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Author Topic: Warriors - Chapter 29 [WMatsui] (01/07/2020)  (Read 106890 times)

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (03/05/15)
« Reply #40 on: May 03, 2015, 12:18:50 AM »

As her last student left the dojo, Rena placed absently her bokken back on the stand, while thinking back to her latest conversation with the head of the clan. Her behavior and answer had taken her by complete surprise, and she was more than bothered by the implied order she had easily read between the lines. Despite being quite displeased by the idea, it appeared she would have to teach kenjutsu to her protégée, after all. But how exactly was she supposed to do that when she had not seen the girl in four whole days? She had not really looked for her - guessing she would cross her path anyway at some point - but to her surprise, she had not done so even once.

A sigh escaped her lips in frustration, and her fingers moved upwards to massage her temple. The young Watanabe sister was a real nuisance. Just as she was about to turn around and leave the dojo she heard the sound of soft footsteps on the tatami and she tilted her head in curiosity, her eyes widening slightly in surprise at the view of the short girl approaching her clad in a grey kimono. That was an unexpected sight.

"Watanabe-san, I'm sorry but you just missed the lesson," Rena informed kindly the twenty one year old girl who was bowing to her respectfully. As she watched her carefully, Rena couldn't help but think Yuki surely had been lucky to been paired up with her. Contrary to her younger sister, she had very good manners.

"No," Mayu shook her head slightly, embarrassed. Now she realized what her presence in the dojo must look like to the kenjutsu instructor, and she suddenly felt a little ill-at-ease standing in front of her. Although they had spoken a few times since her arrival at the clan, the older samurai had never once questioned her absence during the kenjutsu lessons. Mayu knew the proper thing would be to give the sword master an explanation, but she had never felt comfortable enough to broach the subject with her. It had already been hard enough to confide in her own protector. "I'm not here for that."

"Oh," Rena trailed off, arching an eyebrow at the view of the girl fidgeting in front of her. "What can I do for you, then?"

"I was wondering if you had seen my sister."

"Your sister?" Rena exclaimed. Out of all the questions she had expected, this one truly wasn't on her list. "I'm afraid I have not."

"Alright," Mayu replied, defeated. She knew it was a long shot asking the kenjutsu instructor about her sister's whereabouts - considering that she was perfectly aware of the distance between them - but she was getting desperate.

"Did something happen?" Rena's question stopped Mayu in her tracks as she was about to turn on her heels and leave. It was not that Rena was particularly concerned about her protégée's situation - she was an adult, and more than capable of taking care of herself - but the fact that her own sister didn't know where she was was truly surprising. Despite their opposing personalities, they seemed pretty close.

"I haven't seen her in four days, and I'm starting to get worried."

"Do you have any idea where she might be?" Rena inquired. It appeared she wasn't the only one having a hard time finding her.

"She mentioned this place in the village," Mayu replied, avoiding her eyes in embarrassment as she recalled her sister's words. She still didn't understand why she would go to such a place, even less partake in such activities. Jurina had always been very vague when she had questioned her about it.

"I know she has been behaving rudely since her arrival, and I apologize for that. She may not seem like it at first, but she's a good person. Of course, it's not an excuse for what she's done, but I think my sister is having a hard time adjusting to this place."

Rena kept quiet for a while, amazed by the kind words directed towards her sister. She was having difficulties finding redeeming qualities in the young Watanabe sister, but one person still seemed to be able to see something in her. Was it only due to their sisterly bond? Or was there something she was missing?

"I'll see what I can do," Rena nodded, a smile grazing her lips as Mayu's face immediately lit up. Jurina's words uttered that day came to the forefront of her mind, and she had a good idea where she might be spending her time. She was going to do her best to bring her back. If not just to follow the head of the clan's orders, for her sister's sake.


Jurina laid down on the futon, shutting her eyes as she tried to catch her breath. She could feel a finger tracing patterns on her naked torso but she didn't pay attention to it, listening to the sound of her pounding heartbeat.

"I knew you would change your mind."

Jurina popped an eye open at the seductive voice, and she watched the nude woman hovering over her.

"It's not going to happen again," Jurina affirmed.

An amused laugh left Annin's mouth and she inched closer to Jurina's left ear, her lips soon brushing it playfully. "That's also what you said last time."

As distracting as her action may be Jurina noticed the hand that was moving sneakily downwards her body, and she caught it before it could go any further. "That's enough for today."

Annin cast a look at her at those words, before sighing at the view of the two brown orbs staring back at her with determination. "Alright."

Jurina watched cautiously as Annin moved from of top of her and laid down beside her, before closing her eyes anew when she knew the woman wasn't going to try anything else. Silence engulfed both of them immediately, and Jurina relished the pleasant sensation of her body relaxing, before slowly drifting off.


Rena knew her instinct had been right when she noticed the familiar black stallion waiting outside the house. Dismounting her chestnut mare she attached the rein beside the other horse, presenting herself in front of the door. She knew what the guard was expecting from her before he even began to speak, and she placed her katana inside his hand. "I won't be long."

