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Author Topic: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum - CHAPTER 27 (multipairing) 31/03/2016  (Read 124424 times)

Offline deguchi

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 3)(7/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #40 on: April 08, 2015, 08:48:20 AM »
MAN! Ehem...okay...

 :heart: :yep: :heart: :inlove: :inlove:

Ah, poor juju...but you should thanks paru thought, ah bad I want to see ze cyborg mayu fight
I see name's rena was takamina's team and atsuko(her wife)
Rena in juju's place and acchan?

Hey I'm really into this amazing story n can't help my crazy mine playing this story will going, I want to write it but that wil spoil the fun, no?
And if you.give more names it'll be so asdfghhjjkk interesting!!!

Why I'm feeling that paru is a bait? Eh nevermind

So paru will teach by takamina, how bout her school n sensei yuki?
Ah forget that, let's just  ze REAL TRAINING began

just love to read alot of fiction story

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 3)(7/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #41 on: April 14, 2015, 02:11:58 PM »
okay, where do I start from... ngh, so many thoughts running inside my head...

First things first, Kevin, WAI U SO RUDE?!!!  :cry: *huggies* no, really, every chapter is getting better and better and I even don't know anymore how to handle your every update. Like...oh my god, I am so lazy to write or read nowadays, and my favorite seigus-sama hasn't uploaded in ages, but your fic gives me motivation :rock: it's like, whenever I see you upload a chapter, my whole body screams "TIME TO READ!!!!", all negative emotions become positive ones and here I am, reading, spazzing and commenting

Is it just me or this Chapter is shorter than the previous two? Or it could be that I was just so entranced into reading it that when I finished, it felt too short... Um, I read this three times, making sure I dun miss any details that I wanna talk about and of course, if this wasn't epic, I wouldn't read it this many times. Then I read twice more, just for it being very epic  :deco: I overall love it so much  :inlove: I mean, I still have to read master's and shachou's updates, but ya know, instead, here I am, spazzing and dying over this awesome update. How can you be so rude, Kevin?!  :banghead: I get it, you're hurt and all, your friend died on her Birthday before even eating a cake or blowing candles on it...she didn't even buy it!!! I know how you feel, I am still as mad about it and frustrated as you are, I cannot get over it. BUT. I have to agree with Yuki, you still need to learn a lot in order to avenge for her death. Aaaaand see, I knew it. Yuki was able to show you that you are lacking and also was able to give you comfort at the same time. Yes, she is wonderful and good and the best teacher you ever had (apparently you will have a better one, but about it later) What I really like about this fic is that no one acts very nicely, and makes it very straightforward. Like, Yuki didn't act all nice and wasn't all like "oh you poor child, oh I get you" or etc. Instead she kinda beat her, disarmed her and showed what Paru is lacking, then she comforted her. It is a way better lesson and I really like it.

"Life is never fair, Paru. You, not realizing it and accepting it shows how naive you still are. <...>"

This. THIS. This quote is what depicts reality. A lot of people are so naive, like, OMG. But if I go into the discussion here, I might sidetrack and write over 5k only about naivety of people and unfairness of life. We dun need that here, now do we? :nervous

Of course, of course it was Paru who had to be her target. Nice, I like it. Jurina of course is baddass and strong and all. However, Paru was really good at avoiding her attacks and I thought she was gonna make it out. Then again, it wouldn't be a story if everything went okay. I thought Jurina was gonna pull off some powerful move on Paru, but no. Instead...

Little did Paru notice there was a pipe right at her foot and she tripped over as she was dodging the attack.

 :mon suspect: :mon ehh: :mon wtfmm:

... Really now, Paru? Out of all things and ways this could have panned out, you managed, no, you just had to trip over a pipe... Seriously...? It's lame, you know... It's Taka level already... God, no wonder you became her apprentice later on...

So yeah Jurina would have killed her but then we have an epic appearance of a certain midget.

 :wriggly: :wriggly: :wriggly: :wriggly: :wriggly:


Like, really... She is so epic and amazing.

The way she dealt with Jurina, we just can tell Takamidget is a baddass strong Reaper  :on woohoo: :on woohoo:

Jurina is way weaker and she is a Beta. Wow, really, poor Juju.

She couldn't stand a chance but then Paru - it had to be her, right? - had to ruin it all. Of course, what Yuki taught her, it is of no equivalent, she is still raging over Minarun's death, she needs a better lesson to make her realize that she is still a greenie in the field.

FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY!!!! Nezumi Mayu lost her cool!!!

 :cow: :cow: :cow:

I am so glad she lost all her poise, well, I didn't think Jurina is THAT precious to Mayu. Then again, I am sure she is precious ONLY because she is useful to her. If Jurina was useless... nah, Jurina could never be useless, we all know that Jurina is way too epic to be useless, right? #totalLYnotBiased

“Where is Atsuko and Rena?”

UWA, so Taka thinks that Acchan is taken by Jurina's kind too? I wonder if she is right or Acchan is in hiding somewhere? so then does it mean that Acchan is a human reaper too? Or did I, like Chiqi-yah, missed something out? Well, I know that Rena is being sexually harassed tortured by Jurina and sometimes Tomochin, but we still have no clue or even a tiny glimpse of Acchan in le story, so I really have no idea where could she be and what's her background/story/rank/motives.

Way to ruin it Paru... So Jurina escapes and Taka beats the shit outta Paru. Amazing. I really love the character of Takamidget here, it shows she's been through some ISH in her life and she gives no Fs about anything but Acchan and Rena LOL well, I guess she gave a few Fs to Jurina (not literal LOL) but of course it's only cuz she needs info about those two important people to her.

“I....” Paru suddenly took a sharp rock and stabbed her own chest hard, shocking Takamina. “*cough cough* am not a weakling!!”

 :stoned: :scared: :on shady:



No, really, how does hurting yourself make you strong? Especially in this case, where Taka just minutes ago said, I quote

“And I don’t like people taking the easy way out.”

I am sure that you had different intentions, Paru, but you know nothing of Taka. What if she left you there to die? What then about your revenge and all? What then about you getting the Judgement? You are lucky Taka doesn't leave innocent people to die... Or she's just as dumb as you are, thinking that the act you did is something a non-weakling must do in order to prove themselves.... God...

Well, at least Paru got what she wanted. Takamina gave her a Judgement and she's gonna teach her and train her. That's good. I really wanna read the scenes where she trains and teaches Paru life lessons, like, how different will it be from Yuki's teachings.

Really, I wanna see Gekikara Rena-sama soon  :bleed eyes: When will she appear, Kevin, wai are you so cruel?!  :banghead:

Anyways, I enjoyed reading this chapter, and I cannot wait for the next one to come out. Really sorry for the late comment, but was very busy and only now had some quiet and peaceful time to properly read it - five times - and comment  XD

*retreats to shadows to not so patiently wait for another update*

 :mon cweepy:
« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 02:28:41 PM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline kevinwkl

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 3)(7/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #42 on: April 14, 2015, 03:09:45 PM »
@chiqin : lolz yup, badass midget ish here~~ lol u didn't miss out anything. Atsuko will appear soon. Very very soon.. Takamina is too badass to die early so nah.... she won't lolz Thx for reading~
@deguchi : XD i can assure you there will be more names to come.. lol Paru is a bait? A bait for what? XD Yup, stay tuned for Paru's super hard training~

@saku : Jesus Christ, are you for real?? That's a looooong comment from you. As expected tho lulz. Ok, firstly I think this chapter is about the same length as the previous chapter. I just checked it and there's only about 200 words difference so i think you're just too entranced into reading it. Thanks for liking this chapter and reading it so many effin times lol. I appreciate that.

Paru is till a teenager in this fic so she's kinda at her rebellious age as well so it's understandable that she acted that way lol. Yuki is still Paru's lecturer whether they are very close or not. When the student tries to mess up big time, the teacher will always be there to teach you a lesson till you have learnt. Which is why I made Yuki beat Paru up before comforting her. Yuki wanted Paru to know that she's still lacking a lot, not to beat her up to prove that she is stronger.

The part about life not being fair, I took it from real life experiences, so yea.. I'm tryna make Yuki a wise lecturer lolz

Paru was their target for a reason. It's part of their 'cleansing' plan which will be revealed in the next chapter. Paru was the best student in yuki's class for a reason. That's why she could dodge Jurina's attacks. Paru tripped over a pipe when she was dodging attacks from a Beta Spectre. How do you expect to be aware of your other surroundings when you're an amateur dodging attacks from a Beta Spectre? You'll just be like "Side! Side! Duck! Jump! Side! Oopz I tripped over a pipe." lel

Takamina is just that badass.. I made her that way lolz. Short but strong and swift. Paru thought it was a good chance to kill Jurina as she was pinned down by Takamina. She didn't know that Jurina was an important asset to Takamina to find Rena and Atsuko. That's why takamina got angry and beat her into a pulp after that lolz. She even stepped on her face and mocked her lel.

