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Author Topic: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners (23/23) + Destiny (41/41 END) [WMatsui] - REPLIES  (Read 358177 times)

Offline Minami-chan

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I do not want to sound cheesy. But this chapter has made me very happy. It has been very satisfactory.

I also have to say that I am very happy to have followed this saga from beginning to end. It has been a long road, but I'm glad I followed it with the author's sophcaro.

If you decide to publish it, I hope you will let us know, why I want a copy and if it can be autographed, I will not hesitate to try to get it and send it to Spain;)

See you in the epilogue.

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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When I read a fic, there’s always one dominant feeling left; either happy, sad, angry, curious, or something in between. After reading the second part of chapter 40, I realised one thing: it felt as light as feathers. The overall mood is bright and sunny, with a touch of sensual scene here and there. :k-inlove:

Quote from: Sophcaro
Despite the distant memory, Paris had left quite an impression on her, and Rena promised herself to return one day.

I FEEL YOU, RENA. I felt it, too. Paris is wonderful, right? It has a charm to make you feel like you want to return to Paris even when you’re still in the city.

It took longer time for me to give a proper comment, because 1) it’s the longest chapter in this trilogy, it took extra time to read it carefully and 2) I had to google most of the places mentioned in this story, from Montmartre to Latin Quarter. I did it so I could visually see them and felt the ambience through the pics to complete the author’s narration. I’ve ever heard about Notre-Dame, Orsay, and Sorbonne (would love to visit them one day!). And I know that I’ll go to The Bouquinistes of Paris when I come back to the city.

Rena was so attentive about her choice of special room. The red and black warm colours surely brought romantic atmosphere for WMatsui. From red petals of rose spread all over the bed to macaroons in a red square box, Rena just gave her best effort to keep their stay exceptional.

And don’t forget how SWEET she treated Jurina with all those kisses. :nya:

Prove 1:
Quote from: Sophcaro
“Morning…” Rena whispered; she planted a gentle kiss on Jurina’s forehead.

Prove 2:
Quote from: Sophcaro
She stroked Jurina’s face, tracing her cheekbones, and gently kissed her on the cheek.

In addition, she proved herself as an amazing girlfriend material when she realised Jurina’s poor heart to join them in adventurous attraction in Disneyland. She’s thoughtful like that. She knew wholeheartedly that Jurina couldn’t take more attraction involving heights and big thrills. I don’t blame Jurina. My quota will also reach its limit for a year (or even more) if I took Big Thunder Mountain haha! :fainted:

Another cute thing about Rena was when she bought two pairs of Mickey Mouse ears for her and her girlfriend. Remember about the French girl who took a pic for them? Imagine if she’s an idol fan! She would be terrific to meet the WMatsui legend!

What Rena did was too cute! Buuuut, Jurina also prepared a sweet surprise with those orange love lock. Aren’t they fluffy? This scene below proved their lovey-dovey hearts:

Quote from: Sophcaro
Jurina brought their lips together. “I really missed you.”
“I missed you too,” Rena caressed her hair, then added teasingly. “But you do realize we were only separated for two hours, right?”

My heaaaart! :on gay:

Not only sweet and cute, Rena was also… tempting here. :shy1:

Quote from: Sophcaro
“Why not?” Rena fetched a third macaroon from the box and approached the biscuit to Jurina’s mouth, only to stop a few inches away. “What’s wrong with a little… temptation?”

Jurina’s heart skipped a beat, and she opened her mouth. While she slowly ate the macaroon, Rena appeared satisfied, her thumb grazing her lower lip again and again, then sliding to her chin as her eyes danced with wicked lust and amusement. Jurina’s stare latched onto her sensuous lips, swallowing hard, not hesitating any longer to succumb to the provocation and greedily seize Rena’s mouth with her own.

This scene was just… wow. :hehehe:

Your choice to put Rena and Jurina to travel with Mayu and Yuki in Paris was perfect.  I like how they all enjoyed their time together, as a couple or as friends of four. I personally love how Mayu brought cheerful energy in this story even since they arrived in Paris. (To be honest I could practically hear her voice in typical Japanese high pitched voice haha!)

I like it when Jurina and Mayu competing in Rustler Roundup Shootin’ Gallery. They were indeed bestfriends.

This scene is funny!

Quote from: Sophcaro
“Yes, I do. And you lost,” Mayu smirked. “But you’re right.” She patted Jurina’s arm. “It’s always good to have faith.”

Mayu is always full of confidence. And I like the way she teased Jurina here:

Quote from: Sophcaro
Jurina observed Mayu who was enjoying her Coca Cola, trying hard not to be affected by her self-satisfied expression.

Alright, Mayu had managed to beat her, but there was nothing to gloat about: it was solely by a small margin!

“Stop it,” Jurina grumbled.

“What? I didn’t do anything,” Mayu, sipping her soda through the straw, very innocently answered.


I always like Mayu IRL and this chapter made me happy. Even the simple thing she did was kawaii, like this:

Quote from: Sophcaro
Mayu didn’t understand French any more than her but her undivided passion for mangas had taken the upper hand, shutting down any common sense. Earlier too, when they had wandered around the game section, Mayu had monopolized the area for 30 min straight, nevermind if none of the games were compatible with Japanese consoles.

Mayu dan Yuki’s wedding was expected. They were a cool couple since they started the relationship. Honestly, my most favourite moment in this chapter involving them.

It’s in this scene:

Quote from: Sophcaro
Yuki halted in front of the hotel door and raised her arm, stopping in mid-air when she perceived explicit noises coming from the other side.

When Mayu caught the sounds coming from inside the room, her mouth twitched with amusement. “Oh, I see. Yes, it’s best to go downstairs. They’ll join us later. Maybe.”

Yuki stared back at her in bafflement. “On the first day?!”
“But why? What do you think they usually do in bed?” Mayu asked cheekily. “Play chess? Conjugate Latin verbs?”

Sooo funny! :on lol:

The last but not least, it’s beautiful how Rena proposed Jurina. The scene is lovely:
Quote from: Sophcaro
Chocolate-passion sphere... On the right side of the plate, was disposed a white jar filled with hot chocolate. Jurina seized it, dexterously pouring the hot liquid over the top of the sphere. At the contact, the sphere slowly melted, revealing a small square red box hidden inside.


And I like how Jurina responded Rena’s nice gestures:
Quote from: Sophcaro
“But it’s already special,” Jurina whispered, warming from inside. She gathered her into her arms and held her close. “I’m here, with you, in Paris. What more could I ask for?”

I have to adore author's dedication to write this 30 page-long last chapter. I know it’s not easy. You put a lot of your time and energy to finish this trilogy (plus the epilogue for the next). Super thanks! Thank you for all these years writing a fic that brings so much happiness (and sometimes bitter-sweet sorrow) to your readers.

Ps. Just in case any of you wondering about the French quote in WMatsui’s room, I asked my best friend Google Translate about what it means. Here’s the answer:

Quote from: Sophcaro
La vie c’est des étapes… La plus douce c’est l’amour… La plus dure c’est la séparation… La plus pénible c’est les adieux… La plus belle c’est les retrouvailles.

Life is steps... The sweetest is love... The hardest is the separation... The most painful is the goodbyes... The most beautiful is the reunion.

The quote perfectly wrapped up the whole trilogy, since Heartbeat, to Partners, to Destiny. Hats off to Sophcaro-san!  :kneelbow:

Offline genkingblack

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Hi Soph, It's been a while since the last time I logged in.

That was such a journey, roller-coaster one.
Still I'm in Churi's Team, like i still hate the side of Rena.
but kinda let it go because no one can makes J happy more than Rena does.

Finally proposal huh?  :twisted:

it's kinda sad that this long story will come to an end soon :')

perhaps i should continue mine soon too

anyway, see ya later O0
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline facarous

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Sophcaro, you have given us an excellent chapter.

This chapter made me laugh, and touched me at the same time.

It has been the longest chapter of the entire trilogy! And yet, at no a single moment does it become monotonous or heavy. Your writing and description of the places, makes you get so involved in the moment that you lose track of time.
You describe the sites in such a detailed and concise way.

I've laughed a lot thanks to Yuki and that unfortunate morning when she hears Jurina and Rena making love.   :lol: :lol:
Yuki always manages to tear a smile from me.
And Mayu earned a couple of "thumbs up" with the idea of ​​the bouquet for Yuki.  :twothumbs  I know they are a secondary couple, but I really enjoy when you write about them.  :wub:

This chapter has had moments in which we can appreciate the way in which the friendship of the four girls works. From the approach between Yuki and Rena, which from the beginning showed to get along, to the complicity that Mayu and Jurina share. Yuki suspecting what Rena was about to do and Mayu saving Jurina from a certain roller coaster.    :thumbsup

Speaking of the marriage proposal ... uff !! Good job, Rena! That is my girl!!  :twothumbs :twothumbs

I can't imagine a scenario in which it isn't Rena who asks THE question.
It had to be Rena. It must be Rena.
At Partners she said she didn't think about marriage and I'm sure Jurina respected that deeply, so she refrained from thinking about suggesting it. So when Rena is the one who says "Will you spend the rest of your life with me?" Oh! It was sublime.  :inlove: :inlove:
What greater show of love on her part! After everything they both suffered !! I felt tears coming from my eyes.  :cry:

Now ... if Jurina had not broken the charm with her answer ... Damn it, girl! You shouldn't answer such a question using a sentence that starts with a denial!  :smhid :smhid LOL

There are so many details in this chapter:
The little tribute to Notre Dame.
The lock with the names of Jurina and Rena.
The portrait of both of them.
The picture you took of both of them ... yes, I know it was you!  :lol: :lol:
And now both are working together in a historical drama. Let me guess: Is it Warriors ?? :P

Now we just have to wait for the epilogue. Which I can guess will be something very nostalgic for everyone, but especially for you, the author. See the end of your long and hard work through these years...  :jphip:

Congratulations, Sophcaro.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2019, 07:32:14 AM by facarous »

Offline ojuri 0513

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I was thinking if you done with all your fanfic. What if you try to make mayuki fanfic like the same one in the destiny I want to know their story too.

Offline sophcaro

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The part when rena propose jurina wow that was so touching and romantic.
Btw amazing story author san

I was thinking if you done with all your fanfic. What if you try to make mayuki fanfic like the same one in the destiny I want to know their story too.

Glad you enjoyed this chapter!
After I published the epilogue, I'll be resuming my two other fics, Back in Time & Warriors. That should keep me busy for a little while  :lol:

I do not want to sound cheesy. But this chapter has made me very happy. It has been very satisfactory.

I also have to say that I am very happy to have followed this saga from beginning to end. It has been a long road, but I'm glad I followed it with the author's sophcaro.

If you decide to publish it, I hope you will let us know, why I want a copy and if it can be autographed, I will not hesitate to try to get it and send it to Spain;)

See you in the epilogue.

I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. I'm also happy to have had such a faithful reader as you who followed me from beginning to end  ;) It really means a lot. I still haven't made any decision about the possible publication of my trilogy, but I noted well your wishes  :yep:

When I read a fic, there’s always one dominant feeling left; either happy, sad, angry, curious, or something in between. After reading the second part of chapter 40, I realised one thing: it felt as light as feathers. The overall mood is bright and sunny, with a touch of sensual scene here and there. :k-inlove:

Ah that's good to hear, because that's the atmosphere I wanted to give to this trip to Paris. Romantic, but also funny and a little sexy   XD

Remember about the French girl who took a pic for them? Imagine if she’s an idol fan! She would be terrific to meet the WMatsui legend!

Yes, I remember her well! Imagine if she's a WMatsui fan too? She probably enjoyed very much meeting them!  :P

Your choice to put Rena and Jurina to travel with Mayu and Yuki in Paris was perfect.  I like how they all enjoyed their time together, as a couple or as friends of four. I personally love how Mayu brought cheerful energy in this story even since they arrived in Paris. (To be honest I could practically hear her voice in typical Japanese high pitched voice haha!) I like it when Jurina and Mayu competing in Rustler Roundup Shootin’ Gallery. They were indeed bestfriends. This scene is funny!

I also think Mayu & Yuki make the perfect pair to go on holidays with WMatsui. Not only it allows you to have multiple choices of interactions, there are bound to be light and funny moments with them. 

Mayu and Yuki’s wedding was expected. They were a cool couple since they started the relationship.

They were the example couple in this trilogy, right? Stable and long-during. It was inconceivable for me to not have them married before our main couple.

