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Author Topic: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - COMPLETED  (Read 23701 times)

Offline junchan48

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 5: Answers
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2016, 01:41:40 AM »
EEHHH??? What's wrong here?
Why Haruppi? Just tell Sakura the truth!
And Sakura! Just ask her something like 'Am I your wife?' maybe. Lol

Kei-san, just gimme the next chapter as soon as possible!
Thanks for the update anyway!^o^/
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline abcari

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 5: Answers
« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2016, 06:49:53 AM »
"Answers"? hell no! this is more like "Questions" lol

Offline Yuki88

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 5: Answers
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2016, 05:29:31 PM »
I'm more and more inclined to believe my own theory that Haruka is a vampire (or at least a being with long age or eternal, even). That would explain the oddities surrounding her haha. XD
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Offline gekikarabuACE

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 5: Answers
« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2016, 11:25:37 PM »
Halfway already?? Here I was hoping you'll keep churning out these chapters for a little longer.  :(  Anyway, I still can't figure out what Haruppi's endgame is. Now she seems so human. I think I'll just sit here and wait for the other shoe to drop. : :lol:

Offline Keiyuu

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 6: Lost Dreams
« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2016, 05:27:47 AM »
Hey guys! Sorry but I've been having some internet troubles  :banghead:
This is a short chapter but I'll update again as soon as I can! (Hopefully I can get it to work) And honestly these should be counted as half-chapters, like chapter 5.5 or something but oh well I'm calling it chapter 6 anyways :roll:

@junchan48: Lol getting frustrated? This is only the beginning haha XD I don't think it's explained 'why' until the epilogue actually
@abcari: It's more like the 'Lack of Answers' lol :lol:
@Yuki88: Haha wish I could tell you but I can't cuz that'd ruin the surprise! :P It'll be revealed eventually (if you haven't figured it out yet bc I'm not denying/confirming anything :roll:)
@gekikararabuACE: Lol 'churning out chapters'? Haha XD But well, it's gotta end sometime (or will it? :P) actually ignore that cuz the fic does end :lol: And I'm glad that's how you're thinking cuz that's what I was going for. Can only wait now~

Chapter 6: Lost Dreams

From then on, Sakura started having dreams every night, and they were all very similar if not the same repeating ones. And there was an order to them, never breaking the chain, like a sequence of events.

Sometimes, Sakura couldn’t remember the whole picture. It would be snippets of a scene, snapshots of that time. It started with a pause of nothingness, darkness, then she’d see herself behind the bars of that wooden cage in the checkered room. Then after that, she’d see Haruppi alone and sitting by the window next to the cage (it being empty this time) and Sakura knew that it was another time period because Haruppi seemed older somehow (not physically but mentally) like something had happened to make her that way. And there was this longing look in her eyes because she’d seem so sad, so lonely, and all Sakura wanted to do was to fulfill whatever Haruppi wanted. She couldn’t explain why, but no matter what, whatever she had to do, she just wanted Haruppi to smile again.

In the first entire dream she could remember, Sakura was dressed in a skin tight white leotard and tutu, sitting on the floor in that ballet studio full of feathers. Haruppi was off to the side, stretching. She spread her legs, sinking into the splits and reached forward gracefully. Sakura remembered thinking how amazing it was that Haruppi was so flexible, even for a ballet dancer. While she, herself, was nothing compared to Haruppi.

Glancing down, a small white feather rested in the palm of Sakura’s hand and she observed it for a few moments, then closed her fingers around it protectively.

Next, in the room with the checkered floor, she and Haruppi danced and twirled around each other, the place actually seeming like a stage, and they were the performers. Dressed in Spanish-style dresses of blue and red, they flowed like water, always sure of their movements and the other person’s position. It was graceful, smooth, something Sakura never thought she was capable of but maybe it was because Haruppi was there. No, she was sure it was because Haruppi was there.

Then as their song ended, they reached out towards each other. Haruppi took Sakura’s hand and knelt down, ending in the same perfected position that they had practiced thousands of times before.

Lastly, Sakura sat on a swing. It was indoors, the seat wooden and the rope coarse and rough under her palms. She was feeling down, her face said it all, but that’s all it said. She didn’t know what she was sad about, she just knew she was sad. And just like all her other dreams, it took place in one of those strange rooms of Haruppi’s house that she told herself she would never step foot in again. It was the room with the dead tree. Except this time, the dead winding branches curved themselves around an old wooden frame that Sakura was facing right in front of her. It looked like a mirror, but it didn’t have any glass inside of it, yet the same image was reflected back at her.

How is that possible?

Looking through the frame, the same swing stared back at her along with the braches peeking around the edges. She could even see herself sitting there, but she was sure that there was no glass. She didn’t need to go touch it, it was obvious enough just from seeing it.

So how come I can see my reflection?

Then she realized that it wasn’t her reflection. The swing wasn’t there anymore, it was a small round stage with a small Spinet piano atop it. Sakura didn’t know when the image changed, or maybe it was the stage and piano all along, but now there was another figure sitting there, in front of the piano, staring at her.


