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Author Topic: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners (23/23) + Destiny (41/41 END) [WMatsui] - REPLIES  (Read 335456 times)

Offline Rhythm

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i see, it seem starting today i need to save up my money to buy ur hardbook kyaaa  :shy2:
but one thing, i really want the cover to be an illustration but if you say otherwise im fine, everything is fine for meee  :deco:
hope you decided to make the hardbook tho

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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I will definitely buy your book! :on woohoo:

Personally I prefer the hard copy book like you offer because I love the smell of the books and it's enjoyable to hold them in my hand.  :shy1:

Offline Guacamoolee

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Please do! It's like a dream come true!!!!
Now I could never move on from this pairing.

*Cry in WMatsui*
 :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Woah, publishing this trilogy as a book series would be so cool! I want to do the same with one of my own fanfiction series "Bara no Toge", so I think it's great you want to do this with your own series! :D

I would definitely want to buy a hard copy of it if you decide to publish it! You have my support! :thumbsup

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline sophcaro

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners (23/23) + Destiny chapter 35 [WMatsui]
« Reply #684 on: July 07, 2018, 03:28:42 PM »

Three months later.

Rena followed attentively the weather forecast on the television while she finished packing, unsettled when the TV presenter reaffirmed the possibility of snow in Tokyo. Even though the probability remained low, Rena certainly didn’t want to give it any chance. Taking out a wool sweater from the drawer, she placed it into her suitcase, then lowered her gaze to the pair of Nike sneakers she had originally planned to wear for her weekend.

As the recent weather, snow warning replayed in her head, her better judgement ended up winning the upper hand. Kneeling down in front of the cupboard, she grabbed the pair of sneakers and put it back on the shoe rack quite reluctantly, opting instead for a pair of long, black winter boots. Once her decision was made, she straightened up and took one last glance at her opened suitcase, mentally making sure she hadn’t forgotten anything, then went over the content of her backpack.

When she discovered two important items missing, she blemished.

Wait, where are the tickets?

Rena looked around the bedroom in alert, searching the shelves for any sign of the missing tickets, before walking towards her desk and frenetically going through the pile of papers laying there, while retracing in her head the last time she had seen the tickets. When her fingers finally encountered the precious sesame trickily hidden between two magazines, relief brought a smile to her lips.

Jump Festa, 18-19 December 2020.

2 entries.

Admonishing herself for having misplaced the tickets in the first place, Rena didn’t waste any more time to retrace her steps back to her backpack and carefully secured the pair of entry tickets in the front pocket, along with her Shinkansen train ticket for Tokyo and hotel reservation for two nights. Once Rena was reassured she was fully prepared, she took a brief peek at her watch in curiosity, taking in that it was past 3 p.m. Airi should be arriving at any minute now.

As Rena closed her suitcase and reflected upon the upcoming, anticipated annual manga and anime exposition, she already found herself pretty impatient to be attending it, even more with her dear best friend. Lately, they had been both so occupied with work and life circumstances, they unfortunately hadn’t been able to meet as often as she would have wished. That’s why, when Airi had called one evening and proposed to go to the event, Rena had been more than pleased to accept, grateful that her own, busy schedule enabled her to free herself for the weekend.

When Rena heard the doorbell ringing, she snapped out of her thoughts and raised her gaze, her feet leading her outside the bedroom as she moved towards the front door. As she opened and saw her best friend standing on the other side with her suitcase, Rena’s face spread into a smile of pleasure.

“Hi Airin,” Rena said, opening the door wider and stepping aside to let her in. “You’re right on time.”

“Hi,” Airi returned the greeting and followed her inside, until unease crossed her features. “Reassure me, you have the entry tickets, right? On the way here, I realized I didn’t have them with me, and I got worried I had left them at home.”

“I do, they are in my backpack. And I have our hotel reservation too.”

“Oh good,” Airi exhaled a long sigh of relief. “For a minute, I was truly afraid I had forgotten them at home.”

“I’m the one who bought them, remember?” Rena replied, frowning in perplexity at her friend’s strange edginess. “What’s happening? You seem disturbed.”

“It’s the weather,” Airi winced in displeasure. “When they announced a few days ago that it might snow at the end of the week, I was afraid our train would get cancelled.”

“It certainly doesn’t look like it will snow today,” Rena said doubtfully, entering the bedroom and pulling her small, red suitcase towards the entrance. “And frankly, I’m not even sure it will snow at all. Let’s not forget we haven’t seen snow in Tokyo in years.”

“Yes, you’re right,” Airi agreed willingly, before arching an eyebrow when she discovered the pair of black winter boots standing by the bedroom door. “And that’s why you’re taking a pair of boots?”

“Well, you know me. I like to be prepared just in case.” They smiled at each other knowingly.  “Anyway, let me just fetch my backpack, and we can leave.”

“Sure,” Airi bit her lip to stifle a grin and watched as the other girl disappeared in the bedroom, checking her phone distractedly while waiting for Rena’s return. As she was about to put her phone away in her backpack, her whole body tensed as she rummaged through it and realized her phone charger was nowhere to be found. “Rena, do you still have the charger from your previous Apple? I think I forgot mine at home.”

“I see you were indeed not yourself today,” Rena, passing her head through the bedroom door, chuckled slightly. “Check the cupboard in the living room. Second drawer. It should be there with my older phone. Remind me, why don’t you have the newest Samsung? I believe I already praised its merits more than once.”

“Thanks,” Airi ignored her friend’s teasing tone and span on her heels, moving towards the living room. When she pulled the indicated drawer and stumbled upon the familiar charger, her face relaxed into a smile, until she paused when she felt the glass of a picture frame underneath her fingertips. After retrieving the charger, curiosity got the best of her and she took it out, recognition passing over her face when she saw the four girls sitting at a restaurant and smiling at the camera.

It might have already been five years since this moment was immortalized, Airi would never forget Rena’s 24th birthday.

A wave of nostalgia swept through her as she studied the picture and observed everyone’s happy faces. From Akane carelessly laying her head upon her shoulder with a silly, goofy expression, to Jurina’s large, bright smile while discreetly holding Rena’s hand underneath the table. Not only they had spent such a wonderful evening, it reminded her of the good old days when they were all comfortable around each other and would frequently hang out and spend time together the four of them.

After so many years, it could seem that those good times were long gone and only a distant memory. Yet, as Airi reflected upon what had sadly drawn the group of friends apart, she somehow refused to believe that this picture represented their last moment of happiness. Maybe it was her never-ending optimist side speaking and she was being too naïve. Nevertheless, Airi found herself hoping life would one day give them a second chance to be reunited once again.

When Airi felt a new presence behind her, she glanced over her shoulder, feeling a prickle of apprehension when she saw Rena’s eyes glued on the picture frame. “I was looking for the charger when I found this,” Airi said, handling the picture to Rena when she extended her hand. “I didn’t remember that you had this picture framed, but I understand why you did,” Airi’s last words died away when she distinguished a tinge of melancholy in her friend’s expression. “It was such a great moment. It really was.”

“I didn’t remember putting it here. Actually, it’s Jurina who insisted on having it framed,” Rena explained, much to Airi’s surprise. “For some reason, when she saw the picture the waiter had taken of the four of us at the restaurant, she loved it instantly and wouldn’t relent until I had it framed. You know Jurina: once she has set her mind on something, it’s hard to disagree with her.”