Acchan will appear soon, so don't worry lol

You were right about Taka. She would really consider leaving Paru there to die and just leave because she had no ties with Paru plus she don't give a shit. But then again, Takamina has her own reasons as to why she saved Paru's life and granted her wish of teaching her. How different will Takamina's teachings be compared to Yuki's? You'll see in the very next chapter which I'm working on right now.

I know you wanted to see Rena but be patient because once she comes in the story, it will be more epic than Takamina first came out. Much much more.. But the true question is.... Which one will appear? Rena?......or Gekikara? Welp I'll leave you to your imagination lolz

Once again, thank you for reading my fic so many times and I'll see you in the next chapter... or the chatbox lel CHIAOZ~!

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 3)(7/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #43 on: April 14, 2015, 03:44:19 PM »

Offline Raven _faith

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 3)(7/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #44 on: April 22, 2015, 10:48:23 AM »
Hello, Kevin sama!! Just crammed the 3 chapters plus prologue into 1hr of reading. Hahaha. I really like your fanfics a lot!!! i got sucked into the story and before i know it, im at the end of the chapter. ._. Ehehehe. And now, im going to reread it again... until you update it. :P so pleass update soon!!!!!!!! :) thank you for the update!!!!! ^_^

Offline kevinwkl

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 4)(23/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #45 on: April 22, 2015, 06:45:29 PM »
I'm back with the 4th chapter of The Ultimatum~!!
Some action scenes in this chapter as usual~
And finally a confrontation!?!?
Read on to find out~
And before that, I would like to thank CLUBHAPPY so much for making the fanart at the very bottom of the chapter. (If you don't want spoilers, don't even try to scroll down to the end before you read it till end yet or you will really regret it LOL)
Anyways, here it is~
  :banana: :pepper: :leek: :taco: :muffin: :strawberry: :lock:


Chapter 4 : Teacher and Student

“Paru!!” Yuki walked along a large field screaming the name out loud, looking everywhere for Paru. “Where could she be? It’s been twelve hours since she left.. She should be back long ago..”

*cough cough*

The cough caught Yuki’s attention as she looked at the direction to find Jurina leaning over a tree, bleeding non stop from her shoulders and mouth, looking half dead. Jurina’s eyebags were literally drooping and her face was really pale compared to a normal Spectre. “You!” Yuki recognized the hooded girl immediately. “You’re the one from the other day. Mariko was right about the Spectres. The cloak really was in the hands of a Spectre.”

“S-Shit...” Jurina cursed herself weakly for being so unlucky to meet yet another troublesome Reaper.

“You’ve been like an eel before this.. Escaping from me..” Looking at Jurina injured badly, Yuki smirked at her. “Not very slippery now, are you?”

“G-Go to hell..” Despite being severely injured, Jurina still cursed Yuki.

“We’ll see if you’re still full of words after this.” Yuki activated her scythe and leaped in.

Jurina saw Yuki coming and attempted to dodge but she barely even had any life left after her fight with Takamina. “Damn it.. Is this how I’m gonna die..?” Jurina thought to herself as she had no more energy left to even dodge against Yuki’s attack. All she could do was just lean against the tree as Yuki leaped in closer and closer to her and finally swinged her scythe at Jurina.

“Oh no, you don’t..” Yuki’s scythe was suddenly parried away by something of a tremendous force. Yuki leaped back few feet to notice a blue-eyed girl floating beside Jurina with her cybernetic right arm releasing a little electric current from the strong impact. The blue-eyed girl grinned despite her right arm injured. “That was a really strong hit, lady.. You really were planning on killing Jurina..” The girl looked down at Jurina and shook her head. “Tsk tsk tsk... Just look at how torn up you are.. This is what happens when you don’t listen to me.”

“I’m fine...” Jurina coughed out more blood from her mouth.

Yuki squinted her eyes at them. “A Cyber with a Spectre?”

Mayu sighed. “Again with that question.”

“How could I not question such a strange sight? What is going on here!?”

“Something...” Mayu smiled as she reached out for Jurina and placed her over her back. “If you may, I will be taking my leav-”

Before Mayu could finish her sentence, Yuki was already pointing her scythe at her. “You’re not going anywhere, monster..”

Mayu immediately checked the database from within her head about Yuki. “Kashiwagi Yuki. Third in rank at The Legion.. Ho... Who’s the monster here, now..” Despite saying it, Mayu’s smug look was still carved over her face. Nobody could ever tell what’s going through her head.

Without a moment of hesitation, Yuki leaped in for a slash. She meant to take them both out with that single and fast slash but to no avail as Mayu disappeared from the area of target all of a sudden. Yuki then looked up to notice Mayu had already flew up few meters in the air. Yuki literally thought that her scythe slash was fast, but Mayu was faster.

Smirking at Yuki one last time, Mayu saluted her with two fingers. “Adios.” and flew off.

“I don’t think so!!” Yuki retracted her scythe back into the Judgement and transformed it into a hook instead. She then shot the hook at the escaping Mayu with a tremendous speed and it caught onto her foot. “Gotcha!”

“Oh? My leg was caught..” Mayu said blankly as if it doesn’t concern her at all. Instead, she smiled. “We’ll see who has the advantage in strength.” Mayu increased the force of her thrusters, allowing her to fly off with more force than before.

Any normal human would have been pulled along by Mayu’s incredible force from her thrusters but not Yuki. Stubborn as she could ever be, she refused to let the Cyber and Spectre get away as she increased her strength as well. Yuki placed her right foot on a thick tree trunk and instead started pulling Mayu back slowly. She used so much strength to pull the chain that some veins could be seen in her arm and her temple. “You’re not getting away...”

“She’s really strong...” Mayu smiled. “I want to know more about her.”

Jurina just laid silently behind Mayu’s back, unconscious. Mayu then transformed her left hand into a cannon and fired it at Yuki’s direction. Noticing the cannon, Yuki immediately unclipped another Judgement from her utility belt with one hand and activated a shield while the other hand still holding onto the chain. The cannon was blocked completely by the shield and she was still left unharmed.

“Just as I thought.. She had more than one Judgement. Interesting..” Mayu smirked and unclipped a metallic looking orb from her belt. “Time to test this out.”

Yuki saw that Mayu was moving her arm around quite a bit so Yuki knew that she was up to no good and thought to herself. “Just what are you planning....”

“I’m within 10meters from her.. How lucky of her to be my first test subject for the anti-Judgement device..” Mayu smiled smugly and clicked on a button on the orb. It then released a very strong EMP-like force to the surrounding 10meters and in an instant, the Judgement unhooked itself from Mayu’s feet and retracted back into the handle.

Obviously Yuki had never expected something like that to happen. She tumbled backwards and fell onto the ground from the sudden deactivation of her Judgement. Yuki attempted to click on all the buttons on the Judgement again but nothing seemed to be working and Yuki didn’t know why. This gave Mayu the chance to escape to a higher level before shooting a wink at Yuki. “I’ll see you VERY soon, young lady.” And then Mayu increased her thrusters and flew off from the scene with Jurina laying on her back.

“Damn it!” Yuki punched the ground for letting her target get away for the second time. “Just what the hell was that!?”

Yuki let out a loud and long sigh before standing up once again. Now, she tried clicking on the Judgement again and it worked. As it was already too late to catch Mayu again, Yuki just clipped her Judgement back on her utility belt and looked up into the sky. “I’ll get you both next time... For now, I have to find Paru. Something might have happened to her.” Yuki then proceeded to walk along the path that slowly led her into a jungle.

“Could Paru be somewhere in this jungle?” Yuki looked around and only found trees. Suddenly, Yuki stopped as she heard the sound of water flowing. “River... Maybe I should check it out.”

Yuki made her way slowly towards the source of the water sound and came face to face with some large bushes. There is definitely a river behind these bushes. Yuki then heard some footsteps from behind the bush as well. “Those footsteps may belong to Paru..” And she walked past the bushes.

Somewhere in the jungle

“The birds are being extra noisy today.. I wanna silence them all..” Paru was annoyed as she moved her eye around, searching for the source of the sound.

“Don’t get distracted by small things and concentrate.” Takamina replied.

“It’s tiring...and annoying...” Paru sighed as she balanced three buckets of water. Two buckets held out horizontally at each arm while the third, balancing on her head. If that wasn’t enough, Takamina made her squat halfway while carrying all three of the buckets. She had been in this position for hours and Paru was almost at her limit. “Takamina sensei..”


“The Spectres and Cybers hated each other. So who exactly is Jurina and why is she working with a Cyber? What is the ‘Cleansing’ plan they talked about? I’m confused.”

“It was all Mayu’s plan. The Cyber.”

“Figured.” Paru wanted to nod but the bucket on top of her head would not let her.

