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Author Topic: THROUGH TIME (WMATSUI) COMPLETE  (Read 62760 times)

Offline Genkikid

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« Reply #60 on: May 11, 2016, 06:51:23 AM »
Prince Jurina!! You come just right on time!!!!

Can I be honest? That Jurina gif at the end of every of your posts always make my heart skip a beat and almost forget to leave a comment for this wonderful story

I know right, the first time that i saw that gift i got hypnotize for a while, and like she is dress like a prince i thought that it was perfect to put it at the end of the story

Can I know from which performance is that gif?

Offline Genkikid

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« Reply #62 on: May 12, 2016, 02:00:19 AM »
Yeshh!! Thankyouu :on GJ: :on gay:

Offline junrena

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« Reply #63 on: May 12, 2016, 03:43:29 AM »
Update Please   :bow: :bow: :bow:

Offline firebird123

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« Reply #64 on: May 13, 2016, 05:34:46 PM »
Hi, somehow i managed to finish this chapter before sunday. Thank very much for all your comments, i am really glad that you've been liking my fanfic. Hope you guys like this chapter too.


Once I arrived to the almost abandoned town, I ran to the only place that Rena could have gone, the place wasn’t the perfect antonym of secure, it’s just a little town in the middle of nowhere, most of its residents were criminals that were escaping, even Shinoda once forbade me to come here by no means alone, but well
I really didn’t care what happened to me in this moment, as long as Rena is safe.

The old hostel were empty, it doesn’t matter how much time y played the little bell, no one came out.  I stirred my hair back and I closed my eyes thinking where else should I search. But in that moment of silence I heard some strange noises coming from the floor above, it was someone screaming and without thinking it twice I ran to the second floor, the more I closer I got the more the voice became more clear, and there was no doubt, it was Rena.

I opened the door sharply, and effectively Rena was there, and not just her, a man that I could recognize perfectly was about to take off her dress, and in that moment could perfectly felt how the blood running in my veins started to boil and the desire to disappear that man from the earth was my only thought, how he dare to even imagine doing that to Rena.

The man tried to run away from the room, but with a strength that I didn’t even know that I had I took him from his neck shirt and smash him against the wall. For being a men, he wasn’t that tall almost the same as mine. I could swear that all the hatred and anger that I felt in that moment were reflect in my eyes, seeing him completely frightened under my deathly gaze.

“How do you dare to lay a finger on her” I didn’t recognize my own voice that sound completely cold and dark. The man couldn’t say a single word prisoner of his fear, I could see it in his disgusting eyes, I swear I could just strangle him in this moment.
I had never felt before this level of hate that was governing me at that moment, not even against Yuki, this goes beyond that, even beyond of what socially accepted.

“Please… let me go” He begged almost about to cry.

“Believe me when I tell you that I’ll make sure that you will never see sun light again if I get to meet you, in I would everything that I can to find you, so I advise you to run like you never had and disappear in 10 seconds” Those were my last words before released my grip, once I said that I don’t like to use my power, well that doesn’t apply for him.

And indeed the man ran away with all his might, I only could stay in my spot trying to hold back all the anger that I had and to calm down a little bit.
The only thing that I needed to come back to my five senses was to turn around to look at Rena, all the hatred and anger vanish and were replace with relief and preoccupation, her hair were covering her face so I couldn’t see it, but I can tell that she was crying silently because her shoulder were trembling.

“Rena…” My voice broke a little bit when her name came out, and before I could give a step Rena ran to my arms almost desperately and without hesitating I wrapped her in a tight embrace, at that moment Rena started to cry loudly and uncontrollably.

“I was so scared” She barely could say it between her sobbing. It broke my heart seeing her in that state, so vulnerable and trembling of fear, feeling her pain as mine and only wishing to can over with it.

“It’s ok, I am here with you now, its ok” I tried to comfort her, but the truth is that my hands were shaking too, the mere thought of what could have happened if didn’t make it on time terrifies me.

