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Author Topic: Monster Within - Chapter 22 (KojiYuu) 16/11/2014  (Read 77316 times)

Offline MayuxMatsuixMusic

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 14
« Reply #120 on: January 10, 2014, 02:49:50 PM »

mayurena!! <3

mayu is so loyal!!!!!!!!!! :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

love you mayu!!!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 14
« Reply #121 on: January 10, 2014, 05:13:49 PM »
Sae is here!!

Is Yuki like Sae before??

Please update soon

Offline Furumizawa

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 14
« Reply #122 on: January 12, 2014, 03:03:53 PM »
Wut Jurina and Rena?   :panic: What did they.......

So now Sae's here!! What will this story bring us~  :cow: Update soon

(I'm still imagining ikemen Mayu while reading this story  :banghead: )

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 14
« Reply #123 on: January 13, 2014, 04:50:20 AM »
15 OK!!!!

Offline amachan48

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 14
« Reply #124 on: January 13, 2014, 05:07:39 PM »
haish..... I just got the time to give comment on this fic now -___-

well, it looks like MayuRena lovey-dovey moment has come to the end huh?? with mayu already sure to herself that she loves yuki and started to keep distance with rena. hmm......

well, update it miyumi-san ^_^

Offline hyoyoung

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 14
« Reply #125 on: January 13, 2014, 08:25:57 PM »
Awesome fic!

You created a very nice scenario that gives pleasure while reading.
Mayu gambling without a specific goal for her life and there appears thamysterious Yuki.
Mayu changes throughout the history and now she is becoming more female. I like that too.

Plz update soon, I wanna see what happens :P
Thank you  :thumbsup

Offline miyumi

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 15
« Reply #126 on: January 15, 2014, 11:11:15 PM »
Minna! Sorry it took me so long but I was finally able to update! Exams are almost over so once it's done I'll be free! Anyways enjoy the update and sorry it took me so long ><'

Chapter 15

 Sae? Who is this Sae person and more importantly where did she come from? I watched Yuki get up and walk over to Sae and hugged her. She later explained how Sae and Yuki were classmates in the past and they were really close. Sae came into town for a couple weeks to visit and introduce her girlfriend. Akimoto Sayaka was the girl who looked like a greek god was Sae's girlfriend and when I talked to her I had to admit she was a very nice person. I also got time to get to know Sae as well and she wasn't as bad either so maybe I was being a little paranoid. Yuki brought out some more drinks and since Rena and Jurina were knocked out on the ground drunk, the three of us sat together and drank.

"It's been a while nee?" Yuki said.

"Yeah how have you been Yuki?" Sae asked.

"I've been good. Taking the kids is a struggle something times but I manage."

"Why don't you get yourself a girl Yuki? I think if you had someone else things would be a lot easier."

"Well I have been looking but my job and the kids make it hard for me to go out."

"Ah well just keep looking Yuki I'm sure you'll find someone~"

We talked and joked about silly things and Sae told me stories of Yuki and Rena back in high school. Like she said Yuki was really a yankee and she was a very silent type as Rena was wild and loud causing trouble wherever she went. Sae told me a story about how Rena almost beat Sae to death at one point in her life and it was the scariest thing she had seen. When she saw Rena on the floor when she first walked in she was frightened at first but then I told her that she's calmed since then. Sae was a little relieved but every once in a while she would look over at Rena to make sure the beast truly was asleep. Rena was sleeping soundly and Sae seemed to have a hard time believing that Rena had mellowed out since back then. Sayaka on the other hand had met Sae in college where they were assigned as lab partners. They hooked up and have been together ever since so I was happy for her. The two really did look like a cute couple. I could see Sayaka really did adore Sae and Sae had the same for Sayaka. The bond between them certainly was something I'd never seen before. As we were drinking, I got up and walked into the other room to go to the bathroom. When I came back out I was surprised to see Sae standing there as well. When I tried to get past her she pushed me into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. She turned to me with a strange grin on her face and said,

"I know you like Yuki~"

"Yeah so what? What about it?" I questioned suspiciously.

"Well I just wanted to give you a heads up that Yuki can be one scary woman when she wants to be. I didn't know her too well in high school because she was one of the scariest people there. However Yuki is someone you don't want to play with and someone you don't want to upset for when she's hurt she'll take it out on anything that moves. Men, women, and sometimes even children."

I stared at Sae for the longest time thinking that there was no way that she would hurt a child but the other two started to get me to wonder.

