AT, I feel you as well, man... Dem AtsuYuu feels... Though I'm probably going to get killed here if yar seeking for AtsuYuu >.>
imteedee, nah, it doesn't follow it much. It would probably follow the big events such as what is shown before, the main chara almost being killed by Lancer. I won't tell any more since it might spoil the surprise

Plus, it's the 8th war, not the 5th~
For some reason, I felt like continuing.. Probably coz I've lost my spirit... Anywho, here's some update for those who are reading
[Chapter 4 Part I] Silence filled the Watanabe's home. No one bothered to say anything. Oshima was plopped on the floor, hugging her knees, sobbing inside. She was like that for almost 2 hours. Crying for something that they all knew.
The disappearance of her best friend."Yuko..." Watanabe called out to her, almost as if pleading the girl to stop.
She wasn't very fond of Archer's weak side. Usually by that time, she would've been sparring with her, losing to her in ways that could irritate the younger girl.
For some reason, Oshima's sobs stopeed. Everyone's eyes were on her as Oshima stood up and grabbed Watanabe's shoulders. The surprised younger girl felt the sudden increase of the room's temperature. Everyone's eyes shot open, as they heard a dull sounding thump in front of them. The younger girl was sent flying to the floor by Archer's fist. They blood-shot eyes of Archer could be seen as she leaped onto the poor younger girl, raising her arms yet again at Watanabe whose cheeks were already swollen red.
"ARCHER! I COMMAND YOU TO NOT MOVE!" Jurina's command was heard in the household. By her command, Archer was stopped silent. She wasn't moving. Only her tears and her red eyes remained, glaring at the girl. Watanabe hesitantly got up with the help of Kashiwagi, who was also surprised of the scene. Itano stood in between Yuko and Watanabe as the younger girl distanced herself from the raged woman in front of her.
"IT'S ALL HER FAULT!" Oshima shouted, cursing the girl in many ways, "IT'S ALL HER DAMN FAULT FOR ACCHAN'S DISAPPEARANCE!" she continued, not stopping her glare. "YOU WERE WITH HER AT THAT TIME BUT COULDN'T DO ANYTHING!" she gritted her teeth, letting everything out, the criticism, the pain and the loneliness
"YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE ACCHAN'S MASTER!" Her shout echoed, leaving the shocked Watanabe, who didn't know what to do. It was true. She was there but she couldn't do a damn thing. Only looking at her, only surviving without her, only relying on others' strengths. She couldn't talk back at all to Oshima's criticism. Because she already knew... She was useless.
The others looked at Watanabe, who's head is down, looking at the floor in sadness. Oshima's words sunk deeply into her membranes, the word 'USELESS' played in her mind, almost as if hypnotizing the poor girl. Jurina, who couldn't stand what was going on, hugged Watanabe tightly, sinking the poor girl into her breasts. Her warmth transmitted to the cold body of Watanabe's. Was she cold? Didn't she feel the heat of Oshima's bashing? Then why did she feel the coldness more? She couldn't understand it... She couldn't understand why she was crying right there and then.
Watanabe sobbed in Jurina's chest, letting the pain and guilt inside her flee from her, using Jurina as a temporary pain-soother. Kashiwagi sighed and looked at the situation with the other two. Then she saw Itano slapped Oshima out of nowhere. The echoes of the slapping sound could be heard in the living room. Oshima was stunned, she could already move because the Commands are only 'temporary' magic, but she also couldn't because of the slap from her close friend. Itano glared at the girl. She wasn't using her 'eyes', but the glare petrified the shorter girl. Itano gritted her teeth and then half-shouted to the girl.
"Even if you're there, you couldn't do shit, Oshima."
Itano's words dealt an invisible damage to Oshima, as she bit her lips, looking down in shame. It was true, though. She didn't know if she could stop Maeda. She couldn't even stop her retreat even when she was there right in front of her. She denied the fact that something was wrong with her best friend. She could only stretch out her hand to absolute nothingness, at the space that was left.
"... I know..."
Rena leaned her back on the tree that was standing tall, higher than the others. She breathed a sigh of exhaustion, finally being free from the workload that was given to her. She then looked at the figure in front of her, lying on the grass, looking at the blue sky. She thought of interfering but she couldn't. She doesn't want to disturb the older girl's peace of mind. She then decided to talk to the girl next to her.
"Hey, Acchan, why did you follow us?"
The question was asked to Maeda who was leaning on the tree, right next to Rena. She didn't answer.
"My 'hypnotic eyes' could only control someone for a few minutes but it's been hours now. You sure you don't want to go back and surprise your master?"
Maeda broke her poker face and chuckled at the younger girl's comment. She looked above, at the sky Kojima was looking at and smiled at the younger girl.