Rena was holding onto my shirt tightly and continue crying, and all I could do was slightly stroke her hair and rubbed her back softly. I don’t know how much time passed, Rena cried until she hadn’t more tears and my shirt was little bit wet in the spot where she was sobbing, even though we didn’t move a single centimeter, I was afraid that if released her something bad could happen to her again. I only moved away a little bit, just the enough to see her face which was a little bit wet because of the tears, and her eyes were red.

“I am sorry if it took me too much time” I told her looking straight at her eyes trying not to get lost on them. She only deny it moving her head.

“I promise you that I won’t let anyone to hurt you” After saying this I saw how some tears began to appear again in the corner of her eyes, which leaved me more confuse because this time I didn’t know why was she crying.

“Why did you came for me” She asked in a small voice, I didn’t think what I was going to say her when I found her, but I was determined to not let her go this time. I took a deep breath taking the courage to let the words get out.

“When you left in the only thing that I could think was in you and how happy I was with you around, in some way you have become a part of me, and I know that it’s selfish but please stay with me” I finally said it “ I can only be me with you Rena”

“I can’t…” I froze with her answer. She buried her face into her hands quietly “I’ve been lying to you, my parents didn’t die in any accident, nor I have any relatives” A wave of relief came to me. So that was the problem.

“Rena” I tried to stop her speech, but she didn’t stop saying thing that I already know.

“Besides I’ve been taking advantage of you, and Aiko and Yuki…”

“Rena” I tried to stop her again, but fail.

“And Haruka told me that-“Finally I could stop her, without thinking about it twice I pressed my lips against hers, and I can tell without fear to be wrong that it doesn’t exist any candy more sweet that her lips, nor the most expensive couture fabric could compare to its softness. I was pretty sure that I was having a heart attack in the moment that I felt her moving her lips over mines returning me the kiss, all I could to was being more and more amazed in how our lips fits each other, like if they were just made for me. I swear that I could kiss her eternally, but too bad for me that I have to breath. That was the only excuse that made our kiss stop.

Once I saw her face I realized that her cheeks started to blush and her eyes had again that sparkle that I’ve been idolizing so much

“First of all Paruru is not my secret lover or whatever she told you, in fact she is married” I explained her to then steal a little peck from her lips, I just couldn’t help it.

“Second of all I already know that you’ve been lying to me” Her eyes grew in shock and her jaw slightly drop

“Since when you know it?”

“Well I had my doubts when you told me, but with the pass of the time I realized that it was a pretty lame story” I giggled a little thinking again about that dramatic story.

“I am sorry, even though you were so nice” She lower her head. I took her chin to make her look to my eyes.

“And third, all just want to you, all your flaws, mistakes, fears, smiles, giggles, jokes, and silliness. I don’t care about your pass if I’m your present” Finally an smile appeared in her lips “You don’t have to tell me the truth in this moment, I will wait until she trust on me, beside I think it’s not that bad as you think it is, you over think things a lot Rena” 

“If with me like this is enough, then please let me stay by your side” She said closing the space between us and unable to hold it back any longer I took again her lips, I already could feel how I was getting addicted to them.         

We lay down on the bed, I was embracing her around her waist, while she laid head in my shoulder, I could tell that she begin to fall asleep, she must be so tired, after all she had been walking all the day.

“Can I do a couple of questions” I said before she fall completely sleep.

“Mhmm” She barley could answer

“Did you really wanted to go from the castle?” I was still a little bit insecure about that. She moved his head to answer with a no.

“Are you happy” Rena didn’t answered immediately like she did with the first question that made me nervous. But all the nervousness and bad thoughts vanish when her lips pressed against mine in a soft and shot kiss.

“More than ever”

That was it, I had no doubt, I just had to give the reason to my beating heart and to this immense happiness that I get just by having her so close to me, I was truly, madly and idiotically in love with Rena.

I began to wake up slowly, and the first thing that I realized before I opened my eyes, is that a little blow was slightly hitting against my forehead, the thing is that there is not any air source that hits me only in that place. Getting a little bit more of consciousness, I noticed that the air were slow, just like someone’s breathing.

The next was that something got me trap around my waist, it was someone’s arm, and I didn’t want to move because I felt so warm and protect that I fear that the slightly move it might go.

But being in all my sense, the memories of what happened yesterday came back to my mind. Finally I opened my eyes to confirm that in fact it wasn’t a dream, and that effectively Jurina was by my side completely sleep and embracing me around my waist.

