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Author Topic: [END] Love Capture: SPECIAL ~ Valentine's Day?? [MaYuki] (03/02/16)  (Read 111894 times)

Offline Siren

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 11 Part 3 [MaYuki] (13/07/14)
« Reply #200 on: July 13, 2014, 11:32:20 PM »
I was like aww at the kissing part  :wub:  :inlove:

THEN at the ending I was like???!!!

Yuki why didn't you do anything??!!  :angry:

Mayu no..  :cry:  :shocked

Need the next chapter soon  :banghead:
Kami Oshi is Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena and Jurina

WMatsui and Mayuki all the way :D

Offline Chanaline

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 11 Part 3 [MaYuki] (13/07/14)
« Reply #201 on: July 14, 2014, 01:19:00 AM »

It is difficult for me to breath right now looooooooooooooool :lol:
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 11 Part 3 [MaYuki] (13/07/14)
« Reply #202 on: July 14, 2014, 04:18:14 AM »
Omg i miss two chapters, but after i read them....I NEED MORE!!!

Please dont let Mayu die, I glad that Mayu didnt kill Miura anymore, and she can control her anger toward him.

Please update FAST

Offline Kairi65

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 11 Part 3 [MaYuki] (13/07/14)
« Reply #203 on: July 14, 2014, 07:39:25 AM »

NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! :mon ref: :mon zoom:

wht just happen??!!! wth just happen?!!! :mon scare:

i know you said this chapter would be heavy but...ARGH!!

i felt insane tugs at my heart the whole time i was reading this! too many emotions!!! :mon cry:

what's gonna happen?!

update soon! i'm gonna need it to calm back down before i get a heart attack! :pleeease:

...onegaishimasu.. :kneelbow:

ps: thanks for your hard work, author-san! :omamori:

Offline kurogumi

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 11 Part 3 [MaYuki] (13/07/14)
« Reply #204 on: July 14, 2014, 08:20:51 AM »



mayu!!! biiiiiiiib~ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________



Offline Tupi

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 11 Part 3 [MaYuki] (13/07/14)
« Reply #205 on: July 14, 2014, 11:07:03 PM »
No!!! Mayu!!! You can't let Mayu die just like that kate-san!  :cry:
I want to know more! Please update soon  :banghead:

Offline Archer1992

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 11 Part 3 [MaYuki] (13/07/14)
« Reply #206 on: July 15, 2014, 12:13:04 PM »
So intense always Hahahaha
Continue soon


Offline katekyohit

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 12 ~ Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (17/07/14)
« Reply #207 on: July 16, 2014, 07:42:10 PM »

@Ruka Kikuchi: LAWL! YES!!!!! XDDD

@chichay12: MAYUUUUUUU~!!!!! HAHAHAHA! Here’s your update, :P Finally this is coming to an end… :D

@Kiri-el: LOL! It is super tense~ Oh wow? Impact? What kind of impact? o.o Now you’re making me curious!! XD

@kenjoy12: UWAAAAAARGHHH!!! Here it is, the final chapter! :D

@Koneki: I so love that emoticon! XD Here’s the next chapter~ I guess it will be epic so yeah~ Hope you enjoy it! Its the last after all :P

@kazutoryu: OMG, WE SHALL SEE WHAT HAPPEN TO MAYU! XD Hehe~ Let the final chapter spoil all the truth.

@Akblaire48: This is sad, but let the final chapter bring all the light and fluff back~ :D Maybe this time it will be tears of happiness!! XD

@MaYukiIsLife: LAWL!!! I don’t know~ The last chapter will tell you everything you needed to know XD

@Momo: Frigging hell your comments are too long. LAWL You pick the chapter that Mayu ‘enjoyed” her property :P Good one momo, LAWL It took me quite a while to even finish reading your comments. LOL

@sastio13: No worries~ Glad you enjoyed it! Need to update fast before my school starts! O_O It will be a nightmare from there on~ Here’s the LAST CHAPTER!!! Enjoy~

@kcard: Let your tears go in this chapter… XD It would be tears of happiness this time! Maybe :P I personally like it so I guess readers will enjoy it~

@River1721: Mayu die? didn’t die? I don’t know~ So many questions! YES! However, this is the last chapter…it’s ending now. This is sure intense, and it’s going to be intense until the very end :P Just in a different way~

@gek geki: LOL! Maybe~ Who knows!? Let your doubts be solved by this last chapter.

@Siren: The ending is sure crazy! Now this is the real ending! (Chap 12) Hehe~ What will happen to Mayu? We shall know now~

@Chanaline: LOL!!! Difficult to breath? :P That’s cute XD

@Kirozoro: Missed two chapters! No wonder I didn’t see you comment the last one XD Here it is! This last chapter is sure VERY LONG again, let’s check it out if Mayu will be alright…or not????

@Kairi65: GYAAAAAAAHHHH!!! YES!!! I feel you, everything just boom bamm and DOOM!!! XD Insane tugs at your heart? Believe me you’ll get some more in the last chapter! :D Might be in a different way from the previous ones~ Here’s the update! :D Hope you don’t have a heart attack! XDD Also, just call me Kate :P

@kurogumi: MAYU! BIIIIB~ HAHAHA~ :P

@Tupi: I don’t know i should let Mayu die or not…LAWL XD Wanna know more, here u go the last update! :D

@Archer1992: Intense as always, XD glad you enjoy it.

@mayuki0048: LOL!!!! Mayu is dead? I don’t know too, check it out :P

First of all, thank you for staying up to date with this fanfic! Thank you for all your lovely comments too  :deco: :bow:
Finally I finished my first fanfic series~ Hooray! XD This is so tiring!!! But I felt good with this last chapter...So~ I hope everyone enjoys it too! It's BEEEN a long journey, at least I manage to finish this fic after I started last year OwO Surprisingly I felt excited when this is finishing!!! I do fangirl sometimes over my own writing... LAWL, as each chapter proceeded, there are many unexpected scenes and things I put it (without any plans) So I got excited on what kind of ideas would popped up while writing. OH WELL, enough with the chit chat, I should let you guys enjoy this last emotional chapter :D  :cathappy:

Love Capture: CH12.1

“We have taken control of the area now sir.”

The military soldiers came to take over the area as the General was standing with Mariko, Miyuki, and another lady with that curled hair. This was the ending that everyone wanted…everything came to an end, as all the police officers were taken care off while the military act on its own and seize over this area for further investigation. Mariko turned to the woman and gave that warm smile before she bowed her head down softly.

“Thank you for your help, Acchan, Yusuke-san.”

“Obviously Mariko, we’re always a family. How can I leave you in that danger without doing anything? Glad we came right on time.”

“Yeah…it’s all thanks to you, Miyuki.”

Mariko turned to the younger twin Watanabe and she felt that she didn’t deserve such a compliment like this from her. However she was forced to take it anyways. It was because of her that the news was able to reach with Atsuko and allowed the military to act fast. The woman that Yuko ordered Miyuki to go contact was actually Maeda Atsuko, the ex-member that moved out from the dark alley… and she’s currently a teacher in high school and was living with her older brother, Maeda Yusuke. Mariko also knew him as well through Atsuko, and how coincident that he was a General in the Landforce. He had been investigating on the SuperSoldier project but never found any valuable trace to pinpoint the one behind this whole tragic mess. However, with this information Mariko copied onto the USB, it would allow the General to do further investigations to bring the end to this inhuman nightmare. He acted at his will, and he was certain this topic would bizarre when he brought it up to the main headquarters.

“Let me handle with this mess from here on. Thank you for your cooperation Mariko-san.”

“I need to thank you too, Yusuke-san…please end this for us.”

“I will, I promise.”

The matter came to an end as the soldiers were cleaning up the mess that the SuperSoldiers did, both inside and out of the warehouse and laboratory. It was the power of social connections. Mariko planned so thoroughly that there wouldn’t be a single mistake happening. The General decided to take his leave as he had many things he needed to take care of and allowed the three ladies to have their private conversation with one another. Atsuko glanced over at Miyuki and realized how closely she shared that same appearance as Mayu. It made her smiled out of reminisce.

“Oh wow, you really do look like Mayu. As expected from her twin sister.”

“Ah, many people do say so too.”

“Ah right…how’s Mayu?”


Mariko sighed as Atsuko brought up that taboo question. She slowly glanced over to that raven-haired officer that was sitting all alone with her forehead resting against her hands. Anyone who saw her could obviously tell that she was truly devastated in many levels…there were too many things happening in the same time for her, and it was plainly bitter for her. That silence Mariko gave was more than enough for Atsuko to grasp the situation slightly. But as Miyuki was trying to approach her senior, Mariko stopped her.

“Let’s give her time…she needs it. I’ll need you to help me several things if you don’t mind it.”


Miyuki watched her decaying senior sitting in that silent as if she was carrying the whole world’s weight on her shoulders. However, Mariko took her away to do several things with her since she needed a hand from an officer as well. Everyone was kept busy with many things; Yuko and Rena were helping the soldiers taking care of massive amount of corpse inside the laboratory. It wasn’t such a nice scene after all, but the soldiers did their job without questioning anything. At least the General knew the whole story through Mariko and Atsuko already, and he well aware of this matter and went through each procedure cautiously.


Yuki body was still trembling and still had that bloodstain on her hands and clothes. It wasn’t her blood…it was Mayu’s blood. She was holding that body closely to her and she ignored how much blood it would stain on her clothes. She closed her eyes and recalled that sound of the bullet that was fired from her father’s gun while he was aiming at Mayu. At that blink of a second that she believed the young Watanabe was about to be killed…



That was Miura’s last words and it was like everything went blank. It was like everything happened in slow motion…she saw Mayu flinched and fell back onto the floor. She felt as if something forcefully ripped her heart into pieces from inside. She swore that she believed Mayu was dead from that…that stubborn mouse pushed Yuki away so to take the bullet instead of her place, despite how much she was gambling her life on it. Before any words could be formulated from her lips, she heard another sound. The sound of the body collapsed onto the floor, but that sound didn’t catch her attention as her eyes only stared at Mayu… Her world already collapsed at that blink of horror, and nothing could be worse than this. She never felt this devastated before, it felt even worse than dying…it was as if she was stabbed and killed over thousands of times, and couldn’t die or escape from this horror.