Ps. Just in case any of you wondering about the French quote in WMatsui’s room, I asked my best friend Google Translate about what it means. Here’s the answer:

Quote from: Sophcaro
La vie c’est des étapes… La plus douce c’est l’amour… La plus dure c’est la séparation… La plus pénible c’est les adieux… La plus belle c’est les retrouvailles.

Life is steps... The sweetest is love... The hardest is the separation... The most painful is the goodbyes... The most beautiful is the reunion.

The quote perfectly wrapped up the whole trilogy, since Heartbeat, to Partners, to Destiny. Hats off to Sophcaro-san!  :kneelbow:

Hehe, good job for looking it up! This quote is authentic, and when I read it, I knew I had to use it. It summarized so well my trilogy.

it's kinda sad that this long story will come to an end soon :')

It's a little bittersweet, right? It's been almost 5 years now since I started Heartbeat. But I'm glad I managed to bring it to its end and write everything I had planned for this trilogy.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for dropping by!

I've laughed a lot thanks to Yuki and that unfortunate morning when she hears Jurina and Rena making love.   :lol: :lol:
Yuki always manages to tear a smile from me.
And Mayu earned a couple of "thumbs up" with the idea of ​​the bouquet for Yuki.  :twothumbs  I know they are a secondary couple, but I really enjoy when you write about them.  :wub:

MaYuki is a secondary couple, but I'm always happy when I have the opportunity to include them in a chapter. It's always very fun to write about them both, especially Yuki and her reactions :P

I can't imagine a scenario in which it isn't Rena who asks THE question.
It had to be Rena. It must be Rena.
In Partners, she said she didn't think about marriage and I'm sure Jurina respected that deeply, so she refrained from thinking about suggesting it. So when Rena is the one who says "Will you spend the rest of your life with me?" Oh! It was sublime.  :inlove: :inlove:
What greater show of love on her part! After everything they both suffered !! I felt tears coming from my eyes.  :cry:

When I started writing the trilogy in 2014, I knew I wanted to end it on a WMatsui marriage. However, I wasn't sure on who would propose to who. Jurina? Rena? I was torn about it. I was more inclined to believe Jurina would do it, but as the story went on, and I was in the middle of writing Destiny, I realized it had to be Rena. As you mentioned, it was much more logical and powerful if it came from her.

And now both are working together in a historical drama. Let me guess: Is it Warriors ?? :P

You guessed well  XD I enjoyed very much doing all those little cameos in chapter 40, part 1 & 2.

Now we just have to wait for the epilogue. Which I can guess will be something very nostalgic for everyone, but especially for you, the author. See the end of your long and hard work through these years...  :jphip:
Congratulations, Sophcaro.

Yes, it will probably be quite nostalgic for me when I will write the final line, and I will have to say goodbye to this beloved couple. It has been a long journey, but I'm happy to have told this story.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2019, 02:03:58 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Rhythm

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It such a beautiful, sweet story
Proposing in paris so romantic lol
Thank you sophcaro-san for the story!
« Last Edit: August 16, 2019, 07:20:47 PM by sophcaro »

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Finally got the chance to read the final three chapters! :D

After following this series for so long (although taking a break from reading due to becoming busy with finishing college and ultimately getting distracted lol), I was happy and satisfied to be able to see how the story ends.

Just reading each moment shared between the characters, and how detailed the writing is, made it all the more satisfying to watch unfold. I’m glad I could go back and pick up where I left off to see them get their happy ending they deserve.

I really enjoyed seeing all the romantic moments shared between Jurina and Rena. Rena showing the ring around her neck, their conversation the next morning, all the romantic gestures and gifts Rena prepared in Paris. It really shows how much Rena treasures this relationship. And her conversation between Churi was nice too; even though it’s been a while since I read the previous chapters, you can really see how sincere she was and how much they’ve grown in making amends for what happened in the past.

The whole chapter in Paris was just great! The Mayuki moments sprinkled throughout were cute, as well as Yuki telling Rena about how Mayu proposed to her. And Jurina coming to the realization that Rena had prepared a special room and gifts just for her just made me giggle! (Rena is such a romantic here! XD) And the proposal scene was so satisfying! It made me really happy to see how far they were able to come in their relationship after everything they’ve been through together!

It’s all so sweet and romantic... Really, this story is amazing! :heart:

I’ll be waiting patiently for the epilogue! ^^
« Last Edit: July 14, 2019, 12:13:15 AM by Ruka Kikuchi »

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Guacamoolee

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Yo author-san! I'm sorry I should, have written my comment earlier :banghead:
Thank you for your hard work writing this fanfic. Salute!!! :kneelbow:
Seems like I missed the party :nervous
Finally I could finish reading this chapter without any disturbance. When I finished reading, my first impression was this chapter is soooooo smooth. I love everything about this chapter, I love how you describe their perfect HOLIDATE and also the MaYuki moments.
I like the way Mayu tease Jurina all the time especially when they're in Disneyland. Our poor Jurina is so cute when she pretended to be brave riding the attraction. I really wanna give her a pat on her back but I know Rena would do that for me XD
Overall, this chapter is satisfying to read. They worth this destiny. Once again, salute to you! Thank you so much for your dedication :love:

Have a good day!
Au revoir, author-san!

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November 2021 – 3 months later

Rena entered her childhood bedroom, a feeling of nostalgia tainted with slight unease filling her at the view greeting her. Gazing at the countless souvenirs at her effigy, she got reminded once more that her old bedroom had long ago ceased belonging to her, to transform into a shrine dedicated to her existence. Stepping inside, she was careful not to bump into anything, not knowing where to look at between the magazines, framed pictures, goodies and posters on the wall.

She had had the opportunity to enter Jurina’s own childhood bedroom, and there was no denying that Jurina’s mother possessed the same desire to keep as many memories as possible of her unique and precious daughter. However, in no way could it compare with the current state of Rena’s old bedroom. There were so many boxes everywhere, that she couldn’t even pretend to catch a glimpse of the surface of her bed.

“You should have warned me in advance that you were coming, I would have prepared the room for you.” Rena glanced over her shoulder, witnessing her mother standing on the doorstep. “Come and take a cup of tea.” She wavered at her. “The weather is so cold outside. It will heat you up after your travel.”

Rena followed her outside, her attention falling on the two cups filled with green tea disposed on the living room table. “Don’t worry about it. I easily managed to find a hotel close by, and I didn’t want to be of any disturbance.”

“What are you talking about?” Her mother pulled a chair, inviting her to take a seat opposite her. “I would have tidied your bedroom in an hour.”

Rena found her mother’s underestimation of the situation comical, lucid that it would have taken ages to clear the mess her mother had accumulated during all these years.

“Why did Jurina-chan wanted you to sleep separately?” Her mother asked in a mixture of confusion and concern.

“Ah…” Rena hadn’t explained everything over the phone, and feared how it might have looked. “She’s a bit superstitious. She says we’re not supposed to sleep together the night preceding our wedding. So, I thought I would use the opportunity to come and visit you before the ceremony.”

“I never heard such silliness.” Her mother seemed utterly dumbfounded. “So where’s Jurina-chan? Is she alone at your apartment?”

“No, she’s also in Nagoya. She’s staying at her mother’s place. We’ll meet them later on at the venue.” Rena took a sip of her tea, watching in curiosity as her mother stood up from the table and disappeared without warning, returning with a large brown photo album.

“When you said you were coming, I thought we could go over your photo album.”

Rena shifted uneasily on her seat. “Mom, I…”

“Oh, come on. When was the last time you took a look at your childhood memories?”

Probably many years, and for a good reason, Rena wanted to reply but kept her thoughts to herself, not wishing to argue. It wasn’t that she had had a terrible childhood, but she always felt uncomfortable reviewing old pictures. It was like gazing at a person that she didn’t fully recognize, a girl that was far from representing the mature and confident woman she had grown into over the years.

When her mother motioned the sofa, Rena relented and took a seat beside her, her mother not waiting to flip the pages and share a few comments. Rena was impressed by the collection she had managed to gather over the years, failing to remember some shots taken. There were a few depicting her passage in kindergarten, undeniable moments of pure and genuine innocence. Followed a couple during elementary school, those bringing less happy memories. They reminded her of a period when her parents’ work had forced the family to move away, resulting in her changing school and losing good friends she had made.

It had been a complicated period of her life. At this age, children were not kind towards each other. Rena couldn’t count the number of times she had witnessed children in her class being bullied or pointed at for being different. Those experiences had transformed her into a distant and reserved kid. As she stumbled upon pictures of her brother and her playing and having fun, she recalled that those difficult years were not void of good memories.

During her childhood, both her parents had been largely absent due to their consuming work, bringing her older brother and her closer. When her mother arrived at the page marking the beginning of her teenage years, Rena was conscious that her older brother had definitely influenced her. After all, who else but him had introduced her to the wonderful 2D world? Even if she and her brother didn’t always have the same tastes and didn’t agree on everything, this new discovered passion had led her to open up. Connect with people who shared the same common interests.

“That reminds me that your brother is late.” Her mother looked up from the photo album with a slight frown. “He was supposed to arrive thirty minutes ago.”

“He probably got delayed because of work. I’m sure he’ll arrive soon,” Rena tried to sound reassuring.

“You also work a lot, and you are punctual when you visit us. He better not be late at the wedding or I’ll…” Her mother didn’t finish her sentence, yet the sight of her brow furrowing threateningly gave away the scolding her brother was certain to be subjected to.

“You’re worrying too much. Why don’t we take a look at the other pictures?” Rena took the initiative to turn the following page. When she faced a 17-year-old version of herself clad in an idol uniform, she was astonished. She had absolutely no recollection of this particular moment. “When was this picture taken? Who took it?”

“It was the day of SKE48’s first concert. Remember families had been invited to assist to the event?”

It took a moment or two for Rena to search her memory. “Oh yes, right…”

“This picture was taken after the concert. When you heard that we were backstage, you came to see us,” her mother went on. “You were so exhausted that I could tell this concert had been very demanding for you, but it was impossible not to notice how happy you were. Until that day, I had my doubts about the path you had chosen to follow. But when I saw the satisfaction on your face, I didn’t regret allowing you to audition. It didn’t matter how many years you would stay in this idol group; your father and I knew this experience would change you for the best.”

Rena was touched by her mother’s confession.

“Later on, we met with Jurina-chan.”

Rena’s eyes widened in shock. “Wait, you did? I never heard of it.”

“Your dad and I were making our leave when a young, shy girl approached us. Jurina always seemed so energetic and overly enthusiastic, that we were startled by her seriousness. To be honest, I did worry you two wouldn’t get along. I even wondered why management had paired you with a girl so young and different from you. It took me a while to realize I was looking at things from the wrong spectrum.”

“We complemented each other,” Rena finished her train of thoughts, receiving a nod of agreement in return.

“Who could have imagined that this 11-year old kid who promised your father and I - with such bold confidence - to always take care of you, would one day be the person you would marry?”

Rena laughed. “She told you that? Really?!”

They were distracted by the sound of the front door opening, a familiar 33-year-old short dark-haired young man soon appearing in front of the sofa.

“You’re late! Your sister arrived 30 minutes ago,” Rena’s mother reprimanded him.

“I’m sorry, I got delayed at work.” He scratched his head nervously. “I missed my Nozomi and had to take the next train.”

At the sound of keys turning into the lock once more, Rena’s mother stood up at once, the door opening on the head of the family holding plastic bags. “You didn’t forget anything, did you?”

“No, I got everything you wrote on the list.”

“I better check he didn’t forget anything for lunch,” the mother mumbled. “Lately, he’s been very distracted. He forgets where he left his keys, and even misplaces his shoes.”

Rena hid a smile at her mother’s worrying expression, following her retreating form as she hastily went to join her father in the kitchen.

“So, this is really happening.” Rena’s brother took a seat next to her. “My little sister is getting married this afternoon. Do you realize how much pressure that puts on me? Mom won’t stop asking when I’m going to get married with Sachiko.”

“Oh, I… I’m sorry.”

“No, you’re not. You wanted to get married, nevermind the cost and the consequences for your poor older brother,” he said with a cheeky smile.

Rena pretended to be offended. “You make me sound so selfish.”

The opened photo album got his attention and he turned a few pages, witnessing the progressive growth of his sister through the ages, until he arrived at the end of the album and stumbled upon a photo extracted from a magazine.

“I can’t… I can’t believe mom put that picture in here,” Rena stammered, recognizing the 2014 Bubka magazine her mother had taken the extract from, and showing the Matsui pair clad in newlyweds’ outfits. “Jurina showed me that same photoshoot a couple of weeks ago. She’s convinced it was a premonitory sign.”

