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Author Topic: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 11 (30/8/2018) [COMPLETED]  (Read 17778 times)

Offline Kyuartz

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 7 (25/5/2018)
« Reply #40 on: May 25, 2018, 07:57:06 PM »
Yayyyyy... you updated
I totally didn’t see this coming
And it’s not cringy at all
This is dramatic
Somehow I love it 😆😆
I love drama
And I wonder how you’ll make Rena remember
It seems that Jurina needs to remind Rena of everything
The drama comes at the most unexpected time, just when Rena realizes her feelings for Jurina
Update soon~~~ I’ll be waiting

Offline LuckyMatsui

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 7 (25/5/2018)
« Reply #41 on: May 26, 2018, 03:25:12 AM »
Woah! Rena has amnesia! I'm getting the vibes of 50 first dates here.

Waiting for the next chapter  :cow:
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 7 (25/5/2018)
« Reply #42 on: June 03, 2018, 07:29:31 PM »
With a title like this, I figured this might happen sooner or later! XD

So now Rena has forgotten Jurina... What's next?!

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Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 7 (25/5/2018)
« Reply #43 on: June 08, 2018, 11:40:46 PM »
What going to happen with Rena now?

So now Rena has forgotten Jurina... What's next?!

And I wonder how you’ll make Rena remember
It seems that Jurina needs to remind Rena of everything
The drama comes at the most unexpected time, just when Rena realizes her feelings for Jurina

Now that Rena lost her memory, Jurina would try even harder to bring her back in her life.  :cool1:

Woah! Rena has amnesia! I'm getting the vibes of 50 first dates here.
I've watched 50 First Dates and I like it! ^^

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 8 (9/6/2018)
« Reply #44 on: June 09, 2018, 12:08:55 AM »

The doctor explained everything to Jurina and to Rena’s dad. Rena had partial amnesia, mostly caused by the trauma of the accident. It could be healed, but the doctor couldn’t give an approximative time. The medication and treatment could be short, but it could also take a long time for her to recover. Rena remembered almost everything, except for the last four years of her life. As Rena didn’t know Jurina before that time, it was impossible for her to recognize her.

The doctor couldn’t explain why Rena had specifically forgotten those last four years of her life. The human brain works in a strange way. Jurina sighed. She was now sitting beside Rena’s dad, listening while he was patiently explaining the situation to his daughter.

“It’s… 2017?” Rena took a moment to fully grasp the shocking revelation.

“Yes, my dear.”

“I don’t remember anything between 2013 and 2017. The last thing I remember, is that I was about to go home from work. I don’t understand...”

“You will get your memories back. It’s only a matter of time,” Rena’s dad spoke tenderly.

Jurina remained silent. Somehow, she felt a little awkward. She doesn’t even remember me. Maybe I should let them talk, just the two of them.

“Excuse me but… I think I will get a cup of coffee. Would you like to have one, Mr. Matsui?” Jurina looked back at Rena’s dad in expectation.

“Thank you, Jurina. But I’m fine.” He shook his head negatively.

Just when Jurina had left the room, Rena immediately questionned her dad. “Who is she?”

“Ah, Jurina? She’s you friend. You both work at the same company.”

“My officemate?”

“Yes. You live with her,” Hideki cleared his throat.

“What??” Rena couldn’t believe it. There was no way she could be living with someone she barely knew.

We must be very close.

“During one of our Skype conversations, you introduced her to me. I think you’re good friends with her. A very good one.”

Rena suddenly remembered how Jurina behaved this morning.

Was she trying to kiss me?

“Dad, are you sure she’s only a friend to me?”

Rena was not a person who opened up easily to others but after her mother died, she got closer to her dad. She wondered how much he knew about her relationship with Jurina.

“I believe she’s more than a good friend to you, sweetheart.”

After two weeks of convalescence, Rena was finally allowed to leave the hospital. Her dad had already returned to Toyohashi as he couldn’t afford to miss work for too long. Rena felt actually much better. The bruises she had received from the accident had almost all healed and disappeared. Now, she only needed to work on her memory, which sometimes gave her terrible headaches when she tried to remember.

Jurina was wonderful with her during those two weeks. She took care of her so well that her dad didn’t have any problem with leaving her alone with Jurina. They were still feeling a little awkward around each other, but Rena didn’t really mind. She could tell she was in good hands. Not only was Jurina her officemate, she could probably also help her regain her memories.

“Are you ready to go home?” Jurina gently asked. She looked very happy, ready to turn on the car engine.

“Uhmm… yes,” Rena answered hesitantly. Deep down, she hoped that the place they were heading to was really a place she would be able to call home.

