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Author Topic: Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling (TakaYuu + Other) Chapter 21 Update! 8/17/15!  (Read 48433 times)

Offline AshuraX

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Woot! Atsuyuu moments blossom! Takamina's jealous =w=

Offline cisda83

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Minami seems to want to get away from Yuko...

Oh... they even live near each other....

They are fated to be with each other huh?

well can't wait to see how they are going to get together

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Ambenya

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I'm glad everyone is enjoying the story so far. It makes me very happy. :hee:
So everyone keep the reviews coming.
Please and thank you! :kneelbow:

@Kochiki: I actually thought of Takamina and Yuko living near each other at the last minute. Yeah Yuko is trying to deny her feelings too but there is only so much you can deny. :kekeke:

@nouke1995: TakaYuu is the best! They need more fanfics about them which is why I decided to write about it and yeah the feelings are starting to build between TakaYuu. I also wanted to include TomoTomo in there. :luvluv2:

@AshuraX: Yep AtsuYuu moments just like I said and of course Takamina is jealous. :hehehe:

@cisda83: They really are fated and Minami's just a little confused right now. :on lol:

Here is the next chapter!
Everyone please enjoy! :byebye:
Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling
Chapter 4: What Is Going On With Me?

The next day Yuko got up early because for the first time in her life she was actually excited to go to school. She walked out the front door after getting ready saying bye to her parents before leaving. She noticed that Takamina and Acchan were in front of her house with Takamina looking embarrassed and Acchan smirking.

“Good morning, Yuko-san. Takamina here told me you lived near her so I recommended we come and pick you.” Acchan said as Takamina there redder before she turned away.

‘Why must she always embarrass me? Well at least she didn’t tell Yuko I was the one who actually wanted to pick her up and that she’s the one I’m interested in.’ Takamina thought as she tried to calm herself down.

“Good morning to you too Acchan, I guess we had better go we don’t want be late.” Yuko said smiling like a squirrel.

The three girls walked to school and were halfway there before Yuko asked her two new friends an interesting question. “So, how long have you two known each other and when did you start going to this school?”

“We’ve been friends since kindergarten and have been in every school together since. We started going here in our first year of Junior High.” Acchan said before the short girl could reply making her a little irritated for some unknown reason.

“Wow you two must be the best of friends. I bet it’s nice to have someone that close.” Yuko said with a sad smile feeling a little lonely.

“It’s nice but at the same time it’s a real pain.” Takamina said glaring at Acchan who just looked away all innocent.

They continued with their conversation until they reached the school gates. Yuko was surprised to hear many of the students say stuff like how AtsuMina arrived at school together again.

“Um… by AtsuMina these girls mean you two right but you guys aren’t going out right because I wouldn’t want to bother you guys when you want to have alone time.” Yuko said feeling a little self-conscious about bother her friends and yet she was also really irritated by the possibility of it.

“No, Yuko-chan we’re not together like that it’s just some delusion some of the girls have. I guess to them we are perfect together but dating Acchan would be like dating my sister to me. They mean no harm by it but they can get a little frustrating from time to time.” Takamina said feeling the need to vent while letting out a big sigh.

“Yeah, I like my girls taller and with a little less fail.” Acchan said with a laugh before her eyes fell on their other friend Miichan.

“Good morning you guys; you two complaining about your fans to the new girl.” She said smirking as Acchan looked away.

Yuko couldn’t help but notice the faint blush on her face. ‘Ah, so this is the girl that Takamina was talking about when she said Acchan liked someone.’ Takamina noticed that Yuko had figure about how Acchan felt towards this girl and smiled at her while Yuko smiled back.

Miichan noticed the exchange between the two small girls and automatically went to tease them. “Well, well, well, what do we have here? It seems like Takamina has a soft spot for the new girl, that’s quite a surprise if you ask me.” Miichan said as she started to grin big while looking at the two girls who blushed.

