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Author Topic: oKei's OS Collection (AtsuMina)  (Read 18149 times)

Offline takaminasjokes

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Re: oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 7/?
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2014, 03:30:55 AM »
waaaaa Linked is totally awesome~!! :farofflook: :on GJ:
i enjoyed reading everything especially the subtle (or was it not? lol) humor and atsumina's interactions XD
i just hope this will have a happy ending~ (please make it happen  :mon cry:)

anyway great chapters so far~ update soon~!!

Offline phoenix0i

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Re: oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 7/?
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2014, 10:42:27 AM »
The latest update is really great. I'll seriously wait for this fic's updates.

Acchan carrying Takamina is really awesome and cute.  :love: :dunno: :imdead:
Discovering the wonders of your vague imagination.
Taeny, Atsumina and SayaMilky <3

Offline oKei

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oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 8/?
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2014, 12:37:30 PM »

Thank you for reading! Now on with the story!  :twothumbs


8. Not Enough

Acchan's POV

*aitakatta aitakatta aitakatta—*

"Nooo!" I groan, reaching for my phone to turn off the alarm. What was I thinking, choosing this song?

I try to go back to sleep, but I feel awake now. I lazily stare up at the ceiling, running my hands through my hair. Light was coming through the window by the bedside, blanketing the room with its yellow shine.

"Unnnngggh..." I hear a voice groan, and look to my side to see nothing. Where did she go?

Last night, after we got to Sae's hotel, they gave us two rooms. I carried Takamina to the first, and laid her on the bed. After that, I changed into my pajamas and walked over to the bed.

I had gently nudged Takamina, waking her up to change into the pajamas we bought her. She mumbled an okay, sitting up tiredly. I went to the restroom to brush my teeth. When I got back, she was already changed and sleeping soundly once again.

I stared at her for a moment, how peaceful she seemed. I felt the need to sleep even more then. I turned off the light, climbed into the bed, and pulled the covers over both of us. I turned over so I faced her. She's so much different from how I would think a human would look from ancient history. She seems so normal, yet I know she isn't.

The room was dark, vaguely lit by the moonlight so I couldn't see well, but I swear, before I closed my eyes, I saw a tear fall down her face.

I recall her image last night. I don't think it was a dream. I start to look around for her, it doesn't look like she went to the bathroom. I'm sure she's still in here.

"Takamina?" I call.

"Unnnn?" I hear her tired voice. I crawl across the bed and look over to find her lying on the floor. She was hugging a pillow while rubbing one of her eyes.

"Why are you on the floor?"

"It's comfy." She replies. No, it's dirty.

"The bed isn't?"

"It's weird."

"How so?"

Takamina sits up, wrapping her arms around the pillow. "It's too soft." She rubs her face against the pillow.

"Uh huh, but you like that pillow." I point out. She smiles, nodding several times.

"Well get up and get dressed now. We have to hurry for breakfast so we'll have time to catch the train." I open the closet and pick out some clothes for her. It's starting to get cold so I take out a coat too.

As Takamina changes, I tidy the room and fix the bed. Since we found what we came for, we'll be leaving later tonight. We're going to come back here at the hotel to collect our things before we leave though.

I watch Takamina slip her coat on. She looks up at me.

"I look okay, right? I don't look funny?" She asks.

"No, it suits you. Don't worry about it." I assure her. "You ready to go?"


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Downstairs, Takamina and I enter the dining room to find Yuko and Mayu still eating. Sae was coming out of the kitchen with two plates of eggs and pancakes, western style.

"Morning! I was just about to go get you two." She places the platters in front of us as we take our seats.

"I'll give you 10 minutes. If you're not done, we'll be leaving first." Mayu says.

Takamina starts to eat fast.

"You don't need to be too in a hurry." Yuko says. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so you need to also savor the tastes. Enjoy it."

Mayu frowns at Yuko. She sighs after a moment. As a doctor, she realizes that she's right. "Don't take too long though." She finally says.

Sae takes a seat at the table.

"Thanks again for the discount. I owe you one!" Yuko tells Sae.

"No, I would've let you guys stay for free if my parents allowed it."

"It's okay. Better than paying full price." Yuko grins. Definitely. It's expensive to stay here.

"Aha yeah." She scratches her cheek.

"We'll be back later. Take care of our stuff." Yuko tells her as she gets up. Mayu stands too, looking down at her phone.

"We have 40 minutes until the train leaves, and a 30 minute walk. We need to get going." Mayu says.

Takamina and I just finish. We thank Sae for everything she's done for us.

"It's nothing. I'm glad I can be of help." She smiles.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As we walk to the the train station, Yuko gives Takamina her new phone.

"I don't need it." She gives it back.

"Yes, you do." Yuko pushes it to her.

"It's not like I'll be able to have it long." Takamina tries to reason.

"Stop saying things like that." Yuko snaps.

Takamina hugs her arms, and doesn't say anything.

"Look, it's just a simple one with not too many functions. Call or text, that's it. We'll help you learn to use it. We just need to be able to contact you should anything happen."

"If it helps, we got it at a very cheap price." Mayu mentions.

Takamina hesitantly accepts the phone from Yuko.

She turns on the phone, a light flashing which startles her.

"It's okay, that's what it does. I already added our mail addresses to it so you don't have to. It's simple to understand once you get the basics." Yuko turns around.

Takamina starts to toy with the buttons on her phone, reacting to almost every popup and screen change.

I catch up to Yuko.

"Don't you think it's too simple? You could've got a small game on there to entertain her or something." I tell her.

"I don't want her to end up like those people who get addicted to their phones." We both glance at Mayu who was playing some kind of rpg as she was walking. A pole was coming up in front of her, but she side-stepped it while her eyes were on the screen.


Yuko's phones beeps. She takes it out and I watch as her brows furrow. She turns around, so I look behind too. Takamina was but a speck in the distance.

"Just..keep..walking.." Yuko mutters as she types a message to Takamina.

"She mailed you? What did she say?"

"She said that she doesn't see us." Yuko's phone beeps again.

She laughs lightly. "And just now, 'Wow, it worked!'" She sighs, "That baka. How did she end up so far from us? Are we walking too fast? Oi, Mayu! Wait a minute!" She calls.

Mayu turns around, and pauses her game. She checks the time.

"Ahhh! 5 minutes until the train leaves!" She starts running without us.

"Chotto! Ughh yabai.." Yuko runs a hand through her hair. She looks over to Takamina walking a distance away.

I pull out my phone and dial Takamina's new cell. A few seconds later...

"Uh.. H-hello?" She answers.

"Start running! The train is going to leave soon!" I yell.

"A-ah! Hai!" I hear her footsteps through the phone as she takes off. I nod, and end the call.

"You go ahead and find Mayu. We'll catch up." I tell Yuko.

"Hurry." She sprints off.

I tap my arm worriedly as I wait for Takamina. Come on... We can't miss it. I feel my phone vibrate as Mayu had mailed me to hurry up.

I put down my phone as Takamina runs up to me. "Let's go!" I grab her hand immediately and start running.

We twist through crowds and wait out passing cars to reach the station. At the station, I quickly show my pass and guide us to the train where the doors were about to close.

I see Yuko and Mayu waving at us from a window. We quickly race to the door, running through just as it closed behind us. I let go of Takamina's hand, holding onto my knees for support. We both breathe heavily, already feeling so exhausted when it's only morning.

"Yatta..." I say. "We made it." I breathe.

"Cutting it way too close." Mayu comments as she and Yuko emerge from the crowd of people on the train.

"I want to go back to sleep now." I smile tiredly.

"At least you don't have to run anymore. Take a seat..oh wait." Yuko looks around the train cart. There wasn't anymore seats open, though Takamina somehow had one.

"We'll have to make due standing." Yuko shrugs.

Mouuu. Standing between Yuko and Mayu, I try to distract myself by glancing out the window. Several minutes later, I'm suddenly pushed from behind as more people enter at the next stop. I bite back my frustration, trying to at least get comfortable with the little space.

"Want to switch?" I hear Takamina offer. I look down to find her about to stand. I push her shoulders down.

"I'm fine." I lie.

"You don't look fine."

"It's okay, we should be arriving soon anyways."

"You can have my seat though, I don't need it. You could use it more than me."

"Takamina..." I start.

"I'll be fine. I'm smaller than you anyways. I can stand a crowd." She keeps trying to insist.

"No, you're already sitting and I'm already standing. Let's not waste our energy." I argue.

She grabs my arm.

"Eh? Wait!" She pulls me onto her lap, wrapping her arms around me.

"Chotto! Hanase! I don't want to sit on you! Takamina!" I struggle to get up, but she holds me tight.

"You didn't want to switch so I found a compromise."

Ugh. I stop struggling, knowing it wouldn't help. I feel Takamina smiling behind me. "Wipe that off your face." I mutter.

"Fufufufu~" I look to see Yuko and Mayu muffling their laughter as they take not so subtle pictures on their phones.

Mouuu! I look down trying to escape their eyes, hoping that my hair will cover my face.

Throughout the ride, I find my embarrassment slipping away as I start to feel relaxed. Takamina's arms reassuring me with a tight grasp that she was still there. I somehow found comfort in that.

When it was time to get off, I felt the warmth of her hands leaving. Mayu got off the train eagerly, and Yuko followed suit. It was a small feeling I had at that moment. A fleeting thought, I didn't want to get off. I was by her side. I didn't realize it, but I was wishing we didn't have to go. I wished the ride hadn't ended.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Don’t worry, Acchan. There’s still the train ride back.” Yuko whispers, winking as she passes by.

“Eh?” I blink. What does she…

“Acchan, let’s go.” Takamina tugs my arm. I smile at her, following her lead. What was I just thinking just now..? Ah, nevermind. It doesn’t matter.

“There’s so many people.” Takamina says as we round a corner to an intersection. The crosswalk was bustling with busybodies, many people in casual wear, but quite a lot dressed in costume attire. Cafe maids were handing out flyers, other people dressed up were doing some kind of promotion. I couldn’t recognize some of the characters. It really has been a while since I came here. Well, I don’t even come here really… It’s not exactly my kind of place. The buildings around us were made colorful by the large posters of anime, idols, and ads. It’s really lively here.

“Of course. This is Akihabara.” Mayu smiles proudly.

“Where do we even start?” I mutter. Yuko leans over to me.

“I know right. Since it’s Mayu, you can bet we’ll be going to not just one place.”

Right… This is going to be a long day.

"Takamina, follow me!" Mayu excitedly calls to Takamina who seems happy to see where we go next.

The two of them run ahead into a store selling manga. Of course...

Yuko and I sigh at the same time as we follow them inside. We look around for the duo and wander across the small aisles.

"Whooaaaa!" I hear Takamina's voice and follow its sound. In a corner of the store, I find Mayu trying to show Takamina shoujo manga. It seems Takamina got distracted by another cover and opened it to be immediately in awe by its contents.

I glanced at the shelf she got it from and see it's One Piece.

Yuko was patting Mayu's back while smiling. "Well it looks like she likes manga at the very least."

"Hmph!" Mayu looks down at the manga she was holding. She likes shoujo, but I guess Takamina has different tastes.

"So kakkoi!" Takamina flips through the pages of the manga.

"You have to start at the beginning." Mayu points to volume 1 on the shelf. Oh yeah, Takamina was holding the latest.

"Eh? There's more?!"

"For shounen manga, there's always more." She replies.

"So you have no problems reading it, right?" I ask.

"It's easy to understand, and there's not as many words. I like the drawings and story." Takamina explains.

"You can go look through the other manga then. There's a lot more than just One Piece." Yuko suggests.

"Wait, take this if you want to have any." I hand Takamina my debit card.

"What's this?"

"It's your ticket to the manga you want." Yuko tells her. "Just hand it to the guy at the counter at the front. He'll handle the rest."

"Just don't get too many." I add. She might buy whole collections for all I know.

Takamina nods. "Arigatou." She grins, running off excitedly.

"We'll be waiting here!" I call after her. I hope she heard me.

I fold my arms together, realizing something. I look to Yuko. "Did I make the wrong decision when I gave her my card?" I actually just gave it to her on impulse.

"You could stand to lose money, Acchan. Before Takamina, when was the last time you splurged?" She laughs.

I open my mouth to reply, but I stop myself. When was the last time...?

"I'm a doctor, and even I had time to go out for breaks and vacations."

I know that.

"You give yourself too much work. It was about time you got a break."

"We're still working even now, Yuko." I say.

"Really? It doesn't seem like work to me anymore."

"Yeah, this is more like an adventure you'd see in manga."

"That doesn't change the fact that we have to be responsible for her. I still have to write a report on everything's that happened." The only problem is how will I explain this to Mariko?

"Work work work, is that all that ever goes through your mind?! You're not living!"

I blink. I have a life, is she saying I don't??

"Don't look so skeptic, Acchan. We're only saying what we think."

"As a doctor, I would recommend you stop thinking about work. That's practically all you ever do. You're going to only stress yourself out. It's not good for your body. Try to have fun." Mayu suggests as she observes me. Kamisama, why are they concerning themselves over me?

"I am having fun though."

"But you're still thinking, aren't you. Stop thinking!"

Okayy, now they're annoying me. They can't tell me what to do. I roll my eyes, turning my back to them, and walk away. I should just go find Takamina.

I don't look very long before I find her playing tug o'war with a kid, over manga.

"What are you doing??" She looks so serious as she fights with the kid.

"This is the first volume of HunterxHunter! I have to read it!" Takamina pulls on the manga, but the kid has a tight grasp on it. He tries to pull it away from her.

"Such a child..." I mutter. "You can buy it some other time. Let the kid have it."

"Nooooo! Then I'll never get to read it!"

"I got it first!" The little boy yells.

"But I saw it first!" Takamina argues.

"It's mine!" The boy cries.

"You have your whole life ahead of you to read this! I only have less than a week!"

"Takamina!" I shout, pulling on her shoulder.

She freezes, slowly letting go of the manga. The little boy pumps his fist in the air triumphantly before running away with the manga tucked under his arm.

"It is just manga. This is not the only copy in the world. We can get it at another store, and we can even get it online if you know what that means. But, why did you say that?"

She doesn't answer, averting her eyes from me.


"I'm gonna go out.." She finally says, walking quickly away.

I look after her. I've seen her upset, but not like this. It can't be just because of a manga. Is it the environment? It could be all too much for her to take in. All this could just be culture shock. Maybe being here is influencing her, affecting her.

No, it's simpler than that. I know. There's just not enough time.


Offline takaminasjokes

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Re: oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 8/?
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2014, 02:19:08 PM »
yey another chapter~!!
aawwww taka-chair :shy1: and acchan sure loved it  :nya: :nya:
the last part was a bit depressing though, seems like takamina's more bothered with her situation than how much she's showing to the three of them  :dunno:
thank you for the fast update~!

Offline oKei

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oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 9/?
« Reply #24 on: December 21, 2014, 04:36:37 PM »

9. nEverchanging

No PoV

Takahashi Minami was walking swiftly on the sidewalk, frustration brewing across her face. She places a hand on her cheek, rubbing down to her chin to behind her neck. She briefly glances up at the sky, dark clouds beginning to gather. She quickens her pace.

Meanwhile, Acchan, Yuko, and Mayu hurry out of the store. They decide to go after Takamina.

"She's not answering her phone." Mayu says after trying to contact Takamina.

"This is exactly why I bought her one though!" Yuko complains angrily.

Acchan hugs her arms. "Don't be mad at her. She just needs space right now."

"Well it's been long enough. Where is she??"

*drip *drip *drip

They all look up. A sudden downpour crashes onto them. They all scream and start running for shelter.

"Are you kidding me?!" Yuko shouts into the rain.

Mayu grabs her head, "My hair!"

"There!" Acchan leads them into a restaurant for cover in the meantime.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Takamina also getting caught in the downpour, runs into the nearest building. A little bell rings as she enters through the door. When Takamina turns around she can't help but be amazed.

The walls were bright and colorful, and there were many stands and cases filled with all kinds of candy. She walks through the little shop, checking out the different sweets.

A large chocolate bar catches her eyes. She gravitates towards it, picking it off the shelf. She starts to unwrap it.

"Ahem." A voice coughs.

Takamina freezes, turning slowly to the voice. A tall woman with long brown hair, greets her with a smile.

"I assume you're paying for that?" She questions.

Takamina widens her eyes, realizing her mistake. She nods her head fast and reaches into her coat pocket for Acchan's card. She hands it to the woman.

The woman walks behind the counter and swipes the card. Her face glances at Takamina and to the screen, confused.

"You're Maeda Atsuko?" She raises an eyebrow.

"No, but that's her card."

"I see... You're not a thief, are you?"

"What's a thief?"

The woman blinks.

"What place is this?" Takamina asks curiously, looking around the cute shop.

"What? Um, it's a candy shop." The woman starts to observe the girl suspiciously. She doesn't give Takamina back the card or the chocolate the girl was going to eat previously.

"You're not from around here, are you?" She asks the shorter girl.

"You could say that." Takamina purses her lips. She shivers suddenly.

"Oh! You should dry off. I actually live here behind the shop, so you can change clothes." The woman suggests.

Alarms go off in Takamina's head. She recalls Acchan, Yuko, and Mayu stressing very seriously for her not to trust strangers. She takes a step back.

"I can't." Takamina shivers again.

"You sure? You'll catch a cold." The woman expresses her worry.

"I don't know you." Takamina states bluntly.

The woman laughs, "I'm sorry, my name is Kojima Haruna. You can call me Haruna."

"I'm Takahashi Minami." Takamina bows slightly.

"Well, Takahashi-san, I would like to invite you in my home for a warm cup of hot cocoa and dry clothing." She offers.

"Eto, call me Takamina... And since I now know you, okay." She smiles, agreeingly. She thinks that it should be okay, because now the woman isn't a stranger. She's Haruna.

"You're strange..." Haruna laughs. "It's not a bad thing though. Follow me, let's get you warmed up." She walks behind a curtained doorway.

Inside, Takamina waits patiently for Haruna as she went upstairs. She looks around the room, noting how neat the space was. In a corner of the room, a small table was holding up a tv. Beside the tv, she spots a picture frame. Curious, Takamina takes a step towards it to see it. Haruna enters the room before she could get a good look at it.

"My clothes probably wouldn't fit you, so I'm letting you borrow my girlfriend's clothes. It should be okay." Haruna hands her the clothes.

"I started a bath too, so you can wash up. I'll make the cocoa while you're in there."

Takamina nods. She thinks Haruna is so nice. "Why are you doing so much for me?"

"Hmm... I wonder too." She glances out the window. "It's going to be raining for a while longer, so I thought I should get to know you." She smiles. Haruna has strange suspicions about Takamina, but she doesn't think she's a bad person. She's curious about her.

"Okay." Takamina simply answers and heads for the bath.

Haruna goes to the kitchen, where she proceeds to make hot cocoa. She hums a small tune, wondering who the girl really is.

'A new friend, maybe.' She thinks.

She mixes in the chocolate into the mug, pouring in a bit of almond milk for added taste. Satisfied, she opens a jar and carefully adds marshmallows into the hot chocolate. She then walks to her oven, and takes out a batch of cookies that she had warming up before Takamina came into her shop.

'Cookies taste a lot better when they're shared with someone.' She smiles as she decides she'll give some to her small guest. She laughs softly, thinking how Takamina reminds her of a certain someone. She wonders when will be the next time they'll meet as she thought that person was far away at work.

Haruna sits on her couch. She begins to play games on her phone as she waits. The cocoa and plate of cookies were sitting idly on the coffee table in front of her.

Fifteen minutes later, Takamina knocks the wall of the doorway, alerting Haruna to her presence.

"I'm done." She says shyly.

"Well come in, and sit by me. Oh, and help yourself." She indicates to the cookies. Takamina is surprised by the cookies and obliges herself happily.

Haruna laughs, amused by the small girl's appetite for the sweets.

"I'm guessing you like them?"

With her mouth full, Takamina only nods very fast. She chews quickly, swallowing her food. "These are really delicious, where did you get them??" She questions, anticipating her answer.

"I baked them." Haruna replies.


"Yeah, you know, mixed up ingredients, kneaded the dough, placed them in the oven, and boom! Got cookies."

Takamina stares blankly, not understanding.

"Where are you from?" Haruna decides to question, wanting to know exactly. Takamina didn’t specify to her if she really was from around here. She wanted to understand why Takamina didn’t seem to have much general knowledge.