“We’ve arrived,” Jurina announced once they reached the apartment building. It was not necessary to say that, Jurina knew that. It was not like Rena had forgotten about her own apartment. She just wanted to break the silence between them. From the moment they had left the hospital, Rena had remained very quiet.

Rena relished the familiar atmosphere when she entered her appartment. She couldn’t believe she had forgotten the last four years of her life: her home hadn’t changed so much from what she remembered.

Well, there were actually some changes here and there, she gradually noticed as she progressived further inside the appartment. Rena clearly didn’t remember buying that bright, pink round sofa sitting in the corner of the living room. Wait, did she finally add a mini bar to her living room? She had always wanted to have one!

Approaching her book shelves, Rena gasped when she realized that her favourite comics series were completed. She was positively sure to have only gone through half of them. Rena thought it would be nice to read them again, since she didn’t remember the ending anyway.

Jurina cleared her throat, trying to get Rena’s attention. Rena had been so engrossed in her observation of the place, that she hadn’t even notice Jurina’s presence.

“How are you feeling now?” Jurina asked in curiosity.

“It feels familiar yet somehow distant. Some things are new to me. I don’t know… It’s like I’m going back to the future,” Rena answered in all honesty.

Jurina had to muster all her willpower to not hug the girl standing next to her. She desperately wanted to pull her into an embrace, gently stroke her hair, and tell her that everything was going to be alright. That she would always be at her side, and together they would manage to go through this terrible nightmare.

“You will recover soon, don’t worry,” Jurina said reassuringly.

Jurina didn’t try to interrupt Rena when she fell deep in her thoughts again. Rena still couldn’t get over her ‘new’ apartment. Her mind made a quick comparison with what she remembered, then proceeded to the more detailed ones. She wondered if Jurina had influenced her for some changes. Something suddenly crossed her mind. Rena scanned every picture in her home. She still remembered some pictures she hang on the wall, most of them were natural scenery and a few were pictures of herself. She then realised there was no picture of her with Jurina.

How come?
She asked herself. She decided to find the answer in her bedroom. Maybe their pictures were there? Rena was taken aback when she found no picture of them in her bedroom either. She began to wonder about the true nature of their relationship. She wanted to know what place Jurina had in her life. Unfortunately, her phone got broken in the accident: she had lost all her texts and pictures in the process.

“Hmm… Jurina?”

“Yes?” Jurina was silently following her.

“Did we rarely take pictures together?”

Jurina didn’t understand why Rena was asking such an odd question, but if it could help Rena gain her memory back, then she would gladly do anything for her. Maybe some pictures would remind her of something. Jurina took her phone out and browsed through her picture gallery.

She handed it to Rena sheepishly. “Well… you didn’t really like to take pictures. But sometimes, I took your picture without you knowing it.” Deep down, she hoped she didn’t sound too creepy.

Rena took a look at the pictures. Amongst them, there were only two or three pictures of them. Yet, on each of them, they acted and behaved very casually towards each other, like two good friends. 

Wait, what kind of pictures was I expecting to see? Rena felt a little silly.

“Alright then, sleep well. I will sleep in the guest bedroom. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me.”

Jurina knew Rena all-too-well: she wouldn’t feel comfortable at the idea of sleeping with a stranger.

Rena didn’t protest. For some reason, she felt slightly bad for letting Jurina sleep in the guest room, but the truth was, she was still overwhelmed by this whole, unsettling situation. Maybe talking to someone she trusted would help. Her face brightened up when a name immediately came to the forefront of her mind.

She had decided.
Tonight, she would call her best friend Airi.

It was the first time Jurina was sleeping in the guest bedroom. All this time, she had never even really entered the place, and her eyes traveled around the place in curiosity. It was still quite early, yet Jurina locked herself in the room. She understood very well that Rena needed her space and some time alone to process everything that was happening to her. 

There was no TV in the room and Jurina was not really fond of reading. She tried to listen to music to pass time, but her mind was not at it. It wasn’t like her to not do something. She was a lively, energetic girl, always busy or occupied with something. It crossed her mind to have a chat online with her best friend Mayu, when she suddenly heard footsteps coming closer to her room.

“Jurina, can I come in?”

Did Rena change her mind? Jurina wondered.

“Yes, sure.”

Maybe she wants us to sleep… together? Jurina felt a little silly for thinking such a thing. 

Rena slowly opened the door. “I’m sorry to disturb you. Can I borrow your phone?” She asked hesitantly.

Jurina agreed, thinking maybe Rena wanted to check their texts or pictures.