She didn’t have any expression, not as far as Sakura could tell. But Sakura felt weird not knowing what Haruppi was thinking.

I always know what she’s feeling...

But not this time.


The longer Sakura looked, the hazier her mind got.

What’s missing?

She couldn’t figure it out. Sakura was so lost.

Haruppi...Please...tell me.

A lone white feather floated down from above, landing in Haruppi’s awaiting palm this time, but she remained silent.

Then in the midst of that realistic dream, Sakura suddenly remembered that sad expression she saw from Haruppi the night before. It had been haunting her ever since, always at the edge of her mind, but she didn’t know why.

What does all this mean? These...These hints...

“You have the answers.”

Sakura heard the words being said and immediately glanced up at the frame, but Haruppi hadn’t spoken a word, still sitting in the same spot not having moved.

Where is that coming from? Sakura looked around the room next, eyes darting from wall to wall, hoping to find the source. At this point, Sakura was getting desperate. “Why can’t you just tell me?”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

The voice didn’t respond.

Sakura then looked back at Haruppi again, her gaze pleading.

“Please...Please Haruppi! Just tell—”

Taken aback by the look on Haruppi’s face, Sakura couldn’t finish her sentence. Haruppi looked so...scared. Haruppi was afraid. But of what? Sakura? That didn’t make any sense.

But then the dream started fading into black again, and Sakura still hadn’t learned anything.

Offline abcari

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 6: Lost Dreams
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2016, 06:06:53 AM »
*throws her lap top* I don't understand anymore!

Offline junchan48

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 6: Lost Dreams
« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2016, 06:09:28 AM »
Yes! I'm getting frustated!
And now I'm getting more frustated!
Again. Its too short for me~~~
Sakura's lost dream make me lost too. Lol
And well, you keep give your reader a very great cliffhanger-,-

Gonna wait the next update, Kei-san!
Thanks for this update anyway~^o^/
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 6: Lost Dreams
« Reply #27 on: May 31, 2016, 01:08:25 PM »
*squeals loudly*




UPDATE SOON!!! :bow:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Yuki88

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 6: Lost Dreams
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2016, 04:25:39 PM »
*flips table* Damn cliffhanger! This one, I believe, has nothing I can comment on cuz, duh, it's way too short! And leaves barely anything to analyze XD
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

"Are we nothing more than the captain and her vice captain?"

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Offline Keiyuu

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 7: Almost There
« Reply #29 on: June 01, 2016, 07:48:04 PM »
@abcari: I'm sorry bout that
@junchan48: Yes, the point of the cliffhangers is to add to the frustration, which I understand is really annoying but there's a reason for it. I'm trying to get the readers to feel what Sakura is feeling.
@Ruka Kikuchi: Haha I know how you feel! I understand but unfortunately I'm the writer not the reader right now :nervous
@Yuki88: Dang it looks like I'm pissing a lot of people off  :nervous I'm truly sorry but I'll try to make up for it

Chapter 7: Almost There

Time went on, days turning into months until Sakura had grown completely used to (but never bored of) her new life. And once in a while, Sakura could manage to drag Haruppi out of her hole. Pretty literally too, since during the day Haruppi tended to disappear into her little study for hours. Remember when Sakura couldn’t find the girl no matter where she looked? Well that’s why.

It took her a long time, but eventually Sakura got Haruppi to reveal her ‘hiding place’. Haruppi argued that she wasn’t ‘hiding’ as Sakura put it. But if the entire room is conveniently placed on the second floor of the library, in the corner of the house, behind a secret bookshelf with a covered trigger button, then Sakura called it a ‘hiding place’.

So how she found it was she followed Haruppi secretly after lunch one day, because she was positively baffled as to how a whole person completely vanished from the hours of 1 to 6. Sure, the estate was colossal in size, but honestly where could she be? Sakura just had to know. And this was one thing that she could find out without asking.

So she trailed the girl (stalking’s more like it) and made it all the way up to the library’s second layer, but that’s where she lost the girl. But it wasn’t like Haruppi was intentionally hiding, she actually quite blatantly went to her study without covering up her movements. She just never bothered to tell Sakura about it (or maybe she forgot, you never know with Haruppi). And the reason Sakura lost her was her own fault. She got tired climbing the stairs, took a little break, and whoops Haruppi already made it inside with the shelf swinging shut.

Then Sakura finally got fed up and proceeded to bang on all the walls until Haruppi answered. It’s actually really scary when Sakura’s mad (wouldn’t recommend it).

“Where have you been?! You disappear every single day and you’ve never told me where you go!”

“S-Sorry.” Even Haruppi felt slightly intimidated by the fuming Sakura. Maybe Sakura shouldn’t have gotten so upset, but she needed some way to let out her frustration.

“You should be! I thought you were kidnapped the first few times! Do you know how worried I was?!” Sakura started pacing next to the banister (pacing’s never a good sign).

“...” Haruppi chose to stay quiet this time. Wise choice.