"Sae do you know what happened to Yuki's parents?"

Sae gave me a grave look as if I had just asked her something forbidden. Her stare looked off as if she was in another world and then her facial expression changed to a sight of disgust. She shook her head to get rid of whatever horrible image she was seeing and then said,

"I can't say much but I will tell you this.. They got into a fight with Yuki..."

That was all Sae said before going back into the main room with the others. I followed shortly after and saw that Rena was now awake and clearly still drunk. When she saw Sae though I was expecting Sae to freak out and try to run. However instead Rena simply giggled and said that Sae looked like someone she knew. Rena must not recognize her but then she went on how she wanted to apologize to the person she had hurt so badly at the time. After that she had passed out again and Sae laughed admitting that Rena really had changed since then. For Sayaka, she didn't see Rena as a threat no matter how scary she was. Sayaka said that she would protect Sae no matter what even if it meant death and I admired that love Sayaka had. It was obvious that Sayaka was a very loyal person and someone you would never catch in an affair. Sae and Sayaka were meant to be and I was happy about that because I didn't need any competition from people coming for Yuki. I knew that Yuki was going to be mine no matter what and so I knew I was going to have to try a lot harder to get Yuki's attention. I don't care how scary Sae made her out to be because to me Yuki is a lovely person who I am attracted to and I want her as my own. After a long fun night it was time for everyone to go home so Sae and Sayaka got ready to leave. Yuki offered them a place to stay but they said they had a room in a hotel rented out. I took Jurina home for her to sleep. Once that was done I took Rena back to my place and had another peaceful sleep.

The next day I was out and about shopping for some new clothes when I felt a tap on my shoulder. There standing behind me was Sae who had a really bright smile on her face as if she had just done something extraordinary. When I asked her what she was doing she told me that was out looking for an engagement ring. Apparently she was getting ready to propose to Sayaka and she wanted to marry her. I was really happy for the two and I told her I would even buy the ring for her if she was short on cash. Sae declined my offer and told me she had a enough to get a decent sized one so I told her I would help her pick one out. I took her to a jewelry place that I knew of but when we walked in she said everything was way too expensive. I took her to another one that sold rings for a good price and the quality was good. We started to look around and so far we were able to find nothing. In terms of rings everything didn't look very good and because there were a ton to choose from I knew we were going to be here for a while. While Sae was looking at the rings I decided to look around for some other things that poked my interest. I saw beautiful places but the one that really stuck out to me was a snowflake that had crystals in certain sections of the silver peace. I picked it up and looked at it and also saw there was something inscribed on the back


I thought this would be perfect for Yuki and I pondered if I should buy it or not. However my attention was diverted when Sae called me over saying she found the one. I walked over to her and she pointed to one that was in the very back corner of the display case that I had to admit looked very nice. The ring was silver and the crystal on it was a decent size. It looked like a very nice ring and I thought Sayaka would love it. We had it pulled out and when asked how much it would cost it was just a little bit over the amount that Sae had on her. Not to mention she also wanted it engraved with her name and so Sae knew there was no way that she could afford it. I told her that I would pay for it or at least some of it but she was stubborn and still wouldn't let me. Sae said we could just go somewhere else and look but I knew she really wanted that ring. Therefore I told her we were going to get that ring no matter what and so I started to bargain with the dealer. We bargained different prices and even the lowest that they went wasn't even good enough. The dealer was stingy and wouldn't budge so I decided to try a different approach and mention how all the other jewelry companies were reducing their prices and so they were getting more business. There were a lack of customers here so I could see the remark hit the dealer. I grinned and then also stated,

"I happen to be a very good gambler as well. Perhaps we could settle this with a small game?"

The dealer was intrigued with my proposal and so he reached into my pocket and pulled out a coin. He told me that if I could guess correctly five times in a row then he would give a reduced price for the ring and engraving together. I agreed and so he asked me to make the first call.


He flipped the coin and heads it was. For the next one I said,


Another flip and when it landed it was tails.


He flipped and once again I was correct.


He flipped again and I was accurate as ever. It was down to the last turn and this time when he flipped it I noticed he didn't catch it this time and instead let it fall onto the counter. The coin started to spin around and around and I didn't know which one it would land on. The coin started to slow down and I could see it spin between heads and tails. It was close and for a second I thought it was going to be heads. Then in the very end the coin span the other way and it landed on tails. The dealer was surprised but then smiled and said he would offer Sae a certain price which was perfect and when he asked what she would like engraved in the ring she said,

"To my eternal partner Sayaka."

