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Author Topic: Misaki's OS/Random Drabble Page :) - Update: JuriSaku OS (11/7/18)  (Read 45387 times)

Offline soraheartAKB48

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Re: Misaki's OS/Random Drabble Page :) - Update: MaYuki OS (26/11/15)
« Reply #60 on: December 04, 2015, 01:29:00 PM »
Awww~~~~ Cuteness overload  XD
The video was so hilarious thank god it has sub, I laughed so much.  :lol:

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: Misaki's OS/Random Drabble Page :) - Update: WMatsui OS (20/5/16)
« Reply #61 on: May 19, 2016, 09:48:12 PM »
Ahahahaha look who's baaaaackkkk  :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop:

I want to be honest here. I have actually decided to give up on writing. BUT WAIT! Before you guys say anything, I will finish my ongoing fic  Indestructible Fire no matter what even though I have completely no motivation to write and especially because I HATE WMATSUI  :angry: :angry: :angry: Well, not hate 'hate' but like. Don't you guys realize how they don't even interact AT ALL nowadays? It drives me nuts!

Rena. Seriously. Stop being mean and notice the little pup.

This fic is basically a random drabble written under 30 minutes of frustration with the pair. I wanted it to be more angsty than it is but I can't write what I want to since I haven't written fanfics in ages.

I hope you don't mind how weird this turned out. This is totally a jumpstart fic for my upcoming one-shot based on Chicken LINE and the continuation of Indestructible Fire.

So, hope y'all enjoy this short rant fic of mine regardless :heart:

Replying time~: 

@Keiyuu: The perks of understanding Chinese, right? xD I'll probably venture into other pairs than WMatsui because... you know how much they make me angry.  :banghead:

@junchan48: I am glad you liked my MaYuki fic with a tint of WMatsui involved ;) You reading and liking it and supporting me throughout really makes me think if I should quit or not. Of course, I'll see if I quit after Indestrucible Fire is done :) I'll get that updated soon since exams are over!

@Yurena: Hahaha thanks for reading! And I'm happy it was able to make you sleep in peace :3

@soraheartAKB48: Hahaha ikr? That vid was hilarious! Thanks for picking this up!  XD


I honestly never wanted that day to come.

“Hey Masana, Jurina! Thanks for coming to see me, you two.”

I lifted my head slowly to look at her beautiful face of relief after her graduation stage ended. I bit my lips slightly to hold back my emotions. Rena-chan told me to not cry after all… and I intend to keep my promise. I want to show her that I won’t cry… at least, not in front of her.

If only that day never came, maybe… just maybe…

“Great performance, Rena~ You were stunning as always!” Masana commented in a happy tone of voice while gripping onto both of Rena’s hands.

“Oh really? Thank you for the compliment,” Rena-chan giggled in response before I felt her warm pair of orbs look into my staring pair, “Jurina?”

“U-Uh,” I quickly snapped out of my trance, but my brain just went blank. I couldn’t think of anything to say to her and just blurted out whatever I could.

“Y-You’re really beautiful in that dress…”

Her eyes widened for a split second in surprise before warming up to me and she smiled, “Thanks. I really like this dress too. Kinda sad how we get to wear such a beautiful dress only once in our lives.”

“Hey hey, what about wedding dresses~?” Masana added on.

Rena giggled, “That’s a totally different kind of dress compared to this, Masana!”

I smiled wryly at their random conversations that followed as I quietly had my hands tucked into my pockets and glanced at Rena-chan and at the floor one after another. I couldn’t believe that this is really the last time we’re really going to be talking like this, at the theatre… as members of the same team.

I don’t even have to express how much of a person I think Rena-chan is in my life. I thought she was just a sister to me but, as I mentioned in an article, I realized that… Rena-chan was actually like a lover to me.

Her graduating and all felt like she was breaking up with me. It pained me. Heck, I went into depression right after that until my kouhais cheered me up.
But this is for her own good. I want her to chase after her dreams. Asking her to stay when she told me about graduating would’ve been stupid.


Ah. I was lost in thought again.

“S-Sorry… You were saying?”

Rena-chan frowned and let out a sigh before asking Masana to leave us both alone for a moment. After she left, Rena-chan held onto both of my shivering hands that slowly released its tension as she gently caressed them with her thumbs. She called out to me again, with a more serious tone. A tone that implied that I should look at her eyes and listen to everything she had to say.

“… I want to discuss with you something about us. About WMatsui.”

… We could’ve still been close. We could’ve still been ‘together’.

“… H-Huh…?”

“As I’ll be stepping out to a new world… I was thinking of not being held back by any shackles of the group so I could fly freely with my own wings so…” I felt her squeezing my hands a bit, “… Can WMatsui ‘break up’?”


Just… what…

I was just rendered speechless… I hoped I heard her wrongly.

Did she just want to ask if we… we could have nothing to do with each other?

“I understand… we’ve been through a lot together as a duo,” she let go of my hands, “But that’s why I want this term to no longer hold me back. Imagine if the media would keep asking me about us even after graduating. I’d… I’d just feel like I’m still here eventhough I’ve technically graduated…”

My mouth was opened slightly, ready to respond. But my voice just wouldn’t come out. My mind was controlling it, holding it back from saying anything.

She smiled warmly at me, letting out a giggle, “WMatsui ‘breaking up’ doesn’t mean we’ll stop being friends. I just mean that we’ll both be individuals from now on. As Matsui Jurina and Matsui Rena. Separate entities from each other. It’ll help the fans get used to the fact I am no longer SKE’s Matsui Rena anymore from here on out too.”

I clenched my fists. I wanted to protest. I didn’t want WMatsui to end. Although it’s just a term that joins us together but that term means a lot to me.


… For Rena-chan…… I…

I swiftly turned back, grinning to myself while trying to control myself from tearing up as I squeezed my hands together tightly, “I-I… I to~tally~ understand, Rena-chan. I-I don’t want to hold you back either! If you want WMatsui to end, then it shall. I… I don’t have any arguments there.”

That was probably the first time I lied to myself so badly I wanted to kill myself instead.

“Thank you for understanding, Jurina. And really, we’ll still be connected, okay? I won’t just blatantly forget about you. Plus, if fans still talk about WMatsui, just go on ahead and respond as you’d like. I know you’re the one who pleases them all the time about us.”

I tilted my head back slightly to see her smile which made my heart sunk, “… Y-Yeah. I… I know.”

She stretched a bit, “Ahh~ That was quite a burden you’ve lifted off my shoulders! Now I can graduate without any sort of regrets.”

… So I was a burden on Rena-chan? Is that it?

WMatsui—the terminology that bound us both throughout our time here as partners. Has that really bothered you that much, Rena-chan?

- - - - - -

Day after day passed by since then and a year went by just like that. Rena-chan and I still kept in contact with each other through our First Gen LINE chat group. Everything seemed as normal as it was, just that… I couldn’t see her for lessons or even work now.

Soon, it was time for my birthday and as I was stepping into a new age as a young adult, I decided to open a twitter account. All of my fans quickly followed me after knowing about me creating a twitter account and without even thinking, I searched Rena-chan up and followed her. I’m sure there were people who noticed me following Rena-chan first and foremost and posted about WMatsui ‘communicating in public through twitter’ and all at that time…

But my agreement with Rena-chan stood. I could talk about her, post about her. However, I cannot be communicating publicly with her. I didn’t want the whole WMatsui thing to bother her.

Oh, and if you were wondering. She told me a simple “Happy Birthday” on my birthday in private so it’s cool. I am happy to receive anything from Rena-chan, even if they’re just words of wishes.

Of course I wouldn’t be lying if I’m just trying to deceive myself that Rena-chan is still ‘close’ to me.

- - - - - -

The more time passed, the more reality set in that we barely talk to each other. We barely hung out. We literally had nothing to do with each other.