At those last words, an unexpected fond smile touched Rena’s mouth and Airi, sensing her friend’s mood improving, decided to push her luck a little, asking a question burning her lips. “Have you… gotten any news from Jurina recently?”

“No, I haven’t. And maybe I never will again.”

Airi wasn’t fooled by Rena’s deceptively composed features, hearing distinctly the pessimism and great insecurity in her friend’s voice. “Jurina was playing in a drama, wasn’t she? You know better than I do how little free time you have once you start such an important shooting, with the long work hours and all the promotion. Even more when you have the leading role. I’m sure she’ll recontact you once it’s over.”

Airi gave Rena’s shoulder a comforting light squeeze before stepping back and progressively retreating towards her backpack. While she placed the charger inside, she stole a few preoccupied glances in her friend’s direction now and then, observing the way Rena seemed lost in her own little world, unable to drag her eyes away from the picture.

After a while, Airi broke the silence. “I’m ready to go when you are.”

At last, Rena lifted her gaze. “Go ahead, I’ll be right here.”

Airi did as instructed and approached the hallway, hearing behind her the sound of footsteps moving on the floor as Rena engulfed herself in the bedroom, returning the next moment with her own backpack. As Airi waited next to the front door while Rena put her coat and boots on, she swept around the familiar apartment one last time, caught off guard yet pleasantly surprised when she noticed the picture of Rena’s 24th birthday now standing on a shelf near the living room’s television.

“You know, you didn’t have to come with me,” Akane addressed hesitantly Jurina as they both stepped off the Shinkansen and began walking down the train platform, following the flow of passengers slowly moving towards the exit.

“Eh? What are you talking about?” Jurina glanced back at her at once, taken aback, until noticing her friend’s worry. “Okay, I might not be an otaku as you are, but I do enjoy watching animes and reading mangas from time to time. I meant it when I said I wanted to spend the weekend with you. I really did. Besides, I needed a breather.”

“And you believe a 2-day anime convention will be relaxing?” Akane’s brow furrowed in scepticism.

“Alright. Maybe not,” Jurina conceded in mild amusement. “But it doesn’t matter. These last three months, I have barely been able to talk to you or even socialise with anyone at all. I needed this,” she stated with assurance, before abruptly stopping on the train platform and shooting the other girl an apprehensive look. “Wait. You don’t mind me accompanying you, do you?”

“Of course not!” Akane retraced her steps back to her and caught Jurina’s hand, encircling her fingers with her own. “I’m also very happy to finally be able to spend time with you. I missed you too,” she gently added, glad when she saw a smile of happiness instantly falling upon Jurina’s lips. “I just wanted to warn you once again that this weekend was probably going to be the opposite of soothing and restful.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Jurina affirmed with an air of confidence, not letting go of Akane’s fingers while she tugged at her hand and resumed her walk. “Besides, if it’s truly as tiring as you’re implying, then I’ll have all the following week to recover. Sorry Churi, but I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.”

Akane hid a smile when she felt an unexpected, quick kiss on her cheek, easing up a little at her friend’s reassuring words. To be honest, after witnessing Jurina’s drawn features the previous evening, she feared this weekend in Tokyo would be far too exhausting for her, especially after barely finishing a strenuous, 3-month shooting. However, Jurina’s current energy, cheerfulness and enthusiasm told her that a good night sleep had already done wonders on her.

“We’ve arrived,” Jurina said when she stepped out of the elevator with Akane at the second floor and spotted the number 22 after a short walk, pausing her blue suitcase in front of the hotel door. “It’s our room.”

Just as Jurina was about to slid the keycard inside the lock, she vaguely registered in the background the sound of the second elevator opening but didn’t pay real attention to it, until she distinguished two, distinctive feminine voices chatting together and approaching. Jurina’s hand paused in mid-air as she couldn’t help thinking that they sounded oddly familiar, meeting Akane’s small, confused expression when she turned around towards the direction of the elevators.

When Jurina saw and recognized the two girls arriving at the end of the corridor, especially the beautiful long, brown-haired girl pulling a red suitcase, her heart leaped into her chest. “R-Rena?”

The conversation abruptly ceased as the 29-year-old girl immediately averted her gaze from her travelling companion, her eyes widening when she discovered the two girls standing in the corridor. “Jurina…?” Rena’s breath caught in her throat, briefly acknowledging Akane’s presence by Jurina’s side, until locking eyes with the younger girl in incredulity. “What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same thing,” Jurina stammered, her eyes darting back and forth between Rena and a positively shocked Airi standing by her side. “I’m going to the Jump Festa with Churi,” she continued, giving Akane a quick side look, and finding her friend equally speechless by this completely unforeseen meeting. “It’s this weekend at Makuhari Messe.”

“Wait. You are? We are going too…” Rena exchanged a baffled look with Airi, before returning her attention to the younger girl in confusion. “I didn’t know you were now interested in those kinds of conventions.”

“It’s not… It’s not really the case,” Jurina admitted a little embarrassedly. “A few days ago, I finished a long shooting in Tokyo. When Churi mentioned this event she wanted to go, I figured it would be a nice change of scenery and offered to come with her.”

Rena was too surprised to do more than nod.

When a deep, prolonged silence enveloped the four girls, up to the point of becoming a little too uncomfortable for Akane’s liking, she chose to intervene. “Why don’t we get inside?” she suggested, looking back at Jurina expectantly. “It was a long travel and you still haven’t fully recuperated; I’m sure you must be feeling tired.”

“Oh, s-sure…” Jurina quickly tore her eyes away from Rena and tried her best to recollect herself.

As she vainly tried to steady the pounding of the pulse beneath her ribs, Jurina realized that the task proved more difficult than anticipated when her impossibly shaking hand couldn’t manage to slid the key card properly. Mentally cursing her omnipotence, and as she was about make a second attempt, her fingers paused at the last moment and she couldn’t help but swing around, observing the two other girls who were about to enter their room just a few doors away.

“It was really nice seeing you again,” Jurina addressed the other pair, her gaze lingering on the older Matsui when their eyes met. “I hope you’ll both have a nice weekend.”

“Thank you…” Rena replied and Jurina saw something flickering back in Rena’s small, brown eyes, an indescribable affection that sent a tremor through her. “I also hope you’ll both enjoy yourselves.”

“Why don’t we have dinner together tonight?” At once, three pairs of eyes stared back in surprise at Airi who had stayed quiet until now and suddenly spoken up. “If you’re not feeling too tired Jurina, of course.”

“A-Airin…” Rena cleared her throat nervously. “We shouldn’t impose ourselves. Maybe they already had other plans for the evening.”

“No, we didn’t,” Jurina blurted out before stopping short, realizing the words that had accidentally come out of her mouth. “I mean,” she dropped her eyes before Rena’s startled expression, tilting her head towards Akane. “We could have dinner the four of us, right?” she added almost awkwardly, searching for her friend’s approval. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“I don’t think…” Akane blinked in astonished silence, noticing Jurina’s strange, hopeful look directed at her. “If it’s fine with you then why not,” she gave a forced smile and a tense nod of consent.

“What about 7 p.m.?” Airi chimed in, before adding. “We can meet in front of the hotel then decide where to go?”

