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Author Topic: [Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 6 Part I-  (Read 33210 times)

Offline LoyalFlutist

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Re: [Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 3 Part I-
« Reply #60 on: July 25, 2013, 04:32:22 PM »
Got a chance to throw in my comments on this amazing story~ And Atsuyuu for the win! *high fives back* XD

Yikes! Acchan really is reckless... But she is somewhat right at the same time into investigating the shrine. Sometimes even with a plan, the enemy will either get away or have the advantage to attack without any hesitation. :panic: AtsuMayu moments are cute and I see that Yuko is really protective of Atsuko. From what she explained about the previous war, it seems that she's willing to do anything to keep Acchan safe, even if she has to kill Mayuyu... That's some deep loyalty and love towards the other girl. :huhuh Can't blame Yuko for acting like that when Mayu threatened to use the mark to keep Acchan from doing anything reckless... :sweatdrop: Then poor Tomochin! She must really be hurt when Acchan snapped at her like that... :cry:

There's Rena finally showing up! What's Acchan going to do now? Not to mention Mayu and the rest? :panic:

Looking forward to your next update! :deco:

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[Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 3 Part II-
« Reply #61 on: July 28, 2013, 04:16:53 PM »
Yuki, she's an Assassin-class, as stated by Acchan.

DiVA, don't blame Acchan! Blame her past Master who traumatized her that way! Who is it? Saa~

Shinoki, Geki mode~ Well, anything's possible~ She's Assassin~ The one that always dies second (next to Lancer)

Kenjoy, err I'm sorry... since I'm not that good at explaining battles... so it's gonna be a bit disappointing and short ^^''

qweakb, .... I HATE YOU!!! QAQ (and sure I'll do some KojiYuu in the next chap)

Flutist, LONG! OAO Well, yeah I too agree with Acchan. My motto is 'It's better to regret something you did, than to regret doing nothing'. Yup~ Yuko is VERY protective of her sweetheart~ I mean, who wouldn't do that for the one they love~? Well, can't blame Mayuyu as well. She didn't know what happened in the last war. I'm gonna explain what happened in the last war in the 5th or 6th chapter~ And after a certain incident~ =w= Oh, Tomochin's hurt mentally now... But don't worry. She trusts her best friend DEEPLY. Firs time replying this long. For some reason I feel proud~  :lol:

SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THIS!!! I was actually online, but I didn't know how to continue. I know the basic storyboard but I have no idea how to make it come true... Then I'll just use the safest bet of all. I'm gonna destroy the entire Hero system. Things aren't gonna change much but... Something WILL change. What is that? Two words. 'Heaven's Feel'

   What will happen in this part~? Chapter title explains everything! Though it'll appear at the end of the chap XD

[Chapter 3 Part II]

   I ran as fast as I could towards her, I didn't know why I even bother but I know one thing. If somebody doesn't go for her aide, something bad would happen. "Watch where you're going, brat!" a man yelled out as I crossed the streets, not minding any of the cars. I'm not usually this careless, but this time, I don't care what happens to me. I need to go to her. I remembered what the girl told me.

   "Yuko-san...?" she's suddenly crying all of a sudden. I tried to reach her and comfort her but she slapped my hand away and shook her head. "I'm fine..." she assured me but I have doubts about that. She glared at me again. "So, what will you do, Mayuyu?" she asked me for the answer. I myself don't know what to do, but something in my heart tells me that something bad's going to happen. "I'll go to her." I made up my mind. As I said that, I could see a smile forming on her lips. "I see..." she says and then grabbed my hand. "LET'S GO! Jurina! Yukirin! Tomochin! You guys as well!" she looked at a closed door. The door of the bathroom. "Haha, we've been found out." I heard a voice, which sounded like Jurina's and then the door opened, and I see the three girls.

   "Eh?! Since when did you guys get here?!" I shouted, shock seeing them, because I expected to be asleep. "We were here ever since Acchan went out. We thought about chasing after her but then I heard footsteps, meaning that you were awake. So we just sorta hid in there." Tomochin explained and pointed at the bathroom. "Lies. You guys were making out!" Yuko teased them and they denied it immediately.

   "Let's go, we have no time to lose." I said and walked towards the main door. "You go first, Mayuyu. Jurina needs to get her equipments ready. Yukirin and I have something else to do. Tomochin, you help her if she's in need." Yuko orders Tomochin after she spoke to me. "Huh? Why should I take orders from someone weaker than me?" Tomochin says, unsatisfied at the squirrel-like girl who is using her friendship to order her around. Yuko sighed and glares back at the girl. "You and me both don't want Acchan to get hurt. So just listen to me and do what I say." Hearing this, Tomochin closed her eyes and nodded. "Fine. I'm doing this for Atsuko, not for you." she smirked and Yuko let out a smile of satisfaction after hearing the other girl accept.


   "Oi, wait up, Mayuyu!" the brown-haired girl chased me as I ran forward. I didn't look back but I know just from the voice. "We need to go there fast, Tomochin! Don't just walk!" I shouted at her as I looked back. It's true. She's only walking. Or more precisely, skipping like some gravure idol in a beach commercial. Wow, she's good. No wonder she was an idol. Plus, she's fast! "Why do you want to get there so fast? More like, how do you even know that something bad's going to happen to her?" she says, unsatisfied with my train of thought. It took me a few seconds to realize what she really meant by that, but I answered honestly in the end. "It's because she's my ser- No..." I corrected myself. "She's my sis!"

   I could hear Tomochin laughing from behind. Before I realized it, she's already next to me. She smirked at me. "Pretty unique answer there, Saber's little sister." I felt something was wrong as she said that, so I jumped back as she ran forward, and then a the pavement that I was standing on was cracked. In the center of it, is a dagger. I recognized that dagger. It was Rider's.

   "What are you doing?!" I glared at the girl but was still shaking a bit. She looked at the ground. And after a few seconds of laughing, she looked straight into my eyes. I couldn't move! Not even a muscle. Not even a blink. I felt like throwing up. It's as if every single cell in my body is crawling up from my skin but I couldn't do anything about it. I could just look at her straight in the eyes.

   She smirked a bit and tilted my head towards her. "Hey, do you know what the ironic thing is? I could kill you at this moment and free her of her misery. I don't want her to be hurt ever again. Not to mention Berserker's waiting for her at the end of this game. She's too afraid to even use her blade. That's why, I'll have to kill you now, Mayuyu." she puts the dagger right in front of my neck as she sat down with me. I just look at her, even if I'm in pain, I kept looking at her eyes. Her scary eyes. It wasn't as scary as Acchan's but I know at that point. I already realized who her identity is. But alas, nothing could be done.

   She kept looking at me as well. But in due time, I realized something else. Her eyes are wavering. "Why... aren't you calling her out...?" she asked me as if shocked. Her eyes changed color and then I could move again. But, she still didn't lower her weapon. This time, not like how I was with Lancer, I looked straight into her eyes again and said with confidence "I don't want to hurt her even more than I already have..." her eyes were wide opened as I said that. But I didn't stop "I want to reconcile with her. I want her to trust me more. I want to apologize to her..." and as a last resort, "... I... I want to smack her in the head and drag her back home safely!"

   She listened to what I was saying and at the end, she smirked yet again. "You and her are both idiots..." she looked down, not meeting my eyes. "But..." she raised her head again grabbed me by the collar. I was surprised by what she did but if that's not enough, she threw me in the air! "I'm stupider for believing in you two!"

[Yuki's POV]

   I looked at the back of the smaller girl. We were in a forest right next to the temple. To tell the truth, I could actually teleport by performing magic but Yuko didn't want Mayuyu to use it. Being the good girl I am, I just follow her since it seems that she has a plan. But... "Aren't we going to help Acchan?" I asked her back as we moved forward towards the side entrance of the shrine. Silence filled us for a moment. Only the sound of branches breaking and slashes of a sword could be heard. She stopped suddenly and said something without looking back "... I believe in their bond..." she says, with a little hint of loneliness. A smile subconsciously escaped my lips and I patted her on the back. "Believe me. They have a great bond, but you and Acchan have an even tighter one."

   She nodded silently. I was telling the truth. When I see Mayuyu and Acchan together for the past week, their bond was as of siblings or probably more. But when I saw Yuko and Acchan interacting, it was clear. Acchan lets out her entire emotions towards Yuko. Even if she rejected Yuko many times, and the midget still doesn't hold back her perverted jokes AND out-of-the-blue confessions. One other thing I realize with Acchan is that she would always make treat Yuko the best. I realized from the dinners we had. She would always set Yuko's first, Tomochin second, Mayuyu, Jurina and then mine. It's like a chart. She's the closest to Yuko and treats Yuko the best.

   "Hey, if you could label Acchan in terms of 'S' and 'M', which would most likely be for her?" I asked out of curiosity. Yuko looked back at me and stared at me in confusion. "Just answer." I sighed, not to make her question my sudden bluntness and randomness. She immediately said after that "She's an 'S'. Definitely an 'S'. If you asked if I'd live after a night with Acchan, I'd be stuck between heaven and hell. The pleasure of being with Acchan and her instant 'S' mode. It's pleasureful but I wouldn't want to think of the after-effects." she shivered as if she just thought of something unpleasant. I pondered for a bit at her answer and said unconsciously "Ah.. I thought she would be an 'M'..." I instinctively covered my mouth as a certain squirrel stared at me with curiosity.

   I really thought she was an 'M'. I mean, she's really tsundere about things and never shows what she truly feels for the girl. I mean, I think she would be happier if Yuko made the first move but alas, that didn't work. Then maybe... she wants Yuko to be 'S'...

   Just as Yuko wanted to ask me something, she flinched and pulled me towards the bushes. "Hey! I- I'm not going to do it with you even if you beg!" I protested. She covered my mouth and whispered into my ear. "Don't move. Stay." I nodded in fear of what she's going to do but right at that moment, a figure came out of a temple. I think I recognized her...

   "Come on out, Yuu-chan. I know your smell anywhere." she says and Yuko grinned. She stood up from the bushes and went towards the girl. After she took off her hood, I finally recognized that girl. Kojima Haruna. "Hey NyanNyan~ I missed you~" Yuko tried to hug the girl but the girl glared at her which made her stop. "Ehh? No skinship?!" Yuko pouted but the girl still didn't show much affection for her. "So who's the other one?" she asked and looked at my direction. Yuko eyed me that it's safe so I went out to make contact with the other girl.

   "Ahh, Yukirin. So she's your new Master?" Kojima-san greeted me then asked Yuko. "No, she's Rider's. I made a truce with them." Yuko explained. Why is she explaining to her anyway? "I see..." Kojima-san stopped a bit before questioning again. "And... Acchan?" she asked, which made Yuko look down, a bit depressed. "She's just as tough as always..." Yuko answered, with tears strolling down her cheeks.

   "But I'm still wondering though..." Yuko says silently but all of us could hear her. "How could my Master in the last war became Caster in this war?"

[Mayu's POV]

   "P- PEGASUS?!" I was stunned as I'm actually riding on top of a legendary beast, the white winged horse, Pegasus. "O- Oi! Where did you even get this?!" I asked Tomochin as I'm surprised as hell but she just smirked again. She's really a hard S. Just like another person I know. "WHOA! A HORSE IS FRIGGIN FLYING!" I shouted at particularly nobody as I rode the beast with her. Tomochin just laughs and concentrates on getting us to the shrine. Hopefully, we'll make it in time.

[Saber's POV]

"J- Just what the hell are you..."

   I asked the girl as I was sweating a lot, with blood and scars all over my body. But, even when I'm in that state, the girl in front of me is only with a few scars. Which is on her hands from messing up her movements a bit. I didn't want to admit it but she's fast. A little too fast. Are most Assassin-class servants like this?

"Huh? Is that all, Maeda-san? I could even do this all night~"

   She teased me as she hopped playfully while I'm here on my knees. I looked too pathetic. Not only is she faster than me, but her nails are too sharp that it's even equivalent to my sword's sharpness.

