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Author Topic: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft  (Read 27652 times)

Offline Stryfe

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Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« on: January 28, 2014, 03:33:41 PM »

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Some useful sites, feel free to suggest more:
I Hearth U - website with articles and some useful guides
Hearthhead - card database with tools and decklists
HS@gamepedia - handy wiki with card strategies
Liquid Hearth - a community site
r/hearthstone - the Hearthstone subreddit
Hearthpwn - card database, deck builder and more
Hearthtracker - stats tracker tool
Hearthstats - web-based stats tracker
Hearthdecker - decklist utility tool

JPHiP battletag listing, post yours, let's friend!
Stryfe - Stryfe#2231 (EU)
Wuffer - Khend#2613 (EU)
Mage77 - Mage77#2920 (EU)
USS J.E.B. - PriestRoy#2661 (EU)
xyish - xyish#1424 (US)
Slack - Slackius#1483 (US)
thatonezombie - TOZ#1726 (US)
ziggurat - wormmox#6978 (US)

Hearthstone is an online collectible card game set in the, erm, world of Warcraft, currently in open beta. It's a bit like a fast-paced yet suitably complex variant of Magic: The Gathering. The games will not get too complicated or long, and there's even a time-limit on turns. The gameplay is nifty and entertaining, with plenty of animations and sounds for different cards and events. It's hellishly addictive and can be immense fun in short or longer bursts.

The objective of each game is to smash down the opposing hero using spells and minions you play from your hand. You draw cards from a deck of 30 and get an increasing amount of mana to spend each turn, which eliminates MTG-esque mana problems. You start with a single class, the mage. Other classes are unlocked by beating their AI-controlled deck. Each class has their own special ability (priest heals, mage deals damage, shaman summons totems etc) and a specific set of cards not available to the other classes. You unlock these class-specific cards by leveling up the class, simply achieved by playing matches with it. These cards are then complemented by a pool of cards available to all classes.

You can practice with different constructed decks against AI opponents. You can play casual or ranked online against real human opponents of similar caliber. For a price (of in-game or real currency) you can also play in the Arena, where you pick a class and then draft your deck by selecting one of three possible cards of equal rarity, a process that is then repeated until you've got a full deck of 30. Then you can start playing matches against other people in the arena, gaining increasingly better rewards with each win. Three losses and you're out.

It's also free-to-play, and so far it feels like a pretty FAIR free-to-play game. But I can't really say if it'll remain so in the long run, would need other opinions for that. Card boosters and arena runs cost gold (the in-game currency) or real money, but I haven't run out of gold yet. Successful arena runs can get you a lot of gold, and you gain even more doing daily quests and just simply winning matches. At least on the surface it seems like Blizzard has just concentrated on making the game as enjoyable as possible, so people will get hooked and eventually gladly spend shitloads of some money on it.

One downside of the game is Blizzard's implementation of the region system. Despite seeming like an easy enough thing to do, at least at the moment Eurotrash can't befriend or casual play against their 'Murican friends and vice versa. From what I've read this is probably not going to change, either.

This seemed like a nice little intro vid, for gameplay skip to 5:40.

I've been playing since the European open beta started a few days ago, and I know we have some people here with long closed beta experience. As a veteran MTG player (though I haven't played actively in years) I felt right at home with Hearthstone. The learning curve isn't steep at all, the tutorials are a blast and the basic gameplay is very easy to learn. There's also plenty of dynamics to figure out, mostly because of different classes and playstyle variants. And collecting... so addictive. All in all I've had a great time so far.

So, post your comments, experiences, favorite videos and maybe suggest some more useful sites.

We can also share battle-tags, I can compile a list for this first post. Remember to mention what server (US, EU etc) you play on. Mine is Stryfe#2231 on the EU servers.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 09:28:43 PM by Stryfe »

Offline xyish

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2014, 06:57:56 PM »
Battletag xyish#1424, region US. My collection is still pretty bad so expect more casual/gimmicky decks if you add me! Then again coming from other CCGs I've always been the one guy who runs every non-standard deck so :V

Personally don't use any so I'm not familiar with the sites but a few I know of are liquidhearth, hearthpwn, and of course there's always r/hearthstone.

Other useful stuff:
HearthTracker is a personal stats tracker, use that info to identify your strengths/weaknesses
HearthStats is an site where you can track your personal stats online from anywhere, with the added advantage that you can see combined stats of all contributing users. Stats are manual entry but there is an automated app in the works, check out current alpha here.

