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Author Topic: Vampire kiddnapper Book 2: Welcome to Arthor: Part 5 [Akb48 orignal member  (Read 14179 times)

Offline wmatsui fanfic.

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hello everyone i come with new fic that i wrote with RUKA=chan and micheal, they are best writer i ever had xD don't forget to say hello to them.


It been three days since Jurina were kidnapped by a beautiful lady, who captured her in her bedroom, Jurina had no idea who is that lady and what does she wants.

As the night come, Jurina bedroom door open and the beautiful lady come inside, while holding some cloth and towel for her.

“Wake up young lady, time for a shower.” The lady said flashing her beautiful smile.

“Just leave me alone!!” Jurina groaned and flipped the blanket over her head. The lady put the cloth and towel on the table and forcefully pulled the blanket off the girl.

“Up! Shower! Now!”The lady said in her scary voice.


The lady growled and gave Jurina an intimidating glare. “If you don’t wake up now, I’ll bite you.”

“what are you vampire!!” Jurina glared back at her.Shaking her head The lady pick Jurina in bride style and took her to the bathroom. Jurina yelled and start punching her chest.

“Put me down, I SAID PUT ME DOWN!!”

“OK.” Saying this, the lady throw Jurina into the hot water.

“Argh!” Jurina yelped! “Hold on! I’m still clothed! What the hell?!”

“It was your fault for not waking up and getting ready yourself.”

“Get ready? For what?It's not like I have to go somewhere, you had kept me inside your damn room since three days. I don't understand what you want from me!!” Jurina  yelled at her not caring the glare she were receiving from the Lady.

Ignoring her, the lady start undressing Jurina. “Don't touch me!! I'm not a baby, I can shower myself.” Jurina said slapping her hands.

“OK, I give you 30 minutes, if you didn't come out I will come in.” saying this she walk away.

Quickly Jurina takes her clothes off and take the bath before annoying lady come inside and disturb her.

After wearing the cloth and drying her hair, she walk out the bathroom and sit on the love chair  waiting for Lady to bring her breakfast.

She sighed as she leaned back. “Why did this all happen..?”

Jurina remembered that day like it was just yesterday.

She was walking home drunk in the streets. Lately, that was normal for Jurina. Regular doses on mind numbing drugs, hot love-making with women in love hotels, nightly hours spent in a bar drowned in alcohol…

Sometimes she’d even wake up in a dumpster or on the ground in her own vomit. One night, she was all beat up and bruised, like she had gotten into a fight, but she couldn’t remember a damn thing.

This was all to forget about some dumbass jerk that broke her heart and she fell into depression. Since then, she’s been taking drugs and doing all sorts of immoral, even illegal things, just to forget her pain. Even her therapist is starting to give up on her, believing she could never be cured.

Jurina’s life took a complete turn one night, however…

“Hic… you’re.. cute~ hic… come ‘ere.. lemme giv you a kiss~ hic…” Jurina slurred out as she dragged a girl by the wrist.

“Let me go,” she said, trying to release her wrist from Jurina’s grip.

“Mou~ why ye gotta, hic, play hard to get..? hic.. I can show you a real good time~ hahaha…”

Then all of  sudden a beautiful lady jumped front her causing Jurina froze in her spot  her jaw dropped as her eyes meet with beautiful lady’s eyes, her grip from another girl loosened and she was able to run away.

Jurina gave a drunk smile again, laughing as she stared at the beautiful lady.

“Ooh~ today must be my lucky day~ hic… Hey, pretty lady, will you keep my company for the night?”

The lady glared at Jurina and pushed her against the brick wall of the dark alley.  The lady stared at Jurina eyes deeply and dangerously inched closer causing Jurina blush. She leaned closer until their lips touched, the spark shot through her body. 

Breaking the kiss the lady moved her lips closer to Jurina’s ear and whispered in a sweet tone. “Sleep my love, from now I will take care of you.”

As if cast under a spell, Jurina felt her body go weak and she collapsed, asleep in the woman’s arms.

After that, she woke up in that room in an unfamiliar bed. From then on, the woman kept her inside the large mansion, always feeding her and bringing her change of clothes, but she was never allowed to go outside or leave the mansion. She became sort of like a prisoner.

“I wish If she just left me to die, I don't understand why she kidnapped me, but I don't want anyone helps,” Jurina said to no one. The door knob lowered and the lady comes inside while holding the food tray.

“Here is your breakfast.” The lady said putting the tray on the table. Jurina chuckled. “You know breakfast for morning not for the night, sometimes I wonder if you are a vampire,” Jurina said.

“Well, you’ll have to get used to the new schedule. And again, what makes you think I am a vampire?”

“You threatening to bite me and the fact you always asleep during the day and awake during the night. Seriously, are you a vampire?” Jurina stretches her head.

“And what if I was?” The lady said flashing her white fangs. Causing Jurina falls down off the loveseat and hit her head on the cold floor.

“WOAH!! ARE THOSE REAL??” Jurina said amused.

“What you think?” The lady said licking her fangs. Jurina stands up and stepped slowly toward the lady and touch her fangs with her index finger.

“T-They are real!!” Jurina gulped.

“Now be a good girl, and eat your breakfast, also don't forget to eat your medicine.”

“What is your name??” Jurina asked as the lady about to close the door behind.

“Rena.” Saying this, she closed the door.

Sighing, Jurina runs her hand through her hair in frustration. “Unbelievable,  Vampires are real.”


As usual, Jurina took her medicine after the breakfast, the medicine helps her to control her body from taking any kind of drugs and alcohol.

As she felt bored, she switch the TV on and watched some Disney cartoon and played some games.

“I want my freedom back.” Jurina murmured throwing the remote away. “I can't take this anymore, why does the fate always playing games with me. What have I done to deserve this kind of life.” Jurina looked around the room searching for any kind of weapons.

“I have to get out of this hell.” Suddenly Jurina heard footsteps coming toward her room. She quickly rushed toward the nightstand and hold the light tightly in her hand.

She saw Rena come in and look around, sniffing the air.

“I smell you here, Jurina,” she spoke. “Don’t hide. Come on out, also put the light on it's place.” Rena said entered the room in a flash she grabbed the light with Jurina about to hit her and throw the light on the bed.

“What you want from me??” Jurina yelled angrily.

“if you want your freedom you have to listen to me and do as I said, or else rot in this room for the rest of your life. Now it's time for you to take medicine.” Rena said giving her medicine, “You better take it or else I will tie you to the bed.” giving her last glare Rena flashed out smacking the door behind her.

“As if I care I'm not taking it.” Jurina throws the medicine on the floor, Smashing it with her foot.

After an hour later Rena heard screaming and banging voice come toward the Jurina room, she quickly rushed into the room and found Jurina screaming in pain while holding her head.

