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Author Topic: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - COMPLETED  (Read 29707 times)

Offline junchan

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 9: The Story
« Reply #40 on: June 03, 2016, 08:37:51 PM »
Yes! My frustation gonna exploding but thanks to this chapter, I'm fine now! Lol
So Sakura was the demon and Haruppi was the angel, right?
Sakura read the book that tell their story in the past, right Kei-san?
But well, I dont know if my speculation is right or not-,-

Gonna wait the next chapter and thanks for the update, Kei-san!^o^/
I'm a hardshipper of many pair! lol

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 9: The Story
« Reply #41 on: June 03, 2016, 11:01:29 PM »
What a plot twist lol. So it was the demon, Sakura, who sacrificed herself for the angel, Haruka, in the past. Is that why Haruka was the one who remembers the past clearly?

ikr. I thought it was the other way around!

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Keiyuu

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 10: Taboo no Iro
« Reply #42 on: June 07, 2016, 07:29:26 PM »
And the last chapter! Don't worry though, it's not the end just yet XD

abcari: I'm glad you thought so! XD Makes my day~
Yuki88: Lol ya, I'm kinda surprised nobody guessed it tho :P But then again I was sending mixed signals on purpose haha. Hmm, actually it's because Haruppi is older than Sakura, so she regained her memories sooner (at the coming of age, which is 20 in Japan)
junchan: Second account? lol Haha that's good, don't want people exploding on me :P Yes, and yes junchan you're right XD
Ruka Kikuchi: That's what I was going for :P

So I'm pretty sure all of you know this, but this story's based on the MV for Taboo no Iro (which I watched about 50 times for reference XD) and if you haven't seen it or need a refresher, here it is.

Cuz as you can see from the title of this chapter...ya :P And the lyrics I wrote in here may be off a bit bc honestly I copied and pasted them cuz I was too lazy to actually write them out lol

Chapter 10: Taboo no Iro

“We missed dinner.” Haruppi remarked when they finally removed themselves from each other and left to head downstairs. Sakura hadn’t wanted to get up and Haruppi had been more than willing to comply, so they ended up cuddling comfortably on that rug for a few more hours. But eventually Sakura’s tummy grumbled too loud to be ignored any longer.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to. Are you upset? Since your little sister...” Sakura drifted off.

But Haruppi shook her head. “Don’t worry about it~ I don’t really have a little sister anyways.”

“What? But I thought you said—”

“Nope.” Haruppi replied as she dug in the cabinets for something quick to eat.

“Not even in your last life? I mean, I had a brother in this one.”

“Sakura...” Haruppi paused and looked at her funny. “Have you really not figured it out yet?”

“Eh? Figured what out?”

She sighed, “The little sister I was talking about was you.”

“Eh?! Really??” Sakura’s jaw dropped.

“Oh Sakura...” Haruppi probably would’ve facepalmed had she not been busy looking for something to feed Sakura with. It was too late to make anything (since they slept through dinner and most of the night), so Haruppi had to find another solution. “I only talked about you as my ‘little sister’ so you wouldn’t get suspicious. Besides, if I had said ‘lover’ you would’ve been upset right?”

I was still upset... Sakura thought to herself.

But Sakura really hadn’t figured it out that Haruppi had been talking about her all along. Now, she stood there and contemplated how Haruppi had described her ‘little sister’, remembering that she had spoken very fondly of her - something that Sakura (will now admit) was slightly jealous of at the time. So currently she was very reassured and happy that Haruppi hadn’t found someone else that she...well, loved when Sakura was gone.

“Can you see if there’s anything in the fridge? All I have is cereal in the cupboards.”

“Yeah, sure~” Sakura swung open the fridge doors and was greeted with an odd sight. “...You have a gigantic ham in here.”

“Yeah? Where else would I put it?”

“...That’s not what I meant.” Sakura deadpanned.

Haruppi chuckled, coming up behind her and putting her hands on Sakura’s shoulders. “I know~ But anyways, look down.”

“Eh?” Sakura tilted her gaze downward and was met with something even more spectacular than the whole ham. “A cake? Why a cake? Don’t tell me...”

“Yep~ Happy Birthday Sakura~”

The 19th of March – Sakura’s birthday – her 20th birthday.

“Haruppi...” Sakura spun around and hugged her tightly, tears threatening to spill but she kept them at bay. “Thank you so much. You didn’t have to do this.”

“I know,” Haruppi sounded near Sakura’s ear. “But I wanted to.”

Some sniffling and tight hugging later, Sakura pulled away and smiled. “I love you, you know that?”

“Of course I do~” Haruppi giggled, “I know everything~”

Sakura giggled along with her and together they cut into the cake.