"Who knows." She gave her her goofy smile "But." She stopped, looking down, as if confirming her ideals. " I want Mayuyu to grow..."
Rena laughed at Maeda's foolish false of hope. From what she has seen, it wasn't the Watanabe girl she was interested in, it was the girl's friend. Rena knows just how much Maeda loves to pamper Watanabe from her experience in the last war. She would either pamper her or Jurina. Since those two are on the same team, so of course Maeda didn't mind.
"If I recall, information says that you actually don't remember much about your life during your Heroic ages." Rena smirked, digging up more useful information, not disclosing who or what did she hear that from.
"I don't." Maeda honestly answered.
Rena was silenced. She didn't know how to react. If it was true that Maeda didn't remember much of her past, then how...
"How did you summon up 'Excalibur, King Arthur?" Rena asked, using Maeda's past name, hoping to make the girl remember.
"Sorry, but I have no idea." Atsuko replied, with a wry smile on her face. "I don't know but it seemed like I've recalled it ever since the last war."
The mysteries just kept increasing. She didn't deny the fact that she was King Arthur. How did a girl become a 'King'? Well, Rena couldn't really judge Maeda for that. She herself was Count Dracula, the said 'Prince'. She didn't dare question her of such, since she also had a past which shouldn't be disclosed. She then heaved another sigh, then looking in front. Something was weird...
'Where's Haruna?'======
"Well nice to meet you again, Yuu-chan." the girl smiled at her former friend.
Yuko glared at the girl. She was actually on her way to the park, to get some fresh air and calm down but then right in front of her was Kojima Haruna, in all her might, wearing robes in the summer yet nobody bat an eye to her. She sighed at her own misfortune, finding Caster of all people.
"What do you want, NyanNyan?" she tried to keep her usual smile, but failed. She wasn't in the mood.
"I want you to make a deal." she answered honestly, her smile still didn't fade.
"Is this about Acchan?" she asked. If not for that, she would've ran away a long time ago. She didn't want to fight the girl who claimed Maeda yet. Not until she sees the girl right in front of her very eyes.
"Ding ding ding ding~" Kojima playfully made bell noises, meaning that Oshima was correct. "I'll exchange Atsuko for one thing."
Oshima listened carefully. She was already ready to take the deal. She would do anything as to get Kojima's hands off her best friend.
"For you to be my slave."
[Watanabe Mayu's POV] I woke up again, without her presence next to me. It felt cold. Colder than what I had thought. I was so used to her warmth that I didn't realize of how cold it was on the bed alone.
"'Morning, Mayuyu." Yukirin entered my room, not forgetting to knock. She's a good girl...
"Good morning..." I greeted back, giving her a pained smile. I couldn't give her anything more. I was too hurt to do such.
She smiled and then sat next to me on my bed, patting my head just like how Acchan patted me.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
It was obvious what was wrong but she's probably just trying to be considerate. One good thing about Yukirin is that she thinks of others before herself. I smiled wryly, 'Just some stuff' was all I could mutter. She seems to have heard my answer, as she chuckled a bit. Then like Acchan always does, she hugged me from behind, enveloping me in her arms. I felt the warmth of Yukirin and was comfortable in her embrace. I could smell the perfume she always used. I kinda felt pity for her, I was in my pajamas and didn't even bathe yet but she's holding me so tightly, so tight that I thought I was going to break from her strong embrace.
"Get stronger, Mayuyu..."
It wasn't an advice like 'Yuko didn't mean that, Yuko was just being idiotic, or it's not your fault.' She was actually thinking about me. She told me the one thing that I didn't want to hear but it's the only way out of my misery. At first I was shocked but then I smiled, leaning back to her embrace, closing my eyes as I accepted the warmth she was giving to me. I don't know why but it was as if she was already by my side. Acchan did say that she and I were really close in the last war but could it possibly mean that our feelings are still intact with each other? I don't know. And frankly, I don't care.
"Thanks, Yukirin..." I meant it from the bottom of my heart.
I could feel that Yukirin's grin grew wider, probably she's embarrassed by how she's embracing me so intently.
"You know what?" I suddenly asked, and she made a 'Hm?' reply. "If Acchan's my older sister, then Yukirin's my mama!"
Yukirin literally spat out something, shocked and mumbled unknown words to me. I just love how she overly reacts to small things such as these. Yukirin then pouted and said "I'm not that old!", throwing a tantrum as I ran away from my room, from the girl that was throwing pillows at me for some reason and laugh maniacally.
[Archer's POV]
"What...?" I asked, confused as to NyanNyan's condition.