Jurina nodded in agreement to Airi’s offer and slowly returned her gaze to Rena. As her eyes clung to hers, analysing Rena’s reaction and the small, shy smile the older girl was sending her, Jurina tried to make sense of the strange excitement now filling her whole being. 

“Did you know they would be here?”

Akane, who was placing her suitcase next to the twin bed close to the window, turned around in surprise at Jurina’s question. “I knew Airi was planning on going to this convention with Rena,” she confessed a little embarrassedly, before continuing. “But it’s a big event: I didn’t believe we would cross path, even less be staying at the same hotel.”

Akane grew concerned as she saw her young friend averting her gaze, more than obviously and legitimately destabilized by this unforeseen situation. “We don’t have to go to the restaurant with them if it makes you uncomfortable,” she added carefully, slowly taking a seat by Jurina’s side. “I can tell Airi that we are both feeling very tired and don’t feel like going out. Just say the word.”

“What? Why wouldn’t I want to go?” Jurina looked up, puzzled, shaking her head negatively. “I’m not uncomfortable. It just completely caught me off guard. I didn’t expect to see them here. To see…” she paused uncertainly, before letting out. “To see her.”

Akane let out a thoughtful sigh, somehow still profoundly convinced that this dinner was a terrible idea and nothing good could come out of it. It had taken so much time for Jurina to get over her painful heartbreak with Rena. So many months to heal and accept that the girl she loved so deeply would never be by her side anymore. Already, she found herself quite reluctant when Jurina had suggested to invite Rena to her graduation concert, fearing it would only serve to bring back bad memories.

If truth be told, Jurina’s meeting with Rena hadn’t had the negative consequences she dreaded as the concert had gone smoothly without any major incident to be deplored, yet Akane could never have foreseen the shocking discovery Jurina had made a few days following her graduation. One evening had been enough to turn Jurina’s world upside down and realize that everything she had believed during three years only turned out to be a lie.

“Are you sure it doesn’t bother you?” Akane couldn’t help but voice once again her deep concern and to a certain extent, her discomfort and reluctance to this completely unplanned dinner. “You really don’t have to force yourself if you don’t feel like it.”

“I’m not. I promise.”

Akane was unsettled by Jurina’s quick reply, yet she could tell by the determination flashing in her eyes that she truly meant every word. Nevermind how much she strongly believed Jurina was making a tremendous mistake and would regret it later, she chose not to insist and to respect her decision. Nevertheless, she wanted to offer a friend a way out, just in case something went wrong.

“If you ever change your mind or you don’t feel at ease at any moment during the dinner,” Akane said, regarding her seriously. “Don’t hesitate to tell me and we’ll leave.”

“You shouldn’t have done that.”

Airi, who was casually playing a game on her phone, raised her gaze at Rena’s disapproving tone. “Done what?”

“Inviting them for dinner!”

Airi, putting her phone away, let out a small despondent sigh when she noted her best friend’s exasperation. Somehow, she figured this conversation would be coming at one point or another during the evening. An hour ago, when they had entered their hotel room, Rena had been abnormally quiet, not saying a single word about their unexpected meeting with Jurina and Akane or their upcoming dinner together. As they had now been waiting a couple of minutes in front of the hotel for the other pair to arrive, it appeared her best friend was finally letting out what was on her mind.

“Don’t tell me you’re not happy to see Jurina again,” Airi retorted, shaking her head in disbelief. “I won’t believe you.”

“Of course, I’m happy to see her,” Rena’s voice dropped almost to a whisper, her expression softening. “But it’s not only about me. Jurina came to Tokyo to clear her head and spend a nice weekend in Akane’s company. I don’t want to embarrass her with my presence, and that’s exactly what’s going to happen if we pursue with this silly dinner idea.”

Airi’s eyes widened, not believing what she was hearing. “Embarrass her? What are you talking about? When I suggested the idea, Jurina was the first to agree.”

“Because you forced her hand! She was too nice and polite to refuse!”

For a long moment, Airi stared at her friend in incomprehension, trying to understand what on earth could be going on Rena’s mind for her to be so far from the truth. She couldn’t seriously have misinterpreted Jurina’s swift approval as a simple act of kindness. Surely, Rena couldn’t be that blind. Or could she? That’s when it hit her and Rena’s small desperate look made complete sense. “I know you want to avoid hurting Jurina again. But I think it’s time you finally tell her the truth about how you feel.”

“What are you sa-”

“I noticed the way Jurina was looking at you earlier on,” Airi quickly continued when Rena tried to interrupt her. “I won’t pretend that I know what’s going on inside her head, because I obviously don’t. But you would have to be incredibly blind to not see what’s happening in front of your nose, and that she still has affection for you. That’s why I believe she deserves to learn the truth from you. She deserves to know that your heart never belonged to another all this time.”

They fell into silence and Airi watched her friend in expectation, almost seeing the gears turning within Rena’s head as her mouth opened a couple of times as if she wanted to speak, yet the words seemingly refused to come out. As the minutes went by, and Airi ended up believing her best friend would not speak up on the subject, a fragile whisper escaped Rena’s lips. “What makes you think she wants me back in her life? I’m not even sure I deserve her forgiveness after the terrible suffering I caused her.”

Airi’s heart ached under her breast, wishing she would one day stopped hearing such despair and hopelessness in Rena’s voice when it came to her past relationship with Jurina and what she had lost three years ago. Without thinking twice, she reached out and clutched at Rena’s hand, only to find it painfully shaking. “You need to forgive yourself and give yourself a chance to be happy again.”

Rena gave her a watery smile. “You always see the good in everyone, don’t you?”

“You think?” Airi smiled, thinking about it. When she briefly looked backwards over her shoulder and noticed the other pair of friends approaching their direction, she gave Rena’s fingers one last light, comforting squeeze. “I mostly believe everyone deserves a second chance.”

Rena was more than grateful for her long, black coat, white woolly scarf and red gloves when the unpleasant cold of winter hit her pale skin, confirming she had indeed made the right decision by bringing warmer clothes for her weekend getaway. These last few days, the temperature had considerably dropped - easily approaching the 3°C at the end of day - but somehow the sensation of cold had never been so vibrant since her arrival in Tokyo.

Observing the blue sky turning slightly white above her head, Rena took her phone out to check the weather. At 7:15 p.m., the meteorology now announced for the evening a temperature varying between 0°C and -2°C in Tokyo. For now, the sky showed no immediate sign of snow. However, Rena realized this morning prediction had never been so close to becoming true.

Replacing her Smartphone in the pocket of her coat, Rena’s attention fell on the two girls chatting and walking in front of her, letting out of a small, thoughtful sigh when she remembered Airi’s clever, sneaky manoeuvre. As soon as Akane and Jurina had appeared and joined them in front of the hotel, her best friend hadn’t waited to carry out whatever action plan she visibly had in mind, taking Akane apart and engaging a conversation with her as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Oh yes, Rena had clearly witnessed Akane’s worried and troubled look directed at Jurina, one that spoke louder than words and told her that Akane definitely didn’t feel comfortable at the idea of leaving Jurina behind with her. Nevertheless, Airi’s unbelievable tenacity - one that Rena had admittedly not witnessed in years - managed to have the final say, as Akane ended up agreeing and following the other girl without a protest.