“As in it was… destiny?” He seemed pensive, pondering over her declaration. “Yes, I can imagine that. I think your bride-to-be is completely right.”

Rena surrendered, laughing. “You can tell her that when you see her later. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to learn that someone shares her view on the subject.”

Her brother lingered on the picture of the WMatsui pair, then closed the photo album. “She makes you happy, doesn’t she?”

Rena was caught off guard by her brother’s straightforward question. “Yes, she does,” she smiled warmly. “No one makes me happier.”

His face shone with satisfaction and pleasure. “Then you have all the right in the world to be a little selfish.”

It was the beginning of the afternoon when they met in the hall of the ceremony venue, Rena’s mom approaching and dialoguing with Jurina’s mom with great ease. Seeing both their families getting along couldn’t make Rena any more pleased. In fact, the two women had clicked so well that she suspected them to have communicated often lately, even more the past 3 months to discuss the upcoming wedding preparation.

While both their mothers were engrossed in their chat, Rena used the opportunity to sweep around the hotel she and Jurina had chosen to hold the wedding celebration. She was more than satisfied with their decision. It had taken a while to find a place that would – not only accept to hold such a special ceremony – but also suited both their taste in terms of service offered and location. The Japanese law only allowed them to register their union in Tokyo. Yet, when it came to choosing the ceremony location, it was naturally that they had opted for Nagoya.

After inspecting the place, her gaze landed on Jurina standing opposite her beside Yumiko. Her fiancée was wearing a casual outfit; long black jeans along with a pair of white and blue Puma sneakers. Rena distinguished an all-too-familiar Hawaiian tee-shirt hidden beneath her leather black jacket, the letters of the Aloha greeting slightly worn out from years of use. Just as her father and brother, Jurina was listening to the conversation unfolding, and Rena found her abnormally quiet and serious. Given the circumstances, she would have expected her to be more cheerful and talkative, and her current silence struck her as odd.

Reaching out for Jurina’s hand, she pulled her aside, enough to grant them a little privacy. “Hey, is everything fine?”

“Yes, why?” Jurina brightened up.

“You are?” Rena studied her carefully, skeptical. “You haven’t said a word since you arrived. Are you feeling nervous?”

“Nervous? No. Why would I be?” Jurina blinked, as if puzzled by what she was asking. “I haven’t stopped thinking about this day for the past three months. Sometimes, I have difficulty believing this is really happening. But if there’s one thing I know…” her voice dropped down to a low murmur. She laced their fingers together and moved forward, leaning her forehead against Rena’s. “It’s that I love you and I want to spend my life with you.”

Rena’s chest warmed up at her profession of love. “It is happening.” She slid her fingers beneath Jurina’s chin and brought her face back to hers. “And I love you even more.”

“No, that’s not possible,” Jurina said with an impish grin.

“Oh yes, it is. And you won’t manage to get the last word on this.” Rena tugged onto the hem of her tee-shirt.

Jurina arched an eyebrow. “Wanna bet?” she leaned closer to her, whispering in her ear seductively. “I can be very persuasive when I want.”

Rena gave her shoulder a playful slap. “I think we should stop. This debate is becoming a little-”


“Just a bit.” Rena gently kissed her cheek. “By the way… I know you said you wanted us to get changed and prepare ourselves in separate rooms, but really, it’s not necessary.”

A serious look passed over Jurina’s features. “No, I told you. It’s bad luck to see each other’s dresses before the wedding.”

Rena bit down on her lower lip, not convinced Jurina had been entirely honest with her. “I’ve never been a superstitious person, and I don’t feel at ease with the idea of leaving you alone. There are three hours left until the ceremony, and I know how apprehensive and stressed you can get before important events. And this is… This is our wedding. You have to understand I have difficulty believing you when you say you’re not-”

“It’s very important to me. And besides, I won’t be alone. My mom, Mayu, Churi… I’ll be surrounded by many people. You have nothing to worry about. Really, I mean it.”

“Alright then,” Rena reluctantly surrendered. “But if you ever change your mind or feel the need to talk to me, I’ll be right next door.”

“I know. Thank you. Thank you for understanding.” Jurina pressed her lips against hers, pulling them into a long, passionate kiss.

Rena was stunned by the intimate gesture in public, not failing to notice from her peripheral vision their families staring at them.

Jurina turned red, understanding what she had done. “Please…” She didn’t dare to look back. “Please tell me they didn’t see anything.”

Rena suppressed a smile, preferring to opt for a white lie. “Don’t worry, they are not paying attention to us.”

Jurina stared at her reflection through the mirror, releasing a despondent sigh as she studied how she looked. She had long ago swapped her previous daily clothes for her wedding dress yet, nevermind how frequently she went over and over her appearance, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. So why on earth couldn’t she put her finger on the problem?

There clearly wasn’t anything wrong with the dress. Her white French under-bustle wedding gown fit her size to the perfection - not too tight nor too loose - loving the soft satin touch underneath her fingertips. As for her hairstyle, the professional hairdresser hired for the occasion had respected her request up to the finest detail. She had brushed back her jet-black hair and tied it into a neat bun behind her head, the latter closed by a flowered pattern hair comb to which was attached a flyaway veil falling down her back.

Jurina checked that her Marquise silver crystal leaf shape earrings were well adjusted, then distractedly played with her silver platinum teardrop Zirconia necklace, upset that she couldn’t find the origin of what was troubling her. Today was supposed to be the most important moment of her life: she couldn’t afford the slightest mistake. Everything needed to be as perfect as she envisioned.

The sound of the dressing room door opening brought her out of her thoughts and she glanced back, witnessing Mayu entering. Jurina stood up at once. “How is the preparation going? Has everyone arrived yet? Have you seen Rena?”

“Everything is going well and no, I haven’t seen her,” her best friend, and one of her bridesmaids, answered with a small groan. “You already asked me all those questions 10 minutes ago. I told you have nothing to worry about. If you wanted to see your future wife so badly, then why did you decide to get changed in separate rooms?”

“Because it’s bad luck! Rena and I can’t see each other’s wedding dresses before the ceremony!”

“Says who?” Mayu crossed her arms over her chest. “I saw Yuki’s dress before our wedding and the world didn’t end. Look.” She pointed at the wedding band on her ring finger. “Still happily married eight months later.”

“Yes, yes, it’s just… It’s just that I’m a little curious to know how she’s doing,” Jurina admitted a little sheepishly. “But I refuse to see her before the ceremony. That’s out of the question.”

Mayu rolled her eyes at the bride’s stubbornness, then glanced over her shoulder when Yuki entered the room with precipitation. “Oh my God, you should have seen Rena’s dress! It’s so… beautiful!” Yuki was unable to contain her enthusiasm. “And her hair! She arranged her hair like-”

When Jurina shot her a warning look, she stopped dead.

“Oh… I completely forgot.” Yuki clasped her hand over her mouth.

They were interrupted by another knock. Akane, clad in her pink bridesmaid dress, appeared through the doorframe. “Hi. I was checking to see how things were going and if you needed my help?”

“Oh good,” Mayu let out a heavy sigh of relief. “Yes, it’s good you’re here. I think I’m going to lose my mind if Jurina questions me again about the wedding preparation or her future wife. One that she’s dying to see by the way, but refuses to meet for completely foolish reasons.”

Jurina glared at her.

“I’m going to check with Yuki how the wedding preparation is going,” Mayu said, addressing Akane. “Do you mind staying with Jurina for a moment?”

“Of course not.”

Yuki followed the petite girl out of the room, tilting her head in Jurina’s direction one last time. “Do you need anything? Is there something I can get you?”

“No, I’m fine. Thank you for asking,” Jurina said with a grateful smile.

“You’re welcome,” Yuki winked at her. “And you know, Mayuyu is right. You have nothing to worry about. Everything will be perfect.”

“Yes, your wedding will be perfect,” Mayu quickly confirmed. “Trust me; I made absolutely sure of it.”

The corners of Jurina’s mouth turned up, slightly frustrated with herself that her friends reassuring words didn’t seem to be enough to put her at ease.

As Yuki and Mayu made their way out and closed the door behind them, Akane watched the future bride taking another seat in front of the mirror. She joined her side, concerned when she noticed her troubled expression. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“I think I’m about to lose one of my bridesmaids,” Jurina said, half-joking, eyes turned towards the floor. “Mayu is right. I haven’t stopped badgering her about Rena and the wedding preparation since I arrived. I feel so useless in here. I should be outside, preparing the ceremony and making sure everything is going well.”

“For a starter, you’re the one who insisted on not seeing Rena before the wedding,” Akane gently reminded her. “And about the ceremony, you have nothing to worry about. The hotel staff is extremely competent and prepared everything. And frankly, I think you have nothing to fear. Between Rena’s mom and yours welcoming the guests, Mayu arranging the flowers every 5 minutes, Yuki harassing the kitchen staff, and Airin checking the seating plan over and over… I would be astonished if you managed to spot a single issue on your way out.”

Akane’s words managed to make her smile. “Have you seen her? I mean, Rena…” she asked awkwardly, curiosity getting the best of her. “I don’t want to know anything about her dress but… Did she seem fine? Did she look happy?”

“We exchanged a few words when she arrived with her family, but I haven’t seen her since. Not since she locked herself up in her dressing room. I believe Airin is with her, helping her getting prepared.”

Jurina took a moment to process the information.

“I shouldn’t be behaving like this. It’s supposed to be the best day of my life and here I am, annoying everyone around me with my questions,” Jurina admonished herself.

“You’re not annoying me.” Akane held Jurina’s hand, startled when it trembled inside hers. “Wait, you’re nervous.”

Jurina didn’t dare to look her in the eye. “Imagine if I trip on my dress? Or I forget my vows because I’m too stressed? All my family and friends will be present to witness such a disaster, and Rena will remember it for the rest of her life.”

Akane giggled. “Everything will be fine. It’s completely normal to be nervous. You said it yourself: it’s the most important day of your life. When you will walk down the aisle, everyone that matters to you will be here to witness you committing to the person you love. Today, you’re taking one of the most important decisions of your life. I wouldn’t expect you to be anything but nervous.”

Jurina swallowed a nervous lump in her throat. “Will you believe me if I tell you that’s not exactly helping?”

Akane gave Jurina’s fingers a light, reassuring squeeze. “You need to enjoy every minute of this day. There’s nothing more beautiful than the bold step you are both taking today. I’m truly happy for both of you. I mean it.”

“I know you do.” Jurina was touched by her friend’s last words. It had required some time, but during the course of this last year, the conflictual relationship between Akane and Rena had mended and progressively transformed into a mutual respectful and sincere friendship. “Thank you. Thank you for saying all that.”

“So, are you more relaxed?”

Jurina made a face. “Well, uh… You want an honest reply?”

“At least I tried. Wait, I have an idea.” Akane’s eyes widened and she quickly got up. “Do you mind if I leave you alone for a few minutes?”

Jurina was taken aback by the strange twinkle in her eye. “Sure, of course. Don’t worry about me. Take all the time your need.”

“I’ll be back soon.” Akane span on her heels, leaving the future bride trying again to find a non-existent issue with her appearance.

Rena ran the brush through her long brown hair, making sure the ends fell nicely in front her left shoulder and down her chest. When she deemed herself satisfied, she settled the comb back on the dressing table and directed her attention towards the jewelry box. Opening it, she retrieved a pair of golden bracelets. She placed the first around her left wrist, making sure the attach was well-secured, then seized the second matching one and placed it around her other wrist.

Rena took a short intake of breath and paid attention to her reflection across the mirror, trying not to be too distracted by the other feminine presence in the room quietly observing her. Rena’s fingers trailed down her arms, enjoying the soft sensation of the delicate flowery pattern of her white lace half-sleeved wedding dress. It had taken her a few attempts to find the right dress that would suit her taste. When her eyes had landed onto that simple but elegant wedding dress in the shop, she had instantly fallen in love with it.

Rena couldn’t help but check twice that her bracelets were well-attached, not wishing to lose them during the ceremony by accident. She was ready to add the final touch to her appearance, and seized the lipstick. As she carefully applied a gentle pink color on her lips, her gaze met across the mirror with the other girl sitting in the room. At her bridesmaid’s distinctive expression of admiration, Rena blushed. “Airin, can you please stop looking at me like this?”

“Oh, I-” Airi cleared her throat. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stare at you.”

Rena laughed softly. “You’ve barely left my side in two hours. You can leave if you wish, I’m almost done.”

“It’s fine. I’ll stay,” Airi shook her head negatively. “I want to be here in case you need anything.”