   Without waiting for me to get back on my feet, she quickly dashed towards me and right at that moment,


   A voice came from above. Heaven? Are the angels going to save me from despair? Or is it just my year supply of mochi delivery? Well, if you think logically, it could be neither. I used the last of my strength to kick Rena away as she was too busy looking up. I also looked up and well I'll be, it's a friggin horse with wings. Nah, it was Mayuyu. What's she doing here? And she's even with Tomochin. Oh yeah, I disobeyed her orders.

   I looked at her one last time, knowing that she's there to support me and turned to Rena once again.

   This is the last time...

   With the final image in my mind, I finally revealed my sword.

[Mayu's POV]

   I see Acchan in the distance, and then suddenly a golden light shines on her left hand that was holding her sword. I was almost blinded by it but Tomochin was more shocked than ever. "You finally have the courage, you idiot..." I could see tears in her eyes but I just ignored it, knowing that I won't get my answer just by watching her. Then I looked back at Acchan, at her hand, is a sword.

   The sword in her hand looks... beautiful... no... it's even more than that... what is this feeling...?

"Rena..." "Maeda-san, finally... I can fight you fair and square!" the other girl, who was kicked before, stood up and looked at Acchan excitingly.

   Acchan smirked at her statement and readied her sword.

"I'm sorry, Mayuyu..." I could hear her say that, but I'm not so sure...

   Suddenly, like before, her sword shone brightly at the heavens itself, giving a golden radiance to every living being and non-living things around her. She raised her sword high and mighty, giving the aura of brilliance that surrounds her as if the heavens itself is shining light upon her figure. The holy sword... No... The sacred sword... A sword that gives such aura, such magnificence... There could only be one... I grinned as I looked at it shining brighter than ever. The other girl looked at the sword as if blinded by it's light. Yet, she still smiles. For whatever reason, she looked at her nostalgically. Silence filled the air, none of us talked. all we could hear is the sound of the ground swirling at Acchan's feet. Then at that moment, she finally swings her sword.


[Jurina's POV]

   "W- Whoa! What the hell is that?!" I looked at the shrine and see a beam of light unleashed and as a result, the trees next to the hill were all gone. As if what is left is ashes. I don't know what happened but I hope the others are okay... "Mayuyu..." I unconsciously called out her name. I know she won't hear me but I can't help but say her name when it's in times of crisis. "Argh! I'm coming, Acchan!"

[Saber's POV]

   "A- Acchan! Are you okay?!" Mayuyu ran towards me after I finished using my Noble Phantasm. I actually only used a small-sized beam this time since if I used too much, then who knows what'll happen to Rena. I stood up after falling down when I lost all my strength and walked towards where Rena is. Luckily she's still alive. Badly wounded, but still alive.

   "See? Don't make light of your senior." I stuck my hand out for her, hoping she would take it. "Haha... You really are the Ace, Maeda-san..." she says as she laughs dryly, not having much strength left either. "You must be crazy to just stand out here like that. Probably cause she's not with you, huh?" I teased her a bit but she didn't smile at all. She only looked at the moon shining. "The moon... I hate it..." she says as if she remembered a past she wanted to forget. I smiled at her again, not wanting to leave her alone here.

   Finally, she grabbed my hand. With this, I made a new comrade again. Until, she kissed me out of nowhere and linked eyes with me.

"Ne, Maeda-san. Look into my eyes...' After that, was a void of darkness...

[Chapter 3 Part II -Dracula-]

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Re: [Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 3 Part II-
« Reply #62 on: July 28, 2013, 05:48:21 PM »
Uh wow, Nyannyan as caster.... and she was previously Yuuko's master? Intriguing. I wonder what was her regret. And ofc, who s her current master.
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Offline DiVAGal2458

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Re: [Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 3 Part II-
« Reply #63 on: July 28, 2013, 10:47:42 PM »
I know that but she should know better and trust Mayu!
So Kojiharu is the Caster then huh?
What did Rena do to her!  :shocked
Sae~  :cry: Where is she~?  :cry:
Awesome Chapter  :twothumbs
When Jurina started running I automatically imagined her Tripping and falling face first in mud...I wonder why  :? :lol:
Can't wait for the next part!  :panic:

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Re: [Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 3 Part II-
« Reply #64 on: July 28, 2013, 11:27:54 PM »
Uh-oh.... :shocked:

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Re: [Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 3 Part II-
« Reply #65 on: July 29, 2013, 10:52:56 AM »
Hope Acchan's fine~  :(

Ohmygosh~! Yuko's previous Master was Haruna.. Haruna as Caster..

Exciting~! :fap Can't wait to know more mysteries~

Thank you for the update  :bow:  :twothumbs

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Re: [Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 3 Part II-
« Reply #66 on: July 29, 2013, 11:58:31 AM »
Ah~ Rena showed up! I want WMatsui but it seems impossible.  :cry:

And is it just me or Rena is hypnotizing Acchan? XD

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[Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 3 Part III-
« Reply #67 on: September 13, 2013, 11:44:34 AM »
Yuki, muahaha~ think all ya will~ I've already hinted it in Chapter 3~

DiVA, I know... I wanna write more bout Sae myself Q.Q But sadly the storyline doesn't let me... And also because the surprises that Imma gonna pull up~

TT, 'uh-oh' indeed~

kenjoy, I hope she's fine too... And as for the mysteries... It's more like I want to make a revolution of some sort...

Sherin, whoa... O.O Ya remembered 'Rule Breaker'?!

   So... been a long time but yeah... I was actually gonna update this once I finished The Game of Life but, well, I've just got a fresh idea in my head. And I don't wanna lose it anytime soon... So here's an update(?) to anyone that's still reading this XD

Chapter 3 [Part III]

   The girl stood and looked at Saber who was in a trance of some sort. Maeda Atsuko didn't move, but let the taller girl did what she wanted. Matsui Rena the Assassin smirked and mumbled something to her. Realizing the weird situation unfolding in front of her, Itano Tomomi the Rider had a hunch of miserable fate getting their way, so she took action unconsciously and dashed towards the two, leaving Watanabe Mayu who was still clueless as of what was happening. The Pegasus disappeared like thin air as Itano used all she has into increasing her speed. Rena realized the girl's advance and separated herself from Saber as she leaped back a few meters from her.

   Itano didn't care about Rena much so she focused on her best friend, asking her of her condition. "Acchan, you okay?!" she half-shouted, shaking the girl. Watanabe realized what was going on and also went to Maeda's position. "Acchan!" she joined in the worry as she also shook the girl. Saber didn't move from her spot. She only looked up for no apparent reason.

   But then, they felt a heavy pressure, as if the air had changed, into an indescribable discomfort. It wasn't anything physical but something unseen, the air had turned dark and Saber finally looked into her friend's eye.

   'Hell', was what she could see.


   Saber swung her sword at her best friend and the quick Itano didn't have much time to react, but alas she managed to step back a bit, minimizing her damage as she was knocked back and thrown into a tree. Blood spilled and coughing, Itano looked at the eyes of Saber again. The dark red eyes which could even be called the epitome of vengeance, evil and despair. The situation could only mean one thing. Saber... was controlled.

"Mayuyu! Get away!" Itano shouted at the surprised Watanabe who was looking at Saber, not knowing what to do.

   No, she knew what to do. She knew what actually happened. She just couldn't dare acknowledge it.

   She can do only one thing. Survive.

"Enforcement!" she shouted as she leaped back, grabbing a twig in process. She reinforced the twig and literally threw it at Saber's direction.

   The twig scratched Saber in process as the girl didn't move an inch. She only looked at Watanabe in disgust. Watanabe was about to vomit. It was different that Itano's eyes. Itano's eyes were scary but comparing it with Saber's eyes at the moment, Itano's eyes were nothing.

   Saber finally made a move and simply walked towards Watanabe. The younger couldn't run nor hide. She couldn't move. She was able to move but yet at the same time, she couldn't. She gritted her teeth of what's to come and looked at Itano, who was trying to get up. Saber lifted her sword up and as if a lever, she swung it down.

"MAYUYU!" Itano shouted, afraid of what happened to the girl but,

   A missile was shot out of nowhere and Saber reacted fast. She cancelled what she was doing and jumped back. The missile passed from the spot she was in and hit a tree, exploding it into pieces, and the fire came but disappeared as if magic. Saber looked at the source and the source dashed and stood in front of Watanabe, shielding her from any more of Saber's attacks.

   Itano grinned and finally got up once she realized who came. She summoned her dagger and went on a one-on-one with Saber herself.

   Watanabe looked at the one who saved her. She smiled at Watanabe and patted her head.

"Jurina...?" Watanabe almost cried as she hugged her savior. Jurina wasn't uncomfortable, yet she was glad the older girl needed her at that time. They then looked at the fight.

   Saber was owning. It was as if the sword itself became lighter. She was faster and far stronger that Itano. The shorter girl was sweating as she tries to parry each of the attacks that was sent, but her movements became slower and slower as each attack was swung and thrust. She managed to make eye contact with Jurina and asked for her help. The younger girl understood and quickly took out a bead that she has saved in her pocket. She flicked her bead while muttering a mantra which couldn't be heard by Watanabe. The bead was shot at Saber's direction as Itano backed away. Saber didn't have time to react but she managed to block the 'missile' using her sword.

   An explosion was seen and heard. The smoke rose and eventually disappeared. They saw the hurt Saber with a few scars, some from the fight and some from the previous one. Saber was getting more angry by the minute and suddenly a light shone from the blade itself. Things were getting messy just when

"Acchan, stop." an ordered was heard from Rena and Saber stopped her action, walking back to Rena as if it was inevitable.

   Jurina looked at the new person in front of her. She looked beautiful, even with the scars all over her body. Her silky long hair swayed with the winds as Saber came to her. Her eyes were deadly beautiful. Jurina looked at the deadly eyes and eventually asked. "Who are you?" she directed the question to the girl.

   Rena's face looked disappointed for a moment but she eventually smiled and answered. "I'm Rena. The Assassin." she ended her introduction.

"Assassin... so my guess was right." Watanabe came forward and looked at Rena, challenging her in a way.

"Right about what?" Rena puts on a farce and half-glared at the girl.

   Watanabe took a breather and then looked at Saber before looking at the girl, Rena. "If I wasn't mistaken, Assassins were agile but there was something wrong with you..." she said and continued. "You weren't using your feet, were you?"

   The others' eyes shot open as they looked at Rena, who grinned and allowed Watanabe to continue. "I was right, huh?" Watanabe also grinned. "You weren't using your feet, so the question is, why? There were many mythical creatures or even heroes that could levitate itself in the magical era, but judging from what you did to Acchan, there could only be one person who could do that... No..." she closed her eyes to search for a better word. "A clan."


   Rena said. She answered her question and chuckled, amused by the younger girl's correct guess. "You're really as smart as your alternate self." she then looked at Jurina for a bit before announcing. "My given name is Matsui Rena. My real name... is Vlad. The daughter of Vlad II. And my other name..."

"Count Dracula."

   Watanabe uncovered Assassin's identity.


"GAH!" Kojima gritted her teeth as she blocked Oshima's attack my levitating an unknown bolder, almost crushing the smaller girl, as the girl managed to avoid it.

   Oshima catched her breath and looked at the situation she was in. Kojima didn't move, and only stayed in one spot, levitating the elements around her using her wand. Oshima clicked her tongue, still couldn't identify the girl's real identity. Caster-class servants are one of the most difficult to identify. There were many legendary magicians and sorcerers in the time of magic but to actually identify the sorcerer by the magic he or she uses, is difficult.

   No, she was actually thinking elsewhere. She didn't have her mind in the fight. She was thinking of what happened before. A beam of light was seen from the direction of the gate but there was nothing since then. The clashing of metal wasn't there anymore, and she heard Itano's shout, calling the name of the person she loved dear.

"Mind the fight, Yuu-chan." A rock flew at her direction and crashed the spot she was in, thankfully she changed her position at the time.

