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Author Topic: Re: "That's not what you think it is" CHAPTER 8 and 9!!  (Read 35349 times)

Offline Archer1992

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Re: Re: "That's not what you think it is" Atsumina NEW fic! Chapter 7 UPDATE
« Reply #100 on: January 29, 2014, 10:13:08 AM »
Oh my beautiful Bakamina
I feel sorry for her
Come on atsuko clear your heart...:'(
Thanks and continue ASAP...
Bye bye

Offline noah minami

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Re: "That's not what you think it is" Atsumina NEW fic! Chapter 7 UPDATE
« Reply #101 on: January 29, 2014, 10:33:43 AM »
Yeahhh and update.  Thanks chichay and author san. :thumbsup

Offline Zita

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Re: "That's not what you think it is" Atsumina NEW fic! Chapter 7 UPDATE
« Reply #102 on: January 29, 2014, 02:00:31 PM »
 :cow: Happy :cow:
I am so happy ............thank you.

Offline fausto

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Re: "That's not what you think it is" Atsumina NEW fic! Chapter 7 UPDATE and RE
« Reply #103 on: January 30, 2014, 04:35:30 PM »
Thank you all of you for your comments, it's making me really happy to see you so into the story :panic: I know the updates are not long enough but it's the only way for me to update quickly or else you're gonna wait for decades^^

9pm, a dark air-shed on the docks

« Youd did well today Takahashi, here is your cash. 280 000 yens. »
« Thank you » said Minami putting the money in her pocket.
« I have a proposition for you » said Toshi.
« ... »
« My cousin organizes some street races in town during the nights. You come, he loans you a car, you do the race and earn money. 40% for you. That's it. What do you say ? »
« … I say okay. »
« Cool, I'll call my cousin. »

Minami left the district, her hands were hurting her but she had avoided almost all of  the hits. It was like this for 2 weeks now, every morning she was going to an adress that Toshi was mailing her, and then she was fighting. The money was good, many easily earned.
Slowly, she was ditching school, or sleeping during class, but she didn't care. What was the pint... Playing dumb in front of everyone, being bored... But she didn't want her friends to believe that she was doing the right thing, she wasn't an exemple anymore, and she was ashamed of that.
And Atsuko... she couldn't come to school and see her perfect face and think she couldn't ever be with this girl.
It was like dying everytime...

12am, in the schoolyard

« Minna, meet Jurina, she's eating with us if it's okay for you » smiled Rena.
Jurina was standing next to her, embarrassed. Rena had insisted and she couldn't resist that girl so...
« Sure, come and sit » smiled Atsuko.
« Thank you, hello everyone » smiled Jurina.
She sat next to Rena, happy to be here.
« It was nice of you Rena-chan » she whhispered.

The girls were talking and eating, Jurina was a little embarrassed so she decided to focus on her food. But when she finally understood that nobody was talking anymore, she lifted her head. Minami was walking in her direction. The midget didn't look at the girls and spoke in a low voice to her.
« Are you still okay for tonight ? »
« Sure » said Jurina embarassed.
« We need to there at 8pm »
« Okay, I will be, what do you want me to play ? »

Atsuko had stop eaten since Minami was there. She was trying to hear the discussion but her heartbeat was all she could hear. The girl was acting like there was only Jurina. Atsuko was so pissed off !
« Maeda-san ? »
« Eeh ? » blenched the gir.
In front of her was a tall guy she had never seen before.
« Yes ? »
« Hello, I'm Takeru, I'm new here. I was wondering if you would like to go out with me ? »
« Wha-at ? But, I don't know you... »

« We will play those four ones okay » said Minami.

« I know but you'll see, I'm a nice guy, we could go to the movies »

« Okay, I will practice after lunch and... »

« I'm sure you are but I have some others plans. Maybe another time... »

« Captain ? » asked Jurina.

« Come on, they said you were cold but it's exciting me ! Don't you want a man for once, feel the... »


« Didn't you hear her ?? She said NO motherfucker !! »
Minami had punched the guy in his guts.
« What's your fucking problem ? »
The guy stood up, he was really pissed off.
« Get the fuck out off here, don't you dare touch her !! » screamed the captain.
« What's up midget, go play with kids, leave the ladies to fuck to adults » he laughed.
Takamina ran on him and punched him in the face really hard.
« Minami... » said Atsuko.
« I swera if I saw you near her again, I will fucking KILL you !! »
The guy was on the floor, not moving at all. Minami was shaking from hanger, right in front of him.
« TAKAHASHI-SAN, in the director's office now !! »
Jurina looked at her captain leaving, she seemed not to care at all.
Atsuko was frowing, the little dimples on her face were moving fast.
« Rena, I'm sorry, I need to go wait for Takamina » apologized Jurina.
« Sure, is it still on for tonight ? »
« Yes, yes. See you later. Sorry for that, Maeda-san » she said before leaving.
« Acchan ? » asked kindly Kojima. « Are you okay ? »
« … Why is she so stupid... » she whispered before leaving the girls behind her.
« Great... » sighed Mayu.

The short girl left the director's office 15mn later. Jurina was waiting for her, she looked anxious.
« So ? What happened ?! »
« Nothing special... He kicked me out... »
« Seriously ?? »
« Yep » she said, walking toward the school entrance.
« Shit... »
« Don't forget to do your homeworks before the live, okay ? »
« Sure, I hope Rena will come even after this... » she pouted.
« Don't worry, she likes you. See you tonight. »

1.30pm, Minami's rooftop

She was here again, sat in the chair with a glass of vodka. It was peaceful, quiet...
Felt like time was stopped, nothing mattered for few minutes...
« Are you satisfied ? » asked a voice.
« Please, shut the fuck up... » sighed Minami.
« You're so pathetic... Hit this guy was really lame, did you think Atsuko would thank you for that ? »
« This is not what I was looking for. He was just acting like a jerk... »
« Because you're not maybe ? And it's the only way to solve the situation ? You used to be kind, human and calm. You're acting like shit, she'll never like you if you go on like this... »
« SHUT UP !! » she screamed, taking his head in her hands.
The alcohol will help her shut this voice up. But her mind was right, she was acting like shit...

8pm, Hard Rock Cafe, downtown

« Are you ready ? »
« Yes »
« Are you nervous ? »
« A little » confessed Jurina with a smile.
« Don't worry, it will be okay »
Jurina nodded, she was anxious because they were only two on stage. She was wearing a black short, tights, a white tank and a black perfecto. Smocky eyes and little boots, she had to rock the stage !
« Okay, so let's go » said Minami.
The short girl was focus on the performance, she realy wanted to sing, a way to exorcize her demon, to forget everything else...

The cafe was a little crowed, waiting for the live to start. Minami's eyes ran through the people here when she suddenly saw the girl. She was here, next to Rena and... a guy. Why was she there ?
« Juri ? »
« Yup »
« Why is Atsuko here ? »
« Ah, she is ? I invited Rena, maybe she wanted to come. »
« Who is this guy ? Do you know him ? »
« Hm... He's a year older than us, I think his name is Miku... »
« Why is she coming with him ? »
« I don't know... But don't think about this okay, do your thing on stage and that's it. »
« Yeah... whatever, I don't care » mumbled Minami. « Hello everyone thank you for being here tonight. Let's start, please enjoy. »

Atsuko was acting like she was relax but she couldn't look at something else than Minami on stage. She was still really pissed off because of what happened at school, especially now that she was aware of the midget ouster.
« Do you want something to drink ? » asked Miku.
« Ano, yes, thank you »
« Okay, I will try to get you something nice » he smiled before going to the bar.

Jurina began to play the guitar, she seemed really confident in her music.

(imagine a slowler version)

Then Minami began to sing...

I wanna explode
Watch me I'm a lucky girl...

I love to watch you honey...

« Here is your drink Acchan »
« ... »

I wanna touch you, slowly
I'm a lonely girl
Come on you want to...

« Atsuko ? Are you okay ? » asked Miku, worried about the girl's expression.
« Wh-at ? » the tall girl was talking to him, eyes glued to the stage. «  Ah yes, what's in my drink ? »
« Juice... »
« Could you get me something stronger ? »
« But Acchan, you're... »
« Please, you're 21 so give me something stronger »
« … Okay » he said before leaving again.

Rena was almost drooling, Jurina was next to Minami and she was slowly moving with her instrument, like dancing with it, it was really graceful. She didn't know that the short hair girl was so good at music.

I'de love to hurt you, easy
I've got you, inside me...