“That’s it! Come on, you’re going to get out of that little hole for a day.” Sakura grabbed her hand and pulled her down the stairs, she didn’t have a clear destination in mind but she was determined. Haruppi just let it happen and didn’t complain, because if she did then Sakura probably would’ve bitten her head off.

They made their way outside and Sakura automatically started following the path she walked every day - out the back, around the garden and through the woods, circling the entire grounds. Eventually, Sakura slowed down (maybe due to fatigue or her lack of aptitude for exercise) and the two walked at a leisurely pace side by side.

“So...what do you do in there anyways?” Sakura attempted to start a conversation, partially due to curiosity and partially because she just realized how awkward and embarrassing it was that she dragged Haruppi out here.

“Nothing really.”

Sakura narrowed her eyes.

“I really don’t do anything.” Haruppi reiterated. “I kind of sit around, or sleep.”

“Then why do you have to hide?” Sakura asked, finding it awfully suspicious.

“I just like spending time by myself. No offense to you or anything, but it’s relaxing in there.”

“But you hate being alone...” Sakura mumbled under her breath.

“What?” Haruppi just barely heard her. “How do you know that?”

Haruppi never mentioned that before, but somehow Sakura already knew.

“Eh? I don’t know...”

The conversation dropped after that, the two walking along the dirt path in silence, the only sounds accompanying them were of birds chirping and the fountain nearby. But Sakura didn’t pay any attention to them as she struggled to figure out how she knew that little piece of information though Haruppi never shared it. But no matter how hard she thought, Sakura didn’t understand why or where she heard it from.

Did I just make that up?

She was pretty sure she didn’t. But now her head hurt so she just gave up, chalking this up to another of those things she could never get an answer to. By this time, Sakura had given up on figuring so many things out, but they all remained in the back of her mind, building up and just waiting to resurface someday.


Now, every once in awhile, Haruppi would join Sakura on a little walk outside. It was like a mutual agreement without actually needing to say anything. Haruppi would just randomly appear beside her and they’d head out. Both enjoyed the refreshing air, nature, and best of all – spending time with the other person. And though Haruppi had been trying to avoid Sakura all this time, she couldn’t help but feel happy at the little time they spent together.

So it became a regular thing - another event in Sakura’s day, and she couldn’t help but feel content with her current lifestyle. And then besides her regular daily schedule, once a month, Haruppi would make something special for dinner - something exotic and fancy.

On those nights, Sakura would find a different kind of garment waiting for her. Like if it was a French dinner (which it was tonight), she would find clothes that fit France’s culture and style, the same went for just about every time they had a special meal. The dinner itself would be ridiculously authentic as well and Sakura nearly applauded every time at Haruppi’s diligence and skill in cooking (Haruppi liked to eat so it was only natural she knew how to cook her own favorite foods right?).

The night started off no different from usual, Sakura appearing at the top of the stairs like in those romance movies with Haruppi waiting for her at the table. Tonight, Sakura was dressed in a Lolita-style outfit (and it suited her very much) so Haruppi complimented her on it, still as cool as ever while Sakura was a blushing mess as always.

Haruppi herself, was dressed in an impeccable white suit. And this time it was Sakura’s turn to admit that Haruppi did indeed look stunning in white (but then again Sakura always admired Haruppi in anything she wore, Sakura just had trouble putting it into words).

“Y-You look nice too.” She managed to stammer out.

“Thank you.”

The cool smile Haruppi wore nearly overloaded Sakura’s mind and she almost passed out, but she didn’t. She couldn’t afford to – this was the most important dinner that she looked forward to every month.

The first dish was the pre-meal bread – the kind that made France famous for its bakeries and Sakura was in heaven after the first bite (it wasn’t even the main dish yet! Sakura just didn’t know how to pace herself).

“This is so good!”

“I had a feeling you would like it.” Haruppi mentioned as she spread some butter on her bread (that was flown directly from France for this occasion).

“How come?”

“Hmm I don’t know. Just a hunch~”

Haruppi was being as cryptic as always but Sakura was used to it by now. But that didn’t mean that she was giving up, not tonight.

“So why isn’t there any cell service here? I kinda forgot to ask earlier.” She offhandedly inquired as she nonchalantly as possible took another piece of French bread. Sakura had forgotten about that for a while, but another reason she asked that was to start off lightly, working her way up to the things she really wanted to know. It took her awhile though, speaking your mind in dreams is a lot easier than real life, all those months of sitting on her hands really got to her in the end however.

“There aren’t any cell phone towers I think. I don’t own one so I never really noticed before.”

“You don’t have a cell phone?!”

“Yes?” Haruppi answered, a little confused as to why Sakura had her mouth hanging wide open.

“Bu-But how do communicate with the outside world then?”

“Outside world? Isn’t that a little extreme?” Haruppi chuckled.

Then Sakura blushed a little and quieted down, now a bit embarrassed for her overreaction. They focused on eating for a few moments and Sakura was once again impressed by the layout. Next was soup (it wasn’t light either, something with onions in it and had more of a stew consistency), then the entrée - Coq au Vin – which Sakura butchered the pronunciation of but it was still delicious nonetheless. Haruppi really outdid herself again with the full course meal (not that Sakura didn’t enjoy it, she had long since grown used to the large portions could eat almost as much as Haruppi—almost).