“I want to call my friend Airi,” Rena explained. “You must know her.”

Oh well, that was unexpected.

“I know her,” Jurina confirmed. “She actually stayed here a few weeks ago.”


Jurina could perceive the enthusiasm in Rena’s voice. In fact, it was the first time Rena looked so excited since the accident.

She handed her phone to Rena. “But I don’t have her number.”

“Let me try call her old phone number. Maybe it hasn’t changed,” Rena said hopefully.

Rena pressed the numbers she was familiar with. Her heart beat faster when she patiently waited and heard the dial tone ringing.


“Airin!” Rena couldn’t help but shriek.

“Rena? Wow… it’s been years since the last time you called me by my nickname.” There was slight melancholy in her voice. “Anyway, did you change phone number?”

“No, I’m calling from Jurina’s phone.”

“What’s up, Rena?”

“It’s a long story. I was wondering if we could meet this weekend.”

“You’re going to Tokyo?!” Airi exclaimed in surprise. “Will you go with Jurina, or by yourself?”

“Tokyo? You are in Tokyo now? You’re no longer working in Toyohashi?” Confused, Rena looked back at Jurina. Jurina might know something about it.

“I don’t understand. Rena, are you alright?”

“No, I don’t think so,” Rena confessed desperately. “I really need to meet you in Toyohashi as soon as possible.”

(to be continued)

Offline Rhythm

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 8 (9/6/2018)
« Reply #45 on: June 09, 2018, 06:15:35 AM »
Wait since Rena forgot her memories, airin wouldn't be the bad guy here right?
Poor Jurina, your life is unfortunate  :cool2:
Anyway thanks bukiyou taiyou san! I can't wait for the next update!

Offline Haruko

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 8 (9/6/2018)
« Reply #46 on: June 11, 2018, 12:18:49 AM »
so hard for both girls, J needs to be very patience and not all touchy like always also the love of Rena gonna be tested.

Offline Kyuartz

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 8 (9/6/2018)
« Reply #47 on: June 13, 2018, 04:59:10 AM »
I feel bad for Jurina but I hope she would be alright with Rena contacting Airin
Hopefully slowly Rena could regain her memories back as the longer she forgotten, I feel that Jurina would be more in pain
And I feel that drama is coming
Somehow I feel excited with it. Haha
Update soon author

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 9 (26/6/2018)
« Reply #48 on: June 26, 2018, 03:34:37 PM »
Chapter 9

It was settled. Rena would meet Airi at Toyohashi for the weekend. She told Airi about her current situation a little, leaving the later deeply worried.

Saturday morning. Rena was prepared to go to Toyohashi. She was surprised when she saw Jurina was also readying her backpack.

“Jurina, I don’t think you should come with me to Toyohashi…” Rena said hesitantly.

“Uhmm... no. I’m not coming with you,” Jurina winced in unease. “I’m just going home to my apartment. I feel like spending the weekend there.”

“Oh,” Rena mentally cursed herself.

“Or maybe more,” Jurina’s voice trailed away. “We’ll see.”

“Alright,” Rena attempted a smile. “Have a nice weekend then.”

“You too,” Jurina returned the smile shyly. “Enjoy yourself in Toyohashi.”

Rena approached to give Jurina a hug but retracted herself at the last moment, silence progressively envelopping them as they left the apartment.

Airi was shocked when Rena told her over the phone about her accident and partial amnesia. The whole time she spoke, she had a hard time believing it; she thought those kinds of things only happened in movies.

Toyohashi was chosen as their rendezvous place not without consideration, Airi thought. It was Rena’s safe place, the place she knew very well. It was the place they both grew up together. Airi looked through her window train pensively: the familiar scenery unfolding before her eyes told her that she had almost reached her destination.

There was a park near their school in Toyohashi where they used to spend time together after class. The park was not crowded, which was something they both were thankful for. They had a favourite spot near a pond where they could just sit and talk for a while. They were planning on meeting there this afternoon.

Airi smiled fondly when she arrived, and noticed the familiar girl wearing a sleeveless white blouse and a black skirt sitting on a bench near the pond. It was a bright and unexpectedly warm day despite what the forecaster had predicted this morning. Noticing her best friend’s arrival, Rena smiled back at Airi and stood up at once, gathering her in her arms for a long hug. To be honest, Rena was terribly afraid, and had too many questions juggling in her head. Airi’s reassuring presence by her side was something she desperately needed right now.