Rena eyed her with mild amusement. “Alright, but can you explain why you are acting as if it was the first time you were seeing me in that dress? Do I need to remind you that you were present when I bought it?”

“Yes, but it’s not the same thing. You were only trying it on. Today is special, and you are exuding such beauty and happiness.”

“Alright, that’s enough…” Rena lowered the lipstick and turned around. “You haven’t stopped complimenting me. It’s getting very embarrassing.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t help it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jurina falls in love with you all over again when you walk down the aisle. I hope she won’t faint when she sees you, or it will be problematic to continue the ceremony.”

Rena chuckled at her foolishness.

“Do you think she will like it?” Rena faced the mirror, a sudden knot in her stomach. “I haven’t overdone it, have I?” When her questions were met with a longing silence, she gazed back, witnessing her best friend staring at her. “What is it?” A worried expression washed over Rena’s face. “Is something wrong with my makeup? Or my hairstyle? Do I need to change something?”

As Rena was about to adjust her hair, Airi quickly stood up and placed a reassuring hand on top of hers. “No, everything’s perfect. You don’t need to change a single thing. It’s only that I noticed something since we’ve arrived at the hotel. You looked so calm and relaxed, even laughing and telling jokes, that you almost managed to fool me. It took me until now to understand it was all an act.”

“An act?” Rena blinked.

“Yes, an act. To hide how you truly feel deep inside. Stressed and nervous.”

“Why would I be…?” Rena started, only to face Airi’s knowing look. “You caught me. I cannot hide anything from my best friend, can I?” She sighed with resignation. “And here I thought I was hiding it well.”

“You were,” Airi admitted with a gentle smile. “I simply couldn’t shake the feeling that you were behaving oddly, given what is at stake today. Why are you trying to hide how you feel? It’s completely normal to be a little nervous given the circumstances. I’m sure Jurina must be feeling the same way too.”

Rena opened her mouth, but didn’t have the opportunity to answer that a knock interrupted them. “Airin? Are you here?”

At the sound of Akane’s voice, Airi went to open. “Hi, Airin. How are things going on your side?”

“Good. And you? How is Jurina doing?”

Akane heaved a deep sigh. “I think I’ve never seen Jurina so nervous. She even managed to drive away Mayu and Yuki with her constant questions about Rena and the ceremony. That’s why I was wondering if R-”

“Jurina is very nervous?” The door flew open, revealing a concerned Rena staring at Akane questioningly. 

“She… she is,” Akane confessed, surprised by the bride’s sudden apparition. “I did my best to calm her down and reassure her, but I couldn’t be of much help.”

A short moment of silent followed, until Rena took a step outside the dressing room. “I’ll go and see her.”

Akane spoke up hesitantly. “I did think about that too, but she seems adamant on not seeing you in your wedding dress until the ceremony. So, I’m not sure how… I’m not sure what you can do.”

“I know, and she won’t see me. But I think I know a way to help her relax,” Rena replied confidently and walked in the direction of Jurina’s dressing room, leaving both bridesmaids exchanging baffled looks.

“Jurina, it’s me. Can I come in?”

Jurina froze at the familiar feminine voice. No, it wasn’t possible, she cast over her shoulder a look of bewilderment in the direction of the door. Rena couldn’t be here: they had agreed not to meet until the beginning of the ceremony. Her mind had to be playing tricks on her; it had to be the explanation. Given how frequently her thoughts had drifted towards her fiancée for the past 24 hours, it wouldn’t be that improbable. When the unexpected calling of her name was followed by a long moment of silence, Jurina faced the mirror, shaking her head at her own divagations.

That’s precisely when two successive small knocks sounded against the door. “I know you’re here. Please open the door.”

Jurina flipped around, her heart racing: there was no mistake possible. Paralyzed with shock, she remained seated on her chair, not knowing how to react. More than anything, she wanted to stick to her initial decision to stay as far away as possible from Rena until the moment was right. Unfortunately, it was a complicated task to shut down her inner voice wishing for the complete opposite.

“R-Rena…” Jurina’s voice quivered. “What are you doing here?”

“Akane told me that you’re very nervous. I had to come and see you.”

The revelation caused some discomfort to Jurina. “She shouldn’t have told you that. I’m fine, really. And you can’t be here. We agreed not to see each other before the wedding, remember?”

“Yes, we did. But there was no part in this agreement that said we couldn’t meet, right?”

“I don’t… I don’t understand.” Jurina was perplexed.

“Do you trust me?”

The question definitely took her by surprise. Jurina wondered why Rena was asking her such a silly thing, when she already knew the answer. “Of course, I do.” A glowing warmth spread through her at the thought of her eternal devotion for the girl standing on the other side of the door. “With my life.”

“Then please trust me when I ask you to open. I’ll close my eyes, and you’ll do the same.”

It took Jurina a few seconds to process the suggestion. “You will?” Her voice filled with a mixture of hesitation and hope.

“Yes, you have my word.”

Rena’s last promise managed to get the best of her resolve, and Jurina got up on her feet. A wave of anticipation swept through her as her steps led her towards the door, extending her hand once she was within reach. Seizing the handle, she felt a brief flicker of doubt. Shutting her eyes close, she pulled the door open. Jurina moved backwards, a pair of footsteps not hesitating to approach. The door was carefully shut closed, feet inching forward the following moment.

Jurina’s hands had come up automatically, and she took a step nearer. Tentatively, she raised her hands towards Rena’s face, lightly touching her cheeks. Her hand moved on its own volition from her cheek to her jawline. Then, she stroked her hair lightly, deducing her fiancée’s hairdo when she felt it resting above Rena’s left shoulder. She took a step nearer and, slowly, she slid her arms around her waist and drew her towards her gently. With a sigh of pleasure, she settled her chin upon Rena’s shoulder.

“I missed you. I missed you so much.” Jurina was unable to keep the ache of longing out of her voice.

“I missed you too.” Rena placed a kiss on her cheek and wrapped her arms around Jurina’s neck, bringing them closer. Her hands played across Jurina’s back and shoulders, caressing her in slow, gentle motions. She allowed the embrace to continue a little longer, then disentangled herself from the hug.

Rena’s breath was warm and soft against her cheek, and Jurina’s heart pounded, feeling their lips a few inches apart. Jurina resisted for a moment, wanting to gauge Rena’s intent. Yet something pulled on her, like an unseen force. The desire to bring their lips together and taste them overwhelmed her. Jurina gently laid her lips on hers, a warm sensation spreading through her the instant their mouths connected.

Feeling the passion in the kiss exchanged made Jurina realized that she hadn’t been the only one craving for such physical proximity. They peeled themselves apart from one another to breathe but never let each other go. Jurina’s eyes remained closed as she kissed her deeper and held on tighter, savoring the sweet depths of her warm mouth. It asked her all the willpower in the world to not open her eyes and examine her beautiful features, conscious she would regret it later if she succumbed to the temptation.

“I want to see you so badly,” Jurina whispered against her mouth, kissing her. 

“Does it mean we can open our eyes and see each other?”

“No, we can’t.” Jurina kissed the hollow of her collarbone, feeling the throbbing pulse in her neck. She nibbled on her earlobe, provoking a moan. “And that’s your punishment for even suggesting it.”

“If that’s my punishment,” Rena purred, tightening her hold around Jurina’s shoulders. “Then I might be tempted to suggest it again.”

Jurina groaned, not believing her fiancée’s cheeky attitude. She drew back and leaned closer to claim her lips once more. “I think…” she managed to hold herself at the very last moment. “I think we better stop. The ceremony is in half an hour, and I don’t want us to get carried away.”

“It’s not as if the ceremony will start without us. But you’re probably right. I should return to my room if I want to finish in time. And you’ll need to check yourself in the mirror for any trace of lipsticks.”

Jurina laughed.

“You should have told me the truth,” Rena chided her gently as she pulled back. “You’re not the only one being nervous.”

Jurina was astonished by the revelation.

Rena cupped Jurina’s face between her hands. “And please stop worrying. Everything will be alright.”

Even with their eyes closed, Jurina could feel Rena’s smile as she kissed her tenderly one last time. Jurina was so terribly tempted to snap her eyes open. She held on as best as she could, waiting as she heard the door opening and footsteps drawing away, the door slowly shutting close the following moment. Her eyes sprang open, and she released a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding. As she listened to the sound of Rena’s footsteps fading away into the distance, Jurina repeated to herself that it was all worth the wait. Nevermind how difficult it had been to stand by her decision during those last 24 hours, she knew that her patience would soon be rewarded.

The organ music played and the murmur of voices inside the ceremony room died away, all conversations ceasing at once. Slowly, the large doors creaked opened, all heads turning in unison in the direction of the other bride’s arrival. Jurina stepped forward from her standing position next to the altar, craning her neck to look for her. For a moment, it felt as if time had been suspended. Jurina managed to put something of a brave face, but inside, she was a ball of nerves.

The irony of the situation struck her hard. How come that she, Jurina Matsui, who took pride in having no difficulty singing and dancing with confidence in front of a full stadium of 40 000 fans, felt completely overwhelmed when it came to committing - in front of a small group of people composed of their families and friends - to the person she loved? Stomach churning, heart beating wildly, she waited in a mixture of apprehension and anticipation for her future wife to arrive.

That’s when she appeared in the open door.

The sight of Rena, her beautiful fiancée clad in the most resplendent white lace half-sleeved wedding dress she had ever seen, managed to take her breath away. Across the room, their eyes met, and she trembled slightly at the tender expression upon Rena’s face. The silent control, the gentle smile Rena was sending her. At that précised moment, Jurina couldn’t think of a time she’d ever been happier.

It would have been impossible for Rena to ignore all the pairs of eyes riveted on hers as she entered the ceremony room. Keeping her composure, she tried her best not to be destabilized by the attention she was receiving. Instinctively, her gaze sought to meet the one she was about to link her fate. And that’s when she saw her, Jurina, standing at the altar, her face beaming with adoration, her loving eyes fixated on her and no one else.

Rena’s heart leaped with happiness.

Rena took a deep steadying breath and marched, one slow step at a time. For some reason, the aisle seemed a thousand miles long. From her peripheral vision, she recognized a few former SKE members standing at the back; Kumi, Yuria, Masana and Yuka, to name a few. She progressed further, other acquaintances and friends of theirs appearing in her field vision; Mariko, Yosuke, but also Yuki and Mayu.

At every step she took, she felt her heart hammering against her ribs even more rapidly, betraying her inner agitation. At her passage, Rena witnessed the loving smiles from her family, and the look of affection Jurina’s mother sent her way. A warm glow of gratitude coursed through her body. The presence of their respective families here today proved once more that her union with Jurina was not only accepted, but had been both blessed and approved.

As she reached the altar where the mariage officiant waited for her, Rena paused and turned around to face Jurina.

They quietly stood in front of each other, and a sense of awe swept over Jurina. She allowed herself to visually admire her, spellbound by Rena’s captivating beauty, and the gentle makeup sharpening and refining her delicate features. She brought a closer look at the white lace wedding dress she was wearing. She marveled at the finery work of the flowery pattern of it, which covered Rena’s chest and half-sleeved shoulders, and ran all the way down to the bottom of her dress. At this instant, Jurina knew with absolute certainty that she had been right to be patient. Discovering here and now Rena’s dress rendered this unique moment even more impactful.

Jurina traveled up back to her face, and stared up into the small brown orbs so close to hers. Jurina’s eyes clung to hers, unable to look away. She distinguished the nervousness Rena had described during their previous, brief meeting in the dressing room. Here it was, carefully hidden behind a mask of apparent composure and self-assurance, but betrayed by the rapid fluttering of Rena’s eyelids.

Rena didn’t know who took the initiative, but their hands connected on their own volition. The gesture held so many different meanings. It expressed their mutual love and devotion, but also the attempt to reassure and calm one another during such a significant, yet not devoid of stress, moment of their life. Rena had not a clue what kind of outfit her fiancée would be wearing today. Jurina had preserved the secret well, hiding it at Akane’s place to make sure she wouldn’t stumble upon it by accident.

Rena was conscious of her own faintly tremulous fingers, but she refused to let go. Jurina was gleaming with such joy, that it sent her pulses racing. Rena studied her dress, appreciating how elegant and feminine it was. She noted every single aspect of her appearance, from the precious earrings and necklace, to the delicate veil falling down her back. Rena knew that Jurina had been extra careful in making her appearance as perfect as possible, not that she expected any less from her.

The organ music stopped and, letting go of each other’s hands, both turned to face the marriage officiant as he spoke.

“Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Rena Matsui and Jurina Matsui in marriage. Through their time together, they have come to realize that their personal dreams, hopes, and goals are more attainable and more meaningful through the combined effort and mutual support provided in love, commitment, and family; and so today, they will begin their life together, as wife and wife.”

Jurina’s eyes were fixed on the marriage officiant, but she couldn’t disregard the sound of her heart pounding erratically. It required great self-restraint on her behalf to not lose focus. All she desired was to chance another glance at her special person. How long had she been in love with Rena? She didn’t have a clear answer to that question. Yet she knew precisely when she became fully aware of it. That day at the beach, when she and Rena had exchanged a kiss for the purpose of a SKE videoclip, had been a revelatory moment for her. But Jurina was conscious that her feelings for Rena went back way before that.

She was a kid with boundless energy when they crossed path for the very first time. Rena was six years older than her, almost a young adult. They were complete opposite. Shy, introvert, quiet. While Jurina enjoyed a talkative chat with the other members, Rena preferred to sit alone in a secluded area of the room, immerged in a game on her Nintendo DS. Up until now, Jurina couldn’t explain why she had been so irresistibly drawn to her. Was it her wish to help the other girl integrate? Or her desire to get along with the one who had been chosen by management to be her double center?

None of those reasons would ever explain the strong feelings that had arisen in her. Against her will, something had blossomed in her naïve heart. Intense emotions she had buried deep inside her. Feelings she had refused to confess, for fear of rejection. Until that evening of January 2015, after the AKB48 Tokyo Dome concert. Rena’s tears had begun to fall in a downpour, releasing her inner emotions when she confessed and reciprocated her feelings in that hotel room.

“True marriage is more than simply joining two persons together through the bonds of matrimony. It is also the union of two hearts and the blending of two families. It lives on the love you give each other and never grows old, but also thrives on the joy of each new day. Marriage is, and should be, an expression of love. May you always be able to talk things over, to confide in each other, to laugh with each other, to enjoy life together, and to also share those moments of quiet and peace, when the day is done. May you be blessed with a lifetime of happiness and a home of warmth and understanding.”

While the marriage officiant was reminding them about the reason of their presence, Rena’s thoughts drifted away. It struck her how far they had gone and how much she and Jurina had accomplished these past 13 years. Whether as partners on stage on in real life, happiness and sadness had been part of their journey. They had laughed and cried together. Had learned to accept their mutual differences. Witnessed their love growing and their relationship maturing. At some point, their paths had diverged, their hearts never ceasing to beat for each other all along, until a twist of fate reunited them.

Was it destiny, that had brought them together during this Summer of 2008? When they met for the very first time, and would become for many years to come the iconic WCenter of one of the most successful idol groups in Japan? Was it destiny that had, when all seemed lost, made their paths cross after three years of separation? Rena didn’t have any clear answer to those questions. During all these years, it seemed their respective fates had been closely intertwined, leading them to that precise moment in time.

The marriage officiant paused his speech, Rena understanding that the exchange of vows had arrived when Jurina faced her back with expectation. Rena couldn’t help despite herself but reach forward and gently take her hands inside hers. She wanted to convince herself that it was her simple way of giving Jurina a little strength and confidence. After all, she didn’t need to get inside her fiancée’s head to guess her apprehension. However, she was conscious that the spontaneous gesture was also partly selfish, a small part of her hoping it would help her reduce some of her own stress.

When the marriage officiant turned towards Jurina and spoke, his voice seemed to fill the void of silence with something grand and portentous. “Do you take Rena Matsui as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?”

Jurina laced their fingers together, her whole face spreading into a smile as she opened her mouth to speak. “I do. I promise to always be there for you, to shelter and hold your love as the most precious gift in my life. I will be truthful and honor you, as I embrace as the most important part of my life. I will care for you always and stand by you in times of sorrow and joy, forever nurturing the love I feel for you.”

The marriage officiant settled his attention on Rena next. “Do you take Jurina Matsui as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?”

A soft and loving curve touched Rena’s lips. “I do. I promise to always be there for you, to shelter and hold your love as the most precious gift in my life. I will be truthful and honor you, as I embrace as the most important part of my life. I will care for you always and stand by you in times of sorrow and joy, forever nurturing the love I feel for you.”

At the discreet head signal of the marriage officiant, both maids of honor stepped forward, carrying the wedding rings on white little satin pillows. 

“Wedding rings are made precious by our wearing them,” the marriage officiant went on, announcing the next crucial and most anticipated phase of the ceremony. “Your rings say that even in your uniqueness you have chosen to be bound together. Let these rings also be a sign that love has substance as well as soul, a present as well as a past, and that, despite its occasional sorrows, love is a circle of happiness, wonder, and delight. May these rings remind you always of the vows you have taken here today.”

Jurina’s nerves tensed; she directed her attention to the pillow brought to her. Carefully, she retrieved the ruby and diamond wedding ring laying on the top. It was a perfect match to the ring Rena had given to her during her romantic proposal in Paris. Lifting Rena’s hand, she placed the ring on her finger. “I give you this ring, a symbol of my love, as I give to you, all that I am, and accept from you, all that you are.”

Rena recovered the sapphire and diamond wedding band from the pillow presented to her, the couple smiling together as Jurina’s finger was pushed up as Rena put the ring on her finger. “I give you this ring, a symbol of my love, as I give to you, all that I am, and accept from you, all that you are.”

The marriage officiant’s voice resonated in the ceremony room for his final words. “And now, by the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

The couple’s eyes glittered with emotion; it was almost too much happiness to bear for both of them. They leaned forward and pressed their lips together, sealing their union with a kiss of eternal commitment.


Airi quirked an eyebrow, drawing closer to an unenthusiastic Akane standing alone with a bouquet of flowers in hands next to the gift table. “I hope one day you’ll present me the lucky one.”

“Stop it,” Akane growled. “I want to get rid of it, but I’m afraid Rena will take it the wrong way.”

“Get rid of it? Why? It’s a lovely bouquet.” Airi bent down to take a sharp inhale of the flowers secured in the bridesmaid’s hands: a perfect mixture of fresh blue forget-me-nots, white lilies and red roses. “And not to mention, personally handled it you by the bride. It’s offensive to even think of such a terrible thing.”

Akane rolled her eyes at her mischievous expression. “She didn’t handle it to me, it was pure coincidence.” She could vividly remember her shock when Rena had tossed the bouquet over her shoulder, and it had landed in her hands. Everyone had turned in her direction and clapped, congratulating her for her triumphant catch. To not give away her unease, Akane had mustered her best polite smile, especially when Rena and Jurina had both beamed at her with pride and joy.

“I don’t believe in coincidences.” Airi shook her head in disapproval. “I think everything happens for a reason.”

Akane followed her friend’s gaze as it landed on the young married couple going from table to table and conversing with their guests.

“Look at them. Can you believe that their paths crossed more than 10 years ago? They were brought up together, then circumstances separated them, until they got reunited again. What does it say to you?”

“So…” Akane pondered, then continued with a slight joking tone. “You also believe like Jurina that it was destiny?”

“Why not? If it wasn’t destiny, then what was it? If there’s one thing that this wedding proves, it is that they were meant for each other.”

Akane was at a loss for words.

“So no, you cannot throw away the bouquet.” Airi’s eyes flickered between a dumbfounded Akane and the wedding flowers she was awkwardly holding. “Not only it would be rude and disrespectful to the bride, you would be ignoring a sign the universe is manifestly sending you,” Airi added playfully, then delicately touched Akane’s hand. “Promise you will keep it? It would make me sad if you didn’t.”

Akane was about to say no, yet for some strange unknown reason, her head ended up saying the opposite and nodding in agreement. A smile of pleasure plastered Airi’s features. Akane let out a despondent sigh, watching her friend walking away and disappearing into the crowd. Despite herself, Akane couldn’t help but look down to her bouquet of flowers, Airi’s previous words coming back to her mind. As long as Akane recalled, she never believed in such things as meant to be or destiny. She brought her attention back to the happy newlywed couple, cursing Airi for the tinge of doubt filling her.

Yuki beamed with admiration. “Look at them. Jurina and Rena look… they look so happy. So beautiful and pure in those elegant white dresses.”

“Pure, huh…” Mayu, who was standing by Yuki’s side, tapped her index finger against her chin. “I think I know what they are going to do this evening when they get home, and I’m almost sure it doesn’t involve anything pure.”

Yuki’s jaw dropped in shock. “M-Mayuyu! My God, you are impossible!”

“What? What did I say?” Mayu threw her a puzzled look.

“Why did you have to put this kind of image in my mind again?!” Yuki buried her face between her hands in despair.

“Eh? What image?”

Yuki frowned at her, suspicion arising. “Nevermind. I need to find a way to clear my head, and you are not helping. I need to find something to do.” She looked around them, an expression of victory flashing through her eyes when they locked on the kitchen door. “I know! I’ll go and check how they are doing with the wedding cake.”

“Sure, see you later.” Mayu shot her an amused look, not feeling ashamed in the slightest about her mischievous deed. Why would she be? Her wife was way too cute when she was flustered.

Following the wedding ceremony, everyone had been invited to take a seat at the dinner tables. During the course of the meal, Jurina and Rena’s bridesmaids, friends and families had taken turns in sharing stories – some touching, others lighter and amusing – about the recently newlywed Matsui couple. The meal went on pleasantly, accompanied by occasional pictures and videos representing moments of their life, and facilitated by the discretion and professionalism of the hotel staff.

They had finished eating the main dish and were taking a small break, a festive, joyful music playing in the background while waiting for the decisive moment of the cutting of the wedding cake. After sharing a few words with her family, then with her guests, Rena had wandered around the room. She took time to admire the remarkable work the staff had accomplished with the decoration of the place. Her steps lead her to the gift table, impressed by the quantity of presents they had received for their wedding.

Rena glanced over her shoulder in Jurina’s direction. Her new wife was immerged in her conversation with Mariko. As soon as the break had been announced, the guests had slowly dispersed in the room, and Jurina had checked with her if she didn’t mind her spending some time with Mariko. Rena had given her immediate consent, more than aware how much Jurina had deeply missed the older girl. For more than a year, the former AKB idol had been absent from Japan, living and taking English classes in Great Britain.

“Congratulations on your wedding.”

Rena snapped out of her reverie. At the view of the male actor clad in a black tuxedo, her mouth tugged into a smile of pleasure. “Thank you, Yosuke. But you don’t need to congratulate me again. You already congratulated Jurina and I after the ceremony, remember?”

“I know, but I wanted to do it once more. Thank you for inviting me and Tsuzumi. It’s a beautiful wedding.”

“You don’t need to thank me,” Rena protested softly. “I’m glad you both could come. I know it wasn’t easy to free yourself with the shooting of your new drama in Korea.”

“I do feel a bit like an idiot though,” Yosuke went on with an amused look. “I had the answer right in front of me, but I refused to see it.”

“I don’t understand,” Rena admitted her confusion. “What do you mean?”

“When we shot Destiny, I would often find you on the phone with Jurina. At the time, I didn’t think too much of it. I didn’t think much of it either at the award ceremony, when I saw you so proud of Jurina’s victory at the General Election. I believed you were being supportive of a former colleague. All I saw was a strong relationship between two people who cared about each other. But it went way beyond that. She wasn’t a colleague or a friend; she was the one you loved.”

Rena became conscious of a growing discomfort. “I’m sorry for taking so long to tell you the truth. When you and I first met, Jurina was still an idol, and only a handful of people knew about our relationship. I realize I should have told you sooner, but…”

“You don’t need to apologize.” Yosuke shook his head, smiling. “Trust me. I perfectly understand the circumstances. You deserve the best, and I can see Jurina makes you very happy. So again, please allow me to congratulate you on your beautiful wedding. I hope we can soon find a spare moment in our mutual busy schedules to meet the four of us around dinner?”

“I would love that. Let me guess: you heard about a new Korean restaurant opening in Tokyo recently?” Rena teased him.

Yosuke let out a small laugh. “Oh no, don’t worry. No Korean food. I’m afraid Tsuzumi doesn’t share my passion for it either.”

“I knew this day would happen,” Mariko said with a smug look on her face.

Jurina shot her an incredulous look. “What? No, you didn’t!”

“Of course, I did,” Mariko scoffed. “I have a sixth sense for those things. Remember when Acchan announced her wedding? I had predicted it.”

“You didn’t predict anything, she told you!”

“Okay, maybe she did, but I had seen it coming. Don’t contradict me, you cheeky girl!” Mariko gave her arm a playful slap. “Don’t forget that I flew all the way from London to be here today.”