   She summoned up another pair of her usual black and white blades, replacing the broken ones that was broken due to her blocking the rocks that was shot at her way. She scanned the area and see that Kashiwagi was mumbling a mantra, readying her attack.

   She then dashed towards Kojima, keeping her busy. Just when she was about to lose it,

"Yuko!" she heard the shout of Kashiwagi and backed away.

   Just then, a few daggers were shot at Kojima, she managed to avoid most of it, but one managed to scratch her. Kojima smirked at Kashiwagi, even though she already knew that the girl was planning something, she never imagined her using the daggers that were in her pockets. She then realized something, and looked at Oshima. Oshima dashed forward at the chance, swinging her blades at her.

"Time's up."

   A figure was then summoned right in front of them. The figure was someone Oshima knew.

"Rena?!" Oshima was surprised by the sudden situation unfolding in front of her.

   Someone was summoned. Only a master can summon a servant. If Rena was summoned to protect Kojima, then it could only mean one thing.

"NyanNyan... you're Rena's master." she finally made a conclusion and the two nods.

   It wasn't impossible, but it was probably unheard of. A servant becoming a master. There was once a similar situation in the 5th War but that was the last time. To see it happening right in front of them is ridiculous, or so Kashiwagi thought.

"Pretty much." Rena chuckled and continued. "But... there's also another one."

   Oshima felt a sudden bloodthirst coming from her behind. She couldn't move. She knew that if she moved, she would be safe, but moving meant that she had to accept the reality. The reality in which she didn't want to admit the most. The reality of knowing the familiar bloodlust.

"Acchan, it's okay." Rena ordered and stopped Saber.

   The bloodlust was gone and Oshima still didn't move. She didn't dare look up. She didn't dare look up at the figure that wanted to kill her just moments ago.

"Yuu-chan, face reality." She heard the voice coming from her former close friend, Kojima.

   Oshima bit her lips and finally faced forward to see her best friend and new enemy.

"Acchan..." was all that she could mutter.

"We need to get going. You've already fought Acchan so there's no need to stay here much longer." Kojima said as she looked at Rena and then Saber.

"Yeah, let's go." Rena said and smiled.

"Wait!" Oshima stopped them, more specifically, Saber, that was about to leave. She stretched out her hands as she tries to reach for her back that was almost disappearing. The back which she loved the most. It was as if time stopped that moment. No. She wanted it to stop. She didn't want to let go of her. She didn't want to lose her. But... Reality... Is cruel.

   They dispersed into air and what was left, was nothingness. Oshima grabbed absolutely nothing. She finally broke down, as she lost the sight of her best friend. Kashiwagi, who was quiet the whole time, came and comforted the shorter girl. The cries of one squirrel could be heard that night throughout the city. News reached to Lancer as she looked down from the tree, and disappeared to tell her Master, the news 'Of the Ace's disappearance'.

[Chapter 3 END]
« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 03:35:40 PM by AshuraX »

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Re: [Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 3 Part III-
« Reply #68 on: September 13, 2013, 03:16:33 PM »
I don't know the story behind FSN I just played the PvP part  :lol: that's why it surprises me every update and confuses a bit, but I can bear with it  XD
anyway, Yuko-sama  :mon cry: I feel so sad for my AtsuYuu feels  :cry:

Offline imteedee

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Re: [Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 3 Part III-
« Reply #69 on: September 13, 2013, 03:28:24 PM »
I feel you!! ^  :mon dunno:
that's why I couldn't comment before as per update and i didn't wanna spoil myself if in case this story follows the real plot, is it?  :nervous
the ending part is so heavy for me to bear, I believe in my AtsuYuu  :heart:  :bow: thanks for the update  :) and yeah I still read duh?  :P
my hat is off. saluting.

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[Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 4 Part I-
« Reply #70 on: September 23, 2013, 04:31:55 PM »
AT, I feel you as well, man... Dem AtsuYuu feels... Though I'm probably going to get killed here if yar seeking for AtsuYuu >.>

imteedee, nah, it doesn't follow it much. It would probably follow the big events such as what is shown before, the main chara almost being killed by Lancer. I won't tell any more since it might spoil the surprise XD Plus, it's the 8th war, not the 5th~

   For some reason, I felt like continuing.. Probably coz I've lost my spirit... Anywho, here's some update for those who are reading XD

[Chapter 4 Part I]

   Silence filled the Watanabe's home. No one bothered to say anything. Oshima was plopped on the floor, hugging her knees, sobbing inside. She was like that for almost 2 hours. Crying for something that they all knew. The disappearance of her best friend.

"Yuko..." Watanabe called out to her, almost as if pleading the girl to stop.

   She wasn't very fond of Archer's weak side. Usually by that time, she would've been sparring with her, losing to her in ways that could irritate the younger girl.

   For some reason, Oshima's sobs stopeed. Everyone's eyes were on her as Oshima stood up and grabbed Watanabe's shoulders. The surprised younger girl felt the sudden increase of the room's temperature. Everyone's eyes shot open, as they heard a dull sounding thump in front of them. The younger girl was sent flying to the floor by Archer's fist. They blood-shot eyes of Archer could be seen as she leaped onto the poor younger girl, raising her arms yet again at Watanabe whose cheeks were already swollen red.


   Jurina's command was heard in the household. By her command, Archer was stopped silent. She wasn't moving. Only her tears and her red eyes remained, glaring at the girl. Watanabe hesitantly got up with the help of Kashiwagi, who was also surprised of the scene. Itano stood in between Yuko and Watanabe as the younger girl distanced herself from the raged woman in front of her.

"IT'S ALL HER FAULT!" Oshima shouted, cursing the girl in many ways, "IT'S ALL HER DAMN FAULT FOR ACCHAN'S DISAPPEARANCE!" she continued, not stopping her glare. "YOU WERE WITH HER AT THAT TIME BUT COULDN'T DO ANYTHING!" she gritted her teeth, letting everything out, the criticism, the pain and the loneliness "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE ACCHAN'S MASTER!"

   Her shout echoed, leaving the shocked Watanabe, who didn't know what to do. It was true. She was there but she couldn't do a damn thing. Only looking at her, only surviving without her, only relying on others' strengths. She couldn't talk back at all to Oshima's criticism. Because she already knew... She was useless.

   The others looked at Watanabe, who's head is down, looking at the floor in sadness. Oshima's words sunk deeply into her membranes, the word 'USELESS' played in her mind, almost as if hypnotizing the poor girl. Jurina, who couldn't stand what was going on, hugged Watanabe tightly, sinking the poor girl into her breasts. Her warmth transmitted to the cold body of Watanabe's. Was she cold? Didn't she feel the heat of Oshima's bashing? Then why did she feel the coldness more? She couldn't understand it... She couldn't understand why she was crying right there and then.

   Watanabe sobbed in Jurina's chest, letting the pain and guilt inside her flee from her, using Jurina as a temporary pain-soother. Kashiwagi sighed and looked at the situation with the other two. Then she saw Itano slapped Oshima out of nowhere. The echoes of the slapping sound could be heard in the living room. Oshima was stunned, she could already move because the Commands are only 'temporary' magic, but she also couldn't because of the slap from her close friend. Itano glared at the girl. She wasn't using her 'eyes', but the glare petrified the shorter girl. Itano gritted her teeth and then half-shouted to the girl.

"Even if you're there, you couldn't do shit, Oshima."

   Itano's words dealt an invisible damage to Oshima, as she bit her lips, looking down in shame. It was true, though. She didn't know if she could stop Maeda. She couldn't even stop her retreat even when she was there right in front of her. She denied the fact that something was wrong with her best friend. She could only stretch out her hand to absolute nothingness, at the space that was left.

"... I know..."


   Rena leaned her back on the tree that was standing tall, higher than the others. She breathed a sigh of exhaustion, finally being free from the workload that was given to her. She then looked at the figure in front of her, lying on the grass, looking at the blue sky. She thought of interfering but she couldn't. She doesn't want to disturb the older girl's peace of mind. She then decided to talk to the girl next to her.

"Hey, Acchan, why did you follow us?"

   The question was asked to Maeda who was leaning on the tree, right next to Rena. She didn't answer.

"My 'hypnotic eyes' could only control someone for a few minutes but it's been hours now. You sure you don't want to go back and surprise your master?"

   Maeda broke her poker face and chuckled at the younger girl's comment. She looked above, at the sky Kojima was looking at and smiled at the younger girl.

"Who knows." She gave her her goofy smile "But." She stopped, looking down, as if confirming her ideals. " I want Mayuyu to grow..."

   Rena laughed at Maeda's foolish false of hope. From what she has seen, it wasn't the Watanabe girl she was interested in, it was the girl's friend. Rena knows just how much Maeda loves to pamper Watanabe from her experience in the last war. She would either pamper her or Jurina. Since those two are on the same team, so of course Maeda didn't mind.

"If I recall, information says that you actually don't remember much about your life during your Heroic ages." Rena smirked, digging up more useful information, not disclosing who or what did she hear that from.

"I don't." Maeda honestly answered.

   Rena was silenced. She didn't know how to react. If it was true that Maeda didn't remember much of her past, then how...

"How did you summon up 'Excalibur, King Arthur?" Rena asked, using Maeda's past name, hoping to make the girl remember.
"Sorry, but I have no idea." Atsuko replied, with a wry smile on her face. "I don't know but it seemed like I've recalled it ever since the last war."

   The mysteries just kept increasing. She didn't deny the fact that she was King Arthur. How did a girl become a 'King'? Well, Rena couldn't really judge Maeda for that. She herself was Count Dracula, the said 'Prince'. She didn't dare question her of such, since she also had a past which shouldn't be disclosed. She then heaved another sigh, then looking in front. Something was weird...

'Where's Haruna?'


"Well nice to meet you again, Yuu-chan." the girl smiled at her former friend.

   Yuko glared at the girl. She was actually on her way to the park, to get some fresh air and calm down but then right in front of her was Kojima Haruna, in all her might, wearing robes in the summer yet nobody bat an eye to her. She sighed at her own misfortune, finding Caster of all people.

"What do you want, NyanNyan?" she tried to keep her usual smile, but failed. She wasn't in the mood.
"I want you to make a deal." she answered honestly, her smile still didn't fade.
"Is this about Acchan?" she asked. If not for that, she would've ran away a long time ago. She didn't want to fight the girl who claimed Maeda yet. Not until she sees the girl right in front of her very eyes.
"Ding ding ding ding~" Kojima playfully made bell noises, meaning that Oshima was correct. "I'll exchange Atsuko for one thing."
Oshima listened carefully. She was already ready to take the deal. She would do anything as to get Kojima's hands off her best friend.

"For you to be my slave."

[Watanabe Mayu's POV]

   I woke up again, without her presence next to me. It felt cold. Colder than what I had thought. I was so used to her warmth that I didn't realize of how cold it was on the bed alone.

"'Morning, Mayuyu." Yukirin entered my room, not forgetting to knock. She's a good girl...
"Good morning..." I greeted back, giving her a pained smile. I couldn't give her anything more. I was too hurt to do such.

   She smiled and then sat next to me on my bed, patting my head just like how Acchan patted me.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

   It was obvious what was wrong but she's probably just trying to be considerate. One good thing about Yukirin is that she thinks of others before herself. I smiled wryly, 'Just some stuff' was all I could mutter. She seems to have heard my answer, as she chuckled a bit. Then like Acchan always does, she hugged me from behind, enveloping me in her arms. I felt the warmth of Yukirin and was comfortable in her embrace. I could smell the perfume she always used. I kinda felt pity for her, I was in my pajamas and didn't even bathe yet but she's holding me so tightly, so tight that I thought I was going to break from her strong embrace.

"Get stronger, Mayuyu..."

   It wasn't an advice like 'Yuko didn't mean that, Yuko was just being idiotic, or it's not your fault.' She was actually thinking about me. She told me the one thing that I didn't want to hear but it's the only way out of my misery. At first I was shocked but then I smiled, leaning back to her embrace, closing my eyes as I accepted the warmth she was giving to me. I don't know why but it was as if she was already by my side. Acchan did say that she and I were really close in the last war but could it possibly mean that our feelings are still intact with each other? I don't know. And frankly, I don't care.