“The ‘Cleansing’ plan is divided into two categories. First is the plan of eradicating criminals who ‘tainted’ the Earth. Second is to kill off potential threats that will bring about massive troubles to the Spectres and Cybers in the future. And yes, Mayu is just that capable of predicting the future with her database alone.”

“I was in their target list... I mean I did try to steal some diamonds before, but I gave it back! That doesn’t make me a criminal!”

Takamina snickered. “You really think you’re a target because you’re a criminal? Why did you think I saved you in the first place? Because you’re a little thief?”


“The fact that you were their target is the very reason why I decided to save you and train you. You’re not a criminal. I can tell just by looking at your face. I couldn’t believe it at first, that you were actually a huge threat to them in the future. If you were just a petty little thief, I would care less about your life. I could have just let you die after you foolishly stabbed yourself. Sorry to tell you this but I’m actually not that merciful.”

“If that’s the case... How am I a threat to them?? I barely held a Judgement before!”

“Mayu is the smartest among the Cybers and her database is the most accurate one. If she calculated that you are one of their biggest threats in the future, she might be right.”


“Why are you doubting yourself so much?” Takamina got a little annoyed and pointed her Judgement sword few inches away from Paru’s face. “Would you like me to prove her calculations wrong?”

“....” Paru became silent right away and continued balancing all three buckets.

“But of course that is in the future.. Now, you’re nothing more than a tiny little worm trying to go for a war against monsters.” Takamina said straight to the point.

“A w-worm.....” Paru felt mocked but she just brushed it off.

Takamina then looked at her watch and said. “You’re currently 8 hours into this training and there’s 59 days 16 hours to go till you can remove the buckets.”

“You’re kidding!” Paru argued.

“I’m not.”

“Damn it, this is nonsense!!” Paru cursed and cursed but yet she continued holding onto the three buckets.

“What’s the matter? Are you dying from this bucket training?” Takamina asked suddenly.

“N-No..” Paru struggled and obviously told a lie just to prove that she’s not weak. Clearly Paru said that, not being familiar with how Takamina plays her games.

“You’re not dying?” Takamina immediately released a strong kick right on Paru’s stomach so hard, it sent her flying few feet back along with the three buckets of water. “What about now?”

“W-What was that for?” Paru continued coughing again and again from the pain on her stomach. Clearly Paru still doesn’t know how to play by Takamina’s rules.

“If you’re not dying, you’re not learning. Get up and redo this for 60 days straight.”

“I-It doesn’t make any sense! Nobody can go on for 60 days!” Paru was still holding her stomach and groaning.

“My trainings don’t have to make sense. If you don’t like it, then you’re more than welcome to leave.”

Paru then whispered to herself. “This seemed awfully familiar... It’s like Yuki-sensei’s ‘Run till you drop’ punishment.. Their so called training were meant for you to pass out in the end..”

“Now get up and stretch. You will continue this training after I get the water from the river again.” Takamina said.

Something caught Paru’s eye at that time and she pointed at Takamina’s neck. “Takamina sensei.... What’s that scar?”

Takamina reached for her neck and placed her hand over a scar lining at the side. “A student of mine left this scar on my neck.”

“Huh? Judging from what I saw during your fight with Jurina, I can’t think of anybody who is able to hurt you, let alone place that huge scar on your neck.”

“She was my best student when I was a lecturer back at the Academy..” Takamina’s eyes twitched a little.

“When you were a lecturer there? You used to teach at the Legion Academy?? Wait.. But why would a student do that to their teacher? I mean... I can’t think of any reasons..” Paru looked so confused.

Without replying, Takamina just stared blankly at Paru’s face. Eyes so blank, it literally gave Paru the creeps. Goosebumps. From that look, Paru knew Takamina definitely didn’t want to talk a bout it but whatever it was, she knew that it had to be something really dark.

Paru’s eyes widened as she swallowed her saliva in fear. “M-Maybe I shouldn’t ask too much..”

“Stay here. I’m going to get some water.” Takamina left the place with three of the buckets.

An unknown place

Mayu reached her secret base finally and landed a little hard on the ground as her right thruster wasn’t working properly thanks to Yuki’s hook. Mayu proceeded to piggyback Jurina into the room and laid her down on her experiment table.

“Hey, Jurina. Wake up.” Mayu slapped Jurina. Not the soft slap but the hard kind. She didn’t even bother holding back her strength. Even that, Jurina was still unconscious from all the blood loss. Mayu converted her eyes into X-ray vision and took a look at Jurina’s wound and found out that both Jurina’s shoulder joints were completely ruptured. “Takamina was really aiming for her weak spots.. This is bad... But of course nothing is impossible in from of the great Mayu.” Mayu grinned.

“I only have to align the bones on her shoulder back together and it will slowly heal over time. She’s a Beta Spectre after all. She should survive.” As Mayu reached for Jurina’s shoulder for further inspection, all of a sudden, Jurina grabbed Mayu’s hand tightly, leaving the latter dumbfounded. “W-Wha-??”

“D-Don’t leave me....” murmured Jurina. “ you a lot....”

Mayu immediately retracted her hand back without a second thought. “Disgusting!”

“C-Come back.....” Jurina continued living in her dream.

“Tch- What kind of Spectre have horny dreams llike this?” Mayu snapped her fingers and two of her drones came flying to her. “Fix her up. I don’t want her touching me like that again.”

Mayu then made her way towards her seat, limping a little as her right foot was twitching a little from the damage caused by Yuki’s grapple hook. Noticing the electric currents escaping her slightly broken ankle, Mayu smiled. “Interesting.. Finally somebody has piqued my interest.. Such a powerful specimen... Kashiwagi Yuki...” Mayu grinned widely. “I want her..”


It was a fifteen minute walk from Takamina’s place to the river. Takamina placed the buckets on the side before squatting down and looked at her own reflection in the river. She unclipped the cloak off her neck and placed it on the ground, revealing a few battle scars on her arm. But of all scars, the most noticeable is the one on her neck. She tilted her head to the side to reveal the scar before outlining it with her finger. “The pain is still there..”

Suddenly, the bushes nearby shook hard and Takamina could feel a tall lady walking out of the bush and stopped right behind her, silent. Takamina immediately scoffed. “Hmph.... And I wonder why my scar hurts all of a sudden..”

“Takamina.......sensei..” Her eyes were widened in shock. Words slowly escaped the lady’s mouth as she could not believe the sight of her teacher right before her very eyes.

“Yuki...” Takamina stood up and turned around, facing the tall girl.

Usually a teacher and student’s reunion should be happy but instead, Takamina didn’t look pleased at all to see Yuki.

“Just where have you been to? You just....disappeared.. The whole Legion were looking for you!”

“They were looking for me?” Takamina scoffed. “Of course they would be looking for me. To put me behind bars.”


Takamina snickered. “As I thought...”

“Just come home with me, Takamina sensei..”

“No.” Takamina widened her eyes.


“Do you remember this?” Takamina traced the scar on her neck once again. “This scar you gave me... It still hurts till today.. The pain of being backstabbed by your favourite pupil.. Do you even understand the pain?”

“I didn’t have a choice, sensei! That was a direct order from Mariko!” Yuki explained.

“A direct order from Mariko, huh?” Takamina scoffed in an annoyed manner. “So you attack your own teacher for that? The very person who taught you the basics of how to fight?”

Yuki shook her head. “You did something terrible, sensei. As much as I didn’t want to believe it, but I saw it with my own eyes.. You put Minegishi in the hospital! Two years and she’s still in a coma!”

“Minegishi....was just a warning to the Legion not to mess with me.” Takamina answered with a monotonous voice, her eyes burning a hole through Yuki’s face.

This sentence literally made Yuki’s eyes shot wide open in anger. “Minegishi was just an innocent scientist working on the Judgements!!”

“Minegishi innocent?” Takamina let out a slow chuckle before losing her smile in an instant. “You will know just how guilty she is if you knew about Legion’s classified experiments.... Experiments which costed me both my team members... Rena and Atsuko..”

“Experiments? Wha-?” Yuki couldn’t compute what Takamina was talking about.

Takamina snickered. “Mariko.... As secretive as ever...”

“What are you talking about?”

“Who knows? Mariko’s the smart one. Why don’t you ask her?” Takamina said.

“Why don’t you give me the informations instead?”

“I’ll tell you what I’ll give you. I’ll give you five seconds to GET.OUT.OF.MY.FACE.” Takamina said it slowly and softly but with a hint of anger.

“I....can’t do that, Takamina, sensei. I’m not going back without you.”

“5” Takamina held her palm out to Yuki.

“Please don’t do this..”

“4” Takamina’s thumb went down.


“3” Pinky down this time.


“2” Ring finger down.

“I don’t care, sensei. I finally met you after almost two years. I’m not leaving this place without you.”

“...” No words could escape Takamina’s mouth from Yuki’s stubbornness. “And what if I still refuse to come home?”

“You’re making things hard for me, sensei. Please. I do not wish to do this the hard way.”

