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Author Topic: Our Cursed Gift [Chapter 47: Our Final Promise][COMPLETE]  (Read 132182 times)

Offline Yuuyami

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Chapter 9: "Lonewolves"
« Reply #80 on: September 17, 2006, 09:16:34 AM »
Saikami: That was my personal opinion of that PV, haha.

Mikan: And I would love to say whether you're right or wrong, but if I did, that would give everyone hints. <3

Krazyfor Kamei: Thank you!

Rndmnweird: You still haven't heard of it? o_O It's Maki's latest video. After Glass no Pumps. It's in the Maki thread, the PV for it.

NOTE: Once again, unedited. Oh and, it's kinda long.


“Bah…” Reina rolled on her untidy bed. Her feet were facing the pillow while her head tilted outwards to view the TV in its upside-down glory: pure boredom. She did not bother calling up anyone, not even her fellow generation members; she and they are too different. Although the media depicted generations to be close with each other, especially fifth generation, Reina simply did not get along well with Eri or Sayumi. It’s not that they despise each other, they are simply too different, therefore, any topic they brought up in front of Reina would not pull her interest. And neither of Reina’s topics pulled their interests. Not only that, this fellow member didn’t have a friend of much value to the extent of adding “best” in front of it.

“I suppose a walk in the park won’t hurt. The media shouldn’t be out at night at a park. They’re probably flocking the clubs…”

The day for Reina was extremely boring. Even after such a huge event in the morning, she still wasn’t interested enough in other activities. She didn’t feel like shopping. She didn’t feel like going out to eat. She didn’t feel like doing anything. Instead, she chose to confine herself in her room, watching boring television all day long, and only unrestricted herself to food at the café below her floor.

“Even the head—”

“Don’t bring her into my mind again…” Maki released Reina and turned her head towards her fellow cursed member. “Even though we can’t defy her, we might as well ignore her.”

“It slipped by me before…”Reina rolled on top of her stomach, “I wonder who the head is? Leader of the cursed? Hmm. Probably, I’ll ask Leader or Miki when I see them.” Reina knew Maki was out of question, she was the one who threatened her after all. So she would probably not talk to Reina, let alone tell her who the head is.

“Yeah… A simple walk would be nice…” She got up and looked for certain items on the ground. After finding her black jacket, and a pair of purple shades, she set out her room, shutting off the TV.

As she passed by the rooms, she could not help but feel drawn to the white board on Miki’s room. In very big blue letters, it said “Out with Ayaya” and in very small print in the corner of the whiteboard, “Whoever used up the black marker shall pay dearly.”

Reina could not help but smirk as she went down the stairs. Other people doodled on their leader, as told by Ai at dance rehearsal. So she is not the only one to blame, if starting it does not count. Reina got the marker situation out of her head as she stepped out of the apartment.

The night air immediately filled her nostrils with a very damp feeling. Perhaps it rained? Reina did not care, she did not want to think about what happened before. She thought of trivial things as she walked on the streets.

Ah, pork buns for sale over there… Oh, a child is crying for her mother… Heh, nice punch, perhaps that yanki crossed the wrong territory? Those pants on display are nice…Why am I even bothering with such trivial things?

Reina finally reached the park watched by the crescent moon suspended in the sky. The park was surprisingly not that small, but it was big to the extent of trees blocking view from passing cars. “Oh jeez. Why think of the media when there might be the local pervert?” she muttered to herself. Though, she knew that as long as she wandered around a well-traveled area, she was safe.

Ah… bugs, so annoying…The fountain is nice though… I see they already took out the summer flowers, the autumn ones are probably still seeds…Aw, a random couple walking by… Someone sitting on the bench… there’s a snake in the grass near the bench…

“Say what?”


Someone sitting on the bench… there’s a snake in the grass near the bench…

The figure seemed to be clutching it’s waist with opposite hands and gave off an aura of “leave me be.” But Reina was not like that, she simply must intrude the bubble.

She sat right next to the figure, and the snake drew it’s attention from the person to the new visitor. The snake hissed dangerously at Reina, but she didn’t mind. The person she hoped to intrude was wearing a pretty classy dark brown coat, the kind with four buttons in the front, and the thin collar. The hair of the person had a very distinct wavy pattern to it… The person did not pay attention to Reina, instead, stared at the concrete below.

The snake continuously hissed at Reina, until finally, the person sitting next to Reina spoke in a very odd tongue. It sounded very similar to a snake’s hissing, yet with some words, words that were probably ancient… The snake left with a final hiss at Reina, and a stare at the person.

