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Author Topic: Sakura's Doll (Jurisaku OS) based off Negaigoto - COMPLETED  (Read 1984 times)

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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If we could all use magic to grant one wish
Surely everyone in the world would be happy

Little Sakura woke up on her birthday, smiling brightly as she saw her Mama and Papa waiting for her with a cake and presents wrapped beautifully in colorful paper and ribbons. The first one she opened was a pink box with a red ribbon on top.
“Go ahead, sweetie, open it,” her Mama said.
Sakura opened the box and saw a doll inside. She took out the doll, hugging it tightly.

“I love it!”
“What do you want to name her?”
“Hmm…” Sakura looked at the doll, staring at her eyes black as coal. She smiled, and answered, “Jurina!”
“Jurina? That’s a good name.”
Tears would never have to be shed
The seeds of sadness would all disappear

After cake, Sakura played and danced with her new doll all day. She would talk to it, pretending it was talking to her, and eventually, she fell asleep while holding the doll in her arms. Seeing their daughter peacefully asleep, they placed a blanket over her and let her sleep.

In her dreams, Sakura was having a tea party with her doll, until something strange happened. She saw her doll magically float in the air and begin to move around and dance on its own.

“Wow! That’s amazing, Jurina!” Sakura giggled as she danced with the doll.
A waste of a wish, magic that can only be used once
With desire for so many things, I can’t decide straight away
While I think about it, twilight falls

One day, while she was playing, she accidentally dropped the doll, causing a crack to form on her face. Feeling sad for hurting her doll, she hugged it and cried. Sakura’s tears fell down onto the doll’s broken face.

“Oh, sweetie, don’t worry. Daddy will fix Jurina-chan right up for you,” her father said with a reassuring hug.

He got out a tool kit and was able to mend the doll’s face, sealing up the crack. Sakura finished it up by placing a bandage on her cheek, making her dad giggle.
A few days later, Sakura decided to take Jurina to school to play with. However, she came home crying, showing her doll to her mom and dad. Jurina’s arm had been torn off after Sakura had gotten into a fight with a kid who wanted to take it. The stuffing spilled from her arm as Sakura wept.

As Sakura’s dad went to fix the doll again, her mom comforted her daughter.

“Don’t worry, Sakura. Daddy’s gonna make her feel better.”

“I hope so…” she said with a sniffle. “Jurina was crying too.”

“Was she now?”

“Mm-hm. She cried with me.”

“I see.”

“Mama, is it possible for dolls to feel love and pain?”

“I’m sure it is. A lot of Mama and Papa’s love was put into Jurina just for you, and you’ve given her a lot of your own love and happiness, as well. I’m certain Jurina-chan feels it.”

“Look who’s got their arm back,” her Dad said as he came in with Jurina’s arm stitched up.


“Although, I think it’d be best not to take Jurina out much anymore. We wouldn’t want her getting broken again and it be irreparable.”

“Alright. Sakura will be very careful and take care of Jurina!”

Then one day, I saw two fighting
Over such a small occurrence
I unknowingly wished for them to make up

As Sakura got older, she took special care with her doll, becoming extremely cautious as to not let it be broken or damaged. She would always dust it off and brush her hair out straight. And every night, she kept it in its own, safe little box.

It seemed that only in her dreams, her doll was safe. In her dreams, where her doll would spring to life and dance around, she was happy.

That is, until Jurina had fallen, and a large crack formed in the center of her face.

“Jurina!” Sakura jolted up from her bed, frightened by the dream. In a panic, she hurried to the box to check on her doll, seeing it was still safe and sound.

She hugged it tightly, tears beginning to escape her eyes.

“I wish…”

She stroked her hair gently, rocking back and forth as she tried to calm herself from the nightmare.

“I wish… Jurina…”

She then gave it a small kiss on the forehead.

“I wish Jurina was alive. Maybe if she were human, she could not be broken.”

To me, it was my one and only precious magic
And I used it here

Sakura unknowingly fell asleep, still holding the doll in her hands. Around the doll, a yellow glow began to envelope it and cause her to float in the air.

The doll morphed into a human form, kneeling down before the girl. Jurina stroked her head gently, comforting her in her sleep. A small smile formed her lips.


I have no regrets on my wish
Using it for myself leaves me indecisive
If the world used their wishes for someone else
They will become one
The smiles bring the dawn of love

Sakura suddenly found herself having more vague and blurry dreams as she grew older. Her once vibrant dreams of her dancing with her doll became mere memories. She barely even touched her doll and held Jurina anymore.

All she could remember of her dreams was someone singing her a song, softly and gently like a lullaby. She couldn’t remember the words, she couldn’t recall the face of who was singing.

One day, she came home from school, and was suddenly drawn to something in her closet. Buried under the many things she had packed in over the years was a box covered in dust.