Takamina’s brows rose up. “You do not wish to do this the hard way? If you didn’t want to fight me then you would have left long ago. The fact that you’re still standing here after I asked you to get lost proves that you are challenging my patience directly. And as my former student, you know very well what I did to those who dared challenge me..”

“I don’t want to fight. I just want you to come back with me. Just like that.”

Takamina smirked “You see, Yuki.. I don’t like being ordered around by people, let along do things that I don’t like to do.. Following you back just like that?” She then shook her head. “I’m not that soft, Yuki. You should know better. If you were planning to take me back, you should have brought a body bag along.”

“I don’t want to bring it. I’m not putting you in a body bag, sensei. I’m not putting anyone in a bag.”

Takamina suddenly activated a sword from her Judgement and raised her right brow. “Who told you the body bag was for me?”

“...” Yuki just looked at Takamina’s sword before locking eyes with Takamina once again. Yuki couldn’t deny that she was actually a little afraid of Takamina right now. Her eyes looked dead. Really dead. Those eyes meant to kill. Literally. And Yuki knew Takamina is not the kind of person who shows mercy just because she used to teach Yuki. She knew Takamina would actually severely injure her or maybe even kill her right there and then if she the mood. But then again, this was not the time for Yuki to back down either. If Yuki were to use words to convince Takamina once more, she would be dead in the next five seconds. She definitely needed more than mere words to convince someone like Takamina.

So, Yuki finally took a step to the front. The gaze on Yuki’s eyes changed suddenly. She had a completely fearless look on her face right now. The both of them literally had a stare down contest. As Yuki was much taller, she had to tilt her head down while Takamina had to do otherwise. Height didn’t really matter for Takamina at all. It doesn’t affect her confidence. With her fighting skills and monstrous strength, she could literally look down on everyone.

The expression on Yuki’s face was dead serious while Takamina was wearing a slight smug look on her face. The type of smug look that says ‘This kid really isn’t afraid to face death. How interesting. I like it’. The tension of the stare down became so thick that it could be cut with a knife. Whoever thought just by staring at each other alone could already build up such an overwhelmingly uncomfortable atmosphere around them. No words needed. Even the birds around them were aware of the deadly aura coming from both of them and started flying away from the area.

With a completely serious look on her face, Yuki finally opened her mouth once again. “I respected you for everything you ever did, sensei.. For an obstinate and headstrong person like you, convincing you with mere words could never be done.” Yuki then unclipped her cloak off her neck and tossed it aside while still keeping an eye contact with Takamina.

A smirk crawled on Takamina’s face. She knew Yuki removing her cloak to fight literally meant that she woul not hold back any strength at all. That she would go all out. That’s just the way Yuki fights.

After interlocking her own fingers to tighten her fingerless leather gloves, Yuki reached towards her utility belt and unclipped a Judgement and activated a scythe, pointing at Takamina. “Bring it on.”

“Don’t be so confident you managed to plant this scar on my neck two years ago, Yuki. That won’t happen again..”

“I believe in my own abilities if you may..” Yuki argued back. “If I win, you’ll come back with me to The Legion.”

Takamina smiled. “Fair enough... But if I die.”

“Fair enough.” Yuki got into her battle pose immediately with her scythe.

“Very good.” Takamina smiled got into her battle pose with her scythe as well.

“Forgive me for doing this, sensei. But if I will defeat you, and I will bring you back.”

“Are you capable of doing it?”

“Guess you’ll have to witness it yourself.”

The smug look was carved on Takamina’s face once again. “Impress me.”


Chapter 4 : Teacher and Student
« Last Edit: May 17, 2015, 03:34:16 PM by kevinwkl »

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 4)(23/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #46 on: April 22, 2015, 06:58:55 PM »
like i promised, n****

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 4)(23/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #47 on: April 22, 2015, 07:04:15 PM »
Holy crap! This is getting good! :shocked

And nice drawing! :thumbsup

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 4)(23/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #48 on: April 22, 2015, 09:45:00 PM »
 :gmon peakaboo:




 :gmon flowers:


I should stop with CAPS but I am sure they will appear again at some point.

So um, hello there, Sakura here and I am about to leave another one of my not-so-epic comments~

Just a warning, it's gonna be 'short' ><

Shall we begin?

Let me say this first. Yukirin was searching for Paru THAT LONG or she just started searching cuz Paru was missing for that long? See there is a difference in these two as if the first one happened, then Yuki...WAI DID YA NOT CALL LE REINFORCEMENTS? like really... I mean, if you have a hunch that something happened and you know she cannot be missing for this many hours... god, kiddo...wait you're not a kiddo... you are an awesome Legion Reaper, I shouldn't talk like this with you...gomennasai... *hides* any point, even if it is the second option, she still should have called for reinforcements, cuz later she meets HER, but about it later

Mhm, I didn't mean it like that, cuz HER is none other than MAYU, which manages to escape from Yuki's grasp but DANG IT, I KNEW SHE WOULD BE INTERESTED IN YUKIRIN...

 :mon nyah:

and lemme jump right to JuriMayu part and then return back to this part and say that I WAS RIGHT, SHE WANTS TO BANG HER!!!!

 :mon mischief: :mon roll: :mon thumb:

Jurina has to thank Mayu, like, THANK HER, cuz you know, that sly rat - even if only out of huge need to use Jurina in any way possible - saved her for god's sake. I am sure Yuki would have easily killed her if not Mayu saving her life, for Jesus Christ Under Maria's Wings...

 :mon exhaust:

So now Yuki is confused about how Mayu was able to stop her Judgement from working, and thus she ventures to continue looking for Paru, and as soon as she entered le forest...I knew it, I knew it right away who she was going to meet... but about that later

UNGH, I CANNOT REALLY BELIEVE IT, AM I RIGHT AND JURINA IS DREAMING ABOUT BANGING RENA...or is it just my imagination and all she dreams about is her mother... I hope it is the first one, that would be epic and amazing, but then, my daydreams and fantasies recently have not been letting me sleep - thus all the updates from me happened - but ugh, I just need wMatsui in my life so badly right now... and not any wMatsui, but this gritty, epic, action filled wMatsui

 :mon innocent: :mon innocent: :mon innocent:

dun crush mah dreams Kevin, you oredi crushed them because...


 :mon whine: :mon whine: :mon whine:

and this is where I shall stop spazzing and give you my thoughts, because come on like dun ya know this is chapter 4 already and some things have been giving me headaches


I get it, okay? Rena-sama is busy having sex time with Jurina BUT

I haven't seen even the SLIGHTEST TINIEST LITTLEST MINIMALISTIC sight of Acchan and it pains me greatly. She is such a mystery I wanna die...

 :mon headbang: :mon headbang: :mon headbang:

I am in this huge misery where I am so curious about her... You are an awesome author, to make me feel all these emotions, Kevin...

Taka is cool, and at the same time scary. A great teacher who gives you no time to rest or relax, giving no fucks about you being tired or in need to rest.

She even beat the crap outta Paru again while she had all those buckets of water to handle!!! DAMG.... (dang + omg, if you were wondering)

it is interesting to find out the cleansing thingy goals, tho I kinda was thinking somewhere along the lines...but lemme clap for myself at first because I was epic at guessing something else

 :mon fyeah: :mon fyeah: :mon fyeah: :mon fyeah: :mon fyeah: :mon fyeah:


 :mon cigar: :mon cigar: :mon cigar:

and then

and then

and then

 :mon star: :mon star: :mon star:


tho I am sure someone is going to interrupt, it's gonna be either Paru or...



 :mon geek: :mon beam: :mon cweepy:

so here I will stop... You don't deserve more epic comment because Rena-sama haven't appeared (I am happy if she is tied to Jurina's bed, but well.. Jurina is injured, so it doesn't make up for her lack of appearance)O


 :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff:

sorry for shorter and more lame comment, I am gonna do way better on your next update

:mon bye:

EDIT: okay, I was too excited about wMatsui, so lemme add a little bit more text, just a little bit more, okay? ><

what I thought a lot about and forgot to talk of, thanks to LE BANGING excitement LOL, is Minegishi!!!!

So Taka sent her to le hospital. I see what you did here. Thanks to Miichan's scandal it was easy to make her a person who is not worth trusting and deserves to be punished by Taka. I have been thinking you see...

The whole Legion in Taka's eyes is a conspiracy/marionettes/on the wrong side and led by Mariko-sama. So I am assuming most of them don't know a lot of things and I have this hunch Mariko-sama might have very bad plans... So is she a bad villain in this one that is supposed to look good and awesome in everyone's eyes? or is Taka misled and Mariko-sama is good and powerful and only wants what's the best?

What has Minegishi done in order for Taka to wound her so badly she is still in le hospital after all this time? Was she acting on Mariko's orders, by her own or once again, was it all misunderstanding? It's interesting, but on the other hand, since we still dun have much information about this whole shady matter, I cannot speculate too much into it.