They talked like in the good old days. Airi was understanding enough not to ask Rena about the details of the accident. She knew it was not the reason why Rena had asked to meet her here. Her dear friend was desperately trying to make sense of the situation and put the pieces back together, and Airi would gladly do anything to help her.

As of Rena, she felt like nothing had really changed; except for the fact that she now had Jurina, and Airi moved to Tokyo.

“Jurina told me you came to Nagoya a few weeks ago,” Rena started hesitantly. “Tell me, Airin, what do you think about Jurina and I?”

“You look good together,” Airi answered truthfully. “I can tell Jurina cares a lot about you.”

“What about me? Did I love her? I… don’t feel anything for her and it’s scary,” Rena admitted helplessly. “You discover that you live with someone you barely know and you feel it’s wrong not to love her back like it should be, like it used to be…”

Airi pondered over her question seriously. “Remember when we were in fourth grade? My grandfather fell sick, and my parents came to visit him.”

Rena nodded in confusion, not understanding why Airi was bringing up such a particular subject.

“My younger brother went with them,” Airi continued. “I couldn’t accompany my parents because there were school exams. We didn’t have any relative in Toyohashi, so I had to stay alone at home. When you heard about it, you asked your parents to let me sleep at your house. We were so happy when our parents agreed. I was excited to have a sleepover at your place. I thought it would be fun. We would be able to study together, then talk at length before going to sleep.”

Rena was trying to understand where this conversation was going.

“I was surprised when you asked me to sleep in the guest room, I thought we were friends. I thought you would let me sleep in your room. I still remember what you told me that day, ‘I’m sorry, Airi. I’m not comfortable enough sleeping with other people. It’s not you, it’s me.’ Airi couldn’t help but smile in amusement as she remembered Rena’s clumsy attempt to justify herself. “You always try to not hurt people’s feelings, but you are also very honest about how you feel. That’s something I always liked about you. When you finally let me sleep in your room – couple of years later – I felt like I had been finally fully accepted by you.”

Airi’s last sentence got Rena’s attention: she had never thought about it before.

“When I saw you with Jurina for the first time, I realized how important she was to you. You let her stay at your appartment, after all. I know you by heart: you only let very few people enter your life, even less your personal space. Right now, Jurina is the closest person to you. And yes, I can tell you loved her too.”

Rena didn’t say anything. Airi could be right. One question was answered, but she actually had another important question.

“Airin…” Rena’s heart beat a little faster as she was about to ask a tricky question. Her face turned slightly red when she finally mustered her courage to speak up. “Did I… Did I ever confess my feelings for you?”

Taken aback by the unexpected question, Airi looked at Rena for a pregnant, thoughtful moment, before reaching out and gently caressing her arm. “Yes, you did.”

“When was it? What happened?” Rena asked, surprised.

“I made a stupid mistake,” Airi confessed. “It happened two years ago. I was such a fool to reject you. We didn’t talk for two years because I was too stubborn. Up until now, I still regret it for those two years that we lost.”

“Oh…” Rena felt a pang in her chest at the revelation. She wondered how she had dealt with her own broken heart after such a rejection.

“A few weeks ago, I finally saw you again. I told you I was so sorry for being so childish back then, and I actually… confessed to you. I wanted you to know that I returned your feelings, but it was already too late.”

“I-I rejected you?” Rena exclaimed, bewildered.

“It’s ironic, isn’t it?” Airi smiled weakly. “Right now, you might think you have feelings for me, like what you felt for me four years ago. But I have to remind you that your feelings have changed over time. I like you, but I don’t want to take advantage of your current amnesia and fragile state of mind. Jurina is a good girl. She deserves your love.”

“What should I do about her, Airin?” Rena asked, feeling a little helpless.

Airi gave her a small, reassuring smile. “Why don’t you give yourself a second chance to love her?”

Jurina spent the day driving around the city and returned to her apartment in the evening. It felt strange to be standing in her apartment again; it had been such a long time since she had set foot in her old place. Once she began living with Rena, she rarely came back. Jurina cleaned and tidied her apartment, while listening to music to try and clear her head. However, she couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable as she thought back to that moment when Rena had told her that she would meet Airi again. Maybe she was jealous, or afraid of loosing Rena.

Since the accident, Rena looked at her as if she was a complete stranger. And now that she was spending time with Airi, who knew what could happen?

Jurina trusted Airi and knew she had a good heart, but it was Rena’s heart Jurina was concerned about. When the music and occupation failed to relax her, Jurina knew she had to find something else to occupy herself with. If truth be told, she badly needed someone to talk to and didn’t want to be alone right now. Her decision made, she seized her cellphone and made a quick call, before leaving her apartment.

