kept her warm last night…yes, last night that the most intimate relationship she ever had with anyone, and with Mayu. She remembered that touch and kiss on her body very well, and just thinking about it made her blushed heavily with embarrassment. She curled her knees in and buried her face onto her knees. She just sighed in silence while taking her time thinking through many things…if she recalled correct, during that last night she realized something. For the blink of second, she felt that she finally did touched with something inside Mayu’s heart…

Suddenly, a pair of brand new clothes was thrown onto bed and caught her attention immediately. She turned her eyes to see Mayu standing there with those pair of heartless eyes as usual, as if nothing happened last night at all.

“Breakfast is ready, wear something and come done.”


Yuki finally picked the clothes and wore it before she came out from the room for the first time. Looking around she saw the stairs and walked down with curiosity whether she came down the right stairs or not…eventually, she smelled the cooking porridge and saw Yuko preparing the food and Mayu sitting on the couch eating her hot porridge. The room was warm and the couch was cozy as well. It was like living in a warm cottage in the woods, it wasn’t fancy, but it gave Yuki a comfortable welcoming feeling. Furthermore, it had such a ‘family’ feel and scent overflowing too. 

“Morning Yuki! Come have your breakfast.”


Yuko handed a bowl of porridge to her and then she sat down at the table. It was the same one the squirrel made and she slowly diverted her eyes to the heartless mouse. She was eating her meal silently without and far away from both of them. Yuki just stared at her in silence without saying a word until Yuko came sitting down at the table with her.

“Do you like it?”

“It’s great…it taste so good.”

“Hehe! Glad you do, you need to take your time resting, and you too idiot over there!”

“Who are you calling an idiot. Shut up Yuko.”

“If you act anything recklessly, I’ll make sure to report this to Mariko-sama. She does know about Jurina absences already, and so about your crazy actions.”

Mayu just remained in silence since Yuko seemed to carry the secrets of what the young reckless mouse did, but gratefully Mariko didn’t punish her for it since Yuko asked for it. However, Yuki and her would be under Yuko’s responsibility.  The squirrel turned to the officer and asked her a favor as well.

“Can you look after Mayu for me? Making sure she’s not acting reckless again.”

“Don’t you dare let that woman supervise me—”

“You’re no in the position to say, Mayu.”

The girl grumbled and was terribly annoyed, however she had no choice but to listen to what Yuko ordered. Mariko-sama was her absolute leader; therefore if it were her words, she would obey it unconditionally. She had no choice but to obey and sighed out of dissatisfaction. Mayu didn’t say anything and only her actions told how annoyed she was. She went to refill the bowl for more food after she had been starving herself for several days. She needed to recover her energy back once more to speed up her recovery as soon as possible.


After the morning meal, Yuko had to go out for some duty that was assigned by Mariko. Only Yuki was with Mayu in that living room…they didn’t utter a single word at all until she suddenly stood up from her seat. She suddenly walked to the cupboard to get her black jacket and wore it immediately. Yuki kept watching her as if she was about to leave the house. She didn’t have the choice but to ask Mayu what she was possibly be doing right now.

“U-Uh, where are you going—”

“Follow me if you want, I’m not going to sit around doing nothing.”


Yuki got up from her seat and followed the younger girl after her. The moment the door opened it was the first time she saw the dark alley she always heard. She always had an idea of the scariest place she ever wanted to come…but she could see people walking around chitchatting like it was in a town. Kids running around and everyone was smiling. The only thing that was different was that lights of the sun blocked and only dimmed light was given to this dark place. Yuki expected to be dirtier than this…but this was unexpectedly cleaner than the city’s street.

“Where are we going?”


Mayu didn’t respond anything and Yuki just followed her along the path. Turning at so many corners that it made everything so hard and complicated to remember the path back. The moment they turned at another corner and finally arrived at this old building with the lights on. Mayu stopped at the front of the door and opened through it without any knocking. The moment they went in, the lights shone onto Yuki’s eyes as the sudden change of light made her blind temporarily.


“Oh hey Mayu-chan! Glad to see you around again.”

The lady came to welcome the two of them as she was carrying a baby in her arms. It was a young baby girl sleeping soundly after she had her meal already. Yuki could see her warm welcoming smile for the two of them, and observed her surroundings. The inside was completely different from her expectation since the appearance of the old abandoned building. At the entrance looked so clean and tidy as if it was an actual house entrance in the city. She followed the older woman and Mayu deep along the corridor to see bunch of children playing with each other, it was like one huge playground room where toys were everywhere along with the kids. The moment the kids saw Mayu they ran up to her immediately with such enthusiasm.

“Mayu-nee!! It’s Mayu-nee!”

“Hey, how are you guys? Being a good kid?”

“Of course! Jurina-nee isn’t here too?”

“Who’s that neechan?”

“Wow she’s so pretty~”

The kids didn’t give the chance for Mayu or Yuki to say any word and the officer slowly kneeled down and smiled at them with contentment. She loved kids and she genuinely welcomed them and was very friendly to them too. She introduced herself to the bunch of boys and girls who were excited to know whom she was.

“I’m Yuki-neechan. Nice to meet you all.”

“Are you Mayu-nee’s friend?”


The girl asked out of curiosity, but it really did hit on the bull’s eye. Could Yuki really call herself as a friend to Mayu? She doubted it at this stage since they were just partners for benefits. Obviously, the young thief could tell that the officer was hesitating to say anything and so she replied back to the kids instead.

“My guest at home, you kids are asking too much.”

“Wah~ Mayu-nee scary~”

The kids joked with the young mouse before they went in to hug around the gentler officer instead. It made Yuki chuckled with how the kids were not scared of Mayu at all, but instead they all loved her, very dearly too. She couldn’t help but to tease the heartless mouse and agreed with the children.

“Don’t worry, neechan is kind. Mayu-nee is scary isn’t she?”


Mayu shot a glare at Yuki, but she wasn’t afraid at all. Somehow she giggled along with the kids. Its either she’s getting used to it or the love she had was blinding her from feeling intimidated by that glare. Either way, she loved the fact that Mayu brought her over. However, there was a question why did they come to this place to begin with.


Yuki had been playing with the kids for quite a time being, while Mayu sat down at the side instead. Since she was still injured from breaking into the enemy’s main base, she rather stepped out from this or else she would reopen her wounds again. However, they had to go have their lunch already and so the two ladies finally had their time to chitchat in the playground room, just only the two of them.


“Yeah, I did…these kids are lovely. Where are their parents?”

“This is an orphanage.”

Mayu’s answer silenced her immediately and she started to have a taste of the real world in the dark alley. That was when Watanabe started to tell the story of this place. The adult woman they met at the entrance, her name was Minegishi Minami, as she was the mother and teacher of this orphanage and took care of these kids for the whole time. This orphanage was protected and supervised by Shinoda Mariko, the dark alley’s boss as well as Mayu’s leader. This place was a place for a homeless child.

“These kids, either abandoned, sold, or thrashed by society. Just like Yuko, Jurina, and me…that’s why we’re here.”


“Yuko was thrashed as an unneeded child. Jurina was sold to a human-experimenting lab since she’s a baby. As for myself, I’m not needed to explain further.”

Everyone had a cruel past, however these people had worse that what Yuki could’ve imagined. Her worse would be her sister died in mission, and her mother…she died by her heart disease. Mayu had far worse past that she did and she had no position to complain anything about her life. The young Watanabe kept on going and explained everything about what happened that night she was taken into custody before transferring her to the laboratory to make use of her as the test subject.

“That was 12 years ago, if it wasn’t for Mariko-sama I would be raped and became a test subject for the SuperSoldier project along with Jurina.”


“I was given a pill before that, and it gave me hell. It’s like a pool of acid is melting my inside, I thought I’m going to die. Learning it later that it's a testing drug for SuperSoldier subjects…they wanted to test my compatibility with the meds.”