Also together, they managed to eat just about the whole thing. Most of the cake was gone already (and it was a large one) since both of them possessed ravenous appetites that couldn’t be tamed and then it somehow turned into a cake eating contest (which they later both agreed was a bad idea). But thanks to that, they were full and sleepy, lazily cuddling together on Haruppi’s bed (which smelled like Haruppi and Sakura loved that). Neither of them actually fell asleep though, due to the ridiculously long nap they took earlier, so that gave them plenty of time to talk and catch up. And they had a lot to catch up on.

“So you learned to cook from your mom? Or your moms?” Sakura asked as she played with Haruppi’s hand, the two laying side by side and legs in a tangle.

“Yep~ I guess I was really lucky because I always had a mom who knew how to cook some really good food.” Haruppi’s gaze drifted and her mouth nearly watered just thinking about the stuff that her mom made.

“Aww that’s not fair~ My mom never knew how to cook, and my dad could just barely get by.”

“But now I can cook for you.”

Sakura paused. They would live out the rest of their lives together, just the two of them. Haruppi would take care of her and she would take care of Haruppi, forever. But not quite. “...What’s going to happen from now on?”

“It’ll be the same as always. You and me until the end.”

“But why does there have to be an end? Why can’t we just be together forever instead of starting over every single time?”


“I don’t want to be separated again...”

“...I know.” Haruppi rubbed her arm reassuringly and kissed her forehead as Sakura burrowed into her side. “I lost you last time...I don’t want that to happen again either.”

Sakura nodded into Haruppi’s shoulder.

“And that’s why...I made some arrangements this time.”

“What?” Sakura’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

Haruppi smiled, “This time, we aren’t going to be separated. This time, we will be together - forever.”

“But how?”

“Do you remember that one demon? The one that likes to mess around with girls and always crashed on our couch afterwards?”

“Yeah...” Sakura didn’t know what that had to do with anything though.

“Well she fell. Like, literally and figuratively.”

She frowned, “You mean she fell in love? I never thought that would ever happen, not with her at least.”

Both of them knew that demon long enough to know she was a total player and never liked to be tied down. So that was a shocker.

“Me either. But she knew how to regain her immortality, and her powers even after being banished. I don’t know if she was prepared for that to happen...but it works out for us because she told me how.”

“Really?!” Sakura was beyond ecstatic. She could stay with Haruppi for all of eternity if that was true.

Haruppi giggled, “Yes, but go to bed now, it’s late. We’ll talk about this more tomorrow.”

“Okay fine~” Sakura pouted a bit (which Haruppi found adorable) and snuggled closer to her.






“...I can’t asleep.”

“So what do you want to do?”

“Tell me a story.”

“But I don’t know any stories.”

“Then tell me about our story. I want to hear you tell it.” Sakura squeezed Haruppi’s hand in the darkness.

“...Okay.” Haruppi could never refuse Sakura anyways. “Where do I start?”

“Start from the very beginning.”

“But didn’t you just read about it in the library?”

“Yeah but I like your voice, and I don’t mind hearing it again~”

Haruppi chucked, “Okay, if you insist~”

She could feel Sakura shift into a more comfortable position, ready to listen before Haruppi spoke up again.

“It started long long ago, so long that the years were unable to be counted.”

Sakura hummed lightly, a song that both of them knew by heart.

“There was an angel, a naïve young angel that had just gotten her first job and was being sent down to earth to collect some human souls and bring them to heaven. She was so excited, but during the trip she got lost and encountered a demon, and then she was scared. Angels weren’t supposed to interact with demons, but this demon wouldn’t leave her alone, constantly following her and making her feel uncomfortable. The angel thought that the demon was just messing with her because that’s what demons do, but she was wrong. Eventually, the demon proved to be a great and sincere companion, even though the demon teased her all the time, the angel found that occasionally the demon would let her kind and sweet side show. And that’s when the two became the best of friends.”

When Haruppi mentioned that the demon was ‘great and sincere’ also ‘kind and sweet’, Sakura smiled, a little embarrassed but happy nonetheless. She tugged lightly on Haruppi’s sleeve and nodded, letting her know that she would tell this part.

Taking a deep breath, Sakura began, “Even though they knew they shouldn’t have, every day, they would meet up in their secret garden. All kinds of flowers grew there and they tended to it together. But then one day, the demon suddenly realized something – she loved the angel. In the beginning, she only approached the angel because the angel was beautiful, more beautiful than anything she’d ever encountered before.”

Now it was Haruppi’s turn to blush.