"Tokyo, I guess." She shrugs.

"You don't know? Are you lost?? Did you lose your memory or something?" Haruna wonders if the girl is okay. She thinks up different scenarios that could have happened which were highly unlikely.

Takamina waves her hand. "I don't know about lost, but I am finding myself. " She takes a sip of the cocoa, and is relieved by its warmth.

Haruna nods. She gets that Takamina is going through something, but she doesn't know what. She respects her enough to not ask about it because it might be too personal.

"Do you want to play a game?" She asks.

Takamina's head perks up. "Yes!" She speaks excitedly.

Haruna giggles. "It's nothing much. Just 21 questions, do you know how to play?"


"Ah, well it's easy. You ask me a question, and I answer. Then I ask you a question, and you answer. Got it?"

"I think so, yeah." Takamina scratches her head. "Can I go first?" She looks up at her, hopefully.


"Can I have more cookies?" She asks.

Haruna laughs, "You ate them all?! And you're supposed to ask questions about me."

"Oh okay, then can you bake me more cookies?"

Haruna sighs, smiling. ‘We barely even started. I didn’t get to ask anything.’ she thinks. “FIne, but you’re going to help me.” she grins.

“Yosha!” Takamina stands up, running for Haruna’s kitchen.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Haruna’s POV

I watched as she mixed the dough rather unsuccessfully, its contents spilling out and creating a mess. She starts panicking, knowing she did something wrong. She turns around to grab a small towel hanging on the wall. While wiping away her mess, she accidentally bumps the sack of flour onto the floor. The flour sprinkles into the air, snowing down on us with a light layer of white powder. She slowly turns to me, eyes glazed with fear that I would scold her. If that's what she expects.

“Mou! Look what you did!” I pretend that I’m angry with her. “You ruined my kitchen and wasted precious ingredients! You have no idea how much that flour cost me, and the batter! Look! Did you even follow the recipe?” I place a hand on my forehead as if I just got a headache all of a sudden.

“I'm a mess now too! My clothes and hair... You know what, nevermind it. I’m tired. Just get out.” I order her.

She backs away from me, scared. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean it. I tried my best. I just wanted…”

She trails off as I can’t keep myself from laughing. Her frightened expression, and I could not take her seriously as her face was so coated in white. She looked like a small ghost. A cute, scared, small ghost, it was so ironic.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” I laugh. “I was just messing with you, don’t leave.” I rest on a chair. Takamina was about out the door. She looks at me as if I was insane. Yeah, I know how it looks. One minute I was yelling at her, and then the next I was dying of laughter. Ah, I couldn’t help it. She looks so innocent and naive, such a little fool. She should fix that. People could lie, or trick her and she wouldn’t even realize it. 

“I..I don’t understand.”

“Really, you can stay. Don’t go. I was having fun with you here.” I smile. “Don’t worry about the mess. We can just clean it up. I don't mind that I got dirty, and I still have more ingredients, so if you want, we can still bake cookies…?” I offer, questioningly.

She bites her lip, contemplating what she should do. She doesn't seem sure, like she might feel guilty for continuing to stay. Her expression is pained though. She really wants to stay. I find it amusing.

I get up and start to gather new materials, and pull out a clean bowl from a cabinet.

"I realize I may have gone about this wrong. I should have shown you myself instead of telling you. This way, we can make it together so everything will turn out fine." I reassure her with a smile. If I just explain it to her, she can probably bake cookies herself next time. I wait for her to give into her temptation to the pleasure of sweets.

"Um... Okay." She purses her lips, coming back inside the kitchen. She stands against the wall, awkwardly. I guess she's afraid she might create an even bigger mess if she moves.

I sigh. It won't be fun if she's going to be like this the whole time.

I take a small towel and run it under the sink with cold water. I squeeze out most of the water so it wouldn't drip. I brush it over my face, removing most of the flour. I glance at Takamina, smirking before I throw the towel into her face. She flinches back, removing the towel. She looks at me.

"Wipe your face before we start. I'll make the dough, and you can just cut them into shapes. That okay?" That way she'll also be doing something. I start to take out the different cookie cutters I had, showing them to her. There were hearts, stars, squares, ovals, I basically I had all kinds.

Takamina smiles at me, and wipes the flour off her face.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Yatta!” I cheer. Less than an hour later, the cookies were finally done. I opened the oven, letting Takamina handle it. She reaches inside.

“Wait!” I call as she places her hands on the pan.

“Itai!” She flinches back in pain, holding her hands close to her. She whimpers softly.

I scold her. “See what happened?? You’re supposed to wear oven mitts. They protect your hands. Ah, I should have known you wouldn’t have known any better. Let me see.”

She pouts, holding out her hands for me.

I take a look at them. That’s strange. I don’t see any burn marks. It’s not even red. I look at her, confused. She takes back her hands, looking at them. She nods, her mouth forming a small ‘o’ as if understanding something I did not. She smiles, glancing down at her wrist. I see a small bracelet hanging there. Huh, I wonder why I didn’t notice it before.

“That’s a pretty bracelet.” I comment as Takamina puts on the oven mitts.

“Yeah.” Takamina smiles again, removing the cookies from the oven. We let them cool a bit.

“It seems special to you. May I ask where you got it?”

“Someone important.” she replies. Oh, so did she get it from a lover or something then? I nod, thoughtfully.

A thought nags me in the back of my mind. “Ne… how come you’re hands don’t look burned? You were hurt, right?”

She shrugs, turning her back to me as she puts away the mitts. “I’m a fast healer.” People can’t heal instantly.

“I see.” I squint my eyes at her as she happily starts to remove the cookies from the pan. I get out a small bag. She places them inside one by one as I hold it out to her. I take a small piece of ribbon from a drawer and wrap it around the bag, sealing it.

“There. Now you can take some with you to go.”

“Thank you.” she smiles. “While being with you here, I was able to get some thoughts straightened out. I’m also sorry for troubling you. I’ll take my leave after I help you clean up.” She's leaving so soon?

“Ah, I’m glad I invited you into my home. I haven’t had guests in a while, so it was fun.” Might as well let her go.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After cleaning up, we went back into my shop to send her off. The rain had stopped falling, and it was starting to clear up.

“Will I see you again?” Takamina asks.

“Maybe. I hope so.” I laugh.

“I hope so too.” She quietly says, smiling softly.

“Here. This is my treat.” I hand her a small bag filled with candies. Before she could say no, I push her out the door. “No, if you don’t accept it, then I’ll cry.” I lie. She believes me though, and starts panicking.

“I’ll accept it, so don’t cry.” She waves her hand. “I’ll eat it and enjoy it too, so you know…” She trails off.

I laugh.

She looks up at me for a moment and smiles, “Goodbye.”

“What are you saying? It’s see you later.”

“Ah, yeah. See you later.” I watch as she leaves, walking down the sidewalk carrying her bags of treats. Her small back seemed like it carried a lot. She talked like she had a heavy past. Her story is something I don’t know. At least today, I was able to relieve her for a while and make her happy.

I go back into my shop, tidying up the space. I think about her as I sweep the floor. I was right, she’s a new friend. That makes me really happy.

Now behind the counter, I start organizing my financial checkbook. A few minutes later, I hear the small bell ring. Oh, a customer. I look up.

“NyanNyan!” I hear before I'm suddenly bombarded with a tight hug from a running figure who jumps over the counter.

"Yuko?!" Eh? Eh? What is she doing here? "Aren't you supposed to be working right now?" Why isn't she at the museum?

"She is, or we are actually." I look up to see Acchan coming inside, followed by Mayu.

"Really, Acchan? Do I have to say it again? It's not work!"

"Hai hai..." Acchan rolls her eyes.

"NyanNyan, I missed you!" Yuko rubs her face into my breasts. I push her away. She starts pouting, so I pat her head. She likes when I do that.

"Why are you guys here?" I ask them.

"Well as you can see, we got caught in the rain earlier and we're soaked, so I thought we could get dry and get changed here." Yuko explains.

"She also just wanted to see you." Mayu adds.

"Shhhhhhh!" Yuko shushes her. Mayu holds up her hands. I smile at them.

"Sure, come inside." I hold the curtain open as they enter.

In the living room, Acchan and Mayu were sitting on the floor. I hand them towels and some of my clothes to borrow while I dry their clothes. Just one after another, I didn't expect to have so many guests in one day.

They hand me their wet clothes, and I take them to the laundry. Down the hall, I see my bedroom door open. I sigh, "Yuko..."

I quickly put the clothes into the dryer before hurrying to my room. I find her digging through the closet.

"I already laid out clothes for you." I tell her.

"But I don't want to wear those. Where's the other set I had?" She opens another drawer. Dang, I didn't expect she'd be here. Why today of all days? I gave her clothes to Takamina. I never saw her wear it much, so I thought I could give it to her. Big mistake.

"Um... I don't know."

She groans, and rummages farther into my closet.

"I haven't seen you wear it much, so why now?"

"I really liked them, so I didn't wear them in order to preserve them." Yes, that makes so much sense. Why didn't I think of that?

"See? This is why I tell you to clean up your room and everything. You can't find anything here." Yuko says almost irritably.

"I did clean though! Didn't you see the rest of my home?" I worked hard on all of it..

She nods, standing up. She comes over to me and stands on her tip-toes to give me a light kiss on my cheek. "Yes, and I'm proud of you for that. I didn't have to do anything." She stares up into my eyes.
"But NyanNyan, your room is a different matter..." She slowly turns her head, surveying the mess around us.

I pout. "I was getting around to it.."

"Sure you were." She smiles, showing me her dimples. She sighs. "Ok, so where are the clothes you had for me?"

"I'll go get them." I walk to the door.

"By the way, NyanNyan?" Yuko calls. I turn around.

Yuko takes my wrist and pulls me down to her level. I feel her lips touch mine for but a short moment before she pulls back.

"You forgot something." She whispers. Oh yeah, how could I forget?

I smile, "Welcome home, Yuko."

"Un." She smiles back, nodding. "I'm home, Haruna."


Acchan's POV

Really? Haruna was taking a while so I went to go find her. I walked into her room to find her and Yuko making out. They had to do that while we were here? It didn't seem they noticed me, so I went back to the living room to get Mayu. I told her what was going on and she grins. We go back there and peek inside. Mayu gets her camera out and snaps a shot of the couple, flashing a bright light at them.

At the flash, Haruna immediately shoves Yuko back. Yuko stumbles, falling onto the floor.

"Itai! Why'd you do that?" She then glares at us. "Can't you tell we're busy?"

"N-no! We're not doing anything. Do you guys want any drinks? I have juice, lemonade, coffee. How about tea?" Haruna asks really fast, as she hurries out of the room without an answer from us.

"Wait, NyanNyan!" Yuko starts to go after her. I roll my eyes, and Mayu trips Yuko as she hurries out the door. We both suppress our laughter, pretending we were innocent. Yuko stands up, brushing herself off. She doesn't pay attention to us. Rather, she makes a disgusted face at her damp clothes as they were starting to feel uncomfortable. She suddenly takes off all her clothes, leaving only her underwear on. Mayu and I avert our eyes, quickly moving back to the living room.

As Mayu and I sit back down, Yuko enters the room wearing one of Haruna's shirts and a pair of shorts. She changed fast. Haruna also comes inside with a tray of drinks and snacks. She notices what Yuko's wearing and frowns at the smaller girl. Yuko looks at her.

"What? You didn't get my clothes, and didn't listen when I told you to wait." She sticks her tongue out.

"But I didn't give you permission."

"Who says I need permission? They're wearing your spare clothes, why can't I? You never let me." She pouts.

Haruna opens her mouth to say something but closes them, changing her mind. She breathes a sigh, and turns her attention to Mayu and I.

"What brings you guys back home?" She asks, passing around the cups.

"It's a long story." Mayu says.

"Will you be able to stay long?" Haruna pours the tea.

"We're going back tonight." I say.

"Oh." She glances down into her cup. Yeah, it's not long at all.

"I see you put it up." Yuko comments.

"Eh?" Haruna looks up, surprised. Yuko was by the tv, holding up a picture frame. Haruna widens her eyes. "Y-yeah..." She smiles, her cheeks a light pink.

"What is it?" Mayu asks. I want to see too. Yuko brings it over.

"This is when NyanNyan and I celebrated New Years together. We went out to the shrine in yukata." She smiles, reminiscing. "This is also on our 5-year anniversary." Yuko shows us the picture.

"Uso!" Mayu shouts. "5 years? You two? Really??" She doesn't believe it? I still remember when Yuko told me they got together. It was the happiest day of her life, is what she said.

"It's surprising?" Yuko raises an eyebrow, smiling slightly.

"No, I mean why aren't you two married yet?? Like for real!"

I quickly turn to Yuko and Haruna who both turned a shade of beat red. Yuko starts to scratch her cheek, while Haruna looks deeper into her tea. I catch Mayu's eye, and shake my head at her. You don't just ask something like that!

It starts to feel really awkward in here. Dang, Mayu! Look what you did! Gah! Not thinking!

Haruna suddenly looks up. "I just remembered something!" She says, quickly getting up and leaving the room. I sigh. What a way to break this atmosphere. Totally an excuse.

A moment later, she comes back inside with something in her hand. Oh, she actually did just remember something? I look up at her confused as she hands it to me. Wait...what? This is my card..?

"Why..." I start.

"You didn't lose it, did you? Or like, no one stole it, right?" She asks.

"Um, no. I actually gave it to someone..."

"Yokatta! She didn't look like a thief, but I had to take precautions you know?"

"What? I don't know..? Wait... You met Takamina??" I look at her incredulously.

"So you do know her! That's a relief, because I invited her inside earlier." She grins sheepishly.

"She was here??" Mayu and I say simultaneously.

"You barely met her, and you let her in your house?" Yuko questions. "What if it wasn't that Bakamina? What if it was some stranger? Something could have happened!" She starts panicking. "Do you do this often when I'm not here?!"

"Yuko, calm down! I only invited her in because she was drenched from the rain and she had Acchan's card, so I wanted to know what kind of person she was."


"She's strange, but cute." She tells her.

"You think she's cute?! Kamisama, say it isn't so!" Yuko overexaggerates.

"I think she's interesting. Does she work at the museum too?" Haruna asks. We all look at each other.

"You could say she's from the museum." Mayu tells her. Yuko and I nod, confirming.

"Ah, is that so."

"How long ago was she here?" I ask.

"Actually, she left just several minutes before you all came in."

The three of us groan. We had just missed her. Haruna blinks at us.

"Something wrong?"

"We were just looking for her when we got caught in the rain." I explain. "Can you point us which way she went?"

"Huh? Um, she went towards the park."

The three of us stand up and start gathering our things. We have to go while she's still relatively close.

"You have to leave now?" Haruna asks.

"Yes, we really need to find her." I can't really explain.

"Oh ok.."

Mayu goes on ahead, leaving her home.

"Don't worry, NyanNyan. I'll be back soon." Yuko smiles, leaning down to kiss her head. "See you later!" She waves, hurrying out to catch up to Mayu.

"Sorry for the sudden leave." I apologize. "Thank you for the tea, and the clothes. I'll have Yuko return them for us whenever she can. And about our other clothes..." I trail off, thinking how she's having them dried.

"Don't worry about it. I'll hold on to them until you can get them picked up. Come visit again though." She smiles at me.

"Thanks. See you around."


Takamina’s POV

Um...where am I now? I look to my left and right. This city is so confusing. These buildings are really high. Why do they block everything? It’s like I’m being closed in. I don’t like this feeling.

I hold the treats I got from Haruna-san, and run. If I run straight, I should be able to find my way out.

My feet hit the cold hard ground. It’s really different from running through dirt and grass. I keep my eyes to the front, something always keeps getting in my way. I try to go straight, but it’s not simple. There’s so many people I never imagined that could be in one place. I think they have places to go too, so I try to make sure I don’t bump into them.

Running, running past everyone. Past strange objects in the ground, around poles, across roads.

Those things called cars.. They made loud noises at me when I ran in front of them. They were running towards me, but I didn’t let them touch me. Acchan will be upset with me if I get into anymore trouble. I already made her scream at me. I didn’t like that. It was because of me that she did that. I didn’t want to hear her scold me, and I didn’t want to say anything wrong. I was upset too, and I didn’t understand, so I left so I could calm down and think things out.

I slow my pace, jogging along the sidewalk. Does this ever end? I look ahead as far as I can see. I’m getting nowhere.

My stomach growls and I reach for my stomach. I’m hungry. I glance down at the treats. I smile, thank you Haruna-san!

I open up the little bag, taking out cookies one by one. I’m walking now, munching down the sweet food. After a while, I look around and stop. I’m in a new place.

Up ahead, there’s some kind of thing spouting out water. I watch as a couple people walk by it, tossing something inside the water on their way.

I walk over to it, curiously leaning over. My eyes light up as the water sparkles before me. The something that I saw were coins and there were many beneath the water’s surface. They shined, the sun reflecting off their surface. They looked really pretty.

Suddenly, the calm water ripples and my face is splashed. I wipe my face and notice a ball in the water that wasn’t there before. I look up to see a playground was it called?—just nearby. A few children were playing, a couple were looking at me as if asking for something. I look down at the ball and back up at them. Was it this? I pick it up, lightly shaking the water that was dripping from it. I place it on the ground, and kick it over to them. They smile at me and shout their thanks.

“Nee-san, come play with us!” One of the boys yell. The other boy grins, agreeing with him.

They’re so cute.

I go over to join them, I’m only slightly taller than them. We kick the ball around to each other, playing games here and there. A few of the other kids join us too. It was really fun.

I finally feel my energy start to leave me. I try to end our games but they don’t want to, so I leave them and watch from the hanging seats. I lightly swing, pushing my feet gently on the ground. This is cool, it makes me feel relaxed. I like the wind that blows against my hair when the seat moves forward.

A small girl joins me, sitting on the other hanging seat. She seems lonely. Oh! I know! I get out my bag of treats and give her a piece of candy. Her eyes light up in excitement and her mouth forms a wide smile. See? I knew it. Everyone should like sweets, not just me. It’s like happiness in your mouth.

“Thank you!” The little girl cheers, accepting the treat. I smile. It’s not that bad here, actually.

I say goodbye to the kids, and continue walking through the park. That’s what they called it. I look up at the sky. The sun should be setting soon. Can I see it? I look around for somewhere high. There’s no Tokyo tower here. At least this place doesn’t have too many buildings around which is good for the view. I quickly walk through the park and soon find a small hill. There was a large tree at the top. It had really long branches, extending over the hill. At the foot of the tree sat a small bench. I could watch the sunset from here! I happily sit down.

I feel the sun’s warmth shine down on me. I close my eyes. I always liked this feeling. I remember lying in the grass for hours just taking in the sunshine. It was soothing. In a place like this, I wonder if people can do that.

It was starting to get cold. The wind picks up, brushing the falling leaves in my direction. I let out a small laugh and turn around to cover my face. My eyes glue to the tree behind me. I stare up at its dark brown trunks, and warm colored leaves. How could something that is dying, at the same time look so beautiful?

I stand up, drawn towards the large tree. I know that trees take hundreds, maybe thousands of years to grow. This one too, seems really old. I walk around it and pause at some kind of stone embedded into the tree. Why is this here? This is a tree, and I'm sure that's not part of it. It’s not right.. What’s this writing here too…?

“Here stands the Legacy Tree,” I read aloud from the stone.

Legacy? What does that even mean? Ugh, this bothers me! Who in their right mind would put stone into a tree? I stare at it wistfully. I want to take it out. I bite my lip, and take a quick look around. No one, okay. I sigh. Acchan probably wouldn’t like it if I did this I know it, and I told myself I didn’t want to cause anymore trouble...but I need to do this.

I take one more look around before placing my hands on the stone. I try to grip my fingers around the edges, chipping off a bit of the bark.

“Ah! Gomenasai!” I apologize to the tree. “I’ll be quick.” I whisper. Just like me, I’m sure it doesn’t like the stone inside of it either. It’s not good for it.

Ok… I start to take in deep breaths, preparing myself. I stare hard at it, focusing.

A moment passes.

There! I toss the stone slate onto the ground. Wasn’t too hard. Just had to take it off.

I look at the place it had once been, now a barren hole. It wasn’t too deep, and as time passes it should heal and close itself up. I smile, placing a hand on it.

“You’re better now.” I say assuringly.