Atsuko was beyond all emotion that she expected, why singing such a meaningful song... ? She was here on stage, looking at everyone and no one in particular, yet, Atsuko was feeling like she was only looking at her. All the memories of their night together were coming back like a gun shot in her head.

The song ended and everybody applauded.
« Thank you everyone. We hope you're not sleeping on your tables »

Minami whispered something in Jurina ears, and then the second song began.

« Jurina on the mic... » whispered Minami.

Lalala lalala lalala.... (Jurina)

Hush, don't speak
When you spit your venom, keep it shut, I hate it
When you hiss an preach
About your new messiah cause your theories catch fire (Minami)

Atsuko drank a huge sip of what Miku had finally brought her. It was really strong, it warmed her mouth and brain off.
« What do you think of Jurina ? » asked Atsuko with a big smile.
« Ano... She's playing really good ! »
« Don't lie to me, you think she's amazing^^ »
« Well, maybe... » blushed Rena.
Atsuko was feeling that the alcohol was relaxing her, the control that she usually had on everything in her life was not here anymore.

She listened to the next two songs without talking to Miku, the poor guy was wondering why the girl had invited him here. She was acting weird everytime the singer was talking or singing.
« I think I'm gonna go Atsuko, I'm not feeling alright here.. » said Miku.
« What ? Really ? But we're good here, aren't we ? »
« You're good, I don't think I need to be here tonight, you're obviously more interested in the live than me. »
« ... »
« Goodnight, Atsuko. Rena... »

« Maybe you should have been more polite to him »
« I know Rena, don't blame me okay... I feel enough bad already »

During the last song Atsuko finished her drink and watch the show thinking of what she wanted for the future. The year was slowly finishing and she wasn't sure what she wanted to do next. It was easier before, she was studying and looking for her mother murderer. But then she had met Minami and everything had blow away, all the midget was doing, taking care of everyone, being smart and working for money, dancing for a contest... She was felling like she wanted more now than a good school and a great job. Her father was slowing her, not that she didn't love him, but he was sad, and she didn't want to be sad like him everyday. He had his own grief, and Atsuko was missing her mom too but she needed to move on, to build her life and have some projects.

« Thank you for tonight guys, you were very nice ! » said Minami after finishing the song. « Let's fucking party ! »
The girls went to the bar and ordered something to drink.

« I'm gonna go see Jurina, tell her it's was great, okay ? »
« Yeah, go » said Atsuko.

Minami took her drink and sat at the bar, thanking the people for their compliments.
« Was it speaking of you ? »
The midget raised her head and open wide eyes.
« Atsuko... What ? »
« Why are you singing such bad things ? »
She was astonishing...
« Why are you with that guy ? »
« Like you could care... » said Atsuko near Minami's mouth.
« Have you been drinking ?! » frowned the captain.
« And so what ? You're the only one who can drink, ditch school and hang around ? »
« No, but you shouldn't be drinking. »
« You're such a fool... »
« Okay, I'm leaving if you're here to say this... »
« Stupid !! You're just acting like a kid, thinking that you can spoil all that you have because you're in a bad mood ! Don't you care about everyone who is looking at you with admiration ?! »
« … You're right. I'm just a piece of shit. Have a goodnight. » she whispered before leaving the bar.

Offline chichay12

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Re: "That's not what you think it is" Atsumina NEW fic! Chapter 7 UPDATE
« Reply #104 on: January 30, 2014, 04:59:11 PM »
Saving the spot gonna read it later XD

wahhh fast update from fausto (a miracle)  :farofflook:
but wth minami what are u doing :banghead:
i want my old minami back!
go acchan! go get ur girl and stop her for doing stupid things  :scolding:

fausto thank u for the fast update  :on woohoo:
cant wait fot more :on gay:
« Last Edit: January 31, 2014, 05:48:06 AM by Chichay12 »

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Re: "That's not what you think it is" Atsumina NEW fic! Chapter 7 UPDATE
« Reply #105 on: January 30, 2014, 07:59:31 PM »
I hope Takamina back to her sense already ><

Acchan you need to help Takamina

Please updatesoon

Offline cisda83

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Re: "That's not what you think it is" Atsumina NEW fic! Chapter 7 UPDATE
« Reply #106 on: January 31, 2014, 12:20:14 AM »
Minami is on the path of self destruct...

What's going to happen to Minami?

Would Atsuko be able to help Minami?

Eh... Minami is being kicked out of the school

So she would not graduate from high school?

What's going to happen next?

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline fausto

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Re: "That's not what you think it is" Atsumina UPDATE HERE
« Reply #107 on: February 05, 2014, 11:43:09 PM »
Thank you to those who are still reading my non sense stories :lol: :heart:

10pm, Minami's flat

« So, Sae-chan, what are we eating tonight ? »
« Mexican food for you guys, I'm making my best recipe ! » she smiled.
« Aah, I so want to eat now !!! » sighed Yuko looking at the food on the kitchen table.
« Go be busy Yuko, don't disturb Sae-chan. » frowned Sayaka.
« No, it's okay » said Sae as Yuko left. « Sae-chan ? I love when you call me like that...^^ »
« Yuko just did it »
« Yeah ? Maybe it's different in your mouth » teased the girl.
Sayaka blushed and quickly turned around so Sae couldn't see the red on her cheeks. She had invited Sae her because Jurina and Minami were away for their live and it was a little too much to handle for herself. And actually it was good to have her around, everyone was happy and already treating her like their dad. Sae had this energy and good mood that made her instantly really nice.
« So, you live here ? »
« Most of the time, yes. We all have our parent's house but we feel better here, Takamina is helping us for our homework and we practice dance, we live together, it's been better for everyone since. »
« I like this place »
« Yeah, here we feel like everything is possible, nobody juges and we're all together. I'm happy that you're here. »
« Watch out, I could be used to it » teased Sae.
« I never said it wasn't what I had planned^^ »
Sae was smiling, Sayaka was so cute, trying to hide her feelings. She kindly took her hand and feel the tall girl shivered.
« After the dish that you're gonna eat, you will want me here forever, I swear... » smiled Sae.

Minami was reaching the spot that Toshi had talk about. The race was tonight and she didn't know what to expect. She had her licence but she usually didn't drive because she couldn't afford a car. But she loved to drive, it was so relaxing and sexy to do miles and miles in the night, listening to some music...
The place was crowed and she quickly saw Toshi in the middle of it.
« Hey, you came ! » he said smiling. « Alright, let me introduce you to my cousin, Nishima. »
« Hi »
« Hi. I hope you're in a good condition. Tonight the competition is pretty hard. »
« We'll see. »
« Alright... You're driving with my favorite, so don't break her or I kill you. Be in the 7th and you'll have your money » he said giving her the keys.
« Watch out, the streets are sometimes really small and the drivers are agressive so... » said Toshi, nervous.
« 'Kay... » said Minami before coming inside the car, she needed to feel it, get used to it.
She liked it right away, good shape, nice smell and easy commands.
« Everyone's attention !! We're starting now, those who don't drive get the fuck out of here !! »
Minami put her driving gloves on and start the engine, she smiled when she heard the motor... Great sound.
« 3,2,1, GO !! »
She started the race nicely, the drivers were going fast right away, to be first fastly, but Minami was aware of what she was doing, she wanted to win this race with class. She let some of the driver go in front of her and quickly memorize the streets, the gold was to be at the end of the race the first, no one care what path you were taking. That's what street races were about. The night was good, Minami was feeling free and in control, she was driving in a smooth way, already three cars that she was passing through, it was going well.
A yellow car was right next to her and the next street was too little for both of them, Minami could see the driver's face smiling in his car, she pretented to turn so he believed that she would break into his car, the driver swerved, so the short girl could go in the street first.
« See this, bastard » said Minami in a low voice.
She accelerated a little and took a shortcut, winning 5 places, a car tried to kill her way but she handled it and saw the frontline. 

When she got up off the car, she understood that she was the first to cross the line.
« Dude !!! You're first !! » screamed Toshi.
« Of course I am »
« Bastard, why didn't you say that you were good ?! » he laughed.
« You didn't ask me... »
« You played well... I'm not kissing your ass but there are some really good drivers here, so you got me... » admitted Nishima.
« You car is not bad as well. »
« I want you on my race again. And I have a job for you, be a private driver for me. »
« Only if I have 50% on the next races. »
« … Deal »
« Good. I can start tomorrow if you want. »
« I like that. I take my money and I show you the car. »

« So, how was it girls, »
« Delicious !! » they all said.
« Great ! » smiled Sae, proud of her.