Offline Stryfe

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2014, 09:28:19 PM »
I've done a total of 4 arena runs so far... I went 8-3 with the first, then 2-3 and 6-3... but for the fourth run, I got a REALLY good deck:

With the cards listed + 3 Flamestrikes and a Pyroblast, that didn't fit on the screen. Those cards really made this deck.

Lightforge Key, with 12 wins and 2 losses. On my fourth run, can't complain. Though I had some luck, at least one opponent practically gifted me the win because no-one seems to expect the Pyroblast. :P

And the rewards! The golden common card is a bit lulz there but at least I got a bunch more gold to use for the Arena again. :lol:

Offline Wuffer

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2014, 10:48:11 PM »
^Pfft, 3 Flamestrikes... Of course you'd do well then. :P The time I did Mage in Arena I didn't get any Flamestrikes, and no Blizzards either.
I went 12 wins on Paladin a few days ago. Only got the minimum 230 gold, a golden Headcrack and a golden Explosive shot from that. x)

I don't play much constructed, just been trying to level the heroes to get the basic cards. In constructed I'd have to think about what kinda deck I want to build and then what kind of deck is my opponent having, and how to defend and so on... I don't have the mind to do that. :D Arena is even more nicely random, though sometimes quite infuriating. xD

My tag is Khend#2613 on EU.

Offline xyish

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2014, 03:54:45 PM »
Another useful tool that can help improve your play, HearthDecker is a decklist utility to keep track of cards left in your deck so you can make more informed plays. This is especially helpful in arena or when running decks you aren't very familiar with.

Unlike previous apps recommended this doesn't use image recognition to identify cards and isn't much unlike crossing cards off a list, but with less actual work! Just take a screenshot (or two) of your decklist and the app is ready to go. Click on the button next to each card as you draw it and it will update the amount left (do note that the app does not recognize number of cards from screenshots, you will have to add as appropriate), and fade out completely if no copies of the card remain in your deck. It's full resizeable and works well as an overlay on top of the game with "always on top" checked, or alongside the game client if you wish (dem multidisplayz).

Note: Apparently the current version only takes screenshots that are either 1366x768 or 1920x1080, but more options will be supported in the future.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2014, 04:59:39 PM by xyish »

Offline Wuffer

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2014, 04:54:04 PM »
A couple Arena stories from today. I tried out Mage again, didn't get a very good draft. A bit too many spells and too many little minions.
Anyways, I was up against a Warlock and I was at 7 life, and he had lethal on board. I did have a secret, but it was only a Spellbender. So I passed the turn after doing what I could. And I don't know whether he didn't realize he had me dead, or whether he was still wary of the secret, but he decided to go after my minions. I couldn't believe my luck there. xD I then managed to maneuver his minions dead and he ran out of cards first being a Warlock, so I won with 3 life. :P It pays sometimes to see the games through all the way.

The other time it was me being slow. My opponent was at 10 life and I had lethal on board, but there I was just thinking "Hmm, I need to get rid of his minions... If I do this I'll have mana to do this and that..." And then realizing "...The hell.... I'VE BEEN SITTING HERE FOR A GOOD MINUTE BECAUSE I CAN'T ADD UP TO TEN?!... Idiot..." -_- Yeaahh... A bit embarrassing. xD

One game I was playing against a Hunter. I had Imp master and a bunch of imps on the board and I thought to myself that I'm running into some kinda Unleash the hounds combo here because he had not played any minions. So I put up taunt in hopes that it will soak up most of the hounds. It did not go well. xD He puts Hunter's mark on my taunt, then Knife juggler, then Unleash the hounds... And a Timber wolf on top. Pretty good for him, nothing I could do there anymore. :D

Offline Stryfe

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2014, 07:04:28 PM »

Oh baby gonna need a Scrooge McDuck style money bin for this shit soon! :P


I haven't been able to replicate my epic mage run yet. Had a few ok ones, a few bad ones. Currently running with a Paladin, got next to no stopping power from the draw tho, no Truesilver champions or Consecrates... just one Equality and a Hammer of Wrath . Just have to rush, at least I got three argent protectors and a bunch of alright minions... PLUS Ragnaros the Firelord.

Gotta say it doesn't feel too good to be on the receiving end of a crazy mage deck rampage in the Arena. After eating three flamestrikes, bunch of fireballs and polymorphs (one for Ragnaros, of course) I have to say I was feeling a little discouraged... xD

I've had a lot of fun playing my new starter Warlock and Hunter decks. I just hit the casual play from scratch and start leveling up. Just feels like more fun that way haha. So yeah, once I level up a couple of more classes... everyone at level 10, all basic cards unlocked which means... more of that sweet, sweet gold gonna be mine, all mine. :yep:

Offline xyish

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2014, 12:18:39 AM »
I've been a bit Shaman heavy in my recent arena runs (4 out of 7) despite it being my overall least played class. Pretty successful with the class despite having only 3 Hexes total in all of 4 Shaman drafts and averaging only 1 Fire Elemental (best basic/common minion card IMO) each. There was no Hexes total in all of 4 Shaman drafts and averaging only 1 Fire Elemental (best basic/common minion card IMO) each. There was no Hexes total in all of 4 Shaman drafts and averaging only 1 Fire Elemental (best basic/common minion card IMO) each. There was no . This is prolly the most of the game I've played in a short period besides the start of CBT.