So then if it was Minegishi's or Mariko-sama's fault (depending on what you will reveal in le future) that Rena-sama and Acchan are missing (dun sidetrack Sakura, don't), I can understand Takamina's hatred and want to destroy them.

Then Mariko is looking for Taka because Taka is going against her beliefs and she wants her to have same fate as what she had done to Miichan, or simply she just wants her killed? Why? What is the reasoning? What could she be trying to achieve?

Maybe Mariko-sama wants to go hand in hand with Cybers and Spectres? That would explain why Taka is different and going against her.

Well, I shall wait for le next chapter, since you said mah precious Rena-sama will appear in it. Right? *puppy eyes*


« Last Edit: April 24, 2015, 10:59:23 AM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline mitsuhara_itsuko

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 4)(23/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #49 on: April 23, 2015, 12:44:45 AM »
hallo ... ds is ket

Offline chiqinna

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 4)(23/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #50 on: April 23, 2015, 03:49:43 AM »
:gmon peakaboo:




 :gmon flowers:


I should stop with CAPS but I am sure they will appear again at some point.

So um, hello there, Sakura here and I am about to leave another one of my not-so-epic comments~

Just a warning, it's gonna be 'short' ><

Shall we begin?

Let me say this first. Yukirin was searching for Paru THAT LONG or she just started searching cuz Paru was missing for that long? See there is a difference in these two as if the first one happened, then Yuki...WAI DID YA NOT CALL LE REINFORCEMENTS? like really... I mean, if you have a hunch that something happened and you know she cannot be missing for this many hours... god, kiddo...wait you're not a kiddo... you are an awesome Legion Reaper, I shouldn't talk like this with you...gomennasai... *hides* any point, even if it is the second option, she still should have called for reinforcements, cuz later she meets HER, but about it later

Mhm, I didn't mean it like that, cuz HER is none other than MAYU, which manages to escape from Yuki's grasp but DANG IT, I KNEW SHE WOULD BE INTERESTED IN YUKIRIN...

 :mon nyah:

and lemme jump right to JuriMayu part and then return back to this part and say that I WAS RIGHT, SHE WANTS TO BANG HER!!!!

 :mon mischief: :mon roll: :mon thumb:

Jurina has to thank Mayu, like, THANK HER, cuz you know, that sly rat - even if only out of huge need to use Jurina in any way possible - saved her for god's sake. I am sure Yuki would have easily killed her if not Mayu saving her life, for Jesus Christ Under Maria's Wings...

 :mon exhaust:

So now Yuki is confused about how Mayu was able to stop her Judgement from working, and thus she ventures to continue looking for Paru, and as soon as she entered le forest...I knew it, I knew it right away who she was going to meet... but about that later

UNGH, I CANNOT REALLY BELIEVE IT, AM I RIGHT AND JURINA IS DREAMING ABOUT BANGING RENA...or is it just my imagination and all she dreams about is her mother... I hope it is the first one, that would be epic and amazing, but then, my daydreams and fantasies recently have not been letting me sleep - thus all the updates from me happened - but ugh, I just need wMatsui in my life so badly right now... and not any wMatsui, but this gritty, epic, action filled wMatsui

 :mon innocent: :mon innocent: :mon innocent:

dun crush mah dreams Kevin, you oredi crushed them because...


 :mon whine: :mon whine: :mon whine:

and this is where I shall stop spazzing and give you my thoughts, because come on like dun ya know this is chapter 4 already and some things have been giving me headaches


I get it, okay? Rena-sama is busy having sex time with Jurina BUT

I haven't seen even the SLIGHTEST TINIEST LITTLEST MINIMALISTIC sight of Acchan and it pains me greatly. She is such a mystery I wanna die...

 :mon headbang: :mon headbang: :mon headbang:

I am in this huge misery where I am so curious about her... You are an awesome author, to make me feel all these emotions, Kevin...

Taka is cool, and at the same time scary. A great teacher who gives you no time to rest or relax, giving no fucks about you being tired or in need to rest.

She even beat the crap outta Paru again while she had all those buckets of water to handle!!! DAMG.... (dang + omg, if you were wondering)

it is interesting to find out the cleansing thingy goals, tho I kinda was thinking somewhere along the lines...but lemme clap for myself at first because I was epic at guessing something else

 :mon fyeah: :mon fyeah: :mon fyeah: :mon fyeah: :mon fyeah: :mon fyeah:


 :mon cigar: :mon cigar: :mon cigar:

and then

and then

and then

 :mon star: :mon star: :mon star:


tho I am sure someone is going to interrupt, it's gonna be either Paru or...



 :mon geek: :mon beam: :mon cweepy:

so here I will stop... You don't deserve more epic comment because Rena-sama haven't appeared (I am happy if she is tied to Jurina's bed, but well.. Jurina is injured, so it doesn't make up for her lack of appearance)O


 :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff:

sorry for shorter and more lame comment, I am gonna do way better on your next update

:mon bye:

Offline Raven _faith

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 4)(23/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #51 on: April 23, 2015, 06:21:49 AM »
You didnt make me wait long!! Hahaha. Thank you for the update, Kevin sama!!!!!! It was another awesome chapter and the artwork is pretty!!!!!! Wheeeee~~ imma happy kid!  :D now... Back to waiting patiently for the next update! Thank you again!!!!!

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 4)(23/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #52 on: April 23, 2015, 07:58:07 AM »
It's been very very very a long time since I last logged in to jphip and read an AKB fanfic xD
First thing I have to say is that IT'S AN HONOR TO BE ASKED BY THE AUTHOR OF SUCH A GREAT FIC TO DRAW A FANART FOR HIS FIC  :bow:  :bow:  :bow: Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've loved your writing style since your fic Supernatural Partner xDDDDDDDDDDD


waiting for chap 5!!!!!! UPDATE IT ASAP WILL YA XD

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 4)(23/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #53 on: April 23, 2015, 08:54:55 AM »
Hahaha...yuki always interesting for mayu~
Who jurina dream about??..rena??
Student and teacher fight~let's begin~

Thanks for the updAte~
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 4)(23/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #54 on: April 23, 2015, 02:50:14 PM »
How would the situation between Minami and Yuki develop into?

Would Minami be able to convince Yuki that Mariko is the bad one?

Or drive Yuki away from taking Minami back to Mariko?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 4)(23/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #55 on: April 24, 2015, 01:53:49 PM »
Takamina is really cool and deadly but, a teacher will have soft side toward their students :)

Aheyyy mayu got her new playmate(?) Xixixi

Legion’s classified experiments. Mariko n Miichan

Saa next chapter author-san :twothumbs
just love to read alot of fiction story

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 4)(23/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #56 on: April 26, 2015, 10:45:35 AM »
Hey, people.. I'm back for Chapter 5 of The Ultimatum~
Stay tuned for the introduction of new characters in this chapter~
  :banana: :pepper: :leek: :taco: :muffin: :strawberry: :lock:


Chapter 5 : Wild Beast

“Ugh-” Jurina groaned as she slowly opened her eyes and found a few drones flying about around her body.

“You’re awake?” Mayu asked while her back faced Jurina. She was researching about the interesting specimen she bumped into earlier. As usual, Mayu sat in front of the huge screen while her fingers clicked on the keyboard without stopping. A small drone was seen on her ankle, fixing up the wound on her leg caused by Yuki’s hook.

“How long did I pass out for?” Jurina asked as she sat herself up on Mayu’s experiment table.

“A couple of hours. No big deal. I got you all patched up nice and tidy.” Mayu answered, again with her back facing Jurina.

“You look busy.. Finding a new target?”

“Nope. That can wait.. I’m doing a research on someone...”

“Someone who interest you more than the targets in the list?”

“A new toy I bumped into...” Mayu smiled.

“You mean the Reaper that fought against me earlier?”

“Correction. Almost killed you. Since you were so stubborn on wanting to fight with Takahashi Minami. And by luck, she found you half dead. By the way, her name is Kashiwagi Yuki. Yuki for short. Not your regular Reaper. She’s an elite. Third in rank in the Legion. A lecturer at the Legion Academy. She loves to train herself over her own limits to be stronger and what coincidence... Her favourite student is none other than your previous target, Shimazaki Haruka.”

“I don’t need all these informations...”

“You don’t, but I need them.” Mayu said.

Jurina removed herself from the table and slowly tottered herself towards the exit.

“Where are you going?”

“Home.” A single word escaped Jurina's mouth

“I see.. Too meet your little girlfriend.. Sure.. Just don’t go dreaming about horny stuff again.”

“What did you just say?” Jurina felt mocked.

Mayu shook her head. “Tsk tsk tsk.. What an embarrassing thing for a Spectre of a Beta level, Jurina.. You should have seen yourself earlier.”

“What are you saying?”

Mayu spinned her chair around to face Jurina. “I’m saying that you dreamt about your little girlfriend Rena and started touching all over the place. You even touched me. Yuck.”

