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Author Topic: anakpanti's OS Collection - Last fic: Regret (SaeYuki - COMPLETED)  (Read 159232 times)

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] MaYuki - Follows The Snow #6
« Reply #80 on: December 22, 2013, 10:51:45 AM »
Whoaaaa, Mayuyu is so cold towards Yuki  :doh: :shocked: I smell YukiRena and JuriMayu alsoo, i really like how Mayu made Yuki jealous towards Jurina  :twisted: yeah good job Mayu (wat am i talking about)
but in the end they both live happily, that's acceptable  XD btw the smut scene is so hot whaaa, Mayu is the aggressive one :thumbsup :wth
cant wait for your next OS!   :yossi:

Offline chiqinna

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] MaYuki - Follows The Snow #6
« Reply #81 on: December 22, 2013, 11:10:19 AM »
Hi Putri~  :hee:

It short but i like the end they ended up together..  :heart:

I think I'm starting to love JuriMayu more after i read this..  :wub:

I always love BuraGeki~   :twothumbs and Rena's character is hahahahaha  :lol: somehow its remind me of someone's story here in this thread..of BuraGeki.. I forgot..  :doh:

So sweet~  :luvluv1:

Oh...Mayu is so turns out she is very shy~  :on lol: so cute~  :shy1:
and tsundere Juju~  :lol:

Great story as always..  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs
I want to request more Mayuki  :thumbsup hahahah

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] MaYuki - Follows The Snow #6
« Reply #82 on: December 22, 2013, 04:48:04 PM »
They so sweet omg

Please update soon

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] FuruYanagi - White Canvas #7
« Reply #83 on: January 05, 2014, 12:09:19 AM »
This is my first FuruYanagi fanfic, requested by airinnoasobi

This is a bit long because the story started since they still did not knowing each other.

I hope you guys enjoy it. :)


#7 FuruYanagi - White Canvas

"Airin, please wait here. Okay? I'm going to buy a cold drink for us."

"Ice Chocolate for me. Thank you."

Her friend simply nodded and then he walked towards a convenience store nearby.

Ahhh... today is amazingly hot! I hate summer. Airin used her hand to protect her face from the sun that so oppressive. It was the end of August, so the weather was quite hot.

She looked around, she was looking for a place to sit. She felt so lucky when her eyes captured an empty bench. She walked towards the bench and then she sat on it. Thankfully that there was a huge tree behind the bench so she was protected by the shade from the tree.

She took out her phone, playing a game to kill some time while waiting her friend. Not long after that, there was a girl who walking in front of her and sat on the bench next to her.... Airin stopped playing. Usually people will bring their dogs to play on the park, but she- Airin chuckled for a moment, after that she took out a notebook and a pencil from her bag. Unique and strange. She chuckled.


"I'm so tired!" Airin threw her body onto the bed. I wanna sleep. She was about to close her eyes, but then she heard her phone was ringing. Aiisshh!!! She woke up lazily from her bed and then she took her smartphone from her bag. She read the mail.

'Your exhibition will be held in 2 days, are all of your paintings already finished? I will go to your gallery tomorrow.'

'Okay' Airin simply sent it to the sender and then she put her phone on the table near her bed. It was a mail from Yamada, the man who walked with her and bought a drink for her this afternoon.

Speaking of this afternoon, Airin suddenly remembered something. She took her phone again, she was looking for an image in it. She stared at a photo then... she smiled.

'Yamada-tan, there is one unfinished painting. But don't worry.. I will finish it tomorrow.'

Right after she sent a mail for Yamada, she connected her phone to the computer and then she printed the photo. She walked outside her bedroom and brought the paper along with her. She entered another room and then she switched on the light.

She could see the canvases lying on the floor, the paint brushes and other coloring tools placed on the table, 2 paint boards near the wall, some papers laid on the floor, and her's other painting tools in that room. Yes, that room is her 'working place'.

Wow, it looks so messy. I forgot to tidy up them this morning. She scratched her head. She stepped slowly so she wouldn't stepping on her stuff.

She grabbed a big white canvas and placed it on her painting board, she put a paper that printed before on the table nearby so she could see it easily. Okay, let's work hard tonight. She tied her long hair and then start drawing with a smile across her beautiful face.

Airin seemed didn't care about the clock that already showed '9 PM' to her, she kept drawing. She even couldn't understand it by herself about why she really want to paint it in the limited time like that. Only 2 days left for her exhibition day, yet she have to finish it tomorrow even though there are still lot of things that need to be prepared.

=================== Exhibition Day ===================

"Churi!! Let's buy the ice creams!!! I almost died here. It's too hot!"

Churi rolled her eyes. "You sat in front of my electric fan for a whole day, yet you still feels hot?!"

Rena shrugged. "Yeah." She grabbed Churi's hand and pulled her outside.

"B-but... my shop!!" Churi tried to resist her best friend.

"Don't worry, my girlfriend will take care of your animal shop for a while." She winked at her girlfriend.

Jurina chuckled. "No problem. Buy for me too, okay? OR!!... I will eat one of your birds."

"NO!!" Churi yelled at Jurina. "O-okay.. I will buy it for you." She stepped out from her shop after Jurina gave her an evil smirk. Urgh!

Churi followed Rena from behind. Yeah, it's quite hot today. She wiped her sweat on her forehead. They were heading to the convenience store that not too far from her shop. Thankfully.. the store was not too crowded, so they they didn't need to queue before paying their ice creams.

"Hey-hey, Churi. Look at that! Why is it so crowded in there?" Rena nudged Churi's arm right after they went out from the store.

"Hm?" Churi turned her head to the left, she saw many people went in and out from one of the buildings there. "I don't know, let's just go-" It was too late, Rena already walked towards that building. "... home." She sighed and then she followed Rena. Tsk.

"Sorry, what happened here?" Rena asked the security guard who stood in front of the building. She seemed really curious.

"Nothing bad happened, miss." He chuckled. "There is an Art Exhibition inside. You can go in if you want, it's free."

"Really?!" Rena was about to step in to the building.

This is bad. Churi could see Rena's eyes sparkling. "Rena, let's just go back. Our ice creams will be melting soon!!" She tried to remind Rena about the ice cream, but actually it wasn't the main reason. She has not bathed, how can I go to the Art Exhibition with animal scent in my body??!! So embarassing.

"Ah, you're right.." Rena pouted. "Jurina will be mad at me if she don't get her ice cream soon." She sighed.

"Yes! And maybe she will kill my bird too." Finally, Churi could convince Rena to go home.

*Some hours later*

Rena and Jurina already went back to their home since an hour ago, so her shop seemed quiet enough.

Churi looked at the clock. 7 PM. Yeay! It's time to close the shop and go home.. I'm so tired. She decided to take a shower first before she go home. In 20 minutes, she already ready to go home. She grabbed her bag, then she make sure that all of her birds were okay, afterwards she closed the shop, and then she walked away.

In the midway, she remembered that she was running out of shampoo and soap... she turned back and then walked to the convenience store nearby her animal shop. She was about to enter the store, but when she turned her head to the left.. she saw some people went out from the building near the store. Hm? The exhibition is still opened?!

She walked away from the store and went towards the building. "Sorry, is the exhibition still opened?"

"Ah! You're the girl from this afternoon, right?" The security guard seemed remember her."Yes, it still opened until an hour later." He smile.

"Thank you, sir." Churi bowed at him and then she entered the building after the guard gave her the flyer. Furukawa Airi. She read the name that writen on the flyer and then she saw the dates too. Oh! The exhibition was held since 3 days ago.

Right after she entered the exhibition room, she couldn't blink. She saw many beautiful and amazing paintings hanging on the wall. Wooww... Is this what called as art??!!! So cool.

It was the first time she entered the art exhibition in her life, because she never knew that art would be that awesome. It seemed Rena already succeeded to influence me, now I can understand why she always crazy in love with these things. She chuckled.

She walked around as she excited to see all paintings in there and took some photos. Thankfully.. there were not too many people inside because it was already nearly closed, so she could see the paintings comfortably. I can't believe that all of these amazing paintings were only painted by one person! Genius!!

Finally, she reached the last painting.. it was hanged in the center of the room. But... the last painting made her heart hammering inside her chest. She has seen it before. I...I-It's me.... H-how??!!


"Excuse me, onee-chan."

Churi felt a pair of little hands grabbed her skirt, the owner of the hands was a cute kid. Churi smiled, "yes? Can I help you, kiddo?"

"Th-this..." The kid gave her a piece paper.

Churi took it from the kid, she saw it. She was totally surprised, it was the sketch of herself. Someone just draw it using the pencil, it was simple.. black and white. But it was still beautiful in her eyes. "Dd-did you draw this?"

The kid shook her head. "A beautiful onee-chan asked me to give it to you." The kid grinned. "She gave me an ice cream too!!" She showed a plastic in her hand to Churi.

"Where's that onee-chan now??"

The kid pointed at a bench next to her. "She was there! She was there!" The kid seemed surprised because the onee-chan already went away.

Churi saw a black car just went away from the park. Maybe it's her car. She sighed, she really want to know who was it. "Thank you, kiddo." She ruffled the kid's hair. After that, the kid ran away to her mother.


Churi opened her bag and then she took the notes paper from inside her bag. She saw the paper once again... it was her sketch, she sat on the park bench with Pino on her right shoulder, the parrot that she raised by herself.

She turned her head to the last painting that hanged in front of her. It was the same painting, but it was much-much-much bigger.. compared to the sketch in her hand. It was more beautiful because the painter coloring it. It's looks so me!! 'Me' in this painting even looks more beautiful than myself in the real world. Rena must see this!! She will extremely jealous at me. She grinned.

"The Unnamed Girl", Churi read the name of the painting.

"Do you like it? You keep staring it since 10 minutes ago."

Churi gasped because she heard an unfamiliar voice, she turned back. "Y-yeah.. I like it. N-no... I love it!"

The stranger chuckled.

Churi frowned. "I'm sorry but... are you the visitor too?" She looked at the girl who stood in front of her. I didn't know her.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I'm being so rude to not introduce myself first." The stranger put out her hand for a handshake. "My name is Fu-"

"Airin!" The man's voice interrupt the stranger. "Please come here, someone want to buy your painting and he want to get your signature too!!"

Airin turned her head. "Okay. I'm coming, Yamada-tan!!"

Churi stunned. Sh-she is.....

Airin smiled at Churi. "Wait a minute, okay?" Airin walked away, but she turned back again. "Well... you can't just standing here. Sorry for being rude again. If you don't mind, please wait me in the lobby."

Churi couldn't find her voice, she was too shock. She shocked because..  first, she finally meet the one who made her sketch.. second, the one who sketching her is a gorgeous woman!! All thing that Churi could do was nodded because Airin seemed waiting for her answer.

"Nice." Airin smiled once again before she walked towards the man who called her before.

Churi watched Airin's back. Am I in heaven now? After Airin lost from her sight, she took out her phone. She took a selca with the painting. She smirked as she sent it to Rena's email. She walked to the lobby and then she sat on a chair while waiting Airin.

Churi looked at her watch, she almost bored because... it was already 15 minutes passed, yet Airin was yet to come. She sighed.

"I'm sorry, miss." The security guard talked to her. "The exhibition is over and the building will be closed soon."

Ahh... maybe she forgot that I'm waiting her. Churi stood up. "Ah, I'm sorry. I'm about to go." She walked out from the building and went to the convenience store to buy the shampoo and the soap.

"Hey!! Hey!!!"

Churi turned back, she saw Airin ran towards her.

Airin stopped beside Churi. "I'm so sorry to make you wait. I didn't expect that some people will buy my paintings, they keep want to talk with me." She looked tired. "I don't know your name so I just called you as 'hey'. I called you many times but you didn't notice it... "

"It's okay." Churi smiled at Airin to wipe her guilt away. "I'm Takayanagi Akane. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Furukawa Airi. Nice to meet you too."

The moment they shake hands, Churi felt a kind of electricity came from her hand and then spread throughout her body.. her heart received 'the electric' well because her heartbeat started to move crazily again, just like when she saw the last painting.

"Do you want to go home together? I will drive you home.. it's already too dark."

Churi shook her head. She really want to receive Airin's offer, but it was kinda weird to go home together with someone who had just met with her in about an half hour ago. "No, thank you. I will go home by myself and I have to buy something first."

Airin frowned. "Are you afraid of me? I'm not a bad girl, I won't give you any harm."

Churi gasped. "N-No... It's not what I mean. I just... didn't want to bother you, we just... meet." She shrugged.

"Umm.. do you mean... we're still strangers? Well... it's true that I'm a stranger for you, but for me... you're not completely a stranger. Why? Because I was painted you for the whole 2 days... I knew your face really well, only the name was missing."

Churi blushed, she hope that the dark could cover her red cheeks well enough.. so Airin couldn't see it. "You already knew my name."

"Yeah, I'm really glad to know it." Airin smiled. "Ah! You can go to the store, and I will take my car. I'll drive you home and I won't accept 'no' from you." She said it before Churi could refuse her again.

Airin walked away to get her car even before Churi answered it. She couldn't refuse Airin anymore because Airin was (too) persistent to drive her home. So Churi just entered the store and bought anything she needs. When she walked out from the store, she saw Airin already waited her in her black car.

"Come on, Takayanagi-san."

Churi just helplessly nodded. "Okay."

======================== **** =======================

Day by day passed without Churi realized it. It's been 3 weeks since she met Airin for the very first time at the Art Exhibition and they always texting each other every day. Churi laughed almost every time she read Airin's mail. She is a funny girl, I never expect it before.