When she opened it up, she saw the favorite doll from her childhood, with a note attached to it.

“Did Mom put this here?” she wondered as she started to read it.

“Sakura, thank you for giving me so much love from when you were a child. To return the favor, I have written you a song to express my love for you. I want you to sing this and I will finally be set free. Go to the attic and find the record player. The lyrics to the song are on the back.

“Huh? What is this?”

She took hold of the doll, still grasping the letter in her hands as she walked to her mother.

“Hey, mom, did you write this?” she asked.

“Eh? No. What is that?”

“I…” Sakura looked at the letter again. Indeed, she could tell, that was not her mother’s handwriting. “I’m not sure… Say, is there a record player in the attic?”

“Oh, I think so? Your grandfather gave it to Papa… You can check. Is it for a class project?”

“Er, yeah. Something like that…”

She climbed up to the attic of her house, finding a record player with a disc already set in and a note on top of it. She set Jurina down and picked up the note, reading it.

“Turn on the record player, place the needle on the disc, and sing.”

Without knowing what else to do, she did as the note told her to. She started the record player, watching the disc spin as she slowly set the needle in place. As the melody soon began, she started singing the lyrics written on the back.

“If we could all use magic to grant one wish,
Surely everyone in the world would be happy,
Tears would never have to be shed,
The seeds of sadness would all disappear.”

Sakura sand the melody like it was second nature. She didn’t even know how she knew each note, and when to sing it.

“A waste of a wish, magic that can only be used once
With desire for so many things, I can’t decide straight away
While I think about it, twilight falls.”

The melody continued, and she was suddenly having visions of a long forgotten dream. A dream of someone singing her a lullaby.

“It’s this song…”

“Then one day, I saw two fighting
Over such a small occurrence,
I unknowingly wished for them to make up,
To me, it was my one and only precious magic,
And I used it here.”

She suddenly found herself crying. She vividly recalled her childhood memories of playing with Jurina, of each time she was broken, and of all the times she cared and protected her.

“Jurina… I wish you were human.”

Her wish, a childish wish she knew would never come true. The lyrics seemed to remind her of that. As tears fell down her face, she suddenly became aware of another voice singing with her.

“I have no regrets on my wish
Using it for myself leaves me indecisive
If the world used their wishes for someone else,
They will become one
The smiles bring the dawn of love.”

She turned around, seeing her own doll had come to life, and had now taken a human form. She stood frozen, shocked and unable to comprehend what she was seeing.


“It’s been a long time, Sakura,” the doll girl said with a smile.

“H-how is this possible..?”

“The man that made me for your Mama and Papa, the Dollmaker. He is an old magician with amazing power. He brought me to life with the love from your parents, with the task of looking after you as you got older.”

“Looking after me..? All this time, while I was protecting you, you were protecting me?”

“Of course. I wanted to thank you for all the love you gave me and how much fun it was to play with you. But now…”

“But now, what?”

“I cannot stay.”

Sakura’s eyes widened. “Eh?”

“My soul must go back to the Dollmaker. To put me in a new body for someone else. My current body has gotten old…”

“So.. you’re leaving me?”

“I’m sorry, Sakura. But in the end, it’s part of growing up. You don’t need me anymore, and I have to go provide love for another little girl.”

Sakura started to cry, hugging the girl. “No! I don’t want to lose you!”

“Don’t worry,” she reassured her. “You’ll be okay. A part of me will always be connected with you. And besides, you’re much too old to play with dolls.”

She wiped away her tears, seeing her give a bittersweet smile.

“It’s almost time. Now, sing the final notes and set me free.”

Sakura nodded as she sang the last words of the song, hugging Jurina as she did so. Her voice cracked slightly from her tears, but she was able to finish the song as the record player stopped.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that Jurina was back in doll form, completely limp. Her soul within the doll body had been lifted and returned home. Sakura smiled and hugged the doll again.

“Goodbye, Jurina…” she whispered before placing the doll beside the record player and leaving the attic.

A waste of a wish
I don’t want magic
There are many dreams I want to come true
But if I could just find what I truly want
I’d be happy

The End.


Hope you all liked it! :D
« Last Edit: October 27, 2017, 03:22:45 PM by sophcaro »

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline akbdaisuki48

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Re: Sakura's Doll (Jurisaku) OS based off Negaigoto
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2017, 01:08:51 AM »
c-come back to my side

now imma gonna imagine this fanfic every time watching the animated version of Negaigoto

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Sakura's Doll (Jurisaku) OS based off Negaigoto
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2017, 02:19:26 PM »
c-come back to my side

now imma gonna imagine this fanfic every time watching the animated version of Negaigoto

That's kinda where I drew inspiration from. ;)

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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