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Author Topic: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices-3  (Read 91807 times)

Offline imteedee

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #100 on: October 04, 2013, 08:25:38 AM »
A/N and yet another emoticon abuser Koneki (LOL) yeah Mayuyu cutesy  XD

@DontMindMe: you still alive? haha pure fluffiness  XD
@BbSis: Have you noticed it? people in TPD are actually here except for Sayanee (LOL) I can only accept MaYuki fluffiness  :lol:
@itamana: Mayu is starting to change XD Yuki, well she's still herself....
@Terragen: guess she'll never change, unless I put some more drama  XD
@-gibson-mayulover: this is so funny, even me was sqealing while writing the random parts  :lol:
@Chanaline: UGH! you too?!(LOL) it's not yet the time for 'that'
@Chichay12: yeah, tsundere Mayuyu is the beeest  XD YOU GAY!

so let me finish this with a quote...
A/N Like I told you, I was only originally planning to make this an OS, but as you can see failing as I actually made it longer(LOL) My pleasure to entertain you guys while we're waiting for our fave writers to update their respective fics...*SIGH I'm seeing some actually reading this story.... I'm begging you  :cry:

Wrong Answer(2)- Part 12

Sakura University

“A-ano…..Ahm….” Stuttering from her expected ‘doom’, Sae couldn’t even utter a single decent word as she stood before her expressionless higher-up who is now the same as her, not saying any word but enough for her to feel shivers all over her body.

“I certainly remember….I just ordered you not to come with me this morning…..and not to be late” Mayu’s expression didn’t change a bit. Yeah, Mayu actually ordered her minion not to go with her that morning since she’ll go with Yuki though it seems for the very first time Sae didn’t accomplish her goal as the President’s order is absolute. But eventually and unexpectedly…

“Well….this morning is not very bad so I’ll let it go….” Mayu said almost showing off a smirk on her face and eventually turned her back and sat on her swivel chair leaving the dumbfounded Vice-President stoned on her feet.

“FOR REAL?!?” Sae’s eyes grew wider in disbelief from the unexpected event, truly Mayu must’ve eaten some poisonous stuff and she acts that way and a few minutes of the usual silence across the room….

“Tell me…what happened?” Mayu uttered while scribbling on her notebook doing the usual stuff. Learning Mayu’s curiosity about her whereabouts, Sae’s face has lightened up as she knew somehow even for a bit Mayu was actually just ‘worried’ about her after all and not angry because of her tardiness.

“AH! I just visited Kansai for a bit this morning..hehe” Sae explained smiling as she remembered her experience inside Kansai, well of course not to mention her actual image which is good at making girls’ hearts flutter, the Kansai students actually pooled over around her throughout her stay there.

“Kansai…? What are you doing there?” Hearing Yuki’s school, Mayu couldn’t help but to feel even more curious on what was Sae doing on that school.

“I just helped for a bit…hehe Sayaka called me this morning and told me she’ll be there and other Alumni hehe” Sae explained as she wasn’t able to control her smile in front of the clueless figure before her.

“Helped? What’s up with Kansai?” Mayu asked as she actually put her pen down and leaned forward as if very eager to learn the answer.

“It’s their Foundation Day!”

Kansai University

And so as Sae has been blabbering to her President, Mayu, It was indeed the celebrated Foundation Day of Kansai University, the former foregone  day the students actually despise in the past years as it signifies the start of their ‘chaotic days’ dealing with the Sakura University, though not anymore as Mayu actually settled everything since her deal with Yuki.

So for that year….it is indeed considered a festive day, as all and other ‘new-found-friends-alumni’ of both universities actually went and enjoyed the day.

“UUUGH” Yuki muttered as she stretched up her arms up in the air, finally fixing a junior’s booth that time.

“Seeempai! Arigatou onegaishimasu!!!” The junior bowed lowly as everyone started on respecting Yuki above the others since the time she won the tournament and beat the undisputed fearful figure from Sakura University.

“Ah..haha it’s fine”

‘So….what’s this booth actually?” Yuki added as she scanned the unlabeled booth standing next to her.

“It’s the kissing booth sempaaaai!!!”


Kansai Student Body Office

“WHOA! Mayu-chan!” Yuko uttered in surprise as Mayu actually spared her precious time visiting the ‘so-so’ school along as always with Sae by her side. Mayu’s eyes grew wider in disbelief as Sae was actually right pertaining to ‘ALL OTHER ALUMNI’ were actually there. ALL. Except for one……

“Mayu-chan!” Acchan muttered as she walked towards her ‘baby’ successor.

“Where’s Yuki?” Mayu asked as she wasn’t able to find Yuki across the room, which is actually her own office. When suddenly a voice very familiar to hers uttered words that made her head explode in a snap….

“She’s in the kissing booth….Mayu” expressionless Paruru uttered.


