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Author Topic: Kate's OS Box ~ Untitled [SayaMilky] - Update (15/5/16)  (Read 213107 times)

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #5 - Update (11/11/13)
« Reply #200 on: November 12, 2013, 03:48:14 AM »
I LOVE POCKY :on gay:

First i need a dentist, i wonder whats next? XD
kate i really enjoy reading ur fic  :D
Thank u for making me smile after i read it *teehee*
Ps.i know u been busy with this fic eto,pls update ur amnesia fic too *onegai*  :nervous

Offline katekyohit

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #5 - Update (11/11/13)
« Reply #201 on: November 12, 2013, 04:25:52 AM »
Chichay12: I like pocky~ glad you enjoy it~ Hope you book a dentist soon :P Don't worry I'll update every single ongoing fic when I'm done with exams (next week), its just i wrote out the omakes and the ridiculous long OS before my exam period starts. OwO

Scene #6: Yuki’s Birthday

“Jya…I have to go now.”

Mayu had a travelling bag with her as she was somehow prepared to go off on some trip or something. She patted Koichi’s head and kissed his forehead.

“Take care of mamarin when I’m away okay?”

“I will!”

“I’m sorry Yuki…I’ll have to be away for quite a while.”

Mayu apologized but then Yuki simply shook her head. She understood her lover’s position as a doctor very well and she must attend this medical convention at Osaka. However that wasn’t a reason why Mayu apologized to her wife, it was because the convention would end on the same day as Yuki’s birthday, so she couldn’t be here to celebrate for her birthday.

“Don’t worry about it, have a safe trip.”

“I will.” She smiled before she left the house and onto the taxi, heading off to meet wither fellow colleagues first before heading over to the medical convention at Osaka.


Through out the whole week, both Koichi and Yuki stayed at the shrine instead so the little boy wouldn’t be too lonely or bored with Mayu’s absences. He enjoyed talking and playing with his grandparents while Yuki just seemed to daze off and stared out from the window of the shrine. Both of them didn’t expect the medical convention to be during Yuki’s birthday. Yuki would be lying that she didn’t felt sad by it, but she wouldn’t want to add more pressure on her lover. So she decided to carry the pain alone.

“Isn’t it tomorrow your birthday Yuki?”


Yuki’s mother came to her side and sat down beside her. She knew about the unfortunate that Mayu had to be away due to her working plan. But obviously the mother could see through the miko’s tinge of sadness hinted in her eyes.

“Take it easy Yuki, it’s just pure unfortunate, neh?”

Her mother saw through her completely. She had not need to say a word further; she just simply nodded back. She return to Koichi’s side together with her mother before the boy would ask about her whereabouts. A week with Mayu gone from the house was sure very lonely for her…


It was already her birthday and it’s just any other days to her. They came back home today since Mayu would be back by tomorrow according to her schedule. Yuki made sure her boy took a shower and brushed his teeth before going to bed.



“Happy birthday~”

“Thank you Koichi-kun~ I love you.”

Yuki smiled with contentment before she kissed the boy’s forehead. She left the room in order for him to go to sleep. Yuki sighed and went to sit alone in the living room while watching some random channel she just opened. Then she realized that during the week Mayu was gone… the doctor was always beside her, all the time. Even though she was already tired from her job, she would always smile and bring happiness to Koichi and herself. Yuki sighed and leaned back against the sofa with her face facing up at the ceiling. Glancing at the clock…it’s almost midnight. Her birthday was about to end…

“Mayu…I miss you.”


Yuki was surprised to hear the sound of the doorbell. She glanced at the room’s clock at its already 11:45pm. She wondered who would be coming this late. She went to the door, but then it opened itself. Her eyes grew wide with shock to see that familiar person in front of the door with a huge smile across her face. She was in her black formal suit as if she just rushed out from the conference.


“I’m back~”

“Wait, I thought you said you’ll be back tomorrow!”

“Actually yes, but I can’t wait, and I’m glad that I made it on time…”

She giggled before she brought out something that she was hiding behind her back. It was a small pink rose bouquet, and a black box. She opened it to reveal the small pink rose necklace inside. Yuki was already surprised that Mayu came back at the middle of the night, and she hadn’t expected for her lover to give anything to her… That genuine smile across Mayu’s face just felt so warm and comforting.

“Yuki, happy birthday!”