“T-That gave me a heart attack…”

That familiar voice echoed in her ears. Yuki’s eyes shot wide and then saw Mayu moving, and tried to sit up. She saw that small cut horizontally across her arm, and it was as if its a miracle that the bullet just grazed passed her. It was a short pain before it became bearable for Mayu. The moment Kashiwagi saw the young mouse sighed with relief, and was more than certain that she was alive…she couldn’t hold back her tears and broke down right there. The young Watanabe could her sniffling and turned to Yuki with her eyes grew wide with surprise. Yuki was crying madly before she threw her arms around her body tightly. Obviously it gave more sting pain to her from the arm and abdomen after receiving that impact from her…but it didn’t bother her.

“M-Mayu…! Mayu…! Mayu—!”

She could feel Yuki’s body trembling and she was crying on her shoulders…as well as crying for her name repeatedly. Obviously it wasn’t just Yuki that thought Mayu would die. She also thought she was dead from that fire she heard, but she didn’t…the warm from Yuki’s hug and the terrible sting pain made her amazingly relieved. It was a feel of relief to be alive…and living.


Then suddenly, the young Watanabe finally caught a glipse of that dead body in front of her… it was Miura’s body. She was shocked and slowly looked up to see Mariko, Yuko, and another officer with them. It was actually her leader’s gun that pulled the trigger…and end Miura’s life. She came here in order to end this madness with her hands and she had enough with young kids having to dirty their hands with blood.


“Let this…end the madness.”

“…This is the end, isn’t?”

Yuko spoke up softly and Haruna watched the two friends of hers. Realizing how much they carried the burden… it was just so heavy that she couldn't’ believe they pulled it through until the very end along with the young kids for all these years. In the end of this, she wasn’t sure what to feel anymore. Grateful? Upset? Only but silence is what she could do, and it seemed it was more than enough for her right now.

“…It’s over.”

Jurina took control of the body as she tried to get up on her knees. She saw Rena approached her quickly with utmost worries after she had massacred every single one of the officers that tried to harm her precious Jurina. The older one wrapped her arms around the puppy gently and it was more than enough to tell her how much she was worried for her.

“I’m sorry Rena-chan…I was very careless aren’t I?”

“It’s okay Jurina, it’s okay…you’re safe, and that’s all. We’re all alive.”

“…Yeah, we are.”

The last thing that Mariko wanted the young kids to do was to taint their hands even more than this. She took that job instead and killed Kashiwagi Miura with her own hands…she would carry that burden on herself instead. As for Miura’s daughter, she didn’t bother to turn to see her father’s corpse at all and just hugged Mayu tightly with those trembling fragile arms. It was like they were having this special telepathy with one another, without any words conveyed Mayu felt that Yuki knew what happened to her father…and obviously no child wanted to see their parent’s dead body. Mayu slowly stroke Yuki’s head with her less injured arm and pushed her head gently onto her shoulders.

“…Don’t look.”

Yuki didn’t reply anything and kept crying, but then the blood kept oozing from her abdomen injury and it made her head felt lighter. She was losing her control of her hand but she tried to grasp for her conscious as much as she could. If she were to faint now, no one would know what could it mean. She might not even wake up again…and that’s not what she wanted. She wanted to live, Yuki made her wanted to live despite how much her life was cursed…she still wanted to live, with her.

“…You’re safe now.”


Yuki nodded while murmuring on Mayu’s shoulder. That tight hug from the raven-haired girl was more than enough to tell her that she was more than safe. That moment, Mayu let out a smile of relief and began to have this double vision. Things became a little twisted and blurred when she lost her control of her arm at last. Such a perfect time, her concussion pain came in as well and a whole combination of everything just made it worse.

“I…guess I need a…”

Yuki felt Mayu’s body became heavy and fell back onto the floor again. This time, she was completely knocked out. This could formulate various reasonings, it could mean that it was just a simple faint and she would be fine. However, after being shot twice in the abdomen, that assumption would be too beautiful.

“M-Mayu? H-Hey…don’t do like this. Mayu? Mayu!?”

Yuki shook her but the girl wasn’t responding at all. It immediately caught everyone’s attention and Yuko rushed to the unconscious girl’s side and checked her pulse. It was still there, but it wasn’t enough to tell that Mayu was in a safe line. It was as if they were playing around with this bomb that could explode any second from now. They don’t know whether there was any internal bleeding inside or not and they needed to take her to the doctor as quickly as possible.


“Takamina should be here anytime soon, take her out now!”

Yuko scooped Mayu up in her arms and she could see Yuki looked totally lifeless. She was obviously in a state of shock and she wouldn’t want to leave this poor woman alone, but she needed to take care of this mouse first. She tapped Yuki’s shoulder to grab her attention, but the officer wouldn’t make an eye contact with her. Only she could hope that her words would reach her.

“Mayu will be alright…I promise. You need to stay strong for her too, okay?”


Despite Yuki didn’t respond back, Yuko had faith that her words reached the scarred officer. She carried Mayu in her arms and literally sprinted out from this laboratory to go back up to the surface. Leaving Yuki all alone with that fresh blood on her hands and clothes. It was Mayu’s blood…and she didn’t know what to do at all. After she realized that the girl wasn’t shot dead, she was utterly relieved beyond anything else…but then it was as if it was a matter of when would the ticking bomb exploded inside Mayu. Haruna hated to see her friend being in this state and went to her side immediately without any further waiting. At this moment, she couldn’t obviously understand what Yuki was going through…she lost her last family member, and now she was about to lose someone she cared to her. The only thing was to be by her side and hoped that Yuki’s heart would not shatter.

“Yukirin…it’s me, Haruna.”

Haruna crouched down right in front but the young Kashiwagi didn’t bother reply at the slightest, or it was the fact that she didn’t hear her at all. The only thing Yuki kept feeling and seeing was Mayu lying down on the floor listlessly and she trying to shake her. Those images kept replaying inside her head and she couldn’t get over with it. She had not need to see her father’s body to tell herself that he was already dead… After she lost the person she loved, she was about to lose another one. She couldn’t stop chanting her name and her hands just kept trembling in fear for anything that could happen to Mayu any second that ticked by.




Haruna slapped her across her cheeks to allow her to regain her conscious back. At least, the officer turned back to her friend with that reddened cheek. It seemed she was finally out from her endless hallucination. Obviously Mayu’s friends wouldn’t allow that to happen and Yuko promised to her that the girl would be fine. Haruna used those words to give hope and support to the broken heart friend of hers.

“Yuko never make promises if she can’t keep it…believe her, and believe Mayu. You need to be strong for her too, okay?”


“Get up, let’s get out of here. I believe Mayu would need your support as well.”


In the end, Haruna took care of Yuki and escorted her out from this hideous laboratory. Yuki made sure that she wouldn’t catch a glimpse of her father…because she didn’t want the last image of her father to be his corpse. Kojima walked passed Mariko and exchanged a short glance with her before she took the main path to get out from here. The older woman understood her ex-lover’s action and allowed her to do what she wanted. After she was taken outside and the soldiers had arrived to clear up the mess, Yuki had been sitting outside and tried to calm herself down for the entire time. She was told that Mayu was in good hands, but there were no news at all…which that didn’t make anything better for her at all. She just remained there, ignoring all the surroundings and prayed silently to herself for Mayu.


While Yuki was sitting all alone and away from everyone, there was this young lady that approached her and it was Oshima Yuko. She was told off by Atsuko’s brother since they had done more than enough already. He would deal everything instead and the Mariko’s team would not have to dirty their hands any further now. The decayed raven-haired woman could see Yuko approaching her, and then just stood there in front of her, but she was not really in a mood to talk to anyone at the moment.

“There’s nothing we can do here now and everyone needed to treat their own injuries. So we’re about to leave now.”

“…What about Mayu?”

Yuki spoke up with that weak tone. Obviously Yuko could tell that Kashiwagi was indeed worry about Mayu so much that it was destroying her heart ever second that passed by. The squirrel sighed before she crouched down to match her eye level with Yuki before tapping on her shoulder. But despite that…Yuki still didn’t make that eye contact with her.

“Takamina is a talented doctor, she’s doing what needs to be done to guarantee Mayu’s life. I’m certain she will be alright, she’s a tough girl.”

“…I see. I guess that’s good bye for us.”

“What are you talking about? Yuki, you’re coming back with us.”


Yuki looked up and finally their eyes met. The squirrel only smiled positively to give that energy to her. She held Yuki’s hand and pulled the officer up to stand on her feet despite her hand was dirtied with dried blood. Yuko wasn’t bothered by it at all and had those warm hands that comforted her.

“I’m really sorry for your lost, and I guess you really don’t know where to go too, right?”


“Mayu needs you, and I believe you need her too. There are many things I want to tell you too, but let it be after me cleaning up my mess. Let’s go back together, okay?”


Yuki was totally stunned and her silent reply was more than enough to tell Yuko that she was coming along as well. She let go of her hands and escorted her to the van they would get on to head back to their hideout. Jurina was already resting inside the van after Rena did an emergency treatment on her wounds. Rena was still helping several things out with Mariko, Miyuki, and Haruna…but now it was a time for some short farewell. Then the raven-haired woman also invited Miyuki to come along as well. She was Mayu’s beloved sister, and so she was a part of their family too. It was obvious that she would be worried of her sister.

“I-Is it okay for me to come?”

“Mayu is your sister, you have more than enough right to come. Please do, Miyuki.”

“…Thank you. That really meant a lot to me. But I will go after we cleared things here first.”

Miyuki smiled with utter relief and it made Rena happy as well, what could’ve been better when the separated loving twins could finally be together again? As for Mariko who was exchanging glances with Haruna, it was her turn to give the answer and she said the same thing as Miyuki. They were still officers of Crime Investigation Department and they couldn’t abandon their job. At the very least they would assist the General Maeda as much as they could before they were asked to leave.

“…I’ll be there when things are over. You owe me tons of explanation.”

“Yeah I do. Please contact me or Yuko through this number, and we’ll come pick you two up.”

“Sounds fair to me.”

Haruna took the paper that the older woman handed to her. She kept in her pocket safely as she knew she would be using it soon. Then suddenly they heard Yuko calling them and it was about the time they would be leaving this place once and for all. Atsuko would be driving the van for them and her brother was trying to chase her off so she wouldn’t be involved with his work. This was probably the best thing she could do to get away as well as helping her family. However, before they would leave Yuko shouted out her officer’s name so loudly that it probably caught many attention.


“Huh? Yuko-chan?”

“I’ll see you later~”


Haruna smiled back and watched the squirrel skipped away into the van before it took off. She never sighed with relief for a long while and she wondered why. Maybe it was because she finally reunited with her old friend and ex-lover again? Despite how crazy it was that happened today, Haruna went back to work with Miyuki to clean this mess. She carried that sense of responsibility to clean up the mess that the officers had done.  At the very least she had something to look forward to after this tiresome job was done…both Haruna and Miyuki would go to pay everyone a visit for certain.