The man frowned at her declaration but didn't say a word, pushing instead the door to let her pass. A few pairs of eyes fell upon her when Rena stepped in and she paused, her gaze wandering around the room in search of one particular young girl. Her brows furrowed in confusion when she was nowhere to be found, and she wondered briefly if she had not mistaken the horse waiting outside. It looked surely like the one both sisters had arrived on two months ago, and the fact it wasn't a coat usually seen in this region was making it even harder to miss.

Rena caught sight of a woman approaching her, and she immediately stopped any temptation she may have to try and seduce her. "I'm not here for that," Rena declared. "I'm looking for one of your clients, a girl named Watanabe-san."

"I don't know who you're talking about."

After assessing that the startled woman was indeed telling her the truth, Rena pondered leaving the place, before suddenly remembering one small detail. A piece of information the offended samurai had shared that day. "She calls herself Nobunaga."

This seemed to do the trick as another woman sitting alone at a table stood up immediately and approached her. "You're looking for Nobunaga?"

Rena picked up on the fondness in her voice as she spoke, and she studied her new interlocutor, from her long black hair to her green kimono. "Yes, do you know where she is?"

"She's currently busy upstairs. Can I do something for you in the meantime?"

The samurai cast a look towards the designated direction, before gazing at the woman again. "No, lead me to her."


It was the knock on the door that woke her up. Jurina narrowed her eyes at the soft sound, a groan escaping her lips in annoyance at the intruder who had dared to pull her out of her peaceful nap. A surprised Annin had gotten up from the futon, and was now moving towards the door. "What is it?"

"Someone is here to see Nobunaga."

Jurina sat up on the futon as she recognized Churi's voice, and she exchanged a puzzled look with Annin as she spoke. "Who is it?"

"I need to speak to you, Watanabe-san."

Jurina's eyes widened at the sound of her protector's firm voice, and she froze immediately. The room fell into a deep silence as she was completely unable of uttering a single word, until an apprehensive Annin called her name tentatively a while later.

"It's alright, Annin," Jurina reassured her, finally snapping out of her thoughts. She retrieved her grey kimono on the floor and started to get dressed, before moving towards the door when she was done, "I'll see what she wants."

"What are you doing here?" Jurina asked when she opened, leaning against the doorframe and locking eyes with her protector.

"I'm sorry," Churi murmured, avoiding her eyes in embarrassment. She could see that her friend was not pleased at all by the other woman's presence, and she was starting to wonder if she had not made a mistake by agreeing to her demand. "She insisted to speak to you."

"It's alright Churi," Jurina replied, her gaze softening as she glanced at her. "You did nothing wrong."

"Watanabe-san, your sister is worried about you," Rena interrupted, ignoring the exchange between them. "She says she hasn't seen you in four days."

"And? You still haven't answered my question," Jurina retorted, crossing her arms over her chest in annoyance.

"She asked me to look for you."

"I'm fine," Jurina sighed. It's true that she hadn't been sleeping at the clan for a while now, and she was starting to feel slightly remorseful about it. Mayu always got so excessively worried about her. She should at least have warned her about her whereabouts. "Tell her I'll be back soon."

"I'm not leaving without you," Rena declared with determination. She certainly had not made the effort to come all this way to go back with a vague answer. She could see the young girl was about to protest, and she knew she had to find a way to convince her. There was one thing that may be able to change her mind. "I'm going to teach you kenjutsu."


Jurina arched an eyebrow at the revelation. It was obvious by her protector's displeased expression that she was not in the slightest happy about it, so what prompted her to change her mind? Wait. A smirk grazed Jurina's lips as she remembered her meeting with Momijimori no kami. It seemed her conversation with the head of the clan had not been pointless, after all.

"Yes, so please follow me back to the clan."

Rena didn't like one bit the sight of her protégée's amused smile, but she tried to ignore it, focusing instead on the task at hand. She had entered this place with a clear goal in mind, and she was not going to let the young girl's attitude deter her.

"Alright," Jurina nodded, uncrossing her arms. Rena was already turning on her heels and Jurina watched her as she was descending the staircase, until an idea suddenly popped up in her head. "But you'll have to wait. I'm not finished yet."

Rena paused midway and turned around, her startled brown eyes falling into Jurina's mischievous ones. Just as she was about to open her mouth to protest she saw the young girl entering the bedroom, and closing the door swiftly behind her. Rena's jaw dropped as she stared at it, completely frozen, not believing the scene she had just witnessed. Was she really going to resume her activities and make her wait?