I didn’t take too much time for an smile to appear in my face remembering everything that happened, a big weight disappear from my shoulders, Jurina already knew that I was lying, even so she didn’t reproach anything to me, and she deny too what Haruka told me.

I found myself placing my fingertips in my lips, replying every single kiss and her slightly cherry taste, Jurina’s kiss was intoxicant and could made that a million fireworks explode in my stomach. Jurina kissed me she really did, even more she asked me to stay with her, and if I can be honest I feel that in this moment I could give her everything to her without regret.

I was staring at her relax and sleepy face, tracing every single corner of her face with my fingertips, trying to not wake her up. At some point my finger end up on her lips, so soft and tempting, I wanted to kiss her, it was a need that moved me body by its own. Slowly I closed the space until join our lips together. To my surprise Jurina returned the kiss and pull me closer tightening her grip around my waist.

“Hey” Was the first thing she said while she buried her face in crook of my neck.

“Did I woke you up?”

“I’ve been awake since your finger were in my nose, I didn’t want you to stop though” I chuckled trying to not lose concentration because of the tickles of her
breathing against my neck.

“Shall we go back now?” I asked while I started to play with a lock of her hair.

“I want to stay like this more time”

“It doesn’t sounds bad” I answered feeling tempted with the idea, and stay like this all the day if it’s possible “But I really want to get out from this place” I said sincerely, I couldn’t wait to be on the castle again.

“As your wish my princess” My heart raced and I could tell that I wash brushing when she said that.
Jurina woke up from bed and took my hand intertwining our fingers, I really missed the warm from her hand.

“Why didn’t you take a horse when you left?” Jurina asked me while we were riding the horse.

“If I had you had never catch up with me” I saw her dimples with her smile after hearing my answer.

“Glad you didn’t then” She left a small kiss in my forehead “Let’s go”

On the way back from that little town to the castle (that was kind of long), Jurina was riding the horse as fast as she can, but like we were two persons she couldn’t force too much the horse. We left the place a little bit early in the morning, and we just did a couple stops to rest a little bit and to eat something. Being in a completely different situation I realized that in fact, the road between the castle and the town was truly beautiful, full of trees to the sides and I think that I saw a little river. Once we arrived to the castle it was already evening, almost lunch time. I was a little bit nervous because I didn’t know how I was going to face the other after my almost escape, but I would think of something after I take a shower and eat something

“I’ll see you later then” She said with her cat-like smile and approaching me and before our lips met she moved her head and lend a kiss in my cheek “Bye” She whispered in my ear before turn around.

“Jurina” I called her attention and she turned again to face me but before she realized it I already had pressed my lips against hers, feeling how a smile appear on hers “Now you can go, bye” And without see her expression I entered to my room.

Once I was alone in my room I jumped to the bed and taking a pillow, I rolled on it while some little giggles came out of my mouth, taking out all the excitement that I had in my whole body, somehow Jurina like me back, even if I still don’t know if is in the same level as I do, but one thing is sure and is that she likes me. My heart jump of happiness every time I replayed everything that happened, every kiss and every hug.

So it’s like this like true love really feel, even if I don’t know if Jurina feels the same way I do, I won’t let go of this, I won’t run away again, and I’ll make sure that Jurina likes me to the point I do.

Offline Genkikid

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« Reply #65 on: May 14, 2016, 01:59:26 AM »
Jurina knows everything!!!  :whistle: everything except the important thing that Rena is not from her time :panic:

Offline genkingblack

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« Reply #66 on: May 14, 2016, 06:12:14 AM »
Soulmate theory? Hmmmm.. :dunno:

But Rena belong to different era right? I wonder what will happen in the end?
Will Rena left her own world like left her family, friend just to be with Jurina? Vice versa for Jurina?  :glasses:
But I doubt Jurina will do, since she is the prince right?  :bigdeal:

ps. just noticed another spelling correction, still as steal perhaps? check as cheek?
I'm sorry for noticing a little thing from yours. Thank you  :byebye:
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Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline firebird123

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« Reply #67 on: May 14, 2016, 07:30:41 AM »
Well, like i said there are various theories, maybe a certain someone is behind all this.
Guess you'll have to wait till the end, the same with the other things. 