Jurina knew she clearly wasn’t in the best state of mind when she arrived in front of the appartment and rang at the door. The apartment she was visiting was only a few meters away from hers. After a few seconds, the door opened, yet Jurina had a hard time looking directly at the person now staring back at her.

“I didn’t believe you would come and see me, not when I remember how you treated me the last time we met,” Annin, wearing a night gown, crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re lucky that I was home tonight.”

Annin stepped aside, letting Jurina enter her apartment.

“You had a fight with your girlfriend,” Annin said, although it more a statement than a question. “And now, you need someone to help you change your mind. Well, I guess I don’t mind. I really missed you.”

Annin went to sit next to Jurina on the sofa and didn’t hesitate to reach for her hand and entwine their fingers together. When she leaned forward and embraced the other girl, she felt relieved when Jurina didn’t resist the affectionate gesture. Encouraged by Jurina’s compliance, Annin decided to push her luck and placed a lingering kiss on Jurina’s cheek. As she approached next Jurina’s lips to steal a kiss, she was caught off guard when Jurina abruptly retreated.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t do this,” Jurina stammered, as she averted her gaze and slowly stood up from the sofa.

“I should’ve guessed so,” Annin let out a despondent sigh before standing up, watching with a mixture of sadness and frustration as Jurina made her way back towards the front door. “You really love her, don’t you?”

Jurina’s feet immediately stopped on the floor at the question. Turning around, embarrassment clouded her features as she approached and gently hugged Annin, before placing a soft kiss against her forehead. “Please forgive me. I know you will one day find someone who can love you as much as you deserve.”

That night, Annin knew she had lost Jurina for good.

(to be continued)

Offline Kyuartz

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 9 (26/6/2018)
« Reply #49 on: June 26, 2018, 06:10:21 PM »
this is nice
I need to see how Rena would let herself fall for Jurina again
You scared me a bit as I thought Jurina would make a huge mistake, which luckily no
update soon, I'll be waiting

Offline Haruko

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 9 (26/6/2018)
« Reply #50 on: June 27, 2018, 03:57:35 PM »
At leat Airi could help and J didn't make a mistake..

Offline Rhythm

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 9 (26/6/2018)
« Reply #51 on: June 27, 2018, 07:26:50 PM »
*sigh of relief* thank god airin is a good character here, gawd Rena Please goes to Jurina apartment and try to know her more ((again))
Thank you bukiyou taiyou san  :deco:

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 10 (15/7/2018)
« Reply #52 on: July 15, 2018, 01:19:32 PM »
Chapter 10

Rena went back to Nagoya after spending two days in her hometown. She returned to her apartment on a rainy Sunday night and felt slightly disappointed to find Jurina was not there. Well, she did say she would spend the weekend at her apartment. Just when she thought about it, Rena heard the faint click of the front door.

“Ah, you’re already home. I thought you would arrive later,” Jurina said, appearing with two paper bags in her hands. Her hair was a bit wet and the splash of water left traces on her light brown coat. As if knowing what Rena was about to say, Jurina explained, “I went to buy food at the mini market down the road. It was only raining a little when I entered the place, before it transformed into a real downpour. The first time in weeks! I had to run to reach the car.”

“Yes, it’s raining heavily today,” Rena admitted while she listened to the sound of the rain falling outside.

“I forgot to bring my umbrella. Or so I thought. Because I...” Jurina made a pause.

Rena waited expectantly to what Jurina was about to say next.

“When I took a seat in the car, I found an umbrella. You… you must have put it there because you knew I tend to forget my umbrella.”

“But I didn’t…” Rena frowned in confusion. “Well, maybe I did. I’m sorry, I don’t remember...”

At hearing Rena’s sad, melancholic tone, Jurina felt slightly bad. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to remind you of… you know… the accident.”

They suddenly felt awkward in each other’s presence. To be honest, Jurina didn’t feel like she belonged there anymore and remembered her plan to move back to her old apartment.

“Are you okay with me still living here? With you?” Jurina hesitated. “Maybe it’s better if I return to my apartment. Maybe you need time-”

“No, Jurina,” Rena interrupted her, remembering what Airi said about giving her – giving them – a second chance. “I think it’s a good thing that you are here. You can tell me what happened these last few years. I mean… you could tell me what kind of person I was before the accident, about the work, about anything I don’t remember.”

Jurina’s eyes widened in surprise. After hearing that, she quickly brushed away the idea to move back to her apartment.

Rena cleared her throat nervously. “Tomorrow, I’m going back to work. I will need your help to get through the first days.”

“Are you sure?”