A muffled chuckle suddenly distracted her and she shifted her attention to the woman called Churi still standing by the door, noticing how she was trying hard to control her amusement. Rena frowned at her reaction, not liking the odd feeling of déjà vu. Lately, it seemed everyone liked to have a laugh at her expense.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 03:47:44 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (03/05/15)
« Reply #41 on: May 03, 2015, 03:10:18 AM »
I was expecting something more smutty between annin and jurina :lol:

Rena-san, you better stay away from the room, Jurina will continue on her duty... Napping, she's going to continue her nap. You disturbed her nap! XD

I'm waiting for Rena's turn of feeling toward Jurina (∩_∩)

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (03/05/15)
« Reply #42 on: May 03, 2015, 05:22:21 AM »
I was expecting something more smutty between annin and jurina :lol:

Rena-san, you better stay away from the room, Jurina will continue on her duty... Napping, she's going to continue her nap. You disturbed her nap! XD

I'm waiting for Rena's turn of feeling toward Jurina (∩_∩)

Well, I'm glad you didn't mind the Annin/Jurina scene. Some people seemed to be put off by it ^^'
I never said Jurina was going to really 'resume' anything with Annin in this room. Maybe she only said that to piss Rena off :p
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Raizel

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (03/05/15)
« Reply #43 on: May 03, 2015, 02:08:59 PM »
Its great author-san.. For annin x nobunaga scene.. :lol:
I dont really mind those scene, cz I like Jurina x harem..  XD
Hope for wmatsui moments soon.. Cant wait for their training,..  :w00t:
Thanks for update.. :twothumbs

Offline DC2805

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (03/05/15)
« Reply #44 on: May 03, 2015, 02:49:18 PM »
I dun mind the Annin/Jurina scene too as it kind of suit the rebellious characters of Jurina in this FF.

It will take a longer time for Rena to understand that Jurina is not just a difficult person to deal with, since they have too few interactions as at now. Hope to see more interesting happenings between the two.
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (03/05/15)
« Reply #45 on: May 04, 2015, 01:54:22 PM »
Cooooooooooooooooool~....haha..jurina dangerous.. hard melting jurina~..
and make her stay away from those places..=='
wait..dont' will become more dangerous..
just stay away from her

Thanks for the update sophcaro san~
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (03/05/15)
« Reply #46 on: May 04, 2015, 03:23:40 PM »
Ju is surely know how to bait a beautiful and sexy girl like Annin XD
Just wait her, Rena. Or broke the door and drag your puppy-girl XD

Can't wait for the next one, author-san^^
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (03/05/15)
« Reply #47 on: May 04, 2015, 11:44:33 PM »
Ju is surely know how to bait a beautiful and sexy girl like Annin XD
Just wait her, Rena. Or broke the door and drag your puppy-girl XD

Can't wait for the next one, author-san^^

please the second one!!! broke the door ~

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (03/05/15)
« Reply #48 on: May 06, 2015, 07:35:35 PM »
I like your story ^_^…
in short I Love it.
update soon ^_^

[Shimazaki Haruka/Paruru]
[YuiParu Pair]
[WMatsui Pair]
> I love reading books and Fan Fics as my past time.

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (03/05/15)
« Reply #49 on: May 06, 2015, 09:40:03 PM »
Poor Rena getting trolled. She needs to payback Jurina for all the trouble later on.  XD
Thanks for the chapter! It's a nice break from my studying.  :)

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 7 [WMatsui] (07/05/15)
« Reply #50 on: May 06, 2015, 11:27:30 PM »

Rena retrieved her katana from the guard and cautiously checked out of the corner of her eye the young girl who was exchanging last words with the woman called Churi. She had not waited as much as she had feared, but she still couldn't believe that her protégée had dared to pull such a stunt. It was a miracle she managed to keep quiet when her protégée finally opened the bedroom door and descended the stairs to join her at her table. Everyone had always praised the legendary patience of the kenjutsu instructor, but she was gradually starting to lose it in the presence of the young Watanabe sister.

"Is everything alright?" Churi addressed Jurina in a whisper, stealing a glance at the woman who was now mounting her chestnut mare.

"Yes," Jurina nodded, placing a gentle kiss on the older girl's forehead. She had picked up on the way her friend had been worriedly looking back and forth between her protector and her for a few minutes now, and she could easily imagine a pair of frustrated brown eyes boring into her back. "Don't worry about me."

"Alright," Churi smiled, her body relaxing slightly at the reassuring words. "I still can't believe you went back into the room to sleep with Annin."

Jurina arched an amused eyebrow at Churi's words, and she approached her lips to her ear."Who said I did such a thing?"

Churi looked back at her in surprise, before letting a soft chuckle escape her mouth. "You're unbelievable, Nobunaga."

Jurina smiled at her reaction and tilted briefly her head to watch her protector - noticing that she was now more than ready to leave the place - before glancing back at Churi. "I'll see you soon."


Rena's eyes wandered around the maple forest they were currently passing through, still amazed by the beauty of it. She had penetrated this vast forest surrounding the clan countless of times, but the sight still managed to catch her breath each time her eyes fell on the red leaves of the large trees.