And don't worry for the corrections, it's better fix it than leave it like that  :)

Offline LuckyMatsui

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« Reply #68 on: May 14, 2016, 08:04:42 AM »
While reading WMATSUI moments, I'm like:  :luvluv1: :luvluv2: :shy1: :shy2: :wriggly: :on woohoo:
Thanks for the update Author-san  :kneelbow:
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

Offline purnamazaki

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« Reply #69 on: May 14, 2016, 03:25:25 PM »
Horraaay update before sunday thank you :)
Ah wmatsui moment ,, tooo romanticss for mee
I hope ure update asap if you're done lol
Thanks for the updates :)

Offline kumabear

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« Reply #70 on: May 15, 2016, 04:55:09 PM »
OMG, thank you so much for the update ..

Offline sasshirie

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« Reply #71 on: May 19, 2016, 11:34:31 AM »
j' :on cny1: :on GJ: :on comhere:

Offline firebird123

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« Reply #72 on: May 21, 2016, 07:05:44 PM »

I didn’t remember since when a simple shower felt so good, in fact, I didn’t remember since when everything seems so colorful, everything around me seems to shine more, even that irritating woodpecker that didn’t hesitate in making noise all the evening looks so adorable now.

I was immersed in a kind of ecstasies, if someone could see me in this moment, dancing ridiculously, skipping around the room and with a huge smile, they would surely think that I am into drugs or something. But all that happiness and colors had a reason and specially a name, Matsui Jurina Sakae’s prince. It was incredible the effect that she had over me, I just couldn’t wait to see her again. It is true that love makes you a fool, I could even imagine cheesy situations, but I just couldn’t help that my heart becomes crazy, imagining Jurina and I in numerous situations that only happen in shoujo manga.

Between a couple of dances and a song I finished my routine, I took my time to look perfect, nothing could ruin this day, it had beginning in the perfect way, and I hoped that it finishes the same way.

Pitifully it didn’t seem that things were going to go like I wished, because I just had to open the door to find Haruka waiting for me behind this one. She had her typical poker face, but something felt different, her eyes didn’t have the same piercing effect, not even her threaten aura that she had towards me were present, furthermore I could even say that I saw some regret and maybe kindness in her eyes.

“You’re already back” She said without stop looking at me straight to the eyes.

“I guess I am” My gaze never left hers either, this time I wouldn’t allow her to intimidate me.

“I won’t apologies with you” She went straight to the point.

“For what, for lying about your relationship with Jurina?” I replied innocently, like if didn’t had affect me at all.

“Basically yes, because thanks to that I realized that in fact, you are a coward unable to confront your problems, and that you would just run away when things gets hard” She didn’t  doubt in throw her words loaded with salt, like always. And that was something that I just couldn’t deny, because that was exactly what happened.

“I won’t run away anymore” I replied firmly being sure of my words. Haruka looked with half closed eyes, I could tell that she was doubting my words.

“Well, thanks to what happened, I realized too that you don’t have bad intentions, and that Jurina is your first love, and you were just scared because of that” She didn’t make any comments to what I said before, and why this girl has to know everything, again she was right with what she just said.

“Anyway, follow me someone wants to see you” I couldn’t do more than remain silence. “And the last thing, you better mean what you say, believe me when I tell you that your relationship with Jurina won’t be easy, she is Sakae’s prince there’ll be a lot of people that would try to truly separate you from her, so do your best and don’t hesitate” I froze in my place when in fact, I saw a truly smile in her face, that along with her comment that sounds more like an advice, and by the little time that I’ve known Haruka I can tell that she wouldn’t say it to anyone.

“Definitely I won’t” And with that said I followed Haruka.

What is now worrying my mind now, was the person that wanted to see me, I hadn’t see Yuki neither Aiko yet, but I don’t think that any of them would take the trouble of asking Haruka just to call for me, which left me just one possibility, the only person in the whole castle that has the power to make Haruka move from her comfortable coach and come for me and is not Jurina. Through my mind just came the queen, Shinoda Mariko, that enigmatic person.