Takamina had used that special operating room that was in the hideout. She was surprised that room was maintained very well despite she left 5 years ago. No one should ever underestimate Mariko; she was always prepared for every circumstance that could happen. She prepared this room just in case anyone was to be injured and needed Takamina’s help. The moment she received Mayu from Yuko, she rushed straight back to the dark alley and used her clean special operating room. She treated her immediately and did what she needed to do for Watanabe. For how long she didn’t keep track of the time, as she was too focused on saving this young girl from the ticking bomb.


But for that time being, as for Yuki…she had been waiting in the living room and prayed for the whole time. If Yuko didn’t force her to change her clothes and wash the blood out from her, she would be sitting there ever since they arrived back. Atsuko was treating Jurina’s wound for the time being in the living room with Rena assisting her. She wasn’t a professional like Takamina but she did learn a lot back in those years that they all used to live here together with everyone. The young puppy got shot and it didn’t take that long since the bullet didn’t penetrate into any important area of the body. Nothing could make Yuki move from her spot at all until she could hear the sound of the door opened and the midget woman came out while taking off those bloody gloves. The operation ended faster than they thought and it made them slightly worried with what was the result of this matter.

“Takamina! How was it??”

“…That kid sure got some luck. I wonder how lucky can this kid be.”

She came out sighed softly and explained how miraculously that none of the organs were damaged at all. She did have some internal rupture and bleeding but it wasn’t as severe as she thought and so Mayu did not need to go to the hospital. Nothing dangerous for the young Watanabe but she did lose some amount of blood. After enough rest she would be fine and get better soon. If her organs were to lacerate from the bullet and impact, then they would seriously needed to send her to hospital as soon as possible. Luckily there was one close by that was owned by Takamina’s friend. That moment everyone sighed with relief, and especially for Yuki. It was like the whole world was lifted from her shoulders and she sprang up from her seat towards the midget savior immediately. She was obviously the one that worried about Mayu the most and she spoke up without further ado.

“…Can I see her?”

Takamina did have a short exchange glance with Mariko before she nodded with a smile. The doctor turned back and gave that smile of comfort to Kashiwagi and remembered when she came to her pharmacy. From what everyone told her and from how she saw Yuki… she could tell that she was the special one for Watanabe. And so she decided to ask the officer for help.

“Sure, we will need someone to take her up to her bed. Can you help?”


Yuki followed Takamina with excitement into the room while others could see that the officer was more than happy to do this. She finally got to see her love after all these hours and Mayu lying on the operating bed. The midget woman told her to carry the unconscious girl and take her up to the main bedroom on the 2nd floor. She seemed to be able to get her thoughts around and Takamina was likely to refer to that same room she used to sleep before.

“I’ll follow you up with the first aid kids and the meds, someone will need to always keep an eye on her, will you?”

“I will do it. Let me, please.”

She replied without hesitation to Takamina before her attention diverted to Mayu. Yuki gently scooped the unconscious one into her arms…that warm body she felt gave her so much relief beyond anything else. She felt that she could broke into tears any moment right now and the fact that Mayu was safe just made felt like it’s a bless. At least god didn’t take away the only and last person alive that she loved unconditionally…Mayu was still here with her. Watching her sleeping face, it reminded her the time that she had been embracing her the whole day and to not interrupt Mayu’s sleep…it made her smiled out without unconsciously and Takamina saw it.


The midget doctor was surprised to witness that smile. Everything that Mariko told her seemed to make sense instantly…this woman cared and loved Mayu so deeply. She was no longer surprised that Yuki was capable to reach down to Watanabe’s scarred heart. She really did caught Takamina’s attention even more and she started to take a like Yuki. She eventually watched Yuki taking Mayu up the stairs and took her time preparing the essential things before catching up with her. When she finally caught up with her, the midget doctor sat down by Yuki’s side and told everything that she needed to know for to take care of Mayu until she would wake up. Approximately she would be unconscious for 2-3 days and should be waking up since her body produces enough blood to fill up the lost part. She would need to sterilize the wounds 4-5 times a day and replaced the bandages too. It would be a tough work, as Yuki would need to nurse over Mayu literally the 24/7. However, Kashiwagi was more than willing to do this job. It was quite obvious that she wouldn’t plan to leave Mayu’s side despite carring that job or not. After Takamina finished explaining everything that Yuki needed to know, it would be about time that she would return back to her usual pharmacy store.

“Do you have any questions?”

“Not at all. I’m all good.”

“If anything were to happen, please contact me immediately. Always keep her wounds hygiene and everything should be alright.”

“Thank you Takamina-san…thank you.”

That officer lady thanked her with such a sincere heart. It did caught Takamina off guard slightly, and finally understood how did she managed to touch the heartless girl’s heart. For that kid who only sought for revenge chose not to kill the man, despite it was her life goal to kill him with her own hands…it just made her smiled with utmost relief. She was grateful that Mayu found the one for her and the person she was willingly to change for. 

“…I’m glad that Mayu have you.”


“Please take care of her.”

Takamina decided to leave Yuki alone with the young girl, and ever since then she had been by Mayu’s side and made sure that she treated her wounds every now and then when it was the time to. She wouldn’t even leave her spot and always sat down by her side…watching her sleeping and held her hand gently. Every time she heard her breathing, every time she felt the warmth and pulse from Mayu’s hand, it reminded Yuki that Mayu was alive and right by her side. The only thing was to wait until she wakes up, but until then she promised to herself that Watanabe was safe.

“Yuki, I brought you dinner.”

She turned and saw another raven-haired woman came in with a bowl of stew on the tray. It came along with a bottle of water as well. She placed it on the table close by before she approached Yuki. Rena knew that the officer had been looking after Mayu the whole time ever since she got out from the operation room. Rena sat down beside her while she looked at Mayu who seemed to be sleeping peacefully. 

“How is she?”

“Everything’s good, I just changed her bandage few minutes ago.”

“That’s great. You should eat something. A hot stew always taste good.”

“Thank you Rena-san.”

“Just call me Rena, it's a bit awkward that you’re older than me.”

The younger raven giggled softly and it made Yuki felt slightly relaxed. Rena really had that comfortable air around her which made people felt welcomed to talk anything to her. She would always have that gentle smile all the time and she started the conversation with Yuki first though. It was as if she came up here wasn’t just to pass the dinner to the officer after all.

“I believe you wondered why Mariko let Mayu went on the mission right?”


“If I were you, I would feel the same.”

It was as if Rena read her mind, and she had to admit she had doubts on that matter for a very long while. She couldn’t understand why Mariko would break her deal she made with her, and she felt rather betrayed. Judging from her expression, Rena could tell how Yuki was feeling and she wished to clarify things with her before they continued anything else.

“Mariko is not someone who will break the deal once she made one. However, the circumstances just flipped all around. No one was expecting this as well.”

“What do you mean?”

“If we were to leave Mayu back here then she will far reckless things than this. That’s why Mariko have to bring her with us in order to keep her safe.”

“I’m still not sure I understand that?”

“Mayu didn’t come with us with the desire to revenge.”


Yuki was in a moment on processing and awe. She was shocked with what Rena stated regarding Mayu’s motive. The younger raven-haired said that the vengeful Watanabe wasn’t doing this for revenge when she had been seeking for over a decade. Rena could tell that Yuki was completely mind blown away and obviously pretty much everyone felt the same as well when they heard that. She only smiled back to Yuki before she continued, to tell Mayu’s real intention and everything that she needed to know regarding her feelings.

“She said…she want to reclaim what belongs to her with her own hands and she will find the answer she looked for when she meets you.”

“T-That’s quite—”

“Hard to believe?”

“It is...”

“That’s why Mariko cannot stop her, if she were to left Mayu behind this kid would either charge in recklessly and things would be even worse than this. So please understand Mariko’s decision…she’s doing her best to fulfill the promise with you.”

Yuki remained in silence as things started to process things. Also, Rena knew that the officer was smart enough to be able to realize and catch up with many things based from what she said to her. She already told her about Mayu’s real intention to be a part of this dangerous mission, which already indirectly indicated Watanabe’s feelings. Mayu knew the consequences that could happen yet she still went on just for the sake of meeting Yuki again. Only thing that Rena hoped was for Mayu’s feelings to reach her.

“Mayu changed, because of you. She no longer seeks revenge anymore.”


“Yuki, will you stay with her?”

“E-Eh?? But…”

They both had exchanged glances with each other and it was the moment Rena was reading her eyes. However, it didn’t take that long until Kashiwagi diverted her eyes away to avoid making further eye contact. That body language she gave allowed Rena to make that clever assumption. The way she blurted out and how she looked away was more than enough information.

“…You didn’t intend to stay, didn’t you?”


“Can you at least do me a favor? At least stay here until she wakes up…she needs to talk to you.”

“Well, I ah…”

“When did you plan to leave?”

“I don’t know. Everything finally ended and there’s no point for me to be here. Maybe this is the best for both of us I get out from her life...for Mayu’s sake.”


The way Yuki talked just exactly reminded what she said to Mariko before she left Jurina and everyone. It was as if she saw old self overlapped on Yuki and she could fully understand how the officer felt. Despite Rena realized that she would be making the same mistake that she had done, but she didn’t plan to stop her. Some things needed to happen in order for them to felt each other’s feelings. If she didn’t leave Jurina…then a future that Jurina came to take her back won’t happen. Some things needed to happen for the best between the two. At the very least, she wanted Yuki to be with Mayu until the day she would be awake…hoping that Watanabe would create another miracle.

“Miyuki and Haruna are coming tomorrow, it seemed their work is done already.”

“I see.”

“If you need anything please feel free to call me or anyone okay?”

“I will, thank you.”

She decided to leave Yuki alone and hoped that her words would reach her in some sort of ways. Obviously she didn’t want the officer to leave…but Mayu needed to be the one to stop Yuki herself. Only she could prayed that the reckless girl would wake up soon before the officer would disappear out from her life.