Some interesting things I've noticed:
I have had some insane consistency of drawing high drops in my opening draws if I go first. Even with only six 5+ cost cards I often end up redrawing all of them in my mulligan. One game with that aforementioned deck I had no plays until turn 6. Usually going 2nd I get a more playable hand.

Earth Elemental straight up wins games. Dropping it turn 4 against a Druid or Warlock is a bit cruel, though some judgement required when dropping it against other classes. Seems like I pull it a lot even though I've only had one copy at most, but it usually does amazing work. No Black Knights or Big Game Hunters on them yet! Interestingly in two of my drafts with Molten Giant it was slain by Big Game Hunters about 7 times total. It was so consistently solid I've managed to pull off Windspeaker on it 4 times, including once with Stormwind Champ and Rockbiter for lethal against 26 life and 3 armor. (last point from 1/3 Healing Totem). Drafted 2 on different runs, and the runs I could pick up one I usually snagged a Doomhammer instead.

Nat Pagle and Mana Tide Totem make people blind to the bigger threats, often people go out of their way to clear those out when I have 2 or more massive threats on the board. It's even funnier when my turn 1 Pagle didn't pay off for 7 turns straight yet they ignored the other stuff to get it off the board. Pagle/Mana Tide tunnel vision was prevalent even against opponents around the 8/9 win range. Drafted 1 Pagle and 2 Mana Tides total over 2 runs. Had both out in one game next to a Flametongue for some extra threatening card draw value!

I was forced to pick up a Lightwarden in two drafts, and only in one did I have a heal in Earthen Ring Farseer... yet this card does some massive work. I've dealt up to 20 damage after dropping it on turn 1 once, had another buffed up to over 10+ attack (via Healing Totem, though it couldn't attack because Mage frost) and have traded it up against stuff like a 7/3 Bloodsail Raider and Fen Creepers straight. One priest barely gave me board lethal from healing himself, though Priests weren't common matchups in my runs. Really surprising results for something I expected to only kill Silver Hand Recruits.

Biggest game upsets were AoE board clears, nothing else comes close. Constantly trying to play around them to decent success. Actually lost one game in doing so though (lacked that last bit of damage), otherwise only failures were against 2+ Flamestrikes (which was every Mage, incidentally). Dumbest play was not clearing a Northshire Cleric and forgetting about my own Healing Totem, allowing them to draw from 0->5 in a go when they'd otherwise be dead next turn.

Total of 1 Chillwind Yeti and 0 Harvest Golems offered in all of 7 drafts, 3 Dark Iron Dwarf and 2 Shattered Sun Clerics. 1 Defender of Argus, 1 Azure Drake, 3 Argent Commanders (2 were in same draft), 4 Arcane Golems, 5 Lightwardens, and way too many Secretkeepers and Murloc Tidecallers. 2 drafts made it to 12 wins, 2 were so bad I opened 0-2 (though I managed to pull one to 8 and the other to 4), the rest were about 8 or 9. Gold rewards have been below average (even one below the minimum stated on wiki), but results were strong enough to profit a fair bit. Best card reward was a gold Blood Imp since that DEs to 400 dust currently (same as a regular Legendary, though I wouldn't DE the Legendary), nothing above Rare.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2014, 08:53:46 PM by xyish »

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2014, 10:06:56 AM »
Slackius#1483 on US

I haven't had much luck in Arena since the first time I played it and got 8-3.
Since then, I've had stuff like this happen:

(This is pre-patch where they fixed arena rewards)

So as a result, I've played lots of constructed lately.
It's still fun cause you can pull off some stupidly BS combos like:

Turn 1: coin, Amani Berserker
Turn 2: Inner Rage, Rampage
Swing to the face with a 10/5 on turn 2 -> opponent has 9 health by turn 4.

Turn 1: Shieldbearer
Turn 2: coin, Divine Spirit, Inner Fire
Swing to the face with an 8/8 taunt on turn 2 -> opponent ragequits.
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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2014, 11:25:32 AM »
So I did my first and only perfect Arena run! 12-0 THE DREAM!
The draft though, is far from the it and would have been disastrous if I hadn't drafted Archmage Antonidas, Flamestrike and Archmage on my last 3 cards.