“But the demon didn’t know how to act around her. Angels were God’s messengers, and she was only a lowly demon, so she acted on only what she knew the angel thought of her. It was rocky at first, she thought the angel would hate her, but then against all her expectations, they became friends. The demon had no ill intentions or really any intentions at all in the first place, never meaning for this to happen, but she was very glad to have met the angel.  And now it was too late, she had already fallen.”

I never meant for this to happen
Up to now, we were just normal friends...

Sakura paused and Haruppi picked up where she left off.

“The angel was at fault as well, she wanted to spend all her time with the demon until the point where she would sneak out, ignoring her responsibilities just to see the demon. She didn’t mean to, but she couldn’t help herself. And then God found out. He locked her up in heaven, forbidden from ever going to earth and seeing the demon ever again. There was nothing she could do, as an angel she couldn’t disobey God directly, though she did try to escape any number of times. However, all her attempts failed. Losing all hope, the angel cried and cried...until one day, something happened. There was a commotion in peaceful heaven and the demon was the source of it. A demon in heaven was unheard of, but the angel was beyond happy to find her there. Unfortunately, the demon had suffered heavy injuries from fighting her way in, as well as the pure air burning her horribly – another reason why angels and demons were never to mix.”

Sakura could still feel the pain of her skin burning and the memory made her grimace. But of course, she didn’t regret it one bit.

“Then a close friend of the angel’s let her out of her confinement and she immediately rushed to the demon’s side. God appeared, further infuriated that the demon did not know her place, about to sentence her but the angel protested feverishly. Even the demon couldn’t calm her down, trying hard to reason that she was mortally wounded and would never be able to make it back alive anyways, so at least this way the angel wouldn’t have to suffer any longer. The argument went back and forth until the demon said one final thing – I love you. Then the demon turned her attention back to God and pleaded to not to let the angel be hurt because of her, pleaded for him to erase her memories, as if none of this ever happened. The angel had been shocked into silence, but she realized one thing – she loved the demon too.”

I never meant for this to happen
But I’ve realized that you’re special to me

Against all odds, the two had met and became friends, then something more. They both knew that they shouldn’t have, they didn’t plan it, but it happened. Curiosity fueled them and they couldn’t help but to touch that forbidden flower.

You were a beautiful flower I must not touch
But I couldn’t help touching you

But love would be best represented by a rose, and roses have their thorns.

And so the thorn pierced my finger

“However, this display of commitment and sincerity moved God and he changed his mind. Even though it was taboo, it wasn’t common to find a relationship as strong and selfless as theirs, so he allowed it. He allowed the taboo of love, just this once.”

This taboo is the blood-red color of love

“God banished both of them. But he granted them one gift. Their lives would forever be connected, their fate forever intertwined. One would not live without meeting the other because their souls were already so close knitted, they were almost one.”

The blurring of borders between our souls

Barely audible, Sakura whispered, “I’m sorry.”

“Why?” Haruppi breathed.

“Forgive me.”

“It’s fine.”

“We’re both equally guilty.”

“It was the best outcome they could’ve gotten, they crossed a forbidden line, an absolute law that should never have been broken. But they did it out of love.”

This forbidden relationship is the color of love
A line that we have crossed

“So their story never ended, it went on indefinitely for the rest of eternity.”

“I want...”

“To be dyed...”

“In your arms...”


“By the color of taboo.”

“They never thought it would end up this way, they never even dared to dream of it. But it was a miracle to fall so hard for each other, and another miracle to be allowed to be together.”

I’ve been hooked so deeply
I could never have imagined it

“Every lifetime possessed similar elements - the bitterness of being at odds with each other, the awkwardness of becoming friends, then the uncertainty of falling in love. It could only have been fate - the way they were so helplessly drawn to each other. And now their fates were inseparable, inescapable.”

I’ve been hooked so deeply
Having been blown by the winds of fate

“Their story was like a flower, destined to bloom and die and bloom again.”

You just happened to bloom next to me
Soon I was gravitating towards you
And our lips drew close

“Sakura...” “Haruka...”

It was wrong, they knew it was wrong. But they couldn’t stop themselves from falling.

You’re someone I must not love
But I can’t stop my feelings any longer

Haruppi finished the story but joined Sakura in the song.

“Is this okay?”

“Yes, it is.”

“Just like this...”

“The two of us...”


Embracing each other in the darkness, neither of them could think of anything better.

You’re not someone tied to me
But even hugging you makes me so happy

“Let’s just...”



“In the shade...”

“As the flower of taboo.”

Haruppi tilted her head down, meeting Sakura’s lips in a long-awaited kiss.

I don’t care...even if I lose everything else.