Mayu kept going on telling what truly happened on that day, the same man that killed her parents kidnapped her was transferring her to the laboratory for to add another test subject. However, they tested her compatibility with the pills first and it literally tortured Mayu’s mind and body into pieces. Coughing blood and screaming hysterically in pain, even worse she had that oozing nasty cut on her head. At least she survived a day which meant that she’s eligible to be part of the experiment…however before she was taken there she was taken to this abandoned building to be raped first. She obviously had no strength to fight back…she was about to be raped by the man that killed her parents…she was already losing hope with living in this world. But at least the god had mercy on her. She heard the gunshot and the second thing was that that man collapsed onto the floor, listless, on his own pool of blood. That was when she saw a light of hope shining in front of her…and extended her hand towards Mayu. As for Yuki, she remained in silence and kept listening to Mayu’s story without interrupting her at the slightest.

“Mariko-sama saved me, and took me to my new home, the dark alley. In the end those pills left some goods for me, an abnormal leg power that grants me speed.”


“I lost faith in humanity and cursed everyone, there are just so much kids suffering the same as I do, but none need to taint their hands with blood, and be called a murderer.”


“I picked up the gun and knife, learning how to hunt and kill, so these kids won’t have to do it and pick the same path as me.”

“…Why are you telling me this?”

Yuki finally asked a question, as she believed Mayu had finished her part for the talk. The young mouse didn’t utter a world and picked up the toy beside her and played it on her palm. She took her time remaining in silence before she uttered her reply back, without being a bitch or an asshole.

“Isn’t that what you wanted?”


“If I don’t kill, I will be killed, and these kids will have to taint their hands with blood…I will kill everyone in their way, in their place. That’s the burden I carry.”


After hearing that burden. Yuki started to understand where Mayu was coming from. She took the role as a murderer, a thief, a monster, in order to protect the innocent children from picking the same path as her. She did everything for them, which made Yuki realized that deep kindness Mayu had. It was just the same as what Miyuki always said, about her older twin being the most warming and kind person she ever met in her whole life. That flame of gentleness still existed in the coldblooded criminal after all. One more step, she was getting closer to Mayu’s heart. She truly admired how strong the young girl was and also made her realize how wounded her heart was as well.

“You got what you wanted, you know what you have to pay back to me in return.”


The deal wasn’t over, and Mayu would still bring up the game no matter what. Yuki didn’t have the choice…but to play with this game along with the cunning thief. She nodded firmly knowing what would happen again tonight and she could see that cold emotionless eyes staring back at her without saying a word. Only but silence between the two of them and that was when Mayu got bored and wanted to head back to rest, on her bed. However after Yuki heard the story, she remembered about Jurina… the girl that came to help her on that night of the escape.

“…Is there any news regarding Jurina?”

“Yuko said Mariko-sama is looking into it, so it's a matter of waiting.”

“Ah I see…”

She got up from where she was sitting and headed towards the entrance, expecting Yuki to follow her without a word since the officer supervised her due to Yuko’s orders after all. She did went after her and walking after her from behind without saying anything further. It seemed Yuki learned how to adapt with the young ruthless girl.

“…I had enough being out now.”

“Alright, let’s go back. I’ll change your bandage okay? Its about time for replacement…”


“Don’t refuse, because I’m going to do it.”

“…Tch, what ever you want.”

Mayu didn’t bother to reply and just leaded the way. Yuki seemed to be able to deal with the young thief quite well since their deal was that Mayu would have to do anything that Yuki said in return for sleeping with her. Maybe this deal wasn’t so bad after all…just to keep the young reckless girl safety was likely to be her main priority, not her virginity nor body.  By the time they arrived back home, they had the porridge that Yuko made from this morning again before Mayu went straight to her room with Yuki. Soon after Yuki followed in, the thief closed the door immediately to create privacy between the two of them…and she knew where this was leading. The young girl collapsed onto the bed and sighed with exhaustion before Yuki went to get the first aid box kit and came to sit by Mayu’s side…changing the bandage on her leg, arm, and head. She didn’t resist it either, only but silence was between them and nothing was uttered.


As Yuki finally finished what she wanted to do, just right when she was about to get up, Mayu pulled her down onto the bed and closed her lips against hers immediately. It was a short passion kiss…and Yuki wasn’t expecting that coming at all. The next thing that happened was that the thief threw her down onto the bed so she was on top this time.

“…Take your reward.”

“Tch…your face annoys me so much. Didn’t you enjoy this?”


“I can tell from your body…you like it.”

“Shut up.”

“Tch, how pathetic…love does make people blind.”

She shut Yuki up with a deep kiss and their tongues tangled with each other. Only kissing and moans echoed in the silence in Mayu’s room. She did not care whether it was still late afternoon, the room was dark enough to manipulate one’s mind to believe that it was dark. The curtains were closed from last night and they didn’t open it yet. Mayu seemed to have fun mutilating the officer on bed, but at the same time she did it out of irritation towards Yuki. Those eyes filled with hope and love just made her angry so much. She didn’t understand why but it just pissed her off so much…


It was a very long night, and a silence one as well. Mayu didn’t take her reward after she came back though, and only slept for the whole time. The young heartless girl ordered the officer to lie still on bed as she used her as a pillow for the long sleep. Mayu was still recovering from her infection and fever after all…she had been sleeping since the late afternoon until now, which was late evening. Using Yuki’s chest to sleep…at least she was able to sit on the bed and leaned against the wall. Mayu made sure she warned her woman to not wake her up or else she would punish her harshly. In that silence, nothing was uttered, in that darkness…it was so long that Yuki had been sitting there with the young wounded girl in her arms. She could hear her every breath against her chest…she kept watching the young mouse sleeping soundly and hugged her gently with love.  She did pulled the blankets over so to keep Mayu warm while she was sleeping. Yuki had long forgotten the time and how long had it been since she was staying on this bed with Mayu until Yuko came over with a mug of hot beef stew for the officer.


“Here’s the stew for you, it’s quite late already and I doubt you had anything ever since you got back?”

“…Yeah. She’s still sleeping.”

“Heh, such a baby.”

Yuko passed the mug to her while Yuki had some food in her stomach without trying to wake the young ruthless girl on her body. It was such a convenience to have the stew for food in a mug. After she had some food in her stomach it made her realize that she was hungry…but she forgotten about it after she had kept watching Mayu in her arms. She finished all the stew in the mug before Yuko took it from her hands and sat on the chair next too the bed. They spoke quietly as they could so that they wouldn’t make up the girl.

“What did you guys do today?”

“She took me to the orphanage…and told me stories.”

“Hm? About?”

Yuko got curious and she could see the uneasiness from Yuki’s face. That was when she slowly told Yuko about the story of the orphanage, and the story how Mariko saved her on the night that her parents died. Yuko just sat down and listened quietly without further questions and couldn’t help but to be surprise with how Mayu actually told a lot of things to this officer. She also seemed to know about Jurina and Yuko’s story briefly too.

“I…I heard that you’re an orphan…”

“Everyone is technically an orphan here. What separate us all is the story of how we became one… As for me, my parents just decided to not have daughter anymore.”

“…I’m sorry to hear that.”

“I bet you have your story too, everyone does.”

“But not as worse as you and Mayu.”

“I don’t believe in such things like that. It depends on how people interpret it.”

Yuko was just so mature; despite she was actually younger than Yuki. The officer truly enjoyed her accompany and talk every now and then. The raven-haired lady could tell how much the squirrel cared for Mayu…maybe more than she had for her too. However, Yuko seemed to be too mature for her age, she was able to read through Yuki completely and tell that the woman had some past that was yet to be told as well.

“I’ll tell you my story, as you tell me yours? How about that?”

“Oh dear, another deal again…you two are really similar.”

“We’re the people of the dark alley, that’s how we compromise things with each other. You get something, and you pay me in return. At least it will keep you accompany for the long night?”

“…Sure, Yuko-san.”