I blame it on the fact that we were just too busy with our own lives. Especially when I’m trying to act more like a leader for SKE and doing everything I can for the group’s improvement and my dramas and other work… I would have to be lucky to have time to spare for hanging out with others. Though I have. Just not Rena-chan, who declines all the time and I had to ask someone else out.

Though the truth in the matter was possibly because it seemed like Rena-chan had shut me out of her life...?

I don't know. And I can't understand what's going on.

Not to mention, Rena-chan hasn’t even followed me on twitter although she’s active like, every single day, but that’s besides the point!

I knew I had to let go. I think of Rena-chan every day and if this goes on, I’m sure it’ll hinder my performance one day.

Wait… is this how Rena-chan felt back then…? Is this why she wanted us to ‘break up’?

Have I understood her sentiments completely now…?

I guess all I can do now is remember I have sincerely loved an amazing person named Matsui Rena…

“Jurina-saaaaaann~~~” Fujita Nana called out to Jurina as she ran towards her, waving vigorously in excitement.

… And move on… like Rena-chan.

Jurina smiled, waving back at Nana as she jumped in to a hug on her precious Matsui Jurina.

WMatsui… will be nothing but a memory now. A memory of the time we had together side by side in SKE.

Little did she know that Rena had an outstretched hand from a distance, wanting to approach her before retracting it slowly as Akane came up to her asking if anything is wrong and they both left the area, with Rena glancing back over her shoulder at Jurina as Akane was rambling on about her day.

It will be a memory that I will cherish forever.

Thank you, Rena-chan, for being by my side these seven years.

I will never regret falling in love with you.

« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 01:09:37 AM by MisakiShishido »

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Misaki's OS/Random Drabble Page :) - Update: WMatsui OS (20/5/16)
« Reply #62 on: May 20, 2016, 01:27:29 AM »
How sad!
It has been lovely thank you very much.

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Misaki's OS/Random Drabble Page :) - Update: WMatsui OS (20/5/16)
« Reply #63 on: May 20, 2016, 04:43:19 AM »
Cool we have the same idea to bring up twitter things.

But yours much more ummmm real (?) at the same time bittersweet.

Thanks :D
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Re: Misaki's OS/Random Drabble Page :) - Update: WMatsui OS (20/5/16)
« Reply #64 on: May 20, 2016, 05:09:04 AM »
I hate angsty fic TOT
But well, they situation just.... I hate them sometimes-,-

For 'IF' fic, glad to know that you gonna finish it>o<
I still patiently wait for it~

Thanks for the update, Misaki-senpai!^o^/
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Misaki's OS/Random Drabble Page :) - Update: WMatsui OS (20/5/16)
« Reply #65 on: May 20, 2016, 08:45:06 PM »
even though I have completely no motivation to write and especially because I HATE WMATSUI  :angry: :angry: :angry: Well, not hate 'hate' but like. Don't you guys realize how they don't even interact AT ALL nowadays? It drives me nuts!

I'm sorry but I have to react on this.

I can see that you don't ship WMatsui as much as you used to before. Maybe you don't even ship them at all anymore. The circumstances are what they are. I don't like those circumstances more than you do but really, which SKE member does Rena still interact with on a regular basis, apart from Churi who - we know - is her closest friend? The answer is: no one. She doesn't seem to interact with Airi or Tani much more than Jurina since she left. And Rena seemed to be very close to them while in SKE.

You have the right not to ship them anymore. Everyone can ship who they want, and decide to stop shipping when they want. There are many ships I don't ship - some I even don't like - but I will never use a negative word to describe a ship.

So, don't you think that word, 'hate' is a little inappropriate?

I believe this board should stay a neutral/happy place, far from this kind of feelings. So it really bothers me to be seeing you using this word.

I hope you understand my point of view, and will reconsider using it in the future  :)
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: Misaki's OS/Random Drabble Page :) - Update: WMatsui OS (20/5/16)
« Reply #66 on: May 21, 2016, 01:13:45 AM »
even though I have completely no motivation to write and especially because I HATE WMATSUI  :angry: :angry: :angry: Well, not hate 'hate' but like. Don't you guys realize how they don't even interact AT ALL nowadays? It drives me nuts!

I'm sorry but I have to react on this.

I can see that you don't ship WMatsui as much as you used to before. Maybe you don't even ship them at all anymore. The circumstances are what they are. I don't like those circumstances more than you do but really, which SKE member does Rena still interact with on a regular basis, apart from Churi who - we know - is her closest friend? The answer is: no one. She doesn't seem to interact with Airi or Tani much more than Jurina since she left. And Rena seemed to be very close to them while in SKE.

You have the right not to ship them anymore. Everyone can ship who they want, and decide to stop shipping when they want. There are many ships I don't ship - some I even don't like - but I will never use a negative word to describe a ship.

So, don't you think that word, 'hate' is a little inappropriate?

I believe this board should stay a neutral/happy place, far from this kind of feelings. So it really bothers me to be seeing you using this word.

I hope you understand my point of view, and will reconsider using it in the future  :)

Thank you for your input.

I deeply apologise for this minor commotion I have caused which was really unintended. I wrote that A/N out of frustration and I didn't think it would warrant any negativity. I will refrain from using such strong, negative words to lash out on a particular pair.

Thank you once again for giving me such a warning and a logical reasoning to give me a proper thought about Rena's relationship with her friends when I was all linear about her relationship with Jurina. I really appreciate it.

I apologise to all of you for the unintentional negativity caused to whoever read my exaggerated A/N. I guess stating "not hate 'hate'" doesn't seem to help my position that I have stirred up upset feelings. This will be a grim reminder to me as a fanfiction author.

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Misaki's OS/Random Drabble Page :) - Update: WMatsui OS (20/5/16)
« Reply #67 on: May 22, 2016, 02:33:32 AM »

Thank you for your input.

I deeply apologise for this minor commotion I have caused which was really unintended. I wrote that A/N out of frustration and I didn't think it would warrant any negativity. I will refrain from using such strong, negative words to lash out on a particular pair.

Thank you once again for giving me such a warning and a logical reasoning to give me a proper thought about Rena's relationship with her friends when I was all linear about her relationship with Jurina. I really appreciate it.

I apologise to all of you for the unintentional negativity caused to whoever read my exaggerated A/N. I guess stating "not hate 'hate'" doesn't seem to help my position that I have stirred up upset feelings. This will be a grim reminder to me as a fanfiction author.

It's alright. I can see you didn't truly realize what you were saying, and were merely letting your frustration out.

IRL facts can be hard on writers sometimes. I was myself pretty shaken up when Rena announced her graduation. I even posted a message about it, stating I was not sure to keep on writing after that.

It took me time, but I got over the hurt and kept on writing. Why? Because in the end, I think there's only one thing that really matters: your love for your story and for the characters you've created. Did I still love my characters and my story? Deeply. So when I understood that, I found my motivation to write again in an instant.

I hope you will, as well, find your inspiration back.

My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: Misaki's OS/Random Drabble Page :) - Update: Rena Bday OS (28/7/16)
« Reply #68 on: July 27, 2016, 06:10:43 PM »
Drabble #1: Matsui Rena's Birthday

Only the sounds of frustrated groaning resounded in the silent van as Matsui Jurina frustratingly swiped upwards on her phone, going through a catalog of items, before giving up and tossing her phone to the empty seat beside her. She then buried her face into her hands and groaned again. It was at that moment, her manager had to ask.

“What's wrong, Jurina-chan? You've been groaning since you started fiddling with your phone.”

“... It's about Rena-chan………” Jurina simply answered, lips forming into a pout.

“Ah. Matsui Rena-san?”