They cleaned the table then the girls went on the couch to watch the tv. Sayaka was washing the dishes when Sae stopped her.
« Relax, I'm going to do it. You've already done everything. »
« Really ? »
« Yeah, sit next to me. » said Sae.
« It's true you know, it's was really delicious. »
« Did you like it ? »
« Sure, a bit spicy^^ »
« Actually it was because I wanted you to feel hot so you would take off your clothes. » teased the short hair girl.
Sayaka blushed once more.
« You're always teasing me, I don't even know when you're serious... »
« You want to know ? »
« Of course ! »
« Okay then... » whispered Sae before gently kiss Sayaka's lips. « Are you convinced now ? »
« ...Yes »
« Mom and Dad are kissing !! Gross ! » laughed Yuko.
« Shut up ! »

12am, at school

The girls were free this afternoon, so everyone was leaving school.  At the moment they were at the school entrance, a really classy black car parked right in front of the door. When the driver went out of the car, they all opened wide eyes. It was Minami, in a perfect black suit and black sunglasses.
Jurina ran over her with a big smile.
« Wow !! Is it yours ?! »
« No^^ This is my new job »
« Seriously ?? This is so cool !! Could you take me somewhere ?! »
« Sure, but not now, I have to pick up a client. »
« Here ? Who ? »

Atsuko was also there with her friends, looking at Minami's new look. She was very classy of course, in this suit... But what was she doing ? A very girly woman walked toward her, smiling. Minami opened the door for her and helped her to get in the car.
« I will definetly take you for a ride, see you tonight » said Minami to Jurina before leaving.

Atsuko was pissed off again, she walked by Jurina.
« You have to help me. »
« Sure... How can I help you ?
« I need to know for who is she working. »
« O-Okay, I will tell you » said Jurina, freaked out by the serious look of Acchan.
« Thank you. Tell me, are we practicing dance or not ? »
« Oh wait, Miichan ?! » asked Jurina to her friend who was near.
« Yes ? » said the girl coming to her.
« Are we practicing or what ? »
« Yes, totally, we decided to do it this afternoon with Yuko »
« Okay, so this afternoon then Acchan »

3pm, Minami's rooftop

« You need to go on the left, then count two and go back to your first point, okay ? » said Yuko to the girls.
They were already practicing for an hour when they decided to take a break.
« Did you finish the black outfits Mariko ? »
« No, not yet, I have too much homeworks you know^^ »
« She's lying^^ » laughed Kojima.
« YUKO !!! » screamed Mariko.
« Yes ! » said the midget jumping around her.
« Kojima said that she you to hug her tightly »
« Mari-chan ! » pouted Kojima while yuko was climbing on her, trying to kiss her.

Atsuko came into Minami's room, everyone was upstairs and she wanted to know what was going on with the short girl lately. The room was quite empty, the bed, her schoolbag in a corner and few bottles of alcohol near the bed. This bed were Atsuko had been so close to Takamina... She was honestly lost, the girl had suddenly changed like she had took an important decision. On the little table near the bed she found a visit card, Choose your drive. It was it, the name of the company. She kept it and decided to call the number on the card later.
« Girls, we're going back to buisness !! » screamed Sayaka.
Atsuko quickly went upstairs, to start the dance again. She was actually enjoying this, but she was disappointed that the captain had no time to practice with them, she was the one who wanted to do the contest and she was the one who had asked her to be a part of this.
Yesterday at the bar Takamina had seem really sad, resigned about herself. Atsuko wanted to yell at her, say that she was acting like a stupid child, but when she had seen her face, she couldn't feel anything but sadness.

They finally decided to stop the practice at 7pm, Sae had stopped earlier to prepare the food. Everyone was eating here together, as a reward of the hard work they had done today.
They were all preparing the table when Minami suddenly came in.
« Hello everyone. »
« Captain !! » screamed Jurina jumping at her neck.
« Nice to see you too^^ I took some chicken for you guys » she said putting the food on the table. She noticed Atsuko but she acted normal.
« How was work Takamina ? » asked Sayaka.
« Good, the clients are nice. Let's eat ! »
They all sat around the table, Kojima next to Mariko, Rie next to Rino and Jurina next to Rena. Minami took the last sit next to Sae. The meal was going nice, everyone was talking and laughing when the doorbell suddenly rang.
« I'm going » said Minami standing up.
She opened the door and frowned.
« Hello, I'm looking for Atsuko, is she here?I'm Miku... »
« I know who you are. Stay here. » she said before leaving him.
When she came back into the room she was looking very serious.
« Atsuko, someone's at the door for you » she said without looking at her.
The tall girl seemed surprised but went to the door.
« Hello, Atsuko » smiled Miku, embarrassed.
« Miku ?! What are you doing here ? »
« Ano, I was missing you so I decided to go see you and ask you... »
« Here ? But who told you that I was here ? »
« You talked about the dance yesterday with Rena »
Atsuko was so surprised that she didn't know what to say. She kept thinking that Minami had open her own door to see Miku.
« What do you want ? »
« Maybe we could go out and take a drink... »
« But... »
She couldn't finish her sentence because Minami was right next to her.
« Miku, right? »
« Y-Yes »
« Okay, would you like to come in, we have a lot of chicken and it's cold out here »
Atsuko frowned, the short girl was inviting Miku in... WTF ?
« O-oh, sure, thank you »
« No problem, come in »
They joined the others and Minami gave him her chair.
« Everyone this is Miku, Atsuko's friend. »
« Hi ! »
The guy seemed really embarrassed, sat next to the Ace. Minami looked at her and Acchan felt strange, like she was really losing her for real. The short girl's phone rang and she picked it up right away.
« Yeah ? When ? In two days ? Okay. No, I want the red one, she's faster and the transmission is better for this kind of streets. Yes. Okay, see you. »
« What was that, captain ? » asked Yuko while she was eating a wing.
« Nothing, my other work. »
« What is it ? Tell us ! »
« Why are you always so curious?^^^ »
« Come on, please !! »
« I do races. » sighed Minami.
« Races ?! Like Fast and Furious ??! »
« Kind off midget » laughed Takamina.
« Wow, this is so cool !! » said Jurina. « Did you win ? »
« I've just done one, and I was first. »
« Wow !! » said Yuko and Jurina at the same time.
« Isn't it dangerous ? » asked Atsuko.
« … Not if you know what you are doing. So, Miku, how did you know Atsuko ? »
« Hm... I'm at the school, and one morning I asked her if she could help me with my maths and she said yes. So... »
« I see... It's cute »
Atsuko was blushing, looking at her food. Why Minami was asking all those things ? She was acting weird for no reason... 
« How was practice today ? »
« Great ! Atsuko is really good as the center » smiled Yuko.
« Good. How do you feel Rena, was it okay for you ? »
« Hai, Jurina is reall helping me, so it's better now » she pouted.
« Alright, I want to apologize for not being here today, I was working but next time I'll be there. »

The meal was really good for everyone, they were laughing and talking about old time, like they were all a big family. Minami was feeling good, she had been away lately and she was missing her friends. It was hard those days, she was feeling lonely and sad, but she needed to be stronger than this...
« Well, I'm going to bed everyone, I have work to do early in the morning. Have a goodnight. Miku, nice to meet you » she smiled kindly.

7am, in the streets

The cold air was really refreshing her skin, and the town was quiet. Minami was running in the parc near the flat, she had woke up earlier this morning because she had decided to regain her strengh. Alcohol was not okay for the practice, and the contest was really important for her, and she didn't want to let the group down.

After 2 hours she came back in the flat and took an hot shower, she was ready t go to work. After few days, she had realize that she really liked this job. Driving all day and treat client nicely was a good thing for her, she was feeling good in her task and it was paying well.
Before leaving, she left a note on the kitchen table « I'm back at 2pm, we will practice after, tell everybody. »

10am, in front of history class

« Rena-chan, we have practice later » said Jurina.
« Okay, I'm free. »
« Who is this guy you were talking to later ? » pouted Jurina.
« It's a friend from childhood, he's asking me to help him for a test. »
« Hm... » Jurina sulked. « You could help me too »
« You're good at school baka^^ »
« Rena-chan is mine » she said jumping on her.
The girl blushed, Jurina was always like this but she didn't know if it was serious or just a game.
« Would stay to Minami's place after practice ? We could eat, just he two of us... »
« Ano... Maybe, but I have to ask my parents you know »
« Sure, just be there okay » smiled the short hair girl.