"Thanks, Yukirin..." I meant it from the bottom of my heart.

   I could feel that Yukirin's grin grew wider, probably she's embarrassed by how she's embracing me so intently.

"You know what?" I suddenly asked, and she made a 'Hm?' reply. "If Acchan's my older sister, then Yukirin's my mama!"

   Yukirin literally spat out something, shocked and mumbled unknown words to me. I just love how she overly reacts to small things such as these. Yukirin then pouted and said "I'm not that old!", throwing a tantrum as I ran away from my room, from the girl that was throwing pillows at me for some reason and laugh maniacally.

[Archer's POV]

"What...?" I asked, confused as to NyanNyan's condition.

   She didn't look away. I thought she was going to crack a joke but no sign of her joking were seen. She wasn't laughing, she wasn't grinning foolishly like how she usually does. Just her straight look right into the eyes of mine.

"You..." I was surprised.

   I have suspected it for a long time, but I never dared to bring it up. I was the one who actually broke things up with her, chasing Acchan with my own two feet. I put all of my affection to Acchan and NyanNyan knows it but...

"You're still in love with me?" I asked, and she smirked.

   It wasn't much of a surprise. I could remember when we were in AKB48, the last war. I was always clinging to her, all affectionate and all. And when I cling to other girls, she would have some sort of black aura around her, just like how a certain raven-haired girl would have, after finding out her 'daughter' was playing around with people's butts.

"Yuu-chan..." NyanNyan said affectionately, as she moved closer to me, and I took a step back each step she takes, trying to avoid her at all cost. "I'm more beautiful than her, my breasts, what you like the most, are bigger than hers and I would love her more than she ever did." NyanNyan said, suddenly with a serious face. "But why won't you look at me, and only me?"

   Sweat dropped as I tried to search for an escape route. I couldn't. There were traps all around. She had already embedded her magic on the damn earth. If I want to escape, then I'd have no choice but to use my Noble Phantasm... Enraged by what NyanNyan said, I half-shouted,

"You may think that, but Acchan is my greatest love. I love her more than anyone. She's more beautiful and lovely than anyone. Heck, I don't even care even she's flat-chested! I don't need her to love me, because I'll be chasing her til' the end!"

   I really thought that. I have loved Acchan ever since I first met her in the last war. Even before I found out that she was King Arthur. Her every movement, her affection, her voice, I love everything about her. And I won't change that for anything. Even if she rejects me for a million times, I'm friggin Oshima Yuko!

"NOW!" I shouted, 'summoning' my two blades, Kansho and Bakuya

   Then, as if it was on signal, Jurina came out as well from the bushes, shooting her beads to NyanNyan.

"You!" NyanNyan was probably surprised by my act. I grinned evilly, striking at her the moment she lost it. The hit came to her right shoulder as she tried to avoid it.

   She was injured but not for long.


   Oh, tough luck. Here comes the troublemaker.

"Nice to see you again, huh, Rena?" I greeted Rena, whose side has Acchan.

   I wasn't that weak anymore. If Mayuyu's hypothesis was correct, Rena's hypnotism would only last for a couple of minutes, since it follows the same principal of how a 'Command' works. I grinned as I felt the ominous presence behind me. I didn't move nor did I do anything. I could tell that she was surprised and I quickly turned around and kissed her right off the blue.

   She was trying to get away, trying to gasp for as I slid my tongue inside her mouth, not minding that the enemies and my Master's around us. I let her go as I felt the glare of NyanNyan, digging holes with her eyes.

I wiped my mouth from the mixture of me and Acchan's drools. "So that's about it. I've woken my princess up from slumber~" I jokingly said, holding a peace sign as I grinned at NyanNyan and Rena. Both Rena and Jurina smirked while NyanNyan was still glaring holes at me.

"Y- You idiot..." Acchan, surprised by what I just did, was red to her ears as she tries to cover her face with her hands.

I grinned wider as I saw how cute Acchan was acting and then I saw the figures of Mayuyu, Yukirin and Tomochin coming over to us. It seemed as if Yukirin has already set up a perimeter around the area, meaning that NyanNyan couldn't escape that easily anymore.

"So let us start our counterattack, ey, Acchan~?" I asked the girl who finally grinned and stood up.
"I thought you'd never ask, Yuko." she puts on her goofy smile that I loved so much.

[To be Continued]

   Know that I've changed Assassin, since Rena's not really the type to just sit around 'keeping the gate safe from harm'. She's not much of a Gatekeeper after all.

Oh, to those who don't know yet.

Atsuko = Saber = King Arthur, the 'Excalibur' gives it away, servant of Mayuyu, command seal used 1 time
Yuko = Archer = Unidentified, servant of Jurina, command seal used 2 times (shall be explained later on)
Sae = Lancer = Unidentified, but has something to do with Yuki's story, master unknown, command seal used 1 time (to get away from Acchan)
Tomomi = Rider = Unidentified, but has already hinted with her 'eyes that paralyzes people', servant of Yukirin, command seal used 1 time (to make Tomomi do her bidding)
Mariko-sama = Berserker = Unidentified, servant of Erepyon, command seal used 1 time (stopping Berserker's rage on her Master)
Rena = Assassin = Count Dracula, her 'coming out at night and hypnotic eyes' gave it away, servant of Haruna, command seal used 2 times (to be summoned)
Haruna = Caster = Unidentified, but was already hinted around chapter 3, master unknown, command seal never used.

Offline imteedee

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Re: [Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 4 Part I-
« Reply #71 on: September 23, 2013, 05:23:07 PM »
I SEE MAMARIN! my goodness!! my heart  :heart:

feeeling bad for Yuu

btw I love your new banner  :)

*shall be edited
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: [Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 4 Part I-
« Reply #72 on: September 23, 2013, 08:28:21 PM »
AT, I feel you as well, man... Dem AtsuYuu feels... Though I'm probably going to get killed here if yar seeking for AtsuYuu >.>

NOOO!  :cry:

AtsuMayu/MaYuki feels  :inlove:

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[Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 4 Part II-
« Reply #73 on: October 06, 2013, 03:56:04 PM »
imteedee, which banner? O.O'' LoL

AT, AtsuMayu sisterly love~ And as for Mayuki... I think that would probably happen~

   So here's another part~

[Chapter 4 part II]

"Hey, Yuko."
"What is it, Acchan?"
"Er... I don't know how to say this in this situation..."
"I'll answer if I can."
"What do you like about me?"
"Acchan..." Oshima bit her lip as she tried to calm herself down. "Please don't be all lovey-dovey when we're fighting here, Acchan. Save it for the bed tonight."

   Oshima smirked as she was satisfied with what Maeda had asked while the younger girl was blushing madly, dodging the strikes from Kojima as Rena was trying to damage Itano. Itano chuckled at their conversation which led to her almost getting hit by one smiling Rena.

"I- Idiot! I- It's not like I asked because I liked you or anything!" came the tsuntsun response from Maeda who was then hit in the head by a small pebble, property of the jealous Kojima.
"Love birds these days. They don't know when to stop loving each other." Rena joked and dodged Itano's attacks.
"So true. But hey, don't you want to glomp on the one you usually glomp?" Itano smirked, causing the younger girl to feel awkward.
"Eyes on the match, Itano." Rena managed to get a hit on Itano's right shoulder with her nails, making the older girl to instinctively jump back and distanced herself.

   As Itano distanced herself, Rena was suddenly attacked at her sides, though she managed to dodge it. She sighed as she saw the attacker landed herself between Itano and her. The attacker, Matsui Jurina, threw a few beads into Rena's direction and the older girl dodged it again no problem.

   Things were looking okay with Rena since she has no problem facing both Jurina and Itano but Kojima, however, wasn't doing fairly well. Kojima gritted her teeth as she was attacked by Watanabe who had enforced a wooden stick and also another girl who was following behind the smaller girl, Kashiwagi.

"Ain't it unfair for you guys to gang up on me like that?" Kojima joked a bit as she bent a tree using her magic, separating herself and the two younger.
"Ain't it unfair for you to use magic?" Watanabe countered and threw a dagger she got from Kashiwagi to Kojima.
"Blame the creation of this world." Kojima slyly evaded the topic and also the dagger. "And mind separating those two love birds already?" she pointed at the two, Maeda who was blushing bright red, running away from Oshima who was drooling.
"Meh. Don't feel like it." Kashiwagi snickered at the jealous Kojima as she jumped from the tree and enchanted her knife with poison, throwing it to Kojima.
"I'll do that later." Jealous Watanabe was also jealous.

   Kojima was getting more pissed by the minute and she exploded the dagger, causing her to become the main attention of the girls. Watanabe and Kashiwagi gritted their teeth and readied themselves for any future attacks by her.

   Suddenly, Kojima's hair became white, and after a few seconds, she disappeared into thin air. This caused the others to feel surprised and took their fighting stance. Rena clicked her tongue and dashed to Maeda, who finally became serious. Maeda revealed Excalibur and as she attacked, Rena also disappeared. Maeda took her stance and in an instant, she flew. No, she was being grabbed!

"Acchan!" Oshima shouted, afraid of losing her again, but Maeda was already too far.

   Before Oshima could dash to Maeda's direction, she was stopped by an old man in front of her. She avoided the old man but as she looked back, she was hit in the back by a sudden thunderbolt. Watanabe's eyes opened wide as she saw the old man in front of her, attacking Oshima.

"Jurina! Mayuyu! You two go after Acchan! Tomochin, Yuko and I will stay and take care of things here!" Kashiwagi said, almost shouting to boost her confidence.

   Hearing the suggestion from Kashiwagi, Watanabe halted her actions and thought, biting her lips at how she should decide. She took a final glance at Oshima who was glaring at the old man as the older girl stood up with the help of Itano. Watanabe gulped hard and nodded, grabbing Jurina's hand and dashed to Maeda's direction.

   The old man, with long white hair and beard, with a blue robe and a staff at his left hand, sighed and was about to attack the two retreating figures until Itano stopped him by standing in between. Itano took out her daggers and wrapped the old man in the chains of the dagger, followed by Oshima who slashed the old man with her two daggers. As they looked again, the old man had turned into a plank of wood. Their eyes shot open as they felt an ominous presence behind them. As they turned to look back, they were shot with a few pieces of wood.

   They were hit directly and was badly damaged. Itano looked and saw the old man reciting a mantra. She had a bad feeling and grabbed Oshima's hands as she drags her away to Kashiwagi.

"Get on! NOW!" as they looked, Itano had summoned her Pegasus, and they rode it away from the place.

   The old man smirked and after a few seconds before the girls' departure, his eyes turned white and-

"Lord of Vermillion."

   Tens of lightning bolts strike down hard onto the area around the old man, and caused the forest to become indulged in flames. As the three girls looked back, the lightning strikes were coming right at them. Itano gritted her teeth and warned the others as she made the Pegasus flew faster, and once they had reached the tall tower, the lightning strikes stopped. They got off on the tower and Itano gave a sigh of relief.

"What the hell was that?" Kashiwagi asked as she tried to make out what had happened.

   The sea of flames disappeared, almost as if magic and the assaults stopped. Itano shrugged her shoulders, unable to answer the unexplainable as she looked at Oshima who was observing something.

"You see anything with those eyes?" Itano asked.
"I can see their location, but I don't see that old man anywhere." Oshima answered as she looked back at Itano, only to be surprised and grabbed the two girls, evading themselves from the flying pieces of metal.

[Saber's POV]

   I wrung my body as to escape from the clutches of my captive and fell to the ground safely, thanks to the captor not being able to fly me high enough. The bat changed it's from into Rena again and I smirked, thinking that it was probably true that they say vampires could turn themselves into bats. Rena stretched her body and looked at me again.

"Sorry about that." she apologized sincerely and I chuckled.
"Don't mind it. It's the first time I flew, probably." I smiled and took out my sword again.
"Then, sorry for anything that might happen to you from now on, Acchan." Rena said, coming closer to me.