After admiring the beautiful landscape a little while longer she cast a side glance to the girl who was riding by her side, and with whom she had not spoken once since they had left the village. The head of the clan had truly entrusted her with an impossible task, and she didn't know how she was going to manage to teach kenjutsu to a girl who was used to having it her own way. Two eyes suddenly glanced back at her and Rena didn't look away, trying to understand what could be going on behind those unreadable eyes. Why couldn't she still see what her sister had described?

The silent exchange suddenly got broken when Rena noticed a shift in the air, and she swiftly looked in front of her. Unconsciously, her fingers clutched the rein of her horse a little tighter, and she scrutinized cautiously the road, bothered by the uneasy feeling building up inside her. There was something wrong, but she was having a hard time identifying the origin of the problem.


Rena ordered her horse to stop immediately, and she heard Jurina's stallion whining when she thankfully obeyed to her command. Everything had suddenly fallen silent around them, and Rena could recognize these signs quite well.

"Stay here."

Rena ignored her protégée's protest and moved her horse forward, alert to every single movement around her. While her right hand lead her mount, her left one cautiously fell on the red tsuka of her katana, not liking one bit what her guts were telling her. She had been in this situation once before, and the outcome was still very much engraved in her memory. For sure, she wasn't ready to relive it.

To her left, a sound suddenly caught her attention and she drew her weapon swiftly, easily deflecting the shuriken coming her way. While she avoided another one she tried to find the person behind this sneaky attack, but her eyes failed to find him in the dense forest. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the black stallion approaching from behind, and a warning shout left her lips. "Don't come closer, Watanabe-san!"

A fourth shuriken came her way but she failed to react in time, the blade brushing her right arm as she deflected it. The attacks stopped abruptly and Rena glanced at her small cut briefly, before looking up when she heard footsteps coming from the forest. As much as she wasn't prepared for the attack, she was expecting this man to be responsible for it even less.

"You!" Rena exclaimed at the view of the samurai who was walking towards them, his hand resting on his katana at his waist. Even if most of the marks had now disappeared from his face, a few were still faintly visible on his pale skin.

"What a surprise," he said, eying first Rena who was still holding her katana, before shifting his attention to Jurina, "I didn't believe we would cross path again so soon."

While keeping an eye on the man who seemed harmless for now - considering he still had not drawn his weapon - Rena searched the forest for their other attacker. The one who was still keeping himself out of view.

"You can come out," the samurai ordered, seemingly reading into Rena's thoughts, without breaking eye contact with both women.

Rena suddenly noticed a silhouette descending a tree, and she raised her blade cautiously at the view of the shinobi approaching.

"Why did you attack us?" she asked when both their enemies were finally in sight. They had already resolved their disagreement, and a samurai would never lead such a sneaky attack on another one.

"We didn't mean to," the samurai explained. "Unfortunately, you detected our presence, and we couldn't let that happen."

Rena arched an eyebrow at his words. They didn't make any sense. Not in the slightest. Why were they trying to conceal their presence in the first place? "Which clan are you from?" This question had nagged her from their first encounter. Now, she was more than eager to solve the mystery.

"I'm sorry, but I can't answer that," the samurai shook his head softly.

Just as she was about to insist, Rena felt a sudden pain in her right arm and she glanced back at her small cut, wondering why on earth it was hurting so much. The shuriken had barely touched her. As the seconds passed by the pain kept intensifying, and her vision was becoming blurry. A gasp left her lips as she suddenly understood the reason for her symptoms. Everything was falling into place. Looking up, her startled eyes fell into the shinobi's emotionless ones. "You poisoned me."

"We didn't have a choice," the samurai replied, "we have a mission to accomplish, and we couldn't take the risk of you stopping us."

Rena heard a voice behind her and she tilted her head when she felt a hand encircling her arm. "Are you alright, Rena-san?"

The kenjutsu instructor locked eyes with her protégée, surprised slightly by the concerned look she was giving her. It was the first time the young girl had shown the remotest sign of interest in her, or in her wellbeing. "Leave, Watanabe-san."

Rena barely heard the astonished reply in return as her katana escaped her hand, and she fell from her horse. Her head hit the ground and a small cry left her lips at the harsh contact. Her body wasn't responding to her command anymore, and she could barely keep her eyes open. Two hands soon started to shake her roughly, and she knew by the sound of her protégée's voice that she had not obeyed to her command.

Just as she was about to repeat it she witnessed fingers encircling the red tsuka of her katana, and she knew immediately what the young girl had in mind. Not only she was not going to run, she was going to fight a man against who she had no chance of winning.

"Stop," Rena stuttered, gathering her last strength to catch her wrist forcibly, "you can't win."

"They are going to kill us!" Jurina hissed, trying to pull away from her grasp.

"They already killed me," Rena replied, holding tight, her voice now barely a whisper. She was well aware that she was not going to survive the deadly poison, but her protégée still had a chance to make it alive. "A samurai will never attack an unharmed enemy, so don't raise this blade."