Atsuko was near the two girls, busy with her phone. She was calling the driver society Minami was working for.
« Choose your drive, Hello »
« Hello, I would like to make a reservation for today, around 6pm. »
« Sure, let me check our available drivers »
« Actually I would like to have Takahashi-san »
« Ah, sorry I can't give you Takahashi-san, she's not working tonight. »
« … I see. Thank you, I'll call you later. »

She hang up, pouting. She wasn't expecting this, she wanted to face her tonight, bring her to talk and understand why she was acting like that. The history teacher arrived so she turned off her phone and went into class, sulking.

2pm, Minami's rooftop

The midget was already doing some muscular exercises when the girls arived on the roof.
« Wow, leader, you're already here ! » smiled Rino.
« Yeah, I'm rusty, so I don't want to be weak on this »
Mariko was laughing with Jurina and Atsuko was talking to Miichan.
« Alright, since I wans't here last time, I let Yuko do the center. »
« Ryokai !! » screamed Yuko jumping.
Minami went behind Rie, Atsuko was at the back, looking at the midget while she was warming her muscles up.
« Yo ! Let's start ladies ! » said Yuko with a smile.

Minami was focus on the dance, she was really happy to see that all the members had really evolved in ther dance. She was checking secretly on everyobody to see if someone needed help but it seemed to be okay. When she looked at the back she was able to see Atsuko dancing, she was so graceful that the midget couldn't do anything but stare. When their eyes finally met, Minami looked away fastly, blushing.

All the girls had homeworks to do so they stopped the practice earlier than usual. Jurina was talking Rena to an empty corner to eat with her, Rino and Rie had planned to eat in a cafe, and Mariko and Miichan were already speaking about the outfits.
« What are you doing later Sae ? » asked Sayaka before drinking some water in her bottle.
« I have basketball with some friends, do you want to join ? »
« Seriously ?! I would love to ! »
They both smiled, happy to be together for the rest of the day.
« Acchan, you were really good today, I see why captain wanted you for this ! » smiled Yuko.
« Thank you^^ »
« What are you doing after ? »
« Nothing, I think I'm gonna work late... » pouted the Ace.

Minami was near, listening to their conversation. She desperatly wanted to talk to Atsuko, say something funny, make her laugh, see her smile. But she was feeling like a fool, the tall girl was living her life, seeing other persons, and the midget was always feeling so dumb when the girl was around...  Yuko was leaving with Kojima and Atsuko was looking at her phone, alone with Minami.
The short girl was looking at her, some sweat was running on her brest, it was so sexy that Takamina couldn't stop looking at this, feeling the desire warming her body up. When Atsuko raised her head, she saw where the girl's eyes where and she looked surprised.
« S-Sorry, I-I didn't mean to look at you like that... » blushed Minami taking her bag.
« No, it's okay... »
« I'm... just sorry. See you. » she said before going downstairs, in a hurry.
Atsuko stood here for few minutes, she actually saw the short girl looking at her boobs with a weird expression. That was the first time that she was thinking that the silly girl could have been interested in her since their night.

10pm, in front of the Cherry Bar

Minami was not working tonight, and since she doesn't want to stay alone in her flat, thinking about sad things, she had decided to come in this bar.
She said hi to the man at the entrance and came in, going directly at the bar to order.
« Hi, a martini please. »
The place was a little crowded, the waitress gave her the glass and she began to drink it slowly, looking at the people in the room.
Her heart stopped for few seconds when she saw her on the dancefloor. She was here, why was she here... ? She was supposed to work at home till late. Atsuko... She was here, dancing slowly on the music, in a beautiful dress. Minami couldn't do anything but stare, at this gorgeous girl moving in the middle of the the room.
The short girl ordered two more drinks, but even with all the alcohol in the bar she couldn't forget this girl, forget her name, her face, the fact that she had been in love the second she had saw her for the first time. But her heart stopped for the second time when she saw Miku walking toward her. She was with himl in this bar, it was a date, here, tonight, on the dancefloor. She smiled and they began to dance together, like a couple. It was obvious, she was happy, all smiling and laughing, and he seemed like a nice guy, calm and truely in love with her. Suddenly he talked to her ear, maybe a joke or a compliment, then he slowly took her lips and kissed her very gently. Those lips Minami had kissed that night, those lips she couldn't help but stare eveytime she was talking to her, those lips she was crazy about...
When he finally stepped back, Atsuko was red, and she looked away. Away enough to looked toward the bar and see the captain. Her face froze, realizing that the short girl was here and that she had seen all of this. Takamina gave the money to the waitress and left the bar, even if she really wanted to act cool like everything was normal, she needed air, she couldn't be here anymore.
The fresh air caught her, and she quickly began to walk in the street, to walk away as fast as possible. On the way home she stopped in a combini and bought a bottle of vodka, that she went drink in a park, sat on a bench.

Is this was really the end of it... ? How are you supposed to accept that the love of your life is leaving with another person ? Is it possible to survive to this... ? Is it hurting so bad that you want to stop living right away, erase all of your memories or stay here and wait for the death to come ?
Is this why am I here ? Live to endure such feelings ? Coz I don't really think I'm alive for a reason but I don't want to live if it's to feel such pain in my heart...

11am, Minami's room

The ring of the phone suddenly woke her up.
« Yes... »
« You have a client waiting for you in 20 minutes, I hope you're ready. »
« Ask Toru, he's ready... »
« The client asked for you only. »

The girl sighed, she had a serious headacke because of all the alcohol she had been drinking last night. She hardly went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, she was in a bad mood to work today.
Ten minutes later she was driving in her car, with her sunglasses to fight the sun, too hard today. She had to take the client at Harajuku, she was hoping that the drive would be short so she could go back to sleep.
When she finally stopped in front of the building and got out, she discovered Atsuko, who was waiting here. Why was she here...
Minami took her phone to call her agency.
« Choose your drive »
« It has to be a mistake about my client, can you tell me his name. »
« Her name. It's a woman. Mrs... Maeda. »

Minami looked at Atsuko and sighed, she opened the door for her, and she could smell her perfume when she got in the car.
« Where are you going... ? » asked Minami once she was sat.
« I don't know yet... Drive, that's all. »
The midget wasn't understanding the situation, but she drove, she didn't want to talk anyway.
« … Why did you ask for me ? »
« Because you don't want to talk. You're never free. »
« Yeah... I'm working. Do you want me to take you to Miku's ? » she said, ironic.
« … »
« Choose a destination, I have some other clients »
« That's untrue, I have a reservation for the all afternoon. »
« What the fuck... Are you trying to set me up ? »
« No I just... »
« BASTARD !! Get the fuck out off here !!! » screamed Minami to the other car in front of him.
The man began to scream too and the midget was so pissed off that she got out of the car and punched the man in his face.
« Motherfucker!!What are you saying now!Uh ? »
« MINAMI ! »
The girl stopped, hearing this voice. Pissed off, she joined her car and drive away.
« I'm taking you home, this is enough. »
« I'm not moving, I've paid for the whole day . »
« I will give you your money ! »
« I'm not moving. Go at you flat. »

The rest of the drive was silent, we could feel the tension in the car.

When she parked in front of the flat, she quickly ran inside and took the bottle of vodka.
« Stop this shit ! » screamed Atsuko behind her.
« WHAT do you want ??! »
« STOP drinking this shit !! » screamed Atsuko breaking the bottle on the floor. « I'm SICK of your acts lately !! »
« Why do you care ?! I don't see the point ? Why do you even care ? UH ? »
« You're SO selfish, you only see what you want to see ! »
The two girls were very upset.
« Yeah, like I see that you're not here after a night together, like I see that you're dating a guy in front of everybody in a bar ! But you know what, I shouldn't be talking about this, do what you want... »
« You're so stubborn !! We can't even talk because you always think you're right. You think you can stop school, drink all you want in front of everyone here and act stupid because no one cares ! »
« You don't even know why I do that, but wait, of course it's because you don't care ! »
« SHUT UP !! You're so full of shit when it comes to invite everyone at diner, especially the guy who is coming for me »
« What did you want me to do, punch him ? Kill him ? »
« Why are you acting like a friend to him ? Why are you leaving when you see us kissing if he's so nice for you ? »
« Because I think he's the right one for you, because he's not involved in your mom's death, because it's a guy and because he cares about you ! Maybe for once I thought that you would be happier with a nice guy who does things like he should do it. Maybe because I decided to let you go because I'm too shitty for you... »
« ...What ? » frowned Atsuko.
« … You were right to go after that night. I'm not the right person for you, I'm not someone good, and even if I love you with all my heart, it's not what you deserve. If letting you go means that I have to endure all that, miss school and drink alcohol then I'll do it because I can't see you sad and no treated like you should be... »