I began to get really nervous thinking why she would call me, some theories came up, but any of them were support in something, it were mere conjectures. Not knowing what is waiting for my makes me anxious, because I can’t prevent the situation and think on possible solutions. I think that Haruka realized my problem, because before open the doors she stopped and looked at me.

“Don’t be nervous, no one is going to bite you” I don’t think that can get use to a kind Haruka, its juts to strange and somehow it doesn’t suits her.
The doors opened and immediately Yuki stood in front of me, blocking my sight from what is behind her, and that is the rest of the people who is in here.

“I am glad that you are ok. I am sorry if it took Jurina too much time” Said Yuki after a short embrace. I’ve become really close to Yuki, I see in her an older sister or a best friend who I can always talk.

“I am sorry I gone that way without tell you” I apologies with a little bow.

“Don’t worry that it’s not that important, but don’t do it again” And after that she finally moved, allowing me to see what or better who were in the room.

And just like I thought, Shinoda was sit behind her desk, looking straight at me, scanning every inch of my presence. I have to admit that not even Haruka’s gaze were as intimidating as hers. But what I didn’t expect was another girl, which was hugging Haruka from behind, she was the one that had the less intimidating aura, and for some reason I felt that I could trust her.

The girl let go of Haruka and approached me, everyone in the room followed her with the gaze while she make her way through the room, expectant of what she was going to do or say. With a little and warm smile she took my hand without even ask.

“I am Yokoyama Yui, I’ve been waiting too long to know you” Her voice was sweet and with a pleasant tone. Wait a moment, this is the person that Yuki and Aiko were talking.

“Nice to meet you, I am Rena” Suddenly Yui tighten her grip in my hand, and I felt like if all my energy were being drain. My mind went blank for a moment, and Yui never loosened her grip.  I had to blink a couple of times to come back to my five senses, what seemed seconds felt like hours.

Yui already had loose her grip, and now she was looking at me with a concern gaze, like a mom that tries to comfort her daughter. She laid her hand over my head and for some reason she slightly fondle it.

“You’ve been going through too much by your own, haven’t you?” Her voice become even sweeter and serene, and my body felt lighter, like if all my problems were disappearing one be one “You are not from this world right? Don’t worry you can tell us everything, you don’t have to be alone on this anymore” My eyes become teary, I didn’t know this person at all, but there was something in her that made me believe in her words. If found myself crying like a baby, somehow I felt that I really could tell her everything, that I could shake that weight from my shoulders.

And that’s what I did, after had calm down my sobbing, finally I revealed them that I was from XXI century. Throughout my story there wasn’t any reaction from anyone, I didn’t know if they were believing what I was saying, or if they were preparing to send me to an asylum. Once I finished the room become completely quiet.

“And you are saying that you don’t know how you did it” Haruka was the one that broke the silence.

“No, I just remember having woke up after I made the wish”

Everyone moved their gazes to Yui looking for an answer, even I did. She was the only one that I knew that could have some clue and give me answers.

“I am sorry, neither I know why that happened” Yui answered sincerely. There go all my possibilities “But I know how you can come back, it’s pretty logic though” She added, Yui took me from both hands “ The day of your birthday you have to take the decision if you want to go back to your era… or stay here. You have until then to decide”

No one said anything more, somehow I didn’t get to anywhere. After all that was the theory that I had since a beginning, only the day of my birthday I would be able to go back… or not. Any of the other three persons in the room said something, I didn’t know if there were being modest, but at least I know that they believe a little bit of what I said, and that was thanks to Yui, because it seems like they fully trust in her. But the mere fact that finally I could said it was good enough for me.

Slowly we began to get out from the room, everyone except Shinoda, whom I didn’t listen her voice not even once, or at least have any reaction. Before I went out from the room Shinoda stopped my tracks

“Rena wait” She called my name and then she stood up from her sit behind her desk and came to me. I looked behind me and the other ones were already gone.

“Do you love Jurina?” She asked my directly and without hesitate, after all one of my theories were correct. Even though I didn’t had doubts about my answer, and I promised that I wouldn’t run away again.