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 10: Taboo no Iro
« Reply #43 on: June 07, 2016, 07:44:35 PM »
Is this final chapter? o.o

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
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Offline Yuki88

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 10: Taboo no Iro
« Reply #44 on: June 08, 2016, 01:44:19 AM »
I'll be in rage if you have no epilogue for this lol xD
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Offline gekikarabuACE

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 10: Taboo no Iro
« Reply #45 on: June 08, 2016, 04:05:02 AM »
I was gone for barely a week and you're already done with your story?? I hope you write an epilogue for this. Or some sort of prequel. Their previous story seems as as interesting. :)

Offline abcari

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 10: Taboo no Iro
« Reply #46 on: June 08, 2016, 04:57:12 AM »
this isn't the end right?

Offline junchan

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 10: Taboo no Iro
« Reply #47 on: June 08, 2016, 12:55:41 PM »
Yes. I kinda forgot my first account pass. Lol
This chapter was fluffy~
And I'll exploding if you not gimme the epilogue! I demand a super fluffy epilogue! Lol

Thanks for the update, Kei-san!^o^/
Gonna wait the epilogue~
I'm a hardshipper of many pair! lol

Offline Keiyuu

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Epilogue: Falling Into Place
« Reply #48 on: June 12, 2016, 02:24:23 AM »
@Ruka Kikuchi: Nope this is the end now :(
@Yuki88: Don't hurt me! Here's the epilogue! *hands it over quickly* Lol :P
@gekikararabuACE: Oh hi! I noticed you were gone :P Ya sorry, frustration was piling up and I didn't want people to kill me haha. A prequel sounds...really interesting actually. But if I do write one it'd be at the bottom of my list, I'll consider it tho XD Oh and btw...I'm hoping for an update on your story as well ;) No rush but I'm really too exited to find out what happens next XD
@abcari: It is now, sadly :(
@junchan: Oh haha I get that XD Glad the fluff was good, tried to make it happy after all that angst lol. No don't explode! That's not healthy! :P Hope the fluff here is up to yer standards (it's kinda got a little bit of everything actually)

Well guys, here it is, the epilogue I promised XD Unfortunately though, this marks the end of the story and I really appreciate you all reading and commenting! Keeps me happy and motivated and makes me wanna write more! XD So I guess I'll see ya next time~

I feel like I wrote the entire story just so I could write this epilogue lol  :lol:

Forgotten Memories

Epilogue: Falling Into Place

It wasn’t happily ever after. It’s never happily ever after. There’s always bound to be some issues that arise and are just plain unavoidable.

Sometimes it’s something (somewhat) big, like how Haruppi had been avoiding Sakura ever since she moved in. It took lots of explaining in detail and pointing out all the hints Haruppi dropped before Sakura would forgive her.

For example, the special dinners they had on the 19th of every month, in reverse sequence of the countries they had met in every lifetime. Most recent was Japan, hence the kimono-like dress and dinner, then many other countries like France, and the last but not least - their first reincarnation - Spain (which was planned for Sakura’s birthday but was skipped due to oversleeping). And another one of the reasons Sakura forgave her was because Haruppi had taken so much care in memorizing each lifetime (and because Sakura forgot about their first life together as a pair of ballerinas, so she figured she’d let Haruppi off the hook).

But then the mention of Sakura’s birthday led to whole other issue about how they missed celebrating Haruppi’s (19th of September) which she didn’t mind herself but Sakura was quite upset about. The thing about regaining your memories after coming of age (at twenty years old) is that you had restarted your life from scratch, and twenty is when you’re just about getting over your hormonal teenage years. So that’s what Haruppi chalked it up to when Sakura freaked out about (a.k.a. slamming the door in Haruppi’s face so she had to sleep in another room) not celebrating her girlfriend’s birthday. Haruppi on the other hand, was a little better off than Sakura. She had gotten her memories back a good two years prior, so she had plenty of time to think and mature (compared to our little Sakura).

And they had different birthdays every lifetime anyways so what did it matter? Haruppi just happened to be a bit older than Sakura this time around (even though this would be the last time).

Also, (luckily) Haruppi happened to have those calming powers of hers to help Sakura relax a bit before she got out of hand. It worked wonders at first, but now that even Sakura had regained her abilities her demonic aura kind of canceled out Haruppi’s angel one. So that wouldn’t do anymore.