Once we had finished purchasing the ring I sent Sae home where she was going to prepare for the big night. I truly was happy to meet Sae and Sayaka because I felt like I had learned a lot from the two. Now all that was left to do was go home and see how Rena was doing since she hadn't been up since last night after drinking. I didn't know Rena was such a light weight but I knew she was going to be hurting when she got up so I went to the store and bought some headache medicine along with some pop. When I got home I walked in I found Rena up and about cleaning which surprised me because I thought she would be hurting right now. I walked over to her and asked if she was alright and saw that she was a wobbling a little. She told me she was feeling a little dizzy and that was probably because of the hangover. I had her sit down and take the medicine while resting on the couch. I then walked over to the kitchen and made Rena some tea to help her relax and try to ease the pain. Apparently Rena had been suffering for a while but she didn't want to disappointment so she started to clean which only made it worse. Honestly Rena can be quite a worry sometimes but she's a good worker. We sat there and chatted for a while and then I asked,

"Nee Rena what happened that night between you and Jurina?"

Rena's face got redder than usual and I knew something must have happened.

"E-Eto.. Nothing really we just um.. we talked about a sensitive subject." Rena said.

"I see. Well seeing how hard you slapped Jurina perhaps you don't want to see her again for a while?"

"No!! I mean.. well it was an accident and I didn't mean to but I'd still like to see her again sometime.."

I gave Rena a "I'm onto you" look and she could tell I was getting ready to pop the question but then her phone went off. She picked it up and then walked into the other room to take the call. I sat there thinking that her and Jurina did do something and she's not telling me about it. The question is what though and I guess I'll have to wait to find that out. Though I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Jurina more than Rena. A couple minutes later Rena said she was going to head out and meet up with a friend of hers so I said she could go as long as she took care of herself and didn't stay out too late. She got ready and then headed out leaving me alone in the house for while. Bored out of my mind I decided to go to the main room and see if there was anything good on the TV. There was nothing on so I just sat there and searched the channels. As I was searching I heard a beep on my phone and pulled it out.


I opened the text and it read,

"She said yes!"

Followed by the text was a picture of her and Sayaka kissing and Sayaka was wearing the ring. I was happy to the two so I wrote back,

"Congrats!  \^o^/"

 Once that was done I went back to searching a good TV show. There was nothing good on except reruns and I was getting sick of the same thing. I didn't find anything interesting but then I saw a news report about a couple of bodies that were just recently found in a park not too far from a high school. They were the bodies of a man and a woman and they were just discovered though they were killed at least four years ago. The reports said they were going to investigate the deaths of the two people but for now the murder remains unknown. At that moment I got a knock at the door and I saw Yuki and her little sisters there. They were holding suit cases and many layers of clothing as if they had just moved out of the house or something.

"Hey Mayu do you mind if we stay here for a couple days? They're doing construction and our house is being fumigated." she said.

"Um sure."

Yuki and the kids came in quickly and then Yuki shut the door. I took the kids to a room where they could stay and then I went back into the kitchen where it looked like Yuki was searching for something. I looked at her with a confused stare and then asked her,

"What are you doing?"

"Where do you keep the alcohol? I could use a drink."

I brought Yuki a drink and watched her chug it all in a matter of seconds. I filled her glass again and once again it was gone within seconds. Something seemed wrong with Yuki and didn't seem right. Her face was pale and her eyes were constantly darting around the room as if she thought someone was watching her. She seemed jittery and almost as if she was hiding something. When she asked for the third drink I didn't pour it and instead asked,

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing.." she said.

"No there is and I know it so tell me what it is."

"I said it's nothing Mayu now give me another drink."

"Not before you tell me what happened." 

Yuki gave me a dark stare as if she was going to kill me but I wasn't scared. I stood my ground and gave her a glare that was just as scary. We stared at each other for a long time before Yuki suddenly lashed out and threw her glass at me but luckily I dodged and the glass went flying across the room smashing it against the wall.

"What the hell Yuki?!"

Yuki didn't say anything and instead tried to run away. I wouldn't let her though so I grabbed her by the wrist and she looked back at me with tears forming in her eyes.

"Let go!" she screamed.