Oh shoot! I’m supposed to be questioning her! Sakura had to remind herself and pull out of her food heaven. Wait, was that squid? Do French people even eat squid??

Clearing her throat, she tried again. “What about this place? Did you inherit it or something?”

“You could say that.” Haruppi smirked knowingly. “It’s been passed down in my family, but it’s been years since anyone lived here before I came along.”

“Why are you the only one? Don’t you have siblings? Do you really not have employees that take care of the place?”


Sakura was getting exasperated. Haruppi was amused.

“Then where did you live before? Where are your parents?” The food had been completely forgotten now – at least by Sakura.

“They died a long time ago. I’ve been on my own ever since.”

Sakura felt bad for asking until she realized that Haruppi was (quite cleverly) dodging the question. She racked her brain, trying to think of what she actually knew about Haruppi (which wasn’t much to be honest).

Why can’t I come up with anything?

Sometimes she felt like she knew everything about the other girl, like they had been together forever, but then she’d remember that she had only met Haruppi a few months ago and all the details eluded her.

“Wait,” A light bulb went on. “Didn’t you say you had a little sister?”


There it was - Haruppi was getting cautious. Sakura was onto something.

“Tell me about her.”

Haruppi seemed to freeze for a second, as if considering whether or not it would be appropriate to tell, but then her gaze softened, like she was remembering something from long ago. She looked just like the Haruppi in Sakura’s dreams, sitting on that windowsill all alone. “...She died a long time ago as well.”

Sakura listened intently, utterly focused and anticipating what Haruppi would say.

“She was only a year younger than me, but she was a lot smarter, prettier, happier – just like the sun. An ironic comparison~” Haruppi chuckled.

Sakura didn’t get a chance to ask what she meant because Haruppi’s next words interrupted and stole all of her attention.

“But I really admired her, I loved her too. She was everything to me.”

Now Sakura was far too interested in this, mesmerized by the expression on Haruppi’s face as she spoke – an expression she’d never seen before – one that was sad, but happy, hopeful somehow but missing someone dearly. It was so nostalgic.

“Sometimes we’d stay at separate places due to family reasons, but I always got to see her again – it was what I looked forward too. But then...I was separated from her, completely. She was just...gone. And she’d never come back. It was horrible, I couldn’t live with myself because I promised I’d never let something like that happen. But she left. And there was nothing I could do to stop it.” Haruppi’s eyes misted over as she stared into nothing. “Then I made another promise – to her and to myself.”

“What was it?”

Haruppi smiled sadly, “I’m afraid I can’t tell you. Not yet at least.”

“Why not?” Sakura insisted.

“I just can’t.”

Something snapped. Sakura had enough.

“Why can’t you tell me?! You never tell me anything!” She stood abruptly, the chair tipping over in the process with a resounding crash, echoing through the emptiness of the house. “You never answer any of my questions! Always keeping me in the dark! Why can’t you just open up a little?! Why won’t you let me in?!”

How could she trust someone who didn’t trust her?

Haruppi sat stunned. “Sakura—”

“What are you afraid of?”

That hit her hard. “...Saku—”

“No!” Sakura slammed her hands on the table, shaking her head with eyes clenched shut with anger and physically shaking from rage. “...No, I’ve had enough. I’m done.”

That was the second time since Sakura moved in that she didn’t finish dinner with Haruppi.


A/N: So here's the deal, I know cliffhangers suck and all but that's how the story's set up, and I really hope you guys will keep reading this as I don't like making people upset. Therefore, there's going to be another short update tonight (bc that's how the chapters work) and then we'll finally get some resolution in Chapter 9, which I will post tomorrow.

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 7: Almost There
« Reply #30 on: June 01, 2016, 08:21:57 PM »


Were they sisters?! O___O

I don't know!!! >-<

Update soon!

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Yuki88

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 7: Almost There
« Reply #31 on: June 02, 2016, 02:33:37 AM »
Wow. Sure we can assume they are sisters based on what Haruka implied but there are still many unexplained things so I guess I should just wait for another update *sighs*
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

"Are we nothing more than the captain and her vice captain?"

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Offline Keiyuu

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 8: Back Again
« Reply #32 on: June 02, 2016, 07:11:02 AM »
Whaaaatt I didn't forget about promising another update tonight :nervous Well I remembered so it's all good! As I sit here at midnight in the dark having got back out of bed XD

@Ruka Kikuchi: Oh lol sometimes I forget that you guys don't know anything cuz I haven't told you yet haha :lol:
@Yuki88: Nothing really makes sense does it? Really sorry bout that but the next chapter (tomorrow) should clear up a lot. I'm glad for these replies bc I kinda assume you guys know, forgot about the whole 'explaining things as if the readers know nothing thing' :nervous Just goes to show how great of a writer I am (not).