Leaving the raven-haired officer all alone again, she remained by Mayu’s side and always checked her body temperature to make sure she wasn’t catching any fever while recovering. The young girl slept peacefully and she couldn’t help but to smile out from heart’s content. Eventually she glanced at the bowl of stew Rena brought it up for her… she realized she should eat it before it go wasted. The stew was warm and had that nostalgic tasting…it was that family taste. Then after she finished everything she didn’t leave Mayu’s side at all and just stayed there. She slept on the bed that was adjacent to her to make sure her girl would be fine…today was the most hectic day ever of her life. So many things happened, and finally she could call it a day…


The next early afternoon, Yuko went to pick up Haruna and Miyuki from Takamina’s pharmacy before they brought them over to the dark alley, they were both wearing their casual clothing since they asked for a several days off from work. It was the first time they were here and obviously they would be alert due to the unfamiliar surrounding, however the moment they stepped into the house they felt that welcoming air in here. If felt completely different from how the outside appearance looked like. Everyone was pretty much sitting in the living room except for Yuki since she would always be at her usual spot. Haruna certainly had something to talk with both Yuko and Mariko, and so Rena approached to the younger twin and gave Miyuki an offer to take her to Mayu.

“I’ll take you to see Mayu and Yuki. Come with me.”

“T-Thank you.”

The young Watanabe followed Rena innocently upstairs and it was the time between the three adults to have the conversation they promised to one another. They decided to go to Mariko’s working room to have this matter be dealt, and the serious talk began.


It was like they both traced back in their past together and about several reasons they needed to leave Haruna behind. They didn’t believe that different statuses would be able to live together…especially when one was the hunter, and one was the hunted.  They doubt that things would work, and the truth would be too hurtful if they continued being together. If anyone found out then Kojima’s reputation would demolished, and she would be in danger as well as she would be suspected to be cooperating with them. Mariko’s group was quite infamous back then and was in the top of the blacklist as well. If Haruna were to be with them at that point she joined the police force…there would certainly be many things that have an effect on her. Haruna just stood there listening to everything in silence without interrupting or adding anything. 

“…So that’s why we decided to leave. I’m sorry.”



Haruna walked up to her and slapped across her cheek. Obviously it made Yuko stumbled slightly but that was a good sign from the officer…she could tell from her eyes that she was obviously angry, but not as serious though. She came to understand Mariko and Yuko’s position even more, but that wouldn’t make her forget what the two of them had done to hurt her feelings. Mariko just rubbed her cheek with that dumbfounded look before Yuko realized that both of them were just reconcile things in their own way. She took her leave to let the two of them have their private time that they needed…she shouldn’t want to be the 3rd hand in this relationship. Despite she loved Haruna unconditionally, if it was for her own happiness she was willingly to step away and let her be with Mariko. She came outside and had her body leaned against the wall with a sigh.


She flinched as she almost forgot that injury she got on her arm. It was the wound she got from Haruna pulling that fire. She was grateful that it didn’t hit at any vital spots or else things would be more serious than this. Since it was about time she would need to sterile and replaced the bandage, she untied it without realizing her who was coming towards her. 


“Huh!? Oh, eh??”

She looked up and she was obviously shocked. She couldn’t understand why would Haruna be out from the room this fast after Yuko just came out less than a minute. She wondered why her conversation with Mariko finished that fast and she couldn’t help but to question so many things back to Kojima.

“Why are you here? I thought you and Mariko are…”

“I’m done with her already. There’s nothing much we needed to talk.”

“That is fast trip to reminiscing your old times.”

“Sure it is…and I’m sorry.”

“Hm? What?”

“…That I shot you.”

Haruna saw that wound when Yuko was taking the bandage off. Of course it wasn’t intentionally and she was just about to walk to the living room to get the new bandages. It was more than obvious that Yuko didn’t care about it whether Haruna shot her or not. She did quite an outrageous thing to shoot passed her to kill another officer behind and anyone would’ve pull that trigger out of surprise and fear. She even expected it to be worse than this.

“It’s nothing! Just an arm, I will soon get better.”

“Let me treat your wounds okay?”


“Let me replace those bandages.”

“It’s okay I can—”

“Let me do it Yuko.”


They both went downstairs and got the first aid kit before Haruna forced Yuko to sit down so she could treat her wounds. There were no words exchanged with each other and the officer cleaned Oshima’s wounds gently and didn't say anything. She knew that she did this and felt utterly guilty to shoot her. She gently bandaged everything back up again and hoped that it wasn’t too tight on Yuko.

“Is it too tight?”

“Not at all.”

“…Does it hurt?”

“Not anymore.”


Haruna sighed again and then backed off slightly. However, she had her eyes staring on that wound and gently stroke it with worries. She did have small cuts on her arms and legs, but it’s healing already. Yuko could see that the officer was too worried about her and then she stroked her head. It did caught Haruna’s attention immediately and their eyes met. She smiled warmly to indirectly tell Haruna that she was not bothered with all these mess that she had done. She was truly sincere with that she said and called her by her first name.

“I’m fine, don’t worry about me Haruna.”

“…You’re always like this, you never change.”

“Hehe~ I don’t think I did that much.”

“Yeah…and I prefer like that more.”

She leaned in and rested her head on Yuko’s shoulder. It made the younger squirrel blushed with Haruna’s silent move and it seemed she didn’t want to say anything further too. Both Jurina and Rena witnessed the whole scene and then Yuko told them to go away using hand signal. Obviously the two only smirked and slowly sneaked away to leave the two all alone in the living room. Yuko bit her lips nervously as she felt Haruna scooted in closer and had her hands held onto Yuko’s shirt.  The squirrel was deadly nervous with the situation but she eventually held around her and patted her back gently. In that endless silence, Yuko’s heart was beating like crazy as she felt Haruna’s body close to her, it was like a dream, but at the same time she was quite lost with why Haruna was acting like this.

“Can I hug you… like this?”


“…Thank you.”

She smiled softly on Yuko’s shoulder while they just stayed in that position on the couch. The squirrel obviously still had her heart for the officer, but she had been hiding it for all these years and hoped for the best for Haruna. However, it seemed that officer Kojima started to make some move and realized the comforted and caring Yuko always gave her. Despite all the things about fighting each other in the battlefield, she could tell that the squirrel never intended to hurt her at the slightest. She showed no fear towards whether Haruna would kill her or not. It’s not that she believed in her, but Yuko didn’t mind if Haruna would kill her. She couldn’t understand why Yuko could be so selfless like this, but that was her appeal ever since she knew her…Maybe she might give her a chance for herself to fall in love with the squirrel…


Back to Miyuki who was sitting down by Yuki’s side having a talk with one another while watching over Mayu. They were sure having some sort of intense conversation and the younger twin had that frown on her face…she blinked and seemed to look nervous. It seemed Kashiwagi told her younger junior about her plans and what was she going to do from now on. Judging from Miyuki’s expression she was surprised and wasn’t sure whether it was a right thing that Yuki was doing or not. It was decided already that Yuki would be leaving, but it was a matter of when though.

“S-Senpai…when you’re leaving?”

“In two days, I’ll be talking to Mariko-san about it and help take me back to the city. There are many things I needed to do.”

“Will you come back?”

“…For both Mayu and I, its best that I don't come back here again…or ever meet her.”

Yuki was still not convinced with many things that Rena tried to tell her, but at least she would do as what the older Matsui asked which was to stay here for at most 3 days. It was the time that Takamina estimated when Mayu would wake up. She did have several things to go clear in the city and probably its best to leave as soon as she could. Also, there was nothing she needed to worry anymore too since Mayu no longer had the thirst for revenge, and everything would be smoothen down. There was nothing to stop Miyuki and Mayu from being together anymore, they only had each other left in this world.

“Nothing will stop you two being together anymore. Please do take care and look after her okay?”

“But…I’m sure Mayu-neechan cares for you too. Why would she risk herself into the lab just for you?”

“…I still can’t convince myself she did that for me. I meant nothing to her and I’m her tool for revenge. My purpose here is defeated and so as an outsider, I should leave here.”


“Please take care of her, and don’t let anything separate you two apart again. Mayu dearly cares for you, I can tell…even until now.”

Miyuki couldn’t seem to convince her senior about this matter. She seemed to make her decision regard about leaving this place, or it was just because she wanted to leave Mayu. She did listened to how Yuki came to know and be with Mayu until now…it sound truly unbelievable but she didn’t say a word and kept listening to everything. She knew about how Mayu was using her for revenge against Kashiwagi Miura, but now there’s no point for it since she no longer thirst for revenge. The man she had hatred for was no longer alive and this would end Mayu’s insanity. Eventually took her back to the normal peaceful life. However she would need support from people around her especially her only and last family member, Miyuki.  However, the younger twin felt that something wasn’t right and had to ask that question to her senior.

“Senpai, do you really like Mayu?”

“...No, I think I love her, maybe too much too.”

It did clarify many things in Miyuki’s mind. She could see the way her senior watched over and took care of her older twin…she could even feel it. The way that Yuki treated Mayu was like the way lovers would do. The raven-haired woman really loved her sister. She nodded in that silence and stayed by her senior’s side for the rest of the time until dinner. Haruna and her did bring clothes as well as some extra for Yuki. Everyone was very friendly and welcomed the two of them. Mariko was more than welcome to have them around in the house and they could stay as long as they wanted too. Obviously they had a plan that they would stay and left with Yuki back into the city. But Miyuki was still making that decision since she might stay here a little longer because her sister is here. She would obviously have so many things she wanted to talk to her to catch up with the missing 12 years they were apart.

Everyone sure had a long break after all this chaos and mess that happened. They never felt this much peaceful for a very long while. Rena, Jurina were excited and thrilled to get to know Miyuki. They were having fun playing around with each other as how the usual Jurina would be doing. As for Yuko and Haruna, they were helping each other cleaning the dishes and everything after the dinner. They seemed to be spending some time together after the long grudge Haruna had, reminiscing about their nostalgic past as well as maybe giving the opportunity for their feelings to grow. Haruna loved both Mariko and Yuko…but she no longer love the older woman like she used to anymore. She was still wondering she saw Yuko as a friend or more than that and only time would tell her. She seemed to have a discussion with the younger squirrel already and Yuko was obviously more than welcome to wait for Haruna despite they would still be just friends. The other three ladies saw and feel that little sweet atmosphere happening around Yuko and Haruna, and the young naive Jurina couldn’t help but to speak her thoughts.

“Yuko and Haruna-san looked like a married couple…”

“O-Oh shush it Jurina!”

Yuko was blushing mad, and it seemed Haruna was a little too. Rena couldn’t help but to giggle to see that love started to bloom everywhere. It would take quite a while for the two of them to settle together but at least there was a beginning to it. The older Matsui wrapped her arms around Jurina and pulled her in while she leaned back against the couch. The younger one was flushed this time and was completely submissive in Rena’s arm. She couldn’t help but to tease Jurina and kissed her head gently and cuddled her playfully.