I suddenly feel a sense of familiarity. I gasp. Impossible. I look up about the tree, searching. It’s you… You’re still here…? A tear falls from my eyes.

I feel my body start to radiate warmth, and like a beacon calling out, a small sliver of glowing light appears through the tree. I hold my hand out as it floats around my arm. It lands on my head. I try to put a hand on it, but it goes through.

“So you can touch me, but I can’t touch you. That’s not fair.” I laugh. “I didn’t think I would meet you again like this.” I say. I didn’t think I would meet her again ever. The light floats down in front of me.

“Welcome home.” I tearfully smile, holding my hands out to it. It moves closer and I tuck it to my heart. It disappears inside me and I feel even warmer, lighter. The pieces are coming together.

I look up at the tree.

“Thank you for taking care of her, and for surviving all of these years.” I tell it. I think I understand now why it was called Legacy.

I give the tree a hug. It’s grown really strong. I feel proud of it.

“Takamina!” I hear Acchan’s voice.

“Ehhhh, why is she hugging a tree…?” Yuko’s here too.

I let go and turn around to them, smiling.

“We finally found her…” Mayu huffs as she reaches the top of the hill. Her eyes widen seeing the bench and she gladly rest upon it.

Acchan runs up to me, and she reaches her hands out but pauses. She puts them down.

“Are you okay?” She asks.

“She was hugging a tree, she’s definitely not okay.” Yuko whispers behind her.

“It’s okay, I’m okay.” I tell them. “I was just giving it my thanks.”

They look at me like I’m crazy.

“I found the next piece of my soul.” I simply explain.

They gasp.

Mayu snaps her head behind to the tree. “Here?!”

Acchan doesn’t say anything, but her face is surprised. Yuko looks at me incredulously.

“At this tree?? The Legacy Tree?” She questions.

“You know it?” I ask, surprised.

“Of course I do! It’s famous!” She spots the stone slate on the ground. “What is this?!” She narrows her eyes at me. “I know you had something to do with this.” She says suspiciously.

“I...I..” I glance at Acchan who was waiting to hear what I had to say. “I removed it…” I mentally brace myself.

All I hear is Yuko sigh. “I can’t believe you did such a thing.” she mutters, a bit annoyed. She places it at the foot of the tree, leaning it against it.

“You could have hurt yourself.” Acchan finally speaks up, looking at me worriedly.

“No no, I’m fine. See?” I hold up my hands. “No injuries.” I assure her.

She looks at me skeptically. I try to change the subject away from me. “So how is it famous?” I ask Yuko.

Ah, well you see this tree is really old, right? For as long as I can remember, there’s been this legend about it. See this branch?” She points to one of the large branches that arched over the sidewalk. “Legend has it that if a couple walks under it’s branch, then they’ll be together forever. But!” She raises her finger at me. “If a person walks under it by themselves, they’ll be forever alone! Dun Dun Dunnnnn!” She finishes dramatically. Her expression suddenly changes as she looks up at the tree, caught in thought. “It’s really famous for couples, I should know. I walked under that branch one time with Haruna.” She gives me a wry smile.

My eyes widen. “You know Haruna-san?”

“Small world, isn’t it?” Yuko chuckles. "I can see now why she couldn't give me my clothes. It's because you had them!" She criticizes me. I look down at what I was wearing. Her clothes...? So when Haruna-san told me these were her girlfriend's clothes...oh!

“They’re together.” Acchan tells me, confirming my thoughts. I nod, thinking about the legend.

“That’s cute.” I say.

Yuko lightly blushes, laughing nervously now. It seems she forgot her anger. “You’re darn right!”

“How does the tree connect to you though?” Mayu asks, seriously.

“Eto..” I scratch my cheek. How do I explain…?

“Do you remember me talking about my cat?” I ask them.

“The one you could ride on?” Yuko asks.

“Nyaachan?” Acchan uses her name.

“Yeah, I remember.” Mayu nods.

“Yeah...her. Well, I guess I feel like it was just a few days ago, but a long time ago she passed away.” I purse my lips. They wait for me to continue.

“I had to bury her, and I didn’t want it to be just anywhere so for a whole day, I searched for the perfect spot. I couldn’t find anywhere suitable though. I had to bury her soon too, before nightfall or she wouldn’t be able to rest peacefully. On my way back to Nyaachan’s body, I happened to pass by a dying sprout. It was in the late spring, but it was dying. I felt sorry for it. I gave it water, but I knew that wouldn’t help the poor plant. I sat in front of it for quite some time thinking how I could save it. Then I thought of something that was worth a try.” I sit down on the ground and lean against the tree. Yuko and Acchan sit on the ground across from me. Mayu watches from the bench. I look up at the sky.

“I brought Nyaachan’s body to the plant and buried her under its soil in the roots. I didn’t know if it would work or not, but I thought maybe from the afterlife, Nyaachan could give some life and spirit into the little plant so it could grow up to be big and strong. It took me a while to recognize it, but this tree is the same little sprout that I buried Nyaachan under.” I finish. She was really dear to me, another part of me. That’s why I could see she was a piece of my soul.

“So...there’s a whole different meaning to the Legacy tree to you.” Acchan implies. She’s right. I’m glad she understands it.

In a way, this tree is like my legacy. I wasn’t there to see it grow up, but I left it able to live. And due to that, I was able to briefly feel Nyaachan again, and I’m now closer to collecting all my soul’s pieces. Because I took care of the tree, it took care of me. Ever changing, growing, never changing, always here, all this time to stand for this moment so I would meet it. To me, this is really a giving tree.

“I’m thankful I’m able to be here with all of you.” I tell them. This day is coming to an end. There’s only four days left. Will I make it?

I stand up and grab Acchan’s arm, pulling her up. I take her under through the branch with me.

“Ehhh?! Takamina??” Her wide eyes stare at me in shock.

“This is just for good measurement. If going under this branch mean we’ll be together forever, then that means even if we don’t collect all the pieces, I’ll still be here. Right?” Maybe it’s just my wishful thinking.

“O-oh.” She smiles, breathing out in I think relief? I grin at her.

“You guys come here too! This way we’ll all be together forever!” I motion over to them.

Yuko gives a wide smile, shaking her head. She drags Mayu under through the branch with us. It’s just a legend, but there’s nothing wrong with keeping hope. This way, even if I disappear, our friendship will always remain.


Offline lezperv

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Re: oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 9/?
« Reply #25 on: December 21, 2014, 08:47:26 PM »
Even though I don't comment as much anymore.

I want you to know that I'll always be reading and supporting your AtsuMina fanfic. I appreciate the effort you put into writing them <3 but do you think you'll be updating the daughter of Roman/Greek Goddesses at all?

Anyway, thank you for this chapter. It's amazing as the others. It's well written and it's cute. I just love it ^_^

Can't wait for the next one  :twothumbs
Forever AtsuMina/TakAcchan/TakAtsuko <3 . Follow me ^_^ .
My Fanfics: Shiroi x Kuroi Tenshi, Maji, Kowai!, Nisemono, Futari (Ong) Devil Wears Prada (Hiatus) I Want to Lock You Up (OS) Three Chances (Fanfic Winner 2014) Naze (Fanfic Winner 2015)

Offline cisda83

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Re: oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 9/?
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2014, 03:33:55 AM »
Woah... Miss lots of updates since I last on....

I am chasing all the updates... So great.... I am full

Ah... so they decide to be buried under the tree to be together...

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to see if they agreed and what would happen afterward

Thank you for the updates

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline takaminasjokes

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Re: oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 9/?
« Reply #27 on: January 18, 2015, 11:24:55 AM »
author-san y u no update this???  :mon cry: :mon cry:
i really want to know what happens next

please update when you can~!

Offline oKei

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oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 10/?
« Reply #28 on: March 17, 2015, 03:38:51 AM »

Wow, it’s been a while. I was hoping I’d have been finished by last year, but couldn’t make it. These past three months I wanted to write so much, but I’ve been so caught up with robotics that I literally did not have the time. Finished build season last month, finished first competition last week, finally it’s spring break! And you know what else? It has been 2 years since I joined the AKB fandom! Being an AKB fan has changed my life in so many ways. If I never found out about them, I never would’ve been a fanfic writer. Writing fics is my way of giving back to the fandom who has provided me with so much info, gifs, edits, translations/subs, and other fics. Yeah… The fans are the real MVP’s. :D

Sorry for the long note. I’m sure you guys are tired of waiting on me. Just note that this chapter is somewhat like a filler but its longer and does has its part in this story. Seriously though, its really long. Also why it took me a while to write. Like 12k+ words so try not to hurry through it or you’ll overwhelm yourself.

Alright now, hope you enjoy. :)

10. Living

Acchan’s POV


Today was day 4. We were back at the island, having arrived just earlier this morning. We accomplished a lot on our trip, collecting two pieces. So today, we're going to be taking a break. Get some needed rest, and have fun. There's a lot to do here at the museum. I want to show Takamina as much as I can.

Currently, we were catching an early lunch at the food court while studying a tourist map of the island.

"Does it matter where we go?" Mayu asks.

"Nope, we just need to figure out all the places we're going today so we can come up with a route and schedule. I don't know if we'll be able to get to them all today." I explain to them.

"Psh, we don't need a schedule! Let's just go wherever and have fun!" Yuko exclaims.

"Says the girl who always follows a schedule." I mutter, rolling my eyes.

"But that's for work! This is different."

"Fine, we'll do it your way. See how it goes." I sigh.

"So then how are we doing this? Are we getting to pick the place or...?" Mayu trails off.

"Let's let Takamina choose." I suggest. The three of us look to the smaller girl at the end of the table who was busy enjoying her lunch.

She notices us staring at her. "What?" She asks, still chewing her food.

We laugh. Yuko pushes the map to Takamina.

"Where do you want to go?" She smiles, asking her.

Takamina surveys the map, swallowing her food before she replies.

"What's this place?" She points to the triangles on the map.

"Those are the pyramid exhibits." Mayu explains. "You'd probably like it there."

"Hmmm, ok! Let's go there!" She decides quickly. It doesn't take her long to finish her remaining meal. I throw away her trash for her as she goes to turn in the dishes she used.

"Wait!" I hear a cry.

I turn around to see Miichan running up to us out of breath.

"Glad I caught up with you guys before you all left." She huffs, half smiling. Yuko jumps on her back, shocking Miichan.

"Do I look like I'm in the mood to carry you??" Yeah, she looks tired, but it doesn't seem like Yuko really cares.

"But you're carrying me anyways." She grins, her arms wrapped around Miichan's neck.

Miichan sighs, letting Yuko do what she wants. Well, Yuko usually always gets her way no matter who it is.

"So how was the secret mission?" She asks.

"Success!" Yuko yells into her ear. "We got two, so two more to go then Bakamina is here to stay." Yuko grins, proudly.

"Did Mariko say anything?" I ask.

"She didn't notice anything, did she?" Mayu questions.

"Nope! She just thought you all were still down there doing your jobs. There were a few close calls though. She tried to go down there once, so I had to distract her which was probably one of the worst times in my life." Her brow creases as she recalls it.

Yuko hops off her back. "What happened?" She asks.

"She made me—" Miichan shivers. "She made me dress up as an idol. She knows how much I hate those kind of artists and their bubble gum pop music. I even had to dance and sing for her! I wanted to die!"

Yuko and Mayu burst out laughing.

"It's not funny!" Miichan yells at them.

"Sure it is." Yuko pats her back. "Does she have pictures?" Yuko and Mayu laugh even harder.

Miichan rolls her eyes. "I hope not." She mutters.

I feel a tug on my arm. "What's an idol?" Takamina asks me.

I suddenly get the mental image of Takamina performing as an idol. Wah, she'd be so cute!

Oh, I need to answer her. "An idol is a performer, like an entertainer. Idols sing, dance, and do several kinds of variety." I explain.

"And gravure! You can't forget that! It's most important!" Yuko butts in, grinning.

Miichan groans earning Yuko's attention. Her eyes glint, narrowing.

"She didn't make you do gravure too, did she?" Yuko advances on her.

Miichan takes some steps back. She hesitates. "No." She says indignantly.

"Ah! You hesitated! No way, she did!" Yuko turns to Mayu.

"Pay up." She smirks to the younger girl.

Frowning, Mayu hands Yuko a wad of cash.

"W-w-wa-wait! What is this?!" Miichan asks in disbelief.

"Huh? Oh, Mayu-chan and I made a bet earlier on what Mariko would make you do while we were gone. As you can see, I won." Yuko smiles, smug.

"Who's Mariko?" Takamina ask me. "Do I get to meet her?"

We all turn silent, sweat dropping.

"Ehehe.." Yuko lets out a nervous laugh. "Probably not, but if you ever do, refer to her as Mariko-sama. It might make things easier." For Takamina, maybe. I don't know about us though.


"Yeah... so let's go now, guys." Yuko hurries us so we can move off this topic.

We head to the elevator only to find it taped off.

"What is this??" Yuko demands.

Mayu finds a notice on the wall beside it. She reads it aloud. "Out of order." She frowns.

"I am not taking the stairs." Miichan groans, still a bit tired from running.

"No worries, this isn't the only elevator." I nod to Yuko and turn to leave when Mayu stops us.

"Don't bother, it looks like all the elevators are out too but due to maintenance. They'll be open again later in the afternoon though." Mayu indicates to the notice, her arms folded.

"All?? Are you serious?" Miichan and Yuko complain.

“Do you know how many floors there are to this building?? We’re lucky we’re only on floor 7!” Miichan exclaims.

Mayu nods. "Who the hell came up with this schedule, like really? Today? And all of them at the same time?" She shakes her head.

"Stairs it is then." I say. Everyone heaves a collective sigh. We all reluctantly head for the staircase.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

On ground floor, we gather at the entrance.

"Ok!" For the midget, today I will be your personal tour guide! Free of charge!" Yuko exclaims, emphasizing the word personal. I elbow her, catching her eyes. We exchange silent conversation, before she rolls her eyes, groaning.

"Lighten up, you know me. I got this." She mutters. Yuko turns to our small group, pulling out her phone.

"So let's see what we have here today..." She scrolls through her phone, typing swiftly.

"Looks like we'll be taking almost a full-museum tour, hitting up most locations on the island. As Acchan previously mentioned, it will be impossible to get through everything in one day, but I'll see what I can do. As time is of the essence, we probably will only be going to some of the major places. Keep in mind though, the point is that this is supposed to be fun, especially for Takamina. We want to show her a good time here, and everything she's missing out on. Since I'm the guide, I'll do my best not to bore you. Although, not like I will anyways." Yuko cracks a smile.

"Everyone good to go? Any questions?" No one says anything. "No? Good! So as Takamina suggested, first stop will be pyramid square. Let's go!" Yuko enthusiastically takes the lead, and with a reassuring smile to Takamina, we follow after her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


A lot of time will be lost if we walk, so we ended up borrowing a security cart. I drove while Yuko proceeded to tell Takamina more about the island. Takamina was seated between Yuko and I, while Mayu and Miichan sat in the back. I silently listen as I drive on the wide pathway. At the moment, Yuko was explaining the museum's history.

"This museum originally started out as a tourist attraction— still is." Yuko laughs. "I mean in the beginning, the museum was still small. Before it was built, Mariko-sama coined the idea of there being just one museum, a real spectacle you wouldn't find anywhere else. She started her project on this island which was originally her private vacation island.

Pillar Peak is the foundation, where it all started. It wasn't always that tall, you know. In its place used to be her vacation home, but she gave it up and had it remade into what it is now." Yuko shakes her head. "Before, I never understood why she would give up those things for this kind of place. But if she hadn't, I wouldn't have been here today and I wouldn't have met Acchan, Mayu-chan, Miichan, or you, Bakamina." Yuko smiles.

"This place has really come along way. You heard, right? This is the New World Cluster Museum. A museum is supposed to hold art and history, right? But as you can see, this island holds much more than that. Mariko-sama may have started it as a simple museum, but she didn't want people to get bored, leave, and not return as often. She wanted people to always have something to do, to always have a reason to return here. The pyramids, the libraries, the aquarium, the globe, all the floors on Pillar Peak, and more, you'll see that there's so much you can do here that you can't anywhere else. That's why it's impossible to see and do everything in one day. Even two or three, possibly a week, we can't get to everything and properly enjoy them. That's how much she's invested in this "museum." You'd also think she'd change the name since the actual museum is now just a part of it, but she won't. It means a lot to her." Yuko was staring up at Pillar Peak from her seat.

I hear Takamina point out to Yuko, "You admire her."

Yuko turns her head to her, surprised. "Nah, she's always so strict when I see her. Uptight stick, she usually threatens to fire me if I do something wrong." Yuko rolls her eyes. "I guess we get along alright though...when she's not in work mode. Hm.. In a way, I do respect her. She's powerful...yeah, I guess I admire that part of her. She's worked hard to get where she is now. I'd like to be that kind of person one day."

"As if you can." Mayu scoffs from behind. I hear Miichan try to stifle a laugh.

I smile as Yuko turns around to them. She hits both their heads. They both cry out.

"I can dream! Don't you guys have dreams?" Yuko questions, frowning.

"I wish for fame and fortune as a successful and highly acclaimed doctor." Mayu states immediately.

"My dream is to make discoveries, as I'm kind of already doing. Though, I do want to make a scientific breakthrough that will change the world." Miichan says.

"I know you can do it." Yuko smiles to Miichan. She looks to Mayu, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Good luck there, buddy."

Mayu frowns. "What's that supposed to mean? That's not encouraging at all!" Yuko only winks in return.

"Do you have a dream?" I hear Takamina ask me as we near the pyramids.

"Acchan doesn't have any dreams, so don't bother." Yuko waves her hand dismissively.

"You don't? Is that good or bad?" Takamina asks, concerned.

I briefly glance at her before I face the sidewalk. "It's not bad, but don't listen to Yuko. She doesn't know what she's talking about. I do have a dream."

"Since when??" Yuko questions.

"What is it?" Miichan asks me.

"It's a secret." I smile.

"Awh! But that's no fun! Come on, Ac—"

"We're here!" I abruptly announce, shifting the cart into park along the edge of the sidewalk.

"Tch." I hear Yuko as she gets out of the cart. We all hop out too.

"Sugoi..." Takamina looks around, her head turning slowly.

"This is Pyramid Square. There are five pyramids as you can see. The four large ones around this area here are all connected at their corners, forming a square hence the name 'Pyramid Square.' The smaller one in the center is the newest, recently built last year. It's not opened though so we can't go in there at this time."

"So huge." Takamina mumbles still looking at the pyramids wonderingly.

"Well? Which one do you want to see first?" Yuko asks, quickly checking her watch.

"It doesn't matter. I just want to see."

Yuko rolls her eyes, "Thanks for making my job harder than it already is... Ok! We'll go in order, clockwise. Egyptian first!" Yuko leads us towards the one of the great pyramids.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"This is just a replica of the Great Pyramid of Giza. It would take practically hours if we were to walk around it if you wanted to, so we're just going to step inside here." Yuko holds out her arm to indicate the entranceway of the pyramid.

"Into the tomb we shall go! Maybe we'll come across some booby traps. You think you're ready Takamina?" Yuko looks down on the shorter girl.

Takamina was quickly reading through the pyramids pamphlet guide that Mayu gave her for reference. She glances up at Yuko before looking into the dark entrance. She gulps nervously. "You say that...but it's not dangerous right?

"It depends on the person if it is or not. Sooooo are we going inside or what?" She asks impatiently.

Takamina takes a deep breath. "Okay, why not." She musters up a brave face before Yuko laughs, pushing her through the entrance first. I hear Takamina cry out, "W-wait! Why am I going first?? I change my mind! I don't want to go inside after all! Yuko!" She screams.

Yuko's laugh echoes as they disappear inside. "No worries, Bakamina. I'm here, aren't I?"


The rest of us follow closely behind them. Mayu shines a flashlight, pointing it towards the front. Yuko and Takamina are illuminated. Takamina was on the ground, holding on to Yuko's leg so she couldn't move.

"Geez! I get it, get off me!" Yuko tries to shake the smaller girl off her leg. She turns to Mayu, the flashlight's light beaming into her face. "Oi! Turn that off! The torches are gonna come on in a second."

A moment later, the tomb is washed in fiery light as artificial torches are lit along the walls. Mayu shuts off the flashlight, putting it away.

"Look, it's not bad in here alright?" Yuko tries to assure Takamina. The shorter girl had let go of her leg and was already standing again. I guess the extra light helps.