Chapter 8: Back Again

Sakura had another dream. She was back in front of that mirror, the swing gone this time and all the previous dreams skipped - which was odd in and of itself.

Reaching out, Sakura trailed her hand over the strangely smooth branches of the frame.

Why am I here?

It was the question she asked during all her dreams, but this time another question took precedence.

What’s changed?

Dreams were supposed to be ventures into a person’s subconscious – Sakura knew that much, but she still couldn’t understand any of what was going on.

Where is Haruppi?

As if answering her call, Haruppi suddenly appeared, right on the other side of the frame – so close yet so far.


Her face was set in a sad, longing expression and she was looking in Sakura’s direction – no, she was looking past Sakura.

Why can’t she see me?

Sakura was afraid. But she also wanted to reach her. She wanted to reach Haruppi.

So stretching her hand out, Sakura's arm went through the frame, now sure that it wasn’t a mirror but indeed a door, and intertwined her fingers with Haruppi’s in midair, holding their hands there between each other.

“Sakura.” “Haruka.”

They spoke at the same time, Sakura raised another hand and trailed a finger down Haruppi’s jawline – light, feeling, confirming that Haruppi was real. But now Haruppi could see her, and she gazed intently into Sakura’s eyes.

“Why can’t you see me?”

“What? I can see you right now.”

“No, you can’t Sakura. You don’t see me.” Haruppi insisted. “You don’t see me at all.”

Sakura was confused, not sure what she was saying. “What do you mean Haruppi?”

“I miss you Sakura...”

“I...I miss you too.” She just realized this, that she had been missing Haruppi’s presence. Her dream self was a lot calmer and more composed than her real self because she probably would’ve snapped again had it been real. “But why do you avoid me? Why won’t you tell me?”

Haruppi remained silent.

“Haruppi! Answer me!” Sakura insisted, not really angry, more exasperated and pleading. Because even she realized how annoying it was that she kept asking, but... “What are you hiding? Why are you hiding? Please! I just...I want to know...I want to know you.”

“...You already know me.”

There it was again, that heartbreaking smile of hers that made Sakura want to hold her until everything else faded away while at the same time kiss her silly – which Sakura seriously contemplated at the moment.

“Please, just trust me Sakura.” Haruppi requested.

“I—I want to...” But all Sakura could think of was that Haruppi’s face was mere inches away, their breaths mixed in the air, only a measly distance separating them... Haruppi’s lips looked so enticing. That was it, Sakura had enough.

“Forget it. Just—Screw this.”

Leaning forward while pulling Haruppi close, she pressed their lips together tightly. It was gentle and slow, but it grew more and more insistent by the second. Sakura couldn’t help herself anymore, but Haruppi was the same. The kiss grew bolder and more passionate, Haruppi the one caressing Sakura’s cheek now and Sakura’s arms looping around Haruppi’s neck, but eventually they had to separate, breaking away but not too far, neither of them wanted to be too far. Their lips barely grazed each other’s lightly, teasingly.

Haruppi smiled – a genuine smile that Sakura had never seen before but she remembered it.

“Don’t forget. Promise me you’ll never forget again.”

Sakura didn’t know what Haruppi was asking of her, but she trusted her. “I promise.”

Then Haruppi stepped back, her hand retreating from Sakura’s cheek and leaving it feeling cold.

“Wait! Where are you going?”

Haruppi already seemed so far away.

“Don’t worry, I’ll see you again.” Haruppi smiled softly, it was still sad, but holding just a tiny bit of hope as well. “And you’ll see me.”


Sakura awoke with a start, but much less scared than the last time. A sense of déjà vu enveloped her as she sat up and spotted the silver tray again. She had missed dinner so it was almost a given that Haruppi would leave some for her for when she woke up.

Haruppi was always so nice to her, so caring, so thoughtful, but Sakura hated how mean, careless, and unconcerned she was at the same time.

Why do I even think she’s nice in the first place? It was just a feeling - something her instincts told her, but she really didn’t have concrete evidence of it. Sakura was getting tired of these dreams too. They were so repetitive it was infuriating and yet she still didn’t know what they meant.

“Well whatever,” Sakura muttered bitterly, now fully awake and still angry at Haruppi ever since their last encounter a few hours ago. “It’s not like I’ll ever find an answer anyway.”

Offline abcari

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 7: Almost There
« Reply #33 on: June 02, 2016, 07:22:47 AM »
I'm not upset so don't worry my friend, is my way to express how exciting is to me this fanfic lol don't be sorry and make me suffer more without telling us more important details hahahaha

now, about this chapter... WHAT THE....?!

we need (not only sakura lol) answers haruppi!

Note: I was writing this and then BANG! new chapter

Edit: I still need more answers but... OMG THAT KISS!
« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 07:28:31 AM by abcari »

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 8: Back Again
« Reply #34 on: June 02, 2016, 07:30:57 AM »
The memories slowly returning to Sakura but the most important part isn't coming back to her yet.
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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 8: Back Again
« Reply #35 on: June 02, 2016, 10:54:53 AM »
I just want to check your fic and then I got double update. Cool! Lol
Too much mystery in chapter 7, but I'm glad when Haruppi start to join Sakura's little walk~
I can't suspect whether Sakura is Haruppi's sister or not>o<
I love the raging Sakura anyway! XD
And the dreams~ Its better now, THANKS FOR THE KISSING PART! Lol.