Jurina continued, “It was her birthday yesterday… and all I've done was made a lame doodle on twitter for her…” her hands slowly formed into balls of fists, “... I feel like it wasn't enough…”

“Enough? For what if you don't mind me prying…?” Her manager was trying his best to be as careful with his words as possible to prevent a certain center of a famous idol group in Nagoya from being a bit too angry.

“... Nngh… well… Rena-chan just wouldn't leave a comment or something,” she looked into her manager’s eyes with teary eyes in an animated way as she continued on, “We barely even contact each other now and the last time she ever said anything to me was to congratulate me for getting 3rd place in the Sousenkyou!”

“Didn't you both talk afterwards..?”

“NO!!” she shook her head, sniffing dramatically, “I trieeeddd to continued the conversation but Rena-chan said she was busy and would get back to me next time… and she never really did…”

The young woman’s manager watched her let out a depressing sigh until he took a glance at the window. He had a perfect solution for the poor young woman’s problem.

“We can stop here to get something if you’d like, Jurina-chan.”

“Huh…?” Jurina slowly lifted herself up from slumping and sulking and looked out the window. They were currently around the Osukan-non temple grounds, and it is known for having a flea market on the 28th of every month. The hustling and bustling of people filled the grounds with a very festival-like atmosphere. Jurina could even hear the yelling of the stall vendors trying to promote their goods to bypassers and she even noticed that there were tourists laughing loudly at one stall which apparently was doing some kind of magic trick.

She was so entranced at the view on the outside that she did not even realise that the vehicle she was on had stopped moving and had in fact parked to the side.

“Jurina-chan,” Jurina’s manager called out to her softly, catching her attention, “We'll still be on time for your next work. Go on ahead and please be back in half an hour’s time.”

Jurina’s eyes lit up in happiness as she nodded excitedly and thanked her manager before dashing out of the vehicle, forgetting to even put on the whole “disguise” that an idol would have on when they were out in the open alone. She squirmed through the crowd while trying to take a glimpse of what every single stall had to offer. Nothing caught her attention until someone bumped into her, pushing her forward till she nearly tripped but she managed to catch her balance when both her hands landed on the table of one of the stalls which startled the stallkeeper.

Jurina quickly lifted herself up and bowed to the stallkeeper in apology. That was when her eyes fell upon a Melon Pan plushie hidden behind an old-looking manga when she glanced to the side as she was bowing. She shot herself up once again and shyly took the plushie to show it to the stallkeeper who was already right in front of her, on the other side of the table.

Jurina could make it out from the person’s physique that she was a young woman with nearly the same height as her. The feature that intimidated her was the outlook of the stallkeeper-- a dark cap that had the stallkeeper’s ponytail sticking out from the hole at the rear, sunglasses that completely hid her eyes and a surgical mask which hid the lower half of her face. She wore a casual maroon hoodie followed by a baggy pair of sweat pants. Indeed, the stallkeeper did make Jurina a tad bit  suspicious but that did not stop her from asking for what she wanted.

Not to mention, something about this stallkeeper made Jurina feel really uneasy.

“U-Umm.. Uhh.. About this plushie…”

Jurina noticed that the stallkeeper seemed surprised when she showed her the plushie by the sudden jolt of her body. However, the suspicious stallkeeper quickly cleared her throat to snap out of her momentary surprise and responded to Jurina accordingly.

“... Are you interested in that item, ma’am?”

Jurina felt something off with the stallkeeper’s voice. It was as if she was forcing herself to talk in a lower voice.

“Yeah… I am.”

“You're lucky to have found that in this pile of… interesting items,” the stallkeeper commented, “... Even I would’ve gotten it.”

The stallkeeper even used a male pronoun to refer to herself instead of the usual female one. (A/N: Boku instead of Watashi) Jurina just continued to get more and more suspicious.

“Hehh… is this plushie that unique?” Jurina mused on purpose, hoping to solve the mystery that bugged her about this stallkeeper she was dealing with.

“Oh yes of course! It's a rare plushie for Melon Pan enthusiasts.”

Jurina momentarily grinned to herself when she finally had the eureka moment she was waiting for. She then energetically reached out to the stallkeeper with the plushie in hand and asked for the price.

“It's…” The stallkeeper went through a note that was in her pocket before giving an answer to Jurina, with a really forced smile that Jurina was taken slightly aback with.

“... I-It’s just…. It's just 1000yen…… Ma’am,” the stallkeeper shakily said as she slowly took the Melon Pan plushie from Jurina’s hands.

“Uwooh~ that's a great price for something that sounds rare, Stallkeeper-san!” Jurina said with much gusto that sounded like she was teasing the stallkeeper, “Are you sure it really is sold at that price~?”

“How should I--?!” The stallkeeper quickly retracted her outburst, “I-I’m sorry ma’am… I mean… To be honest, I’m not the stallkeeper… I’m just helping a friend out while she's out to get some refreshments for the both of us. If this is what she wrote on this price list, then yes… it is that price.”

Jurina smiled, “I see~. You're helping out a friend huh.”

“... By the way, I don't think an idol like you should be out and about without a disguise any longer, so please pay up and leave before--”

“Ah. You know who I am?”

The stallkeeper looked away, “... You're Matsui Jurina from SKE48… Anyone who sees you up close would know…”

Jurina’s grin widened as she handed the money to the stallkeeper, “Here ya go.”

The stallkeeper took the money and promptly packed the plushie into a paper bag before handing it back to Jurina, “Thank you for your patronage… Matsui-san.”

“You're most welcome,” Jurina took the bag, “... And now….” She reached back out towards the stallkeeper with the bag in her hands, looking straight into the stallkeeper’s hidden pair of eyes with her own confident pair and smiled brightly, “Happy Birthday, Rena-chan!”

The shopkeeper’s mouth agaped at Jurina’s sudden act. She couldn't even retaliate but just stood there, not knowing if she should accept the fact that she had been found out and take the gift or turn away, saying that Jurina is blind or something.

“W-What are you--”

“I actually had a feeling it was you, Rena-chan. I mean I wasn't sure at first ‘cuz you looked pretty scary,” Jurina scratched her cheek with her free hand shyly, “But gradually, you just showed signs that made you, you.”


Jurina hastily grabbed onto the ‘stallkeeper’s’-- who was actually Rena all along-- hand and gave her the paper bag with the item she just bought. Rena didn't even bother resisting as she was still pretty dumbfounded at the situation she was currently in.

“Come on, just accept my gift. I'm really sorry it's a day late but… I’m really glad I got to meet ya… and give you something you actually wanted.”

Jurina quickly spun around when she felt her eyes getting a bit watery after finally being able to meet Rena when she felt like the latter had been avoiding her. It really had been a while since they last met, and though this was an unplanned meeting, it was a miracle to Jurina.

“J-Jurina… I…” Before Rena could start, Jurina cut her off.

“Hey Rena-chan? I’m glad to see you doing great and even being able to get some well-deserved rest like this.” Jurina suddenly felt her phone vibrate, immediately knowing that it was her manager. Time was up.

“I hope we can hang out properly next time. It has been ages after all,” Jurina looked over her shoulder with her teary but puppy dog-looking eyes, “... So I can be reassured that you're not avoiding me… alright?”

Rena couldn't answer as Jurina gave one last bow of gratitude before dashing off into the crowd and back into her van. The older Matsui just stood there quietly for a moment until she looked at the paper bag which had the plushie she truthfully wanted were Jurina not to have bought it for her. She was amazed that she missed this item when she had been at the stall since morning, accompanying her friend in manning her stall.

That was obviously besides the point.

“Jurina, you idiot… I've been avoiding you because I wanted you to stop being nice to me… so I could stop…” Rena placed a hand to her chest, clutching tightly on the fabric over it, “... having feelings for you… why did you have to appear… you idiot you idiot you idiot--”

“Rena??” Someone called out to her with a pat on the shoulder and Rena quickly snapped out of her raging reverie.