To: Furukawa-san

At that time, when you did my sketch in the park..
why didn't you give it to me by yourself? You asked an innocent kid to do your sly trick. ←_←

From: Furukawa-san

Because I was afraid of a strange girl who talked with a bird.
ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ・_・)┘

To: Furukawa-san

So why did you approach me first? You didn't afraid of me anymore?

From: Furukawa-san

Umm... I'm still afraid of you.

But.... I was more afraid if you ask me to pay you because I used you as my model, so I just tried to approach you nicely.
And it works! You didn't ask some money to me!

To: Furukawa-san

( ̄ε(# ̄)☆((O==( ̄▽ ̄)o

From: Furukawa-san

Ouch.. that was hurt!! m(_ _)m

(シ_ _)シ Gomen ne.

It was a joke, Takayanagi-san.
I was approached you because somehow.... I already felt close to you.
There's a weird connection between the painters and their paintings.

And when I painted you..... I realized that you're so beautiful and it made me wanted to meet you again.


Churi's cheeks redden. She read the last mail twice to make sure that it wasn't a mistake. I... I'm beautiful?! She's beautiful, I'm not.

"Oi, Churi!!"

Churi gasped because Jurina suddenly patted her shoulder from behind. "What?"

"Are you sick or something? Lately.. you often blushing and laughing without any solid reason." Jurina put her hand on Churi's forehead to check her body temperature. "You don't have fever."

Rena laughed. "Jurina.. don't tease her. You were like that too when you met me back then... even until now."

"W-Wait... no! I'm not." Churi shook her head.

Jurina smirked. "Tell us... who it is. Is it a boy or a girl?"

"I don't understand what do you guys mean." Churi made herself busy with her birds so she could avoid those strange stare from her best friends. I'm not falling in love, right? I mean... I just meet her!! Silly. Of course I'm not.. I even barely know her. The only thing I know about her are she's a painter and she's flawless.

"You are definitely falling in love, Churi!!" Rena laughed. "I'm sure that she/he makes your heartbeat uncontrolled and makes your body shivering because of 'the unseen electric'."


======================== **** =======================

Airin got out from her car, she was holding her phone. She called someone.

"Where are you?"

"I'm still working, why?"

Airin looked at her watch. 6 PM. "Ah, you're still in your shop."


"What time does your shop will be closed?"

"Actually.. it's up to me since this is my own shop, but usually I go home at 7 PM."

Airin heard that someone was calling Churi, she guessed that he's Churi's customer because she heard that he asked the price of a puppy to Churi. Airin didn't talk until Churi finished her negotiation with the buyer.

"Hi, sorry."

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Am I bothering you now?" Airin talked to Churi through the phone while she walking towards something.

"No, of course not." Airin heard Churi's chuckle.

"So.. can I drive you home again?" Airin heard that Churi want to say 'no', as always. Every time she offered some help, Churi will always refuse her. Airin stopped in front of a door, she open it. "I don't accept 'no' from you."

Churi flinched a bit. "Furukawa-san?!" She was surprised because Airin suddenly show up in front of her. She almost dropped her phone.

Airin grinned. "Yes, it's me. Why? You said that I'm not bothering you."

"Y-yes.... b-but... I didn't expect that you will come here all of a sudden. You don't have to-"

Airin sat on a chair. "I've told you that I won't accept 'no'. I will wait here until your job finished. An hour more, right?" She grinned.

Churi sighed but then she nodded. She want to talk with Airin, but there was another customer that came into her shop. The other customers kept entering her shop. Usually... she would say thanks to God because there were a lot of customers, but now... she pouted. She wanted to close her shop, but she couldn't. It even there was a man who bought a snake, the transaction would take a longer time when it comes to a big animal like that.

Finally, she could take a deep breath at 7.30 PM. There was no customer left. She approached Airin. "I'm sorry."

Airin giggled. "You don't have to say sorry. You got a lot of customers tonight, you should be happy." She ruffled Churi's hair.

Churi frozen, she couldn't move when Airin touched her head. It was the first time Airin did it to her and 'the unseen electric' became stronger. It caused a big impact to her heartbeat. "Y-yeahh..."

"Good." Airin grinned. "Now, let's have dinner before we go home. I'm hungry and I'm sure that you too." She touched her growling stomach.

Churi chuckled after she heard the sound. "Okay. But wait a while, okay? I have to feed my birds."


"Yup. You said that you have a weird connection with your paintings... and I guess I have it too with my birds." Churi grinned. "I love birds. I REALLY love them."

Airin shocked because Churi showed her a kind of enthusiasm that she never seen before. "I see..." She chuckled. "Can I feed them too?"

"Of course!" Churi grabbed Airin's hand and pulled her into another room.

Airin looked at her hand and.... Churi's hand. I feel it again... my heart beating extremely fast, just like the racing car. I feel like this too when I was sketching her back then... I feel it again when I painted her.

"My friend always called me Churi."

Churi's words made Airin woke up from her deep thought. "Churi?? Bird??"


Airin saw Churi feeding her birds, there were 5 parrots in the big cage. Airin could see that Churi take care of them really well because the birds looked healthy enough. "Takayanagi-san...."


"Can I called you Churi too?" Airin saw Churi's blushed cheeks clearly. Airin smiled. "You can call me Airin from now on. I guess... we already close enough to become a friend."

Yes, they met in the end of August and it was already in the second week of October. Airin was sure that it was already good enough to make a little move.

"Sure. Why not, Airin." Churi gave Airin a warm smile.

"Thank you, Churi." Airin smiled and then she asked Churi to give her an opportunity to feed the birds.

======================== **** =======================


It was like a blink of eye for Airin. It was just 2 weeks before her 7th Art Exhibition. She was so excited and tired in the same time. She has to paint some new paintings and it really took most of her time. It made her barely meet and talk with Churi, she spent her whole weeks in the house... to paint.

The worst part was... her Art Exhibition is in the same day with Churi's birthday, November 29th. She want to paint something for Churi's birthday gift as well.

Suddenly, her phone rang. Airin smiled as she saw who's the caller. "Moshi moshi."

"Hi, Airin. How are you?"

"You ask how am I? It's funny." Airin chuckled.

"What's so funny about it?"

Airin could feel Churi was irritated. "I'm sorry, but it sounds like we didn't meet for a long time."

"3 days without any single message! It's long enough, I guess. Usually.. we always texting each other every single day and we even meet almost every day."

Airin smiled even though she heard Churi mad at her. "Umm... Are.. probably... you missed me?" She wanted to tease Churi. It works! She heard Churi coughed.

"Me? Missed you?? Pfft.. Of course not. I just want to know what happen to you because I don't see you for a whole week."

If Airin was there, she was sure that she could see Churi's blushed face clearly. "Nothing bad happened, Churi." She just remembered that she did not tell Churi about her exhibition. "Well... it's okay if you don't missed me. But I really missed you!! Do you want to come to my house? It's not too far from your shop."

"Y-you mi-miss me?!"

Somehow.. Airin likes to make Churi nervous. "Yeah... I missed you sooooo much! So, please come. I will send my address to you." She pleaded.

"W-well... o-okay."


*An Hour Later*

The bell rang, Airin quickly ran towards the door. "Ohayou!" She grinned as she saw Churi in front of the door. "Come in."

"Hi." Churi smiled. "Wow. Your house is quite big." She said it while she entered the house.

Airin scratched her head. "Yeah... it makes me feel so lonely sometime." She closed the door. "You don't bring your birds." She giggled.

"Don't tease me." Churi slapped Airin's arm. "What are you doing now?"

"Paint." Airin shrugged. "Do you want to accompany me?"

Churi looked so excited because she never saw Airin paint something. She nodded.

"Come on then." Airin grabbed Churi's wrist and then she entwined her fingers to Churi's.

*Thump!* It was surely made Churi's heart reacted again. She followed Airin, they entered a big room. Churi immediately noticed that it was Airin's working place because many canvases and paint tools were in there. She saw the new paintings hanged on the wall.

"I never let anyone enter this room because all paintings here are not published yet. But since it's you... it's okay."

Churi felt so special when Airin said something like that. Airin often said something that made her feels special.. like.. 'I never drive someone home before' and like... 'It is the first time I keep texting someone in every single hour without get bored' and more. It made her flattered.

Churi walked around to see the paintings one by one. "Airin.. All of these are really beautiful."

Airin saw Churi who walked towards every paintings. She carefully watched Churi's back... she really want to hug Churi, but she tried to hold it. "Thanks." Then... she saw Churi stopped at 'The Unnamed Girl'.

Churi never get bored to see her painting, the painting that made her and Airin knew each other. That painting was so memorable to her and then.. she realized something. "Why is it here? You said that all of the paintings here are not published yet. But this..." She frowned.

Airin walked towards the painting and stood behind Churi. "Because I want to see it every day. It was the first painting that I really wanted to finish as soon as I could. I started to paint it in the same day I gave the sketch to you."

*Thump!* Again.... She made Churi feels so special. "I'm flattered to hear that."

"Do you want to have it?" Airin asked it softly.

That kind of voice made Churi's body shivered, but she tried to ignore it. "It's definitely expensive. I can not afford it."

"Baka!" Airin smacked Churi's head. "I don't say you have to paid it." She walked towards her paint board to continue her current work. "Bring it along with you when you get out from my house later. I don't accept your 'no'."

"A-Airin... I can't recei-"

"Ssshh!" Airin put her index finger onto her own lips. "I don't like any voice interrupt me when I'm working."

Tsk. Churi never succeed in refusing Airin. She sighed and then she sat on a chair... she was watching Airin. It's the first time I see her painting something. Her serious expression makes her looks so cool. It is my first to see her serious face as well, she always showing her playful side in front of me.

Churi didn't let go of her eyes from Airin. Every moves that Airin did, made her heartbeat amazingly increased. I... I.. Maybe Rena is right... I love Airin. She smiled.

"Don't look at me with those scary eyes and that creepy smile. I can't work if you keep staring at me like that." Airin said it without looked at Churi.

Churi quickly looked away. She didn't realize that Airin could notice her. "I- I think I'll just go home now. I come here to see you're okay or not.. and you seems okay." She stood up. She couldn't hold it anymore, she thought that she will die soon if she couldn't control heartbeat well. It always happened when Airin around her.

Airin put the paint brush on the table. "Don't."

"Eh?" Churi was surprised.

"Please don't go home now." Airin looked straight to Churi's eyes. "I still miss you."

"Don't tease me." Churi laughed, but then she realized that her fake laugh sounded weird.

"I'm not teasing you. Just... I have an Art Exhibition in 2 weeks, so I keep busy to prepare many things. I even won't have time to go to meet you again later. Please stay longer here.." Airin didn't want Churi went home that soon.

"O-okay.." She sat back on the chair. Somehow... she felt that Airin had a same feeling with her. They just have to wait until the right time.. wait until they were absolutely sure about it... wait until they were sure that they wouldn't make a wrong decision.

============ Churi's Birthday - Exhibition Day ============

OMG! I'm late for about 15 minutes!! Churi grabbed the flyer quickly, after that she entered the building. She was looking around.. looking for Airin. This place is very crowded. Since she couldn't find Airin, she decided to send a message: 'I'm already here. Where are you?'

Not long after she sent the message, she saw Airin stood in front of everyone. She gave a short speech and then she announced that the exhibition opened.

She's really waiting for me. Churi sighed as she remembered their conversation on the phone 3 hours ago.


"Airin.. I'm so sorry. I can't attend your event today. I already told you about this before, right?" Churi sounded very apologetic.

"No! You have to come. I don't accept any excuse from you!! It's one of my big days, Churi."

"I want to celebrate my birthday with Rena and Jurina, we always celebrate our birthday together... it's like our ritual."

"You can go with them in the afternoon until night. I just want you to come in the morning... I want to say something important to you."


"No 'but'. I won't start the exhibition without you!" Airin hung up the phone before Churi could start the argue again.


Honestly.. there was no point she came there since she already looked all the paintings some days before in Airin's house.

"You manage to come."

Churi turned back to see the owner of the sweet voice, Airin. "Hi. I'm sorry for coming late."

Airin smiled. "It's okay, as long as you come."

"So... what do you want to say?" Churi couldn't understand what was in Airin's thought. If Airin want to say something, she could simply tell her by phone or wait until tomorrow..

"Happy birthday!!" Airin grinned and then she gave Churi a hug.

*Thump!* As always... Churi had a problem with her heartbeat when Airin was around her. "T-thank you...." She tried to control herself. She waited Airin to say something, but nothing came out from Airin's lips. "That's it?!"

"Yeah. What else?" Airin chuckled.

Churi was happy because Airin congratulate her, but.... "So.. I come here in a rush just because of THAT?! Urgh! Rena and Jurina will kill me for sure."

Airin saw Churi glared at her with a deathly look. "N-no... of course not." She ended her joke quickly before Churi punched her face. "I have something else too." After she said it, Churi's expression became a bit calmer. "Come with me."

Churi felt her wrist was grabbed by Airin, Airin pulled her out from the crowd.

They stopped in front of a door. "I have a birthday present for you. I really hope that by that... you will realize how important you for me."

All Churi could do was nodded. I... I'm important for her?!

When Airin was about to open the door, she heard her father called her using the microphone. She stopped. "Airin, come to the stage honey.. I want to say something in front of everyone here."

Airin sighed. She patted Churi's head. "I have to go, it's my father."

"Okay, I will wait." Churi tried hard to hide her curiosity about her first birthday present from Airin. She followed Airin went back to the lobby where the stage was built. She saw Airin went up to the stage.