Decklist as follows:

Perhaps the deck wouldn't be so bad if the draft didn't roll so many rares?

I passed up Cairne Bloodhoof (and The Beast) for my 28th card seeing as I have pretty weak cards overall and don't believe I can win out any game with just Cairne. I thought Antonidas would at least gave me some hope to win a couple of games, assuming it doesn't die outright when played (often saved a 1 or 2 mana spell just for the turn he drops). Almost every game was an uphill battle and required him for the win, in fact 6 of them were near losses with opponent getting me into lethal several times (others I was just losing, but not quite dying), and only 3 games were won without. I've had much stronger decks go 4 or 5 wins only so this was a huge surprise and a really stressful series of games.

In the very last game (DAT FINAL BOSS) I was against a Warrior who was pretty aggressive and put me into the red with multiple weapons and superior quality minions. I managed to use almost all my AoE nukes turn after turn to finally wipe the board, run out my Archmage only to have him steal it with Mind Control Tech. I was at 5 life and without much answers. I managed to hold on between some taunt and freeze, trading creatures and my only fireball to ensure he doesn't have lethal. Eventually him trying to kill off my Acolyte of Pain to deny me more than 1 card draw off the card sorta won me the game. I pulled a Mirror Image and Antonidas. It was silenced but I bounced it back with Youthful Brewmaster (after killing something first ofc). After dropping him again I had to spend every turn Fireballing 2 of his creatures and killing off the rest with Antonidas until the Warrior ran out of hand. Only then could I double Fireball him for the win (He drew a Fiery War Axe the turn prior, barely missing lethal).

...With this I realized a number of my runs have relied heavily on very specific cards to win lol, even if most weren't drafted for that to happen consistently
« Last Edit: February 07, 2014, 04:15:03 PM by xyish »

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2014, 11:30:01 AM »
^ Flawless run, GJ man. :bow:

Noticed they've reset the ranks in ranked play, now's a good chance to play against completely bonkers decks as everyone has to rise from the bottom again. :P


I got this rather wacky mage draw that wasn't optimal, but potentially pretty great. The mana curve was a middle finger, which I took as a good omen. I went 7-0 until three super close defeats in a row against 2 paladins and a druid.

The seventh victory I got with this deck was my favorite play in the game so far. It was against a rogue, who rushed me pretty good. Eventually, I had two life, she had 30 and no doubt thought it was in the bag. I managed to clear the board and control the scraps with a sea giant and a blood knight. I clear her minions, hit her with a pyroblast and she's down to 20 life. Her turn, she stabs me with her dagger and casts a few more normal minions.

Well played, she says. I'm at 1 life, she has ~20. Then I hit her with the sea giant and blood knight, surely I can't do 9 more damage with a single card in my hand? What is the last card in my hand? Another pyroblast, of course. Gawd, it felt so good. :P

Offline Stryfe

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2014, 11:51:32 PM »

Got my second 12 win run, 12-1 (so an improvement, really, from 12-2) with this Rogue rush deck.

It worked really, really well. Coin+defiant ringleader starts were a staple. Perdition's blade is an amazing clean-up card, often taking care of two minions the first turn I played it, another the second.

After rushing, I kept control with assassinates, sap, deadly poison, big game hunter etc, but mostly I just overwhelmed the opponent with creatures. No eviscerates, no backstabs, no big deal.


Oh btw my SECOND Southsea Captain... wtf, RNG, fuck you. :P

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2014, 03:24:36 PM »
I thought I'd take a break from all of that arena talk and discuss some interesting constructed strategy.

So the Rogue spell Vanish was a topic on IRC a few days back, and since then I've been thinking about how one would build a deck around it, fully utilizing it to swing games instead of the terrible card it generally tends to be in most decks.

What I imagine I would run, had I the cards

It's a fairly aggressive early-mid range deck with lots of card draw and easy early game removals. VanCleef and Mukla provide huge bodies early on while removal ensures they can't trade efficiently with them. Lots of card draw to keep options open, and possibly to deny opponent's deck's options by flooding their hand and forcing them to discard instead. With the amount of card draw, Mountain Giants can be played cheaply, and works as a combo with Vanish if the game drags on. What I really love is the lockdown and bounce potential, reminds me of some of the Yuugiou/MtG stuff I used to run for lolz.