Yuki was deeply touched by Mayu’s effort to come back home from Osaka straight after her convention without taking a break. In the end, Mayu created a miracle herself in order to give Yuki happiness. Her eyes became teary and then she threw her arms around the doctor.

“Welcome back home…”

“I’m back, I’m sorry to make you wait. I miss you.”

“…I miss you too.”

The doctor closed the door behind her and without further ado; Yuki asked her doctor to put the necklace for her. It was a gift she bought at Osaka while she had a chance just for the sake of Yuki’s birthday. She already planned to come back home as soon as the convention was over. In that silence, they stared into each other’s eyes and then their lips met with each other with feels of yearning. Mayu didn’t wait and immediately snaked her tongue to invade Yuki’s lips. Their kiss became bolder and bolder every second that went by, but they had to break out for a second before Mayu could continue where she left off.

“I’ll make up for the time I’m gone. Command what you want…Yuki.”

“…Kiss me, and hug me tightly.”

“Yes, I will…forever.”

Their lips enclosed each other once again while Mayu hugged her wife tightly and closely to her body. Feeling each other’s warmth, their face started to blush even more. Yuki missed her kiss, her hug, her touch, and her voice. She gripped tightly onto Mayu’s shirt without caring she would make a mess or not. It’s her birthday today after all… it’s the day she allowed herself to be completely spoiled by her beloved lover.



Offline imteedee

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #6 - Update (12/11/13)
« Reply #202 on: November 12, 2013, 04:47:42 AM »

OH Nurse Jurina is happy with the update as well!  :shocked

my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #6 - Update (12/11/13)
« Reply #203 on: November 12, 2013, 11:54:51 AM »
Mayuki's house must be filled with ants.

They are always so sweet to each other! :deco:

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #6 - Update (12/11/13)
« Reply #204 on: November 12, 2013, 02:06:33 PM »
Poor Mayu, she work hard fir the family

But they work out

I love pocky day

Please update :bow:

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #6 - Update (12/11/13)
« Reply #205 on: November 12, 2013, 02:20:32 PM »
now it's already 6 then 7,8,9,and 10 finish! i start to feel sad~ haha this family really warmed my heart

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Offline katekyohit

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #6 - Update (12/11/13)
« Reply #206 on: November 13, 2013, 07:46:15 AM »
Scene #7: Trick or Treat!?

“Hm, and here comes the moment of the year…”

Mayu walked at the counter of her department and picked a lollipop from the basket. Apparently some nurses were bored so they decided to do some Halloween decoration in the pediatric department.

“Dr. Watanabe! Don’t steal the kids’ sweets.”

“Just one, don’t be so bossy, Jurina.”

“But this is quite unexpected, I thought you will take a holiday today.”

Nurse Jurina replied with a big smile and Mayu just shrugged her shoulder. She wondered why as well. Usually she would in order to be with Koichi, but it seemed not today.

“Well, if I want to have a day off for Christmas…I have to work a lot more to make up for it.”

“Ah, that makes sense. Hm~ I’m so jealous of Yuki-san~”

Mayu raised her eyebrow and wondered why would the nurse felt jealous of her own wife… when Jurina herself had her eyes on someone already.

“Oi~ Then you should ask for more attention from Rena. Didn’t you like her?”

“H-Hey!” Jurina blushed instantly and it made Mayu giggled.

“It should be really quiet today, so why don’t you drop by to see her?”


Jurina puffed her cheeks as Dr. Watanabe enjoyed teasing her. Later in that day, Mayu just sat in her room and read a book quietly. Since today was Halloween, not many children would be coming today anyways. Then suddenly, the door slid open and she saw Jurina head peaking in.

“Dr. Watanabe~ you got a patient.”

“Hm? Okay.”

Jurina opened the door wide and it literally caught Mayu off-guard when she saw her wife and her child there.

“Mamayu~ trick or treat!”

“Y-Yuki? Koichi??” Mayu got up from her chair with surprise

“Hehe~ Is mamayu surprised?” Koichi ran to her side and threw a hug around her.

“W-Wow, yes I am!”

Then Koichi handed Mayu a pumpkin-shaped lollipop to her with a huge smile across his face. “Trick or treat~”

“Aw, thank you Koichi…”

“Alright~ Koichi-kun, let’s get outside and wait until mamarin give mamayu a surprise trick or treat?” Jurina suggested up and the boy nodded. He ran to the nurse and went outside of Mayu’s office. Only Yuki and Mayu were inside and then the miko walked up to her.