“It’s not like that at all! Ohori-sensei just asked me to keep Yuko-chan out of trouble while she’s here.” Takamina replied clearly embarrassed at her close friend’s accusations.

“Well you seem very chummy for a girl you’re just supposed to keep out of trouble.” She kept pushing the short girl trying to mess with her.

“We are just friends nothing more so don’t go spreading rumors around about us.” Yuko said getting irritated at this girl’s persistence before leaving. As she started to walk away the squirrel girl ran her hand up a random girl’s leg causing Takamina to follow her yelling something to Yuko about not being able to leave her alone for a second.

“You were definitely right Acchan those two were meant for each other, and you said the first time Takamina saw her was on her way home by chance and somehow she got her personality all wrong.” Miichan asked Acchan who nodded back with a smirk.

“So, I was thinking that we could all try and get those two together. Who knows I’m sure Shinoda-sensei would love to help.” Atsuko said since the main teacher who helped them was Mariko because of somehow Harunyan convincing her to.

“Yeah, I’d be totally willing to help and I am certain the others would be willing. Well, we had better go to class I’ll come by and have lunch with you guys.” Miichan said before running off.

‘I hope that by helping these Takamina and Yuko that I can get along further in my relationship with Miichan.’ Acchan thought to herself as she smiled a small smile before walking to class.

While Acchan and Miichan were having their conversation something was going on with Yuko at the same time.

‘Why did I feel so relieved when that midget said her and Acchan were just friends?’ She couldn’t understand what was happening to her. Just then Yuko walked by Sae who greeted her with an energetic smile.

“Sup Oshima-san! Are you still eating with us today? I’m sure the others would like to get to know you more.” Sae said with a huge grin on her face.

“Oh, hey Miyazawa-san, yeah I plan on eating with you guys today and please call me Yuko.” Yuko said smiling back feeling better than earlier after meeting Sae.

“I’ll call you that only if you call me Sae!” The energetic girl said as her grin widened.

“Sae, are you flirting with the new girl already? You better not let Sayaka know.” Mayu said smirking with Jurina standing next to her grinning.

“I’m sure the president wouldn’t be too happy either.” Jurina chimed in grinning like mad.

“That’s not it at all you two. Please don’t tell Sayaka or Takamina that is was flirting with Yuko-chan.” Sae pleaded while pouting at the two girls.

“Well, at least you’re not a pervert like Jurina is, right Sae?” Mayu said now looking at Jurina who looked offended.

“At least I don’t talk about oshiris all the time like you!” Jurina yelled at Mayu who just looked unfazed by the words.

Yuko tried her hardest not laughed at the girls before Mayu startled her by talking. “I heard a few rumors around that you’re just as perverted if not more than us, Yuko-sempai.”

“Well you heard right Mayu-san. I actually got kicked out of schools for harassment before coming here. I love oshiris probably as much as you too.” Yuko said laughing at how smart this girl was.

“I guess we’re sisters then.” Mayu said smiling and holding out her hand.

“Yeah, I guess we’re Oshiri sister then.” Yuko said as she grinned while shaking Mayu’s hand happy to make another friend.

“There you are you damned squirrel! You had better not be teaching your kohais anything perverted!” Takamina yelled at Yuko before going up and grabbing her hand out of Mayu’s while the girls looked at the two midgets amused.

Yuko glared at the shorter girl. “What is your problem, Bakamina?! Am I not allowed to talk anyone here without being watch?!” She yelled loudly getting angry at this girl that seemed to be treating her as a child.

Minami glared back at the girl that kept somehow sneaking into her mind. “Well, we wouldn’t have a problem if you just behave yourself instead of ogling every single girl you see and also learn keep your hands to yourself!” She yelled back and by this time many students gathered as they watched their president get mad for the first time in most of their lives.