The young squirrel smiled before she told Yuki her story. How she was abandoned when she was a kid by 8. She was left at school, on just one simple normal day…she stayed there until morning of the next day and her parents weren’t there to pick her up. How unfortunate that the next day was Saturday. She just sat there, crying with fear and hunger, waiting for her parents, but none of them came at all. On Monday, the teachers found her there sitting at the front of the school covered with dirt. They tried to contact her parents but none of them picked it up…she was truly disowned out of blue, with an unknown reason. Then the teachers called the orphanage to take Yuko into custody so she had a place to stay, but it wasn’t that long before she ran away. It was just a few days of staying at the orphanage and she hated it. Everyone was being discriminated against her and she ran away, hoping to find for her parents. She remembered the path back home, but by the time she arrived there…they were just about to leave the house.

“Y-You met them…?”

“Haha, yes I did, as well as having my final conversation with them.”

Yuko continued her story; she did meet her parents, as they were about to move out from the house. She ran up to them but then she was pushed away by the father immediately, with disgust. She didn’t know what and why her father despised her so much…until he yelled at her and told her the horrified truth. She was a bastard daughter from her mother as she secretly had an affair with her father’s best friend…that’s why they were divorced and left her all alone in school. None of them wanted her, so she was left behind. Yuko was a disgrace to her father. The mother didn’t want anyone to know how she had an affair and known as a single-mother due she had a high reputation in her business. As for her biological father…he had a family, he got his wife and children, no one was suppose to know how he had an affair with his best friend’s wife. All these years the father that raised her for her whole life just disowned her with disgust just because she’s not his blood-related daughter. So Yuko lived in the streets ever since…and struggled through each day with hunger, fear and hatred. Her fear of death transformed into hatred towards humanity and society…she hated everything, and that was the source of her motivation to live on.

“…Not a nice story, but at least I have a good life now.”

“Wow…that’s just…”

“Can sound horrible, everyone sure have their horrible moments. What about yours?”

“…My father is the only member I have. My older sister and mom are dead.”

Her mother died when Yuki was just 15. She had this chronic heart condition for a long while. It didn’t kill her instantly; everyone had to watch her slowly dying on the bed until father couldn’t hold it anymore. Yuki remembered she would always go to the hospital to visit her mother with her older sister, Yumi. Watching her getting weaker every single day…watching her in pain every single day…for so long that she lost count of days. Maybe for half a year perhaps? It went on until her father decided to give her a peaceful death. They called for euthanasia and put her mother in eternal slumber…at least, she was able to say her farewells to her. For the very least, which she wondered that her mother did have enough sense to understand her words or not. Before she was put into sleep, she was like a living corpse…that was breathing, but not interpreting anything around her at all.

“Hm…I see.”

“It wasn’t such a dramatic tragedy like yours…so please don’t expect anything much.”

“I would be suffering, if I have to watch my love one suffering for half a year, every single day. I feel you.”

Yuko’s words were just so kind to her, and so Yuki took another deep breathe before she continued where she left off, regarding her sister’s death. She was working with father as an officer just like herself, but back then Yuki was still in training to join the Crime Investigation Department. It was quite several years after their mother’s death. Yumi was tracking down this serial killer that was on the top blacklist of the city…many victims, both men and women, were slain by him and their bodies were mutilated. The 9th victim…it was a young kid, she was about to be killed but Yumi successfully found her first, at this abandoned building at the outskirt of the city. She protected that child while buying time, waiting for other officers to arrive…but if they arrived just a little earlier than that, Yumi wouldn’t die. Thankfully Yuki wasn’t there to see what actually happened, because what she heard was just completely horrified. She was taken away into one of the rooms in the abandoned building, she was tortured before she lost her breath, she screamed and made the officers know where she was…but the door was locked. Her father was the front line officer and heard every scream until the very last one. By the time they arrived, she was nearly dead and was held as a hostage…she was bleeding on her wrist and legs, multiple stabbing wounds everywhere on her body. That man smiled and giggled hysterically at them before he slit her throat right in front of them… right before he was shot to death. Her father didn’t tell her this, but Yuki learned the truth from coincidently seeing the autopsy paper at home…it was a detailed death of Kashiwagi Yumi. After she learned the truth, her father had one of the officers tell Yuki what happened, it was too much for the father to describe how his daughter died right in front of his eyes.

“…I guess that’s why I’m just so determined to capture every criminal in my way, because I don’t want that to happen again.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, I won’t judge you for wanting to arrest everyone one of us—”



Yuki shook her head. She would have that determination if she didn’t meet with Mayu, and Yuko. Everyone had their story, and had their own way of survival as well. They were not to blame, and she knew that everyone was a goodhearted person, but to whom. They fought to protect someone dearly in return of doing all the dirtied work…just like Mayu. Just as much worse things Mayu had committed, she knew that this heartless mouse had that kind heart inside her.

“It changed…ever since I know you two. I wished I could so something for you two…something for those kids as well.”

“…Hehe, thank you, I’m really happy to hear that from you. It means a lot.”

Yuki smiled with relief and knew what Yuko meant with what she said. She put her sincerity in each word she said and it did reached the officer’s heart. They were both smiling to each other in silence before the raven-haired continued where she left out after the short silence between the two.

“I’m glad to talk to you, Yuko-san.”

“Same here, Yuki.”

The young squirrel just smiled at her before she used the silence between the conversations to change the topic. There was something she wanted to discuss further, regarding that girl sleeping soundly in Yuki’s arms. Oshima stared at Mayu whom was sleeping with that peaceful face, which was quite some rare sight to see. That wasn’t a kind of face one were to see when Mayu sleeps…which made things much more clearer to Yuko even more.

“How much do you love her? I mean…that chump there.”

Yuko pointed to Mayu whom was sleeping and it made Yuki blushed slightly. Obviously the young squirrel seemed to know it well, but she wanted that confirmation for her dedication for the scarred Watanabe.

“…I admit it, I love her.”

“Mayu is no ordinary girl. She’s a scarred wolf; the deeper you reach her heart the more you’re going to be bound to her. I’m asking how much commitment you have for her.”


“I don’t want to see Mayu being hurt again. I plead you.”

“I never intend to hurt her, and never will. ”

Yuki argued back immediately without further ado. Which that caught Yuko’s interest even more. She could see that strong silent determination in her eyes, she was actually serious about the scarred mouse. The officer sighed before she looked back to the young girl in her arms…she’s just so mature, just as much she’s still a child inside. She must be so deadly exhausted to not overhearing the conversation at all.

“I wonder I did understand my feelings well or not. I want her to be happy…that’s all I can think and feel. I can remain protect her as long as my body belongs to hers.”

“…Wow, you sure know how to control that kid well. I’m glad she met you.”

“I guess I’ll take that as a compliment?”

“How was last night? Did she make you feel good?”



Yuko asked such a blunt question that made Yuki’s face burned immediately. She was shocked with the question and wondered how did the squirrel knew about this. She was still in shock and looked away to avoid any sort of eye contact immediately. As for the squirrel, she couldn’t help but to giggle softly and enjoy Yuki’s embarrassment when her intimate night with Mayu was revealed.

“Obviously I just went to get the food for Mayu and well…I heard something and so I decided not to go in.”

“Oh god…this is so embarrassing.”

“Hehe, I admire your courage to take that deal…and thank you.”


“…Thank you.”


She thanked her again. This time it caught Yuki off guard and it gave her a feeling that Yuko was supporting the officer’s feelings for the young arrogant mouse. She seemed to have so much hope and faith in Yuki to be reaching for Mayu’s locked heart. She was touched and it gave her some encouragement, at least for Yuki to know that someone supported and sided with her made her felt relief. Then that was when Yuko had the chance to glance at the girl’s sleeping face. 

“…I never see that peaceful sleeping face of hers for so long that I can’t remember the last time, and she had that, with you.”