“Hehe, you’re just cute Jurina.”

“How is being like a married couple now?”


Yuko sneered back and the puppy was blushing madly. As for Rena and Miyuki they couldn't help but to laugh at how Jurina was acting right now. She really did look like a helpless puppy in Rena’s arms. The older Matsui patted her head tenderly and kept Jurina in her arms for the whole time. Everyone was sure having fun and relaxed despite their status in society…officers, criminals, killers, whatever their status was, they could still live together happily with one another.


As for Mariko, she had sat down in her office working as usual but working on a new objective this time. She received a call from Takamina who was working something for her and she wished she would hear some good news. She passed the information she copied in an extra USB to the midget doctor before she left today; she wanted her to help do some special research for her.

“Any updates?”

[It is possible to make a cure for the toxin in Rena and your body. The data you gave me is really helpful; I should be able to tell you in few days.]

“I’m glad to hear that. Thank you so much Takamina.”

[I guess Mayu is doing well now?]

“She never left her side at all. I assume she’s alright.”

[I see, I’ll contact you if I got any further updates. High likely I should be able to formulate a cure for it.]

“…I’m glad to hear that. Good night.”

She hung up the call and rested against her chair. It seemed she really did ask the right person to come up with the cure for her and Rena. They were suffering from the side effects of the poison in their body and their bodies were decaying. Their lifespan had shortened down due to countless experiments on them…and if Takamina successfully made the cure, then it should buy get back some lifespan for them to live longer than they expected. However, they would be able to live that long comparing to ordinary people. The experiment they went through didn’t care they live long or not, as long as they could function as a SuperSoldier, it would still fulfill the experiment’s purpose. Mariko thought back to the old days when they worked so hard to come this far…and it’s finally over. Maybe it was about time they could finally take a rest from this matter. 


Lastly…Yuki was still there by Mayu’s side and gently stroke her head. She pushed that bangs away and saw that nasty scar across her left temple, she remembered the story that Mayu told her. Then it would always remind her that everything was over. The long hatred vengeful cycle was broke down and there was nothing that would come to harm Mayu anymore. Part of her hoped that Mayu would wake up quickly…but another part she didn’t want it to happen. If she woke up before she left, then it would be too hard for her to leave. Obviously she didn’t want to leave at all, but she still carried that guilt that her father hurt so many people, especially the one she loved. There were much confusion and frustration going on inside her and she would need a break to settle things down. She needed to give herself time to be alone, to filter things inside her mind before she could make any decision from now. Or she just wanted to run away from Mayu because of her feelings for her? She eventually glanced at the clock and realized that it was getting late, and so it was time for bed. Before that she stroke her cheek and slowly bent down to plant that soft kiss on her forehead.


She only called her name and nothing was said further. It was mixed with love and sadness. So much mixed emotions going on inside Yuki and she sighed before she decided it to call a day…just 2 more days before she would leave here.


It was the night before Yuki would leave. She was called over by Mariko after she had her dinner for a private talk. She wasn’t sure what Mariko wanted to talk to her and she was getting a little nervous when its only the two of them in her office. She leaned against the table and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

“Sorry to call you this late, but I need to tell you something…it is very important.”


“About Kashiwagi Miura, about your father…”


Mariko continued on and revealed the truth behind Miura’s action. She found this hidden message in the main computer after Haruna had successfully hacked into the main computer. It was in the same folder that contained literally all the information regarding the SuperSoldier project. When Mariko recited it, it made Yuki froze for a second because that was the same exact word he said before he was dead.

“…Let this end the madness…”

Later on, everything made sense when she had found his will. It was in his hidden pocket of the jacket and surprisingly it was written to Mayu… It revealed all his intention to be stopped by someone, to be killed by someone. He had done so many crimes beyond forgiving…and by the time he realized it, it was too late already. He always wondered who would be able to stop him and he hoped that his daughter would…but he knew Yuki too well. She was too kind and she wouldn’t be able to stop him that easily. However, recognizing Mayu in that security camera when she was attempting to kidnap Yuki out from their headquarters gave him hope… He obviously knew about Mayu’s identity and existence ever since then, and realized that she would be the best person to kill him…

Watanabe Mayu, she would be the best one to stop his madness after he failed to do so. He was deeply affected with Yumi’s death and lost his humanity already…he killed so many innocent lives and it was just too much for him to repent. It was too painful for him to live on and wanted someone to end his life. He wanted someone to stop him his madness. That was the hidden meaning behind his words… Let this end the madness…he always wished for someone to stop him from this insanity that was ripping off his humanity.

He was sad that he made Yuki disappointed. He couldn’t be a good father to her in the end, and allowed his own weakness to take control over her. Before he wrote this he had faith that Mayu would kill him. The girl would have the most motive to kill him, as he was responsible for her parent’s death. He pushed hard to play as a villain role to provoke Watanabe even more…to make her have a stronger motive to kill him. However, the last part of the letter…he addressed to his daughter.

“I’m sorry I can’t be the good father that you can be proud of,
and please know that I love you so much.”


Yuki literally broke into tears and but it was a mixed with too many emotions. She didn’t know what to say after she learned the truth regarding her father’s feelings. He was obviously an insane madman…but it was because he was severely wounded from her sister’s death. She was literally killed right in front of him…and no one could understand the pain he went through. She was sad that she failed to be her father’s emotional support and to understand his real feelings. People could be so desperate because of the permanent scar that was left behind and would always sought for something to fill in that gap. Everyone sure that that traumatizing past that left a scar on their heart, but what made a difference between everyone of them was either they let themselves be succumbed by darkness and hatred…or to move forward with that strong heart without letting it get to them. If one were to see, Kashiwagi Miura was a victim of the society just like everybody else, but his weakness lead to tragedy for many other people like Mayu and Miyuki.  One event lead up to another one, like a continuous cycle that needed to be severed.

“Do feel free to hate me, since I’m the one that killed your father.”

“…No, I have enough of it.”

Yuki shook her head and looked back at Mariko. She approached her and held that right hand that Mariko used to pull that trigger to end Miura’s life. The young officer looked into Shinoda’s eyes filled with hope. Despite she knew that this left some scar on Yuki’s heart…she was willingly to move on forward without letting that tragic past drag her down. Enough with this revenge and hating each other…Yuki didn’t want to continue this. She knew that Mariko was the one responsible for killing her father, but she didn’t hate her. She hated herself more for unable to understand her father and be by his side when he needed that emotional support.

“I think my father would want to say thank you to you. At least…he went with peace and no longer have to suffer.”

“…You’re very strong, Yuki.”

“Not really, but I guess I learned a lot by being around Mayu, and everyone.”

“I see. And so about tomorrow, you’re certain you’ll leave without waiting for Mayu to wake up first?”

Yuki shook her head sideways and looked back at Mariko, she explained her feelings how it would make it too hard for her to go and she needed the time to be alone to settle her feelings down. But obviously, Mariko could see through it clearly and could tell that Yuki wanted to leave because out of fear towards Mayu. She just looked the same as when Rena came to tell her she was leaving for Jurina’s sake…Yuki was here because of the deal that Mayu forced on her, but now that everything was over, she lost the purpose to be here and felt that she was needed to be here.

“I’ll send you two off tomorrow, Takamina will be coming to pick you two up and drop you in the city.”

“Thank you…for everything, Mariko-san.”


« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 08:13:39 PM by katekyohit »

Offline katekyohit

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 12 ~ Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (17/07/14)
« Reply #208 on: July 16, 2014, 07:51:15 PM »





I was looking around and saw nothing but darkness. I kept walking and was looking for something that I lost. It was rather…important to me. I can’t seem to figure out what it is but…I know it’s very important to me. Then I felt like I know where it is…I kept running towards this darkness even more and desperately until I felt that familiar warmth that have been holding me ever since I could remember. It is so familiar…but now it’s just gone, and I’m desperately trying to get it back.

“Where is it…!?”

I kept run towards this random direction hoping that I could find it, but I failed. I tried to recall what it is, but I couldn’t at all…I can’t remember. I felt like if I called it then I would know where it is…I will be able to take it back. What’s the name…what’s her name…


It was like a flash ran through my head and everything started to return back to me. I turned back and then I saw that familiar raven-haired woman with her back towards me. I don’t see her face…but I know who she was. I remember that warmth coming from her, and that comforting air she always have.


I extended my hand towards her, but she slowly started to distance away from me. I literally sprinted but she started to distance away…the faster I run the faster it disappears away from my site.


It didn’t stop at all…but if I call her, then she might. Her name…yes, I finally remember her name and it was stuck in my throat. I tried to shout her name but it failed. I literally screamed to the top of my lungs but it didn’t work.


(W-What the—!? W-Why can’t I…)


 I started to get even desperate and then I just reached my limits…it felt as if the a part of my heart was ripped off from me, and I never felt this horrible in my whole life. This is really a nightmare…and I gave my one last try and yell her name to the top of my lungs. However, her name, kept repeated in my head, endlessly…

(Yuki…! YUKI!!!!)



The wounded Watanabe sprang up from bed and she was breaking into sweat. She was having that nightmare and literally yelled her name out from the top of her lungs. It’s been so long she was living in the dream…and didn’t know how long had it been since she was sleeping. She was panting and finally realized the pain on her abdomen as well as on the shoulder. There was a huge different from that dreamland she was in. She definitely realized that she was back to reality and was trying to process things around her…she recalled she fainted after Mariko came to save her from being killed by Miura…and then everything seemed to fade away. Before she could even think anything further, she heard someone coming towards the door and it was that familiar girl that looked similar to her. She was panting as if she ran from somewhere, likely was because she heard Mayu’s yell. Then that huge smile of delight appeared across her face. Mayu was obviously surprised to see her here…she wouldn’t expect to see her twin here.



The younger twin literally sprinted in and threw her arms around Mayu tightly. She was already broken into tears and hugged her beloved sister as if there was no tomorrow. Obviously she felt that sting pain after receiving that colliding impact but then she could feel Miyuki trembling and crying on her shoulders. She only hugged her sister back without any further words and patted her head gently. He could tell that she was so worried about her.

“…I’m sorry to make you worry, Miyuki. I’m fine, okay?”

“Thank goodness…Thank goodness you’re awake! You made me worried so much…!”

“I do have some tough luck.”

Miyuki slowly pushed herself away and both twins exchange glances with each other, and finally witnessed that smile from Mayu. It was the same exact smile that her gentle older sister always had…it was as if the older sister returned back to whom she used to be, and no longer was a slave of vengeance. Mayu patted her head again and tried to calm the crybaby sister of hers.