"Come on, we're not through here yet. We're just getting started!" Yuko links her arms with Takamina's and drags her forward.

After walking for several minutes of walking through the tomb, I let out a tired yawn.

"Acchan!" I hear Miichan call me.

"Huh?" I turn my head as I walk and find myself walking through a large spider web. "EhhhaahhHHHHHHHHH!!" I scream, my arms flailing wildly to remove it. I'm an archaeologist, but I hate webs! The fact completely slipped my mind that there would be any here. Even if it's only artificial. I continue screaming, my body internally disgusted at the sticky feeling.

"Watch out!" I hear Mayu warn before I could comprehend the wall in front of me. I run into it, face first, and crash on the ground on my knees.

"Itai!" Next time, let's not let Takamina pick the place. I rub my head, next patting around my body for any remaining webs. My body shivers. I'm starting to not like this place.

"Be careful. Are you okay?" Miichan helps me stand up while Mayu surveys me. She holds up a thumb.

"You're good." She states. Thanks.

"Where's Yuko and Takamina?" I look around for the two but don't see them.

"Must have went ahead. Better catch up." Miichan suggests. I nod my head.

A few minutes later, we're still walking and still no sign of them. Are we going the right way? It's not really a maze here, most everything is one way. The point of the tomb is to get to the treasure located deep in the center. Easy, right? No.

Mayu suddenly freezes, slowly turning her head to us. She has an 'I'm so sorry' expression'. We look to the ground to her feet to see one foot lower than the other. Oh no. A rumbling is heard behind and we all reluctantly look behind us. A large boulder was hurtling towards us.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The three of us scream and high-tail it as fast as we can.

"We're dead! We're so dead!" Miichan screams.

"I'M SORRY!" The doctor wails as she pushes her legs to the limit.

With tears in my eyes, I let out laughter.

"It's not real! It's not real!" I scream. "It's completely paper mache, but why are we still running!" I find it too hilarious. Although it's artificial, we don't want to get run over by it.

Up ahead, we spot the two midgets. They hear us and turn around.

"What did you do?!" Yuko screams, eyes bulging out. She pushes Takamina forward and they both start running as we reach them. They lead us.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK?! I SET OFF A BOOBY TRAP!" Mayu shouts. The boulder was still barreling right behind us.

"WHAT?! THERE ARE NO BOOBY TRAPS!" Yuko screams at the top of her lungs. "I LIED!" She screams again.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" We all scream as we run for our lives through the pyramid. We were coming up on a corner. Yes! We can escape it there!

The five of us push ourselves with all our might, barely turning into the new tunnel. The boulder smashes against the wall with a loud thud. We all crash into the ground, breathing heavily.

"What the heck..." Mayu breathes.

Miichan lies on her back, arms spread out. "What...was that?"

"I thought you said it wasn't dangerous?" Takamina asks tiredly as she leans against the wall.

"It's not! Of course there shouldn't be booby traps. Otherwise we would be getting sued for endangering people." Yuko explains, wiping sweat off her brow. "It's supposed to be an attraction. People see what it's like inside the pyramid  and find their way to the center for the treasure. Once they make it, they're rewarded with candy. That's the treasure. It's especially for the kids who visit, so this place is supposed to be child-friendly otherwise SAFE. What the heck is going on? I led a tour here just the other week."

"It does seem like there's been a lot of changes and maintenance going on around here recently. Looks like Mariko-sama forgot to give us notice." Mayu comments.

"I swear, that woman.." Miichan mutters.

"She wouldn't make make it dangerous though. She knows better than that." I say.

"That's right. Of course she wouldn't, but you can bet it's also just the kind of thing she would do."

Yuko has a point. If it's Mariko-sama, she would probably do something like this after museum hours or when the island is closed, in which it was yesterday. The museum is closed to people on Mondays, because really, who's going to get up on a Monday. Not Mariko-sama. But she could have done something...

"I want to get out of here." Takamina tells me. "It's not fun."

I glare at Yuko.

"Hey, she picked this place not me." She mutters.

"Are we going to get to the other pyramids?" Miichan asks. Takamina is alarmed for a moment. I shake my head.

"I don't think so. Just in case we run into something like this again, you know?"

"Ah yeah, I'm tired of running anyways. I want to go sit back on that cart." Miichan grins.

I smile at Takamina. "It's okay. Once we get to the center, it'll be easy to get out."

"Where are we?" I ask Yuko.

Yuko looks around. "Umm... Somewhere... But almost there. We just have to keep following the tunnel. We'll get there soon. I'd say maybe ten, fifteen minutes?" She shrugs.

We all tiredly get up and keep walking.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Better?" I ask Takamina as we exit the pyramid.

She had a handful of candy in her hands. She grins, nodding. "Yes!"

After finding the center, we were all amazed at the treasure trove of candy. Usually there's just a large sarcophagus filled to the brim, but the room was literally filled with candy everywhere. Just imagine, instead of a room overflowing with gold and the like, it was all sorts of candy. Takamina reacted the most to it though. Her eyes sparkled as if all she just went through was forgotten and all the sweets just made up for it. Considering her reaction, I bet she loved Haruna's candy shop. I smile, just picturing it.

Takamina had taken her fill, and we gladly helped ourselves a bit too. Afterwards, we moved on to the exit that was just on the other side of the room. Then again, we were at the center of the pyramid right? Yea, but the door just led to a single, long hallway that led outside. Pretty simple, because who's going to want to find their way out after getting rewarded. No one's got time for that. It's like Halloween. Escape the tricks, take your treats, and leave.

"So we're done here, right? We don't need to see the other pyramids?" Yuko asks for confirmation. The Mayan and Aztec pyramids would actually be interesting to check out though. Too bad Takamina doesn't seem interested in them. She's had enough from the Egyptian one already. I don't want to risk running into trouble in the other pyramids anyways. But I don't want to leave here just yet.

"I kind of wanted to go see the butterfly conservatory." I say. It's amazing in there, I really want Takamina to see it.

"I want to see it too while it's still open. They're going to close the conservatory soon due to the cold weather, so we should check it out while we still can." Mayu suggests.

"What is it?" Takamina asks.

"Another pyramid." I say. Takamina widens her eyes. "No." I quickly say. "This one is different from the others. You'll like it."

"You always say that."

"Say what?"

"That I'll like this, or I'll like that. How do you know? What if you're wrong?"

I smile. "What's not to like? You'll find here that there's a lot you will find yourself enjoying. More than you know, the likes will weigh over the dislikes. And I won't be wrong."


"Because I can tell. Once getting to know you, it's not hard to see what will interest you."

"Hm?" Takamina tilts her head. "What interests me? You don't know that."

"I don't? And why not?" I ask, amused.

"Because then—" she stops herself. I look at her confused. Then? She shakes her head. "Nevermind, I get it." She smiles. Um, sure?

"Ok, then let's go then. Let's see what you think about this pyramid." I lead Takamina over to the others as they headed to the glass pyramid on the other side of pyramid square.


"Why does this one look different from the others?" Takamina asks me, taking notice of the glass compared to the brick ones.

"Hm... Think of it like a giant greenhouse. Inside, we keep plenty of vegetation for the butterflies. The glass allows more than enough sunshine in to maintain the plants as well as a suitable temperature for the butterflies to live in. Although, since it's starting to get cold, the thermostat will be put into use more. But just look. Don't you think it's a lot better like this?"

Takamina nods her head slowly as we enter the glass structure, and into the lobby.

Before we enter inside the main exhibit, Yuko gives us a quick prep speech.

"Just a quick warning, if you're not good with insects then it would be in your best interests to not enter. True story, I've seen people cry after entering. The amount of butterflies can be overwhelming, maybe intimidating to some. But if you can handle it, then you'll be amazed. It's really something."

Yuko glances at each of us, waiting for our confirmation. Her hand is on the door knob. When she sees no objection, she grins widely before opening the door. She lets us enter through without a word.

I smile at the sight before us. Thousands of butterflies were fluttering about the large room. Each one was unique, and many different species were making a scene. A very beautiful scene. Their bright colors filled the room and I couldn't help but hold my hands out, hoping at least one would rest on me.

Takamina follows what I'm doing, and walks along the pathway. A small monarch butterfly lands on her held out finger. She stares at it quietly, appreciating its beauty. After a moment, it flies away. Takamina chuckles softly and turns her head to me. She smiles and points to my head. I hadn't noticed it, but an anise swallowtail had perched on my head. I watched it fly away into the garden of flowers.

I hear a laugh. I turn around to Yuko who was swarmed with butterflies around her. She had a camera with her and was trying to snap pictures when one landed on top of her lens. Now multiple were surrounding her, not allowing her to capture them.

"There! That one!" Miichan shouts and I find her and Mayu chasing a particular butterfly. They had small butterfly nets in their hand and looked very determined to catch it.

"What are they doing??" Takamina asks almost alarmingly.

"What does it look like?" I say. "They're trying to catch some." I shrug.

"But..but why? That's bad, right? Are they going to hurt them?" She asks me.

"No, they'll let them go right after." I explain.

Takamina purses her lips, eyeing the two in their little game. She starts to continue down the path, watching the other butterflies as they flutter by. I follow her.

"Sooo..." I try to start up a conversation. "What do you think? Like what you see?"

Takamina laughs, "Yes, you could say that." I catch her eye. "They're very beautiful. It's really wonderful here. I'm glad I could see this."

"Yeah, and there's a lot more to see. I told you, remember?"

"I remember. You said that you would show me." Takamina recalls, smiling.

"Yep and that's just what we're doing. There'll be a lot, but do you think you can keep up with everything?"

She gives me a wry smile. "The real question is, can you keep up with me?"

I nudge her shoulder, smiling. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"There are things I want to show you too." She tells me before backtracking to meet back with the others.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"Are we going to eat lunch yet? I'm hungry." Mayu states.

"Hold on. We're gonna visit one more place first before we eat." Yuko says. Mayu groans.

"Oh come on, we just ate almost two hours ago. You can wait a bit longer." Miichan tries to persuade the younger girl.

"Hmph! Acchan, where are you taking us?" Mayu whines.

"I don't know. I'm just driving. Ask tour guide-san."

Mayu stares hard at Yuko. Yuko rolls her eyes. "Fine. We'll go eat."

"Yatta!" Mayu cheers.

Yuko whispers to Takamina who then passes on a message to me. Heh, alright. At the next intersection, I turn right heading towards the mountain.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"No way. No way I am doing that." Mayu backs up towards the cart. "You said we were going to eat!"

"We are. We're going to a themed restaurant, but in order to get there we have to do a little climbing."

"I know what a restaurant is, but what's a themed restaurant?" Takamina asks.

"You're asking the wrong question, did you hear her? She said we have to freaking rock climb if we want to eat. Why in the world do we have to do that? Why aren't we taking the lift to get up there?" The restaurant was at least 25 feet above us on a ledge, half embedded into the mountain.

"Mayu, you've been rock climbing before. This should be nothing." I say. "And Takamina, just think of it like this. We're going to be eating at the Rainforest Cafe. What do you think the theme of the restaurant is?"

"Oh! I get it now. A rainforest, right?"

"Right! Good girl!" Yuko grins, patting her on her head.

"She's not a dog!" I scold her.

"I regret nothing." She smiles, sticking her tongue out at me. She turns to Mayu. "The reason we're doing this is so Takamina can gain some experience."

"Hey, Acchan and I haven't rock climbed too." Miichan says.

"I wasn't done speaking yet. Apparently, if you scale the mountain to get there, they let you eat whatever you want for free!"

"Seriously?!" I widen my eyes.

"Why would I lie about free food?"

"What are we waiting for!" Mayu was already at the base of the mountain, slipping on the prepared gear. She changed her mind fast. We laugh, catching up to her.

Yuko helps Takamina put on the harness and attaches the rope. I watch and do the same. Of course they wouldn't be having potential customers climb without a harness. That's why there's already harnesses and climbing gear ready.

Yuko rests her hands on some rocks. She turns her head to us as we ready ourselves.

"It's simple. One hand after the other. Feet follow. Understand?" We all nod.

"There's only one rule you absolutely have to follow." She pauses. "Don't fall."

We blink.

"And that's it! See you at the top!" Yuko begins her ascent.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“She makes it look so easy!” I grit my teeth as I haul my body over the rock face. I stretch out my hand, setting it down cautiously before I boost myself up. Miichan struggles beside me. She side glances me.

“Yuko? Well, yeah. She’s done this before.” We both continue scaling the mountain side.

A couple minutes later, we both freeze as Takamina passes us. She keeps up a steady pace. It’s like she knows just what to do. She doesn’t hesitate where she places her hands, and her footing is firm.

“And her? You think she’s done this before too?” I ask.

“I wouldn’t put it past her.”

“Come on, guys! You’re halfway there!” Yuko calls down to us. She just reached the top. She looks over the ledge to us. “Would it be alright if I went ahead?”

“Not without me!” Mayu shouts as she reaches the top. Yuko helps pull her up.

“We’ll save you a seat!” You’ll be fine, just don’t take too long!” Mayu yells. We blink. They’re really ditching us here?!

“Oi! Chot--Ah!” I lose my footing and fall before I realize it.

“Acchan!” Miichan cries.

I shut my eyes. this is how I’ll die. No, that’s not what I’m really thinking. My mind is a blur. My thoughts are racing through my head. I’m internally screaming. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. This is not happening! There’s so much I have yet to do! I haven’t killed Yuko for this yet, and Takamina oh god. Takamina. I don’t even know if she’ll still be here at the end of the week. Will they be able to collect them all without me? If I die, will I see Takamina in the afterlife? That’s even worse to think. Maybe I won’t die. Hopefully, I’ll just be horribly injured. At least I’d be alive. How am I even still thinking? Why haven’t I hit the ground yet?

I open my eyes. I wasn’t falling. I was hanging, looking down on the Earth. I look up. Takamina was holding on to my wrist. She had a relieved smile on her face.  How…? She lightly swings me to the face of the mountain. When I can hold on by myself, I look up at her.

“But you were just up there… I saw you. You were past us. How were-- How?” I’m confused. I feel like an idiot, I forgot to say the most important thing.

“Thank you…” I mumble.

She smiles, satisfied. “I climbed back down below you sometime while you were paying attention to Yuko. It was strange. I had a feeling this would happen. I’m glad I was right. Not like that though! It’s not like I was glad that you fell… I’m just glad I was able to catch you.”

“Smooth Takamina, smooth.” Miichan comments, lowering herself a few feet towards us. “Not to burst your bubble though, but Acchan was perfectly safe. I admit for a minute there, I was scared, but there was really nothing to worry about. The harness would have caught her, but you just had to create a big scene out of it.” Up behind her, I notice Yuko and Mayu sitting at the top observing us with bags of popcorn in their hands.

“Hey!” Yuko snaps at Miichan. “You ruined it! It was starting to get good!”

Mayu nods beside her. “Heck, it was just starting actually.”

Takamina, Miichan, and I continue climbing to the top. I think I’ve had enough of this for one lifetime.

“Weren’t you guys saving us a seat??” What are you doing here? And before I forget... “ I grab Yuko’s neck. lightly strangling her. It’s not like I’m really trying to injure her. I’m just showing her how much I hate how carefree she can be about just anything.

When I let go, she starts rubbing her neck irritatingly.

“What was that for? I got us a reservation. We didn’t need to save our seats in the first place. Mayu and I only went ahead so we could get some snacks. Yuko offers her popcorn to me.

“Really?” These two are unbelievable. I grab Yuko’s popcorn and throw it over the mountain.

“Nooo!” Yuko cries out, reaching for nothing. “How could you? What did my popcorn ever do to you?”
I roll my eyes. “Can’t you take things seriously for once? It’s always one thing after another with you.”

“Hmph! Come on, Takamina! Let’s leave Boring-san alone.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You know, I have a feeling that this is what we always do. It's like we eat more than do other things. I frown. It's not like I don't like food, who doesn't? But if we keep spending time eating, we won't be able to get to all the other places we need to go to. I sigh, looking down at my plate.

"Eh?" For some reason, my plate was empty. I look up, glaring at my so called friends.

"Oi. Who took my meal?" I ask threateningly.

Across from me, Takamina pointed immediately at Yuko while Yuko pointed back at her. "She did it!" They both accuse.

"That's what you get for not paying attention." Mayu comments leisurely.

"You should've eaten faster." Miichan says, popping some shrimp in her mouth.

"Why didn't you guys stop them?" I smile irritably at them.

"E-eh? S-sorry, I'll make sure they pay for it." Mayu says quickly.

"No, I'll make sure." I turn my head back to the two who instantly freeze.

"Ah, look the dessert is here." I smile innocently at them as a waiter sets down a sparkling volcano. It was a specialty of this restaurant. It's a chocolate brownie volcano with vanilla and chocolate ice cream scoops, chocolate and caramel sauce and whipped cream. A small sparkler was added to the top to give it a more volcano like effect.

Yuko and Takamina gulp, their eyes glued to the mouth watering dessert. They grab their spoons and reach out for it. I slap their hands away.

"Nope, you two can't have any."

"You can't tell us what to do!" Yuko yells and scoops some ice cream. I immediately kick her leg under the table causing her to flinch back and spill her ice cream. She gasps and looks at me like she couldn't believe I just did that. Takamina looks at me and shrinks back, not wanting to try what Yuko just did.

"It's mine now, Yuko." I smile.

"Hey Acchan...can we have any? We didn't eat any of your food." Miichan asks shyly with Mayu nodding and pleading behind her.

I think for a minute. "Sure, why not. It's a better punishment if those two watch all of us eat it rather than me eating it by myself. I doubt I would be able to finish it anyways." I admit.

"Yes! Thanks!" Miichan and Mayu high five each other before sticking their tongues out at Yuko and Takamina who frown sadly at them.

The three of us laugh as we eat up the delicious dessert.

"Oh, this is so goooood." Miichan moans, eating most of the ice cream just to spite them.

I giggle. I take some brownie and put it in my mouth, slowing chewing on it. I savor the taste affectionately.

"Jealous, Yuko?" Mayu smirks as she eats another brownie topped with whipped cream. "Mmmm, so sweet."

Yuko looks at us as if she's so done with us. "You guys sound like you're having sex. Takamina, cover your eyes." She commands the shorter girl.

We stop eating and take a glance at the squirrel. We look back at each other and our food, and finally burst out laughing.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Floor 3 of Pillar Peak, we arrive at the dinosaur exhibit. Inside, we find enormous foot tracks that are embedded on the floor through the entrance. Takamina is very surprised by them. She scurries to them looking very curiously at them. She sets her foot over one, the footprint monstrously larger than hers by comparison.

"What is this?" She questions. "Is this from an animal?" She darts her eyes about nervously.

"Well as we told you earlier, we're now in the dinosaur exhibit. What you see is just a footprint of a tyrannosaurus rex. We'll be seeing one in a bit." I explain.

Takamina widens her eyes and backs away. She turns and runs to Yuko, pushing the slightly taller girl in front of her as we go forward through the short hall.

Yuko laughs, "There's nothing to be afraid of. It won't bite...maybe."

I shoot her a glare. "Don't tell her that!"

" a monster? Is um..a dinosaur a monster?" Takamina asks.

"It's cooler than a monster!" Miichan yells.

I laugh, "Yeah, you could say that. It's better than a monster. The difference between them though is that dinosaurs were real."


We enter into the main exhibit and are greeted by the standing structure of a tyrannosaurus rex. Takamina is taken aback by the intimidating beast and hides behind me.

"Hey it's okay, it's just a skeleton." I assure her.

"Yeah, see? It's not alive." Miichan walks up to the skeleton, lightly tapping a finger on the t-rex's foot.

Takamina comes out slowly behind me. She goes towards the t-rex, eyeing its large teeth cautiously.

"This...used to be here? This thing was alive?" Takamina asks almost horrified by the thought. I know, if they were still around today then we probably wouldn't be here now.

"Along with the other dinosaurs you see around here, yes. They were alive millions of years ago, but are now extinct." I explain.

Takamina widens her eyes. She walks around the exhibit, seemingly fascinated by the other ancient creatures, now just bone.

"Can we leave?" She suddenly asks.

"But we just got here?" Mayu says.

“It's weird. Being around something that's already dead. Like you're supposed to bury the dead right? So even if its amazing to have these around, it feels wrong to have these standing here.”

We all exchange glances. It’s expected that Takamina would have different perspectives than us seeing she’s from another time. What do we say to that though? I don't exactly have an answer for her.

