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Author Topic: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 10  (Read 42350 times)

Offline Cometerz48

  • "Nothing is prettier than a smart mind and a warm smile, thus that is why I like Kamieda Emika. She has both."
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  • Everybody needs a dark horse.Kamieda Emika is mine
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@Ruka Kikuchi-san:
SAYAKA!!!” roared the four of us. I looked at the directions where the bullets fired and pulled the trigger, I got the guy right in the middle of his eyes.

Yuko got him first before you do though... *pat gently*

@Lost Heaven-san: *pats your back* I know you do... I'll reveal more about Sae soon~

@kuro_808: you read me well, Kuro-san~

@atsukojiyuu_C: Thank you for your compliment. :nervous Please do look forward for my work on this, I'll tell you you'd be surprised to see how I will developed the story as it goes on..

@Haruko: really..? hmm...

Minna~ Thank you for your compliment~~

Huaa, such a happy feelings to see all these feed backs  from you guys. I honestly don't do Kojiyuu fanfics, but this one seems to work out which made me very happy~

Well, here's the second chapter~ Sorry for the bad English and please I looked forward for your feed backs~

Kyou made no Melody: Chapter Two

After the short talk with boss, I pressed for the elevator. Once the door was open, I saw my friends standing inside as if they were waiting for me.

Umechan pressed for the basement floor, it was a silent trip before I decided to break the ice.

“I’m resigning.” I looked up and saw the shocked expressions on their faces.

“Yu-Yuko..” blabbered Kana. “Tell me you’re joking!!” she shook my shoulder hard.

I shook my head, “I’m not. I’ve decided it a long time with Nyan… We figured it out that it’s time to live our life normally..”

Umechan hugged me tightly, “Does it mean that..?”

“Yes, this is going to be my last mission before I quit.” I answered. I looked over to Sae, her face was unreadable. I could tell that she was forcing herself not to look at me and stare out to the elevator glass.

The elevator stopped and opened it’s door to reveal the basement, it’s where the mechanics works for gadgets and transportation.

“Ah, Yuko-san!” greeted a voice from behind the boxes of stuff. A girl with a cat smile popped out from behind the box and walked over.

“Hello Jurina.” I smiled at her. The kid’s name was Jurina, although she was younger than most of the agents here, she’s very talented and now in the age of sixteen, she’s one of the best high scorer in the missions simulation program. But somehow she has taken interest lately on the gadget department, which she asked to be assigned to.

Jurina hugged me and the others, “So what can I help you guys today?”
Sae who was silent the whole time, pulled out a list from the folder handed out before. “Each will need a set of these listed things.” She said.

Jurina received the list and read it with raised eyebrows, “It must’ve been a dangerous one you got here, Captain. These stuff has good amount of dangers, you know.”

“Can you get us these things?” asked Umechan.

Jurina rolled out the list, “I’ll do my best. But maybe you should talk to Mayu for the ones that are highlighted in red on the list. Those things need special precautions.”

“Are you telling me that we aren’t capable handling it?” asked Sae with a cold tone to Jurina.

“Whoa, calm down, Miyazawa-san.” Said Jurina. “I wasn’t saying that. It’s just that there are some policies regarding to that which ws released lately.”

“What kind of precautions?” I asked.

“It’s just a rumor that I heard.. But..” Jurina edged closer to me. “This place might be roaming with doubles from who knows where..”

“I’ve heard about that.” I whispered so only the five of us could hear it. “But the boss is still trying to figure out for whom does these doubles works for.”

“Whoever did it must’ve been related to Shinoda Mariko and Yokoyama Yui’s kidnapping.” Said Umechan.

I nodded. Five  months ago, Team A captain, Shinoda Mariko and her vice, Yokoyama Yui were kidnapped during a mission. A few weeks later, Mariko was found dead in a horrible state due to be said tortures, while her vice was found in a state of shock with the same tortures but alive.

I remembered myself on the day of Mariko’s funeral. I always remembered Mariko as a troll queen with a sadistic but genius side of her. We once went on a mission together involving crime syndicates around high scholars, we beat up a lot of delinquents wannabe while we were undercover…
I remembered seeing Haruna in tears when Mariko’s body was carried to the cremation. Mariko was her close friend along with Acchan and Boss. 

I clenched my fist tightly remembering them, but then I remember that I’m still talking to Jurina. I owe her something..

“Jurina, can you gather our Team at five? I have something to talk about before going tomorrow.” I asked the girl.

“Sure.” said Jurina lightly. “Five? Gotcha!”

I smiled at her before waving off and headed back to the elevator followed by the others.

“You’re going to announce it?” asked Kana. I nodded, “Who’s going to replace you then as captain?”

“I don’t know..” I answered. “Whoever will it be, I hope it can lead this place later on..”


After going to our separate ways, I headed down to the Team A’s office and knocked at the door.

“Come in.”

I opened the door, revealing a girl sitting behind a desk . The more I looked at her, I realized how much she has gained over the years. She was still beautiful like the first time I saw her, but the beauty she has now has combined with the ‘mature’ feelings since then.

“Yuko-san..” said the girl. “And so I heard about your mission.. I have constructed the plan for you..”

“Mayu.” I spoke. “Before you get down to anything, I have something to say..”

She raised her head in interest, letting me to continue.

“I’m resigning.”

Her eyes widened in disbelieve hearing my words, she stood up straight. “You’re joking right?!” she laughed lightly. “Right..?”

I looked down and shook my head, “Haruna and I, we agreed it’s time we settle into a normal life. We’re moving away..”

Mayu still in disbelieve, slumped down to her seat and shaking her head. “You can’t do that, Yuko.. YOU CAN’T!! YOU ARE NOT GIVING ME THAT POSITION, COWARD!!”

“Listen Mayu..” I approached the table. “I’m not quitting because of you. I’m quitting because I want to live my life normally with the one I love.”

“If it’s about the matter of my position as an ace, it’s time for a switch now. Since Acchan died, I have no choice to take her place since the higher up asked me to do so. But then I realized that many girls now could probably fill that position now and my age is getting older.” I pat her head. Then I looked at her teary eyes, “I have things considered already, and I know that position badly, Mayu. Take it.”

“B-Bu-But.. I don’t want you to give it up to me! I WANT TO FIGHT FOR IT!!” she yelled.

I sighed and smiled a bit at the growing girl, “Listen, this is my last mission as an agent. Let’s make a deal, if I survived this mission, we’re going to settle this. Just you and me, deal?” I offered my hand.

Mayu looked at my hand before eventually accept it, “Deal. Promise you’ll be back.”

“That’s my promise for you, Cyborg.”


“No way…” spoke Rie.

“You can’t do that!!” said Mocchi angrily.

“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS??” yelled Shimada loudly.

The team was in shock once they heard my statements.    I could see the younger ones like Hilary, Rena and Nana crying once they heard it. Tomu was sniffing as she hugged me tightly once she heard my announcement.

“Guys, I’m resigning not only for my desire. I’m resigning too so you guys can step up higher.” I said.

“Dang it about stepping higher!” yelled Shimada. “We need you, capt.”

I shook my head, “Shimada, this is my decision. Someday you’ll understand it when it’s time to stop.”

“Captain,-“ said Nakata. “Who’s going to replace you then..?”

“I don’t know yet.” I said. “That’s boss and the higher ups to decide on. “ I nodded to Kana whom just stand behind them all.

I looked over to Jurina, “You’re okay?”

For a girl that is still considered young, Jurina’s posture was well composed enough for the news. She smiled lightly, “Do you know how I feel?”

“Ho-“ before I could finished it, her fist was already punched my face.

“JURINA!!” yelled Mocchi grabbing a hold of the girl’s hand. But the girl kept struggling so Shimada and Nao have to grab a hold of her too.

“YOU’RE QUITTING, JERK?!!” yelled Jurina as she struggled on the grasp. “HOW THE HELL DID YOU COME UP WITH THAT??!!”

“Jurina, calm down.” said Kana taking a hold of the girl’s collar. “It’s Yuko’s choice to do so, respect it.”


“THEN AT LEAST HEAR WHAT SHE HAS TO SAY, DANG IT!!” yelled Kana back to Jurina’s face. My eyes widened watching the quiet Kana could actually like that.

Then she looked at me, “You got something to say, Yuko?”

“Erm, yea..” I stood up.I could aste a bit of blood from the punch earlier. “Can you guys leave the two of us for a moment, just wait outside for a moment.”

“Let’s go everyone.” said Kana leading the team to the door. “And by she meant ‘the two of us’, it means you and her.” She glowered at Jurina.

Once the door was closed, “Listen Jurina, I..”

“I don’t want to hear it..” said Jurina with that stubborn look on her face. “I don’t want to hear any of it..”

“Jurina listen up!” I said. “If you’re wondering why you never can beat Mayu, the reason is simple! You can’t grow up at all!!”

Jurina’s eyes widened in shock when she heard my insult, but I continued anyway.

“I’ve seen how you and Mayu been competing with each other to see who’s the best. You were still angry when Mayu actually beat you on the simulation test, and adding to that; Mariko’s death.”


“I know you’re still angry about her death, Jurina..” I said softly. “You and Mariko are good friends despite your age and hers. You’re not the only one, okay? I was too mad at her death.”

“You see Mariko as a role model. I see how you actually fascinated by her when she tried on Acchan’s position. But then you were too, also fascinated with Acchan right? That’s when you start aiming for it.”