“Sempai! Please come to booth with me!! onegaaaai…” An unexpected certain junior pleading while bowing on the dumbfounded President of Kansai, Yuki. “HUH?!” Yuki shouted in disbelief at how the junior could be that blunt asking her to go for god forbid, kissing booth.

Little did Yuki know, a certain group of people were actually watching her from afar. It was Mayu and standing beside her, Sae and actually….everyone present in the Alumni Party.

“OHOHO~ my minion has grown up!” Yuko uttered as she watched Yuki getting stressed by her unexpected junior admirers.

“One wrong Answer Yuki…You’re done mwehehe~” Sae smirked and paid a glance on the expressionless president beside her, Mayu. Mayu just kept her eyes on Yuki.

“I trust Yuki…she’s not that stupid I’m sure!” Milky uttered firmly gaining frightening awkward glares from the people around her.

“Eh?....seriously?!” Milky uttered in disbelief understanding what the glares meant.

Thinking of having enough with a little bit of hesitation…

“Kansai! What are you doing?!”

Stoned on her feet hearing a very much familiar voice, Yuki turned her eyes to the origin of the voice…


 She was right; it was none other than Mayu, staring indefinitely to her.

“Let’s go…Yuki” Mayu reached for her hand which unintentionally made Yuki smile. Yuki reached for Mayu’s hand when suddenly….



And there they found themselves tightly handcuffed to each other.

“EH?!” Mayu and Yuki uttered in disbelief as Yuko actually locked them up together “What the?!”

“Let’s go?….okay let’s go the Jail booth now!!! NYAAA~” Yuko announced as if leading the group towards her very booth, Jail booth actually.

“uwaaa Kaichoooo!!” Sae shouted as she panicked over her President very unlikely Paruru who was just following the two “it’s cool right? We made that booth with Acchan and Rena…” Paruru uttered with no definite expression at all.

“I’m enjoying this day for the very first time….” Sayanee mindlessly uttered.


“so..where’s the key?” a figure asked in the dark, with only their eyes glowing from the flash of the light.".......?"

“nah…I threw it by the river….” Blink.Blink.

“Kansai is not very bad after all….”


« Last Edit: October 04, 2013, 08:32:45 AM by imteedee »
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #101 on: October 04, 2013, 08:40:58 AM »
Eh????? The key threw into the river????

Then how can Mayu and Yuki handcuffed hand be out???

 XD XD it is funny to see Mayu jealous over Yuki because she heard Yuki is in kissing booth  XD XD

Yuki  :shocked she doesn't even know what booth did she build.....

Anyway I really hope that will be soon

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #102 on: October 04, 2013, 08:54:02 AM »
I can imagine what's gonna happen next!  XD
I can't wait to see next chapter!!!!   :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
MaYuki train is sooooooooo  :wub: :wub: :wub:

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #103 on: October 04, 2013, 12:24:34 PM »
Wrong Answer(2)-Part 12.5

And so Yuko with her unexpected unbelievable strength has successfully captured the two presidents who apparently just made a commotion along the corridor just a few moments earlier.

“EH?!” Mayu uttered in disbelief as Yuko threw them inside a closed room, where more likely 2-3 people could only fit in to be exact, with no decent window but just a small square open exhaustion box at the upper most corner of the wall, and suspicious two chairs placed side by side.

“I couldn’t even consider this a jail….” Mayu uttered as if feeling her arteries on her forehead twitching with the sudden high blood pressure.



“uhmm…Yuko-chan, I think your signage seems so wrong…” Sayaka muttered as she read the signage which Yuko just proudly hung over the tightly closed door.

“eh? What’s wrong with it?! Nyaa~”

“Never mind!” Sayaka uttered holding back her silent laugh on Yuko.

“Hai..hai….” Milky muttered as she walked towards the door and seemingly defending the signage Yuko made and started scribbling on the signage…

“What’s important is this!” NO KEY. NO ENTRY.

“Let the fun begin nyaaa~”


“Hm.. how could we go out in here?” Yuki uttered as she observed every detail of the plain room unconsciously dragging Mayu with her around since they’re stuck to each other.

“Can we just sit YUKI?!” Mayu shouted at the ‘not-so-conscious’ figure. ”oh! Sorry” And so Yuki decided to just let it go and sit on the chair in the middle of the room. Waiting patiently for Yuko to finally release them, Yuki and Mayu sat side by side on the two chairs provided inside letting their hands free hanging in between them. Minutes of only sighing and deep breathing could only be heard....when Yuki noticed Mayu’s already bruised wrist probably from her mindless actions dragging Mayu with her “Does it hurt?” Yuki couldn’t help but feel guilty.

“It’s fine…” Mayu uttered with her ever ‘expressionless’ face though Yuki probably knowing better than before, Yuki knew ‘it’s-not’.

“Come…” Yuki uttered as she slightly moved her hand signalling Mayu to come closer. Mayu on the other hand not getting what Yuki meant just stared at her “…?”