“Are you Okay??” Asked Rena as she holds Jurina arm.

“Give me drugs!!” Jurina pleaded. “I want the drug.” Jurina holds Rena's shoulder and looked into her eyes. “please!!”

“Why you didn't take the medicine?” Rena picked Jurina and put her on the bed, she tied her hands and leg.

“You will be fine.”Rena patted her head. “Just close your eyes, the pain will leave you.”

But Jurina kept struggling to break the restraints. “Let me go! Let me...”

She suddenly felt her mind failing her however as she stared in Rena’s eyes.

“Don’t fight. The pain will only get worse if you let it get to you. Shut it out. Resist the urge and let that pain go.”

Jurina’s mind became numb again and her struggling ceased. She stared deep into Rena’s eyes, captivated by her mesmerizing beauty.

“Don't leave me!!” She whispered and try to reach her hand toward Rena’s face and touch her cheeks. “I… you…. Mayu.”

Rena’s eyes widened. Jurina’s eyes weakly closed and she passed out, her hand dropping to her side.

“I love you too Jurina,” Rena replied kissing Jurina forehead and wiping her tears away.


Next day Rena entered Jurina room while holding cloth and towel for her. She put them, as usual, place and shake Jurina waking her up.

“Wake up sleeping head, before I sink my teeth into your neck.” Groaning Jurina threw the blanket and sat up on the bed while yawning and stretching.

She glanced at Rena then at the sky through the window. “Goodnight!!” She said and hide inside the blanket.

Raising her eyebrow Rena kicked the bed “Wake up!”


Rena pouted. “OK, if you don't want to wake up, then don't.” Saying this Rena pick Jurina in a flash and walked towards the bathroom and walk outside throwing Jurina in the cold bathtub.

“WHAT THE HELL.” Quickly Jurina jumps out the bathtub. “Why the water is cold??”

“Your punishment for taking medicine yesterday, you have to take the bath with cold water.” Rena yelled from the outside, Jurina can feel her smirking.

“Mouh~” Jurina angrily glared at Rena from outside and forcefully started taking her bath, shivering. “So cold~...”

When she came out, she saw Rena was sitting on the bed, as if waiting for her.

“What do you want?”

Rena then handed Jurina a clean white gown.


“I'm not your slave.” Jurina said but changed anyway.

“If you said that, then why were you changing?”

“Because, it’s cold.”

Rena then gestured for Jurina to sit on the bed with her. “Come here.”


“Because I wanna tell you a story.”

Jurina scoffed. “I’m not a kid, I don’t need bedtime stories.”

“It’s not a bedtime story,” Rena said bluntly as she rolled her eyes, “It’s a tragic love story.”

Jurina then sighed and sat on the bed, covering herself with the blankets as she was still cold.

Rena started, “A Hundred Years ago there was a king who ruled the kingdom called Romaine, however, he was ruling with a dictatorship, which allowed him to rule with an iron fist. With strict laws, it made the civilians unhappy. But as he realized that his body getting weaker and he has no more strength to fight, he decided to find someone powerful who would stay loyal to him like a dog.

So one day he killed the family of one girl named Manatsu and trained her to become… Essentially his Assistant. Manatsu stayed loyal to him and did all kinds of jobs that he offered her without hesitating. The civilians started to get more scared and obeyed everything he had said, as they were afraid that they were going to get killed by Manatsu.

Furukawa Airi was one of the best knights the king has, who reinforced the rules if need be. She hated the king most, more than anything, but was forced to do what been told to her, on purpose to save civilians, she had to listen to his orders. Airi would not let any enemy attack the kingdom, nor let any of the civilians revolts against the king.

Airi had feelings for Manatsu, she loved the girl more than anything, however, something was wrong, yet Airi was clouded by the dark emotion, known as love.

Manatsu used Airi and obtained all sorts of useful information that can help her get out of this kingdom and find her freedom, once she got enough information and gathered some useful soldier and run away leaving Airi behind and broken.

Due to her broken heart, Airi found it difficult to regain any form of trust and passion for what she does. She became empty. Until when the King’s new assistant, Takayanagi ‘Churi’ Akane came, Airi couldn't stop herself from falling deeply in love with her, but deep down she was afraid to make the same mistake again.

However, though her fright was still within her, Akane’s beauty overwhelmed her, to the point where she was unsure of what to do. As the days pass by, Churi became stronger just like Manatsu, until the day come when Churi killed the devil King and take his place as the new Queen and ruled the kingdom better than him.

Although a knight, Airi continued to fall deeper in love with her new Queen. But since she had hurt a lot of civilians and so many bad things had happened because of her, no one was willing to accept her as a new person, so then everyone hated her.

Until that day come when Queen Churi ordered Airin to leave their Kingdom for a while. Without any thought, Airin accepts it and went far away where she can forget about her feeling for Queen Churi and start a new life, but Airi kept persisting in staying by her Queen.

It became difficult for her to stay away from the Queen, due to the fact that she was so hungover in love. Now in a new kingdom, she explored the outskirts, then bumping into the girl she had once loved.

Both were surprised to see each other, however, Airi’s visit was short lived. For Akane was now in grave danger. It was either life or death as she ran back to the kingdom, as fast as she could.

But it didn't happen as some rogue attacked Churi, stating that he was from a kingdom ruled by Manatsu. Angered, Churi attacked the rouge back, killing him from a fatal slash from her sword.

But soon hundred of rogues surrounded her all around the place ready to take her Head with them as a gift for Queen Manatsu. Without hesitating Airin helped Churi to get out of there but, it wasn’t without any injury. Her words to the Queen were ‘Who am I to be a knight without protecting my Queen?’ which struck Churi.

Without warning, Churi slashed at the knight. Her hatred for the knights of
the old king was still there, she couldn’t accept the protection from one of them. ‘If you really cared about me, then you wouldn’t have hurt all of those innocent people!’

‘But I didn’t! I tried to protect them, I tried! If I didn’t do what I did, their lives would’ve been in danger!’ Airi was always guilty of what she had done to the civilians of the kingdom. However, Churi wasn’t going to buy the excuse. They ran, with flesh wounds on their arms, legs, and torsos, somewhere where people couldn’t get them.

‘A knight always protects her people, with her life. Not to rule like the king,’ Churi was fuming with anger.

Airi on the other hand, grabbed the Queen by the wrist and tried to calm her down, ‘I’m sorry, alright? I know I’ve done wrong, but right now I have to get you out of here .’

Churi pushed Airi away roughly causing her fall hard on the ground. 

“Death is better than being helped by someone like you.”

Before Churi can react, a rouge appeared behind her causing Airin to jump on Churi and shielded her with her body. Airin yelped and hissed in scorching pain as the rogue’s sword pierced deeper into her body.