Yuki started to struggle but I wouldn't let her win. I held onto her tightly not letting go and when she tried to punch me I stopped her while still holding onto her. I yelled at her,

"Not until you tell me what happened!"

"It's nothing Mayu now let go!"

"I mean it Yuki tell me!"

"You really want to know?!"

"You tell me right now or else I'll send you and your sisters out of my home!"

Yuki stopped struggling and then looked down. More tears could be seen falling from her face and she was silently sobbing. She raised her arm and then pointed to the TV that was reporting about the two bodies that had been found. I didn't know what she was trying to say but then Yuki said,

"Those bodies that they found by the school.. those were my parents.. and I... I killed them.."


"I killed my parents four years ago. I was in high school and our family was struggling. They were hurting me and my sisters so I had no choice! I buried the bodies by the school so no one  would find them and then I reinvented myself and became who I am today. I did it only because I loved my sisters and I couldn't stand seeing them in so much pain as such a young age. If things kept going then they would've ended up like me! I didn't want them to be yankees so I killed my parents and then took them away somewhere safe.."

"Yuki.. Have you been on the run this entire time?"

"Yes... When they first died no one even noticed because we were so poor that no one even knew we existed.. No one even noticed that mother and father were gone.. No one noticed that we weren't in that hell hole of a house anymore.. No one cared!"

Yuki started sobbing more and she wasn't able to talk. Now I finally knew what happened to Yuki's parents and I know what happens when one gets caught for murder. They go to jail and in jail bad things happen. I didn't want Yuki or her kids to suffer anymore than they already have and so I rushed to Yuki and pulled her in for a tight hug. I held her in a comforting embrace and stroked her hair trying to sooth her pain.

"Yuki no matter what happens I will always protect you.. You're safe here.."

"B-But why?"

"Because I love you."

Without even thinking I leaned in close to Yuki and sealed her lips with a kiss. A kiss that promised safety and protection, comfort and love, something no one else could give to her and I was the only one that could. I loved Yuki and I wasn't going to let anyone take her away from me even if it meant death.


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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 15
« Reply #127 on: January 16, 2014, 12:05:06 AM »
*gasp* It became more darker. Oh my, Yuki killed her parents. :shocked And Mayu's intention to play Yuki's heart has now vanished. :heart:

I wonder how will they get past everything. I'm getting excited!

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 15
« Reply #128 on: January 16, 2014, 12:20:18 AM »
Miyumi-san u back!!

OH NO Yuki kill her parents, but she have no choice but to kill them

What Mayu going to do??

Please update soon

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 15
« Reply #129 on: January 16, 2014, 12:40:05 AM »

OH!!!!! MY!!!!! G-O-D!!!!!!!!!!

TWIN TOWERS    MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I     AM       SO     
« Last Edit: January 16, 2014, 07:33:26 PM by Ruka Kikuchi »

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline MayuxMatsuixMusic

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 15
« Reply #130 on: January 16, 2014, 10:36:20 AM »
mayu is so sweet!!!!!!!!!!

yuki finally open up to mayu :inlove: :inlove:

mayuki!!!!!!!!!! :shy1: :shy2: :shifty: :luvluv1: :temper: :on bleed: :on gay: :on GJ: :ptam-glow: :hip angel:
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

Offline Haruto Lee

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 15
« Reply #131 on: January 16, 2014, 05:28:17 PM »
And Mayu's intention to play Yuki's heart has now vanished. :heart:
I agree with this. And started to wonder why too.

And the ring which scribed Yuki's name on it. I found it weird. A ring to Yuki?

Yeah!!! Finally they get to kiss! Yeah!

Anyway it is good to know u are back

Waiting for your next update :thumbsup

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 15
« Reply #132 on: January 17, 2014, 07:54:27 AM »
Thanks for the chapter <3

had a feeling that this chapter storyline ran so much faster than the others, like Saeyaka part... (oshis <3) And Mayu acceptance towards murderer-Yuki, love could be that stup- strong!!?? ;)

hoping for Wmatsui next chap (/'ω')/

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 15
« Reply #133 on: January 18, 2014, 12:51:48 PM »

Offline miyumi

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 16
« Reply #134 on: January 18, 2014, 09:57:31 PM »
Yosh! Here is the next update guys! Now I did speed up the time just a tad bit so the storyline fits what I have planned so sorry about that but please enjoy the update!