Jurina’s expression softened. “I know, and I’m so happy you could make it. I don’t think I could have gotten married without you by my side.”

“What are you talking about?” The corners of Mariko’s mouth turned up in a mischievous expression. “Of course, you could have. You need one person to get married, and she now has your wedding ring on her finger.”

“You know what I mean. This wedding wouldn’t have been the same if everyone I care about wasn’t present.” Jurina paused for a breath, emotion taking hold of her. “My family, my friends, even former members of AKB and SKE. I still can’t believe… I still can’t believe so many people came.”

“They wouldn’t want to miss the wedding of the year,” Mariko said on a light, playful tone. She held Jurina’s chin in the cradle between her thumb and forefinger. “Nothing could have prevented me from coming to your wedding.”

Jurina fell into her arms and held her tight. “Thank you for always being here for me during all these years.”

“You have nothing to thank me about.” Mariko returned the embrace. “I love you, Jurina. And I know you and Rena will be very happy. If you ask me, it was about time you both tied to knot. I was starting to get a little impatient.”

“Idiot,” Jurina gave a muffled laugh against her shoulder.

“Speaking of your wife. I’m sure Rena believes she’s being discreet, but she hasn’t stopped peeking in our direction for the past five minutes. I think the message is clear that she needs you.”

Jurina slowly pulled away and followed Mariko’s gaze, indeed noticing Rena watching them from afar.

Mariko gave Jurina’s arm a light, encouraging push. “Go and see her. Enjoy yourself. This is a special day for both of you. You need to spend it together as much as possible.”

“But…” Jurina trailed off, hesitant to already leave Mariko’s side when they hadn’t seen each other in almost a year.

Mariko seemed to read her mind. “I’m staying in Japan for two weeks, remember? We’ll have plenty opportunities to catch up. Send me a text, and I’ll be here.”

“Thank you,” Jurina murmured softly, giving her another tight hug. “I want to know all about your stay in England!”

“Oh, trust me, you will know everything. I won’t leave out a single detail. Not even about the bad food and the terrible weather.” Mariko gave her arm another push, rewarded with a long slow grin. Jurina turned on her heels, and Mariko’s gaze bored into the younger girl’s retreating back. She exhaled a sigh of contentment, proud of what her precious 11-year-old Jurina had become.

Jurina didn’t miss the mysterious twinkle in Rena’s eyes as she indicated her with a discreet nod of the head to follow her. Both soon found themselves in an unoccupied, annex room of the hotel. Jurina regarded her in curiosity while Rena carefully shut the door closed behind them, linking their hands. She led them towards the small balcony, and a dreamy smile plastered Jurina’s features at the sight greeting her. The hotel was situated at the 22nd floor of the building, the altitude enabling them to benefit from a breathtaking nightly panoramic view of the city of Nagoya.

Jurina’s gaze swept over the city, taking in the sights, the illuminated buildings and the starry dark sky above their heads. Her attention settled on one district in particular when she caught a glimpse of the big wheel of Sakae. Ah yes, Sakae. SKE48’s birthplace. Where they had both made their debut on that small theater stage. Sakae. The place where they both had hoped for their dreams to become true. Where they had fought so hard to make of SKE a successful idol group.

All their efforts had paid off, hadn’t they?

Jurina glanced sideways, quietly observing the beautiful girl admiring the view with her. No, Rena wasn’t a girl. That term was inadequate; it didn’t fit her description anymore. Rena was a woman, but not any ordinary woman. She was the person she had vowed, in front of their families and friends, to love and cherish for the rest of her life.

“Why did you bring me here?” Jurina asked sweetly, not letting go of her hand. “I love the view, it’s beautiful, but everyone will wonder where we disappeared.”

“We haven’t been able to be alone since we got married. And that was three hours ago. I wanted to find us some moment of privacy to find out how you were doing. How are you feeling?”

Jurina released a blissful sigh and drew her deep into her arms. “I’m happy, Rena. I’m so happy. But I will need some time to get used to certain things.”

“Oh…” Rena stroked her hair affectionately, then looked deeply into her eyes, smiling brightly. “Things like what?”

“I guess…” Jurina gazed at her with slight apprehension, fearing she might find it a bit ridiculous. “I guess I’m still not used to hearing people calling us wives.”

“Oh, I see…” Rena murmured pensively. “Well, you will need to get used to it.” She leaned closer, kissing her gently on the forehead. “Because we are married now.”

“Yes, we are.” Jurina could hardly contain her happiness. It almost felt like her heart was ready to explode right out of her chest at any minute.

Jurina tilted her head to the side and leaned in, closing her eyes, kissing her on the lips. Rena hugged her closer as the kiss lasted, the two of them embracing each other. They stayed in that position for a long time, their lips gently pulling at the other’s, their arms around each other, refusing to let go. “Will you dance with me?”

“Dance?” Rena repeated in disbelief. “Here? Now? But there’s no music.”

Silence enveloped them, until the music playing in the dining room reached them from afar. Jurina flashed a grin. “You were saying?”

Rena laughed, nodding in agreement. Jurina pulled her close, Rena gently leaning her head on her shoulder as they swayed together in rhythm with the slow ballad.

The look of love

Is saying so much more than

Just words could every say

And what my heart has heard

Well it takes my breath away

The two of them alone, enjoying each other’s presence and warmth as they danced on the soft, romantic song playing in the background, made it feel like no one else but them existed in the world.

“I wanted to ask,” Rena whispered in her ear after a while, breaking the comfortable silence they had settled in. “Where do you want to go for our honeymoon?”

“I haven’t thought about it…” Jurina idly caressed Rena’s back through the fabric of her wedding dress, as she seemed lost in a dream. “What about you? Is there any place in particular you would like to go?”

“Oh, I do. Like Spain, Italy, maybe Germany and Ireland too. I haven’t been to South America either.”

Jurina looked back at her with a smile of amazement. “So basically, you want to travel all around the world for our honeymoon. I don’t think that will be possible with the limited free time we have.”

“Oh, right,” Rena pretended to think. “I thought it might be a little difficult too.”

They shared a laugh.

“I know! Why not Hawaii?”

Pulling away slightly, Rena gave her a startled look. “Hawaii? Why?”

“It’s not too far, and we’ve already been there. You enjoyed it, didn’t you?”

“Not too far? It’s more than 7 hours by plane,” Rena pointed out, finding her explanation a little odd. “And we went there to do a shooting for AKB. We stayed there how long? Three days? It’s not as if we had time to do much sightseeing.”

“Exactly! We didn’t! That’s why I always wanted to return one day. I also want to make another stop at that shop you bought my favorite tee-shirt. I want us to have matching ones.”

Rena couldn’t contain her laughter. “Ah, so that’s the reason. You really believe they still have that tee-shirt after all these years? How do we know the shop even still exists?”

“I’m sure it does!” Jurina said confidently. “And no, that’s not the only reason why I want to go to Hawaii. Mayu showed me pictures when she and Yuki returned from their honeymoon. The beaches are beautiful, and they had a spacious hotel room with a jacuzzi.”

“I think Yuki also mentioned something about it,” Rena mused. “We will need to think about it more carefully before making any final decision, but I guess Hawaii could be a nice destination for our honeymoon.”

The door opened abruptly, shattering their moment of peace.

“Here you are!” An agitated Yuki walked in. “I searched you everywhere. The staff says the cake is ready.”

“We’ll be here in a minute,” Rena said with a grateful smile.

Yuki exited the room and Jurina breathed a small sigh of regret. Her cherished time alone with Rena had visibly come to an end. “I guess… I guess it’s time to go back.”

Jurina took a step backwards but Rena quickly caught her hand, entwining their fingers. “It can wait a few more minutes.”

Jurina smiled knowingly at her inviting look and didn’t hesitate to invade her personal space, gently wrapping her arms around her waist. She inched her face closer until their lips were less than an inch apart, Rena’s sweet mandarin orange perfume teasing her nose. Her eyes darted between Rena’s eyes and lips, feeling the flutter in her stomach deepen at Rena’s smile full of love and tenderness. Leaning forward, she tried to capture her mouth, groaning when Rena took malicious pleasure in avoiding her lips.

Rena would never admit it out loud, but she always enjoyed teasing Jurina, finding way too adorable the pout that never failed to appear on Jurina’s lips when she didn’t manage to have it her way. Rena cupped her face, making her meet her gaze. For a moment, they held one another’s gaze, Rena’s wedding ring gently brushing against her skin as she caressed Jurina’s cheek. Her fingers grazed lightly over her nose, then down her mouth, her thumb tracing the shape of her lips, before lowering her head and pressing her lips to hers with the slightest of pressure.

None of them manifested the desire to break the embrace as they shared a deep, lingering kiss, their hearts beating as one. They felt a little dizzy, their hearts swelling with pride and happiness. Even in their wildest dreams, never could they have hoped of finding a better partner for life. On that day of Summer 2008, destiny might have smiled upon them, forever linking their fates and hearts.


Author's note: This epilogue marks the end of my Heartbeat trilogy. I hope you guys enjoyed embarking on this long journey as much as I enjoyed writing it. Sometimes, I still have difficulty realizing it all started in September 2014... it seems so far away! But I guess time really flies, huh? Don't hesitate to let me know your thoughts on this conclusion, or more generally on the trilogy in itself! Thanks to everyone who has been showing me their constant support, whether you followed me from the beginning or joined the story along the way.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2019, 03:36:51 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline aneramyre

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(Late review for Chapter 40, part 2 >_< )

Hello. Before I begin, I'm sorry I'm making this review VERY, VERY late. It's for the penultimate chapter of Destiny instead of the final one. I was planning on posting this before you uploaded the epilogue but I kept procrastinating making an account. I'm sorry >_<

Okay. I know I didn't need to spend days writing a long ass review commenting on everything and telling you how wonderful this is. There are also thoughtful comments by other people and I doubt that this will be a substantial addition, but here you go.

When I thought that Mayu and Yuki would be getting petals on their bed too I imagined Mayu would say something like "Well, who's gonna sweep that? Because it definitely won't be me." lol. Turns out they didn't have those petals in the first place.

Rena lying back down as half-naked Jurina approached was so sexy that I had to pause a bit because of my blush. I can't believe they were loud enough for MaYuki to hear them without them putting their ears against the door. Decency, you two XD

I definitely love the lock that Jurina brought. I hope the bridge doesn't fall. The media shop they went to sounds absolutely fabulous. I'd love to see it.

Rena's gifts were so thoughtful and I'm sure they cost quite a lot. Those were so sweet I weeped just thinking about it. I agree with Jurina, though. She didn't need to give them. But of course if I were Rena, I'd do it for the love of my life too.

Mayu and Yuki were very lovely, as always. They were my handrails when the rollercoaster of WMatsui was too much to handle.

Not gonna lie, I searched for the chocolate sphere dessert as soon as I finished reading lol

My heart stopped when the velvet box was mentioned because everyone knows what they contain. When I saw the words "Will you marry me?" I CRIED SO MANY HAPPY TEARS. It's so sweet to see it coming from Rena. I reread this after a few days and cried at the same damn line 😭

When Jurina first said 'No', I blanked out and immediately scrolled and skipped her inquiry and to her saying yes, just to make sure that she would say yes. Then I scrolled back and read it again properly.

I know this sounds fake but hear me out. Right after I read Jurina say yes to marrying Rena, I heard fireworks from somewhere far away from our house and IT WAS SUCH PERFECT TIMING. Then I reread the whole thing and the fireworks went off again when I got back to the part where Rena's is explaining why she's willing to marry now.

I definitely agree with Rena proposing. I could see that with how much she repeated not wanting to get married even when they were already dating, Jurina drilled into her own head that she's always going to be Rena's 'girlfriend/partner', never her 'wife'.

I thought Rena was going to propose at the Eiffel Tower or something simply because it was the end of the trip. I really like the idea of them spending their last day in Paris as an engaged couple uwu

I was a bit curious why you spelled it as 'restauration' but I found out that it's actually the French word for 'restoration'. Learning about that was pretty cool.

I totally missed that the period drama was Warriors despite catching the separate reference to a French author in the previous chapter. That was dumb of me.

They're getting married. I can't believe it. THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED. God, it shakes me to the core even until now. I love this and you soooooooo much. I hope I can post my weepy review of the epilogue soon! Congratulations and thank you so,so much for finishing your trilogy.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2019, 01:24:05 AM by sophcaro »

Offline ojuri 0513

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Oh my god I can't believe that this fanfic have reached the ending. Well the epilogue is really touching and when I read this I can feel the sincerity in the vow. This is the best fanfic I ever read. Good job sophcaro san. I hope you will continue your hiatus fanfic soon.