Jurina, who was by now seething with anger, stared into her enemy's eyes, considering her options. She wasn't stupid. She knew she didn't have much chance against him, but she was refusing to give up without a fight. Her protector was laying on the ground, barely able to move, and her own fingers were itching dangerously at the idea of retribution.

"Listen to me!" Rena exclaimed in a strangled voice. By now, she could hardly distinguish anything, and she had almost no energy left, but she was going to fight her annoying stubbornness until her last breath. Of course, they didn't get along, and she didn't believe she would ever have managed to understand the girl kneeling next to her, but she certainly didn't deserve to die so stupidly. No one did. 


Rena's body was shivering profusely and her teeth were chattering. Why was she so cold? Her eyes fluttered open, not believing the sight in front of her. It was snowing. She blinked a few times in confusion, trying to understand why she was surrounded by this white substance. It didn't make any sense. It never snowed in this region.

Rena tried to get up from her seated position against the tree but as soon as she stood up, her body immediately failed her and her back harshly hit the trunk again. Why was she feeling so weak? Why could see barely feel her legs? A noise suddenly caught her attention and she gazed up, noticing a silhouette approaching slowly in the deep snow. Instinctively she tried to reach for her katana, but the weapon wasn't resting at her waist as it should be. How could that be? She never left the clan without it.

Rena shifted her attention to the new presence, trying to discern it better despite her blurry vision. Her heart was now beating faster in apprehension, knowing she was completely incapable of defending herself in the case of an attack.

"Who are you?" Rena blurted out, surprised by the sound of her own voice. It was so weak, and it barely sounded like a whisper to her ears. She tried again to stand up to face her possible opponent and, luckily, her legs finally cooperated at the second tentative.

"Stop," a soft voice finally reached her, and she barely had time to notice the figure quickly approaching, before her legs gave in again. "You're too weak, Rena."

Rena let the stranger encircle her waist and guide her towards the tree, and she groaned in frustration when her body touched the snowy grass anew. Why was she so lifeless? But most of all, why was her mind completely blank? She couldn't remember what had brought her to this place. Rena finally glanced at the form kneeling in front of her, and her voice trembled at the unexpected view. "Airi?"

This was impossible. Her twenty three year old friend couldn't be standing in front of her. She was having hallucinations. A surprisingly warm palm was suddenly cupping her cheek, and Rena couldn't help but relish the pleasant contact. She had dreamed of this moment many times before, but it had never felt so real. "Is this another dream?"

"Not exactly," Airi murmured, shaking her head a bit. "You've been poisoned."

This revelation succeeded in doing the trick. Suddenly, everything that had happened to her came to the forefront of her mind. She had been attacked on her way back to the clan. And her protégée was with her. At the thought of the young Watanabe sister, Rena looked around immediately in concern. Where was she?

"She's safe," Airi reassured her as if she could read her mind, before taking her hand and catching her attention again, "but you're not."

"I'm dead?" Rena stammered, her worried eyes falling into Airi's gentle ones. Much as she feared the answer, maybe this was the explanation to this unusual weather and improbable presence in front of her.

"Not yet," Airi replied. "But you need to keep on fighting."

A relieved sigh escaped Rena's lips and she shut her eyes momentarily, letting the news sink in her brain, before gazing at her friend anew. This gentle smile and that warm touch. She had missed them so much. "What if I don't want to?"

"What are you talking about?" Airi frowned.

"I've missed you so much," Rena said, her voice almost breaking at the admission, "What if I want to stay here with you?"

"That's not possible," Airi retorted and stood up abruptly, turning her back on her. "It's too early."

"It was too early for you!" Rena shouted, her fists hitting the snow in frustration. "I should have been able to save you!"

"The past is in the past, Rena," Airi murmured as she faced her again. "I got reckless and I paid the price. You couldn't have done anything to help me."

"But even so!" Rena started, until a finger placed on her lips prevented her from continuing. Airi's faint smile finally got to her and she broke into tears, resting her head against her friend's shoulder when Airi moved forward to embrace her.

"You still have a lot of things to accomplish in this world," Airi whispered in her ear, while her hand caressed Rena's back in a soothing gesture, "and you have someone to take care of."

"Who?" Rena stuttered between her sobs, startled, before she realized who she was talking about and she shook her head in disapproval. "The young Watanabe sister? You're mistaken. She doesn't need me."

"She does," Airi affirmed, pulling away gently from the embrace and wiping her tears with her thumb, "she's just not aware of it yet."

"Airi," Rena caught her hand swiftly when the girl placed her back against the tree and took a step back. "Don't leave me again."

"I'm not going anywhere," Airi smiled, kneeling in front of Rena's weak form and placing her palm against her faster beating heart, "I'll always be here."

As Rena tried desperately to hold onto her friend's hand, suddenly she heard voices calling her name. Despite the fact she couldn't recognize who they belonged to they were getting louder and louder as the seconds passed by, and the ghost from her past was disappearing progressively in front of her.

"I love you Rena," Airi stated, and the kenjutsu instructor could now barely distinguish the words she was uttering. "I couldn't have wished for a better friend."