Gonna wait the next update!
Thanks for this double update, Kei-san!^o^/
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 8: Back Again
« Reply #36 on: June 02, 2016, 01:19:05 PM »
The kiss was perfection!!! >w<

Sakura, don't give up! Soon, surely, you will remember!

OMG update soon! This is getting more exciting! :bow:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 9: The Story
« Reply #37 on: June 03, 2016, 04:04:04 AM »
Alright here we go! I don't why I'm so excited but I'm really happy to be able to post this chapter XD
These last couple updates will be a bit longer than those short af middle ones :P

@abcari: That's reassuring! Phew! XD Haha suffering's pretty much over after this tho :lol: Oh lol good timing haha, and glad you liked that kiss~
@Yuki88: Well 'yet' is here now :P Sorry to keep ya waiting so long
@junchan48: Lol double updates are always good :lol: The sister thing will be explained in the next update and ya that frustration's gotta explode at some point right? XD Glad the kiss was good haha
@Ruka Kikuchi: Haha thanks, I'm not really good with scenes like that :nervous LOL It's about time right? XD

Chapter 9: The Story

The following weeks were...awkward to say the least. They didn't take walks together anymore, Sakura would just stay in her room and sulk, refusing to come out and Haruppi never called for her anyways so why should she? Only for meals would Sakura drag herself out of her room. She thought about skipping, but she wouldn’t be able to skip forever, and then decided it’d better to get it over with sooner rather than later.

Sometimes Sakura felt bad about it – for snapping at Haruppi. Whatever progress she may have made in her relationship with Haruppi seemed to be reset, and that made Sakura feel pretty depressed too. But then seeing Haruppi seem so completely unaffected by it, Sakura was pissed, constantly bitter and on edge. So most of the time now, breakfast, lunch, and dinner were quiet - the tension in the air almost palpable. And sometimes Sakura wouldn’t even see Haruppi the whole day (even during meals) and she figured that Haruppi was avoiding her again. Sakura felt hurt about it, something heavy in her chest weighing her down. But then again she was mad that Haruppi refused to even face her anymore.


Sakura thought as she headed back upstairs, ready to drown in her covers once again. But then she changed her mind last second and headed for the library, thinking that maybe reading a book would help keep her mind off things.

She hadn’t really read any books since her school days, and had only skimmed the titles of Haruppi’s library, so might as well take this chance to catch up a bit now. Without even looking at the cover, Sakura grabbed the first book off the shelf. Outside was dark and stormy, rain pouring down on the windows violently and flashes of lighting illuminating the empty house as she sunk into a recliner and curled her legs up, ready to sit there for a good few hours immersing herself in another world.

The story she picked was one about an angel, a messenger of God that was charged with watching over the humans and taking them to heaven after their lives ended. Then one day, she met a demon who had the same job as her, but taking people to hell instead. The angel was scared of the demon, she had no intentions of getting along with her and had heard many stories, thinking of them as angels’ natural enemies. And this demon knew that, so she kept bothering the angel, always hanging around and teasing her, bugging her about every little detail.

But eventually, the angel grew used to the demon, the two always meeting up before going to Earth and doing their work. They became inseparable, and the angel learned that not all demons were as the stories told them, that this demon was actually nice (once the bugging stopped) and so they started meeting up whenever they could.

Every day, the angel would go down to Earth and meet the demon at their special place – a garden hidden deep in the forest. Every day, the demon would be there waiting for her, without fail, and the angel started looking forward to their meetings every day. Until it got to the point that the angel neglected her duties, skipping them just to see the demon.

And that was unacceptable.

God found out and was about to banish the angel for her incompetence, but the demon stopped it. She found her way into heaven, suffering heavy injuries that she would not survive from just to save the angel. She pleaded for God not to banish the angel, saying that she would take the punishment instead. The angel protested this but the demon wouldn’t have it, adamant in her decision. It didn’t matter to her that she would lose everything. So she reasoned that she would die anyways, and at least this way she could save the angel - the one she loved.

The angel burst out in tears and refused to let go of the demon, realizing that she loved the demon as well – that the demon was a special being in her life. Seeing this scene, God was moved by their feelings for each other and made a decision. Even though angels and demons were never even supposed to interact in the first place, the angel had been one of his best before, so he was willing to make an exception just this once.

Together, they would be banished to Earth, living out the rest of their lives as mere humans. However, he gave them one gift. After death, they would be reborn once again, and they would be able to meet the other in each lifetime, forever finding each other’s embrace. Their memories would not be retained until they met each other and after coming of age, but then they would be able to live happily together until the end of their days when the cycle began anew.