“But then it was me, the second to replace Acchan as the ace. Then you realized Mayu was also competing for it too, that’s your rivalry come up.”

“What are you trying to say?” glowered Jurina.

“What I’m trying to say, you’re pushing a little too much, Jurina..” I said. “In this age of yours, many things could happen not just to be in my position. You're letting your ego too much before you can regain your adult side..”

“But I want it. And I don’t want it given by you.”

“I know you do..” I said. “But my resign doesn’t mean I’m giving it to you. You, Mayu, and the others could definitely compete for it once I’m gone. If you then gained my position, you’l understand how fragile it is that you’re lack of experience.”

“You..?  Lacking of experience..?”

I nodded, “even I still realized myself lacking of experience and tends to stress out if it weren’t for boss’s guidance.” I said.

“Now, my point her is; Don’t rush things, Jurina.” I began. “I know how much you want I badly, but you for competing with Mayu whom had more..”

“Are you saying I’m going to lose to Mayu?” asked Jurina.

“I’m not..” I said. “But in terms if you managed to, you’ll realized that Mayu has something you don’t; experience.”


“Relax, Jurina..” I said. “You’ll understand one day why I resign with Haruna too… You’re still too young to know what really is going on..”

Jurina then sobbed in my arms. I patted the girl lightly.

“Listen, let’s make a deal. I made one with Mayu, now I’m making one with you.” I said.

“What kind of deal?”asked Jurina between her sniffs.

“If you were to grasp that position after I resigned, no matter how long it is from now, I’ll come back and be your advisor.” I said.

“You’re joking.”

“I won’t be joking enough to throw this joke at you.” I smiled. “Deal..?”

Jurina looked at my face, I could see the sadness in her eyes but I knew one day those eyes would bring something more like ‘hope’.

“Deal, Yuko-san..”


Third person POV

After giving a short briefing to Health Department, Umechan dismissed everyone from the room. Leaving her and Haruna only.

“I heard about yours and Yuko’s letter of resign.” Began Umechan.

Haruna nodded, “And so I heard about her last mission.”

Umechan at the girl, “I’ll make sure she’s fine till the time we hold yours and hers farewell party.” She said. “How’s the baby?”

“Yukirin said it’s fine.” Said Haruna with a light smile caressing her stomach. “I don’t know how Yuko actually accepted it even know it’s not her’s..”

“It means she loves you, Haruna.” Smiled Umechan. “I hope great happiness for you two once you settle later.”

“Thank you, capt.” Said Haruna. “Take care for the mission.” She bowed a bit and left the room.

Umechan sighed, and sat on the chair. “I know you two have been listening there, get out now.” She said.

“Hee~ as expected of ex member of team K..” said a girl coming of from behind the door. The other girl nodded as she held onto a clipboard.

“Lemon, Milky.. You two have a great interest in gossips, seriously..?” asked Umechan shaking her head a bit.

“Nothing else is better than hot gossips, right?” asked Milky with a big dazzling smile as she handed the clipboard.

Umechan observed the papres on the clipboard, “She still hasn’t regain consciousness yet?”

Lemon shook her head, “Nope. We did a CT Scan on her head again, she supposed to be conscious now but somehow she’s still not..”

"Captain,-" said Milky. "I'm scared.. If I get transferred to another department that I might ended up like that.."

"Don't be Milky.." said Umechan reassuringly. "I'm sure she was doing her best, it's just that it was unfortunate of her to be in that state.."

"At least she's alive.." said Lemon. 

“Observe more of her brain activities for the next three days until I can check on her.” Instructed Umechan giving a bit of scribbles on the paper. “I’m going to leave for a mission with Yuko.”

“Her last mission..?” asked Milky curiously. Umechan nodded, “Huaa, kakkoi..”

“Since you guys heard it, just keep it between you two, okay?”asked Umechan before she dismissed them.

The two left with a bow and headed down to the corridor.

“What should we do..?” asked Lemon quietly as the both of them strolled towards where they headed next.

“Well, we can make a fake report regarding to the brain activity.” said Milky before she opened a door, revealing a patient lying on the bed with tubes swirling all over her body, with chemicals inside each of it.

“She won’t be long much longer anyway, that Umeda Ayaka and her firends” said Milky with a devious tone. “Especially..” she pulled a photo out of her pocket.

“Oshima Yuko.” said Lemon finishing it off as she looked at the ace’s photograph. “I’ll tell Sayanee that she’ll see some mice in this year’s recruitment.”

“Perfect.” said Milky as she smiled to the unconscious body of Yokoyama Yui.

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It may not be easy for all of them but they have to accept her decision no matter what but it seems they maybe facing something bigger outside of what they know
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline atsukojiyuu_C

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Everyone's hard to accept Yuko's decision :( I love how Yuko treat Mayu and Jurina as her junior :')

E-eh???!! Haruna is pregnant??? Ʃ(°ロ°'!l) and the baby isn't Yuko's?? So who?? (O.o)

Milky and Lemon as bad guys here.. Damn Lemon why you gonna screw Yuko's last mission?? ┻━┻ԅ(╰ д╯)-σ
Yuihan is in comatose..

Well, I'm definitely gonna stick with this story of yours till the end! This is awesome :D
Kinda hoping a happy ending for KojiYuu, live together normally and happily, but guess it won't happen (⌣́_⌣̀)
Maa, who knows~ LOL
Thanks for an update, author-san :twothumbs
Waiting for the next~ :)

Offline Lost Heaven

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Uragirimono! Milky and Lemon! I hate them in this story...
Does they keep Yui-han in coma with medicine?

Eeeeh? O_O Nyan is pregnant? But... Who's the father?

Yuko is meant to die, but... I don't wanna!

Mayuyu and Juritan's rivalry... Who can be the next ace? :dunno:

Thank you for the update! Keep going!

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Oh........ My............ God..............

Haruna............ PREGNANT?!?!

..........Who's the daddy?

 :shocked :shocked :shocked

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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I know she's supposed to but reading this almost made me forget how this started...
Since the moment Jurina MENTIONED it I thought it was her, but as it went on I was like 'Nah man, maybe it's nothing'-



HOLD THE PHONES whose the baby daddy?

Yuko and Haruna are retiring... be together...
..and raise a family...
..this is Yuko's last mission...

Offline Cometerz48

  • "Nothing is prettier than a smart mind and a warm smile, thus that is why I like Kamieda Emika. She has both."
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Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 3 (31-05-2014)
« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2014, 06:18:09 PM »
@kuro_808-san: Hwueee, I guess it's because Yuko was like where everyone looks up to after Acchan is gone, of course it's hard to accept it ;(

@atsukojiyuu_C-san: Honestly, even I was impressed how yuko treats her juniors not just Mayu and Jurina. In real, she also treats Tomu and the other new up comng generations very kindly and it's no wonder they look up on her. As for Lemon, I'm putting her as a double here with Milky. Milky recruited her when they met and Lemon thinks that Sayanee could hire her better ._. and yes Yuihan is in comatose..

Thank you for sticking up to the story. If you love Kojiyuu, you'll love this chapter. It's my first time writing Kojiyuu though, I hope you like it  :)

@Lost Heaven-san: Milky and Lemon was assigned to take care of Yuihan. Since they are allies with Sayanee, they knew Yuihan was a spy and she might have information about them and would spit it out if she awakes. So yes, they kept her from that somehow..

Yes, Jurina vs Mayu on the ace throne..

@Ruka Kikuchi-san: It will be revealed in this chapter. Just don't kill me after reading it nee...

@yuuyu-san: Thank for the 'enthusiastic and expressive' reply  :nervous I'm sorry if I made you feel that way..  :bow:

Minna~ Here's the third chapter. Honestly I have to say this is the most dramatic fanfic chapter in my whole entire fandom experience. I have never written this much drama in my life and plunged it all in to one chapter, so I hope you love it.

I will probably take a bit of break due to my end semester exam which goes from 2nd June - 9th June. I'm taking a break probably from this my other fics and collab (Thank you for letting me, Ruka-san...  :bow:) but maybe I'll update this when I get bored of my hard cover books.. *gets thrown a book from the teahers* So wish me luck nee...

Anyways, sorry for the bad English and I'll be waiting for your comments, critics, reviews, and feelings expressed towards this chapter~

Announcement: I have decided that this fic will not be a five shot. I did a re-planning on the story and it turns out that it'll be longer but less than ten hopefully. So I hope you're still sticking till the end, nee~

Kyou made no Melody: Chapter 3

“So here’s the plan…” said Mayu handing out a bunch of paper to each person.

“NAMBA is opening a member recruitment event. I purpose that your team sends two to enter that and becomes the front liners. The front liners then have to pass the test to gain full access to NAMBA’s HQ  and their job then is too set eyes and ears for any news about Sashihara Rino. They also will have to spread these out.” Mayu raised a electric ball in her hand.

“Bugs.” I said. “Then the other two would be camping out somewhere listening through the bugs.”

“Correct.” Said Mayu. “Well not exactly camping, but more like staying in a safe house.” Mayu pulls out a map and spread it on the table.

“NAMBA’s castle is located in a valley and the safe house is on one of the hills surrounding it.” said Mayu. “It’s an old farm but you can find decent computers and it’s full access internet in there so you can contact us.”

“Sweet.” Smiled Umechan. “But somehow I don’t think that’s not the only job for the non- front liners.”