“What brings you out here? You know there’s the pervert they still haven’t caught,” Maki still faced the floor, still clutching her waist with opposing hands and leaning forward.

Ah ha… Goto-san? Thought so. She’s probably going to get angry again…

“Only needed the fresh air, that’s all,” Reina leaned back on the bench, tilting her head backwards to look at the night sky. She wanted to bring up the Head, but for some odd reason, her mind refused to give the command, instead she put it away in her head.

“Is that so?” Maki turned her head away from Reina.

Awkward silence.

“And what is Goto-san doing out here?” Reina lifted her head straight.

“Like hell I’m telling a untrustwo—I mean…” Maki caught herself, Reina looked at Maki with a strange gaze, and she knew she quickly had to come up with an excuse, “like you, I wanted some fresh air…”

Reina forgave Maki that first instant, knowing that she didn’t want to scare Reina off perhaps… “Must be nice to fly in it, eh Goto-san?”

“I guess…” Maki shifted so that she reached into her pocket. She pulled out something Reina didn’t see, and kept it hidden in her hand. “It’s not that special, being an Orochi…”

“I see… So does speaking with snakes come naturally, Goto-san?” Reina was unsure of how to respond so another question ensued.

“I’d rather you not call me Goto-san.”

“Alright… Maki…-san…”

“What?” the tone of Maki’s voice sounded annoying.

“Nothing, simply wanted to try it out.”

“Then you have no reason to call!” Maki sharply turned her head towards the wonky eyed companion. Reina was about to apologize, judging by her apologetic look, but Maki sat straight and waved her hand, “No need to apologize… It’s somewhat of a natural reaction…Sorry…”

Reina was about to open her mouth again, but Maki interrupted.

“I…Also apologize for this morning, must’ve given you a scare…” Maki turned away. However, Reina leaned a bit forward to find that Maki was slightly blushing. “I’m just not used to such a young person having knowledge of our curse, so I’m sorry about that…” Maki reached her hand towards Reina, and faced her.

She opened her hand to reveal a thin-chained necklace with a black cross outlined in silver metal, “I also wondered what would happen if you did not forgive me, so I got you this necklace I happened to find in a good store.”

“Thank you,” Reina tried to keep herself composed, she had always wanted this necklace, ever since she laid eyes on it at the unmentioned store. She wanted to give Maki a hug and a happy grin, but being too familiar with her might anger her again… So the best thing she can do is give a serene smile. She attempted to put it on, but to no avail, she couldn’t get it from behind. Maki noticed her struggle, and on impulse, took the necklace and successfully tied it on.

“How does it look on me?” Reina asked, giving the cross a stroke.

“Looks good on you. Thought of you when I saw it, seeing how much you loved to wear them.”

“Thank you for thinking of me.” And Reina gave a slight bow. When she looked up again, Maki looked like she was in a loss of words, and a bit confused at Reina’s polite gesture. What a nice look on her… Reina could not help but smile again, adding more confusion to Maki. Better than the scowling face in the morning.

Maki stood up and looked at Reina, “It’s pretty late, and I’m sure you got your fresh air…Since you are already here, want to walk home together?”

« Last Edit: September 17, 2006, 11:49:05 PM by Yuuyami »

Offline YoukaiChica

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« Reply #81 on: September 17, 2006, 10:36:38 AM »
Aw. Reina and Maki. That was so cute. Especially when Maki was awkward and didn't know how to react to Reina. Good chapter, even if it is long. And the longer the chapter, the better!

Offline loreny

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« Reply #82 on: September 17, 2006, 03:00:10 PM »
hehe really interesting storyline, i also liked the bit where Maki was all uncomfortable etc. around Reina.

Hope you update soon!


Offline Saikami

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« Reply #83 on: September 17, 2006, 06:23:26 PM »
-squeals while jumping up and down and hugging Yuuyami at the same time- YAY!!! GOTOxREINA!!! ^_______^ Such a cute chapter! I love it, and I really love how Maki got all uncomfortable around Reina and blushed and stuff! :heart::heart::panda_love::panda_kiss: I love you! :D XD I know I'll be slapped for that later in life. :sweatdrop:
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]

Offline rndmnwierd

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« Reply #84 on: September 17, 2006, 07:09:59 PM »
Lol MakixReina is good. I liked this cutenesssss chapter.

Offline Tanachan

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« Reply #85 on: September 17, 2006, 11:49:59 PM »
Quoting Ishibash after seeing 3nin from the front:


*joins group hug* Every chapter of this has officially been awesome! Keep it up!
If Helen Keller falls in the woods and no one is around, does she make a sound?