“I didn’t expected you and Koichi to come here…” Mayu spoke up and it made Yuki smiled.

“He missed you, so we decided to come surprise you.”

“I see, you don’t miss me too?”

“Baka…do you even have to ask.”

Yuki smiled with a blushing face, and it also made Mayu’s face reddened up. Then her wife handed over a piece of candy to her. The doctor was confused with that candy, she grasped for it but Yuki pulled it away.

“Nope, I’m not letting you taking it just like that.”


Yuki unwrapped it and fed the doctor instead. Mayu was slightly surprised and then opened her mouth for Yuki to feed her. As the candy went inside her mouth, it was a soft caramel candy.

“It taste great.”

“Really? Let me try.”


Without further ado, Mayu was completely caught off guard by her wife. Yuki’s lips met with hers and she could feel Yuki making such an aggressive move on her. She snaked her tongue inside her mouth and taste the leftover caramel inside her mouth. The doctor was completely dominated by her wife and her face flushed so badly after Yuki licked her lips.

“It really is sweet.”


“Hehe~ Happy Halloween, darling.”

Rarely Yuki would call Mayu by ‘darling’ and it obviously Mayu never blushed this badly before.  Kashiwagi really did played her move well and successfully bullied Mayu. It seemed Yuki utilized this chance to have a little payback on her lover.

“We shouldn’t keep Koichi from waiting, let’s go.”


Mayu was still mindblowned by what Yuki addressed her. The priestess grabbed her hand and guided her out from the room. That was sure one sure one surprising Halloween for the year. As they went out, they met with Koichi and Jurina at the toy area.

“Mamarin! Did you surprise mamayu?”

“Yes~ I’m pretty sure mamayu is surprised, right?” Yuki grinned at the doctor who seemed to still be blushing.

“Y-Yeah. Mamarin totally caught me off guard…”

“Yay! We both surprise mamayu~”

Koichi was so excited and hugged his raven-haired mother. The doctor was still trying to gather her sane back after the surprise from her wife. Yuki completely caught her off guard and being spoiled by Yuki was just too much for her to handle. Mayu turned to Yuki, and their eyes accidently met… that’s when her wife gave her a cute wink and caused the doctor to have a heart attack.

(Mayu: U-Ugh…she totally got me this time -///- …)



Offline Koneki

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #7 - Update (13/11/13)
« Reply #207 on: November 13, 2013, 08:09:53 AM »
I should learn from her (?)
asdasdasd~~ <33

Ahh a little of wmatsui (lol)  :cathappy:

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #7 - Update (13/11/13)
« Reply #208 on: November 13, 2013, 10:21:41 AM »
KOICHI AND MAMAYU aren't real....


You are welcome, Sire.  O0
« Last Edit: November 15, 2013, 05:05:16 PM by imteedee »
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #7 - Update (13/11/13)
« Reply #209 on: November 13, 2013, 11:59:38 AM »
sweet hallowen >.<



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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #7 - Update (13/11/13)
« Reply #210 on: November 13, 2013, 01:09:05 PM »
Way to go Yuki! Nice attack. :on GJ:

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #7 - Update (13/11/13)
« Reply #211 on: November 13, 2013, 02:50:21 PM »
KITTA~!!! THE KILLER WINK!!!!  :wub: :inlove:
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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #8 - Update (14/11/13)
« Reply #212 on: November 14, 2013, 05:31:55 PM »

Scene #8: MaYuki Family’s Christmas Eve Night~

“Mamayu! Let’s go over there!”

The little boy pleaded his parents and obviously the doctor nodded at his request. A huge smile appeared across his face. As expected, Dr. Watanabe took a day-off from her work on this special day for the sake of her family. They were dressed up properly so they would be warm when the sunset down. The doctor wore her long black coat and a red scarf, while her wife wore her clean white jacket and a fluffy hat. Koichi put on a lot of warm clothes today since Ms. paranoid Kashiwagi wouldn’t want her son to be sick.

The three of them went into the city together and spent their precious family moments together. Yuki had gone to the bathroom and both Mayu and Koichi waited at the front of this café for her.

“Mamayu, mamayu, I want to ask something.” Koichi pulled onto Mayu’s shirt and caught the doctor’s attention.