“Yes. Their other job is to investigate a rumor.” said Mayu before she pulled up her computer tablet.

“Rumor?” asked Sae. “What kind of rumor?”

“A rumor has been going around that last night, HAKATA was raided by NAMBA.” said Mayu. “NAMBA then has taken in Sashihara in their custody, and we expect her to be held somewhere in NAMBA’s HQ.”

“Then that means Sashihara could be in NAMBA’s HQ.” said Kana. “That’s crucial then! Sashihara knows all of our members! She’ll definitely notice our faces!”

“That’s why the second team will have to get Sashihara out from there before she can take a look on the front liners team in the recruitments.” Said Mayu. “Yamamoto wants something from Sashihara and she wouldn’t treat Sashihara kindly to get it. So I expect she would be locked up somewhere within the castle.”

“There’s a passage to NAMBA’s HQ through tunnels built centuries ago.” said Mayu sliding up her tablet to the projector. “Yuihan managed to send us a map of it before she was caught out by Yamamoto herself.”

I didn’t comment on that. Yokoyama Yui was assigned to infiltrate NAMBA before she was eventually caught up by them. Mariko was her back up but then they got her first before they eventually notice that Yuihan was the spy among them..

“She’s still unconscious.” said Sae glancing at Umechan. “Whatever they have done to her, they’re going  to pay for it..”

“Anyway, the passages might contain their prisons and all of their supplies.” Said Mayu. “I think Sashihara is in there somewhere.”

“So you want the second team to free Sashihara and take care of her?” I asked.

Mayu nodded, “I will be assigning the team now. Front liners will be Yuko and Sae. And the second team will be Umechan and Kana.”

I looked at Sae. It seems like she wasn’t particularly happy with Mayu’s words. I know.

She still can’t forgive us since that night…


Third Person POV



The arrow’s blade perfectly hit the red spot on the middle of the target. A triumph full smile was seen on the archer’s face before she concentrated to shoot another one.

“Sashihara is still not talking.” said a voice followed by the sound of wooden pole being leaned on.

“After your reputations as a creative torturer, I expect more from you, Jonishi Kei.” said the archer before releasing the arrow. It hit the edge of the red spot, a few inches from the spot before.

“She seems to know how to shut her mouth well enough, Sayanee.” sighed Kei. “I would love to rip her toe nails apart, but I think she’ll just start biting her own tongue. Which then would effect on how the information we need came out of her.”

The archer sighed and put down her bow. “Any other news?”

“Recruitments applications are over flowing, so expect to see some on your desk tonight.”

“I hope I can find someone that really obeys me.” said Sayanee. “I’m still pissed thanks to Kitagawa Kenji’s disobedience.”

“I heard he’s locked up in altacraz.”

“Serves his right!” scoffed Sayanee. “I told him to keep himself low, not to make babies with a girl.”

“Men are rubbish after all.” Said Kei. “Let’s recruit men only if they aren’t single.”

“Deal.” Said Sayanee. “Any other else?”

“Lemon said to expect some mice in this year’s recruitment.” Smug Kei. “Glad she said that. I need some screams going in my chamber. Sashihara only growls like a dog.”

“They never learn, eh..?” asked Sayanee with a smile. “I had my fun torturing Yokoyama with my own hands in your chamber Kei.”

“And you broke some of my equipments!” pouted Kei. “Those things are hard to custom you know..”

“Gomen, Keichi.” Said Sayanee before facing Kei entirely. “Now show me the way to Sashihara. I shall talk to her directly.”


Oshima Yuko’s POV

After a plan meeting with Mayu. We dismissed our self from her room.

“Listen.” I said before gaining attention from my friends. “Whatever happens on this last missionof mine, let’s do it like how we first have ours together.”

“The one we blew up Takamina’s borders? How can I forget that!” exclaimed Umechan. “I remembered Meetan and Maimai’s fight that goes like the whole night since they refused to let go of each other’s hair.”

“It was a nostalgic days..” said Kana.

“And it all shall end after this mission.” Said Sae shortly. “I’m staying in Shanghai and will not be coming back ever again to Japan after this mission ended.”

“What?!” I looked at the genking. “But you never gain anything there Sae! All you do there was watch how the others work and comment on how they can improve.”

“That’s why it’s necessary.” Said Sae. “Those girls are still need some training and I can help them do so before I can finally join them when they reached our level.”

“But then you’ll not be coming back here?” asked Umechan.

“I won’t.” said Sae. “I still have to do something..”

“Is it looking for Sayaka’s killer?” I asked all the sudden to break her icy behavior. “Sae, how many times I told yo-“

“In case you haven’t notice Yuko.” Said Sae sharply. “HER DEATH WAS CAUSED BY A SNIPER!”


“Tell her Umechan.” Said Sae coldly to the other short girl whom nodded bitterly.

“The bullet that got Sayaka at the last minute, I pulled it out and it turns out to be a sniping bullet instead of normal ones. It’s exclusively only custom for sniping guns.”

“And the one you shot that night wasn’t the killer.” Gritted Sae. “We went back there alone three months after her death, we calculated that the angle where you shit the guy you thought was not the right one that hit her.”

“Then we figured it out it was from a hill on the edge of the forest.” Said Umechan. “Someone was tailing us that night.”

“The hell…” said Kana. “And you did that all without telling us all?! How could you!!”

“I know one of you wouldn’t agree on these anyway.” Said Sae. “Umechan and I.. We knew something was odd happened on Sayaka’s death.”

“But Sayaka wasn’t just your friend..” said Kana. “She’s our friend too! I thought all of us promised we wouldn’t keep things secret anymore!!”

“But you knew someone was tailing us right..?” asked Sae. “YOU KNEW SOMEONE WAS TAILING US THAT NIGHT, DON’T YOU?!”

I froze hearing her accuse instantly.

“Tell me that’s not true..” said Kana. She grabbed my collar and shook it hard. “Tell me that wasn’t true!!”

“It was true..” I said softly with empty eyes. I know there was nothing to hide anymore. “I’ve been seeing a blink from a sniping scope before the rain fell that day. Sayaka told me that she saw it too and we figured out that it might be a back up covering us, so we decided to keep it only between the two of us.”

“But it wasn’t.” continued Sae bitterly. “It was in fact someone else.”

“You guys..” said Kana letting go off me. Her face was bitter and I could see the hurt in her eyes. “All of you keeping secrets like this… HOW COULD YOU GUYS?!!”

“Kana it’s not lik-“ Umechan tried to comfort the girl but then she was pushed off.

“STAY AWAY FROM ME!!” yelled Kana. “I thought we were friends… We cried on each of our friend’s death including Sayaka’s.. I thought we decided to let go off her death but..” she looked at the three of us.

“I can’t have this conversation anymore.” said Kana shortly before she took an early leave. Leaving the three of us standing at Mayu’s door.

“Why did you do that for?!” I yelled at the Genking before pinning her into the wall. “You knew Kana was doing a good job moving on from Sayaka’s death and you just blew it up like that?!”

“Everyone deserves the truth, Yuko.” Said Sae coldly. “And my girlfriend’s death should be resolved like the way it should be.”

“I knew you were hiding secrets, Yuko.” Said Sae dangerously. “You and the elites are doing agood job of it after they kicked me out to Shanghai.”

Again, I froze hearing her words. Sae scoffed and struggled herself from my clasp.

“I knew it. No need to tell me, I had enough.” Said Sae. “They kicked me out to Shanghai and they want it to stay that way? I shall do that.” said Sae before she left.

“Yuko, I-“ began Umechan.

“It’s alright, Umechan..” said Yuko. “Sae forced you didn’t she?”

“She did at first..” said Umechan with a pang of guilt. “She knew I pulled out a sniper bullet instead of a normal one. Then she asked me to investigate about Sayaka’s death with her..”

“Then I knew I owe Sayaka. Sayaka and I were friends for years along with you guys, she deserves the truth.” Said Umechan.

I stayed silent. I felt guilty after hearing all of this conversaion, then the fact that I’m leaving after this was bad enough. It’s like I’m running away..

“I’ll see you tomorrow morning Umechan.” I said before leaving Umechan alone. I knew none of us would sleep tight tonight..


Haruna opened the door just in time after the first doorbell rang, her smile was dazzling as ususal. It felt relieving after such a tough day.

“Welcome home~” said Haruna leaning down to give a peck on my lips. “Just in time for dinner.”

“I don’t think I’ll eat tonight, Nyan..” I said.

“Why?? I’ve cooked a nice one you know..” said Haruna with a raised eyebrow. “A bad day?”

“I suppose so..”

“Oh, Yuu-chan..” said Haruna before giving me a hug. “I know it must’ve been about that mission right..?”

I didn’t answer that. I caressed her back before pulled back and caressed her stomach from the outside of the fabric.

“How’s the baby..?” I asked as I placed my ear on the stomach and kept caressing softly on it.

“Yukirin said I need to start drinking pregnancy milk.” frowned Haruna. “The baby will need more nutrition in this state of pregnancy.”

“Hee? Maji?” I asked with an amused smile. “Although you seemed to have a lo-“


“Itte!!” I caressed my head after Haruna knocked her fist there. “But it’s true!”

“I don’t want the baby to heard that, Oshima Yuko!” said Haruna with a pout. “Miicha said that the baby could listen to things now. So she suggest me to start playing classical music so that the baby can listen to it instead of your indecent talk.”