“W-What are you doing?!” Churi was dumbfounded by the knight’s foolish actions.

“T-Takayanagi-s-sama… Run.”

“You fool! Why?! Why would you do this?!”

“You….. have to… leave this place.” Airin coughed the crimson red blood out, “I-It’s too dangerous...  for someone like you to be here…”

“You idiot!” Before Churi can decide anything she heard more rogue's getting close to them, quickly she held Airin in bridal style and ran into the forest.

She keeps walking until she found a large cave and get inside it, placing Airin on the ground, sighing, “You’re such an idiot, you know that?” Churi said as she tore her dress and wrap the cloth around Airin’s bad wound.

“I-It’s what you said: ‘A knight always protects her people, not to rule like the king’. Now, I’m giving up… my life… for you… T-Takayanagi-sama…”

Churi’s eyes widened as she heard what Airi had told her.

“Hold on, don't give up yet, I will get back with help, wait for me okay??” Churi stood up and glanced at Airin one last time before rushing outside.

“I……. You…. My q-queen.” A smile was plastered on her lips as she took her last breath.

“Then what happened next??” Jurina asked emotionally.

“I’m getting to it.”

“After that Churi came back to her kingdom and found that some rogue kidnapped her sister, she got very angry and ordered to start the war, she was too focused on the war and her sister that she forget about Airin and never came to go get her. While the other side Airin’s spirit was still roaming around Churi’s kingdom thinking that she still alive.

After the war ended, Churi remembered about Airin and had realized that it was very unlikely that she was going to live. Her heart suddenly fell apart and rushed back to the cave to find her lifeless body on the ground. She had mourned over the loss of one of her best knights.

She felt like someone tore her heart apart, she blamed herself for not saving the only person she ever had feelings for.

At that time Airin realized that she is dead, regretting ever even trying to pull a sword at Churi. Before going back to Heaven, she decided to meet Churi for the last time in her dream and stop her from blaming herself.


Churi turned around, in disbelief.

“A-Airi??” Her eyes widened as she took a step closer and reached her hand out to touch Airin’s cheeks with her warm hands, “I-I thought…!”

“Yes, I know, Takayanagi-sama… I just wanted to have a talk with you.”

“About what?”



“Yes, us. I… I have something to say…”

Churi became confused, a whirlwind of emotions struck her.   

“I love you, Takayanagi-sama. I always have and always will. Even as I watch over you in the Heavens, I will continue loving you. Even if we both die and reincarnate, I will still believe I’ll meet you and fall in love with you all over again.”

“A-Airi…” Churi’s tears slowly fell as Airi continued.

“As long as you’re happy, I will have no regrets with sacrificing myself for you. Rule your kingdom like I’m beside you.” Airi wiped away her tears.

“I will never forget that day when I met you, even though I hated you thinking you are no different than others, but I was wrong, you proved me wrong, even though you hate me, you are different from others who want power, money and want to hurt other innocent people’s feelings. My queen, arigatou for shining my life with your light.” Airin smiles and wipe Churi’s tear with her thumb.

“I have to go now.” she said glancing at the sky.

“Wait!” Akane held the girl’s hand. “D-don’t go yet… stay a little longer…”

The knight smiled and knelt down to hug her Queen. Akane cried into the girl’s shoulder as Airin rubbed her back.

“I’ll always be beside you, Takayanagi-sama.”


“I love you!”

“Airi…  I…”

Smiling Airin started to vanish into light, “Just know, I’ll always be in your heart.”

“Why is it so sad??” Jurina wiped her tears. Rena smiled and walk outside to cook breakfast.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2016, 11:01:02 PM by wmatsui fanfic. »

Offline junrena

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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2016, 02:41:56 AM »
Wmatsui ,,,,,, :nya: :shy1: :shy2:

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2016, 09:22:43 AM »
Owo....wooooow...wmatsui and a bit furunagi

*re edit later
*back with teary eyes

LOL...awwwwwww wmatsuiiiii~~~~ :nya: :nya:

freakin serious?? rena is vampire..wuut...wooww..OWO~
rena as vampire *nosebleed ..freaking gorgeous~~~

why rena kidnapped jurina tho??..what the purpose??
for safety??..for protection or just someone asked her to??
huh...rena loved jurina..seriously??
is furunagi sad life somehow related to them??
jurina reincarnation of airin??
huh.???..what did mayu do to ju.:temper: :temper:
if he leave ju for yuki i can tolerated

:ding: :ding: :on GJ: :on GJ:
thankss for the story..ruka san.. michael san..taro tan
:kneelbow: :kneelbow: :on drink: :on drink:

wmatsuiii~~wuhuuu..imma waitin for ya next update
 :on gay: :on gay: :on gay: :on gay:
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 01:43:47 PM by kuro_black29 »
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2016, 09:45:34 AM »
WMatsui hoho
I cant wait for the next chapter . .

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2016, 10:19:46 AM »
.... wmatsui with vampire background, and rena's the vampire....
hey jurinaaa... did you just call mayu's name????

and,,, rena is in love with jurina  :deco:


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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2016, 06:45:48 AM »
Nice vampire Rena.. :twisted:
Hoho.. is it possible that this is reincarnate stories?
Knowing that Rena already love jurina.. :grin:

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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2016, 07:42:42 PM »
:twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2016, 08:20:47 PM »
:") please update it soon. I cant wait for it
WMatsui in my heart <3
Kamaoshi : M.Rena

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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2016, 02:54:09 AM »
Update soon please hehe

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline Genkikid

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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2016, 04:46:19 PM »
What a tragic story you had Rena-chann :(

Does the story have something to do with why Ju was kidnapped??

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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2016, 05:05:46 PM »
Hello guys, it's Michael here :)

What a tragic story you had Rena-chann :(

Does the story have something to do with why Ju was kidnapped??

No, it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with why Jurina was kidnapped.

Owo....wooooow...wmatsui and a bit furunagi

*re edit later
*back with teary eyes

LOL...awwwwwww wmatsuiiiii~~~~ :nya: :nya:

is furunagi sad life somehow related to them??
jurina reincarnation of airin??
huh.???..what did mayu do to ju.:temper: :temper:
if he leave ju for yuki i can tolerated

:ding: :ding: :on GJ: :on GJ:
thankss for the story..ruka san.. michael san..taro tan
:kneelbow: :kneelbow: :on drink: :on drink:

No problem Kuro, however, I don't think that Furuyanagi's story has any correlation to WMatsui.

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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2016, 12:40:33 AM »
update please.... :cry:

Offline wmatsui fanfic.

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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper part2
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2016, 02:35:11 AM »
hello :D

sorry for making you guys wait  :bow: please forgive me and don't stop reading my fic because i will finish them  :jphip:

here is the next chapter don't forget to thanks Ruka for writing with me  :twothumbs


It’s now been a full week since Jurina was kidnapped by the gorgeous vampire Rena.