Rena struggled to get up on her feet, but her mind wasn't strong enough to win this battle. She barely had time to witness a last smile on her friend's lips, that the snowy scenery vanished abruptly and her eyes shut against her consent. 

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 03:48:26 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline TeenyTae

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 7 [WMatsui] (07/05/15)
« Reply #51 on: May 07, 2015, 06:11:55 AM »
I'm glad Airin could make an appearance, even though it's a bit heartbreaking.
That samurai and shinobi wouldn't happen to be from the same clan that collaborated with Miyuki, would they?  :?

This is my second break from studying today, but I'm glad I got to read this update!

Offline junchan48

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 7 [WMatsui] (07/05/15)
« Reply #52 on: May 07, 2015, 06:17:07 AM »
J was just sooooooooooooooo ... XD
She really loves make Rena pissed of with her XD
Who are those man?o.O
And I smell wmatsui moment will appearing on the next one~

Thanks for the update, author-san^^
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 7 [WMatsui] (07/05/15)
« Reply #53 on: May 09, 2015, 07:07:08 PM »
so airi dead..???
what their relationship..??
nu~uh...bad samurai~

thanks for the update~
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 7 [WMatsui] (07/05/15)
« Reply #54 on: May 20, 2015, 08:06:44 PM »
That samurai and shinobi wouldn't happen to be from the same clan that collaborated with Miyuki, would they?  :?
Haha, you know I can't answer that question ^^

And I smell wmatsui moment will appearing on the next one~
You smell well ^^

so airi dead..???
what their relationship..??
Yes, Airi is dead :(
Her relationship with Rena? They were friends ^^
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline purnamazaki

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 7 [WMatsui] (07/05/15)
« Reply #55 on: May 21, 2015, 02:46:16 AM »
Waaaa .. I'm waiting for wmatsui moment

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 7 [WMatsui] (07/05/15)
« Reply #56 on: May 21, 2015, 05:16:41 PM »
Ahh finally caught up from chapter 6 due to exams and this is great so far! Juju my gosh, have a little decency  :nervous Making Rena wait while you finish up on your activities  :banghead:

Other than that, that RenAirin scene was heartwarming and sad at the same time. So beautifully executed  :cry:

Thanks for this, Author-san and I can't wait for the next chapter!  :thumbsup

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 8 [WMatsui] (24/05/15)
« Reply #57 on: May 24, 2015, 05:16:07 AM »

Her protector's words echoed in her head as Jurina stared angrily at the samurai who was approaching cautiously. Her fingers were still clutching the red tsuka tightly - stubbornly refusing to comply to her dying protector's order - while watching her enemy's every move. Just as he came to an halt in front of her his hand came to rest on his katana at his waist, and his calm eyes bore into her when he spoke.

"What is it going to be? Are you going to try and fight me?"

Jurina couldn't ignore the loud voices inside her head that were screaming at her to slit his throat. They had started to harass her the minute the sneaky attack began, and hadn't stopped taunting her since then. Her protector's warnings had barely managed to quieten them for a while, until they finally came back into her head in full force.

Jurina stole a glance at the older woman who wasn't moving anymore on the ground - her eyelids now shut while a few plaintive sounds escaped her mouth - before looking away and watching the unfamiliar red tsuka in her right hand. Her primal instinct was urging her to raise the blade to kill this man who had dared to hurt both Churi and her protector, but her better judgment was preventing her annoyingly from lifting the sword a single inch.

Her attention reverted to the man who was still standing before her - noticing the slightly mocking smile dancing on his lips - before her internal battle finally came to an end when Mayu's face suddenly appeared in her mind. Ten years ago, after witnessing their father's lifeless body in their burning house, she had vowed to herself to never let her sister follow the same fate. That's why she couldn't let her basic instinct dictate her behavior if she wanted to respect her wishes. She had to bow to her opponent, as excruciatingly painful the idea was to her.

Gritting her teeth and closing her eyes tightly in frustration she reluctantly let the red tsuka slip from her grasp and fall by her side in the grass. Mayu's image vanished from her mind and she met the samurai's eyes again, hoping her protector had been right. If she had been wrong and the man ended up taking her life nonetheless, she would have surrendered for nothing. The simple thought was utterly unbearable.

"Wise choice," the samurai nodded briefly, taking a few steps back, "but don't worry, we'll meet again someday."

Jurina's eyes widened slightly in confusion at the man's enigmatic smirk, until catching sight of the shinobi disappearing into the forest, before coming back shortly on the back of a horse, his left hand holding the rein of another brown one. The samurai briefly looked over his shoulder at the sound of a horse's hooves stamping on the ground, before casting a last look at the woman laying on the ground, his mouth releasing a small sigh. "Farewell, samurai. It's really a shame it had to end this way. I'm convinced you would have been a worthy opponent."