Chapter 16

Since Yuki's confession, I let her stay at my place for a couple weeks now. I didn't know how long the cops were going to investigate the case but for now I guess I should just accept the fact that Yuki had practically become part of my daily life. Her and Rena work together when it comes to housework where Yuki is cooking dinner and Rena is cleaning the house. I told Yuki she didn't have to do all this work but she insisted since she was living in my house for no pay. The kids were enjoying their time here as well when I see them running around and playing. I told Yuki if she wanted I could enroll them in school but she said no because if they were put in school now they would have no idea what to do let alone what to learn. All the other kids would be far more advanced than them and so she preferred that she will teach them. I didn't want to insult Yuki by saying she was stupid or anything but I thought the kids needed a real educator so I hired a tutor for them and so far they've been doing good. Things have been going well and I'm glad that Yuki was finally starting to let me get to know more about her.

However there was another problem that was insinuating and it had to be fixed. My income was low because I haven't been gambling as much so I was going to have to get back out there and earn my living. There was another problem though and that was with the way I looked. I mean now I look like the casino gals that guys prey on and I most certainly did not want that. I was going to have to try to change my look and make everyone believe I was the same old Mayu that's strong and not girly. I was planning on going out tonight so I went into my room and started to get ready. Taking off my bra I took out the old chest binder and thought I was really going to struggle. When I put it on I put it on so it wasn't so tight and then to finish off the touch I put on a bullet proof vest. I looked as flat as a board and it worked so I put on one of my old shirts and saw it didn't fit me at all. I looked for a bigger shirt and found one that just barely fit and it made me look buff because of the vest under it. It was good enough though so I put on my pants and my shoes and then for my hair, it had gotten longer than the last time. I knew if I cut it Yuki would kill me so I did my best to slick it back and make it look a little cooler. Once that was done I told Yuki I was heading out and then left before she could see me.

Walking into the casino brought back some familiar scents of alcohol and cigar smoke. It was good to be back and I had missed a lot since I was last here seeing all the new customers and slot machines. I missed this place and I was happy to be back in the game. It had been a while for me so I was a little scared my talents had gone rusty. To my surprise though when I pulled the lever to the slot machine and soon I heard the sirens and the sound of hundreds of coins flooding I knew I was back. I went on a rampage of jackpots and big wins winning as much cash as I could. I was going to clean this casino out until there wasn't a single cent left. I was so into the game that I had forgotten how much I loved the rush of the game. The thrill that would pulsate throughout my body. This is what I missed and this was my passion, my game. I was winning big loads from all kinds of games but there was one game that I had yet to stop by and this game was the one I loved the most. The poker table where I could play against other gamblers for their money and I remember how good it felt to watch my opponents crumble when they saw my hand.

I walked over to the poker table and found a player who was willing to play with me. He looked like he had a decent amount and so I knew this was going to be fun. Soon after a dealer came over and started to shuffle the cards. We placed our bets and I put in a small hundred thousand yen. She then proceeded to deal the cards with both of us receiving five cards total. I pulled up my hand and saw what I had which I thought was very interesting. I thought I should start out small and easy so I threw away four of my cards holding onto the one I thought was going to win me a good hand. The dealer gave me four more cards and then I looked at them smiling. We placed our hands and he had two of a kind two sevens which wasn't bad. However I had two tens which beat him so I won the hand. He decided to go another round with me and so we got a new hand and this time I decided to throw away two cards. Getting two cards back it was what I needed and so I smiled and looked over at him who looked like he was deciding what to do. He played his hand and showed two fours and three fives. He seemed satisfied with his hand but then I placed my hand and his face went bitter. I had three tens and two jacks. I won and so he cashed out and left. I felt happy and satisfied with myself and so I left the casino with at least two hundred million yen or more. I went home and walked inside only to find Yuki staring at me with a pissed off look.

"Where have you been?" she asked.

"I went out gambling." I said.

"Dinner was ready hours ago Mayu the kids wanted to say goodnight to you before going to bed."

"Oh.. I'm sorry Yuki I just thought I would go out and have some fun since I hadn't been out in a while."

"It's fine I understand you miss the gambling but what's bothering me is what you've done to your body."

"What? Yuki if I went to the casino dressed like the way I was the guys would have been all over me like I was fresh meat."

"Sure Mayu sure. Anyways get those clothes off you look ridiculous."

"Alright alright just let me go get a drink."

"No now."