“I do, I love her” I said determinedly. At a beginning Shinoda didn’t had any reaction, a slowly and smile appeared in her lips.

“Ahhh I am so glad good for you” She shook my hand energetically “After all I do like you, take care of her ok?” I was a little bit shock with her sudden change of attitude

“S-sure” That turned out better than I expected

“And by the way” She bent down to my ear to whisper “I know what a cellphone is” She then moved away, and with a mischievous smirk she closed the door in front of me.

“Eh?” Was the only thing that could come out from my lips. What does that mean?

If I couldn’t take Rena out from my mind before, now the thing have become even more difficult if she kissed me like that and just left, leaving me stood in my place with an stupid smile. How much time I’ve been wasting, focusing only on work and other prince’s tasks. But now that Rena came to my life I can tell that I am truly living, I can feel how my heart beats for someone and not just to pump blood. It was incredible how a single person could change so much my world.

“Yuki” I called Yuki’s attention who I found walking for the hall, I approached her once she stopped. I had something to thanks her.

“I am sorry for have been an idiot” I put aside my pride and said with a bow “If it wasn’t because of you I wouldn’t have react”

“You do behaved like an idiot, but at the end you did the right thing” She laid her hand on my shoulder, some months ago I couldn’t even look her in the eyes “But

I still don’t like you” Well I guess somethings won’t change.

“Don’t you worry, that I don’t feel the slightest liking for you either”

“So what are you going to do now” We started to walk side by side.

“What do you mean?”

“Your birthday is coming close Jurina, you know what that means” I had totally forgot about that, with everything that have been happening, I didn’t have space on my mind to think about that.

“I have no idea, but I think that I will just wait till the time comes”

“I have to leave you, Shinoda called us to meet her on her office” She then leaved for another path. “You should think about it thought, or you would see on a rush” She screamed before disappear.   

Now that she mentions Shinoda, I haven’t see her in a while, even if she is the most close to a family that I had, I know that she is hiding too may secrets. She is a completely mystery for me, including our parents. I don’t anything about her besides the basics, her past is an enigma, even for her who claimed don’t know nothing about her before coming to the castle. But I have to admit that sometimes… no at this point I am certain that she does know, but she just doesn’t want to tell me, that is something that to this days keeps without having any answer, and I don’t know if some day it will have.               


Hi, thanks again for reading. I won’t be able to update next weekend because I’m on finals at collage and well, you already know how it is, hope you like this chapter  :) :)

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« Reply #73 on: May 22, 2016, 12:40:44 AM »
Mariko is from the future!!!!!

Offline Genkikid

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« Reply #74 on: May 22, 2016, 03:30:03 AM »
Mariko-sama is from the future too!! Does anyone knows?? How?? What brought Mariko-sama to this era??

Offline kumabear

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« Reply #75 on: May 23, 2016, 09:39:05 AM »
So sad , you're not updated in this weekend  :cry:

Offline firebird123

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« Reply #76 on: June 06, 2016, 12:40:01 AM »

“Na… ena… Rena… Are you listening?” A small jolt in my shoulder, made me come back to reality. My mind went blank after hearing what Shinoda said, I thought on knocking her door and interrogate her, but at the moment Yuki was in front of me, and it would look suspicious if I do that. So I decided to leave it for later, but definitely I have to talk to her.

“I’m sorry, I was thinking on something else” Yuki looked at me with concern eyes and then we started to walk.

“I’ve been thinking in what should I tell you, but nothing comes to my mind” I could tell that she was really struggling with her mind in this moment because of her unusual low tone in her voice. “I never thought what to say to someone that comes from future” She looked at me sideways like asking me to say something.

“You don’t have to say something special, it’s enough that you don’t believe that I am crazy” I told her with a smile, I was really thankful that she be worry about me, and even more that she had the intention to support me.

But with what she said, she made me realize that Shinoda hadn’t tell her that in fact, she was from the future, or at least that was the conclusion that I reached with what she told me.

“Well, I’ve seen Yui doing things that are not normal, so if she says that you are telling the truth, then so it is, besides I trust you” Now I was curious and wanted to see those things that Yui can do, after all I always have feel attraction to that kind of things.