“Really?” I asked my girlfriend. “You really could listen? Can you listen to me?” I asked Haruna’s stomach.

I looked at Haruna’s stomach. Four months ago I was still shocked when I found Haruna was raped by Kitagawa Kenji whom was a double agent. He kidnapped her and I truly knocked the guts out of him when I stormed in to his place that night.

Then, part of me really wanted to kill that baby, thinking that the next Kitagawa Kenji might be born from there. But another part of me was saying that whoever it’s father is, it’s still a living thing. It deserves to live no matter what happens..

So then I arrived just in time before Haruna’s abortion surgery. I knelt to her that day, saying that I want to have it. I’ll be the parents of it together with Haruna, I’ll be the one that ruffling it’s hair when it grows up, I’ll be the one giving congratulation on it’s wedding when it grows old enough.

Haruna hugged me in tears once she heard my statements. She hugged me tight and I could see half of the health department was clapping in tears after seeing such dramatic scene from the two of us.

I leaned in and kissed her stomach then kissed the girl I love gently.

“I love you, Kojima Haruna.”

Haruna smiled to me and kissed me back.

“I love you too, Oshima Yuko.”


I sat up on my bed, the clock on the side bed tells the time was still 3 am in the morning. It was too early for normal person to wake up, but I knew I have to get up now.

I saw Nyan sleeping peacefully beside me. I smiled and headed down to the shower with my exposed body after last night. Once I was done, I gear up and re-read my documents.

Noticing it’s time to leave, I got up and gathered my personal equipment. I put on my chain necklace with my army tags on it and a small locket.

I opened it, revealing a picture of me and Haruna in a photo booth on a game center. Our first year anniversary, we hired a game center just for the two of us for the whole night and have a lot of fun of playing shooting games to jumping castles.

I smiled at the figure sleeping on the bed. I leaned in and kissed her on the forehead gently.

“Take care, Nyan.”

Offline Lost Heaven

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 3 (31-05-2014)
« Reply #27 on: May 31, 2014, 06:57:09 PM »
It's hard... This chapter is damn so hard!

Those secrets and plans of the elites... It's like the cruel game...

Poor Sae...

So, Sasshi is not a betrayer?

But Sayanee and Keicchi are very cruel...

KITAGAWA!!! I'll kill you!

And I'll kill that damn sniper with even greater ferocity!!!
How could he kill Sayaka??? *cryhard*

Thank you for the update!

And good luck with your exams!
I know how it feels like... I'm too have exams now...

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 3 (31-05-2014)
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2014, 08:25:44 PM »
Where shall I start?

The truth of Sayaka's death already has given problems between some of them and now with Namba's involvement with Sasshi that will create some interest

Nyan's baby was caused by rape so hope no blood is shed from that.

Yuko is in the swirl of all the problems
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 3 (31-05-2014)
« Reply #29 on: May 31, 2014, 08:30:48 PM »
 :depressed: I'm just.... :err: ......not gonna say anything. :on cloudeye:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 3 (31-05-2014)
« Reply #30 on: May 31, 2014, 09:31:20 PM »
this is so damn CRAZY...!!!!! reality so cruel with my dear team K.. sayaka.. oh my :cry:
my poor squirrel, pressure keep piled up on her shoulder :err: guiltness keep creeping on her heart...

AND THIS DAMN KITAGAWA KENJI..........!!!!!!!!!  :scolding: :mon zoom:
not i hate him on reality, but what he has done here is unforgivable !!!! precious Nyannyan.......  :gyaaah:

sh*t this is just TOO MUCH for my beloved Yuko-sama  :mon headbang:

Then, part of me really wanted to kill that baby, thinking that the next Kitagawa Kenji might be born from there. But another part of me was saying that whoever it’s father is, it’s still a living thing. It deserves to live no matter what happens..

So then I arrived just in time before Haruna’s abortion surgery. I knelt to her that day, saying that I want to have it. I’ll be the parents of it together with Haruna, I’ll be the one that ruffling it’s hair when it grows up, I’ll be the one giving congratulation on it’s wedding when it grows old enough.

Haruna hugged me in tears once she heard my statements. She hugged me tight and I could see half of the health department was clapping in tears after seeing such dramatic scene from the two of us.

I leaned in and kissed her stomach then kissed the girl I love gently.

“I love you, Kojima Haruna.”

Haruna smiled to me and kissed me back.

“I love you too, Oshima Yuko.”
You really deserved a Noble for this, Yuko-sama!!!  :fainted:

@atsukojiyuu_C-san: Honestly, even I was impressed how yuko treats her juniors not just Mayu and Jurina. In real, she also treats Tomu and the other new up comng generations very kindly and it's no wonder they look up on her. As for Lemon, I'm putting her as a double here with Milky. Milky recruited her when they met and Lemon thinks that Sayanee could hire her better ._. and yes Yuihan is in comatose..

Thank you for sticking up to the story. If you love Kojiyuu, you'll love this chapter. It's my first time writing Kojiyuu though, I hope you like it  :)
yeah that's one of the reason why i love this squirrel  :heart:
and you're rite, I LOVE THIS CHAPTER A LOT! thankyou author-san, this really got my feelings  :mon angel: i even can't expressed what it felt like in a proper words.. too much for my heart! but i love this afterall..

goodluck for your exam! make sure you did good, so you can make a wonderful update then.. i will wait till the day it comes  :twothumbs :love:
and glad to know this won't end as five-shots  :yep: thankyou~

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Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 4 (08-06-2014)
« Reply #31 on: June 08, 2014, 12:19:17 PM »
@Lost Heaven-san: Sasshi is a betrayer here. But the second group’s mission is to secure Sashihara so that the first group (Yuko and Sae) can enter the recruitment without being discovered that they are from the government.
Ah, you will be surprised with my next coming up about the mysterious sniper.

@Kuro_808: Yes. Yuko chose a bad time to retire by the problems that suddenly rose up. Sashihara knows everything nd that’s why NAMBE is interested in her cooperation.

@Ruka Kikuchi-san: *lightly pats you on the back*

@ atsukojiyuu_C- san: Thank you for your compliment. I’m glad that you’re looking forward to it :D
Ah, you haven’t seen what I got instore next for Yuko in this chapters and coming up…

Minna-san~ Well technicall I still have one more biology exams after this but since I'm so biased at what happened yesterday, I decided to type up the next chapter. Stil, I'm planning this would go less than 10 shots and this chapter is quite a long one.

Sorry for the bad English and enjoy~

Kyou made no Melody  - Chapter 4

When I arrived at the base, it was still breaking dawn. I looked at my watch, I still got three minutes before the promised time to gather in the HQ’s basement. I shouldered my knapsack and grab my equipment case before heading down using the elevator.

When the elevator door opened, I saw Umechan standing inside with her equipment case which was bigger and thicker since it contained some heavy equipment for her mission with Kana later.

We didn’t spoke for a moment before she decided to break it off between us.

“So.. I guess this is it?”

“This is what?”

“The last time we’ll be in this elevator together before the mission.” Shrugged Umechan.

“Right…” I nodded.

“Tell me..” said Ayaka. “Is it always been hard for you? You know always sticking with the elites and keeping all the secrets?”

I froze, I instantly knew what she’s trying to say. It’s been eight years since I met Umeda Ayaka for the first time and she was already ambitious from the start. We were both put up the high score on target shootings and basic hand combat, making both of us rivals. But then I was often chosen for missions with the elites before eventually I became one of the elites.

For me to understand Ayaka was a bit of a challenge. Her ambition was too high for her that she sustained an injury during a mission, making her disabled for a year. But then once she recovered, she continued doing high level missions and finally was accepted to join a mission with the elites. I was happy for her that time, and so was Sae. She and Sae were closer than I was to her, they often took missions together until Sae was transferred to Shanghai branch and Umechan was left by the elites. Umechan was able to taste her dream, but then she was yanked out from it quickly.

“It was.” I began. “The danger was higher than anything you imagined. Especially when your loved one was doing the same thing as you, being in the same situation as you..” I said. Haruna was one of the elites of course, she was an elite from the very beginning along with Takamina, Miichan, Rie, and Sae..

Umechan laughed lightly, but I could tell she was in slight pain. “Haruna’s a great person you know. She learned medics quickly before starting to help Yukirin out in surgery.” She said. “But at the same time having her in my team was a bit uncomfortable for me at first since she’s older and a senior of mine.”

“But you did a pretty good job being a captain of the health department.” I said. “You can operate an extraction surgery in the wild.”

She curved a bitter smile without looking at me. Suddenly, I regretted what I said before. The last outdoor extraction surgery was just moments before Sayaka’s death..

“Yea..” she said. “But somehow I thought that was an excuse for the higher ups to kick me out of the elite.. Especially it was just after Sashihara’s betrayal and following after that was Sae’s transfer then Chiyuu’s death.”

I fell silence after hearing Kasai Tomomi’s nickname being spoken. She was our friend among the two of us and the rest of our old team mates, her image always bring a bit of sun in the cloudy days by her girly chat and the cheerful attitude she always put. No wonder Itano Tomomi loved her so much that after Chiyuu’s death, she stormed in to the enemy’s HQ and gunned down every single man there.

“You knew it, right..?” asked Umechan fiddling with her army tags hanging on her neck. “You knew the higher ups were tired of her and moved her to the strategy team then shoved her into a field mission without any warnings.”