Atsuko was froze, her brest was going up and down because of her fast breath. She was upset and actually really sexy like this.
« You're so stupid... » she said in a whisper before coming close to the short girl to punch her.
« I didn't ran away because I thought that you were not good enough for me. I ran away because it was the first time I felt so happy in my life, because I woke up next to you and I couldn't help but smile. And I was scared that you would regret what you did, that you would thought that it was a mistake, that you didn't love me like I loved you. »
« … Why Miku then... » asked Minami looking at her feet, unable to look at the girl, too close to her.
« Miku was nice and I was sad, I wanted him as a friend. And I was missing you. Last night he kissed me but I didn't like it, I said I couldn't be more than a friend for him and he understood. »
« … Acchan, I can't be as good as you, in my whole life, I'm not enough for you... »
« Shut up... Since I know you, everything I see about you is better everyday, you're in charge here with all this girls and they're happier than ever because you take care of them, you're raising them, you're good for them. I had never doubt about you even once, you're the one doubting. » she said touching the midget jaw with her finger.
« Minami... » she said in her ear « I've missed you so much... »
Minami was looking at her brest, so beautiful and close, she could feel the girl's lips on her ear.
« Acchan... Please don't... »
« Why... ? Don't you want it... ? »
« ...Of course I want it... »
« Kiss me... now... »
« This isn't good for us... I'm said yourself, I'm acting stupid... »
Atsuko slapped her, Minami stepped back and opened wide eyes.
« Kiss me now ! » said Atsuko walking toward her.
Minami was burning all over her body, she couldn't stand it. She suddenly raised her head and took Atsuko's lips in her mouth, going crazy for it, pushing the tall girl against the wall. It was soft, sweet and warm, the short girl was sulking, kissing and licking it, she couldn't stop.
« Tell me... »
They kissed again, hungry.
« What... »
« Are you sure ? Coz I'm not gonna survive one more time... »
« … I'm sure. I want you now. » she said pushing the girl against the kitchen table.
« Kids are gonna come back you know, I can stop if I'm touching you »
« … Right. We'll see this later then. » sighed Atsuko.
« TADAIMA !! » screamed Yuko, followed by all the girls. « Wow, Acchan, you're here ! »
The Ace stepped back from the midget and blushed a little, confuse about the situation.
« Were you been ? Did you realize that it's 11pm ?! » frowned Minami.
« Relax dad, we're saturday^^ » laughed Miichan.
« Aah... I didn't realize it... »
« I'm sooo hungry... » pouted Jurina.
« I know Juri, I said I was gonna make you something » said Sayaka.
« Eeh ? Me too Dad, I'm hungry too, I want Sae's breakfast !! » smiled Yuko.
« She's not here to cook you know, you can do it yourself. »
« Relax everyone, I'm making pancakes okay ? » said Acchan, wipping her lips.
Minami looked surprised, she wans't expecting the girl to make such a proposal.
« Yay, Mom is making pancakes ! There are too much dad in this house, Atsuko is our mom now !! » laughed Rino.
Mariko smiled and the tall girl blushed, but inside she was happy that everyone was accepting her so easily.
« You don't have to do this you know, they're all taking advantage of you » said the leader, embarrassed.
« No, it's okay, I like it. »
« Oh, I have a gift actually, for all of you here... But I don't know if you will enjoy it. » said Minami with a little smile on her face.
She had planned this for few days now, not sure that is was a good idea, but now she was burning to show them.
« I want to know !! » jumped Yuko.
« Yeah, we want to know » said Rino and Rie at the same time.
« Okay, you're doing the pancakes and I go take the surprise, I'll be back in 20 minutes. » she said before leaving.

20 minutes later

« So, are you ready ? » asked Minami at the door.
« Yes !! »
« Okay, you need to close your eyes, all of you ! Is it done ? »
« YES !! »
Minami slowly came in and went to the living room where they were all.
« Okay, now you can open your eyes ! »
The midget was here, with a little husky in her arms.
« Oooh... kawai !! »
She had thought that those last months have been a little harsh for everybody, and that they needed an animal in the house to keep everyone close to each other.
« Is it for us ? »
«  You've bought a dog for us ?
« Can we have a  dog ? »
« Hey, hey, keep calm^^ Yes, this is for all of us, I thought it would be nice, we can all take him to run, educate him and teach him things. So, if you want to keep it, it's okay. »
All the girls were excited, talking and touching the dog, the short girl looked at Atsuko, she was smiling kindly.
« Do you think it's a mistake ? » she asked her.
« No... I think you're a great dad » she smiled.
« We need to name him ! Is it a male ? » asked Miichan
« Yes, and we have to decide the name all together »
Takamina was happy, everyone seemed happy with the dog,  even Sayaka was already totally in love with it. It was a good idea, and honestly, the midget wanted a dog for a long time.

While the girls were all over the dog, Minami joined Atsuko in the kitchen.
« Acchan, I was wondering... what is going on between you and Miku, exactly ? »
« What do you want to know ? »
« Is he... in love with you ? Well, of course he is, who wouldn't... But, I mean... »
« Is it important ? »
« Yes, because I know what it feels to love someone and have to let it go. »
« Do you want me to love him instead ? » teased Atsuko.
« No... »
« Listen, I don't think he really feels that way toward me, we're friends and he was probably trying to seduce me yesterday but nothing comparing to you, I guess »
« You guess ? »
« Yeah, we'll see later if you can convince me... »
« Captain, I want to name him Shiro ! »
« Why not » said Minami, still obsessed by Atsuko's words. « Pancakes are ready, come here »
The dog immediatly came to Minami and searched for a contact.
« Oh, he's really liking you^^ » laughed Sae.
« He's not the only one... » whispered Atsuko as she was passing by.
Minami's phone rang, she talked for a while and seemed upset all the sudden.
« I have to drive some rich guy to Nagoya, I'm going back tomorrow night... »
« Seriously ?! But we have some pancakes, and we could have chill out tomorrow... » pouted Jurina.
« I know Juri, but you know what, tomorrow when I come back, we all go to a bar and party together. Okay ? »
« Okay, that's a good idea » smiled Rino.

The short girl gathered her stuff and kissed the dog a last time.
« Okay everybody have fun but Sayaka is watching you for me !! See you tomorrow »
« Bye cap' ! » they all said.
« I'm coming with you at your car » said Atsuko in a low voice.

When Takamina was ready to take the road, she said goodbye to the tall girl.
« Stay around here »
« Don't go to far » said Atsuko against the car, so the midget couldn't get into it.
« I will be there tomorrow you know »
« Maybe I'm a little worried since you're doing some silly things lately... »
« What sort of silly things do you want me to do in Nagoya ? »
« I don't know, you could drink, go in a bar and pick up a girl for example »
« Well, you could also go in a bar, drink and kiss some guy for example » said Minami before looking at the girl's brest.
« What are you doing » smiled Atsuko.
« Just wondering if you had this cleavage earlier... In front of everyone ? »
« It's not this deep Minami... » she whispered before kissing her ear « But maybe tomorrow you will see a little more of this. Don't be late... » she said before moving.
Minami smiled and get into her car and left, excited by Aachan's words.

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Re: "That's not what you think it is" Atsumina NEW fic! Chapter 7 UPDATE
« Reply #108 on: February 06, 2014, 02:45:29 AM »
I hope nothing happen to Minami

Yay Takacchan had come back

Offline Sydney W

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Re: Re: "That's not what you think it is" Atsumina NEW fic! Chapter 7 UPDATE
« Reply #109 on: February 06, 2014, 03:46:19 AM »
wohoo. An update. Like it very much. Can't wait to see smexy scene Minami x Atsuko.

Offline cisda83

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Re: "That's not what you think it is" Atsumina NEW fic! Chapter 7 UPDATE
« Reply #110 on: February 06, 2014, 11:10:13 AM »
Well Minami and Atsuko are getting there....

But still Minami wasting her time with jobs legal and illegal...

Would she be okay?

Would she be able to pull herself together by doing the proper things i.e. going to school?