   I smirked and dashed forward, swinging my sword down to Rena, but she avoided it. I managed to use the momentum to swing my legs to her sides. It hit and she was clutching her side with one hand, and grabbed my shoulder with the other one. I made a conclusion of her next course of action and swung my sword upwards, making her step backwards instinctively. I also took a few steps back.

   Just then, I heard familiar footsteps and I grinned. Rena sighed at the two 'nuisances', as she called it, and the two entered the clearings but then-

   We heard a few thunderclaps followed by something burning. My eyes shot open as i looked at the direction Yuko and the others were at, in a sea of flames.

   But I calmed down, believing that Yuko was alive. No- I want to believe it. I want it to happen. Rena apologized again and was disturbed by Jurina who flicked her beads to the her, causing the tree next to her to burn down and disappear to ashes. Rena was lucky that she was able to dodge that.


   Rena sighed at the three who were ganging up on her and she smirked, finally making the weapon she should wield appear from air. Maeda also smirked, seeing that Rena was finally getting serious.

   Count Dracula, whose real identity was actually Vlad the III, also known as the Lord Impaler, who brutally ended the lives of hundreds of his people. Though that was only his stage name. His real name, Vlad III, the daughter of Vlad II, who managed to hide her identity as a woman. Vlad had a sense of justice known to be that she would do anything to obtain it. Real-politics, as they say. She ended up impaling most of the people who opposed her with her weapon, and because of that, she was thought of to be someone she was not.

   Her ways may be evil, but she did it all for justice, for the people she loved. But even so, she fell to the enemy's hands, her own enemy, her own brother.

   She probably has the most fame of all the heroes in the War, excluding Arthur himself, who was far more famous and did many other good deeds even before Vlad was born.

   Her Count Dracula form wasn't actually her real image, though it might be a little more powerful than her usual, but she couldn't obtain her Dracula's true form, probably because of her contract with another servant.

   Rena's eye changed, into the color of gold, and Maeda took a few steps back, afraid of what's to come, but even so, she smiled. She smiled for her to finally be able to fight Rena fully again.

"Kazikli Bey..."

   Maeda realized the sudden change in the younger girl's voice. She knew of it, and hinted the other two to run as fast as possible. Watanabe and Jurina obliged and in a few seconds, the sky turned dark for Maeda.

"The lord of Execution"

   Suddenly, the ground around them shook and Maeda instinctively jumped back, and at the spot she had stood before, and also other spots, a few spears impaled itself from the ground, rising up, making Maeda tiptoe from the mass of spears impaling. She ran and ran to escape from the spears but it took to time at all for it to catch up and by the time she couldn't move, spears could be seen all around her.

"So this is your Noble Phantasm..." Maeda remarked and Rena smirked, grabbing a spear as she looked emotionless at Maeda.

   Maeda gritted her teeth. She knew that a Noble Phantasm could only be broken by two things. One is to break it with another Noble Phantasm and the other is to kill the user.

   Maeda heaved a sigh, hoping her plan would work.

   A weakness of Count Dracula was that it was weak to holy attributes, and Rena couldn't escape her Dracula from no matter how hard she tried. Maeda gambled on the possibility and rose her sword above her head.

   Excalibur itself is Arthur's favorite sword, given to her by the Lady of the Lake. It's Divine spiritual energy can be released by transmitting the prana from the wielder, Arthur herself.

   Golden light shone itself on Saber's blade, causing Assassin to click her tongue. She knew just how little time she had to deploy her spear and she threw the spear with a hard throw at Maeda.



"It seems like you win." the old man said, fully healthy and unhurt.

   Oshima and Itano were on their knees, unable to stand up at all, for the man was too much for them to take. Kashiwagi was also injured though not as much as the Servants. The old man sighed and his form changed once more to his original form.

"Rena-chan was defeated." the girl said.
"As expected, huh, NyanNyan?" Oshima joked, still unable to sit up too well but she managed.


   They regrouped. Oshima restraining the Kojima who was a little too happy in being captured by the squirrel-like girl and Maeda sitting next to the exhausted Rena with Watanabe and Jurina.

"Victory is ours, huh?" Oshima said, but without much excitement, for she in actuality had lost to Kojima.

   Meanwhile, Jurina and Kashiwagi were in the back, looking at each other worriedly.

"This... did you realize it?" Jurina asked Kashiwagi.
"Yeah..." Kashiwagi answered, then took a look at Watanabe.
"Things are going a little too well, don't you think?"

   Just then, a three black figures appeared behind  them. Itano reacted quickly stabbing the said figure quickly and it disappeared. Maeda avoided the black figure and stabbed the figure. Oshima, though was too exhausted and was bitten by the figure.

"Yuko!" the figure was then stabbed by another girl.

   Everyone's eye was shot open as they looked at the one who saved Oshima. Wearing a Gakura, and a black headband, she wielded her spear magnificently, making the others in awe.

"Sae-chan..." Kashiwagi greeted her friend who was supposed to be killed a few months prior.

   Before she could demand the older girl of an explanation, Miyazawa interrupted the group.

"I know you've got some questions unanswered but for now, follow me to my Master. Things are going to get a little more complicated after this."


   A girl with short brown hair yawned as she realized something. She faced her Master, who was drinking tea and smiled.

"Seems like the real show's going to start." the taller girl said to her Master.
"I see..." the shorter girl also smiled and put her cup of tea down, sitting up from her chair and looking out the window of her mansion. "Should we see how this goes?"


   A lone girl sat on the throne, her arm supporting her head a she drifted into slumber. Her eyes slowly opened, for she had realized something. She smirked and stood up, finally moving. The girl walked towards the door, and finally opened it.

"I'm coming, Atsuko."

[Chapter 4 - The point of change END]

   I think it's becoming a little messed up... Dunno why

Offline imteedee

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Re: [Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 4 Part II-
« Reply #74 on: October 07, 2013, 06:50:14 AM »
I'm really getting confused now  :nervous wait I'll re-read everything! but I can say you really write 'action scenes' well  :P I LOLed at the little KojiYuu moment there  :lol: and OH...
And as for Mayuki... I think that would probably happen~
Mari-chan is going baaack?  :bleed eyes: and another villain uh-oh  :nervous now I'm scared!

oh you changed it though, I like the Acchan wide-shot with a script below  :)  :wub:
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: [Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 5 Part I-
« Reply #75 on: October 08, 2013, 11:58:17 AM »
imteedee, ikr? I was thinking of re-reading it myself. But I'm not in the mood to read something non-AtsuYuu. Wait, there ARE a few moments here and there >.> You know I just can't ignore MaYuki, can I XD And yeah, another villain which I've thought of introducing since the start~

   So here's another chapter. ROSALINDA AYAMOR! <Why the hell did I just write that?


"I am at your commands, my liege." The girl with black shoulder-length hair said, as she bowed to her Master.
"Just call me by my name. Calling me 'my liege', is kinda outdated, don't you think, Atsuko?" the Master said, chuckling at her servant's behavior.
"E- Err... I- I'll try." Maeda stuttered, feeling the presence of the older far more superior.
"From now on, we'll be together forever~" the Master said, smiling magnificently.
"R- Really?" Maeda blushed, for it was the first time someone in that world has declared so charmingly.
"Yup! Best friends forever!"


"You are to become the Center girl." the man spoke, causing the girl's eyes to be filled with tears, from both shock and depression.
"NO!" she firmly rejected, looking at the man with menace.
"This is your one in a lifetime chance, Maeda." the man spoke again, trying to convince her.
"No means no! I don't want to be the cause of everyone's pain ever again!" the girl declined again, this time, hugging her own body, as if she was cold.

   The girl's eyes became unfocused as she reminisced of what happened in her past. The blood splatter, the cause of why she was even in the war in the first place. The man sighed, standing up and left the room, for he wanted the girl to think of it. Being pressured wasn't the right way to convince a person. Maeda sat on the chair, head down, thinking of any way to avoid the man's decision, for she did not want to become the said 'Center'.

"Atsuko..." hearing the voice behind her, Maeda's depressed face, was filled with a happy smile, for she knew her friend was there for her.
"You are to take that offer."

   Maeda's eyes shot open, as she heard the unbelievable command from her own Master. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she looked at her friend, who was looking at her in disgust. Her mouth gaped open, mumbling her name, denying what she had heard, but her body and mind spoke otherwise.

"By your will."

   She wanted to protest, she actually could, but the shock from her very own friend's command, who even knew what her past was like, was too much for her to take. Her mind went blank and what followed after, was years of hardships, and an unbelievable amount of hate for Maeda, from the audiences, the agency, and even from her very own members. All of it, was coming from the betrayal by her best friend.

[Chapter 5 Part I - Explanations]

"Welcome, Arthur, Mayu, Vlad, Yuki, Jurina."

   The figure said, at the same place as before.

"Akimoto-sensei, Yukirin's outside with Tomochin and... Lancer, for your information." Watanabe told her the status.
"I see..." Akimoto only smirked and looked at everyone. "So the real battle is going to start anytime soon."

   Everyone sat down quietly, eyeing the teacher to explain herself. The atmosphere grew heavy as they couldn't talk much. They were eagerly waiting for something. Something that could explain the sudden insecurity of their hearts. In the Second Science Lab, Watanabe sat on top of Maeda's lap, while Oshima was clinging on the poor Saber's left arm. Rena was awkwardly sat next to Rena, who was keeping quiet most times. The younger girl eyed Rena, afraid and awkward at the same time, whilst she was still feeling something else in her heart.

"What's wrong?" Rena realized the stare of the younger girl and asked, unneeded of any 'weird' atmospheres.
"N- Nothing!" Jurina flinched from the sudden attention from the older girl and apologized.

   Rena decided to shrug it off and focused on something far more important, more important than the weird love triangle in front of her-

"Okay, can you three just stop being lovey dovey already? You're making the atmosphere feel bad."

-though Jurina couldn't take it anymore and scoffed at the three. Rena sighed and patted the younger girl's shoulder.

"Feel AND smell bad." Rena added, which caused the younger girl to chuckle at her joke.

   Oshima let go of her best friend's arms- reluctantly, if I may add. Watanabe giggled evilly, for she was the Master of the said best friend. Oshima hissed and turned her attention to the bored Akimoto while Maeda could only laugh wryly at the situation she had went through.

"So, ask away, as per usual."

[Rider's POV]

   I yawned as I looked at the awkward situation in front of me. Two girls sat next to each other, leaning to the wall, just next to the door to the Second Science Lab. Yuki was obviously looking down, almost as if crying and Sae could only smile, a pained smile, that is. I urged Sae to move on with it, since it's not good to make the others wait while they're doing this... thing... with each other which I can't explain.

"Sae, speak." I urged her, and she nodded.
"Sorry about making you the third wheel, Tomochin..." Yuki was the one who apologized.
"Don't mind it." I smiled at her, squatting down as I pat her head.
"Un..." the girl's cries was more than obvious. Probably even the oblivious Sae could sense it by now.

   Yuki actually forced me to come with her as she wanted to talk to Sae about what had actually happened and I reluctantly accepted, since I know she would even use the damned Command Seal because she's embarrassed. Man, what would have happened if she's in the bedroom with some guy and she summoned me there, just to ask about things... Whoa, imagine the guy's awkward face...

   It's actually pretty easy to understand Yuki. I sympathized with the Cyborg Girl in AKB who actually had to spend her time with her so much, but then again, after I spent some time with this, 'Mamarin', or so fans called her, I found out that she's pretty sweet, so much for her 'BLACK' nickname.

"Any questions, Yukirin?" Sae asked, still not losing her smile and I retracted my hand from Yuki's head, allowing them to talk privately, though there's no way Yuki would let me to literally leave them alone.
"Un..." Yuki held her breath and looked at Sae, this time, she was all ready for it, "You know what my first question's going to be." she glared at Sae, which made me chuckle at the scene. "What happened the last time I saw you...?"