And so Yuki with her free hand tapped her lap “here…”

“Huh?” Mayu eyes grew wider realizing what Yuki meant with her word “Baka! Why would I sit there?!”

“Because I said so-“ Yuki muttered as she actually pulled Mayu on her lap facing her, thanks to Mayu’s lightness anyone could even drag her to whichever or wherever they like. And so Yuki held her Mayu’s handcuffed hand with hers with their fingers intertwined to each other as if sealing each other’s hand “It’s easier this way…..Mayu” Yuki smiled at the dumbfounded figure on her lap, who is now glowing with all different existing shades of red “pffft!”

Well actually feeling much better, Mayu just opted to let Yuki do whatever she wants. And so once again, silence filled up the room as Mayu just rested her head on Yuki’s shoulder “this day….is exhaust-ting….”

“un…it is” Yuki responded just whispering to Mayu.



“Rena….booth….that junior….they’re all stressing me……”

And finally Yuki must be possessed by some genius ghost loitering around, she realized the common denominator between
Mayu’s statement..

“What’s wrong with it…?” Yuki uttered more likely playing dumb at Mayu who seemed a little jealous out of the blue. Unexpected statement coming from Yuki that made Mayu retreat back her body…”You!”

“Why? It’s not that bad…..” Yuki chuckled.


“I’m not afraid of you….” Yuki uttered as her expression turned instantly serious on Mayu “Nani…?”

“Don’t forget you’re stepping on my boundary…I’m the president here Watanabe Mayu…” Words came out from Yuki’s mouth that made Mayu flinch a little as for the first time hearing Yuki say sensible words.

“You can’t stop me….inside my school…” last words Yuki uttered as she leans towards the surpised Mayu on her lap and planted a short kiss on her lips. Short but strong enough to make Mayu go even deep red tomato…

“YOU!! UGH! “ Mayu unable to control her feelings started hitting Yuki with both of her hands not minding the handcuff anymore “Baakaa baka BAAKAAA!!! BAKARIN”


Figures gasping just outside the very door…

“OOH! Why?!” Milky muttered covering her mouth.

“but isn’t it…the second time…why ble-“ Sayanee uttered but wasn’t able to finish as Yuko already covered her mouth “Ssssh! Here comes the best part! Ohoho nyaa~”

“Oho~ Mayu is wilder after all” Sayaka said while nodding, affirming her realization as for Sae couldn’t even move or even react and just fainted on the floor...

 “Kai….cho urk!”



Two figures standing before a body of water just near the campus…

“So…how do we do this? Rena…” Acchan asked while staring at the moving body of water with a very much considered ‘high-current’. Rena just shook her head.

“uh-oh…this is not good”

my hat is off. saluting.

Offline DontMindMe

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #104 on: October 04, 2013, 12:44:57 PM »
certainly one of my fave fics ever now.....   :nya: :nya: :nya: :nya: :nya: :nya: :nya: :nya: :nya: :nya:

Offline BbSis

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #105 on: October 04, 2013, 03:35:30 PM »
Omg! Mayuki fluffiness *.* my heart wont stop beating fast! My Mayuki bar will never be completely filled *>*

About your quote up there, I'm not sure if I am someone's fav author but I'm working on a Mayuki right now and your Mayuki give me the feels ><

Thank you for the update o/ Mayuki all the way \0/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

Offline chiqinna

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #106 on: October 04, 2013, 04:07:52 PM »
I don't mind if you make it longer~~ :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs
I love how Mayu is being tsundere here~  :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1:
and Bakarin~  :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty:

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #107 on: October 04, 2013, 04:38:57 PM »
Well! A kiss!!!! But not what I want lol :lol:

I want a "passionate" kiss!! You know what I mean!!! Mouahaha :twisted:

More Yuki like that!!! So in the reality Yuki is the one who is "guy" in the Mayuki couple! LoL what I said....

I think I say some weird stuff... If you don't understand tell me!  :)
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline imteedee

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #108 on: October 04, 2013, 09:03:08 PM »
You guys sure like abusing emoticons but oh well, i think it's one way of expressing my feelings for today too...  XD it's just WAY OVER JUST TO BE CALLED JUST FLUFFY... oh I guess ants are eating me now  :lol:

@Chanaline: I totally understand everything  XD
@chiqinna: yeah! LONGER  :lol:
@BbSis: WHERE'S MY?  :cry: kiddin' I'll wait  :P
@DMM: LOL thank you  :lol:
@AT: LOL so here you go  :P
@Haruto: (LOL) She's bakarin!  XD

Edit: big influence why I ended up a little 'daring' as you may see at the end of this part... cause of this, a song for Yukirin :deco:
Heaven by Ailee
Credit: TheKoreanSongs


Wrong Answer(2)-Part 12.5.2

“HUH?!” two figures shouted in disbelief as Yuko covered herself from the future expected assaults.