Before I could move Yuki made her way over to me and grabbed my arm. She then wrapped herself behind me and started to unbutton my shirt. I cursed myself for being so short but I was also really embarrassed that Yuki was doing this to me. She pulled off my shirt and saw the vest and so she looked at me with a strange stare.

"Why are you wearing this?"

"To make myself look flat?"


She pinned me against the wall and then took off my vest and then proceeded to undo my pants. She pulled them off leaving me in nothing but my chest binding and my panties. Yuki then fixed my hair back to normal and smirked.

"You look so cute Mayu looking so defenseless~"

"Shut up Yuki!"

"Make me~"

Yuki got on top of me this time and pinned my arms back. She had a darkened shade of black in her eyes and I knew this wasn't going to be good. I thought she was going to bite my head off but instead she leans in and bites my ear. The sudden attack shocked me and I was surprised as to what Yuki was doing. I was going to ask her but then she suddenly started kissing my neck and licking it. Her kisses and nibbles were sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout my body and it was starting to get to me. Something was causing Yuki to do this but the question was what. This wasn't like her and I needed to find out what was causing it. I tried to fight Yuki but she grabbed my arms and pinned me back tight as she continued her onslaught on my neck. She then started to move down to my chest getting very close to my binding. I felt her grab the side and start tugging it loose slowly starting to slide down little by little. I squirmed like a bug trapped in a spider's web but it was no use and I couldn't get free. Yuki smiled and said,

"Kawai Mayu~ I could just eat you up."

Yuki was about to pull away the entire binding but then suddenly there was the sound of something breaking. I looked over and saw Rena standing there with a shocked expression on her face. She was looking at us like we were burglars and she was going to shoot us on sight. I looked over at Yuki thinking she was probably as bright as a tomato. To my bewilderment Yuki wasn't embarrassed at all. She was giving Rena an intimidating glare that seemed like it would pierce through solid steel. Rena too was glaring at Yuki and I could see her turning her hand into a fist. However she turned around and said,

"I'm sorry for disturbing you.."

Rena then ran upstairs and I could see tears coming from her eyes. I quickly pushed Yuki off me and ran upstairs to try to tell Rena that she got it all wrong. I ran up and found her in her room where she was crying. I knocked on the door and she yelled at me to go away but I didn't listen and walked inside carefully. Rena was curled in a ball crying laying on her bed. I walked over and sat down at the edge of the bed and then gently placed my hand on her shoulder. She shook it off though and then continued to cry. I felt terrible that she had to see all that and I didn't want her to think wrong. I mean technically I do love Yuki but I also know that Rena has a thing for me and I want to end it as nicely as I can. I'm sure Rena has already realized that I love Yuki but still I felt sorry for her. All she wants in life is someone to love her and I'm obviously not the one. I wish she could find someone soon so she wouldn't have to deal with this loneliness because I know how bad it feels and it's the worse pain ever imagined. To be honest I would rather die than be alone because it's just eternal suffering really with no one you can hold onto.

"Rena.. it's not what you think.."

"No it is. I know exactly what it is. Yuki is claiming her territory and she's telling me to back off. I know how she is and so I will respect her choice. However I wished I could have been with master just a little longer.."

"I'm sorry Rena.. I'm sorry things had to come this way.."

"It's ok.. I knew this was going to happen but nee.. can I have one last favor?"



Rena sat up and wiped her tears away and then leaned in close to me. If this truly was her only favor then I would gladly make it so for her. Therefore I leaned in and kissed Rena on the lips one last time. This time it felt sweet and warming but also sad because this is probably going to be the last time I get to be so close to Rena. It was Rena who pulled back first and she was smiling happily knowing that she got her wish. I kissed her on the cheek one last time before sending her off to bed. I shut her door and then walked over to my room where I saw Yuki sitting on the bed. I could feel anger boiling up inside me and I knew one thing for sure. Yuki and I needed to talk. I didn't let Yuki say anything let alone have a chance to move so I got on top of her and pinned her down. I could feel the fury start to rev up inside me and so I looked down at Yuki and asked her,

"Why did you do that?"

Yuki grinned and said,

"What did I do?"

"You know what I'm talking about."

"You didn't have to go that far especially in front of Rena."

"I did what I had to do. I know Rena is still into you and I couldn't let her take you away from me."