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« Reply #86 on: September 18, 2006, 12:18:20 AM »
Quote from: Tanachan
Quoting Ishibash after seeing 3nin from the front:

Done as only Ishibashi can do it:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Aioros

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« Reply #87 on: September 18, 2006, 05:45:48 AM »
Gentle Gocchin > Evil Gocchin

Reina always get the goodies. "Shower" Miki and admiring Maki up-close. Lucky Yankee :D

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

Offline Mikan

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« Reply #88 on: September 18, 2006, 09:13:39 AM »

Just reading the chapter made me think of Maki wearing this. :D Were you thinking the same?

Maki can talk to snakes?! Haha, that makes sense.

I still put my money on Ayaya being the head. She sort of looks like a snake person, lol.

At first I thought the necklace was a trick or something! haha, like jewlery that had some special power to it. I dont know :P

Where are you getting your story plan, btw?

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline ChrNo

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Our Cursed Gift
« Reply #89 on: September 18, 2006, 10:07:27 AM »
i loved that one “Perhaps I will, perhaps I won’t. You will get your answer from Reina’s mood by the end of the day.” :D

looks like Yossie is very confortable with the head...
mmmm....i'll go for....Mari ! XD

"Why am I even bothering with such trivial things?"

i'm kinda happy to see that Maki isn't a real evil girl haha...

the chapter was pretty cute ^^, loved it.
(as everyone already said...i should post first and then i wouldn't have that probleme hahaha :evil: )

Offline katatsumuri

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« Reply #90 on: September 18, 2006, 11:01:32 AM »

Offline Yuuyami

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« Reply #91 on: September 18, 2006, 12:18:51 PM »
無天? ああ!哀しです!

Offline lil_hamz

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Our Cursed Gift
« Reply #92 on: September 19, 2006, 01:53:51 AM »
Quote from: Yuuyami
“Bah…” Reina rolled on her untidy bed. Her feet were facing the pillow while her head tilted outwards to view the TV in its upside-down glory: pure boredom.

Reina so cute!!!!! *faints*

Quote from: Yuuyami
Ah… bugs, so annoying…The fountain is nice though… I see they already took out the summer flowers, the autumn ones are probably still seeds…Aw, a random couple walking by… Someone sitting on the bench… there’s a snake in the grass near the bench…

“Say what?”


Someone sitting on the bench… there’s a snake in the grass near the bench…

This had me laughing like crazy MUAHAHAHAHHA.

More ReinaxMaki, More ReinaxMaki, More ReinaxMaki*chants* :P

Offline Mikan

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« Reply #93 on: September 22, 2006, 12:12:57 PM »
Did I comment? I dont remember...I did didnt I...oh well it doesnt matter, I'll do it again.

I came back to check if you updated but you havent :( oh well...

I re-read it anyway. Lol@Maki ...Its cool seeing characters written from a different point of view. Im sorry but Im going to be a pain and ask for the general idea of the Orochi ledgend. I did go to wikipedia but it was incredibly vague and mentioned nothing like what was in your story!!

So I suppose I wanna know -
WHO IS THE HEAD!! (dont worry Im willing to wait for this answer)
How do you become a snake?
What are the persoanilty traits of the heads?
Do they come together and make one big snake?

I know I must seem like a real pain :( Im so sorry

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline Yuuyami

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« Reply #94 on: September 22, 2006, 08:56:18 PM »
Nah, I love receiving comments <3 -self-absorbed when it comes to writing-

And I'm just a hella busy work school-work X___X I want my high school life back ;___;

Anywho, Orochi legend... You know what? I was actually planning to write about it in the next few chapters itself o_O... But I guess I'll explain now.

The Orochi itself has too many variations of it, some say it's a 8-headed snake, some say a 8-headed dragon, Some say it was simply a hugeass snake that stretched for 8 hills... I'm going to stick with the basic concept. And what I'm using for the story.

So after Susanoo(God of storm and wind) was exiled from Heaven, he wandered around the Izumo province and met an old couple. They were crying because they only had one daughter left. The other seven daughters were devoured by each head of the Orochi, and their eighth daughter is yet to be eaten. So they begged Susanoo to help. He agreed to help if she could marry their daughter afterwards. (Those who wonder, the daughter's name is Kushinada). The parents accepted and Susanoo transformed Kushinada into a comb and hid her safely in his hair. He also ordered a fence built around the house, eight gates opened in the fence, eight tables placed at each gate, eight casks placed on each table, and the casks filled with eight-times brewed rice wine.