   Sae heaved a sigh and looked at me, signaling me with her eyes, saying that it's okay for me to listen in. I don't actually mind. It's not like there's gonna be some lovey dovey confession of some sort from all the bottled up feelings of the pair. Okay, now I sound like Mayu. Curse that mouse...

"Then let me ask you first." Sae dodged the question with a new one. "What DID you see?"

   Yuki was at loss for words at first but then looked at me, lost. I sighed at the unbelievably helpless Master I have and explained to Sae what she saw. About her seeing Sae being stabbed with weapons of sort and was leaning on the wall, blood covered all over.

   Sae listened intently and nodded at my explanation. Then she looked at Yuki. This time, with resolve burning in her eyes, far from the usual playful Sae.

"Yukirin, remember carefully. What EXACTLY you saw." she told the younger girl, and Yuki flinched.

   It took a couple of minutes. Yuki was holding her head down, thinking and trying to remember the scene she probably didn't want. I took the chance to sit next to her and calmed her down as I soothed her back, patting it with my hand.

"You were standing up..." She finally spoke.
"There was somebody behind you...
You were stabbed by spears...
Blood evident on it...
You were shielding the one behind you...
You were looking at the corner of the room...
I don't know what you were looking at but...
You were looking at it with disgust..."

   She explained to us what she saw and I patted her back, saying 'There there... You can stop now' and she did, she hugged me and I patted her head next. Like a mother and her child, or as Sae said. Sae nodded, saying that it was exactly that.

"Who was that? And how are you even alive?" I asked, even though I know that she was actually dead once in her past. I mean, who wasn't?

   Just that name could make me imagine of what actually happened. She didn't even need to explain more. All I need to know is that it was Mariko, and I can already make out of what she went through. I sighed and Yuki parted from the hug, finally able to take a breather.

"And as for why I'm still alive-" "Was the person you were shielding, your Master?" I interrupted her explanation, and she nodded.

   I smirked as to what I thought of. When I was in AKB, I learned a bit of Japanese history from some institute called 'School' and there I learned of a loyal man. The man who died while protecting his lord. The man that was stabbed multiple times with arrows, spears and swords, but he still stood, not making way for the enemy to go to his lord. The man, or as I thought he was, was actually someone pretty famous.

"Musashibou Benkei."

   I spoke of the name and Sae's eyes shot open, and she smirked, meaning that my guess was accurate.

"Surprising you know of me." Sae said, as she was trying to hold in a chuckle or two, probably of ridiculing me.
"I learn as well, Miyazawa. I went to 'school' in the last war, remember?" I crossed my arms, and rolled my eyes, at the ridicule I have gotten from her.
"You don't look like the type to 'learn', Tomochin." Yuki chuckled, and I looked at my Master who had betrayed me with an imaginary stab in the heart.
"Fine! I'll just leave you two alone then!" I pouted, for the first time ever and stood up but the two of them held me down, laughing their asses off.

   After a few moments of me sulking and the other two trying to comfort me, nah no actually, they were teasing me even more, I finally accepted whatever. Man, what's with these two? BLACK Yukirin and Ikemen Sae, teasing ME. Now I know how some midget feels.

"So you're really Sae-chan, right?" Yuki asked, this time, for security.

   Sae smiled and patted her head.

"I'm real, Yukirin. And I'm here for you."

   Okay, now the atmosphere's REALLY getting too pinky and lovey dovey. Makes me sick. Man, how I wished my Master was someone like... er... Sayaka? Yeah, Sayaka sounds good. She's level-headed and not really the type to be all cutesy cutesy bout this. But still, when I looked at the smiling Yuki, there's already a sense of relief. A relief, like a mother has for her child who had gotten past an obstacle. I shook my head, erasing all of these sweet thoughts and disturbed their moment.

"Hey, so mind if we go inside now?"

[General POV]

   The three, Kashiwagi, Miyazawa and Itano entered, and was welcomed by the sight of Jurina hugging Rena and Maeda trying to strip Oshima whilst Watanabe could only watch in amazement as she drools of what she was seeing. Akimoto was sighing and sleeping on her desk, which made Itano take back what she just thought.

"Okay, what happened?" Itano asked Watanabe who was hyperventilating and murmuring 'RAPE' all over.
"Ah, actually..."

-FLASHBACK of one Watanabe Mayu-

"Err. I think we should wait for Mama and the other two to finish." I said, actually letting out something I should've kept to myself.
"Mama???" Acchan looked at me, surprised and then came a teasing smile.

   My cheeks became redder as I realized my mistake and I looked at the others. Yuko was laughing aloud, clutching her stomach from all the laughing, Jurina was looking lost as usual, and Assassin was chuckling, probably because she knew who I meant by that name.

"Seriously? And I thought you were my sister~" Acchan joked and hugged me. "I won't ever ever admit Yukirin of being my mother~!!!"
"S- She's not! I just slipped my tongue, that's all!" I denied but the others were with a knowing teasing smile.
"RIGHT~" Akimoto-sensei teased and she looked at Jurina. I looked as well to see her asking the girl next to her.

"Err... Rena-san? Who did she mean by 'Mama'?" she asked Assassin, better known for her name as 'Rena'.
"Who knows. Probably your new friend. Rider's Master." Rena answered, still with the smile on her face, different from when she fights.
"Ah... No wonder they're so close..." this time, Jurina seemed a little bit let down.
"Jealousy finally crept up to you, kid?" Rena asked in a teasing manner, and patted her head, whispering something to her.

   Jurina blushed bright red and stood up, surprised. After a few seconds, her eyes shone brightly and...

"Ooh! You're GOOD! I like you!" Jurina smiled cheerfully and hugged Rena, and the taller girl was writhing in pain, trying to escape from her.

   Yuko, seeing this, looked at Acchan.

"Why don't you EVER hug me that intimately?" Yuko pouted, looking at Acchan.
"Huh? I do, right? Like, in the last war." Acchan defended.
"No, that's just service. I want you to hug me and scream out you love me while kissing me senseless!" Yuko declared, fangirling.
"... How many times do I have to say this? I don't love you in that way, Yuko."
"You do, Acchan. It's just that you don't realize your overly unbearable love towards me~"
"Err... No."
"You love me, Acchan! And that's a fact!"
"One day, you would cry out and ask to be loved by me while I only shrug it off~"
"Though I'd probably strip you naked and make you want my body and all~"
"THE Maeda Atsuko as my lover, wanting my skilled hands to touch her~ Oh, what a s-"

   Before Yuko could finish her sentence, she finally realized that Acchan's eyes turned to something far more than she had seen. Her aura became dark and Yuko could see the death from Acchan's eyes. Acchan slowly and quietly laughed, the laugh of someone pissed. Okay, she's pissed.

"Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukooooooooooooo~" Acchan singsonged, holding Yuko in her arms, more like squeezing her. "You incorrigible, you know that~?"

   I was already shielding myself at Akimoto-sensei's desk, as we both watched the scary scene unfold.

"Okay, wake me up when things are better." she said and slept, face on her arms which are on her desk.

   I nodded and looked back at the scene.

"A- Acchan, t- that was just a light joke~" Yuko was trying to writhe her way out but it came to naught.
"Eh~? So does that mean Yuko doesn't like me?" Acchan puts her index on her lips and looked at the girl with a sad face. WOW! THAT'S FRIGGIN CUTE!
"Of course I love you!" Yuko couldn't take it and declared. I know the feel, Yuko. I really do.
"Then STRIP."

   Okay, WUT?

"WUT?" Yuko asked, surprised.
"Don't you hear me? Don't you want it, Yuko? Don't you want to feel my hands roaming around your body? My lips on yours? And then my tongue slipped in between the caves of your lips, exploring your insides? And I move downwards, exploring your putting butterfly kisses on your body, and finally I meet with your caves, licking it clean as I press my fingers on the mounds of flesh on your chest?"
"A- Acchan..." Yuko's eyes turned blurry as she looked at Atsuko, lost as she tucked the hem of her skirt, since she was wearing my clothes, save for Acchan wearing Jurina's. I could feel myself drooling at this point.
"You would want that, don't you?"
"Then~" with the sweet voice from Acchan, Yuko snapped out of her trance and looked at the taller girl in fear. "YOU'VE GOTTA STRIP!"

-End of Mayu's FLASHBACK-

   After hauling Maeda and Oshima on separate corners, making them self-evaluate on the things they had did, Itano hauled Jurina next to Maeda. Maeda could only hold her head down, regretting for whatever the hell she just did in her rage. Watanabe sulked, seeing that it was a good opportunity to see girl on girl rape, but she never realized of the burning pit of jealousy inside her heart. Rena, who was saved, sighed and glared at Jurina.

"Okay, I think that's enough fun for now." Akimoto clapped her hands once, directing the attention to her.

   Seeing this, everyone sat on their seats. Maeda sat next to Oshima like nothing had happened and looked at Akimoto. Jurina was keen on listening and sat next to Rena, reminding herself to keep her hands to herself. Miyazawa stood next to Akimoto and listened to her Master.

"This war is false."

   She said, making the others shocked but listened nonetheless. Watanabe crossed her arms and closed her eyes, thinking while listening to her teacher, and probably an enemy or foe.

"There's been sightings of a few unknown creatures around the area. We don't know what it is, but from what I've read, the creatures, the ones you've just faced, were released by some individuals." she said.
"Doesn't that just mean that there's another Master?" Watanabe asked.
"No, probably not. The War is set to only 7 Masters and 7 Servants. Any more could be blasphemy and the Grail would go haywire." Kashiwagi said.
"Which is probably what's happening now, huh?" Jurina asked, looking up.

"Correct. The Grail has gone haywire, and the reason is because there's an uninvited guest... Or probably even guests... that had stepped inside this war from nowhere." Akimoto explained.
"How about Caster? If she has the power to summon Rena, then-" Jurina said, but was interrupted by Oshima.
"She's not the one who did it, probably. Since her prana was already drained from everything." Oshima said, but stopped midway. "But..." she looked at Atsuko "She's probably going to call 'her'."

   At Oshima's words, the servants flinched, remembering of a certain person. Watanabe caught it and looked at Maeda who was hugging herself. Watanabe swiftly and slyly, propped herself on Maeda's lap, and enveloped her arms around the girl's neck, comforting her.

"Then does that mean that the grail is not going to appear?" Itano asked.
"It will." Akimoto answered confidently. "That's what I believe in, anyway." Akimoto shrugged her shoulders and Miyazawa chuckled.
"So, what is your proposal?" Watanabe caught into Akimoto's plan and asked her. Akimoto smirked at the question.
"Pretty sharp, Mayu. Yes, I propose that we make a stand for now. Just until the nuisances are out of the way." Akimoto said.
"Does that include Berserker as a nuisance?" Watanabe asked again, and Akimoto's grin grew wider.
"A little too sharp. I see." Akimoto chuckled and looked at the girls "Yes. That includes Mariko."

   The atmosphere became heavy as there was a stare-off between Akimoto and Watanabe. Everyone kept quiet, wanting Watanabe to answer the call for whatever she believes in. And after a few moments passed,

"Sure." Watanabe finally accepted, and smirked "Though I'm guessing the others will accept nonetheless." she chuckled.

   Everyone smiled at the answer she gave and gave each other knowing looks, for they had gained a new ally.

"But..." Akimoto looked at them again, "I want two others to accompany me, a Master and a Servant."
"What for?" Watanabe asked.
"In London, there is a Magi library in which tells the tales of the last wars, and the Grail itself, probably. I want to research in there and find out exactly what or who we're up against. I don't know if there's gonna be any merit in doing so, but that's the only lead I've got for now. So I want two of you to accompany me, to London."

   Watanabe thought and looked at Maeda, still on her lap. Maeda smiled, permitting her to do as she pleases.

"A Master and a Servant. You know that we couldn't trust you, so you're trying to gain our trust by making the situation hard on you, as you alone are not strong enough to take on both. Nice tactic, sensei." Watanabe chuckled.
"Okay, you catch on things way too quickly." Akimoto sighed.
"I'll take that as a compliment." Watanabe grinned dorkily.
"And your answer?"