“In case you haven’t noticed I haven’t really done anything pervy lately or maybe you’ve distracted lately yourself.” Yuko said as she took her hand out of Minami’s laying it on her shoulder and looking in her eyes concerned.

“I’ve just had a lot on my mind lately, Yuuchan. I don’t mean to seem protective or mean but I just don’t want you to be kicked out. Please don’t be mad at me.” Takamina said looking like a sad dog who got scolded. Only a few people saw the short girl act like this before.

“You don’t have to worry about that I will continue to be on my best behavior cause this is the best school ever.” The squirrel-like girl said while smiling cutely causing Takamina to start blushing.

“Hey…um…I’m sorry to interrupt your little moment did anyone else notice that Takamina called Yuko-chan, Yuuchan?” Sae said breaking the moment before getting hit in the head by none other than Sayaka.

“Are you an idiot can’t you tell when you’re not supposed to do anything?” Sayaka yelled fuming at the way Sae acted.

“It was like a scene from an anime.” Mayu said quietly to herself as the crowd dispersed leaving just Sae, Sayaka, Mayu and Jurina.

Yuko quickly moved away from Takamina blushing. ‘Why the heck did she call me that? It’s not like I hate but it was just so sudden.’ She looked to her side at the smaller girl who looked deep in thought and was blushing. ‘She looks kinda cute like that. Wait! What the hell am I even thinking?’ Yuko thought before shaking her head.

While Yuko was trying to clear her head Takamina was thinking along the same lines. ‘What was I thinking calling her that in public?! What was I even thinking calling her that in the first place?! But having her so close to me she looks so pretty up close. I can’t understand this girl at all; one minute she’s making me so mad and the next she’s making my heart race.’ Takamina’s mind was racing so fast she had no idea what was going on with her.

Just then the bell rang informing everyone to get to class. “Well let’s go to class everyone and you two get to your class right now.” Sayaka told everyone with serious look but she mostly just told Jurina and Mayu who listened and went to class.

“Come on, Takamina let’s go. Oh, and it is okay if you call me Yuuchan.” Yuko said smiling before going to class leaving Takamina alone.

‘This cutely dimpled squirrel girl is really going to be the death of me…’ Takamina thought before running off to catch up with Yuko and going to class together.

Set by Mei.ka~ on Hello Online
My AKB Oneshots Thread
My H!P Oneshots Thread
Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling (TakaYuu + Multiple Pairings)
Love's Handler (WMatsui, MaYuki, TakaYuu)
H!P Pairings I like: Suberies, MaaDuu, KarinTomo, TakaGaki, IshiYoshi, MomoChii, FukuAkari, YajiSuzu, TakeTamu, NatsuMomo, IikuDawa, TanaKame, KameShige, TanaShige, GakiPon, SayaSuzu, SakuSuzu, PinPon

AKB Pairings I like: TakaYuu, WMatsui, SayaCchu, YuiParu, AtsuHaru, TanoHira, MaYuki, MariHaru, TomoTomo, SaeYaka, AtsuYuu, AtsuMii, SayaMilky, KumiNon, FuruYanagi, MioMeru, SasshiLove, SakurAnna, ChiHaru

~All time favorite H!P member: Eripon~MM: Eripon, Maa-chan, Sakura, Chel, Ayumin, Yokoyan~Angerme: Murotan, Funakki, Rikako, Kawamuu, Kamiko, ~J=J: Sayubee, Ruu-chan, Yanamin~CG: Yamakki, Funakki~KF: Hama-chan, MinaMina~TF: Risamaru, Anmi, OnoMizu, Kisora~Kenshuusei: Yuhane, Kirara, Eguchin, Nanacchi, Okamura~Hokkaido Kenshuusei: Minorin, Mei, Yume~

~All time favorite AKB48 member: Yuko~AKB: Naachan, Komiharu, Juri, Ikumin, Mogichan~SKE: Jurina, Marika, Amichan, Dasu, Ranran~NMB: Rinacchi, Yamarina, Renapyon, Jo, Moka~HKT: Boss, Sakura, Mikurin, Nako, Madoka~NGT: Gatanee, Mocchan, Hinatan, Ayanyan, Rikachan~STU: Naachan, Cuca, Miyumiyu, Arichan, Ayumin~

Offline nouke1995

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So sweet :3
Especially the last part, I went 'AWWWW' the whole time xD

Offline cisda83

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Ah... Atsuko likes Miichan

Yeah... Minami and Yuko are interesting together.