I shook my head, “Umechan, listen to me. I don’t know what the higher ups were thinking about us! All they do was choosing people to be the elites then play them like toys, when they get bored they can always throw it out. I’m speaking on behalf of the elites, I don’t know about all these games they were plunging me..”

“But the worst thing about being an elite is the fact that you can never quit the elite without quitting the whole organization..”  I spoke again.

“Is that another reason why you quit?” asked Umechan.

I nodded, “Haruna and I.. We’re both are tired of the higher ups treating the elites like puppets. Boss is also feeling the same thing, but she just kept it down for the sake of the younger agents. She doesn’t want any of them to feel the same thing as us..”

It was Umechan’s time to fell in silence, “I’m sorry for being such a pushy friend.”

“Don’t be.” I smiled. “I’ve had worse already.”

Then the elevator door slid open and revealed the basement. We walked out to the corner and found two vehicles provided for the mission. A green jeep and a black spots Ferrari with Kana and Sae were busy packing the baggage area.

I walked towards the Ferrari’s baggage and slid my bag and case. Sae nodded silently to me before walking towards Kana.

“We’ll take this route and we can stop over at this gas station to fill up the tank. From there, we can separate the way.” Said Sae pointing on a map laid out by Kana on the car’s engine. “You can go to the safe house from this hill while this one here..” she pointed on a road on the map.

“That leads to NAMBA’s recruitment gathering.” finished off Kana. “We need to keep an eye out for anyone tailing us later. I got a feeling somehow..”

“Right..” said Sae. “Kana, wait..”   Kana turned back to her car before glancing back again at the Genking.

“I’m sorry for keeping it away from you.” apologized Sae. “I should’ve made it so all of us can find out the truth from the start..”
Kana threw a relieved smile, “It’s okay. I’m sorry too for being such a kid yesterday..” she said. Then she looked at me and Ayaka, “I’m sorry for being such a kid and blaming you guys..”

“It’s alright..” I said approaching Kana. “We are commanders right..?” I asked her as I snaked my arm to her shoulder.

“Commanders forever.” Smiled Umechan doing the same thing to Sae before doing it to me.

“Like the old times?” asked Kana. The three of us nodded with smiles without further discussion.

“Shall we do it then?”asked Sae. “Our eight years of tradition?”

“Yes.” I smiled. Now the four of us has formed a circle by holding to each other’s shoulders, reminding me in the old days when many of our friends were still alive. A little flash back appeared in my eyes; Umechan’s, Kana’s, and Sae’s younger face.

Then when I blinked my eyes, it’s still there. But, the three faces has aged since those days with the same smiles.




“I’m sorry.” I began after about an hour of silent drive with Sae on the wheel. “I’m sorry for letting them kicked you to Shanghai.”

The Genking just smile looking at the front view, “It’s alright. I’ve been noticing they’re tired of me being the overly repulsive one in the elites.”

“You are not!” I retorted straight away. “Although you are a little too hyperactive..”

“Well, that’s where my nickname ‘Genking’ from.” Shrugged Sae. “It was good though to get casted away a bit to Shanghai, fresh air and many other new excitements.”

“Sae..” she glanced a bit at me but still focusing on the road. “Why is it you’re so persistent about Sayaka’s death?”

Sae bit her lips, “I guess I just don’t want Sayaka to feel betrayed to, I supposed..”


“I was already about to let go about her death and was about to go to Umechan to talk to. Until then she suddenly called me to check out a bullet she pulled out, then I told her it was from a sniper.”

“She was shocked and was soon crumpling in tears. I asked her what’s wrong, she didn’t want to tell at first. But then I begged her to tell me..”

“Then she told you that she pulled it out of Sayaka’s body.” I finished off. “I thought it shot through her chest..”

Sae nodded briefly, “There were three wounds on her back. One was the one that injured her first..”

“The one that Kana and Umechan opearated on.. Then?”

“One that shot through her chest.” Said Sae with a rather shaky voice but she kept it cool somehow and only gripped the wheel a bit tighter. “And another one just below her nape, finishing her off entirely.”

“I..” I don’t know what to say. From how Sae explaining it all, I knew she was dead serious in this case. The SaeI knew was silly and very playful, but when it comes to serious talk, she can be the second one after Takamina. And the way she just talked then was damn serious.

“I don’t want Sayaka to look down on us because we don’t know what’s the truth about her death.” said Sae. “I want to revealed it all, entirely.. After that then I can be at ease and so does Sayaka..”

“You can never forget her, eh?” I asked. “You loved her so much that you simply closed your heart to anyone else.. I feel a bit sorry to Mariya now..”

“You mean Yannu?” asked Sae. “Erm I guess she’s a sweet person.. But..”

“She can never take Sayaka’s place right?” I asked softly and she simply answered with a silent nod.


No One’s POV

By the time they arrived at the appointed gas station, it was already lunch time. Yuko and Sae got out of the car which they parked close to the other car.

“It’s lunch time now, what would you like? Maybe I can find something good from the store there.” said Sae.

“I’ll have a club sandwich if they have one, if not I’ll just have anything.” I said.

“I’ll have a hamburger.” said Kana.  “How about you?” she asked Umechan.

“Not sure..” said Umechan. “I’ll just come with you to the store.”

Sae hesitated for a second but then she saw Umechan’s glare to the genking, signaling that Yuko needs to talk to the other girl without them around. Sae nodded before Umechan dragged her towards the store.

Knowing what the other two were giving, Yuko sat next to Kana on the car’s engine.
“I’m sorry, Kana.” She began.

“For..?” asked Kana without looking at her as she drank her coke.

“For being secretive I suppose..” said Yuko. “It’s just that.. “

“I know..” she threw the can to the trash bin. “I don’t deserve to know it.”

“It’s not like that!” retorted Yuko. “It’s just that-“

“Stop it Yuko.” said Kana as she flashed a calming smile to her. “It’s alright, you don’t need to explain more than you need. It’s okay, I understand..”


“I know I won’t make it to the elites anymore. Well I experienced it once when Acchan switched with Uchida and I think that’s already enough for me. The secrets and all the pressures as elites.. I realized that it’s not something that everyone wants.”

“And I guess that goes the same to me. Anyone else should fill in the position of elites or maybe you captaincy later in team K.”

“What are you planning to do then?” asked Yuko.

Kana looked at the sky with a weak smile, “I guess I’ll guide the younger once. You know, not as captain despite my seniority is the same as you, Umechan, and Sae. But more like an older sister to the younger members that will be potential for the elites later.”

I looked at Kana in awe. The younger Kobayashi Kana I knew instantly has been replaced with a much matured one. She has completely grown out from that irresponsible character of hers and become a better senior for the others. The sweat she produced for years has made her one of the toughest one to beat in mission records, more than 500 missions ranged from level D to A has been done by her.

“I’ll miss you so much, Kana.” Yuko pat her back before giving her a hug. It’s been hard for Yuko to leave honestly when it comes to reasons about Kana. She’s been hurt so much by Yannu’s transfer and Sayaka’s death, two of her precious friends gone in just a short time.

“I’ll miss you too, Yuko.” Whispered Kana back to Yuko’s ear.


The two of them immediately broke our hug and once and turned to the source of the voice. Yuko  looked at the other girl who nodded and dashed off to the source of the voice. They stopped at the toilet building nearby, a girl was being dragged by a bunch of boys towards the toilet.

“Come on, we just want to have some fun~” teased one of the boy as he clenched to the girl’s fist.

“Let go of me!!” yelled the girl struggling to break herself free. The boys behind her were pushing the girl towards the toilet.

“What’s with the rush? Having fun wouldn’t hurt right..?” asked the other boy nuzzling the girl’s neck from the back.


“That’s enough, boys.” said Yuko loudly, gaining their attention. “Let go off her.”

“Oh look, someone else seems want to have fun too.” said one of the boys with a big grin. “Seems like it’s a nice day with girls coming for you.”

Yuko clenched her fist, “There’s no hell in the world I’d fuck with you, boys. Now, let go off her.”
“What if we don’t want to?” asked the boy again. He grabbed the struggling girl’s chin and raised it high. “She’s chubby but still fine enough. While you and your friend seemed to fine as well.”

“Disgusting.” spat Kana. “If you think you got the dick for it, then go for it.”

“Alright then..” said the boy licking his hungry lips. “Hold her tight while I-“

Yuko punched him right in the nose by the time he turns back to her, making the boy fell on his back as he holds to his bloody nose. Roaring in pain, the boy signaled for the others to join in.

Yuko kicked the first one coming by the chest then punched him right in the guts. Kana joined in and caught one of the boy’s incoming fists before slamming her foot to the boy’s head before then pushed the boy off to Yuko to give a finishing touch by giving a kick straight on the center.

“Still got the dick for it, huh?” asked Yuko crackling her knuckles loudly and bared her teeth to them.

The wounded boys scrambled up, “We’ll get you for this!!” before then ran away.

“You’re okay?” asked Kana approaching the shaky girl. The girl nodded and her eyes brightened up as she looked behind Yuko and Kana.

“Airi!!” she dashed off to the incoming older figure and hugged her tight. “Airi!! I’m so scared!!!”

“I’m sorry, Ojou-sama..” said the figure to the girl. Then she looked at the two other girl, “Thank you so much for saving my Ojou-sama.. Those boys managed to locked me at the store’s storage room at the back..  If no one comes.. I don’t know what will happen to Ojou-sama..”