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Archer1992

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Re: Re: "That's not what you think it is" Atsumina NEW fic! Chapter 7 UPDATE
« Reply #111 on: February 07, 2014, 03:09:27 PM »
Omg! Finally yei I actually believe that Atsumina were broken or something
Thank you
Continue soon
Bye bye

Offline chichay12

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Re: "That's not what you think it is" Atsumina NEW fic! Chapter 7 UPDATE
« Reply #112 on: February 07, 2014, 04:15:26 PM »
Holy sh*t icant believe i just miss an update here *gomen fausto*
Oh well better late than never  :D

Kitta~my atsumina is back baybeh  :inlove:
But i really have a bad feeling about minami going to nagoya :banghead:
I hope im just being paranoid here  XD

Wahh fausto  :wub:
Thank u for the update
Update soon :on gay: really looking forward to see an update in another trend.. u know what i mean*wink wink* :wahaha: :wahaha: :wahaha:

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Re: "That's not what you think it is" Atsumina NEW fic! Chapter 7 UPDATE
« Reply #113 on: February 08, 2014, 03:29:57 AM »
Hope nothing will happen to takamina.  :doh:
Yeah atsumina is back.. :love:
Gonna wait for the update.  :cow:

Offline Archer1992

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Re: Re: "That's not what you think it is" Atsumina NEW fic! Chapter 7 UPDATE
« Reply #114 on: March 02, 2014, 08:45:58 PM »
Update soon fausto I will wait

Enviado desde mi HTC One mediante Tapatalk

Offline fausto

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Re: "That's not what you think it is" Atsumina NEW fic! Chapter 7 UPDATE
« Reply #115 on: March 02, 2014, 09:16:50 PM »
Hey guys!! I'm just passing by to tell you that I'm working on the update, so please wait for me, I'm coming!!!!!! :twothumbs

Offline ryu201

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Re: "That's not what you think it is" Atsumina NEW fic! Chapter 7 UPDATE
« Reply #116 on: March 06, 2014, 08:28:14 PM »
Hi,im new here and this is the first fanfic that i read here.

U know what,i really love this fanfic  :heart:

It's AWESOME!!!!!  :twothumbs

I really wait for the update so keep going ok?  :thumbup  :thumbsup

Offline fausto

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Re: "That's not what you think it is" CHAPTER 8
« Reply #117 on: March 10, 2014, 08:04:03 PM »
Thank you for every comments, I update tonight, and next will be in another section :twisted: :twisted:
I was re-reading some fics yesterday and I realized that maybe I was too (how to put this... :nervous) tough in my way to write smut scene. I don't know if you see what i mean, but usually in other fics (maybe not Ruka :lol:) the words are cuter or more romantic, and I tend to be driven by the excitment of the scene so I write it with my way of seeing it... And maybe you guys feel a little lost because maybe it's too bold. Thing is I'm european and maybe our standards are not the same... :? Well, I was thinking of that, so sorry if there are too many "I want to f*ck you" or sth like that in my fics, but it's the way I write it :nervous :sweatdrop:

Chapter 8 : Seems to be better with you
« So, how long have you been a driver ? » asked the old man sitting in the back.
« Couple of years » said Minami, she didn't want to scare the client.
« I guess you see a lot of people like me. I almost forgot how it's like to drive... »
« Why don't you drive for the pleasure, sir ? »
« Aah... I don't know, maybe I'm afraid, it's easier when others do the things for you. »
Minami was already thinking about coming home, this evening was the first she could enjoy with Atsuko in a long time, now that they were « in good terms ». But this man seemed to be sad, and she was concerned about her job.
« I think you're trying to persuade yourself that you can't do things alone because it's been a long time since you're able to have people at your service. You're not feeling the world anymore, you're just passing by, looking and leaving. I think it's sad, to live thinking that all is a waste of time if you're doing it by yourself. »
« Are you suggesting that I should move my ass a little more ? » smiled the man.
« Sir, I'm just saying that maybe one day you should take a break, be alone, drive a couple hours and find a quite place near a river, sit and look, listen and enjoy it. It's easy to forget that things have value, that we care about, that we want to live them everyday. I bet you have heavy responsabilities, and this is making you blind to simplicity. And sad because you think the only thing you're capable of it's to handle big issues. »
The man thought about it for few minutes and smiled to his driver.
« You're really wise for your age. How can you know that ? »
« … Sometimes it's not about the age, sir. I'm just wondering why are we alive. Somedays I think that's because we have to create something that will help the others to survive, and somedays I just think that we have to enjoy this time, love someone and don't be afraid of the end. I don't want to waste my time working everyday and realize at the end of my life that I have many regret. »
« I see what you mean. I think I will think about that, and take your words as an advice. »
« Good, sir. »

She drove until Nagoya, the man had to stay for the night, and Minami was staying at the hotel. She was thinking about the past few months, like a check up.  She was always alone one way or a another, since her dad was always away for his work, and because she was better alone. Fighting for respect and trying to build a life on her own.
And then Atsuko.
This girl had always been in her head since the first day but it's was like a dream and now they seemed to be together. It's was really scary, actually, to know that you care for someone that much. The captain didn't want to admit that she was a jealous girlfriend, but she couldn't help but feel pissed off when a guy was looking at her.
She was staring at the view when she received an email.

From : Atsuko
To : Minami
Content :
How was the trip ?

From : Minami
To : Atsuko
Content :
Good, but I wish
I was home. Where are U ?

From : Atsuko
To : Minami
Content :
In your bed. Wish U
were here too...

From : Minami
To : Atsuko
Content :
Why aren't U at
home ? It's late.

From : Atsuko
To : Minami
Content :
I miss U, so I
decided to sleep
here, with ur clothes.

Minami opened wide eyes, couldn't help but imagine the girl naked in her clothes.

From : Minami
To : Atsuko
Content :
Seems nice ! I miss
u too. I will be there
tomorrow in the

From : Atsuko
To : Minami
Content :
The girls have
decided to go in
a bar tomorrow,
will u come ?

From : Minami
To : Atsuko
Content :
Sure. Sleep now,
u have to be ready for

Minami laid on the bed, she was really into this girl. Maybe it will be difficult in the future, but it was worth it.

It had been a long night and this morning, Minami accorded herself a cigarette. She smocked it against the car, looking a the sun rising. She was actually waiting for the man in front of the restaurant he was into.
Her phone rang when she was finishing it.
« You have a client tonight, when you come back in Tokyo. »
« I can't, I'm supposed to be in some place. »
« It will only take an hour. Don't be late. »

She hang up and sighed, Atsuko won't like this but she decided not to tell her.

Chapter 9 : Drunk in love

« Good morning Takahashi san, how are you ? »
« Perfect, and you ? Did it go well ? »
« Hm... Boring as usual when it comes to buisness, I think I'm too old for all this. » he said going into the car. « Can you take the other road to come back home, I want to see something else than tar and cars. »
« Sure sir. »

3.15pm, mathematics class

Atsuko was lost in her thoughs while the teacher was talking about numbers again. Minami was coming back tonight and she was very anxious about it. If this trip to Nagoya had help her discover that the two of us wasn't a good idea... ? If after all the captain was better alone or liking another girl in a few months... ? The truth since the beginning was that Atsuko was really in love with this messy girl, even if she didn't know until now.
« Atsuko ? »
« ... »
« Aachan ? »
« Huh ? »
« Where were you just now ? » laughed Sae.
« Nowhere, just thinking... » she blushed.
« Yeah, tell me about it, sure it's about the devil midget huh?^^ »
« Don't be silly. What is it ? »
« Can I be away this afternoon ? I have to meet Sayaka to do some sports together. Is it okay ? »
« Sayaka, hm. You seem to like her a lot those days. »
« She's like me, I appreciate that » she became red as a tomatoe.
« Of course you can, I have to go home anyway. »
« What are you gonna do ? »
« Dunno yet... probably work on my history essay. »
« You're life is sooo boring!^^ » mocked Sae, laughing. « I remember when you were fighting against every guy in the city with burning eyes, and now you're the smart girl always doing her homeworks ! »
« Watch out, I could kick your ass sooner than you expect » frowned Atsuko. « And ask Sayaka to be here at the bar with all the girls tonight, I want everybody there. »
« Okay ! »

5pm, in front of a lake, on the side of the road

« Don't you think it's beautiful ? »
« Of course it is... » said Minami in a whisper, she was astonished by the view. « I could stay here forever, and it would be enough... »
« I could too. Sometimes I wonder why people love the city so much. Nothing more than buildings, glass, stones and roads. But here, you feel like you're so small, weak and empty in front of this. I have been living almost all my life walking across the country and overseas and it's probably today that I regret not having raise my head and look at this more often... »
« … Yeah, I know what you mean, I regret it too already^^ You should take a rest, take your life and bring it here »
« … I will give a word to my wife » he laughed.