Rena allowed Jurina to walk around her beautiful castle freely, but she can't go outside. So Jurina started taking walks around the flower garden. She actually found it very relaxing.

Rena must’ve had almost every kind of flower.

Suddenly a beautiful flower caught Jurina eyes, she walked closer to it and touched it with her soft fingers, as she about to pick the flower, Rena put her hand on Jurina’s making her flinch from shock.

“They have a life you know, don't take it away from them, they don't live longer like us.”

“Oh… right,” Jurina shrunk her hand back.

“Do you want to see the part of the garden I’m most proud of?”

Jurina only nodded.

“Good,” Rena smiled. “Come with me.”

She took the girl’s hand and started leading her deeper into the garden. They got to the very center of the garden, where surrounding the two girls was an area covered in roses. Roses big and small, of every color and shade possible.

Even… blue roses. Jurina had heard of blue roses, but only that they were not possible and that they could only be made by dying a white rose blue. She had never seen nature made blue roses.

“They’re real,” Rena told her as she saw Jurina staring at the blue rose blooms.

Walking toward them, Jurina touched them to feel them, she was amused of their beauty.

“Beautiful.” she whispered as a huge smile plastered on her lips.

“I’m glad you like them,” Rena said. “Because they will play well in your next bedtime story. Remember that.”

“Eh..?” Jurina turned around to face Rena but saw the vampire had disappeared.

She then looked around and saw a table at the center of the rose garden. There were tea and sweets set out on the table and a note that said: “For Jurina”.

“For me?”

Jurina didn’t hesitate to pick up one of the cookies and start eating it. She sat down and started indulging in the sugary snacks and candies. She sipped some of the tea and found it tasted a lot like milk, so it was also sweet in her mouth. She munched on all the chocolates and tiny cakes and filled her belly happily.

Due to all the sugar in her, along with the aroma of roses surrounding her, Jurina felt incredibly relaxed and ended up dozing off.

After what seem like half a day Jurina woke up as she felt someone stroking her hair gently and humming her some kind of relaxing song.

Blinking she sat up and yawned. “how long I have been sleeping??” she asked.

“Not long, just a few hours, did you slept well??” she asked. Jurina replied her with a nod and lay back on Rena lap. Smiling Rena stroked her hair and asked  “wanna hear a story?”

Jurina rolled her eyes. “I'm not a baby!!”

Rena chuckled at Jurina’s pout.

“What’s the story this time? It’s not gonna be sad like the last one, is it?”

“well this is something time can tell us!!” smirking Rena started.

“Far away from the human world there lived a dark elf. Her name was Sae. She lived deep in the forest among other woodland creatures and mystical beings such as fairies.

For a long time, Sae was curious of humans. She had never seen nor befriended a human before, so she was very anxious at the thought of one day coming across one. There were many mixed emotions inside her as she was both excited and scared of the day she would meet her first human.

“Soon, it’s going to bloom,” Sae said as she admired one of her rose buds.

As she tended to her garden, she then heard a sound from the distance. Her ear twitched and she looked up for a moment, trying to find where the faint sound arose from.

She slowly stood to her feet and headed where the sound come off,  taking step slowly and carefully walked towards the source of the sound.

As she approaches the place she saw a figure lying on the ground. But before she can get closer to her, the figure looked at her and put her index finger to her lips, shushing the elf.

“Stay quiet.” She whispered.

Raising her brow Elf walked toward her without caring that she scare away the white rabbit that was about the capture by a beautiful girl.

The girl stood up and glared at the Elf. “YOU SCARED AWAY MY RABBIT!!”

“You were going to hurt it!”

“So?! This is none of your business!”

“It IS my business! This is my home!” The girl angrily pushed the Elf making her fall on the mud.

“What the hell!!” Elf groaned wiping the mud off her face and eyes.

The beautiful girl laughed. This angered Sae, so she pulled the girl’s leg and knocked her in the mud as well.


“That’s payback.” Together the laughed like a best friend even though they just meet.

After half hour playing in the mud, the Elf take the beautiful to her house.

They showered and changed into the clean cloth.

“My name is Sae.” The Elf introduced.

“I’m Sayaka. You have a beautiful garden.”

“Thanks, I worked hard to create it,” Elf smiled. “What would you like to eat?”

“Anything’s fine as long it cooked by you ,” Sayaka said making Elf blush.

Hiding her blushing face she quickly walked to the kitchen to  cook for her beautiful guest.

“You are the best cooker I ever meet,” Sayaka said stuffing her mouth with delicious soup.

“You are a messy eater,” Sae Said wiping Sayaka mouth with a napkin.

“So do you live alone here?”Sayaka asked.

“Yes after my parent death I live here.”

“I'm sorry.”

“it's okay.”

Sayaka put the spoon on the table and looked at Sae. “From now you aren't alone I'm gonna be with you,” she smiled.

“Eh? Really?”

“Yup. I’ll come here and visit you all the time.”

“You are welcome here anytime.”Sae gives her best smile.

Later as the time pass, they become a good friend, whenever Sayaka get free from her job she always visits Sae together they enjoy each other’s company.

Sae start to roam around the human city and valley, she make many human friends, learn more of human culture, and blend in easily.

Sae also meet other supernatural beings, like a vampire, werewolf, witch, she also finds out about human hunters. She got very interesting in these details.

One night as usual Sae was walking around the dark street she heard screaming voice. Worriedly she rushed where the voice coming from but stopped as she saw a vampire being slaughter by a human hunter and more surprising the hunter was her friend Sayaka.

Sae eyes go wide as she saw her friend beating the shit out the vampire and stab him with a silver dagger. Before Sayaka can notice her Sae run back to her house

Her heart was pounding hard, adrenaline rushing through her veins

“Sayaka is. A hunter..?”

“You don't have to read more I already figure out how will the ending happen,” Jurina said closing the book from Rena's hands.

“Oh really?” Rena raised a brow.“Tell me how then.”

“Sayaka knows that Sae is powerful Elf and she becomes her friend to know her then she will kill her in the end,” Jurina explained smiling victory.

But Rena flicks her forehead in response.

“Ow! Hey!”

“Nice try, but you guessed wrong, that's not how the ending happened,” Rena said standing up from the chair and walking out of the room.

“Hey!! Where are you going?” Jurina asked curiously.

Smiling evilly Rena said. “Didn't you said you don't want me to continue it, since you figure out how the ending happen?”

“But you said I guessed wrong, so tell me what happened?”

“No!!” Saying this Rena shut the door behind.

“WHAAT!!! HEYY!!”.Angrily Jurina get up from the bed and banged on the door breaking it down. “Don't leave me hanging like this!!” 