“I don’t remember anything like that happening.” Jurina denied.

“Want a recording of it? I have it all stored up here.” Mayu pointed her temple and shot a smirk at Jurina. “How horny..”

“Stop embarrassing me like that!” Jurina grabbed Mayu off her chair and slammed her onto the wall hard.

“I was innocent, Jurina. You did all those by yourself.”

Jurina punched the wall centimeters away from Mayu’s head hard, shocking the blue eyed girl. “Your head will be the next.”

“Oh really?” A huge grin was carved on Mayu’s face. “Let’s see you do it then.”

Jurina widened her eyes in anger and raised her fist once again, but Mayu didn’t flinch at all. For some reason, Jurina really couldn’t land the punch on Mayu’s face and Mayu knew it. Jurina panted heavily, holding in her anger as Mayu smirked at her once again. “See? I know you, Jurina. I’ve studied you through. You can’t possibly hurt me, let along kill me.”

Jurina slowly put Mayu down and walked away. “I’m starting to get sick of this.”

“You’ll come back to me, Jurina.. I know it.” Mayu called out as Jurina left Mayu’s secret hideout. “Even if you don’t.. It doesn’t matter to me anymore..” A huge grin crawled up her face. “I already have a new toy to play with..”

Mayu then got back to her chair and started searching for Yuki’s whereabouts. “Let me track you down....”

Hacking into the satelite, in just a few minutes, Mayu managed to trace Yuki’s position. She zoomed in at the spot and saw Yuki holding onto her weapons.

“Found you....” Something seems off. “There seem to be a familiar person at the same location as her.. And they were both fighting...” That was when Mayu’s grin widened. “Kashiwagi Yuki and Takahashi Minami is fighting?? I have to watch this.. This is valuable data..”


“Where did Takamina sensei go to....” Paru pouted as she grabbed a stick and tossed it at a distance. Romeo running for it and brought it back to her. She had been repeating this for 50 times at least.

“Woof!” Romeo barked back at her and wagged his tail.

“Uhm.. I’m not Takamina sensei. I don’t speak dogs..” Paru said as she threw yet another stick into a distance.

Instead of chasing after the stick, Romeo suddenly had his head tilted upright as its ears twitched. “Woof!! Woof!” He started barking at Paru continuously.

“I don’t speak dog, Romeo. How many time do you want me to repeat myself?”

“Woof Woof!!!” Romeo then bit Paru’s shirt and pulled it again and again.

“Hey stop! This is my favourite shirt!” Paru pulled her shirt back and suddenly they were in a little game of tug-of-war.

Ignoring Paru this time, Romeo started running away, leaving Paru behind.

“Hey! Come back!!” Paru stood up and began chasing after Romeo who ran away all of a sudden. “Takamina sensei is so gonna kill me if she finds out about this.”

Almost about ten minutes of chasing Romeo came to a halt when Paru heard loud clashing noises. Metal clashing. It got louder and louder as Paru made her way thorugh the thick forest. And then she reached a river.


Paru had reached the source of the clashing noises and was shocked to find that Takamina and Yuki ws fighting each other.

“Yah!!!” With one scythe on each hand, Yuki swinged them around and and landed a few blows on Takamina’s sword, causing continuous sparks from the clashing of metals. They had been fighting for almost half an hour without stopping.

With only a single sword, Takamina managed to deflect every single one of them with ease but was impressed by Yuki’s agility. “Swift movements, Yuki. But not good enough.”

Upon hearing that, Yuki increased her strength and speed and started attacking Takamina vigorously. Continuous flurry scythe attacks that seemed to be getting faster and faster. The impact of every single blow got bigger as well. Takamina actually felt a little suppressed by Yuki’s barrage of attacks. Yuki was good at utilizing all her Judgement forms but she was more of a master of scythe techniques. That is why she could even make Takamina feel suppressed.

“Boy, you’re a little troublesome, are you..” Takamina smiled as she blocked Yuki’s attack, backing off one step at a time before managing to trap both Yuki’s scythe with her sword and slammed them onto the ground. That gave Takamina ample of time to make a counter attack. “My turn...”

Takamina slashed her Judgement right at Yuki’s neck. Takamina really wasn’t joking about killing Yuki. That slash she made was definitely fatal.

“Yuki sensei! Takamina sensei!” Paru shouted out suddenly.

That definitely caught Yuki’s attention as she looked over at the source of the voice. “Paru!? What are you doing here!?”

“Wha- I.. What’s going on!” Paru was still confused at the sight of Yuki and Takamina fighting.

“Where are you looking!!?” Ignoring Paru’s call, Takamina swinged her sword at Yuki’s neck but the latter managed to dodge it on time. But strands of her hair got cut off.

“Shit, that was really close..” Yuki panted.

“You shouldn’t be distracted by other things during a fight, Yuki. I taught you that before..” Takamina said.

“Stop fighting!!! What’s going on!?” Paru was freaked out of course. It was simply too random for Paru to be witnessing two of her teachers fighting each other. She simply couldn’t process the scene properly yet.

“Just stand there, Paru!” Yuki leaped in to unleash her flurry scythe attacks which got deflected by Takamina again.

“Please stop!” Paru didn’t dare to interrupt with their fight since every single one of their swings were really heavy and a single hit from it would be fatal for someone of Paru’s level. She wasn’t that dumb to try and stop two beasts from fighting. She would just end up being killed.

Takamina increased her slashing speed and Yuki tried her best to defend against them. Despite Takamina having only one sword and Yuki holding two scythes, Yuki still felt the speed of Takamina’s sword slashes were a little too fast for her. She couldn’t stop them all. Yuki then hopped onto a tree to dodge them out of desperation. “Damn.. Those slashes were too fast. I can’t defend against all of them.”

“Get down!” Takamina released a strong kick on the tree that Yuki hopped onto. It was a really huge tree and the tree trunk was at least 1meter in diameter. Still, the tree shook really hard from that single monstrous kick. And as expected, Yuki hopped down towards Takamina and landed a strong hit with the help of gravity. Takamina still managed to block Yuki’s monstrous gravity strike and continue unleashing her barrage of sword slashes.

Not being able to defend against every single one of the attacks again, Yuki did a somersault and landed a few feet away from Takamina, keeping a distance from her. And then, Yuki saw a smirk on Takamina’s face. Something was wrong.


As soon as Yuki heard the beeping sound, she looked on the ground immediately and saw a Judgement sticking in the ground and the green light flickering. “Shit!” And then it exploded right below Yuki’s leg. The impact was really big as it sent a huge air pressure all around the radius of the explosion.

“Yuki sensei!!!” Paru screamed in horror.

“That’s what you get for challenging me, kiddo.” Takamina scoffed.

Heavy smoke covered the area and as it slowly faded away, a shadow was still seen standing within the smoke. Yuki had managed to activate her shield, just not quite in time. Her sleeveless shirt and pants got torn apart from the force of the explosion. She may have blocked the bomb impact from hitting her body directly, but her leg got hit hard. The bones on her right ankle was literally in pieces. Shattered completely. She lost a lot of blood from her wound.

“Ugh-” Yuki fell down on her knees, her foot trembling from being injured by the bomb impact. Takamina slowly walked towards Yuki who was helpless on the ground.

“Stop hurting Yuki sensei!” Paru ran in and backhugged Takamina not to move further.

“Out of the way, kid!” Takamina grabbed Paru’s arm and got pushed away.

As Takamina continued making her way towards Yuki, a smile escaped Yuki’s face despite her being injured and the one on the ground. All of a sudden, a surge of red laser shot down towards Takamina and she was completely unaware of it. Just in time, Takamina switched her Judgement sword into a shield and pointed up, withstanding the laser shot directly at her. The impact was so great that that even the great Takamina was forced to get on one knee.

By the time the laser ended and before Takamina could retract her shield back, her neck was already greeted by the tip of Yuki’s scythe touching her neck. While on her knees and one hand on the ground supporting her body, Yuki had her scythe held up at Takamina’s neck. With smile on her face, Yuki finally called out. “I won..”

Takamina then took a look at the source of the laser and finally found out that there was a Judgement stuck on the tree with smoke coming out of it. That was the same tree Yuki hopped on to earlier. Right before Yuki hopped off the tree, she had already charged up one Judgement laser and stuck it to one of the branches. And thirty seconds later, it was fired right at the spot Takamina was standing. “You even used the tree to your advantage.. Impressive.”

Mayu stood up from her seat as she witnessed the impossible. “This is simply amazing! Based on my database, Kashiwagi Yuki was definitely weaker than Takamina... She used her brains to win.. You have my complete interest from now on, Kashiwagi Yuki..” Mayu grinned. “And I’ll make you my little toy..”