Yuko gave her hint and finally decided to take her leave. It was getting late that she would allow Yuki and Mayu to sleep, but before that she got a blanket to cover on top of her shoulder so to keep her warm. She wouldn’t be able to cover her upper half with the blanket since Mayu was sleeping. That dark silence once again, Yuki sighed softly before she could feel the young mouse fidgeting in her arms as she tried to move her position to another comfortable one, at least she didn’t wake up. The officer just smiled out of love while she made sure she was in a comfortable position for the Mayu to sleep through the night. She must be so exhausted and tired. It was already 11pm and there was no sign of waking up at all. She slowly closed her eyes and let herself drifted off to sleep…


Having a deep good sleep, Yuki finally woke up from her deep slumber and started to gain control of her body. However the position she remembered she was in was different this time, she was lying down on bed and Mayu’s face was right in front of her. They were sleeping by each other’s side. She was caught off guard and her face turned pink instantly seeing that peaceful sleeping face. Her heart skipped a beat but it calmed down after she regained her control. Yuki just stared at that peaceful face and remembered what Yuko told her, about how rare to see that peaceful sleeping face. But then that was when she saw that old scar across her right corner of her temple. That huge nasty scar…she recalled not being the wound she treated though, she only stared at it and touched it gently. Thinking to herself…how painful must it be when the Mayu received this huge wound across her head.

“Don’t touch it.”


Yuki was shocked when Mayu suddenly replied back to her. She flinched back and slowly saw those eyes opened and stared straight right at her. She stared with that annoyed glare once again right after she woke from her long sleep, she really did had her long hibernation for full recovery. Mayu seemed to look much better and her body wasn’t as hot as yesterday, her fever seemed to go down after having that long sleep. However, Yuki couldn’t shake out her curiosity for that old nasty scar on Mayu’s side of the head.

“Where did you get that scar…?”

“First thing you asked me when I got up?”


The officer became more demanding and was making an order with Mayu. However, the thief had recovered most of her strength back and she swiftly got on top of Yuki.  She pinned both her wrists onto the bed and glared at her with such ferocious eyes. The untamed mouse wouldn’t like anyone that she didn’t acknowledge to be commanding over like this.

“Don’t you dare make an order with me.”

“Isn’t this according to our deal? You can have everything from me…in exchange of listening to me. Aren’t we on the deal?”


“But I should be softer…can you tell me how you get that?”


Mayu sighed and got off from Yuki’s body. She sat on the bed and touched her own scar, reminiscing about her past on how she got the scars. At least she told Yuki a little of her past as well as she knew about Watanabe’s massacre, just a little extensive explanation shouldn't be much of a bother to her.

“The mark that will always remind me of the night my parents were killed, and the revenge that never fade away.”

“Is that…the scar you got from the…”

“From the killer, yes. He slashed me deep with that same blade that killed my parents.”



Yuki suddenly pulled her down and pinned her against the bed and stared at her eyes calmly and strongly. Mayu was completely caught off guard and couldn’t help but to hissed back at her with dissatisfaction. She did not like anyone to take the aggressive role against her, since she had too much pride to let Kashiwagi do anything for her.

“What are you doing?!”


She didn’t reply and she slowly stroked her hand and brushed off that front hair from Mayu’s face. Slowly, revealing that scar across the side of her forehead. They didn’t utter a word, and only silence between the two. She touched it gently and Mayu didn’t respond to anything, only but staring back at the officer with those emotionless eyes. Afterwards, Mayu just started to relax on the bed, and began diverting her eyes up towards the ceiling. 

“…It was one of the high ranked officers himself, from the Crime Investigation Department.”


“The man that killed everyone. To make sure everyone is dead, they sent an elite officer to clean up.”

“I see…”

“Heh, starting to pity me? Going to reveal your true motive now?”


Yuki shook her head before she stroked her cheek gently with care. Mayu was surprised a little and then she felt that gentle kiss on her forehead, on that very old scar she had. The young Watanabe was shocked; her eyes grew widely and couldn’t respond to anything. She couldn’t understand why Yuki did this to her and what was her motive behind it…but it made her mind blown away. Kashiwagi sighed before she finally answered back to the rude officer beside her.

“I never felt pity for you, but I finally have the chance to get to know you more.”


“Just as much as I won’t be able to fully understand your pain, you won’t understand my feelings for you too.”


“I do what I want to do, just like what you want to do.”

“…Heh, doing what you want huh? Doesn’t sound like what an officer of justice would say.”

“Hehe, I wonder.”

Mayu only sneered before she pulled Yuki’s head down for a passion kiss. Her tongue pushed through her lips and deepened it up. They rolled and so Mayu was on top of the officer once again and licked her lips lustfully. She snaked and touched her bare skin underneath that shirt and made the older raven-haired flinched with a blush. Then before Mayu could enjoy her reward from the deal, the officer cupped her face to kiss her forehead tenderly. Watanabe was caught off guard. It seemed today, the raven-haired officer did so many things that made her mind blown. However, she couldn’t let herself lose to Yuki, she still fight hard and believed that this officer was working hard to deceiving her.

“Now you’re enjoying it this huh? How horny you are.”

“I do what I want to do, and it is to hold you…and be with you.”

“…It’s either you a stupid bitch, or you’re putting so much effort to deceive me.”

Mayu had not give up on that matter and still did not believe in Yuki’s actions at the slightest. She observed her for the whole time, and allowed the officer to do what she wanted… but Mayu did not have trust on her at all. She could still never be convinced that Yuki would truly love her, without a reason behind her scheme. She was not planning to lose this psychological game with her; she will win it, and take her revenge with Kashiwagi Miura. She would continue this game on and see the ending, to strip off Yuki’s mask to reveal her dark scheme.

“Love…makes people do things, that makes you look utterly stupid.”

“…Tch, you just annoyed me so much to the guts.”

“I know, you do everything you could to hurt me, yet I still love you.”


“Mayu, I love y—”

“Shut up already.”

Mayu silenced her with a passion kiss that made Yuki lost to her, in a blink of an instance. The kiss was so mesmerizing and unconsciously she moaned out through the gap between their kisses. Feeling that cold touch against her bare skin, she was slowly being under Mayu’s control once again…and knew what was going to happen after that. The young aggressive girl didn’t bother that its morning, at least she would have her ‘breakfast’ on bed. She was much stronger than the two days ago and there was no way she could fight back against that strength. She did not care about what she had to sacrifice for to be with Mayu…the deeper she approach the young girl, the harder she wouldn’t be able to escape this. The older one didn’t plan to back off and only held onto her body tightly…allowing the darkness to consume over her body, mind, and heart…as well as making sure she doesn’t lose grip on her no matter how hectic things are. She must not lose her clutch on Mayu, because if she let go of her…it will be the biggest regret she ever done in her life.



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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 08 [MaYuki] (27/06/14)
« Reply #122 on: June 27, 2014, 02:19:49 PM »
Mayu and Yuki did it <=  :twothumbs
Mayu told Yuki more about her past and her burden <=  :twothumbs
Yuko supports Yuki's feeling <=  :twothumbs
Yuki became more determined in her love for Mayu <= :twothumbs
Mayu's still doubting Yuki <=  :smhid
And this chapter ends with them doing IT again <=  :smhid  :banghead: <= just kidding  :lol:  :lol:

Waiting for the next chapter xD as soon as possible, but I demand it to be updated tomorrow :P

Offline Chanaline

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 08 [MaYuki] (27/06/14)
« Reply #123 on: June 27, 2014, 03:45:40 PM »
Nono I was in the verge of crying really... The end was so sad for me!!! This why I ask the question: maybe other will not feel the same feeling as me and won't want to cry like me!! My explaination is weirs LOL

That chapter was so good!!!! So much like that story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline chocholate

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 08 [MaYuki] (27/06/14)
« Reply #124 on: June 27, 2014, 05:49:19 PM »
your story really great!! no i mean awesome!!
c'mon yuki give all your love to mayu!!!!

ahh i dont know what to say anymore, this is really amazing!

thanks for your update!!