The Orochi arrived and was allured by the wine, so each head drank it, and while drunk, Susanoo slayed the heads.

That's basically it for the story. There were no characteristics of the heads at all. They shared the same intent, and that is greed for virginal women to eat. So because of that weakness, I was able to freely manipulate who is what head without worrying about historic accuracy.

Offline Mikan

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« Reply #95 on: September 22, 2006, 11:12:14 PM »
Thank you! It makes a bit more sense now ^^

Cant wait for your variation of the ledgend :D

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline jafeijai

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« Reply #96 on: September 24, 2006, 12:03:28 AM »
just started reading this....but it's REALLY good so far... :D

can i suggest something though? to make it easier for people to read w/o having to go through the comments, couldn't we create one thread purely for comments and one thread purely for the fanfic...? oh wait....that could probably extend to the other fanfics too....i'll just shut up now, rambling too much


Offline KrazyForKamei

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« Reply #97 on: September 24, 2006, 12:50:36 AM »
Thanks for the explaining the legend. Its pretty cool to hear it after reading about it for a while in ur story and it makes more sense now ^_^ *looking forward to the next chapter*

Offline Yuuyami

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Comments for Chapter 9
« Reply #98 on: September 25, 2006, 04:26:56 AM »
Youkai Chica: Yes, I've always been a fan of MakixReina. Lonewolf x Lonewolf shipping! XD

LkatF: Glad to know you started reading this story ^^- As I've said before, Maki and Reina is good for the health!

Saikami: I love you too? XD -clings-

rndmnweird: I love them too XD

Tanachan: o_o; -punts from hugging circle- XD Kawaii desu ne?

JFC: Taka is awesome XD

Wordsworth: Teehee ^^-

Mikan: Yeah, I was thinking similar to that outfit, haha.

Lil_Hamz: Lonewolf on Lonewolf shipping <3

I decided to give up on my editors XD They've been getting lazy. So just simply notify me if you see a mistake, or if a sentence sounds weird. I'll fix it XD

Offline Yuuyami

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Chapter 10: PANIC!!!!
« Reply #99 on: September 25, 2006, 04:30:42 AM »
Chapter 10: PANIC!!!!

“So, why are you in front of her door?” Miki glared at the person next to her.

“No, I must ask why you are in front of her door, and why are you?” Maki glared in reply.

“No no no noooo, I asked you first!”

“What do you mean? I got here first!”

Maki and Miki reached for each other’s lips with their hands. Then they both tried their hardest to stretch the other’s lips out of shape, making odd noises cursing the other. After awhile, Maki released Miki and the said person did the same for her. Maki had no choice but to go first, if she prompted Miki to go, then she will only get stubborn and another mini fight might commence.

“Alright, I’m here just to retrieve something, I forgot it when I left her room,” Maki sighed. She turned and leaned against the wall for support.

“As for me, I wanted my blow dryer back, she’s had it since yesterday morning,” Miki mimicked her fellow cursed member, and also leaned against the wall for support.

“Then I’ll open the door first,” Maki turned yet again, and grasped the brass knob loosely.

“Then I’ll push you in, and go in casually,” Miki smirked, and stood behind Maki, waiting to set her five-second plan in motion.

“Reina? We’re coming in!” Maki announced, before opening the door, regardless of the aforementioned person’s detests of ‘wait! I have the thing on!’. Miki pushed Maki hard into the room, and got in as well. Only for one thing to happen.

Double Poof.

“You didn’t hear me?” Reina ran over to the door and dragged the clothes in, “I said wait! I have the air conditioner on!”

“No you didn’t!” Miki-hebi waved her tail dismissively, “you said you had the ‘thing’ on! You didn’t specify~!”

“Oh great, how am I supposed to deal with you?” Reina sighed.

“Ah! I think someone’s coming!” Maki hissed frantically, and slithered straight for Reina’s bed, and hid beneath it, “do something about our clothes!”

Miki also slithered under the bed with Maki, leaving Reina to pick up their clothes and throw them underneath the bed as well. As soon as she picked up the clothes, the door was knocked upon, and in came a certain person.

“Eririn… Didn’t I tell you to wait until I say you can come in?” Reina said in a very fast tone, holding the clothes of her seniors in her hand.

“I don’t mind if your room is messy, but why is it so… cold?” Eri’s pupils wandered around, observing what could be her fellow generation member’s cleaning habits. And as far as her observation goes: Reina isn’t a very tidy person.