“A-Airi! W-When did you get back?!”

“Since the part you started mumbling ‘you idiot’ over and over to yourself hehehe……” Airi scratched the back of her head nervously, “I’m really~ sorry I got back late. Wanted to get a really delicious Melon Pan for ya so I went to that really famous shop a few blocks away from here and then Churi kinda popped outta nowhere and diverted me and--”

Rena held her hand up, signalling for Airi to stop, “Yeah yeah I understand. Let’s… Let’s just hurry up and eat. There might be other customers we have to deal with soon.”

Airi noticed the paper bag that Rena was about to put down on a folding chair beside her and questionned about it, knowing full well that was from her stall, “You bought something from my stall, Rena? Thanks…”

“Ah well… I didn't actually buy this but…” Rena’s lips formed into a small smile as she laid the paper bag down, “... It’s from someone important to me. She managed to spot this item from your gosh awful load of stuff on the table and gave it to me as a birthday gift.”

Airi was surprised but that expression quickly turned into a pout when her mind finally registered the insult from Rena’s sentence, “Oi. What do you mean ‘gosh awful’?! It's quite organised, mind you!!” She ended her sentence and quickly rearranged the items on the table, mumbling to herself about basically every single bad point of Rena she could think of.

Of course,the older Matsui did not pay Airi to mind but looked away to the direction of where Jurina had disappeared to, with a frown. Rena knew she had been a bit too distant from Jurina due to all the  ‘complications' that erupted from the fanbase who loves them as a duo. Rena just wanted to break away from that label, without consideration of Jurina’s feelings of wanting to remain close with her not just as her other half back in SKE, but as a genuine friend.

“Airi. Can I have your phone?”

Airi twirled around, still sulking about Rena’s comment, “You really have the nerve--”

Rena quite imposingly, swiped Airi’s phone that stuck out from her jumper’s pocket and started to fiddle with it. A serious look appeared on her face and Airi just let out a groan as she entertained a customer who called out to her.

Back on the van, Jurina absent-mindedly looked out of the window, recalling the ‘fateful' meeting that just occurred. She let out a deep sigh.

“What a way to leave Rena-chan like that, Jurina… you totally blew it…”

Her phone vibrated as a message came and all it read was:

“Thank you, Jurina. I’m sure we will meet again soon.”

That was all it needed to stun the younger Matsui for a moment before a smile crept up to her lips and a tint of faint red blemished her cheeks.

Offline sakura_drop_

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Re: Misaki's OS/Random Drabble Page :) - Update: Rena Bday OS (28/7/16)
« Reply #69 on: July 27, 2016, 07:11:53 PM »



 :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff:

sorry but that is all I got to say.... omg this ship....  :wub: :wub: :wub:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline Keiyuu

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Re: Misaki's OS/Random Drabble Page :) - Update: Rena Bday OS (28/7/16)
« Reply #70 on: July 27, 2016, 07:15:24 PM »

Lol pouty Jurina~ I can't believe her manager actually let her go out there :P Well, she was having a tantrum--*slapped*

I see you used your newfound knowledge of Nagoya in here? lol  ;)

It is so fate that she ran into Rena's stall (literally) and the melon pan plushie too XD I thought that Jurina would run into Rena here but then she was the actual stallkeeper! LOL Recognized her right away~

This is where I knew exactly where this was going LOL XD[quote author=MisakiShishido

And that's when the laughing began :lol: You don't know how many times I had to stop and re-read a bit bc I kept looking away and laughing XD I also had to re-read the whole thing bc I read it too fast and probs skipped something. And I did!

“... I-It’s just…. It's just 1000yen…… Ma’am,” the stallkeeper shakily said as she slowly took the Melon Pan plushie from Jurina’s hands.

“Uwooh~ that's a great price for something that sounds rare, Stallkeeper-san!” Jurina said with much gusto that sounded like she was teasing the stallkeeper, “Are you sure it really is sold at that price~?”

“How should I--?!” The stallkeeper quickly retracted her outburst, “I-I’m sorry ma’am… I mean… To be honest, I’m not the stallkeeper… I’m just helping a friend out while she's out to get some refreshments for the both of us. If this is what she wrote on this price list, then yes… it is that price.”

Somehow I missed the line where Jurina was teasing the stallkeeper, I thought she was just being Jurina XD
But dang was this cute when she got a reaction out of R XD

“You're most welcome,” Jurina took the bag, “... And now….” She reached back out towards the stallkeeper with the bag in her hands, looking straight into the stallkeeper’s hidden pair of eyes with her own confident pair and smiled brightly, “Happy Birthday, Rena-chan!”

J! J... Ohasdfsldflsdhfldfkgjodlfjdfjhow I still can't stop laughing about this XD and I mean this in a good way :thumbsup
I was wondering when Jurina would let the cat out of the bag lol

Yes Rena did look scary no doubt, and then she was trying so hard not to be suspicious and it just made it more obvious really R what are you doing  :lol: "Boku"? Really? You're so obviously a girl Whyyyyyyy XD

“J-Jurina… I…” Before Rena could start, Jurina cut her off.

“Hey Rena-chan? I’m glad to see you doing great and even being able to get some well-deserved rest like this.” Jurina suddenly felt her phone vibrate, immediately knowing that it was her manager. Time was up.

“I hope we can hang out properly next time. It has been ages after all,” Jurina looked over her shoulder with her teary but puppy dog-looking eyes, “... So I can be reassured that you're not avoiding me… alright?”

Oh.........this hit me right in the feels sad yet sweet............ :cry:

And moving on XD

“Jurina, you idiot… I've been avoiding you because I wanted you to stop being nice to me… so I could stop…” Rena placed a hand to her chest, clutching tightly on the fabric over it, “... having feelings for you… why did you have to appear… you idiot you idiot you idiot--”

Gah-I'm choking...*cough*on the*cough* *dies* XD
Not the dialogue the 'placed a hand to her chest, clutching tightly on the fabric over it' hahahaha XD

Rena and Airin's interaction was cute :) that little Furuyanagi stuck in there too XD
I can see Rena going 'bakabakabaka' like a jealous wench aha ha! XD

“What a way to leave Rena-chan like that, Jurina… you totally blew it…”

Her phone vibrated as a message came and all it read was:

“Thank you, Jurina. I’m sure we will meet again soon.”

That was all it needed to stun the younger Matsui for a moment before a smile crept up to her lips and a tint of faint red blemished her cheeks.

Jurina: *blushes* Why the heck is Airin sending me this? Could it be that she....--*slapped*

*Bows* I'm sorry  :nervous

Well it wasn't lame, I can say that for sure now :)
It was short and cute and I really enjoyed reading it :P Really. I thought my grandma would come in here and ask me why I was laughing and squealing lol

So nice job bruh~ *fistbump*
Looking forward to anything you ever feel like writing and hope you have fun in Japan! :)

Dang Saku beat me to it! :angry: JK :lol: Sorry it's a bit too long and full of quotes :nervous
« Last Edit: July 27, 2016, 07:22:19 PM by Keiyuu »

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Re: Misaki's OS/Random Drabble Page :) - Update: Rena Bday OS (28/7/16)
« Reply #71 on: July 27, 2016, 11:17:49 PM »
thanks a lot

I  miss wmatsuis fan fics... lately there are very few.

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Re: Misaki's OS/Random Drabble Page :) - Update: Rena Bday OS (28/7/16)
« Reply #72 on: July 28, 2016, 02:38:34 AM »
That was good Author-san.  :on GJ:
I don't know but, I really like Jurina being hurt. Weird me. :dunno:
Hope to read more WMatsui fanfics from you Author-san  :hee:
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

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Re: Misaki's OS/Random Drabble Page :) - Update: Rena Bday OS (28/7/16)
« Reply #73 on: July 30, 2016, 07:55:56 AM »
Finally! I have a spare time to read this fic!
I can imagine adorable pouty Juju :'3
Poor her :'v
Rena-san, I hope you stop being a tsundere queen for Juju-,-
She loves you too much, y'know!