“About what?” Rena smiled a little. “Me starting work tomorrow or that I need you to help me?”


“I’m totally fine,” Rena reassured her. “It’s already been two weeks. I think it’s good to repeat the routine; it could help me remember something. And you were the closest person to me before the accident. You know me better than anyone else right now. So, what do you think. Should we try?”

“Yeah, sure.” Jurina smiled and nodded back in agreement, feeling a flicker of hope igniting in her chest. She would do anything – absolutely anything – to get her girlfriend back.

The sound of hot water boiling from a hotpot on the table filled the quiet room. The rain stopped a while ago. Jurina put the vegetables, sliced meat and seafood in the hotpot. Rena – sitting next to her – put some rice in her bowl.

Shabu-shabu is always a good idea during a rainy day, don’t you think?” Jurina asked while taking with her chopsticks a slice of meat from the hotpot.

“It keeps us warm,” Rena agreed.

I will make sure to keep you even warmer if you let me sleep with you tonight. Jurina brushed off the idea to say it out loud.

“In my family, we only have shabu-shabu at home to celebrate something,” Rena continued. “Like birthdays or any special occasion.”

“Well, the tradition still exists until now in this house. I learned it from you.”


“Yep,” Jurina said with assurance. “Tonight, we are celebrating your return home.”

Rena laughed a little. “You should have done it a few days ago when I came back from the hospital.”

“But you locked yourself in your room. It would have been awkward,” Jurina teased. “Anyway, welcome home.” She raised her glass of ocha, waiting for Rena to do the same.

“Thank you,” Rena said, mimicking Jurina’s gesture. Their glasses made a clink sound. As Rena brought the glass to her lips, she realized how terribly empty the apartment would feel if Jurina was not with her right now.

The thought of going back to the office for the first time after two weeks made Rena a bit anxious. Even though it had technically only been two weeks, there was in reality a four-year gap in her head. Four years she had no idea about. This morning, Jurina had promised Rena to give her a brief update on their way to work. These last two weeks, they barely talked about work-related matters. Jurina’s priority was Rena’s health and how to make her feel comfortable at home.

When Jurina told her she had been appointed as chief for several projects, she began to feel really nervous. She didn’t remember anything! Not even when Jurina told her about their project in Nagoya, the project when they worked together for the first time. As a person with a strong sense of responsibility, Rena felt like she would be just a burden for the office. The Management Board was well informed of Rena’s current condition and hadn’t decided anything yet. As Rena was a valuable asset for the office, they wanted to give her the opportunity and necessary time to recover.

“What if I messed up?” Rena cupped her face with both her hands, feeling the anxiety growing up inside her.

“Don’t worry, you have a great team. Besides, I’ll be just three cubicles away from your office.”

“I have my own office?”

“Yes, you’re the chief officer. A very cool chief officer,” Jurina glanced back at Rena in light amusement but the later was feeling too nervous to react.

“I’m not sure…”

“Please don’t worry. You’ll be fine.” Jurina grasped Rena’s hand to comfort her for a short moment before pulling back, afraid such physical contact might unsettle the other girl. 

“No…” Rena protested. “Please hold my hand. I need it the most now.”

Jurina didn’t need to be asked twice to hold her hand again.

When Jurina’s car stopped in front of a coffee shop, Rena couldn’t believe that this shop was part of their morning ritual.

“Yep, we went here at least three times a week,” Jurina explained.

“It’s only for you, right? I don’t drink coffee.”

“You did like it. Listen, there’s this man who will greet us behind the bar,” Jurina said, suddenly having an idea. “His name is Yamada, it’s the owner of the shop. He doesn’t know about the accident. Ask him to have the usual and you will understand what I mean.”

Rena read the signboard. The Yamada’s. She desperately tried to remember the place, much in vain. However, the pleasant smell of fresh coffee reaching her nostrils as they entered immediately felt familiar.

Jurina was right: an old man greeted them with enthusiasm.

“WMatsui! Good morning! It’s been a while!” he said cheerfully, looking genuinely happy to see them both.

“Good morning!” Both Rena and Jurina said in unison. Rena was amused to be known as WMatsui, it sounded like a name for a duo.

“I would like the usual, please,” Rena asked, curious to know what kind of coffee she would get.

“Me too,” Jurina added.

“You want to drink here or takeaway?” Yamada asked while brewing the coffee.

Jurina exchanged a questioning look with Rena.

Rena looked down at her watch. “I think we still have plenty of time. I’d like to enjoy the coffee here.”