Mayu shrugs. "It's just the way it is."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"Finally! Look look look! Here's where I work! This is the art gallery! What do you think?" Yuko bounces excitedly for Takamina's reply.

"I thought you were a tour guide?" The shorter girl asks.

"I am! I give tours around the museum on the side, but my main career is here at the art gallery. I love guiding people here to the different painting exhibits, and educating them on the importance of art and photography." Yuko speaks proudly.

"They're really interesting." Takamina comments as we walk by several famous paintings.

"Aren't they amazing?" Yuko smiles as her eyes scan over some of Picasso's work.

"Un. I can tell there's different feelings behind each one." Takamina nods appreciatively.

"Yeah. The artists who created them expressed themselves in their work. Each one is saying something different. It's a matter of the viewer though to interpret the message from their own perspective. Their paintings speak to people." Yuko says, admiringly.

"Do you have a favorite?" Mayu asks Takamina.

"Ah! Yeah, here!" Takamina walks across the room. The rest of us follow eagerly, particularly Yuko.

"This one." Takamina indicates to the famous painting, The Scream.

"Why?" We all ask at the same time.

Takamina shrugs. "I don’t know the context, but it catches my attention. Like what am I doing here, what's happening, what's going to happen, I don't understand, that kind of thing. It's like it's saying it doesn’t know what it’s doing. Ah, yeah, kinda like that."

"Interesting." Yuko nods, thoughtfully. She smiles, "Here, I want to show you something cool. Let's see if you can understand it."

Yuko takes us into another room. It's completely empty besides several empty frames on the walls. Oh, this room. I fold my arms.

"So, what do you think?" She asks Takamina.

Takamina scratches her head. "Am I missing something?"

"No, this is the famous Invisible Art exhibit. A lot of people actually come to see it. Though, they can't really "see" it if you know what I mean." Yuko explains, chuckling.

"Uso! There's really art here??" Takamina looks at the empty frames.

I shake my head. "Don't be fooled by it. There's no way to make something invisible so it's really a hoax."

"But it brings in tons of cash." Mayu laughs.

"How do you know?" Yuko argues. "I believe it's there. Why would Mariko-sama put in fake paintings in her exhibit? She wouldn't!"

"I agree with Yuko. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there."

Yuko pats Takamina's back. "This is why she's my favorite. And the rest of you..." Yuko sticks her tongue out at us.

"Hey Yuko! What's this room??" Miichan calls, standing in front of another door.

"Ah, that's the children's room. So they don't get bored here. You can go inside." She encourages.

Miichan opens the door and I peek in from behind. Oh yeah, I forgot about this room. Unlike the empty room we were just in, this one was larger and way too colorful. It was originally white, but there's just paint everywhere now. In the center of the room sat multiple trays of fresh paint, and a fountain sink to wash hands.

"This is cute!" Miichan says scanning the wall. She notes the small fingerprints of the various kids who scribbled and painted on it.

"Normally, kids get in trouble for scrawling all over walls, but here they can doodle or paint all they want. There's plenty of space for all of it." Yuko grins. "Takamina, you wanna try?"

Takamina nods shy,  but seems excited to try it out. Yuko offers the trays and tells her she could just place her hands in them. They don't use paint brushes, because there's no fun in it.

Takamina picks two colors, pink and yellow. She was about to place her hand in the trays when she hesitates. She looks at Yuko.

"You first."

"Sure, I've done this a million times anyways."

Yuko soaks her hands, one becomes blue and the other green. She was about to place them on the wall, when she suddenly turns around to Takamina. Before she can react, Yuko places her hands on Takamina's cheeks leaving her handprints on them. She laughs, backing away from her.

"So it's like that, but make sure you do it on the wall!" She keeps laughing.

Takamina, initially shocked by the feeling of paint on her skin, recovers quickly. She hurries over to the paint trays and places her hands over the pink and yellow paint.

She gasps. "It feels cold!"

"You get used to it." Yuko smiles.

"I get it." Takamina smiles deviously, and charges for Yuko.

"Ah ah ah, you can't catch me!" Yuko laughs, running around the room.

Takamina runs with her hands stretched out trying to catch Yuko. Yuko runs towards me and I move to get out of her way but she smirks and keeps running to my direction. What is she doing?!

I hold up my arms as a shield thinking she might crash into me, but at the last possible second she turns away. Immediately right behind her was Takamina who tries to stop before she gets to me. It was too late.

She runs into me with her hands extended. I scream pushing her away from me. I blush furiously. Yuko was laughing.

"Nice aim, Takamina! That's how you do it!" She claps her hands. Mayu and Miichan by this time were laughing too.

My shirt now had paint on it, but that wasn't the problem. The problem was where. She had accidentally grabbed my boob, her other hand landing on my stomach fortunately though. It was still embarrassing.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Takamina consistently bows, apologizing repeatedly. She keeps her eyes away from me, a worried look across her face.

"No no, it's okay stop bowing. I know it wasn't your fault." I shoot daggers at Yuko.

"Gomen gomen. It's fun though." She winks.

"Don't mess with me, Yuko." I frown.

"Hai hai, I'll try not to."


"Really." She smiles.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"Uwaaa~ Look at all the fishies!" Takamina cries out in delight as we look through the glass. Just beyond it was hundreds of schools of fish that I couldn't place a name to. But yeah, there were many.

"Hey Takamina, what type of fish do you like?" Yuko asks grinning. "If I had to, I'd say my favorites are mackerel and saury."

"Yuko, you're awful! What if Takamina doesn't eat fish?" Mayu questions.

"Both of you, why are you going on about food? This is an aquarium, we're not at a seafood restaurant." I say.

"I eat them, but I don't know." Takamina comments, replying to Mayu's question. "I don't know their names, and I've never seen this many so clearly. If I tried to open my eyes underwater, everything would look blurry. I knew there were animals under the water, but I never knew there were so many. It's...mysterious. That's the word, right?"

"Hehhhhh, so this is your first time seeing something like this?" Yuko asks.

Takamina takes a step back. "Yeah..."

"Have you been to a beach before?"

I elbow Yuko. "Itai!" She cries out.

"Don't get any ideas." I glare at her.

"Hey, I was just curious."

"Guys!" I hear Miichan call across the room. "Look at the otters!" She grins waving at us to come over,

Before Takamina has the chance to answer Yuko, I lead our small group over. If Takamina hasn't been to a beach before, knowing Yuko she'd find some way for us to go to one. Even with this cold weather, she'd probably persuade Miichan to let us borrow Mariko's jet again just so we could go somewhere warmer. Ugh. I definitely do not want to go to a beach. Not because of these stupid excuses I keep making up, but because I don't want to have to wear a front of Takamina. I shake my head, frowning. What am I thinking? We're not going to one, period.

"Kawaii!" All our eyes are glued to the floating otter as it holds a small shell in its paws.

Takamina is mesmerized by its cuteness. "Uwaaa isn't it adorable!" She smiles wide at it. "I'm going to take some photos." She gets out her phone fumbling on it. So she's already figured out how to work the camera? Not surprising, since Yuko didn't leave much for her to figure out on it.

"Did it turn out well?" I ask.

"Yep! Great!" She briefly shows me. I smile. It's nice seeing her so happy.

After that, we head on to the penguin exhibit and then later stop by a vendor for some food. Takamina gets melonpan, munching on it quietly while looking around.

"Found you!" We hear a voice call out to us. A tall, slim figure was approaching, her hair put up in a ponytail. She was wearing the employee's uniform for the aquarium. So she's working today huh. No wonder we came here.

"Yuki!" Mayu's eyes widen as a smile smears across her face, displaying her excitement. She suddenly remembers us and coughs, "Ahm I mean, er good to see you again. I didn't know you'd be working today." She blatantly lies. Yuko, Miichan, and I all exchange glances.

"How are you doing, Yukirin?" I smile, asking.

"Better, now that you guys are here!" She says excitedly.

Miichan leans over to Yuko. "She means better now that Mayu's here." She whispers, laughing softly.

"Who's this?" Yukirin asks us about Takamina. She looks down on her, staring at her for a moment. Takamina stares back too. Yukirin pats Takamina's head. "She's so small! So cute!"

I notice Mayu pouting behind her.

"I feel you. Why does everyone seem to like Takamina? NyanNyan and then Yukirin too." I hear Yuko mutter beside Mayu. I thought I heard her mention me, but I'm sure I'm just hearing things.

"My name is Takahashi Minami, but everyone calls me Takamina." Takamina introduces herself.

Yukirin smiles. "Nice to meet you, Takamina. I'm Kashiwagi Yuki, or Yukirin. You new here to the island? I haven't seen you around before."

"Yes, she is. We've been showing her around today." I say.

"Oh, well perfect timing! The dolphin show is going to start soon here at 6. Why don't you come watch? I'll have to go prepare here in a few minutes, but I can show you to some great seats."

"You'd do that?" Mayu asks excitedly, hugging Yukirin's arm.

Yukirin laughs, "Call it a special treat since all of you came today. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Come, follow me." She takes Mayu's hand as they head towards the dolphin show.

We laugh as we follow not Yukirin, but Mayu and Yukirin.

"Mayu's so cute. She should be like this more often." Yuko whispers.

"Are they a thing yet?" Miichan asks.

"It's certainly heading in that direction." I laugh.

"They're holding hands." Takamina comments to us.

"Yeah, it's cute isn't it?" Yuko says, grinning.

"But...they're holding hands..." Takamina repeats. "In front of us.." Her brows furrow, showing her confusion.

"Yeah, Mayu probably wouldn't normally do that in front of us, but since Yukirin wants to.." She trails off, laughing.

Takamina continues to furrow her brows, eyeing the couple, particularly their intertwined hands.

"What is it about it?" I ask, since it seems she can't get it out of her mind. Does she have something against it? Is there something wrong with it?

Takamina shakes her head, half smiling. "No, it's nothing. Just thinking things. It's okay though."

Why do I feel like it's deja vu. She said something like this before. It's bothering me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"These are the best seats?!" Yukirin had led us to the very front, otherwise know as the splash zone.

"Well yeah, it's fun getting wet."

"How would you know?" Yuko questions.

Yukirin smiles, "I've experienced it, duh."

"That's not all she's experienced." Yuko whispers to me and Miichan.

"Yuko, stop talking." Mayu puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Man, you guys don't know how to take jokes." She sighs. "I'm just playing."

"Keep it up, you'll be playing by yourself." She snaps.

"Got it." She grumbles, taking a seat. Yukirin leaves to attend to her job. The rest of us take our seats, waiting for the show to start.

A few minutes later, the show starts and we watch as Yukirin appears on one side of the pool. She greets the crowd calls for the dolphins. A few seconds later, three fins emerge from the water as the dolphins make a beeline to her. Yukirin nods, reaching down to a bucket of fish. One by one she throws them out, each dolphin jumping out of the water to catch one respectively. We clap our hands, but it was too soon. One dolphin had landed back into the water right near us, splashing buckets over us when it was only just the beginning. Yukirin makes a slight wave to us, smiling innocently.

Yuko spits out water, “Black.”

~ ~ ~

After several more splashes, we felt completely done and all got up to leave before it was over. Mayu mutters as we go up the stairs, bad-mouthing Yukirin.

“She did this on purpose. I know its the splash zone, but she kept making them go towards us on purpose.” She shakes her head.
“It was fun though, watching the show I mean.” Takamina comments.

“Way to think positive.” Yuko pats her back.

We dry up in the restroom and Mayu brings us some towels.

“Thanks.” We each take a towel. “Where’d you get them?”

“I borrowed them from the employee’s locker room. Nothing really.”

We all silently agree with her actions.

“Are we leaving our clothes on?” I ask.

“Mine aren’t that wet.” Takamina says. “They’ll dry after a while.”

“I think we should change whether regardless. I don’t want anyone getting sick on me.” Mayu states.

“Hai~” We all answer.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"Mitsuketa!" I smile, tagging Takamina before she could run away.

"Mou! Acchan, that was too fast." The shorter girl pouts.

"It's not my fault you're bad at this game." I laugh as I lead her back to base.

We were playing hide and seek in the libraries, or well inside three of them. I said this before, but there are seven libraries on the island. Just last week, I was at Mythos Library up on the mountain. The rest are scattered down on the island. Three of them are connected together in a large building with three sections. From an aerial view, it looks like the letter I. That's where we are. Inside, it holds the Research, Reading, and Children's Library. Not surprising, I found Takamina in the Children's library behind a large stack of books she piled up. Not very discrete, really.

Base is at the center of the building where we all started out. Originally, we were touring through but somehow ended up playing this game instead. This place is perfect for it. Rows and rows of books, a maze for the clueless, so why not?

We gave a brief lesson to Takamina on the rules and had Yukirin be the it person. Before we had left the aquarium, she asked if she could join us since her shift had ended. Yukirin gave us a minute before her search began and before I could even settle into my hiding place, she found me. So I was it now.

"Instead, come help me find the others." I suggest to Takamina. She's happy to since it means she won't be standing around waiting for everyone to be found.

We wander through the libraries through the rows of books. Luckily, I have Takamina as another pair of eyes so it should take a lot less time to find the others.

“Hello?” Takamina calls, looking for any of the others.

“Shhh! You’re not supposed to say anything or you’ll end up giving us away.” I whisper to her. “And they’re not going to come out just because you’re calling them.” I shake my head. “Why do you think it’s called Hide and Seek?”

“Ohh, naruhodo. It makes a lot more sense now.” Takamina can be so helpless sometimes.

“Okay, I got it. Do you have your phone on you?”

“Yes, why?”

“Good. We’ll split up since there’s two more libraries to check. Since I’m the it person, text me if you find anyone. Make sure they don’t notice you though or they’ll run and hide somewhere else.”

She nods her head. “Ok, where do you want me to go?”

I have a feeling Miichan might be in Research, so I’ll check there. You go to Reading. Got it?”


We split up and I head over to the southern section of the building which housed the Research Library. If anything, Miichan has to be over here. I quietly move through the library, hoping to catch a glimpse of her hiding somewhere. I peer over to other shelves, my face just in between the books. Ah, there! I spot a head barely above a shelf. I got you now! I race over there ready to tag her before she runs. When I turn the corner to the row of books, I bump into the wrong person.

“Whoa, this is a library you know? What’s up, Acchan?”

“Sayaka! Gomen! What are you doing here?”

“Work, unfortunately. Brushing up on some materials today and tomorrow as well. So tell me, why were you running?”

“Sorry again, I didn’t mean to disrupt you. I’m kinda in the middle of...something. By any chance, you didn’t happen to see Miichan around here, have you?”

She narrows her eyes at me, I look away. I couldn’t just tell her I was playing a game of hide and seek. Sayaka takes things seriously, she wouldn’t like that we’re messing around in a library of all things. And if she found out that Yuko was here as well, she would definitely start scolding her or all of us. Maybe even report us to Mariko-sama. That must definitely not happen. She might not, but since it’s Sayaka I’m not going to take any chances.

“No, I haven’t seen her. So she’s here too?”

“Yeah, I lost her and I need to find her.” It is the truth.

“Hm.. try calling her cell. She usually keeps her phone on right?”

I take out my phone, browsing through my contacts. She’s not going to keep her phone on in the middle of a quiet game. I try calling her as Sayaka is watching me. This isn’t going to work.

A phone suddenly sounds off in the library, and my head turns to its direction. No way!

“I think I found her now! Thanks!” I tell Sayaka before running off towards where the ringing was coming from before it stopped.

“Any time, and stop running!” She calls before getting shushed by a nearby librarian.

“Blasted phone, why won’t it shut up?!” I hear Miichan whisper furiously as she tries to turn it off. She used to use Apple, but then switched to Android. She hasn’t figured out everything yet. Lucky me.

I sneak up behind her and tackle her to the ground.

“Got you!” I say and start tickling her because I’m mean.

“Ahahaha! Stop! Ahahaha! Acchan! Wahahaha!” She laughs. I let up on her before the librarian decides to come over to our commotion.

Miichan groans, lying on the floor tired. “What’d you do that for? I don’t recall playing football.”

“I needed a good laugh.” I grin at her.

“Haha, very funny.” She gets up, punching my shoulder lightly.

“Am I the first you’ve found?”

“No, you’re good. I got Takamina first.”

“Of course you did.”

“All that’s left is Mayu, Yukirin, and Yuko.”

“Ha. Good luck finding Yuko.”


“She’s really good at hiding. Must be because she’s small.”

“But I found Takamina, and she’s smaller.”

“Takamina has no experience in this game, that’s it. Where is she now?”

“I sent her to the Reading Library. She should be-- ah! That must be her.” I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and take it. I scan over the text.

“Greaaaat.” I roll my eyes, starting to head over there.

“What happened?” Miichan asks.

“Takamina. She found Mayu and Yukirin, but they spotted her and ran. Takamina followed them, but she can’t reach them now.”

“What do you mean?”

We make it to the northern section of the building to the Reading Library. We look around for Takamina, and possibly Mayu and Yukirin. Eventually, we come across all of them, but not how we’d expect.

Mayu and Yukirin were laughing, sitting on top of a tall bookshelf. Takamina was pouting because she couldn’t reach them.

“Acchaaaaaaaan.” She complains when she sees me. “You’re supposed to tag them when you find them right? Can you reach them though? I wanted to get them so you could, but…” she frowns.

I look up at the two, enjoying themselves. “Hey, that’s cheating!” I call to them. “How’d you two get up there anyways?” I ask right after.

“There’s a ladder on the other side of the shelf. Bakamina can do a lot of things, but she can’t even notice it.” Mayu laughs lightly.
We over to the other side of the shelf and sure enough, there was a ladder. Takamina looks away sheepishly. “I didn’t know…” she mumbles, pouting.

“Ok, you two that’s enough. Get down now.” I tell them. “Or do I have to go up there?”

“Whether we go down or not, you still got us. So you come up here.” Mayu smirks.

“Making me do more work.” I groan. “Nevermind then, I’m going to go look for Yuko.”

“You’ll never find her.” Mayu calls.

“Need a hint?” Yukirin smiles deviously.

I raise an eyebrow. “Depends… Are you helping Yuko or helping me?”

“Do you want it or not?”

“Fine fine, what is it?”

“Where is the last place anyone would think to look for her?” she asks.

I put a hand on my head. “Give me a minute to think.”

The women’s gravure magazines? No, that’s the first place everyone looks.

The art history books in the Research Library? No, she wouldn’t hide there.

Tch. Where would she be? I look to Takamina.

“Hey, what would be the one place you wouldn’t hide at.” I ask her.

“Huh? Oh, that would um be base then, wouldn’t it? That’s where “it” counts so I wouldn’t hide there.” She shakes her head.

I slap myself. “Oh duh! Of course she’d be there.” Dang it, I mutter under my breath as I hurry to base which was the front desk at the center of the library. I quietly but quickly scan the area. No sign of her. Of course its not that easy. I make my way behind the desk and look under it.

“Found you!” I tag the last person.

“Took you long enough. I started to feel claustrophobic under here.” Yuko comes out from under the desk and stretches her arms. “Next time, find me first. It gets so boring always being the last found.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"Sugoi!" Takamina's eyes widen as she bears an awestruck smile across her face.

At the moment, we were touring the world records museum located above the food court. The museum takes up a total of three floors, housing objects such as the world's largest rubber band ball to the smallest hand made paper crane which I believe you need a magnifying glass to properly see it.

"Banzai!" Yuko screams as she jumps into the world's largest ball pit. This is what we really came for.

"Just jump right in! I promise you won't drown!" Yuko grins to Takamina.

Takamina bends down at the edge of the pit. She picks up one of the colorful balls, tossing it in the air back inside. She smiles, reaching in to pick up another one. As she reaches in, Miichan's jumps out from nowhere and pulls Takamina in.

"Kyaaa—" Takamina's scream is quickly cut off by the sound of her laughter as she, Yuko, and Miichan start throwing balls at each other while "swimming" around.

I start to laugh when I'm suddenly pushed into the pit.

"Oi!" I stand amidst the balls, looking up at Mayu as she jumped in after me.

"Yuko told me to!" She sticks her tongue out as she throws a blue ball at my face, hitting my nose.

I gasp and throw one back but she dodges, hiding under the mass piles of plastic balls. I wade or somehow make my way to where she was only to find her nowhere. I wait for her to come out, but soon hear her on the other side of the pit. Dang her! I'm about to head over to her when Yuko jumps out bringing me under as if to drown me.