Well, we can’t blame Mayu and Yuki. Rena, Acchan and Yuko actually lost (if not) the very key that will release the two stuck-up figures.

“Tell me you’re kidding…” Mayu uttered with a blank face as she raised her hand dragging along Yuki’s “urk!”

Taking a deep much needed breath, Rena walked towards the seemingly calm and yet frightening figure “How I wish we’re kidding…Mayu-chan”

“Hai…hai…we’ll do something about it promise, Mayu-chan!” Acchan muttered as she held Mayu’s shoulders. Truth be told, Mayu couldn’t and never was able to oppose the former president and so taking a sigh she decided to let it go and expect for some miracle to happen any moment.

But the thing is….

It’s already dismissal….


“sou~~ what are we gonna do now….?” Yuki muttered weakly as she sat on a chair as for Mayu just kept standing well of course in a close proximity from Yuki seemingly using her gifted brain to come up with something considerable way to get through from their awkward situation.

Stuck-up to each other.

After a few minutes of just staring and silence, Mayu just made a huge sigh “Well, we can’t do anything about this…” Hearing Mayu surrender from ‘using-her-brain’ Yuki couldn’t help but let a chuckle as she noticed how Mayu tried her hardest to think of any ‘good idea’.

“Let’s go….Yuki” Mayu said as she held Yuki’s hand tightly and smiled as if accepting their situation as for Yuki “un” and in a snap Mayu slid their hands inside her pocket good enough to hide the metal handcuff connecting them. ”it’s better this way…Yuki”

Rather getting suspicious, Mayu decided to hide the handcuff to avoid gaining attention from the swarm of people walking them, gesture enough for Yuki to blush madly on her feet feeling the warmth of the ‘cold’ figure.

As expected, the subway station was full of people coming from work, some random passengers and of course their fellow students. No one knew if this fate could be considered as any bad or good, but the only thing we’re sure of is Yuki tried her best to protect Mayu once again from the tight fitting people inside the train and so she positioned herself once again facing Mayu, only that this time her hand couldn’t hold onto any article to support her balance as her hand was inside Mayu’s pocket. Realizing the poor girl’s situation….

“Closer….you might fall” Mayu murmured looking down.

“I think I did….already”

Arriving at Mayu’s flat, well the two decided to go for Mayu’s place since she’s living alone and not to get any suspicions from Yuki’s parents as they were actually stuck-up to each other….

“SO….?”  Yuki uttered sitting down with Mayu in front of her.

“I’m going to sleep” Mayu responded as she actually laid her back on the couch slightly pulling along Yuki with her but not strong enough to actually make Yuki fall over her.

“Mayu….” Yuki uttered as she was leaning towards the lying figure

“Hmm?” Mayu paid a glance on Yuki.

“I need to take….a….shower………”

“……..” the statement caught Mayu off-guard as she wasn’t able to predict such dilemma they might face and the big question is HOW. HOW and HOW. Question that made Mayu rose up on her seat and stare blankly on Yuki “You certainly won-….” Mayu wasn’t able to finish her sentence as Yuki has already dragged her towards the bathroom “HEY! Baaaka! UGH You won’t!!!” Mayu shouted her lungs out as she tightly held the door frame “BAAAKAAA! “

“I know I’m stupid….but not enough to ignore taking a shower after working hard today” Yuki uttered as she successfully dragged Mayu inside her very own bathroom as for Mayu seemed like exploding on her feet just thinking of their very situation.

“Sou- so what are you going to do with this?!” Mayu asked as she raised their connected hands. Yuki just tilted her head as if making her ‘airhead motion’ “Well…..” and showed a very awkward smile.



“UNBELIEVABLE” Mayu uttered blushing hard on her feet as she actually stood beside the showering figure with just a thin drape separating them. Not strong enough physically speaking, Mayu wasn’t able to oppose Yuki as she actually took a shower for real, and so couldn’t be helped but Mayu’s hand to get involved with Yuki’s movement…. and on top of that, with Yuki’s articles rolled up towards her as they weren’t able to take it off due to their connected hands. And somehow in any way, got in contact with some ‘private areas’ of Yuki’s body…”URK! What the! Be careful BAAAKAAA!”

“NO FRIGGIN’ WAY I’D DO THAT!” Mayu said firmly as she stood in front of the ‘now-properly-dressed’ figure in front of her, Yuki.

“meeeh….Mayu…You have to take a shower!”

“NOT WITH THIS! Urk!” Mayu uttered as she raised their handcuffed hands and got a little hurt with the sudden movement. But it seems tables have turned and the one’s order’s absolute now is….Yuki’s. And so Mayu left with no other choice, but to oblige on whatever Yuki tells her.