The angel and demon gratefully accepted this proposal and were sent to Earth, countlessly living out this routine endlessly. But their love never faded, and they always managed to find each other again no matter what happened.

At the end of the story, Sakura closed the book gently and set it down. She noticed wet spots on her shirt and realized that she had been crying, the silent tears flowing freely down her face. She couldn’t decide if she was sad or happy, but she did know that it was very a beautiful story. And with that last thought, Sakura glanced at the clock and saw that several hours had already past. It was nearly six o’clock - almost time for dinner.

Slowly, Sakura stood and straightened herself out. Tonight, she would face Haruppi. Hearing that story made her realize something, made her find her resolve again. Because Haruppi wasn’t the coward, she wasn’t the one avoiding conflict, she wasn’t the one refusing to answer.

It’s me.

But no more, Sakura was determined, resolve set and fists clenched tightly. She would find out the truth. Maybe she was scared too, just like Haruppi, scared of what the answer would be. But even so, Sakura was prepared to face it now.


Third time’s the charm right?

At least that’s what Sakura kept telling herself as she got ready. No more waiting. She can’t wait anymore. So instead of asking at dinner like always, Sakura stood outside of the hidden room in the library. And her definition of getting ready was psyching herself up before actually going in. She was sure that Haruppi was in there because there was no other place she could be. She also figured that Haruppi already knew she was there and was most likely waiting for Sakura to show herself.

There was no way that Haruppi hadn’t noticed her yet, no way, Sakura was sure because Haruppi was just like that.

“Come in.”

Sakura nearly jumped out of her skin at the voice.


Pushing in the trigger, the shelf sunk in then swung to the side, revealing the hidden doorway. Entering cautiously because she never actually gone inside before, Sakura stepped into the furnished room. It was antique but not old, more books lined the shelves in the room and a dim lamp lit the place from the corner. A large mirror took up the entirety of one wall behind the large oak study desk that stood in the center, a fur rug decorating the hard floor in front of it, and a leather chair behind it where the girl Sakura was looking for was seated.

As usual, Haruppi wasn’t even looking at her. Instead, the girl chose to stare intently at the rug on the floor, hands resting on the chairs arms, seemingly lost in thought but also seemingly staring off into space without thinking of anything at all.

Why won’t you look at me? Is it because you can’t see me? Why can’t you see me? Is it because I can’t see you? Why don’t I know what that means? Is it because—

“Do you know what the date is? It’s the same date we have a special dinner on every month.”

Does that mean it’s already been a month since I snapped at her? “I don’t know, I forgot about dates since I never have anything planned.”


There was silence after that. Normally Sakura would feel awkward invading the room like that, but recently she felt kind of uncaring of anything at all. And she didn't feel like speaking up either, not right now at least. But it seemed that Haruppi wasn't done.

“Do you know what countries’ cuisines we’ve tried so far?”

“Eh?” An odd question. Sakura glanced around the room as she answered, nonchalantly taking in every detail. “I guess I could name most of them but some I didn't recognize.”

“Hmm.” The whole time Haruppi spoke to her, she didn't ever look up, as if she didn't really care to pay any attention to Sakura’s answers.

Wait a minute, why is she asking me all these things?

Obviously, this wasn't normal. Usually, Sakura would be the one doing all the interrogating but now it was Haruppi’s turn.

“Do you know when your birthday is?”

“What? Of course I know when my birthday is. What kind of question is that?” Sakura responded, her attention snapping back and she glared at Haruppi who still refused to look at her.


“...Would you quit it with the ‘Hmm’! It's getting irritating.”

“You is the 19th. I assume you can figure out what month it is from there.” Haruppi finally looked at her, gaze almost penetrating into her soul.

The 19th? What's so special about the 19th?

It was just another day on the calendar, and days had even less value ever since Sakura came here and starting repeating the same routine endlessly every single day.

“Why? What’s so important about the 19th?”

Haruppi just got up from her seat and made her way towards the door.

I’ve been trying so hard to stay away...I won’t be able to hold back much longer.

Sakura heard the voice in her head – the same one from her dreams – but she knew it was real this time. In the back of her mind, she briefly wondered if it really was another’s thoughts or if it was her own. Then she stepped in Haruppi’s way, effectively blocking off the exit.

“Answer me.”


“Answer me, dammit Haruppi!”

“...Wh-What did you just call me?” Haruppi stared at her incredulously.

But Sakura was unfazed.

“I said, tell me Haruppi. I’m tired of your games.”

With each word, Sakura gradually stepped closer towards her, eventually backing her up farther until the backs of Haruppi’s legs bumped into the desk - she was trapped.

Haruppi was stuck between the desk and a very angry Sakura, but at this point, Haruppi would have even preferred being at the verge of falling off a cliff than facing her. Sakura wasn’t angry like last time when she exploded on Haruppi, no this time it was more of a quiet rage – the terrifying, seething kind.

Her eyes bore holes through Haruppi’s head, and it was obvious she wasn’t planning on moving anytime soon, not until Haruppi gave her some answers.


“...” Haruppi still wouldn’t look at her, gazing down at the floor and cowering instead.