"Death by plastic balls!" She cries.

I push her away only to go under again as my feet are pulled out from under me. When I'm able to resurface, I notice Yuko and Takamina ready with balls in their hands. I quickly react going back under bfore they could hit me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Acchan, look!" Yuko calls, putting on a show for all of us. She had placed multiple balls inside her shirt.

"Look at all my oppai!" She jokes, laughing. One slips out of her shirt. Miichan and I howl with laughter.

"Miss, you lost a boob." Mayu grins as she returns it to Yuko. Yuko pushes it back to her.

"No, you keep it. You need it more than me." We die, laughing as Mayu throws the ball in Yuko's face.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Ready?" Mayu asks as we proceed with the chicken fight. She acts as ref as we play. Takamina sits on my shoulders as Yuko sits on Miichan's.

We stare down each other waiting for Mayu's signal.

There's a moment of silence.


"Ahhhh!" Both sides scream as we take each other head on.

I move through the pit as fast as I can. It's hard enough moving by myself, but with Takamina on my shoulders it's a bit more of a challenge. I have to make sure I don't step on a ball or somehow lose my balance.

Both pairs reach each other. Miichan and I clasp hands, pushing against each other in an attempt to get the other off balance. Above us, Takamina and Yuko were grasping each other's arms trying to pull the other off.

While I fend off against Miichan, I feel my balance start to shift weighing to my left. Yabai! I yell and hold onto Takamina, my hands on her thighs. She tries to balance herself but with nothing to hold onto, its difficult. I pull onto her so she leans back and we regain balance.

As I pulled her forward, Takamina uses that force to her advantage and knocks herself into Yuko. We push them back.

"Acchan!" Takamina shouts.

"I know!" I yell back and start handing balls to Takamina one by one.

She starts throwing them swiftly at Yuko and Miichan who were trying to defend themselves.

"Hey! That's cheating!" Miichan calls.

"Mayu!" Yuko shouts at our ref.

Mayu was busy playing with Yukirin on the other side of the pit.

"Argghhhh!" Yuko screams as she and Miichan try to make a break for us. They bravely take the hits head on as we don't let up on them.

They get closer and closer to us. It's now or never.

"Takamina!" I shout, charging for the pair.

"We got this!" She shouts.

"Ahhhhh!" We all scream.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Ok, I'm done." Yuko mutters as we leave the world records museum. We wait for the elevator to come up. "First basketball, and now the chicken fight. Why can't I win?" Yuko grumbles.

"Maybe you just need to team up with Takamina. Then you two would probably be an unbeatable pair." I say.

"No, that wouldn't work if I'm trying to beat her!"

"But you did beat her back in Tokyo. Well, it was more like a one-sided fight." Mayu comments.

"That's why it doesn't count." The elevator doors open and we step inside. "Mou whatever. Let's just go now. Where next?" Yuko's hand pauses before the elevator buttons.

"Are you guys going anywhere next? It's already late, it's past 11 already." Yukirin says.

Yuko sighs, "Already?" She presses the button to ground floor.

We step off at the bottom.

"Um Yuko, wrong floor. Shouldn't we be getting back to our rooms?" Mayu asks.

"Wait, just one more place. It won't take long, really." She pleads.

"But all that's here on this floor is check-in and the gif—" Mayu stops herself. Yuko nods as if telling her to go on.

"The gift shop, really?" She deadpans.
"I have every tour end at the gift shop, why should this be any different?" She smiles, grabbing Takamina's arm. "Come on!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


We enter the small shop, looking through the souvenirs. Nothing much really interest me, I’ve seen everything here before.

“Acchan, over here! Look!” Takamina calls me to her.

“What is it?”

“This is so cool! It changes colors!” She hold up her hand, showing me a ring on her finger.

“Oh, that’s a mood ring. It changes colors based on your mood. You see how it’s purple right now? That means you’re happy.”

Takamina smiles. “I am.”
“Ah, it’s changing colors again.” I point to the ring. It changes to green.

“What does that color mean?” Takamina asks.

“Um… I can’t say. I don’t really know them all, gomen.” I lie. I glance at Takamina. What does this mean, Takamina? Are you?

“Oh, it’s okay. Why don’t you try it on?” Takamina lends me the ring. I reluctantly put it on.

We watch as the color changes yellow. “Do you know what that means?” Takamina asks. Yuko comes up from behind her taking a look.

“It means she’s nervous.” She gives me a sly smile. I frown at her and take the ring off.

“No, this ring must be faulty.” I place it back on the display shelf. I push Yuko away from Takamina before she says anything else that’s ridiculous.

“Oh look, there’s some cell phone straps.” I lead Takamina to the other side of the gift shop. I turn my head to see Yuko waving innocently behind us as we go across the room. She better just stay put.

“These are pretty.” Takamina looks through the cell phone straps. I just watch behind her.

“Ne, Acchan. Can I have one?”

“Sure, that’s why we’re here. Which one do you want?”

“Hmm… I’m still looking.”

“Oh, um… Here’s some cash. It shouldn’t be much to buy it. I’ll wait for you outside.” I smile.

“Ok, don’t leave though. Okay?”

“I won’t. I’ll be just outside.”

She smiles. “Thanks.”

Outside, I’m waiting against the wall beside the gift shop. Mayu and Yukirin come out of the shop and stand beside me.

“They’re still not done?” I ask them.

“Almost. They’re all just checking out at the register.”

“Did they get a lot? Last I checked, there wasn’t a long line.” I ask.

They shrug.

Yuko skips out, followed by Miichan and Takamina.

“Finally.” I breathe out.

Takamina comes over to me with a small bag in her hand. She rummages through it and takes out a cell phone strap.

“Aw, this is cute.” I smile, looking at the small metal ribbon charm at the end. The ribbon had a heart at the very center. I nodded. It suits her.

She hands it to me.


“This one’s for you. I got one too. They’re a pair.” Takamina smiles wide. She waits for me to accept it.
I stare at her. “T-thank you.” She didn’t have to.

She watches me.

“What?” I look at her.

“Aren’t you going to put it on?”


She nods her head quickly.

I smile. “Why not.” I take out my phone and attach the small strap. She takes out hers and shows me beside mine. They were matching.

Takamina grins.

“Not bad.” I nudge her. “Thanks again.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


We stood in the hallway on the dorm floor. We were in the midst of making a tough decision.

“Where is Takamina sleeping tonight?” Miichan asks.

“She can’t stay with me.” Miichan says. “My room is a mess. Hey Yuko, would you like to clean it sometime?”

“Ha, no. I’ll pass. I clean NyanNyan’s room only.” She smiles.

“Fine, you guys go ahead and decide then. I’m going to sleep. See you tomorrow.” Miichan waves before walking down the hall to her room.

“We can have her switch around. She can stay in my room first. I don’t mind.” Mayu suggests.

“I see. I’m going to sleep too. It was nice meeting you, Takamina. I’ll see you guys around. Goodnight, Mayu.” Yukirin smiles at Mayu before stalking off to her own room. Mayu looks after her longingly.

“I want Bakamina in my room tomorrow then!” Yuko announces. “Acchan, you can have her the night after.”

“Is this arrangement okay with you, Takamina?” I ask.

“I get good places to sleep, so it’s perfect.”

“Alright, let’s go. It’s been a long day. Goodnight, guys.” Mayu starts walking to her room. Takamina follows after her. She stops and turns around.

“Goodnight, Yuko! Goodnight, Acchan!” She smiles and turns back around and hurries after Mayu into her room.

“What are you up to?” I ask Yuko wondering why she seems so excited to have Takamina in her room tomorrow night.

“Nothing really.” Yuko smiles slyly. “Sleep tight, Acchan.” She goes into her room through the door behind her.

“She’s going to be the death of me.” I mutter, shaking my head. I walk to my room, entering through the door.

I look at my room. Simple, tidy, and neat. Empty. I walk over to my closet and hang my coat. I throw my clothes into the laundry basket and change into my pj’s. My body feels so heavy now. We did so much today. It’s as if a sugar rush had ended. I plop onto my bed and turn over into the covers. What should we do tomorrow? I feel like I just want to sleep in. Ah, I’ll just talk to the others tomorrow. I set my alarm for tomorrow and place my phone at the tableside. I stare at the strap hanging off it. Takamina… What are we going to do?

I look at the clock as it strikes midnight. Another day has ended.

= = = = =


Sooooooo I don’t really know when the next update will be, but there should be 3 maybe 4 more chapters left. I already have the outlines for them done, it’s just a matter of writing them out haha. Come next week, I’ll be back in robotics practice for next competition so I won’t have any time write until everything’s over. This fic will probably be like T3C where I finish during the summer. Yeah. I have to finish by the end of the summer. Haha, I don’t plan on writing this during college. Then I’ll have zero time. Nope, probably only one shots from then on too. Just saying I guess. Alright guys, til next update!

Offline lezperv

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Re: oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 9/?
« Reply #29 on: March 17, 2015, 06:44:54 AM »

Welcome back, and I love the long update :D

I haven't read it yet, but I will eventually. So thank you for this great story  :heart:

Take your time with updating and good luck with the robotics ^_^
Forever AtsuMina/TakAcchan/TakAtsuko <3 . Follow me ^_^ .
My Fanfics: Shiroi x Kuroi Tenshi, Maji, Kowai!, Nisemono, Futari (Ong) Devil Wears Prada (Hiatus) I Want to Lock You Up (OS) Three Chances (Fanfic Winner 2014) Naze (Fanfic Winner 2015)

Offline phoenix0i

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Re: oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 9/?
« Reply #30 on: March 17, 2015, 03:45:37 PM »
Thank you for the long update.
That was nice though. The gang enjoying their time together.
Takamina is loved by many here.
Yukirin's appearance here is cute too.  :thumbsup
Discovering the wonders of your vague imagination.
Taeny, Atsumina and SayaMilky <3

Offline black_maa

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Re: oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 9/?
« Reply #31 on: March 18, 2015, 10:44:04 AM »
It was so interesting and funny to read it..  :roll:
Their time together will be so memoriable for Takamina..

Thank you for update and can't wait next one!  :)
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

Offline takaminasjokes

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Re: oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 9/?
« Reply #32 on: March 18, 2015, 01:37:11 PM »
whoa that was a really nice and looong read~
their adventure sounds fun i almost wish there's a real place like Pillar Peak lol
and aahh those subtle atsumina <3 hoping for mooooaaaar

thank you for the update and fighting on your competition~!

Offline oKei

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oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 11/?
« Reply #33 on: March 23, 2015, 06:20:18 PM »
Wah! This chapter was so much more easier for me to write. I hardly thought at all. I feel proud of myself for getting it done quickly. I hope you guys enjoy this one as well. Last one for a while though, please be patient with me. Thank you for the comments and encouragement in writing as well as my upcoming competition  :nervous You guys are great!

= = = = =

11. Realm of Possibilities

Acchan’s POV

I bury my face in my hands. I peek an eye through my fingers to the sleeping girl beside me. How did this happen?

I hadn’t even slept for an hour before I felt my leg being shook. I gasped, bolting upright and quickly turned on the lamp beside me. The light comes on and Takamina is visible. I put a hand on my chest, my eyes still wide.

“You surprised me! How did you get inside?” I ask, brushing my hair back with my hand.

“Gomen, your door was not locked so I thought it was okay…” she answers shyly.

“Ah, it’s no problem then. At least it’s you instead of some stranger.” I sigh. I was so tired, I must have been careless.

I pull off my covers and get out of bed. “Do you want some water?” I ask, walking to the kitchen.

“You don’t need to, I’m fine.” She keeps her hands behind her back as she follows me.

“You sure?” I grab a cup and pour water for myself. Takamina shakes her head. Fine, if you say so.

“Is something up? How’s it going with Mayu? I thought you two would be asleep by now.” I take a sip of water.

Takamina purses her lips. “I was asleep...but when I woke up a few minutes ago she was gone.”

Tch. I bet that girl snuck off to Yukirin’s room. That’s so like her. Why did she even offer for Takamina to stay in her room in the first place if she wasn’t even going to be there. She’s so going to get it from me later. I place my drink down.

Takamina continues, “I didn’t really want to sleep by myself and it doesn’t look like I could stay with anyone else it okay if I sleep here tonight? I’ll try not to be a bother. Or you don’t have to let me stay if you don’t want me to…” Takamina looks away.

A small smile appear across my face. Kawaii, Takamina. I take her arm and bring her back to my room. I sit on my bed, and pat my hands on the surface beside me.

“Here.” I motion to her. “You can sleep right here.”

I watch amused as her expression lightens up.

“Honto ni?”

“Would you rather sleep on the floor again? You like that better, right?” I smile playfully.

“I do but….then I’m not beside Acchan.” Takamina grins, climbing under the covers with me.

I feel my face get hot and quickly turn the light out before she notices. My back faces her. Get a grip, Acchan. She says weird stuff all the time. It’s nothing.

I close my eyes. It’s silent for a while.

“Acchan, are you still awake?”

“Un.” Now I am.

“Thanks for letting me sleep here.” I hear her say behind me.

“Just get some rest.” I feel myself drifting off.




I was about to reply but I found myself unable to. I had already fallen back asleep.

Oh yeah. She was forced to come here because of Mayu. Not that I mind though. I momentarily forgot she was here. I find myself staring at her sleeping face. I turn my head away. Nope, it’s too early for this, Acchan. I don’t need any unnecessary thoughts. I pick myself up and get out of bed. I quietly leave the room and go prepare breakfast.

As I finish placing the plates out on the table, Takamina enters the kitchen. She looks like she’s still half-asleep.

“Ohayou.” I smile as she sits at the table, her eyes still closed.

She opens them, blinking slowly. She looks around the room, her eyes finally laying on me. She smiles. “Ah, ohayou, Acchan.”

I place a cup of hot tea on the table for her and pat her head before taking my seat opposite to her.

“Arigatou. Ittedakimasu!” She cheers, now starting to eat her food.

“Oishii!” Takamina comments after swallowing.

I shrug as I chew my food.

“Really, you’re food tastes delicious.” Takamina starts speaking seriously. I slowly stop chewing my food as I listen to her, slightly surprised.

“Like, it would be perfect if I could just eat your food everyday.” She smiles to herself as she finishes her plate.

I nod slowly, finding myself agreeing with her. Wouldn’t that be nice, huh.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After breakfast, we wait in the hallway for Yuko, Miichan, and Mayu to appear. I have Takamina text them a reminder to hurry up since we were waiting. If I had sent the message I don’t know if they would have listened to me.

A few minutes later, all three were out in the hall.

“Can’t I have one morning where I sleep in?” Yuko complains.

“You’re not the only one who’s tired.” Mayu snaps, still feeling groggy.

“Guys, remember. There’s not much time left. We need to come up with a plan today.” I explain. As much as I agree with them, someone has to be responsible.

Takamina raises her hand to get our attention. “Ano..”

We wait for her expectantly to tell us what’s on her mind.

“I was kind of thinking… of going on my own today for a bit.” She says, shrinking back a bit.

“You heard her! That means we can all go back to sleep!” Yuko immediately says, turning her body to her door.

“Yuko!” I stop her, and turn to Takamina.

“You don’t want us to help? What are you going to do?” I ask. We should at least know her reasons before we decide to let her go.

Takamina shuffles her feet. “Um, yesterday I thought the libraries were kind of cool. They seem to hold a lot of information so I was thinking I might do some research of my own there.”

Mayu nods. “That’s a good idea. The libraries are big, so you might find something there that could help you. I say go for it.”

“Not bad. Will you be fine if you’re looking by yourself? It might take some time.” Miichan adds.

“Daijoubu. I have all day.” Takamina smiles.

I shake my head. “No, you have only three days. So you—we have to find them.”

“I know. I want you all to get more sleep anyways. You’ve all helped me enough. I’ll be fine on my own.”

“Those three can go back to sleep. I’m still going with you, just in case.” I tell her.

“Well that’s that. I’m hitting the sack again. Ja!” Yuko hurries back into her room. Miichan and Mayu bow out and head to their respective rooms too.

“Ah wait, Mayu.” I call out to her before she enters through her door. She pauses and looks at me.


“Don’t think I didn’t notice you had left Takamina by herself.” I smile threateningly to her.

She backs up. “I wasn’t going to leave her in the first place, really! I just went out to check something and when I came back she was gone. What was I supposed to do? So its not my fault.”

“Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that.” I walk up and place a hand on her shoulder.

I lean towards her ear. “Don’t do that again.” I whisper. I feel her shiver.

“I’m sorry… I won’t.” She apologizes and ducks back into her room.

I let out a sigh. “So we’re going?” I look to Takamina.

“I don’t mean anything bad, but I meant it… when I said I wanted to be alone today…” she mumbles.

“Oh…" I didn't expect that. I thought she would be okay with me tagging along.

"Are you sure?” I look at her worriedly. It’s just the library. She's been there before so she should be fine by herself, right?

“Un, gomen. I know I’m being selfish requesting this but this is what I feel like I have to do.” I can see that. She looks determined. I know she wouldn’t just fool around if her life is depending on it.

“Ok. Just… call or text me if you need anything. At least check in with me every now and then too so I know you’re okay.”

Takamina nods. “Got it. Thank you!” She hugs me quickly before going on her way. I look after her.

What was that?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Takamina’s POV

Um...where was it again? I think I have to go downstairs...right?

Down the hall and to the left. Down the hall and to the left. Just keep thinking that. The elevator should be right there...I think. Ah, right! Found it. I don't want to have to ask Acchan for help. I want to get there by myself.

Ok so first, I have to press the button. That's what the others usually did. Then the door would open. Ok, I'll try it.

I press a small button by the door. It glows yellow now. Does that mean its working?

I wait patiently for the door to open. Yes! It worked! I quickly slip in before it closes on me.

I grin triumphantly. Wait. I look around. I'm not done yet. Next step. Ok, um... I need to go down.

I look at the panel by the door. There are very many buttons there. I frown worriedly. Which one was it?? I bite my lip. I raise my finger, hovering over the buttons. there are numbers on them. I think I get it. I should be going to the first one. I shut my eyes as I press the button. Momentarily, the elevator moves. The feeling I get in here still surprises me. I press myself to the wall, waiting for the elevator to stop. Shouldn’t be too long.

A couple seconds later, the doors finally open. I hurry out, finding myself on ground floor. I see the entrance. Good! I’m going the right way. Now then… I have to find that building.

I let out a heavy sigh, and look around. Yuko mentioned before that there should be a directory or some kind of map should anyone get lost. I don’t see one around here though. I walk around. Ok then. I’ll just have to backtrack my way there.

So we came from the entrance… I walk outside. Oh no. I place a palm on my face. We didn’t get back from the library until dark. I won’t be able to find it this way.

Since I woke in this time, everything has been so amazing but why does it all have to be complicated at the same time? I miss home. It was so much more simpler. Everything was easy to understand. I shake my head. Now’s not the time for these thoughts. I have to focus on the problem at hand. I have to find those libraries.

I start by walking around. Nothing will get done if I just stand still. Hm..

5 minutes. It should be around here somewhere.

10 minutes later. I don’t remember it being too far from Pillar Peak. Then again, we were riding that cart thing.

30 minutes later. Wah! I’m so done. I sit down on some nearby grass to rest.

“Maybe I should have let Acchan come with me.” I mumble.

*ring ring*

Ah! My phone! I take it out and look to see who’s calling. Ah! Acchan! I hurry and answer.


“You’re so helpless.” I hear her voice on the other side.

“E-eh?” What does she mean?

“I can see you.”

“Eh?! Where??” I stand up, looking around anxiously.

I hear muffled laughter through the phone.

“W-what?? Where are you?” I demand, frowning. Is she making fun of me?

“I’m still here at Pillar Peak. After you left, I went to my office. When I looked out the window I saw you and couldn’t help but watch as you wandered around. You are going to the library, right?” She’s teasing me now. I frown.

“That’s right! But I’m not lost if that’s what you were thinking. I just had a lot of fun yesterday and was just taking a shortcut by looking around the other buildings and things around here.”

“Hai hai~”

I pout. “Mou! Acchan!” She’s not taking me seriously!

“Gomen gomen, but from my view here, you look silly.”

I don’t answer her.


I decide to ignore her.

“Takamina??” She calls again.

“Baka.” I mutter.

“Ehhh? Me? Really?” I feel her smiling on the other side.