Glad to read your fic again, Misaki-senpai~
Gonna wait your another works~
I'm a hardshipper of many pair! lol

Offline MisakiShishido

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To everyone who has been reading my fanfiction, especially the recent entry-- sakura_drop_, Keiyuu, Minami-chan, MatsuiLee & junchan-- thank you very much for the support.

I apologise for not posting anything as of late to all of you who still pop on by to my OS or my ongoing-but-on-hiatus story Indestructible Fire, but I sincerely thank you all regardless for putting up with my works so far.

I am still trying my best to get through with my slump and problem with writing fanfictions caused by my own mental stress.

Till then, this slightly over 2.7k words JuriSaku 'drabble' is all I've got to offer.
I hope you enjoy and do please leave a comment. Every comment is really precious to me, especially if it is a comment that tells me where and what I can improve on to further strengthen my creative writing skills.

Thank you very much.

Special mention: Thank you, M0cchi for proof-reading :)

Untitled - JuriSaku

Matsui Jurina slowly regained consciousness in a room enveloped by a radiant but warm orange light shining through from the windows, a few feet away from the bed she was on. She squinted a few times so her eyes could get used to her familiar yet unfamiliar surroundings and it was then, at the corner of her eyes, she noticed a figure by her side. Her head hung low and thus, she was unable to identify who this person was. She had jet black hair done in a short bob-style haircut, with her fringe successfully covering her eyes as her head faced downwards.

Jurina was curious as to who this person was, since it was rather unusual to have someone waiting by your side till you woke up unless you were a friend, family member or someone you were in a relationship with. A trail of thought did come to her mind where she was just an overly responsible student fulfilling her job as a student tending to the infirmary while the teacher was away.

However, that did not stop her from wanting to see her face more properly. So, she tried propping herself up, and that led to the bed letting out a loud creaking sound in the silent room. That little ‘mistake’ did the trick though, as it brought a pair of sleepy-turned-surprised pair of eyes towards her own and the unknown student let out a soft gasp.

“A-Ah! M-Matsui-senpai! You’re awake!”

She said, still rather startled by Jurina, who was still trying to sit up properly. Her torso still felt rather weak and gave her a surge of sore pain, hence why she was still struggling. She decided to give up until an arm hurriedly slipped around her waist, trying to support her.

“You shouldn’t be getting up that fast…! Please, relax…” The concerned girl, who had swiftly adjusted the pillow Jurina was sleeping on to lean against the headrest, slowly let Jurina lie against it, so at least she could comfortably sit up without feeling the irritating weakness her body was facing at the moment.

“… Sorry but, who’re you?” Jurina suddenly asked, her gaze, to the girl, was that of someone who was ready to attack her at any time. The emotionless gaze of a delinquent.

“O-Oh umm… I-I’m Sakura. Miyawaki Sakura. The teacher has been out since you were brought in so I thought I could check up on you in her stead……” The girl seemed very uncomfortable and started to fidget with her fingers that were shaking due to nervousness.

“Hehh…” Jurina let out a deep sigh, “Wait, how did you know my name?”

Sakura briefly looked into Jurina’s still-unfriendly eyes before looking at the small fabric nametag pinned onto Jurina’s PE T-shirt. She pointed at it, in which Jurina followed the direction of Sakura’s finger, only to tug at her shirt and realise that she had asked the most obvious question ever. She felt stupid but simply cleared her throat to hide her embarrassment, which led to Sakura jolting for a bit.

“Geez, are you that scared of me?” Sakura quickly shook her head in denial.

Jurina shifted her gaze lower from the fidgeting girl’s face to her chest area, noticing that she donned a red ribbon. That established the fact that she was a second year, opposed to Jurina who was a third year and graduating soon, that is, if she does not get into trouble.

The blonde long-haired girl let out a soft chuckle, making Sakura ease up a bit and look at Jurina once again. This time, Jurina’s eyes had warmed up and she flashed Sakura a smile. The fidgety girl was taken aback momentarily at her 180 degree turn in attitude from this senior before her. She did not know whether to feel utterly impressed at how her senior could feel like a killer one second and a friendly person to hang out with the other. She was dumbfounded.

“Sorry sorry. It’s a normal defense reaction. I mean, you’ve heard about me right? Since I’m like… the only Matsui in this whole school for some reasons… other than Rena-chan.”

“… Umm… no…? I haven’t heard about you, Matsui-senpai.”


Sakura scratched her cheek nervously, “I’ve actually just transferred here recently… I used to help the infirmary back at my old school so that’s why I quickly got myself posted here, otherwise I would’ve only start helping out next month…”

“I see~” Jurina said in a singsong manner, “Well, not to brag about myself but… it’s really best you don’t associate yourself with me, unless you want to be feared by everyone in school.”

Jurina’s grin sent chills down Sakura’s spine. How could she say something so threatening and yet continue to put up a friendly senior façade like that? Was this senior an actress??

“… W-Why…” Sakura honestly did not want to know more but her brain was involuntarily doing the talking for her, “… are you feared by everyone…?” Sakura clammed her mouth shut with both her hands and only after she saw Jurina’s eyes widen for a moment, it registered in her mind she had pried into an area she could have been well-off not knowing about.

Jurina smirked, enjoying how flustered her junior was and slowly moved her body against her, placing a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it a bit before whispering in a sultry voice directly into Sakura’s ear that did not take a second to turn beet red, “Because… I… am…”

It felt like Jurina was purposely saying it slowly so the soft puffs of air as she spoke would linger around Sakura’s ear, and that made her feel extremely sensitive in various parts of her body and even more flustered than she has been initially.

However, all those weird and ‘hot’ sensations Sakura was feeling were put to a sharp halt when the infirmary door was slammed opened which shocked Sakura but Jurina had just coolly lifted herself upwards to look at the person who placed a lid on her fun.

“Oh hi Rena-chan,” Jurina greeted nonchalantly.

“Don’t ‘oh hi’ me! What have you gotten yourself into again?! And we’re in school, don’t call me ‘Rena-chan’!” The older woman grumbled as she stormed towards the bedside, not even aware Sakura was there as her eyes were dead set on Jurina.

“W-Whoa whoa calm down! Rena-cha—sensei!” Jurina swiftly grabbed Sakura and wrapped an arm around her shoulders while the other hand caressed her head as if she was a precious pet, “You’re going to scare this poor little junior over here!”

“Ju—ah!” Rena finally took notice of Sakura’s presence but noticed Sakura blushing hard from Jurina’s current act and broke her away from Jurina, thinking that Sakura was uncomfortable, “What the heck do you think you’re doing to her?” Rena looked at Sakura with a worried gaze, “Are you alright? She didn’t do anything weird to you or while you were both in here right?”

“Cut me some slack, Rena-chan~…”

“N-No… umm… Matsui-sensei…” Sakura smiled wryly to Rena.

“Oh? You know me?” Rena gave an unimpressed glance to Jurina before she turned back to Sakura, “Is it because Jurina told you?”

Sakura nodded accordingly.

“You better not have—"

Jurina cut Rena’s sentence, “Said stuff to embarrass you? No. I just told her that we’re the only two people in this whole school who have the same family name, that’s it.”

Sakura nodded vigorously at the suspicious gaze of the teacher before her and that let Rena shrug.

“So why did you get admitted again?” Rena sat on the bedside, eyes scanning Jurina as if she was checking for any exterior wounds on the girl’s body.

“I probably fainted during PE. Didn’t eat much during lunch break.”

“And why did you not eat properly?”