Airin felt her father hugged her and then she saw Yamada-tan went up to the stage as well. And... honestly... Airin had a bad feeling about that. She glanced at Churi, through Churi's gaze.. she could tell that Churi had a same anxiety with her.

Yamada-tan stood beside Airin, both of them changed the smiles.

"Hi, everyone. I have a happy announcement here." Airin's father talked in front of the microphone. "I know that both of you, Yamada and my beautiful daughter.. Airin, have been dating since they were still in high school."

What??!! Churi's eyes grew wide with shock. Th-they.... Somehow, Churi knew what Airin's father want to say next.

"It's been a long time you become a couple, so I think it's time to take a big step. Why do not you two just get married? Both of your parents already agreed with this."

Churi heard everyone in that building cheering and clapping their hands.... except herself. She stunned. She felt that her tears was about to fall, she gave Airin a weak smile and then she turned around. She walked towards the exit door.

Airin facepalmed as she saw Churi left the lobby. This is the hell... damn!

======================== **** =======================

It's been 2 days since her birthday, yet Churi didn't receive a call or a message from Airin. That was my worst birthday ever! She sighed as she realized that the real world was not as beautiful as in the movie or in the fairytale where the prince will catch up the princess if a misunderstanding happened between them.

Churi kept convincing herself that it was only a misunderstood thing. She could clearly see through Airin's eyes that Airin love her, they just didn't say it.... yet.

The only thing that made Churi pissed was.. Why Airin didn't tell me that she already had a boyfriend?!

Other than that, Churi probably could understand Airin position. In her mind, Airin was same with her, they were not sure yet about their feelings... Airin couldn't break up with her boyfriend only for a girl who had just met her for 3 months.

Since the 3rd day, there was no tears dropped from Churi's eyes. She even didn't know why but... she was sure that sooner or later Airin will come to give an explanation.

Finally... after a week, Airin show up in front of Churi's door. Churi didn't say anything, she just let Airin to enter her small house. Both of them were sat facing each other in silence for some minutes.. avoiding each other eyes. They didn't know how to start the conversation.

"So... what date?" Churi decided to start, she realized that Airin wouldn't talk before she start it.

"Hm?" Airin frowned.

"Your wedding date.." Churi smiled. "I will come, don't worry. You don't have to force me like the last time." She giggled.

Airin looked at Churi in a disbelief way. "You didn't angry at me?"

Churi shrugged. "We are nothing more than friends. Why I have to angry at you because of that? I even planned to congratulate you."

"Churi.... please don't say something like that. We both know really well about our feelings even without we saying it, this is only a little obstacle for us. We're not a kid anymore, I think we didn't need to fight because of something like this... useless."

"What feeling?"

Airin clenched her fist. "Churi, if you keep acting like that.. I will really get out of here. I already got a huge problem, I can't stay with you if you just want to make my burden become heavier."

Churi flinched. Suddenly, she realized that her lips saying something that totally different with her heart. Some days before, she could understand Airin position.. but now, after Airin show up in front of her.. why she became really angry and blind? "I'm sorry." She closed her face with her palms. She was crying.

Airin stood and then she approached Churi. She knelt in front of Churi, and then she hugged Churi. Airin rubbed Churi's back to make Churi calmer. "I'm the one who should say sorry to you. I'm sorry." She put her chin on Churi's shoulder. "I was too hesitant in making decisions, I put myself in a pinch. It's my fault. I even didn't tell the truth to you."

"Why??" Churi looked at Airin with her teary eyes.

Airin wiped the tears away from Churi's cheeks. "I was in love with him. But it changes after... I saw you for the first time in the park, I found an unique girl who talking with a bird." They let out their soft chuckles. "At that time.. when I was sketching you, I didn't feel anything.. but when I started to paint you..... something had changed. My love for him slowly decreased."

"Pfftt... Airin, you really have a weird connection with your paintings." Finally... Churi could find her smile but her tears still rolled down on her cheeks.

Airin cupped Churi's cheek. "No, it was not the connection with the painting... it was my weird connection with you." Airin shed her tears as well. "When I met you again at my Exhibition, again... my love for him amazingly decreased without I knew why."

"Don't tease me. You makes me flattered too much."

"I'm not teasing you, baka." Airin smiled while caressing Churi's cheek. "And on the next day after that, my love for him was totally gone when we started texting each other."

"Then why you didn't tell about these to him and to me?" It was the biggest question for Churi.

"It's my fault. I was afraid that you will leave me if I told you about him, because I had been getting too comfortable with you. I was afraid to tell it to him because I was not sure yet about us... All of these things were happened too fast, I even didn't have any time to think."

"Everyone always say that love is a complicated thing. I didn't know what it means until I met you." Churi smiled bitterly.

Airin gave a soft kiss to Churi's cheek. "Please wait me, okay? I promise that I will settle these things.. I will come back to you again as fast as I could."

Churi hates waiting, but it seemed she didn't have other choice. She nodded helplessly. "But please don't take it too long."

Airin smiled. "Sure. This whole week I tried to convince them that I'm not in love with Yamada-tan anymore. I wish him and our families could understand it soon. We have been dating for 8 years, it's so hard for him and our families to break our relationship." She grabbed Churi's hand, she kissed it and then she put it on her cheek. "Don't worry.. everything will be fine."

"I trust you." She smiled for a moment, but then she pouted. "Where's my birthday present?"

Airin chuckled. "I'm sorry... but I think it needs some modification. I will give it to you later." She stuck out her tongue.

Churi smacked Airin's head. She surely know how to tease me.

======================== **** =======================


It's been over 2 months since she met Airin. She couldn't call or send a message to Airin because her phone number was not active. She guessed that Airin's parents took the phone from her.

She passed the Christmas and New Year holidays alone because Jurina and Rena had their own date. Churi sighed. I'm alone... again. She even spent the Valentine's day alone.

Churi stared at 2 paintings that hanged on her living room. The first painting was 'The Unnamed Girl'.. The second painting was........... It's just a white canvas! Blank! Churi scratched her head.

'The white canvas' was her LATE birthday present, Airin sent it to her last month by post. "What kind of MODIFICATION?! It's totally blank." Churi grumbled by herself. She remembered again the notes that was sent with the painting:

We can find love everywhere, even in our darkest time.

Churi rolled her eyes. Did she want to play some philosophy games with me?

She startled as she heard the bell rang all of a sudden. She stood up and then she lazily opened the door. Her eyes widened and she closed her mouth with her hand as she saw who it was. "Airin?!"

"How are you, Churi?" Airin gave a warm smile to Churi even though it was a freezing day.

That was a smile and a voice that Churi longed the most. Churi didn't think twice, she jumped onto Airin.. she hugged Airin tightly... she cried... she sobbed. "Wh-why... are you.. so... long??" She cried out loud while she saying it.

Airin wrapped her arms around Churi's body. "I'm sorry... They are so hard to understand me. They are not like you, only you who can understand me well." She rubbed Churi's back. "Calm down, please. I'm here... I'm here... I won't go anywhere again, Churi."

After some minutes, Churi could calm down. She remembered that they were still standing outside. She let go of her arms. "Come in." She sniffed.

Airin nodded. She went in after she wiped Churi's tears away. She really missed that house because she was often drove Churi home. "Are you okay all of these time?" She asked Churi without letting go her hand from Churi's waist.

Churi pulled Airin's hand, they sat together on the couch. "Of course I'm not okay!!" She looked away to hide her blushed face. "H-how can I'm okay without you?!"

Airin chuckled. "Really? I'm afraid that you already found someone else." She let go of her hand from Churi's waist and went to Churi's hair... she stroke her hair gently. "I missed you so much."

Churi rested her head on Airin's shoulder. "I missed you too." She grabbed Airin's other hand and held it. She want to give a little warm to that cold hand.

They sat in silence for some minutes.. sometimes, silence could be the best way to convey the feelings.

Airin noticed that the white canvas hanged on the wall. "Hey, are you already saw your present? Tell me what did you see."

"I see nothing!" Churi replied it sarcastically. "Tell me what is it means." She was playing with Airin's fingers.

"Ahh, I see... you didn't find it."

"Find about what?" Churi lifted her head and looked at Airin. She was really curious about the meaning behind that white canvas. For a few seconds later, she saw Airin's smirk. Churi sighed. Here we go again... she want to tease me.

"I don't want to say it to you, but I can show it to you." Airin winked.

"Then show it to me!!" Churi was getting impatient.

Airin's lips approached Churi's ear. "I can't show it to you if we are not in love." She whispered it.

Churi gasped when she heard THAT kind of voice again... the voice that made her body shivering. She looked away because she received THAT kind of gaze. "I.. Umm.. I.." Her hands was rubbing with each other.

Airin put her hand on Churi's chin, she made Churi looked at her. She approached Churi's face until their noses touched. "Do you love me, Takayanagi Akane?" She asked it softly.

Love..... Churi was waiting that word will come out from Airin's lips. She was sure that Airin was waiting for her to say it as well. They never say it to each other before, it was still hidden in their heart. They were always afraid and not sure to say that magic word.

Churi stared at those tempting eyes. "I love you, Furukawa Airi. Do you love me back?" Airin smiled at her and she swear that it was the best smile in the world.

"I Love you too, Akane." Airin captured Churi's lips. She gave a deep kiss to those reddish lips.

It was the first time they tasted each other lips after a long time. The sensation will never forgotten, the memory would kept staying in their minds forever.

The kiss grew more passionate as Airin's tongue touched Churi's lips.. begging for entry. Churi smiled and then she granted Airin's wish, she gave a full access for Airin's tongue to lick every part of her mouth. Their tongue tangled to each other.

They stopped for a while to take some oxygen and then their lips glued to each other again. Churi put her hands around Airin's neck as Airin hands grabbed Churi's waist and pulled it closer to her body.

"It's my first time to kiss a girl and I think it's not bad. I love it." Airin whispered it against Churi's lips.

Churi smirked. It's time to take my revenge, "Sorry if I'm disappoint you, but this is not my first time." It was Churi turn to tease Airin.

Airin pulled back her kiss. "What??!! Who was your first??!" She seemed so jealous.

Churi chuckled. "Tell me first about my LATE birthday present. We already admitted that we love each other."

Airin approached Churi's neck. "It's not enough." She kissed the milky neck and it caused Churi let out a soft moan. "Show me your love more."

Churi grabbed Airin's hair gently and then she pulled Airin's head away from her neck. "I won't give what you want if you don't tell me NOW." She glared at Airin.

Airin stood up, "okay-okay. You don't have to angry at at me." She walked away.

"Where are you going?" Churi frowned.

"Look at that white canvas." Airin lifted her hand an then she switched off the lamps as she saw Churi already turned her head to the canvas direction. "You still can find me in the darkness, Churi."

Churi gasped as she saw the canvas.. I-It's glowing in the dark!! I c-can't believe this! She saw the painting carefully.......

"H-how can-"

"I painted it with special dye that can only be seen in the dark." Airin sighed. "You seemed didn't read my notes well." She switched on the lamps again.

"I'm sorry.." She cupped Airin's cheek. "My answer is yes, of course yes."

Airin smiled. "So... are you my girlfriend now?"

"I think... yes." Churi lifted her hand and then she switched off the lights again. She whispered. "Pervert. You made this so I will stare it in the dark with you, right?" She kissed Airin's chin.

"N-no!" Airin blushed and thankfully it was dark so Churi wouldn't be able to see her red cheeks. "I just want to give something unique and special and meaningful!!"

Churi giggled. "I'm kidding. Thank you it's beautiful.. I love it." She kissed Airin's nose. "My first is Jurina... she is my ex."

"WHAT???!!!" Airin couldn't believe it. "I thought she was only your best friend!"

"Shut up and kiss me, my lovely girlfriend." Churi played with Airin's silky hair.

Airin clashed her lips against Churi's again.. but this time it's a wild one.

We meet in Summer.
We falling in love in Autumn.
We finally together in Winter.

======================= THE END ====================

Fiuhhh... *wipe my sweat* finally it come to an end.  :P

So tired.  :lol:

I hope you like it.  XD

Note: The painting is made by Audrey Kawasaki

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] FuruYanagi - White Canvas #7
« Reply #84 on: January 05, 2014, 02:11:41 AM »
Sugoi~~~~~~~ :3
...that artist... and that bird...
>////< !!!!!!! *thumbs up*
I somehow can't convey my feelings about this...

Offline deguchi

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] FuruYanagi - White Canvas #7
« Reply #85 on: January 06, 2014, 01:55:05 AM »
sugoi ne..airin churi finally together at the end XD and that paint are amazing!
just love to read alot of fiction story

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [3 Shots] SaeYuki - Regret (PART 1) #4
« Reply #86 on: January 26, 2014, 05:44:55 PM »
Hi.. :)
It's been almost 2 months since this Prologue, ne?
I'm so sorry about it. :'(

But, I try my best to update this one since hime_kunGfuu keep terrorizing me. LOL. Kidding.



#4 SaeYuki - Regret


A beautiful lady stepped outside from her red car. After she completely stood outside her car, she closed the door and then she started to wear her sunglasses.

She took off her hair ties; her raven hair fell on her back beautifully. She left her car and then she walked inside the campus gracefully.

The scene of the flawless girl entered their campus made many college students stopped their activities for a while just to staring her.

"Who is she?" Sae threw a peanut up to the air and then she caught it with her mouth. She chewed it.

"New chick in this college." A male who sat beside her seemed completely paralyzed as he looked at the girl. "She entered the fashion design class."

Sae calmly drank her carbonated drink. “So, she’s my kouhai.”

"God!! She even can use herself as the model. Both of you can work together, you can use her as your model."