“Eh, you see…”


As Yuki came back, they continued going all over the places, there let Koichi do anything he wanted to do and he literally ate a lot of sweets and food today. He seemed to enjoy himself as well. Yuki kept asked her son what he wanted for Christmas but he said he didn’t want anything in particular. He just wanted to enjoy as much sweets as possible when he got the chance to.

“It taste so good~”

“Don’t eat too much Koichi-kun you’ll get sick.” Yuki warned her son with worries.

“It’s just today, let him for once Yuki.”

Mayu sided with her son and it made the boy loved it. However, Kashiwagi sighed with how her lover was siding with Koichi most of the time. After they enjoyed their day, Koichi seemed to saw something that caught his eyes, and it was the jewelry shop. His eyes stared at this pair of earrings and he didn’t even think of blinking at all. Dr. Watanabe observed her son and had that kind gentle smile appeared on her face.

“Do you want that one?”


“T-That’s really expensive!”

Yuki exclaimed and totally disagreed with Mayu buying it for Koichi. He was still 5 years old and there’s no way any parent would buy a female jewelry for their son! However, the doctor completely ignored her wife and went along with the flow of her son.

“Let’s get this, okay?”


“Mayu are you even listening to me?”

“Hai~ Just trust me…neh?”

Mayu turned to her wife and gave a wink. It worked every single time on Kashiwagi. She stumbled and blushed by that kiddy wink from her lover. Every time Dr. Watanabe asked her to trust her… she would always fell for it. She sighed and was completely hopeless of stopping Mayu.


They came out from the store and Koichi was carrying the paper bag in his hand. He was smiling with excitement and leaned his body to stick onto Mayu closely. The sun had disappeared and the beauty of the night starry sky took over, as it was already 8pm. They had been outside for the whole day and it was snowing as well. Giving out such a romantic feeling of the Christmas Eve night…. the lights of the stores gave out such a beautiful effect in this romantic scenery. 

“Thank you mamayu~!”

“No problem~ Mamayu also love it too.”

“Jya…where are we going now?”

Yuki spoke up and then the doctor pointed towards the huge Christmas tree decorated at the middle of the plaza, which wasn’t that far away from where they were standing.

“Is there something over there?”

“We’ll see~”

Mayu teased her again and it started to make her curious with what the doctor was planning this time… As they arrived at the wide plaza, looking for the perfect timing, Mayu and Koichi exchanged glances with each other before the boy ran up to his mom.

“Mamarin~ Merry christmas~!”

He handed over the box to Yuki and caught her off guard. She looked back up at Mayu with such dramatic expression and it made the doctor smiled. She walked to Koichi’s side and crouched down beside him.

“I hope mamarin likes it…and mamarin asked what I want for Christmas right?” He smiled and then held Yuki’s hand tightly. “I want to make mamarin to be happy just as much as mamarin makes me happy~ I love you so much mamarin!”

Yuki was completely shocked and she crouched down in front of both Koichi and Mayu. She was deeply touched by her son’s words and then she exchanged glances with Dr. Watanabe. She immediately knew that her lover knew about it.

“Mayu so you knew…”

“He wanted to get you something. This is his present for you neh~”

“Mamarin…do you like it?” The boy spoke up with slight hint of worries in his voice.

“Of course I do! It’s the best Christmas present ever… Thank you so much Koichi-kun.”

Yuki smiled with slight teary eyes, but she wouldn’t want to breakdown right here in the middle of the plaza. The miko couldn’t help but to think but thinking how her son learned to be so sweet and gentle like this. He must have absorbed a lot of things from the doctor after all. Mayu put on the earrings for her wife and it perfectly matched with Yuki. It was a silver chain earring with purple amethyst at the end tail; it looked completely stunning on Ms. Kashiwagi.

“Mamarin looked so pretty!”

“It’s because Koichi-kun picked a good one~”

Yuki embraced her son tightly and it made him chuckled with excitement. They headed back home together while holding hands. As soon as they got back home, the three of them sat at the living room as Koichi requested.

“Can we hug until its Christmas? Pretty please~?”

“Of course.”

Mayu replied and then Koichi pulled her over onto the sofa to sit. As the doctor sat, the boy jumped onto her side and cuddled around the doctor’s warm body.

“Thank you so much mamayu!”

“Hehe, it’s totally nothing at all.”