“… I was uh… y’know. Hanging out with my gang, walking around the school~…” Jurina had tried her best to avoid Rena’s interrogative gaze but that failed when Rena had placed both her hands on Jurina’s cheek to twist her head towards her, her eyes already piercing into Jurina’s soul, in a bad way.

Jurina knew she was about to face the music any time soon but Sakura had stood up from her seat on the sidelines, interrupting the Matsui duo.

“U-Umm! I checked Matsui-senpai and she did not have any cuts or bruises. She only fainted during PE and was brought in here, Matsui-sensei…!”

Jurina was astonished at the transfer student who dared to stand up for her, knowing that she had probably seen a cut and bruise or two around her torso and applied some coolant along with large pieces of gauzes to hide the injury. She gently touched her injured torso and smiled in relief.

After all, the injuries were caused thanks to a fight she got into during lunch break. Jurina was infamous throughout the whole school as a rough but easily-deceiving-to-the-eye delinquent due to her beautiful facial features. Though she would try her best to not get into too much trouble, her ‘friends’ that formed her current gang, would almost always get into trouble, and as the leader, she had the responsibility of taking the blame. In exchange for respect of her peers, she had given up most, if not all, of her own personal image. It seemed like a daft move to do in life, but Jurina just did what she wanted to do.

“Is that so,” Rena was still suspicious but of course, let it go for now since they were still in school anyways. She disliked lecturing Jurina like this in front of a third party.

“Well then, I’ll be taking my leave. Thanks for taking care of her, umm…”


“Mi-ya-wa-ki Sa-ku-ra,” Jurina spelled out her name to Rena, an act that made Sakura lower her head slightly out of shyness.

Rena rolled her eyes at Jurina before giving Sakura a smile, “Thank you, Miyawaki-san.”

“N-No problem. It’s my duty after all, to umm... look after her,” Sakura tried her best to return the smile but it felt really awkward due to how shy she was feeling right now.

“Jurina, I’ll be sending you home later. Come to the faculty room once you’re ready to leave,” Rena said sternly as she walked towards the door.

“Ya done with your teacher work already?”

Rena opened the door and looked over her shoulder to see Jurina one last time before leaving, “I’ll be done by the time you’re ready, don’t worry about me, worry more about yourself.”

With that, the teacher stepped out of the room and with the click of the door to signal that it has been completely closed, Jurina and Sakura both let out a relieved sigh. They looked at each other when they realized they had done the same thing, and laughed, Jurina half-laughing, half-aching though, due to the pain she was suffering from.

“Hey Sakura, thanks. I probably wouldn’t have survived a lecture if you didn’t step in,” Jurina smiled, and Sakura felt how genuine it was.

“I-It’s nothing…” Sakura returned to the seat beside Jurina’s bed.

“She’s always such a worrywart, that Rena-chan,” Jurina shrugged before continuing as her gaze fell towards the door that Rena left through, “Y’see, we’re sort of like uh… ‘childhood friends’. I’ve known her since I was a kid and she’s always this older sister that I always wanted since I’m the only child. Despite you seeing her so uptight like that, she’s actually really nice and caring and—"

“You… really like her.”

Jurina’s words were put to a halt and a loud smacking sound could be heard because Sakura had again, shut her mouth with her hands. She seriously did not know what is possessing her right now but her thoughts are involuntarily pouring out in the presence of a potential life-threatening senior.

As for said senior, she was rendered speechless. She bit her lips a bit before smiling wryly to the shaking junior who probably thought she had a thing coming to her by now, “You sure are brave and perceptive huh? I like that, Sakura.”

Every time Jurina says Sakura’s name in a soft, calming tone of voice, Sakura felt a weird urge of wanting to understand her senior more, and to get closer to her, inch by inch by inch—

“But yeah, you’re right. I’m shamelessly head over heels for Rena-chan. I don’t remember when it started but by the time I realized I had feelings for her, I probably started doing crazy stunts so she would always take notice of me. Of course, in a bad way… but what can I do? I’m hopeless at studying so… doing showy stuff became my forte.”

Sakura did not mutter a word as Jurina confessed her feelings towards Rena. She wanted to understand how it felt. Having someone you cared so much about in your life yet never being able to tell the person.

“By the way, just call me Jurina. You can drop the senior affix too if you’d like, I don’t care anyways. It’s a hassle if we hang out and Rena-chan pops up randomly.”

“T-Then… J-Ju… rina… san,” Sakura said nervously after snapping out of her reverie, blushing right after that and hung her head low once again.
Jurina pat the girl’s head at the chance, chuckling a bit, “You’re really cute, Sakura. Maybe we should just cut to the chase and be something more than friends immediately!”

Sakura’s head shot up from her downwards, which made Jurina quickly retract her hand as a reflex action and Sakura’s face was literally on the verge of tears due to sheer embarrassment. Jurina panicked, seeing that her little comment that she thought was innocent, did not go as planned.
“H-Hey uh s-sorry I didn’t mean it! I was joking…!”

Sakura rubbed her eyes to get rid of the tears, still not saying anything.

“I-I uh…” Jurina’s mind spun as fast as it could so she could blurt something comforting but not make it sound like she was flirting as she would have done, “I… Let’s still be friends though, Sakura! I mean, even though I told you to stay away from me but you’re really nice and I think I want to get to know you more and who knows maybe you can help me sort out my feelings towards Rena-chan and—"

Feeling Jurina’s genuine effort to cover up her slip of the tongue with simultaneous blabbering, Sakura giggled, never realizing that someone like Jurina had so many faces to her. It felt like she was already getting to know her senior just within the short time of interacting with her immediately when she woke up.

“S-Sorry Jurina-san…! I’m happy to see you have an adorable side to you as well.”

Jurina rubbed her neck in embarrassment, mumbling under her breath, “Oh come on, now I’m getting told that I’m ‘adorable’ by the overly shy junior I just met? Way to go, J.”

“I…” Sakura tightened her hands into fists, “I want to be your friend too. Even when you warned me initially, I had already determined to be your friend…”

“Really now,” Jurina smiled, “What if I had continued to push you away?”

“I’d still try my best…! I… want to repay you…”

“Hmm? Sakura, I didn’t hear the last part, what did you say?”

A silhouette flashed past Sakura’s mind as she closed her eyes, her heart beating to the rhythm of how peaceful her surroundings felt when she noticed the heartwarming smile of that silhouette.


Sakura let out a deep breath before opening her eyes, her cheeks still rather rosy, “I’m glad to have made your acquaintance, Jurina-san… I’m sorry I’m pretty shy and all but it’s because I haven’t had a conversation like this with someone in a long time…”

Jurina could not help but felt her heart sink a bit. She thought maybe Sakura had her own fair share of hardships. She wanted to help her, to know what that cute and easily flustered junior of hers was hiding deep down in her heart.

She had to admit, she was growing fond of this junior she seemingly had just met.

“Y-Yeah. Sure,” Jurina spoke, “I’m glad you’re the junior who helped patch me up and not someone else then.”

Sakura shyly smiled at Jurina, who returned the same.

Perhaps, Jurina thought, this was the girl she had been waiting for to cure her infatuation from Rena.

While for Sakura, it could be the start of something new.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2017, 08:06:40 PM by MisakiShishido »

Offline sakura_drop_

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First things first, I'm commenting via my phone, so sorry about any mistakes you'll find in here. I just really wanted to leave you some feedback (other than live reactions you got on Facebook yesterday haha), and also, since I'm typing on phone, expect less than usual smileys.