Rena gave another discreet sidelong glance to the 23-year-old girl quietly walking by her side, wondering why Jurina’s simple presence always managed to make her heart beat so rapidly. Three years had already passed, yet she had to concede that Airi was entirely right: no one else but Jurina would ever be able to provoke this warm, fuzzy feeling inside her. As Rena watched her expression closely, she got reminded that Jurina had never been good at concealing her emotions: her shyness and nervousness was anything but palpable.

Despite Rena’s previous conversation with Airi and her friend’s reassuring words - and to a certain extent, her own selfish desire to seize this unique opportunity – she feared this dinner to be a bad idea. In fact, just before leaving the hotel together, Rena had carefully tested the waters and offered the other pair a chance to go their separate ways, noticing that Akane was clearly feeling ill-at-ease in her presence.

Why wouldn’t we want to have dinner with you two?

To her utter surprise, Jurina had once more repeated that she saw no issue in having dinner together, leaving Rena a little speechless and with no other choice but to give in. Albeit the fact she found herself slightly taken aback by Jurina’s renewed approval, she was forced to recognize that Airi was apparently right and Jurina hadn’t accepted out of politeness after all, but genuinely wanted to spend the evening in their company.

Much as Rena wanted to stay realistic and she refused to see this dinner as anything more than a social gathering between friends, she couldn’t ignore either her conflicted thoughts and feelings. Entertaining any illusions or raising false expectations was evidently out of the question, yet she found herself unable to quiet the happiness that sparkled inside her at the mere idea of being reunited with the girl she had never ceased to love.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2018, 02:45:15 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Rhythm

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Sorry I just feel depressed since Jurina is hiatus ;-;


So before I kinda feel depressed and now I'm calm-
I really like how u wrote all of this like a real story.
Jurina acting like she doesn't care too much but I know she care of Rena kyaa XD

That's all lol thanks
« Last Edit: July 08, 2018, 11:36:46 AM by Rhythm »

Offline sophcaro

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Sorry I just feel depressed since Jurina is hiatus ;-;

I understand  :(
Once you feel better and you've read the chapter, don't hesitate to share your thoughts on it here.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2018, 09:14:36 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Rena booked the hotel room for two nights, right? She could spend the first night with Airi, but it would be great if she could spend the second night with JURINA. :shy2:

Airi was very supportive about Rena's current relationship with Jurina, I'm thankful for that. She was the logic Rena needed the most to clear her mind and to see that she and Jurina still had the same feeling after all. Rena was unbelievable sometimes.

Thank you for the update, author-san ^^

Offline Minami-chan

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As Rhythm has commented above, I am terribly sad with the announcement of Jurina's Hiatus. I thought it would be a few weeks, but yesterday's announcement was devastating.

Fan fiction, great as always.

I'm really a bit confused with the thoughts that Jurina will have right now, but ... we are under Rena's point of view.
Rena feels terribly insecure.
Maybe sometimes love is not enough.
But it is clear that this meeting is going to bring them together again, maybe friendship ... maybe that will lead to love.

Offline Kyuartz

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thanks a lot author-san for the update
as always, a great chapter
Hmm... I think I'll see a great improvement from here about my Jurina and Rena
somehow I would like to see Rena letting out what she felt as she is always the calm one
totally can't wait for the next chapter

Offline Guacamoolee

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Waaaaah!! Nice!!! :twothumbs
Rena please listen to Airi and stop 'testing the water'!!!
Waiting for their next meeting! I hope it would be the 'long awaited reunite' one hehe
Good job, author-san!


Offline facarous

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Hi, Sophcaro!

If I needed to describe this chapter in one word I would definitely use "frustrating" and no, please don't misundertand me, your writing is wonderful as always. But I mean, I really know what it is to love someone so much and not be able to say or do the right thing because your are so afraid of just messing up everything.

The right thing is to talk with an open heart, be honest and put their fear behind them, but both of them are so afraid that it is preventing them of making the first move. So... it's frustrating and thanks God for Airin!
Every person needs a friend like Airin in their lives now and then.  :yep:

Now the last but no the least is Churi. I hope Akane and Rena could talk because Akane is just thinking of Jurina and her wellbeing and right now Rena is a big no-no from Churi´s POV.

I owe you an apology for my late comment.
I know you work hard and that every chapter is carefully written and that you take deep care of your characters and I can't find a simple word to convey how grateful I am for the fact that you never give up on wmatsui.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2018, 01:39:27 PM by sophcaro »

Offline Genkikid

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Let's hope the dinner is not going to be awkward...

Regarding Jurina's hiatus, the senbatsu 53rd single is going to be released in september (according to stage48). Does that mean Jurina won't be back until then?

Offline sophcaro

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  • Faithful WMatsui shipper
    • sophcaro
Big thanks to Rhythm, Bukiyou Taiyou, Minami-chan, Kyuartz, Guacamoolee, facarous and Genkikid for your comments. As usual, I really enjoy reading your thoughts and feelings and it brings me great motivation!  :yep:

I also want to thank everyone who has taken time to answer the survey. The survey is still online and will stay active until my trilogy is completed, so if you're interested in a hardbook/digital version of my trilogy and haven't had the opportunity to vote yet, don't hesitate to click on THAT link and vote! I will check the results / make my decision once my trilogy is over.

Without further ado, here's chapter 36.


There was so much agitation in the crowded streets of Tokyo at that specific time of the year. Whether it was groups of friends chatting enthusiastically among themselves while enjoying an afternoon of shopping, or couples holding hands and wandering in the animated streets, taking time and pleasure in admiring the beautiful illuminations lightning up the districts of Tokyo. One thing was for sure: Japan’s capital was anything but calm and peaceful around Christmas, the hustle and bustle of the big city matching the restlessness of Jurina’s own beating heart.

Since the four friends had left their hotel fifteen minutes ago in search of a nice restaurant to settle in for the evening, Jurina’s heart had stubbornly refused to quiet down, beating wildly and uncontrollably, her insides jangling with inexplicable excitement. Jurina was all the more conscious that there was solely one person responsible for triggering such strong emotional and physical reactions: Rena Matsui, the 29-year-old girl currently walking by her side.

From the moment Jurina had recognized Rena’s voice and watched her in stupefaction appearing in the hotel hallway with Airi, not one minute had passed without her rethinking about their unexpected meeting. What were the odds that they would be crossing path by accident in Tokyo and under such unbelievable circumstances - a manga and anime convention – precisely the kind of events she usually never attended?

These last three months, Jurina had been so swamped with work with the shooting of her new drama that she barely had a minute for herself. Not only it was her first serious job since her graduation from SKE, it also happened to be the leading role alongside a famous and critically-acclaimed male Japanese actor – the 54-year-old Hiroshi Abe - putting even greater pressure on her shoulders.

The circumstances required of her nothing more than hard work, great concentration and impeccable professionalism at all times.

Jurina wanted to convince herself that the sole reason why she hadn’t contacted Rena again was because of her own awfully busy agenda, yet she couldn’t ignore another truth from emerging each time their last conversation at Rena’s apartment replayed in her head. In reality, Jurina was still having difficulty coping with everything that had been shared and revealed on that rainy evening of September.