“You never change, always a crybaby.”

“…You changed, back to the neechan I love so much.”

They both smiled and enjoyed the sense of reunion, however Miyuki seemed to snap back to reality. There were so many things she wanted to talk to Mayu after they were finally united again, but there was something important that needed to be done right now. Miyuki bit her lips before she looked back up at Mayu and went straight to the point so to make things proceed much quicker. She stepped back and stood up firmly.

“Everyone just left a short while ago before you woke up. They were off to send Haruna-senpai and Yuki-senpai. They’re both heading back to the city today.”


“Please hurry, neechan. If you go now, you can still make it.”

It was like the power between twins. Mayu didn’t have to tell Miyuki what she wanted to know, but it was like she read her mind. The moment of short silence between the two and they had that eye contact with each other before Mayu smiled out of relief. Maybe the first word she blurted already hinted Miyuki more than enough that the older twin sure had some sort of feelings towards officer Kashiwagi. However it wasn’t the time to think about that since every second that ticked was very important. She finally got out from bed and stood right in front of her.

“Thank you, I wish we can talk…but I need to go now.”

“Also one thing neechan.”


“…Don’t let senpai go, okay?”

“You bet it. Now you really sound like people who lived here.”

“Hehe, I’m your sister after all!”

Both twins were very similar after all. She was starting to speak as if she was one of her people in dark alley now. It just made Mayu nodded firmly before she rushed out towards the door before she sprinted with all the life and energy she had…once and for all. 

She didn’t even bother grab her jacket and just ran out with her black sleeveless shirt and shorts. She just charged out bare feet and sprinted like there was no tomorrow. If they were about to take their leave from dark alley to the city…it would be that usual spot that they would always use if they were to head out from the dark alley. It would just be straight out from here to the public road…and Mayu just had this massive adrenaline rush and so it was keeping her alive. She barely had any food in her stomach and not much energy in her muscles, but she was still running with full strength. Her natural painkillers inside her body were stimulated and she was no longer feeling any pain at the moment. The power of adrenaline rush sure was saving her right now and she knew that she would be in horrendous amount of pain after this.

“Goddammit!!! I hope I make it in time…! Run faster—!!” 

She’s getting exhausted but that didn’t stop her from speeding up at all. She pushed harder despite her feel was getting lots of cuts from stepping on rocks and other unknown materials all over the floor. She couldn’t be bothered thinking about it since she needed to get there as quickly as she could…before she would regret so badly that could be worse than death. 

“I’m not fucking going to let happen…! I need to hurry up…!”

It was just like her dream, she was running desperately to catch with Yuki but she failed to reach her…she didn’t want to embrace that despair again. This time she would yell for her as loud as she could to the top of her lungs in a way she never did before in her whole life… she would make sure to not fail to call her name.


Everyone came out to send Haruna and Yuki off as Takamina came to pick them up with her car. They were loading their luggage to the back of the car before she gave each other the farewells. Jurina seemed to take a like on Yuki and she was hoping that she would come visit them again sometime.

“Yuki-san, please come back again.”

“I will try Jurina. I can’t say for sure.”

“Mayu would want to see you too! Everyone will sure miss you.”

“…Yeah, I hope so. There are few things I need to do, I’ll try my best.”

After she finished her farewell moment with Jurina, she turned to Rena who was standing beside the puppy girl. She had that soft smile across her face and was disappointed that Mayu didn’t wake up before both officers would leave. She wanted to stop her, but she needed to respect Yuki’s decision. Despite they had a happy ending to this SuperSoldier incident…it didn’t guarantee it would be a happy ending to both Mayu and Yuki after all.

“…Please take care, and feel free to come again. Thank you for keeping your promise to stay around this long.”

“It’s okay, thank you for everything Rena.”

“It’s a pleasure to get to know you.”

They both shook hands with each other as they had became good friends with one another. During her times here Yuki had made friends with everyone as well as the leader of the dark alley. Kastly, it was Mariko that she faced with and before any words could be said, she bowed her head down to her before the older woman could say anything. Mariko obviously didn’t know what to say at all, to give her condolence? But they had this talk already last night and they didn’t need to add anything further that what they already know. Yuki only smiled to her and thanked Mariko for everything she did.   

“…Thank you for everything, Mariko-san and thank you bringing the end to this.”

“To be honest…I don’t really know what to say. ”

“Please take my gratitude and I believe father wants to say thank you too.”

“…You’ll always be welcome here, whenever.”

“I’ll always keep that in mind.”

They both shook hands with each other and seemed to form a strong friendship with Mariko. At the very least Yuki got to realize her father’s true feelings and she no longer saw him as a complete madman anymore. The father she loved and respected always lived and would always be there in Yuki’s heart. It made her felt much more peaceful than the past days that she felt horrible about her father. Right now…it was the time to leave and depart from here once and for all.


The young Watanabe was still running and her adrenaline was still pumping. Rn. Run… and run harder. She turned at the corner quickly and accidently tripped over this stupid can, but she kept on running, it just made it worse since the opened can scratched on back of her feet. However she just completely ignored it as she knew she was about to reach that usual spot, and that was when she heard people conversing with each other. She remembered those familiar voices talking in a farewell matter…she recognized Yuko’s voice first.

“See you guys later! Take care!”

(N-No…! W-Wait!!)

“Bye bye! Please visit us again!”

The next voice was Jurina and it was getting louder and she sprinted harder. She realized that she was about to reach up to them and as she looked forward…she saw the back of the raven-haired woman approaching the car first. It was identical to the one she saw in the dream and it just made Mayu desperate even more. She remembered that feeling when that warmth disappeared away…and left her empty in the darkness.

“No…p-please make it on time…!”

She didn’t want to feel that again and it just made her and she started to feel that sting pain on her abdomen and maybe she had ripped her wounds up, but that could be dealt with later. She was about to hyperventilate from this long sprint and finally gathered all the air into her lungs…before she desperately screamed the loudest as she could.


The loudest scream ever and made everyone froze on the spot. No one would be expecting to hear someone screamed like that but they immediately recognize that familiar voice. Rena turned around and she couldn’t help but to be shocked, and eventually that smiled appeared across her face before she whispered softly.

“A miracle…did happen.”

The one being called was the one that was in a shocked state and she turned back to see everyone moved away and let that familiar girl walked through. She stood right in front of her panting hard with that exhausted expression. She couldn’t believe her eyes with who was actually standing right in front of her…her eyes grew wide with shock as Mayu was still catching up her breath. It was like a dream and she blinked to make sure she was not dream. Apparently, she wasn’t at all.



“W-Whoa, are you nuts Mayu?? Did you just ran barefoot here!?”

Yuko suddenly yelled out loud with surprise, as she was the first to recognize that trail of blood that Mayu left. She had that cut across her feet because she accidently kicked the opened metal can on her way here. Also, she had pretty much stepped on sharp materials and did cut her feet. Yuki looked down and was shocked; she got into her worried mode and scolded at Mayu for being insane and reckless.

“W-Why are you doing this?? You just recovered from the injury you—”

“Why…are you leaving…!?”

“This is not the time for this, you’re blee—“

“Listen to me…!”

“Mayu! Stop being stubborn already you need to—!”


Mayu grabbed her collar shirt and pulled Yuki down to seal her lips. It was fastest and simplest way to shut the officer up and everyone was caught off guard with the scene they were witnessing. Everyone was literally shocked with Mayu’s blunt move; she did gone straight to the point without any further words and really did shut Yuki up. As for surprised officer, her mind completely blown away when Mayu’s lips sealed against hers. It was a forceful kiss and she was resisting against it. She tried to push Mayu away…but Watanabe used every bits of energy left in her muscle cells to hold firm of her grip and keep Yuki close to her, but she was still exhausted from the run and had to pull the kiss away from her. She was still trying to catch her breath after that long running.

“Listen…to me already…!”

“M-Mayu stop this, w-why are you doing this?!”

 “Isn’t that the question I have to ask—U-Ugh…”

The adrenaline seemed to have dropped down and she just felt pain everywhere. Her legs went weak and she fell on her knees. Yuki reacted fast enough and held onto her to support that weak body before she kneeled down with her as well. The pain came from the reopened abdomen wound, which was killing her mentally, and she instinctively pressed her hand against her stomach. As she pulled her hand away and made both of them saw the blood. Yuki immediately realize that Mayu reopened her wounds due to her insane running from the hideout to the front here and it just made her angry with her.

“You just reopened your wounds! Are you insane!? Why can’t you stop being reckless like this!?”

“Shut…! Up!”

“You almost died because of this recklessness, why couldn’t you stop being this crazy—”

“Then stop running away from me already!!”


Jurina tried to go in to help but Rena stopped her first. It was a matter between Mayu and Yuki that needed to be settled before anything else…that’s why everyone just stood there and allowed the two of them to understand each other. Watanabe held tightly on Yuki’s shirt and her head was leaning against her shoulder too. She was panting and groaning in pain…but her body language was more than enough to tell Yuki that she would not let her go if she didn’t either faint or die. She never saw Mayu acted so desperate like this before in her life… Yuki was too stunned to continue anything else and that made Mayu continued where she left off. 

“I didn’t risk me life…to just see you walk away from me again. Do I need to lose an arm or something to make you stay—!? U-Ugh…”

“M-Mayu!? Stop moving already!”

“Don’t you dare…leave…”

She was breath so hard against Yuki’s chest and she could feel that weak arm trembling. Mayu didn’t eat anything in the past days she was asleep…at most was that she was given water every now and then by Yuki. However, it wasn’t enough for her to have the strength to fight back against the officer. At this condition, Yuki could easily push her away…but she can’t. No matter how much Kashiwagi ordered herself that she needed to do so, she still couldn’t push Mayu away.

“Why do you have to do this…aren’t we just using each other for our own benefits?”

“…I can’t…anymore.”

She let her body leaned against Yuki and both arms wrapped around Yuki tightly. Like a desperate child clinging on her precious thing that she valued more than her own life. The officer could feel those arms and her body trembling badly. It was from all the adrenaline rushed and she was still panting due to exhaustion… She looked like she was about to collapse any second but she was stilling holding on no matter what.

“Kill me if you going to leave…”

“You’re exaggerating things too much—”

“Try me…want to bet on it?”

“I’m not playing any stupid games with you anymore! This is not a game.”

“…I’m serious.”