“The air conditioner is on, that’s why,” in order to avoid suspicion, Reina could only throw the clothes into her closet, and she sat on the floor next to the bed.

“But summer’s over…”

“But I wanted to savor the last bit of summer…”

“With an air conditioner?”

“My summer is the smell of the air conditioner, you know,” Reina said in a shifty-eyed face.

“Anywho, I wanted to borrow—” Eri began, but was interrupted by what seemed to be a sneeze that did not come from Reina. “Is there someone else here?”

“No!” Reina waved her hand dismissively, “no one at all!”  she smiled wide to compensate for her internal panic.

“You’re weird,” Eri smiled.

“Like you’re one to talk,” Reina replied in a sarcastic tone.

“So yeah, I wanted to know if I could borrow one of your movies,” Eri clapped her hands together, and told Reina the name of the movie.

Maki, hearing the title, saw the very same movie near her location. She slithered around it, and pushed it towards Reina’s hand which was conveniently half under her bed. Reina felt the DVD and took it from Maki’s grasp, and looked at it, confirming that it is the correct title Eri had said, she lent it to her. “This is it, right?”

Eri looked at the cover and nodded, “Yup!” and studied the box’s backside to look at the story, and pictures.


Eri, still looking at the backside, asked “what was that noise?”

Now extremely in panic, Reina lowered herself so she could see under the bed. Unfortunately, Miki was back in human form, however, her face was close enough… I can’t believe I’m doing this of my own will… Reina thought dreadfully, before quickly moving her head forward to kiss  the unsuspecting Miki, and she transformed back into snake form.

“No seriously, what was that noise?” Eri drew her attention away from the box to look at Reina, whose hands are filled with… “Reina! The management said you can’t have pets here!” She backed slightly, seeing two snakes. “Why snakes?! What if they bite?! And why is one of them holding onto your bra?!”

Reina yanked the bra away from Miki-hebi, and tossed it in her closet as well.“Come now, you aren’t afraid of snakes, riiiight?” Reina widened her eyes and forced a tremendously wide smile, her fears have been realized. The wonky eyed teen then figured out a plan, she went and kissed both of the snakes…Every ten seconds…

“For one thing…” Eri began, “You must really love your snakes.”

Miki-hebi didn’t seem to mind the showering of kisses she received from Reina, though Maki-hebi’s looks say otherwise. They both understood that they had to be constantly kissed to retain their snake forms, to make sure Eri does not find out about the curse.

“Of course I love them!” Reina felt like her face was about to rip apart with all the smiling she’s been trying to do.

“What are their names?”

Reina paused for a moment before nearly shouting, “Go…go… and Shichi…ru?! Yes, their names are Gogo, and Shichiru!”

Gogo? Miki thought, giving a shifty-eyed face.

…Shichiru? Maki thought, also giving a shifty-eyed face.

“What wonderful names!” Eri smiled again.

…And she likes them?! Miki and Maki both widened their small golden snake eyes.

“Thanks for the DVD! I’ll return it tomorrow!” Eri waved and left.

After the final kisses, Reina gave a huge sigh of relief, as did the snakes in her hand. “Alright, who sneezed?”

Maki guiltily raised her tail in the air.

Reina put them both on her bed, and went for her closet to search for her seniors’ clothing, and found them very easily—amidst the usual purple. When she turned, she found both snakes ready to strike each other, hissing dangerously.

“If you hadn’t shoved me through the door, we wouldn’t have transformed!” Maki hissed.

“If you would have listened to our dear Reina’s detesting, I wouldn’t have shoved you!” Miki hissed back.

“I WAS going to close the door, but SOMEONE had to push me through!” Maki hissed in reply.

“Your fault for not being strong!” Miki lunged at Maki.

The two snakes constricted each other and rolled around in the bed in that position. There was yet another poof, and the two women continued attempting to strangle each other on Reina’s bed. Each rolled on top of the other for dominance of offense, but their battle was halted when the door opened yet again. Reina and the fighting cursed women looked straight at the door in fear… Only to find…


…Yossie standing in the doorway.

Off-guard, Maki kicked Miki off the bed, and folded her legs to one side, while using her arm to hold her bare chest, “Jeez! You scared the crap out of me! I thought Eri came again!”

“Ooooi,” Miki was face flat on the floor, and raised her head up to look at Yossie, “What gives? You know about the curse too…And you’ve seen me before…”

“Well, what would you do if you walked into your junior’s room finding two gorgeous women rolling around naked?”

“Sometimes…” Reina sighed, “I feel like the whole world is conspiring to destroy my room.”

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