Outside in her room Rena smirking while drinking blood. “Seem like you got interesting in my stories.”

“You left me right when I was starting to get pulled in. It’s unfair!” Jurina screamed through the door.

Ignoring Jurina yells Rena continues enjoying her meal.

All night Jurina can't sleep thinking how the story had gone along. Many kinds of idea keep popping into her mind.

“If she doesn’t kill her… what if it becomes like Romeo and Juliet then? Hmm… or maybe… something happened to Sayaka and Sae have to save her. Would one of them still end up dying?”

After a long while of pacing, Jurina was starting to get bored.

“Maybe Hunter boss found out about their love and she kills both of them?? Or Sae goes crazy she kills her…….. ARGH!!! I gotta know I gotta know!”

Then, she heard a knock at the door. Jurina jumps off the bed and runs toward the door like a little child who just heard his father come home with a lot of sweet things.

Rena opened the door smirking at Jurina. “Nee,do you wanna know what happened in the end??” Rena asked Teasley.

Jurina nodded her head vigorously.

“Then how about you clean the house? You see since I live alone it's hard to clean big house alone.” Rena asked sweetly.

Jurina blinked. “I'm not your servant.” she glared at her

“Hey, it’s either that, or I’ll have you for dinner,” Rena then said with a dark tone.

Jurina immediately shot up. “Alright…” she groaned.

“Good girl. Now how about you start from your room? Vacuum the carpet and clean the table, window Mirror. Everything should be shining like a diamond.” Smirking evilly Rena walked out the room leaving towel and Vacuum cleaner behind.

Jurina run her hand over her hairs and groaned loudly. After cleaning the room she collapsed on the ground breathing heavily.

“No lying around,” Rena said.

“UGH,I'm not doing this anymore!!” Jurina rolled on the floor.

“Well don't blame me later for not telling you how the ending went.” Rena whistled.

“ARGGH, You sure will pay for this!!” glaring at Rena she takes the Vacuum cleaner and towel with her to clean other rooms.

Several hours later…

“DONE!!!” Jurina sighed out as she collapsed onto the bed.

Rena laughed as she saw tired Jurina lying on the bed.

“Nee,Since you have been inside the room for a while I bet you got bored how about going for the walk?”

“Hmm….” Jurina sat up on the bed and frowned. ‘Great chance to escape!!’Jurina thought.

“I LOVE TO!!” She jumped excitedly.

.Rena then smirked. “Your body must be sore, so…” she then picked up Jurina’s body and carried her bridal style

“O-oi!!! What are you doing!!!”

“Don’t worry about it. Just relax and rest your muscles. I don’t even mind if you fall asleep,” Rena said with an innocent looking smile, but Jurina saw the sadistic glint in her eyes

‘Great… there goes my chance at escape.’

“Fine…” Jurina sighed as Rena started carrying her

Since her muscles were sore and she was tired, she closed her eyes and relaxed. Without knowing, she nodded off and her mind drifted into a dream.

In her dream, she woke up in a bed with someone. A face she hadn’t seen in a long time was shown in front of her and immediately brought a mix of emotions into her


“hey.” Mayu greeted her with a usual warm smile.

Jurina felt a tear of drop flowing off her eyes. “Why??” She whispered in a broken voice.

“What’s the matter, baby? Have a bad dream?” Mayu wiped away Jurina’s tear, but was surprised when the girl hug her “Eh?”

“Don’t leave me…” Jurina whispered as she cried more

Mayu only returns the hug and comfort her girlfriend.

“Alright. I won’t leave.”

“Mayu.. don’t leave…” Jurina sleep talked as she falls further into her dream “Don’t leave me…”

“I’m not going anywhere, Jurina,” Rena speaks and kiss her forehead so Jurina can be at ease. “Even though I'm not the one you wanted to stay.” She said with the hint of sadness in her voice.

As Jurina’s dream goes further, she starts reliving the bad memories. She’s now seeing Mayu with expressionless face, turning her back to her

“No, Mayu! Don’t leave me! I love you!”

“I’m sorry, Jurina,” Mayu say coldly

“No…” Jurina breaks down in tears


Jurina wakes up screaming her Ex-lover name and pants.

“Mayu!!” coming back to her sense she hugs her legs and sobs silently.

Rena enters the room as she heard Jurina screaming and found her sobbing on the bed, approaching her she hugged Jurina and rocked her back.

“It's fine, I'm here, I won't leave you,” Rena whispered.

“You lying!! Just like her, you will heal me then break me.” Jurina pushed Rena away.

“No, I won’t.” Rena hugged her again.

“Don't TOUCH ME!!” This time, she pushed Rena hard. Growling Rena cupped her face and connected Jurina lips with her.

Jurina was shocked, but her body suddenly froze

She wanted to push Rena away. She wanted to slap her. She wanted to yell in anger.

But she didn’t. She couldn’t. Something made her unable to react. She just sits as the vampire kiss her.

Rena parted the kiss and stare at her with red eyes

“If you dare do something like that again, I won’t go gently on you.”

“...Why..?” Jurina speaks in a soft voice. She sounds like she’s near to  crying again

“Why what?”

“..Why do you even care for someone like me..? I’m...”

Jurina starts to cry uncontrollably, her body shaking. Lots of emotions stirred in her and everything comes out at once

“I’m NOTHING! NO ONE WANTS ME NO ONE LOVES ME!!! EVERYONE LEAVES ME BECAUSE THEY DON’T WANT ME!!! I’m just a sick, pathetic excuse for a human being! I should just DIE!!!!”


The slap from the vampire silenced Jurina, she holds her burning cheeks staring at Rena with her wet eyes.

“Don’t you dare speak like that.”

“I….I don't care! I don't give a damn about you.”Jurina said punching Rena chest. “I don't give one single SHIT ABOUT YOU. I don't wanna know the reason you kidnapped me, I hate you! I HATE YOU! So stop trying to be a good person and save my life because I only loved one person, I forever will love her.” The pain flashed on Rena's eyes but she quickly hides it.

“I will make you fall for me.” Saying this she stormed out of the room slamming the door behind.


But when she leave… Jurina suddenly feels lonely

Jurina lay down in her bed and cry herself till she falls asleep

Next night Jurina wake up and found Rena sitting on the chair waiting for her to awake. She was reading a story aloud.

It wasn’t the same one she had told where she hadn’t yet finished the ending. It was something else.

“An evil king asked her daughter to do something bad that make her heart black. Because he doesn't like that his daughter has the pure heart, he always keeps pressuring her to hurts innocent people, kill children and rape women.

But his daughter always ignores him, Until the day come when the Evil king threaten to his daughter if she doesn't rape the girl that is inside the dungeon he will kill all the children that he captive in the hall.