Her voice became serious and Yuki could tell it immediately. It made her stumble slightly and Mayu was still trying to catch her breath and she was slowly regaining her breathing back…but the pain was just killing her so badly. She got a massive cut across the back of her feet, countless cuts all over her feet as well reopening her abdomen wounds. The combination of all was just mentally disturbed. 

“I rather die…if you plan to just go away like this…”

“S-Stop it. Stop staying ‘die’ so easily like this!”

“Because I’m SERIOUS here!! Goddammit! Why can’t you tell!?”


“What do I have to do…to keep you here…!?”

“…Mayu, this is the best for both of us. You’re now freed from the vengeful feelings and you have Miyuki with you…you have a life waiting for you.”

“Do you hate me that much?”


“Do you hate me?”


“Do you…?”

“Please stop it.”

“Why…did you lie to me then…?”


Mayu gripped onto Yuki’s shirt tighter and continued the conversation with that unbearable pain. However, she knew that this physical pain couldn’t match up with this emotional pain if she let go of Yuki…she knew that she would regret for the rest of her life if she did. As for Kashiwagi, she was completely dumbfounded with what Mayu was trying to say to her…and she couldn’t believe what the stubborn girl brought up. It was something she promised with her right before Yuki returned back to her father.

“You said…you’ll never leave me…carry those burdens with me…never let me go…is that all a lie?”


She remembered she said those words at the park with Mayu. She promised to her that she wouldn’t leave her no matter what and would always be there by Mayu’s side… she stop Mayu from revenging and would support her no matter what. Yuki promised to be there by Mayu’s side. She obviously remembered what she promised, but she was shocked that Watanabe remembered every single word she said. Little by little, her strong determination to leave started to weaken down with Mayu’s desperation and feelings.

“Is it all a lie?”

“N-No. It’s not a lie! I never intent to lie to you—”

“Don’t give out words when you can’t even plan to keep it…!”

“Stop it! You’re making this too hard for me…is this your scheme again? What do you want from me this time?”

“…What the hell do I have to do…to make you believe what I said—G-Guh…!”

“L-Let go of me! You’re forcing your wounds to reopen again!”

“I beg you…Yuki.”


She called her name and it made her froze at that instant. It was like she was casted on a spell when Mayu called her name so clearly and gently like that. She gently pushed herself away but still had that firm grip on her shirt. She kept repeated that name to keep Yuki’s attention at her. She hoped that her feelings would reach the officer through that name she never ever said to her. For all this time…she never said her name, and it seemed like she was making up for all this time that she never said it. Mayu let out all her emotions, and kept calling her without any thoughts of saying anything else. She stared right into Yuki’s eyes and kept calling her name…and the officer was completely mesmerized with those eyes. For some reason, she couldn’t let her eyes away at all, as if she was completely stole her heart away.


“…Stop it.”


“D-Don’t call my name…please…!”


“S-Stop it! Please I beg you…!”


The older officer avoided that eye contact and her voice was already cracking up. She was hitting the verge of tears…but then it didn’t stop Mayu at all. She cupped her cheeks, turned over back to her and sealed those lips again. However this time, the kiss was very tender. Mayu never kissed her like this before…. it was so soft and gentle. As if it was a kiss that lovers do…and it was too hard for Yuki to even resist against it. She felt that tongue entered her mouth and touched hers. She tried to push away, but Mayu just deepened it up even more and its like she felt so many emotions through it…her energy was drained as well as it shattered her determination to leave Mayu’s side. In truth she never wanted to, but she didn’t know what would be the best for Mayu at all. She was being utterly selfless that she ignored her feelings that wanted to stay by Watanabe’s side forever. However, this kiss they had was making those feelings resurfaced again. Without realizing, she gripped tightly onto Mayu’s shirt and let her emotions poured out through her tears instead. The younger one didn’t stop and deepened up the kiss even more and finally felt that Yuki was kissing her back too. Raw emotions took over instead and they both felt like they were in their own little world now…

Miyuki finally arrived after she had tried to catch up with Mayu as she hoped that her sister made it on time. However, when she finally arrived at her destination, she could see everything turned their backs towards the car and had their eyes off somewhere as if to avoid looking at something. She approached with curiosity and she could see her sister and senior were having a private moment with each other and couldn’t help but to blush awkwardly.


“Shhh, Let them be for now. Damn…never knew she can do such a thing.”

Yuko turned Miyuki around so she wouldn’t be staring at her own sister kissing intimately with her senior. She was slightly surprised, but in a good way. It did showed her that Mayu really did felt the same way as how Yuki felt for her…she didn’t expect to witness a scene like this when she arrived…but she felt quite relieved for them that there was a good ending for the two.

…The couple slowly parted their lips away after their deep intimate kissing, and they were both blushing heavily. Yuki was completely embarrassed that she allowed her raw emotions to resurface again and kissed Mayu back with her heart’s content. It just indirectly revealed that she still have those feelings for Mayu after all the things that happened. In that short moment they were staring into each other’s eyes before Mayu made a move on her. 

“I take back what I want…I claim what’s mine. Even you’ll hate me for this, I’ll make sure you fall in love with me again…and even more than before.”


Mayu’s blunt speech just made Yuki turned redder and it was just too bloody obvious for the younger one to ignore it. That moment Mayu swore that Yuki looked like a kid and she couldn’t help but to let out a soft laugh. She couldn’t recall the last time she laughed relieving like this at all…maybe she didn’t have anything to hold her down any longer.


It made Yuki’s eyes grew wide… and everyone couldn’t believe what they heard. That was likely to be the first time of their life that they heard Mayu laughed like that…like an ordinary girl. Yuki swore that it was the most beautiful smile she ever saw in her life. It was so gentle and kind just like how Miyuki always explained to her. That smile touched her heart, and she could feel the face heated up even more.  It made the intense atmosphere around the two of them decreased and then Mayu held onto both of her hands tightly as well as gently.

“Yuki…can we make one last deal?”


“A deal, one last deal between us.”

“…What now?”

“Your body, heart, soul, burdens, and pain…everything. It will all belong to me, and only to me. You’ll become mine forever.”

“And in return… what will I get from you?”


The officer was certainly familiar with this rule very well. For one to give out something they would get something equally in return. If Mayu asked Yuki to give everything to her and always belong to her, then she needed to repay something that was equivalent to that. She couldn’t tell what would be coming at all. At first Yuki was looking downward and waited for Mayu to reply, but she was sure taking her time… The moment she looked up she could see the young Watanabe blushing with that dishonest face. She diverted her eyes away and covered her lips with her fingers. It was obvious that she was totally embarrassed to say something. However, seeing Mayu blushing embarrassingly like this was something rather new and surprising…she looked like a normal girl. That side of hers was just downright adorable and Yuki couldn’t help but to repeat what she asked again. 

“What will I get in return…?”



Yuki was lost with Mayu’s indirect answer but then it made the shy stubborn girl blushed even more. She couldn’t say those words out of embarrassment and Mayu knew that her friends were behind her. She needed to make that declaration of her deal but it was just too embarrassing for her. She had to turn back to yell at everyone to close their ears so only Yuki would hear her.

“C-Close your ears now! All of you!”

“Jeez, so complicated, just say it already…”

“S-Shut up!!”

“But I want to hear it…”

“Don’t you dare Jurina—!”

Yuko and Jurina whined back but in the end everyone did as Mayu asked. This time, only Yuki would be hearing what Mayu said and she took one last deep breath before she told the officer the prize she would get in return for belonging to Mayu…she was blushing like a kid and Yuki couldn’t help but to be curious with what Watanabe had to say right now. She wondered what could be more embarrassing than all the things that Mayu had done to her already.

“So…what’s my prize in return?”

“I-I told you…everything.”

“Mayu, Not that again—“

“Everything that is me, if you belong to only me forever…I’ll be yours.”

She interrupted Yuki and replied back softly while blushing madly. But it wasn’t just her anymore. Yuki felt like she was abut to explode right now. The way Mayu was saying was indirectly implying that they would be lovers when she accepted that deal…or they would even be more than that. Yuki just suddenly broke into tears as if her emotions just started pouring out nonstop.

“So…w-will you accept the deal? Our deal…?”

“I-I ah—!”

She tried to hide it but Mayu just pulled her in and let her cry on her chest…she gently stroked Yuki’s head and let her cry as much as she needed to. Maybe it was tears of happiness, or mixed of everything… Mayu didn’t bother to ask anything and just let Yuki burst all her feelings out. She knew that Yuki loved her…and it had always been on-sided for the whole time. It was obvious that one would be happy when their feelings and love was returned back. Everyone behind could hear Yuki crying all her tears out and realized that the things were settled now. They turned around and saw a good ending before their eyes. It seemed Yuki wouldn’t be leaving to the city after all…at least not today. Rena got an eye signal from Mariko and realized what she needed to do, take Yuki’s stuffs out from the car since she probably wouldn’t be going back today. All of them just watched with a smile and let the two lovers enjoyed the silence between the two. It seemed Mayu didn’t need any words to get a confirmation with Yuki…since the answer seemed to be obvious for both sides. The officer slowly pushed away and Mayu was the one that wiped the tears from her eyes with her finger.

“…You and your crazy deals…I wondered why I can’t stop loving you at all. The more I tried forget these feelings, the more I tried to get away from you, the more I realized that I just love you so much.”


“Hehe, you’re blushing? That’s so cute of you.”

“Shut up, don’t tease me.”

“I can’t believe it at all, you’re crazier and much more insane than I thought.”

“Hmph…I guess love makes people do stupid things after all, didn’t you say so?”

“Yeah—wait what??”

Mayu covered her mouth and just felt like wanted to dig down to the core of the earth. She literally just confessed out that she loved Yuki without realizing it. Everyone heard it clearly with both ears and Yuko couldn’t help but to laugh out loud at how Mayu just literally dug her own grave in front of everyone. It was a silly mistake she did and obviously the older twin was mad with the squirrel.

“Don’t laugh! Oi!!”

“B-Bwahhahaha! You just literally dug your own grave! What’s even the point for us to close our ears again? ”

“Shut up Yuko! Don’t remind me anything about that!”

“Haha, Yuko, you’re just mean.”

Mariko chuckled softly and Mayu wanted to just die right there out of embarrassment. Rena couldn’t stop giggling as she knew how much Mayu would always be cautious with her words, but it seemed she just slipped it out so easily like this. Slowly little by little, she could see Watanabe slowly returning back to an ordinary girl…back to who she used to be and who she truly was. As for the one that received that indirect confession looked as if she was about to die from a heart attack. Yuki was literally got a shock of her life…and was still trying to process the fact that Mayu felt the same towards her. Yuki pulled on the younger girl’s shirt and brought her attention back to her, she still wanted to confirm what she heard and had to ask Mayu again.