Other cards to consider (best first):
Shadowstep seems like a pretty obvious one with the battlecries/combos, also for additional reach with Leeroy Jenkins. I went for Brewmasters instead because it's a decent 2-cost body which the deck could really use. Would definitely run if I could fit them in without sacrificing early game power.
Sap is a great tempo card, especially mid-late game by bouncing a big minion. This does lose you a card in the process but in this deck the disadvantage might even be negated by having your opponent unable to pick up the card on a full hand, or denying their next draw. I am excluding it because it's not that great earlier on and Vanish can finish games before they go on for too long.
Lorewalker Cho is decent for aggressive play (that said, it can't attack) but restricts most of your removal use outside of Deadly Poison. It also has the potential to flood their hands and lock up their options. Also, moar pandaz.
Wild Pyromancer is another decent 2-drop that has the potential to clear smaller minions for free allowing you to go for the face. Could replace some Brewmasters though I'd feel less bad wasting a Brewmaster without using its ability.
Ancient Watcher is a large, cheap body to taunt up so you can swing for face in full force with your other creatures. Would probably run a second Sunfury Protector if playing Watchers.
Molten Giant could potentially be cheaper to drop than Mountain Giants and that's great with Vanish, but given the nature of the rest of the deck wouldn't really make much sense, if any.

With all that said the deck has yet to see play and I'm not certain of its viability, but I think we could have something cool on lock if we bounced some ideas around.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2014, 08:15:33 PM by xyish »

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2014, 07:40:44 AM »
After reading this thread, I realized I should step my game up, but probably won't.  :lol:

Also my tag is TOZ #1726 on the US server.
I vote for TOZ as the most gangsta~  :otomerika:
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Offline xyish

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2014, 05:13:48 PM »
Here's a simple userscript that makes links to HearthPwn card pages automatically generate a tooltip on mouseover, so you never have to leave the page to know what we're talking about! #gold for dat bling

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Hearthstone tooltips for JPH!P
// @version         1.0
// @description     Adds tooltips to HearthPwn DB links for JPH!P
// @include         *://**
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

$(document).ready(function() {
    $.getScript("", function(){

Here be test links
Dem mindgaemz
Not quite Barney
I need more mana
OP 1-drop?
Dreams, or just dust?
Storm, Earth and Fire
Mind if I roll weed?

What it should look like

« Last Edit: February 07, 2014, 08:25:50 PM by xyish »

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2014, 11:19:25 AM »
So this just happened in my Arena run as Shaman.

Imagine the buffs are in place, I couldn't get a screencap off before it all played out (dat charge).

I basically had the board, slight card advantage, but didn't expect to see a DOUBLE Timber Wolf Unleash, but they were the first 3 cards in his 4-card hand. I managed to win despite this devastating swing in the game, but the rest of his deck seemed pretty similar to the popular burn-unleash-rushdown Hunter deck in Constructed. It's pretty funny because I was getting a bit annoyed at all the similar Hunter decks on low ranked (~20) AND casual making quest completion a bit harder, but I faced 3 rush Hunters in 5 recent Arena games, so :V

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2014, 02:14:30 PM »
Just getting into Hearthstone after hearing Stryfe's rants in the IRC :P Add me, wormmox#6978 US region.

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Offline xyish

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2014, 09:33:30 PM »
Nice to see more players. Once we get enough people playing we could even have a league of sorts!
Common + Basic cards only would make it more accessible to newer players and possibly force us to come up with different decks than we're used to with some other creative rules perhaps?


Opened 20 packs earlier and I pulled a grand total of
3 Epics: Ice Block, Preparation, Murloc Warleader
2 Gold Commons: Silence, Earth Shock

No Legendaries or Rare piñatas, a bit disappointing. Overall that sorta puts me quite significantly under the curve, but it's all gonna have to even out at some point right? Gotta remain hopeful!

Offline Stryfe

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2014, 06:01:39 PM »
Nice to see more players. Once we get enough people playing we could even have a league of sorts!
Common + Basic cards only would make it more accessible to newer players and possibly force us to come up with different decks than we're used to with some other creative rules perhaps?
That's a cool idea, at least US region players could have one of those already! EU jphipsters, need to step yo game up. Join the fun, we don't bite!


Got my third 12 win run, going 12-2 with this mage deck. Prior rewards for my 12 win runs were pretty ho-hum, but this time, I got a decent one.

And that's not all... from one of those packs I got my first legendary, so in the end, a really suitable reward for 12 wins. :P

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #19 on: February 24, 2014, 08:33:04 PM »
My fellow classmates at my university play this game a lot and talk about it in the downtime before classes.  I could try to get into this but I already have an equally addictive card battle game on my Windows Phone that doesn't require registration.  Still, it looks like a great game nonetheless but just not my cup of joe.
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