His daughter becomes scared, she keeps refusing it, again and again, saying she will never become like her father, his father got angry and start to kill the children.

The blood starts to splash out of innocent children causing his daughter to scream in horror.

In the End, she accepted his father's offer and destroyed the most beautiful girls life, who had the dream, but the king daughter destroyed it.

She was about to get married have the happy family, but the king's daughter took her important things away.

In anger the king's daughter become evil like her father she starts to kill everyone bad person, first, she started from her father later his knights and those who work under him.

She continues killing everyone, every morning she goes out and never comes back Home until her clothes covered with blood.

She tries to forget that girl but she can't, the time continue to pass until she starts to forget and move on.

She meets a girl whom she fall in love, they got married and had two sons, they were happy together with their small family.

The king's daughter had forgotten her past, but there is the time when she wakes screaming in the middle nights and cries remembering her past, but being with her wife and son, she felt loved and safe.

She promised to herself to protect her family no matter what happen.” Rena  paused and glanced at Jurina.

“No matter how much we suffer from the past, it will stay past, we can't change it but we forget it, there always is chance and happiness waiting for everyone.”

“Is that why you read that?” Jurina asked.

Rena nodded as a reply and close the book before heading out.

“Next time… I’ll tell you the ending of the other story,” she said before leaving.

Jurina’s heart feels lighter now.

Offline key17

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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper part2
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2016, 07:46:31 AM »
I need to know the ending :panic:
Thanks for updating :kneelbow:

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline Genkikid

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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper part2
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2016, 08:02:43 AM »
Yeayy an update!!
I want to know the Saeyaka story's endd

Offline Koyumichan~

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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper part2
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2016, 04:58:29 PM »
Recently I don't feel like to read any fanfic nor write but this update brought back my passion of fanfic! :wub:
This is one of my favourite stories, finally you updated it :deco: The part where Rena kissed Jurina, that's surprising :deco:
Thanks for the update and thanks for bringing back my passion :twothumbs

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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper part2
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2016, 06:22:03 PM »
UuuuppppoddddaaTtee plssss

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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper part2
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2016, 06:24:57 PM »
UuuuppppoddddaaTtee plssss

OK, we literally JUST did. Calm yo' self! XD

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper part2
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2016, 09:03:49 AM »
Recently I don't feel like to read any fanfic nor write but this update brought back my passion of fanfic! :wub:
This is one of my favourite stories, finally you updated it :deco: The part where Rena kissed Jurina, that's surprising :deco:
Thanks for the update and thanks for bringing back my passion :twothumbs

it's my pleasure , i'm glad that my fic helped someone, hope you continue writing and reading fics, don't give up .i know how it's feels losing your passion.

Offline wmatsui fanfic.

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Re: WMATSUI; A Vampire kiddnapper PART3
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2016, 12:14:13 PM »
Aloohaa~   :welcome 

Did anyone miss me? anyway thanks for the comment and leaving thanks i hope you didn't got tired by waiting me  :D also don't forget to thank Ruka and mike, hope you guys enjoy don't forget to tell us how you felt.


The next night, Rena approach Jurina’s room, until she heard a strange sound coming from the sleeping girl

She opened the door and saw Jurina was still asleep. Her breathing was sharp and rigid, Rena thought she might be having another nightmare, but then she heard Jurina let out a moan.

“Mayu…” she moaned out her ex-girlfriend’s name

It was then Rena realized she was having a wet dream. She blushed as the sleeping girl was moaning and breathing heavily. But she felt hurt when Jurina moaned Mayu name

She gently shook the girl, “Wake up.”

Jurina moaned and grab Rena hand. “Mayuyu….” She pushed Rena on her top causing Rena to hiss as she felt sparkle shot into her body.

“I love you…” Jurina said before kissing Rena, Rena muffled and start struggling, but Jurina tightened her grips, Rena give up and kissed her back with passionate.

Moving her lips in sync with Jurina’s, she bit her lower lips causing Jurina jump and open her eyes, quickly she pushed Rena away

“What are you doing?!” Jurina asked wiping her lips with her palm.

“Asking the one who started it first.” Rena stands up and cleaned the dust of her clothes walking out the room.

‘Huh? Is she trying to rape me in my sleep?’

“I came in and you were dreaming about your ex and  pulled me in for a makeout session,” Rena said bluntly.

Jurina blushed. “S-So...y-you decide to join too? You can push me away you know.”

“Why would I do that when I'm enjoying being kissed by you. anyway, thanks for the night kiss,” Rena smirked.

“You PERVERT!!”Jurina throw a pillow at her but she catches it with her right hand and throw it back to her.

“You can come to me anytime you feel horny.” Rena licked her lips in a sexy way.

Jurina screamed angrily

‘God damn, that vampire..! Why, Jurina?! Why did you have to dream about THAT?!’

Groaning Rena walks to the bathroom to take her usual routine, she sighed heavily.

‘What should I do to make her forget about her past and move on.’ Rena disappointed at the thought of Jurina having a wet dream about someone who left her.

‘what does Mayu have that I don't have?’ She punched the nearest wall.

Rena then got an idea and when left the bathroom, she saw Jurina leaving her room and approached her.

“What do you want?”

Rena placed her hand on Jurina’s head. “Sleep.”

A spell was cast over the girl and she collapsed, caught by Rena. She held the girl and connected her forehead to hers, going through Jurina’s memory with her ex-lover.

“MAYUYU!!” She  saw Jurina screamed her lover name from the other side of the road, she waved at Mayu, as the green light came on Jurina runs toward her lover jumping on her like a puppy.

“Mou, Jurina I told you to stop jumping on me like this!” Mayu pouted.

“But I miss you so much!!”

“I know, but still we meet on the weekend so stop complaining like a child.” They  linked their arm as the walked toward their favorite coffee shop.

Ordering, as usual, they sit on their favorite table near the window. “Mayuyu,do you remember what day is today?” Jurina asked playing with her fingers.

“No!!” Mayu smiled as the waitress put vanilla coffee and raspberry ice -cream on the table.

“Today is our first anniversary.”

“Oh, I forgot.” Mayu giggles sipping her coffee.

“It's okay, I know you won't remember it since you are too busy with your work.”

“I'm sorry Jurina.” Mayu apologized.

“I will forgive you if you spend all night on my apartment.” Jurina showed her puppy eyes.

Before Mayu can say anything he phones ringed, tugging her hand inside her pocket she take her phone out and replied the call, after talking for while she closed her phone and looked at Jurina Apologize.

“I'm sorry,but I have to go, I have an important meeting to attend.” putting the bill on the table she walk out the coffee shop.

“I will wait for you at my apartment,” Jurina shouted.