The more Jurina reflected upon the situation, the more she realized this new job offer had in fact arrived at the right time. It enabled her to clear her head and focus her mind on other things for a little while, as well as put some good, necessary distance with Nagoya. If there was one thing Jurina discovered when she had finally reached her own apartment after leaving Rena’s place, it was that all these shocking revelations had left her completely stunned.

She needed space to commune with herself; time to put her thoughts in order and fully process the implications of what had been exchanged. Only briefly, she had broached the subject with Akane, as two days after that evening she had been required to take the train to debut her shooting in Tokyo.

Far away from Nagoya, and with limited contact with Akane, Jurina had one evening taken the advantage that the shooting ended a little earlier than usual to jump into a taxi and pay a visit to a certain 26-year-old girl, her best friend Mayu Watanabe who hadn’t hesitated to invite her for dinner and welcome her inside her apartment. That evening, a quick look around the place had been enough for Jurina to tell that Yuki was absent, Mayu informing her that her girlfriend was currently away in Osaka for her 2020’ tour.

“Can you imagine it?” Jurina hadn’t waited long to pour her heart to her trusted best friend, revealing everything Rena - but also her mother – confessed to her that evening. “Three years ago, she made me think she didn’t love me anymore! Rena lied to me!” Jurina couldn’t restrain herself from venting out her frustration, the shock and incredulity resurfacing as the conversation remained fresh in her head.

At last, when Jurina managed to calm down a little and, after picking up and taking a few sips of the glass of ice tea that Mayu had placed on the table to her attention, she took a deep, steadying breath and looked up, the pain still flickering there as she stared back at her friend in waiting support. All along, Mayu had listened to her calmly and attentively, never interrupting her once.

“You’re upset and feeling betrayed,” Mayu said comprehensively. “But I don’t understand why you’re so worked up by this. Aren’t you the one who told me not so long ago that you solely invited Rena to your graduation concert for the sake of SKE, and assured me it had nothing to do with the fact that you missed her and wanted to see her again?”

“B-Because it was true,” Jurina answered, a little taken aback. “She was my WCenter for almost ten years. She deserved to be on that stage. It had nothing… It had nothing to do with my feel… I did it for SKE. I did it for the fans.”

“You know what I think?” Mayu said with a heavy sigh. “I think you need to figure out what you want and what you’re going to do with all this new information. I’m not saying what Rena did three years ago was right. Of course not. But she finally explained herself and you know what motivated her actions. Now what? Do you want her back in your life? Would you give her another chance?”

“What are you… What are you talking about?” Jurina asked, stupefied. “It’s been three years. She probably has someone else in her life by now. It’s obvious that she does. She’s moved on.”

“Because you have?” Mayu exclaimed challengingly. “Look me in the face and tell me that you don’t feel anything, anything at all for her anymore.”

“Of course, I still care about her,” Jurina agreed tremulously, feeling greatly destabilized by the unexpected direction this conversation was taking. After a slight pause to recollect herself, she added almost tentatively. “And maybe… Maybe after a little while, we could become frien-”

“Oh come on,” Mayu chuckled slightly. “We both know you don’t want Rena’s friendship. It has never been enough from the start and it will never be. Not after everything you went through together. Not after the relationship you two had.”

Mayu’s baffling assurance left Jurina so speechless, that she miserably failed to come back at her with a clever retort.

It was the very last they spoke about the subject.

That evening, when Jurina had left the set and taken the direction of Mayu’s apartment, it was not merely to spend some quality time with her precious best friend, but also in the hope that Mayu would somehow manage to make sense of this unpredictable turn of events and bring her answers to the countless questions placating her. Unfortunately, their conversation had done the exact opposite, leaving Jurina quite shaken and even more confused than when she first arrived.

During the length of the shooting, Jurina had desperately attempted to put at the back of her head the doubts and insecurities her conversation with Mayu had managed to provoke, trying to convince herself that Mayu was completely in the wrong. She didn’t see Rena in that way anymore; what she felt was simply natural and legitimate affection for the person with whom she had shared the stage and spotlights for almost half her life, before entering a more private sphere when Rena had returned her feelings. 

Meeting her former partner again on this cold evening of December had been enough to put into question her deepest convictions.

The evident surprise, but also secret joy that had blossomed within her at the thought of being reunited with Rena after three, long months apart.

The great nervousness, yet almost overwhelming anticipation at the mere idea of being able to exchange a few words with Rena and spend the evening in her presence.

And to top it all, her own heartbeat that ridiculously refused to slow down despite her best attempts to get a grip of herself, even though she and Rena were doing nothing more than simply wandering in the streets of Tokyo. At that précised moment, Jurina was admittedly feeling slightly annoyed by her own behavior, wondering why she was acting like a silly, skittish teenager on a first date.

This absolutely wasn’t a date, but an innocent gathering between friends who hadn’t met and socialized in a seriously long time.

In front of her, Airi and Akane were engaged in an impassioned talk about some new Square Enix video game that was supposed to be available for demonstration during the weekend convention but Jurina hardly paid attention to it. While trying to ignore the unpleasant sensation of the cold wind as it once again blew past her face and through her hair - now deeply regretting not bringing a warmer jacket for the occasion - she wished nothing more but to come up with a way to break the ice with Rena.

“You’re going to catch a cold.” Jurina snapped out of her daze when she felt a hand closing around her arm. “Wear this.”

Jurina abruptly paused in her steps, caught off guard when she saw Rena reducing the distance between them to come and stand in front of her. “Didn’t you check the weather before leaving?” Rena inquired worriedly, untying the thick, woolen white scarf she was wearing and wrapping it around Jurina’s neck slowly and carefully. “They warned the weekend would be chillier than usual.”

“You don’t need…” Jurina nervously swallowed a lump as she felt the blush creeping up her neck and face. “You really don’t need to do this.” She attempted a protest, before beginning to clumsily remove the scarf from around her neck. “If you do that, then you’re the one who’s going to get sick.”

Jurina was halfway through the process when Rena placed her hand atop hers and clutched her fingers determinedly. “Stop it. I’m already warmly dressed.” She motioned with her free hand the long, black winter coat she was wearing, along with her stand-up collar, woolen pullover. “I can do without it, so please. Wear it. You’re shivering.”

“I’m not…” Jurina opened her mouth to interject before realizing that Rena was indeed right, and her body had unconsciously betrayed her.

Jurina had barely the opportunity to witness a small, reassuring smile falling upon Rena’s lips, before the other girl withdrew her hand and turned away. Jurina’s eyes bored into Rena’s retreating back intently as the older girl drew away, somehow beginning to wonder if the weather was truly the unique responsible for the shudder that had passed through her.

Jurina forced her legs to move forward, catching up with the group, before falling into step beside Rena in silence. Burying her nose in the white scarf, she found herself relishing more than she wished the pleasurable feeling of Rena’s scarf caressing her skin, softly warming her up against the biting cold of December. Soon enough, a knowing smile inadvertently graced her lips as her nostrils took in Rena’s familiar scent, mingled with the smell of the older girl’s sweet perfume, a touch of orange, jasmine and rose.

She had shamefully and foolishly let herself get carried away.

There was no other way to explain what had happened, Rena couldn’t help chastising herself as she nibbled on her lower lip, embarrassed by the way she had inappropriately behaved with Jurina. What could she say? When she had noticed Jurina so lightly dressed, a switch had flipped inside her, instantly making her feel deeply concerned about her health. Before she even knew what she was doing, she had hastily removed her scarf and placed it around Jurina’s neck without hesitation, solely finding herself fully satisfied once she was positively sure the younger girl wouldn’t remove it.