   Watanabe thought for a while and finally opened her mouth.

"I'll get back to you on that. It's not my place to choose two people to go to London, and I'm guessing they're NOT going to let me go there myself." Watanabe said, "So, how about you two stay with us for the time being?"

[To be Continued]

   I don't know if that AtsuYuu scene was legal or not but I'll get back to that... someday... Or later~

Offline imteedee

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Re: [Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 5 Part I-
« Reply #76 on: October 08, 2013, 12:03:18 PM »
BWAHAHA you made my boring day lively!  :lol: :lol: :lol:

I like it RED STRIP STRIP and yeah I haven't read it yet but I wanna comment JUST LOL  :w00t: of course!! MAYUKI RUNS ON YOUR BLOODSTREAM!!! you just don't see it!!  XD
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: [Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 6 Part I-
« Reply #77 on: December 24, 2013, 07:16:51 PM »
”It hurts…”

   A girl was in chains, her eyes red from crying and her hands were bound by chains to absolute nothingness. She couldn’t move an inch. All she could do was sit there, waiting for something to happen. Waiting in the void of darkness for something she thought would be impossible. She looked ahead of her, and still saw nothing. She sighed and then continued to look down in despair.

   Then as if an electric vibe hit her suddenly, she jolted upwards, her eyes shot open by how fierce the current was. Yet this time, she was smiling. She knew it. She realized it.


   She looked in front of her again and this time, there was a mirror. A mirror and inside, showing was not her reflection, but something far more than she desired. Of course she doesn’t want to look at her pathetic self. She wanted to see someone.

   Inside the mirror, a girl was trying to escape from another taller girl who was holding some sort of spear. Just one look and she smiled, looking at the taller girl. The girl, chained in the darkness, laughed after so long. She was happy; happy that she could see her friend again.

   The girl in the mirror was in a tight spot. She could die any second. The taller girl raised her spear and was going to behead the shorter girl, yet the shorter girl did nothing.

   The girl in the darkness clicked her tongue and then in an outburst of emotion and memories of her past life,


   She screamed from the top of her lungs. The girl in the mirror, almost like she suddenly got the message, avoided the spear by a hair’s length. She survived.
“I see…”

   The girl in the darkness smiled, amused by the outcome. She then stood up; or at least trying to. The chains were still bound to her. She didn’t pay any heed to them. She wanted to help the girl. She wanted to break the chains and come to her aide. She wanted to become her savior.

   She wanted her as her master.


   Like a gust of wind manifesting in her hand, a sword emerged out of it. The sword, the golden sword known by legends as the sword which was entitled as ‘The sword engraved in the stone’, the sword she got from the Lady of the Lake, who was actually none other than her right hand, the ‘man’ who helped her in the times of need, was finally by her side again after years of waiting.

   She knew that her master was the girl in the mirror.

   With an outburst of strengths, she broke the chains, swinging her sword at it, creating a small-sized tornado in the process. She smiled happily and then stood up in front of the mirror.

   Her sword then disappeared.

“Any last words?” the taller girl In the mirror asked, readying her spear after the shorter girl got away, but failed.

   The girl in the darkness then placed her hand on the mirror, readying herself as well. She believed in the girl. She believed in her even after a certain someone had betrayed her long ago. She wanted to believe. She wanted to believe again.

“I WANT TO LIVE!” the girl in the mirror shouted, determination could be seen in her eyes. Like a burning flame inside her black orbs in the eyes.

   The girl then smirked, her hand forming a fist.

“Then I shall grant you just that, Mayu!” then the girl broke the mirror.

   The ones who volunteered to go for the so-called ‘trip’ to London was Jurina, who said that she always wanted to try and travel outside of Japan. Of course Mayu protested, saying that she doesn’t want Jurina to leave her, but still in her usual tsuntsun ways.

“Then I’ll be leaving now, guys.” Jurina bid her farewell to the other girls.
“Bye-bye Jurina~” the shortest girl in the group bid her farewell to the taller girl- Wait.
“Huh? What are you talking about, Yuko? You’re my Servant. Of course you’re coming along with me!” Jurina dragged Yuko by the arm towards the door.
“NO! I still have some stuff to do to Acchan! And half of that was something I always thought was delusions! I want to make those come true!! Acchan! Lemme touch your oppai!”
“HECK NO!” Atsuko rejected, her face red from embarrassment thanks to the short midget.

   Crying, Yuko was pulled away into Sayaka’s arms, which she couldn’t escape from anymore. Sayaka was too powerful for her to bear.

   Jurina then faced Mayu again for the last time.

“I’ll be going now.” Jurina bid her farewell to her best friend.
“… Yeah. Make sure to stay safe, okay?” Mayu said, hugging her best friend one last time.
“I will.” Jurina returned her hug, tighter, with a resolution to come back and kiss her best friend, just for fun.

   Then the two, Sayaka and Jurina, with an unwilling volunteer, Yuko, went of to London for research as to what for, nobody knows except for Sayaka.

2 Months Passed…

“So… don’t you think that those two are taking it way too seriously?”

   The taller girl asked her servant who nodded, seeing the fight between the two individuals in front of them. The servant sighed, watching the fight as she thought of things which are so wrong in her life and the taller girl couldn’t help but pout, seeing the boredom of the shorter one.

“Sorry for boring you, Tomochin.”

   Tomochin flinched as she felt the sudden dark aura next to her. She could see it, behind the face of the taller girl, the one who was puffing her cheeks ever so cutely, there was a sinister emotion running down the taller girl’s veins. Tomochin gulped and then did her best to fix the situation.

“I- I’m not bored, Yukirin! It’s just that I haven’t slept in days because of a CERTAIN SOMEONE wanting to play around all night because she missed a CERTAIN SQUIRREL!”

   Tomochin emphasized a few words so that the girl mentioned could hear the tease coming from her. The girl that was mentioned, a few feet away at the other side, hid her face in her knees as she hugs them. Tomochin could swear that she saw a line of red on the girl’s cheeks but she would rather keep that to herself rather than face another sleepless night. Thank God there was the girl’s Master, or hell, she couldn’t sleep a wink!

“Hmph! That’s what they all say!”

   There were a few sweatdrops from Tomochin and she mentally braced herself for what she might face after from her jealous or pissed off Master. She didn’t know which. It depends on the mood.

   Now focusing on the fight in front of them, Tomochin noted the short girl’s growth.

   Sparks flew with every clash of their blades. The shorter girl was fighting on the same level with the taller one. Though there was a high level of difference in their skills, the shorter girl could keep up with the taller one’s movements.

   The only problem was…

“You should let loose some of your muscles, Sae! Your swings are WAY too hard to block!”

   The shorter one complained as she blocked another one of the taller’s attacks. She managed to block it flawlessly with her blade, the blade that a certain squirrel lent her. The black blade of Kanshou could only hold out much longer and the young girl knew it. The girl was fighting against one of the legendary figures in Japan. She was fighting with none other than Benkei with her trusted spear.

“Blame yourself for not being skilled enough, Mayuyu.” With a hard thrust of her spear, she pierced through Mayu’s defense and stopped midway. She then swiftly swung the said spear and the spearhead hits the girl’s dagger, throwing the girl’s only weapon off of her. “Besides, you’ve already grown skilled enough.” Said Sae, finally satisfied with the match and puts down her spear, leaving the younger girl to pout.

“You don’t HAVE to strip me off my weapon, you know!” pouted Mayu, but Sae ignored her and then was about to leave.

   Mayu grinned as she was faced with Sae’s back and swiftly and silently grabbed her dagger. She then proceeded to dash to the back of Sae who was unaware of the girl behind her. Mayu hit Sae on the back on the center of her back and then in one swift motion, did a slingshot around the girl. Sae couldn’t move and then was met with Mayu’s smug grin. She knew that something was going to happen and the least she expected was-

“Mayuyu uppercut!” Mayu swung her dagger upwards and just barely missed Sae’s skin. But unfortunately… “ALL HAIL SAE’S ABS!” she exclaimed almost foolishly to the girl whose shirt was ripped open by her blades.

   Sae was red to her ears by her front body that was bare to everyone’s eyes. Yuki couldn’t blink while watching the scene whilst Tomochin was trying the hardest in her power not to laugh at her past-self Ex-teammate. Atsuko who was on the other side, blushed furiously while staring at Sae’s abs. The one next to her, Rena, was chuckling at the sight. She was incredibly amused by the situation, and also the girl next to. She didn’t know that Atsuko could make that sort of face, which was clearly shown as embarrassment.

“I take that back. You haven’t grown at all, you idiotic mice.”

   Sae’s eyes were full of anger and Mayu knew that she has to escape the wrath of the tomboy girl or else, she would regret it notably. Atsuko realized the distress signal sent by her master and then came to her aide.

“S- Sae, let’s forgive her for once, okay? I’m sure she didn’t mean any harm to anyone.” Atsuko tried to negotiate with Sae in the name of her Master’s life.
“No, Atsuko. As much as I respect you, I have a mouse to skin alive.” Sae said in a tone which caused Mayu to shiver to her bones. Now she REALLY needs to escape.
“Besides, why aren’t you looking straight at Sae, Acchan~?” came the tease from the girl’s best mate, Tomochin who had a smug grin on her face.

   Atsuko literally glared at the girl with Medusa eyes even though it was really ironic. Said girl, trying her hardest not to tease her best mate anymore, couldn’t help but add oil to the fire. Her gaze met with a certain raven-haired who was not next to her and her smile grew even more sinister. Rena got the message and thus, decided to join in the fun.

“Acchan, don’t tell me your love for abs are showing!” Rena did a surprised reaction-sort of face and the other one that was famous for her surprised reaction showed hers.

   Atsuko’s face turned bright red; redder than her previous faces. The girl was literally not used to being the tease, such as to why she likes to tease other people more. Sae got the message and decided to do what everyone else wanted her to do.

“Acchan~” Sae called the girl in a seductive voice and hugged the girl tight.

   Sae placed the girl’s head on her chest and Atsuko flushed face became scarlet red. She didn’t even know how hot her face was and of course she didn’t know what was worse; the taller girl’s slightly exposed breasts or her abs. She was almost convinced to pick the latter option, but something in her heart and love for boobs and skin was protesting.

   Some teasing howls came from the other occupants of the room and Atsuko finally remembered that she wasn’t alone; ergo, could not enjoy more of the taller girl’s skin, much to her disappointment. Though, a certain squirrel would later learn of this, and Atsuko would regret ever becoming the tease of the others.

   Atsuko pushed the taller girl lightly, because some of her strength couldn’t make out her desire, thus not helping her in the least. Sae chuckled and then released the shorter girl from her hug; much to Atsuko’s dismay.

“Aw~ MORE ACTION!” said Mayu who was beside Yuki, eating potato chips.

   Atsuko’s eyes turned angered by her Master, and she was in need to further ‘discipline’ said mouse. Mayu felt the glare and she gulped, knowing that she will NOT get away with this. She prayed to the heavens for Atsuko to be merciful, but as we all know, Atsuko knows not of such words as ‘mercy’.


   In the two months, a lot had changed. Which shall be further explained.