Offline kazutoryu

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 08 [MaYuki] (27/06/14)
« Reply #125 on: June 27, 2014, 07:40:49 PM »
aw mayu is still doubting yuki after all she done for mayu.  :banghead:

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 08 [MaYuki] (27/06/14)
« Reply #126 on: June 27, 2014, 08:47:12 PM »
Gosh damnit Mayu stop doubting Yuki

Yuko is so mature ><

Yuki slowly know more about Mayu and Yuko now

Update soon

Offline Tupi

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 08 [MaYuki] (27/06/14)
« Reply #127 on: June 28, 2014, 05:25:41 AM »
Like watching some dorama!  :twothumbs
Mayu... can you just stop doubting Yuki's love for you? You little mouse!!!
Somehow, I see Yuki just like character Center in MG2. It's complicated, yet great story.  :twothumbs

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 08 [MaYuki] (27/06/14)
« Reply #128 on: June 28, 2014, 06:36:49 AM »
Whoa Kate san you updated very quick!  :twothumbs I am happy about that~
Whoa... so they 'did' it and Yuki seems to be enjoying thaat~ Whoa whoa whoa :w00t:
Glad that Yuko on Yuki's side~ Yatta~
I want to know what is going to happen next! Looking forward to the next chapter :cow:
See you on Amnesia's update! lol  :grin:

Offline 48matama

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 08 [MaYuki] (27/06/14)
« Reply #129 on: June 28, 2014, 09:19:34 AM »
CH08  :otomerika:

They past is so...  :cry:

Offline Kairi65

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 08 [MaYuki] (27/06/14)
« Reply #130 on: June 28, 2014, 05:14:22 PM »
its really heart wrenching when yuko said the only thing that differentiate them was how their life before... :fainted:

the mayuki part... :shy1:

waiting for the next update!

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 08 [MaYuki] (27/06/14)
« Reply #131 on: June 29, 2014, 12:57:33 PM »
Yuki's love for Mayu is very strong. :farofflook: Always stay strong Yuki! Make Mayu erase her doubt about your feelings! :onioncheer:

Their relationship is becoming more complicated than ever.

Offline Kiri-el

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 08 [MaYuki] (27/06/14)
« Reply #132 on: June 29, 2014, 04:39:44 PM »
Man, this relationship is so complicated and Mayu is so hard for reach. It's reminds me Center and Nezumi's relationship, just now this is a so more difficult situation.
But despite the "sacrifice" what Yuki do to make Mayu safe, and how Mayu try to humiliate her, the control completely is in Yuki's hand. Mayu is not really strong, just not have any other choice.
Good luck to you, Yuki! I can't wait that moment when Mayu's resistance break... And I hope the end is not so tragic for this two girl...

Thank you for this chapter!

(And sorry for my english! ^^")

Offline katekyohit

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 1 [MaYuki] (01/07/14)
« Reply #133 on: June 30, 2014, 07:30:57 PM »

@clubhappy: Oh shut it girl, here’s the first part! You’re sure one needy fan reader I’ve got >__<“ At least in return I get exclusive “MOTIVATIONS” from you! :P I’m not giving such a right like this on me! XD Be glad that I at least finish halfway through Chap 9 so for to upload part 1 :P

@Chanaline: Oh wow, >< It is a sad ending! Don’t worry about it I feel you :D I felt the pain when I read it too (tsk, despite I’m the author, LOL) I’m glad you enjoy reading it! :D Hope you enjoy this one too. Gonna be more intense.

chocolate: I’m glad you enjoy the story! :) Yuki really did give a lot of love to the coldhearted mouse, we’ll see how this will go on!! XD Hope you enjoy this new update :D

@kazutoryu: Still going to doubt! However for how long? Let’s watch and see how far with Mayu be stubborn on this!

@Kirozoro: Yuki is quite much older than Mayu! In the story Yuki is 28 while Mayu is 22. That’s one heck of a age gap between them! Here’s the update and how you enjoy it :)

@Tupi: LOL! A drama! Well the drama in the fanfic is like from an actual drama series, very complicated indeed. Yuki is like Center? LOL! I didn’t realize that XD Maybe she is in a way when she confessed bluntly to Nezumi :P Glad you enjoy it!

@affiber: Updating quick~ Like a storm! Since i’m now free like a bird, i need to utilize my time efficiently to update asap before my next term starts! T____T I will update MUCH slower than now, so i’ll do my best to finish most of my fanfic asap~ My next plan is to write AMNESIA and Prince chapter!

@48matama: LOL! Yes their past is just sad horrible and painful :P

@Kairi65: It’s sure a sad depressing moments of the chapter, but that just spices up the drama! :P There will be more mayuki coming~ Hope you enjoy this next (yet angst and sad again) chapter!

@Konoe: Their relationship will be more complicated than ever. MOAR!!!! You’ll see! This next chap, my hear is wrecked T_T Until clubhappy reminded me….UGH! My heart….sad…

@Kiri-el: Oh yes a complicated relationship! XD It will be far worse than this :P We’ll see. Ah wow, you sure have a great thought with Mayu not being strong! Maybe deep down she isn’t and always try to fight to become stronger…we’ll see how long can Mayu keep up with this and don’t worry, its a happy ending :P That’s all i can say.

Love Capture: CH09.1

Right since morning, everyone was waiting for something alertly in the living room. Yuki could see Mayu sighed so many times and had been staring at the door cautiously every second. Mariko was there as well and she was sitting in the living room having her morning coffee that Yuko made. It was the first time that Yuki met with Mariko…and she really did have this strong aura that unconsciously intimidated the officer. Both Mayu and Yuki were sitting at the warm cozy couch until there was a sound that caught all three criminal’s attention immediately. The officer swore she heard nothing until the doorknob turned. The door slowly opened and revealed that warm delightful puppy smile across the young girl’s face. She did had bandages around her limbs just like Watanabe, and that second she swore that Mayu just sprinted off from the couch and rushed towards the girl immediately.


She rushed in as well and threw her arms around her tightly when Mayu went into her arms. Yuki watched the scene that the two girls hugged each other with utter worries for one another. She knew how much Mayu worried about Jurina after that incident…and the only thing that would hinder her to go out to search for Jurina would be the deal she had with Yuki.

“Dammit…you crazy puppy! I seriously want to kill you.”

“Hehe~ Sorry…but I’m alright! I brought someone with me too!”

“Huh? What?”


That second, that familiar voice, Mayu saw this tall raven-haired woman came in through the door and she slowly let go of her arms. Jurina knew what kind of feeling was running through the mouse girl’s brain and she slowly stepped away allowing the older Matsui to approach in. She finally stood in front of Mayu with that smile of sentiment before she spoke to her again.

“Hehe, I’m back.”



“Yuko-chan, it’s been a long while isn’t??”

 The house became much livelier right after both of them returned back. Yuki could see everyone’s bond and feelings for one another, it was one huge family reunited by heart, not by blood. Even though Yuki was an outsider, she could feel that comfort by just being around them. She was smiling just by witnessing the family bond right before her eyes. However, right in the middle of their moments of reunion, Jurina had such a sharp eyes that caught Yuki standing from a distance away from everyone. The young excited child jumped towards her and stared at the officer with such a fascination.

“Ah! You’re Mayu’s princess!!”

“Jurina!? Shut up!!”


Jurina got so excited and it just made Mayu mad. Obviously she seemed to hate it when anyone said that Yuki was having any sort of close relationship with her. Or either she didn’t want to admit any of it at all. It seems things weren’t working well and so Yuko spoke up to introduce the officer to both Matsui sisters.

“This is Kashiwagi Yuki, she’s Mayu’s girl.”

“You too, SHUT! UP!!”

It seemed Yuko and Jurina were picking on Mayu regarding her girl, which just made the mouse madder. Yuki couldn’t help but to giggle out while witnessing the playful argument with each other.  Rena turned her eyes to Yuki and stared at her for a short while before it caught the officer’s attention. Both raven-haired women stared at each other for a short while before Rena let out a smile for her. It did surprised Yuki slightly but then before she could say anything, Yuko gathered everyone together as she had prepared hot chocolate. Everyone sat at the dining table as Yuko helped Yuko serving the hot mug of chocolate before they sat down together. The officer passed the mug to Mayu whom was beside her but the mouse didn’t thank her anything, as usual. Yuko saw that and she couldn’t help but to pick on the stubborn girl.

“Oi! Don’t forget to say your thanks to Yuki~”

“…Ugh, shut up.”