Nevermind how hard Rena tried to contain herself, it appeared she was visibly incapable of controlling her impulses in Jurina’s presence very long. As they were now walking side by side again, Rena slanted a nervous glance, fearing to have gone too far. Was she in her right to act with such familiarity when Jurina was concerned? Earlier on, when Rena had left her hotel room, she promised herself not to do anything to put Jurina ill-at-ease.

And she might have just crossed a line.

Rena was completely aware that it wasn’t the first time. Already, during Jurina’s graduation concert, she had allowed herself way too many affectionate gestures. Much as she wanted to believe that those were purely altruistic actions, an innocent way of comforting and reassuring Jurina when she needed it the most during such a crucial, turning point of her life and career as an idol, she knew it was only partly the truth.

Those interactions held in fact much more significance and concealed more selfish desires: the desperate need to be close to Jurina again, even for just a fleeting moment.

“Thank you…” Rena was taken by surprise when she felt a hand holding hers without warning, taking in Jurina’s small, shy look directed at her. “You’re right, I didn’t pay attention to the weather. I mean, I know it has been cold lately, but I didn’t expect such a drop of temperature tonight. You think I’m reckless, right?”

Rena didn’t immediately respond but, as she felt Jurina’s fingers slowly withdrawing, she knew she didn’t want this unexpected contact between them to end. Not yet. “Just a little.” A smile ruffled Rena’s mouth as she held firmly on Jurina’s fingers, preventing them from escaping her grasp. “But I’m not worried anymore,” she continued as she observed attentively the white scarf now protecting Jurina’s neck, until her eyes shot up to meet hers. “I know it will keep you warm enough.”

For a long moment, they stared at each other.

“It will, thank you…” Jurina gave her fingers a gentle, light squeeze. “I will return it to you once we get back to the hotel.”

“What about this yakiniku?” Akane’s questioning voice broke the air, Rena instantly missing the loss of contact when Jurina let go of her hand to approach the two other friends, checking in curiosity the restaurant they had stopped in front.

“I’m not sure…” Jurina’s voice trailed away in hesitation as she turned the pages of the menu. “Rena needs to have something to eat too.”

At the base of her throat, a pulse beat and swelled as though her heart had risen from its usual place, Rena feeling incredibly touched by Jurina’s thoughtfulness. “Don’t worry about it,” she intervened and stepped forward. “We can go wherever you want, I don’t mind,” her attention briefly falling on Akane in agreement, before returning her gaze to Jurina. By the latter’s troubled look, Rena knew she would need a little more convincing. “Besides, there’s always plenty of vegetables. This restaurant is perfectly fine for me.”

“Are you sure?” Airi chimed in, equally voicing her concern. “We can look for another restaurant if you prefer.”

“No need,” Rena answered assuredly, nodding her head in the direction of the restaurant. “Let’s eat here.”

Akane placed a slice of harami on the grill in front of her, while listening distractedly to the conversation going on at the table. After Airi had suggested to have dinner the four of them together, Akane hadn’t been shy to confess her reserve about the prospect to Jurina in private, fearing her friend would feel uncomfortable in Rena’s presence. Much to her surprise, the younger girl sitting by her side wasn’t behaving at all as she anticipated.

Akane could literally feel the shyness emanating from Jurina every time she addressed the older Matsui eating opposite her, but their verbal exchanges weren’t as awkward as she would have believed. In fact, if Akane had to be perfectly honest, this dinner between the four of them was going far better than she predicted, the atmosphere quite light and even relaxing. Akane couldn’t recall the last time they had spent such a casual evening the four of them together.

Given the circumstances, it was extremely odd, to say the least.

“How was it shooting with Hiroshi Abe?” Airi’s innocent question brought Akane back to reality and she paid more attention to the conversation, noting the way Airi et Rena were now both gazing at Jurina in interest. “I heard he’s very impressive.”

“Oh, he is.” On her right, Jurina let out a small, amused laugh. “At first, I was a little intimidated by the idea of working with him but he was really nice and incredibly humble. I learned a lot by simply looking at him. He has also a great sense of humor, one you definitely wouldn’t suspect.”

“He does?” Airi exclaimed in amazement. “He always looks so quiet and serious.”

“I know, right? Trust me, he is nothing like the image he projects.” Jurina went on enthusiastically. “In episode 3, we shot together a very funny scene: we couldn’t stop laughing and joking about it long after the cameras stopped rolling. You should check the drama when you have a moment. I think it’s a really, really good show: plenty of unexpected twists and turns.”

“Yes, it looked like you had a great time working together,” Rena spoke up, placing some carrots and moyashi in her bowl and, as she directed her attention towards the shiitake plate, gave Jurina a grateful smile when she pushed it within her reach. “The plot is truly interesting and you both have a great chemistry and dynamic on screen. It’s not a surprise that the show is so popular and has great ratings.”

Jurina, who was now retrieving a cooked slice of butabara from the grill, immediately looked up.“Y-You watched it?”

“I’ve been quite busy lately with work, so I have only been able to watch the first five episodes,” Rena admitted truthfully. “But yes, I’m following the show. I recorded the other episodes I missed, so I’m planning on watching the rest as soon as I have a little free time.”

Rena’s statement was followed by a prolonged silence, and a quick side glance at Jurina was enough for Akane to notice her stupefaction. But it wasn’t the single thing that Akane noticed as she discreetly observed her from aside as Jurina resumed eating her food in silence. By the easy smile playing at the corner of her lips, Akane could tell that Rena’s words had somewhat affected her.

Akane’s mouth went tight and she shifted uneasily in her seat, trying not to look too much into Jurina’s peculiar reactions. However, she was beginning to feel quite unsettled by the unpredictable direction this whole evening was taking. Since they had stumbled upon Rena and Airi in the hotel hallway, Jurina hadn’t stopped acting strangely, starting with the fact that she had promptly and so easily agreed to Airi’s dinner idea.

And, what about this brief, moment of intimacy Akane had witnessed between Jurina and Rena at their arrival at the restaurant? When she had discovered them holding hands, she had to blink twice to make sure she hadn’t imagined the whole scene. The more Akane kept thinking about it, the more she was convinced none of it made sense yet as the evening progressed, she was seriously starting to wonder if she wasn’t missing something vital. 

The dinner was nearing its end when the male waiter arrived with their order and placed their desserts on the table. Akane listened in amusement as Jurina manifested her enthusiasm at the view of her tiramisu, before diverting her attention to the dessert she had chosen for herself. This fruit parfait looked positively delicious, and she was more than impatient to have a taste of it.

The table fell quiet as everyone began enjoying their dessert, Airi’s voice unexpectedly breaking the silence as Akane was about to take a spoonful of hers. “Churi, can you come with me to the bathroom for a minute?”

Akane lowered her spoon and blinked in perplexity, noting Airi’s way-too-innocent, strange little smile. “Why… Why do you…?”

She didn’t have the opportunity to finish her sentence that Airi had already raised from her seat, standing by her side of the table the next moment. “Sorry, I promise we won’t be long,” Airi said, shooting a small apologetic look in the direction of the two other, equally astonished, occupants of the table, before glancing back at Akane in expectation. “Please? It will only take a few minutes.”