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline AshuraX

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I'm kinda disappointed that it's Miichan since they're not... clicking or something but oh well, it's your story ^^''

Offline jenzybenzy

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XD takamina clled yuko, yuuchan   KAWAII~
A TakaYuu Here, An AtsuYuu there and A KojiYuu everywhere

ALL THESE HUGS ... i want one :cry:

Offline abcari

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Another Takayuu!! hope you finish this, there are a few without a final, thats sad ;-;

Good job here BTW :D

Offline AryaMachdi

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Wow, that was so funny and KAWAII~! :3 :twothumbs

I really like the story since the very beginning. I hope you update soon! :)

My God, Yuko and Takamina together... Really cute!? :D
I'm just a guy who likes writing fanfictions, makes music and has a healthy obsession for melonpan | Matsui Rena is my Oshimen! ^^


Offline Takaminafan49

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This story is so ajkdhgiaotakzoysoahxyd...


Thank You!!! I love the story!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!

Offline TakaminaBG

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This is so cute. I really like TakaYuu. They are a cute couple!!!
Somehow I feel strange with Atsuko liking Miichan but hey it's your fic and it's good so I'm not going to complain. :)
I'm lokking forward to the next chapter and I hope you update fast :)

Offline Ambenya

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Hey! How has everyone been?
I'm happy that so many people are enjoying this!:hee:

Anyway please review when you get the chance!

@nouke1995: I'm glad you like it!
More sweet moments will appear in this chapter.  :hehehe:
And once again thank you for the awesome poster; I really do love it! :luvluv1:

@cisda83: Yeah, Miichan is the one Atsuko likes.
I have always thought that TakaYuu were an interesting couple so I wanted them to seem interesting to others. :shy1:

@AshuraX: TBH I had a really hard time finding someone for Acchan but I really didn't want her to be alone and Miichan seemed like the best choice. :depressed:
I will try my best to make them become a couple that clicks in the story. :farofflook:

@jenzybenzy: I really just wanted to put in Takamina calling her that. It just seemed like the perfect moment. :wriggly:

@abcari: It's actually because of all the unfinished TakaYuu fanfics that I wanted to write my own and I will do my best to finish it. :on asmo:

@AryaMachdi: I'm glad you're enjoying it and all the moments. :shy2:
Please keeping reading as the story continues on.

@Takaminafan49: I'm really happy you like it so much.  :luvluv2:
I hope you will continue to enjoy it.
BTW you should update your fanfics too I can't wait to read the next chapter for 'I Like You'. :pleeease:

@TakaminaBG: I'm glad you liked it.  :on woohoo:
Yeah the AtsuMii is because I didn't want Acchan to be alone but look on the bright side they can be sneaky while trying to get Takamina and Yuko together. :kekeke:
And just so you know I was writing this post right as you posted your comment. :on lol:

I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as the last ones and remember to review.
See you all next time! :byebye:


Poster by ByuTaeReinA/nouke1995
Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling
Chapter 5: Lunch With The Others Outside

Morning classes were finally over and it was lunch time which Yuko was glad about since class seemed so boring to her and she wanted to spend time with her new friends.

Yuko walked over to Sae who was once again joined by Sayaka, Yuki, Rena, and Aika but this time Jurina, Rino, and Haruna had joined them too.

“You know since it’s such a nice day, how about we eat on the roof today? I mean no one ever goes up there and we have so many people.” Sae suggested to the others around her. Everyone agreed since they didn’t want to crowd the classroom.