“It’s alright. It doesn’t really matter to me.”

“Oh come on Yuki!”

Yuko whined with how the officer protected the stubborn mouse, but it just made both of them looked cute and sweet in a way. That was the first time Mariko saw someone that cared for Mayu and it was just like what Yuko told her. It seemed this officer would be the only person that could reach down to Mayu’s wounded heart…and amazingly Mayu wasn’t pushing her away either. The leader seemed to have more interest on the raven-haired woman even more…on this officer that could possibly touch Watanabe’s true self.


Jurina and Rena did have a long day travelling back to the hideout and she did brought most of her stuffs along as well. Obviously the puppy was just so excited and Rena were busy with unpacking her stuffs to the old room where she used to share it with Jurina. Now the young puppy had to move her stuffs back to that old sweet nostalgic room so to live with Rena as closely as she could. That left both Mayu and Yuki alone again, and the youngster wasn’t in a mood for going out either. The younger one went back to her room and forced the officer to follow her in as well. However, no words were uttered and the young thief didn’t lock the door too, which that gave Yuki a heads up.

Mayu sat down on her bed and Yuki did as she asked, but didn’t know what Mayu wanted at all. She just sat there in silence while waiting for what the younger one would order her to do. But instead she threw in a question she wasn’t expecting, especially from Mayu.

“How can you be so calm here? Especially in the enemy’s base.”

“Huh? What is this all of the sudden…”


“…I guess I don’t have a anything to lose.”

“What about your family?”

Mayu seemed to be curious and kept asking the officer in order to solve her curiosity. That was when Yuki sighed and decided to tell the story to the thief after she had told to Yuko about it few days ago. She didn’t exactly have a family to go back to anymore…only but her father. Her mother died by her heart disease, while her older sister died in mission while saving the victim from a serial killer. She told every bits of detail of the story about her two beloved family members while Mayu sitting and listening to her silently. In that dark room, only Yuki’s voice echoed and continued on without knowing how long it had been ever since they were sitting here. However, Mayu didn’t say a word to interrupt her, only had that grumpy poker face on as usual… while she crossed her legs and rested her elbow on her legs. The time felt so short when Yuki’s story came to an end and finally she turned to the mad-looking girl.

“…The only person I have left is my father, but after all these things happen I have too many doubts in him.”


“What I believe is justice is evil…everything is so different. All I know I feel at peace when I’m here, I love how everyone is like a family here.”

“…Everyone is a family.”

“It is. Reminds me so much back when Yumi-neechan and mom is still alive.”


“The old me would want to get rid of all the evil and injustice in my way. But things change, making my kind gentle father into a heartless man.“

Yuki told Mayu about her conversation with her father before she was held captive in that cell-like place. Her father wanted to revive the SuperSoldier project in order to reduce the pain of losing Yumi on that night of the mission. He kept telling her how this project would save the lives of the officers that risked themselves in the field to protect civilians. She didn’t agree to accept his motive, she had a very bad feeling about it… human-experimenting project was never something she would support or agree to commit herself into. How many lives would be gone from it? She didn’t even want to know what actually happen in that laboratory. And so, Yuki finished telling her story to Mayu, but then it seemed Watanabe had something in mind…something that she wanted to ask her but didn’t dare to ask yet.

“Nothing to lose huh?”

“You can say that. I don’t have anything to go back to either…not with my father being so heartless like this.”

“…How did you like me anyway? After all the things I’ve done to you.”

Mayu finally threw in that question that seemed to be lingering inside her heart. Obviously that caught Yuki off guard, as it's a kind of question she never expected to come out from Watanabe’s lips at all. But it wouldn’t be surprising that she would be curious about it, she didn’t understand how did Yuki loved her to begin with and did all these selfless acts for her without asking anything in return, only but to protect her and wished for her safety.

“I wonder the same thing. How did I fall in love with you…”

“Tch, masochist.”

“Hey! Cut it out, you just don’t understand love.”

“How can I understand it? Love is just pointless.”

“Maybe it is, all I know is that it made me stuck with you…and I bet you must be so sick of me right?”

Yuki was expecting a yes or some sort of agreeing statement from Mayu, however, she got that silence and a soft grumble instead. Slowly diverting her eyes to the young thief beside her, she wasn’t even looking at her and diverted her face away from Yuki to avoid that eye contact.

“…Isn’t as horrible as I thought to be.”


She sighed again, and stared forward towards that table in front of her with those eyes wandering off somewhere. Her mind seemed to not be with herself and she stared forward calmly while thinking that she’s just mumbling to herself, but not to Kashiwagi.

“Being with you…isn’t as bad.”

Yuki wasn’t sure she heard the words right or not but she was shocked. She gasped and blushed at the same time. She believed that she misheard what Mayu said but those words kept repeated in her head continuously. It was something that no one would ever expected to come out from Mayu…after she had been treating Yuki like her pleasure toy and a tool for revenge. She stared at Mayu from the side and said those calm eyes staring forward as if she wasn’t acting as her usual self. Was this Mayu’s real side? Little by little…Yuki slowly unlocked more doors as she proceeded down to reach the young stubborn girl’s heart.


The moment she called her, it was like she was out from the trans and snapped back to reality. She didn’t realize what she said and she seemed to be surprised herself. That poker face returned back quickly and that coldblooded character returned again. It really did look like she had multiple personalities…but Yuki could tell that it was from one single person, every side that Mayu showed…it's a part of Mayu’s character. 

“I’m glad that you’re not annoyed about me, I thought you did. ”


“You asked, how can I still have feelings for you after everything you did right?”


“Now I have my answer to you.”

Gently, Yuki grabbed for Mayu’s hand and held it gently with care and love. Her actions did made the thief surprised and stunned, but at the same time she was waiting for an answer from the officer. She didn’t want to interrupt right now since this was the question she wished for an answer.

“Weirdly, being with you makes me feel so calm, peaceful, and happy. It feels like I can be myself all the time without holding back….and I know for one thing.”


The raven-haired took the younger girl’s hand and kissed her hand gently with utmost love. It immediately caught Mayu’s attention to her immediately. The arrogant mouse stared at Yuki without blinking; she was still shocked with how much the officer gave her feelings to her. Without any conditions at all…Yuki gave everything to her, body, heart, and soul. The more that Mayu witnessed this pure feeling…the more she felt lost and shocked.

“Your kindness can be so rough and cold…but it always protected me. By the time I realize again…I fell in love with you already.”


“Thank you, for always taking care and protect me.”

“Tch, shut up and stop blabbering all the stupid craps.”

“It might be a stupid crap to you, but it’s not to me.”

Mayu just felt more annoyed after Yuki stayed persisted with how she was a kindhearted person. She sighed with a grumble that she high likely couldn’t convince Yuki after she had decided what to believe. Just as much as Yuki learned about Mayu by being with her…unconsciously Mayu did learned something from the officer through time as well. However, that was when Yuki decided to throw this big question with the thief…and hoped to hear the answer from her.

“What do you think of me?”


“Answer me, what am I to you?”

Mayu was completely caught off guard and her voice stuttered slightly. She had a short eye contact with Yuki for a short while before she avoided it. That was when she still remembered that the officer was still holding her hand, and she pulled it back. The moment they seemed to reach each other, the bridge seemed to break off and Watanabe just closed the door that prevented Yuki from reaching her.

“…All for revenge, you're my essential tool.”

“You’re not answering my question. I want to know…do you hate me?”


“Mayu, answer me.”

Yuki demanded her, and as the deal settled, she had to listen to what the officer asked her to do. It seemed Mayu started to dislike this deal she offered to Kashiwagi. The arrogant girl stared with anger and sighed once again with annoyance, Yuki only stared at her while waiting for an answer.

“…I despise you. You’re just a toy to me, nothing else.”

She had a solid call on what is Yuki to her, and only silence was between the two. The arrogant mouse believed to see that sadness in those eyes when she caught a glance of her, however, she saw that vague smile across her face. She didn’t understand what was behind that smile.  Then she heard a soft sigh from Yuki before she looked down onto her hands that did held Mayu’s hand.