There was something special about this coffee shop that Rena truly appreciated. The place was not necessarily silent, but quiet enough for Rena to enjoy herself. Rena noticed that Jurina seemed close to the owner and Yamada visibly also enjoyed the young girl’s presence. He sometimes laughed at Jurina’s cheesy jokes, a humorous side of Jurina that Rena was progressively discovering.

When her caffé latte was served on the table, Rena was delightful to see an owl-shaped art on the top. “I can’t possibly drink it. It’s too cute,” Rena exclaimed, admiring the foam art.

Jurina, who was sipping her cappuccino, paused and looked up in surprise. Those specific words immediately resonated within her: it was the exact same thing Rena had uttered the first time they had come here and Rena latter had ordered a caffé latte. It’s like repeating the past, Jurina thought. But Jurina didn’t mind at all repeating their moments together.

(to be continued)

Offline Haruko

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 10 (15/7/2018)
« Reply #53 on: July 17, 2018, 12:31:24 AM »
I really love how Rena will discover her lover for J and job. Thank you for this lovely story

Offline Kyuartz

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 10 (15/7/2018)
« Reply #54 on: July 17, 2018, 08:19:59 AM »
Oh... I love the part where Rena said the exact same thing that she did as in the past
This chapter brought smile to my face
Update soon author

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 11 (30/8/2018) [COMPLETED]
« Reply #55 on: August 30, 2018, 05:16:47 PM »
Chapter 11

It had been a week since Rena went back to work. She adjusted herself easily as she recognised many familiar faces. Jurina was also very helpful, giving her the necessary updates on their current project. Whether at home or at work, she never got tired of answering Rena’s questions, no matter how trivial they were.

There was only one question Jurina couldn’t answer.

It all started when Rena went on her laptop and found her Cloud account. Because of the accident, Rena’s phone had broken as well as its memory card. She now had a new phone, but she kept wondering how to retrieve its memory, until she saw the Cloud account. If only she remembered the password.

“Jurina, do you know the password of my Cloud account?”

“Uhmm… no. Maybe you can try your birthday?” suggested Jurina.

“I never put my birthday as my password.”

Nevertheless, Rena tried the combination of her birthday but failed. She asked for a new password but unfortunately she also updated the password of her private email. This Saturday night, Rena was still trying to figure out the password. She was lying on the bed, with the laptop resting on her lap. She tried countless of possible combinations of words and numbers, without any result. Rena was beginning to feel really hopeless.

In the background, Rena could hear the sound of cooking in the kitchen. Rena glanced up at the clock, knowing that Jurina was preparing dinner. Tonight, they decided to have rice curry. She was about to leave her laptop aside and join the younger girl in the kitchen when something suddenly occurred to her. She remembered that, in the past, she used to put the name of a person dear to her as her password. Maybe the pattern is still the same.

Rena looked at the blank password box on her Cloud account and began to type.


Password is invalid.

Rena sighed at the pop-up notification. She tried again.



Maybe the password is the combination of our names, she thought.


The same pop-up notification appeared. Frustrated, Rena almost gave up until she remembered something. A name that she heard that morning at The Yamada’s.


She couldn’t believe her eyes when the account started proceeding. The password was correct! Without wasting time, Rena began to browse through the photos of her older phone. Starting from the recent folder, she looked at the very first pic.

It was the picture of a sleeping Jurina. So peaceful yet so cute. Rena checked the date: it was the morning right before the accident. She kept browsing; her pictures with Jurina were noticeable between hundreds of other pictures. There were not so many of them, but Rena loved how happy she looked every time Jurina was by her side.

The video folder was the next she explored. Rena clicked the most recent one showing Jurina in the frame. By Jurina’s pyjamas, Rena assumed the video was taken at the same time as the previous picture of the sleeping Jurina.

Jurina looked gorgeous, even with her messy short hair. She smiled so brightly – beaming with both eyes closed – but then looked puzzled when she opened her eyes and discovered Rena holding her phone.

“Wait, are you recording?”

Rena could hear her own laugh in the video.

“That’s not fair,” Jurina pouted.

“Well… I can see you did enjoy the kiss,” Rena teased.

Jurina was blushing and Rena couldn’t help but utter a light “awww”.

“I really like it when you blush like that. So adorable! I’m going to miss you, so please let me keep this cute video of you?”

Jurina pondered her options. She didn’t say anything.

“No? Okay, I will delete this video.” Rena sounded sad.

“No! Keep the video,” Jurina finally said, “But…”


“Take a shower with me. Just for this morning.”

“No,” Rena giggled.