Yuko turned to Acchan, Takamina and Miichan with an apologetic look on her face. “Are you sure it’s okay with you guys if I eat with them?” She said with a concerned look.

“Well, you do know they could eat with us right?” Sayaka said with smile to the squirrel girl.

“Then do you all want eat with us? We’re going to eat on the roof together.” Yuko said grinning at her friends hoping they would say yes.

“Sure but Tomochin and Tomo~mi were going to eat with us too if that’s okay.” Acchan said with a smile that made all the girls say okay.

“Yay, you are the best friends anyone could ask for!” Yuko shouted, hugging and kissing Acchan and Takamina on the cheek and running off to the other girls who looked surprised.

The girls started to walk off heading off to the roof top while Takamina just stood there shocked at what happened. ‘D-d-did s-she just k-ki-kiss my cheek? Why did she do that? Could she like me like that? No she did it to Acchan too she was probably just happy and it was an expression of friendship to her.’ Takamina thought as she was unable to move.

“Hey Takamina, are you going to join us or stand there all lunch break?” Acchan said snapping her friend out of her state of shock.

“Huh! Oh, I’m coming with you guys.” Takamina said as her mind calmed down a little before heading out with the others.

While Acchan and Takamina were talking one another as they all ate Miichan turned to Yuko who was watching everyone. They’re eyes locked for a second before Miichan leaned into Yuko’s ear to whisper something.

“If I see you flirting with Acchan ever again I will hunt you down. She is mine!” She whispered before pulling away and smiling like nothing happened.

Yuko however clung to the nearest person and hid but when she went to hide she automatically hide in the girl who she was sitting next to her chest.

The owner of the hiding spot however did not approve and smacked her. When Yuko looked up it was none other than Kojima Haruna.

Takamina had just looked that way at that time and saw what Yuko had done to the taller girl and started fuming. “OSHIMA!!! What do you think you are doing to Harunyan!?!?!” Takamina shouted loudly before walking over to the girl and dragging her away. When they were gone the others turned to Harunyan.

“Are you okay, Harunyan? I’m sure Yuko-chan didn’t mean to touch you there.” Acchan said with an apologetic smile.

“I’m fine. I guess I kind of overreacted but nothing’s wrong.” Haruna responded with an airheaded like smile.

“Are going to tell Shinoda-sensei?” Sae asked very curious about what the other girl was going to do.

“Well of course I am! She’s my best friend and I tell her everything.” Kojiharu said with a bright smile across her face.

“Except that you love her, right?” This time it was Rena who chimed in.

“I will tell her one day but I’m sure she already knows of my love for her.” Harunyan said with a happy and airheaded smile.

Everyone just gave up with it and went on to another conversation. Acchan leaned over to Miichan asking her a shocking question.

“What did you tell Yuko-chan to scare her so much?” Acchan asked with a very serious look on her face the last thing she wanted was her friends to hate each other.

Miichan thought about telling the girl she secretly had feelings for what she said. “How about I tell you later today, is that okay?” Miichan said after some thought about it.

“Sure and you better tell the truth or I will find out on my own.” Atsuko said as she looked Miichan in the so she would see how serious she was before she joined the conversation the others were having.

As everyone was continuing with their lunch Takamina was talking to Yuko in the building.

“So, are you going to answer my question about why you practically groped Harunyan back there?” Takamina said while glaring at Yuko who looked away.

‘Damn! I think this is the first time my heart has beat this fast in my chest. I have a feeling that I might die today. I guess I will just tell the truth…’ Yuko thought before turning back to look Takamina in the eyes.

“Well I guess Minegishi-san was upset when I gave you and Acchan a kiss on the cheek cause at lunch she threatened me saying not to flirt with Acchan or I’m dead pretty much.” Yuko said with a small smile that made Minami want to help her.