FACT: Yuki’s order is ABSOLUTE for Mayu (√)


“This is crazy….” Sitting on the couch, Yuki chuckled as she watched the heavily panting lying figure beside her due to her endless aggression towards the end of the day. Couldn’t be helped but drag Mayu along with every necessity she did and might do as well very much contrasting to Mayu’s lifestyle.

When suddenly Mayu with her eyes closed,  felt her distance for Yuki gets smaller as  Yuki leaned forward on her closing the distance in a matter of few inches, situation that certainly made her heart went wilder…

“I certainly won’t regret this….Mayu” Yuki whispered as she eventually moves a little further, so close Mayu could feel her breath, sensation that certainly won’t do any good for Mayu who has been holding back since the time they arrived.

Unexpected words from Yuki.

“What are you doing….? Yuki”

“I’ll kiss you……I wanted to try that booth with you though…”

“have some cost-cutting….Yuki” was all Mayu whispered, not being able to hold back anymore, arched forward closing the distance and kissed Yuki as Yuki kept her grip restraining Mayu’s handcuffed hand.

“let’s just forget the key…..”


Four figures are standing facing each other namely, Paruru, Rena, Acchan and Yuko…with three of them expressing some ‘shocked-perverted-delighted’ faces.

“Who told you we don’t have the key?” Paruru uttered as she rose up her hand holding a small piece of metal shining brightly under the moon., the key.

“HUH?! I swear I threw that one here!” Acchan uttered in disbelief seeing the piece of metal on Paruru’s hand, pointing at the lively flowing body of water.

“and who told you sempai I didn’t have a duplicate….?”


Ugh. I need to stop writing now... I'll end up writing something else...  :nervous
« Last Edit: October 05, 2013, 02:47:03 AM by imteedee »
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #109 on: October 04, 2013, 09:52:10 PM »
MA....YU.....K.....-I  :imdead:

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #110 on: October 05, 2013, 02:27:42 AM »
nice cut there...
you left me hanging  :nervous :doh:
whew! Mayuki!!!!
lol someone's dead already...
update!!! XD

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #111 on: October 05, 2013, 03:13:07 AM »
JUST A LITTLE BIT MOOOOOAR! TEEDEE!!!  :frustrated: :tantrum: :on speedy:
:imdead: :imdead: :imdead: :imdead:

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #112 on: October 05, 2013, 03:17:27 AM »
kkeke yuki order is absolute~

Offline Pheeya_0414

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #113 on: October 05, 2013, 07:17:28 AM »
heaven :mon lovelaff: :mon fu: :mon mischief:
MaYuki, JuriMayu, AtsuMina, AtsuYuu, KojiYuu, wMatsui and..................counting.

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #114 on: October 05, 2013, 09:48:56 AM »
“Closer….you might fall” Mayu murmured looking down.

“I think I did….already”
 :wriggly: :wriggly: :wriggly:
that's it! goodbye world! XD

teedeee this was so  :gyaaah: i dont have a right word to safjdkhvnq WAHHHHHHH! XD

Ugh. I need to stop writing now... I'll end up writing something else...  :nervous
wahhh is that... u know.. omg..i need to stop thinking something like this*couch smexyupdate! *cough *wink wink* XD
but anyway whatever was that....i hope u never stop writing that! :hiakhiakhiak:

teedee thank u for the update :on gay:

Offline imteedee

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #115 on: October 05, 2013, 04:11:35 PM »
A/N so I just want you guys to know that I might update slower from this moment on as I actually in the process of making a 'real Short Story' yeeey after 1 MILLION YEARS  :lol: ofc MaYuki  :P

@Chichay: (LOL) the legendary COUCH  :w00t: apparently you're right I was almost ending up writing 'that' but oh well, can't help it, I know I'll eventually surrender and make that one  XD

Wrong Answer(2)-Part 13

“Long time no see….Mayu-san”

A long-forgotten voice suddenly has gone alive after years.

“Yui….it’s you” Mayu uttered in disbelief seeing such sudden presence inside her very room.

Yokoyama Yui, the missing link between Paruru and Mayu since the older days, fierce, blunt, genius, almost the same as Paruru and Mayu. She left the school before even Paruru jumped over to Kansai.

“I’m back……my friend” Yuki smiled in a not so very different way as Mayu, such sight that Sae actually felt shivers all over her body, A scenery which almost resembling a ceremony of welcoming another lioness to mess up the already chaotic Sakura and Kansai relations.

“This is bad…”


Kansai Student Body Office

“I see….” Paruru uttered as she listened to Mayu explaining the comeback of the infamous Yui. Rumor has it, Paruru actually left Sakura for some reason relating to Yui’s sudden departure.

On the other hand Yuki just opted to listen on the two as she wasn’t aware who was the two were talking about; only thing she was sure of is the ‘fated-doom’ they might suffer having such presence as how she looked at it.

“I’m…cold” Sae uttered as she seemed shivering hearing such news from Mayu’s mouth.