“But you really don’t have any questions? A lot of things happen in six centuries” I said after the tension between us had vanish.

“Now that you say it…” She half closed her eyes thinking in something.

“But I warn you, I am a mess in history” I said before she asked, because I knew that she would surely ask something so complex, that only my history teacher could answer.

“Then I have nothing to ask” The truth is that Yuki is the person less curious that I’ve known, how can you met a person that comes from future and don’t ask if they can already fly or teleport or something “I guess that you don’t know what happened that night then…” She add in a really low voice, maybe she didn’t even want me to hear that.

Even though I didn’t say anything, and I did as if I didn’t hear. I knew that what happened still torment Yuki’s mind, even to Jurina, but not at the same level than Yuki. She had to leave behind the love of her life, and I am certain that she blame herself for that every single day.

But I wonder if in the future they really got to know what happened, a lot of proves and important clues lost over the years, which make it more difficult to solve the mystery.

“Does Jurina knows it?” Yuki wondered quickly changing the subject. I sighed heavily and with that she already knew my answer.

“I don’t know how to do it, I am afraid that she judge me” My eyes turned to face the floor.

“’It’s truth that it is something hard to believe” She looked at me with an smile grin “But I am sure that you are the person who Jurina trust the most, so don’t worry, besides she is not someone that judge people quickly”

I was surprised when in fact, Yuki gave me a good advice, and even more, she speak well about Jurina, when the normal thing is the contrary.

“Even though, I still don’t feel secure to tell her… not yet”

“Take your time” Was the last thing Yuki said before taking another way.
Finally I felt the weight in my shoulders disappear, the simple fact that I could tell what was happening to me was liberating. But I still had in my mind the new problem that emerged. Shinoda Mariko, she definitely is not normal, the only thing that I know about her is that she is Jurina’s older sister, and that she had to take the throne once her parents died, the rest of things are blank.
But I’ve notice too, that is not like the others know much than what I do about her, even Yuki that is supposed to be the person closest to her, looks like doesn’t know that in fact, she probably be like me. But in the moment I don’t really want to think about that, good things have been happening and I just want to enjoy it, so at least for what remains of the day, I don’t want to think about that.

I head to the kitchen like usual, there I found Aiko who received me with a tight hug and saying how worry she was about me, she even offered herself to do what I had to do, which off course I deny. I just couldn’t gave her more things to do, years were already making effect, and even if she denies it, everyone can notice it in her slow movements, and how she doesn’t do well some things that some years back she surely made perfectly.

 “Don’t worry furthermore, you are the one that should take a rest” I began to slightly push her from her back to the door.

“But you’ve just arrive, and-“

“It’s ok I can do it, so you go and find a nice place to rest and relax” Finally Aiko gave up to my persistence, but I know that it wouldn’t take more than 30 min to see her again around the castle.

I was on my way to the kitchen, hoping to find just that person, but it looks like the whole castle agree in this special moment to not let that happen. In every single corner there were a person who needed me, that if a horse can’t be found, that what should we do with the new workers, that I have to sign some papers, and more things that in a normal day wouldn’t be happening.

When I finally made it to the kitchen, she was there, just like I expected. I could only see Rena’s back, and it looks like she didn’t notice my presence. I began to approach her slowly, being as careful as possible so she doesn’t notice me.

Once I was close enough, I could see over her shoulder that she was trying to do some kind of cake or something similar. It was amazing how focus she was, because not even yet she had notice me, even if I was already too close to her. So I approached to her from behind to her ear.

“What are you doing?” Rena finally came out from her little world. She gave a little jump with a small yelp. I just couldn’t help giggle at her expression.

“Jurina, I didn’t notice you were here”

“You were too focus in that thing” I pointed the strange dough with strange color that were in her hands “Is that for a cake?”

“I was just trying” Rena reply with a little bit embarrassed.

Seeing her disappointment expression I couldn’t help but to think that I had to do something, it doesn’t matter if it were because of something so small, I don’t want to see that kind of expression in her.

“Let me help you” I roll up my sleeves and stood beside her. Rena saw me with confusion and a little bit surprise.

“Do you know how to do it?”

“Aiko kind of forced me to learn the basics when I was a child”

“You know how to do anything, don’t you?”