Another thing I really want to say before delving into the whole story is how much I really like your writing style. It has bits of most of my favorite writers, and you are definitely up there in the list of my faves. Now let's get into story

I want to say some things I noticed. First I really think that Rena has something for Jurina. I am saying that because of the way she is so caring and so active and showing about it. Honestly I think it is slightly beyond usual worry, but it could also be my delulu brain seeing it in such a way haha. Well if you think about it they know each other for years so it could be possible Rena is also thinking she has this one sided feelings got this idiotic delinquent lolol

Now when it comes to Jurina, I really want her to be more upfront haha but she already is pretty hard to handle for Rena (or anyone, as I assumed from the little we were told) so good that she is holding back haha, but for some reason she still is such a huge flirt she even finds it hard to control it around cure shy Sakura lol. Honestly it could be that her feelings towards Rena is just infatuation and all, and we see her taking a kinda instant liking towards Sakura

As for Sakura-tan, she seems to be having dark past, I also sense she kinda knows Jurina or maybe I am wrong but the way she acts around her and those thoughts she had of repaying her, that's all I could really think. it would be interesting to see how their relationship develops.

Thank you for this wonderful piece, and sorry for a short comment :bow:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: Misaki's OS/Random Drabble Page :) - Update: JuriSaku OS (22/6/18)
« Reply #76 on: June 23, 2018, 03:15:36 PM »
I hope everyone is doing well :)

This was honestly written during a train ride in the wee hours of the morning so I hope everything is alright  :sweatdrop:

Moreover, I’ve transitioned to tumblr in terms of publishing my works, but due to some technical difficulty in posting this there, I had to post it over here for now.

I’ll definitely reupload an edited/proof-checked version of this on tumblr in due time, but till then, feel free to read~  :thumbsup

Thank you for the support nonetheless!  :twothumbs

Currently Untitled

Matsui Jurina had been fumbling around in bed for at least an hour by now. She had tried to fall asleep, but just couldn’t. Her body needed rest, her mind needed rest; but her soul? It was wide awake with adrenaline, wanting and needing to do more as the new ‘Queen’ of the 48G. 3 days of not sleeping nor eating right at all just wasn’t enough to burn out Jurina’s passionate soul for what she loved.

The young woman sighed as she slowly reached out to her bedside table, feeling the objects on it until she found what she wanted— her cellphone. She slowly brought it near her face and switched it on, noting the time. 3am. She cursed under her breath for not being able to get the rest she seriously needed and continued on with her phone.

She proceeded to check her “LINE” app. Unsurprisingly, it was flooded with personal messages from members of the 48G who had Jurina’s contact, congratulating her for her win. Not only the current 48G members had done so, but even some of the graduates, which included her precious 1st Gen of SKE48. Though it was a group chat, she was happy enough to see her one and only ‘true rival’, Matsui Rena, send her a stoic ‘Congratulations on winning first in the Sousenkyou”. As a fan, this may seem cold and emotionless but for Jurina, it’s a whole different story.

Scrolling past more of the congratulatory texts which she intended to get back to when she’s at her 100%, she finally stopped scrolling when she reached the person she had last chatted with before the congratulatory dump happened. Her heart felt heavy but she proceeded with clicking into the chat regardless.

The person was Miyawaki Sakura.

To be fair, both had not actually exchanged contacts till recently. They were literally ‘forced’ to by the management, along with the other Japanese 48G contestants of PRODUCE48, to exchange contacts with each other in case of an emergency. It was a needed gesture in Jurina’s opinion, everyone could support each other through messaging or calling each other especially if needed during the programme. Moreover, it gave her an opportunity to get closer to the girl who has unsuspectingly been by her side, or in front of her, performing. Sometimes she wonders whether it’s because of the management or fate that Sakura was always there, as if they wanted her to move on from her beloved ‘Rena-chan’.

In the chatroom, the last few messages were about the Sousenkyou, with both sides saying things on the lines of “all the best” and “let’s do our best during the performance!”. She frowned, thinking back on the pre-Sousenkyou performance and what she had done and said to Sakura. Although she has apologised for it to her personally and even during a press conference, she just couldn’t shake off the feeling that she had done a number to Sakura which pressured the poor girl even more till she eventually broke at the end. She let out a deep sigh, holding in her tears and continued to scroll upwards.

Everything upwards was mostly, if not all, on PRODUCE48. The encouraging tone of the messages were definitely needed at this time, though she paused when something caught her eye.

“Jurina-san, I know it’s late but is it alright if we met in the corridor between the A class dormitory and the B class dormitory? I need your help with something… Ah! If it’s inconvenient it’s okay! Really!”

Jurina at that time, replied simply with an “Okay sure, on my way.”. Recalling the moment, Jurina was certainly surprised by Sakura’s sudden message about needing help, after all, the HKT48 Ace would have usually asked help from her fellow HKT48 members on the programme instead… or so she thought.

At that time, Jurina was actually about to sleep but quickly dashed out of bed, apologising for the ruckus she was making to the others before exiting her shared room. It wasn’t long until she saw Sakura’s silhoutte in the distance, leaning against the wall, looking upwards as if she was daydreaming.

“Sakura-tan…!” Jurina called out in a soft voice as it was kind of the contestants’ bed time at that hour.

Sakura titled her head and quickly stood up properly, greeting her senior with a quick bow, smiling in relief.

“I’m sorry for calling you out this late at night, Jurina-san…” she scratched her cheek nervously.

“No no! It’s fine! What’s up?” Jurina asked enthusiastically.

“It’s umm… it’s about the choreography for ‘Nekkoya’. I just… there is this one part I think I keep getting wrong so it has been bothering me. I thought I’d ask you to help check…”

“Oh? Yeah that’s totally fine with me but am I really okay for that task though?” Jurina’s gaze fell to the A class dorm room a stone’s throw away from where they were, “I mean surely the other A class members would be a whole lot more reliable—“

“N-No! I uh…” Sakura started to feel more and more embarrassed, “... I just thought it’d be nice to hear your input on it… and umm well if we can… you know… practice together?”

“But why specifically me…?” Jurina felt bad for turning Sakura more and more into a ball of embarrassment but she earnestly wanted to know. Otherwise she’d be making the wrong assumptions.

“... Because you… have been by my side the most out of everyone here… especially for performances as part of the AKB Senbatsu,” Sakura definitely could not look at Jurina in the eye as she said that.

Jurina couldn’t deny that. It was true. Sakura was just… there. She only started noticing the frequency of it after Rena had graduated from SKE48.

The senior of the two chuckled and walked up closer to Sakura, giving her a pat on the shoulder which was answered with a startled jolt as Sakura slowly faced Jurina, who was smiling warmly at her.

“Sure Sakura-tan~ I’ll help you out,” Jurina winked before stepping away a bit and doing some stretches, “I’ll practice with you too! I definitely need to nail the chereography and the song itself in my head as soon as possible.”

Sakura beamed with happiness but a pout suddenly formed, “Thank you Jurina-san but… is it alright if you drop the “-tan” in my name at least? It’s… it’s an embarrassing phase of my life I’d rather leave behind if possible. Plus we’re overseas...”

Jurina raised an eyebrow, “Then… Miyawaki-san?”

“Uh well… I don’t mind—“






Sakura choked when Jurina called her name without any suffixes with a cool tone of voice, resulting in the entertainment of the latter. She chuckled, noticing the red hue forming on Sakura’s cheeks and her trying to hide it by covering them up with her hands.

“Alright alright, let’s get serious and do this… Sakura!”

Sakura smacked herself lightly on her cheeks before nodding fervently, “R-Right!”

“Oh and~” Jurina smirked playfully, “Since we’re gonna be working out, I hope that means you’ll be joining me in the bath later?”

“G-Geez Jurina-san…!!” Sakura retaliated, flustered at Jurina’s question, “L-Let’s just do this and worry about that later!”

Jurina laughed briefly once more before switching to her game face along with Sakura who followed suit as they began seriously checking on each other’s current progress and practicing together. It just felt right for the both of them, to be side by side like this. It felt like the times they were in Japan, performing with familiar people and seeing a familiar crowd of people. They were thankful for each other’s presence, especially in this programme where everything was foreign to them.