“…I’m glad.”

“Huh? What?”

“It means, if anything happens to me…I won’t be a burden to you in any kind of way. I guess its good at times to just be partners of benefit, is it?”

“…I told you I hate you, and you’re glad with it, this doesn’t make sense.”

“Truth is something that can’t be avoided and I rather hear it than to be deceived by lies. Thank you, it made me felt relieved.”

However, Mayu was just mad. In a normal case, she would be satisfied with how things went right now. With how Yuki was madly in love with her and was happy to know that Mayu hated her. Despite all these things went according to her way and plan, she felt her heart sank for some reason. She was annoyed, frustrated, and wounded. She couldn’t understand why she was having these complicated feelings towards Yuki, but hearing her reason that Yuki was glad to know that Mayu despised her just made her more worried than usual. It made her felt that Yuki would be doing something ridiculous as if she had nothing to lose…and with the intensity of the situation right now, anyone could die if anything went wrong. What if something happened to her? Now that Mayu had put some thought into it…. her mind just went blank and clueless what to do.

“…You’re just purely annoying.”

Mayu pushed Yuki down onto the bed and pinned her down while she stared at her with those ferocious eyes. She was mad, frustrated, and annoyed. However, Yuki only stared back with those calm gentle eyes. She still had that tenderness and kindness that she had for Mayu. The more Watanabe saw this the more she was annoyed.

“I hate your persistence. I hate your eyes.”

“…Do hate it. I don’t want to have value to you.”

“You’re insane…you’re too insane.”

“Because I have nothing to lose, Mayu.”


Mayu was stunned and bit her lips. Suddenly, Yuki stroked her cheeks with her hands before she pulled her down to kiss her temple. Wrapping her arms around Mayu tightly and embraced her tightly to her heart…she smiled with relief and happiness. To make felt happy was not only about having Mayu returning her feelings…but it was to have chance to protect her. She wanted to end all of these revengeful feelings that Mayu harbored. She seemed to have plans in mind, and didn’t have any intention to tell anyone about it either.

“The fact that I love you is the truth.”

“I’m not asking—”

“Mayu, I love you.”


The silence between the two of them remained and Mayu didn’t resist the hug at all. Only allowing herself to sink into that warmth that was given to her, she closed her eyes and rested on her body. She didn’t have the reason to not resist to it…or maybe she didn’t put a thought on it at all. She just let herself go with the flow that was leaded by Yuki. Even though the officer had said that Mayu was always bluntly honest despite how rude she was, this time the young thief wasn’t so sure she was telling the truth…or a lie.


Later through out the day in the late afternoon, Rena had to pick up some pills from Takamina and so she invited both Mayu and Yuki to come along as well. Yuko had a list of things that she wanted them to pick up as well as Mayu needed to get her usual pills for her concussion. So they headed out together with Jurina leading the group’s way. The young puppy girl was always cheerful and played around with the coldblooded mouse for the whole walk while the two raven-haired ladies were behind them. It was like a moment of miracle in a way that all of the four of them came together and walking peacefully like this. That was when Yuki had a chance to get to know about Rena a little more… who was another victim for the human-experiment project, the SuperSoldier project. Both did had a talk and Rena eventually knew that Yuki’s father was the man responsibled for Watanabe’s massacre as well as reviving the SuperSoldier project after Jurina demolished everything 11 years ago.

“It must be hard on you to have these things happen…especially led by your father.”

“…Yeah, and how weird that fate brought me to meet you Mayu and everyone.”

“It’s funny isn’t? Life can be so cruel…as much as it can be a gift.”

Yuki could see Rena was looking towards the younger puppy. She smiled with that beautiful eyes hinted with such tender and loving feeling she had for Jurina. As the officer watched her, she eventually realized what did Rena meant by life could be gifted…for Matsui Rena, it was because she was able to be with the one she cared the most. That was when the officer turned to look at Mayu from behind, after all these horrible things that happened…she was more than grateful that she met with Mayu. She didn’t regret any of those moments at all. Maybe Yuki was granted a priceless gift to her life after all…

“…Yeah, life is certainly gifted.”

Both raven-haired ladies enjoyed their time chitchatting while they walked along the path to the pharmacy. It didn’t take that long for them to arrive and it was quite a surprise to see a group of guest coming…she couldn’t hold back her shocking expression when she saw Jurina and Rena together once again. Also, there was this girl that she didn’t know came along as well, and she looked quite similar to Rena in a way.

“Whoa?? Such a huge group of visitor today!”

“It’s been a while Takamina-san. I came to get the usual pills.”

“My usual pills as well.”

Mayu added and the pharmacist went to prepare it after she took Yuko’s list of medications as well. All the four ladies kept with the chitchatting inside the shop while Takamina quietly eavesdropped on their talk. It was usually both Mayu and Jurina being loud as usual…but livelier than usual, which nostalgically brought back memories of the old times when she used to be with everyone at the dark alley.

“Will you stop bothering me already!?” The mouse yelled as she pushed Jurina away, but failed in vain.

“No~ I miss you so much Mayuyu!” Jurina tried to cling onto her all the time but the annoyed mouse would always push her away.

“Rena-san can you take her away from me??”

“Aw~ But aren’t you two cute? Don’t you agree, Yuki?”

Rena turned to Yuki and she was giggling while watching the whole childish fighting scene between a mouse and a puppy. She nodded firmly as she couldn’t help but to agree with Rena about how cute they were.

“Hehe, yeah.”

“Oi! Shut up you…!”

Mayu glared and pointed her finger at the officer, and never uttered that name out at all. Not even once. She never uttered Yuki’s name before ever since they were technically living together. However, it didn’t matter to Kashiwagi at all because they were partners for benefit after all.

“Go away Jurina! Go to Rena-san!”

“But I miss you! Aren’t you worried about me?”

“Ugh! Shut up!!”

Takamina glanced at all the four of them and could only remember the old days she was and back then it was Atsuko, Mariko, Rena, and Yuko. Just the four of them at first and the family slowly grew bigger and the new generations had taken care of the family while the older ones slowly quit their criminal life. She could tell Mayu seemed to be different from before…she became softer than before and she showed much more of her emotions on her face. Also, she couldn’t help but to be curious with this lady that was with them…she was certain she didn’t know whom she was, but if she recalled properly she saw her in the officer outfit before…

“Your name is Yuki is it?”

“Ah? Yes?”

It caught Yuki’s attention before Takamina approached the group with the bag with all the pills that the group needed. But then she couldn’t let her curiosity dropped down yet. How could an officer be in the enemy’s group like this as if they were friends? Something was odd, and Takamina needed clarification. She went straight to the point without hesitation. Despite she left the group, she was still concern of her family.

“Aren’t you an officer?”

“…Yes, I am.”

“How and why are you here?”

“Too long to explain.”

Mayu cut it short and didn’t wish to explain further. However she clarified with Takamina that Yuki was not a threat to everyone, if she did anything rash to bring risk to anyone of us, she would end her life with her own hands. However the fact that Mayu was serious about killing wasn’t a big deal to her…but it was the matter that Watanabe did have trust on her on regards that she wasn’t a threat. It wasn’t as surprising for Yuki and Jurina after she knew about Yuki’s origin, and Rena already knew about how the officer was just a tool for Mayu’s revenge. However, in that intense atmosphere, Jurina just suddenly broke the whole tension with her insanely innocent reply.

“She’s Mayu’s princess! It was so fun breaking into enemy’s base for her!”

“Will you shut up for once Jurina!?”

“Oh? Tell me about it your adventure then~”

Takamina had that innocent smile across her face as she asked Jurina for all the details instead. If Mayu couldn’t be bothered to tell her anything, this innocent puppy girl should be able to tell everything she needed to know. She did made a right call and she had a chance to listen to the whole epic journey that the mouse and puppy done to rescue the princess from her evil father. It was just like the story came out from some anime and it just made everyone stunned with surprise. As Yuki finally hear the story from Mayu’s side, she couldn’t believe what did both young girls do to rescue her. The mouse could just face-palmed herself while she let this whole fantasy rescue plan run wild.