“Okayy fine. Bakamina here. I need help.” I really didn’t want to have to ask. Ahhhh.

“Haha! I got you to admit it! Ok anyways first, just keep going straight along that path you were just on. When you get to the end, there are two paths. Take a left and it’ll be the second building you see to your right. Got it?”

“Um.. Go straight then turn left at the end, and then its the second building, right?”

“Right, you should be able to handle it from there. Are you planning on being there the whole day?”

“Hm.. I don’t know yet. Maybe?”

“Ah.. ok. What are you doing for lunch?”

“Oh.. I haven’t thought about it.” I think I’ll just visit one of those vending machine things. I should have some pocket change with me.

“I’ll bring you lunch.”

“That’s too much. You don’t have to.” She doesn’t have to come all the way for me.

“I don’t want you to get hungry. And I want to. What do you want to eat?” Remember Takamina, she doesn’t really want to. She’s just doing this because it’s her job to take care of you. Yes brain, I know.

“I’ll be fine. I’ll manage somehow.” I try to assure her.

“Come on, what do you want to eat?” She’s really persistent. I should already know it doesn’t help to argue with her.

I sigh. “Anything is fine.” Might as well.

“What do you want to eat?” She repeats.

“Anything, really.”

“Takaminaaa!” she complains.

“Fine, I’d like katsudon! Happy?”

“Very much. That’s all I needed to know. Good luck with your research!”

“Oh, than---” Before I finish my sentence I hear the phone cut off.

“Eh? Did she hang up on me? Mou, whatever.” I know how to get to the library now.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I’m at the Research Library now. I have another problem though. The front desk lady directed me to what she called the catalog, but I don’t know how to use it! So it like, searches things for me, is that it? I look at the monitor screen in front of me. I remember seeing one of these in that room I first woke up in. It’s not a tv, and its not a phone, but its similar to them. I glance at the keyboard below the monitor. So its like texting, but I type what I want to find. So cool!

Ok, first. What should I type? Um… Oh man. Where do I start with this? I can’t just type, soul searching frozen time traveler and expect results. Could I? I look around, before I type it out one finger at a time. I should ask Mayu or Yuko to teach me how to type later. This is so slow.

I hesitate before pressing the enter button. What will I find? Nothing? Something? I press it anyways.

The screen changes and I jump back in surprise. I need to start getting used to that. Oh, there’s a bunch of results. Interesting. I scroll through the different titles, looking for something that will catch my eye. Some of the books look relevant. I click on one. Ok, I’ll start with this one. “Across the Universe” its a book that discusses time travel. I could start by figuring out exactly how I was able to get here.

Let’s see where it is… I scan the screen for its location. Ah, it’s Ano 224.8. Ok, now I just have to find it. I write it down so I won’t forget and browse the shelves. 100s, 200s so over here… 210s, keep walking...220s okayyy... wait. There’s no books here that go beyond the number 220. It goes to 230 now. Uso.

I look around. Am I missing something? I scratch my head. I’m sure I got it right. I look at the number again. Yeah, no mistake. Worriedly, I walk over to the front desk. I can ask where this is over there.

“Excuse me.” I ask the lady.

“Yes? Do you need any help?”

“Ah yes! I was looking for this book, but I can’t find it. Do you know where it is?” I show her the paper and tell her the title.

She nods, taking a moment to look it up on her catalog device.

“I’m sorry,” she says after a few seconds. “You’re in the wrong library. That book is located in the library at Mythos Museum.”

“Eh?” I blink.

“But I’m doing research, so wouldn’t it be here?” I question.

She shakes her head. “No, because that book is of a different genre. The research library is more of an academic department. Mythos it sounds. Let’s say fantasy if you will. A different kind of art.”

“Oh.. Ok. Arigatou.” I bow my head and leave.

Really, I just got here and I’m in the wrong place. It can’t be. I don’t even know where that Mythos Museum place is! I exit the building.

Ahhhh! I sigh out loud. I’m just wasting my time now. I look at the clock on my phone. It’s still early, about 10. I look around.

“Mythos Museum…” I mumble. Gahh! Where is it??

I start running around the area. There’s got to be a directory somewhere around here.

Ah! Is that it? There was a large sign standing in one area. I hurry over to it. Yatta! I did it! Found it! See? I can do things without asking for help.

Ok, let’s see.. I run my eyes across the sign. I didn’t realize there were so many places on this island. I had been to several places and Yuko had even said so, but to see it all listed and pointed out

Ok, so Mythos Museum is… eh? The mountain? At the top? Uso!

I turn my head to the mountain. But that’s so far. I groan. Yada, I don’t want to anymore… I want to take a break now.

Baka! What are you thinking? You know you have to go there.

It’s too far though…

Mou! I have to stop talking to myself! I slap my cheeks. Get yourself together Takamina! Oh wait, you’re not really together, are you?

I yell.

I must be getting stressed. I need to calm down. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

If Yuko was here, what would she say?

“Oi Bakamina! Where’s that willpower you showed me before? Huh??” I imitate her.

I laugh, I feel better now.

Yosh! Let’s go! I encourage myself and head on towards the mountain.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I made it.. I let out ragged breaths. I just climbed up the mountain. Completely different from what we scaled yesterday to get to that restaurant. That was a piece of cake, but this.. Ah! So tired! I lay on the ground and turn my head. Several meters away, I see something that looks like stairs but they were moving. Wait. I think someone had mentioned there being a lift yesterday. Is that it? Ah, why didn’t I think of it earlier! Baka baka baka!

I rest for a few minutes, then stand up. There’s not much up here, but it’s cool being up here. I turn around to look down at the island.

Sugoi! I can see everything! I take a picture of my view onto my phone. This is a good one. Now where was I? Oh yeah, I was going to Mythos Museum. I look around. There are only three buildings up here. One was particularly large though.

“I’ll bet that’s it.” I say to no one.

I walk to it, entering inside cautiously. It’s structured differently from the other buildings I’ve been in. It has a kind of majestic awesome feeling to it. The hallways are really large. What is this material its made of though? The sound really echoes off it, sugoi.

I wander through until I enter another room. I smile. Found it!

I take out the sheet of paper I had written on before. Let’s see now… It should be here this time. I search through the library, following the numbers on the side of the shelves. I follow the numbers to what better be the right shelf and scan through the books. Ano 224.8, Ano 224.8, Ano 224.8, ah! Dang, why is it up so high?!

I groan, reaching my hand towards it. Come on, just a little more! My fingers are almost there!

“Would you like me to get that for you?” A voice suddenly asks behind me.

“Ah!” I stumble back in surprise, my feet tripping on themselves. My body leans onto the bookshelf. I push off it to balance myself before I fall.

“Watch out!” The lady screams.

I look up, some of the books fall from the shelf. I lift my arms to cover my head. I’m suddenly pulled out of the way before they could hit me. Within the next few seconds, the shelf falls onto the shelf behind it, and in short, more after. I flinch as every shelf hits the next.

When the final shelf hits the floor, the lady and I stare shocked at the pile of books before us.

My eyes tear up. I messed up.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sayaka’s POV

Where have I seen this girl before? She looks familiar to me. I had just gotten back from the other libraries down the mountain. I didn’t expect anyone to be up here, but as I was passing through, I saw her. She seemed to be having trouble, so I offered my help.

Things didn’t turn out though as the following events I don’t even dare mention.

I was prepared to blow up. I was going to blow up. I turned to face the shorter girl who caused this awful mess, but when I saw her tears I stopped. She’s not guilty of this. It wasn’t her fault, but it looks like she’s believes it was. It’s actually mine for suddenly surprising her. I guess we both didn’t expect the results, but that doesn’t mean I should yell at her. She doesn’t deserve that. I am still very much angry. There’s this entire mess to clean up! And then the possible damages ah.. I place my hands on my face. Just need to calm down. Be reasonable.

I look down at the girl. She was cowering, afraid I was going to snap at her. I try to smile at her and place a hand on her shoulder.

“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t need to cry.” I try to reassure her. I’m not all too good with things like this.

She sobs, “I’m sorry! I caused all this trouble! Please punish me for what I deserve!”

Wow, she’s straight-forward.

“No need, it’s not your fault. If anything, it was mine. I surprised you, didn’t I? Come on, stop crying.” I offer her my handkerchief.

She takes it, gingerly wiping the tears off her face. I smile.

“Good girl.” I pat her head. A small smile appears on her face.

“I’ll clean it up.” She offers, still worried.

I look out at the sea of books. It’s a lot to do. I guess my work will have to wait.

“I’ll clean them up with you. It’ll be done faster like this.” I can’t leave it all to her by herself.

“Un, I’m sorry for the trouble.” I help her stand up.

“It’s fine. Are you okay? Those books almost got you.” We start gathering the books, setting them aside in piles of ten so we could have room to set the shelves back up.

“Daijoubu. You saved me, so I’m safe. Thank you.”

I nod. “That’s good.” I pick up several books and pass them to the girl.

“Oh, what’s your name?” I ask her.

“Ah! Yeah, my name is Takahashi Minami or Takamina. Heheh..” She nervously laughs.

I smile. “Akimoto Sayaka desu. Sayaka is fine though. Nice to meet you.”


As we pick up books and form stacks we get to know each other.

“You work here??” Takamina questions after I explained what I was doing before I saw her.

“Yeah, I like it here. Usually it’s quiet though.” I smirk.

“Gomen, again. I disrupted the peace you had.” This girl takes things too seriously huh.

I shake my head. “Again, it’s not your fault. It’s kind of a mess now so I don’t know if we’ll find it, but what book were you trying to get?” I ask her.

“Oh, it’s “Across the Universe.” I decided to do some research on time traveling. Like how it works and stuff.”

“Research? But you know this is also the Mythos Library, right? If you’re looking to time travel, I’m sorry but it’s not real. Or at least, isn’t possible yet.”

Takamina nods. “I know, but I just wanted to know. I’m also looking for myths surrounding time travel. Do you know any?”

She peaks my interest. “Hm? If you don’t mind me asking, why do you want to know?”

“Um.. eto… because I don’t have much time left.”

“What do you mean?” Not much time left? Like how? Not much time left as in she's on a deadline? Or not much time left like she's dying? Her tone when she said that...I can tell it's urgent. But then why does she want to know about time travelling?

“Eto.. okay.” She pauses, taking a deep breath.
She mumbles under her breath, I can’t understand her though.

She says aloud, “Acchan told me not to tell, but since you saved my life, I’ll tell you my story.”

I’m surprised. “You know Acchan?” I ask her. Ah, that could explain why she seems familiar. I must have saw her in the other libraries yesterday around the time I saw Acchan.

“Eh? You know Acchan too??” She says, surprised. “Since you know her, then it must be okay if I tell you!” She smiles. What logic she has. I find this girl amusing.

“If it’s that important that Acchan told you not to tell anyone, then you don’t have to tell me.” Does it have to do with Acchan? Or Takamina? Why would Acchan tell her not to though if its her story?

Takamina picks up a shelf and stands it up. She dusts herself off. Wait, she just picked it up by herself?

“No, it’s okay. I want to tell you anyways. You seem like a good person.”

“If you think so. Ok, so hit me with it. Why are you looking for myths concerning time traveling? Why don’t you have much time left? What’s with the secrecy? And how were you able to pick up that heavy shelf without my help? You’re really petite, you know that?” I feel the tension rising inside of me. This feeling of anxiety. What’s with this girl?

She takes a deep breath. I stop stacking books so I can give her my full attention. I don’t want to miss a thing for some reason. What is it?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tch. I sit down on a stack of books. Takamina looks down to the floor.

“Are you upset? Did I do something wrong?” She asks me, worriedly.

I sigh. “I’m upset, but not at you.” She looks at me confused.

“I’m surprised...very surprised actually. If what you said is true, this breaks through to a whole new realm of possibilities. I can talk to you more about it later, more importantly, you have only less than three days left. Correct?” The girl nods.

“If only I had known.. Why didn’t Mariko put me on the research team? I am definitely going to confront her on this later. Ah!” I rub my head. I’m getting stressed now. How do I go about this?

“Why aren’t you then?”

“Good question. At least someone seems to agree with me. If we take into consideration your story which seems unbelievable, then that’s already in my department. I don’t know why Acchan, Yuko, or the others didn’t think to come to me before. Those idiots.” I shake my head.

“Do you know something??” Takamina questions hopefully.

“I might...I have an idea. How do I put this… Your story sounds vaguely familiar to me. That could be why I wasn’t too surprised by it. It’s as if it’s out of a sci-fi novel.” I laugh.

“Really??” Her eyes start to sparkle.

“Yeah.. Let’s finish cleaning up first. Afterwards, there’s a place we should go.”

“Un!” Takamina starts hurrying up, picking up several books off the ground. She’s like an excited kid.

“I’ll be back.” I tell her. I head to the workroom to get us a couple of bottled water.

After I get out drinks, I browse my emails real quick on my phone as I walk through the halls back. My feet trip on something and I almost drop the bottles. Luckily I catch myself. What was that? I look down to the floor. A phone? I pick it up. Is it Takamina’s? Wait, does she even have a phone? I glance at the lock screen to see if I could figure out who’s was it. I couldn’t even see the wallpaper, but what I could see was several missed calls from Acchan and a bunch of texts. I snicker. This is definitely Takamina’s. She must have dropped it without knowing when she first came in. I put her phone in my pocket and walk back to the library.

I pause at the entrance. I whistle. She cleans up fast.

Almost all the books that were previously on the ground were now neatly stacked against the wall. The shelves were now standing where they were before they fell. Takamina was finishing moving the last few stacks of books.

She notices me. “Ah Sayaka-san, I wanted to also put the books back, but I don’t know how they are ordered and which shelves they should be placed.

I look at my watch. I’m sure I wasn’t even gone long. From her story, it seems she has certain abilities. She also seems dense though, so I don’t think she realizes it. She might be only using them unknowingly or at least not often.

“No, you’ve done enough. You’ve actually helped out quite a lot. Here.” I hand her one of the bottles I brought.

“Thank you.” she accepts the drink, taking a sip. I drink as well.

“With this much done, I can have the library assistants finish the rest.”

“Is it really okay? We can still finish the rest.”

“I told you, it’s fine. Come on, there’s a place we’re going remember?”

“Ah, yeah!” She follows me out of the library and we walk outside the museum.

I turn my head around to make sure she was still following me. We walk to the building next door. I take out a key, and unlock the door. I open it.

“After you.” I motion for her to go ahead.

She shakes her head. “You first.”

I tilt my head. Wasn’t she excited? Why doesn’t she want to go in first? Well, it’s not a problem. I shrug and go inside. She follows after.

“Where are we?” she asks as I turn on the main circuit board of the building. All the lights come on. It’s been awhile since I’ve been in here.

“Oh, this is the Archives. You could say it’s the seventh library I guess. But its not open to the public.”

Takamina looks around, noting some of the old books and journals. It’s a bit dusty in here.

“Why can’t other people be here?” She questions.

“For different reasons, the books and articles here are of restricted access. There are some things that are just better off not knowing. We keep these here though, because they still have their usefulness in research. For example, there should be something here regarding your interests.”


“I don’t know.” I admit. “You’re going to have to help me look.”

Takamina nods. “Ok, do you have a catalog?” she asks.

“Yeah, that’s a good place to start. You can look through it. It’s behind the shelf behind you.” I indicate. “I’ll look through some books I have in mind.”

“Got it.” She runs behind the shelf.

I search through the sections, browsing the shelves for a particular book. Takamina really didn’t need to use the catalog, but at least she has something to do while I get the book. I want to make sure its really here before I let her see it. Which one was it? I hover my finger over the different spines. Ah, this one. There’s dust on it, but its a very thick book with a silver cover. I pull it from the shelf and blow the dust away. There was no design on the cover. It was just plain and wearied. The pages were yellow and still seemed fragile last I checked. I quickly scan through its contents, particular words familiar here and there. I don’t understand everything in this book, but its a start. This should be alright.

“Oi Takamina!” I call her.

“Yes?” I hear her answer.

“Come here!” I tell her. I walk over to a nearby table and lay the book on the surface. Takamina stands beside me.

“What is it?” She asks. I point to the book.

“Take a look.” I tell her.

“This is it?”

“You tell me. The script inside is written not in any known language. I was only able to decipher a few words, but judging from your situation, it could pertain to it.” I push the book slightly to her. She holds it.

“I don’t know what to expect.” she purses her lips.

I don’t say anything, letting her do this herself.

She collects herself. After a few moments, she takes a deep breath and opens it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

She opens the book, slowly flipping the pages. She stops at some scripts, and scans it. Can she read it? A moment later, I watch as Takamina picks up the book and flips through the pages. Isn’t she going to read it? She puts it down at the end.

“Ok, I’m done.” She looks at me.


“It was really interesting, I learned a lot from it, but I couldn’t find anything exactly like my story.”

“Wait, really? What was it about? What does the book say?” I’m baffled.

“It does discuss time travel, but its a collection of journals discussing its notion. Some things about science and magic I think? Although I could read the words, not everything I was able to understand completely. Gomen ne.” She apologizes to me.

“No, I’m sorry. I probably had gotten your hopes up only to let you down.” I didn’t mean to. I’ll try to make up for it.

“This isn’t the Archives for nothing. There are still other articles we can look through here. We’ll find something.” I try to reassure her.

“Yeah...I’ll go put the book back up.” Takamina offers. She picks it up only to accidentally drop it.

“Ah! Gomen!”

“Are you always this clumsy?” I chuckle, trying to make light of it.

She bends down to pick it up. “Oh! I’m sorry! The cover is coming off!”

“Ah it’s nothing. The book is really old anyways. Let me see it.” She hands me the book and I take a look at it. Oh yeah, it really is tearing up. Huh? What’s this? It’s as if a pocket was embedded underneath the cover. It looks like something is in there. Why hadn’t I notice it before? I slip my fingers inside, feeling some kind of paper. Takamina watches me intently, her eyes filled with curiosity. I carefully take it out.

“It’s a file.” I breathe out.

“What’s inside??” Takamina asks.

“Wait, I’ll see.” I open the file. Inside the file we could find only a single sheet of paper written in the same language as used in the book. We lay it on the table for fear of damaging it. Takamina reads it.

“What does it say?” I ask after several minutes.

It shouldn’t have taken her long to read, but she had been staring at it quietly for a while.

“It...It’s a legend.” she answers.

“Oh! This is good then, right?? Can you tell me what it says?” I’m dying to know.

She nods her head. “I’ll quote. It says, There is a place on this Earth. A very special place. At a single point, all ley lines intersect. It is said that where any lines intersect, it is to be bad luck if individuals may step on it. On the account that it is ley lines, even more so. On a night of an eclipse, if hanging over that point, the intersection transforms into a passage. That passage has the ability to transport a person anywhere in the world.” She pauses to take some breaths.

“Wow..So this must have been what happened.” Takamina whispers.

“Does it explain how you got into this soul situation?” I ask, wondering. The more I hear, the more I find this unbelievable. It feels so unreal. Is this really reality?

“Ah yes, there’s more. It says below, This event is not only a device for teleportation, it is also a rare anomaly that allows for a single person to have a second chance at life. A very different future indeed. On one account has an individual been subject to this opportunity. She has thus disappeared from history, known as the lost girl. Records are unknown but this file indicates acknowledgement of existence as nothing should ever be completely forgotten. From understanding, she was whisked elsewhere in the world. Unfortunately, she happened to land at the bottom of the ocean but it is indicative that she may be living unconscious in ice. At the point of transportation, her soul was cut into 5 pieces, one being she could keep. This was due to the eclipse having a strange effect on the ley lines giving them magical properties which enable them the ability. It is not clear why they affected her soul. As mentioned, the individual is given a second chance. It is also previously mentioned that these lines will bring forth bad luck. Indeed. In order to succeed in such a thing as a second life, the individual would have to be found, revived, and collect the rest of their soul by the end of the 7th day in which after they had risen. If anyone dared to do it, they would be gambling their life. This girl had brought it on by accident.

“Is that you…?” I ask quietly.

“It must be. Everything makes sense now. How this all happened. What I don’t understand how is this here? Who wrote this? How did they know all this? It doesn’t sound like lies, but the writer of this file sounds like they know everything.” Takamina’s confused. For a moment, I am too. It’s strange.

“Is this it?” Takamina scans the page re-reading what she now already knows. Her face scrunches up. She flips the page over to the back and her eyes widen.