As expected, no answer left Rena who was now shuddering, and the samurai turned on his heels - about to take the rein offered to him - before catching out of the corner of his eye the two other horses without riders waiting not far away. Casting a brief look at Jurina who was still kneeling beside her protector's form, he moved towards the horses, before slapping their croup harshly. Jurina watched helplessly as both Rena's horse and hers whined loudly in reaction, frightened, before galloping away.

"I'm sorry, but I can't take the risk of you following us," the man addressed Jurina again as he mounted his own horse.

Jurina followed their movements as the two men gripped their reins and turned around,  disappearing swiftly into the depth of the forest and out of her sight. Jurina released a breath she didn't even realize she was holding, still having a hard time believing what had just happened. Of course, she had more than hoped that her protector would be right and the samurai would spare her life, but it took her a few seconds to register that she was still very much alive.

After assessing that she was truly out of danger, she looked away from the forest and gazed down at her wounded protector, noticing how pale she now looked. The woman was still breathing, but a palm placed over her hot forehead told Jurina that she had a high fever. Jurina didn't need to be a doctor to know this wasn't a good sign. The young girl looked around quickly, in search of help, but her eyes fell back shortly on Rena when she found none. They weren't that far from the clan, but their chance of crossing someone's path in such a place was very low.

"Rena-san," Jurina called, shaking her arms roughly, the action having unfortunately almost no effect on her, apart from the faint protest leaving Rena's mouth.

Jurina exhaled deeply in frustration and shut her eyes, hoping her brain would come up with a brilliant solution. Their horses were unfortunately gone, and it was obvious no one was going to come to their rescue. Of course, Jurina could follow her protector's wishes and leave her behind, but that was simply out of the question. She had done everything to save her - first shielding her from their opponents with her katana, then with her wise words - and Jurina was well aware that she would never have been poisoned if not for her presence. It's because she distracted her that her protector was now on the verge of death. She knew she had to try something to save her, but she was unfortunately running out of ideas.

A weak sound suddenly broke the painful silence surrounding her, and Jurina glanced down at her protector in surprise when her pale lips finally parted and her small brown orbs fluttered open. "What are you still doing here?"

"I'm not going anywhere without you," Jurina retorted, before helping her sit up against the tree behind her, Rena's head immediately resting heavily against the trunk.

Jurina's eyes swept Rena's weak form, knowing the woman was utterly incapable of standing up and even less walking. Just as she was about to believe she was truly incapable of helping her, a solution finally emerged and Jurina's eyes widened slightly. Of course, it was a very long shot, but she had to try. There was no way she was going to give up, as low her chances of succeeding were.

"Alright," Jurina said, decided, kneeling on the grass and turning her back to Rena, "get on."

"What?" Rena stuttered, watching in confusion the young girl who had her back turned on her and obviously expecting something from her. Her brain searched an explanation for the girl's odd request, failing to see what she was getting at, before understanding what she was trying to accomplish. "You can't bring me back to the clan on your back. You're not strong enough."

Rena's last words found an echo in Jurina's head as they immediately reminded her of the nightmare that had been haunting her nights for years now. It didn't take long before the silhouette of the traitor appeared in her mind, followed closely by the words she would each and single time utter: "You're not strong enough, Jurina." The mere memory was enough to let her anger resurface, and she had to muster all her willpower not to drown into the darkness within her.

"Put your arms around my neck," Jurina ordered, the woman of her dreams finally disappearing from her vision, "I won't repeat myself."

Jurina noticed the faint protest behind her back and she waited impatiently for the older woman to comply, frustration washing over her when nothing happened a few seconds later. Just as she was about to turn around to voice her annoyance two arms wrapped slowly around her neck.

A small sigh left Jurina's lips in relief, knowing she wouldn't have been able to accomplish a single thing without the older woman's cooperation, and she slipped her hands under Rena's thighs - taking a deep breath - before raising slowly to her feet.

Unexpectedly, the weight on her back wasn't as heavy as she had feared and she took a few cautious steps forward - assessing if she was truly capable of doing this - before gazing at the path in front of her and concluded that she stood a chance. The only question that remained was how far she could go.

"Put me down, Watanabe-san," Rena's pleading, low voice sounded close to her ear, and Rena's left hand feebly tugged on the edge of her grey kimono, "you won't make it."

Jurina ignored her request and started walking, thankful of the branches that were for now protecting her from the sun. If she managed by luck to make it out of the forest she would have to confront the heat of spring, and she already dreaded that moment. Her ears perked up when she heard another protest from the woman on her back, and she knew she had to put an end to it if she was to focus on the difficult task at hand.

"Don't waste your breath," Jurina replied. She was trying desperately to keep her calm, but the older girl's persistence was starting to exasperate her. "I'm not leaving you behind. End of the discussion." 

Jurina half expected her protector to voice her disapproval anew but surprisingly, no words left her lips again after that.


Jurina knew she should be proud to have made it so far, but the scorching sun now shining over her head as they left the forest was a true reminder of what was now awaiting her. Her eyes caught sight of the familiar large house of the clan standing down the hill and she paused - trying to evaluate the distance and how long it would take them to get there - before moving forward slowly again.