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Dear author-san,

I’ve been reading your fic since 2015. The first story I read was chapter 8 of Partners. When I found it, I knew that I would stick to it. Chapter 8 brought me back to the beginning: Heartbeat. I then became your reader even until you wrote Destiny and completed the trilogy. I remember I was so happy and excited to see a new notification on my email each time you updated the story.

The last epilogue of Heartbeat trilogy brought nostalgic feeling to me. All the pain WMatsui had been through, all the tears, all the doubts…it was finally served well. Rena and Jurina have all the right in the world for a happy ending they deserved.

I like that this chapter featuring the appearance of Rena’s mom and brother. Her 33-year-old brother seemed nice and had perfect words for her.

Thank you for showing us the beautiful wedding. I can imagine Rena looked sooo pretty! (Even Airi couldn’t help staring at her hehe…) My most favourite part was when Rena cleverly and carefully tried not to break the not-to-see-each-other-before-the-wedding rule while still meeting (and kissing!) Jurina.

Yuki and Mayu’s part made me laugh, especially when Mayu pointed out about the-not-so-pure WMatsui. This reminds me something about their conversation in a hotel in Paris haha!

I’m happy to see Mariko attended the wedding. Remember that she was the one who encouraged Jurina to confess her feeling to Rena looong time ago? And YOSUKE! I don’t know but I have a soft spot for him since he’s so caring and sweet.

Quote from: Sophcaro
Jurina took a step backwards but Rena quickly caught her hand, entwining their fingers. “It can wait a few more minutes.”

This reminds me of a chapter in Partners when Rena hugged Jurina a little longer before a show despite her image to always be punctual. 

Quote from: Sophcaro
All their efforts had paid off, hadn’t they?

Yes! YES!

Thank you for your dedication and time to write for YEARS to finish this trilogy. It was a wonderful journey with you. The emotions, the love, the efforts…you gave them all for this story. Thank you again, Sophcaro-san. See you in another story!

Offline facarous

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I really can't believe that this will be the last comment I will write for the trilogy!!

I still remember when I read the first chapter of Heartbeat. I had read other Wmatsui fics, but nothing like Hearbeat. To my fortune, you had already advanced a lot in the story and I only had to wait for the final chapters. Since then, you became my favorite author.  :jphip: :wub:

While I was reading the epilogue, I couldn't help but remembering all the path the characters have walked and how you lead us  through this story. Thank you very much for leaving an incredible work for us and also for all the new fans who are about to discover it.  :heart: :yep:

I honestly had no idea how the story would end and at times I had my doubts about whether there would be a happy ending or not. But here we are, four years later, enjoying the WMatsui wedding. :thumbsup

I must point out that it was a pleasant surprise to read about Rena's family. During the trilogy you talked about Jurina's mother, but you hadn't shown much about Rena's family. So it was great to see the interaction she has with her brother and mother.

It was fun to have Jurina worried about following all the possible superstitions before and during the wedding XDXD Poor Jurina !! :lol: Not only did she have the stress of the wedding, but she was also worried about not seeing the bride XDXD
God bless Rena for knowing how to comfort her or I'm sure Mayu had simply lost the little tolerance she had left.  :panic:

I think the choice in wedding dresses was very successful. I can completely imagine the both of them wearing it.  :inlove:

The final scene was nostalgic, but tender and personal. And I also think that the choice in the song that sounded while they were danced was very appropriate.  :heart:
I don't want to end this comment, with not to mention the little scene between Churi and Airi. Together with the Mayuki, Furuyanagi is one of the ships for which I feel weakness. I know it was never your intention for both of them to form a partner in this fic, however, I appreciate that at least Churi and Airi ended up as friends and without problems between them.

Mariko and Yosuke definitely had to be there!! Both of them were valuable presences for the brides. Mariko was the one who encouraged Jurina and Yosuke was the one who helped Rena fight her feelings of guilt and search for Jurina again. One might think that they were unimportant characters, but the truth is that they had a very important role in the trilogy.  :yep:

Well, I think I have no better way to close this comment than by awarding the prize for best dialogue of the epilogue:

Yuki beamed with admiration. "Look at them. Jurina and Rena look ... they look so happy. So beautiful and pure in those elegant white dresses."

"Pure, huh ..."

 :lol: :lol:

Again, thank you very much for creating this masterpiece. It was a roller coaster of emotions reading this trilogy.
Thank you for this happy ending.

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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    • rukakikuchi
Wow. This final epilogue was just amazing! It's still hard to believe how long this journey was, but it really does feel satisfying to see it conclude with a happy ending! The detail you went into on expressing Rena and Jurina's emotions throughout the epilogue was great; you could easily feel their emotions from their nervousness before the ceremony begins, to their joy after seeing each other in their wedding gowns and say their vows. I really liked the scene where Rena went to meet Jurina, even though they couldn't see each other, too. Once again, it just shows how romantic and considerate Rena is to Jurina here!

The Furuyanagi and Mayuki moments here were really fun to read too! From Mayu teasing Yuki (as usual :P), to Airin and Akane doing what they could to support Jurina and Rena. Also, Churi being the one to catch Rena's bouquet! lol And of course, Mariko interacting with Jurina after the wedding was such a delightful moment! These little moments all feel very genuine and I liked that.

Really, seeing this epilogue made me feel good and happy. I'm glad I got to see how Rena and Jurina's relationship turned out in the end. Thank you for a great series and for this happy ending!

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline sophcaro

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Destiny (41/41) - Epilogue [WMatsui] - REPLIES TO COMMENTS
« Reply #755 on: August 16, 2019, 06:55:08 PM »

Thanks to aneramyre, ojuri 0513, Bukiyou Taiyou, facarous, Ruka Kikuchi for dropping a comment. I truly appreciate it.

(Late review for Chapter 40, part 2 >_< )

Hello. Before I begin, I'm sorry I'm making this review VERY, VERY late. It's for the penultimate chapter of Destiny instead of the final one. I was planning on posting this before you uploaded the epilogue but I kept procrastinating making an account. I'm sorry >_<

I know I didn't need to spend days writing a long ass review commenting on everything and telling you how wonderful this is. There are also thoughtful comments by other people and I doubt that this will be a substantial addition, but here you go.

You don't need to apologize! When it comes to reviews, I have all sorts of readers. Some will review as soon as the chapter is released, some can take up to a month or even more to review. In the end, as a writer (even if I do appreciate the most to receive reviews following the publication of a chapter), I think it's better late than NEVER. A large majority of my readers prefers to remain silent, which can be frustrating at times, so I will always be grateful to those who take time to leave a comment. And if there's one thing I like above all, it's precisely "long ass reviews"! So be sure I do appreciate you taking time to leave such a long review. After 5 years of writing, I realized that each reader has their own view & opinion on things. Some I would even never suspect! So I read every single opinion & review with great attention and interest.

Oh my god I can't believe that this fanfic have reached the ending. Well the epilogue is really touching and when I read this I can feel the sincerity in the vow. This is the best fanfic I ever read. Good job sophcaro san. I hope you will continue your hiatus fanfic soon.

Wow. This final epilogue was just amazing! It's still hard to believe how long this journey was, but it really does feel satisfying to see it conclude with a happy ending! The detail you went into on expressing Rena and Jurina's emotions throughout the epilogue was great.
Really, seeing this epilogue made me feel good and happy. I'm glad I got to see how Rena and Jurina's relationship turned out in the end. Thank you for a great series and for this happy ending!

I tried to make that chapter as sincere, faithful to the plot and characters & touching is possible. So I'm glad it came across and you enjoyed it.

I’ve been reading your fic since 2015. The first story I read was chapter 8 of Partners. When I found it, I knew that I would stick to it. Chapter 8 brought me back to the beginning: Heartbeat. I then became your reader even until you wrote Destiny and completed the trilogy. I remember I was so happy and excited to see a new notification on my email each time you updated the story.

I really can't believe that this will be the last comment I will write for the trilogy!!

I still remember when I read the first chapter of Heartbeat. I had read other Wmatsui fics, but nothing like Hearbeat. To my fortune, you had already advanced a lot in the story and I only had to wait for the final chapters. Since then, you became my favorite author.  :jphip: :wub:

While I was reading the epilogue, I couldn't help but remembering all the path the characters have walked and how you lead us  through this story. Thank you very much for leaving an incredible work for us and also for all the new fans who are about to discover it.  :heart: :yep:

Thank you for being a faithful reader & sticking to me all these years. I really mean it :)

I like that this chapter featuring the appearance of Rena’s mom and brother. Her 33-year-old brother seemed nice and had perfect words for her.

I must point out that it was a pleasant surprise to read about Rena's family. During the trilogy you talked about Jurina's mother, but you hadn't shown much about Rena's family. So it was great to see the interaction she has with her brother and mother.

That scene between Rena & her family wasn't originally planned, but a last minute addition, so I'm glad to have written it, as so many readers seem to have enjoyed it especially.

All the pain WMatsui had been through, all the tears, all the doubts…it was finally served well. Rena and Jurina have all the right in the world for a happy ending they deserved.

I honestly had no idea how the story would end and at times I had my doubts about whether there would be a happy ending or not. But here we are, four years later, enjoying the WMatsui wedding. :thumbsup

I know there were a few twists & turns in this story, but that's what makes the reconciliation & the happy ending even more satisfying, right? It was inconceivable for me to not have WMatsui end together.  :wub:

Yuki and Mayu’s part made me laugh, especially when Mayu pointed out about the-not-so-pure WMatsui. This reminds me something about their conversation in a hotel in Paris haha!

Well, I think I have no better way to close this comment than by awarding the prize for best dialogue of the epilogue:

Yuki beamed with admiration. "Look at them. Jurina and Rena look ... they look so happy. So beautiful and pure in those elegant white dresses."

"Pure, huh ..."  :lol: :lol:

From Mayu teasing Yuki (as usual :P)

Will you believe me if I tell you I had lots of fun writing that scene (and the one in Paris)? It's too tempting to tease Yuki. She always has priceless reactions  :grin:

I’m happy to see Mariko attended the wedding. Remember that she was the one who encouraged Jurina to confess her feeling to Rena looong time ago? And YOSUKE! I don’t know but I have a soft spot for him since he’s so caring and sweet.

Mariko and Yosuke definitely had to be there!! Both of them were valuable presences for the brides. Mariko was the one who encouraged Jurina and Yosuke was the one who helped Rena fight her feelings of guilt and search for Jurina again. One might think that they were unimportant characters, but the truth is that they had a very important role in the trilogy.  :yep:

The Furuyanagi and Mayuki moments here were really fun to read too! From Mayu teasing Yuki (as usual :P), to Airin and Akane doing what they could to support Jurina and Rena. Also, Churi being the one to catch Rena's bouquet! lol And of course, Mariko interacting with Jurina after the wedding was such a delightful moment! These little moments all feel very genuine and I liked that.

It was a long chapter (24 pages), much longer than originally planned. However, this length was necessary to wrap up properly the trilogy, and write in every character relevant to the story. That of course included the MaYuki & FuruYanagi pair, but also important side characters such as Mariko & Yosuke.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2019, 07:30:08 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Guacamoolee

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Yo, author-san!!!!!
Firstly, congratulation for finishing your beautiful trilogy. Thank you for your dedication, love, patience and struggle in hard times while writing this beautiful stories. I've never seen any WMatsui fanfic writer like you before. *Hats off*
I have mixed feelings between sadness and happiness when this trilogy finally came to an end. I still remember I used to opened JPHIP frequently just to check if you updated yet :grin: 
And then I'm sorry for didn't read and leave a comment earlier. When I finished reading the epilogue I felt slightly regret. I should've read this chapter looooong time ago but I didn't :(
In this chapter I found it interesting because I never expected Jurina to be a very superstitious person besides I never heard about couple that will get married isn't allowed seeing each other properly dressed until the time comes? Do you stick to any certain wedding custom? But Rena is so savvy for not making Jurina breaks her own rule even she makes them have the chance to hugs and even kiss each other :glasses: My inner self screaming, "JURINA JUST OPEN YOUR EYES IT'S OKAY YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO MAYUYU YOU MAKE YOURSELF SUFFERING!" aaaaarrghhhh.......
Mayuki's conversation is also my favorite in this chapter. Their natural behavior is like a fresh air to all of the intense WMatsui moments. 
Author-san, you delivered this epilogue so well. Even the disappearance of our newlywed couple felt so real. Their need of fresh air is somehow relatable. I'm happy that you mentioned about Mariko. She's Jurina's ally after all, I'll be mad if she's not on the wedding's guest list lol.
Overall this epilogue is sooooo beautiful! It's worth to be released as a book ;)

Thank you for being soooooo passionate writing about one of the most favorite pairing amongst 48group. I'm still hoping your story will turn into reality someday hehehehe....  I'm a hopeful WMatsui shipper after all :on lol:

See youuuuuu~~~
Bravo! :twothumbs

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Thank you for writing this wonderful work Author-san!