But the thing about them is that they always made up. Always. It’s a given after all. And it’s also very helpful in mending their relationship (not that it’s ever that broken anyways, Sakura and Haruppi are both too lovable and cuddly to be without the other for too long). They had too much to catch up on anyways, even recovering their immortality through a long and intimate ritual that Sakura seriously doubted was even part of it. Honestly speaking though, they hadn’t seen each other in over two lifetimes so it might’ve been needed (just imagine the tension after that long of a period!). They spent almost every moment together either asleep or awake, as if they didn’t have all the time in the world (again, too lovable). So half the time was standoffish and the other half they couldn’t get enough of the other, either cuddling in bed (they could never really bring themselves to separate), making dinner together (Haruppi tried so hard to teach Sakura how to cook), taking walks (yes they picked up that habit again), tending to the garden (which actually ended up being a dip in the lake because Sakura pushed Haruppi in, but Haruppi wasn’t all that unhappy about it because she dragged Sakura in with her who happened to be wearing a very thin white shirt).

For a while, it was all ups and downs, goods and bads, but of course they had fun all the while and could even laugh about the bads later. And it seemed like everything had settled between the two, but not quite. There were still a few things to clear up that had been left unsaid yet.

So then another thing about them is that they always find something else to bicker about. That’s just what happens when you have so much time to spend with someone.

“We won’t be reborn again, Sakura. This is it, our last life. No more starting over, no more being lost. We’re stuck at this age forever.”

“But why does that mean we can’t go shopping? I want to go into to town, take a walk, a change in scenery for once and you need some new clothes.” Sakura scooted away on the sofa to glance at the outfit Haruppi was dressed in – the same pieces of clothing that Sakura saw often, far too often.

Unfortunately, never venturing out of the estate meant that Haruppi never shopped much and only ordered the necessities. But Sakura was not satisfied with online shopping and demanded to go in person, which was what they were arguing about now.
Haruppi sighed, now a little exasperated from trying to reason with Sakura so often, too often. “We can’t interact with others so much. Eventually, they’ll suspect something. If we keep seeing the same people, they’ll recognize us and then realize that we aren’t aging, aren’t changing. Then we’ll be targeted again.”

It had happened once before, and Haruppi had lost Sakura then. She never wanted a repeat of that anguish again.

“But if we make friends with them, then I’m sure they’ll understand.” Sakura didn’t want to believe her. Surely if they revealed their secret to the right people – trustworthy friends, then they won’t be against them. Maybe it wasn’t obvious to Sakura, but it was obvious to Haruppi who Sakura was thinking of in that moment.

“And then what?” Haruppi was beginning to have an edge in her voice, growing more and more impatient with the naïve girl. “We’re all buddy buddy to the end? You know—that eventually we’ll have to leave them behind whether we like it or not.”

He gaze was cautious and warning, only trying to keep Sakura from getting hurt.

But Sakura didn’t like it.

“So I can’t talk to anyone other than you? Why are you trying to keep me locked up? Keeping me all to yourself? I have a life of my own you know, and right now, I don’t even want to talk to you at all.”

She pushed herself up from the couch and walked away, only stopping in the doorway to glare at Haruppi, then deliberately added salt to her wounds.

“I liked talking to Anna though, at least she was fun.”

The mention of that name hit her hard. Haruppi could only watch, the mixture of emotions growing stronger with each step Sakura took as she left. Haruppi was angry, sad, exasperated but most of all – jealous.


Sakura was rudely awoken the next morning with a loud knock and some clothes thrown at her head (having slept in her old guestroom because she was mad at Haruppi).

“Get up, we’re going shopping.”

She heard more than saw Haruppi before the other girl swept away again, Sakura still pulling the articles off her face (Haruppi had even taken the liberty of grabbing her bra). Then before she knew it, she was in the passenger seat of Haruppi’s car as the said girl drove towards the city.

There wasn’t a single exchange of words during the entire ride and Sakura felt like there was about how Haruppi was acting. Sakura had grown terribly used to the silent and mysterious Haruppi during the first few months they reunited (before Sakura regained her lost memories), but this was somehow different from usual and it made her feel uncomfortable.

And honestly speaking, whenever Haruppi acted like this, Sakura missed the old Haruppi terribly - the one from all the lifetimes before that Sakura fell in love with, the one that would always giggle and talk about the most random things, the one that acted like a child most of the time and ate everything in sight (Haruppi still ate everything but it was more subdued now). Sometimes, that Haruppi would return, like the time when they wasted a whole day messing around splashing each other in the lake (it was probably the best memory Sakura had from this lifetime), and afterwards, they’d trudged inside, drenched in water and dripping everywhere but happy. Then of course, they took a warm bath together (Sakura couldn’t forget that, now that was an experience - they never tried that place before) and spent the night cuddling like always. 

But usually Haruppi was so serious now, Sakura understood she was being mature, but she seemed so much more distant because of it.

Sakura sighed, as she took a furtive glance at the girl.

I miss Haruppi...

She had to get her back somehow.