They get back in the car and Minami drove, thinking about the house she could have with Atsuko next to a lake like this. She could wake up in the morning, wrap herself in a sheet and lok at the view.

« Thank you for the ride, Takahashi san, I think it was more than a simple trip for me » he smiled.
« You're welcome, it was a pleasure for me. »
« It was nice meeting you, and I think soon, I will be contemplating that view, thanks to you. I will recommend you to my friends. »
« Thank you very much, have a nice evening sir. »

Minami looked at the hour on the dashboard, she had an hour free before the last client, and she decided to go to the hairdresser. She was going to see Acchan tonight and she felt like she had changed since their last talk, so she wanted to mark it with a new haircut.

9.45pm, in the « Speedbar »

« Be patient, I know she's late but maybe the roads were crowded... » said Sae with a smile.
« Or maybe it's just that she forgot it, or that she has better things to do » sulked Atsuko.
« You're impatient, take a drink »

Near them were Jurina and Rena, drinking together.
« How are you, Rena-chan ? »
« Good, I like this place. The music is good. »
« Wanna dance ? »
« Hm... No, I don't feel like dancing, I'm ashamed when I dance... » she blushed.
« Come on, you're good, just you and me » she smiled brightly.
« No... I'm not ready for this. Go ! »
Jurina sighed and went on the dancefloor alone, and began to dance alone. Few minutes later, an hot girl who was watching the prince since she had began to dance approched her and smiled. Rena was looking at them, jealous. She didn't want to go dance because she was afraid to be ridiculous in front of everyone, but it was pissing her off that another girl was taking advantage of that to go flirt on her Jurina. The girl was really close to her friend, all smiling and wriggling close to Jurina's pelvis.

When she finally enter the bar, Minami quickly saw her friends sat at a table, all gathered here and al laughing and drinking. Atsuko was talking to Yuko but stopped when she saw the midget walked toward her.
« Hi, I know I'm late. » said Minami with an excuse look on her face.
« You are indeed » replied the tall girl with no expression.
« I'm sorry, a last client and my boss wasn't cool with me today »
« Takamina, you're hair is great !! » smiled Mariko.
« Thank you » blushed Minami. « Do you like it ? » she asked shyly to Atsuko.
« … Yes, it suits you very well » admitted Atsuko looking at the dancefloor.
« Acchan... » sighed the short girl. « I'm sorry, I really am, but please, I'm tired and this was a long day. Can we please not fight and enjoy the fact that we are together again ? »
« … Yes. But you pissed me off because you were late, so I drank, so don't tell me that I'm drunk and I'm not suposed to.»
« Sure » smiled kindly the captain.
« So, how was the trip ? » asked Sayaka who was sitting next to Sae.
« It went well, an old guy lost and tired, but he was nice. And you, how was school ? »
« Boring, every class is the same... And Acchan was distracted, always thinking about you, so she didn't listen^^ » laughed Sae.
« I'm gonna kill you » frowned Atsuko. « Sayaka, you should ask Sae for a date if you want someting to happen because she's too scared of you to do it alone »
Sayaka blushed while Sae threw a towel at Atsuko.
« Wow, easy everyone ! Do you want something to drink ? » asked Minami to calm them down.
« YES !! » screamed Yuko. « I have to get this gorgeous lady drunk so I could touch her brest after » she smirked looking at Kojima.
« Yaa pervert ! »

Minami went to the bar to order the beer and saw Jurina dancing with a girl. When their eyes met, Jurina said a word to the girl and walked toward the midget.
« You're beautiful with this hair, what's up ? »
« I'm good. Who is this girl ? »
« I don't know, why ? »
« I'm here for just 5 minutes and I already noticed that Rena is looking at the dancefloor with fire in her eyes. Did you do something to her ? »
« No, I asked her to dance and she didn't want so I dance alone, and this girl came so... »
« So you let her dance with you like this ?! »
« Yes... Why ? »
« Because Rena is jealous »
« How do you know ? I'm not sure that she is interested in me, seems like she's suspicious about me. »
« Why ? »
« I don't know... » sulked Jurina.
« Okay so you drop that girl and go see Rena, ask her what is she feeling and you'll see. »
« … Right »
Minami looked at Jurina leaving, and sighed. She really liked this girl, and she didn't want her to do stupid mistake because she was too young to understand all the complexity of girls.

« Rena-chan » said the girl with apprehension.
« ... » the girl was looking into her glass, like she was alone.
« Rena-chan, what's going on ? »
« ... »
« Are you jealous ? »
« What ? Did you see how you were with this girl ? »
« I was just dancing, and she was there, I couldn't snob her »
« Right... Then go ! »
« … Rena » said Jurina stroking her hand into the girl's hair to uncover her face. « I want to dance with you. You're really beautiful tonight... » she whispered close to her ear.
« Don't try to mollify me » pouted Rena.
« I do, because I want to spend this moment with you, and see you smile »
« … »
« Tell me if you don't like me, I don't want to embarass you or anything » said suddenly Jurina with a serious voice.
« What ? »
« I feel like you don't like me very much, you're always looking away when I talk to you, you seem embarrassed when we're together and I don't want you to feel forced to hang out with me »
« It's not that, Jurina... »
« What is it then ? Do you think I'm not mature enough, or too stupid ? »
« No... »
« Because if it's... »
She couldn't finish her sentence because Rena quickly kissed her on the lips, a really light kiss but still.
Jurina opened wide eyes and felt like her heart stopped, she wasn't expecting that at all.
« ... »
« S-Sorry, I-I have to go to the bathroom » said Rena red as a tomatoe, running to the bathroom.
Jurina was really shocked, one minute ago she thought that Rena was ashamed of her and now this kiss. What to think of this... ?

« Captain, I need you »
« What is it, Juri ? » asked the midget who was at the table with everyone.
« Rena kissed me »
« Really ? Well done ! »
« No, you don't understand ! I was talking to her, saying that she wasn't forced to hanging out with me if she didn't like me and then she kissed me ! And then she ran into the bathroom... What does it mean ? »
« It means that she wanted to explain to you the way she feels, but when she did she was ashamed or scared and ran » smiled Minami, tenderized by the puppy in front of her.
« What should I do ? »
« Follow your heart, baka »
« … Okay ! » she said before running into the bathroom.

« You're giving love tips to Jurina when you are coming late to our date... ? » said Atsuko raising her eyebrows.
« It's pretty simple in this case, and I don't want Jurina to be mean with this girl just because she doesn't understand girls. »
« And you do ? »
« Maybe... »
« We're gonna check that then... » she said with a husky voice before going to the dancefloor.

Minami looked at her girl beginning to dance on the rythm. She was drunk unless she wouldn't do that, but the midget didn't mind at all, she wanted to see her dance and being this sexy.
The tall girl was moving slowly, her hands in her hair, slowly going down on her body. She was totally into the song, rocking on the melody, moving her ass and brest on the beat.
Sometimes she was looking at Minami like she wanted to provok her, show her her sexy side. And actually it was working. Minami was on fire, seeing her girl moving this slow on this music, touching herself, playing with her hair and closing her eyes it was really exciting. She wanted to take her here, right now, on the dancefloor, like they were all alone.
The music was like suggesting her to take this girl right here, rip her clothes off and explore her naked body until the sun rises again. She could see her brest move, her skin shining in the light, her graceful moves and her face totally abandonned to the moment... She could imagine her mouth into her neck, licking her shin, kissing those red lips again and again, caressing her legs, feel her shaking...
It was like a phantasm became true, a real beauty dancing like she was doing the music with her moves, like she was forgetting everything else, like nothing mattered anymore...
But she knew Atsuko, she didn't want to appear this easy to get, and she was going to play her game.