Fact 1: Yui hates Kansai the most and that will particularly put the peaceful relation of the two societies in chaos once again.

Fact 2: She’s the former original successor of the position and not Mayu, making her no less powerful than Mayu.


The Next Day…

As usual, Yuki couldn’t live a day without seeing her precious little cyborg and so she decided to head up to Mayu’s office with an overflowing obvious excitement aura around her as she does her ‘hop-jog-run’ stroll across Mayu’s corridor. Arriving at Mayu’s office…

“…?” She was stunned as she noticed Mayu’s company inside her office knowing the fact that Mayu hates people hanging around her, well except for her. Her eyes went even bigger as she noticed the figure’s overwhelming aura almost the same as Mayu’s.

“Yuki….” Mayu uttered as she noticed Yuki’s arrival, sitting on her very throne. The unknown figure just stared at Yuki as her eyes ran from head to toe of Yuki.

“Kansai….” The unknown figure uttered with a blank face. Hearing the stranger’s word, Yuki couldn’t help but feel shivers all over her body as the ‘feels’ were the same as Mayu’s …”Get-off-me….”

“Yeah…She is…any problem Yui?” Mayu affirmed as she stood up and walked towards Yuki and eventually stood in between the two, covering the stunned figure. The unknown figure, apparently who is Yui just chuckled hearing Mayu. Seeing such frightening event, Yuki was stoned on her feet as finally she understood what the three meant on their conversation just yesterday.


“Sou….I’ll go ahead then….” Yui uttered as she shrugged her shoulders and walked towards the door, when suddenly she turned once again and…

“It’s nice meeting you then….Kansai” words that are enough for Yuki to feel ‘chills’ ran down to her spine, and soon Yuki has vanished from the room as Mayu seeing Yui finally leave, just made a huge sigh.

“You certainly have the worst timing ever….Baakaa…”Mayu uttered with a ‘playful tone’ seeing Yuki’s reaction from Yui’s presence. Yuki couldn’t even respond to Mayu and just stared at her, half of her was still bewildered but on the other hand half of her was delighted having Mayu in front of her.

“Kansai….you okay?” Mayu asked as she noticed Yuki’s ‘lagging’ reaction, waving her hand on Yuki’s face though actually failed as Yuki just kept on staring at her.

“You wanna study…?” Mayu uttered probably got used to how Yuki’s brain works. Hearing Mayu’s offer, Yuki couldn’t help but feel her heart flutter even more as she sees the offer as an opportunity to stay at Mayu’s side for a little bit longer and so her head started nodding vigorously involuntarily which Mayu has expected.

And so as they what usually do, Yuki sat on Mayu’s swivel chair answering her worksheets as Mayu walks around her while teaching anything under the sun. And as expected….

“So…next is-“ Mayu was interrupted as she noticed Yuki has already fell asleep on her table. Standing beside the sleeping figure, Mayu leaned forward as she brushed Yuki’s silky black hair.

“Don’t worry…I’ll protect you Yuki”

my hat is off. saluting.

Offline AT29

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #116 on: October 05, 2013, 08:12:58 PM »
now Yui's the one scary...  :shocked

Offline BbSis

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #117 on: October 05, 2013, 10:38:37 PM »
Oh! A twist! Now I want to know why Yui is cold and mean towards Kansai.... And the real reason for Paruru to change schools!

Nhyaaa mayuki feels~ *meltdown

Hey! The mayuki I'm working on is yours! You are the first who requested a mayuki ><

Ganbatte on your really short story for real o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Offline imteedee

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] Wrong Answer(2)(MaYuki)
« Reply #118 on: October 06, 2013, 04:31:04 AM »
A/N taking a break from GENIUSxSTUPID... just thought of this a while ago(LOL) let's have some OS once again  :P


Some people find it weird, some don’t even consider it as a job even more as a career and the rest just don’t even bother.

 “UUGH! Good morning sunshine!” A Lady uttered much to her contentment as she stretched her slender arms up in the air. The girl named, Watanabe Mayu.


Another day of work, where she’ll meet different people, different people with different personalities, different preferential, dreams and … interests. It has been years since she started working in this field, true enough she really  enjoys what she does and so she doesn’t bother how people see her job. How ironic it may seem, she’s a matchmaker who helps people find their true love and yet she doesn’t even bother finding one for herself. Well more like she still believes in the existence of serendipity rather than finding true love through the help of other people I guess.

She lives in the Medieval period as you may see it.

Lost on her thoughts scanning the pile of papers in front of her, a sudden ring of the landline has echoed across her dead silent room. Sudden yet expected, since a certain client has scheduled a meeting with her that day. She then hastily picked up the phone “Good Morning, Watanabe Mayu speaking of M&M services, How may I help you?” she answered enthusiastically.