Her arms had started to hurt a while ago but she continued nonetheless - trying as best as she could to ignore the pain - and focused on her objective. Now she was running with sweat and even starting to feel dizzy. Jurina muttered under her breath, recognizing the signs all too well. Of course, the sun wasn't helping in any way and truly not her best ally right now; she knew it was a matter of time until her body would give up on her.

Rena hadn't uttered a single word during the whole journey, and Jurina knew it was mostly because of her weak condition. She had noticed the faint sounds of suffering that had occasionally left her lips, and the hands that were now barely holding onto anything. A part of her was thankful the older girl's weak state prevented her from moving too much on her back - as it would have made the task of carrying her almost impossible - but it was now starting to worry her. Indeed, she could now barely catch a single noise, and she knew something was wrong the second her protector's head suddenly became heavy on her shoulder.

Jurina stopped in her tracks and tried to look over her shoulder, feeling the arms around her neck progressively loosening up. When she called the older girl's name a few times and didn't get any reply she feared the worst, and her already pounding heart started to race at the meaning behind it. Jurina pondered her options, before deciding to assess what was going on and kneeled down carefully on the grass. The moment her knees touched the ground she felt the arms around her neck immediately leaving her, and heard the girl's body hit the ground.

Jurina turned around to take a look at her protector, her breath catching at the terrible view: her face was as white as a sheet. Jurina swallowed a lump as she leaned over her body in apprehension and placed her ear against her heart. It took her a while to finally hear it - her own racing heart and current condition of exhaustion preventing her from distinguishing anything at first - but a slight smile fell on her lips when she managed to catch the very slow beating of her protector's heart.

Straightening up, Jurina tried to provoke a reaction by shaking her arm again but this time, her action didn't have the slight effect on Rena. It didn't take her long to understand what her lack of response meant, and Jurina gazed worriedly at the woman who had fallen unconscious. The young girl took a brief peek over her shoulder - gazing at the house that was standing not far from here - wondering how she was going to make it without the older girl's cooperation.

It was now out of the question to carry her on her back, and she didn't like the other solution that was offered to her one iota. Jurina blinked a few times as her vision was starting to get blurry, and she cursed her dizziness that was getting worse as the minutes passed by.

Jurina gathered her strength and slipped her arms under her protector's body, a sharp cry escaping her lips in pain when she raised to her feet, the unconscious girl secured in her arms. Her eyes fell briefly on the head now resting on her right shoulder - still hoping she would wake up at any time soon and ease her burden a bit - before looking up towards the direction of the large house, when realization hit her that it was not going to happen.


Jurina could now witness from afar the silhouette of the guard at the gate. The thought should have brought joy into her eyes, but the sharp pain currently travelling throughout her body was preventing her from feeling the remotest sense of relief. A while ago she had started to break out into a cold sweat, and her steps were becoming more and more unsteady. Her protector, still unconscious, had a few times almost slipped from her grasp, and Jurina could now barely feel her arms.

Jurina kept repeating to herself again and again that she was so close, but the house still looked awfully far to her each time she took a step forward and gazed at it. She could now barely discern anything in front of her - and as much as she felt her hold on the body in her arms diminishing - she knew she couldn't prevent the inevitable from happening anymore.

Her body finally gave up and she fell on her knees, utterly incapable of continuing. She released her protector's body and slumped heavily to the ground, shutting immediately her eyes and grimacing in pain when everything started spinning around her. As she tried to sit up she realized she couldn't feel her arms or her legs anymore, and she gazed at the front gate that was taunting her helplessly.

Her eyes fell onto the guard that was looking everywhere else but in their direction, and a few bad words directed towards him immediately flowed Jurina's mind. She could feel that her body wasn't responding to her anymore, and she didn't even try to make a single move. A few large drops of sweat were now falling from her forehead, and she stole a glance at the woman beside her.

In a last effort her fingers moved tentatively towards her protector's wrist, hoping to catch a sign that she had not done all this for nothing. An inaudible sigh left her lips when she detected what she was looking for, and she took another expectant peek at the guard. Her protector was luckily still alive, but this knowledge was worthless if no one was going to save her. It may already be too late.

Jurina felt her eyes shutting against her consent and she fought against it a few times stubbornly, before finally relenting to it and passing out, not before witnessing the guard leaving his position at the gate and moving towards their direction hurriedly. 

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 03:49:11 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline TeenyTae

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 8 [WMatsui] (24/05/15)
« Reply #58 on: May 24, 2015, 08:13:27 AM »
All aboard the WMatsui ship!  :inlove:

They need a new guard for the front gate that is more alert.  XD

Thank you for the update, I want to know what happens next!

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 8 [WMatsui] (24/05/15)
« Reply #59 on: May 24, 2015, 04:44:52 PM »
That was..............................................

thanks for the update author san :thumbsup
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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