I was silent at first not sure what to say to her. I couldn't tell if her feelings were true or not for me for I felt like she was using me in some way. Then I remembered the bet that we had made on the first day that we met. The bet that if she did not love me then she would get all my fortune. I think instead of not loving me she was making me love her and in all reality she doesn't love me. She's just using me to get my money. I didn't think this was true and I didn't want to think it but there was only one way to find out. I looked at Yuki with doubt in my eyes and asked her,

"Yuki.. are you just getting close to me.. because you want my money?"

Yuki was silent this time and seemed like she was thinking what to say. With confidence in her voice she told me,


"Are you sure?"


I don't know why but something inside me felt wrong. I didn't know if I could believe her or not and I didn't know what to believe in. Yuki seemed honest with her words and I wouldn't think that she would lie to me. However this wouldn't be the first time I've been deceived by another woman. The pain and suffering was echoed in my chest and the scars were still there. I didn't want to repeat that moment in my life again and so for now I think I could trust Yuki. If she makes anymore sudden advances on me though I'll start to think likewise. I got off Yuki and then fell asleep soon after not wanting to say another word to her.

The next morning I left the house and decided to go to Yuko's place since I didn't want to be around Yuki for a while. I pulled up to the house and walked inside where Yuko was reading a book in the main room. I looked over at Atsuko and saw her belly was getting better and the baby was on its way. It's only a matter of time now before the day comes and I'm sure both Yuko and Atsuko are getting excited. I walked over to Yuko and sat down across from her where there was a cup of tea set on the table for me. Yuko put down her book and then said to me,

"What brings you here?"

"I wanted to ask you something Yuko."

"And that is?"

"How do you know when a woman is using you to get to your money?"

Yuko took off her glasses and set her book down. She grabbed her tea cup and took a sip and then said,

"This is about Yuki isn't it?"


"What happened."

I told Yuko what happened last night and she didn't show any sign of surprise. She was listening carefully and when I finished I said,

"Well do you think she is?"

"I don't know.." I said.

"Well unless you know for sure then you can't just assume that she is. You have to think Mayu. I know you're just scared and you don't want another bad romance but it was because of your distrust that started it all. If you believe Yuki is using you then leave her but if you truly love her then you need to trust her when she says she isn't."

"And if she is?"

"Then you leave her."

 "Thanks Yuko. I was getting really worried for a while. So how are things between you and Atsuko with the baby and all?"

"Things have been going well and the baby is developing normally. She'll be due within the next three months is what the doctors are saying."

"Isn't that early? I mean she's only four or five months now isn't she?"

"Yes it is and it's dangerous. They're expecting it to be a premature birth but they don't know why. I haven't told Atsuko because I don't want her to worry but I'm sure she'll be fine."

"I don't know Yuko premature brith can lead to some bad defects if she isn't properly taken care of."

"I know which is why I've hired the best doctors in the countries to see out the birth and take care of her."

"That's good Yuko I hope the best for you and the baby."

We finished up our conversation and then I left heading back home to see how Rena and Yuki were doing. I walked inside and saw a note saying that Yuki had gone out which meant Rena was still in the house somewhere. I walked up to her room and was about to walk in but I heard strange noises coming from inside. I stood outside and listened carefully and found that they were moans. Carefully I opened the door just a crack and peeked inside only to see Rena on the bed with a lewd expression on her face and someone on stop of her doing dirty things to her. Judging by the figure and the hair I could tell it was another woman but the question was who? I was about to leave but then I heard the other woman say,

"I love you so much Rena."

"I love you too Jurina."

At that moment I felt head scream in shock ringing in my ears,


Oh my what will happen next? Find out next time~

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 16
« Reply #135 on: January 18, 2014, 11:49:58 PM »
WMatsui into action!! \(^o^)/

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 16
« Reply #136 on: January 19, 2014, 01:28:30 AM »
O_O Rena and Jurina making out?!?

What going to happen to Mayu now

Please update soon

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 16
« Reply #137 on: January 19, 2014, 01:38:16 AM »
I just realized that I haven't been commenting on this...
well, I'll make it short:
choke choke choke choke
...WMATSUI... yah!

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 16
« Reply #138 on: January 19, 2014, 03:00:57 AM »
YAY!!!!! WMATSUI!  :two thumbs KEEP it Up! :thumbup

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Re: Mayuki: Gambler's Luck update chapter 16
« Reply #139 on: January 19, 2014, 03:38:42 AM »
LOL. Rena got over Mayu too fast. :lol:

Yuki became aggressive. :D I hope Mayu's doubts on Yuki are not true. :(

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