Sae stood up. “I’m not interest. I have my own model.” She left her friend who still sat on the basketball field. She walked through the corridor and then she entered a classroom. As soon as she passed the door, all girls in that room turned head and stared at her, some of them winked at her. Seriously, I need some breaks from this popularity. She thought it by herself while looking for an empty seat in the back row, her favorite spot.

Right after she placed her butt on the chair, a figure entered the classroom. It was the new chick. Mostly of the boys in that room started to whistle. The girl didn’t bother to smile at them; she just sat in the front seat without looked around. She didn’t greet or bowed at anyone.

Sae smirked. A hot girl who has a cold heart… it’s quite rare.

========================== **** ==========================

2 weeks had passed, Sae noticed that she often met the new chick because they seemingly had the same class in most of their courses. So… her name is Kashiwagi Yuki. Sae thought it after the lecturer called Yuki’s name for answering a question. Yuki managed to answer it correctly and… perfectly, actually. She’s smart.

Sae’s thought was interrupted by the lecturer; her name was called as well. The lecturer threw a question to her; the question seemed difficult because the students in the class began to whisper at each other that they didn’t know the answer. She smiled and then she tried to answer it. Bravo! She got it. Well… I didn’t want to mention it but… I have a bright brain too. She leaned her back to the chair while showing her smile that full of contentment.

The corner of Sae’s eyes noticed that Yuki looked at her, but not in a friendly way… not even close to it. I think… she don’t like having a strong rival. She wants to stand on the top by herself, huh? She replied Yuki’s deathly glare with a smile… a mock smile. Sae chuckled when she saw Yuki turned her head to the whiteboard while showing her annoyance. She’s full of hatred. Shall I keep teasing her like that?

After a month, Sae didn’t know why but she found it interesting to observing Yuki when they were in the same class. She tried to guess what kind of person Yuki was. She’s a popular type girl but she seems don’t care about it, just like me. She’s never smile at anyone, not even at the lecturers. She’s absolutely a gloomy girl and her heart is made by the stone. I’m a bit different with her, I’m popular but I keep trying to nice toward people even though I don’t really like it.

One day, Sae met Yuki on the parking lot. They almost arrived in the same time and Yuki’s car parked next to her car. She got out of her car and then she looked at the other girl who had just locked the car door. She let Yuki walked first and it made her could easily observing Yuki’s clothes from behind. She’s fashionable… not surprise she want to be a designer. I wonder how good she is in making ske-

Yuki turned around. “Stop following me like a stalker!”

Sae was taken aback. Am I being too obvious? She shrugged. “I’m not following you, -” she wanted to add ‘bitch’ in the end, but (thankfully) she canceled it “- Kashiwagi-san. We’re in the same class, remember?” She scoffed.

They would be in the same class on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

“I don’t remember.” Yuki replied Sae sarcastically. “I even didn’t know who you are.” She turned her body and then stepped forward again.

Sae walked as well since they had a same class. She laughed behind Yuki’s back. “Well… It surprising me a bit that you act like you didn’t know me at all. I always remember that you glared at me every time I got my spotlight in our classes.”

Yuki suddenly stopped her step and turned back. It made Sae had to take one step back because Sae almost bumped with her. “Listen, STRANGER.” She rolled her eyes. “I don’t have any memory about you, so… you better get out of my way.”

“Listen, STRANGER.” Sae imitated Yuki. “As far as I know, this is a public place. And umm…” She felt her arm was grabbed by a random girl who walked beside her. She kept looking at Yuki while her fingers already entwined with a random girl’s fingers. ”You’re not my type. I have no reason to stalk you, besides that… you have no fun to being stalked.” She smirked and started to walk with a random girl while her arm wrapped on the random girl’s waist. She left Yuki alone.

Yuki looked at Sae in a disbelief way. “Shit.”

========================== **** ==========================

Such an unpleasant first impression happened between Sae and Yuki. Since the day on the parking lot, Yuki began to aware of Sae’s presence more. Yuki always show her black aura every time she made an eye contact with Sae.

On the other hand, Sae looked really calm and decided to just teasing Yuki from afar. How? She began to ‘steal’ some of Yuki’s chances to show off in their classes. Sae always answered the questions from the lecturers when she had a feeling that the lecturers were about to call Yuki’s name. This is really fun. She giggled by herself every time she saw Yuki’s pissed off expression.

Another month had been passed, the rivalry between Sae and Yuki became increasingly crazy. Every students that entered the design fashion class must be noticed how strict their ‘competition’ and it was really interesting to be seen since both of them were popular. Yuki was popular among the boys, however… Sae was popular among the girls as well.

Yuki glared at Sae when Sae ‘stole’ the questions… again. I hate Miyazawa Sae! She walked out from the class when the class finished. You maybe could do that to me in the theory classes, but I will crush you in the practicum classes later! She went to the cafeteria to buy some cold drinks to relax her mind.

A random boy came and stood in front of Yuki. “Can I sit he-”

Before the random boy could finish his words, Yuki already glared at the boy. Her demon glare automatically cast away every boy that wanted to talk with her. My girlfriend is much better than a bunch of stupid boys.

========================== **** ==========================

Got some new pals already?

Yuki threw her body onto her bed and then she put her phone to her ear again. ”No, I don’t need any friend here.”

Why??? You’ll be so lonely there!" Another girl who talked on the phone sounded disagreed with Yuki.

"What I want to do is finishing my study quickly, so I can go back to Paris with you. All I need is you, only you….. Mayu."

Mayu chuckled through the phone. “You make me flattered, Yuki.

“It’s not funny, Mayuyu. How could you always laugh and smile when my parents forced me to study far away from you?!”

Mayu sighed. “Try to smile, Yuki. Don’t take everything with a frown. I love you and I know that you love me too. I don’t care how far we are, as long as I know we will be together in the end.

Yuki showed a slight smile on her face. Her girlfriend really knew how to make her calmed down. “Mayu, if you’re here, right now, I really want to hug you. I miss you so much.”

I miss you too. Ah!” Mayu sounded found a brilliant idea. “We have to learn something since we’re far away and can’t touch each other now.

Yuki frowned. “What is it?”

Flying kiss~

“Ehh??!!!” Yuki utterly shocked. “That was so embarrassing!  I guess you know me very well!” She was too shy to show her affection in that way. Afterward, she could hear the other girl whined through the phone.

Come on, Yukirin. Come on. Come on~ Do it like this… Ummuaahh!” Mayu made a sound of flying kiss.

“Yuck!” Yuki felt she wanted to puke when she imagined she did the overly cute thing like that. I want to see Mayu do that in front of me… she must be really cute.

Mayu laughed. “Try to learn it, so you can do it when we make a video call later.

“What??!! You begin to kill me softly, Mayuyu.” Yuki giggled.

========================== **** ==========================

The fifth month Yuki in that college was a really bad day for her. I guess I’m in the hell right now. She glanced at Sae who sat beside her. The luck is never on my side.

There was a practicum class which they were given a project to design a blue-themed dress. The lecturer said that it was a group project and the group was sorted by their grades. Since Sae and Yuki were the smartest students in that class, they ended up being together in a team.

Yuki sighed. 5 minutes ago, before the group was being decided, I planned to kick Miyazawa’s ass by defeating Miyazawa’s team. But why??!! Why it’s end up like this?! Tch! Yuki rolled her eyes when she saw Sae’s malicious grin across her lips.

“Hi, teammate!” Sae raised her hand to do a high-five with Yuki, but Yuki turned her face away.

 “For your information, I’m not happy with this.” Yuki crossed her arms.

“Me neither.”

Yuki’s eyes grew bigger. What?! This moron really knows how to make my day even worse. I have to ask Mayu’s advice about this!! Or I will end up with punching Miyazawa’s face and ruin this project.

===================== TO BE CONTINUED ====================

I will make it longer on the next chapter, promise! XD

PART 2 --> Here

Offline fuu_kun

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [4 Shots] SaeYuki - Regret (PART 1) #4
« Reply #87 on: January 26, 2014, 07:25:23 PM »
hey yow! im the hime_kungfuu there XD just call me fuu kun here.. nyahahaha :lol:
anyway sorry to keep torturazing you XD

THANKS FOR THE UPDATE~~ :bow: :bow: :bow:
sae you evil xD she like to tease.. its remind me of someone out there.. *cough*rukajiichan*cough*
cant wait to see another battle rivarly between them x) will mayu come to give yuki the direct kiss? :? dunno dunno~ XD
promise me you will update more longer after you finish the wmatsui okay? XD
thankyou putri san :D :bow: :cow:

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [4 Shots] SaeYuki - Regret (PART 1) #4
« Reply #88 on: January 27, 2014, 01:45:39 AM »
Cute Mayuki :wub:

Don't mind me. I'm just passing by. ;) I just cherish all Mayuki moments you write that's why I ended up commenting in Regret.

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [4 Shots] SaeYuki - Regret (PART 1) #4
« Reply #89 on: January 27, 2014, 12:01:39 PM »
I've been waiting for a long time xD
Finally!!! xD
Hopefully, you'll write update more longer on the next chapter    XD
can't wait for their rivalry ._.
Please update quickly  :bow:
Thank you anakpanti-san  :twothumbs

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [4 Shots] SaeYuki - Regret (PART 1) #4
« Reply #90 on: January 27, 2014, 03:38:14 PM »
 :mon XD:  :mon XD:  :mon XD:  :mon XD:  :mon XD:

FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chapter 1.....  :onioncheer:

the rivalry begin...

that's great to see how they fight each other to be number one...  :thumbsup

so someone will be hurt in the end huh?  :cry:

I like Mayu actually... but I can't help it..

I just love SaeYuki...  :wriggly:

I like the way you describe the character...

It's fit for them..

the popular photographer and the cold-heart model...  :mon thumb:

can't wait for the next chapter...

oh, FYI...

you're gonna be my favorite author...  :on GJ:

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [4 Shots] SaeYuki - Regret (PART 1) #4
« Reply #91 on: January 29, 2014, 01:43:18 PM »
It is so long when I visited this site for the last time.(exams) And I missed it.
Thanks for your's stories.
They are all awesome. :grin:

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] WMatsui - Live (TREASER) #7
« Reply #92 on: January 29, 2014, 04:12:17 PM »
Hi. Thank you for your support, guys.  XD
I'm sorry to those who wait me to update the 'Regret' and many fanfic requests.
I spend a whole month just to write a long WMatsui OS and it will be uploaded on this Sunday, after that... I will update my other fanfics as usual.
I can't write 2 fics in the same time because (maybe) I'll mess it up.  :lol:

Ah! I will use this chance to give you a bit of treaser for my upcoming WMatsui OS. It have over 35K words, so... you'll know how suffered I am. :P


"We’re born alone, we live alone, and we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone."

It have 6 chaps and I will tell you the chap titles, so maybe you could guess the plot.  XD

= 1. Rena =
I build my love on agony.
I'm stuck in the past. I try to run away but end up with circling in the same place, alone.

= 2. Speck of Light =
How to illuminate our tiny darkness world?
Let our light shine, we will unconsciously give other people permission to enter and do the same.

= 3. Jurina =
I love someone, but I keep letting her go free.
If she doesn't come back, it means I'll never have her.
If she comes back, I will love her forever.

= 4. Disclosure =
While all deception requires secrecy, all secrecy is not meant to deceive.
There are times when silence and secrecy are the best.

= 5. Upside Down =
We can lose somebody overnight. Your whole life can be turned upside down.
Life is short. It can come and go like a feather in the wind.

= 6. Timeless =
It is not even the beginning of the end. What we call the end is often the beginning.
The end is where we start from.


Thanks.  :D

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Kya. Look so interesting.  XD
I can't wait till sunday.  :deco: :deco: :deco:

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WMATSUI agaaaaiiinnn. . . Yeeeiiyy. . . Arigatou AnakPanti-san. . . You're so taLented,,so I guess I must Look ALL of ur FF. Trims.

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Got a bad feeling,ìs it a sad ones?

Lovers, keep on the road you're on
Runners, until the race is run
Soldiers, you've got to soldier on
Sometimes even right is wrong

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] WMatsui + Yuki, Airin, Mayu, Annin - Live #7
« Reply #96 on: February 03, 2014, 02:30:37 PM »
Hi. :)

Sorry for the delay...
I'm a bit tired when I try to re-read and re-view my own fic. :p

Umm... Because it's very long... +45K, I will do like this.... 1 post for 1 chapter.
I will update it one by one in sequence tonight.

But for the last chapter (chap 6), I'm not yet to finish re-read it.
So, maybe I will upload it a bit longer, but still tonight (based on my local time... in 2-3 hours later). XD

Okay... be ready.

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] WMatsui + Yuki, Airin, Mayu, Annin - Live #7
« Reply #98 on: February 03, 2014, 03:01:41 PM »
Hi, it’s been a quite long time. :)

I warn you, this is a long-long-long OS… LOL. The story is slowly developed, so… please bear with it, okay? XD

I made this OS as my huge thanks to my 250 followers on Tumblr and 1,2K likes on JPHIP.
I love you, my fanfic readers. >.<

And umm… there will be other members too.. like Yukirin, Mayuyu, Airin, and Annin.

Have fun with my +35K +45K words. It’s a ‘novel wanna be’. :p


#7 WMatsui + Yuki, Airin, Mayu, Annin - Live

We’re born alone, we live alone, and we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone.

============================ ***** ============================

= 1. Rena =

I build my love on agony.
I'm stuck in the past. I try to run away but end up with circling in the same place, alone.


2 raven-haired girls stood facing each other, they stared at each other eyes.  One of them was crying….. sobbing.