Mayu was right. Based on strength and fighting skills, there’s no doubt that Takamina was the one in advantage. But Takamina had left out the fact that Yuki is a highly trained tactician. This time, brain triumphed over brawn. Takamina couldn’t believe it herself. She actually lost the fight against her own student not because she was weaker, but because of the fact that Yuki outsmarted her. “You promised me, sensei. You would come home with me.”

“...” No words could escape Takamina’s mouth.

“My my my... What do we have here.. A Reaper fighting against a Reaper..” A voice suddenly sounded from beside Paru.

As soon as she turned her head, Paru was surprised to see a short girl standing beside. “A Spectre!”

That single word caught both Takamina and Yuki’s attention as they looked towards the direction to find a short lady standing next to Paru. The short girl’s skin was pale and her eyes, blood red.

“Paru get out of there now!” Yuki removed her scythe away from Takamina’s neck and leaped towards the Spectre immediately with her left foot and her double scythe despite her right ankle being broken. Paru backed off a few steps.

A smug crawled on the Spectre’s face as she saw Yuki approaching her. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you...”

As Yuki swinged her scythe down on her, it got blocked by two blades emerged from her back. “...”

“Tsk tsk tsk.. And they say that Spectres were vicious.. Who’s the one who initiated an attack first?” The female Spectre shook her head in disappointment and deflected Yuki away from her few feet. Yuki landed near a tree and balanced herself up on a tree. “Come over here, Paru!” Yuki called out and Paru ran behind Yuki.

“Yuko...” Takamina squinted here eyes at the lady standing before them.

The short Spectre smiled. “It’s been a long time, Taka.. Ever since Ats-”

“Don’t you dare mention her name like she’s your friend, Yuko.” Takamina raised her voice.

“You’re mentioning my name out loud. Are you my friend?” Yuko sang her sentence in an annoying tone.

“Shut up!” Yuki scolded. “What does an Alpha Spectre like you want from us?”

“An Alpha?” Paru was shocked. This was her first encounter with an Alpha Spectre. Clearly, Yuko doesn’t look like one. Maybe her smirk, a little. Otherwise, her size itself doesn’t look very convincing. She was maybe as short as Takamina. She looked like someone you could put into your pocket. But Takamina had already proven to her that being short and small sized had nothing to do with your own fighting ability.

“What do I want from you? How rude... Must I want something from you whenever we meet?” Yuko got a little offended.

“Then you have no reason to be here.”

“I do not want anything from you, not even a fight.

“Not even a fight? That’s very unlike you, Yuko.”

“I’m here under direct orders from the Omega to have a talk with you both.” Yuko said to Takamina and Yuki.

“You’re not the type to talk, Yuko. You usually speak with actions.” Takamina told. “Why would the Omega send the most hot headed Spectre to have a ‘talk’ instead?”

“Sadly, the other Alphas were away and I was the only one left to take on her orders. As much as I hate communicating using words, it was the Omega’s order to use words instead of a fight. And I cannot disobey it.”

“What’s this ‘talk’ the Omega sent you for?” Yuki asked.

Yuko then answered. “I have a proposal to make with y-” before she could finish, she got interrupted.

“I refuse.” Takamina rejected even before Yuko finished her sentence.

“Tsk tsk tsk... I knew you would deny the offer. How about you listen to the proposal to the end first.”

“This is a waste of ti-”

“I can tell you of Atsuko and Rena’s whereabouts.”

Takamina’s eyes widened as she pointed her sword at Yuko angrily. “Don’t joke with me, Yuko...”

“It’s all up to you to believe what I have just said, Taka. I can repeat myself. The Omega has offered to make a trade with you both.”

“It’s definitely a trap, Takamina sensei.” Yuki suggested. Spectres are cunning creatures. You might never know what they’re actually planning behind your back.

“What trade...” Takamina asked.

“In exchange for Atsuko and Rena’s whereabouts.....” Yuko suddenly turned her head over to Paru. “I want her..”

Paru pointed to herself. “M-M-Me!?!?!? Why me!?”

Yuki hopped over towards Paru and stood in front of her. “You’re not getting anywhere near her, Yuko. How did you guys know that Paru was here with us?”

Yuko grinned. “Nothing can escape from the eyes of the Omega...” Yuko slowly walked over towards Takamina and leaned towards her ear before whispering. “You want to meet them again, do you? What would you do to meet your loved one once again?”

Takamina then slowly turned her head towards Yuki and Paru, cold and blank expression carved on her face. “Anything..”

With a smug look on her face, Yuko whispered. “Then I suggest you get rid of that Yuki once and for all and get that girl for us.”

“I will....” Takamina unclipped another Judgement from her utility belt and activated another sword. Double blade this time. This literally meant trouble for Yuki.

Yuki got on guard again. “Now you’re trying to fight me for the wrong reasons, Takamina. Don’t do this.” If Takamina were to fight Yuki right now, Yuki would be dead in the next ten seconds. Not only Yuki was already injured, she had no time to think of a new plan right now.

Takamina looked at Yuki wide eyed. “Yuki... You will die....” Takamina clutched both her Judgement tightly. “But not before you!” Takamina switched her direction and swinged both her sword at Yuko immediately.

Yuko noticed it and immediately leaped back few feet before scoffing.

“You’ve missed out a point about me, Yuko.." Takamina pointed her sword at Yuko. "I don’t listen to orders well.” Takamina turned her head at Yuki. “You’re already injured. And as long as that kid is here, you both would be in danger. I don’t know what the Omega wants her for, but whatever it is, I don’t like it. Get out of here, you two. I will deal with Yuko.”

As much as Yuki didn’t want to leave, she had to bring Paru away from her. If it was the Omega’s request to want Paru, it could mean a really REALLY huge matter even though Paru was a nobody. At least as of now. Yuki struggled hard on her dilemma of leaving her teacher alone with an Alpha. Not that Takamina couldn’t handle one, though. “Promise you’ll come home, sensei.”

“GO!” Takamina shouted. Yuki then dragged Paru away from the scene as Romeo followed them along.

Yuko sighed as she looked at Yuki fleeing with Paru. “That’s what happens when the Omega wanted to make a proposal using words instead of using forceful methods..” Yuko was never the type to deal with things using words. Action speaks louder than words was Yuko’s motto. Just like Takamina, Yuko enjoyed fighting more than any of the known Spectres.

Takamina scoffed. “I knew it.. You not wanting to fight is like a glutton that doesn’t want to eat.. It’s impossible for you.”

“I’m pissed...” Yuko lost her smile and suddenly a black and deadly aura was felt all around her.

“I’m more pissed at you.” Takamina had a seriously pissed off look on her face.

“In that battle two years ago, you managed to hold your ground against two of the Alpha Spectres at the same time. That doesn’t mean I’m afraid of you, Taka. You were stright up lucky I wasn’t one of the Alphas you fought that time..” Yuko grinned, revealing her sharp teeth. “I, after all am the strongest among the Alphas.”

Yuko was right. She was the strongest among the four Alphas. Yuko and Takamina had always been rivals in battle. Among all the times they faced each other one on one, there had not been one time where a winner was decided. If Yuko was one of the two Alpha Spectres that Takamina faced two years ago, she wouldn’t even be standing here today. Yuko was just that powerful.

“This is bad..” Takamina thought to herself. Truthfully speaking, this fight is definitely not to Takamina’s advantage at all. In just a span of 24 hours, Takamina had fought with Jurina and Yuki. She had used up almost 70% of her energy in this day and she had not enough time to replenish her energy yet. And now, she had to face her rival. But Takamina is Takamina and she would never back down on a fight even if she had used up all her energy. Pointing her sword at Yuko’s direction, Takamina challenged the Spectre standing right before her. “Come at me.”

“I guess it’s alright to disobey the Omega one time.” Yuko cracked her neck.


“Rena...” Jurina stood in the dungeon once again, facing Rena.


“Why are you still like this, Rena?”


“You’re still fighting it despite losing all your energy..”


Jurina knelt down and her face went close to Rena’s bloodied up face. “Can’t you at least remember me?”

“She doesn’t remember you, Jurina.” A mysterious voice echoed suddenly from the shadows of the dungeon.

Jurina looked over at the owner of the voice and saw a lady leaning against the wall. “You.. When did you get here?”

“A few seconds ago.” The lady smirked and finally walked nearer to Jurina until the light shone down on her. Just a normal lady with two Judgements hooked on each of her side. “Where’ve you been all day?”

“’Cleansing’.” Jurina answered.

“Playing around with Mayu again, I see..” The lady set her eyes on Jurina’s bandaged shoulders. “You look injured. That doesn’t happen often to you, Jurina.” The lady then looked down at Jurina’s waist and found nothing clipped on her utility belt. “Where’s Rena’s Judgement?”

“I lost it in a battle..”

“You lost it in a battle? I thought I had trained you well enough to use the Judgement? Your Judgement skills should be of an elite by now. To whom did you lose it to?”

Jurina paused for a short moment before having eye contact with her again. “Takahashi Minami.”

The lady started smiling. “Figured.”