“...Sakura.” It came out as a quiet whisper.

“Haruppi, I’m done. Do you understand? I’m done playing your games.” Sakura’s voice was eerily calm and level. “Tell. Me. NOW.

Suddenly, Haruppi froze. As if someone was controlling her like a puppet on strings, her eyes dark and pupils dilated, she looked up and started talking.

“We know each other.”

No longer was it ‘you know me’. Now it was ‘we know each other’. Finally she was telling Sakura something about herself.

“It’s been a long time. A long time since we last saw each other. I missed you. I want you.”

Haruppi spoke like a robot, monotone and without any expression.

“I tried so hard to stay away...I tried so hard to control myself...I could only see you in your dreams, but even then I couldn’t be myself. I couldn’t tell you, I couldn’t be with you—” For a split second, she almost came back, letting her emotions take over the control, but then she went back under.

“I-It’s been a long time...too long...since you died.”

Because?......Usually we grow old together...but last time...there was a war... The blood all rushed to Sakura’s head. I died even before I met her...

Abruptly, Sakura caught a glimpse of herself in the large wall mirror behind Haruppi. She couldn’t even recognize herself. Slight twisted horns protruded from her scalp, slitted pupils and blood-red irises shining faintly in the dimly lit room. She looked so...demonic.

Is that really me?

Then her attention was caught by something else - tears welled up in Haruppi’s eyes, the emotions overwhelming her. She couldn’t take it anymore. It looked like she was fighting, physically shaking from the effort, and fighting hard. She looked in pain because she couldn’t move, couldn’t even cry. And that snapped Sakura out of it.

In the blink of an eye, Haruppi collapsed and Sakura caught her in her arms before she fell.

Haruppi leaned against her for support and Sakura held her securely. All of a sudden Haruppi seemed so small, so frail and easy to be broken, and Sakura felt that she would do anything to protect her. Anything at all. She would even...die for her.

Sakura’s head was pounding, like a thousand drums beating next to her ear. Everything started going in and out of focus. Images flashed like a montage. The room was spinning. Her senses were overloaded, a touch here, a hushed whisper there. Darkness, then not.

I-I would’ve died for her......but we were lucky.


Then it went away again. Calm washed over her in waves and Sakura relaxed, feeling like everything would be alright, that it was alright. Because then Haruppi’s arms enveloped her and Sakura felt more safe than she ever had.

“I’m sorry...I’m so sorry Haruppi...”

There were so many things to apologize for that a simple ‘sorry’ definitely wouldn’t cut it. Sakura wanted to apologize for using her powers on Haruppi when she promised that she never would. She wanted to apologize for pushing Haruppi so far. She wanted to apologize for taking so long to remember Haruppi. And most of all, Sakura wanted to apologize for forgetting about Haruppi and the feelings she had for her.

But Sakura was a bit traumatized and couldn’t get anything else out, crying quietly and only repeating, “I’m sorry...”

Haruppi didn’t respond though, not with words, she just kissed Sakura on the head lovingly and rubbed her back in a reassuring manner. They stayed like that for a few moments, wrapped up in each other’s embrace, Sakura still shaking and sniffling, taking time to recover from the shock but she managed another soft whisper.

“I missed you too...Haruppi.”


Sakura awoke slowly, like she was coming out of a nice dream (for once). It was one of those sleeps where you can’t really remember the dream, only the feeling it left behind and she felt more refreshed than ever. But Sakura could just vaguely recall being surrounded by a shower of soft white feathers, and having her lips curved up in a soft smile.

Then she figured out why she slept so well. She was still on the floor of Haruppi’s study, lying on the furry rug which was nice and warm, her reflection in the mirror back to normal. But best of all, lying next to her (and somewhat under her) was Haruppi. Her face was so angelic and different as she slept that Sakura couldn’t help but stare for a while.

Haruppi was always so...guarded (at least recently). But when she slept, it was like she was open, relaxed, free.

Then Haruppi started stirring but Sakura didn’t notice until she found a pair of hazel eyes meeting her own.



“...I’m glad this rug is here.”

It started as soft giggling until Haruppi couldn’t hold it in anymore and full on laughed, which was music to Sakura’s ears as she hadn’t heard it in forever.

“Hahahaha! Hahaha~...Is that really the first thing you have to say?” Haruppi giggled.

This time there were tears in Haruppi’s eyes from laughing too hard and Sakura thought that she liked those tears a lot better.

“Sorry~” She apologized with a sheepish smile. “I just...couldn’t think of what to say.”

“Hehe it’s okay.” Haruppi smiled then – a real one this time.

And Sakura knew - she was forgiven.

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 9: The Story
« Reply #38 on: June 03, 2016, 05:02:50 AM »
this chapter was so perfect...

Offline Yuki88

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 9: The Story
« Reply #39 on: June 03, 2016, 06:32:55 PM »
What a plot twist lol. So it was the demon, Sakura, who sacrificed herself for the angel, Haruka, in the past. Is that why Haruka was the one who remembers the past clearly?
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