But how?

Sakura sighed again. This is going to be a long day.


Surprisingly, things were as awkward as she expected it to be. Haruppi took her to the busiest part of town with all the shops, kiosks, malls, and they went in all of them. Every time Sakura would even look at something, Haruppi would buy it for her. She wouldn’t even ask if Sakura liked or wanted it, she’d just get it with no questions asked until their arms were loaded up with heavy bags and the trunk of the car was filled to the max. It was an immense waste of money, but Sakura was a little scared to speak up about it (and she was also secretly happy about all the gifts because what girl doesn’t love a little pampering?). So it’s a good thing they’re rich after saving up over the centuries.

But besides that, another reason why Sakura just went along with it was because Haruppi seemed kind of happy for once. It’d been a while since Sakura saw Haruppi enjoy herself and it brought a smile to her face.

Haruppi laughed and joked around, like she was worry-free and cheerful, trying all the food in the stands and even offered to feed Sakura (much to her embarrassment). And Sakura swore Haruppi’s lisp came out through a few words – now that brought back memories. Then it got to the point that Sakura forgot about it too, she forgot about all her worries and just had fun spending time with her girlfriend.

They laughed and giggled and stumbled their way into a nearby café for lunch (Haruppi being awfully clumsy today), Sakura tugging Haruppi into a booth. They were that couple – the ones that like to sit on the same side, pressed up next to each other and cuddling.

Sakura ordered quickly, requesting some melon pan (a favorite food she picked up from an angel friend of Haruppi’s she’d met once).

“I thought you like soft pan better.” Haruppi commented.

“Melon pans are good once in a while, and I feel kind of nostalgic today anyways.” Sakura shrugged, prompting Haruppi to turn her attention back to the menu. Sakura knew it’d take Haruppi forever to decide so Sakura had already sent the waitress away with her own order. Now she just had to make sure Haruppi didn’t get everything on the menu.

The café started getting busy but the two were too preoccupied to notice. Sakura was arguing with Haruppi because obviously as expected, she wanted everything on the menu. Sakura was telling her that even though Haruppi was sure she’d be able to fit it all in her bottomless pit of a stomach, it wouldn’t be healthy to eat that much and that’s when a different waitress decided to come over and check up on them.

“Hi! Can I take your order?”

“Oh! Umm...” Haruppi started, still debating over her decision.


“What?...” Sakura glanced up from the menu at the startled waitress, meeting a very familiar face. “Aanya?”

Anna had her mouth wide open in shock (no wonder she and Sakura were best friends).

“What are you doing here?” Sakura questioned.

“What am I doing here?! What are you doing here?!” Anna pointed at her. “I haven’t seen you in a year, not a single word to let me know how you’re doing or anything! I thought you were kidnapped!”

That sounded awfully familiar to Sakura, she had said the same thing to Haruppi not long ago.

“Or worse! I thought you were dead!” Anna cried. “You had me worried sick!”

Her loud voice was starting to gather the attention of everyone in the café and they were causing a scene. No doubt the manager or owner would come out soon and it wouldn’t be good for Anna if that happened.

Sakura had to stand by her choice. “Listen, Anna...”

“What happened to ‘Aanya’?” Anna quietly asked, a little emotional after seeing her long lost friend.

“Anna...” Sakura sighed, “I’m sorry. I never meant to do that to you...”

“Why do you sound like you’re leaving again?” Anna was being oddly perceptive today.


“No, Sakura you can’t do this again...” Anna looked so scared and frightened. And there was a time when Sakura would’ve held her and calmed her down, but not anymore.

“I’m sorry.”

“Why?” Anna nearly sobbed.

There was no choice but to leave her behind, Sakura knew it’d hurt Anna but she couldn’t even see her anymore because Sakura would have to leave her eventually anyways. Better sooner than later. It was the drawback of the forbidden relationship – you couldn’t have any kind of relationship with anyone else.

I’m sorry Aanya, but I have to do this. I made this decision because I care about you. Please believe me. But I never thought I’d have to say goodbye this way...

Maybe Anna heard her because she froze for a split second before she put a hand up to her mouth. Sakura was sure Anna would break out crying and sobbing, but someone stopped her, someone who had been quiet this entire time.

Haruppi reached out and just barely touched Anna’s arm, immediately calming her down, her shoulders slouching and almost falling asleep on the spot. Then she did something that Sakura never would’ve seen coming in a million years.

Haruppi wrapped her arm around Sakura, planting a kiss on her on the jaw and smirked at Anna. “Sorry, but we’ll be going now.”

Anna’s eyes widened a slight bit, but she was still under the spell. And they left it at that, making their way out of the café without a backwards glance, Haruppi holding onto Sakura’s hand tightly.