   For Mayu, she stopped putting her hair in twintails anymore. She decided to grow up a bit more, though truthfully, that didn’t come true. Not even the slightest. Even though her appearance seemed to be more mature than she was, she did NOT change much. She learned a lot from the Servants around her and of course, Yuki. Yuki always taught her what she wanted; mostly magi-related things. But even though she had learned a lot of things from both Yuki and Jurina when she was still there, she still could not do any other magic other than changing the properties of objects. She could only learn a few magical skills, which were;
Reinforcement, a skill that turns the properties of objects to what Mayu desires, though she could not turn paper to steel, she could harden the texture of said object and could use it when she deem please. It was a really useful spell when she could not find any weapon near her.
Reanimation, the skill that defines logic. She herself did not know how she learned it. When she realized it, she found out a way to turn a hardened structure softer. Say, if one is using a blade. When Mayu touches the blade and thinks of the structure of the blade, she could modify the blade not from the outer appearance, but the structure within. She could easily make the blade breakable as if it was paper. A very dangerous skill, but she of course, doesn’t use it much. One, because she is not skilled enough to just go up and touch a person’s weapon. But now… who knows.
Recreation, a skill she learned from Yuko. She could hold an object; preferably wood, and change it to match an existing object in her presence. She could take a stick and then one look at a weapon of her choice which is near, she could copy it and change the stick to match the weapon. The copy would be an exact outer replica of the one copied, but the inner properties would not change. It could break easily and she could not copy a weapon which elements are made of high classes, such as Excalibur.
   Aside from these skills, she learned nothing much. And she still didn’t know how she could do magic like Yuko, who is a servant. She didn’t know but she would rather not find out.

   As for Yuki, she started to become closer to her servant than ever, though a few of her and Tomochin’s friends weren’t too fond of it. They felt that it was something that was not right. Yuki didn’t care, though. Tomochin had helped her more than she could count. She owes her a lot. As for her relationship with Sae, she was able to make ou- I mean, make up with her. They started to become friends again and forget the past. What intrigues the others was that Yuki had become a lot closer to Mayu than the others (excluding Tomochin who is her beloved Servant), and Atsuko is not very fond of it with her pretense that she wasn’t liking the fact that her Master is growing close to the enemy. Neither was Sae, though she would not admit it one bit. Her and Rena’s relationship wasn’t going too well. She still did not trust Rena because of the girl’s attacks on the group. The others came to accept her, but Yuki still would not want to be alone in a room with Rena.

   Speaking of Rena, she was no longer a servant. The night where the mysterious beings attacked the group two months prior, Haruna used her last order on her, thus ended the entire Master-Servant relationship with the two. When the group asked her what the last order was, Rena couldn’t remember. As if part of her memory was erased. They thought that Haruna wanted her to forget about something, but Rena doubts it. She could be able to fight memory wipe because of her Vampire’s blood. What is more surprising is that Rena did not disappear even though her Master used the last command. In the rules of the Grail, once a Master uses all three Command Seals, the Servant will disappear, leaving the Master. But that wasn’t so in Rena’s case. She was still in the world, though probably not in the Game anymore. The others were hesitant to take her in, and she knew why. She actually thought to just leave everyone and do something at the meantime, but surprisingly, Mayu didn’t take her in. No, it was not Mayu. It was Atsuko who embraced her and asked her to join in the group. Rena was surprised by the sudden invitation and wanted to decline, but she knows well of how the saying goes. When Maeda Atsuko wants something, etc. She then reluctantly decided to stay with the others, though there were still some who could not accept her yet; mainly Yuki who kept avoiding her at all cost. She was very much hurt by it, but she knows the fear in Yuki. She knew she should just leave her alone. Every night, Atsuko would drag her to sleep with her and Mayu, which Rena wasn’t very fond of. Being a third wheel was something she wanted the least. Perhaps that was the reason she could gain Mayu’s trust.

   In Sae’s case however, she waited for her Master’s arrival and during the wait, she decided that she would train Mayu because Tomochin was too fast for Mayu to follow and Atsuko lacks mercy; that, and self-control. So Sae, with her resolve to train the young girl to at least take powerful impacts and read the enemy’s flow of movement, did just that. In just a few weeks, the young girl managed to be on par with the older girl’s movement and could catch most of her attacks. Sae was really proud of the improvements. She actually thought Mayu couldn’t handle her but Mayu proved her wrong. These days, Sae had to use at least 40% of her real power to battle Mayu. Mayu could barely catch up, but day by day, she kept growing stronger and stronger with her sword skill and footwork. Sae’s relationship with Yuki was running smoothly. She would always play with Yuki whenever Atsuko was taking too much of Tomochin’s time. Yuki wasn’t too fond of spending time with Atsuko though. No, she likes the older girl a lot but for some reason, she could not imagine if she and the older girl were in the same room. She had a hunch that something was going to happen and she would not like it one bit. Well, she would like it, but her pride and ego wou- AH you get what I mean. It was probably because Atsuko said that she and the other-world Yuki were really close and hung out with each other a lot, and Yuko butted in saying that Atsuko was the man of the relationship. Of course nobody believed them, but as much as Yuki would like to deny Atsuko’s manliness, she could not shake the feeling that the older girl would really do well in bed, much to her demise and facepalming reactions.

   Tomochin wasn’t doing fairly well with the whole AtsuYuki love-hate going around the area though. Every night, Atsuko would abuse her authority as her best friend and keep Tomochin to herself. Yuki of course did not like it. She was her servant for God’s sake. She even wanted to use the Command Seal to steal Tomochin back, but thanks to a few hours of the other girls persuading her to not use it because it was indeed, a stupid move, she didn’t. She had to play with Atsuko a lot because of the girl’s loneliness. Well, she can’t blame her. Her sole source of entertainment; excluding Mayu, wasn’t there. And who else could be used to soothe that lonely heart of hers? Of course it her best friend! Tomochin could swear that she sometimes feel that someone was glaring at her whenever Atsuko would cling to her arm and act all smudgy with her. Of course the one glaring was none other than her raven-haired princess. She didn’t know what to do anymore other than to just handle the situation slowly. Of course she couldn’t turn down her best friend who is having a hard time, but she shouldn’t make her Master feel jealous as well, though said raven-haired was keeping the shoulder length-haired’s ‘little sister’ all to herself. Tomochin didn’t know what to do, and she still doesn’t know.

   Atsuko, though, did not change much other than her loneliness for a certain squirrel. She missed the girl slightly… moderately… Okay, greatly. She won’t admit it though. She started to cling more to the other girls, not only Tomochin. The other one she clings to was Rena. Rena of course didn’t mind the older girl’s skinship. She liked Atsuko a lot. And Atsuko loves her. She always thought of Rena like a little sister of hers, which caused Mayu to feel unwanted. They managed to clear it up to Mayu, but thanks to Atsuko clinging to the poor raven-haired almost every time they were together in a room, things escalated to the point which Mayu would have to separate them from each other in bed, sleeping in between the two. Atsuko tried her best to hug and cuddle Rena in bed, but of course Mayu wouldn’t let her. Only she could cuddle Atsuko and only Atsuko could cuddle her! Well, there are a few exceptions though, but that is for another story.


“Still nothing, Mam- Yukirin?” Mayu asked the raven-haired girl, not forgetting that the others were also there with them. She hoped that they weren’t listening, but the snickers around her proved her entirely wrong.

“Yeah. I’ve got nothing.” Yuki opened her eyes again and removed her hands from the magic circle.
“Damn it. I still can’t believe that Berserker didn’t make her move even after two months!” Sae pouted and then sat on the floor with her spear.

   Atsuko then joined her and lied down on the concrete. Tomochin, glad that Atsuko found something else to do, quickly went to her Master’s aide and gave her a water bottle. She didn’t know why she did that but… well… Servant. Rena went to Atsuko’s side and plopped next to her. Atsuko realized the presence next to her and hugged Rena’s knee. Rena just sighed and patted the older girl’s head.

   Mayu saw the scene and glared at Atsuko, which the taller girl realized and quickly behaved herself, hands on her back and faced straight to the sky. Mayu nodded and then thought.

“What if they were waiting for us to make a move?” Yuki asked Mayu who was deep in thought.
“No, if that was so, then ‘Erena’ would send ‘Mariko’ here and cause a stir. That way, we would have no choice but to make the move. She knew that we won’t make the move unless something surreal happens, which is why I was thinking that Mariko would make her move, thanks to the stories you guys told me about her.” Mayu looked at the Servants.
“The Mariko I know would be impatient and start to attack us the moment she realized that we’re all together. She knows she’s strong enough to take on us all.” Atsuko stated.
“You’d know that. You’re the one closest to her here.” Tomochin added the info about Atsuko.
“Unless…” Rena puts her fingers to her chin in a thinking gesture.
“Yeah…” Atsuko agreed to Rena’s worry.
“Eh?! What?! You guys are confusing me!” Sae pouted and was then glared by the other Servants. “Am I the only one here that didn’t get it?” Sae looked at Mayu and Yuki, but was not responded.
“Mariko’s planning something big.” Atsuko directed her attention to Mayu and informed her their worry, though Sae was still trying to figure out whatever the hell they thought up.
“Any ideas on what that is?” Mayu asked them, but all of them shook their heads.
“Or she could troll us.” Sae butted in again.
“That could be true as well, but I think that her nature would want her to attack us, rather than to wait for something that she may or may not get.” Atsuko, who knew Mariko the most, said to Sae, nullifying the girl’s suggestion.
“So we’d have to prepare ourselves for the worst.” Mayu thought and closed her eyes. But then she winced at a certain feeling. “Time to get out of here?” she asked the others, still closing her eyes.

   The others nodded at Mayu’s worry. They could feel stares from certain corners of their eyes. They were on top of the tallest building in the middle of the night, since Rena couldn’t come out during the day, and they found out that they were not the only ones ‘sightseeing’.

“Another cursed day, huh…” Sae got up and held her spear tightly, though in truth, she wasn’t really too interested in fighting at the moment. She was bored, to be exact.
“At least there are less of them today.” Rena tried to brighten the other girls up but as she counted, the number became more than 10. Yes, there were less, but she couldn’t help but sigh at the numbers.
“And I was hoping that today I could sleep early.” Tomochin summoned up her chains and swung it lightly around her.
“I’m hungry…” came the response from Atsuko which made the other girls chuckle.
“Well, let’s finish up early today. I don’t want Tomochin to have another sleepless night.” Yuki said as she grabbed a small knife from her bag that was hung on her belt.
“I guess we’d have to work out again tonight. Try not to take too much time.” Mayu looked at the others and the nodded in response.

   Just when the others nodded, black figures came and pounced to them. One was heading towards Mayu but Mayu easily evades the figure. She took out her dagger, Kanshou and in one swift slash, the figure was damaged badly. Mayu took the chance and then kicked the figure. With an intent to finish it, she then stabbed the figure’s body deeply. Another figure came to her and she avoided it’s attacks splendidly. She used the hilt of her blade and hit them before proceeding to slash it with an uppercut. The figures then disappeared.

   Another figure came to Mayu but Atsuko came to her aide. She quickly draws her invisible sword and quickly slashed the figure in one strike. The figure then stepped back, now badly wounded. Atsuko didn’t let the prey escape and dashed towards it. She stabbed the figure this time and the figure disappeared in thin air.

   Yuki and Tomochin were back to back. The taller girl threw daggers to the black figures and the shorter girl uses the chains to move her dagger at her will. Yuki also inserted a few explosives in some of them and an unlucky black figure was hit with said explosive dagger and exploded, startling the others. The shorter girl glared at the taller one but Yuki only hummed and continued to attack the figures.

   Sae, startled by the explosion, almost got hit by the enemy but nevertheless, she blocked it’s attack and rapidly swings her spear in front of her. The black figure was hit pretty badly and Sae kept going until the figures disappeared.

   Rena only dodged their attacks and didn’t even plan on attacking, She didn’t even want to attack them. A figure tried to hit her but she evaded it and the hit was taken by another figure. Feeling somewhat bored, Rena kicked one of the figures and then threw it over the building. The other figure, surprised by her action, was about to flee, but Rena grabbed it and threw it at Sae who was swinging he spear, making the figure disappear because it hit the girl’s rapid swing.

   In only a few seconds, no figures were sighted.

“That’s the last of them, I hope.” Atsuko tried to be positive.
“Let’s not find out.” Mayu looked at the others and they quickly left the building.

[To be continued]
« Last Edit: December 24, 2013, 08:29:07 PM by AshuraX »

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Re: [Fate/Stay Night] F.A.T.E -Chapter 6 Part I-
« Reply #78 on: September 18, 2014, 04:57:44 PM »
OMG WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?! :panic:

Please continue!!!!! :bow:

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 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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