“So, why did you jump on Harunyan?” Takamina said a little confused about how the incidences were connected.

Yuko looked down trying her best not to blush about what happened earlier that was making her embarrassed. “Minegishi-san’s threat scared me so much that I just clung to the nearest person. I noticed the part I hid in was very soft and I knew in that moment I would be hit but I was surprised to see that the girl I clanged to was to be Kojima-san. I feel bad for what I did so I would like to apologize to her later when I have the chance.” The squirrel girl said in a rush to explain before bowing her head.

“Okay that makes since but when you’re scared I would just get behind someone from now on. At least now we know Miichan likes Acchan too.” Takamina said grinning while patting Yuko on the head.

“That’s true and will you please stop patting my head like a little kid.” Yuko said getting irritated at the action.

“Fine, let’s get back to the others then before they get suspicious.” The smaller girl said before heading back to her other friends with the squirrel girl following.

When they got back everyone looked at them like they were planning something. The two went back to their spots with smiles on their faces.

“Hey, Kojima-san, I’m sorry for what happened before. I just got a little freaked out by something and clung on to the nearest person.” Yuko said with an apologetic smile to the girl she accidently groped.

“It’s fine and we all agreed you are now our friend so you can call us all by our nicknames and we will all call you by your name.”  Harunyan said with a smile that made Yuko feel a lot better.

They all continued to eat and before they knew it lunch was over.

“Today was a lot of fun! We should do this again tomorrow.” Sae said with a huge grin on her face.

Everyone agreed to eat on the roof together and maybe bring some of their other friends too. They all headed back to their classes.

“What is our next class, Takamina?” Yuko asked as they got to the classroom.

“We have PE next so I hope you’re athletic.” Takamina said with a smirk.

“PE! Takamina you can’t expect me to behave myself.” Yuko whispered the last part to Takamina.

“Well then how about this I will stay by your side just so you don’t do something stupid.” The smaller girl said with a smile thinking of a solution so the other wouldn’t worry too much but also so she could be close to her. She had finally come to the conclusion she liked being around Yuko she just made everything interesting.

“I like that plan! You truly are a good person.” Yuko said while looking at Takamina with a soft expression causing the latter to blush.

“Thank you it means a lot to me that you think that Yuuchan.” Now it was Yuko’s turn to blush at the other girls words.

This was the first time ever Yuko started to feel this way. Why was it that a midget girl made her feel this way? ‘C-could this be what first love feels like?!’ Yuko’s mind finally clicked! She was in love with Takamina. Everything made sense but she wanted to ask someone first to confirm her feelings for the midget.

‘That’s what I’ll do I will ask the others about these feelings and maybe they could help me.’ Yuko thought to herself while nodding her head.

“Yuuchan!” Takamina yelled at the girl that seemed really spaced out.

The girl who just got yelled at snapped out of her thoughts and looked at the person that yelled at her.

“Are you going to come? We have to get changed now, so let’s go.” Takamina said grabbing Yuko’s hand and dragging her up to her.

Yuko’s hand dropped out of the other girl’s when she went to get her stuff. “Yeah, don’t worry I’m coming with you.” She said as she followed Takamina and the rest of the class.

When they got to the locker room all the girls started changing and Yuko was having a problem keep control around the others and so she kept her eyes down so she wouldn’t look. She was one of the first done and walked out right away. She waited until Takamina and Acchan were done and followed them to gym.

Yuko leaned in so she could whisper in Takamina’s ear, “Next time we go to change can we try and get there first so I don’t have a risk of dying from blood loss.” Takamina nodded showing that she would try her best to help her friend.