Meanwhile, now Sakura was in a state of shock. She’d never Haruppi so...possessive. And she didn’t know how she felt about it. Did she like it?

“There’s a park nearby. Let’s go there.”

Sakura didn’t protest and just let Haruppi pull her along and soon they were taking a walk through a serene little park. But the tension in the air was not serene whatsoever. “Haruppi...”

“I can’t believe that happened!” Haruppi suddenly exploded. “I knew that we’d meet someone like that! I knew it! I just can’t believe that it just had to be her!” She gestured wildly without any meaning whatsoever, but Haruppi was obviously upset.

“What do you mean by ‘it just had to be her’?” Sakura frowned.

“Just that! Her! Your best friend or lover or whatever you want to call her!”

“Haruppi...” Sakura stared at her. They had stopped walking by now and were standing under the shade of a large tree. “...Are you jealous?”

“Wh-What?!” Haruppi stuttered. “Okay so what if I am?”

Sakura giggled lightly, finding it absolutely adorable the way Haruppi crossed her arms defiantly with a visible pout.

“Wh-What’s so funny??”

That only got Sakura to giggle harder and Haruppi started turning red.


Then Sakura leaned in and captured Haruppi’s lips in a kiss, effectively shutting her up. Haruppi was a bit surprised as she’s the one who usually does the initiating, but that didn’t stop her from returning the gesture. Sakura’s hands tangled in the short strands of Haruppi’s hair, briefly reminding her of how she loved that Haruppi’s hair was short but just long enough to play with. And Haruppi curled an arm around Sakura’s waist, carefully but pulling her closer tightly while her other hand made its way to the back of Sakura’s neck, pressing their lips together. They were in their own little world, just the two of them, and it lasted for quite a while before both took a break and leaned back against the tree trunk, chests heaving.


“...I’m sorry.”

“I’m not.”

“What?” Sakura looked at Haruppi incredulously.

“I mean, I quite like the way you got me to shut up.” Haruppi added with a cute wink.

“Haruppi!” Sakura blushed furiously and smacked her on the shoulder.

Then they looked at each other and giggled, before sliding down to the ground and leaning against each other this time. Sakura’s head on Haruppi’s shoulder, cuddling in the shade of that big tree.

“...Haruppi, I’m really sorry.”

“You sure are apologizing a lot today.” Haruppi sighed, having hoped to avoid the subject but wanting to talk about it at the same time. “I’m sorry too.”


“For getting mad. And for not telling you earlier.”

“You mean?...” Sakura obviously knew what she meant, but they had avoided the subject up til now and she wanted to hear Haruppi’s reasoning.

“I just couldn’t. I was afraid. Afraid that after so long maybe you weren’t the same anymore, maybe you didn’t want me in your life anymore.” Haruppi finally spilled out. “I was afraid that you wouldn’t love me anymore, that I’d lost you, and I didn’t want to force anything before your memories came back. I—”

Sakura cut her off with another kiss. It was weird how they never seemed to get tired of each other, kissing never seemed to get old and every one felt like their first.

“...Now I can’t decided if I like being interrupted or not.” Haruppi pouted when the two finally relented, but a smile tugged at her lips and that made Sakura laugh.

“Hahaha~ Ahaha ha...” The sound drifted off and both of them leaned back against the tree with a sigh.



But Haruppi had to confirm something. “About Anna...Did you...”

“Honestly? I don’t know, Haruppi...” Sakura sighed yet again, hands falling to her lap in exasperation. Now it was her turn to confess. “I did kind of miss her at first, but when I saw you, I don’t just filled my mind. And then I got my memories back and Anna just...faded away.”

That sounded so sad, Haruppi knew that it could’ve easily been her that faded away like that instead of Anna. And if that happened, then Haruppi wouldn’t know what to do with herself.

She couldn’t live without Sakura.

“Ugh I feel so horrible for saying that!” Sakura groaned and buried her face in her hands. Honestly, it was really impressive how Haruppi could control herself for so long, keeping their memories secret, never touching Sakura until she had come of age - maybe it was due to her angel nature, but Sakura was a demon and she knew that she could never keep herself in check for all that time. “Bmffprmsheeshmnhwthaninsht.”

“What was that?” Haruppi only heard a muffled sound coming from Sakura.

Then she lifted her head and met Haruppi’s gaze sincerely. “But I promise I didn’t mean it when I said I didn’t want to talk to you and that I liked talking with Anna instead.”