“Kind of, let’s say that I am apprentice in everything but master in anything”

It was like that how we started everything from zero, because what Rena had was useless. I was even more surprised how even after all this time, Rena couldn’t crack and egg properly. Even if I tell that we were going to do it between the two of us, she didn’t let me do anything at all, I just tell her what to do next and see that she did everything well.

Occasionally I managed to steal a kiss in her cheek when she was completely focus, which made her brush immediately, and I could just wonder how can she be so adorable.
“It’s done” Said Rena with joy and with some flour all over her face once the cake was ready, and I have to say that it really looks good.

“Now you just have to try it” I reply from my seat. But Rena instead of taste it, she put it in front of me.

“I want you to try it first” I dude for a moment, but seeing her expression full of determination I just couldn’t say no.

“If you want it” I took a small bite, and it was really delicious. The chocolate flavor was perfect, neither simple nor very sweet, and the dough was completely soft.

“Rena, this is delicious for real” With my answer Rena began to skip all over the room “Here, take a bit” And effectively Rena had the same reaction that I had.

Without realize it, time flew in a blink like it always does when I am with her, so it was already time to go back to our rooms. Without really wanting it, we had to stand up and got out from the room. Our steps were slow and our fingers were intertwine, we talk about everything but at the same time about nothing.

Once we were in front of Rena’s room it was already time to separate, I know that it sounds stupid, but I really didn’t want it to happen, we weren’t that far and it would just be for a few hours, but yet I want to spend more time with her.

“Good night” Rena broke the silence

My hands found its way to her waist bringing her closer to my body, at the same time Rena’s hands traveled to the back of my nape burring her fingers in my hair and pulling me in closer, to finally our lips met in a deep kiss. Rena’s lips taste like chocolate, which make it even more difficult having to end the kiss.

“I’ll see you tomorrow” I said connecting our foreheads once our lips had to separate “Have a good night” Finally I placed a kiss in her forehead to then turn around and go back to my own room.

I drop into bed once I took a shower and have done the other things that are like a ritual for me before going to bed. One of those were read, since I was a child I have always had the habit of reading something before going to bed, and I think that Aiko is the responsible of that habit, because there was not a single night that she didn’t read me a tale, and with time it become natural.

I was in the last page, when a sudden knock made me look up from it, who could be this late at night, I know that in midweek the workers would go to bed early.

“Come in” I reply waiting to see who it was.

To my pleasant surprise, it was Rena the one who came in through the door.

“I am sorry if I woke you” Rena didn’t move from the door.

“Don’t worry, I wasn’t sleeping yet” I closed the book and put it aside, in the nightstand besides my bed “What happened?” Certainly her visit was something that I wasn’t expecting.

“I didn’t know that you wear glasses” Rena completely ignored what I just asked her.

“Just at night” Then I took them off, and put it next to the book. Seeing that Rena still didn’t move, I approached her and gently took her hand for then ask her again “Are you ok?” I was beginning to be worry.

“Well… I was just wonder if I…” I couldn’t understand what was the last thing she said; because she said it in such small voice, that I just couldn’t hear it.

“I am sorry what did you say” Rena took a deep breath.

“I asked if I can sleep with you tonight” Finally her gaze leaved to floor to meet mine “I mean, if you don’t mind”

I could feel how my cheeks began to redden, after all she wanted to spend more time with me too. Without hesitate, I pull her from her hand to the bed, and turning of the candle that was lightning the room, we cuddle in bed.

“I think you should sleep here from now on… if you want to”. I shyly said, Rena sheltered better into my arms.

“It’s a deal”.

Offline Genkikid

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« Reply #77 on: June 06, 2016, 02:42:19 AM »
They're sleeping together!!!! :shy1:  :shy2:
Rena should tell Jurina sooner. It's going to be Jurina's birthday soon

Offline Minami-chan

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« Reply #78 on: June 06, 2016, 11:40:55 AM »
 :shy2: :shy2: :shy2: :shy2:
At last!
It was a step in the couple.

Offline purnamazaki

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« Reply #79 on: June 06, 2016, 10:06:13 PM »
That's so sweet  :inlove:

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