Given Airi’s unusual insistence, Akane complied and left her dessert aside, wondering what on earth was happening with her friend today as she stood up and followed her. Jurina was far from being the only one behaving weirdly today; Airi had also been taking strange initiatives. The dinner suggestion that came out of nowhere. Airi’s request to hang out with her all the way to the restaurant. And now this.

In fact, Akane was starting to feel slightly worried about her: this person looked nothing like the shy and introvert Airi she had always known.

As soon as the bathroom door closed behind them, Akane didn’t wait to pepper her with questions. “Airin, are you alright? You haven’t stopped acting weird all evening. What is happening?”

“After dinner, I think we should go our separates ways,” Airi stated without further detour.

Akane gaped at Airi and regarded her uncomprehendingly. “I don’t get it,” she admitted after a slight wondering pause. “If you think this dinner was a bad idea, then why did you suggest it in the first place?”

“No, that’s not what I meant,” Airi quickly corrected. “I meant we should you and I go our separate ways and let Jurina and Rena spend the rest of the evening together.”

“What are you…” Akane stared back at her speechlessly, until her expression darkened when realization dawned on her. Now, everything made complete sense. This dinner: it was a set up. How could she have been so stupid? “What are you trying to accomplish, Airin? Please tell me you’re not thinking what I believe. I can’t let you do this. I refuse to let you do this. I’m going back to the table now.”

Akane span on her heels to leave but didn’t have the chance to pass the door that Airi had quickly grabbed her arm. “What is happening with you, Churi? Don’t you want them to reconnect? To catch up with lost time?”

Airi’s incredulous look was enough for Akane to tell that they were obviously not on the same page. “I want Jurina to be happy. That’s why I’m afraid Rena’s presence will only serve to reopen old wounds. We both know that Rena doesn’t love her anymore, at least not in that way. So what is the point of all this? Tell me. What are you hoping for? That they can become friends?”

“Wait. You think that Rena sees Jurina as a friend now? Is that it?” Airi asked flabbergasted. “Is that why you don’t want them to spend time together?”

“Are you implying that Rena doesn’t?” Akane shot back, crossing her arms over her chest in disbelief. “That after breaking Jurina’s heart in such a cruel way and three years without seeing each other, she still has what… feelings for Jurina?”

There was a long pause as they looked at each other, Airi’s eyes confronting her quietly, almost as if she was trying to read her mind.

“What if she did?” Airi’s voice was carefully neutral. “Would you accept to step aside and give them a chance? A chance to find happiness again?”

Akane looked away abruptly: nevermind how persuasive Airi was trying to sound, a part of her stubbornly refused to believe that she could be right. “N-No, you’re being partial and delusional!”

Akane was caught off guard when she heard herself trembling; she backed away from Airi uncertainly and leaned against the sink, childishly refusing to meet Airi’s gaze as she let her friend’s last words sink in. After the couple’s separation, her unique purpose had been to bring Jurina’s comfort and protect her at all costs, not wishing to see her reliving such a painful experience. The news of Rena’s unexpected visit to the hospital, when Jurina had felt unwell and fainted during a handshake session, only to crush Jurina’s hopes of reconciliation, had outraged her to no end.

Could she, like Airi was implying, have been blinded by her resentment towards the person who had caused so much suffering to Jurina that she had failed to interpret correctly Rena’s motivations and actions? If there was even a part of truth in what her friend was affirming with such conviction, then it would call into question everything she had always believed in. It would mean that she had failed to see what was truly happening right under her nose.

Airi was the first, eventually, to break the silence between them.

“I know that you were for a long time furious with Rena for what happened between them and you have no idea… you have no idea how much I wished I could have told you the truth,” Airi confessed with considerable regret, “but I couldn’t possibly betray Rena’s confidence and come back on the promise I had made to her.”

Airi’s voice was low and strained as she continued.

“As much as you were there for Jurina, to support her and be a loyal friend to her during those difficult times, I was by Rena’s side. I watched her everyday as she suffered and remained haunted by the memory of what she had done to the person she loved the most in this world. Rena was devastated, her heart shattered into pieces after losing her. Some dark days, it was almost like gazing at an empty shell; the light had left her eyes as if she was slowly fading away.”

Airi swallowed the despair in her throat and, regaining discipline over her voice, persevered as she spoke with confidence.

“But if there’s one thing I realized all this time, it’s that Rena never stopped thinking, caring and worrying about Jurina. Rena truly loves her, Churi. She loves her with all her heart. There’s nothing I’ve been more certain of in my entire life. And I think there might be a chance that Jurina still loves her too. That’s why I need you to have faith in me. Please help me, Churi. I can’t do this without you.”

So many conflicted thoughts and feelings twirled in Akane’s head as she finally dared to meet Airi’s gaze, struck by her pleading tone and the sense of urgency reflected in her eyes. Nevermind how attentively and patiently she had listened to her, not interrupting her once as Airi told her side of the story, it still remained a lot to process. Maybe a little too much for her right now, if she had to admit.

Would you accept to step aside and give them a chance? A chance to find happiness again? Airi’s words resonated within her vibrantly and she contemplated for a fleeting - maybe foolish moment - the possibility of a future reconciliation between the two former lovers. Despite her undisputable, points of disagreements with Rena in the past, Akane knew there was only one correct answer to those questions.

“It looks like they really wanted to watch that movie together…”

Rena jolted out of her musing at Jurina’s murmur and glanced in her direction, noticing her pensive expression. They were now heading back towards the hotel the two of them, having split ways with Akane and Airi right after dinner. Indeed, when the two other girls had returned from the bathroom, Rena couldn’t help but notice her best friend’s strange, small satisfied look, making her wonder what had happened between them in that bathroom during those few minutes of absence.

She didn’t have to wait long to get some answers.

Rena was halfway through her fruit parfait when Airi had spoken up, announcing that she and Akane wished to go to the movies tonight and watch the latest Production I.G animated movie. But she didn’t want to bother them with it, she had quickly added, advancing the fact that she was conscious that Jurina was never a fan of those kinds of movies in the first place, and that Rena had already watched it the previous week.

At the news, Rena couldn’t help thinking that Airi’s choice of movie was oddly convenient but kept quiet about it. As of Jurina, she had instantly protested, stating that she absolutely didn’t mind coming to the movies with them. To Rena’s greatest surprise, it was Akane who stepped in, assuring her - quite convincingly if she had to admit - that she was sure she wouldn’t enjoy it. Following that, Jurina had relented and not insisted, even though her confusion at the unexpected turn of events hadn’t escaped Rena’s attention. 

Jurina might have visibly fallen for the cinema excuse, Rena was convinced it was just another one of Airi’s ploys. The one thing she had difficulty grasping, it was the reason behind Akane’s extraordinary compliance. From their first encounter at the hotel, she had made it more than obvious to her eyes that she was troubled by her presence and clearly wasn’t fond of the idea of her getting too close to Jurina.

So where was Akane’s sudden change of heart coming from?

“I could have come with them. I really didn’t mind,” Jurina mumbled.

“It’s a really good movie, but a bit slow-paced and contemplative,” Rena admitted in all-honesty. “I think they were just afraid you would get bored and maybe fall asleep.”