"Is this really the end for us?" She grabbed another girl’s hand to prevent her touching the knob.

"Yes. It’s over. We come to an end." She tried to release her wrist from the grip. “Let me go.” She was piercing her eyes at other eyes, the red eyes. “Please, don’t cry again. It won’t make me change my decision.”

“Rena…” She uttered another girl’s name softly. She looked at her in the eye, she hope Rena could understand her feeling by looking at her eyes. “D-don’t go… I love you. I really do.” Her tears rolled down on her cheeks, her tears kept flowing since 2 hours ago. She could feel her eyes started to hurt and she almost couldn’t open her eyes completely, her vision became blurry.

Rena sighed. I can’t see this any longer, it’s too painful to be seen. I have to end it now. She released her hand from the grip forcefully. “Goodbye, Yuki. Don’t acts like a desperate girl like that! You look so pathetic, you know?!” She reached the knob and then she opened the door before Yuki could beg her to stay again. She walked out and went away.

Yuki flinched. She felt shock because Rena never did something harsh like that before. She quickly stepped out from her apartment room before Rena went too far from her. “Rena! Rena!!” Yuki screamed her name while running toward her. “Please don-” Her words was forced to stop by a slap that came to her left cheek. She got a slap when she was about to hold Rena’s hand.  Her white-skinned cheek instantly reddened and s she could feel the pain throughout her cheek. Her eyes widened and then she touched her cheek, she felt pain throughout her cheek. “R-Rena?”

Rena glared at Yuki. “Stop bothering me!! I don’t need you anymore!” She gave another slap to Yuki’s face. “I DIDN’T love you!!! So stop dreaming from now on.” She walked away after she yelled at Yuki.

Yuki stunned, all that she could do was stood while holding her cheek. She looked at another figure that slowly disappeared from her sight. She didn’t know why, but her tears suddenly stopped. After Rena completely gone from her sight, she leaned her back onto the wall. She still couldn’t believe it happened to her. Why?


Rena stepped out from the elevator, after that she walked through the lobby gracefully. She smiled at the security guard and gave him some money after he called a taxi for her. She got in to the taxi and then she mentioned her home address to the taxi driver. The taxi driver nodded and then he pressed some buttons to set up the GPS. Not long after that, the taxi started to move.

Rena leaned her back and her head onto the seat. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She’s too persistent. The memory about Yuki popped out in her head, she could clearly remember Yuki’s red and teary eyes, she remembered Yuki’s sad and afraid expression. I wonder why she didn’t angry at me even a bit after all what I’ve done to her. She opened her eyes and then she stared at her right palm for a while. Well.. I’m sure that she will angry at me after I slapped her. It’s a good thing. She’s too annoying. She smirked.

She heard her phone ringing, so she took it from her handbag. She got a new message: ‘I still love you… even until now. You can come back to me whenever you want. - Yuki’

What?! Is she kidding me right now?! Ugh!! Rena groaned. She sent a short reply to Yuki: ‘I will never come back.’ After the message already sent, she opened the window while holding her phone.

The taxi driver seemed confused. “What are you doing, miss?”

Rena shrugged. “Nothing. I just want to throw a trash.” After she said it, she threw her phone out the window. The phone crushed by other car as soon as it landed on the ground. “Done.” She closed the window again.

The taxi driver seemed shocked while he looking at his customer through the mirror, but he couldn’t say anything. He just looked back to the street and continued to drive.


Ugh, my head! Rena held her head. I guess I drink too much last night. She woke up and still enduring her headache. She walked toward the intercom that hanging on her wall. She pressed a button and then she talked through it, “Where’s my parents?”

Good morning, Matsui-sama. Your parents went to Italy this morning due to a business trip for 2 weeks. They also said that they had transferred some money to you account. “The voice immediately answered her through the intercom. It was her personal maid in her house.

“I see…” Rena smirked because it means she could do anything she wanted to do in 2 weeks. Money was one of her favorite things, and thank God she was from a rich family so it was not a problem for her. “I want to take a bath.”

Yes,  Matsui-sama. I will prepare your towel and the warm water as usual.

Rena looked at the clock. “Hurry up! I’m late!”

O-okay, Matsui-sama…

Rena left the intercom and walked toward a big wardrobe in that room. She opened the wardrobe and then she crossed her arms while observing the clothes inside it. She frowned. What should I wear?! I’ve wore all of these!

Rena didn’t like to wear the same clothes twice, it was taboo for her. Rena went to other wardrobe and tried to look for a new dress. “Tch.” She pouted. It was a bad day for her because she didn’t find any new dress. “I forgot to buy it. Damn Yuki! She has wasted my 3 hours last night and it made me doesn’t have an enough time to go shopping.” She grumbled to herself.

Not long after that, she heard the knock on the door. Who’s the hell is that?! She knew that it wasn’t her maid because her maids always use the intercom to talk with her, no one in that house (except her parents) had an enough guts to knock her door.

She walked toward the door lazily, and then she opened the door. Her angry expression replaced by a smile as soon as she opened the door. “Airin!!” She opened her arms and then she ran into Airin’s hug. “When did you come back?” She tightened her hug.

Airin giggled. “Geez, Rena! I only went for 2 years.” She hugged Rena back. “I’ve just come yesterday.”

“You said only 2 years?!! 2 years is a long time, you know?!!” She let go of her arms then she glared at Airin. “Then why you didn’t call me?!”

Airin grinned. “This is called as a surprise, Rena.”

“Silly.” Rena rolled her eyes. She wanted to talk more but the maid called her through the intercom.

Matsui-sama, we’ve prepared your bath.

“Do you want to go to somewhere?” Airin asked to her friend. She knew Rena better than anyone in the world; Rena wouldn’t take a bath in the early morning like that if she didn’t have any activity.

Rena sighed. “I have a class this morning.”

“What??!!” Airin’s eyes widened with shock. “You’re joking.”

“Ahh… how I hope this is a joke, but I’m not joking. My parents forced me to enter the college. They said that they didn’t want their baka daughter take over their business someday without going through a good education.” Rena pouted. “I’m not THAT stupid, you know.”

Airin started to laugh out loud. “Aw! Aww!!” She stopped her laugh when Rena started to punch her arm over and over again.

“Don’t mock me!!” Rena smacked Airin’s head.

“Aw!” Airin rubbed her head. “Okay-okay. Just go to take a bath. I will drive you to your campus.” She smiled and then she ruffled Rena’s hair. “Call me when you’re done with your class later, I will pick you up.”

Rena turned around. “No need to do that. I can go home by myself.” She was about to walk but….

“I missed you, Rena. I want to spend more time with you.”

Rena bit her below lips. She hated it. She hate when Airin talked like that to her. She hate when Airin acted like Airin need her more than anything. “Okay.” She stepped out from her bedroom.

Rena walked toward the bathroom that not far away from her room. Actually, Rena had a bathroom inside her room, but she didn’t like if the maids entered her room except for cleaning it. She used another bathroom so the maids could prepare her bath without entered her room.

She entered the bathroom; the size was quite big for one person. She put her fingers into the bathtub to check the water temperature. “Okay, it’s already warm enough. You can go now.” She talked to her maid.

The maid bowed at her and then she put the towel near the bathtub before she went outside and closed the door.

Rena took off her clothes and then she got in to the bathtub. She leaned her back and closed her eyes to enjoy the warm water and the fragrance of the soap more. Why did she come back when I nearly to forget her?

Rena bit her lips; she tried hard to hold her tears. But it seemed she failed because not long after that, the tears rolled down on her cheeks. She cried alone, hoping the sound of her cry wouldn’t be heard from outside.


It was been 2 months since her last quarrel with Yuki, she almost forgot about it because Airin kept filling her days with happiness. But it became a bit strange for her because she never saw Yuki since that night. Well, she was happy because Yuki didn’t bother her anymore, but it was weird because both of them were in the same year and took a same major.

They often entered a same class since their first semester so she wondered why she never saw Yuki even once. Both of them were kind of lost contact because -hell yeah- Rena had thrown her phone onto the street, so there was no way Yuki could call her anymore.

“Hey, dude!” She called a boy who sat next to her.

“Y-yes, Matsui-san.” The boy looked so nervous. Well yeah, who were not nervous when the most gorgeous and richest girl in his campus came and spoke with them?

“Did you see Yuki?”

The boy seemed a bit disappointed because Rena asked about another chick in his campus instead of talked about him. “I didn’t see her since last month.”

Rena woke up from her seat, and then she walked toward the door, afterward she went out from the class without even care to ask permission from the lecturer who was teaching in front of the class. She walked toward the administration office and went in without knock the door. She didn’t care about the long queue in front of that office. “Did Yuki Kashiwagi ever enter her class in these past weeks?” She asked it to a man who sat in front of the PC.

The man looked irritated because of Rena’s rudeness; she even didn’t greet him first. But he couldn’t do anything to Rena, considering she was the daughter of the owner of the university. He didn’t have any other option except looked for the data that Rena asked before. “Kashiwagi-san never attended her class since 2 months ago.”

“Is she sick or something?”

“We don’t know, Matsui-san. Kashiwagi-san didn’t give us any information about the absent.”

Rena hit the table. Tch! That girl! Where did she go?! She did this thing not because she care about Yuki, but she was just afraid that Yuki did a stupid thing because of her. I hope she didn’t kill herself. She decided to go to Yuki’s apartment after her class is over. She's very troublesome.

She went out from the office and then she walked toward the small park behind her campus. She sat on a bench and took her phone. She dialed a familiar number.

Moshi moshi.” The sweet voice that Rena knew really well answered her call.

“Hi, Airin. Can you accompany me to go to my friend’s house this afternoon?”

Oh, hi Rena-chan. I’m so sorry, I can’t. I’m in the hospital right now.

Rena looked surprised and worried at the same time. “What happen, Airin? Are you sick?” She heard Airin’s laugh through the phone.

No, I’m okay. I just go to accompany my mom.

Ah! I forgot that her mother is a doctor. “Okay then. I will go by myself.” She was about to end the phone call, but Airin talked again.

Rena-chan, wait!

“What is it? Don’t worry, I’m not mad at you.” Rena said it because she thought that Airin may be felt guilty.

Airin laughed again. “I’m not going to say sorry, you know? Hmm… I just want to ask you to have a dinner together tomorrow. Are you busy?

*THUMP!* Rena’s heart beat faster than before. She really want to say ‘yes’, but she didn’t want to do something like that with Airin anymore because she knew that it would end up with hurting herself. “I’m busy. You can ask your girlfriend instead of me. Where is she?”

A-ah. O-okay.. I will ask Churi then. See you later, Rena-chan.” Airin hung up the call.

Rena sighed. Well.. I guess I have to go there by myself.


“Where have you been all this time?” Rena crossed her arms and leaned her back onto the wall.

“Why are you here?” Yuki looked away.

“Are you doing this just to avoid me?”

“Are you worried about me?”

Rena seemed really annoyed. “Stop throwing back the questions, Yuki! Just answer me!” She glared at other girl who sat on the couch.

Yuki turned her head to look at other girl’s eyes, the eyes of the girl whom she loved so much. “No need to yell at me.” She said it softly but firmly.

Rena rolled her eyes. “You’re wasting my time.. again.”

“No one asked you to come here. You’re wasting my time as well.”

W-what?! Rena couldn’t believe what she had just heard. It was the first time Rena heard Yuki said something harsh like that to her. “Do you realize about what you’ve just said?!”

“Yes and I really mean it.”

Rena clenched her fist. “I will kick you out from my university tomorrow. I don’t want to see your face again.” She walked toward the door.

Yuki stood up. “You don’t have to do that.”

Rena stopped and then she smirked. I win. She will beg me to not expel her from the campus. “Why?” She replied it sarcastically.

“Because I will do it by myself.” Yuki smiled at Rena.

Rena’s smirk was gone when she heard it.

“I’ve planned to resign from our university and then I will enter other university on the next semester.”

Rena tried hard to hold her shock expression; she didn’t want to make Yuki misunderstood that she cared about Yuki. “As if I care.” She turned back and then she held the knob. She opened the door.


Rena stopped her step.

“My last mail… I really mean it.”

I still love you… even until now. You can come back to me whenever you want.’ Those words echoed in Rena’s mind. “My last reply… I really mean it too.” She stepped out from Yuki’s room.

Yuki sighed. Rena left her alone again, just like the last time. But this time, she didn’t try to catch up and persuaded Rena to stay. She threw her body onto the couch. I’m sure that one day she would come back to me. I don’t why, I’m just… sure. She will come back to me again, just like today. She will come to see me even though I’m not asking it.

Yuki glanced at the white envelope on the desk. ‘Yale University’ was written on it. Yes, Yuki luckily got a scholarship in Yale School of Architecture on the next semester for 2 years. Thanks for her brilliant brain, her amazing grades during high school, and her awesome GPA during 4 semesters.

Honestly, Yuki wanted to apply her scholarship since last semester, but Rena made her canceled her intention. She had a big crush on Rena and she couldn’t leave Rena only for her selfish dream. But after Rena decided to break up with her for no apparent reason, she was completely lost her will to keep study in the university that owned by Rena’s family.

In those 2 months, she tried really hard to search any scholarship at the universities abroad for Architecture, her favorite majors. She passed the eligibility test after she sent all of the requirements and did some online test.

Yuki smiled. Probably now… I’m not good enough for her, but I will. I’m not rich now and I’m not as gorgeous as her. All I have is only my brain. But one day… I’m sure that she will come back to me and I will make myself worth to be her girlfriend. I promise, Rena.

I don’t care how many times she hurt me. All I know is I’m in love with her because when I’m with her… I feel alive.