As Mayu left, the memory suddenly changed. Jurina was in her apartment, all alone. It was already after dark and it seemed like Jurina had been waiting forever as she had a depressed look on her face.

“Why..?” she asked in the silent apartment, hugging her knees, her eyes look red, she also has dark circle under her eyes.

‘She must’ve been crying all night…’

She flashed forward again and saw Jurina angrily tearing up her apartment. She threw everything she could find off the shelves and tables

“Mayuyu, you idiot!”

She threw a picture she had of the two of them at a mirror, shattering it

Jurina stared at her broken reflection, running her hand all over her face she pulled her hairs and screamed loudly.

Rena started noticing that the dream world around her was breaking. The memory was starting to shatter the world inside Jurina’s head, as the emotion she had felt in this moment was what broke her.

It was the heartbreak and loneliness from Mayu leaving that changed Jurina. She had fallen into depression and was trying to cope with it by going out and doing all those immoral, illegal things, to lock away all her pain and forget her sadness.

The dream world was crumbling more as Jurina’s cries in pain continued. Rena quickly left the girl’s mind and was back in reality.

Jurina was still asleep, but now her body was shaking and her breath staggering from the awful memories tormenting her mind.

“Mayu… why..?” she said in a shaky voice. Rena can't stand to see the girl suffer like this anymore, her heart hurt whenever she see her soul mate hurting, controlling her tears she stormed out the room and walked toward her room. She looked for her smart phone as she found it she dialed one if her number and called, after three ring the person pick up the call.


“It’s me,” Rena said.

“Rena? It's me too.” The other person said. “What’s going on?”

“I need your help!”

“Wow, how rude of you, calling after that long and the first thing you say is this.” The other person replied in a sarcastic tone.

“I’m serious, I know, it’s been forever, but I’m kinda in the middle of a huge situation.”

“What could POSSIBLY be so important?”

“I will tell you later, but know I want you to find me the person named Mayu.”

“What? Am I your servant or something?? I have things to do too you  know.”

Rena growled through the phone making other person shiver. “Look, don't make me angry and help me to find that damn person before I come there and slam your face into the wall until it leaves big hole behind.”

The other person laughed. “As if you can do it, anyway give me her full name, since you are my best friend I don't mind helping you.”

“I don't know her full name, just find someone named Mayu.”

“Are you serious? How in the world do I find a person named Mayu? Do you have her pictures at least.”

“No, but looking at her behavior and style I can tell she is a hunter, I want you to look all the hunters file and find her.”

“Hai~ I’ll do my best.”

“I’m counting on you.”

Saying this she hung up on her phone and sigh out a heavy breath.

“..Rena..?” A tired voice spoke. She saw Jurina, still weak from having relived such painful memories and groggy from the sleep spell.


“W-what happened…?”

“Nothing to worry about, you just fainted because of too many chores,” Rena replied putting her phone on the desk and walking toward Jurina.

“How are you feeling?” She asked checking her forehead with her palm.

“Your hands are cold!” Jurina holds Rena’s hand in hers rubbing them together, she felt her heart skip a beat and electric spark shot into her body

“What is that feeling?”Jurina asked liking Rena’s hand in hers.

“Yours are warm,” Rena commented.

“Does your heart beat?”

“Yes, wanna hear?”

Jurina nodded in response.

“But for that, you have to kiss me.”

“Eh?!” Jurina eyes widened.

“Vampires heart beats when their soulmate accept them. Since you hadn't accepted me as your soulmate, my heart won't beat.” Rena explained.

“What!! Soulmate?! What are you saying???”Jurina blinked severely confusedly.

“I don’t you feel it, but, whenever you touch me, there’s a spark. Like an electric shock. It runs down my spine and makes me feel alive” Rena whispered inching dangerously close to Jurina face, she can feel Jurina warm breath hitting her lips.

“I…...d-don't know what you talking about.” Jurina backed up. Rena grabbed Jurina hand and pushed her body against her connecting their lips together. Jurina tried to push her away but Rena tightened her grip kissing her forcefully.

As Jurina open her mouth to speak Rena enter her tongue into her mouth and explored all the area. Jurina shivered as Rena cold tongue touched her she tried to escape from her grip but her body trying to give up.

Rena holds Jurina right hand without breaking the kiss and brings it to her chest as her heart start to beat, the younger girl was shocked feeling the vampire’s heart beating for the first time, without knowing Jurina kissed Rena back, loving the way her heart beats.

After what seemed like forever, Jurina felt run out of breath and pulled away from the kiss, gasping for breath. She forgot that since Rena was a vampire, she didn’t need to breathe.

“What did you think?” the vampire asked. Jurina didn’t give the answer because she was too busy catching her breath and hearing Rena’s heart beat, she lies head on Rena’s chest

“Do you like it?” Rena asked stroking Jurina hairs.

“It’s so relaxing.” Jurina whisper. “You are turning warm.”

“It’s because of you.”

Jurina quickly pulled herself away. She realized she got captured in Vampire spell. Rena gave a disappointed look.

“What’s wrong?”

“...Why are you doing this?”


“Why are you seducing me? Saying things that don’t make sense and.. Confusing me…”

Rena sighed. “Let's finish the story.” ignoring Jurina she starts telling the story.

“W-what? But--”

“You want to know the end, right?”

With that, Jurina fell silent. Rena smiled and sat down on the couch, gesturing her to sit beside her. Jurina did so and laid her head on Rena’s shoulder.

“Go on.”

“After that day Sae starts to avoid Sayaka, she became afraid of what might happen if Sayaka ever comes to harm her

She always tried to cheer herself up, telling herself that Sayaka would never hurt her because they were friends, but she knew better that hunter never can be friend with their target, as the time pass Sae stalk Sayaka everywhere she want to know what kind of person she is.

She saw Sayaka hanging out with many hunters, but she notice something. Her smile seems different than when she was with Sae.

With the hunter girls, it doesn’t seem like a genuine smile. Sayaka smiles makes Sae feel like she is  an important person in her life, with whom Sayaka share everything about.

Without knowing Sae start to feel unfamiliar feeling whenever she is with Sayaka, it's like if Sayaka is her soulmate, she heard a lot about soulmate things from other supernatural species. She always wonders if she had soulmate too.

“Hey, what are you thinking about?” One of her friends asked her.

“..Eh?” Sae blinked, having been lost in thought for a few seconds.

“You seem out of the world.”

“I'm wondering how would I know if I find my soulmate.”

“Hmm...well when you feel happy whenever you see that person and whenever you touch you feel a spark,you love everything about them,you feel like they are a very important person to you.son to you?”

Sae felt her chest. Whenever she thought of Sayaka, she could always feel her heart pounding.


“Then I’d say it’s true.”

“How can you be sure? Have you ever had soulmate before?”