“I know what you’re thinking.” Jurina answered.

“It doesn’t matter what I’m thinking right now.. Here, hold mine.” The lady unclipped a Judgement from her utility belt and placed it on Jurina’s hand. She then smiled sweetly at Jurina. “Take care of this well, will you?”

“It looks ridiculous.” Jurina argued as soon as she saw a that the Judgement was decorated with a few girly stickers before looking back at the lady. “I think it’s better if you leave the dungeon now. Most Spectres here do not appreciate your presence.. Especially when you’re so near to Rena.”

The lady sighed. “How disappointing... I shall make my leave then..” The lady then sighed and started walking towards Rena. “But I want to take her out for some fresh air.. The air here seemed a little unhealthy.”

“No!” Jurina raised her voice. “I’m not going to lose her!”

“No worries.. I’ll bring her back.”


“Look at her, Jurina. What does she look like to you right now? Does she look like she’s enjoying this? She looks like a dog in a leash.”


“No wild beasts enjoys being locked up, Jurina. For once... You should let her roam free.. She’s still a kid. All for her own good.”

“..... How do I know if you’ll bring her back?” Jurina still wasn’t sure.

“Have I ever lied to you?” The lady looked over at Jurina blankly, her dark aura convinced Jurina right away.

“...... No.” Jurina backed off one step. “But what if the other Spectres found out that she’s gone?”

“Simple... Just don’t let them in here before I bring her back..” The lady smirked. “You can at least do that right?”

“I’ll see what I can do.. I just hope that another Alpha doesn’t come over..”

“They’re all away from this place... Now, time to release the wild beast.” With a single slash of her second Judgement, both the chains on Rena’s arm got sliced open and her whole body fell onto the ground with a loud thud. Jurina immediately attended towards Rena.

As soon as Jurina crouched over to help lift Rena up, she was suddenly pinned down by Rena hard on both shoulders. Jurina did not expect that at all. Rena should have used up all her energy withstanding the tortures for the past two years. But instead, she looked pretty energetic. Maybe Rena was waiting for this very moment. The moment where her chains were finally cut open. Both Rena’s eyes staring through Jurina’s very soul without blinking. Two very red eyes.

“Rena stop.” Jurina called out.

Rena’s face was completely bloodied up from all the beatings she got from the other Spectres but yet she showed no signs of pain at all. “He......He.......”

“???” Jurina squinted her eyes.

“Hehehehahahhahaha.....AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA” A maniacal laugh escaped Rena’s mouth all of a sudden.

Jurina blinked twice at Rena’s face confused and tried to reach for Rena’s face. “Rena?”

Rena slammed her claws on Jurina’s shoulder all of a sudden. Claws stabbing right into her shoulder, hard. “Stay.......down.......”

“Ugh-” Jurina groaned a little from the impact.

“My my... Just look at her.... Pity how a wild beast like this was kept in a cage.. She needs some fresh air.”

Rena slowly removed her claws from Jurina’s shoulder and saw some blood on it. “Blood....” She then slowly leaned in and licked the blood on Jurina’s shoulder, sending shivers down her spine. “Mmmmm......”

“Stop, Rena!” Jurina called out once again and Rena lifted her head finally.

“Mmmmm...........” Rena licked the blood off her fingers as well and the look on her face was so turned on. She looked at Jurina under her and suddenly grinned widely. “Nee...... Okotteru?”

“Rena come back to your senses please.” Jurina begged. She really did not want to see Rena in a condition like this.

“Forget it, Jurina. She doesn’t recognize you anymore.” The lady said. “Rena, get off her.”

Rena’s ears twitched as soon as she heard her name. She then slowly turned her head over towards the lady before pouncing on her, leaving Jurina on the ground. Obviously, the lady saw it coming. In an instant, she dodged to the side, twisted her arm to the back and slammed her hard on the ground. The lady then turned Rena around and sat on her stomach.

“There there, kiddo. That’s not how you treat me..” The lady’s head tilted to the side. For some reason, the look on her face was intimidating.

Even the crazy Rena slowly blinked her eyes at the lady, as if she knows her. Remembers her. “A-At-”

“Shhhh....” The lady placed a finger over Rena’s lips, silencing her. “There’s no need for words, Rena. You can’t speak well. Here. Stand up.” The lady then stood up and pulled Rena up as well.

Rena looked over at Jurina slowly as her smile widened into a grin and slow laughs started escaping her mouth once again. “He..he.....he.......hehehe.........”

“She can only show expressions and speak a few words...” The lady shook her head. “It messed up her brain cells and affected a huge part of her memory... Poor kid...”

Rena slowly made her way towards Jurina once again, but this time, less aggressive. But a little more touchy. She was standing really close with Jurina. Their bodies were literally inches apart and so are their faces. They could literally feel each others’ breath. Rena kept tilting her head as her eyes locked on Jurina’s face, as if she was studying her face. The next second, Rena had her fingers tracing Jurina’s cheek, then towards her nose, and then down to her lips. Her eyes were then attracted to the blood stain on Jurina’s shoulder once again and she went in for another lick.

“Rena..” Jurina pushed Rena away a little before she could reach her shoulder.

“She seemed to have developed a liking to blood.” The lady told.

“Nee.... Hehehehe..... Okotteru?” The grin carved on Rena’s bloodied up face once again.

“I’m not mad at you, Rena..” Jurina placed her hand on Rena’s cheek despite it being sticky with her own blood. “I just want you to remember me..”

Rena lost her grin and merely blinked a few times, confused at Jurina’s sentence. The lady then called out to Rena to leave. “Rena. Let’s go.”

Rena slowly backed away from Jurina while still keeping eye contact with her. Her face looking very confused right now, until she turned away and walked towards the lady. The lady flipped Rena’s hair behind her ears and placed both her arms over her shoulders. “Let’s get your face cleaned up and we’ll go meet someone, ok?”

Rena nodded softly. Despite being crazy, Rena seemed to realize who the lady was and listened to her really well like a little kid.

“But really... Where are you taking Rena to?” Jurina voiced out.

The lady grinned as her red eyes stared back at Jurina. “To meet an old friend.”

“Just make sure to bring her back.. You’re the least despicable Alpha Spectre among the four after all.. I can trust you..” As she saw the lady leaving with Rena towards the alternate exit that leads them straight into the open air, Jurina looked back at the Judgement received from the lady earlier and mocked once again at the cute decorations on it. There were a few bunny stickers on it and the most eye catching one was the hot pink sticker of the lady’s initial at the bottom of the Judgement that reads ‘M.A’.

Chapter 5 : Wild Beast
« Last Edit: August 17, 2015, 06:03:05 AM by kevinwkl »

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 5)(26/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #57 on: April 26, 2015, 11:10:33 AM »
So those are the two new characters that you told me in fb group chat  :dunno:

But.... WHHHHHYYYY?! Why so complicated?!  :OMG:

And Takamina-sama..... YOU ARE SOOOO COOOOOLL!! KYAAAAA!!  :wriggly:  :mon inluv: :mon lovelaff: :mon crazyinlove:

And you, Kelvin! :mon geek: .................. PLEASE UPDATE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! I WANT NEW UPDATE!  :mon whine: :mon cry: :mon runcry: :tantrum:
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Kami-oshi: -----
AKB oshi: Okada Nana, Kizaki Yuria, Yamada Nanami,
Mogi Shinobu
SKE oshi: Takayanagi Akane, Tani Marika, Matsumura Kaori,
Oba Mina
NMB oshi: Jo Eriko, Yamamoto Sayaka
HKT oshi: Murashige Anna, Sashihara Rino, Yamashita Emiri,
Kojina Yui
NGT oshi: Kitahara Rie, Ogino Yuka
Graduated member: Oshima Mai, Ohori Megumi, Shawako Hata,
Ogiso Shiori, Fukumoto Aina, Akimoto Sayaka (original kami-oshi),
Furukawa Airi, Yamada Nana, Kadowaki Kanako,
Takahashi Minami (2nd kami-oshi), Oya Masana, Kinoshita Momoka

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 5)(26/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #58 on: April 26, 2015, 11:38:31 AM »
Awkwardly comes by to leave a comment..   :cool2:

How will the fight between Yuko and Takamina go, I wonder, it'll probably be epic though~  :mon beam:

Also ah Gekikara appeared, and ew... all the blood licking > - >

Ah so Acchan is an Alpha Spectre, but how come Jurina said that most Spectres don't like her presence?  :dunno:

I'm assuming Takamina knows Acchan is a Spectre? Yet she still wants to save her? Who is the old friend they're going to meet.. ? Ahh all the questions! :OMG:

Thank you for the pretty fast update and upload the next one just as quickly~  :gmon sing:

I have a feeling that Atsu is going to die at some point of this fic I don't know.. don't let her die ; n ;

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 5)(26/4/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #59 on: April 26, 2015, 12:05:31 PM »
Well.... All I can really say is this was a good update

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