“Don’t say it’s nothing.” Yuki sat down beside Mayu on another available side, and leaned onto the doctor’s body. “You did so much…for me, and Koichi-kun.”

“It’s what I want to do…I guess its my job as a husband?”

Mayu teased her lover with a chuckle, but she wasn’t expected Yuki to respond with such an adorable irresistible smile like that. It made her blushed and then the miko pecked her cheek before she would speak up.

“Thank you Mayu…for everything.”

“When I grow up I wanna be super cool like mamayu!” Koichi smiled and hugged Mayu even closer.

“You will, because she is Koichi-kun’s mamayu after all.”

Yuki smiled while she rested her head closely to the doctor’s neck. A smile slowly appeared across Mayu’s face as she wrapped her arms around both Koichi and Yuki. Resting her head on top of Yuki’s, she closed her eyes with utmost contentment. It was true peace within MaYuki family. She wanted this moment to last forever… with these hands of hers, as long as she was still living, she swore she will not fail to protect and give happiness to both Yuki and Koichi.

“I love both of you too… I really do.”



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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #8 - Update (14/11/13)
« Reply #213 on: November 14, 2013, 05:38:44 PM »
Koichi is sooo KAWAII!!! :nya:

It's not obvious that his real father is Sae. :lol:

Mayu's influence to the kid is really strong.

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #8 - Update (14/11/13)
« Reply #214 on: November 14, 2013, 05:53:09 PM »


you must have waited for seconds... :V
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #8 - Update (14/11/13)
« Reply #215 on: November 14, 2013, 05:55:01 PM »
so sweet~~
will koichi change when he'll become teenagers D:

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #8 - Update (14/11/13)
« Reply #216 on: November 14, 2013, 06:31:44 PM »

I really wonder if kids like him exists in this world  XD

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #8 - Update (14/11/13)
« Reply #217 on: November 14, 2013, 10:20:28 PM »
I love Christmas

Aww.. Koichi-kun is so sweet just like Mayu

The story is so touch  :shy1: :luvluv1: :luvluv2:

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #9 - Update (17/11/13)
« Reply #218 on: November 17, 2013, 09:10:53 AM »
My apologize for delay, my last exam is tomorrow now, and since I'm taking a break from study, I decided to finish the 9th omake! Please enjoy it!

Scene #9: Valentine’s Day <3

“Dr. Watanabe! You have another appointment in 10 minutes, please be ready.”

Jurina came to remind the doctor of her job at the staff’s resting room. The doctor nodded and returned back to work. This was sure a tough day… so many appointments today when it was a special day she wanted to stay with Yuki the most, the lover’s day, Valentine’s Day. As the doctor worked hard and at the same time keep glancing at the clock with a sigh, even Jurina could see that.

“Poor Mayu…out of all the days, she can’t take a day-off today.” Jurina sighed as Rena was standing by her side thinking the same thing.

“True, it’s something expected from a married doctor.” Rena added.

“Huh…she looks sad too, what can we do for her?”

“Hmm…Oh! I think there is.”

“Eh?” Jurina looked up to Rena out of curiosity…


Time flew by so slow that it was gradually killing her. Right after she had finished her work, it was already late 8pm. It would be just 4 more hours before Valentine’s Day would be over. She didn’t even have the time to go buy chocolate or roses. However, as she back into the staff room to get a card she had wrote today through out the whole day. She found a bouquet of red rose and a big packet of chocolate; furthermore it was addressing it to her.

“Eh? To me??”

She checked it, and it was from both Rena and Jurina. They felt pity that Mayu had to work whole day today, so they decided to give her a hand and bought the things she needed for her precious lover at home. The doctor smiled with content with how caring her friends were, and without further ado, she rushed back home immediately.


“I-I’m back home!”

As Mayu returned home, Yuki was about to take Koichi up to sleep at his room. It’s already the time for the boy to sleep. However, when he saw his mamayu, a huge smile appeared across his face and he ran up towards her. Mayu crouched down and let the energetic boy threw his arms around her neck.

“Mamayu! You made it!”

“Haha…I’m really sorry. I just finished my work just now…”

“Welcome home Mayu.” Yuki walked up to her with that warm welcoming smile as usual. Every time the doctor saw that smile from her lover, it made her heart rest at ease and all the tiredness from her job vanished instantly.