Back to the present, Jurina smiled weakly when she saw Sakura’s message at the end of that night of practice.

“Thank you so much for the company tonight, Jurina-san! Please have a good rest and let’s work hard again tomorrow! I hope you can join the A class soon so… we can be in the same class… a-and practice together!”

Jurina wonders whether Sakura still thought the same, as in whether Sakura still wanted Jurina to be in the same class as her. Seeing how the situation is between them now it is really quite hard to tell. She wanted to believe that nothing actually has changed between them but due to the animosity of everything surrounding them and the backlash on both parties… it pains Jurina to think about it.

Jurina again scrolled upwards until she literally got to the first message she ever texted to Sakura. It was basically a “hi” to test whether they correctly got each other’s contact right and then scrolling downwards slightly, Jurina reminiscenced about the shooting for the first episode of PRODUCE48.

Both parties were still in Japan in fact, and had work to promote the latest AKB single ‘Teacher Teacher’. They were in their preparation room and of course, it was noisy as always with everyone talking to each other while waiting for the TV programme they were scheduled to be on to start while some others were busy finalising their hair and make-up.

Meanwhile at a certain corner, Sakura was seen staring intently at her phone, and that caught Jurina’s eyes. It seemed like she was memorising and observing whatever she was watching with such a serious look on her face that people normally wouldn’t see on Sakura.

Jurina slowly crept up to her just to see what was going on but apparently her junior was quite aware of her surroundings so she jumped a bit when she felt a shadow over her.

“O-Oh. Jurina-san.”

“Hey, Sakura-tan. What are you up to? You look pretty serious,” Jurina hoped that she wasn’t too nosy.

“Ah,” Sakura showed Jurina what was on her screen, “It’s a performance of ‘Kuroi Tenshi’. I was thinking of performing this for the classification test on PRODUCE48, so I just wanted to refresh my memory of it whenever I can.”

Jurina pulled over a chair to sit beside Sakura, “Hehh ‘Kuroi Tenshi’ eh. It’s a good song. I’m confident you’ll nail it!”

“Thanks Jurina-san…” Sakura smiled wryly at her senior’s words of encouragement, “... But I personally am unsure whether I can live up to your expectations.”

“Well… you just have to believe in yourself. Think about the people rooting for you too, especially your fans. They’re your source of power too right? So as long as you have sources of motivation, you should have confidence to do just fine!” Jurina grinned.

“Alright Jurina-san… thanks,” Sakura finally let out a light giggle, “By the way, what about you? What are you doing for your performance?”

“Me? ‘Dear J~’” Jurina responded in a singsong manner along with the pose that follows that part of the song which made Sakura giggle, especially when Jurina was not doing it seriously.

“That’s a perfect song for you to perform Jurina-san. You’ll definitely wow the crowd like you always do!”

“That’s what I’m aiming to do,” Jurina pumped her fist into the air, “Let’s both get into A class Sakura-tan~!”

“Ehhhhhh….. I don’t know if I can…..”

Jurina placed both hands on Sakura’s shoulders, gazing into her eyes but with a pout, “Confidence Sakura-tan, con-fi-dence! Plus, we won’t know until we actually try!”

Sakura responded with a light nod, grateful for her senior’s attempt at encouraging her.

“Wow this is a suprising combination,” a voice commented from behind them.

“Gosh Sayaka-chan, what are you doing? We shouldn’t disturb them‍,” the other person besides her responded.

“Yokoyama-san…? And Sayanee-san?” Sakura said, looking at the two behind both her and Jurina.

“Wanna join us in our PRODUCE48 talk?” Jurina winked.

“That sounds fun but I’ll pass, Jurina-san,” Sayaka quickly walked away.

“Aww what the heck Sayanee,” Jurina shrugged.

“I’m glad to see you both getting along, really,” Yui smiled as Jurina flung her arm around Sakura’s shoulder, resulting in the latter to embarrassingly be pulled closer to Jurina.

“Well we’re in this fight together so of course it’s better we get closer and closer each day!” Jurina grinned, “Right~ Sa-ku-ra-tan~?”

“H-Huh? Uh… y-yeah… right…!” Sakura shakily answered.

Yui laughed, “You both are so cute,” she then reached out a hand closed into a fist towards them, “I believe in you both that everything will turn out fine. All the best!”

“Thank you!” Jurina and Sakura said in unison and fist bumped with Yui before they were shortly asked to leave the room as the TV programme was about to start.

Sakura hastily put her phone away as everyone was leaving the room but Jurina waited patiently for her, something she didn’t do often. That made Sakura pleasantly surprised.

“You ready?” Jurina smiled.

“Y-Yes. Thank you for waiting for me.”

“We’re sitting next to each other during the programme anyways, it’s nothing to thank for! Let’s get going!” Jurina held onto Sakura’s wrist as she started to walk away quickly from the room to the studio with her. 

Admittedly, it felt awkward to have done so but Jurina just really wanted to connect with Sakura, and hoped the latter didn’t mind what Jurina’s heart made her do physically.

Back to the present once again, Jurina unknowingly had shed a tear or two as she read through the messages she had with Sakura. She earnestly had fun talking to her, to the point she could call her a ‘friend’. However now… now she was very unsure how their relationship with each other stood.

She wanted to convince herself that the Sousenkyou was just an annual event where heart breaks definitely happen and people eventually get over it. Nonetheless, this year felt different, especially with all the tension built up by the media between Jurina and Sakura and how they’re viewed as ‘rivals’ everywhere.

It hurt her when Sakura couldn’t make it to the photo shoot after the Sousenkyou. It hurt her Sakura couldn’t join her during the AKB48SHOW shooting too. Most importantly, eventhough Jurina was esctatic when Sakura was called 3rd place at that point of time, rewatching her tear-jerking speech on AKB48SHOW hurt her the most.

The girl she knows to have a strong heart and never seemed fazed, turned into such a vulnerable, fragile person and it was because of the Sousenkyou. Sakura was just as pressured as Jurina was but perhaps the former was in even more pressure than Jurina was but she will never know.

All she knew now is that she hopes to set things right with Sakura. She needed her by her side, both in PRODUCE48 and leading the 48G to reclaim its glory days once again.

After all, Jurina liked her, and would do anything to get back such a precious ‘friend’ she had ‘lost’.

Offline @gee

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Great fic!!!

I was wondering if there will be Produce48 fic and,


You're not only writing PD48 fic, but you write about JuriSaku on PD48....

Damn, I love how you make this look so real and canon, I feel like I can imagine them doing this on their real life. The tension they felt over General Electon, the tension over PD48, Jurina with her playfulness still not over Rena but then realized there's always Sakura around her and Sakura being shy around Jurina, but at the same time want to be closer to Jurina, it was such a nice build up relationship.

I don't know if you're gonna continue this fic and make JuriSaku a pair in the end, but I would really love to read how this gonna end with them.

Sorry for my long comment (not really sorry tho), but this fic is good and everyone need to know about that.

PS: What's your Tumblr? I would like to follow your Tumblr and read your fic there ^_^

*Senpai Please Notice Me (TakaYui x Atsumina Fic) (on going)

*Kuroishi Jealosy (One Shoot)

*Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story (on going)


Offline MisakiShishido

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Hello @gee! Thank you very much for the comment! It encourages me to see more JuriSaku fans out there recently. It also encourages me to see people still bothering to read the stuff I have written too  XD

My tumblr account is:

I have written a few JuriSaku fics there but have yet to archive them properly yet sorry >< But I'm sure by searching on the JuriSaku tag you should be able to find a few of my works :)

Hope to see you in tumblr then! Thank you once again!

Offline Minami-chan

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I liked it a lot.
Thank you very much!
I'm going to take a look at your tumblr.

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