Jurina opened the bathroom door and found Rena alone looking at herself in the mirror.
« Are you okay ? »
« Yes, yes, I just need few minutes » said Rena embarrassed.
« Look... »
« Don't say anything, please. It was a mistake, it was silly. Can we please not talk about this ? »
« No, I want to. Tell me, were you jealous of that girl ? »
Rena seemed surprised by the question.
« I...This... Maybe, but it doesn't matter anymore. You have the right to do what you want »
« Rena, I don't know if you've noticed but I was the one asking you out the first time, and ate with all your friends. I want to know you, I want hang out with you. Why don't you let me ? »
« It's not right, I'm not a girl for you. »
« What ? Why ? Because I was dancing with that girl ?! »
« It's just... I'm normal, I'm not pretty, I'm not funny, I don't know how to dance like her, you could have any girl here or at school, this isn't what is supposed to happen... It was a mistake. » said Rena trying to leave the room.
« I don't think so, Rena. » said Jurina with an husky voice, preventing her from leaving. « I want you, I think you're beautiful, smart and funny. I don't want other girls, I want you. Let me be with you. » she said leaning on Rena's mouth.
« Jurina... » protested Rena.
But the boyish girl didn't listen and kissed her gently on the mouth, she had been teased by the first kiss few minutes ago and she wanted more. She kept her lips on hers, caressing them and licking them a little. She didn't want to rush anything, but she wanted her so much that it was hard to stop.
« So ? How was it ? » she said when she finally steped back. « Do you still want to run ? »
« … No... It's okay » moaned Rena.
« You're mine, Rena-chan, and I'm sure you're very sexy on a dancefloor » she smirked, satisfy of herself.

« Is it true that you want us to have a date ? » asked Sayaka.
Sae drank all of her glass of beer and nodded.
« Yes... Could be nice, right ? » she blushed. « I mean, without any team or ball, something quiet, just the two of us... »
« … Alright »
« Great ! » smiled Sae brightly. She was really into this girl.

Minami was beginning to feel the effect of the alcohol in her blood, she was feeling really good, and she wanted to have some private time with Atsuko. This one was coming back from the dancefloor, and taking off her jacket. Underneath she had a really nice see-through shirt, and the midget felt warm inside when she saw the black bra she was wearing.
« Hi » smiled Atsuko.
« Hi. I think everyone is having fun tonight, it's good. »
« Are you ? »
« Sure. Did you go to school with this shirt today ? »
« Maybe » smirked Atsuko. « Why ? »
« No, nothing »
« Why did you cut your hair ? »
« I guess I wanted to change » said Minami looking at the girl who was before dancing with Jurina.
« Are you looking at this girl ? »
« Maybe » smirked Minami. « I'm tired, I'm coming home, do you want a last drink at my flat ? »
« … Okay » smiled Atsuko before putting her jacket on.
While Minami was going to the bar, the Ace went to Sayaka.
« Please can you make sure nobody come to Minami's flat tonight, I need some time alone with her, is that okay ? »
« Sure, I will tell the others, don't worry »
« Thank you ! »

She pretented like nothing happened when Minami said goodbye to everyone. They called a cab to go home, the midget was too drunk to drive.

1am, at Minami's flat

« What do you want to drink ? » asked Minami looking at the bar.
« Something sweet, please »
Atsuko was against the kitchen table, looking at the captain.
« Here you go... » said Takamina giving her the glass.
The girl smiled while holding her drink, she was still drunk and happy to be, because she was still not used to be close to the midget.
« I'm worried about Jurina, do you think she'll be okay ? I didn't see her since... »
« Yes, she will be » said Atsuko kindly, pulling the girl toward her so she could be right in front of her. « You should worry about me »
« You ? Why ? Are you feeling bad ? »
« No... I miss you, Mi-na-mi... » whispered Atsuko she said before kissing her.
Minami had miss those lips so much that she was really enjoying this kiss.
« I missed you too. You're really gorgeous... » she said when Atsuko took off her jacket.
« … Minami ? »
« Yes ? »
« How many girls have you been dating ? »
« … Why do you want to know ? » said the midget, frowning.
« Because »
« Few »
« How many ? »
« Pff...4 »
« 4 ?! » said Atsuko, shocked.
« Yes, but it's not as much as it seems »
« ... »
« Baby, are you mad at me ? »
« … Why do you want to be with me ? »
« … I was in my past with 4 different girls, it doesn't mean that I like to have many girls in the same time or that I'm not reliable. But I can understand that you are afraid to be with me. I told you before, I don't think I deserve you and a guy like Miku would be better for you. »
« … Right, I guess I'll get going then » said Atsuko trying to leave.
« Don't you dare... going anywere » said Minami preventing her from leaving. « I want you, Atsuko, and not another girl. » she said before touching her jaw with a finger.
« I don't think I'm the kind of girl you want... » said Atsuko shivering.
« Well you think wrong, honey. I saw you dancing at the bar... »
« I was drunk »
« You're still are. It was very sexy » she said in a husky voice, putting an hand on Atsuko's waist.
She kissed her in the neck, smelling her skin.
« How far Miku went with you ? » she whispered.
« … What ? I already told you, we kissed... »
« A kiss uh ? Like this ? » asked Minami kissing Atsuko roughly, putting her tongue in her mouth, searching for hers.
« No... It was not... so good »
Atsuko was against the table, feeling the body of the short girl against hers. She was feeling good, shivering, and warming up because of the closeness of their bodies.
« Did he touch you... here ? » asked the captain putting her hand on the flat belly.
« No... » moaned Atsuko. « Minami... »
« Yes ? Do you want me to stop ? I thought you'd asked Sayaka to send everyone home so we can be alone here »
« How do you know ?! » blushed Acchan.
« Not telling you. Tell me, how many boyfriends did you have ? »
« … I don't remember »
« Really ? I'm not believing you. Tell me » said Minami raising the Ace's shin.
« … 3 »
« 3 ? Are you saying that 3 boys had your yes, that 3 boys have been kissing those lips ? »
« … Yes. But I didn't really love them, and it was just school romance... »
Minami got really close to Atsuko's mouth, looking into her eyes.
« Am I school romance ? »
« … No. »
« … Watching you dancing like this at the bar made me want to make love to you right there, in front of everyone. I was only thinking about ripping your clothes off, touch your naked body. Is it wrong ? »
« No... I was provoking you because I was mad at you for being late. » said Atsuko feeling her heart accelerated. Such words couldn't have no effect on her, her girlfriend was talking dirty and it was really exciting her.

Meanwhile, in front of Rena's house

« Thank you for the ride home » said the older girl.
« You're welcome, it was a nice evening with you » the boyish girl said.
« I'm sorry if I was bothering you, after all you were just enjoying the moment, there is nothing bad with it, and this girl seemed nice »
« It's okay^^ I just want Rena-chan to be happy, and I have to apologize because you were hurt. But don't worry, all I have in mind is you » she smiled very cutely.
Rena blushed, the younger girl was so sweet with her that sometimes she was embarrassed, why was she jealous again ? Ah yes, because she had feelings for her and she didn't want other girls to have the affection of Jurina. But she couldn't say that to this player, sometimes it seemed like a game to Jurina, and Rena wasn't the kind of girl to be played with.
« I hope I will see you soon, have a good night » said Jurina kindly before kissing her on the cheek.
« Yes, you too... » whispered Rena watching her leave.

Meanwhile, in front of Sayaka's house

« Are you sure nobody is there ? »
« Yes, my parents are in Italy for buisness until next monday. Come on ! »
Sae followed her friend to the house, it was a nice and big one. She had understood that her parents were pretty rich, and so she wasn't surprised by such a hudge house.
« Here it is, make yourself comfortable » said Sayaka taking off her jacket and goiong into the kitchen.
« Wow... This is nice ! Why don't you stay here often ?! »
« My parents and I aren't really in good terms. They want me to go to a buisness school so I can be a part of their company later, and I just want to do a sport university so... Plus, they don't like Takamina, they think she had corrupted me. »
« Really ? But you're better in school now »
« Yes, but you know, they don't want to admit that they are wrong and that there is something more important than semblance in the world... » frowned Sayaka.
« Hm... Hard to imagine that they had such a wonderful daughter despite of their way of thinking » smiled Sae.
Sayaka seemed surprised but hid it going to the fridge to take a bottle of water. She wasn't used to compliments, and she was still embarrassed when it came from Sae. This girl was so direct that it was weird.
« I'm hungry but there is nothing in the fridge... » she sighed.
« We could order something, it's my treat ! »
« No, it's okay, I'll wait for tomorrow morning »
« Let me order, Sayaka, it's important for you to eat » said Sae, coming closer.
« O-Okay, if you say so »
« Great !! » smiled the genkin girl jumping all around.

So next it's the pervy section!!! :panic: :panic:

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Re: "That's not what you think it is" CHAPTER 8
« Reply #118 on: March 10, 2014, 09:29:58 PM »
I don't know if you see what i mean, but usually in other fics (maybe not Ruka :lol:)

Did someone mention my name? :?

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Re: "That's not what you think it is" CHAPTER 8 and 9!!
« Reply #119 on: March 10, 2014, 09:46:07 PM »
Ruka as Rukaeru

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