“Oh wow, that’s one heck of a plan…you really outdone yourself Mayu.”

“Ugh…you don’t have to remind me of that.”

Mayu just sighed and Yuki was standing behind her with Rena while fidgeting her fingers. The older Matsui could see the officer blushing slightly and looked down onto the floor. She could tell from her reactions how did Yuki felt towards Watanabe. It was more than enough for her and no questions were needed. So pretty much the business was done at the pharmacy but they had some short talk with all the young girls from her family.  At least Takamina wasn’t asking anything further from Yuki anymore, but she pushed on a topic that seemed to have a huge impact on both Mayu and Yuki…

“Are you not done with this revengeful thoughts? Mayu, this is enough, it’s been 12 years! How long are you going to keep this cycle of death and revenge on??”

“It’s none of your business.”

“Yes its not, but too bad I still care you like my family.”


“Stop this stupid revenge. Don’t you have your sister? Isn’t she alive out there right now? Instead of revenging…go to your sister and live happily with her.”

“You know I can’t, not after all the things I’ve done so far. It’s too late.”

“Mayu, its never too late. I believe everyone in the family is willingly to fight by your side to overcome this—”

“Enough Takamina. This is my problem, my business, and mine alone.”

Despite Takamina tried to lecture and teach Mayu to stop the revenge, the young stubborn mouse couldn’t bother to listen to her. After Yuki listened to this debate going on back and forth, the more it pained her heart. She understood where both Mayu and Takamina were coming from, but at the same time she sided with the older pharmacist. Revenge wasn’t an answer to Mayu’s pain relief, it would just bring her more pain…Yuki wanted Mayu to stop this revengeful cycle she’s going to continue after her father had started. Both Rena and Jurina just remained in silence without uttering anything, they sure had their own opinions regards this but they decided to not mention it.

“Oh well, glad to see you chumps again. Take care and see you later.”

“…Thanks anyways Takamina.”

Mayu nodded softly before the group of ladies decided to head back to the dark alley. They were walking out from the pharmacy for a short while until Yuki suddenly felt a little pull from Rena before she moved her head over to whisper against her ears. That made the officer’s eye grew wide with surprise, she wasn’t expecting this and she diverted her eyes to stare at the Rena cautiously. Only that soft smile appeared across her face before she went up to Jurina’s side. She wrapped her arms around the young girl’s waist and rested her chin on Jurina’s shoulder. That sudden approach from Rena just made Jurina’s heart skipped a beat and her face blushed slightly. Her soft sedating voice just made her cheeks burned even more.

“Jurina, can we have a moment?”

“S-Sure~! Whatever Rena-chan wanted!”

“Hehe, then do you mind excuse us?”

Rena turned to both the mouse and the officer with that calm smile and for certain that Jurina would agree with her. Mayu just shrugged it off and was fine with what both Jurina and Rena wanted to do. The two Matsui went away for their private time but before that Rena turned to Yuki and gave that smile to her. She seemed to know that Rena was doing this intentionally to separate out from the two of them. It just reminded her what Rena whispered into her ears before she went off with Jurina.

Rena: …You could only reach her, please.

Both of them were standing there without any clue of where should they go. However, that was more than enough time for Yuki to decide what she should do with Mayu in their private moments.  She spoke up and it caught Mayu’s attention immediately.

“Can we go to the park? That same park we went before…”

“It’s not that far away, fine then, better than going back to home right now.”


Without further ado, Mayu leaded the way since Yuki wasn’t familiar with the road around here and didn’t know the way to the park she wanted. However, despite they were able to have their time together, there were no words uttered while they were travelling to their destination. Yuki had been putting a lot of thoughts of what to do after they arrive at that park and wondered what she should say to the arrogant stubborn girl. Mayu didn’t even bother to listen to a respectful woman like Takamina at all…but not only just Yuko, but also Rena seemed to have some faith in her as well. Despite the raven-haired woman just met her…she seemed to be a very clever to realize the slight changes in Watanabe, which was caused by Yuki’s influence… it made the officer wondered why these people did have so much faith in her. Yuki wasn’t even sure of herself that she could reach Mayu or not…but there’s no turning back after all the things she had went through. She needed to charge head on and take all the risk…


« Last Edit: December 29, 2014, 07:56:55 AM by katekyohit »

Offline 48matama

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 1 [MaYuki] (01/07/14)
« Reply #134 on: June 30, 2014, 08:33:34 PM »
Jurina is back :cow:

Mayu, just tell the truth you love Yuki ><)/

Offline kcard

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 1 [MaYuki] (01/07/14)
« Reply #135 on: July 01, 2014, 04:03:46 AM »
you told me hold my tear
now I have cried again  :cry:

mayu is so cruel
it too hurt  why you are so Tsun tsun like that!

this part make me cry
“I hate your persistence. I hate your eyes.”

“…Do hate it. I don’t want to have value to you.”

“You’re insane…you’re too insane.”

“Because I have nothing to lose, Mayu.”
Do I have to hold my tear for the future?
I'll ready to fill  a dam

very love you write so much feeling in there
it touch my heart ; × ; )

Oshi : Okada Nana | Watanabe Mayu | Kashiwagi Yuki & Matsui Rena
Shipper : Mayuki | YukiRena

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 1 [MaYuki] (01/07/14)
« Reply #136 on: July 01, 2014, 06:41:30 AM »
Yuki gambette!!

Omg Mayu damn you...just realize ur feeling already

Update soon

Offline Kairi65

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 1 [MaYuki] (01/07/14)
« Reply #137 on: July 01, 2014, 06:56:45 AM »
you told me hold my tear
now I have cried again  :cry:

mayu is so cruel
it too hurt  why you are so Tsun tsun like that!

this part make me cry
“I hate your persistence. I hate your eyes.”

“…Do hate it. I don’t want to have value to you.”

“You’re insane…you’re too insane.”

“Because I have nothing to lose, Mayu.”
Do I have to hold my tear for the future?
I'll ready to fill  a dam

very love you write so much feeling in there
it touch my heart ; × ; )

you're right..

this chapter is just so... :gyaaah:

yuki's love..especially when she said if mayu hate her then she has nothing to worry about...tears wouldn't stop flowing! :k-sad: 

please realize your feelings, mayu!

sniffle..waiting for the next update... :mon surr:

Offline Kiri-el

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 1 [MaYuki] (01/07/14)
« Reply #138 on: July 01, 2014, 10:27:17 AM »
What happened? You updating so fast... (Not that it's a bad thing!)

I like Rena, she's so... adult. I'm glad she's finally come back, together with Jurina.
How can Mayu be so stubborn! Actually, I hate people who live only for revenge, but I think now I forgive Mayu, but just because of Yuki.

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 1 [MaYuki] (01/07/14)
« Reply #139 on: July 01, 2014, 04:43:14 PM »
My heart also aches while reading this chap. :cry: Everything that Yuki said sounds too sad for her. She prioritizes Mayu too much, forgetting about herself and be just contented on how things will be like accepting that Mayu will always see her as a tool of revenge and pleasure toy, nothing more nothing less. That's really sad.

Not to mention she was happy that Mayu only thinks of her as only "that" but I know deep inside she was not that happy. It was more like she felt relief that she won't cause any emotional/mental stress to Mayu if anything bad happens to her. But because of that I'm worried of what in the world Yuki is planning. I'm sure she will really endanger herself just for Mayu. I mean she loves Mayu too much so of course she will do everything that she can. And also she "has nothing to lose" so why hesitate if it's for Mayu's sake? I'm really worried about Yuki. :(

I'm very happy that Mayu doesn't seem like how Yuki is acting. Despite things are going according to her plan, with Mayu feeling discomfort, annoyed, frustrated, etc. it only means that Yuki is doing well in reaching Mayu's heart.

I really love this fic. So interesting. :on GJ:

Oh and gotta thank clubhappy :twothumbs for always reminding you. :lol:

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