“A-Ano…Good Morning, I’m the one who scheduled a meeting for today….Kashiwagi…Kashiwagi Yuki…” the other one over the line responded with an obvious ‘hesitant’ tone. Indeed, majority of the women who seek for this kind of service rather feel shameful as it may seem ‘they’re-that-desperate’ for a man or even a woman in some cases. Knowing better than anyone else, well more like used to this kind of encounters, Mayu just reverted the awkward conversation as she recited the necessary information about their scheduled meeting on that day “So…You got everything Kashiwagi-san?” Mayu asked the ‘not-so-responsive’ client over the phone probably not getting the ‘vibe’ yet of the business.

“Ha-Hai…I’ll see you then Watanabe-san” and there the client named Yuki, hung up.

After few hours of office works, like fixing files of the bio-data of her previous clients, Mayu hastily fixed and prepared herself for her expected meeting.  Reaching the venue, her eyes wandered for a certain figure, thankfully she has already a copy of the application form of this Kashiwagi Yuki so she didn’t have a hard time looking for her. She found her seating at the far-end most of the restaurant. Laying her eyes for the first time to her newest client, Mayu couldn’t help but start to wonder why this girl, such elegant and appealing woman would even need her service.

Indeed, a girlfriend material.

She then walked towards Yuki and smiled as their eyes have met “Hi, Yuki…right?” Mayu uttered with a smile plastered on her face, more like a protocol gesture for her during her interactions with her clients. Yuki just nodded softly as she looked a little hesitant seeing Mayu.

“So…tell me your preferential…Kashiwagi-san” Hearing her question, Yuki’s gaze has wandered around seemingly thinking for an answer, a body language that made Mayu feel a little awkward “seriously? This girl doesn’t even know what she likes….” A few moments of silence Mayu just decided to help he poor girl a little further…

“ you like good-looking people? Working at…? Age…you have preferred age?” Questions that will help her as Yuki seemed confused where to start thinking in the first place. Hearing the questions, Yuki’s expression instantly lightened up as finally she could come up with easy answers.

“I don’t mind with the physique…hmm…and work..and even age at all…..” Yuki’s face turned down once again as she realized how pitiful it might seem having ‘no-preferential-at-all’. Mayu just chuckled realizing her questionnaire was useless for Yuki, Indeed, SHE’S HOPELESS. Though it’ll make things lighter for Mayu, because if you look at it a little closer, she could even throw a random person to Yuki and just pray hard enough they’ll like each other…right?

“Sou! Let’s work hard Kashiwagi Yuki!” Mayu uttered as she stood up and offered her hand to her newest project, Kashiwagi Yuki.


Few days have passed and as expected Mayu worked hard to find the ‘perfect-match’ for Yuki rather finding actually for any random client as Yuki doesn’t even have a single piece of description to her liking. Thought that actually became a burden for Mayu as she doesn’t want to become negligent, she really does want the best for Yuki anyway. She never wanted any of her clients to engage to such ‘fail-relationships’ cause she considers it as her personal failure as well.

“Oh God, send me an angel right now….” She uttered desperately as she scrolls down the bar on her laptop screen, scanning the portfolio for some possible matches for Yuki. She was almost giving up when suddenly a recent file has just been added on the folder from an unknown local connection.


“Eh?” Yuki uttered in surprise as Mayu presented the results of her days of hard work for Yuki.

“Un…” Mayu nodded affirming the idea of matching Yuki with her newly found another client in her agency named, Miyazawa Sae. His profile was just too appealing for anyone like Yuki, every bit of information won’t let her down. Good-looking, has his own business and on top of that he’s the same age as Yuki so Mayu didn’t feel even an inch of doubt…

Yuki will like him.

She’s certain.

“So?” Mayu asked as she leaned forward on Yuki who seemed a little hesitant seeing the profile. Probably noticing Mayu’s enthusiasm towards her progress, Yuki couldn’t help but nod in agreement and give it a go. Who knows?

“So…next week you’ll meet him” Mayu uttered as she scribbled on the profile, probably finalizing the project she has considered a job well done. Hearing Mayu’s sudden announcement, Yuki flinched.

“Why?” Mayu asked Yuki noticing her reaction and so Yuki actually started fidgeting on her seat looking a little hesitant to answer Mayu “A-Ano….Mayu-san….” Mayu’s eyes and brain couldn’t contain and even process she was witnessing as she was certain...

“EH? Your first date?? In your whole life?! Seriously….” Mayu’s eyes grew even wider as she confirmed her presumption. Yeah. It’ll be Yuki’s first ever date. Mayu couldn’t believe it, Yuki is beautiful and so to say very appealing even to Mayu’s eyes she won’t deny it but it’s just a pain knowing it’ll be her first date ever. She’s determined to finish Yuki’s case as smoothly as possible and so she thought hard to find a solution for this sudden crisis…

She must not fail her date with Sae.