Rena sat in front of her laptop while typing her assignment. Ugh!! I hate homework!! She stopped for a while and then she rubbed her forehead. I have final exams in next week, yet I still have 4 pending assignments and the deadline is next week too. If I knew this semester will be THIS hard, I wouldn’t break up with Yuki until I graduate. Geez!

It had been 4 months since the last time she met Yuki in her apartment. After that, she didn’t hear anything about Yuki anymore. She didn’t know where Yuki continued her study and she didn’t want to know about it. She just missed Yuki’s excellent brain for her own benefit, that’s all.

Rena tried to shove Yuki from her mind. She took her phone and typed a message. ‘Airin, help. My homework… o(╥﹏╥)o’

A fast reply came from Airin. ‘(`へ´*)ノ I don’t want to help you! You’ve ignored me for a whole week.

Please-please-please-please… m(_ _)m
I didn’t ignoring you for no reason. I’m stress out because my college is quite hectic lately.

Okay. I will help you, but….. you have to treat me a dinner. (¬‿¬)’

Rena chuckled. ‘Deal.’ She sent a short reply.

Airin and Rena had the different majors, Airin majored in graphic design and she took an architect class. But Rena needed a help from Airin because she had to draw a 3 sketch of buildings, Airin could help her in sketching something.

Just in 20 minutes, Airin already stood in front of her door. “Wow, you’re fast.” She said it after she opened the door and saw who was standing in front of her.

Airin grinned. “Of course! I have to come fast, before you can change your mind.”

Rena let Airin entered her room. “I wouldn’t change my mind.” She closed the door.

Airin raised one of her eyebrows. “Really? You was always tricked me when we were still kids.”

Rena rolled her eyes. “I’m not a kid anymore, Airin. Now sit here and help me.” She pointed at a chair beside her.

Airin just did like Rena ordered to her; she sat on a chair next to Rena. “You’re not a kid anymore BUT… you’re still childish and DEVILISH.” She giggled.

Rena slapped Airin’s arm. “Stop teasing me! You better help me now or we will do this until midnight!!” She pointed at 3 papers on the table.

“Okay-okay. Relax, man.” Airin looked at the papers. Rena had did the basic sketch for all of them. All Airin needed to do was only finish it and coloring them. Airin grabbed a paper that took her interest and the she started to sketch.

“You have to ask me first before you add something into it.” Rena patted Airin’s shoulder.

“Okay.” Airin simply answered Rena.

Rena smiled while looking at Airin’s serious face. She’s always like that, nothing can distract her attention while she working on her favorite thing, drawing. She felt that her heartbeat started to beat uncontrolled. She becomes more beautiful than 2 years ago, before she went to Paris due to her work as designer.

“Are you enjoying my face, Rena?” Airin lifted her head.

Rena flinched. “H-huh?” She looked away as soon as she realized that Airin stared at her. She looked at her laptop, she wanted to type something into her assignment but it seemed all of her knowledge was lost without a trace. She couldn’t type anything. Shit!

Airin laughed. “Rena-chan.. your face become so red. Are you.. probably… shy?”

“N-no! I’m not! W-why should I?” Rena stuttered.

Airin smiled. She put the pencil back onto the table. She stared at Rena’s face before she lifted her hand.

“W-what are you going to do?” Rena tilted her head to avoid Airin’s hand. She still tried to avoid Airin’s gaze.

“I just want to do this.” Airin’s hand ran through Rena’s hair that covered Rena’s cheek and then she put those hair behind Rena’s ear. “I want to see your reddish cheek. You looked so cute when you’re like this, Rena.” She smiled.

Rena bit her below lips. Damn! I hate it when she drops the honorific. Every time she calls me with just ‘Rena’, my heart becomes too sensitive about that. The way she calls me ‘Rena’ and ‘Rena-chan’ are quite… different. Am I… somehow,.. still loves her? Damn it! I will end up with hurting myself, again.

“Do you want to say something, Rena?” Airin observed Rena’s eyes. She realized that Rena thought about something. It was almost 2 decade they became friends, so Airin knew that Rena always hide something from her during their friendship time.

“No.” Rena looked back to her laptop and the she continued to type her essay. It seemed her mind already went back into her brain.

Airin sighed. She didn’t want to push Rena too hard, so she just looked back at the paper and started to sketch again.

They worked in silence for about 3 hours. The clock already showed ’11 PM’.

“Thank you so much for your help, Airin. Let’s have a dinner just like our deal before.” Rena broke the silence and wiped away their awkward moment.

Airin stood up. “No problem, I’m glad to help you.” She grabbed her jacket that hanging on the chair. “I think that I will just go home, it’s already too late to have a dinner anyway.”

“Airin.. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t ask you to come here.” Rena felt guilty because she had to see Airin went home in that late of night without had any meal.

Airin smiled. “It’s okay. I'm not hungry anymore.” She rubbed her eyes and then she yawned.

“You seem sleepy. I will drive you home. No need to worry about your car, I will ask my maid to bring it to your house tomorrow.” She grabbed her car key. “It’s too dangerous if you drive like that.”

Airin saw Rena was about to open the door, she quickly grabbed Rena’s wrist. “Just call a taxi for me. It’s too dangerous for you as well! I can’t let you go back from my home alone in the midnight.”

Rena stared at her hand that was grabbed by Airin. She was sure that her face was blushed again, so she kept her head down. “Well… how if.. you stay here for a night since it’s too dangerous for both of us to walk out there?”

Airin was surprised because of the sudden offer, but.. “Okay. It’s a good idea.” She simply received Rena’s offer. Rena was right, it was already too dark to go home alone, and she didn’t have a reason to refuse the offer. Without any single warning, she jumped onto Rena’s bed. “Ahhh.. so comfortable.” She hugged the bolster.

Rena eyes widened. “What are you doing?!”

“What else? Sleep, of course.” Airin smirked.  “Come here, Rena-chan...” She said it in a seductive way while patting a pillow beside her.

Rena smacked her own forehead. I’m doomed, what should I do?! I'm probably going to die tonight.

Airin laughed really hard when she saw Rena’s blushed face again. All Rena could do was only mumbled to herself for being so stupid to give a dangerous offer to her best friend or her ‘one-sided love’.


Rena rubbed her eyes. She yawned while looking at the girl who slept peacefully beside her. Airin. She used her hand to move Airin’s hair that covered her face to behind her ear. It’s been a long time since I saw her sleeping face.

NOTHING happened last night, they were just SLEPT. Airin lost her consciousness after 10 minutes she jumped onto Rena’s bed. I guess she’s really tired. As I expected from Airin, she is not THAT kind of person. Well… I don’t mind if she did THAT to me though…… WAIT!! What I’m talking about?! Rena slapped her own face. Stupid! She felt her cheek became hotter when she imagined THAT kind of things.

Ahh… I’m hungry. Rena tried to distract her dirty mind and started to think about her growling stomach, her stomach begged for something to eat. She woke up slowly, didn’t want to disturb the sleeping girl. When she was about to press the intercom button beside her bed, she felt her hand was grabbed by another girl. She fell back onto the bed because Airin pulled her strongly. “Aww!”

“What are you going to do? You wake up too early.” Airin said it while wrapping her arm around Rena’s waist.

“I… I… Umm…” Rena stuttered. Thankfully that Airin closed her eyes again, so Airin didn’t see her nervousness face. “I want to call my maid. I’m hungry, we don’t eat anything since last night.” She quickly turned her body, facing another direction before her mind went crazier. The situation became worse for Rena because Airin tightened her hug, their bodies became closer.

“But I’m not hungry.” Airin put her forehead onto Rena’s nape without opened her eyes. She backhugged Rena.

Damn it! Rena shut her eyes. Airin is not THAT kind of girl.. Airin is not THAT kind of girl.. Airin is not THAT kind of girl.. Rena kept repeating those words in her mind. But…. her mind went blank when she felt Airin landed a kiss on her nape. Gosh! She clutched her skirt for no reason. She didn’t know what to say nor what to do.

Rena… I think I love you.” Airin whispered. “Why are you so pretty in the morning?

Rena tightened her grip onto her skirt, she bit her lips as she felt Airin fingers gently stroked her shoulder, moved to her arm, and went down to her palm, their fingers entwined together. Anyone! Please save me. She felt Airin’s heavy breath swept her nape. Not long after that, she heard Airin’s chuckle and it escalated into a loud laughter.

“Buahahhaha..!!” Airin laughed out loud and let go of her arm from Rena’s body.

Rena frowned. She turned her body to face Airin.

Airin laughed while facing the ceiling. “Geez, Rena! Why your body became trembled?! I’m not THAT pervert.”


Airin looked at Rena’s face. “What about what? I’m just fooling around. Don’t take it too serious. I must be crazy if I did IT with you.” She laughed again.

Rena clenched her fist. She woke up and then she grabbed a pillow. Rena threw the pillow onto Airin’s face. “It’s not funny!!!” She yelled at Airin, after that she walked away from the bed.

Airin was taken aback, didn’t expect that her best friend will be mad at her because of that little joke. She woke up quickly and managed to grab Rena’s hand before Rena could go out from the room. “What hap-” She stopped when she saw the tears fell from Rena’s eyes. “S-sorry… I didn’t mean to-”

Rena released her hand from Airin’s grip. “You!! Stupid! You never care about my feelings!! You keep joking around like a SHIT!!” She lost her patience. “If you want to do that FUCKING joke, do it with your GIRLFRIEND!!” She clenched her teeth.

Airin gasped. “Why you-”

“Get out from my house!!” Rena pointed at the door.

Airin tried to hold Rena’s shoulder to calm her down. “Rena, I-” But Rena shoved her hand off.

“NOW!!!” Rena looked away; she didn’t want to see Airin’s eyes.

Airin gulped. “Fine.” She realized that she couldn’t make Rena relax if she still there. She felt so guilty and felt so stupid. She didn’t know that Rena’s feelings for her still same like years ago. She thought that it was already over. She walked toward the door and then she opened it. Her step stopped for a while. “Our friendship will be ruined if we’re still like this.” After she said it, she walked out from Rena’s room and then she closed the door.

Rena didn’t need to hold her tears anymore because Airin already left her room. She started to cry out loud. Why I can’t completely move on?! Why I forgot that she already has a girlfriend?! She has Churi!! Why my heart couldn’t understand it as fast as my brain?! She didn’t love me! Not even slight a bit…. My heart keeps suffering like this for 4 years. How stupid!

============================ Continue to Chap 2 ============================

Okay... this chap is full of RenaAirin and RenaYuki.
Jurina will show up on the next chap.

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Re: [anakpanti fanfic] [OS] WMatsui + Yuki, Airin, Mayu, Annin - Live #7
« Reply #99 on: February 03, 2014, 03:23:03 PM »
#7 WMatsui + Yuki, Airin, Mayu, Annin - Live

We’re born alone, we live alone, and we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone.

============================ ***** ============================

= 2. Speck of Light =

How to illuminate our tiny darkness world?
Let our light shine, we will unconsciously give other people permission to enter and do the same.


It had been some weeks since that day, the day when Rena shoo Airin from her house. At the first week, Airin kept calling her and sent messages to her but Rena never picked up the calls nor replied the hundreds of Airin’s messages.

After a week passed, Airin didn’t try to disturb Rena again. No matter how hard she tried, Rena wouldn’t respond her. It only would increase Rena’s anger if she kept persistent to contact her, so she decided to wait until Rena ‘comeback’ again. Airin knew that Rena needed to be alone for some time.

Rena ride her car in the middle of the night for no destination, she just wanted to drive and kept moving. Her mind was really messed up. It was lucky for her that her parents were out of town for work so nobody would bother her. She glanced at a bottle of alcoholic beverage that placed on the seat beside her. I want to drink. She stopped the car immediately on the edge of the road.

Rena grabbed the bottle and then she got out from her car. She looked around and her eyes captured a bridge that not far away from where she stood. She locked the car doors. Afterward, she left her car just like that… she walked toward the bridge. She climbed up recklessly onto the bridge railings and sat on it, she sat facing the river. She saw the river below the bridge, the sound of the water was quite peaceful, and she found it could relax her mind a bit. She didn’t care about the cold wind, she enjoyed her solitude by closing her eyes and enjoyed the cold breeze entered her lungs. She kept enjoying the dark and the quiet of night.

She opened her eyes as she remembered that she was still holding the bottle, she opened it and then she drank several gulps of the alcoholic beverage. After that, she cried… again. Why I choose to become a pathetic girl like this? Suffering alone and crying alone. I’m popular, beautiful, and rich... I can get some boys or some girls to accompany me tonight, but… why I prefer to be alone and do a stupid thing like this? Life is completely asshole. She took several gulps of her drink again.

“Are you come here to suicide or something?”

Rena spat out her drink. She was totally shocked by the sudden voice. She choked. She looked around and she found a figure that stood some meters away from her. She couldn’t see the face because the place was too dim for her eyes. “Who are you?! Don’t you ever dare to touch me!! I can put you into the jail with a single call!!” She took her phone and ready to call the police. The moment after she said it, she heard the stranger laughing at her. “What so funny??!! Are the prison is a common place for you?!” She climbed down from the bridge railings.

“No, it’s not. I’m laughing because I only asked you a question, but you already wanted to put me into the jail.”

Rena saw that the figure became closer. “Don’t come closer!!” She lifted the bottle and ready to hit stranger.

“I have to. I want to convince you that I’m not a bad person.”

Rena was still on her ‘ready to attack’ position and waited the stranger to show up. “Stop there!” She ordered the stranger to stop right after the figure stood under the bridge lamp. Finally, she could see the stranger’s face. She raised her eyebrows. “A girl??!! What’s a girl doing in a place like this?! Especially in the middle of the night!” She stared at the girl in a suspicious way.