“Okay everyone cut the chit-chat. So, today I’ve decided that we are going to play dodge ball. I hope everyone is prepared for some exercise.” The coach yelled as the students started to groan except Yuko who was determined to win already.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 09:34:00 AM by Ambenya »

Set by Mei.ka~ on Hello Online
My AKB Oneshots Thread
My H!P Oneshots Thread
Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling (TakaYuu + Multiple Pairings)
Love's Handler (WMatsui, MaYuki, TakaYuu)
H!P Pairings I like: Suberies, MaaDuu, KarinTomo, TakaGaki, IshiYoshi, MomoChii, FukuAkari, YajiSuzu, TakeTamu, NatsuMomo, IikuDawa, TanaKame, KameShige, TanaShige, GakiPon, SayaSuzu, SakuSuzu, PinPon

AKB Pairings I like: TakaYuu, WMatsui, SayaCchu, YuiParu, AtsuHaru, TanoHira, MaYuki, MariHaru, TomoTomo, SaeYaka, AtsuYuu, AtsuMii, SayaMilky, KumiNon, FuruYanagi, MioMeru, SasshiLove, SakurAnna, ChiHaru

~All time favorite H!P member: Eripon~MM: Eripon, Maa-chan, Sakura, Chel, Ayumin, Yokoyan~Angerme: Murotan, Funakki, Rikako, Kawamuu, Kamiko, ~J=J: Sayubee, Ruu-chan, Yanamin~CG: Yamakki, Funakki~KF: Hama-chan, MinaMina~TF: Risamaru, Anmi, OnoMizu, Kisora~Kenshuusei: Yuhane, Kirara, Eguchin, Nanacchi, Okamura~Hokkaido Kenshuusei: Minorin, Mei, Yume~

~All time favorite AKB48 member: Yuko~AKB: Naachan, Komiharu, Juri, Ikumin, Mogichan~SKE: Jurina, Marika, Amichan, Dasu, Ranran~NMB: Rinacchi, Yamarina, Renapyon, Jo, Moka~HKT: Boss, Sakura, Mikurin, Nako, Madoka~NGT: Gatanee, Mocchan, Hinatan, Ayanyan, Rikachan~STU: Naachan, Cuca, Miyumiyu, Arichan, Ayumin~

Offline cisda83

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Ah... So Miichan also likes Atsuko...

Poor Yuko being hit for touching Haruna accidentally.

Can't wait to see what kind of adventure Takayuu going to come across

Thank you for the update

  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline AshuraX

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Come on! Anyone want to soothe this AtsuRena or AtsuHaru heart of mine? XD

Anywho, seems like Yuko set a flag to lose O.O''

Offline nouke1995

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Nawww Yuko getting hit again ^^;
I love the little TakaYuu moments, <3
Thanks for the update!
Oh and you're welcome, I'm glad you like it :3

Offline kuro808

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Complicated it is for Takamina and Yuko.

Miichan's shallow threat really brought some interesting situations.
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Kochiki

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Well, sorry for missing the previous
-Anyway, Miichan like Acchan too eh??~
-Geez~ Yuko just accidently touch Haruna~
-And then she got hit...Mou...Takamina~
-Ahaa!! Yuko, yes that's right!! Your first love!!~ <--lol

>Plz update soon!!~ Me can't wait for the next one!!~ *thumbs up*
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 06:15:04 AM by Kochiki »

Offline abcari

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ooh now Yuko knows~

more romance is coming >w<

thanks for this chapter and we are waiting for the next :3

Offline jenzybenzy

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 :huhuh.....ahhh :shocked.....AHHH :w00t:...... :drool:........ *slowly calming down*..... YOSHI! gonna wait for the next chapter  :thumbup
A TakaYuu Here, An AtsuYuu there and A KojiYuu everywhere

ALL THESE HUGS ... i want one :cry:

Offline 4ng3lswr4th

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Mii-chan...scary!!!  :scared:

LMAO!! Dodge ball? It reminds me of AKB Muchaburi Dodgeball ! hahaha

Can't wait for the next chapter.

Please update soon!  :hee:
"Stupidity isn't punished by death. If it was, there will be a hell of population drop."

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