“Yes.” Jurina leaned closer and the video started to change direction. Now it showed the ceiling. It was as if Rena unconsciously put down her phone on the bed.

The ceiling was the last thing the video showed. Before the video finished, Rena could hear – almost inaudibly – her own voice saying yes.

Feelings began submerging her and tears rolled down her cheeks.

We were real.

Rena repeated those words to herself again and again, yet frustration washed over her as she couldn’t remember any of those sweet moments between them. Now, she was more than certain that her heart belonged to Jurina. Rena closed her laptop and left the bedroom, then walked towards the kitchen where the person she wanted to see the most was cooking dinner.

Noticing Rena’s presence from her peripheral vision, Jurina spoke up, “I was about to go to your room to ask whether you like to have potatoes in your curry or not.”

When she received no answer, Jurina turned around in her direction, only to see Rena crying.

“Rena, what happened?” Jurina got immediately worried.

“I’m sorry I can’t remember,” Rena sobbed.

“It’s okay,” Jurina reassured her, turning off the electric stove and drawing closer to Rena. Her heart ached to see a person so dear to her trying so hard to remember her past that it would bring tears to her eyes. Without warning, Jurina gathered Rena in her arms and hugged her tightly to comfort her.

“I saw our pictures and videos on my Cloud,” said Rena between sobs.

Jurina processed the information, now understanding what had triggered Rena’s tears.

“It’s okay,” Jurina gently repeated, while bringing Rena to the living room and taking a seat on the sofa.

“What should I do, Jurina? What if I never get my memories back? Our memories?”

Jurina was pained to witness her girlfriend’s despair. It was the first time she saw Rena have such a breakdown because of the accident. Rena always acted strong but tonight she looked so fragile and powerless.

“Rena, sweetheart, we can always make new memories,” Jurina cupped Rena’s chin tenderly.“While we can still work on remembering the old ones. What do you think?”

Rena nodded weakly.

“I’ll be at your side, Rena. You can count on me. I can’t promise that you’ll get your old memories back, but I’ll do my best to help you and to fill your future with new, happy memories.”

Rena was still in tears, but her tears of sadness progressively transformed into tears of joy and hope. She hugged back Jurina, feeling warm and safe in her arms. That night, Jurina knew wholeheartedly that Rena’s love was eventually hers. No more hesitation, no more doubts. Jurina knew she would keep her promise to Rena even if it took her a lifetime to take a journey to her memory.

« Last Edit: September 01, 2018, 06:47:36 AM by Bukiyou Taiyou »

Offline Kyuartz

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 11 (30/8/2018) [COMPLETED]
« Reply #56 on: August 31, 2018, 06:24:09 PM »
Can't believe that it has come to the end
but it's wrapped up beautifully, although I slightly feel that it's rushed
Still.. it's a great work, keep writing author
I'll keep supporting your work :yep: :yep: :yep:

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 11 (30/8/2018) [COMPLETED]
« Reply #57 on: August 31, 2018, 08:41:03 PM »
Aww~ this ending is so bittersweet, but it's perfect. :')

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
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Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 11 (30/8/2018) [COMPLETED]
« Reply #58 on: September 01, 2018, 04:23:00 PM »
Aww~ this ending is so bittersweet, but it's perfect. :')

Thank you! I'm glad you like it. :hee:

Can't believe that it has come to the end
but it's wrapped up beautifully, although I slightly feel that it's rushed
Still.. it's a great work, keep writing author
I'll keep supporting your work :yep: :yep: :yep:

Thank you for your support ^^ I really appreciate it.
I can understand if you feel the ending was rushed. To be honest it's not only you who think that way.
Well, like I said in the prologue, this fic was meant to be only one page. I intended to write the prologue only (it was about how Jurina calmly reacted to rejection from Rena), while the rest of the plot was on my mind. :on lol:
Then I thought, "Okay, maybe I'll write a one-shot for this." But apparently this fic was longer than I already planned.
Since the very beginning, I never intended to make Rena got her memories back. I want this fic ended with Jurina's starting journey to Rena's memories, hence the title. And the journey was up to each reader to interpret it.


Thanks to all of you who read and supported me by giving likes or sending comments. I like to read the comments though I don't always know how to respond other than giving likes back. :kneelbow:

See you in another fic! :byebye:

Offline Haruko

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Re: [WMATSUI] A Journey to Her Memory - Chapter 11 (30/8/2018) [COMPLETED]
« Reply #59 on: September 03, 2018, 04:43:30 PM »
EH?!?! THAT's ALL!! ieke really?!?! but what happen next? Rena will gain her memories o not? OMG This is really the end? -___-

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