The stranger laughed again. “Well… I could ask you a same question, Miss.”

Rena narrowed her eyes. She observed the stranger once again, from the head to the toe. She was a bit amazed by the girl’s beauty. Wait! It’s not a right time to think like that!! Duh! Beautiful girl was one of her weakness. “Are you a ghost?” She asked it out of blue.

The stranger burst into laughter. “Hahahha. I think you’re drunk right know. Do I look like a ghost for you?” She tilted her head.

Shit. Rena felt so stupid by asking that question, but she had her own theory in her mind… a pretty girl, in the midnight, at the bridge, and the river. She could be the river guardian or something. “Then who are you?”

The girl walked slowly toward Rena. “I’m just an ordinary girl who looking for a quiet place for relaxing my mind and I was managed to find it …until you come and cry, ruining my peaceful night.” She smiled at Rena.

Rena was caught off guard. “You’re stalking me.”

The girl shrugged. “Maybe. I watched you since you parked your car carelessly.” She pointed at Rena’s red car. “You better move your car before the police found out your car.”

“I don’t care about that DAMN car!” Rena hated if someone gave her an order like that.

The stranger nodded. “I see… you’re a rich girl.” She still managed to talk calmly although she received a rude reply from Rena. “Well… I guess I’ll go home first.” She shrugged and then she turned away. “Be careful, the night is not a safe place for a lovely girl like you.” She waved her hand without looked at Rena. She walked away.

Rena was surprised. Did she have just give me a compliment? Right after I yelled at her? She looked at the sky. Weird.


Rena looked at the stranger; she was not expecting that the girl would talk to her again. Rena saw the stranger already sat on the motorcycle.

“Everybody who has fallen down or been disappointed in life will shine even more after they get back up. I'm sure that you can through it, whatever your problem is. Shine more brightly, okay?” After the stranger said it, she put her helmet onto her head and then she went away.

Rena stunned. She watched the girl gradually disappear from her sight. Okay, she is not a ghost because she rides the motorcycle… she is not a bad girl as well because she didn’t do any harm thing to me… Who is she? Did she have just give me a motivation? I even didn’t ask for it. She rolled her eyes.

Rena looked at her watch. 2:45 AM. I have to go back now before my maids call my parents or even worse… call the police to look for me. She threw the empty bottle to the river and then she walked toward her car. Without she realized… a smile appeared across her beautiful face.


Rena put her chin onto the table. She closed her eyes while hearing the music through the earphone. She was in the class at that time but she seemed didn’t bother to pay attention to the lecturer at all. What a boring life! She let out a soft sigh. She lifted her head and then she looked around. Should I… look for a new ‘toy’? She smirked. Yeah, I need someone like Yukirin... someone who- Rena felt her phone vibrated in her hand. She got a new message … from Airin.

I miss you.

Rena sighed as she realized that it had been over 2 months since the last time she had a big quarrel with Airin. She read those 3 words over and over again, she missed Airin as well. She really wanted to reply it, but she had promised herself to not talk nor meet with Airin until she could completely move on. I’m sorry, Airin. I do this for our friendship sake. She locked her phone screen. I’m trying to found my own light, so I won’t come to you again when every time I feel the darkness coming.

After an hour, the class was over. Rena decided to hangout with her college friends since she had nothing else to do. She preferred to spend her time outside with someone who barely talk with her rather than bored to death at home. She bought some pairs of new clothes and some snacks. Her friends invited her to watch a movie in theater, but she refused it. She wasn’t really into it, she preferred to hear the music or read the novel rather than watching movie or drama. She excused herself to go home first when her watch always showed 9PM.

Rena drove her car away from the mall. In the midway, she received a call from Airin. Ugh! Why now?!  She wanted to ignore it but after the second thought… she realized that it would be better if she told Airin to stop calling her, Airin wouldn’t stop until she asked directly. Rena stopped her car on the side of the street, she didn’t like phoned while driving.

“Moshi moshi.” Rena picked up the call.

Oh my God… Rena!!! Do you know how worried I am?!” Airin even didn’t bother to greet Rena, she wanted to straight at the point before Rena planned to avoid her again. “You can freely yell at me or slap my face if I make a mistake! That’s way better than you avoiding me like this.

Rena sighed. “I’m sorry.” She immediately apologized after she realized how much Airin worried about her. “But I need some time, Airin. You really made me pissed me off last time!”

Can we meet and talk about it tomorrow? I want to show you how sorry I am. I don’t want you avoid me for another 2 months again.

“I can’t. Just give me more time and I will talk to you after I feel better.”

Did I make a huge mistake, Rena? We always fool around all the time, then why it suddenly became a mistake?

“You won’t understand.” Rena bit her lips, tried to hold back her tears.

Then make me understand…” Airin sounded hopeless. “Please don’t stay away from me again. I miss you so much.” ------ “I forget to bring my towel, can you take it for me from my bed?

Rena frowned as she heard unfamiliar voice through the phone.


Rena heard that Airin answered the owner of unfamiliar voice. There was only one name in Rena’s head. “Is she Takayanagi-san?” She tried to guess and she was hope she was wrong.

Yeah. I stay overnight in her place.

Rena clenched her fist. Her jealousy started to take over her mind. Okay, it’s enough! She wanted to throw her phone onto the street, just like what she did to Yuki. But she couldn’t do it since that was her main phone, many important call numbers saved inside it. It would be useless too since Airin got a full access to enter her house and meet her there any time.

Rena? Are you still there?

“Stop calling me for some time, Airin.”

What?! I can’t believe it! You really do this to me?!

“Please respect my decision. I wi-” Rena stopped her words because her car window was knocked by someone. She couldn’t see who it was since it already dark outside. “I will call you later, bye.”

Rena! Ren-

She ended her call with Airin. She saw her phone, Airin called back again so she decided to turn off the phone. She looked at the window again, the unfamiliar figure was still there. Is it a robber?! She started to panic as the window was knocked by the unfamiliar figure again. “Go away!! I will call the police!”

“I’m not stupid. You’ve just turned off your phone.” The unfamiliar figure laughed.

Shit! Rena looked around. Wait…. I've ever came here before. She narrowed her eyes and forced her eyes to focus. This is the bridge! I came here 3 weeks ago! Don’t tell me she is…..

“Hey, don’t be afraid. We meet again.”

Rena opened the window. She rolled her eyes as she realized who it was. It’s her…

“Konbanwa.” The stranger grinned at Rena even though Rena gave her a deathly glare. “It’s nice to see you again.”

Rena wanted to go away from that place, but somehow the stranger looked so interesting for her eyes. “It’s NOT nice to see you again.” She opened the door and went out from her car. “But I’m glad, at least you’re not a robber. I almost die, you know!”

The stranger laughed. “Oh come on! You’re too paranoid. Last time you called me as a ghost and now you think I’m a robber? Pfft.”

“Don’t laugh!” Rena pointed at the stranger face. Then she looked around, the bridge and the street were quiet. “Do you often come here?”

The stranger nodded. “I come here to relax my mind. This is my favorite place.” She smiled. “This place is not crowded, but not too quiet either. So… this place is safe enough. And umm…” She pointed at the river. “I love to hear the sound of water from this river… it makes me calm in a unique way.”

“Okay.” Rena nodded even though she didn’t really understand why a cute girl went to that kind of place. There were more relaxing places in the world other than bridge. Wait… Did I’ve just called her ‘CUTE’?!

“What’s your name?”

“Don’t become too comfortable. We’re just seeing each other twice.” Rena locked the car door. She walked toward the bridge railings and then she sat on it like last time she came there. She looked at the sky.

“I love to watch the stars from here as well.” The stranger climbed up and sat next to Rena. “The sky looks so clear from here. It feels like… I can touch it.” She lifted her right hand, as if she really wanted to touch the sky.

Rena glanced at the stranger who smiled while looking at the stars. This is weird. I even don’t know her name, yet I’ve been this comfortable to sit beside her. Is she having a kind of magnet or something inside her body?

The girl looked at Rena with a bright smile across her face. “Come on, lift your hand too! You’ll be able to touch the stars, just try.”

Rena observed the other girl. The stranger was a bit taller than her, she wore the black leather jacket with a white shirt inside, her silky black hair were fit into her face, she wore the red-framed glasses that covering her dark-orbs eyes… those eyes looked at Rena like a puppy dog, her reddish lips still showed a big grin at Rena. Beautiful.

“Hey-hey.” The stranger waved her hand right in front of Rena’s face. “Did you hear what I’ve just said to you?”

Rena was jolted from her reverie. “Y-yeah.” She looked away from the other girl and then she stared at the night sky. “But I don’t think I can reach it, the sky is too far from me.”

The stranger pouted. “Mou! You’re such a gloomy-grumpy-pessimistic girl… I can tell.”

“Ha?!” Rena glared at the stranger. “We just meet twice! Don’t judge me like that!”

The stranger shrugged. “Well, sorry. Bad first impression, huh?” She smirked.

“You’re an annoying-aggressive-noisy girl!” Rena seemed didn’t want to lose at that time.

The stranger laughed. “It sounds like a compliment to me. Well… In other words, I’m a kind and friendly girl.”

Rena facepalmed. I will die soon if I keep meeting this crazy girl.

“Hey, do you want a soft drink? I have some.” The stranger climbed down from the bridge railings.

Rena wanted to say ‘no’ but the other girl already walked away toward her motorcycle. The stranger brought 2 bottles of soft drink with her. She walked toward Rena.

“Here.” The stranger handed her one of the soft drinks.

Rena was hesitant at first, because she never really received something from someone who her barely know, but then she shrugged. It’s okay, I guess. She grabbed the bottle from the other girl’s hand. “Thanks.”

“Never mind.”

Both of them just sat and drank in silence. It was not the silence of awkwardness, but it was like… they enjoyed the night sky, the stars, the moon, the river, and the serenity together.

Rena closed her eyes after she took a big gulp of the soft drink. She’s right… it’s so peaceful here. She took a deep breath, to feel the cold breeze entered her lungs. It was a bad decision because a few seconds later, she coughed because of the coldness of the air.

The stranger giggled.

Rena looked at the girl in an angry way. “What so funny?!”

“You.” She pointed at Rena. “You’re being too dramatic. If you want to enjoy the air, come here in the morning… it’s not as cold as in the night like this.”

Rena seemed surprised. She watched me?! So embarrassing!! Duh! She climbed down from the railings. “I don’t want to come here anymore.”

The stranger frowned. “Why?” She climbed down too as she saw Rena turned away and walked toward the red car.

“Because I don’t want to-”

“I want to-” The stranger cut off Rena’s words.

“-meet you again.” Both of them said it in the same time.

Rena was surprised. She stopped and then she turned back, facing the stranger. She wanted to find a smirk or a mocking smile from the stranger, but no…. there was only seriousness in her face. “Goodbye.” She uttered that word although she wasn’t sure that she want to meet the stranger again or not.

The stranger shook her head. “No. It should be ‘see you later’.” She smiled at Rena.  After that, she turned away and walked toward her motorcycle that parked not far away from Rena’s car.

Rena entered her car as well. She looked at the stranger’s back from the rearview mirror. She saw the stranger started to turn on the motorcycle engine, and then in a few seconds later… the stranger took the opposite direction and went away.

Rena sighed. Why there’s kind of weird feeling when I’m with her? Is it because she talked comfortably with me, not like my other friends who look awkward when they talked with me? Is it because she’s lively, active, seems easygoing and outgoing, nice, friendly, and funny? Oh wait! I give her some compliments again. Geez!


Rena felt so stupid when she stopped her car on that place again… the bridge. Seriously, what am I doing??!! She decided to come back to that place again after 2 weeks. She even didn’t know the reason. She was just… wanted to come for no particular reason. She also didn’t know what she wanted to see, the scenery or… the strange girl from the last time.

Rena took a deep breath before she stepped out from her car. She looked around. The night sky, the stars, the moon, and the river were still same as she remembered, but… nobody was there. She’s not here. She was not sure it was a happy expression because no one would bother her this time, or it was a disappointed expression because she couldn’t find the girl.

Rena climbed up the bridge railings and leaned her back onto the lamp post. Someday, I will invite Airin to see this place. She smiled. I need her favor to draw the scenery here. I wonder how it feels… walking with her without brings this kind of love in my heart, just pure as a friend. Happy or sad?

No one could see Rena’s bitter smile and her tears of sadness. That was what Rena thought until…

“Waiting for someone?”

“Uwaaa!!!” Rena was totally shocked and she almost fell into the river. “You!!! Baka!! Can you stop surprising me every time you show up in front of me?!” She quickly wiped her tears before the stranger could see it and started to tease her again.

The girl giggled. “Sorry.” She nudged Rena’s hand. “Finally you come again.”

Rena rolled her eyes as she saw the stranger’s weird smile. “I didn’t come here to meet you. I’m addicted to the scenery.”

“I know. You don’t have to explain it to me with those red cheeks.” The stranger seemed enjoyed to tease the pale-skinned girl.

Rena’s eyes widened. “I’m not blushing!!!” She wanted to smack the stranger’s head, but she didn’t do it because it was kind of rude to do it to someone who you didn’t know at all. She raised one of her eyebrows. Since when I do have manners?

The stranger looked at the sky, just like she usually did. But this time she didn’t sat on the bridge railings… she just stood, leaned her body onto the railings, and put both of her hands on the railings. “So, what happened?” She asked it without looked at Rena who sat on the railings.