She didn't look away. I thought she was going to crack a joke but no sign of her joking were seen. She wasn't laughing, she wasn't grinning foolishly like how she usually does. Just her straight look right into the eyes of mine.
"You..." I was surprised.
I have suspected it for a long time, but I never dared to bring it up. I was the one who actually broke things up with her, chasing Acchan with my own two feet. I put all of my affection to Acchan and NyanNyan knows it but...
"You're still in love with me?" I asked, and she smirked.
It wasn't much of a surprise. I could remember when we were in AKB48, the last war. I was always clinging to her, all affectionate and all. And when I cling to other girls, she would have some sort of black aura around her, just like how a certain raven-haired girl would have, after finding out her 'daughter' was playing around with people's butts.
"Yuu-chan..." NyanNyan said affectionately, as she moved closer to me, and I took a step back each step she takes, trying to avoid her at all cost. "I'm more beautiful than her, my breasts, what you like the most, are bigger than hers and I would love her more than she ever did." NyanNyan said, suddenly with a serious face. "But why won't you look at me, and only me?"
Sweat dropped as I tried to search for an escape route. I couldn't. There were traps all around. She had already embedded her magic on the damn earth. If I want to escape, then I'd have no choice but to use my Noble Phantasm... Enraged by what NyanNyan said, I half-shouted,
"You may think that, but Acchan is my greatest love. I love her more than anyone. She's more beautiful and lovely than anyone. Heck, I don't even care even she's flat-chested! I don't need her to love me, because I'll be chasing her til' the end!"
I really thought that. I have loved Acchan ever since I first met her in the last war. Even before I found out that she was King Arthur. Her every movement, her affection, her voice, I love everything about her. And I won't change that for anything. Even if she rejects me for a million times, I'm friggin Oshima Yuko!
"NOW!" I shouted, 'summoning' my two blades, Kansho and Bakuya

Then, as if it was on signal, Jurina came out as well from the bushes, shooting her beads to NyanNyan.
"You!" NyanNyan was probably surprised by my act. I grinned evilly, striking at her the moment she lost it. The hit came to her right shoulder as she tried to avoid it.
She was injured but not for long.
Oh, tough luck. Here comes the troublemaker.
"Nice to see you again, huh, Rena?" I greeted Rena, whose side has Acchan.
I wasn't that weak anymore. If Mayuyu's hypothesis was correct, Rena's hypnotism would only last for a couple of minutes, since it follows the same principal of how a 'Command' works. I grinned as I felt the ominous presence behind me. I didn't move nor did I do anything. I could tell that she was surprised and I quickly turned around and kissed her right off the blue.
She was trying to get away, trying to gasp for as I slid my tongue inside her mouth, not minding that the enemies and my Master's around us. I let her go as I felt the glare of NyanNyan, digging holes with her eyes.
I wiped my mouth from the mixture of me and Acchan's drools. "So that's about it. I've woken my princess up from slumber~" I jokingly said, holding a peace sign as I grinned at NyanNyan and Rena. Both Rena and Jurina smirked while NyanNyan was still glaring holes at me.
"Y- You idiot..." Acchan, surprised by what I just did, was red to her ears as she tries to cover her face with her hands.
I grinned wider as I saw how cute Acchan was acting and then I saw the figures of Mayuyu, Yukirin and Tomochin coming over to us. It seemed as if Yukirin has already set up a perimeter around the area, meaning that NyanNyan couldn't escape that easily anymore.
"So let us start our counterattack, ey, Acchan~?" I asked the girl who finally grinned and stood up.
"I thought you'd never ask, Yuko." she puts on her goofy smile that I loved so much.
[To be Continued]======
Know that I've changed Assassin, since Rena's not really the type to just sit around 'keeping the gate safe from harm'. She's not much of a Gatekeeper after all.
Oh, to those who don't know yet.
Atsuko = Saber = King Arthur, the 'Excalibur' gives it away, servant of Mayuyu, command seal used 1 time
Yuko = Archer = Unidentified, servant of Jurina, command seal used 2 times (shall be explained later on)
Sae = Lancer = Unidentified, but has something to do with Yuki's story, master unknown, command seal used 1 time (to get away from Acchan)
Tomomi = Rider = Unidentified, but has already hinted with her 'eyes that paralyzes people', servant of Yukirin, command seal used 1 time (to make Tomomi do her bidding)
Mariko-sama = Berserker = Unidentified, servant of Erepyon, command seal used 1 time (stopping Berserker's rage on her Master)
Rena = Assassin = Count Dracula, her 'coming out at night and hypnotic eyes' gave it away, servant of Haruna, command seal used 2 times (to be summoned)
Haruna = Caster = Unidentified, but was already hinted around chapter 3, master unknown, command seal never used.