“It’s alright.” said Kana. “We gave those boys a good round of lesson and they should not bother you again.”

“Thank you.” said the younger girl letting go off her hug. “Thank you for saving me from those boys.”

“You’re welcome.” smiled Yuko to the girl. “Boys are jerk creature being after all.” winked Yuko and made the girl laughed.

After several bows and thank you, the two of them left towards their car. Yuko and Kana watched their car getting back to the road as Sae and Umechan walked towards them with food in their hands.

“What happened? We’re missing something?” asked Sae cautiously. “Wait is that blood there??” she pointed to a dark spot on the ground where Yuko broke the boy’s nose.

“What did you guys just do honestly?” asked Umechan handing Yuko her lunch and followed them back to the car.

“Kicking ass.” answered Yuko simply as she munched her food. “We’re separating after this right?”

Umechan nodded, “Take care you guys, we’ll contact you once we got Sashihara out.” She said offering a high five to Yuko which then was answered back.

“And we’ll contact you once we got the bugs set then.” said Sae punching knuckles with Kana.

“Let’s go.” said Yuko casting her wrappers to the bin.



Sayanee threw back the folders she just read to the table in front of her and relaxed her back to the comfy chair. She has read the stack of files on her deck for the last hours, applications to join one of Japan’s feared group of course are in huge piles on every recruitment day.

“When are they all coming?” she asked her secretary and her torture expert whom settle a cup of tea in front of her.

“Probably around four o’clock.” answered Kei simply. “I know you’re bored Sayanee, being a successor of NAMBA must been boring.”

“Totally.” Scoffed Sayanee. “But my father has bared upon NAMBA from it’s roots, I can’t let him down by letting NAMBA down. “

“Why don’t you contact Milky now?” asked Kei. “See if she knows who’s the mice coming.”

“Good thinking.” Said Sayanee. “I hope she’s not quite busy..”

Sayanee pressed Milky’s contact and it connected her to her girlfriend after a few rings.

“Sayanee~ I miss you~”

“Miss you too, Milky.” Smiled Sayanee. “Listen, lemon contacted Kei and said that there might be mice coming to the recruitments. Is that true?”

Sayanee could hear Milky giggled a bit, “Yes there will be some. I’m only sure about two people that are coming though.. Not sure if they’re sending more than that.”

“Can you tell me the names?” asked Sayanee.

“Umm…” hummed Milky.  “How about if you guessed it yourself, nee?”

“Hee??” whined Sayanee. “Why??”

“Just want to make it much fun.” Said Milky. “Either you figured it out yourself or you should ask Sashihara to point it out.”

“I guess you’re right..” said Sayanee. “The problem is Sashihara is one difficult case. She’s setting a hard condition if we want her to cooperate.”

“Hee? I never heard my dear NAMBA leader giving in to a captive’s deal.” commented Milky.

“Let’s just say she convinced me by the informations I needed.” Said Sayanee. “A traitor like her is actually a good source of information I need and a hard one to catch. No wonder she’s a troublesome human.”

“What did she told you?” asked Milky.


Keicchi pushed the door to her special room and let Sayanee came in first before she followed in. The leader’s eyes caught a figure chained up between two metal poles, the figure slumped with the chains supporting her body so it doesn’t touch the ground.

“Sashihara Rino.” Called Sayanee clearly. The figure raised it’s head a little, revealing some bruises she received beforehand on her face.

“Yamamoto Sayaka of NAMBA Group.” Spoke Sashihara. “Pleased to finally get to meet my new savior.”

By the time Sashihara finished her sentence, Keicchi’s fist landed to her stomach, making Sashihara to spit some blood which then splattered to the floor.

“What? It’s true that anyone that wants me have to keep me alive.” Croaked Sashihara with a weak grin. Sayanee pressed her lips together in sign of being convinced.

“I want information,Sashihara.” Said Sayanee. “A few years ago, Yamamoto Osamu, the first leader of NAMBA Group was assassinated. Who are the people involved in it?”

“Hmph..” Sashihara smirked. “Daddy’s little girl is seeking for revenge isn’t it, eh? You are one strong young lady, Miss Yamamoto.”

Then she received herself another punch on the chest by Keicchi who seemed to know when was best time to launch the assaults on the poor girl. Sayanee stopped her assistant’s action by holding her fist.

“I am the new leader of NAMBA Group, and you are a guest here, Sashihara.” Reminded Sayanee coldly. “I do not want to treat you badly, so you better start telling me things.”

“I will in conditions.” Smirked Sashihara. “I heard that there will be mice coming to this place eh?”

Sayanee’s raised her eyebrows in interest. “I knew it. I have ears everywhere in places you could never imagined after all.” Continued Sashihara.

“So what if there are?” asked Sayanee. “What are you intending to do?”

Then Sashihara told her a plan. Sayanee listened in anticipation and when Sashihara finished presenting it, Sayanee fell silenced.

“Second, I know you have your allies undercover.” Said Sashihara. “Tell me who they are.”

“Boss that’s too-“ Keicchi cuts off but was immediately stopped by sayanee herself.

“Why do you want to know?”

“I know about Yokoyama and Shinoda’s fate in your hand.” Began Sashihara.”and I bet there is at least one person in undercover and tell you who is it that they sent here. I bet it hurts you when they said that Yokoyama was siding with the government despite you’ve put so much trust to her.”

Sashihara smirked when she saw a flash of annoyance on Sayanee’s face which was managed to be solved quickly by the boss herself.

“I know you’re looking for someone trust worthy and I know just the one who’s sick and tired working there. It’s fine you don’t want to tell me who it is you got there, but tell them to look at folder case number 23082014. I’ll tell you, she’s the one behind that case”

“And so is there any other specific reason on why I should have ‘this person’ on my side?” asked Sayanee coldly.

“Yes, because she’s looking for the same person that you were looking for. The same person that killed her family was the same as the one that killed your father. You can use her.”

“Isn’t it much more simple if you can tell us who did it?” asked Sayanee. “Who killed my father?”

“I owe that kid an explanation and I think it’s better when you two meet up and getting the entire explanation from me at the same time since you both looked for the same thing. So maybe you two can figure out a good plan getting rid of that person.”

“Fine.” Said Sayanee after a pause to think. “I’ll hold that words of yours, Sashihara.”

“Sayanee!” protested Kecchi. “Aren’t we trusting her too much?”

“Trusts are something trade able these days, Jonishi.” Said Sashihara. “It’s not something to be created by fore but more like something traded by something else.”

“Now, tell me the name of the kid.” Said Sayanee patiently.


“Hee?? Are you sure Sashihara said that??” asked Milky.

“Un. I want you to look for the folder and read it, Sashihara said that she’s the one behind that case which is written in the folder. Contact me when you’ve got it.” Instructed Sayanee.

“Then when all of these are done, will I come back?” asked Milky.

“Yes you will.” Said Sayanee. “Bring the kid and lemon back here, and of course your everything too.”

“My body and soul are forever yours, Sayanee~” said Milky with a flirty tone on the line.

“I know.” Smiled Sayanee. “That’s why you should come back so I can claim it once and for all.”

“I miss you, Sayanee.”

“I miss you too Milky.”

“That’s one lovely session on the line, Sayanee.” Commented Keicchi with a smirk. Flustered, Sayanee turned her face towards the windows in her office.

“Any other news?”

“Jo is coming.” Said Keicchi. With that said, suddenly the office’s door burst open and Sayanee was quickly tackled into a tight hug.

“Whoa there!!” yelled Sayanee in enjoyment and ruffled the girl whom just tackled her. “Jo!! It’s great to see you!!”

“Sayanee~ It’s been a long time since I see you!! You’re getting much more pretty with that short haircut you got there.” said the girl with a happy grin. Sayanee couldn’t help but to smile back to and gave a slight nod to the other incoming figure.

“Airi.” Said Sayanee shortly. “I see you’ve been taking care of Jo so well here. She’s even taller than me now!”

“I know..” said Airi. “Ojou-sama has grown pretty drastically these days..”

“Ne ne, Sayanee..” said Jo letting go of the hug and looked around. “Where’s Milky?”

“Ah, Milky has been going on some business trip to the city side.” lied Sayanee. “She’ll probably back by next week.”

“Sasuga! You two are such an amazing partner doing the family business, eh?” exclaimed Jo. “I can’t wait to work with you guys one day!”

“Wait you want to work here?” asked Sayanee. “I think you would do better as a nurse or doctor, Jo.”

“Mweh~ Why? Biology class are too boring to me. I want to work with you guys instead!”pouted Jo.

“Etto…” Sayanee looked at Keicchi for help. Luckily the assistant knew the signals given.

“Well, whatever you want to be later, we’ll talk about it later. Come on now, Sayanee is still working and there will be some business visitors coming soon. You wouldn’t want to see that right?”asked Keicchi as she pinched Jo’s cheek.

“Un..” nodded Jo as she went to the door. “Airi, you’re coming?”

“I need to talk with Airi a bit, Jo.” Smiled Sayanee. “Keicchi will go with you. I think Momoka got some nice things baking in the kitchen this afternoon.”

“Whoaa!!” exclaimed Jo excitedly and dragged Keicchi out. “Let’s go!!!”

Sayanee laughed in enjoyment and nodded at Keicchi when girl closed the door, leaving the NAMBA boss with Airi.

“I bet you must been sweating when Jo said she wants to work with the both of you.” Smiled Airi.