“I’ve been around long enough to know what love feels like. True love, not the kind of things humans write in fairytales. Trust me, you’ll know she’s the one.”

“Wait who is that?” Jurina suddenly asked.

“That’s a secret for now.”

“Mou, fine… Go on.”

Suddenly Rena phone rang causing Jurina to growl, answering her call Rena out in her ear.

“Aloha~.” Said the other person in cheering voice.

“Did you find it?”

“Yes, I did find the but...I think you have to come and look by yourself, I will send you the address of her place.”

“Okay, email me her address, I'm on the way.”
] without waiting for her answer Rena hang up the call and smiled at Jurina.

“I would love to finish story today but something urgent has come up.”

“No, I wanna know the ending!!” Jurina insists like a child.

“Sorry,sweetheart next time.” picking on Jurina lips she walked out the room leaving her shocked.

“By the way, you are free to roam around the house but not to leave and if you try to be smart you will be got killed by a giant monster that is guarding the house,” Rena warned waving her hand.

“What!! I'm not a child to believe in those old and fake threat.” She heard Rena closing the main door. Jurina sighed loudly jumping on the bed.

“I can’t believe her…” After staying in the bed she got bored and thought to roam around the house.

“How about if I take that story book and read by myself what happened next.”

Thinking this she entered Rena room. She was surprised how dark and silent the room is, but still it's smelled beautiful just like her,she took a deep breath inhaling the sweet smell, stepping inside she switch on the light and searched for the book.

She found  it on the table,walking toward it, she  picked it and started flipping through the pages but shocked as she found blank sheets.

“What?!” her eyes widened. “This can’t be..! Where the story was gone?” She flipped the page till the end but find nothing.

“It is the correct book then where is the story? Maybe she uses some kind of magic that cause the story to appear and disappear.”

Jurina scratched her head, thinking for while she starts to chant some magic word to make a story appear but nothing happen, in the end, she got tired and fainted on Rena bed staring at the ceiling.

“Mou, why does that vampire act like that? It’s like she’s playing with me…”

As she was pondering, she couldn’t help but notice the scent of Rena’s bed which she was laying on. It was a very sweet, relaxing scent. It reminded her of when Rena would hold her, and she could smell the gentle aroma of Rena’s skin or when her hair brushed by and she’d catch a whiff of the flowery scented raven locks.

“Rena…” she muttered as she held the pillow close, slowly, deeply inhaling the bed’s scent. So relaxed by the room’s atmosphere and scent, Jurina drifted off into slumber once more.

Without knowing she felt lonely and empty without her, she felt as Rena become an important part of her life, it's been only a few hours yet it felt as years have been passed.

“What are you doing to me, Rena?”

Her eyes fluttered open as she heard the main door opening voice, jumping off the bed she rushed toward the door to greet her kidnapper but stopped as she saw Rena look sad and tried.

“Are you okay?” Jurina asked in reply Rena just waved her hand and went to her bedroom for rest.

Feeling lonely Jurina dragged herself to her bedroom and collapsed in her bed sighing loudly.

‘Why did she look so depressed..?’


Next night Jurina was the first one to wake up, without knowing she feels so excited to spend her time with Rena, talking hot shower and dressing nicely she walked to the kitchen to make breakfast for her.

Rena who were still sleeping wake up from the noise and noticed the girl seemed excited about something. Deep down, it made her glad as Jurina seemed genuinely happy.

She walked down to the kitchen and was surprised to see Jurina was preparing food all by herself.

“Morning,” Jurina said with a smile.

“What are you doing?”

“Making breakfast, of course.”

“Good,” Rena replied in a sad tone and sat on the couch. Jurina put Bacon and egg on the dining table.

“Come on let's eat.”

‘I'm not hungry.” Rena switched on the tv and start watching some drama.

“Rena-chan! Whats wrong?”

Rena’s ear twitched suddenly. ‘Rena-chan? Why is she calling me that?’

“Nothing, hurry to finish your breakfast, we have somewhere to go.”

“Eh? Where?”

“It’s a secret. Now go and eat.”

Jurina pouts and says, “I won’t eat unless you eat with me! I made breakfast for just the two of us, as a thank you! I’m just being nice, so why can’t you accept it?”

Rena just sighs. She knows she’s not gonna hear the end of her whining unless she agrees.

“Alright, alright, I’ll eat.” switching off the TV she sit on the dinning table and start eating with her.

Jurina quickly finished her breakfast and wash the dishes, to happy about going somewhere with Rena.

“Shall we go?”

Rena sighed and nodded.

As they started walking, Jurina held the vampire’s hand, she felt the spark shot into her body skipping her heart beat at the feeling of Rena's hand felt in hers.

“Jurina you know, there is another story I want to tell you today.”


Rena took a deep breath and started speaking.

“A beautiful girl fell in love one day with a girl who was like an angel. This girl made her very happy, after her parents death she felt alone but because of her angel-like friend she become happy, the angel took her all the pain and sadness away,the were so happy together, but slowly the angel-like girl becomes busy, they didn't get enough time to spend together, the beautiful girl felt sad and lonely but she didn't complain, she always wait for her patiently, but then, one day they promise to meet at the night, but  the angel never came back and she never saw her again the beautiful girl waited for angel everyday and night, she tried to call her and search for her everywhere but she didn't find any sign of her, she began to think that angel had lost all her love for the girl and left her. The beautiful gone mad and she start getting drunk and talking drugs to make her heart forget about the angel.”

Rena paused as they reached the place where she wanted to take Jurina. Jurina was too busy listening to Rena story that she forget where she is standing.

“Th-this is a…”

Jurina quickly saw that they were at a cemetery.

“The beautiful girls didn't knew that her angel isn't alive anymore, she died while protecting her from the demons, who try to have her because blood of powerful witch queen is running in her veins. The beautiful girl never knew this truth that the angel gives her life for her and let those demon have her head instead of her lover power, now the angel only can watch over her from the Heaven.”

“W-why are you telling me this..?” Jurina asked.

Rena pointed at one of the graves whom they were standing near. Jurina eyes widened as she read familiar name on it

Watanabe Mayu

Jurina felt her knees go weak.

“No…!” Tears started forming in her eyes, she falls on the ground. “It can be true!!”

“Jurina, Mayu didn't come back to you cus she didn't wanted but cus she can't, she is gone to far from you where it's possible for her to come back, she was demon hunter, who have been protecting you after your parents death, so don't blame her for leaving you cuz she did for you.”

"NOO!!" Jurina yelled as she punched her chest in anger and pain. "It can be true! this is a dream, it has to be dream, she is here with me" Jurina cried clenching the grass. Rena sat down and hugged her kissing her forehead.
"You are right, she is here in your heart, she always be with you."

JPHiP Radio (22/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her - Do I Love You Enough