“Hm?” Rena looked down to see the other girl’s face. “What do you mean?”

“What are you crying for? I’m sure that your tears intended for someone.”

Rena flinched. She saw it?! I always embarrass myself in front of her! “It's none of your business.”

“Broken heart?”

Rena groaned because the question REALLY hit the spot. “None of your business!” She said it firmly.

The girl laughed. “From your expression, it seems I’m right.”

“You!” Rena caught off guard. “I hate you.”

“You hate me? It means you’re weird, there are rarely people who hate me. I have too many people who love me.” She stuck out her tongue.

“Are you kidding me right now?!” Rena – somehow – pissed off again.

The stranger took a deep breath as she put her chin on the railings. “No, I’m not. My problem is the opposite of yours. I’m in the position where I’m the one who can break someone’s heart… I hate it! But I know that I have to do it someday.” She sighed.

Rena didn’t expect that the stranger would talk about her problem. “What happened?” She was curious about the story behind it.

The stranger gave Rena a tease smile. “It's none of your business.” She imitated Rena’s voice.

“You- argh!!!” Rena almost lost her patience. This girl knows exactly how to push my mood button. Tch.

The stranger yawned and stretched her arms. “I’m sleepy and tired. I have to go home now.” She turned her body.

W-wait…. When do we will meet again? Rena just asked it in her mind. She realized that she enjoyed herself when she talked with the stranger.

The stranger turned back again when she reached her motorcycle. “Hey, I won’t be here in a week because I have some business.” She said it as if she knew what was in Rena’s mind. “Come again next week… if you want.”

Again… the stranger hit EXACTLY on Rena’s spot. “I’m not come here to meet you!”

“I’m just saying. You can come anytime. This is a public area anyway.” The stranger waved her hands before ride on her motorcycle, went away from the bridge.

Rena smiled after another figure disappeared from her sight.


3 months had passed. Rena and the stranger always met in the same place and at the same time. They would meet at least three times in a week without asking about each other identity. They only talk about some random things when they met, none of them mentioned about each other private life. They even never asked their names nor changed their phone numbers… they just enjoyed their randomness talks, each other presence, and the scenery.

For Rena, it was kind of became her routine activity. Sometimes, she would come there even though it was not their ‘schedule’… if she was lucky, she would meet the other girl there. Well… if she didn’t meet the girl, she already felt comfortable with just enjoying the night sky.

Furukawa-sama comes. Do you want to meet her, Matsui-sama?

Rena heard the maid talked to her through the intercom. She gasped as she realized that it had been a long time since she met Airin. “Y-yes, let her in.” She answered the maid. I almost forget about her!! She’s mad at me, for sure. She ran toward the door. When she was about to open the door, she stopped. Wait…. Did I’ve just say that I was forgotten about her? Am I already ready to move on?

Rena tried to cast off her thought and then grabbed the knob. As soon as she opened the door, her eyes met with Airin’s demon glare. She gulped. This is bad.

Airin entered Rena’s room. “For God’s sake, Rena!!! 6 months?!” She crossed her arms. “You better give me a good reason NOW!”

“Airin, I-”

“You even gave an order to your security guards and your maids to not let me entering this house for months?! This is crazy!!” Airin cut off Rena’s words. “What was my mistake, Rena??!”

“I…” Rena took a deep breath. Does it sound too stupid if I tell her that I love her? Let me think… ‘Airin, I love you since 5 years ago… so that’s why I ignoring you for 6 months.’…. yeah, it sounds stupid!

“I’m still waiting for you answer.” Airin kept staring at Rena.

Rena was just looking at the floor because she didn’t know what to say. She felt confused, sad, and guilty. “It was not your mistake, it’s my mistake.” She felt her tears rolled down on her cheeks. “I’m sorry.”

Airin was totally shocked when she saw her best friend cried. It was like forever since the last time she saw Rena cried and say sorry to other people. Rena that she knew was a stubborn and arrogant girl, not a fragile girl that stood in front of her now. She became calmer after she saw Rena felt truly sorry about her childish action. “Why, Rena? What happened? Just tell me the reason and then we will try to find the solution together.”

Rena looked at Airin’s eyes, looked deep into her eyes. “I love you, Airin. That’s the reason.” Finally, she said it without a doubt. She felt tired of hiding, hide her love for almost 5 years was not an easy thing to do. She realized that she couldn’t let her heart suffered anymore. It was time to face the truth, she had ready to receive the answer, whatever it was.

Airin was taken aback; she didn’t expect that Rena would say something like that. But… she was not as shocked as supposed to be. She just didn’t expect that kind of answer would come at that time. “I know, Rena. I know that you always love me in that way. I can feel it every time I’m with you.”

Rena gasped. “Since when did you know it?!” She was shocked because she was sure about her acting ability. There was no way Airin could realize it.

Airin walked toward Rena, and then she held Rena’s hand gently. “In about 2 years ago. When I was still in college back then and when you didn’t want to enter the college because you were too lazy to study.” Both of them let out a soft chuckle. “When you gave me those luxurious painting tools as my birthday present with a red rose inside the box… I knew immediately that you had a different feeling toward me.”

Rena enjoyed the warm from Airin’s hand. “That’s it? You realized it just because of it?!”

Airin shrugged. “Yeah. You know Rena… you’re not a romantic person at all. You never show your love to everybody around you, always harsh toward other people.  So when you acted different in front of me, I could tell that I have a special place in your heart.” She tightened her grip onto Rena’s hand. “It was so cute, Rena. I’m really thankful that you love me this much.” She took a deep breath. “But-”

“Yeah, I know.” Rena turned her head. “You never look at me in that way. You only look at me as your friend, especially when you’re start going out with Churi.” She bit her lips. “It’s okay. I understand… I try hard to understand that you never love me. I’ve tried to learn it since 5 years ago.”

“So, that’s why you keep avoiding me for 6 months? Trying to move on?” Airin frowned. “So… is it works?” She pulled Rena closer to her body and then she wrapped her arms around Rena’s body.

Rena wrapped her arms around Airin’s waist and the she rested her chin on Airin’s shoulder. “It’s hard.”

“I’m sorry for making you suffer like this.” Airin rubbed Rena’s back.

Rena shook her head. “Just like I said before, it’s not your fault.” She closed her eyes, enjoyed Airin’s warm body. She took a deep breath, enjoyed Airin’s sweet fragrance. “Umm… I mean…It was hard at first.”

Airin let go of her arms. She looked at Rena’s eyes. “What do you mean?”

Rena blushed instantly. “I… I- Ummm…. I kind of… find a weird girl in a few months ago and she helps me to through this.”

“Hmm… so, is it means that you already found someone else?”

“NO!! NO! It’s not like that!! I love you, remember? I’ve just confessed it to you in a few minutes ago!!” Rena started to panic.

Airin chuckled. “Okay.” She wanted to tease Rena more. “So, what happened between you and her?”

Rena slapped Airin’s arm. “Nothing happened! I even didn’t know her name.” She sighed.

“Ha?!” Airin couldn’t blink. She was too surprised because of her friend’s story, a super weird story. “You’re joking.”

“I’m not. But I’m not too worried about it, she’s a nice girl.”

“Really?!” Airin looked at Rena in disbelief way. “You trust her even though you didn’t know her identity?”

Rena shrugged. “I guess… yeah. She’s a nice friend after all. You have to meet her someday.” She smiled at Airin.

“Well… I’m JEALOUS.” Airin pouted. She crossed her arms and then she turned her body. She acted like she was mad at Rena.

Rena giggled. “You’re the one who dumped me, remember?” She back-hugged Airin.

“It’s a bit weird, isn’t it? You talk about someone who you like with someone who you love.” Airin chuckled.

“I didn’t like her! Well, I like her… but only as a friend.” Rena tightened her hug on Airin’s waist. “Airin… I will try to kill this feeling for you as fast as I can, so this problem won’t disturb our friendship again.”

Somehow, Airin smile disappeared from her face. He looked sad because of some reason.

“Let me say it to you once more and maybe for the last time… I love you, Airin. I always do.” Rena kissed Airin’s shoulder. “But our friendship is more important than my feeling.”

Airin remained silent.  Rena...


Rena turned on the radio with a smile that appeared from her lips.

“You look different.”

“What do you mean?” Rena looked at the girl who sat next to her. This time they didn’t sat on the bridge railings, they sat inside Rena’s car because it was raining outside.

“You seem brighter than usual. Was there something good happened?”

Rena smiled at the handsome girl who sat next to her. “It was not as good as I expected, but let just say that it was going well.”

The girl nodded. “Okay. If I ask more questions, you will say ‘none of your business’ again.” She shrugged.

Rena looked at the stranger. I think it’s time for me to let her read some pages of my private life story. She decreased the volume of the radio. “When the first time I came here, I really messed up. Maybe you still remember that I drank the alcohol beverage at that time. I was so desperate back then and loss of direction… everything that I saw was only the darkness.” She took a deep breath. “At that night you said ‘someone will shine even more after they get back up’ to me. You know… your words gave me a little hope. I have to thank you for that.”

“I’m glad to know that it helps you. You looked so gloomy back then.”

 Rena nodded. “This is what happened at that time… I had a big quarrel with my best friend, my childhood friend, the only friend that I have in this world, and also… someone who secretly I love for years.”

“Did she refuse your feeling?”

Rena shook her head. “No, I was not yet confess my feeling. She had fallen in love with someone else before. I knew that I didn’t have any chance to be with her in that way, she only saw me as her friend. So, I avoided her for weeks because I wanted to move on from my useless feeling. And when I felt hopeless and I thought that I wouldn’t be able to cast away my feeling for her… you came and save me from the darkness. Because of you, I could slowly go out from her shadow.”

The stranger grinned. “So… I’m your savior?! Cool!!” She giggled as she saw Rena rolled her eyes. “Do you really forget her now?”

“No, not yet.” Rena sighed. “But at least I’ve confessed my feeling to her 2 days ago.” Her eyes began to teary. “As I said before, it was just going well… but not as I expected. Well… I’m still happy because I don’t need to hide my feeling anymore. We’re still friends and she will help me to move on, so that our friendship will not be broken because of this matter.” She showed the bitter smile to the stranger. “I feel relieved.”

The stranger reached her hand, she held Rena’s hand. She saw Rena’s shocked expression but she didn’t care, she wanted to show her support. “She is not your only friend anymore… I’m your friend too.” She smiled at Rena. “And congratulation… you already shine brighter now, I can see that you’re sparkling right now. I’ll help you to get back up. You will be able to stand on your own feet soon.”

Rena couldn’t close her mouth and she even forgot to blink. “Wow! You’re not as annoying as usual. Well… thanks.” She quickly pulled her hand away from the stranger’s grip. She was not felt comfortable while her pale skin touched by the stranger.

“I’m not annoying. I’m a kind and friendly girl! Tch.” The stranger looked out the window. “Thank you for sharing your story.”

“I’m not doing it for free. Tell something about yours too.”

“Why should I?” The stranger kept looking out the window to look the heavy rain.

Rena seemed irritated. “You said that you’re my friend, but I even didn’t know who you are. All that I know about you is you always come to this bridge, nothing else.”

The stranger shrugged. “You’re the first one who makes the distance between us. I’ve asked your name since the first time we meet, but you snapped me.”

“Pfft.” Rena tried to hold her laugh. “I’m sorry about that. I never really talked to other people except Airin. What do you want to know about me?”


“It is the person's name who we were talking about earlier, my best friend.”

The person nodded. “I see…” She turned her head again, she looked at Rena. “Then, what’s your name?”

“Matsui Rena, just call me Rena. I think we already close enough to call each other’s nickname.” She smiled. “What’s your name?”

The stranger frowned. “You didn’t know my name??!!”

Rena rolled her eyes. “There are billions people in the world, how I can know all of their names?!”

The stranger facepalmed. “I thought I’ve worked really hard in these past years. I guess I have to work harder from now on.” She sighed.

“What do you mean?” Rena frowned.

“My name is Matsui Jurina.” She sighed again.

“You’re a Matsui too?! Cool.” Rena grinned.

Jurina stared at Rena once again. “Are you sure that you never saw me before? Or at least hear my name?”

Rena put her hand to her chin. She tried to remember all people that ever entered into her life. “Matsui Jurina… Matsui Jurina… another Matsui… Jurina.. Ummm…” She shook her head. “I didn’t recognize you.”

“Urgh!”  Jurina smacked her own forehead. “I’m an ac-” Jurina stopped as she heard her phone rang. She saw the name on the screen. Mayu. “Moshi moshi.” She answered the phone.

Jurina, Where are you?! Come back here in an hour! Stop sneaking out in the midnight, Jurina. It’s dangerous, you know!!

Jurina laughed. “Okay-okay, I will come back as soon as the rain stopped. Don’t worry, I’m fine.” She said it with the gentle tone to calm Mayu. She didn’t want Mayu became too worried about her.

“Okay, I will wait.

“See you later~” Jurina ended the call with a cute voice.

Rena was surprised. It was the first time she saw Jurina talked with other people except her. Wait. Did she have just acted like a cute kid?! Wow. I’m surprised. Suddenly, Rena felt that she wanted to know more about the girl beside her.

Jurina patted Rena’s arm. “Give me your number, Rena-chan.” She still held her phone.

*THUMP!* It was the first time she heard the other girl called her name. “For what?”

Jurina rolled her eyes. “Well, we’re friends… we have to know each other better, right? I think it’s time for us to meet and to talk somewhere other than this bridge. Umm… let’s just say that I want to know about your life out there. Don’t you curious about mine as well?”

Rena nodded. She’s right.

============================ Continue to Chap 3 ============================

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