Offline aneramyre

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*twiddles thumbs* Hi. I have nothing to say for myself regarding the lateness of this review. Actually, I'm even worried it might be too late, considering how you're on hiatus and I don't know how active you are anywhere online. I was torn between posting this on the 2nd anniversary of the epilogue vs when I think I've written all I wanted to say. This is my last review for the Heartbeat trilogy so I wanted to make sure that I have included everything. I hope you'll still see this. I poured my heart, my soul, and my tears into this review, as your work deserves.

On the chapter:
I walked into this chapter knowing there was gonna be a wedding so I set up two songs on loop (until the song mentioned near the end) to play while I read:
Runaway by the Corrs - This song just puts the phrases 'happy ending' and 'happily in love forever' in my mind, which is something that I want to associate with their wedding and the rest of their lives.
This I Promise You by *NSYNC - A popular song for weddings. A line in the second verse goes 'This is a battle we've won' which I thought was too fitting to not listen to. WMatsui went through a lot of battles and struggles to get here and finally end up together and that just makes me cry.

I love the part with Rena's family. Jurina's family gets more attention in general but it was nice seeing Rena's pretty chill but also loving family. Her brother seems like such a nice guy too.

“Who could have imagined that this 11-year old kid who promised your father and I - with such bold confidence - to always take care of you, would one day be the person you would marry?”
What a reveal :lol: and honestly? I would have imagined it. Asking someone to trust you with their daughter? That's practically a marriage proposal! :D Man, kid Jurina had no fear. Also, Rena's mom keeping the newlywed magazine shoot in a photo album? We love a shipper.

Sounds like Jurina, Airi, and Rena's older brother all believe that WMatsui are destined. What an unlikely but cute trio (I also want in).

I enjoyed WMatsui's little banter before the wedding and the outfit that Jurina was wearing during it. I'm particularly attached to her leather jackets and, of course, her Aloha t-shirt. It's really cute how she got embarrassed about being watched while kissing Rena this time.

The wedding dresses sound beautiful! So do the accessories and makeup! Ah, if only there was some way to see this with my eyes instead of my mind. I don't think I'll ever see anything as breathtaking. The way you've dressed them just sounds marvelous.

Rena handling her and Jurina's nervousness was sweet, and demonstrates her being great wife material for Jurina. She was able to calm the both of them down but still met Jurina's superstition-related requirements.

“So, are you more relaxed?”

Jurina made a face. “Well, uh… You want an honest reply?”

Being accurate to the characters's real-life personalities isn't really a requirement in fanfiction but the fact that you chose to do so and stuck to it was amazing. Jurina's superstition, perfectionism, and her nervousness because of the importance of the wedding makes sense. The real Jurina shakes her wallet at the moon, believing it will bring more money and she prays in spiritual spots for SKE. And as much as I would have loved a lighthearted wedding where they can just laugh off any mistakes, it somehow doesn't fit Jurina's personality, even the more toned-down one that she has now. (By the way, speaking of accuracy, may I ask why you chose not to have Jurina refer to Rena as 'Rena-chan'?)

“I’m sorry, but I can’t help it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jurina falls in love with you all over again when you walk down the aisle. I hope she won’t faint when she sees you, or it will be problematic to continue the ceremony.”

Rena chuckled at her foolishness.
A valid assumption and a valid concern. Not foolishness at all, Rena-san. I know I would have fallen in love with Rena again and fainted, even as a guest.

Rena's walk down the aisle to the altar made me feel soft and leaky around the eyes. IT'S REALLY HAPPENING. It was so emotional thinking of where they started, how they got here, how far they've come, and the endless possibilities now that they're getting married. It just brings me back to everything that they've been through and how all that pain was worth it.

Is that a 'stand by you' reference in their vows? Actually I'm not sure if this is some line that all married people say but wooh SKE single reference.

When you used the word 'vested' instead of 'invested' I think I shivered (in a good way). People using 'invested' in this sentence is a little pet peeve of mine.

Haha Churi caught Rena's bouquet. Her bit with Airi was great. I'm glad they're back to being close, with no secrets to hold them back. WMatsui's reconciliation kind of set Churi and Airi free. Even as a FuruYanagi shipper, I'm okay with them not ending up together (either during the story or like ever, in this universe). I think the fact that they can now mend their relationship after having to be at odds because they had someone to protect is enough.

Mayu triggered Yuki's war flashbacks :lol:
“Pure, huh…” Mayu, who was standing by Yuki’s side, tapped her index finger against her chin. “I think I know what they are going to do this evening when they get home, and I’m almost sure it doesn’t involve anything pure.”
I certainly agree with her guess as to what WMatsui will be doing after the wedding, but I think we all also know that it will be the purest lovemaking that they will ever experience (is there a term  for 'happy ending sex'??). Assuming no one faints from exhaustion from the wedding, of course. Just keep Yuki away from them  :yuki:
I'd also like to take this chance to comment on the way their physical affection is written. It's cute how, especially in the latter parts, it's like they're constantly seconds away from kissing each other. The displays of affection are really cute. And the moods of sexual scenes (or even just the kissing ones) aren't just plain "I'm horny" (though of course those are valid too); They're sometimes tender, sometimes teasing, sometimes comforting, playful, seductive, and has all kinds of emotion and attraction in it. Fitting for the emotional nature of this fic.Now let's jump off this topic before my own deprivation rears its head in a review YET AGAIN.

It was wonderful having Mariko-sama and Yosuke here. I agree that Jurina couldn't have married without Mariko. Not only did she encourage her to confess, Rena found out about Jurina's feelings because of her talking to Mariko about them in the first place. And Rena trying to be discreet about looking at Jurina awwww so cute!

I looove that they had a moment to themselves in the end. The song was fitting too, loving and quiet, fitting for the two of them being alone together. I hope they find it in their schedules to have a fun honeymoon AND a trip around the world in the future. What a tender and satisfying conclusion to this wild ride. To think that a huge work such as this has reached its end and in such a happy way with all its threads properly tied up, I couldn't be more thankful.

On the series:
In the past two years since the Heartbeat trilogy ended, I've re-read all three fics more times than I can count. And I very much respect how much you've grown not only in writing style but also in things like vocabulary and grammar. The difference is noticeable and awe-inspiring when comparing the early chapters and late chapters.

Watching their relationship grow from what it was when Heartbeat started to their wedding in Destiny feels like a real journey of growth and love.

There's this couple I follow and one of them says that one of the reasons that their relationship is strong is that they've experienced losing each other. They ended up fixing their toxic traits and working on themselves and now they're happily married and getting along unbelievably well every single day about six years into their marriage. Basically the point of me mentioning this is that I wanted to put WMatsui in a situation similar to that, where they spend time apart and grow for a period of time. I certainly don't have the balls (or the patience or the skills) to write such a thing, so I'm really thankful that you already did. WMatsui post-reconciliation seem so comfortable with each other. Their relationship is now more mature and understanding. I certainly remember their past relationship (especially late-Partners to mid-Destiny) and being so damn anxious most of the time. It felt like walking on eggshells, trying not to offend the other when they are already facing several challenges. I'm glad they're so much better with each other now.

I also appreciate little things like "Summer of 2008", "New Year's Eve of 2014", etc. It might just be me, but I take the noting of dates and seasons, remembering when what happened, and noting how much time has passed between little bits of the story, as another sign of thoroughness; A sign that the story is a labor of love. Speaking of which, since the months and years are provided, I'll be celebrating WMatsui's engagement, wedding, and even their reconciliation anniversary this year (and maybe even on future years!).

I'm sure you've noticed I always shower you with praise. So for the sake of proving that I'm not just brown-nosing, I made sure to point out whatever flaws I remember noticing.
1. The usage of the word 'bulge' when it should be 'budge'.
In the distance, Rena heard the boy's parents calling his name, but he didn't bulge. Destiny, Chapter 7 the younger girl simply didn’t bulge from the bed... Destiny, Chapter 17

2. Dialog pattern: "A B... A B C D E." or something similar. It sounds natural in dialog, sounding like they're choking up because of emotion or hesitation, but there are times where they come up multiple times and pretty close together, sounding awkwardly repetitive instead.
Examples: Here are several lines taken from Destiny, Chapter 38.
“I didn’t… I didn’t imagine everything, did I?”
“What… What is it? What happened?”
"Was I… Was I wrong?”
"It’s… It’s possible.”
"She was trying… She was trying to leave us alone?”
“Then I guess… Then I guess I should thank her next time I see her.”

These ones are a bit close together and follow the pattern but are a little less obvious because of the descriptions in between.
Examples: From Destiny, Chapter 37.
“W-What are you…” Jurina’s brows drew together in a deep frown. “What are you talking about?”
“But if I do, I know…” she added in a feeble whisper. “I know I’ll become greedy and will end up yearning for something that I’m afraid I can’t have anymore…”
“What do you…” she took a moment to regain discipline over her voice, before carefully wrapping her hands around Jurina’s neck, bringing them closer. “What do you mean by something you can’t have?”

#1 is no more than a nitpick. And #2 wasn't glaringly obvious anywhere else but in Chapter 38(as listed) and 40b(specifically in their first morning in Paris). Their appearances in Chapters 36 and 37 are more moderate. I've also noticed that this pattern has shown no signs of overuse in more recent updates of your other stories. So basically I'm not even sure if this flaw-pointing really accomplished anything. But I'm leaving it here for you to appreciate the improvements you've already made?

Now that that section's done, I want to say that I love everything about this trilogy. I hope you can tell. Descriptions and movements are detailed, grammar is always stellar, and I've even learned a few words (one of my most memorable examples is the word 'interlocutor'). The writing is always riveting. Despite it being a slow burn, I'm always at the edge of my seat, craving for more. In my opinion, this trilogy deserves its spot as the most known WMatsui fic.

On the author:
When it comes to WMatsui fics, you're the first to come to most people's minds. Because of people's reluctance to review, I'm sure you underestimate the number of people you've reached with your work, especially with this trilogy. I know three people who generally stay out of the online 48G community yet are still very well-acquainted with Heartbeat (the trilogy). Whenever I whine about wanting WMatsui content of any form, they would always say "hey there's always sophcaro". Cue me re-reading Destiny again from Chapter 35 onwards (this was the current chapter when I found the trilogy and also where it starts ramping up to WMatsui getting back together so this is where I often start).

I love your writing. As I've said before, I have notifications on for anytime you tweet because that usually means you've posted a new chapter. Doesn't matter what story it is because I love the plots and stories of all of them. I come running EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

I appreciate that you reply to your readers, and explain things like how you intended certain lines to be taken. Very often, authors intend to leave everything to the readers' imagination or just say that it's intentionally ambiguous or say that it will be addressed eventually (then it often isn't). I like having a solid answer/explanation as to what the author's intention with a line was from time to time.
Example: This reply to a comment
Let's say Jurina was being especially emotional and it's more something she said on the spur of the moment, without true afterthoughts? I believe Jurina was mostly trying to show her undivided commitment to Rena through those words.

Reading some of the other readers' reviews, I just noticed that facarous (whose fics I also read!) pointed out your cameo in 40b. As with the Warriors reference in 40a, I missed that too! Damn, I really love it when authors put cameos and references in their works, but it looks like I'm not very good at spotting them :doh: I feel bad for managing to miss two cameos and who knows what else! I guess I'm very often too wrapped up in crying over the FEELS to notice much else >_<

I'm not quite sure if I've mentioned it yet, but you're one of my writing inspirations/influences. The fact that you were active when I joined the fandom was one of the reasons that I started writing for WMatsui. I'm not sure how it feels to be idolized by someone with bottom-of-the-barrel content but I would have written worse without the authors I idolize.

In conclusion, I can't thank you enough for all the effort, emotion, and heart that you put into this high-quality work, and also for finishing it. I love this trilogy and posting this review feels like ending a chapter of my life, a chapter that I enjoyed and still love going back to.


PS: I know you said you like long ass reviews but I think this one is already longer than the oneshots I write. I hope that's still okay.

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