“There’s more!” She tells me. I look over but then realize I still can’t read it. Ah, I look to her.

“What does it say?” I ask what I can only say.

“It’s a list.” Takamina is surprised. I can feel her getting excited. Before I can reply, she pulls on my arm.

“Look!” she points to a section on the paper. I can’t read it so I shake my head. “Ah! Sorry, I forgot. This is a list of hints. They’re clues to the locations of the parts of my soul.”

“Uso! There’s really that kind of thing there?!” This is crazy! Who wrote this file?? Kamisama?

Takamina starts to read them aloud. I write them down on a separate piece of paper as she calls them.

1. The body of the individual (sustains life for seven days)

2. The place called home

3. A faithful friend

4. An extension of yourself

5. Cannot be seen or found, only when realized.

"You've already found how many again?" I ask her while looking over the list.

"2, but I have 3." She confirms.

"So two more. Hm.. An extension of yourself..? Do you have any idea what that means?"

"Not really. I don't get it."

"Well that's all we really have to go with, and this last one here. We can't see nor find it? Could they have made this any harder?" I sarcastically say.

"They could have not provided the hints." Takamina points out. Of course she would say that.

"Oh right." I feel my stomach suddenly growl. I look at the time.

"Hey Takamina, let's talk more about this while we get lunch." I suggest. I'm going to need the energy. I already feel like this is going to be a long day.

Takamina gasps. "What time is??" She questions.

"Almost 2..?" I look at her confused.

"Wahhh, Acchan said she'd bring me lunch. I totally forgot the time. I didn't even tell her I'd be here. She's going to kill me!" Takamina starts to panic. She reaches into her pocket then pats it.

"Huh?? Where's my phone?? Noo! I didn't lose that too! Dang, now Yuko will be mad at me too. She had gotten it for me. Why do I keep causing trouble?" Takamina crouches on the ground.

I crouch beside her and hug her shoulders. "Stop that. You do not keep causing trouble. You're just having a bad day. Everyone has those. It's okay. Oh! And here. I found it earlier." I hand Takamina's phone to her.

"Sorry.. I meant to give it to you earlier but it slipped my mind."

Takamina starts to look slightly better. She's relieved to have her phone back.

"Thank you!" She cries. She looks at the screen, her eyes widening.

"I'm dead." She whispers, small tears forming. She shows me her screen. There were even more missed calls from Acchan and this time a few from Yuko, Mayu, and Miichan. I should have called and let Acchan know she was with me. Dang, I'm probably going to get scolded to. But really, I'd like to see them try to do that. I briefly smirk.

"Who should I call back first...?" Takamina asks me, her hands slightly shaking.

Oh no, I am not going to be involved in that decision.

"Um...I think you should figure that out." I would say call Acchan first but I just know she's not going to be friendly on the other side. If she didn't call her first then oooh that'd be even worse. I'm sorry Takamina, good luck.

Takamina hangs her head, looking down at her phone. She bites her lip, debating what she'll do. I take a seat and wait for her.

She reaches a decision, dialing a number. Who? The room is silent as Takamina nervously waits for that person to pick up. I watch and listen.

Two rings later, someone picks up.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Takamina's POV

I hold my breath.

. . .

. . .

. . . *click*


"So you called Acchan. She sounds like an upset girlfriend." Sayaka-san laughs. "Here, just give me the phone." She extends her hand.

I shake my head, mouthing that I would handle this. She understands, giving me space.

"I'm at the Archives with Sayaka-san. She was helping me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I lost my phone for a while and just got it back. I'm really sorry, Acchan." I say softly, trying not to cry.

". . ."

It's silent on the other side.


"I'm going there right now."

"Eh? No, you don't have to!"

"Takamina. Don't start with me."

I gulp. "But we just got finished with what we needed to do. We found something, Acchan. We'll go to meet with you and the others. Just...relax for now."

"Relax?" she scoffs. I am totally relaxed! You just better hurry back here before I go get you! Oi—" I hear noises in the background.

"Oi Bakamina, you're right. Acchan needs to relax." I hear Yuko laugh. But we're waiting on you too. If you want her to relax, get a move on. I feel her smiling.

I nod my head though they can't see me. "Ok, I'm coming. I'll see you guys in a bit. Ja." I hang up the phone. I let out a deep sigh.

"You've got it hard on you." Sayaka chuckles.

"I know, but that's because they care." I smile. "We better hurry down there." I tuck the file under my arm and we leave the Archives. Sayaka locks it up and guides me down. This time, we take the lift.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Acchan's POV

I pace back and forth. They should be here by now! Where are they??

"Acchan, you're making me dizzy. Calm down, she'll be here any minute." Mayu informs me.

"I know I know." I stop pacing, my foot starts tapping.

She makes me so mad. I knew she would eat a lot so, I took the time to cook katsudon and also make a freaking bento for her and she wasn't even there when I went to bring it to her. She didn't pick up her phone after I called her how many times, and worried me beyond belief of her whereabouts. To spite her, I ate all her food myself. It was really delicious. Of course it was though, because I made it. I really wanted her to eat it though so at the same time that it was delicious, it was bitter too.

"Oh look, she's here!" I hear Yuko shout.

I look up. "Where?!" I answer, looking around.

"Just kidding!" Yuko winks, laughing.

I pout. "That's not funny!"

I look over to Mayu and Miichan who were laughing at Miichan's phone.

"What are you two laughing at?" I ask them suspiciously. Yuko hurries over to take a look before I could.

She laughs, "They took a video of you and posted it to snapchat. Hey Miichan, get Takamina to download her own snapchat and follow you."

"Will do!" Miichan replies gladly.

I frown. "You're all mean." Is that the worst I could say?

"You're the one to talk. Nowadays, you hardly pay any attention to us. It's all about Takamina. Even if you're talking to us, it's usually about her. So admit it already."

I'm taken aback. “Admit what?” What is she talking about?

“I mean that you--Takamina!”  I whip around to where Yuko was looking.

Takamina enters the building with Sayaka. We hurry over to them.

I punch Takamina’s shoulder.

“Itai!” She rubs her shoulder. “I deserved that…” She’s always like this.

“I should have told you she was with me.” Sayaka says.

“I’m not blaming you. Takamina didn’t cause you any trouble, did she?”

Sayaka and Takamina exchange glances.

“No, I was good.” Takamina says quickly.

“No, she didn’t.” Sayaka replies at the same time.

I eye them both. They smile at me in reassurance. Hm? Fine, I'll let them go this time. I've had enough things to stress about today.

“I hope it’s okay, but I told Sayaka my situation.” Takamina informs me. I make eye contact with Sayaka, nodding.

“Welcome to the team. I’m sure Mariko won’t mind.” I chuckle. I know its supposed to be a secret, but since its Sayaka, it should be alright. She’s close enough to Mariko to be able to get by her.

“She shouldn’t. And I won’t say I’m sorry for getting involved. It’s really my pleasure. Also, don’t worry about Mariko. I can vouch for you guys. From my understanding, she doesn’t seem to know Takamina is running around hm?”

We all laugh nervously avoiding eye contact.

“Bulls eye. Like I said, if it comes down to it, I can talk to her.” Sayaka smiles, offering.

“You’re the best! Arigatouuuu!” Yuko cries, latching onto Sayaka.

I laugh. “Thank you. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that though.” We’re still trying to keep it from her.

"So Acchan mentioned that you guys found something. What is it?" Mayu asks.

Takamina bounces excitedly. "Ah! Yes! We found a legend about me. It describes what happened, how I got here, and what I need to do to stay here. It also included clues to where I can find the rest of my soul.”

“Whoa whoa whoa wait.” Yuko puts a hand up.

I have a very important question!” She says. “In the beginning when we first met, you had said that you had seven days left and needed to collect the rest of your soul by then. So really, how did you know that before you found this??”

“True, we never did ask you that.” Miichan comments.

“Did you have previous knowledge?” Mayu questions.

“Eto…” Takamina scrunches up her face. She folds her arms together looking into space. We all stare at her, waiting for her answer.

“I…” We lean in closer to hear her.

“I...I…” She pauses, looking up to face us.

“I don’t know.” she finally replies. Disappointment hangs in the air. “I...I just knew. I never knew anything about it before I woke up, but when I did awake, the thoughts just came out of nowhere. As if I was being told, like my subconscious knew more than I. I only knew what I needed to know, not everything.” She admits.

“Tch. Everything’s so weird! So complicated, gah!” Yuko complains, scratching her head.

“Don’t mind her, she’s the kind of person who likes to go with the flow, but doesn’t like when things are hard to make sense of. For everyone as well, it’s frustrating when there are things they can’t understand.” I try to assuage Takamina’s worried look.

“I’m sorry. I wish I did have the answers you have been seeking from me. Even though you have helped me, I haven’t been able to help you all in return.”

“You are helping us. By being here right now, and continuing to to live. You could have decided to not collect your soul and disappear, but you didn’t. You’re making an effort. We all are. To keep going, share with us what you’ve found so we can understand.”

Takamina nods, and she and Sayaka start to explain what they found out at the Archives.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Let’s review.” Mayu speaks up. “There are five total. The first already with Takamina when she awoke to preserve her life for a short time.”

“2. Home. We were right. That was found in Tokyo when Takamina realized where her home really was.” Miichan smiles.

“The third,” I say. “is found with a faithful friend. Yes, that pertained to Takamina’s cat whom she reunited with at the Legacy Tree.” I shake my head, smiling. I feel like that was an unbelievable event.

“All that’s left is the fourth and fifth. What does the paper say?” Yuko asks.

Sayaka reads them off.

“4. An extension of yourself.” She pauses. “And 5. Cannot be seen or found, only when realized.” Her voice becomes unsure as she reads it.

“That last one is really sketchy.” Miichan comments. “It’s not really much of a clue, in fact.”

“Well let’s start with the fourth. We can worry about the last one later.” Mayu suggests.

“Alright. So…an extension of yourself. Any ideas guys?” I ask. This one isn’t any better.

“So like, her arm?” Miichan asks hesitantly.

“That’s a start. Not necessarily her arm, but probably something that can act like that.” Mayu nods. “Like a support.”

“Oh, maybe a sword? Hey Takamina, have you ever wielded a sword?” Yuko asks.

“Um.. tell me what is a sword first.” Takamina scratches her cheek.

“Well that’s out.” I say.

“Takamina, do you have any idea what it means? Have you ever had something like an extension to yourself?” Sayaka ventures to ask.

“A hair extension maybe!” Miichan laughs. “Just kidding!’ she quickly says after we all glare at her like really, no.

“I don’t think so?” Takamina answers.

“Maybe she doesn’t realize it.” Yuko points out. “Maybe the extension isn’t an object.. Hey Takamina, in your time was it only you and your cat? Was there anyone else in your you could say, your previous life?”

Takamina nods. “My neighbor. He’s my best friend.”

“He?” I raise an eyebrow. Yuko eyes me.

“Yeah. Yuu-kun worked with me in the fields and had my back when we went hunting for food. For sport, we would always try to see who could tame the most big cats. When it didn’t turn out good, we would have to make sure the other didn’t get hurt.” Takamina laughs, reminiscing what’s now her past. I suddenly feel a pang inside. Of what, I wonder.

“Sounds extreme….ly fun.” Miichan comments.

“It was..” Takamina smiles. She looks at Yuko. “You remind me of him.”

“Eh?” Yuko blinks. “What? Me?”

“Yeah, he was short too. When we wanted to get fruits from trees, neither of us would be able to reach any. I would have to stand on his shoulders so I could reach them. Also like you, he always got me into trouble. I think I got hurt many times because I always listened to him. Luckily, I heal fast you know.” Takamina pauses. “He was like a brother, but he didn’t want to be. I still don’t understand why. He was really annoying, bringing me flowers when I needed berries. I can’t eat flowers. And then sometimes I would find him cleaning in my shelter. Why would he clean where I live? That’s my place, not his. He was so weird too. He had a hobby of watching the animals know..? Ah, nevermind. Yeah, but he was a good friend. I wonder what happened to him after I disappeared…” Takamina finishes softly.

I’m trying to listen to what Takamina’s saying, but I don’t hear her. I don’t really. I keep thinking, she doesn’t even talk long so much and one of the times she does, it’s about this guy. So fondly too.. I don’t like this feeling.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Yuko’s POV

I’m laughing. Bakamina is so dense! That guy obviously liked her! I look over to Acchan. She seems really quiet right now. Hm? Is she ok?

I was about to go over to her when Sayaka says something that makes me stop.

“I get it, so that guy is like an extension to Takamina. Over here, he would be her comrade seeing they’ve must have been through a lot.” Yeah, I thought so too after what Takamina said.

“But even if he is, wouldn’t that guy be dead by now? She wouldn’t be able to collect a piece of her soul that way.” Miichan says, inconsiderate of Takamina’s feelings. I elbow her.

“I’m fine.” Takamina says. “I know it’s been a long time. I understand the concept of death. It’s natural, right?”

“Bakamina. We all know that the words “I’m fine” is the biggest lie right after “I’ve read the terms and agreements…” I smile. “You can be real with us.”

Takamina nods. “I can. Me being here is not natural. I should’ve been gone way before you all were born.” Takamina speaks sadly, believing her words are truth.

“Baka!” Acchan screams at her, suddenly slapping her cheek. Whoa. We all move back. “Why are you being so depressed now because of this guy? You know and we know that there is a reason you are here now. I told you before that you were helping us by being here. I meant that. You’re our friend too, remember that. Just think of all the things that never would have happened if you hadn’t come here. We never would have met. So don’t say things like “it’s not natural” or “I shouldn’t be here” because we all care about you! I know you had to go away from your time, but we don’t want you to disappear from our time as well!”

“Acchan’s right. I know its being selfish, but think of us too before you say something like that.” I smile.

Takamina’s stunned, tears stinging her eyes. “I’m sorry.” she wipes her eyes before they could fall. “I keep making you upset. I’m sorry.” she apologizes to Acchan.

Acchan responds by giving a small smile. She shakes her head, patting Takamina’s head much to the shorter girl’s confusion. Acchan leaves us, taking a seat at a nearby table. She looks really tired.

I leave the others and go to her.

“Hey, you okay? You don’t look so hot right now.” I put a hand on her back, lightly patting it.

“Are you saying that I’m usually hot?” she jokes lightly. “Daijoubu. I just need to rest, so leave me alone for a bit.” she smiles tiredly.

She looks like she’s going to break down any minute. She’s right, she needs to rest. She didn’t even sleep in like the rest of us. Too busy thinking about Bakamina probably. See? This is what happens when you overwhelm yourself with too many things. If I say something to her, she might start crying too. That’s what happens when you get sleep deprived too. Emotions become harder to control. Hope you feel better soon, Acchan.

I oblige to her wishes, leaving her. She rests her head on the table and closes her eyes. Just for a while.

When I reach the others, Takamina asks me, “Is Acchan okay??”

“She’s fine. She’s just overworked. She’s done a lot. Add that to no sleep, and she’ll be like that. We’ll give her a break for now. So what were you guys talking about?”

"We're still trying to figure out that fourth clue. We decided to scrap that idea of that guy because there's no way he would have it." Miichan says.

"Wait, we didn't agree to that." Sayaka quickly says.

Mayu agrees. "Only you want to scrap it."

"Well what else? We don't have the time to dwell on it. That's the past. Figure something we could find here!" Miichan exasperates.

Takamina watches as we think silently for a minute.

Sayaka snaps her fingers, "It makes sense. I don't know if it's real, but I have a possible and very likely theory." She says almost confidently.

"What is it?" Mayu and Miichan both ask.

"It's Yuko." She points a finger to me. They all stare at me now.

"What the heck are you talking about?" I say, annoyed. Is this a joke?

"Think about it. The guy Takamina described is very much like Yuko, even their names are similar. You could even go all the way to say that she may be his reincarnation...if you believe in that."

"Pffft. In my past life I liked Bakamina?" I scoff. For shame, NyanNyan's the only one for me.

Sayaka shrugs. Mayu laughs, "Although you would be a guy, why can I imagine that?"

"Why you!" I take her under my arm and rub her head, ruining her hair. When I let her go, she frowns at me. I look back at her.

"What? How many times have I told you, watch what you say." I warn.

"Ahm." Sayaka coughs. "Do you guys think it is plausible? Takamina, your thoughts?"

"Um...I guess you're right about the two being similar. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the word reincarnation though. That's a big word."

"Stay with us, Takamina. Another question. If Yuko really was him through reincarnation, how could you get a piece of your soul from her?"

"Um..." Takamina thinks. She looks at me, eyeing me up and down. I grin and make a silly pose for her. She laughs turning back to Sayaka.

"Please give me more time to think." She asks.

"Maybe she should hug her like you did that tree." Miichan suggests, grinning.

"Maybe." I say, it's kind of weird. I don't think I've hugged Takamina before.

"That's not it." Takamina says. Ooh, I was kind of starting to get my hopes up.

"Then what?" Mayu asks.

"Hm?" Takamina purses her lips. She stares intently at me. Um..

"I don't have to make physical contact. Actually, if it really is her, it should come out of her or at least appear due to my presence."

"We've been with you like what, 5 days now? There's been nothing. It's probably not her then." Miichan says.

"Wait, maybe it's because you guys didn't know of its whereabouts before. You might have to acknowledge where it is before something could happen. Takamina, do you believe that Yuko may be Yuu's reincarnation?" Sayaka asks.

"I do." Takamina replies.

"And Yuko, do you believe that you may be the reincarnation of Yuu?"

"What is this, a wedding?" I say, disgusted. "Sayaka, watch your wording!"

"Sorry sorry, so do you?"

"I guess."

"That's not an answer." Sayaka scolds me.

I sigh. Am I really that guy's reincarnation? What were the odds though? Of all people and places, Takamina happened to end up with us and we were assigned to her. It's so...real. All this is really real huh?

"Yeah, I believe it." I call out.

"Whoa!" I gasp as something suddenly flies out of me. "Oh my god, my heart!" I grasp my chest.

"Yuko, stop joking." Mayu frowns.

"Yeah I know, but that really surprised me! I almost thought I was going to get a heart attack." I laugh.

"How did it feel?" She asks.

"Warm and bubbly like. It's like it was just waiting." That initial feeling I suddenly got before it left. I could really feel it. I look up as Takamina receives it.

I call out to her. "There's a lot of compassion there. You might not have been able to tell, but you were really loved."

Takamina smiles, "Thank you."

= = = = =

Offline black_maa

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Re: oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 11/?
« Reply #34 on: March 23, 2015, 08:25:52 PM »
Woah.. then there is only one left..  :huhuh 
Scary Acchan is the best..  :lol:

I bet last one is about Acchan.. well.. I think..  :D

Waiting next update!   :)
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Offline Ren-kun

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Re: oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 11/?
« Reply #35 on: March 24, 2015, 04:37:29 PM »
wow..this fic is so good..  :cathappy:
everything is so fun and nicely written..  :twothumbs
i love the part where acchan was so worried and shouting over the phone..  :lol:
i'm guessing the last piece of soul will appear once atsumina realizes their feelings for each other..  :nya:
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Offline takaminasjokes

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Re: oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 11/?
« Reply #36 on: March 28, 2015, 03:07:10 PM »
it's great that they've found another part and one to go~!
could the last one be the same with what acchan's been feeling? hohohoho
sayaka and takamina's adventure was really fun to read XD
acchan's rage is the best though hahahaha i wish she'd stop denying her feelings lol

thank you for the update and take your time~! just update when you can :3

Offline phoenix0i

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Re: oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 11/?
« Reply #37 on: March 28, 2015, 04:30:33 PM »
Yuko being Takamina's bestfriend and former suitor.
That's a nice story background.

Sayaka helping Takamina is awesome.
I can imagine Takamina acting like a child.
Atsuko would definitely be the last.
2 more days to go.  :cow:
Discovering the wonders of your vague imagination.
Taeny, Atsumina and SayaMilky <3

Offline cisda83

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Re: oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 11/?
« Reply #38 on: March 28, 2015, 09:35:13 PM »
I guess one more piece of soul to find

Who or where is it?

What's going to happen when Minami collects all?

What about Atsuko and Minami?

Can't wait to see the next chapter

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: oKei's +shots collection : Linked (AtsuMina) - 11/?
« Reply #39 on: May 05, 2015, 03:50:54 PM »
I demand an update of this fic!~  :tantrum: :tantrum:
If you give up about it, it's not love. - Akimoto Yasushi

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