“You bet.” Sighed Sayanee. “There’s no way I’m going to let my cousin being tainted in this dirty business.”

“But you continued anyway.” Said Airi.

‘I have no choice, I’m my father’s successor on his will.” Said Sayanee blankly. “I won’t let Jo carried up the same burden as mine.”

“You are one wise big sister.” Said Airi with a tone of approval. “No wonder everyone calls you Sayanee.”

“So..” said Sayanee turning the topic. “Any trouble going here?”

“A bit lost on the road thanks to stupid GPS but we managed.” shrugged Airi. “The gas station was a bit troublesome.”

“What happened?” asked Sayanee.

“There’s a gang lurking there and they took Jo from me and nearly raped her.” Said Airi. “I’m sorry for my weakness.”

“HEE??” Sayanee’s eyes widened. “You said ‘nearly’ there. Is there someone else whom saved her?”

“Yes.” Said Airi. “There are two girls who seemed pretty good in combat and they really kicked the ass out of those boys.”

“Two girls?” asked Sayanee in interest. “I should thanked them one day. You have any idea where they’re going?”

“It seems like they’ll be joining your recruitment this year.” Said Airi. “Two tough girls wouldn’t travelled here in the middle of nowhere for nothing.”

“Hmm… I guess so..” said Sayanee. “You should pointed it out who are they once I gather the entire participants.”

“Sure do.”


“You have the file?” asked Milky. Standing in front of a train station, far away from the HQ. It’s too risky after all to share information despite they are still working in the same place.

“Yes.” Said a girl under an umbrella handing a brown document. “I had a bit of trouble from Kikuchi and Sato, but I managed to ease it.”

Lemon received the document and signaled the other to enter a small café. They settled down in a private room and opened the document.

“This…” said Milky in astonishment reading the file. “That girl did this?!”

“Do not underestimate her, Milky.” Chuckled the other girl. “I checked out her sniping record and she would come to the second place in accuracy distance after Maeda Atsuko herself.”

“That’s one amazing record indeed.” nodded Lemon. “Sashihara sure knows which one seemed to be trusted well enough.”

“Yes..” said Milky. “Come on now, let’s look for the person behind this case then.. The assassination of Akimoto Sayaka.”

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 4 (08-06-2014)
« Reply #32 on: June 08, 2014, 12:33:06 PM »
God... The scene with Sae and Yuko was... :err:

*covers eyes* Ah... Sae feel she betrayed Sayaka.... :fainted: :fainted:

..............they investigate Sayaka's death.............

Avenge my baby! :farofflook: :pleeease: :gyaaah: AVENGE HER FOR ME!!!

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 4 (08-06-2014)
« Reply #33 on: June 08, 2014, 04:25:21 PM »
Yappari, Sasshi is bertayer...

SayaMilky so cute :heart:

Kana and Yuko had saved Jo's life... And Jo is Sayanee's cousin...

Finally the name of Sayaka's killer will appeared!
Sae-chan :cry:

Thank you for the update!
Good luck with biology!

P.S. I don't know if it is a coincidence, but I'll will write tomorrow the biology exam too XD

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 4 (08-06-2014)
« Reply #34 on: June 08, 2014, 11:08:29 PM »
That was an interesting part

Sasshi sold out the group and slowly giving up their secrets

The near rape scene was saved by them but indicated their location

And now the assassinations of people will loop it altogether
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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 4 (08-06-2014)
« Reply #35 on: June 09, 2014, 04:58:02 AM »
You made this chapter a quite long one, and I totally like it!! :twothumbs

Yeah I'm glad the remaining 4 can talk properly now, after the not-so-good goodbye the day before :)

So the girl that saved by Yuko-sama and Kana is Jo, and Airi somewhat her....bodyguard?

Sayaka's's very complicated..
Who's the girl that Sasshi talk about?? The one that behind Sayaka's death??
Second closest to Maeda Atsuko........don't tell's not my beloved, rite?? :O she suffered too much, don't add the burden on her shoulder :(

You're so great, author-san!! Totally love this story!!
Thankyou for update this faster~ :D hope you'll doing well with your exam.
I'm waiting for the further update :)

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Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 5 (02-07-2014)
« Reply #36 on: July 02, 2014, 06:49:57 PM »
@Ruka Kikuchi-san: Yea, I know. Sae, Yuko, and Sayaka is like the best trio of K and so I did some touching parts of the two of them mourning over Sayaka. You'd be surprised when you find out who truly killed Sayaka..

@Lost Heaven-san: BooYeah! You got a biology exam too? Hahahaha~ I got like 67 on that exam ._.

@Kuro_808-san: Yes, Sasshi was pretty much hunted by everyone since she a very reliable source of information and she leaked it out to those who interest her. I hope my conclusion on the assassination will do well..  :nervous

@atsukojiyuu_C-san: Thank You! Well this one is kinda short somehow since I put too much hiatus on this -__-
Yes, Airi is Jo's bodyguard. Airi is more likely a cousin of Sayanee too but somehow she likes to call Jo by "Ojou-sama". The one behind Sayaka's death will be revealed in this chapter though, so hopefully I can get some intensity going on now!

Minna~ Sorry for the freakin long hiatus. I know Yuko graduated like ages ago and this thing is still not finished since I put too much hiatus while I enjoyed my holiday after the exam -__- gomenne minna..

Well here it is, the next chapter. A bit short, but quite intense! Please don't skip the readings since there's some little hints I'm giving for the next chapter. Sorry for the bad English and I will be waiting for any comments and reviews from you guys~

PS: Got my school report and I got 2nd rank in class!! Which somehow made me in the top 15 of science program at my school, YIPEE!! *Come celebrates~*

Kyou Made no Melody – Chapter 5

After an hour drive from the gas station, we finally arrived at a big mansion. It wasn’t like what Mayu showed us earlier, but this it.

“Seems like NAMBA has attracted many eyes, here.” Whistled Sae as we strolled passing many cars parked on an open ground. “Including familiar faces on the bounty list..”

“We’re not here for bounty hunting, Sae.” I reminded her.

“Well, hunting Sashihara counts as one you know.” Shrugged Sae. “Man, where should I park??”

“How about there under that tree?” I pointed out the edge of the parking ground.

After settling on the ground bellow the shady tree, we headed down to the main meeting point where lot’s of people gathers. Sae was right, there’s a lot of wanted faces showing themselves in this place.

“Do you bring any weapons right now?” I whispered to Sae as we walked pass a group of people with heavy looking guns strapped on their back.

“I got two 9mm Jericho 941 F with five sets of magazine and my dagger strapped on my leg.” Said Sae. “I left the rest in the baggage. How about you?”

“Same but only got three sets and some throwing knives.” I gritted. “I don’t know why, I have a bad feeling somehow…”

“Well..Well.. Well.. It seems like everyone has gathered eh?” boomed a voice from the speakers. I turned to the main podium and saw the figure I’ve been staring to for the last two days, standing between some other figure who seemed to be her unders.

“Quick introduction, my name is Yamamoto Sayaka and I believe you all know my position, right?” she curved a smile as she saw some murmurs and nods from the crowd.

“You know what you are seeking here, I believe and let me tell you once you are in this ground, you cannot step back anymore. If you failed to make it in, my fellow NAMBA companions and I shall send you personally to hell with various ways.” She stated simply.

The crowds then started to get wary, I glanced at the gates we passed before and saw sealed with chains and heavy locks. Protests then fly in the air as someone tried to make their way back to their car, but then was cut by the sound of bullet being fired in the air.

The next thing I knew was that the guy lied dead with a hole in the middle of his eyes and Yamamoto Sayaka was holding a smoking gun in her hand.

“Anyone else?” she asked the crowd simply. “Let me tell you, I am good with guns and arrows. Which would you prefer?”

The crowd then fell silence as not wanting to be the next target. I can feel the tension was getting heavier as everyone was looking fiercely at the figure at the front and..


“Pippo be quiet!!” hissed someone loudly from the back. I turned and saw a girl placing her finger on her lips and stared intently at a grayish bird on her shoulder. “Sorry!! My bird is just nervous!!” she yelled to the crowd.

“Churi, see I told you so?!!” hissed her friend face palming beside her.  “You should leave Pippo in the car!!”

“But then she’ll get lonely and overheated, Airin!” protested the girl caressing the bird.

“Then you shouldn’t bring him in the first place!!” answered the girl in an exasperated tone.

Murmurs and low giggles spread through the crowd as the two continues to argue until a soft giggle plays in the speaker. We turned back and saw Yamamoto was smiling amusedly.

“Fine, I’ll forgive that. Now let’s get down to business.” She said with sudden seriousness and density in her look and tone.

“I think everyone is either with a partner or completely alone and doesn’t know anyone, so I’d like all of you to pick a partner. Now your partner here will be the key of whether you will still see the sun light tomorrow or not, since you both have to work together in this challenge.”

I looked at Sae and she looks at me back, we’re partner from beginning after all. From the very beginning..

“Each pair will grab themselves a GPS from Akari there..” pointed Yamamoto to another podium where a girl was waving the gadget in her hand. “And with that GPS, I would like you to find our real base which the coordination has been set on each of the GPS. You might be wondering why you cannot get back to your car? The answer is that you won’t be using them. You will be travelling on foot with only the things you’ve got with you now.”

“I knew it I have a bad feeling..” I grumbled.