That was something that had been haunting Haruppi for a while – those words that Sakura told her yesterday. Admittedly, Haruppi was jealous, but more so she was worried that maybe Sakura didn’t love her anymore and it pained her terribly. She loved Sakura more than anything, but what was she to do if Sakura liked someone else? Could she let her go?

But it seems that it wasn’t only haunting Haruppi – Sakura had been worried about it too, and that reassured Haruppi more than she would ever know.

“...Then it’s okay.”

“...What?” Sakura looked at her with wide eyes.

“I said it’s okay.” Haruppi repeated, a small smile breaking out. “It doesn’t matter anymore. Even if you still like her now, I won’t stop you.” She shook her head, “I won’t put you in a cage like that, I refuse to. I love you, Sakura.”

Seeing Haruppi smile like that, Sakura suddenly remembered why she fell for Haruppi in the first place, everything she loved about Haruppi flooding her mind and falling into place so perfectly that Sakura couldn’t help but smile as well. Haruppi didn’t fade away, and she never would from Sakura’s heart. She was simply...forgotten, but Sakura would never forget again. She would cling to all those memories with everything she had. Sakura loved Haruppi no less than that fateful day when she saw the beautiful angel wandering around alone and lost in the forest.

Sakura finally understood now - why Haruppi did what she did. Haruppi had always been the one protecting her, even when she was trying to protect Haruppi. Keeping Sakura safe, keeping Sakura happy, even at a cost for herself.

Everything Haruppi did was for her and only her.

Sakura couldn’t even begin to pay her back, but she could start now, and she had all the rest of eternity to try.

The place they currently resided was littered with flowers, and all of one kind – daisies. Strawberry pink daisies.

“Gerbera Daisies symbolize a number of things. For instance, the pink color represents admiration or adoration. The daisy itself symbolizes happiness, innocence, gratitude...”

“So all the things I feel for you...” Sakura leaned in to nuzzle Haruppi’s nose playfully, earning a cute giggle from the other girl.

The distant memory came back to her for a split second, and it made Sakura smile too. She used to think daisies had to be white, but then Haruppi explained it to her. And now she doesn’t think of them as tainted, just simply...dyed.


“Hmm?” Haruppi watched her expectantly, waiting for an answer.

“You can’t compare us to anyone else...because what we have is special. Because...” Sakura leaned over once again, nuzzling in Haruppi’s neck once again and breathing in her calming scent. She felt like she could stay there forever – just with Haruppi and Haruppi alone – and Sakura wouldn’t mind, not in the least bit.

“We’ve both been dyed by the color of taboo.”

« Last Edit: June 12, 2016, 02:29:51 AM by Keiyuu »

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Epilogue: Falling Into Place
« Reply #49 on: June 12, 2016, 06:40:46 AM »
And we finally have the end with Sakura solving her issue with Anna (albeit a little rushed but better than dragging it too long IMO) and she's finally happy with Haruppi :love:

Thank you for writing this epilogue! No I don't bite :panic:
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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Epilogue: Falling Into Place
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2016, 07:44:35 AM »
well... this is a better end but still... I want more lol

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Epilogue: Falling Into Place
« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2016, 03:10:34 PM »
Maybe make a sequel! >_<

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
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 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Epilogue: Falling Into Place
« Reply #52 on: June 12, 2016, 07:17:39 PM »
This chapter is fluffy!
THANKS FOR THE 'INTERUPTING' PART! (I mean kissing part) lol
I dont know why but my shipper heart still want more~
But well, I cant force you. Just a bit exploding maybe~

Thanks for this fic, Kei-san!^o^/
Gonna wait your next works or maybe a sequel in the future! Lol
I'm a hardshipper of many pair! lol

Offline gekikarabuACE

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Epilogue: Falling Into Place
« Reply #53 on: June 13, 2016, 02:53:51 PM »
Lol, i wasn't exactly sure what to expect from the epilogue, but 'funny and fluffy' (which is how this turned out) were the last the last things on my mind.  :lol: Thanks for writing this. It has been a great story and I really enjoyed it. And I also really liked that you were so quick with your updates. :D

Anyway, I'm not sure when I'll be able to update my story. I'm in the middle of something right now, and I can't really do anything except leave these comments. But I'll work on it as soon as I can. :)

Offline howlchandler

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Epilogue: Falling Into Place
« Reply #54 on: June 14, 2016, 11:15:29 PM »
This fanfic was... THE BEST ONE EVER! Not only was it touching with a good plot, but it went along with the MV too! Especially since I love this song!!!! When I first came upon this fanfic, I was so excited to read it cuz this was literally the first SAKURUPPI fanfic I had ever seen!!! Please keep writing about these two and nice job with this one   :twothumbs
I finished this in one day unit was so addicting!!! :):):)

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