“I-Is it true? What you said just now…”



“I-I’ll tell you in a special occasion, not here.”

“Hey, that’s mean.”

“Shut up, I said not here, so it’s not here.”

“So when Mayu is in love she’s a stubborn tsundere type eh~”

Yuko couldn’t stop teasing the young mouse and it just made her wanted to kill the squirrel so badly, she got up as she tried to go ask for a fight. But it seemed she forgot all the package of injuries she got at the moment, she literally fell back onto the ground and was groaning with pain. That made everyone remembered that Mayu had those new injuries she just got today along with a reopened one. It was a wakeup call for Yuki and rushed to her love’s side and held her in her arms. She couldn’t help but to sigh and realized that she would need to stick around with her for a long while.

“Geez…someone crazy like you, I cannot leave you at all, can’t I?”

“Never, because you’re mine.”

“Hehe, yeah I am… I allowed my heart to be stolen by you and I will never have it back again.”


Mayu just remained in silence blushing before Yuki got small towels from Takamina to wrap around her feet gently. Glad that the bleeding stopped but they needed to disinfected it before it would get worse. The older one scooped Mayu up and carried her in her arms. It seemed the Yuki would have to take care of the restless girl for the rest of her life after all, or else Mayu would be doing a lot of insane things again. The midget sighed as Mayu just increased the work for her. Takamina had to follow back to the hideout to re-stitch Mayu’s wound that she forcefully reopened as well as checking the new big cut across her feet. She couldn’t believe how reckless Mayu was but at least she knew that Yuki would make sure it wouldn’t happen again.


So it seemed the plan to head back to the city was moved away. However, Haruna would need to go back today so Takamina would send her off after she was done treating Mayu’s fresh new injury. Rena peaked behind her to see Yuki and Mayu finally together at last and couldn’t help but to feel grateful for the two. Everyone was talking to one another while they were heading back to the hideout. This was the best ending that Rena could’ve ask for… there was no longer a reason to fight anymore and finally they were able to live with the ones they cherished. Obviously none of them would let this moment go again…and would always hold firm to this moment for the rest of their life. Rena held Jurina’s hand and leaned against the younger puppy beside her whom was so close to her height. It did made Jurina flinched slightly with a bold move.

“W-What is it Rena-chan?”


Both Matsui were far from developing anything else, but Rena had a feeling that they should take it gradually instead of having a dramatic swinging relationship like Mayu and Yuki. The two Matsui ladies sure enjoyed their moments together while Yuki and Mayu seemed to have their privacy a little while they were walking behind everyone. Officer Kashiwagi wasn’t weak after all as she was able to carry Mayu in her arms easy without feeling exhausted. They didn’t say a word and the younger one just leaned against Yuki’s shoulder until Yuki suddenly spoke up to her. 

“Hey Mayu.”


“Since I gave my heart to you, is there anything in return I would get?”

“I stole that. You didn’t give it to me. So I don’t have to give anything in return back.”

“Ouch…haha, that’s mean?”

Yuki chuckled softly with how Mayu was acting all mean again. It was funny seeing how she switched between being such a stubborn girl as well as being very mean. She turned to look at her and saw those blushing ran across Mayu’s ears. The younger one just grumbled to softly so only Yuki could hear it…and she was glad that only she could hear it.

“What do you want…when you got what you want already…?”

What an indirect speech, but the message was passed to her. They sure had their own way of communicating and Yuki couldn’t help but giggle out of utmost contentment. Mayu’s way of communicating was just so complicated, but it’s just so like her. As if she was just so new to this and was yet to bluntly speak of her true feelings to her. She could finally tell her feelings and knew that it would reach Mayu this time…as well as it would be requited. She didn’t regret that she met with Mayu back at that alley on that very first time they pointed their guns at each other. The memories how their relationship came up until now replayed in her mind and it sounded ridiculous that they came this far and came down to this beautiful ending.  Yuki would always belong to her forever… since in return, she would have her stubborn little love right by her side till her very last breath.

“I love you Mayu…and I don’t regret it at all.”

“…I know that.”

“Can I ask you if you feel the same?”


Mayu was plainly mean to her but then Mayu scooted up a little to whisper against her ears before she face flushed horribly. It was like Yuki’s heart was about to explode with the way Watanabe was being just so indirect to her. She could just be downright adorable and made Yuki fell in love with her even more. It was one heck of an adventure and it was like a miracle that they were together at the end of everything. In the end, Yuki fell in love with every side of hers…both the heartless and gentle side, and didn’t regret any of those moments she unconditionally believed and gave up everything to Mayu.

“You two lovebirds, I didn’t want to interrupt you two but move faster will you?”

Yuko couldn’t help but to tease which made both of them blushed embarrassingly even more. The officer was walking a little slower since she was distracted with what Mayu said to her. She increased her speed immediately to catch up with everyone and Watanabe just allowed herself to rest in those arms without arguing or saying anything back. It seemed both of them were still blushing from what Mayu said… Yuki wasn’t expecting such a statement like that since it was mixed of being bold and indirect in a way.

“You’re mine…and I’m yours…forever. That’s our deal, isn’t?”

Mayu’s words kept repeated in her head and she couldn’t help but to look forward for the moment they would be alone together. She would nag as much as she wanted from Mayu in order to hear out her true feelings. It was just a beginning of their story together and maybe she would get to see much more of the real Watanabe Mayu from now on. Either way, she was madly in love with her already. She would have so much fun dealing with Mayu from now on and watched more of her cute sides. … The thief got what it wanted by stealing, while the officer’s job was to capture the thief. And so it seemed both of them successfully accomplished their role in a way… Mayu stole her heart and in returned Yuki captured hers… and none of them planned to let go of that precious tresure until their very last breath.




 :sweat: :sweat: :sweat:
 :nya: :nya: :nya: :shy2: :shy2: :shy2:
Wait........THERE'S EPILOGUE!!!!!!!!!!!!  :pen_whirl: :pen_whirl: :pen_whirl:

...Also, since Yukirin's birthday just passed by (July 15)...I planned to make a short special chapter for Yukirin's birthday!! Stay tune.
 :hee: :hee: :hee: :hee: :hee:
« Last Edit: September 12, 2014, 02:31:22 PM by katekyohit »

Offline chotei_sha

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 12 ~ Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (17/07/14)
« Reply #209 on: July 16, 2014, 09:37:56 PM »
BEEAAAAUUTTTIIIIIFFUULLLL  :heart:  :heart:  :heart: THHAANKKYYOOOUU SOO MUCH FOR THIS STORY!!! Can't wait for the special chapter and epilogue :D

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 12 ~ Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (17/07/14)
« Reply #210 on: July 16, 2014, 09:56:52 PM »
YATTTTAAAAAA.....!!!!!!!! I love it. . . But,,can you please make an omake about WMATSUI too ???? I love how mayu Tsundere but still so sweet. . . I can get some ants with this sweet ending. I love you kate-san. And you're not killing character anymore. :)

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 12 ~ Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (17/07/14)
« Reply #211 on: July 16, 2014, 11:11:46 PM »
Yah ~~ :onioncheer: I love this fanfic! :mon XD:
Amazing and Beautiful!! :on gay: :mon lovelaff:
I can't wait for the Epilogue and the special! :on cny1: :mon beam:

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 12 ~ Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (17/07/14)
« Reply #212 on: July 16, 2014, 11:40:33 PM »
YATTA~ Finally its the ending  :twothumbs

But its sad it end  :shocked

Glad they are together in the end  :cry: :yep:

Waiting for the epilogue next  :panic: :lol:
Kami Oshi is Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena and Jurina

WMatsui and Mayuki all the way :D

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 12 ~ Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (17/07/14)
« Reply #213 on: July 17, 2014, 01:07:02 AM »
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS WONDERFUL STORY  :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy:

Excellent work  /AS ALWAYS) :peace:
all my feels are like cwbjhbechberbfrjhfbrjcehbcebjde :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:  :inlove:

I'm looking forward to the epilogue  :cathappy: :cathappy:

~ KamiOshi 松井玲奈 || AKBOshi 高橋みなみ~
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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 12 ~ Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (17/07/14)
« Reply #214 on: July 17, 2014, 01:31:55 AM »
It's already the end T_T
Looking forward to the epilogue!

Offline kurogumi

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 12 ~ Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (17/07/14)
« Reply #215 on: July 17, 2014, 03:35:41 AM »

ah arigatou kate-sama!


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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 12 ~ Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (17/07/14)
« Reply #216 on: July 17, 2014, 04:18:20 AM »
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ~~~~~  :rofl: :rofl:

Mayu~~~  :rofl: :rofl: can't stop laughing  :rofl: :rofl:


 :hiakhiakhiak: :shy2: :whistle: :wriggly: :nya: :on gay:

thank you kate-san  :kneelbow: :on woohoo: :on grad: :mon thumb: :mon roll:

Offline chichay12

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 12 ~ Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (17/07/14)
« Reply #217 on: July 17, 2014, 04:47:05 AM »
KYAAAAAA FINALLY!!!    MAYUKI :wriggly: :wriggly: :wriggly: :wriggly: :wriggly:
kate i wuvusomuch for this  :on slopkiss: :on slopkiss: :on slopkiss: :on slopkiss: more please XD

can wait for the epilogue :D
till next time kate!! have a nice day :on gay:
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 04:54:20 AM by chichay12 »

Offline chotei_sha

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 12 ~ Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (17/07/14)
« Reply #218 on: July 17, 2014, 05:19:10 AM »
Wait...I just realized mayu never told yuki "I love you" directly *facepalm*  :catglare: wahh now I really can't wait for that epilogue wahahaha  :shakeit: oh mayu is still such a tsun in the crucial moment  :cathappy: oh well..thanku again  :doh:

Offline sastio13

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 12 ~ Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (17/07/14)
« Reply #219 on: July 17, 2014, 09:08:43 AM »
Katekyohit-san! kate! kate! kate!!!!
even me little bit sad because this story is end, but...
you make a happy wonderful ending for this story!!
so full emotions in here you know, i can say that you're success! hahaha :twothumbs
oww kate, i'm so thankful you'll make omake for this 
jaa, arigatou gozaimashu kate!  :bow:
Yo, i'm sastio! i like to read fanfics! :)
a silent reader :grin:

Oshi: Shinoda Mariko,
Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena, Yagami Kumi, Okada Nana, Shinobu Mogi, Thalia, etc.
overall, i like all members hehe

every pairing is fine, as long as i enjoy :)

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