“Thank Gods I got five sets..” sighed Sae. “But I should’ve shoved in my explosives.”

“I see many people got their weapons already strapped to themselves..” said Yamamoto. “Well it’s good then since I have set the rules that each pair will be released to search for the base in different points and if you accidentally met your rival, you are allowed to engage them at any cost and kill them if you like, it saves us more time then have to kill them by ourselves.”

Now the crowd was getting much more tensed up as Yamamoto’s smile was beyond amused, enjoying the tinge of worries spreading in the crowds.

“I will be only accepting four people in to join NAMBA and these four will be the first four to reach the base before the sun rises tomorrow morning. When your name is called, you would approach the GPS podium and grabbed a GPS, throw in your vehicles key since we would take them all straight to the base and you’ll be seeing it again if you make it in. Then, you will be led to the starting point and wait for the door to open to begin the task.”

“Understood?” she whispered through the microphone. The crowd nodded including us too, “Good. May the best four be the winner of this task and bring glory to NAMBA one day.” She said before leaving the podium and head in to the castle’s building.

“Listen up people!!” yelled a new voice. It was the one named Rena whom yelled through a loud speaker in her hand. “I’m gonna start calling names now!!”

Then she called up the names, each came with their own partner and headed to the door once they got their GPS and gave their keys.

Sae took our GPS as I threw in the car keys to the storage box once our names were called.

“Oshima Yuko and Miyazawa Sae, partner.” I said to Rena who’s ticking the names on her list. “How long does it really takes to reach the base on foot.”

“Depends on how fast you travel.” answered Rena without looking. “Enter the door and follow the coordination to your release point. The new coordination that leads you to the base will be released when the loud beep resonates which tells that the task has started.”

“Sweet.” Said Sae. “Ready for this?”

“Let’s go.” I said and walked straight into the darkness beyond the door.


Third Person's POV

In another place…

The surgery section of the Health Department can finally exhaled the intenseness, they just finished conducting a relay of risky surgeries  on badly injured agents. It was like a usual day of course for Kashiwagi Yuki to conduct surgery as she usually does. Her appearance might be sweet and pretty but once she gets her hands on surgery knives and other equipments, it’s a different story.

“Haruna, you should take a rest.” Said Yuki washing her hands as she watched her surgery assistant for the day took off her mask and sat down. “It’s your baby’s sake.”

“Don’t worry, Yukirin.” Smiled Haruna. “It’s still three month old. Didn’t you say that I can still work until it reached five month?”

“I know, but you would be retiring soon.” Pouted Yuki. “I don’t want Yuko to wring her hands on my neck if anything happens to you.”

“Don’t worry, she won’t.” laughed off Haruna. “She’s on her last mission, now..”

“And so I heard.” said Yuki looking over the room’s window with an uncertain face. “Umechan was meant to be in charge of today’s relay, but she’s gone with Yuko too.”

“Yuki, stop worrying.” said Haruna all the sudden as she observed the girl.

“Me worried about Yuko? No way!” retorted Yuki.

“Not Yuko..” said Haruna. “I know you’re worrying about Sae.”

Yuki froze for a sec before she regained her composure, “Like hell I’m worrying about her.”

“They’re sending the three of them to get Sashihara in NAMBA with Kana.” Said Haruna.

Yuki’s eyes widened and turned to Haruna, “Don’t tell me boss sent them there again…”

“It wasn’t boss’s order.” Answered Haruna. “It’s the higher up’s. They’re getting worried that Sashihara might be allies with NAMBA after HAKATA was raided a while ago.”

“Sashihara..” glowered Yuki. “That bitch is now allies with NAMBA the worst possible allies that can be thought of..”

“She certainly is.” said another voice coming in. The two of them turned to the door and saw Takamina walked in with Mayu, the two of them doesn’t look so pleased based on their expression. “That’s why the higher ups need her dead or alive.”

“And they send in Yuko to NAMBA for that? That’s like sending her to a tiger’s cage.” Said Yuki wringing her arms on Mayu’s waist as the younger one gave a hug. “If NAMBA found out that she was involved in Yamamoto Osamu’s assassination..”

“She won’t.” said Mayu. “She promised me that she’ll be back. You believed in her don’t you Haruna?”

Haruna fell silence, the face of her lover appeared on her mind thinking how much feelings she gave to the midget. The one who was there all along since the beginning until they both decided to retire together for life..

“I do..” spoke Haruna. “I believed in her and this little guy here..” she said as she caressed her stomach.

“Speaking of believing, by the way..” cut off Takamina. “It seems like there was information leaked out last night.”

“How on earth did that happen??” asked Yuki. “Which are we talking about?”

“File number 23082014.” said Mayu. “Akimoto Sayaka’s death case.”

“Umechan was in charge of that wasn’t she?” asked Haruna. “She, Takamina, and the higher ups should be the one can get their hands on that.”

“Well, apparently that file was stolen last night.” Said Takamina. “Kikuchi and Sato was in critical stage when I heard that they were attacked last night after the shift in the file chamber.”

“Ah, Paruru’s team handled them this morning, right?” asked Yuki checking out the surgery shifts.

“Yep. Anyhow, we need to find these mice..” said Takamina lowly.

“But why would they get their hands on Sayaka’s death case?” asked Haruna confusedly. “What are they going to do with it?”

“That’s also one thing we need to find out.” Said Mayu. “Keep your eyes and ears open, Haruna and Yukirin. I have a feeling that these doubles are way professional than the ones we faced before..”


“Either Sashihara is joking or she’s lying.” mumbled Milky as she sips in her tea. “Which one would it be?”

“I think she’s serious though when she said that this girl killed Akimoto Sayaka.” said Lemon. “Look at her score! Just bellow Maeda Atsuko’s sniping score.”

“Miorin..” said Milky puting down her cup. “Why do you join NAMBA? Aren’t you happy here with your friends in here working together?”

“I used to.” Answered Miori coldly. “Until I knew that my parents was killed by the higher ups even know they used to be agents there too.. I was fooled by them.”

“That’s why you seek another power. You found out my secret, I was thinking that I should kill you until you proved to us by selling out Yokoyama.” Said Milky. “You are quite black hearted, Lemon.”

“Not as black hearted as this one though..” she gestured Milky to a figure just passed by the café window. “Earning the name of Kuroi Tenshi02..”

“That’s a cute code name, Black Angel02.” translated Milky as she eyed the figure. “But deadly when you know it’s other meaning of silent killer number 02.”

“Let’s tail her then.” Said Milky getting up from her seat and headed for the door.


“Huaa~ That was such a fun performance!!” exclaimed a girl as she and her friend walked on the lonely pavement. “

“You’re lucky that we have a spare time before a full shift tomorrow.” Sighed the other girl. “Where’s Umechan anyway? Isn’t she the ones that likes to take you to Musicals like that one, Micha?”

“She’s away on missions.” said the one called Micha. “I heard Yuki replaced her for today’s surgery relay.”

“I wish I can start getting my hands on surgery..” sighed the other girl. “I’m bored of being in X-rays section.”

“Oh dear, did I just heard that a Kuroi Tenshi wishes to get her hands to actually preserve lives?” cooed a voice. The girl froze and looked back as she saw two figure standing not quite far from them.

“Kuroi wha-“ Micha’s voice stopped in mid air as a sudden punch landed on her stomach and knocked her out instantly.

“Micha!!” yelled the other girl. She tried to grab the attacker’s hand but then she was kicked forward and hit the wall on her shoulder. She felt pain on her shoulder instantly, but more importantly was anger as she saw them getting closer.

“Who are you?! Why are you calling me that name? That name supposed to be disappeared when Maeda Atsuko is dead!” spat the girl angrily.

“File 23082014 of Akimoto Sayaka’s death.” Pronounced one of the figure as light shone over her, showing  Milky’s  triumphal face and a single file in her hand. “It was you wasn’t it?”

The girl widened her eyes in shock, “Milky.. What are you talking about?!”

“Sashihara shared us an interesting story of your attempt to seek out for your family’s killer.” Said Milky. “And we’re interested in you.”


“NAMBA.” said Lemon stepping forward with Micha under her feet. “Come, Senpai. We know that you’re sick and tired of being on that side already.”

“Sashihara…” spoke the girl. “Is she with you guys? I don’t believe it.”

“She’s under NAMBA’s custody, for your information.” Said Milky. “Now we would like to offer you to find your other answer from her.”

“How can I do that?” asked the girl shakily.

Milky smiled simply then offered her hand to the girl, “Join us at NAMBA, Fujie Reina. We assure you, you are going to be satisfied since the both of us seeks for the same revenge.”

To be Continued

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Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 5 (02-07-2014)
« Reply #37 on: July 02, 2014, 07:17:33 PM »
This quite a turn between the two groups.  I wonder if Yuko and Sae can both make it out without being discovered
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 5 (02-07-2014)
« Reply #38 on: July 02, 2014, 11:58:35 PM »



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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 5 (02-07-2014)
« Reply #39 on: July 06, 2014, 07:39:36 PM »
no problem author-san, just seeing you update this already makes me happy  :cow: be it long or short chap~ what matter is you didn't abandoned this story  :yep:

woah my Reinyan is the killer??! such a shocking fact  :shocked
Yuko-Sae partnering in audition, they will make it well, rite?? next chap sure we'll got some action.. i'm waiting  :twothumbs thankyou!
wanna see Yuko finished the mission and go home to the arms of her beloved Haruna..

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