Jurina grabbed her arm, making her halt in her steps. “T-That was a long time ago,” she protested vehemently. “I don’t… I don’t do that anymore!”

“Oh, you don’t?” Rena smiled amusingly, finding Jurina’s desperate attempt to defend herself too adorable not to tease her. “All those times you fell asleep on my shoulder, you’re telling me this is… over for good?”

“How many times are you going to remind me of this?” Jurina pouted and mumbled in disapproval. “It only happened once or twice.”

“Once or twice?!” Rena couldn’t take it anymore and laughed. “It’s alright, Jurina,” she smiled tolerantly, observing the younger girl as she raised her hands and joined them together, blowing onto them to warm them up. “Did I ever once get mad at you?” Rena reached forward, cupping Jurina’s hands with her gloves and gently rubbing them against the cold. “I don’t believe so.”

The gesture seemed to have taken Jurina by surprise but Rena pretended not to notice, refusing to stop until she had brought some necessary heat to Jurina’s fingers. As they quietly faced each other, Rena found herself easily falling once or twice into the depth of Jurina’s brown eyes, not caring in the least if they were now impeding the passage and standing right in the middle of the street.

The visual exchange was eventually broken when the younger girl averted her gaze, her lips parting slightly in awe as she looked over Rena’s shoulder. “Rena, it’s… it’s snowing.”

Rena blinked and looked up immediately, slowly letting go of Jurina's hands. Her features contorted in astonishment when she realized that Jurina was right, feeling Jurina getting closer and sliding her hand inside hers as they both watched and contemplated the delicate, small snowflakes falling above their heads from the white sky of Tokyo.

« Last Edit: November 11, 2018, 02:54:10 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Rhythm

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  • Posts: 50
  • Just a silent reader passing by~
So sweet rena, so sweet  :shy2:
I love the interaction between Rena and Jurina, it's like they're a new couple in highschool  :deco:
Airi and akane do a great job for those two i need a friend like them~
From my prediction next chapter last? Or you want to add another one?
Thanks a lot sopcharo, I really love your fics  :deco:

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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  • Posts: 92
OMG…this is one of the cutest and sweetest chapters in Destiny! I enjoyed the silly and skittish Jurina on an “innocent gathering” with Rena. :shy2: I was like asdfghjkl the moment Rena gave her scarf to keep Jurina warm. :nya: Awww… that was so sweet of Rena! Rena always had the same sweet perfume (a touch of orange, jasmine and rose). You mentioned about this perfume several times in previous chapters that I started to wonder how it smells >,< Maybe when you wrote it you referred to a certain brand?

I actually grinned ear to ear when Jurina held Rena’s hand and Rena didn’t want to let them go yet, then Jurina gave her a light squeeze.  :on lol:

I’m weak for this scene:

Quote from: Sophcaro
“Thank you…” Rena was taken by surprise when she felt a hand holding hers without warning, taking in Jurina’s small, shy look directed at her.

And I’m getting weaker for this:

Quote from: Sophcaro
Rena didn’t immediately respond but, as she felt Jurina’s fingers slowly withdrawing, she knew she didn’t want this unexpected contact between them to end. Not yet. “Just a little.” A smile ruffled Rena’s mouth as she held firmly on Jurina’s fingers, preventing them from escaping her grasp. 

Quote from: Sophcaro
“It will, thank you…” Jurina gave her fingers a gentle, light squeeze.

At this point I kinda hope they would start kissing hahahaha!  :luvluv1:

Airi and Churi were definitely being a best friend to leave Rena and Jurina alone. Their reason not to invite Jurina was logical and right on point. Nothing was fishy, right? Hehe…

And the moment Rena teased Jurina that she might fall asleep watching a slow paced movie, my poor little kokoro couldn’t take it anymore.  :on gay:

Quote from: Sophcaro
“Once or twice?!” Rena couldn’t take it anymore and laughed. “It’s alright, Jurina,” she smiled tolerantly, observing the younger girl as she raised her hands and joined them together, blowing onto them to warm them up. “Did I ever once get mad at you?” Rena reached forward, cupping Jurina’s hands with her gloves and gently rubbing them against the cold. “I don’t believe so.”


The snow in the end of this chapter made it even sweeter. The whole ambiance was perfect.

Anyway, I like how Jurina’s conversation with Mayu and her current drama made her focus on her thoughts. She had a clearer mind and a better judgment. I like how you revealed it slowly but timely.

Good job, author-san!  :k-great: Thank you for this cute chapter!

Offline Genkikid

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Aaaahhh the classic first snow scene... Too sweet for my heart :nya: :on gay:

Offline Minami-chan

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 :on gay: :on gay: :on gay:

a new opportunity is in the air .....

 :on gay: :on gay: :on gay:

Offline Guacamoolee

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 :mon lovelaff: THANK YOU AUTHOR SAN! I'M SO HAPPY :mon lovelaff:
I like the way Rena always be the one who's more calm than Jurina. Sasuga senpai!
By the way, I've been sooooooooooooooo curious. We've seen so many times how Jurina was sooooo broken, but how about Rena? Even though from the following Airi's statement I learnt that Rena was broken too:
“As much as you were there for Jurina, to support her and be a loyal friend to her during those difficult times, I was by Rena’s side. I watched her everyday as she suffered and remained haunted by the memory of what she had done to the person she loved the most in this world. Rena was devastated, her heart shattered into pieces after losing her. Some dark days, it was almost like gazing at an empty shell; the light had left her eyes as if she was slowly fading away.”
Why did you reveal how Jurina dealt with her broken heart more than Rena? Is it because Rena is way more mature than Jurina so she could handle the situation better? I'm so curious because Rena always seems fine about it.


Offline sophcaro

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From my prediction next chapter last? Or you want to add another one?

Wrong prediction! The next chapter won't be the last  :P

The snow in the end of this chapter made it even sweeter. The whole ambiance was perfect.

Aaaahhh the classic first snow scene... Too sweet for my heart :nya: :on gay:

Right? Nothing more than first snow to create a nice, sweet atmosphere  :oops:


This is a cry from the heart, huh?  :lol:

Airi and Churi were definitely being a best friend to leave Rena and Jurina alone. Their reason not to invite Jurina was logical and right on point. Nothing was fishy, right? Hehe…

Airi and akane do a great job for those two i need a friend like them~


Airi and Churi were definitely being good friends here, right?  :yep:

I like the way Rena always be the one who's more calm than Jurina. Sasuga senpai!

Oh, but she's nervous too! I think I showed well in this chapter how she felt deep inside, afraid of crossing boundaries with Jurina, of going too far. It's just that her nervousness doesn't show externally as much as Jurina's ;)

Why did you reveal how Jurina dealt with her broken heart more than Rena? Is it because Rena is way more mature than Jurina so she could handle the situation better? I'm so curious because Rena always seems fine about it.

I believe I showed well how both were equally devastated by this separation. If you really think that Rena seemed 'fine' about it, then maybe you should read again chapter 22 to 27 of Destiny.

:on gay: :on gay: :on gay:

a new opportunity is in the air .....

 :on gay: :on gay: :on gay:

You think?  :deco:

Thanks to everyone who commented!
See you in September for the next chapter  :)
« Last Edit: August 26, 2018, 07:59:15 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

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