“Oh! I have something for mamayu! Please wait here~”

Koichi ran into the kitchen and came back with a cute heart chocolate for her mother. He gave it to the doctor and peck on the kiss. That made Mayu surprised and blushed, he giggled from seeing his mamayu’s reaction.

“Happy valentine’s day~”

“Thank you Koichi-kun~ But since it’s already late, I’ll give you chocolate tomorrow okay?”

“Hai~ I’ll go to sleep now, good night mamayu!”

“Good night~”


Yuki told her to go take a shower and meet at the living room since she wanted to talk about something. It was quite obvious to the doctor since this was Valentine’s day, and this could only be the time they could spend together as lovers. After Mayu was done with showering, she came out she saw Yuki sitting at the couch watching TV.

“Sorry to make you wait.”

“Don’t worry about it…sit down.”

The doctor obeyed her girl and sat right beside her. The miko leaned onto Mayu’s shoulder and whispered softly. “You must be tired from your work today… you really looked exhausted.”

“A little…so many appointments going on today that I barely get to take a break. I doubt I even eat any lunch.”

“Do you want me to cook for you?”

“It’s fine…it’s quite late for a meal now.” Mayu glanced at the clock at it was already 10pm. She didn’t want to have a bad habit of eating late at night since it would be unhealthy for her.

“How about…some chocolate?” Yuki asked and pulled the table closer to the couch, there was a box of chocolate that Mayu received from Rena and Jurina. “May I open it?”

“Sure, it’s yours.”

Mayu smiled and Yuki unwrapped it. The chocolate box was elegantly wrapped and it seemed to be from some decent shop that both wMatsui bought for Mayu. The doctor picked a piece and put it on top of Yuki’s lips softly.

“Neh Yuki…can I be spoiled by you tonight?”

The miko knew what the doctor was referring to. She sighed softly and took the chocolate from Mayu’s hand. “…You deserve it.”

She put the first piece of chocolate into her mouth and moved in to kiss her doctor. Their body slowly fell onto the couch and the melting chocolate from Yuki’s mouth slowly transferred to Mayu while they were having an intense kissing session. Yuki’s tongue invaded the doctor’s lips and tangled with her tongue. The doctor could taste chocolate from Yuki’s tongue and lips, it’s just making her hunger for more. Finally, as the taste of the chocolate disappeared, their lips broke apart… Their face was blushing badly and they were panting from the intense kiss.


“I love you Mayu, with my whole life… let me spoil you tonight.”

Yuki picked another chocolate, put into her mouth, and she kissed Mayu again. The whole cycle of passionate chocolate kissing repeated again, again, again, and again. As each time passed by, Mayu couldn’t help but to blush and being spoiled by her miko. They both intertwined their fingers tightly while they were eating and tasting the chocolate together.


It seemed both of them had lost count how many chocolate they had eaten together already, but Yuki didn’t care. She picked another one and fed her Mayu once again. The doctor caught her breath between the kiss and moaned out softly.


They totally forgot the time and likely Valentine’s day had already ended, but it seemed their Valentine moment would never end that easily. When Yuki was about to pick another chocolate, Mayu stopped her and pulled Yuki’s face in to kiss her lips.

“I want to kiss you…”

“…Me too.”

They had enough of chocolate, and now they had another passionate kissing session on the couch. Mayu couldn’t help but to moan and be dominated by her lover tonight. It really did turn her on sometimes when Yuki was being the aggressive one during the kiss. Also, she loved that wild side of her wife.


“I won’t stop…I can’t stop now.”

Yuki whispered against Mayu’s lips and it made the doctor smiled back at her.

“Please don’t…I don’t want it to end…just yet.”

Mayu pulled her in and their lips met again, this time, she wrapped her arms around Yuki’s body to pull her wife’s body closer in order to deepen up the kiss. As for the miko, she placed both of her hands on Mayu’s cheeks in order to get a proper angle to kiss. As they go take a short session to catch their breath, they stared into each other’s eyes passionately; it was just too irresistible for them that they hungered for each other lips again. Mayu completely let herself being spoiled by her wife, what she loved as much as making Yuki belonged to her is… to be Yuki’s possession forever.



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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] Omake #9 - Update (17/11/13)
« Reply #219 on: November 17, 2013, 09:23:33 AM »
OMG my heart  XD too bad I can't troll now, let me troll later! dem. Always kissing and all, DIABETES MELLITUS  :inlove:
my hat is off. saluting.

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