“Okay…let’s push a little harder…” Mayu said firmly as she slammed the table with her ball-fisted hand. Yuki yelped as she saw Mayu’s sudden expression….serious, she was expecting Mayu will laugh at her, mock her, but neither of those happen, in fact she felt the warmth and care Mayu has been giving her although she’s just a mere client “un…yeah”

“Okay…this is not a date okay? We’ll just practice!” Mayu said firmly as she stood in front of Yuki who’s dressed a little overboard as she was certain she informed the girl they’ll just practice for her ‘very-first-official-date’ but it seems like it’ll be it already as how she looks at it.

“sou- sou- why are you over-reacting? Isn’t it normal wearing this going out?” Yuki chuckled seeing Mayu blushing hard in front of her. Mayu just turned her face away  “pfft I’m…not over-reacting!”

“sou- sou…okay okay….” Yuki uttered but still a little entertained on how Mayu could act so ‘tsundere’ in a snap, letting it go. Suddenly Mayu flinched a little taken aback from the sudden gesture of Yuki, Yuki held her hand “WHAT THE?!”

“It’s a practice right?” Yuki smiled at Mayu who blushed even redder than the ripest tomato that has ever existed “Iie~?!”

“Let’s go Mayuyu?”

“Mayu-YU?!” Mayu’s eyes  couldn’t go wider anymore hearing Yuki’s sudden labeling. Yuki just chuckled seeing Mayu could actually look even cuter than she is already. But half of Mayu, actually thought it isn’t that ‘bad’ though so she just shrugged it off and followed Yuki’s pace as if it isn’t her ‘first-date’ at all.

“Is this a trap…?! Sigh”


And so day by day, Mayu and Yuki made it sure they’ll somehow meet up to have a ‘mini-lecture’ on how Yuki would respond or act in front of Sae, even the slightest detail Mayu assured would reach Yuki before her time runs out. Mayu couldn’t believe she’s actually enjoying working with Yuki as she has foreseen her case the most challenging of all.

“I think you’re ready….” Mayu uttered almost whispering seeing Yuki’s progress from their daily meet-up, showing off her contented smile…but…

Half of her is protesting…


Wanted to say  “NO! She’s not ready at all….”

But business is business….

She have to…

Let her go…

“Good luck tomorrow…Yuki”

Every tick of the clock seemed very distracting as Mayu sat on her swivel chair, literally not doing anything. She couldn’t even concentrate anymore thinking of how Yuki’s ‘blind date’ would go. It’s already past dinner time and she was expecting  “she must be walked home after dinner….”

Her eyes grew wider realizing what she has told Yuki the other day…

“Ahm…don’t be surprised if your date will kiss you before you go inside your house okay?! Don’t over-react and never ever think of slapping him! Okay?! Okay?!”

Her brain just couldn’t accept she told Yuki such idiotic idea.

“UGH! You’re really a pain YUKI!! GRRR” Mayu almost growled on her post and eventually snatched her bag and dashed to where Yuki might be at.

“NO! you’re not ready at all!!!!”

“Mayu…?” Yuki uttered in disbelief seeing the heavily panting figure in front of her, Mayu. Supporting her body through her knees..”You! don’t….don’t accept him…huh!” Mayu uttered still catching some oxygen, pointing her index finger on Yuki. Few moments of silence, grasping their very situation Mayu realized they were alone…

“Where is Sae….?” Mayu asked in disbelief and turned on Yuki. Yuki just shrugged her shoulders and smiled on Mayu.

“What day is today..Mayuyu?” Hearing Yuki sudden 'out-of-the-topic' question, Mayu got confused and just stood straight as she felt a little lighter not seeing Sae around “Today….today is your date…right?”

Yuki nodded “it is…”

“Today I’ll meet my perfect-match….Mayu”

Meanwhile along the dark alley…

“A JOB WELL DONE” some unknown figure rejoicing from his ‘project-success’.

“Well…well….not expecting less from you Sae” the other figure affirmed and complimented the other figure.

“I might say that Kashiwagi is the most challenging one though” Sae chuckled.

“Yeah…falling in love with match-maker is such a pain meeh” the other one let out a sigh.


Inspired by Dating Agency  :)

ANNOUNCEMENT please rely on the very first post on this thread for proper directing, cause this thread is soon to be real...messy  XD :lol: I think I did a fine job fixing the links I'm proud of myself  :nervous achievement for me  :deco:

« Last Edit: October 06, 2013, 08:31:49 AM by imteedee »
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline AnneTonov

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Re: [imTD's OSs/Short Stories comp] MATCHMAKER (MaYuki OS)
« Reply #119 on: October 06, 2013, 05:11:29 AM »
TEEDEE PLEASE MY REQUEST? :bow: :bow: :bow:

matchmaker lol Sae!!  :wahaha: :wahaha: :wahaha: GOOD JOB SAE!!  :on gay:

tsundere Mayu  :nya:

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